The Application of Palaeohydrology in River Management: D.A. Sear, N.W. Arnell

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Catena 66 (2006) 169 – 183

The application of palaeohydrology in river management

D.A. Sear *, N.W. Arnell
School of Geography, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom


This paper reviews recent changes in river management. These changes are characterised by a move from the notion of rivers as stable
equilibrium forms to one of dynamic responsive ecosystems. Coupled to these changes are a series of scientific questions that provide the
context for reviewing the role that palaeohydrology might have in supporting contemporary and future river management. Palaeohydrology is
shown to be capable of providing important and relevant information to river managers. Furthermore a series of emerging frameworks for
incorporating geomorphology in river management exist wherein palaeohydrological data and analysis can be directly interfaced with the
river management process. The paper therefore concludes that within specific limits, palaeohydrology is in much stronger position to support
and communicate with the river management agencies than has previously been the case.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Palaeohydrology; River; Management

1. Introduction between flow regime and the channel perimeter) a central

parameter in spatial and temporal assessment of compliance
The dynamics of channel change have led to conflict with with regulations. In England and Wales, the introduction of
human resource development with the outcome that many Catchment Flood Management Plans by the Environment
river and riparian environments have been significantly Agency (Evans et al., 2002) forces the attention of the most
modified and damaged (Brookes and Shields, 1996; Sear et powerful river management function (Flood Defence) to
al., 2000). Responses to change in driving variables (runoff evaluate channel properties and changes as a basis for
regime and sediment loads) have become dampened or sustainable asset management. Monitoring change in the
prevented through river maintenance (Sear and Newson, geomorphology of the river environment is, therefore (and
1995), while in other circumstances, landuse and land belatedly), becoming an important measure both of river
management changes, coupled to more efficient drainage management practice and system resilience to external
networks may have increased system sensitivity to environ- environmental change (Raven et al., 1998; Sear and Newson,
mental change (Robinson, 1990; Newson and Leeks, 1987). 2003).
Nevertheless, increasing focus on the importance of the Within this context of changing river management,
physical habitats created by geomorphological processes, applied fluvial geomorphology has made considerable
and concerns raised by recent flooding and droughts have progress in attaining the same status afforded other natural
served to highlight the importance of hydromorphological sciences such as ecology and hydrology (Sear et al., 2004;
processes in creating and sustaining biodiversity and flood Brierley and Fryirs, 2000; Kondolf et al., 2003). An
conveyance. Thus, the recent EU Water Framework Direc- important part of this process has been to work alongside
tive (European Commission, 2000) makes Fhydromorphic river managers to understand the nature of the questions
condition_ (the physical outcome of the inter-relationship posed and to educate as to the values and services
geomorphology can provide. This paper focuses on the role
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 2380592215; fax: +44 2380593295.
of palaeohydrological analyses– using geomorphic, sedi-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D.A. Sear), mentological and ecological data from pre-historical peri-
[email protected] (N.W. Arnell). ods –in river management. However, rather than review the
0341-8162/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
170 D.A. Sear, N.W. Arnell / Catena 66 (2006) 169 – 183

details of the application of palaeohydrological information Handbook (CEH, 1998) explicitly assumed that hydrolog-
to river management, which has been the structure of past ical regimes were stable.
reviews (Gregory, 2003, 1998; Brown, 1996, 2002), we The notion of a dynamic river system has a deep root in
consider the needs of river managers first, and seek to match the academic literature (Gregory, 1977). The conceptuali-
these with the type of information currently derived from sation of river systems as controllable, steady state systems
palaeohydrological research. In this way a critical consid- in which dynamics can be controlled, however, is one of
eration of the role of palaeohydrology is made possible that the most pervasive of legacies from the early history of
can highlight areas requiring additional research whilst river management. Thus stakeholders within the catchment
making explicit the value that palaeohydrological research is community have become used to the concept of precise
to contemporary river management. Though generic, many levelling of flood banks, precision cutting of channel
of these examples will be European in focus and example. dimensions, and a riverscape which has become stabilised.
In contrast, Lewin et al. (1988) have argued that in an era
1.1. The changing nature of river management of environmental change, regime theory is irreconcilable
with the emerging picture of dynamic and often geo-
The broad characteristics of river management have morphologically sensitive (sensu Brunsden, 2001) river
changed appreciably over the period since the term palae- systems.
ohydrology was first coined by Leopold and Miller (1954). Another keystone of the philosophy of river channel
In the 1950s to 1970s river management was characterised management throughout this period has been the notion of
by flow regulation, channel modification and drainage setting and achieving targets. In flood control, river
programmes with little regard for river environments and regulation and water quality management such targets are
instream biota (Newson, 1992, Downs and Gregory, 2004). often quantified in spuriously ‘‘certain’’ terms (see Baker,
Projects were often large scale (technology permissive) with 2003), implicitly assuming stability. Clark (2002) and
multi-functional goals (e.g. water supply, flood control, land Downs and Gregory (2004) argue that ‘‘targets’’ are not
development). relevant in a multidisciplinary catchment view of river
From the 1970s to the early 1990s river management in hydrosystems where dynamism is the norm rather than the
developed societies progressively changed in response to steady state. Nevertheless, the notion of ‘‘targets’’ for river
recognition of the scale of environmental impact and attributes has continued into the 21st century, with restora-
increasingly strong legislative protection for the environ- tion management demanding targets for specific biota (Sear
ment (e.g. the 1972 Clean Water Act ‘‘to restore and et al., 2004) or physical habitat (Walker et al., 2002). The
maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of target-focussed end state is even enshrined in recent
the Nation’s Water’’ in the United States and the UK’s 1988 European water legislation (European Commission, 2000).
Wildlife and Countryside Act). However, in the relatively
pristine environments of less developed countries, technol- 1.2. Drivers of change: the European Water Framework
ogy transfer and developed world funding for development, Directive
resulted in rapid implementation of hydrological regulation
and channel management practices that would not have In European river management the most significant
passed the new environmental legislation (Downs and recent driver for change has been the publication of
Gregory, 2004; Petts, 1995). European Commission Directive ‘‘Establishing a framework
A key characteristic of the engineering tradition in river for Community action in the field of water policy’’ in
management has been the view of the river channel as a December 2000. The Water Framework Directive sets out a
separate, steady state system that is manageable over short European wide set of objectives that ultimately aim to
timescales and reach-focussed spatial scales (Lewin et al., prevent further deterioration and protect and enhance the
1988). This has been continued through the period of river status of aquatic ecosystems achieving Good Ecological
conservation and into the period of channel restoration. Status for all surface waters by 2015 (Logan and Furze,
Thus although transition into the era of environmental 2002). Table 1a lists the specific objectives of the Directive.
preservation and restoration initiated a change in manage- Significantly, the Directive recognises explicitly that rivers
ment thinking, as Newson (1988) has commented, this are ecosystems and that physical as well as chemical,
change was only partial. Engineering approaches to river biological and hydrological ‘‘quality’’ are key integrated
restoration in the period to date, though utilising information elements that define Good Ecological Status (Logan, 2001).
from different disciplines such as geomorphology (Hey and Furthermore, it is the first time that ecological information
Thorne, 1986; Thorne et al., 1996; Downs and Thorne, has been afforded legal value in European water law. The
1998), are characterised by the same static design concepts specific tasks required of each Member state (recently
often including protection of the river bed and banks in increased to 25) are detailed in Table 1b.
order to maintain the design (RRC, 1999, Shields, 1996). Fundamental to the implementation of the WFD is the
Similarly, both the Flood Studies Report from 1975 (NERC, notion of the restoration of river ecosystems based on the
1975) and its 1999 revision in the Flood Estimation degree of variation from a ‘‘Reference State’’ Condition.
D.A. Sear, N.W. Arnell / Catena 66 (2006) 169 – 183 171

Table 1 river management—captured in the new term ‘‘flood risk

(a) Normative definition of high status for hydromorphological elements management’’. In the UK, The Foresight Report on Flood-
(EC, 2000) and (b) tasks or steps required by EC members states within the
WFD that demonstrate the use of reference conditions (after EC, 2000; ing 2004 concludes that current approaches to flood risk
Logan and Furze, 2002) management are unsustainable across all types of society
(a) from consumerist to participatory. It points towards the need
for integrated land and water management to reduce flood
Hydromorphological quality Normative definition of high status
elements for rivers (reference condition) risk. Included in this is the recognition that part of flood risk
Hydrological Regime The quantity and dynamics of flow, management involves estimating how rivers will respond
and the resultant connection to morphologically and ecologically to climate, land use
groundwaters, reflect totally or nearly change and river management.
totally, undisturbed conditions.
Concern about morphological changes also relate to
River Continuity The continuity of the river is not
disturbed by anthropogenic activities issues of flood conveyance and the mobilisation of con-
and allows taminants stored within river and floodplain sediments. In
undisturbed migration of aquatic addition it is recognised within the Foresight report that
organisms and sediment transport changes in rates of adjustment or pattern of river channel
Morphological Conditions Channel patterns, width and depth
form have profound implications for physical habitat
variations, flow velocities, substrate
conditions diversity and type and hence the niches available for existing
and both the structure and conditions or restored biological communities. The inference is that
of the riparian zones correspond totally these will decline under a system where conventional
or nearly totally to undisturbed engineering management is used to reduce flood risk, and
will change in response to other forms of off-site manage-
ment of landuse. The report also highlights the river
management paradox that on the one hand biodiversity is
Create a typology of water bodies based on habitat characteristics that driven by the dynamics of river channel/floodplain process-
are largely unaffected by man.
Develop a set of reference conditions for each type of water body,
es, and that ecosystem function is dependant on flooding and
defined by their biological community, the physico-chemical parameters yet these same processes pose huge economic and social
and hydromorphological characteristics which support such disbenefits. The Foresight report makes the case for
communities. integrated approaches to manage flood risk that work
Compare the observed and reference data to define the ecological alongside natural processes to increase flood storage and
status of the water body.
reduce rates of runoff at the catchment scale. The value of
Emboldened text highlights elements that have relevance for
ecosystem processes in achieving these is recognised,
alongside the reality of dynamic river channels and flood-
plains in delivering these measures.
This follows in the tradition of target-driven river manage-
ment, but differs in that the definition of a reference state
must vary according to river type and may contain dynamic 2. 2004+ Towards the management of rivers as
attributes within the definition (Table 1a). The biological catchment ecosystems
elements also require identification of type-specific refer-
ence conditions which relate to undisturbed or nearly River managers now recognise the need to plan for
undisturbed hydromorphological quality elements. Logan global climate change (OST, 2004), aquatic ecologists have
and Furze (2002) state that the type-specific conditions for recognised that geomorphological and hydrological vari-
all habitat and biological elements can be based on a ability is a key driver of river/floodplain habitat and
network of reference sites or on modelling or a combination biodiversity, flood risk management has moved towards a
of both or where this is not possible then based on expert catchment-based approach (Evans et al., 2002) and water
judgement. Within this process of setting reference states quality management has focussed on diffuse (catchment)
Logan and Furze (2002) refer to the use of palaeoecological sources (Mance et al., 2002). At each transition has come a
data ‘‘where available’’. re-conceptualisation of the spatial and temporal scales
required to describe, analyse and model the river system
1.3. Drivers for change: flood risk management to the extent today that government research funding is
being specifically focussed on integrated multidisciplinary
Recent high magnitude flooding in Europe, North programmes that seek to better understand catchment scale
America and Africa has focussed attention on inability of processes (NERC, 2002, EPSRC, 2003, National Research
current engineering approaches to provide adequate flood Council, 1999).
protection (Mance et al., 2002). Set against an uncertain The rapid change in river management philosophy over
future characterised by the probability of increased flooding the past decade, is converging on the over-arching ethos of
(OST, 2004) such events have led to fundamental changes in sustainable management of water and associated ecosystem
172 D.A. Sear, N.W. Arnell / Catena 66 (2006) 169 – 183

functions within the river catchment (Downs and Gregory, to reduce flood risk sustain water resources and enhance
2004; Sear et al., 2004; Graf, 2001). The U.S. National biodiversity through ecosystem management along the lines
Research Council (1999) present the concept in terms of outlined in the Water Framework Directive and Clean Water
‘‘Watershed Protection’’ whose features are integrated, Act. These can be framed in terms of a set of applied science
holistic problem solving strategies used to maintain and questions, where information is required to understand the
restore the ecological integrity of the watershed whilst current and future behaviour of river systems, rather than the
protecting human health and providing sustainable econom- ‘‘blue skies’’ motivation of understanding past river systems
ic growth. Table 2 encapsulates this changing view of river that is common to palaeohydrological research (Gregory,
management from ‘‘Nature in Equilibrium’’ to ‘‘Nature in 1998). Data and information is required
flux’’. Associated with the latter are concepts of physical
and ecological integrity. (1) to support the assessment of possible future environ-
Embedded within this ethos are the traditional river mental changes in the drivers of the fluvial system—
management aims of protection against damaging floods river flows and sediment fluxes;
and the provision of adequate water supply to the human (2) to support the assessment of possible future responses
populations within the catchment (ICE, 2001). However a of the fluvial system to changes in these drivers;
range of ‘‘new’’ concerns have also emerged that relate (3) to support the development and validation of models
explicitly to the functioning of the aquatic ecosystem— of natural and disturbed catchment ecosystem function
preservation of physical integrity (Graf, 2001; Everard, that recognise geographic variety (definitions of
2004), restoration of ecosystem functions (Richards et al., naturalness, reference condition, functional impacts
2002, Krysonova and Kaganovich, 1994) and management of change).
of water, nutrient and sediment fluxes at the catchment A key point to emphasise is that it is not possible to
scale. As a result, 21st century approaches to river reliably predict future changes in drivers or subse-
management are more systemic and holistic in their quent responses. Some changes in drivers may be
conceptualisation (Everard and Powell, 2002; Newson, forecast over the short term, but even this may not be
2002), multidisciplinary in their requirement for skills possible for some, including climate. Assessments of
(ICE, 2001) and participationary in their implementation possible futures must therefore be based on feasible
(Clark, 2002). The latter aspect requires methods of scenarios of change. Forecasts and scenarios are
communicating increasingly sophisticated knowledge to a inherently uncertain – for a variety of technical and
broad range of stakeholders. Furthermore in recognition of conceptual reasons– and an additional question to
the changes occurring within the global environment, river address therefore is:
managers have extended the lifetime over which projects are (4) what are the levels of uncertainty associated with
considered for management; have begun to explicitly assessing future river catchment ecosystem processes
consider uncertainty within the project planning, design and change?
and implementation (OST, 2004; Johnson and Brown,
2001); and have begun to adopt adaptation as a method of Table 3 presents some of the specific science questions
coping with change (Clark, 2002; Leuvens et al., 2000). posed by river catchment ecosystem management. The list is
not comprehensive, rather it serves to emphasize the need to
2.1. Information for 21st century catchment ecosystem (1) characterise river catchment ecosystem processes; (2)
management quantify rates and styles of change; (3) identify linkages
between elements of the river catchment ecosystem; (4)
The information demands of river management are best quantify temporal patterns; and (5) establish the historical
viewed in terms of two themes; first the broad-scale context for current river channel processes. The latter is
understanding of catchment ecosystems and their dynamics, particularly important in highly developed catchments
including the definition of ‘‘natural’’ and ‘‘reference’’ where the history of human modification may be long,
conditions. Secondly the specific needs of river managers extensive and unrecorded.

Table 2
Definitions of some terms used in contemporary river management (after Wheaton et al., in preparation)
Notion Example
Nature in equilibrium The equilibrium between sediment supply and available transport capacity (Soar and Thorne, 2001)
Nature in flux Restored ecosystems are those in which the rates and types of disturbance do not exceed the capacity
of the system to respond to them (Hruby, 2001)
Physical integrity Rivers possess physical integrity when their processes and forms maintain active connections with each
other in the present hydrologic regime (Graf, 2001)
Ecological integrity Maintenance of all internal and external processes and attributes interacting with the environment in such a
way that the biotic community corresponds to the natural state of the type-specific aquatic habitat, according
to the principles of self-regulation, resilience and resistance (Hruby, 2001)
D.A. Sear, N.W. Arnell / Catena 66 (2006) 169 – 183 173

Table 3
Questions posed by river management for the scientific community
Example physical and policy drivers (UK)
Ecosystem protection and restoration
What is a natural reference state for hydromorphology and ecology? Water Framework Directive, Habitats Directive, Climate change,
What are the hydrological characteristics that drive ecosystem functioning? Agricultural Policy Reform, etc.
How are the biological communities associated with the physical
How are the answers to the above conditioned by scale?

Flood Risk Management

What is the frequency distribution of flood magnitudes under current and Environmental Change, Foresight Future Floodplain Report (OST, 2004),
future conditions? (non-stationarity) Making Space for Water (DEFRA, 2004), Water Framework Directive,
What are the magnitude and characteristics of extreme flood events? (PMF) Water Level Management Plans
What is the historical context for recent events (non-stationarity, vertical
channel behaviour)?
What is the morphological response to flood events (vertical, lateral, habitat
What are the flood conveyance properties of natural channels and
floodplains (roughness, dimensions, mechanisms)?

Water Resources Management

What are the frequency distributions of low flows under current and future Foresight Future Flooding Report (OST, 2004), Making Space for Water
conditions? (DEFRA, 2004), Water Framework Directive, Catchment Abstraction
What are the durations of low flows? Management Plans, Water Level Management Plans
What is the historical context for recent events (non-stationarity)?

An additional requirement is to research at a resolution science (50 – 200 ka BP) and in thematic composition to
appropriate to the application. Thus the characteristics of become a multidisciplinary science, with particular synergies
flood hydrology may include long-term assessment of the between palaeoecology, palaeohydrology and palaeogeomor-
frequency of given magnitude events, but will also include phology. Graf (1996) described the recent resurgence of
annual-hourly (or less) records to determine important geomorphological application as the Freturn to its roots of a
characteristics of the flood season, hydrograph or relation- close association with environmental resource management
ship to rainfall. and public policy_, arguing that geomorphology is now
The model of river management envisaged above mature enough after a period characterized by a focus on
demands more sophisticated and integrated information basic research, to begin applying this collective wisdom to
from the scientific community. Thus the focus on impact issues of social concern; it is contended in this paper that same
studies (Petts, 1984; Sear and Newson, 1995) and single- might be said of palaeohydrology.
discipline contributions that characterised applied ‘‘river’’ In the 1950s, historical and palaeohydrological data were
science in the past are rapidly changing into multi- contextual and seldom utilised by river engineers except
disciplinary research ‘‘partnerships’’ that cut across disci- perhaps to demonstrate the wilder behaviour of uncon-
plinary boundaries, with names like ‘‘ecohydrology’’ strained and unregulated river systems (Gurnell et al.,
(Rodriguez-Iturbe, 2000), or ‘‘hydromorphology’’ (Europe- 2003), or as special contributions to large scale projects
an Commission, 2000). It is within this changing science whose risk assessment demanded consideration of longer
and river management arena that palaeohydrology now sits. timescales; for example the siting of nuclear power stations
As such it is pertinent to review the status of palae- (Baker, 1998). Palaeohydrological information on flood
ohydrology in terms of its ability to supply the kind of magnitude and the timing of flood events has been available
multidisciplinary, multi-scale, systemic information, and to for some locations since at least the 1960s (Lamb, 1977),
ask the question whether it is truly relevant to the needs of but has rarely used to inform river management decisions
contemporary river management. (although the Flood Studies Report (NERC, 1975) did use
historical flood information) Insights into the dynamics of
2.2. What information does palaeohydrological research river channel change from palaeohydrological investiga-
provide? tions have also not been widely used by river managers,
despite a long history of scientific studies (e.g. Gregory,
Over the period of 50 years since Leopold and Miller 1977).
(1954) first coined the term, palaeohydrology has changed in The rest of this section explores in more detail the role of
spatial scale to become an earth system science (Gregory and palaeohydrology in addressing the first three questions
Benito, 2003), in temporal scale to become a quaternary posed in the previous section.
174 D.A. Sear, N.W. Arnell / Catena 66 (2006) 169 – 183

2.3. Possible changes in the characteristics of river flows attempted to use palaeohydrological information to refine
and sediment fluxes: the role of palaeohydrology estimates of the magnitude-frequency relationship at a site
(e.g. Rico et al., 2001), although this does seem to miss the
As emphasised in the previous section, perhaps the key point that it is no longer feasible to assume that the
development in river and water management over the last relationship between magnitude and frequency is constant.
decade has been the recognition that the past is no longer A few more sophisticated analyses have sought to examine
necessarily a good guide to the future. Land cover change how changes in past drivers have affected hydrological and
and climate change will lead to large-scale and widespread sedimentological regimes (e.g. Knox and Kundzewicz,
changes in fluxes of water and sediment, but it is inherently 1997; Knox, 1993; Redmond et al., 2002, and as described
impossible to predict these changes precisely. This chal- by Benito et al., 2004) and attempted to draw inferences
lenges established procedures for estimating the hydrolog- about sensitivity to future driver changes. These studies are
ical and sedimentological characteristics of a river system. most useful for river managers.
In principle, there are four main ways of seeking to
assess possible future hydrological and sedimentological 2.4. Responses of river systems to changes in river flows
characteristics, defined here to encompass descriptions of and sediment fluxes: the role of palaeohydrology
hydrological regime characteristics, the relationship be-
tween event magnitude and event frequency, and the There is a substantial scientific literature on the subject of
variability in sediment fluxes over time. The first is simply river system response to change in driving variables (climate/
to extrapolate an existing trend in river flows or sediment land use/runoff and sediment production) much of which is
fluxes (this can in fact be seen as a generalisation of the derived from palaeohydrological research (see recent vol-
conventional approach of effectively extrapolating a zero umes by Gregory and Benito, 2003). However, there is much
trend). This approach is based on the fundamental– but less evidence of attempts to assess the response of river
usually flawed– assumption that the factors driving the systems to future environmental change.
hydrological and sedimentological change will continue at In principle again four approaches can be used to assess
the same rate and in the same form. possible future river system responses to changes in flows
The second approach extrapolates the drivers of change and sediment fluxes: extrapolation of current trends1,
(climate and land cover change), and uses these with a simulation of river system changes following extrapolated
hydrological or sedimentological model to estimate future or scenario-based changes in flows and sediment fluxes, or
characteristics. This suffers from the same assumption as direct use of evidence from past river system responses to
above. changes in drivers.
The third approach combines scenarios describing The second and third approaches require simulation
possible changes in the drivers of streamflows and sediment models of river systems, which are difficult to define and
fluxes with hydrological and sediment models to simulate often run at space and time scales which may be difficult to
possible future changes. Scenarios are not forecasts or reconcile with those at which driver information is available
predictions, but are instead physically plausible descriptions (Baker, 2003).
of some possible future change. The approach has been The fourth approach uses palaeohydrological evidence of
applied extremely widely to estimate hydrological effects of river system change in response to changed driver forcings,
possible future climate change (see Arnell et al., 2001 for a and assumes that river systems in the future would change in
summary), but applied rarely to estimate future sediment the same way with the same change in forcing. However,
fluxes or the effects of possible future land cover change. the major limitations with this approach are (i) the difficulty
Central to the approach are (i) the ability to define credible in obtaining quantitative indications of the impact of a given
scenarios for changes in drivers, (ii) the ability to express change in driver (the disaggregation of climate vs. land use
these at the spatial and temporal scales required by signals being one example) and (ii) challenges in transfer-
hydrological and (particularly) sedimentological models, ring results from one (possibly ill-defined) driver change to
and (iii) the credibility of the models used to translate other changes in driver.
changes in drivers to change in flows and sediment fluxes.
The fourth approach is to seek evidence from periods in 2.5. Palaeoecology and the development of models of
the past which can be used as analogues for future natural and disturbed catchment ecosystem function
conditions, and this is where palaeohydrology has a
potential role. Many palaeohydrological studies have The previous two sections have shown how palae-
reconstructed long time series of various indicators of ohydrological data have the potential to provide insights
streamflow using a wide variety of methods (e.g. dendro-
chronology (Cleaveland, 2000; St George and Nielsen,
2003); correlations with other environmental variables such 1
Mark Twain’s ironic observation in ‘‘Life on the Mississippi’’ that if the
as coral growth (Isdale et al., 1998) or sedimentological Mississippi continued to shorten at the rate it had been 1700 and 1880 then
evidence (O’Connor et al., 1994). Several studies have by the year 2622 it would only be 15 miles long has been widely quoted.
D.A. Sear, N.W. Arnell / Catena 66 (2006) 169 – 183 175

into possible future changes in river and sediment flows and work Directive (see Table 1 above) and member states can
the response of river systems to change. However, this use palaeoecological data to support the development of
information may only be qualitative, and it may be difficult models of reference conditions (European Commission,
to transfer results from one driver of change to another 2000). A particular example is that of groundwater
(Arnell, 1996). A potentially more valuable contribution of dominated chalk streams (Sear et al., 1999). Chalk rivers
palaeohydrology lies in the development and validation of are also highly modified river ecosystems, with long
conceptual and simulation models of the river and catch- histories of regulation and modification of the catchment
ment system (Arnell, 1996). landsurface, floodplain and channel network. The high
The information from palaeohydrology that might be productivity and relatively stable (and therefore ‘‘predict-
used by river managers to guide forecasts of future river able’’) hydrology led to the development of complex
channel response to environmental change are; (1) devel- channel:floodplain management systems called water mead-
opment of generalised conceptual models of river response ows around the 16th Century that survived into the mid 20th
to different changes and magnitudes of change; (2) century. In addition, chalk rivers support populations of
development of specific empirical models of long-term salmonids and eels.
change for a given catchment, and (3); calibration of Attempts to restore chalk rivers started with the
existing landscape evolution models; where calibration management of the fishing in the 19th century, with the
may be defined not in absolute terms but in terms of model removal of silt from spawning gravels. This practice has
‘‘coherence’’—the ability to represent general behaviour or continued, but is now joined by attempts to re-create the
broad similarity (e.g. meander migration rather than specific natural channel dimensions and structure. A focus of current
location and rate of migration of a particular bend). restoration is increase biodiversity via manipulating (in-
Among the most important contributions of palae- creasing) physical habitat diversity. The problem is that
ohydrology to the evolving process of catchment ecosys- there are no documented natural chalk stream analogues for
tem management is the development of conceptual models Southern England, and relatively little information from
of catchment function that can be used to support river palaeohydrology on which to develop a reference condition.
restoration. Reid (1998) has argued that conceptual models What little exists suggest a very different riverscape to that
may in some cases be of more value to river managers currently demanded by current fishing practice. Sear and
than poorly calibrated models of flow and sediment flux. German (2003) reviewed the literature on groundwater
This echoes the comments by Rhoads and Thorn (1996) dominated rivers and developed a conceptual model for the
that ‘‘It should be possible to persuade decision-makers development of chalk stream physical habitat. This model
that incorporating historical or empirical (field based) recognised that chalk streams are low energy streams that
geomorphic information into river management strategies are currently incapable of bed mobilisation except in local
is at least as valuable as basing decisions on precise, yet patches, yet are coupled through agricultural drainage and
fallible mechanistic models’’. Recent models of the extensive road and track networks; to the catchment
restoration process typically outline a sequence of steps, sediment system (Acornley and Sear, 1999; Walling and
commencing with the collection of baseline environmental Amos, 1999). Thus options for re-creating physical habitat
data (including historical datasets), from which a concep- diversity using assisted natural recovery appear limited;
tual model of the channel-floodplain and increasingly whilst fine sediment accumulation remains unchecked.
catchment, geomorphological system can be built (Downs A feature common to semi-natural groundwater domi-
and Gregory, 2004; Sear et al., 2004; Sear, 1996; Wheaton nated rivers documented in the US, and observed in the UK
et al., 2004). prior to removal for flood risk and fishing concerns; are
The fluvial hydrosystems approach developed from the accumulations of large woody debris (Sear and German,
work of Amoros and Van Urk (1989) successfully articu- 2003; Whiting and Stamm, 1995). Physical habitat diversity
lated a framework for applying palaeoecological and palae- associated with woody debris is created by the local scour
ohydrological data in support of river channel management. and transport of the bed material creating spawning habitat
Recently, Brown (2002) has made a convincing case for the and cover (important in the clear waters of chalk rivers) for
role of palaeohydrology and palaeoecology in the derivation salmonids and other species. Furthermore, the presence of
of reference conditions to guide temperate river restoration riparian trees in the floodplain is documented in the pollen
concluding that Fpalaeoecological and geomorphological records of chalk river valleys. The conceptual model
investigations have the potential to provide in-depth models currently hypothesizes that large woody debris is the most
of the natural range of channel conditions and sensitivity to significant missing element of chalk river geomorphology
external change that can be used to provide a scientific since centuries of removal of in-stream debris, coupled with
basis for floodplain restoration_ (Brown, 2002). The riparian tree clearance has effectively stopped recruitment
problem facing river managers in catchments with a long and accumulation. The problem is that whilst it can be
history of development is the lack of existing semi-natural shown to increase physical habitat there is little evidence on
reference reaches on which to base definitions of Good which to test this hypothesis. The role for palaeohydrology
Ecological Status. This is recognised in the Water Frame- in this instance is to provide evidence to test and improve
176 D.A. Sear, N.W. Arnell / Catena 66 (2006) 169 – 183

this conceptual model; answering questions about the the spatial distribution of sediments, topographic bound-
ecology of chalk river and floodplain habitats and the aries, natural barriers and in pristine habitats, the distribu-
structure and form of the river. Equally important would be tion of surface ages (Fig. 2). These in turn contribute to the
to determine the catchment and regional variability of chalk ecological functioning of the catchment.
river environments since there are concerns that generic Models of long-term valley floor development provide
models might be applied to provide ‘‘designer’’ river description and causality of the composition and structure of
ecosystems that fail to recognise the specific controls on aquatic landscape features and floodplain habitats over
river form and function. Even were improved conceptual timescales that enable qualitative connectivity with wider
models to be developed, it may be that the level of catchment processes and climate change. Such understand-
inheritance and the change in chalk catchment ecosystems ing provides the context on which more recent studies of
is so large that reference conditions are in effect meaning- channel geomorphology, associated habitats and biological
less. This is a risk for river managers investing in communities can be built (Macklin et al., 1998). At these
palaeohydrological and ecological data collection. timescales the connectivity between landscape units on the
Key to determining the appropriateness and accuracy of catchment surface, and those within the river channel
reference condition models is in understanding the drivers become most apparent.
of ecosystem function and structure. The ecological The dynamics of the valley floor have become an
characteristics of a river/floodplain ecosystem are strongly important focus in attempts to manage bank erosion and
related to the geomorphological and hydrological dynamics. associated channel morphodynamics. One example is the
Within the river it is the distribution of hydraulic and use of Channel Migration zoning. The Channel Migration
substrate patches and their dynamics that provide the Zone method is used in the US, to guide planners and river
functional habitats for instream biota (Harper et al., 2000; managers (Rapp and Abbe, 2003). It is based on the fact that
Newson and Newson, 2000). On the floodplain Hughes common methods of flood hazard assessment such as Flood
(2003) among others has highlighted the importance of Insurance Rate Maps or Indicative Floodplain Maps do not
floodplain turnover in determining the vegetation commu- characterize areas susceptible to channel erosion either
nities. Habitat quality is also linked to Quaternary processes; within or outside of the areas prone to flooding. As a
for example the location of upwelling and downwelling consequence, the costs of property lost to bank erosion are
groundwater has been shown to influence the quality of commonly transferred to the landowner.
salmon spawning habitats in upland streams, whilst Ward et Rapp and Abbe (2003) define the channel migration zone
al. report different water chemistry associated with hypo- (CMZ) as Fthe geographic area where a stream or river has
rheic flow paths; themselves determined by valley floor been and will be susceptible to channel erosion and/or
sedimentology. channel occupation_ (Fig. 3). The CMZ is similar in concept
In developing models of catchment ecosystems, the to the Channel occupancy maps of Graf (2000). Identifica-
science of landscape ecology is highlighting the importance tion of a CMZ helps reduce risks to property and
of landscape pattern in determining the resulting ecology infrastructure by guiding development away from areas at
(Wiens, 2002). Included in the models are concepts of risk of channel erosion. Channel Migration Zoning can also
connectivity between landscape patches and the structure provide guidance in Freducing degradation and loss of
and geography of patches; notions that are contained within critical aquatic and riparian habitats, helping assure that
geomorphological and hydrological models of catchment the river landscape is not permanently degraded or
systems (Fig. 1). An important element of landscape scale disconnected from the river by development_ (Rapp and
structure is the legacy of past processes, which determine Abbe, 2003).

Fig. 1. Conceptual framework of landscape ecology after Wiens (2002).

D.A. Sear, N.W. Arnell / Catena 66 (2006) 169 – 183 177

The method uses a timescale of assessment that is locally

determined by the legal context at each site although in the
absence of any guidance the time period should account for
long-term alteration of the landscape given that property
claimed by erosion represents a permanent loss and
development within a CMZ represents a permanent loss of
habitat (Rapp and Abbe, 2003). Palaeohydrological data and
analysis used in defining the CMZ include; the use of
historical maps, aerial photography and contemporary
LiDAR survey data to define the location of palaeochannels
and the investigation of exposed sedimentary sequences to
determine vertical trends in channel adjustment. In theory,
dating techniques could be used to improve the resolution of
temporal changes and extend these beyond historic periods
(Rapp and Abbe, 2003).
An important caveat with establishing conceptual models
for river catchments is the importance of specificity. Models
of long-term valley floor evolution though exhibiting
synchronicity in terms of climate drivers or even land use
change (Knox, 2003) have quite different distributions and
timing of activity and landscape history in detail. For
example, in the UK there are significant differences between Fig. 3. A conceptual diagram illustrating the Channel Migration Zoning
the expression in the landscape structure between upland process that explicitly utilises Palaeohydrological analysis for determing
and lowland river systems despite synchronicity of flooding channel occupancy of the valley floor and floodplain (after Rapp and Abbe,
episodes (Brown, 2003; Macklin and Lewin, 1989). 2003).

Sensitivity of the riverscape to external stimuli is again a

key contribution to the broader applied science questions
raised by the new form of river management.

3. Methodological frameworks for integrating

palaeohydrology within river catchment management

While it is clear from the preceding discussion that

palaeohydrology provides information, data and understand-
ing about river systems that is relevant to the emerging
needs of river catchment managers, it is less clear how these
are to be integrated within policy and practice. Furthermore,
as common implementation strategies create regional and
international frameworks for river management policy and
practice (Logan and Furze, 2002), it becomes increasingly
important that palaeohydrologists consider how their infor-
mation and knowledge interfaces within these.

3.1. Frameworks for integrating historical data

Alongside the policy developments have emerged a

series of frameworks that offer the potential for integrating
palaeohydrological and contemporary information for use
by river managers. The standardised structure of these
approaches are demanded by river management agencies on
the grounds of transparency of process, best practice, and
Fig. 2. Geomorphological map of the lower Meuse illustrating the different the requirement to be accountable to funding bodies (Sear et
landscape units and ages that underpin those of interest to landscape al., 2004) as well as the aforementioned move towards
ecology (after Wolfert, 2001). common implementation.
178 D.A. Sear, N.W. Arnell / Catena 66 (2006) 169 – 183

The information content of these Geomorphological ment scale processes to the assemblages of existing
Assessment Procedures (GAPs) is both quantitative and geomorphic units (sensu Brierley and Fryirs, 2000).
qualitative; the latter sometimes used to de-value the
contribution of geomorphology. Thorne et al. (1996) remind 3.2. Broadscale modelling of catchment processes
us that the qualitative element of geomorphology is essential
as it River managers in the UK have embarked on an
ambitious research programme aimed at improving the
Frests on the interpretation of process from form using
national capability in flood risk management (DEFRA,
careful observation across the whole system, together with
2001). Included within this research programme is the
the application of well established geomorphological
development of Broad-scale modelling of catchment pro-
cesses for decision support at the catchment scale. The BSM
In the UK, a decade of investment in geomorphological modelling framework is integrative and spatial. Some of the
Research and Development has culminated in a suite of more pertinent aims for applied palaeohydrology include
‘‘standard’’ methods for incorporating geomorphological modelling the impacts of land use change and global climate
information into existing river management practice that change on the flux of sediment and water within a
provides a useful template for deploying the range of tools catchment, and the social and ecological impacts of these
discussed within this volume (Environment Agency, 1998; at catchment and national scale (Evans et al., 2002). These
Sear and Newson, 2003; Kondolf et al., 2003). At their core are in fact among the themes supported by palaeohydro-
lies the basic notion that geomorphology has contributions logical research programmes (PAGES/GLOCOPH). Such
to make across the broad sector of river management, broad-scale modelling aspirations are shared by those of
including strategic and operational management, the latter landscape evolution (Coulthard and Macklin, 2001, Tucker
involving actions that modify watercourses. et al., 2001).
An axiom of this approach is that it is essential to Recent advances in landscape scale modelling are
understand the cause of the management problem. The providing opportunities to integrate hydrological, land use
methods are designed to nest in a quasi-hierarchical history and geomorphology with models of vegetation
fashion, collapsing from the catchment (strategic) over- succession (Richards et al., 2002). Coulthard and Macklin
view of physical habitat resource, down to the project level (2001) report such an exercise for a medium sized basin in
design and assessment. This framework involves deploy- the UK. Such models offer the opportunity for river
ment of a range of geomorphological tools to provide managers and stakeholders to engage with concepts in
increasing levels of certainty in the interpretation of system palaeohydrology particularly notions of complex response
functioning, in support of specific management goals. The and the need to consider relatively long timescales.
approach is based on the view of the river network as a Furthermore, spatially distributed models of hydrology
continuum, whereby reaches are classified according to the and sediment flux share commonalities with landscape
information recovered from the catchment under study. ecology models of patch dynamics. Confidence in these
This prevents the imposition of rigid, generalist classifica- models is difficult to build in the absence of long-term data;
tions, and recognizes the inherent value in the uniqueness thus another integrating framework for palaeohydrology is
of a river, whilst seeking to encourage standard approaches to provide datasets that can at least be used to demonstrate
to the analysis of channel processes and the resulting forms model ‘‘coherence’’ (sensu Lane et al., 1999) with accepted
and habitats. Whilst these generic methodologies may be understanding and observations of catchment-scale behav-
applied across a range of river management projects, there iour as a pre-condition to forecasting. Convergence in model
will of course be more specific studies required by scales and approaches between scientific disciplines and
individual projects. In this case, application should be with river managers is thus another area of potential
considered within the context of the specific project brief— application for palaeohydrological science.
for example the setting of channel migration zones may
require detailed analysis of the alluvial history over at least
the mid-late Holocene. 4. Constraints to the application of palaeohydrology
These frameworks for integrating palaeohydrological
information differ from the more simple classification Information for river management can be classified into
approaches (Rosgen, 1994, Walker et al., 2002) used to two types: (1) Safe Usable Knowledge available to project
guide restoration in three fundamental ways. First they design (basic principles with low probability of error) and;
explicitly demand historical analysis to determine long-term (2) Unsafe, Useless knowledge (specific unnecessary/
changes in water and sediment fluxes, land-use history and irrelevant information with a high probability of error;
channel management history. Secondly, they attempt to Statzner and Sperling, 1993). In the past, river managers
characterise and quantify the type and rate of channel have typically viewed the contribution from palaeohydrol-
dynamics and associated physical habitat. Thirdly, they ogy largely as Type 2 information. It is interesting to reflect
adopt a hierarchical structure that relates long-term catch- on why this was (and still is in practical application) the
D.A. Sear, N.W. Arnell / Catena 66 (2006) 169 – 183 179

case. The reasons fall into three main and interrelated areas; ment of the River Endrick in Scotland to a long-term
perceptions of the value of the information provided by reduction in sediment supply after de-glaciation. The
palaeohydrology; uncertainty of the information relative to channel response is both natural and typical; the decision
the apparent ‘‘certainty’’ of the instrumented record; and to intervene is not straightforward but now involves a
financial concerns within a benefit/cost economic model judgement based on the potential longer-term commitment
framework. to erosion control in this reach.

4.1. Value 4.2. Uncertainty

The value of palaeohydrological information has not Estimates of future river flows, sediment fluxes and
always been apparent to river managers. This may, in part, catchment and river systems are uncertain, for two main
reflect the nature of the overlap in spatial and temporal reasons. First, it is frequently inherently impossible to
scales of concern. Much palaeohydrological research has predict possible changes in some of the key drivers,
been focussed on establishing the chronology and processes particularly over long time scales. Whilst it may be possible
associated with the development of the valley floor to forecast changes in land cover in a catchment over the
including the floodplain. In contrast the river manager has next five years, for example, estimates over longer time
been largely interested in the river channel and floodplain. periods will depend on assumptions about changes in the
The valley floor is a term that river management literature expansion of urban land cover or changes in agricultural
seldom uses or recognises. This ignorance is also reflected practices. Future climate change depends, to a certain
in the relative lack of understanding of vertical river channel degree, on assumptions about future rates of population
instability in some regions (e.g. UK) compared with lateral growth and economic development.
instability. The former is associated with an apparently Second, it is often very difficult to assess the implications
inconsequential glacial legacy, the latter with contemporary of a given change in driver, whether that be the effects of a
processes and management issues. change in precipitation on river flows or effects of a change
However, as the new form of river management evolves in river flows on channel form. There is in fact a cascade of
into the 21st century, the requirement to understand long- uncertainty from driver to response, with uncertainty bands
term controls on catchment processes are likely to increase. increasing as attention shifts from river flows to sediment to
As one begins to view a river system from increasingly channel characteristics to river system and ecosystem
longer timescales, there is a shift in emphasis from local functioning. This uncertainty arises most obviously where
events to catchment scale change. Here the significance of a responses to driver changes are based on the use of models,
single event reduces as the timescale of investigation and in principle much of this uncertainty can be quantified
extends as noted by Schumm and Lichty (1965). Leys (by exploring, for example, the effect of parameter
(1998) provide a useful example based on the cut-off of a uncertainty on simulated outcomes). Uncertainty also arises,
single meander bend (Table 4). In this example, what however, where estimated responses are based on empirical
appears to be a drastic change in river planform (and palaeohydrological evidence. Maizels (1983) shows the
subsequent usefulness of riparian land to the farmer) is potential for very significant uncertainty in the estimated
shown to be not only typical of the behaviour of the reach (it magnitudes of palaeo-events, depending on the types of
is not an unusual event but symptomatic of system evidence available, although Baker (2003) makes the point
behaviour), but broadly explicable in terms of the adjust- that uncertainty in palaeostage/discharge is no greater than

Table 4
The significance of timescale in applying fluvial geomorphology to river channel management
Timescale Interpretation Management guidance
Event/Year The process of cut-off development is an isolated problem Fix Problem (channel re-profiling or bank erosion control)
for one riparian owner or check if problem is really isolated
Decade The neck of the meander bend has been reducing in width This is part of a general trend, but does it have a recent
over past decade through active bank erosion processes artificial cause?
Century/Historical Time Historical analysis shows that the cut-off is part of the meander The cut-off is part of the long-term behaviour of this reach.
migration process characterising this reach. Other bends have behaved similarly, and there is evidence
Rates of migration are variable over these timescales for floodplain development through this process.
Post-Glacial The site is set within an alluvial basin that has at first filled with The whole reach behaviour and channel typology owes its
post-glacial sediments, and then incised following existence to glacial and post-glacial processes. It is part of
a reduction in catchment sediment supply. The meander migration the natural processes of adjustment. Do not intervene.
processes are part of this long-term response to To do so would be expensive and involve long-term
de-glaciation in this alluvial basin. commitment. Manage land use in the floodplain and
valley floor
Meander cut-off processes on the River Endrick (modified after Leys, 1998).
180 D.A. Sear, N.W. Arnell / Catena 66 (2006) 169 – 183

that associated with the instrumental measurement of rare for the reasons outlined above, palaeohydrological evi-
floods. Furthermore the information content of well con- dence is extremely important in the development of
strained palaeoflood data is equal to that recorded by evidence-based conceptual models using palaeohydrolog-
conventional measurement or rare floods. However, Carling ical information. The ability to communicate these through
et al. (2003) highlight the need to address specific sources of numerical simulation and visualisation are likely to be
error and uncertainty in the estimation of palaeoflood powerful tools in the new adaptive management frame-
hydraulics. work of 21st century river management. The sense at the
start of the 21st century is that palaeohydrology is moving
4.3. Budgets and project timescales into a phase when its role could be perceived by the river
management community to be both relevant and required.
One of the main constraints to wider application of The challenge to be met remains one of education and
palaeohydrology as envisaged by Petts and Amoros (1996) demonstration of this value.
and Gregory (2003) is the perception that the financial
burden of undertaking palaeohydrological analysis on a
river management project does not compare favourably with Acknowledgements
the perceived benefits. Similarly, the timescales required by
project planning (based on annual budgets) are often too The authors would like to thank Ken Gregory for his
short (< 1 year) to attempt any robust assessment of invitation to consider the issues surrounding applied palae-
stratigraphic and palaeoecological information. Fundamen- ohydrology at the IGC, Glasgow, 2004.
tally, the application of palaeohydrological information is
based on its value to the project. As this paper has argued,
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