2017ORAOHRA (RevisedJuly2018) CSCResoNo1800692 Af
2017ORAOHRA (RevisedJuly2018) CSCResoNo1800692 Af
2017ORAOHRA (RevisedJuly2018) CSCResoNo1800692 Af
Revised 2018 p. 30
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Sec. 14. Original appointees in the career service with permanent status of
appointment, shall undergo probationary period for a thorough assessment of his/hei
performance and character. The duration of probationary period is generally six (6)
months or depending on the duration of the probationary period as required by the
Probationary period refers to the period of actual service following the issuance
of a permanent appointment wherein the appointee undergoes a thorough character
investigation and assessment of capability to perform the duties of the position
enumerated in the Position Description Form (PDF).
a. Those who are issued original appointments under permanent status in the
career service and who meet all the requirements of the positions;
b. Non-career service employees who are reappointed/reemployed to a career
position under permanent status;
c. Temporary appointees who after meeting the eligibility requirements for a
permanent appointment in the career service are reappointed (change of
status to permanent);
2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions,
Revised 2018 p, 31
A notation that the appointee is under probation for a specified period shall be
indicated in the appointment issued.
Sec. 15. To facilitate the review and monitoring of employee performance, the
performance targets and work output standards of a probationer shall be set, agreed
upon and duly signed by the probationer, the immediate supervisor (rater), and the
head of agency within five (5) days upon appointee's assumption to duty.
c. The performance review shall be conducted within 10 days before the end
of every rating period during the probationary period.
36 Section
4, RA No. 4670 (Magna Carta for Public School Teachers)
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