2017ORAOHRA (RevisedJuly2018) CSCResoNo1800692 Af

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2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions,

Revised 2018 p. 30
X ■X

5. Designations shall be made tlirough an office order issued by the

appointing officer/authority concerned.

6. For designation to critical positions in the local government units such

as Provincial/City/Municipal Government Department Head, a copy of
the office order shall be furnished by the HRMOs of the LGUs to the
CSC FO concerned within tliirty (30) days upon its issuance.
Employees designated to positions with duties involving practice of
profession shall be required to possess the necessary professional

7. Designees cannot be granted the salaries of the positions they are

being designated to. However, allowances that go with the
performance of the functions such as RATA (Representation and
Transportation Allowance) or EME (Extraordinary and Miscellaneous
Expenses) may be granted as provided under the provisions of the
General Appropriations Act (GAA) or appropriation ordinance of the
respective local sanggunian; provided, the grant of the same is
specifically stated in the designation order.

8. Only experience gained from designation compliant with the

abovestated rules shall be credited as relevant experience for purposes
of appointment.


Sec. 14. Original appointees in the career service with permanent status of
appointment, shall undergo probationary period for a thorough assessment of his/hei
performance and character. The duration of probationary period is generally six (6)
months or depending on the duration of the probationary period as required by the

Probationary period refers to the period of actual service following the issuance
of a permanent appointment wherein the appointee undergoes a thorough character
investigation and assessment of capability to perform the duties of the position
enumerated in the Position Description Form (PDF).

The probationary period shall cover the following employees:

a. Those who are issued original appointments under permanent status in the
career service and who meet all the requirements of the positions;
b. Non-career service employees who are reappointed/reemployed to a career
position under permanent status;
c. Temporary appointees who after meeting the eligibility requirements for a
permanent appointment in the career service are reappointed (change of
status to permanent);
2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions,
Revised 2018 p, 31

d. Those who are reemployed under permanent status;

e. First-time appointees to closed career positions (faculty and academic staff
in state universities and colleges/local colleges and universities, Scientist),
unless otherwise provided under the agency Charter;
f. Appointees to teaching positions under provisional status shall undergo a
probationary period for not less than one (1) year from the date of the original
provisional appointment�®;
g. Appointees to Category III positions as provided in CSC MC No. 11, s. 1996,
as amended shall be under probation for a period of one (1) year; and
h. Appointees whose positions require probationary period as may be provided
by law.

A notation that the appointee is under probation for a specified period shall be
indicated in the appointment issued.

The following employees shall be exempted from undergoing probationary


a. Teachers who, prior to issuance of permanent appointments, have acquired

adequate training and professional preparation in any school recognized by
the government, and possess the appropriate civil service eligibility pursuant
to Section 4 of Republic Act No. 4670;
b. First-time appointees to closed career positions in SUCs, and scientific and
research institutions if so provided under their agency Charters; and
c. Appointees to positions exempted from the probationary period as may be
provided by law.

Sec. 15. To facilitate the review and monitoring of employee performance, the
performance targets and work output standards of a probationer shall be set, agreed
upon and duly signed by the probationer, the immediate supervisor (rater), and the
head of agency within five (5) days upon appointee's assumption to duty.

The appointee's performance during the probationary period shall be reviewed

as follows:

a. The immediate supervisor (rater) shall regularly gather feedback on the

appointee's performance, and conduct feedback sessions to determine
appropriate interventions to improve the appointee's performance;

b. The performance appraisal/evaluation shall be done at least twice during the

probationary period and within every three (3) months or six (6) months,
depending on the duration of the probationary period, as required by the

c. The performance review shall be conducted within 10 days before the end
of every rating period during the probationary period.

36 Section
4, RA No. 4670 (Magna Carta for Public School Teachers)
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