Accounts of Barangay Health Workers in Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas in The New Normal

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Accounts of Barangay Health Workers in Geographically Isolated and

Disadvantaged Areas in the New Normal

Article in SSRN Electronic Journal · July 2021

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3907452


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6 authors, including:

Ronel Geraldizo Dagohoy

National Research Council of the Philippines


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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue VII, July 2021|ISSN 2454-6186

Accounts of Barangay Health Workers in

Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas in
the New Normal
Rose Angelie A. Abelardo1, Khalifa B. Bustamante2, Jhon Terence O. Cabanes3, Ricardo G. Diana4, Sanny Grande5,
Ronel G. Dagohoy6
Students, Bachelor of Public Administration, Davao del Norte State College, Philippines
Program Chairperson, Bachelor of Public Administration at Institute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Good Governance,
Davao del Norte State College , Philippines

Abstract - This study explored the experiences of Barangay honorarium as they offer basic first aid and home-based to
Health Workers (BHW) in Geographically Isolated and increase access to health care services by taking patients to the
Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA) amidst this new normal. This study facilities and promoting behavior change through health
used the Qualitative phenomenological method of research. This education [1]. BHWs are among the front-liners in primary
study was conducted in the selected GIDA barangays in Panabo
health care, especially now in the time of CoVid-19, as they
City, Davao Del Norte, Philippines. It has seven (7) participants
through purposive sampling, who are the BHWs among the provide assistance and support to physicians, dentists,
selected barangays with one (1) year and above work experience. nutritionists, public health nurses, and midwives. Their role is
The researchers used a validated interview guide questionnaire. indispensable to community health and wellness. They
The results have revealed that barangay health workers in the provide first aid, collect vital statistics, maintain records, and
new normal experience huge adjustments in rendering make reports; participate in community meetings assist with
healthcare services during the pandemic. Also, the results health center activities like nutrition education, monitoring
exposed that barangay health workers experience deficiency of and feeding; immunization education, monitoring, and
transportation and primary health care medicines and dispensing family planning services, sanitation, and hygiene
equipment. Moreover, the results disclosed that barangay health
promotion and education, and disaster relief and
workers aspire to gain more importance, such as additional
compensation and having complete medical healthcare rehabilitation, among others. They are volunteers that are
equipment on their respective barangays. risking life and limb to save others [12].
Keywords - Barangay Health Workers, Geographically Isolated However, Barangay Health Workers are commonly identified
and Disadvantaged Areas, New Normal, Phenomenology, as critical because of their capacity to work closely with
Philippines vulnerable communities and individuals and to address
problems arising from limitations in the number of trained
health workers able to work [10]. Aside from that, BHW is
1.1. Rationale often dragged into political activities and expected to support
the party to which their barangay captain belongs. If a rival
N owadays, Barangay Health Workers (BHW) have
become gradually unrecognized and unacknowledged as
an effective and efficient intervention to increase community-
candidate wins, they stand the risk of being fired altogether,
their years of experience notwithstanding. There is a
perception that barangay health stations provide low-quality
based health services, particularly in remote areas. This health services and have low client satisfaction. With funding
mainly resulted from the Alma-Ata Declaration (1978) in the limitations, barangay health stations struggle with a lack of
International Conference on Primary Health Care (PHC) on medicines supplies, long wait times, declines in quality of
which Health Workers identified as essential to PHC to attain facility infrastructure, and lack of proper training and staffing
its vital target of addressing unequal and inadequate health [32]. The rural poor are the most susceptible to poor
care [26]. As one of the healthcare providers in the sanitation, malnutrition, and hygiene efforts [23]. These
community, Barangay Health Workers (BHW) becomes one communities that depend heavily on barangay health services
of the vital parts of the health care system in the Philippines as are affected by local authorities' political, social, and
their essential role is to provide health education and primary economic decisions [2].
health care services (e.g., maternal and child health, first aid,
environmental health) and link clients to health facilities [29]. Unexpectedly, the emergence of the COVID–19 pandemic
They are also the primary source of information in the rural brought more burdens to the situations of the health care
areas or disadvantaged places far from the health care stations. system, especially the Barangay Health Workers. Health
Thus, their inestimable and invaluable importance in our workers are at a high risk of catching a viral infection
society cannot be equated to such compensations or an [COVID-19], and they need appropriate personal protective Page 434

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue VII, July 2021|ISSN 2454-6186
equipment. In addition, and varying between countries, they 2. What coping mechanisms have been utilized in
also face threats and are exposed to violence. For example, dealing with their quest in work life?
people suspected of carrying the virus may violently object to 3. What lessons and insights can be learned from them?
screening or quarantining [30]. In some countries, health
1.3. Theoretical Lens
workers experience assaults on their way to work as security
forces attempt to enforce lockdowns. There are reports of This study is anchored on the Paradox of Well-being by
health workers having lost their rental contracts or being Herschbach as an empirical phenomenon that has been called
denied access to shops or transport, or being physically paradoxical in the field of social science. The paradox
assaulted because people fear they may spread the virus. In objectively meant that negative factors in one's life have
addition to physical risks, the pandemic has placed relatively little effect on subjective quality of life despite the
extraordinary levels of psychological stress on health workers disadvantaged income and mistreatment experienced as
exposed to high-demand settings for long hours, living in workers wherein efforts are tend to be underestimated [15].
constant fear of disease exposure while separated from family
and facing social stigmatization. Before COVID-19 hit, Additionally, two main processes form worker's aspirations
and create relativity in people's evaluation [18]. First, the
medical professionals were already at higher risk of suicide in
social comparison is a process where workers relate their
all parts of the world. A recent review of health care
current status or works through constructing new perceptions
professionals found one in four reported depression and
and aspirations from their respective working environment
anxiety, and one in three suffered insomnia during COVID-19
[33]. WHO recently highlighted an alarming rise in reports of where they belong to. With that, people can adjust from and
verbal harassment, discrimination, and physical violence compare these situations to their past experiences, social
environment, reference groups, and future personal
among health workers in the wake of COVID-19[34].
expectations. People may be able to learn to be happier and
That is why the researchers are encouraged to find the able to cope up by appreciating the positive aspects of the
urgency to conduct the study to fill in the gap in the literature. working environment while not ignoring but, instead,
The main objective of this is to understand the lived deemphasizing negative events [17]. Second, if people in
experiences of the Barangay Health Workers in GIDA certain working environments experience bad working
barangays. The result of the study would significantly conditions, they will use it to create or adjust their perceptions
contribute to the benefits of BHW to ear out their sentiments in life; that is what authors meant for environmental
in their daily living, to be heard by the authority to have the adaptation.
proper treatment, benefits, and compensation under the
gravity of their work. We may say that both economic and Moreover, despite their fear of becoming infected and
social activities are interlinked in such a way that one cannot infecting others, community health workers have shown
remarkable resilience and professional dedication to render
be divorced from the other. The wealth that one produces
service in the new normal [18]. This theory is believed to be
from economic activities utilizing the resources available to
suited or applicable to this study because Barangay Health
BHWs in their environment becomes the guiding factor of
Workers tend to continue working despite their current status
their social activities. These prepositions will significantly
help all the barangay health workers to be heard all their and consider their job a mission that they think will benefit
grievances and to be able to empower their duties in both personal and social endeavors. Health workers also did
not overthink the possibility of being infected in these trying
improving quality and accessible health care programs.
times of the COVID–19 pandemic due to the reason of their
Furthermore, their biggest contributions in society,
mindset of rendering services and thinking of the essence of
specifically in rending and implementing health-related
programs, are essential to improve not only the way of their their work where every nation faced this global health
service but also the way the government treats them as public emergency. Barangay Health Workers are trying to adapt to
the new normal as they face the reality of the situations and
servants. And also, this study will help the government to
looking forward to ending this global pandemic to settle the
establish a policy that the barangay health worker might
lives of each sentient in the world. They also keep on
benefit from.
appreciating the brighter sides despite the pre-judgment to the
1.2. Research Questions health workers as they are one of the most vulnerable and
exposed to COVID–19 pandemic. BHWs may tend to adapt to
This study will be conducted to fully understand the
the new working environment of new normal and will create
experiences and thoughts of the public health workers when
and adjust their perceptions towards positive aspects in life.
promoting health care programs in their respective areas.
Specifically, the study will seek to answer to following 1.4. Scope and Delimitation
This study is descriptive in nature and focused on the
1. What are the lived experiences of the Barangay barangay health workers who are residents of Geographical
Health Workers assigned in GIDAs in the new Isolated Disadvantaged Area (GIDA) of Panabo City, as
normal? identified by the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Panabo
City. The research participants were composed of seven (7) Page 435

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue VII, July 2021|ISSN 2454-6186
barangay health workers residing in the selected barangays are isolated places due to distance weather and transportation
under GIDA of Panabo city. difficulties, namely: island, upland, lowland, landlocked, hard
to reach, and unserved/underserved communities. The
The primary data gathering method used was interview to
researchers selected three (3) barangays, New Malaga
explore the experiences of barangay health workers through
(Dalisay), Kasilak, and San Nicolas, from eighteen (18) GIDA
their interactions in delivering health services in the
of Panabo City [9].
community. This research used interviewer-made
questionnaires that will substantiate the expected outcome of
the study. The list of participants involved in data gathering
were barangay health workers who have attained at least one
(1) year in service.
1.5. Definition of Terms
The following terms are operationally used in this study and
hereby defined in order to give full understanding to the
Barangay Health Workers– In this study, it refers to people Figure 1: Map of Panabo City, Davao del Norte
who work under the barangay government in line with health
promotion services in different areas in the community. 2.3. Research Participants
Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs) – Participants in this study were the barangay health workers
In this study, this refers to places or barangays that are far drawn from Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas
from the highly urbanized places. (GIDA) of Panabo City, Davao del Norte. These workers have
one (1) year and beyond experience in serving and
New Normal – In this study, this refers to the new way of implementing health-related programs. Research participants
living and going about our lives, work, and interactions with are generally purposively selected because they are able to
other people as a result of pandemic COVID-19. provide detailed descriptions of their experiences and are
II. METHODOLOGY willing to articulate their experiences, thereby providing
information that is rich and which will be able to challenge
2.1. Research Design and enrich the researchers' understanding [6], [30].
The qualitative research approach for this study was chosen 2.4. Data Gathering Procedures
because qualitative methods are useful in discovering the
meaning that people give to events they experience [21]. Data collection is the precise, systematic gathering of
Specifically, the phenomenological method was used to information relevant to the research sub-problems, using
understand how participants make meaning of the methods such as interviews, participant observation, focus
phenomenon being studied. Phenomenology effectively group discussions, and case histories [6]. During the
studies a small number of subjects – in this case, 7-15 interview, both participants and researcher are obliged to wear
participants – to identify the core of their experiences with the a facemask and observe one (1) meter social distancing as
phenomenon and produce patterns and identify relationships mandated and prescribed by World Health Organization [33].
of meaning that build new knowledge [8]. The qualitative In this qualitative research, data were collected using face-to-
research methods used for this study are described further face in-depth interviews until saturation was reached. Before
below and included purposive sampling, open-ended each interview, the interviewer meticulously went through the
interviewing, and systematic and concurrent data collection informed consent and information leaflet with the participants.
and data analysis procedures. An interview guide translated from English into "Bisaya" by
the researchers was used to focus on the study's core topics.
2.2. Research Locale
The study was conducted in the selected barangays of Panabo Explain and Translate
Conduct in-depth
distribute inform Interview guide
City, Davao del Norte. Panabo City is a coastal components consent questionnaires
city of Davao del Norte. This city has a land area of 251.23
sq. km or 97.00 sq. miles, with a population of 184,599 in the
Diagram 1: Data Collection Procedures
year 2015 (PhilAtlast, 2019). Panabo City is politically
subdivided into 40 barangays, where 18 barangays such as 2.5. Data Analysis Procedures
Katualan, Tibungol, Lo. Panaga, Sindaton, Waterfall, Madiao,
After transcribing all the necessary data, it was then coded,
Malativas, Buenavista, San Roque, San Nicolas, Sta. Cruz,
analyzed, interpreted, and verified. The systematic process of
Tapore, Kasilak, Kiotoy, and New Malaga (Dalisay) are under
transcribing the interviews can help the researcher understand
the category of Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged
the subject from repeatedly listening to and reading the
Areas (GIDA). These areas belong to this category since they
transcribed interviews. The data gathered will be encoded Page 436

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue VII, July 2021|ISSN 2454-6186
once all the data are fully transcribed. Moreover, transcribed III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
data are keywords that are an essential part of the study and
The subsequent sections highlight the real-life experiences of
which are used to categorize or organize text. The data was
the Barangay Health Worker (BHW) in GIDA, Panabo City,
then analyzed, categorized, and organized into themes and
pertaining to their lived experiences which emerged from data
further sub-themes which emerged through the coding
obtained through the in-depth interview.
process. The next stage involved interpreting data by themes
that emerged according to its relatedness, identifying any 3.1 Lived Experiences of Barangay Health Workers in the
reoccurring themes throughout, and highlighting any New Normal
similarities and differences in the data. The last stage of the
During the in-depth interview, several questions were asked to
process involved data verification, where the process of
the selected Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) to gather
checking the validity of understanding is done through
information about their lived experiences in the new normal.
rechecking the transcripts and data encoded again, thus
allowing the researchers to verify or modify ideas already The researchers have yielded three major themes from the
arrived at previously [25]. informant's experiences: Work Adjustment, Perks of Duty, and
Difficulties in Transportations and Facilities.
The aforementioned major themes were presented in table 1 to
Transcribe Encode Analyze Interpret Verify organize the ideas generated from the perspectives of
Barangay Health Workers in Panabo City in the new normal.
Diagram 2: Data Analysis Procedure Table 1. Lived Experiences of Barangay Health Workers Major Themes and
Core Ideas
2.7. Ethical Consideration
A concept paper was submitted to the research adviser. The
In one month, I work four times, but it
adviser granted ethical approval prior to the commencement depends if there were other celebrations.
of the research. In conducting any type of research, the I came here at 7:30 a.m. I sweep the floor
researcher must be aware of the impact their research will by 8:00 a.m.
have on participants and society as a whole and must therefore We accept different patients to immunize
babies and check the pregnant for their
act accordingly. Acknowledges that it is unethical to prenatal stage with proper health care
accumulate information without participants' knowledge and Work Adjustment protocol.
their expressed willingness and informed consent. Therefore, As BHW, we assist children in
the researchers made it clear to all participants that their immunization; if they do not come, we
follow up with them from house to house.
participation was on a voluntary basis and that they were free If there is a PUM or PUI in our respective
to withdraw from the study at any time [16]. streets, we always check them.
While conducting this study, the researchers ensured informed It is so hard to work with facemask.
consent from all participants. They were also advised that they I learned personal healthcare for my
family, especially today's crises.
were under no obligation to answer any questions which they
It is a big help for my living from that
may not have felt comfortable with. Participants were given honorarium, and it is an additional income.
advanced notice prior to the interview, a broad outline of the I learned a lot, like in seminars, to help the
subject to be discussed, an indication of the type of people, like monitoring the people in
Perks of Duty today's pandemic, the symptoms, and so
information required of the participant, the reasons why the
research was being carried out, and how the information they I learned a lot about caring for the patients
received was provided would be used. Prior to the PUM/PUI, pregnant women, and how to
commencement of each interview, the participants were told immunize.
of the length of time involved with the interview. Sufficient We have a free mask when we are on duty
time was allowed before and after the interview for the I cannot come early due to the distance
participant to ask any questions relating to the research topic. along our way because of our area.
Our ambulance is not functioning well.
All participants signed a consent form stating that they were
One of our challenges here is
willing to participate in the interview while also ensuring Difficulties in transportation. If we go to the house of the
them confidentiality and anonymity throughout the process. It Transportations and patient, we just walk.
is important to note that individuals vary in their experiences Facilities The difficulty for us is going to a place too
of working as community health workers. Therefore, the far.
In our center, we are lack materials and
researcher should avoid pre-judgment of the background of facilities, especially today in the new
the participant's work. normal. Page 437

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue VII, July 2021|ISSN 2454-6186
As the result of the study presented, we have obtained three other entities that hire BHWs may pay them hourly or full-
major themes from the shared lived experiences of the BHWs time employees with benefits, etc... BHWs programs base
and thoroughly discussed them in the succeeding paragraphs. compensation on local wages for similar workers in the
organization or workplace. And adequate compensation for
Work Adjustment
BHWs will contribute to their recruitment and retention.
The study found out that BHWs have a different number of
Moreover, they also received bonuses during Christmas break,
monthly duties in rendering public health service. It also
and for other health care programs such as attending seminars
depends on the health care services they rendered, such as
or workshops, they were allocated allowances for food,
immunization and pre-natal in the new normal. There is no
transportations, and other purposes.
consistency in their number of duties. Additionally, as their
responsibility, they have also to wake up early in the morning Many, if not all, informants also shared that they do no matter
because they have to prepare the necessary materials and how big or small their honorarium is; as long as they can
facilities used for medications. They started their whole day of serve their constituents, they are already happy. It gives them
work from 7:30 to 4:30. This 8-hour of duty was hereby satisfaction if they can provide services to the people in the
indicated in republic act 7305, or the "Magna Carta of Public community. Job satisfaction can be defined as the degree or
Health Workers," which stated the regular hours of work of the level of contentment of an individual towards his work. [7]
any public health worker should not exceed eight hours (8) a The satisfaction of the employees has a close relation with
day or forty hours in a week. Within that day, they do health commitment. BHWs also highlighted that they are still
care services that their patients needed [19]. This principle thankful for the monthly compensations they received because
was "An opportunity, not a duty," which describes the primary it helps them sustain their daily needs such as food and serves
function of the BHWs: health educators who are present in the as the assistance for studying their sons and daughters.
community and advocating for their clients.
Furthermore, BHWs undergo some health-related seminars
They render services to different people such as immunization and workshops to develop and hone their services in their
for newborn babies, pre-natal for pregnant women, other community. These programs are also enabled them to improve
healthcare-related programs, and monitoring the PUM/PUI their communications skills and gain more knowledge and
people. Many of the informants also express that their duties health tips in the new normal not just for their patients but
are done in the health stations or centers. Still, they also do also for the health of their family members.
home-visiting to patients who cannot visit amid pandemic as
Additionally, other studies view the Barangay Health Workers
the prescribed schedule for their services. [24] The general
(BHWs) as workers who are not "panacea for weak health
roles of the Barangay Health Workers are (a) building
systems," and they require well-structured support from the
connections between vulnerable populations and healthcare
formal support systems [14]. The support needed includes a
systems; (b) facilitating healthcare services and social service
clear role definition with defined tasks, adequate
system navigation; (c) managing care and care transitions for
incentives/remuneration, appropriate training, and effective
vulnerable populations; (d) reducing social isolation among
supervision. While active involvement of the community is an
patient population; (e) determining eligibility and enrolling
ideal goal, there are many examples in which Barangay
individuals to health insurance;(f) ensuring cultural
Health Workers (BHWs) programs work effectively even
competence among healthcare professionals serving
when communities play mostly a passive role.
vulnerable population; (g) educating health system providers
and stakeholders about the community health needs; (h) Difficulties in Transportations and Facilities
providing culturally appropriate health education on topics
The study found out that BHWs in Panabo City are facing
related to chronic diseases prevention, physical activity and
nutrition's; (i) advocating for underserved individuals to different challenges that make their work more delayed and
receive appropriate services; (j) collecting data and relaying time-wasting in the new normal. BHWs are very much
challenged about the lack of transportations in their
information to policymakers to inform policy change and
community as this is one of the essential things to consider in
development; (k) providing informal counselling, health
reaching other patients who are very far from health centers or
screenings, and referrals; and lastly (l) building capacity to
stations. [28] The transportation barriers are often cited as
address health issues.
barriers to healthcare access. Transportation barriers lead to
Perks of Duty rescheduled, or missed appointments, delayed care, and
missed or delayed medication use. These consequences may
Considering the efforts and sacrifices of BHWs in their work,
lead to poorer management of chronic illness and thus poorer
the study found out that they have received privileges such as
health outcomes.
compensations and allowances. Most of them received
compensations coming from the province, city, and barangay. Additionally, [5] Many of the designated health stations are
[24] The Barangay Health Workers may receive compensation also experiencing a lack of facilities that sometimes interrupt
for the service they render to the community. Health their services. Many performance barriers are faced by the
departments, hospitals, healthcare organizations, and even barangay health worker, including fragmentation of service Page 438

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue VII, July 2021|ISSN 2454-6186
delivery and even in the structure, inadequate financial salary, Table 3 Coping Strategies of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) major
themes and core ideas
and materials needed. But due to the call of their service, they
do their best even if it was unsafe. With that, we can see that MAJOR THEME CORE IDEAS
their monthly allowances or incentives are also partially used We planned for that day that I'd go
for some medical purposes due to the lack of transportations for it only just time management.
and facilities. We can see that BHWs are at the heart of the All I want is to serve the people. All
service just to serve their fellow constituents, especially amid we want is to render service to the
this pandemic. They also experienced the challenges of the Just pray to the lord that you can
road conditions such as muddy and sometimes dusty that surpass the tragedy that you are
affect their health-related programs. facing of especially today's problem,
Self-Encouragement and Time Just to encourage and challenge
After the thorough interpretations of the results, it was found Management myself to continue my goal as a
out that many if not all BHWs experienced the challenges in BHW in the new normal.
their constituents in implementing the health-related programs I'm not going to think those are
challenges for today's problem; I just
in the new normal. Most of their patients are hard-headed and enjoy it.
irresponsible about their health and sometimes did not comply It's okay, and I just balance my time
or attend the scheduled dates given to them because of being to accomplished the task.
afraid of the spreading virus. Other BHWs in Panabo City also I just learned to understand them.
highlighted that they want everyone to cooperate and provide
full attention to services because aside from it is free, all of As the result of the study presented, we have obtained one
these services are for their own sake. Moreover, they would major theme from the shared coping strategies of the BHWs
like to emphasize that they also feel sorry and responsible for and thoroughly discussed it in the succeeding paragraphs.
the possible circumstances that may happen to them. Self-Encouragement and Time Management
Although some patients are hardheaded, they also take into Despite the challenges that BHWs encountered, such as lack
consideration the situations that possibly affect their visiting of facilities and transportations, safety issues about the
days, such as weather or geographic locations; that is why pandemic, and issues an uncultivated sense of responsibility
they conduct house-to-house just to deliver the necessary of the community, we can still see the determination and
services to avoid as much as possible unexpected happenings. feeling of the passion of the health workers in Panabo City.
However, in working the home visit, they also worried about Most of the BHWs are helping themselves maintain their
their safety because the road they are walking is sometimes sense of responsibility to fulfill the needs in health care
difficult to deal with due to its geographic forms and the services even if it was too risky. They encourage themselves
health issues commonly spreading today. Because of that, to accomplish their tasks even if they feel tired and afraid of
they have to skip that patient's and come back for another day the possible outcomes. However, they still inspire themselves
to deliver the services. and use different strategies to cope with everything they need
3.2 Coping Strategies of Barangay Health Workers in the New to do. Encouragement is either be challenged-focused or
Normal potential-focused, wherein the individual sometimes
encourages challenging situations [7] [8].
In order to generate a comprehensive discussion for the above
research question, this question was asked during the in-depth One of their coping strategies is time management in which
interview: What coping mechanism has been strategizing to they use to effectively manage their time and balances what
deal with their quest in their work? Out from the collected works should be done first. They also laughed if they already
data from the informants' perspective, there is one major feel the burden on their work and just understand the nature of
theme that emerged, as shown in Table 3. This theme their work because they believe that it is not easy to be
contributes to proving the results as presented below. The BHWs, but most importantly, they serve the community with
following theme is as follows: Self-Encouragement and Time all their heart.
Management. 3.3 Lesson and Insights of the Barangay Health Workers
Considering the challenges of the barangay health worker in This question was asked in order to generate comprehensive
the new normal, they are still determined and equipped with results from the aforementioned research questions of the
perseverance, passion, and enthusiasm. After a thorough, in- study: What valuable lesson can be learned from them? Table
depth interview, it was found out that BHWs are positive and 4 presents the major themes generated from collected data
still standing to inspire themselves to do their work with the obtained from the informants. Upheaving colleague's morale
use of different coping strategies to foster and build for a and community health workers aspirations.
better work or services in the community. Page 439

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue VII, July 2021|ISSN 2454-6186
Table 4 Lessons and Insights of the Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) major needed to render good service even if we are in the new
themes and core ideas
normal. It is counterproductive to mobilize Barangay Health
MAJOR THEMES CORE IDEAS Workers (BHWs) if medicines and supplies are not going to
Let's understand each of us in service, be available [9].
let's share if we have a problem in our
work, let's help each other.
Additionally, the medicines are their concerns and the lack of
We should be dedicated to our work as facilities because it affects their delivery of services in the
public servants, especially today in the new normal. With this, a poorly functioning supply system
Upheaving new normal. creates many serious problems, not the least of which is the
Colleague’s Morale They must love their work as a BHW, BHW's inability to carry out the task expected [10]. Water
even if it is really hard here in our area.
They just keep their job and encourage supply and ambulance are just a few of the aspirations of the
themselves and don't listen to the BHWs to improve and make progress on the benefits for the
gossips. community needs. Because the failure to meet the community
For me, let’s help each other in serving expectations leads to discouragement and loss of confidence
the people
What we need are sufficient medicines
in health-related programs, other informants such as IDI 1
for us to use in servicing the people. also aspire to increase their honorarium because, for them,
Increase our honorarium. their work is not easy in today's time they are also prone to
Sufficient medicine, sufficient supply in different illnesses coming from the community. As part of
Barangay Health Workers’ the health center, to be used by the their aspiration, they also aspire that someday their effort and
Aspirations people. sacrifices nowadays will be recognized and gave more
All we want is to give us little importance that may help them as a public servant.
Water, medicines are few, our tools IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
were few, we don't have an ambulance.
If we talked about transportation, we This research study investigated the Barangay Health Workers
don't have an ambulance. (BHWs) accounts in GIDA in the new normal. Primary data
Based on the shared lived experiences and coping strategies, were collected by conducting an in-depth interview with
two themes emerged pertaining to the hopes and aspirations of seven (7) informants. As mentioned earlier in the introduction,
the informants. the purpose of this case study was to understand and get what
proper benefits and privileges according to the gravity of their
Upheaving Colleague's Morale work not only in the normal days but also in the new normal.
In facing the difficulties, most of the BHWs in Panabo City 4.1 Summary of Findings
shared their advice to their colleagues to overcome all those
challenges they encountered and efficiently contribute to the The following conclusions can be drawn in the accounts of the
development of the community through rendering health care BHWs in GIDAs in the new normal. First, the lived
services. They encourage each other to be honest in serving experiences of the BHWs in the new normal are themed as
people and always remember that they should always smile Work Adjustment, Perks of Duty, and Difficulties in
even how tiring their work is, just like IDI 4 stated that they Transportations and Facilities. Second, the coping strategies
should do their duty or job with utmost honesty and integrity. of the BHWs in new normal such as the Self-Encouragement
and Time Management in order to render service even if we
She also added that do not let the difficulties stop them from were amid pandemic. Lastly, the lessons and aspirations of the
doing their work because it is part of learning and improving BHWs, Upheaving the Colleague’s Moral and the BHW
their work and do not bother about the small honorarium or Aspirations.
incentives. With that, BHWs are not concern about what they
get but rather what they can give to others, even in a small This study indicates that the BHWs play a huge part in the
way of serving the community in the new normal. new normal as a fronliner; they gave primary assistant to the
isolated areas. As a result, the challenges set as the barrier to
Barangay Health Worker's Aspirations render service to make their work delay should be resolved
The study found that BHWs in Panabo City aspires to solve immediately, especially today in the pandemic. The coping
many concerns for themselves and improve and efficient strategies of the BHWs were also big help not only to their co-
health care services, especially today. Like what IDI 5 stated worker but also to all public servant who is still fighting and
that she is aspiring to have sufficient medicines for the kicking for a better future. The lessons and aspirations of the
community. Honestly, most of the BHWs are hoping the same BHWs as to give them more importance, such as additional
as IDI 5 because many of the health stations are experiencing honorarium and providing materials and medicines in order to
a scarcity of medicines and other health-related materials and provide effective and efficient health care service to the
equipment in the middle of a pandemic. A common problem community.
encountered by BHWs in large-scale programs has been the
ability to resupply medicines and other commodities when Page 440

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