Stamford MX321 Avr PDF
Stamford MX321 Avr PDF
Stamford MX321 Avr PDF
Over Over -
Voltage voltage
Stator Sensing
Voltage Detector
Sensing Low Hz
Droop Potential Dip & Synchronising
Divider & Dwell Circuit
Hand Rectifier Circuit Breaker
Reference Power
Analogue DC Voltage supply
Input Mixer
Level Power
Ramp Detector & Control
Generator Driver Devices
Limit 3 Phase
Input Rectifier
Stability Excitation
Circuit Detector
The main functions of the AVR are: The Low Hz Detector measures the period of each
electrical cycle and causes the reference voltage to be
Potential Divider and Rectifier takes a proportion of the reduced approximately linearly with speed below a
generator output voltage and attenuates it. The potential presettable threshold. The Dip and Dwell circuits
divider is adjustable by the AVR Volts potentiometer and provide adjustments for greater voltage roll off and
external hand trimmer (when fitted). The output from the recovery time. A Light Emitting Diode gives indication
droop CT is also added to this signal. A rectifier converts of underspeed running.
the a.c. input signal into a d.c. signal representing
generator voltage. The Synchronising circuit is used to keep the Ramp
Generator and Low Hz Detector locked to the
The DC Mixer adds the Analogue input signal the Permanent Magnet Generator waveform period.
generator voltage signal.
Power Control Devices vary the amount of exciter field
The 3 Phase Rectifier converts the output of the current current in response to the error signal produced by the
limit CT’s into a dc signal representing generator current. Amplifier.
The Amplifier (Amp) compares the generator voltage or The Circuit Breaker provides circuit isolation of the
current signals to the Reference Voltage and amplifies the control system in the event of an over excitation or over
difference (error) to provide a controlling signal for the voltage condition.
power devices. The Ramp Generator and Level Detector
and Driver infinitely control the conduction period of the The Over Excitation Detector continuously monitors the
Power Control Devices and hence provides the excitation exciter field voltage and turns off the power device if
system with the required power to maintain the generator this rises above the reference leve,l for greater than the
voltage within specified limits. stated time period. An external signal is also provided
to trip the Circuit Breaker
The Stability Circuit provides adjustable negative ac
feedback to ensure good steady state and transient The Over Voltage Detector continuously monitors the
performance of the control system. generator stator voltage and turns off the power device
if this rises above the reference level, for greater than
The Power Supply provides the required voltages for the the stated time period. An external signal is also
AVR circuitry. provided to trip the Circuit Breaker
FITTING AND OPERATING (Refer to generator wiring diagram for connection details)
K2 K1 P2 P3 P4 XX X 6 7 8 1 2
3 2 1
z Frequency
MX321 Dip
Selection > 550kW
90-550kW Droop
< 90kW Trim
Over V Exc. U V W
E0 E1 B0 B1 CBA S1S2 S1S2
S1S2 A1A2
FITTING AND OPERATING (Refer to generator wiring diagram for connection details)
7. Carefully turn VOLTS control clockwise until rated TRIM ADJUSTMENT continued
voltage is reached. The dc signal applied to this input adds to the AVR sensing
8. If instability is present at rated voltage, refer to stability circuit. A1 is connected to the AVR 0 volts. Positive on A2
adjustment, then re-adjust voltage if necessary. increases excitation. Negative on A2 decreases excitation.
9. Voltage adjustment is now completed. The TRIM control allows the user to adjust the sensitivity of
STABILITY ADJUSTMENT the input. With TRIM fully anti-clockwise the externally
The AVR includes a stability or damping circuit to provide applied signal has no effect. Clockwise it has maximum
good steady state and transient performance of the effect.
generator. Normal setting is fully clockwise when used with a Newage
A jumper link selector is provided to optimise the Power Factor Controller.
response of the stability circuit to various size generators. OVER EXCITATION (EXC) ADJUSTMENT
The link should be positioned as shown in the diagram This adjustment is set and sealed in the works and should
according to the kW rating of the generator. not be tampered with. An over excitation condition is
The correct setting of the Stability adjustment can be indicated by the illumination of the red LED which also
found by running the generator at no load and slowly indicates under-speed running and over-volts.
turning the stability control anti-clockwise until the The generator must be stopped to reset an over-excitation
generator voltage starts to become unstable. The trip.
optimum or critically damped position is slightly clockwise DIP ADJUSTMENT
from this point (i.e. where the machine volts are stable This feature is mostly used when the generator is coupled
but close to the unstable region). to turbo charged engines with limited block load
UNDER FREQUENCY ROLL OFF (UFRO) acceptance. The feature works by increasing the V/Hz
ADJUSTMENT slope to give greater voltage roll off in proportion to speed.
The AVR incorporates an underspeed protection circuit With the DIP control fully anti-clockwise, the generator
which gives a volts/Hz characteristic when the generator voltage will follow the normal V/Hz line as the speed falls
speed falls below a presettable threshold known as the below nominal. Turning the DIP control clockwise provides
"knee" point. The red Light Emitting Diode (LED) gives greater voltage roll off aiding engine recovery.
indication that the UFRO circuit is operating. DWELL
The UFRO adjustment is preset and sealed and only This feature is mostly used when the generator is coupled
requires the selection of 50 or 60Hz and 4 pole or 6 pole, to turbo charged engines with limited block load
using the jumper link as shown in the diagram. acceptance. The feature works by introducing a delay
For optimum setting, the LED should illuminate as the between speed recovery and voltage recovery and allows a
frequency falls just below nominal, i.e. 47Hz on a 50Hz greater DIP setting without instability. With the DWELL
system or 57Hz on a 60Hz system. control fully anti-clockwise, the generator voltage will follow
DROOP ADJUSTMENT the V/Hz line. Turning the DWELL control clockwise
Generators intended for parallel operation are fitted with increase the delay time between speed recovery and
a quadrature droop C.T. which provides a power factor voltage recovery.
dependent signal for the AVR. The C.T. is connected to CURRENT LIMIT (I LIMIT) ADJUSTMENT
S1, S2 on the AVR, (see generator wiring diagram for This feature is mostly used to limit short circuit current or to
details). The DROOP adjustment is normally preset in provide a current limit on motor starting. To use this
the works to give 5% voltage droop at full load zero feature, current limit CT’s of the correct ratio need to be
power factor. connected to the AVR S1 S2 terminals. There is an internal
Clockwise increases the amount of C.T. signal injected time limit of 10 seconds. Consult the factory before using
into the AVR and increases the droop with lagging power this feature.
factor (cos Ø). With the control fully anti-clockwise there OVER VOLTAGE (OVER V) ADJUSTMENT
is no droop. This adjustment is set and sealed in the works and should
not be tampered with. An over voltage condition is
TRIM ADJUSTMENT indicated by the illumination of the red LED which also
An analogue input (A1 A2) is provided to connect to the indicates under-speed running and over-excitation.
Newage Power Factor Controller or other devices. It is The generator must be stopped to reset an over-voltage
designed to accept dc signals up to +/- 5 volts. trip.
WARNING! Any devices connected to this input must be The AVR includes a soft start or voltage ramp-up circuit to
fully floating and galvanically isolated from ground, with control the rate of voltage build up, when the generator
an insulation capability of 500V ac. Failure to observe runs up to speed. This is normally pre-set and sealed to
this could result in equipment damage. give a voltage ramp-up time of approximately 3 seconds. If
required, this can be adjusted between the limits defined in
the specification.