Eye mask - SDS 英文 PDF
Eye mask - SDS 英文 PDF
Eye mask - SDS 英文 PDF
3.1 Substance
3.2 Mixture
Ingredient name % CAS
DEIONIZED WATER 92.2 7732-18-5
GLYCERIN 3 56-81-5
BETA-GLUCAN 0.5 9004-54-0
Other 2.6 /
In addition to information given in this section, relevant information can also be found in section 8 and 6.1.
7.1 Precautions for safe handling
7.1.1 General recommendations
Avoid contact with eyes.
Eating, drinking, smoking, as well as food-storage, is prohibited in work-room.
Observe directions on label and instructions for use.
WEL-TWA = Workplace Exposure Limit - Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA (= time weighted average) reference period)
EH40. AGW = "Arbeitsplatzgrenzwert" (workplace limit value, Germany). | WEL-STEL = Workplace Exposure Limit - Short-term
exposure limit (15-minute reference period). | BMGV = Biological monitoring guidance value EH40. BGW = "Biologischer Grenzwert"
(biological limit value, Germany) | Other information: Sen = Capable of causing occupational asthma. Sk = Can be absorbed
through skin. Carc = Capable of causing cancer and/or heritable genetic damage.
** = The exposure limit for this substance is repealed through the TRGS 900 (Germany) of January 2006 with the goal of revision.
Eye/face protection:
Normally not necessary.
Respiratory protection:
Normally not necessary.
Thermal hazards:
Not applicable
10.1 Reactivity
Not to be expected
None known
10.5 Incompatible materials
None known
10.6 Hazardous decomposition products
See also section 5.2
No decomposition when used as directed.
General statements
UN number: n.a.
Transport by road/by rail (ADR/RID)
UN proper shipping name:
Transport hazard class(es): n.a.
Packing group: n.a.
Classification code: n.a.
LQ (ADR 2015): n.a.
Environmental hazards: Not applicable
Tunnel restriction code:
Transport by sea (IMDG-code)
UN proper shipping name:
Transport hazard class(es): n.a.
Packing group: n.a.
Marine Pollutant: n.a
Environmental hazards: Not applicable
Transport by air (IATA)
UN proper shipping name:
Transport hazard class(es): n.a.
Packing group: n.a.
Environmental hazards: Not applicable
Special precautions for user
Unless specified otherwise, general measures for safe transport must be followed.
Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL and the IBC Code
Non-dangerous material according to Transport Regulations.
15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
For classification and labelling see Section 2.
Observe restrictions:
General hygiene measures for the handling of chemicals are applicable.
Directive 2010/75/EU (VOC): 0%
15.2 Chemical safety assessment
A chemical safety assessment is not provided for mixtures.