TNF Mediated Inflammatory Mediators

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Journal of Pathology

J Pathol 2008; 214: 149–160

Published online in Wiley InterScience
( DOI: 10.1002/path.2287

Invited Review

TNF-mediated inflammatory disease

JR Bradley*
NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK

*Correspondence to: Abstract

JR Bradley, NIHR Cambridge
Biomedical Research Centre, Box TNF was originally described as a circulating factor that can cause necrosis of tumours,
118, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, but has since been identified as a key regulator of the inflammatory response. This
Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK. review describes the known signalling pathways and cell biological effects of TNF, and
E-mail: [email protected] our understanding of the role of TNF in human disease. TNF interacts with two different
receptors, designated TNFR1 and TNFR2, which are differentially expressed on cells and
No conflicts of interest were
tissues and initiate both distinct and overlapping signal transduction pathways. These diverse
signalling cascades lead to a range of cellular responses, which include cell death, survival,
differentiation, proliferation and migration. Vascular endothelial cells respond to TNF by
undergoing a number of pro-inflammatory changes, which increase leukocyte adhesion,
transendothelial migration and vascular leak and promote thrombosis. The central role of
TNF in inflammation has been demonstrated by the ability of agents that block the action of
TNF to treat a range of inflammatory conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing
spondylitis, inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis. The increased incidence of infection
in patients receiving anti-TNF treatment has highlighted the physiological role of TNF in
infectious diseases.
Copyright  2007 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: tumour necrosis factor; signal transduction; inflammation; infection; arthritis;

Introduction their trimeric forms, and the two forms of TNF may
have distinct biological activities. TNFα converting
Tumour necrosis factor (TNF, also known as TNFα) enzyme (TACE, also known as ADAM-17) medi-
was identified in 1975 as an endotoxin-induced glyco- ates release of TNF from the cell surface [3], but is
protein, which caused haemorrhagic necrosis of sarco- involved in processing several cell-membrane asso-
mas that had been transplanted into mice [1]. Human ciated proteins, including TNF receptors, which are
tumour necrosis factor was cloned in 1985 [2], and released by its action to produce soluble froms that can
recombinant TNF was shown to induce the haem- neutralize the actions of TNF [4]. TACE may there-
orrhagic necrosis of transplanted methylcholanthrene- fore be either pro- or anti-inflammatory, depending on
induced sarcomas in syngeneic mice. TNF has since whether it acts on an effector (eg macrophage) or tar-
been implicated in a diverse range of inflammatory, get (eg endothelial) cell, releasing ligand or receptors,
infectious and malignant conditions, and the impor- respectively.
tance of TNF in inflammation has been highlighted by TNF is not usually detectable in healthy individ-
the efficacy of anti-TNF antibodies or administration uals, but elevated serum and tissue levels are found
of soluble TNF receptors (TNFRs) in controlling dis- in inflammatory and infectious conditions [5,6] and
ease activity in rheumatoid arthritis and other inflam- serum levels correlate with the severity of infections
matory conditions. [7,8]. Although cells of the monocyte/macrophage lin-
eage are the main source of TNF in inflammatory dis-
ease, a wide range of cells can produce TNF, including
Production of TNF mast cells, T and B lymphocytes, natural killer (NK)
cells, neutrophils, endothelial cells, smooth and car-
TNF is produced predominantly by activated macro- diac muscle cells, fibroblasts and osteoclasts.
phages and T lymphocytes as a 26 kDa protein,
pro-TNF, which is expressed on the plasma mem- TNF signal transduction
brane, where it can be cleaved in the extracellular
domain by the matrix metalloproteinases, which result TNF signal transduction pathways are complex and
in the release a soluble 17 kDA soluble form. Both still not fully understood. Regulation of the transcrip-
membrane-associated and soluble TNFs are active in tion factor NF-κB is a key component of TNF signal

Copyright  2007 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
150 JR Bradley

Figure 1. Signalling pathways leading to the main cellular responses of TNF. Soluble TNF receptors or monoclonal anti-TNF
antibodies, which prevent TNF interacting with its receptors and activating these pathways, can be used to treat inflammatory

transduction, but large-scale physical mapping in com- TNFR1 signals by recruitment of TNFR-associated-
bination with loss of function analysis using RNA death-domain protein (TRADD) [12]. TNFR1 is a
interference recently identified 221 molecular associa- type I transmembrane protein, which in resting cells
tions and 80 previously unknown interactors involved is predominantly sequestered in the Golgi appara-
in modulation of the TNF–NF-κB pathway alone [9]. tus, from where it can be mobilized to the cell sur-
All known responses to TNF are triggered by bind- face.
ing to one of two distinct receptors (Figure 1), des- The significance of the Golgi pool of TNFR1
ignated TNFR1 (also known as TNFRSF1A, CD120a, molecules is unclear. One hypothesis is that it may act
p55) and TNFR2 (also known as TNFRSF1B, CD120b, as a reservoir to increase surface receptor expression
p75), which are differentially regulated on various density, thereby sensitizing cells to the actions of
cell types in normal and diseased tissue [10]. The TNF. There is precedence for this idea in smooth
extracellular, ligand-binding domains of TNF recep- muscle cells, in which the TNF receptor family
tors contain cysteine-rich subdomains, characteristic member Fas localizes predominantly to the Golgi,
of members of the nerve growth factor/TNF recep- from where it can be translocated to the cell surface,
tor gene family. In contrast, the intracellular domains thereby sensitizing cells to Fas ligand-induced killing
of the two receptors show no sequence homology and [13].
are devoid of intrinsic enzyme activity, and activate Surface-expressed TNFR1 exist as trimers associ-
distinct signal transduction pathways by recruitment ated through pre-ligand assembly domains (PLADs)
of cytosolic proteins through specific protein–protein [14], which reside within the membrane distal
interaction domains [11]. The ability of TNFR1 and cysteine-rich domain. In unstimulated receptors the
TNFR2 to interact with both identical and unrelated cytoplasmic domain is pre-associated with a cyto-
molecules may explain their shared and diverse func- plasmic protein designated silencer of death domain
tions. Based on cell culture work and studies with (SODD) [15]. SODD is thought to prevent constitu-
receptor knockout mice, both the pro-inflammatory tive signalling of TNFR1, although mice congenitally
and the programmed cell death pathways that are acti- deficient in expression of the sodd gene display normal
vated by TNF, and associated with tissue injury, are TNFR1 signalling [16]. Both TNFR1 and SODD con-
largely mediated through TNFR1. The consequences tain ‘death domains’ (DDs), which are protein motifs
of TNFR2 signalling are less well characterized, but that interact with other DDs. SODD uses its DD to
TNFR2 has been shown to mediate signals that pro- bind to the DD contained within the cytosolic por-
mote tissue repair and angiogenesis. tion of TNFR1, preventing signalling. TNF binding to

J Pathol 2008; 214: 149–160 DOI: 10.1002/path

Copyright  2007 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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TNFR1 may result in the release of SODD, allowing pro-caspase 3. The recruitment and activation of pro-
binding of a different DD-containing cytoplasmic pro- caspase 8 can be inhibited by cFLIP, and elevated
tein, TNFR-associated DD protein (TRADD). TRADD levels of cFLIP induced by NF-κB activation may pre-
initiates signalling by recruiting two additional pro- vent the activation of this death pathway [30]. TNFR1
teins, receptor interacting protein-1 (RIP-1), a ser- activates other signalling responses that are less clearly
ine/threonine kinase which binds to TRADD through defined at a molecular level. These include activa-
its own DD [17], and TNFR-associated factor-2 tion of the ras–raf–MEK1–ERK1,2 pathway [31] and
(TRAF-2) an E3 ubiquitin ligase [18]) that does not phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K), which phospho-
contain a DD. Within minutes this complex is internal- rylates the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol 4.5
ized [12], and the TRADD–RIP-1–TRAF2 complex diphosphate (PIP2 ), converting it to phosphatidylinos-
is released from TNFR1. Inhibitors of this process can itol 3, 4, 5 triphosphate (PIP3 ). PIP3 activates PDK-1,
interfere with signalling [19,20]. an enzyme that phosphorylates the kinase Akt, and
Subsequent signalling events involve recruitment also activates PDK-2, a complex containing mam-
and activation of different mitogen activated protein malian target of rapamycin (mTOR), rictor and SAPK-
kinase kinase kinases (MAP3Ks)]. RIP-1 is thought interacting protein (Sin)1, which is also involved in
to mediate recruitment of MEKK-3 and transforming activation of Akt [32]. ERK-1, -2 and Akt are gen-
growth factor-beta (TGFβ)-activated kinase (TAK)1, erally associated with cell survival and proliferation
which in turn, activate the β-subunit of the inhibitor [33].
of κB (IκB)] kinase (IKK) complex [21,22], leading to The signalling pathways initiated by TNFR2 are
phosphorylation of IκB proteins, signalling IκB ubiq- less clearly defined, but TNFR2 appears to sig-
uitination and proteosome-mediated degradation. Cys- nal both shared and opposing effects to TNFR1.
tosolic IκB proteins from a complex with the NF-κB TNFR2 lacks an intracellular death domain, but can
family transcription factors, masking nuclear localiza- interact with TRAFs. TRAF1 was initially identi-
tion signals within NF-κB, and IκB degradation allows fied as a novel 45 kDa protein that could be co-
NF-κB to enter the nucleus and initiate gene transcrip- immunoprecipitated with human TNFR2 transfected
tion. into the murine interleukin-2-dependent cytotoxic T
TRAF2 can also contribute to NF-κB activation, cell line CT6, and also from CT6 cell lysates by a
GST fusion protein containing the region of human
both through binding of the IKK complex [23] and
TNFR2 required for signal transduction [34]. At
through recruitment of inhibitor of cellular apop-
the same time, TRAF2 was identified as a novel
tosis proteins (cIAP)-1 and -2. cIAPs have cas-
56 kDa protein by using the yeast two-hybrid sys-
pase inhibitors that also have ubiquitin protein ligase
tem to detect proteins that interact directly with the
(E3)] activity and can participate in IκB degrada-
cytoplasmic domain of hTNFR2. Despite the co-
tion [24]. The TRADD–RIP-1–TRAF-2 complex can immunoprecipitation studies, only a very weak interac-
also recruit apoptosis-signalling kinase-1 (ASK-1)], a tion between TRAF1 and the cytoplasmic domains of
MAP3K that associates with TRAF2 [25] and activates hTNFR2 or mTNFR2 could be detected using the two-
MAP2Ks, including MEK-4 and -6 [26,27]. These hybrid system. This seeming contradiction was rec-
MEKs phosphorylate and activate c-Jun N-terminal onciled by the observations that a strong heteromeric
kinases (JNKs) and p38 MAPKs. Activated JNKs interaction occurred between TRAF1 and TRAF2, and
phosphorylate the amino terminal region of c-Jun, a that TRAF1 and TRAF2 could form homo- and het-
subunit of the transcription factor activating protein 1 erotypic dimers. Consequently, TRAF1 and TRAF2
(AP-1). Phosphorylation of the amino terminal region can associate with the cytoplasmic domain of TNFR2
of c-Jun by JNK is essential for interactions of this as a heterodimeric complex in which only TRAF2 con-
protein with cAMP-response-element-binding-protein- tacts the receptor directly. However, despite inherent
binding protein [CBP]/p300 and gene transcription. strong TRAF2 binding activity, ligand-dependent acti-
TNFR1 can also interact with FAN (factor associated vation of TNFR2 does not appear to deliver strong
with neutral SMase activation) to activate neutral sph- TRAF2-dependent signals, and TNFR2 has since been
ingomyelinase, which can generate ceramide from the found to have a TRAF2-binding site with high inher-
breakdown of plasma membrane sphingomyelin [28] ent signalling capabilities, designated T2bs-N, together
and initiate apoptosis through the mitochondrial path- with a carboxyl-terminal TRAF2-binding site des-
way [29]. ignated T2bs-C that prevents the delivery of sig-
In addition to mediating cell survival and pro- nals from T2bs-N [35]. This may provide a mech-
inflammatory signals through NF-κB and AP-1, anism for diverting TRAF2 from TNFR1 via T2bs-
TNFR1 can also initiate cell death signalling path- C without inducing TRAF2-mediated signals. Bind-
ways. This involves the binding of Fas-associated ing of TNF to TNFR2 can also limit signalling by
DD protein (FADD) to TRADD and the subsequent c-IAP1-dependent ubiquination and degradation of
recruitment of pro-caspase 8 by the TRADD–FADD TRAF2 and ASK1, terminating MAP3K signalling
complex. Autocatalytic activation of bound pro- [36].
caspase 8 releases activated caspase 8, which ini- TNFR2 can also activate endothelial/epithelial tyro-
tiates apoptotis through cleavage and activation of sine kinase (Etk), a cytosolic kinase implicated in

J Pathol 2008; 214: 149–160 DOI: 10.1002/path

Copyright  2007 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
152 JR Bradley

cell adhesion, migration, proliferation and survival, TNFR1 is more commonly down-regulated by these
independently of TRAF2. Etk is a novel regulator of stimuli [43–45]. The possibility of differential syn-
epithelial cell junctions and mediates the TNF-induced thesis of the receptors is further supported by charac-
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)–Akt angiogenic terization of their promoter regions. The 5 -regulatory
pathway in vascular endothelial cells through Etk- region of TNFR1 possesses features of a housekeeping
mediated cross-talk with vascular endothelial growth promoter [46,47]. The inducibility of TNFR2 is sup-
factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) [37]. TNF activates Etk ported by analysis of its promoter region, which has
through TNFR2 in a TRAF2-independent manner. a cAMP-response element and consensus elements for
TNFR2 associates with an inactive form of Etk in a a number of transcription factors, including NF-κB,
ligand-independent fashion through the C-terminal 16- AP-1, IRF-1 and GAS [42]. An additional factor that
amino acid sequence of TNFR2 and multiple domains is known to influence expression of TNF receptors
of Etk. TNF is thought to induce a conformational is shedding from the cell surface. TNF-binding pro-
change in TNFR2 that triggers unfolding of the teins, later characterized as soluble forms of the two
closed, inactive form of Etk. In endothelial cells, TNF molecular species of cell surface TNF receptors, were
induces assembly of a trimolecular complex contain- first purified from normal human urine [48]. Inflam-
ing TNFR2, Etk and vascular endothelial growth factor matory mediators are known to induce shedding of
receptor 2 (VEGFR2, also known as KDR or flk-1). TNFR1 from endothelial cells [49,50], and nitric oxide
Within this complex, there is a coordinate recipro- and hydrogen peroxide have been implicated in the
cal phosphorylation of Etk and VEGFR2, resulting in activation of a metalloproteinase involved in shed-
PI3K activation [37]. The appearance of phosphory- ding of TNFR1 [51]. The TNF receptor-associated
lated Etk is indicative of TNFR2 signalling [38]. periodic syndrome (TRAPS) is an autoinflammatory
The utilization of different signalling mechanisms syndrome characterized by episodes of fevers, with
by TNFR1 and TNFR2 is consistent with the ability severe localized inflammation [52]. TRAPS is associ-
of each receptor to signal distinct biological responses ated with heterozygous mutations in the extracellular
in cultured cells. Ligation of TNFR1 is both nec- domain of TNFR1, which are associated with receptor
essary and sufficient to induce cytotoxic and pro- misfolding, an inability to form soluble receptors and
inflammatory TNF responses, whereas TNFR2 may altered signalling [53].
promote cell activation, migration or proliferation.
Under certain circumstances, TNFR2 may contribute
to TNFR1 responses, particularly at low concentra- Cell biological effects of TNF in the
tions of TNF [39], consistent with the notion of ‘ligand inflammatory response
passing’, in which TNFR2 captures TNF and passes
it to TNFR1 [40]. Cooperation between the receptors Although TNF receptors are differentially expressed
may also be explained by the ligand-induced formation on a wide range of cells and tissues, many of the pro-
of TNF receptor heterocomplexes [41]. inflammatory effects of TNF can be explained on the
basis of TNF’s effects on vascular endothelium and
endothelial leukocyte interactions. In response to TNF,
Regulation of TNF receptors endothelial cells promote inflammation by displaying,
in a distinct temporal, spatial and anatomical pattern
Most cell lines and primary tissues co-express both [54–56], different combinations of adhesion molecules
TNF receptors, although TNFR2 is preferentially for leukocytes, including E-selectin, intercellular adhe-
expressed on cells of haematopoietic lineage [42]. TNF sion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion
receptor types show a much more limited pattern of molecule-1 (VCAM-1) [57,58]. In combination with
cellular expression in vivo, and are highly regulated the release of chemokines (including IL-8, MCP-1
by ischaemic or inflammatory tissue injury. For exam- and IP-10) [59], these responses lead to recruitment
ple, normal kidney appears largely devoid of TNFR2 of different populations of leukocytes independent of
molecules, and TNFR1 molecules are essentially con- antigen recognition. In addition, many of the clas-
fined to microvascular and glomerular endothelial sical features of inflammation can be produced by
cells. This restricted protein distribution is supported local effects of TNF on endothelial cells. TNF-induced
by in situ hybridization studies for receptor-encoding expression of cyclo-oxygenase 2 can increase EC pro-
mRNA. In kidney allografts undergoing rejection or duction of vasodilatory PGI2 resulting in vasodilata-
ischaemic injury, TNFR1 is lost from the endothelium tion [60], causing ‘rubor’ and ‘calor’ through increased
and there is new expression of TNFR2 in renal tubu- local blood flow. ‘Tumour’ can result from TNF-
lar epithelial cells. This regulated expression of TNF mediated increased vascular permeability, allowing the
receptors, which is recognized to occur in a wide range increased trans-endothelial passage of fluid and macro-
of tissues, is likely to result from changes in both the molecules to create oedema. In addition, TNF-induced
rate of synthesis and shedding of receptors. expression of pro-coagulant proteins, such as tissue
A number of stimuli, including TNF, IL-1, IL-10 factor, and down-regulation of anticoagulant protein,
and tissue plasminogen activator, increase expression such as thrombomodulin TNF, can cause intravascular
of TNFR2 through transcriptional activation, whereas thrombosis [61].

J Pathol 2008; 214: 149–160 DOI: 10.1002/path

Copyright  2007 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Physiological roles of TNF has been provided by the existence of viruses encoding
TNF-binding proteins in their genome [74]. Further-
One of the major biological roles of TNF is in the more, side-effects typically associated with viraemia,
host defence to bacterial, viral and parasitic infec- including fever, rigors, headache and fatigue, were
tions. Physiologically, TNF is important for the normal observed in early trials of TNF in cancer patients
response to infection, but inappropriate or excessive [75,76]. Indeed, although initially described as a
production can be harmful. TNF was originally identi- tumouricidal agent, toxicity has limited the role of
fied as an endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced TNF as a chemotherapeutic agent for cancer. Further-
humoral mediator of murine cachexia, the syndrome more, TNF may under some circumstances contribute
of anorexia, weight loss and protein wasting that com- to carcinogenesis by promoting proliferation, inva-
plicates cancer and chronic infection and inflammation sion and metastasis of tumour cells [77]. However,
[62]. TNF was confirmed as the principal mediator of isolated limb perfusion with TNF is of value in palli-
the lethal effect of Escherichia coli-derived endotoxin ating patients with metastatic sarcoma and melanoma
by demonstrating that passive immunization of mice [78,79], providing tumour control and limb salvage for
with rabbit anti-serum to TNF protected mice from its the short survival of patients, and isolated hepatic per-
lethality [63]. Baboons passively immunized with a fusion with TNF has been used in patients with hepatic
neutralizing monoclonal anti-TNF antibody and sub- metastases [80].
sequently infused with a lethal dose of live E. coli Although TNF blockade failed to be of benefit in
were protected against shock, vital organ dysfunction, severe sepsis, the trials that were undertaken paved
persistent stress hormone release and death [64]. How- the way for its use in chronic inflammatory diseases
ever, although a recombinant, soluble fusion protein such as rheumatoid arthritis, which in turn has high-
that combines an extracellular portion of the human lighted the physiological roles of TNF in sepsis and
TNF receptor and the Fc portion of IgG (TNFR : Fc) malignancy.
neutralizes TNF and prevents death in animal mod-
els of bacteraemia and endotoxaemia, in patients with
septic shock, treatment with TNFR : Fc did not reduce Therapeutic agents for TNF blockade
mortality, and higher doses appeared to be associated
with increased mortality [65]. Three drugs, Humira (adalibumab), Remicade (inflix-
The importance of TNF as a modulator of the host imab) and Enbrel (etanercept) are currently licensed
response to infection has been confirmed by stud- as TNF-blocking agents and used to treat rheumatoid
ies using TNF receptor-deficient mice. Mice deficient arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, including
in TNFR1 are resistant to lethal dosages of either ankylosing spondylitis and Crohn’s disease. Etaner-
lipopolysaccharides or Staphylococcus aureus entero- cept is a recombinant human soluble fusion protein in
toxin B, but have severely impaired clearance of the which TNFR2 is coupled to the Fc portion of IgG.
intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes and Infliximab is a human–murine chimeric IgG1 mon-
readily succumb to this infection [66,67]. The activity oclonal anti-TNF antibody. Adalibumab is a human
of TNF in endotoxin-induced lethal shock and innate anti-human TNF antibody produced by phage display.
resistance to Listeria appears to be independent of Other agents in clinical development have used PEGy-
TNFR2 [68]. TNF has since been shown to be essen- lation to couple a large molecular weight polyethylene
tial for the formation and maintenance of granulomas, glycol molecule to the TNF antagonist, with the aim of
which limit dissemination of Listeria and other infec- prolonging the half-life. PEG–sTNFR1 is a pegylated
tions, including mycobacteria [69], and a number of form of soluble TNFR1, and CDP-870 is a pegylated
granulomatous infections have been reported in asso- Fab of the humanized anti-TNF antibody CDP-571.
ciation with the use of TNF antagonists to treat human Different anti-TNF therapies may have different
inflammatory disease [70]. binding and pharmacokinetic profiles. The chimeric
Evidence also supports a key role for TNF in para- monoclonal antibody infliximab may be a more potent
sitic and viral infections. TNF levels are increased in inhibitor of TNFR2 signalling than the TNFR2–Fc
the serum of children with uncomplicated Plasmod- fusion protein entarecept. Infliximab binds transmem-
ium falciparum malaria, and markedly increased in brane TNF with higher avidity, forming more sta-
children with a fatal outcome from cerebral malaria, ble complexes and more effectively inhibiting the
leading to speculation that increased TNF production actions of transmembrane TNF than entarecept [81].
is a normal host response to P. falciparum infection, Transmembrane TNF is superior to soluble TNF in
but that excessive levels of production may predispose activating TNFR2 in various systems, including T
to cerebral malaria and a fatal outcome [8]. cell activation, thymocyte proliferation and granulo-
TNF appears to be central for the ICAM-1- cyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor production
dependent recruitment of mononuclear cells and [82]. Thus, under certain conditions infliximab may be
microvascular damage that occurs in cerebral malaria more effective at blocking signalling through TNF2
[71]. Anti-TNF therapy inhibits fever in cerebral than etanercept.
malaria [72] but does not improve survival [73]. Sup- The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
port for a role of TNF in host defences against viruses has reported certain serious, but uncommon, adverse

J Pathol 2008; 214: 149–160 DOI: 10.1002/path

Copyright  2007 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
154 JR Bradley

events with all three approved anti-TNF agents Inflammatory bowel disease
3930B1 01 B-TNF.Briefing.htm), including serious TNF immunoreactivity is increased the lamina propria
bacterial infections, tuberculosis and certain oppor- in intestinal specimens from patients with Crohn’s
tunistic infections, demyelinating syndromes and sys- disease and ulcerative colitis [100,101], and mice
temic lupus erythaematosus-like reactions. In con- overexpressing TNF develop a Crohn’s disease-like
trolled studies of TNF blockade, more cases of lym- inflammatory bowel disease [90].
phoma occurred among patients receiving the agents Infliximab has been shown to be effective in induc-
than among control patients, and in open-labelled ing remission, and an effective maintenance ther-
uncontrolled studies the rate of malignancies in the apy for patients with Crohn’s disease with and
treatment group was several times higher than would without fistulas [102,103]. A randomized controlled
be expected in the general population. The avail- trial demonstrated that the humanized anti-TNF anti-
able data suggest that these adverse reactions may be body CDP571 was an effective for treatment of
related to TNF blockade and therefore represent class patients with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease
effects of these agents. [104], but subsequent studies showed that CDP571
is not effective for long-term treatment of unselected
patients with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune inflam- A systemic review of randomized controlled trials of
matory disorder affecting approximately 1% of the TNF-blocking agents in patients with active Crohn’s
population, characterized by inflammation of syn- disease found that infliximab and CDP571, but not
ovial tissue, leading to progressive damage, erosion etanercept, may be effective in inducing remission
of adjacent cartilage and bone and chronic disabil- [106].
ity. The inflammation is associated with accumu- The role of TNFα-blocking agents in ulcerative col-
lation of inflammatory cells, predominantly T cells itis is less clear, and recent studies have yielded con-
and macrophages, but also B cells, plasma cells and flicting results. A systematic review concluded that
dendritic cells. There is synovial hyperplasia and in patients with moderate to severe ulcerative coli-
angiogenesis is a prominent feature [83]. Many pro- tis whose disease is refractory to conventional treat-
inflammatory cytokines, including IL-1, IL-6, TNF ment using corticosteroids and/or immunosuppres-
and GM-CSF, are produced within the inflamed joint sive agents, infliximab is effective in inducing clin-
[84]. ical remission, inducing clinical response, promoting
Support for a dominant role of TNF was provided mucosal healing and reducing the need for colectomy,
by a number of in vitro and in vivo studies. Production at least in the short term [107].
of a range of pro-inflammatory cytokines by cultured
cells from the joints of patients with rheumatoid arthri-
tis can be down-regulated by a neutralizing antibody Ankylosing spondylitis
to TNF [85,86]. Neutralizing TNF with either anti-
TNF antibody or a recombinant soluble TNF recep- Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory arthritis
tor ameliorates joint disease in a murine model of that predominantly affects the spine and sacroiliac
collagen-induced arthritis [87–89]. Deleting TNF AU- joints. It occurs more commonly in patients with
rich elements (AREs) from the mouse genome resulted Crohn’s disease. TNF has been detected in the sacro-
in profound temporal and spatial deregulation of TNF iliac joints of patients with ankylosing spondylitis
production, characterized by the persistent accumula- [108], particularly in early active disease [109], and
tion and decreased rates of decay of the mutant TNF elevated serum levels of TNF correlate with disease
mRNA. This deregulation resulted in overexpression activity [110].
of TNF and the development of chronic inflammatory A randomized, double-blind trial of etanercept
arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease [90]. showed that treatment with etanercept for 4 months
An open Phase I/II clinical trial of a murine-human resulted in rapid, significant and sustained improve-
chimeric neutralizing monoclonal antibody to TNF in ment in patients with ankylosing spondylitis [111].
20 patients with active rheumatoid arthritis demon- Subsequent studies have confirmed the efficacy and
strated that the treatment was safe and well toler- safety of etanercept in patients with active ankylos-
ated and resulted in significant clinical and laboratory ing spondlitis over 2 years of continuous treatment
improvements [91]. The efficacy of anti-TNF treat- [112,113], and have shown that etanercept is effec-
ments in rheumatoid arthritis was subsequently con- tive in patients with early onset ankylosing spondylitis
firmed in randomized controlled trials, which estab- before the age of 18 [114].
lished that methotrexate and anti-TNF treatment have Infliximab is also an effective agent in patients
a synergistic effect, and demonstrated that long- with active ankylosing spondylitis, for inducing and
term treatment is feasible [92–98], although loss of maintaining remission and readministration to treat
response may occur in about half of patients during relapse after discontinuation of long-term therapy
the first year [99]. [115,116].

J Pathol 2008; 214: 149–160 DOI: 10.1002/path

Copyright  2007 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
TNF-mediated inflammatory disease 155

Psoriasis Patients with chronic inflammatory conditions such

as rheumatoid arthritis have an increased incidence
Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disorder, in which an
of cardiovascular disease. Inflammatory mediators,
inflammatory cell infiltrate is associated with hyperk-
including TNF, have been implicated in this increased
eratotic lesions, giving rise to typical psoriatic plaques.
cardiovascular risk, and there is some evidence that
TNF, TNFR1 and TNFR2 are upregulated in dermal
anti-TNF therapy ameliorates this risk in patients with
blood vessels in involved skin from patients with pso-
rheumatoid arthritis [134].
riasis [117,118].
Randomized trials showed that infliximab resulted
in a rapid and significant improvement in psoriatic Respiratory disease
plaques [119,120]. Up to one-third of patients with TNF has been implicated in the pathophysiology of
psoriasis develop an inflammatory arthritis, which many inflammatory lung diseases, including chronic
can affect both spinal and peripheral joints. Early bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
studies suggested a role for etanercept in the treatment acute respiratory distress syndrome and asthma [135].
of psoriatic arthritis, and subsequent studies have In asthma, TNF has been implicated in airway
shown that infliximab, etanercept and adalimumab are inflammation and remodelling, and may play a role
all effective treatments for the dermatological and in bronchial hyper-responsiveness. Leukocytes from
articular manifestations of psoriasis [121–124]. bronchiolar lavage of asthma patients have increased
release of TNF [136], and inhaled TNF increases air-
Disease of the central nervous system way responsiveness in normal subjects and is associ-
ated with a pulmonary neutrophil infiltration, assessed
In the central nervous system, TNF is produced pri- by induced sputum. To date there are no random-
marily by microglia and astrocytes in response to ized controlled trials of TNF blockade in asthma,
a wide range of pathological processes, including but patients with asthma who received infliximab for
infection, inflammatory disease, ischaemia and trau- rheumatoid arthritis have demonstrated a significant
matic injury [125]. However, TNF has been shown improvement, and an open label uncontrolled study of
to have both harmful and beneficial effects in the etanercept in 17 subjects with severe asthma demon-
injured brain [126]. Inhibition of TNF ameliorates strated an improvement in asthma symptoms, lung
ischaemic brain injury in mice [127], whereas mice function and bronchial hyper-responsiveness follow-
lacking TNF are highly susceptible to experimen- ing 12 weeks of entanercept [137]. A pilot study of
tal autoimmune encephalomyelitis, and treatment with patients with refractory asthma provided evidence for
TNF dramatically reduces disease severity [128]. TNF- a role of TNF, and demonstrated a beneficial effects
mediated protection against experimental autoimmune of etanercept on markers of asthma control [138].
encephalomyelitis does not require TNFR1, although
TNFR1 appears to be necessary for detrimental effects Renal disease
of TNF, which occur during the acute phase of the
disease [129]. In contrast, TNFR2 has been shown to TNF has been implicated in the pathogenesis of many
promote proliferation of oligodendrocyte progenitors renal diseases, including ischaemic renal injury, renal
and remyelination in a neurotoxicant murine model of transplant rejection and glomerulonephritis, which is
demyelination [130]. Neutralization of TNF failed to often part of a systemic vasculitis. In diseases associ-
benefit patients with relapsing–remitting multiple scle- ated with renal inflammation, different forms of TNF
rosis, and significantly increased exacerbations [131]. blockade vary in their efficacy and adverse effects,
and these differences may be attributed to different
effects on signalling though TNF receptor subtypes. In
Cardiovascular disease
acute renal injury, TNFR2-mediated cell proliferation
TNF has also been implicated in the pathogenesis may be important for tubular cell regeneration [38],
of a number of cardiovascular diseases, including whereas in proliferative forms of glomerulonephri-
atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, heart failure, tis, TNFR1-mediated cytotoxicity and inhibition of
myocarditis and cardiac allograft rejection, and vas- TNFR2-mediated cellular proliferation may be more
cular endothelial cell responses to TNF may underlie desirable.
the vascular pathology in many of these conditions. TNFR2 is essential for the development of renal
However, clinical trials have demonstrated no clinical injury in a model of immune complex glomeru-
benefit of TNF blockade in congestive cardiac failure. lonephritis induced by anti-GBM antibody, raising the
This may be because TNFR1 and TNFR2 differen- possibility that selective blockade of TNFR2 may be a
tially regulate cardiac responses to TNF. In transgenic promising strategy for treatment of immune-mediated
mice with TNF-induced cardiomyopathy, ablation of glomerulonephritis [139].
the TNFR2 gene exacerbates heart failure and reduces As discussed above, infliximab may be more effec-
survival, whereas ablation of TNFR1 blunts heart fail- tive at blocking signalling through TNFR2 than etan-
ure and improves survival [132]. In cardiac allografts ercept. In support of this, infliximab is an effective
either TNF receptor is capable of mediating a response treatment for patients with refractory Wegener’s gran-
that will culminate in graft arterial disease [133]. ulomatosis [140], in which lymphocyte activation and

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