Blood Pressure in Non-Critically Ill Preterm and Full-Term Neonates

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Pediatr Nephrol (2007) 22:249–257

DOI 10.1007/s00467-006-0311-3


Blood pressure in non-critically ill preterm

and full-term neonates
Bijana Pejovic & Amira Peco-Antic &
Jelena Marinkovic-Eric

Received: 9 May 2006 / Revised: 23 August 2006 / Accepted: 24 August 2006 / Published online: 20 October 2006
# IPNA 2006

Abstract The neonatal period is a time of extensive Keywords Neonatal blood pressure . Preterm infants .
hemodynamic changes. It is expected that these changes Oscillometric device
are most prominent in premature infants during the first
week of life. The aim of this study was to examine arterial
blood pressure (BP) measured by an oscillometric device in Introduction
the first month of life in a stable premature population
admitted to our neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and to Defining what is considered a normal blood pressure (BP)
evaluate the influence of gestational age, postnatal age, in premature infants is a complex task [1, 2]. There are few
birth weight, gender, and sleep state on BP. This prospec- BP data reported for such infants after 24 h of life [3–8],
tive study was conducted over 27 months. The study and comparison of these normative data on BP from
population consisted of 373 hemodynamically stable infants various studies is difficult due to methodological differ-
(292 preterm and 81 full-term infants). Overall 12,552 BP ences [7–10]. BP monitored directly via an indwelling
measurements were carried out using a non-invasive arterial catheter in the radial or umbilical artery provides the
oscillometric blood pressure monitor. Both systolic and most accurate BP readings in newborn infants. However,
diastolic blood pressure progressively increased during the the procedure itself may be technically difficult, especially
first month of life. BP increased more rapidly in preterm in low birth-weight infants. Therefore, direct intra-arterial
infants than in full-term infants, and was higher in groups recordings are the “gold standard” for determination of BP
with higher birth weight. Multiple regression analysis in critically ill neonates whose condition is sufficiently
showed that mean BP during the first week and on the serious to justify arterial catheterization, and generally this
30th day increased with gestational age, and also that it was method is used whenever arterial access is available [11,
higher in the awake than in the sleep state. 12]. The non-invasive methods of measuring BP represent
great progress in the care of non-critically ill neonates. The
most common non-invasive alternative method used in
B. Pejovic (*)
neonatal intensive care units (NICU) is automated mea-
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Institute for Neonatology,
Kralja Milutina 50, surement using oscillometric devices [1].
Belgrade 11 000, Serbia and Montenegro Blood pressure has been reported to be substantially
e-mail: [email protected] lower in premature infants compared with full-term infants
[5, 6], but the number of participants in these studies is
A. Peco-Antic
Nephrology, University Children’s Hospital, relatively small and additional data are needed to under-
Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro stand the natural history of BP in this special group of
J. Marinkovic-Eric
The aim of this study was to examine arterial BP
School of Medicine,
Institute for Medical Statistics and Informatics, measured using an oscillometric device in the first month of
Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro life in a stable premature population admitted to our NICU,
250 Pediatr Nephrol (2007) 22:249–257

and to evaluate the influence on estimated gestational age gestation (gw). They were categorized into four groups
(EGA), postnatal age, birth weight (BW), gender, and sleep according to the estimated gestational age: A (≤28 gw),
state on BP. B (29–32 gw), C (33–36 gw), and D (≥37 gw). Additional
classification was carried out according to birth weight:
I (600–999 g), II (1,000–1,249 g), III (1,250–1,499 g), IV
Materials and methods (1,500–1,999 g), and V (≥2,000 g). The infants were
considered to be of very low birth weight (VLBW) if BW
This study was carried out prospectively over 27 months was≤1,500 g and very preterm if EGA was≤32 gw. None
(from 9 October 2001 to 12 December 2003) in the NICU of the patients were growth restricted; all were well
of the Institute for Neonatology in Belgrade. The represen- nourished according to their gestational age, being between
tative study population consisted of 292 premature and 81 the 25th and 75th percentile, as determined by Lubchenco
full-term hemodynamically stable infants admitted to the et al. [14]. The newborns whose mothers had chronic
NICU during the first 24 h of life. The condition was hypertension, as well as pregnancy-induced hypertension or
considered stable based on the following criteria: normal any other confirmed pre-existing disease were excluded
hemoglobin; normal acid-base balance; no renal or reno- from this study.
vascular anomalies; no congenital heart disease or patent All patients received routine postnatal care by the 7th
ductus arteriosus; no chromosomal abnormalities; non- day of age. Systolic BP (SBP), diastolic BP (DBP), and
usage of indomethacin, steroids, diuretics, muscle relaxants, mean arterial BP (MBP) were measured indirectly using an
narcotics; non-treatment for hypo/hypertension; and that the oscillometric device (555; Corometrics Medical Systems,
patients were accessible for investigation for at least the Wallingford, CT, USA). BP was measured in the supine
first 7 postnatal days. The patients were not exposed to position while the infant was asleep or was in a quiet awake
maternal steroids during the antenatal period, and did not state in random order at least 30 min after the last feed. An
receive any inotropic drug therapy, ventilatory support (also appropriate-sized cuff (covering at least two-thirds of the
including continuous positive airway pressure) or parenteral length of the limb segment and 85% of the limb
nutrition during the period of observation. Gestational age circumference) was applied to the right upper arm. Three
was estimated using clinical assessment [13]. The infants successive BP recordings were taken at 2-min intervals, and
were considered premature if born before the 37th week of the mean of the last two measurements was used for all
gestation and full-term if born at or after the 37th week of analyses. BP recordings were carried out daily for 30

Table 1 Clinical characteristicsa of 373 infantsb classified by estimated gestational age (EGA)c and birth weight (BW)

Groups classified by EGA (weeks) Groups classified by BW (g)

A≤28 B 29–32 C 33–36 D≥37 Total p I II III IV V Total p

value 600– 1000– 1250– 1500– ≥2000 value
999 1249 1499 1999

Number of 62 146 81 81 373 44 78 94 76 81 373

infants (%) (16.6) (39.1) (21.7) (21.7) (100.0) (11.8) (20.9) (25.2) (20.4) (21.7) (100)
Number of BP 1,594 6,252 2,414 2,292 12,552 774 3,744 3,102 2,640 2,292 12,552
Male/female 30/32 68/78 40/41 40/41 178/195 n.s. 23/21 40/38 40/54 35/41 40/41 178/195 n.s.
EGA (weeks) 26.9± 30.6± 33.9± 38.6± 32.5± 0.000 26.7± 29.6± 31.1± 33.9± 38.7± 32.5± 0.000
1.1 1.1 0.9 1.5 4.1 1.2 1.5 1.3 1.9 1.5 4.1
BW (g) 890.0± 1,274.7± 1,734.8± 3,256.2± 1,744.8± 0.000 810.0± 1,118.3± 1,361.3± 1,792.4± 3,256.0± 1,744.8± 0.000
145.9 156.7 195.2 468.1 45.6 83.4 76.6 75.6 126.0 468.1 45.6
Birth length 39.7± 42.1± 46.1± 48.6± 44.0± 0.000 39.7± 40.9± 43.1± 46.1± 48.6± 44.0± 0.000
(cm) 1.8 2.6 2.8 2.8 4.1 1.8 2.0 2.9 2.3 2.8 4.1
5-min Apgar 7 (5) 8 (5) 8 (5) 8 (4) 8 (5) 0.000 7 (5) 7 (4) 8 (4) 8 (5) 8 (4) 8 (5) 0.000
Values are expressed as mean ± SD, unless otherwise noted.
All infants were Caucasians. They were not exposed to steroids during the antenatal period. At the time of the BP recordings all were in a stable
condition without sepsis, and were not receiving any inotropic drug therapy, ventilatory support or parenteral nutrition. None of patients’
mothers had chronic hypertension, pregnancy-induced hypertension or any other confirmed pre-existing disease.
Postnatal clinical estimation of gestational age using the methods of Ballard et al. [13].
Values are median; values in parentheses represent the range.
Pediatr Nephrol (2007) 22:249–257 251

postnatal days. However, the number of stable infants scores on blood pressure. Multiple comparisons and
eligible for BP recording with regard to the study criteria, correlations were performed by Bonferroni’s and Pearson’s
was not constant during the whole period. As the study tests, respectively. The pairwise comparisons of means were
population was the largest during the first 7 days (93.6– performed using the Bonferroni approach to adjusting for
100%) and on the 30th postnatal day (90.1%), we analyzed the multiplicity of comparisons. The 0.05 probability level
only BPs during the first week of life and on the 30th day was used to determine statistical significance.
of life.
Unless otherwise noted, the data were expressed as
mean ± SD. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was Results
used to test the starting differences between the groups and
repeated measures ANOVA was employed for serial Three hundred seventy-three infants were studied; of
measurements during the study. Multivariate analysis was these, 292 were preterm with a mean EGA of 30.3±
conducted to assess the independent effects of EGA, body 1.3 weeks, and the remaining 81 were full-term neonates
weight, sleep and awake states, and 1- and 5-min Apgar with EGA of 38.6±1.5 weeks. There were 178 males and

Table 2 Systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP), and mean (MBP) blood pressure during the first week and on the 30th day of lifea

Blood pressure Groups by EGAc Multiple comparisons

on postnatal days
(1–7 and 30) A (n=62) B (n=146) C (n=84) D (n=81) Mean±SE A vs. B A vs. C A vs. D B vs. C B vs. D C vs. D

SBP 1 42±4 48±6 56±5 63±6 52±0.3 * * * * * *

SBP 2 42±4 51±5 58±4 64±6 54±0.3 * * * * * *
SBP 3 44±4 53±6 59±5 65±6 55±0.3 * * * * * *
SBP 4 45±4 56±6 61±5 67±6 57±0.3 * * * * * *
SBP 5 46±4 58±7 62±5 68±6 58±0.4 * * * * * *
SBP 6 48±4 59±7 64±5 70±6 60±0.4 * * * * * *
SBP 7 50±3 60±7 65±5 71±5 61±0.3 * * * * * *
SBP 30 62±3 71±4 72±4 77±5 70±0.3 * * * n.s. * *
Mean±SE 47±0.8 57±0.4 62±0.6 68 ±0.6 * * * * * *
Fb 98.2 483.3 321.5 225.3
p * * * *
DBP 1 26±3 32±6 36±4 40±5 33±0.3 * * * * * *
DBP 2 28±4 34±5 38±4 41±5 35±0.3 * * * * * *
DBP 3 29±4 35±5 39±4 42±5 36±0.3 * * * * * *
DBP 4 31±5 37±5 40±4 43±5 38±0.3 * * * * * *
DBP 5 32±5 38±5 41±4 44±5 39±0.3 * * * n.s. * *
DBP 6 34±4 40±5 41±4 45±5 40±0.3 * * * n.s. * *
DBP 7 35±4 40±4 41±4 46±5 41±0.3 * * * n.s. * *
DBP 30 42±7 48±5 50±5 50±4 48±0.3 * * * 0.003 0.001 n.s.
Mean±SE 32±0.6 38±0.3 41±0.4 44±0.4 * * * * * *
F 95.1 954.5 353.4 206.3
p * * * *
MBP 1 32±3 38±5 43±4 48±4 40±0.3 * * * * * *
MBP 2 33±4 40±5 45±3 49±5 42±0.3 * * * * * *
MBP 3 34±4 42±5 46±4 50±4 43±0.3 * * * * * *
MBP 4 36±5 44±5 47±3 51±5 44±0.3 * * * * * *
MBP 5 37±5 45±5 48±4 52±5 45±0.3 * * * 0.019 * *
MBP 6 39±4 46±5 49±4 53±5 47±0.3 * * * 0.002 * *
MBP 7 41±4 47±4 49±4 54±4 48±0.3 * * * 0.001 * *
MBP 30 49±7 56±4 57±4 59±4 55±0.3 * * * 0.028 * n.s.
Mean±SE 37±0.6 45±0.3 48±0.5 52±0.5 * * * * * *
F 95.1 954.5 353.4 206.3
p * * * *
Values are expressed as mean ± SD, unless otherwise noted
Repeated measures ANOVA
Postnatal clinical estimation of gestational age using the methods of Ballard et al. [13].
252 Pediatr Nephrol (2007) 22:249–257

195 females who were classified by EGA into four a)

groups; the first three groups consisted of pre-terms and 80
the fourth of full-term infants. The majority of patients A
(71.2%), all from groups A and B, were of very low B
birth weight (≤1,500 g) and very preterm (≤32 gw). The 70 D

groups were highly different, not only with regard to

Systolic BP (mmHg)
EGA (F=1,388.6, p=0.000), but also to BW (F=1,263.9,
p=0.000), body length at birth (BL; F=187.7, p=0.000), as 60

well as to 5-min Apgar score (F=16.4, p=0.000). The

characteristics of the infants in each group are shown in
Table 1. A total of 12,552 BP measurements were carried 50

out, most of them (10,260) in preterm infants. Cuff sizes 45

used ranged from 2 to 5 cm.
The results of BP recordings in four infant groups 40
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 729.9 30.0 30.1
according to EGA (groups A–D) are presented on Table 2 Postnatal days
and Fig. 1, while the data on BP measurements obtained
when asleep and in a quiet awake state in five groups of b)
infants divided by BW (groups I–V) are shown in Fig. 2. 50
Figure 3 demonstrates the linear regression of SBP, DBP,
and MBP by birth weight and gestational age on day 1 of 45
life, with a 95% confidence limit, which approximates Diastolic BP (mmHg)

means ± 2 SD. 40
The analysis of variance showed that blood pressure
significantly increased with postnatal age in each group,
and was higher in groups with higher gestational age, as
well as with higher birth weight. A more rapid rate of rise
of BPs with postnatal age was found in preterm than in full-
term infants; the highest ones occurred in very preterm
infants (≤32 gw) and VLBW (≤1,500 g) infants. The 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 29.9 30.0 30.1
average increments of MBP during the first week and Postnatal days
month of life were 26.2% and 51% in infants with EGA≤ c)
28 gw, 22.8% and 45.5 % in those with EGA 29–32 gw, 60
18.7% and 34.4% in infants with EGA 33–36 gw, and
finally 12.7% and 22.3% in the full-term infants (≥37 gw). 55
BP was lower when measured during the sleep state than
when the child was in a quietly awake state (p≤0.001) in all 50
Mean BP (mmHg)

except the premature infants with BW≤1,000 g during the

period from the 4th until the 7th day of life (Fig. 2). On the 45
other hand, the infant’s gender, with the exception of
infants with BW of 1,250–1,499 g (from 3rd to 30th day of 40
life), did not affect the variance of oscillometric BP
pressure. When EGA, the state of activity during BP 35
measurement, body weight, and Apgar score were entered
as the variables into regression models, the EGA and the 30
state of activity continued to be the highly significant 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 729.9 30.0 30.1

predictors of mean arterial BP during the first week and on Postnatal days

the 30th postnatal day (Table 3). Fig. 1 Increase in a systolic, b diastolic, and c mean blood pressure
during the first month of life in groups of infants classified by
estimated gestational age: A (≤28 weeks), B (29–32 weeks), C (33–
36 weeks), and D (≥ 37 weeks)
prominent in premature infants since they are deprived of
The neonatal period is a time of extensive hemodynamic approximately 20–45% of normal gestation during which
changes. It is expected that these changes are most significant maturation changes in the cardiovascular system
Pediatr Nephrol (2007) 22:249–257 253

Fig. 2 Comparison of systolic, 80

diastolic, and mean BP in the
sleep (solid line) and awake
states (broken line) in the groups 70 a
(according to birth weight) I

Systolic BP (mmHg)
(600–999 g), II (1,000–1,249 g), 65
III (1,250–1,449 g),
IV (1,500–1,999 g), and V
(≥2,000 g) during the first week 55 I - sl eep
and on the 30th day of life I
- awake
- sl eep
50 II - awake
I II - sl eep
I II - awake
45 IV - sl eep
IV - awake
V - sl eep
V - awake
a : F = 1 0 .1 0 3 , p = 0 .0 0 1 ( g ro u p V )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 30 32
Postnatal days


Diastolic BP (mmHg)





b : F = 1 3 .5 0 0 , p = 0 .0 0 1 (G ro u p V )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 30 32
Postnatal days



55 c
Mean BP (mmHg)





30 c : F = 9 .2 0 0 , p = 0 .0 0 1 (g ro u p V )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 30 32
Postnatal days

normally occur [11]. Therefore, consideration of gestational point of view it is very difficult to include in a study a great
age is of obvious importance in the assessment of neonatal number of stable or so-called “normal” very low birth
hemodynamic changes. The need for accurate measurement weight premature infants who are free from pharmacolog-
of BP and clear guidelines as to what levels of BP require ical, ventilatory, or nutritional support [20, 21]. Namely, the
active management are an important part of this process. most difficult part of this research was to form and follow
The research base is not yet available to give a definite up the groups of preterm neonates with very low BW,
answer to the question regarding which BP is really normal which would keep the physiology of the age (free from
in very preterm (<32 gw) and very low birth weight sepsis, intracranial hemorrhage, cardiopulmonary distress,
(≤1,500 g) infants [6, 11–19]. From the methodological and need for mechanical support) for a relevant period to
254 Pediatr Nephrol (2007) 22:249–257

a1 a2
80 80

S yst olic B P
L inear Fit of D at a1_C S ys to lic BP
U pp er 95% Predic tion Lim it L ine ar F it o f D ata 1_C
70 L ow er 9 5% Pred iction Lim it
70 U ppe r 95 % Pre dic tion Lim it
L ow er 95% P redic tio n Lim it
Systolic BP (mmHg)

Systolic BP (mmHg)

[6 /1 5/2 00 4 1 2: 25 "/Gr aph 6" (24 53 17 1)] [6 /1 5/ 20 04 1 1 :3 0 " /Gra p h3 " ( 24 53 1 71 )]
L inea r R eg ressio n f or D at a1 (S1 ) L in e ar Re g ress ion fo r D a ta 1(S 1 )
Y=A+B*X Y=A +B*X
40 Para m e te r Valu e Error
Para m e ter Va lu e Erro r
------ ---------------------- --------------------- ----------- ----- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -
40 A 3 7.9 88 37 0 .6 16 01 A
-7 .4 05 87
1 .83 3 87
2. 07 4 67
0. 06 3 38
B 0 .00 81 3 3 .1 54 47 E-4
------ ---------------------- --------------------- ----------- ----- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -

------ ---------------------- --------------------- ----------- 30 ----- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -
0 .83 2 42 4. 97 7 34 37 3 <0. 00 01
0 .80 11 5 5 .3 75 47 37 3 <0.0 00 1
------ ---------------------- --------------------- ----------- ----- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -


50 0 100 0 1 500 200 0 25 00 300 0 35 00 4 000 45 00 50 00 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
Birth body weight (g) Gestational age (weeks)

b1 b2
55 55
D ias tolic BP
L ine ar Fit of Data1 _D
50 U ppe r 9 5% P rediction Lim it
50 L ow er 95 % P red ic tion L im it

45 45

Diastolic BP (mmHg)
Diastolic BP (mmHg)

[6 /15 /2 00 4 1 3:0 5 "/Gra ph 7" ( 245 31 71 )] [6/15/2004 11:52 "/G raph4" (2453171) ]
Lin ea r Re gre ssion fo r D ata 1(D 1 )
Y=A+B*X 25 Linear R egression for D ata1(D 1)
Y=A +B*X
25 Para m ete r Valu e Erro r Par am eter Value Error
------------ --------------------- --------------------- ------ ----- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
2 4.6 36 12
0 .00 51 5
0 .54 94 3
2 .81 35 6E-4
20 A
------------ --------------------- --------------------- ------
20 ----- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------

------------ --------------------- --------------------- ------
0.68 85 7 4 .79 45 3 3 73 <0 .0 001
15 ----- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Dias tolic BP ------------ --------------------- --------------------- ------
0.7263 4.54467 373 <0.0001
15 Linear Fit of Data1_D
----- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------

Upp er 95% Prediction Lim it 10

Lo wer 9 5% Pred iction Lim it
50 0 100 0 1 500 200 0 25 00 300 0 35 00 4 000 45 00 50 00 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
Birth body weight (g) Gestational age (weeks)

c1 c2
60 60
55 L ine ar F it of Data1_ E
55 U ppe r 9 5% Pr edic tion Lim it
L ow er 95% P red iction Lim it

50 50

MBP (mmHg)

MBP (mmHg)

35 [6/15/2004 13:15 "/G raph8" (2453171)]
Linear Regression for Data1(MBP 1 ) [6/15/2004 12:14 " /Gr aph5" (2453171)]
Linear R egr ess ion for D ata1( MBP 1 )
Y= A+B*X
Y=A+ B*X
Param eter Value Error 30 Param eter Value Error
-- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------
30 A
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ -----
A -2.79312 1.77708
-- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- B 1.32735 0.05429

25 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ -----

-- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- R SD N P

25 M BP 0.74838 4.56956 373 <0.0001 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ -----
0.78552 4.2634 373 <0.0001
-- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------
Line ar Fit of Data 1_E ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ -----

Uppe r 95% Pre diction L im it

Low er 9 5% Predic tion Lim it
50 0 1 00 0 15 00 20 00 25 00 3 00 0 3 50 0 4 00 0 45 0 0 5 00 0 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
Birth body weight (g) Gestational age (weeks)
Fig. 3 Linear regression of a systolic, b diastolic, and c mean blood pressure according to birth weight (1) and gestational age (2) on day 1 of life,
with 95% confidence limits (upper and lower solid lines). This approximates mean ± 2 SD

monitor BP. That is why the observation period of this and neonates in whom it is difficult to accurately hear the
study, carried out in a Serbian referral center for premature Korotkoff (K) sounds by auscultation. Furthermore, the use
infants with an average annual number of 1,100 patients, of this method eliminates the K4–K5 controversy of
lasted for 27 months. diastolic BP [22]. The “first-reading” effect, in which the
We used an oscillometric device as an alternative method first of several BP readings is 3–5 mmHg higher than the
of performing invasive intra-arterial BP measurement. This subsequent reading performed a few minutes later, was
method is convenient and easy to use in younger children overcome by repeating BP measurements. When using the
Pediatr Nephrol (2007) 22:249–257 255

Table 3 Multiple regression analysis of EGA, state of activity during In contrast, Low et al. reported that the average oscillo-
BP measurement (SA), actual body weight (ABW), and 5-min Apgar metric pressures were significantly lower than intra-arterial
score (AS5) in relation to mean arterial blood pressure
pressures; the SBP was lower by 1 mmHg, the MBP by
Days Variables Mean arterial blood pressure models p 5.3 mmHg, and the DBP by 4.6 mmHg [25]. Furthermore,
when comparing blood pressures obtained from three
different oscillometers, blood pressure monitors (Dinamap,
1 Constant −2.793 1.777 0.117 Criticare, Hewlett-Packard), with arterial blood pressure
EGA 1.327 0.054 0.000 (Hewlett-Packard’ invasive unit), Dannevig et al. [26]
SA 4.262 0.473 0.000 found two factors to have a systematic effect on the
ABW 2.534E–03 0.001 0.001 difference between oscillometric and invasive pressures
2 Constant −6.947 1.753 0.000 (the measurement deviance): the size of the infant, e.g., the
EGA 1.321 0.051 0.000
arm circumference, and the monitoring system. For small
SA 3.115 0.420 0.000
ABW 1.216 0.416 0.004 infants, the non-invasively measured value tended to be too
3 Constant −0.742 3.576 0.836 high. The difference between monitoring systems was
EGA 1.059 0.141 0.000 clearly significant (p<0.001) [26].
SA 3.158 0.419 0.000 What is clear from the above-mentioned studies is that
ABW 1.294 0.001 0.048 direct intra-arterial blood pressure recordings continue to be
4 Constant 3.532 2.157 0.000 the gold standard for critically ill neonates, while when
EGA 1.144 0.064 0.000
relying on indirectly obtained blood pressure using oscillo-
SA 3.387 0.502 0.000
metric devices one must be very prudent with regard to the
AS5 0.157 4.035 0.838
5 Constant 7.237 2.234 0.001 methodology and the type of devices. Bearing in mind that
EGA 1.191 0.068 0.000 we did not compare the devices we used in our study
SA 3.631 0.509 0.000 (Corometrics, Medical Systems INC 555) with direct intra-
AS5 0.874 0.217 0.000 arterial BP recording, nor with another oscillometric device
6 Constant −1.192 1.729 0.491 that fulfilled the accuracy criteria, the number of BPs
EGA 1.445 0.078 0.000 provided by our study cannot be generalized, or must be
SA 2.839 0.413 0.000
adjusted for other devices. Furthermore, supplies of this
AS5 0.736 0.252 0.004
7 Constant 28.905 2.255 0.000
device have been discontinued, which is also a limitation of
EGA 0.664 0.064 0.000 this study. Nevertheless, our data give the additional insight
SA 2.234 0.321 0.000 into the natural course of BP in more stable preterm
AS5 0.492 0.237 0.039 neonates that is lacking in the literature. We have found that
30 Constant 33.875 2.255 0.000 BP is developmentally regulated and is dependent upon
EGA 0.673 0.068 0.000 gestational age and birth weight. BP was higher in groups
SA 3.389 0.495 0.000 with higher EGA and BW, higher in the awake state than in
the sleep state, and higher with increasing postnatal age.
oscillometric device we were aware of other issues. While Our observations that BPs increase with postnatal age are
mercury and aneroid devices, when calibrated properly, consistent with those in other reports [1–3, 5, 12, 15, 16].
agree quite well on BP that they detect, oscillometry seems
to differ from device to device and it certainly differs Table 4 Comparison of MBP from our study with the reported data
of other authors: VLBW neonates (≤1,500 g) during the first week and
according to the auscultatory method used, but comes on the 30th day of life
closest to intra-arterial determinations [23]. BPs obtained
by conventional sphygmomanometry and using the oscillo- Days MBPa (mmHg)
metric device should not be used interchangeably for study of
life Our values [4] [5] [11] [12] [17]
purposes, because, even with the most accurate of devices,
differences exist between the two [23]. Nevertheless, it 1 34±4 38±9 − 37±13 42±11 34±7
must be noted that although accurate, readings obtained by 2 36±4 43±9 − 40±13 45±11 −
the oscillometric device may differ significantly from intra- 3 38±4 45±8 − 44±13 48±11 −
arterial readings. 4 39±3 47±9 − − − −
When comparing BPs obtained with these two tech- 5 41±4 48±10 − − − −
niques, Fanaroff and Wright reported that mean blood 6 42±4 48±10 − − − −
7 43±3 49±9 45±2 − − 44±6
pressure, determined by the oscillometric technique, was
30 51±4 − − − − 52±4
higher by about 3 mmHg than readings obtained directly
from arterial access during the first 48 postnatal hours [24]. Values are expressed as mean ± SD
256 Pediatr Nephrol (2007) 22:249–257

Table 5 Comparison of MBP from our study with the reported data of another author: the first day of life in relation to BW

BW (g) 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,400 1,500

Our values MBP (mmHg) − 19 21 23 24 26 28 30 32 33 35

[16] MBP (mmHg) 20 21 22 23 24 26 29 30 32 33 34

Although numerous factors may contribute to the rise in respectively during the first 72 h. Although neonates
postnatal BP [11], it seems that decreases in the activity and weighing ≤1,000 g and 1,001–1,500 g demonstrated
synthesis of vasodilators [27], as well as intrinsic changes gradual increases (p<0.001) in systolic, diastolic, and mean
in vascular smooth muscle function [12, 28] may be most BP by the 72nd hour, values were consistently lower
important. When comparing the rates of postnatal BP (p<0.01) in neonates ≤1,000 g. They concluded that the
increase, as well as its relationship with gestational age 30–40% BP rise occurring in VLBW neonates in the first
and birth weight, some differences among the reported data 72 postnatal hours was dependent on gestational age and
can be detected that may be due to the study methodology birth weight. Antenatal steroids did not modify BP
and management protocols within a given institution measurements immediately after birth or during the study
(Tables 4, 5, 6). period [12].
Zubrow et al. [3] reported the findings of a large Georgieff et al. [5] evaluated SBP and DBP in a cohort
multicenter study, which included data from 608 infants of 61 non-hypertensive premature (16 VLBW, 22 low birth
followed for 1 to 99 days after delivery. On day 1, birth weight [LBW]), and 23 full-term normal birth weight
weight and gestational age were strong correlates of SBP (NBW) newborn infants admitted to a NICU and followed
and DBP. During the first 5 days of life there was a them to their 4-month age-adjusted outpatient examination.
progressive rise in SBP (2.23 to 2.67 mmHg/day) and Their results showed significant group differences in MBP.
DBP (1.58 to 2.02 mmHg/day) regardless of gestational The estimated regression line of BP in VLBW infants had a
age or weight at birth. After day 5 there was a more gradual steeper slope. There was a significant correlation between
increment in the daily SBP (0.24 to 0.27 mmHg/day) BPs and weights at each of the measurement points, while
and DBP (0 to 0.15 mmHg/day). Postconceptional age gestational age correlated significantly only with the 7th
was the primary determinant of BP in this population of day BP.
infants [3]. The rate of postnatal BP rise in our patients is
Hegyi et al. studied blood pressure in the first hours of comparable to those reported by other authors [3, 5, 12].
life in a cohort of 1,105 preterm infants weighing 501– Like LaFlore et al. [12] and Georgieff et al. [5] we found
2,000 g over a 34-month period [29]. Of these, only 244 that postnatal BP is dependent on gestational age and birth
were healthy infants, while others had different additional weight. In addition to previous reports [1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 12,
risk factors of cardiovascular morbidity. In the healthy 29, 30], our data can make a contribution to better
group during the first 3–6 h of life, minimum and understanding neonatal BP in stable infants.
maximum of SBP were 47 mmHg and 59 mmHg, while
minimum and maximum for DBP were 24 mmHg and
35 mmHg respectively. They found that in healthy Conclusion
premature infants the limits of SBP and DBP were
independent of birth weight and gestational age. Infants Systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial blood pressure
with low Apgar scores tended to have lower BP, and infants progressively increased during the first month of life. BP
whose mothers had hypertension had higher BP than increased more rapidly in preterm infants compared with
infants in the healthy cohort [29]. full-term infants. The most predictive factors of BPs were
LeFlore et al. [12] studied 116 VLBW neonates during gestational age, birth weight, and postnatal age. BPs were
the first 72 postnatal hours. They found that SBP, DBP, and significantly lower when measured during the sleep period
MBP increased (p < 0.001) by 33%, 44%, and 38% than when the child was awake.

Table 6 Comparison of MBP from our study with the reported data of another author: the first day of life in relation to EGA

EGA (gw) 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 35 36

Our values MBP (mmHg) − 19 22 25 28 31 34 36 38

[16] MBP (mmHg) 20 21 23 26 28 31 34 35 −
Pediatr Nephrol (2007) 22:249–257 257

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