8.3 Two-Point Calibration For Probe Zero and Material Velocity

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Chapter 8.

Making Custom Corrosion Measurements

8.3 Two-Point Calibration for Probe Zero and Material Velocity

Two options are available for D-CAL: 2-POINT and 1-POINT.

• 2-POINT calculates material velocity and probe delay

• 1-POINT calculates probe delay only and should only be used after a 2-POINT has been performed (to re-adjust
probe delay) or when the material velocity is known and has been entered.
8.3.1 2-POINT D-CAL
For recording of the 2-point calibration, use the 118-540-985 (inches) or 118-540-985 (metric) calibration block (sold
separately by GE). GE recommends calibrating the instrument using these blocks. For recording the two points, place
the probe on the thin and thick sample as shown in Figure 72 below. Each beam should “see” a reflection from the
chosen thin reflector and the thick reflector.

Figure 72: Calibration Probes on 0.1-inch block and 0.5-inch block

Note: If the wide block is not available, an alternate 2 point calibration technique calls for sliding the probe across a
section of the required material, or for placement on a special calibration sample with sufficient area for
reflections from the given thickness displayed by each beam, as shown in Figure 73 below. Each beam of the
array must “see” a reflection from both the chosen thin reflector and the thick reflector. However, sliding the
probe is not necessary if a sufficient area of thickness can be “seen” by all beams.

Figure 73: Sliding the Probe Across the Sample Material

Phasor XS User’s Manual 165

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