Filtration Problems
Filtration Problems
Filtration Problems
capacity of the tank = (4301/1200) = 3.58 m3. Hence: Total length of unit required = (50.67/3) = 16.9 m
Thus: mass of crystals which has come out of solution = and 6 sections each of 3 m length would be specified.
(1500 − 966) = 534 kg
PROBLEM 15.3 What is the evaporation rate and yield of the sodium acetate
10 Mg of a solution containing 0.3 kg Na2CO3/kg solution is hydrate CH3COONa.3H2O from a continuous evaporative
cooled slowly to 293 K to form crystals of Na2CO3.10H2O. crystalliser operating at 1 kN/m2 when it is fed with 1 kg/s
What is the yield of crystals if the solubility of Na2CO3 of a 50 per cent by mass aqueous solution of sodium acetate
at 293 K is 21.5 kg/100 kg water and during cooling 3 per cent hydrate at 350 K? The boiling point elevation of the solution
of the original solution is lost by evaporation? is 10 degK and the heat of crystallisation is 150 kJ/kg.
The mean heat capacity of the solution is 3.5 kJ/kgK and, at 1
Y = 6536 kg . kN/m2, water boils at 280 K at which temperature the latent
heat of vaporisation is 2.482 MJ/kg. Over the range 270–305
PROBLEM 15.4 K, the solubility of sodium acetate hydrate in water s at T (K)
The heat required when 1 kmol of MgSO4.7H2O is dissolved is given approximately by:
isothermally at 291 K in a large mass of water is 13.3 MJ. s = 0.61T − 132.4 kg/100 kg water
What is the heat of crystallisation per unit mass of the salt? Molecular masses: CH3COONa.3H2O = 136 kg/kmol,
CH3COONa = 82 kg/kmol.
heat of crystallisation= 53.9 kJ/kg
Therefore: Actual evaporation rate = (0.265 × 0.5) = 0.132
PROBLEM 15.5 kg/s
A solution of 500 kg of Na2SO4 in 2500 kg water is cooled y= 0.791 kg/s
from 333 K to 283 K in an agitated mild steel vessel of mass
750 kg. At 283 K, the solubility of the anhydrous salt
is 8.9 kg/100 kg water and the stable crystalline phase is
Na2SO4.10H2O. At 291 K, theheat of solution is −78.5
MJ/kmol and the specific heat capacities of the solution and
mild steel are 3.6 and 0.5 kJ/kg deg K respectively. If, during
cooling, 2 per cent of the water initially present is lost by
evaporation, estimate the heat which must be removed
A batch of 1500 kg of saturated potassium chloride solution is
cooled from 360 K to 290 K in an unagitated tank. If the
solubilities of KCl are 53 and 34 kg/100 kg water at 360 K and
290 K respectively and water losses due to evaporation may
be neglected, what is the yield of crystals?
y=186 kg
Glauber’s salt, Na2SO4.10H2O, is to be produced in a
Swenson–Walker crystalliser by cooling to 290 K a solution of
anhydrous Na2SO4 which saturates between 300 K and 290
K. If cooling water enters and leaves the unit at 280 K and 290
K respectively and evaporation is negligible, how many