Geas 1018 TH4

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Excel Review Center GEAS QA 4

Q: What is the date of approval of RA 9292? Q: How much or what fine is required for any A: Integrated Services Digital Broadcast-
A: April 17, 2004 person who shall violate any provision or Terrestrial (ISDB-T)
any rules, regulations, the Code of Ethics
Q: How many articles are there in RA 9292? and the Code of Technical Standards of Q: What is the sole standard in the delivery of
A: 8 Practice promulgated under RA 9292? DTT services in the Philippines?
A: Not less than P100,000 nor more than P1M A: ISDB-T
Q: How many sections are there in RA 9292? or by imprisonment of not less than 6
A: 43 months nor more than 6 years, or both, in Q: Under NTC MC 01-03-2010, what frequency
the discretion of the court bands are reallocated for 3G services and
Q: Any person who shall violate any provision made available for assignment to a qualified
of RA 9292 or any rules, regulations, the Q: RA 9292 was a consolidation of House Bill applicant?
Code of Ethics and the Code of Technical No. 5224 and Senate Bill No. ____ A: 1965-1975/ 2155 – 2165 MHz or 1890 –
Standards of Practice is stated I Section A: 2683 1900/ 1970 – 1980 MHz
A: 35 Q: As provided in Act 3846, the construction of Q: All applicants for the assignment of
a radio station shall begin only when remaining 3G frequency band shall submit a
Q: What is Section 40 of RA 9292? _______. certification of equity and/or company net
A: Appropriations A: the NTC has issued a permit to construct worth of at least _____.
A: 3 billion pesos
Q: The chairperson of the PRC shall include in Q: As provided in RA 7925, a VAS provider
the Commission’s program the needs to secure a ____ if it puts up its own Q: NTC Memorandum Circular No. 02-10-2011
implementation of RA 9292, the funding of network. states that the interconnection charge for
which shall be included in the Annual A: franchise SMS between two separate networks shall
General Appropriation Act. This is stated in not be higher than ___ per SMS.
Section ____. Q: When was the ASEAN Mutual Recognition A: P 0.15 Excel Review Center
A: 40 Arrangement (MRA) on Engineering
Services signed? Q: What is otherwise known as Anti-Cable
Q: According to Section 43, RA 9292 shall take A: December 9, 2005 during the 11 ASEAN Television and Cable Internet Tapping Act of
effect ____ following its full publication in the Summit 2013?
Official Gazette or any newspaper of general A: R. A. No. 10515
circulation. Q: Where was the ASEAN Mutual Recognition
A: 15 days Excel Review Center Arrangement (MRA) on Engineering Q: What is the penal provision of R. A. No.
Services signed? 10515 or The Ant-Cable Television and
Q: Who keeps all records of the board, A: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Cable Internet Tapping Act?
including applications for the examination, A: Imprisonment not less than 2 years but not
administrative cases involving PECE, ECT Q: Who comprises the ASEAN monitoring more than 5 years and file of not less than
and ECT? committee on Engineering Services for the P50,000 but not more than P 100,000
A: PRC Philippines?
A: PRC, 2 Engg Professional Regulatory Q: What is otherwise known as Anti-Child
Q: The members of the Board of ECE can hold Boards, CHED and Phil Technological Pornography Act of 2009?
office for a term of ___ years from the date Council (PTC) A: R. A. No. 9775
of appointment or until their successors shall
have been appointed. Q: How many recognized field of engineering Q: What is defined as a collection of medical
A: 3 practice are being offered in the Philippines? devices having short range RF transmitting
A: 12 capability that are associated with specific
Q: Section ___ of RA 9292 states the the patient, consisting of at least one active
Board is vested with the authority to an Q: How many years of active and practical medical implant or body-worn device,
official seal of the Board. engineering experience is required to together with other devices external to the
A: 7 register as an ACPE? body, that have the ability to communicate
A: 7 Excel Review Center with each other using frequencies in the
Q: The compensation and allowances of the 401-401 MHz and 405-406 MHz bands?
Board is comparable to that being received Q: How many years of supervisory work is A: Medical Data Systems (MEDS)
by the Chairman and members of existing required to register as an ACPE?
regulatory boards under the Commission as A: 2 Q: The Multiple Gigabit Wireless Systems
provided in the ________. (MGWS) standards are being developed for
A: General Appropriations Act Q: Unsolicited and unwanted commercial and operation in what frequency range?
promotional advertisements and surveys. A: 60 GHz
Q: Each member of the Board shall take A: spam messages
__________ prior to the assumption of Q: For in-room use, what is the MGWS typical
office. Q: A service for sending messages to mobile expected ranges?
A: proper oath phones that use Global System for Mobile A: Around 10 m
Communications in text format.
Q: The Board and the ______ shall correct and A: Short Messaging Service (SMS) Q: What band is reallocated for Digital
rate the licensure examination papers. Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Service
A: Commission Q: Refers to the guidelines for the registration in the Philippines?
of VoIP service providers and resellers. A: 470 – 512 MHz
Q: According to Section 2, the state shall A: MC No. 3-11-2005
develop and nurture competent, virtuous, Q: In the most recent World
productive and _______ PECE, ECE and Q: Refers to the rules and regulation on Radiocommunication Conference 2015
ECTs. broadcast messaging service. (WRC-15), what band has been identified for
A: well-rounded A: MC No. 03-03-2005 the deployment of International Mobile
Telecommunications (IMT)?
Q: Within ____ years after the effectivity of RA Q: What refers to the implementation of the A: 3400 – 3600 MHz
9292, the Board shall issue Certificate of digital technology in the television service
Registration and Professional Identification intended to provide a greater number of Q: What band is primarily allocated to the Fixed
Cards without examination to all applicants channels (i.e. SDTV) and/or better quality of Service (FS) and Fixed Satellite Service
for registration as ECT who comply to all the picture (i.e. HDTV) and sound (i.e AC3, (FSS)?
requirements stated in Section ___. Dolby Digital) through a conventional aerial A: 3700 – 4200 MHz
A: 5, 20 antenna instead of a satellite or cable
connection? Q: What frequency bands are allocated for
Q: Within ___ years after the effectivity of RA A: Digital Terrestrial Television (DDT) Fixed Wireless Systems?
9292, the Board shall issue Certificate of A: 71 – 76 GHz and 81 – 86 GHz
Registration and Professional Identification Q: What refers to a flexible digital television
Cards without examination to all applicants (DTV) transmission system that is capable Q: What NTC memorandum circular provides
for registration as Electronics Technicians of providing 3 level of hierarchical guidelines on prepaid loads?
who comply to all the requirements in modulation (audio, video and data services) A: MC No. 03-07-2009
Section 20. to fixed, mobile and handheld terminals
A: 5 Excel Review Center without the need for an additional
transmission facility? Excel Review Center

Excel Review Center GEAS QA 4
Q: According to NTC MC No. 03-07-2009, what A: Active tag Excel Review Center Q: What refers to a wireless data network
is the validity period of a load purchased offered to the public for compensation and
amounting to P 10.00 or less? Q: What refers to an RFID tag that is used very shall only be provided by duly authorized
A: 3 days near or in close proximity to a reader and public telecommunications entities?
does not use any internal battery? A: Public Data Network
Q: According to NTC MC No. 03-07-2009, what A: Passive tag
is the validity period of a load purchased Q: What refers to the wireless data network
amounting to P 300.00 or less? Q: RFIDs are used in what frequency bands? strictly for private use and not offered to the
A: 120 days A: 13.553 – 13.567 MHz public for compensation?
918 – 920 MHz A: Public Data Network
Q: What NTC memorandum circular provides 2446 – 2454 MHz
guidelines on unit of billing of mobile voice Q: What refers to the service that delivers TV
service? Q: What frequency bands are reallocated for programs to the home through a satellite
A: MC No. 05-07-2009 the use of Telemetry and other similar data receiving dish, rather than through a cable
systems? system landline wherein pictures are sent
Q: According to NTC MC No. 05-07-2009, the A: 481.250 – 481.475 MHz and 486.250 – aloft, bounced off a satellite transponder and
maximum unit of billing for the cellular 486.475 MHz returned directly to the subscriber’s hone;
mobile telephone service (CMTS) whether also known as direct-to-home/direct-to-user
prepaid or postpaid shall be _______. Q: What NTC memorandum circular provides (DTH/DTU) broadcast system?
A: 6 seconds per pulse guidelines for Voice Over Internet Protocol? A: Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) Service
A: MC No. 05-08-2005
Q: According to NTC MC No. 12-12-2007, what Q: What frequency band is allocated for the use
is the frequency band allocation for earth Q: What frequency bands are allocated for the of wireless interface for PABX system and
stations located on board vessels? use of fixed wireless access systems? Consumer Premises Equipment?
A: 5925 – 6425 MHz and 14 – 14.5 GHz on A: 3.4 – 3.6 GHz and 10.15 – 10.65 GHz A: 1880 – 1920 MHz
secondary basis
Q: What refers to a person or entity engaged in Q: What is a measure of the probability that
Q: What refers to a service in the digital FM the repair, servicing or maintenance of during a specified period of peak traffic,
radio broadcast which adds a feature or mobile phone units, parts and accessories usually the busy hour (BH), a call offered to
value not ordinarily provided by a regular FM thereof? a group of trunks or circuits will fail to find an
radio broadcast station? A: Mobile Phone Service Center idle circuit at the first attempt?
A: Enhanced FM Radio Broadcast Service A: Grade of Service (GOS)
Q: What refers to a permit issued by NTC
Q: What refers to a technology that enables FM authorizing the holder thereof to engage in Q: What refers to the ratio of calls that
radio stations to broadcast their programs the repair, servicing and maintenance of irregularly terminated to the total number
digitally as a sequence of discrete samples mobile phone units, parts and accessories calls made during the measurement period?
taken from a finite set/a continuous set thereof? A: Drop Call Rate (DCR)
sound waveform? A: Mobile Phone Service Center Permit
A: Digital FM Radio Broadcast Q: What refers to the provision of facilities
Q: What NTC memorandum circular provides where the public may, by payment of
Q: According to NTC Memorandum Circular the rules and regulations governing the appropriate fees, obtain voice, data, internet
No. 10-07-2007, what refers to a default repair, servicing and maintenance of mobile or any telecommunications services?
offer or agreement containing the terms and phones? A: Telecenter Services
conditions, including prices, on which a A: MC No. 07-08-2004
public telecommunications entity is prepared Q: What refers to a person/entity who, by
to provide access and other related services Q: What frequency bands are allocated to the providing its own public calling station and/or
to any access seeker? Wireless Local Loop (WLL)? telecenter equipment, provides telephone
A: Reference Access Offer (RAO) A: 1900 – 1910 MHz and 1980 – 1990 MHz service, other switched telecommunications
services, telecenter services, internet
Q: What refer to a duly licensed and/or Q: What refers to a person or entity accredited services or any telecommunications
registered telecommunications or value- by the Commission to engage in the services?
added service provider looking to use or importation of mobile phones, including A: Public Calling Station/Office and/or
gain access to another telecommunications parts and accessories thereof from Telecenter Service Provider (PCOTSP)
provider’s network, facilities and/or manufacturers and in the sale/distribution
services? thereof to mobile phone dealers? Q: What refers to the provisions of a facility
A: Access seeker Excel Review Center A: Mobile Phone Supplier/ Distributor (MPSD) where the public may, by payment of
appropriate fees, place (as well as receive)
Q: What refers to a public telecommunication Q: What refers to a person or entity authorized local or long Q: distance telephone calls or
carrier, duly enfranchised and licensed to by the Commission to purchase mobile other switched telecommunications
provide a public communications network or phones, locally, including parts and messages?
an associated facility and/or service? accessories thereof from mobile phone A: Public Calling Station/Office Service
A: Access Provider supplier/distributor and engage in the sale to
end users/customers? Q: What frequency band is allocated for Public
Q: What is defined as the unsolicited or A: Mobile Phone Dealer (MPD) Radio Network Service (PRNS)?
unwanted commercial and promotional A: 410 – 430 MHz
advertisements and surveys? Q: What refers to a person or entity registered
A: Spam messages with the Commission to buy mobile phones, Q: What NTC memorandum circular provides
including parts and accessories 2 thereof the details for interconnection charge for
Q: What is defined as the information from mobile phone dealer and engages in a voice service?
transmitted to the mobile phone, either limited scale in the buy and sell to end A: NTC MC No. 09-11-2016
subscribed or unsolicited messages without users/customers for a limited period?
a user request and are initiated by the PTE A: Mobile Phone Retailer/Resaler (MPRR) Q: According to NTC MC No. 09-11-2016, the
or CP? interconnection charge for voice calls
A: Push messages Q: What is defined as radio equipment and between two separate networks shall not be
devices with an ERP not exceeding 250 mW highest than ___ per minute.
Q: RFID readers are classified into low power and no external antenna? A: P2.50
and high power. Low power readers are A: Indoor Equipment and Devices
those with with erp not exceeding ______. Q: Before the effectivity of NTC MC No. 09-11-
A: 500 mW Q: What refers to radio communication 2016, how much was the interconnection
technology utilizing either direct sequence or charges for voices calls between mobile
Q: RFID readers are classified into low power frequency hopping technique? service operators with separate networks?
and high power. High power readers are A: Spread Spectrum Technique A: P4.00 per minute
those with with erp not exceeding ______.
A: 2 W or 4 W eirp Q: What is defined as radio equipment/station Q: Before the effectivity of NTC MC No. 09-11-
with an effective radiated power exceeding 2016, how much was the interconnection
Q: What refers to an RFID tag that has a small 250 mW? charges for voices calls between mobile
battery and is used for long distance A: Outdoor Equipment/Radio Station service operators with separate networks
purposes such as in too highways, parking terminating in fixed or fixed wireless
areas, gas stations? Excel Review Center telephone line?

Excel Review Center GEAS QA 4
A: P3.00 per minute Q: A flexible cord should be inspected what A: Electrocution
Q: What NTC Memorandum Circular describes A: Pinched outer jacket, missing or damaged Q: What is the result when the body becomes
the frequency allocation of the bands 71-76 outer jacket, damaged insulation part of the electrical circuit and current
GHz and 81-86 GHz for fixed wireless enters and leaves the body at certain
sytems (FWS)? Q: When using a portable electric equipment, points?
A: NTC MC 07-08-2016 you should not: A: Shock Excel Review Center
A: remove the ground pin on the plug so the
Q: According to NTC MC 06-07-2016 (Lifting plug matches the two prong receptable Q: What is the sudden release of electrical
the suspension of the implementation of the energy through the air when a high-voltage
4-digit exchanged codes for area code “02”), Q: Fuses can be used to open or close a gap exists and there is breakdown between
all concerned public telecommunication lighting circuit _______. conductors?
entities should migrate to __-digit exchange A: only in emergencies A: Arc Flash / Blast
A: 4 Excel Review Center Q: One safe work practice while working around Q: It refers to the reflex response to the
electrical equipment is _____. passage of electrical current through the
Q: According to NTC MC 06-07-2016 (Lifting A: using insulated tools body.
the suspension of the implementation of the A: Electric shock
4-digit exchanged codes for area code “02”), Q: Exposed deenergized parts are parts which
all existing 7-digit phone numbers will be have ______. Q: Arc flash temperatures have been recorded
migrated to a __-digit telephone number. A: their conductors and parts of electrical to as high as _____.
A: 9 equipment de-energized and locked out A: 35,000 degrees Fahrenheit
and/or tagged out
Q: According to NTC MC 06-07-2016 (Lifting Q: What is the most common cause of electrical
the suspension of the implementation of the Q: To alert you of exposed energized parts, you distribution fire?
4-digit exchanged codes for area code “02”), might see the following: A: fixed wiring problems like faulty electrical
the code “911” can only be used by: A: A sign warning of shock hazard, a barricade outlets and old wiring
A: the Philippine government surrounding the electrical hazard area, an
attendant to ward you of the hazard Q: How would your body react to 10,000 mA of
Q: NTC MC 03-07-2015, addendum to the current?
guidelines for internet service providers in Q: What should you do with flammable A: Cardiac arrest, severe burns and likely death
the implementation of the Anti-Child materials?
Pornography Act of 2009 (RA 9775) states A: Should not be stored near electrical Q: How would your body react to 1,000 to 4,300
that the technology that will block access or equipment that may cause a spark and mA of current?
filter all websites carrying child pornography should only be stored near electrical A: Rhytmic pumping action of the heart stops,
materials should have at least ___ equipment when precautions are taken to muscular contraction and nerve damage
throughput. prevent the development of hazardous occurs and likely death
A: 800 Mbps condition
Q: How would your body react to 50 to 140 mA
Q: As defined by ITU, it refers to data Q: Exposed energized parts are considered to of current?
connection speed of at least 256 kbps. be energized if: A: Extreme pain, respiratory arrest, severe
A: Broadband A: they are not locked/tagged out muscular contractions and possible death

Q: It refers to the unit of data that is routed Q: He is a person that is familiar with the Q: It refers to any method of extinguishing a
between an origin or source and a construction and operation of the equipment debt by a series of payments usually at
destination on the internet or any other and the hazards involved: equal intervals
packet-switched network. A: Qualified person A: Amortization
A: Packet
Q: Who must perform lockout/tagout of Q: It refers to a method of managing all the
Q: It refers to the variation of end-to-end delay equipments: activites that affect the quality of goods or
from one packet to the next within the same A: A qualified person services in order to prevent faults.
packet stream/connection/flow. A: Quality Assurance
A: Jitter Q: If you are working unguarded, energized
overhead lines should have a clearance Q: It is a type of business organization that can
Q: It refers to the time it takes for a packet of distance that is 10 feet for voltages of ___ or be set up without any formality. It exists
data to get from a source to a destination. less to ground. when there are a number of people involved
A: Latency A: 50 kV who are part owners of the business.
A: Partnership
Q: It refers to the time it takes for a packet to be Q: If you are working unguarded, energized
transmitted across a network from source to overhead lines should have a clearance Q: It refers to a process that can be used to
destination. distance that is 10 ft plus ____ for every 10 measure achievement in Total Quality
A: End to end delay kBV greater than 50 kV to ground. Management system. It also provides the
A: 4 inches essential control and measure feedback
Q: It is the Republic Act creating the loop necessary for quality improvement.
Department of Information and Q: What is the most common shock-related A: Benchmarking
Communications Technology injury?
A: RA 10844 A: Burns Q: It is the process of attracting potential
employees to the company so that the
Q: It is the Republic Act providing a Magna Cart Q: When a vehicle is intentionally grounded selection process can be carried out.
for Scientist, Engineers and Researchers because its elevated parts could possibly A: Recruitment
and other science and technology personnel come into contact with energized overhead
in the government. lines: Q: It refers to any activity undertaken by the
A: RA 8439 A: no one is allowed to stand near the organization with the purpose of gaining
grounding location information about the potential customer.
Q: It refers to a live wire without insulation or A: Market Research
guarding. Q: A _______ ladder must be used if there is a
A: Exposed need to use a ladder while working near Q: It is use when product are made singly or in
electrical parts. small batches. It happens when a small
Q: It refers to a worker who knows how to avoid A: non-conductive number of products are processed at each
the hazards of working on or near an storage before going on the next stage.
exposed electrical part. Q: If a circuit breaker trips and deenergizes the A: Job production
A: Qualified worker machine you are using, what should you do?
A: It must be determined that it would be safe to Q: It involves a voluntary association of people
Q: Workers who are not qualified should have a reenergize the circuit before the circuit who operate an enterprise collectively with
clearance distance of ___ ft between breaker an be re-set. the goal not to make profit but to give
energized 50 kV overhead power lines and support to their members.
themselves. Q: It results when a person is exposed to a A: Cooperatives
A: 10 Excel Review Center lethal amount of electrical energy and is
usually fatal. Excel Review Center

Excel Review Center GEAS QA 4
What is otherwise known as the “Continuing According to NTC memorandum circular 07-11- What refers to the process by which receivers
Professional Development Act of 2016”? 2016, frequency bands _________ shall be are marked in order to inform the consumer of
R. A. No. 10912 allocated for Fixed Wireless Systems (FWS) and the capabilities and limitations of a particular
shall form part of the National Radio Frequency receiver intended for the reception of terrestrial
The R. A. No. 10912 or the CPD Act of 2016 Allocation Table {NRFAT) TV broadcast transmissions?
lapsed into law on ________. 71 - 76 GHz and 81 - 86 GHz Labeling
July 21, 2016
According to NTC Memorandum Circular 04-06- What NTC memorandum circular is about the
The amendments to the revised guidelines on the 2016, what frequency band is re-allocated of the sale and labeling of ISDB-T receivers?
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Dlgltal Terrestrlal Televislon Broadcasting MC 02-03-2016
program for all registered and licensed Servlce In the Philipplnes.
professionals is PRC Resolution No. _______, 470 - 512 MHz What act is otherwise known as the “Cybercrime
series of 2016. Prevention Act of 2012”?
2016-990 What NTC memorandum circular is about the R. A. No. 10175
lifting of the suspension of the implementation of
The Continuing Professional Development the 4-digit exchange codes for area code “02”? Anti-Distracted Driving Act?
Council (CPDC) is composed of a chairman and Memorandum circular 06-07-2016 R. A. No. 10913
two members. The chairman shall be the_.
chairperson or a member of the Professional Under the new NTC regulation, if the telephone What is otherwise known as the Department of
Regulatory Board (PRB) number is 823456789, the first digit “8” is the Information and Communication Technology Act
_______. of 2015?
The Continuing Professional Development PTE (Public Telecommunications Entity) R. A. No. 10844
Council (CPDC) is composed of a chairman and identifier
two members. The first member shall be the
_______. Under the new NTC regulation, if the telephone
president or any representative duly number is 823456789, the first digits “2345” refer
authorized by Accredited Professional to the _______.
Organization (APO) Exchange code

The Continuing Professional Development Under the new NTC regulation, if the telephone
Council (CPDC) is composed of a chairman and number is 823456789, the first digits “6789” refer
two members. The second member shall be the to the _______.
_______. Subscriber number
president or any representative duly
authorized by the organization of deans or According to the NTC MC 06-07-2016, which of
department heads of schools, colleges and the following codes are allocated as special
universities. codes?
9000 and 9199
What is the effectively of PRC Resolution No.
2016-990, series of 2016 which is the According to the NTC MC 06-07-2016, which of
amendments to the revised guidelines on the the following codes are allocated for the use of
continuing professional development program for Philippine Government?
all registered and licensed professionals? 991
August 5, 2016
According to the NTC MC 06-07-2016, which of
How many credit units are required for the following codes are allocated as additional
Electronics Engineers every three years? mobile network access code?
45 credit units 9200 and 9999

How many credit units are required for According to NTC MC 01-01-2016, the frequency
Electronics Technicians every three years? band ______ shall be allocated for the
30 credit units implementation and operation of the Multiple
Gigabit Wireless Systems (MGWS).
How many credit units are earned if you finished 57 GHz to 66 GHz
Master’s Degree or its equivalent?
Full credit unit for compliance period upon What is defined as a flexible digital television
completion of degree (DTV) transmission system that is capable of
providing three levels of hierarchical modulation
How many credit units are earned if you finished that can carry audio, video and data services to
Doctorate Degree or its equivalent? integrated emergency warning broadcast system
Full credit unit for compliance period upon (EWBS)
completion of candidacy and additional full Integrated Services Digital Broadcast-
credit units for compliance period upon Terrestrial
completion of degree
What refers to a system in DTTB service that
How many credit units are earned for shall be activated to alert and guide the public of
professional or department chair? an impending or ongoing emergency situation by
15 credit units per year delivering warning information through an audible
sound and the superimposition of data to various
How many credit units are earned for participants types of ISDB-T receivers that are automatically
of trainings offered by accredited CPD providers? activated?
The approved credit units for the program Emergency Warning Broadcast System

How many credit units are earned for resource What refers to a data transmission markup
speaker of trainings offered by accredited CPD language allowing text to be displayed on an
providers? ISDB-T enabled device?
3 credit units per hour Broadcast Markup Language

How many credit units are earned for panelist or What is a method of delivering rich text and
reactor of trainings offered by accredited CPD graphics on the screen including the details and
providers? instructions from an Emergency Warning
2 credit units per hour Broadcast Information?
According to NTC Memorandum Circular 09-11-
2016, the interconnection charge for voice calls What refers to handheld and/or portable devices
between two (2) separate networks shall not be capable of receiving DTT broadcast including
higher than ______ per minute. support for the display of emergency warning
P 2.50 broadcast information?
One-seg receiver

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