2. If the positive terminal of the battery is connected to the anode of the diode, then it is known as
a) Forward biased
b) Reverse biased
c) Equilibrium
d) Schottky barrier
Answer: a
4. If the voltage of the potential barrier is V0. A voltage V is applied to the input, at what moment will the barrier disappear?
a) V< V0
b) V= V0
c) V> V0
d) V<< V0
Answer: b
5. Zener diodes are also known as
a) Voltage regulators
b) Forward bias diode
c) Breakdown diode
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Answer: d
Answer: b
Answer: c
12.Ripple factor of a half wave rectifier is_________(Im is the peak current and RL is load resistance)
a) 1.414
b) 1.21
c) 1.4
d) 0.48
Answer: b
13. If input frequency is 50Hz for a full wave rectifier, the ripple frequency of it would be _________
a) 100Hz
b) 50Hz
c) 25Hz
d) 500Hz
Answer: a
14. If input frequency is 50Hz for a full wave rectifier, the ripple frequency of it would be _________
a) 100Hz
b) 50Hz
c) 25Hz
d) 500Hz
Answer: a
Answer: d
Answer: b
Answer: a
Answer: b
Answer: a
23.Where should be the bias point set in order to make transistor work as an amplifier?
a) Cut off
b) Active
c) Saturation
d) Cut off and Saturation
Answer: b
24. Q point can be set to work on active region requires particular conditions. What are they?
a) BE reverse biased and BC forward biased
b) BE reverse biased and BC reverse biased
c) BE forward biased and BC reverse biased
d) BE forward biased and BC forward biased
Answer: c
26. Comparing the size of BJT and FET, choose the correct statement?
a) BJT is larger than the FET
b) BJT is smaller than the FET
c) Both are of same size
d) Depends on application
Answer: a
Answer: b
Answer: a
Answer: a
Answer: d
Answer: d
Answer: b
Asnwer: a
a. Mechanical
b. Electro - mechanical
c. Electronic
d. All of these
e. None of these
Answer c