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Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables

with Extensions and Applications

Draft for Global Consultation

4 August 2017

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 15

A. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 15
B. USES OF SUTS AND IOTS ................................................................................................................................ 16
C. THE SYSTEM OF NATIONAL ACCOUNTS .......................................................................................................... 19
D. OBJECTIVES OF THIS HANDBOOK .................................................................................................................... 23
E. STRUCTURE OF THIS HANDBOOK ..................................................................................................................... 26
A. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 33
B. OVERVIEW OF SUTS ....................................................................................................................................... 33
C. OVERVIEW OF IOTS ........................................................................................................................................ 44
D. STRUCTURE OF SUTS AND IOTS: BASIC ELEMENTS......................................................................................... 48
E. COMPILING SUTS AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE NATIONAL ACCOUNTS ........................................................ 66
CHAPTER 3. BUSINESS PROCESSES AND STAGES OF PRODUCTION .............................................. 79
A. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 79
B. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS..................................................................................................................... 80
C. OVERVIEW OF GSBPM ................................................................................................................................... 81
D. OVERALL STRATEGY FOR THE COMPILATION OF SUTS AND IOTS .................................................................. 85
A. EXAMPLE OF CENTRALISED PRODUCTION OF ECONOMIC STATISTICS - CANADA .............................................. 99
B. EXAMPLE OF CENTRALISED PRODUCTION OF ECONOMIC STATISTICS - NORWAY ........................................... 100
C. EXAMPLE OF CENTRALISED PRODUCTION OF ECONOMIC STATISTICS - UK .................................................... 101
D. EXAMPLE OF DE-CENTRALISED PRODUCTION OF ECONOMIC STATISTICS – CHILE .......................................... 102
OVERVIEW OF THE PRODUCTS PRODUCED BY THE MAIN AGENCIES ........................................................................ 105
OVERVIEW OF THE STATISTICAL SYSTEM STRUCTURE ............................................................................................ 106
CHAPTER 4. SPECIFY NEEDS, DESIGN, BUILD AND COLLECT PHASE ......................................... 107
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 107
B. SPECIFY NEEDS, DESIGN AND BUILD PHASE .................................................................................................. 107
C. COLLECT PHASE ............................................................................................................................................ 128
CHAPTER 5. COMPILING THE SUPPLY TABLE .................................................................................... 139
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 139
B. STRUCTURE OF THE SUPPLY TABLE............................................................................................................... 139
C. DOMESTIC OUTPUT ........................................................................................................................................ 144
D. IMPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES ................................................................................................................ 153
SERVICES, INVENTORIES OF GOODS AND TRADE RELATED DATA................................................... 161
CHAPTER 6. COMPILING THE USE TABLE ............................................................................................ 165
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 165
B. STRUCTURE OF THE USE TABLE .................................................................................................................... 165
C. INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION PART OF THE USE TABLE ............................................................................... 170

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

D. THE GVA PART OF THE USE TABLE .............................................................................................................. 178

E. THE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE PART OF THE USE TABLE ............................................................... 180
F. THE GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION PART OF THE USE TABLE ........................................................................... 189
G. EXPORTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 202
AND SERVICES FOR INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION ............................................................................ 204
DEVELOPMENT IN SUTS AND IOTS ............................................................................................................... 207
A. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION .................................................................... 207
B. IMPLICATIONS OF VALUATION OF OUTPUT AS SUM OF COSTS ......................................................................... 208
C. OWN-ACCOUNT R&D AS PRINCIPAL OR SECONDARY OUTPUT ....................................................................... 209
D. BALANCING SUPPLY AND USE OF R&D SERVICES.......................................................................................... 210
CHAPTER 7. COMPILING THE VALUATION MATRICES.................................................................... 213
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 213
B. VALUATION OF PRODUCT FLOWS................................................................................................................... 213
C. TRADE MARGINS ........................................................................................................................................... 222
D. TRANSPORT MARGINS ................................................................................................................................... 235
E. TAXES ON PRODUCTS AND SUBSIDIES ON PRODUCTS ..................................................................................... 241
TABLES BASED ON SURVEY DATA................................................................................................................. 247
THE SUPPLY TABLE ............................................................................................................................................... 249
THE USE TABLE ..................................................................................................................................................... 251
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 255
B. STRUCTURE OF THE IMPORTS USE TABLE AND DOMESTIC USE TABLE ......................................................... 256
C. COMPILATION OF THE IMPORTS USE TABLE .................................................................................................. 260
D. SPECIFIC ISSUES IN THE COMPILATION OF IMPORTS USE TABLE .................................................................... 264
E. ENHANCEMENTS TO THE IMPORTS USE TABLE FOR ANALYTICAL USES ......................................................... 271
CHAPTER 9. COMPILING SUPPLY AND USE TABLES IN VOLUME TERMS .................................. 273
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 273
B. RECOGNITION OF ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES............................................................................................... 274
C. OVERVIEW OF THE STEPS IN THE “H-APPROACH” WITH A FOCUS ON VOLUMES ............................................. 275
D. PRICE AND VOLUME INDICATORS IN THEORY................................................................................................. 285
E. PRICE AND VOLUME INDICATORS IN PRACTICE .............................................................................................. 286
F. INPUT-OUTPUT TABLES IN VOLUME TERMS................................................................................................... 301
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 303
B. INSTITUTIONAL SECTORS AND SUB-SECTORS ................................................................................................. 304
C. TABLE LINKING SUTS AND INSTITUTIONAL SECTOR ACCOUNTS.................................................................... 307
D. COMPILATION METHODS ............................................................................................................................... 315
CHAPTER 11. BALANCING THE SUPPLY AND USE TABLES ............................................................... 319

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 319

B. OVERVIEW OF THE SYSTEM AND BASIC IDENTITIES ....................................................................................... 320
C. BALANCING................................................................................................................................................... 324
D. A STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE FOR SIMULTANEOUS BALANCING ...................................................................... 332
E. ALTERNATIVE BALANCING METHODS ............................................................................................................ 336
G. PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF BALANCING ............................................................................................................. 342
ANNEX A TO CHAPTER 11. BALANCING SUPPLY AND USE TABLES ................................................... 349
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 367
B. OVERVIEW OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN IOTS AND SUTS ...................................................................... 367
C. CONVERSION OF SUTS TO IOTS .................................................................................................................... 372
D. THE I-O FRAMEWORK ................................................................................................................................... 377
E. EMPIRICAL APPLICATION OF THE TRANSFORMATION MODELS ....................................................................... 397
A. PRODUCT BY PRODUCT IOTS AND INDUSTRY BY INDUSTRY IOTS ................................................................ 409
B. PRODUCT BY PRODUCT IOTS ........................................................................................................................ 410
C. INDUSTRY BY INDUSTRY IOTS ...................................................................................................................... 412
D. USE OF A HYBRID TECHNOLOGY ASSUMPTION FOR PRODUCT BY PRODUCT IOTS ......................................... 414
PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 416
A. CAUSES OF NEGATIVE ELEMENTS IN THE PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY ................................................................. 416
B. OVERALL STRATEGY FOR REMOVING NEGATIVES .......................................................................................... 418
C. SPECIFIC APPROACHES TO DEALING WITH NEGATIVES ................................................................................... 418
SECONDARY PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................................... 423
EXTENDED INPUT-OUTPUT TABLES ............................................................................................................. 425
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 425
B. OVERVIEW OF PHYSICAL SUPPLY AND USE TABLES ..................................................................................... 426
C. COMPILATION OF PSUTS .............................................................................................................................. 438
D. ENVIRONMENTALLY-EXTENDED INPUT-OUTPUT TABLES ............................................................................. 445
E. COMPILATION OF EE-IOTS ........................................................................................................................... 448
F. COUNTRY EXAMPLES .................................................................................................................................... 449
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 463
B. QUARTERLY NATIONAL ACCOUNTS .............................................................................................................. 464
C. SUTS AND QNA............................................................................................................................................ 470
CHAPTER 15. DISSEMINATING SUPPLY, USE AND INPUT-OUTPUT TABLES ................................ 483
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 483

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

B. USER IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................... 483

C. DISSEMINATION STRATEGY ........................................................................................................................... 484
D. COMMUNICATIONS OF SUTS AND IOTS WITH USERS .................................................................................... 489
E. DISSEMINATION FORMAT FOR SUTS AND IOTS............................................................................................. 490
F. THE STATISTICAL DATA AND METADATA EXCHANGE INITIATIVE ................................................................ 492
CHAPTER 16. REGIONAL SUPPLY AND USE TABLES ........................................................................... 497
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 497
B. ISSUES AND METHODS FOR COMPILING REGIONAL SUTS AND IOTS .............................................................. 497
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 517
C. COMPILATION PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................ 525
D. MULTI-COUNTRY SUTS AND IOTS DATABASES INITIATIVES......................................................................... 536
E. WAY AHEAD .................................................................................................................................................. 538
CHAPTER 18. PROJECTING SUPPLY, USE AND INPUT-OUTPUT TABLES ....................................... 545
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 545
B. WHY IS THERE A NEED FOR PROJECTION METHODS? ...................................................................................... 545
D. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES ................................................................................................................................. 562
E. CRITERIA TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING A METHOD .................................................................................... 576
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 579
B. OVERVIEW OF POSSIBLE EXTENSIONS ............................................................................................................ 580
C. SOCIAL ACCOUNTING MATRIX ....................................................................................................................... 586
D. EXTENDED INPUT-OUTPUT TABLES .............................................................................................................. 592
E. OTHER EXAMPLES OF SATELLITE SYSTEMS .................................................................................................... 596
CHAPTER 20. MODELLING APPLICATIONS OF INPUT-OUTPUT TABLES ...................................... 599
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 599
B. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE OF IOTS AS A STARTING POINT .................................................................................. 600
D. INPUT COEFFICIENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 605
E. OUTPUT COEFFICIENTS .................................................................................................................................. 607
F. QUANTITY MODEL OF I-O ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................. 608
G. PRICE MODEL OF I-O ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................... 612
H. INPUT-OUTPUT MODELS WITH INPUT AND OUTPUT COEFFICIENTS ................................................................. 618
I. CENTRAL MODEL OF I-O ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................... 619
J. INDICATORS .................................................................................................................................................. 622
K. MULTIPLIERS................................................................................................................................................. 625
L. INTER-INDUSTRIAL LINKAGE ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 632
CHAPTER 21. EXAMPLES OF COMPILATION PRACTICES .................................................................. 637
A. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 637

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

E. CONTINUAL CHANGE, DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT IN CHILE ............................................................. 657
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................................ 667

Box 1.1 Evolution of the SUTs and IOTs within the National Accounts ..................................... 25
Box 2.1 Numerical example of the SUTs system ......................................................................... 38
Box 2.2 Numerical example showing Use Table split between consumption of domestic production
and imports.................................................................................................................................... 39
Box 2.3 Supply and Use Tables and Product by Product Input-Output Tables ............................ 47
Box 2.4 Supply and Use Tables and Industry by Industry Input-Output Tables .......................... 48
Box 2.5 The three approaches to measuring GDP ........................................................................ 51
Box 2.6 Other classifications of products ..................................................................................... 56
Box 2.7 SNA recommendations on partitioning of vertically/horizontally integrated enterprises62
Box 2.8 Overview of the valuation in SUTs and IOTs ................................................................. 66
Box 2.9 Calculation of output for market and non-market producers .......................................... 69
Box 2.10 Example of derivation of GDP from balanced SUTs .................................................... 73
Box 3.1 Examples of the main recommendations, principles and guidelines provided in this
Handbook ...................................................................................................................................... 95
Box 4.1 Example of in-house built software - Statistics Netherlands ........................................ 108
Box 4.2 ERETES ........................................................................................................................ 109
Box 4.3 Data sources generally used .......................................................................................... 128
Box 5.1 Redefinitions ................................................................................................................. 152
Box 5.2 Consistency issues with the CIF/FOB adjustment ........................................................ 158
Box 6.1 Example of a calculation of the values of an input column .......................................... 175
Box 6.2 Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose ................................. 181
Box 6.3: Non-durable, semi-durable and durable goods ............................................................ 183
Box 6.4 Classification of the Purposes of NPISHs ..................................................................... 186
Box 6.5 Classification of Functions of Government .................................................................. 188
Box 6.6 Gross fixed capital formation by type of asset .............................................................. 190
Box 7.1 Compilation process for trade margins ......................................................................... 226
Box 7.2 Examples of transportation costs which do not form transport margins ....................... 236
Box 7.3 Options to consider where no data exists on transport margins .................................... 239
Box 8.1 Standard services components of BPM6 ....................................................................... 262
Box 9.1 Treatment of newly introduced and disappearing taxes and subsidies ......................... 297
Box 10.1 Compilation methods for linking SUTs with the institutional sector accounts........... 315
Box 11.1 Example of discrepancies balanced in current prices and in volume terms ................ 330
Box 11.2 Example of simultaneous balancing comparing volume indices ................................ 331
Box 11.3 Methods used for automated balancing SUTs............................................................. 345
Box 12.1 Clarification of IOTs terminology............................................................................... 371

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 12.2 Input-Output framework for domestic output and imports ......................................... 379
Box 12.3 Basic transformations of SUTs to IOTs ...................................................................... 381
Box 13.1 Selected reference material ......................................................................................... 440
Box 15.1 UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics ....................................................... 484
Box 15.2 Reference Metadata in the SDMX Metadata Structure for SUTs and IOTs ............... 489
Box 17.1 Overview of multi-country SUTs and IOTs ................................................................ 536
Box 17.2 Overview of the main features of the various databases ............................................. 537
Box 18.1 Methods for projection of SUTs and IOTs.................................................................. 550
Box 18.2 Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables for Austria, 2005 and 2006 ............................. 564
Box 18.3 Results using the GRAS Method ................................................................................ 566
Box 18.4 Flow diagram of the GRAS method ............................................................................ 567
Box 18.5 Results using the SUT-RAS method ........................................................................... 570
Box 18.6 Flow diagram of the SUT-RAS method ...................................................................... 571
Box 18.7 Results using the SUT-EURO method ........................................................................ 574
Box 18.8 Flow diagram of the SUT-EURO method................................................................... 576
Box 19.1 Measurement performance and social progress – Overview of 2009 Report ............. 584
Box 20.1 Quantities, prices, values and volumes in IOTs .......................................................... 603
Box 20.2 Quantity I-O model ..................................................................................................... 616
Box 20.3 Price I-O model ........................................................................................................... 617
Box 20.4 Multipliers in the I-O model........................................................................................ 627
Box 21.1 Material Product System and Phare Projects .............................................................. 654

Figure 1.1 Overview of the links between SUTs and the SNA framework .................................. 20
Figure 2.1: Graphical overview of Supply and Use Tables .......................................................... 37
Figure 2.2 A schematic overview of the compilation of SUTs and IOTs..................................... 41
Figure 2.3 The System of National Accounts in matrix form....................................................... 51
Figure 2.4 Overview of SUTs and IOTs as part of the SNA compilation .................................... 68
Figure 3.1 Phases of the Generic Statistical Business Process Model .......................................... 82
Figure 3.2 Simplified business processing model for compiling SUTs, IOTs, and PSUTs ......... 84
Figure 3.3 Structure of the SUTs and the links covered in this Handbook .................................. 87
Figure 3.4 Compilation of SUTs and IOTs in current prices and in volume terms ...................... 89
Figure 3.5 Evolution of compiling SUTs and IOTs in the first three years .................................. 90
Figure 3.6 First Year of Compilation – Outputs cover BOXES A, B and C ................................ 92
Figure 3.7 Second Year of Compilation – Outputs cover BOXES A, B, C, D, E and F .............. 94
Figure 4.1 Overview of SUTs and IOTs as part of the SNA compilation .................................. 136
Figure 5.1 Link between valuation matrices in the Supply Table and the Use Table ................ 143
Figure 6.1 Three dimensional view of SUTs .............................................................................. 170
Figure 7.1 Schematic representation of the valuation matrices in the SUTs .............................. 215
Figure 7.2 Alternative distribution channels of goods ................................................................ 232

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 9.1 An overview of the compilation schematic linking SUTs in current prices and in volume
terms ............................................................................................................................................ 276
Figure 9.2 Link between SUTs in current prices and in volume terms ...................................... 279
Figure 10.1 Links between the industry accounts and the institutional sector accounts ............ 304
Figure 10.2 Link between the SUTs and institutional sector accounts ....................................... 309
Figure 11.1 Simplified SUTs system .......................................................................................... 321
Figure 11.2 The Six Pack ............................................................................................................ 325
Figure 11.3 An overview of the SUTs balancing framework for simultaneous balancing......... 333
Figure 11.4 Sources of feedback loops emanating from the balancing process ......................... 342
Figure 12.1 Transformation of SUTs to IOTs ............................................................................ 370
Figure 12.2 Basic transformation models ................................................................................... 376
Figure 13.1 Physical flows of natural inputs, products and residuals ......................................... 427
Figure 13.2 Overview of the compilation schematic for PSUTs ................................................ 441
Figure 13.3 Key feedback loops in producing and balancing the PSUTs and PIOTs (or EE-IOTs)
..................................................................................................................................................... 444
Figure 13.4 The Danish SUTs framework extended with physical flows .................................. 451
Figure 13.5 From source data to PSUTs ..................................................................................... 453
Figure 14.1 Quarterly GDP Production (Output) aggregate - Data availability and estimation in
the United Kingdom .................................................................................................................... 466
Figure 14.2 Quarterly GDP Expenditure components - Data availability and estimation in the
United Kingdom.......................................................................................................................... 467
Figure 15.1 Release calendar covering SUTs, IOTs and National Accounts – Statistics Denmark
..................................................................................................................................................... 486
Figure 15.2 Measuring United Kingdom GDP and SUTs - Revision policy.............................. 487
Figure 17.1 Schematic representation of multi-country SUTs (three country case)................... 519
Figure 17.2 Schematic representation of multi-country IOTs (three country case) ................... 520
Figure 17.3 The system of multi-country SUTs and its conceptual correspondence to a national
SUTs framework ......................................................................................................................... 527
Figure 17.4 Splitting the import matrix by sourcing country ..................................................... 530
Figure 17.5 Converting valuation scheme .................................................................................. 531
Figure 17.6 Making export vector to Rest of the World ............................................................. 533
Figure 17.7 Transformation to multi-country IOTs .................................................................... 535
Figure 21.1: Illustration of a data base for product-flow method used in smaller countries (note,
role of producers’ prices) ............................................................................................................ 644
Figure 21.2 Supply and Use Table .............................................................................................. 663

Table 2.1: Simplified structure of the Supply Table ..................................................................... 34

Table 2.2: Simplified structure of the Use Table .......................................................................... 34
Table 2.3: Supply and Use Tables framework .............................................................................. 35
Table 2.4 Schematic view of the physical Supply Table .............................................................. 44

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 2.5 Schematic view of the physical Use Table ................................................................... 44

Table 2.6 A simplified Input-Output Table (Product by Product) ................................................ 46
Table 2.7 Links between the Use Table and functional classifications ........................................ 60
Table 2.8 A simplified table linking the SUTs to the institutional sector accounts...................... 74
Table 4.1 Examples of the size of “published” and “internal working level” SUTs and IOTs .. 115
Table 5.1 Numerical example of a Supply Table at basic prices ................................................ 140
Table 5.2 Supply Table at basic prices, including a transformation into purchasers’ prices ...... 141
Table 5.3 Data adjustment for external trade of goods and services .......................................... 157
Table 5.4 CIF and FOB adjustment row ..................................................................................... 158
Table 6.1 Use Table at purchasers’ prices .................................................................................. 166
Table 6.2 Intermediate consumption of selected inputs into “Manufacture of rubber and plastic
products” ..................................................................................................................................... 177
Table 6.3 An example product balance for "Gelatine and gelatine derivatives" ........................ 177
Table 6.4 Categories of final consumption expenditure ............................................................. 180
Table 6.5 Table linking final expenditures by purpose (COICOP) and product (CPC) ............. 182
Table 6.6 Final consumption expenditure of households (by COICOP headings) ..................... 183
Table 6.7 Table linking final consumption expenditures of NPISHs by purpose (COPNI) and by
product (CPC) ............................................................................................................................. 187
Table 6.8 Table linking final consumption expenditure of general government by COFOG and
CPC ............................................................................................................................................. 189
Table 6.9 Categories of gross capital formation ......................................................................... 190
Table 6.10 Table linking GFCF by industries, assets and products ........................................... 192
Table 6.11 Gross fixed capital formation by investing industry................................................. 194
Table 6.12 Table linking change in inventories industries, assets and products ........................ 198
Table 7.1 Supply Table at basic prices, including a transformation into purchasers’ prices ...... 218
Table 7.2 Use Table at purchasers’ prices .................................................................................. 219
Table 7.3 Use-side valuation matrices ........................................................................................ 220
Table 7.4 Use Table at basic prices ............................................................................................ 222
Table 7.5 Trade turnover and trade margins for wholesale and retail trade margins ................. 229
Table 8.1 Structure of the Imports Use Table ............................................................................. 257
Table 8.2 Numerical example of the Imports Use Table ............................................................ 257
Table 8.3 Structure of the Domestic Use Table .......................................................................... 258
Table 8.4 Numerical example of a Domestic Use Table ............................................................ 258
Table 8.5 Example of an Input Table for Imports at basic prices ............................................... 259
Table 8.6 Input-output table for domestic output at basic prices ................................................ 260
Table 8.7 Processing within the country ..................................................................................... 266
Table 8.8 Goods sent abroad for processing ............................................................................... 267
Table 8.9 Industry 1 – Alternative input structures .................................................................... 269
Table 9.1 The Supply Table in current prices and in volume terms ........................................... 281
Table 9.2 The Use Table in current prices and in volume terms ................................................ 282

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 9.3 Gross domestic product in current prices and in volume terms .................................. 284
Table 10.1 Summary of institutional sectors and sub-sectors..................................................... 306
Table 10.2 Main features of SUT approach and institutional sector approach ........................... 307
Table 10.3 Numerical example showing the table linking the SUTs and institutional sector
accounts....................................................................................................................................... 310
Table 10.4 Goods and services for the whole economy ............................................................. 312
Table 10.5 Production Account for the whole economy ............................................................ 313
Table 10.6 Link between GDP and industries’ GVA ................................................................. 313
Table 10.7 Generation of income account for the whole economy ............................................ 314
Table 12.1 Product by Product Input-Output Table at basic prices ............................................ 368
Table 12.2 Numerical example of rectangular SUTs for the transformation ............................. 373
Table 12.3 Numerical example of square SUTs for the transformation ..................................... 374
Table 12.4 Transformation matrix for the product technology assumption ............................... 384
Table 12.5 Product by Product IOTs based on product technology ........................................... 385
Table 12.6 Transformation matrix for industry technology assumption .................................... 386
Table 12.7 Product by Product IOTs based on industry technology .......................................... 386
Table 12.8 Matrix for hybrid technology.................................................................................... 387
Table 12.9 Transformation matrix for hybrid technology assumption ....................................... 388
Table 12.10 IOTs based on the hybrid technology assumption .................................................. 388
Table 12.11 Transformation matrix for the fixed industry sales structure assumption ............. 389
Table 12.12 IOTs based on the fixed industry sales structure assumption ................................. 390
Table 12.13 Transformation matrix for the fixed product sales structure assumption for rectangular
SUTs ........................................................................................................................................... 392
Table 12.14 IOTs based on the fixed product sales structure assumption derived from rectangular
SUTs ........................................................................................................................................... 392
Table 12.15 Transformation matrix for the fixed product sales structure assumption for square
SUTs ........................................................................................................................................... 393
Table 12.16 IOTs based on the fixed product sales structure assumption for square SUTs....... 394
Table 12.17 Absolute deviation of IOTs based on rectangular SUTs less IOTs based on square
SUTs for Model D ...................................................................................................................... 395
Table 12.18 Alternative presentations of a (Product by Product) IOTs ..................................... 397
Table 12.19 Empirical example of Product by Product IOTs ..................................................... 400
Table 12.20 Empirical example of Industry by Industry IOTs ................................................... 402
Table 13.1 General Physical Supply and Use Table ................................................................... 428
Table 13.2 Classes of natural input ............................................................................................. 430
Table 13.3 Typical components for groups of residuals ............................................................. 432
Table 13.4 List of individual components of SEEA PSUTs....................................................... 438
Table 13.5 Common national data sources and links to SEEA component accounts................. 439
Table 13.6 A Single Region Input-Output Table (SR-IOT) with environmental data ............... 445
Table 13.7 A Single Region Input-Output Table (SR-IOT) in hybrid units ............................... 447

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 13.8 Industry by Industry IOTs (Upper block of Table 13.6)........................................... 448
Table 13.9 Environmental data by industry (Lower block of Table 13.6) ................................. 448
Table 13.10 Physical SUTs in Denmark ..................................................................................... 455
Table 13.11 SUTs for the Netherlands, 2010 ............................................................................. 457
Table 13.12 Physical SUTs for the Netherlands, 2010 ............................................................... 458
Table 14.1 Balancing supply and use of products ...................................................................... 473
Table 16.1 SUTs framework for inter-regional SUTs ................................................................ 503
Table 16.2 Inter-regional and international trade flows by province and territory, 2010 ($ millions)
..................................................................................................................................................... 506
Table 17.1 Adjustment targets for national tables of selected countries in the Asian International
Input-Output Table for the year 2000 ......................................................................................... 525
Table 18.1 Categorisation of methods ........................................................................................ 557
Table 19.1 Structure of social accounting matrix ....................................................................... 590
Table 19.2 Numerical example of a Social Accounting Matrix ................................................. 591
Table 19.3 Extended Input-Output Table with satellite systems ................................................ 594
Table 20.1 Input-Output Table at basic prices ............................................................................ 601
Table 20.2 Input coefficients of Input-Output Table .................................................................. 606
Table 20.3 Output coefficients of Input-Output Table ............................................................... 608
Table 20.4 Input coefficients for domestic intermediate consumption....................................... 609
Table 20.5 Leontief matrix ......................................................................................................... 610
Table 20.6 Leontief Inverse ........................................................................................................ 611
Table 20.7 Quantity I-O model based on monetary data ............................................................ 612
Table 20.8 Price I-O model based on monetary data .................................................................. 615
Table 20.9 Emission model......................................................................................................... 621
Table 20.10 Input indicators for production activities per unit of output ................................... 624
Table 20.11 Output multipliers (Leontief Inverse) ..................................................................... 625
Table 20.12 Multipliers for products .......................................................................................... 628
Table 20.13 Input content of final use by category .................................................................... 631
Table 20.14 Backward linkages .................................................................................................. 633
Table 20.15 Forward linkages..................................................................................................... 633
Table 20.16 Forward and backward linkages ............................................................................. 634
Table 20.17 Normalised forward and backward linkages .......................................................... 634
Table 21.1 Historical benchmark exercises ................................................................................ 657
Table 21.2 Annual business surveys ........................................................................................... 659
Table 21.3 Administrative records .............................................................................................. 659
Table 21.4 SUTs for tobacco products, year 2008, current prices .............................................. 664
Table 21.5 SUT for cleaning and toiletry products, year 2008, current prices ........................... 664
Table 21.6 IOTs for domestic output at basic prices, 2008 ........................................................ 665

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Part A

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 1. Introduction

A. Introduction

1.1. Supply and Use Tables (SUTs) and Input Output Tables (IOTs) have received much
attention in recent years because their analytical properties allow for a much wider set of analysis
not only of the national economy and the regions within a nation but also of the inter-linkages of
the different economies at global level.

1.2. SUTs are an integral part of the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA). In the
2008 SNA, there are also many references useful to the interpretation and compilation of the I-O
framework. In particular, there are two chapters in the 2008 SNA, Chapters 14 and 28, dedicated
to the Supply and Use Tables and Goods and Services Account, and Input-Output and other matrix
based analyses.

1.3. The SUTs are compiled by countries as part of their core National Accounts to generate a
single estimate of GDP integrating all the components of production, income and expenditure
approaches, as well as to improve the coherency and consistency of the National Accounts. As a
key feature of National Accounts, the SUTs provide the ideal framework for balancing supply and
use of products to ensure the consistency between various parts of the National Accounts system
as well as for compiling both GDP in current prices and in volume terms in an integrated manner.

1.4. SUTs consist of a description of how products (goods and services) are brought into an
economy (as the result of domestic production or as the result of imports from other countries) in
the Supply Table and how they are used (as intermediate consumption, final consumption, capital
formation and exports) in the Use Table.

1.5. The SUTs show the whole economy by industry and by products as well as provide the
link between components of Gross Value Added (GVA), industry inputs and outputs, product
supply and use. These tables also link different institutional sectors of the economy (for example,
non-financial corporations, government, etc.) together with detail of imports and exports of goods
and services, government consumption, household consumption and capital formation. The SUTs
can also provide consistent and coherent links to the institutional sector accounts, in particular,
goods and services, production account, generation of income account and the capital account.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1.6. These inter-linkages are very important and SUTs can fulfil the needs for statistical
purposes. They facilitate data confrontation and the examination of the consistency of data on
goods and services obtained from different statistical sources such as business surveys, household
surveys, and administrative data within a single detailed framework. They can be used to provide
powerful feedback on the quality and coherency of primary data sources.

1.7. The SUTs also form the basis for deriving IOTs by eliminating one of the dimensions of
the SUTs - either the product or industry dimension. The IOTs describe the sale and purchase
relationships between producers and consumers within an economy. They can show the links
between final uses and intermediate uses of goods and services defined according to industry
outputs (Industry by Industry tables) or according to product outputs (Product by Product tables).
The IOTs cover Product by Product Tables, Industry by Industry Tables, Leontief Inverse and
other type of analyses such as output multipliers, employment multipliers, etc. These tables show
separately the consumption of domestically produced and imported goods and services, which
helps to provide a theoretical framework for further structural analysis of the economy, and the
composition and the effect of changes in final uses of products on the economy.

1.8. For analytical purposes, economists, analysts and academics can directly integrate SUTs
and IOTs into macroeconomic models such as scenario modelling and economic forecasts. SUTs
and IOTs allow for the study of relationships between final users and producing industries,
covering issues like changes in final uses due to fiscal policy. In addition, they allow for a range
of structural analyses linking the production, expenditure and income, monitoring the impact of
specific industries or products over time through changes in input structures due to new
technology, import substitution, new products, etc.

1.9. The greater the level of detail (either in terms of industries and/or products) in both the
SUTs and IOTs, the clearer the view presented of the economy and the higher the quality of the
various aggregates both for statistical and analytical purposes. Nonetheless, SUTs and IOTs still
remain useful even at fairly high levels of aggregation.

1.10. The aim of this Chapter is to provide the introduction for this Handbook. In particular,
Section B provides a general overview of the uses of SUTs and IOTs to reflect on the importance
of such tabulations. Section C presents the objectives of this Handbook and the new features of
this Handbook as compared to previous manuals on the subject. Finally, Section D provides a
description of the outline and content of this Handbook.

B. Uses of SUTs and IOTs

1.11. The uses of SUTs and IOTs are multiple and their statistical and analytical importance has
increased with time also in response to new emerging issues such as globalization and sustainable
development with its three pillars of social, economic and environmental development. To some
extent, the analytical uses of SUTs and IOTs are presented below in parallel. The SUTs constitute

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

the basis for the compilation of IOTs, so the uses of one versus the other are not clearly delineated
in this section.

1.12. As mentioned above, the SUTs combine into a single framework the three approaches to
estimate GDP according to the production approach, the income approach and the expenditure
approach. All three approaches are based on sets of data with various levels of detail and a range
of different sources. Combining the data in one statistical framework compels compilers to use
harmonised and unique classifications of producers, users and income receivers, as well as
harmonised and unique classifications and definitions of products and income categories. Under
these conditions, corresponding data can be related and compared in a well organised way.
Combining the three data sets provides the opportunity to analyse the causes of discrepancies,
make necessary adjustments and fill data gaps when necessary.

1.13. An important objective of the National Accounts is to estimate year-to-year and quarter-
to-quarter changes of several macroeconomic variables. When dealing with production, use and
the generation of value added, it is important to divide the current price changes into volume
changes (“real” growth) and price changes. When SUTs are compiled simultaneously in current
prices and in volume measures (as recommended in this Handbook, using the “H-Approach”),
there are considerable advantages in the overall quality and consistency of the information
provided. During the entire statistical process - from the processing and analysis of the source data
up to and including the balancing of the supply and use tables - data in current prices and deflated
data are obtained simultaneously and consistently with each other.

1.14. In addition to the annual National Accounts, SUTs can be used in the compilation of
quarterly National Accounts. This may range from compiling and balancing quarterly SUTs to
just using the SUTs framework to highlight where quarterly product supply and use discrepancies
may exist. The annual estimates of GVA can, for example, be used as weights in quarterly estimate
of GDP in volume terms to reflect the most recent period. Also SUTs can provide weighting
schemes for price and volume indices.

1.15. The SUTs and IOTs serve also as the basis for compiling a range of accounts such as
regional accounts, environmental accounts, labour accounts, tourism accounts, etc. The clear links
of these satellite systems with the SUTs (and IOTs) ensure the consistency of the satellite systems
with the concepts and methods of the core National Accounts and allow for feedback loops with
the SUTs during the compilation and balancing process of the frameworks involved. For instance,
the SUTs can support the compilation of regional accounts by including clear links to variables
like regional GVA. When physical environmental flows are linked to the SUTs and IOTs in the
environmental accounts, they provide feedback loops to the compilation of SUTs by contrasting
physical and monetary measures of the supply and use of products. When SUTs are linked to
labour and capital, they can be used for productivity analyses that link economic growth to the use
of intermediate inputs. Finally, social accounting matrices (SAMs) elaborate the linkages between

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

SUTs and sector accounts. They capture transactions and transfers between all economic agents in
the accounting system and measures effects of macroeconomic policies on distribution.

1.16. SUTs and IOTs also provide the basis for different types of analytical uses at micro and
macro level (for additional references see, for example, United Nations 2002). Examples include
the following:

• Economic analyses: Export shares, import penetration, concentration ratios, links between
prices and costs, links between energy production, consumption and emissions, etc.
• Impact and policy analyses: Sensitivity analyses and impacts of taxation changes, price
changes, introduction of a minimum wage, specific economic crisis, earthquakes, etc.
• Industrial and sectoral analyses: Changes to specific sectors over time like information and
communications technology (ICT), oil and gas, food, sport, creative sector, tourism, health,
• Local government type investment planning: Construction projects, shopping centres, new
motorways, rural planning, etc.
• Base structures for modelling: Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models,
environmental analyses, supply-side based models, etc.
1.17. The role of SUTs and IOTs in understanding the Global Value Chains (GVCs) is of
particular importance given the interconnected links of today’s global economy. The SUTs
constitute the centre piece of the internationally compatible accounting framework for a systematic
and detailed description of the economy, its various components on the supply and use side and its
relations to other economies. The construction of international SUTs and IOTs allows, together
with trade statistics, to follow the Trade in Value Added (TiVA) and understand who ultimately
benefits from the trade of finished goods in terms of value added, employment, etc. The
compilation of international or global SUTs and IOTs tables poses a number of compilation
challenges (including, for example, the recording of goods sent abroad for processing and the
recording of the production abroad and merchanting affecting SUTs and IOTs) and relies on the
availability of national SUTs and IOTs on a comparable basis.

1.18. In addition, the inclusion of environmental statistics in the SUTs and IOTs further enhances
the usefulness of these tables by allowing the integration and consistency of the economic and
environmental information and the understanding of the inter-linkages between the economy and
the environment. Incorporating considerations on the environment as part of the regular
compilation of SUTs improves the quality, coherence and consistency of the related outputs and
the process provides powerful feedback loops for identifying improvements.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

C. The System of National Accounts

1.19. The System of National Accounts (SNA) provides an internationally compatible

framework for a systematic and detailed description of a total economy (that is, a region, country
or group of countries), its components and its relations with other total economies. The 2008 SNA
(United Nations et al. 2009) is the latest version of the SNA, which was adopted by the United
Nations Statistical Commission in 2008.

1.20. The SNA describes the basic features of the accounting system in terms of concepts,
principles, statistical units and their groupings, etc. The SNA gives an overview of the sequence
of accounts, the balancing items associated with each account, a brief description of key aggregates
and the role of SUTs and the Input-Output framework. The key accounting sequence include:
production of goods and services, transactions with regard to products (goods and services) as well
as non-produced assets, transactions which distribute and re-distribute income and wealth,
financial transactions and balance sheets.

1.21. The SNA framework also draws in other aspects such as price and volume measurement,
population, labour market measures, regional accounts and various specific conceptual issues.
Figure 1.1 provides an overview of how SUTs and IOTs fit within the SNA framework. In
particular, it shows which accounts in the SNA sequence of accounts are more directly linked with
SUTs and IOTs, namely production account, generation of income accounts, use of disposable
income accounts and capital accounts.

1.22. The SUTs are an integral part of the SNA, determining a single estimate of GDP both in
current prices and in volume terms as well as forming a powerful feedback mechanism ensuring
consistency between the various data sources. Based on certain assumptions rectangular (or
square) SUTs can be transformed to IOTs. While the SUTs mainly serve statistical purposes, the
IOTs are analytical constructs that inevitably involve some degree of modelling in their
compilation. The IOTs are often used as a data base for different macroeconomic models and for
many other analytical purposes.

1.23. In terms of linking to the institutional sector accounts, the SUTs contain all the flows of
the goods and services account, the production account and the generation of income account.
Basically, the goods and services account for the total economy can be seen as highly aggregated
SUTs without a breakdown by product or industry or institutional sector. In the SUTs, the goods
and services account for the total economy is broken down in two dimensions: in the rows by
products and in the columns by industry and by final uses by categories. Therefore, the goods and
services account for the total economy can directly be compiled from the supply and use tables
through appropriate aggregation. In addition, by using the breakdown of value added by
components in the use table, the production account and the generation of income account can
easily be compiled from the SUTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 1.1 Overview of the links between SUTs and the SNA framework

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1.24. Another important aspect is the link between SUTs and the institutional sector accounts.
The SNA uses two types of units and two corresponding ways of sub-dividing the economy, which
are quite different and serve separate analytical purposes. The units can be classified to an industry
for use in the SUTs and to an institutional sector for use in the institutional sector accounts.

1.25. The first purpose of describing production, income, expenditure and financial flows, and
balance sheets, is met by grouping institutional units into institutional sectors on the basis of their
principal functions, behaviour and objectives. The SNA enables a complete set of flow accounts
and balance sheets to be compiled for each sector, and sub-sector, as well as for the total economy.
The five institutional sectors distinguished in the SNA are the following:

• Non-financial corporations;
• Financial corporations;
• General government;
• Households; and
• Non-profit institutions serving households.
1.26. The SNA also describes the transactions between these five institutional sectors and the
Rest of the World. These institutional sectors can be further split into sub-sectors, for example,
general government can be split between central government and local government.

1.27. The second purpose of describing processes of production and for input-output analysis is
met by the system grouping local kind-of-activity units (local KAUs) (or establishments) into
industries, on the basis of their type of activity. An activity is characterised by an input of products,
a production process and an output of products.

1.28. In order to ensure consistency between SUTs and the institutional sector accounts, a link
table is compiled as an integrated part of the system. In this link table, a cross-classification of
output, intermediate consumption, components of value added (and possible other variables of
industries) between the industries and the institutional sectors is shown. Thus, this table links the
main macroeconomic variables from the SUTs to the institutional sector accounts, providing a
picture of local kind-of-activity units and on the basis of institutional units. As both units are
classified differently, the link table also provides a picture of the relations of output, intermediate
consumption, value added, etc., originating in the different industries and institutional sectors.

1.29. SUTs consistent with the National Accounts are normally produced in connection with the
final or benchmarked versions of the macroeconomic data around 2-3 years after first preliminary
results of the National Accounts are published. However, the SUTs should play a more vital role
at the heart of National Accounts in the production of preliminary annual or even quarterly
accounts. Once the SUTs compilation system is in place on an annual basis, the statistical benefits
are significant.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1.30. The role of SUTs in the National Accounts can take various forms. One is, for example, to
update SUTs – eventually in a more aggregated version – from the last year with information
available for the preliminary estimates in order to have a complete set of SUTs available that are
consistent with the National Accounts. This procedure is a good method for revealing
inconsistencies in the aggregated preliminary National Accounts. Another possible role of SUTs
could arise from new information. In a situation in which new and more detailed information on
total supply and exports is available at an early stage, the structure and relationships in the SUTs
of the previous year could be used to project SUTs for domestic output and imports.

1.31. The compilation of SUTs has in the past been associated solely with the construction of
IOTs. SUTs were therefore an intermediate step in the compilation of IOTs. This practically
implied that the compilation of SUTs was carried out after the compilation of the National
Accounts had been completed. This approach, in fact, has significant limitations because the
independently calculated National Accounts aggregates had to be kept unchanged despite
inconsistencies identified through the SUTs system.

1.32. The role of SUTs is now viewed more than just as a step towards the construction of IOTs.
SUTs provide the ideal framework guaranteeing the coherency and consistency of supply and use
of products in the system in current prices, and in volume terms, thereby improving the quality of
the National Accounts, and in turn the key economic aggregates.

1.33. The compilation of SUTs is thus recommended as part of the regular annual compilation
of National Accounts. The annual compilation of SUTs is also one of the recommended data sets
used in assessing the scope of implementation of the 2008 SNA1. There is also a role for SUTs on
a quarterly basis to help improve the quality and coherence of quarterly National Accounts (more
on the role of SUTs for quarterly National Accounts is elaborated in Chapter 14).

1.34. The approach and guidelines for compiling SUTs as an integral part in the production of
National Accounts can be formulated in general terms as follows:

• SUTs are produced as a central element of the National Accounts compilation to provide a
key link to various parts of the SNA framework.
• SUTs provide the most efficient way and the statistical framework to incorporate all basic
data – aggregated or detailed – covering the components of the three approaches to
measuring GDP, and linking to the institutional sector accounts in a systematic way.

See the Extract of the Report of the Intersecretariat Working Group on National Accounts to the forty second session
(2011) of the United Nations Statistical Commission: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/nationalaccount/docs/guidelines.pdf

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• SUTs effectively ensure the consistency and reconciliation of results at a detailed level and
thereby improve the overall quality of the National Accounts.
• SUTs are compiled and balanced in both current prices and in volume terms.
• SUTs are produced annually, and ideally, if possible, on a quarterly basis.
• SUTs can provide a powerful feedback mechanism on coherency and consistency of source
data such as business surveys as well as feedback on classifications of units on the business
1.35. When balanced, the SUTs provide a coherent, consistent and wholly integrated suite of
statistics for a single period (for example, a year), which include:

• A single estimate of GDP in current prices and in volume terms, which is underpinned with
components of the production, income (only in current prices) and expenditure approaches
to measuring GDP.
• Detailed Goods and Services Account in current prices and in volume terms (not by
institutional sector).
• Production Accounts by industry and by institutional sector in current prices and in volume
• Generation of Income Accounts by industry and by institutional sector (both in current prices
• Link to the Use of Disposable Income Account through the flows of final consumption
expenditures and Capital Account through GCF (and the components of GCF) balanced via
1.36. These guidelines should form part of the strategic drivers for improving the quality of the
National Accounts.

D. Objectives of this Handbook

1.37. The theoretical development of IOTs started in the last century. Box 1.1 provides a
description of the evolution of both IOTs and SUTs within the context of National Accounts. The
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) followed the theoretical development and the practical
work of national statistical offices on IOTs and SUTs from the outset. It prepared a number of
publications, under the guidance of the United Nations Statistical Commission, since 1966 (see,
for example, United Nations 1966, 1973, 1996b, and 1999) to share practices, update the
methodology in line with the updates of the SNA, and provide guidance on the compilation of

1.38. UNSD has continued these efforts by preparing this Handbook - in cooperation with other
international organizations and experts, to provide a practical and step-by-step guidance for the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

compilation of SUTs and IOTs based on the latest international statistical standards set out in the
System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA) and the Sixth Edition of the IMF's Balance of
Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6).

1.39. This Handbook can, therefore, be viewed as an update of the UN Handbook of Input Output
Table, Compilation and Analysis (United Nations, 1999) to reflect the latest recommendations set
out in the 2008 SNA and BPM6. However, because of the increasing importance of SUTs in their
own right, this Handbook extends the scope of the previous publication by providing a more
detailed description and compilation guidance for SUTs. In fact, the SUTs are no longer seen just
as an intermediate step for the compilation of IOTs but are now also considered analytically
relevant and policy relevant in their own right and as an integral part of the compilation of National
Accounts. Countries compile SUTs as part of their core National Accounts programme to generate
an estimate of GDP using all the components of production, income and expenditure, as well as to
improve the coherency and consistency of National Accounts. As the 2008 SNA states, “only
supply and use tables provide a sufficiently rigorous framework to eliminate discrepancies in the
measured flows of goods and services throughout the economy to ensure the alternative measures
of GDP converge to the same value” (2008 SNA, paragraph 14.15).

1.40. This Handbook builds on the experience, practices and guidance available at national and
regional level, such as the Eurostat Manual of Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables (Eurostat,
2008). However, it provides an innovative approach to the compilations of SUTs and IOTs in the
following three main areas: (a) the underlying use of an integrated approach to statistics; (b) the
use of a business model for the compilation of SUTs and IOTs; and (c) the mainstreaming of
environmental considerations.

1.41. The compilation guidance provided in this Handbook relies on an integrated statistics
approach whereby the production of statistics in the various domains is not seen in isolation but
as part of an integrated process which uses common concepts, definitions, business registers and
frames, statistical units, estimation methods and data sources to improve the consistency of the
statistics compiled, to reduce the respondent burden, and potentially to reduce the statistical agency
costs. In particular, the consistency of the basic economic information (that feeds into the National
Accounts and in the SUTs) with the classifications, concepts and definitions of the 2008 SNA
greatly reduces the discrepancies across data from different sources thus facilitating their
reconciliation as part of the integration process. The integrated statistics approach is described in
the Guidelines on Integrated Economic Statistics (United Nations, 2013).

1.42. This Handbook also follows the Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM)
(ECE, 2013) to describe the production of statistics in a general and process oriented approach.
The underlying concepts and principles of the GSBPM have been to describe the business process
and stages of the statistical production processes underpinning the compilation of SUTs and IOTs.
Chapter 3 of this Handbook describes these links in more detail in the context of SUTs and IOTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

In addition, the chapters in Part B of the Handbook are linked to the different parts of these stages
of the statistical production process.

1.43. With the adoption of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) (UN et
al., 2014) by the United Nations Statistical Commission, the extension of SUTs and IOTs to
include environmental flows in monetary and physical terms has become an internationally agreed
standard. Including environmental consideration from the outset in the compilation of SUTs brings
a number of advantages. It facilitates the integration and reconciliation of the information, it
enhances the quality of the information, and it significantly increases the uses of the tabulations.

Box 1.1 Evolution of the SUTs and IOTs within the National Accounts
The evolution of the national accounting system across the various domains continues to develop and even
evolve today, and has done so over several decades. These efforts provide a major source of continual change,
developments and improvements to the quality of economic statistics. There have been many people from
various disciplines and countries over the past four centuries that have provided major contributions to the
development of the system as it stands today.
Wassily Leontief (1905-1999) is often referred to as the pioneer of Input-Output based economics with the first
of many key contributions when he published his article on ‘Quantitative input and output relations in the
economic system of the United States’. This article discussed the construction of an economic transactions table
that Leontief based on the Tableau Economique, proposed by François Quesnay in 1758.
The framework was developed and applied as an economic tool with the construction of the first IOTs for the
USA covering the years 1919 and 1929 published in 1936. Later, Leontief developed the first I-O based model,
which was based on theories developed by Leon Walras published in 1874 and 1877. Leontief was recognized
for his pioneering work receiving the Nobel Prize in 1973. As a result, I-O analysis has become a major tool in
developing quantitative economics as a science
The role of SUTs and IOTs has evolved within the National Accounts. The 1953 SNA (United Nations, 1953)
contained no reference to SUTs or IOTs. However, the 1968 SNA (United Nations, 1968) presented the
integration of an Input-Output framework into the integrated economic accounts of the SNA. The conceptual
development of the integrated economic accounts of the SNA earned Professor Richard Stone, the Nobel prize
in Economic Science in 1984, “for having made fundamental contributions to the development of the SNA and
hence greatly improved the basis for empirical economic analysis”.
Alongside Leontief and Stone, other Noble laureates include for example, Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen in
1969, Paul Samuelson in 1970, Simon Kuznets in 1971, John Hicks in 1972 and James Meade in 1977 who
have all contributed to the foundations of today’s System of National Accounts measurement and the inter-
linkages between various sectors and activities in an economy.
The latest evolution of SUTs was recognized in the 1993 SNA (United Nations et al. 1993), whereby Chapter
XV of the 1993 SNA covered Supply and Use Tables and Input-Output Tables. With the latest version of the
SNA, the 2008 SNA, the role and need for SUTs has been further enhanced, which in turn will help to meet
many analytical needs, as reflected in Chapters 14 and 28 of the 2008 SNA.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1.44. In line with the United Nations Statistical Commission2, this Handbook recommends the
annual compilation of SUTs. In addition, the Handbook promotes the compilation of these tables
as an integral part of the compilation of the National Accounts in order to ensure full consistency
of the basic data and also a full consistency of the macroeconomic estimates that are derived from
the accounts.

1.45. The Handbook provides a consistent numerical example of SUTs and IOTs that runs
throughout the chapters (as far as practically possible) in order to facilitate the understanding of
the various compilation steps. It also provides examples of best practices to further illustrate certain
aspects of the compilation of SUTs. It should be noted that in the numerical examples provided in
this Handbook the numbers may not add up exactly to the totals due to rounding.

1.46. The target audience for this Handbook mainly includes compilers of SUTs and IOTs with
a basic knowledge and understanding of the SNA. However, since the Handbook provides an
overview of the whole statistical production process, managers or staff in charge of the programme
of National Accounts, economic and environment accounts would also benefit from the Handbook
to get an overall understanding of the requirements for the compilation of SUTs and IOTs. Finally,
analytical users may also benefit from reading the Handbook as it would provide them with a better
understanding of the compilation steps, thus increasing their analytical applications.

E. Structure of this Handbook

1.47. The Handbook consists of three main Parts.

• Part A provides an introduction and overview of SUTs and IOTs covered by Chapters 1 and
• Part B describes the main stages of the GSBPM - namely, designing, building, compiling
and disseminating SUTs and IOTs. Part B is covered by Chapters 3 to 15.
• Part C provides examples of the extensions and applications of SUTs and IOTs and is
covered by Chapters 16 to 21.

Part A

1.48. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the Handbook; it describes the importance of SUTs
and IOTs for statistical purposes (for example, compilation of annual and quarterly National
Accounts, etc.), for policy making and for analytical purposes (for example, economic forecasting,
assessing the impact of globalisation). It also provides a general description of the System of

See report to the United Nations Statistical Commission at http://unstats.un.org/unsd/statcom/doc11/2011-6-

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

National Accounts (SNA) and where the SUTs fit within the SNA framework. This chapter also
describes the overall approach of the Handbook (also in comparison to previous handbooks) to the
compilation of SUTs and IOTs and describes the outline of the Handbook.

1.49. Chapter 2 provides a conceptual overview of SUTs and IOTs and describes the basic
elements that affect the structure and compilation of SUTs and IOTs. These elements include the
accounting principles of the SNA, the classifications of economic activities and products, the
choice of the statistical units and how it impacts the SUTs and IOTs, and the valuation in SUTs
and IOTs. This chapter also describes the advantages of compiling SUTs as integral part of the
National Accounts and how the SUTs are used to obtain consistent estimates of GDP. This Chapter
also describes in more detail the approach taken in this Handbook to take an extended SUTs and
IOTs perspective with the environmental dimension incorporated allowing an integrated overview
of the framework at the outset.

Part B

1.50. Chapter 3 provides the overview of the different phases that are undertaken in the statistical
production process of SUTs and IOTs based on the stages of the GSBPM and linked to the UN
Guidelines on Integrated Economic Statistics (United Nations, 2013). This chapter also provides
an overview of the different institutional set-ups that exist in countries and which may have an
impact on the compilation process. The compilation phases specific to SUTs and IOTs are
presented in this chapter together with a link to the relevant chapters of the Handbook.

1.51. Chapter 4 covers specific phases of the GSBPM, namely the specify needs, design, build
and collect phase. It provides a description of the elements that should be considered and carefully
evaluated at the beginning of the compilation process such as level of detail of the industry and
products in the tables, the schedule of compilation, the revision policy, resources, typical data
sources, etc. These and other issues are covered in this Chapter to provide the foundation for the
compilation of SUTs and IOTs.

1.52. Chapter 5 describes the conceptual and practical aspects of the compilation of the Supply
Table and how the “unbalanced” Supply Table is put together from the typical data sources for
SUTs, such as business surveys, administrative data, etc.

1.53. Chapter 6 describes the conceptual and practical aspects of the compilation of the Use
Table. As in Chapter 5, this Chapter shows how an “unbalanced” Use Table is constructed based
on typical data sources.

1.54. Chapter 7 describes how to compile the valuation matrices which are necessary to bridge
the different valuation concepts of the product flows. This Chapter covers the main concepts and
methodologies of compiling matrices for trade margins, transport margins, taxes on products and
subsidies on products.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1.55. Chapter 8 describes the structure of the Imports Use Table and the Domestic Use Table
and the steps necessary to disaggregate the Use Table into the Imports Use Table and the Domestic
Use Table. Historically the compilation of these tables was mainly considered as an intermediate
step towards the compilation of IOTs (though not an essential step). However the Imports Use
Table and the Domestic Use Table are becoming increasingly important in their own right for
analytical purposes.

1.56. Chapter 9 covers the compilation of SUTs in volume terms. It follows the recommendation
to simultaneously compile SUTs in current prices and in volume terms. The compilation of SUTs
in volume terms can start after the SUTs have been compiled in current prices (although the current
price tables do not need to be balanced) but do need simultaneous presentation of volume and price

1.57. Chapter 10 describes the importance of linking SUTs and the institutional sector accounts,
which involve data by industry to be sub-divided according to the institutional sectors to which
the units within each industry are classified. The Chapter provides guidance on how to compile
the cross tabulation between industries and institutional sectors and presents various approaches
to establish the link between the SUTs and the institutional accounts and describe some issues that
may arise in the compilation of the linking table.

1.58. Chapter 11 describes the manual and automated balancing procedures of SUTs in both
current prices and in volume terms. This is important for a full consistency of the detailed
information. The various checks related to product, industry and macro identities, benchmarking
with National Accounts, and comparison with previous SUTs, if available, are explained. It is
recommended to produce and balance SUTs simultaneously at basic prices and purchasers’ and
also for domestic and imported products, all of which should be both in current prices and in
volume terms. A further dimension, and challenge to add, is to cover both annual SUTs, and if
possible, quarterly SUTs.

1.59. The sequence of chapters provides a preferred scenario for the compilation of SUTs.
However, different variants can be developed. An increasing number of countries have achieved
the preferred scenario. It is recommended that the preferred scenario of compiling SUTs and IOTs
may be seen as ambitious but can realised through gradual improvements in source data,
production processes and IT environment.

1.60. Chapter 12 provides an overview of the IOTs (Product by Product and Industry by
Industry) and describes the methods and the underlying assumptions for transforming SUTs into
IOTs. The compilation of IOTs is quite different in nature from the compilation of the SUTs and
it relies on the availability of SUTs. The compilation of IOTs is considered more as an analytical
step rather than a compilation process and for this purpose viewed as a step from statistics to

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1.61. Chapter 13 describes the structure of the SUTs in physical units where additional rows and
columns are added to show flows from the environment to the economy and vice versa. This
Chapter also describes typical data sources for the compilation of these tables and examples of
specific issues in which the SEEA and SNA differ (for example, the treatment of international
flows, and the treatment of goods for processing). This Chapter also describes how to extend
standard economic IOTs in monetary units to include information on the environment in physical
units in the EE-IOTs. Physical Input-Output Tables (PIOTs) are also an extension of the SUTs
framework to take into accounts environmental considerations. They consist of a transformation
of the PSUTs into PIOTs. However, because of the conceptual and practical issues in the
compilation of PIOTs, the focus of SEEA (2012) - and thus this Chapter - has shifted more towards
the compilation of EE-IOTS rather than PIOTs. Examples of two country practices are also
presented in this Chapter.

1.62. Chapter 14 provides an overview of how SUTs can be used to improve the QNA. Since
there are various scenarios that can be used in practice, this Chapter focuses only on three main
situations which describe using SUTs in various degrees in the compilation of the QNA.

1.63. Data dissemination is an important activity for any statistical production process as it
provides the users with a range of statistics produced to internationally agree guidelines. Presenting
SUTs and IOTs to the users in a clear, transparent and user-friendly manner is thus an important
task of the statisticians. Chapter 15 provides an overview of the elements that should be considered
when disseminating SUTs and IOTs, such as the identification of users’ needs in order to tailor the
dissemination to the main types of users of SUTs and IOTs, the importance of having a
dissemination strategy and the elements that should be covered in the strategy. Reference to the
Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) for SUTs and IOTs is also provided in this

Part C

1.64. Chapter 16 describes the methods for compiling regional (sub-national) SUTs and the main
compilation issues such as the disaggregation of the information at sub-national level, etc.
Different issues and challenges are covered through a bottom-up and top-down compilation

1.65. Although the focus of this Handbook is mainly on the compilation of national SUTs and
national IOTs, there is an increasing demand for the instruments to capture the structure and
mechanism of cross-border fragmentation of production activities. The development of multi-
country SUTs and IOTs in recent years has been primarily driven by the academic and policy
decision-making interests. Chapter 17 provides an overview of multi-country SUTs and IOTs, the
main compilation issues, and a simplified compilation procedure. This Chapter also provides a
review of current international initiative in this area.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1.66. Chapter 18 deals with the projections of SUTs and IOTs. Many users require comparable
I-O products as well as for comparable frequencies and similar timeliness. For example, some
countries produce quarterly SUTs, some countries produce annual SUTs and some countries
produce less regular IOTs. Consequently, there is a variety of methods, techniques and approaches
in projecting SUTs and IOTs and dealing with the data gaps. These techniques also can help
producers, for example, dealing with periods between benchmarked years. This Chapter provides
an examination of various methods and techniques used as well as a range of literature available
to overcome the problem of incomplete data thus allowing the estimation and projection of IOTs.
The Chapter also presents a numerical example for three methods: Generalised RAS, SUT-RAS
and Euro methods.

1.67. Chapter 19 describes the main extensions of Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables as part
of a satellite system which are regularly used for economic analysis. Several examples for the
disaggregation of the Use Table and various satellite accounts are reviewed including extensions
like Social Accounting Matrices, Extended Input-Output Tables and other examples of satellite

1.68. Chapter 20 describes examples of the different types of I-O models and provides a broad
overview illustrating the benefits and the approaches used. The traditional quantity model and
price model of I-O analysis are presented for monetary IOTs and physical IOTs. Input and output
coefficients, Leontief inverse, price and quantity models, indicators, multipliers and inter-
industrial linkages were developed for an empirical extended IOT with extensions for gross fixed
capital formation, capital stock, employment, energy, air emissions, waste, sewage and water.

1.69. Chapter 21 provides examples of compilation practices from various countries with
different statistical systems. In general the compilation practices can greatly vary depending on
the resources available, the statistical infrastructure, registers, surveys, methodologies, etc. This
Chapter provides some guidance for countries with limited statistical resources and illustrates
differences and challenges in the compilation of SUTs and IOTs.

ECE (2013). Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) v5.0. Available online at:

Eurostat (2008). Manual on Supply, Use and Input-Output tables. Available at:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Eurostat (2014). Manual on Government Deficit and Debt: Implementation of ESA 2010. Available
at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/3859598/5937189/KS-GQ-14-010-EN.PDF/

International Monetary Fund (2009). Balance of Payments and International Investment Position
Manual. Sixth Edition. Available from www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/bop/2007/pdf/

International Monetary Fund (2013). Public Sector Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and
Users. Washington, D.C. Available from

International Monetary Fund (2014). Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014. Available from
www. imf.org/external/np/sta/gfsm/index.htm.

United Nations (1953). A System of National Accounts and Supporting Tables. Available at:

United Nations (1966). Problems of Input-Output Tables and Analysis, Studies in Methods, Series
F, No. 14.

United Nations (1968). A System of National Accounts. Available at:


United Nations (1973). Input-Output Tables and Analysis, Studies in Methods, Series F, No.14,
Rev. 1.

United Nations (1999). Handbook of Input-Output Table Compilation and Analysis. Studies in
Methods, Series F, No. 74. Available online at:

United Nations (2013). Guidelines on Integrated Economic Statistics. Studies in Methods, Series
F, No. 108. Available online at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/nationalaccount/docs/IES-

United Nations, European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,
The World Bank (2014). System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 — Central
Framework. Available online at:

United Nations (2002). Use of Macro Accounts in Policy Analysis. Studies in Methods, Series F,
No. 81. Available online at:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

United Nations (1999). Handbook of Input Output able, Compilation and Analysis. Studies in
Methods, Series F, No. 74. Available online at:

United Nations, Eurostat, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development and World Bank (1993). System of National Accounts 1993. Sales No.
E.94.XVII.4. Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/nationalaccount/docs/1993sna.pdf.

United Nations, European Commission, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development and World Bank (2009). System of National Accounts
2008. Sales No. E.08.XVII.29. Available from http://unstats.

European Commission, International Monetary Fund, Food and Agriculture Organisation,

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations & The World
Bank (2014). System of environmental-economic accounting 2012: Central Framework.
Studies in Methods, Series F, No. 109. Sales No. E.12.XVII.12.

[de Boer S., van Dalen J., Takema T. and Verbiest P. (2006). Supply and use tables: A multipurpose
framework. Statistics Netherlands. Available at:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 2. Overview of the Supply and Use Tables and Input-Output tables

A. Introduction

2.1. Before providing step-by-step guidance on the compilation of SUTs and IOTs, it is
important to have a general understanding of SUTs and IOTs. The main objective of this chapter
is therefore to provide an overview of SUTs and IOTs, a description of how they relate to each
other and how they fit within the National Accounts framework. In particular, Sections B and C
of this chapter provide a general description of SUTs and IOTs, respectively. Section D introduces
the fundamental elements of the SUTs and IOTs such as the underlying classifications, the
statistical units and the valuation methods. Some of these elements are further discussed in more
detail in subsequent chapters. Finally, Section E elaborates on the importance of compiling SUTs
as an integral part of the National Accounts.

2.2. Although this chapter covers a wide-range of challenges and issues to address when
planning and building a new system of SUTs and IOTs, all aspects may not be achievable in
countries with limited resources. It is worth recognising that it is possible to establish a system
with a moderate level of ambition using available data and/or incomplete data. This aspect is
addressed within this Handbook as well as the Primer associated with this Handbook. Nonetheless,
it is preferable to have a SUTs-type environment for reconciliation of the various statistical sources
compared to only having unbalanced series of National Accounts aggregates.

B. Overview of SUTs

2.3. The SUTs describe the whole economy by industry (for example, motor vehicles industry)
and products (for example, sports goods). The tables show links between components of GVA,
industry inputs and outputs, and product supply and use. The SUTs link different institutional
sectors of the economy (for example, non-financial corporations) together with detail of imports
and exports of goods and services, government final consumption expenditure, household and non-
profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) final consumption expenditure and capital

2.4. As the name suggests, SUTs consist of two interlinked tables: the Supply Table and the
Use Table. The Supply Table shows the supply of goods and services by type of product and by
type of industry distinguishing between the supply by domestic industries and imports of goods
and services. In other words, the Supply Table provides information on the output (by product)

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

generated by economic activities and the imports (by product) from abroad. The totals in the last
column represent the total supply by products and the totals in the bottom row represent the total
output by economic activity and total imports. A simplified Supply Table is presented in Table

Table 2.1: Simplified structure of the Supply Table

Indus tri es Industries
Agriculture, Mining and Imports Total
… Services
Products forestry, etc. quarrying
Agriculture, forestry, etc.
Ores and minerals; etc. Imports by Total supply
Output by product by industry
… product by product


Total Total Output by Industry Total imports Total supply

2.5. The second table is the Use Table which provides information on the uses of the different
products. The Use Table shows the use of goods and services by type of product and by type of
use, i.e. as intermediate consumption by industry, final consumption, gross capital formation or
exports. Furthermore, the table shows the components of gross value added by industry - namely,
compensation of employees, other taxes less subsidies on production, consumption of fixed capital
and net operating surplus. While the totals by row represent the total uses by product, the total by
column represent the total output by economic activity, total final consumption, total gross fixed
capital formation and total exports. Table 2.2 shows the simplified structure of the Use Table.

Table 2.2: Simplified structure of the Use Table

Indus tri es Industries Final uses

Agriculture, Mining and Final Gross capital Total

… Services Exports
Products forestry, etc. quarrying consumption formation

Agriculture, forestry, etc.

Ores and minerals; etc. Total use by
Intermediate consumption by product and by industry Final uses by product and by category
… product


Value added Value added by component and by industry Value added

Total Total Output by industry Total final uses by category

Empty cells by definition

2.6. It is generally assumed that the classification of products is often more detailed than the
classification of industries thus generating rectangular SUTs. For example, the output of the dairy
industry is separately shown in the SUTs for the products of processed milk, butter, yoghurt,
cheese, etc. and not as only one aggregate product for all dairy products.

2.7. There are three basic identities that hold between the Supply Table and the Use Table. The
first identity corresponds to the fundamental identity in National Accounts whereby for each
economic activity the following holds:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Identity (1) Output = Intermediate consumption + Gross Value added (GVA)

2.8. The second identity is that the total supply by product is equal to the total use by product.
This means that the amount of products available for use in an economy must have been supplied
by either domestic production or by imports, and the same amount of products entering an
economy in an accounting period must be used for intermediate consumption, final consumption,
capital formation or exports. This means that for each product (or group of products):

Identity (2) Output + Imports = Intermediate consumption + Final consumption + Capital

formation + Exports

2.9. Another important identity which is also key when linking the production and income
approaches to calculating GDP and the industry and institutional sector dimension through the
SUTs, is the following:

Identity (3) For each industry, the Gross Value Added (GVA) using the production
approach equals the GVA estimate using the income approach.

2.10. These identities are fundamental in the balancing process that is carried out when
compiling SUTs both in current prices and in volume terms, all through a time series dimension.

2.11. Once balanced, the Supply Table and the Use Table can be integrated into a single matrix
- often referred to as the Supply and Use Tables framework, which is shown in Table 2.3. This
table clearly shows the two basic identities linking the SUTs. The total supply by product (left part
of bottom row of Table 2.3) equals the total use by product (the top part of last column of Table
2.3) and the total output by industry are identical in both SUTs (the middle part of bottom row
equals middle part of last column). The schematic view of SUTs in Table 2.3 also serves as the
underlying matrix for projection methods (see Box 18.4 in Chapter 18).

Table 2.3: Supply and Use Tables framework

Products Industries Final uses
Agriculture, Ores and Agriculture, Mining and Final Gross capital Total
… Services … Services Exports
forestry, etc. minerals; etc. forestry, etc. quarrying consumption formation
Agriculture, forestry, etc.

Ores and minerals; etc. Intermediate consumption by product and by Total use by
Final uses by product and by category
… industry product


Agriculture, forestry, etc.


Mining and quarrying Total output

Output by product by industry
by industry


Value added Value added by component and by industry Value added

Imports Total imports by product
Total Total supply by product Total output by industry Total final uses by category

Empty cells by definition

2.12. SUTs thus bring together the components of each of the three approaches to measuring
GDP - namely, production, income and expenditure approach.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Production approach:

GDP = Output (at basic prices) - Intermediate consumption + Taxes less subsidies on

Income approach:

GDP = Compensation of employees + gross operating surplus + other taxes less subsidies
on production + taxes less subsidies on products

Expenditure approach:

GDP = Final consumption + Gross capital formation + Exports - Imports

2.13. When balanced, SUTs show by definition, a single estimate of GDP both in current prices
and in volume terms. This underlines the importance of the recommendation to compile SUTs as
part of the annual regular compilation of the National Accounts as they ensure the consistency and
coherence of the National Accounts components, that is, goods and services accounts, production
account (by industry and by institutional sector) and generation of income account (by industry
and by institutional sector), and enables a single estimate of GDP to be derived.

2.14. The SUTs also have links to other accounts, such as the use of disposable income account
(covering variables like household final consumption expenditure) and the accumulation accounts
(covering variables like gross fixed capital formation as part of the capital account).

2.15. Producing annual SUTs simultaneously both in current prices and in volume terms (once
at least two years of current price SUTs are available) ensures coherency and consistency for both
price and volume measures. In addition, this approach allows for the estimation of the volume of
GVA through ‘double-deflation’, where GVA is derived by deducting intermediate consumption
in volume terms from total output in volume terms. This can be achieved by an individual unit, by
industry, by institutional sector, and for the whole economy.

2.16. SUTs can also be compiled on a quarterly basis to derive official estimates of quarterly
GDP. However, developing quarterly SUTs may be highly demanding in terms of resources and
data availability and it requires the development of a statistical production process taking into
account annual SUTs.

2.17. Figure 2.1 provides a graphical overview of the SUTs explicitly identifying the main
identities that are ensured in balanced SUTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 2.1: Graphical overview of Supply and Use Tables

2.18. Box 2.1 presents a numerical example of balanced SUTs.

2.19. The Use Table records the intermediate consumption and final uses by type of product but
it does not distinguish between the consumption of domestically produced goods and services from
the imports of goods and services. A key step for the compilation (and balancing) of SUTs is to
disaggregate the Use Table into two tables: the Domestic Use Table and the Imports Use Table.
Box 2.2 shows these two tables with a numerical example.

2.20. The compilation of the Imports Use Table is becoming increasingly important over time
due to the growing impact of globalisation and the need to measure global value chains and trade
in value added. The Imports Use Table allows, among other things, detailed analyses of import
penetration of goods and services. It also plays a key role in the National Accounts balancing
process and in deflating GDP components within the SUTs framework.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 2.1 Numerical example of the SUTs system

Supply Table
Manufacturing Imports Total supply
Agriculture Services
and Construction
Agriculture 270 30 50 20 370
Manuf acturing 6 380 87 42 515

Construction 4 50 13 8 75
Trade, transport and communication 10 15 210 7 242
Finance and business services 6 17 240 11 274
Other services 4 8 100 12 124
Total 300 500 700 100 1 600

Use Table
Industries Final use
Manufacturing Final consumption Gross capital Total use
Agriculture Services Exports
and Construction expenditure formation

Agriculture 34 59 93 131 21 32 370

Manuf acturing 97 107 57 122 73 59 515

Construction 9 12 4 17 30 3 75
Trade, transport and communication 42 24 11 140 20 5 242
Finance and business services 14 53 42 116 31 18 274
Other services 14 35 22 35 10 8 124
Taxes less subsidies on products 4 5 12 52 6 1 80
GVA 86 205 459 750
Total 300 500 700 613 191 126 2 430

Supply and Use Tables Framework

Products Industries Final use
Trade, transport Finance and Final Total
Manuf acturing Gross capital
Agriculture Manuf acturing Construction and business Other services Agriculture Services consumption Exports
and Construction formation
communication services expenditure
Agriculture 34 59 93 131 21 32 370
Manuf acturing 97 107 57 122 73 59 515

Construction 9 12 4 17 30 3 75
Trade, transport and communication 42 24 11 140 20 5 242
Finance and business services 14 53 42 116 31 18 274
Other services 14 35 22 35 10 8 124
Agriculture 270 6 4 10 6 4 300

Manuf acturing and Construction 30 380 50 15 17 8 500

Services 50 87 13 210 240 100 700
Taxes less subsidies on products 4 5 12 52 6 1 80
GVA 86 205 459 750
Imports 20 42 8 7 11 12 100
Total 370 515 75 242 274 124 300 500 700 613 191 126 4 030

= Zero by definition

The Supply Table shows the supply of goods and services by product and by type of supplier, distinguishing supply
by domestic industries and imports of goods and services. The domestic output of industries is shown by products.
The vector of imports comprises total imports goods and services of the nation by product.
The Use Table shows the use of goods and services by product and by type of use, i.e. as intermediate consumption
by industry, final consumption expenditure, gross capital formation and exports of goods and services. The
intermediate uses and final uses reflect consumption of domestically produced goods and services as well as
imported goods and services. Furthermore, although the table is shown in summary form, it should be noted there
are components underlying the headings, for example, gross value added can be split between compensation of
employees, other taxes less subsidies on production, consumption of fixed capital and net operating surplus.
Note that, for illustrative purposes, it is assumed that the SUTs presented here are compiled on a consistent valuation

2.21. Once the Imports Use Table is constructed, the estimation of the Domestic Use Table can
be done by subtracting the Imports Use Table from the Use Table. The Imports Use Table and the
Domestic Use Table feed into the compilation of SUTs both in current prices and in volume terms
and, once balanced, they form the basis for the construction of Input Imports Table and Domestic
IOTs respectively. See Chapters 8 and 12 for more detail.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 2.2 Numerical example showing Use Table split between consumption of domestic
production and imports
Supply Table
Manufacturing Output Imports
Agriculture Services supply
and Construction
Agriculture 270 30 50 350 20 370
Manufacturing 6 380 87 473 42 515

Construction 4 50 13 67 8 75
Trade, transport and communication 10 15 210 235 7 242
Finance and business services 6 17 240 263 11 274
Other services 4 8 100 112 12 124
Total 300 500 700 1 500 100 1 600

Use Table Domestic Use Table

Industries Final use Industries Final use
Final Total Final
Manufacturing Gross capital Manufacturing Gross capital Total use
and Construction
Services consumption
Exports use Agriculture
and Construction
Services consumption
expenditure expenditure
Agriculture 34 59 93 131 21 32 370 Agriculture 30 50 90 130 20 30 350
Manufacturing 97 107 57 122 73 59 515 Manufacturing 85 90 51 120 70 57 473

Construction 9 12 4 17 30 3 75 Construction 5 10 3 16 30 3 67
Trade, transport and communication 42 24 11 140 20 5 242 Trade, transport and communication 40 20 10 140 20 5 235
Finance and business services 14 53 42 116 31 18 274 Finance and business services 10 50 40 115 30 18 263
Other services 14 35 22 35 10 8 124 Other services 10 30 20 35 10 7 112
Taxes less subsidies on products 4 5 12 52 6 1 80 Imports 30 40 15 5 5 5 100
GVA 86 205 459 750 Taxes less subsidies on products 4 5 12 52 6 1 80
Total 300 500 700 613 191 126 2 430 GVA 86 205 459 750
Output 300 500 700 613 191 126 2 430

Imports Use Table

Industries Final use
Manufacturing Gross capital Total
Agriculture Services consumption Exports
and Construction formation
Agriculture 4 9 3 1 1 2 20
Products Manufacturing 12 17 6 2 3 2 42
Construction 4 2 1 1 8
Trade, transport and communication 2 4 1 7
Finance and business services 4 3 2 1 1 11
Other services 4 5 2 1 12
Total 30 40 15 5 5 5 100

Empty cells by definition

The Domestic Use Table is derived by subtracting the Imports Use Table from the total Use Table shown in Box
The imports of goods and services are then shown separately as a new row denoted as “Imports” in the Domestic
Use Table. The Domestic Use Table shows the input requirements of industries in terms of domestic intermediates,
imported intermediates and primary inputs (GVA). It also shows the use of domestic output of products for
intermediate uses and final uses.
The Imports Use Table includes information on the use of imported products for intermediate consumption and
final uses and the column totals which match the estimates shown in the “Imports” row.

1. Supply and Use Tables in current prices and in volume terms

2.22. The SUTs framework not only constrains the current value estimates of supply and use of
products to balance exactly. It also provides a way to ensure that the corresponding volume
estimates in previous years’ prices are balance in and that the series of prices implied by the
existence of one table in current prices and one in volume terms are strictly consistent. In general,
the best way to ensure mutual consistency is to prepare the SUTs in current values and in volume
terms at the same time (2008 SNA, paragraph 14.136).

2.23. The compilation and balancing of SUTs in current prices and in volume terms for a
sequence of years also helps to balance the changes in volumes, values and prices in the best
possible way (the key condition for this to be followed requires SUTs in current prices to be
available for the current year and for the previous year). This approach ensures a high degree of
quality in terms of coherency and consistency over time – and recommended as the best approach

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

for the production of SUTs. Producing annual SUTs simultaneously both in current prices and in
volume terms also allows estimation of the volume of GVA through ‘double-deflation’. Whereby
GVA in previous years’ prices is derived by deducting intermediate consumption in previous
years’ prices from total output in previous years’ prices. Then, the change in volume of GVA
between each pair of consecutive years is given by the change of GVA in previous years’ prices
compared to GVA of previous year at current prices of that year.

2.24. Figure 2.2 shows an overview of the “H-Approach” for an integrated compilation of SUTs
(and IOTs) in current prices and volume terms. The “H-Approach” is the recommended
compilation approach which brings together the compilation of SUTs in current prices and volume
terms, the valuation at basic prices, producers’ prices and purchasers’ prices, as well as the links
with the compilation of IOTs. The matrices covering other taxes on production, other subsidies on
production, trade margins and transport margins are the valuation matrices which link between
basic prices, producers’ prices and purchasers’ prices.

2.25. The diagram in Figure 2.2 can be visualised as the letter “H” with the left vertical arm
representing SUTs and IOTs in current prices and the right vertical arm representing the SUTs and
IOTs in previous years’ prices. The horizontal transition represents the deflation process using, for
example, a combination of prices, volume indicators and rates of the previous year applied to the

2.26. It is important to note that the scheme presented in Figure 2.2 should not be taken as to be
implemented as a whole. In practice, for example, if a country only wants to focus on the
compilation of annual SUTs, the focus should be on the compilation steps of the SUTs within the
bold line box in Figure 2.2 which are recommended in order to achieve balanced SUTs in current
and in volume terms. However, if a country wants to compile SUTs and IOTs, all the steps in
Figure 2.2 should be completed in order to guarantee important feedback loops and increase the
quality of the tabulations.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 2.2 A schematic overview of the compilation of SUTs and IOTs

2.27. When planning for the compilation of SUTs, it is useful to keep in mind the compilation
approach in Figure 2.2 since it naturally links to the production of time series of SUTs (and IOTs)
both in current prices and in previous years’ prices using chain-linked volumes. This approach
contains the following principles:

• To compile SUTs in volume terms one needs:

i. balanced set of SUTs at purchasers’ prices in current prices for the present year and
the previous year;

ii. deflators for each flow; and

iii. balanced SUTs in previous years’ prices.

• Previous year’s SUTs at current prices of that year are needed to derive volume estimates.
For the purposes of the diagram only, the SUTs are balanced, even though in reality, they
may be unbalanced and an iterative balancing process may be necessary. This allows for the
first SUTs in previous years’ prices to be compiled.

• Each transition stage is created in a 'balanced' format which provides a much easier
systematic process and build. This implies each of the transition matrices covering taxes,
subsidies, trade and transport margins and import of goods and services will be balanced,
that is the supply-side row total will equal the use-side row total.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• For some of the variables, like Household final consumption expenditure, there are already
present deflation approaches using consumer price indices to generate the corresponding
estimates in previous years’ prices. These estimates are likely to be different from those
generated from the “H-Approach” but would also feature in the reconciliation and balancing
process of the estimates.

2.28. The H-approach provides a transparent, coherent and consistent approach for compiling
SUTs both in current prices and previous years’ prices as well as matching correct valuation of
values (as mentioned earlier) to price indices with clear links between SUTs and IOTs when IOTs
are compiled.

2.29. The SUTs at purchasers’ prices and at basic prices in current prices and in volume terms
can be compiled and balanced sequentially or simultaneously. In both cases, powerful feedback
loops covering quality in terms of consistency and coherency are available. More details are
covered in Chapters 9 and 11.

2.30. Other useful elements of SUTs provide supplementary information for each industry on
fixed capital formation, fixed capital stock and labour inputs and helps to linking to other
extensions like capital, labour and environmental issues like energy, emissions and other residuals.

2. Physical SUTs

2.31. The SUTs described in the previous sections are part of the 2008 SNA framework. As such,
they reflect the production boundary of the SNA and they are compiled in monetary units. The
tables, however, can be extended to include the environment as providers of natural inputs into the
economy and absorber of residuals from the economy. The extension of these tables and, more in
general, of the accounting framework of the SNA to include environmental considerations is done
in the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) 2012 (United Nations et al., 2014).
The SEEA enables the analyses of the interaction between the environment and the economy such
as the assessment of the use of natural resources, the generation of waste by the economy and
waste flows into the environment.

2.32. The SEEA central framework comprises a sequence of accounts - namely, the SUTs in
monetary and physical units, the asset accounts in physical and monetary units, and environmental
activity accounts and related flows. This Handbook covers the SUTs of the SEEA and, in
particular, since the monetary SUTs of the SEEA are the same as the SNA, the Handbook focuses
on the physical SUTs of the SEEA. For additional information on the complete set of accounts of
the SEEA, the reader is directed to the publication United Nations et al. (2014).

2.33. Physical Supply and Use Tables (PSUTs) are used to assess how an economy supplies and
uses energy, water, materials as well as theirs changes in production and consumption patterns
over time, and therefore, in combination with data from monetary SUTs, changes in productivity
and intensity in the use of natural inputs and the release of residuals can be examined. The structure

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

of PSUTs is based on the monetary SUTs with extensions to incorporate a column for the
environment and rows for natural inputs and residuals.

2.34. Table 2.4 and Table 2.5 provide the simplified structure of the physical Supply Table and
Use Table, respectively. The SUTs of the SNA are circled with a solid line and they represent the
supply and use of products within the economy. In order to address specific environmental
domains (for example, accounting for water, energy, timber etc.), these tables are compiled for a
disaggregation of products and industries which is relevant for the particular environmental
domain of interest. In the case of energy, for example, the products of interest that can be explicitly
shown in the table include coal, peat and peat products, natural gas, etc. The industries of interest
include the main suppliers of energy products (for example, electricity generation, manufacture of
gas, etc.) and the main users or energy products (for example, manufacturing, transportation, etc.).
These tables are compiled in monetary units - within the SNA context - and in physical units as
shown in Table 2.4 and Table 2.5.

2.35. In the PSUTs, the SUTs of the SNA are augmented to include a block of rows for “natural
inputs” and a block or rows for “residuals”. The block for natural inputs is used to describe the
flows from the environment to the economy; in other words, this block describes the extraction of
physical inputs (for example, water, energy resources, etc.) from their location in the environment
as a part of economic production processes or that are directly used in production. Natural inputs
may be (a) natural resource inputs, such as mineral and energy resources or timber resources, (b)
inputs from renewable energy sources, such as solar energy captured by economic units, or (c)
other natural inputs such as inputs from soil (for example, soil nutrients) and inputs from air (for
example, oxygen absorbed in combustion processes) (SEEA 2012, paragraph 2.89). When an
industry, for example, extracts water as part of the economic production process, this is recorded
in the block of natural inputs in the Use Table in Table 2.5. It is assumed that the environment
provides (i.e. supplies) all the natural inputs that are used into the economic production process.

2.36. The blocks for “residuals” represent the flows of solid, liquid and gaseous materials, and
energy, that are discarded, discharged or emitted to the environment (for example, emission to air)
by establishments and households through processes of production, consumption or accumulation
but may also flow within the economy, as is the case when, for example, solid waste is collected
as part of a waste collection scheme (SEEA 2012, paragraph 2.92).

2.37. The block for residuals in the Supply Table (Table 2.4), represents the flows of waste from
the economy to the environment and thus it includes the generation and disposal of waste during
economic production activities (generation of waste by industries) and generated during final
consumption (mainly by households). While the block of residuals in the Use Table (Table 2.5)
shows, for example, the collection and treatment of waste and other residuals by economic
activities, the accumulation of waste in controlled landfills and the residuals flows direct to the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 2.4 Schematic view of the physical Supply Table

Indus tri es Industries Gross capital
Agriculture, Mining and Imports formation/Accu Environment Total
… Services consumtpion
forestry, etc. quarrying mulation
Mineral and energy resources

Flows from Total supply


Water the by natural

environment inputs

Agriculture, forestry, etc.

Ores and minerals; etc. Imports by Total supply

Output by product by industry
… product by product


Total Total output by industry Total imports Total supply


Solid waste Residuals Residuals from

generated scrapping and Total supply
Wastewater Residuals generated by industry
by final demolition of by residuals
… consumtpion produced assets

Empty cells by definition

C ells may contain relevant flows

Table 2.5 Schematic view of the physical Use Table

Indus tri es Industries Gross capital
Agriculture, Mining and Exports formation/Accu Environment Total
… Services consumtpion
forestry, etc. quarrying mulation
Mineral and energy resources

Total use by

Water Extraction of Natural inputs natural


Agriculture, forestry, etc.

Ores and minerals; etc. Intermediate consumption by product and by Total use by
Final uses by product and by category
… industry product

Value added Value added by component and by industry Value added
Total Total output by industry Total final uses by category

Solid waste Accumulation of Residual

C ollection and treatment of waste and other waste in flows direct Total use by
residuals controlled to the residuals
… landfilled enviornment

Empty cells by definition

C ells may contain relevant flows

2.38. The supply and use identity applies to both physical and monetary flows. For each product
measured in physical terms (for example, cubic metres of timber), the quantity of output and
imports (total supply of products) must equal the quantity of intermediate consumption, household
final consumption, gross capital formation and exports (total use of products). The equality
between supply and use also applies to the total supply and use of natural inputs and the total
supply and use of residuals. In addition to the supply and use identity, the PSUTs incorporate the
input-output identity, implying that the total flows into the economy either are returned to the
environment or accumulate in the economy.

C. Overview of IOTs

2.39. For many analytical purposes, a transformation from a pair of SUTs into a single IOT where
total input (row totals) and total output (column totals) are equal brings considerable advantages.
IOTs cannot be compiled without passing through the SUTs stage (except under very restrictive

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

assumptions). They are therefore analytical constructs that inevitably involve some degree of
modelling in their compilation. (2008 SNA, paragraph 28.2). It is thus recommended that the SUTs
are compiled first, and then the IOTs.

2.40. An IOT is essentially derived from the Use Table where either the columns representing
industries are replaced by products or where the rows representing the products are replaced by
industries through a transformation process which involves a range of assumptions. The resulting
intermediate consumption matrix is then square, showing products in both rows and columns or
industries in both. In both cases, the row totals for the complete matrix match the column totals
for the complete matrix, Product by Product matrix or Industry by Industry matrix as the case may
be. (2008 SNA, paragraph 28.32). Of course, the classifications in the IOTs coincide with those in
the SUTs, as the former is a transformation of the latter.

2.41. The derivation of IOTs from the system of SUTs may reveal inconsistencies and
weaknesses in the SUTs. In this respect, there is a powerful quality-related feedback from the IOTs
to the SUTs and vice versa.

2.42. The IOTs derived from the SUTs further describe the inter-relationships between industries
and products as well as the sale and purchase relationships between producers and consumers
within an economy. They can be produced to illustrate flows between the sales and purchases (final
and intermediate) of industry outputs (which is referred to as Industry by Industry tables) or to
illustrate the sales and purchases (final and intermediate) of product outputs (which is referred to
as Product by Product tables).

2.43. IOTs have algebraic properties that make them particularly suitable for analyses that enable
estimates of the effects of changing relative prices, labour and capital requirements in the face of
changing output levels, the consequences of changing patterns of demand and so on. They may
also be used as the basis for an expanded version that may be used to estimate the demands made
by the economy on the environment (2008 SNA, paragraph 28.35).

2.44. Table 2.6 provides a simplified IOT where the columns of the original Use Table referring
to industry base structures are transformed into product based structures. The relations between
output and input are now relations between products and primary inputs necessary to produce
products in similar units of production.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 2.6 A simplified Input-Output Table (Product by Product)

Products Products Final uses

Ores and Output
Agriculture, Final Gross capital
Products minerals; … Services Exports
forestry, etc. consumption formation
Agriculture, forestry, etc.
Total use
Ores and minerals; etc. Intermediate consumption by product Final uses by product and by category by
… product
Imports Intermediate consumption of imported products Final use of imported products
Value added Value added by component
Input Total supply Total final uses by category

Empty cells by definition

2.45. For the transformation of SUTs into IOTs, various assumptions have to be made - and
sometimes adjustments are required - based on Industry by Industry or Product by Product

• Product by Product IOTs can be compiled using either the product technology assumption
(whereby each product is produced in its own specific way, irrespective of the industry where
it is produced) or the industry technology assumption (whereby each industry has its own
specific way of production, irrespective of its product mix).

• Industry by Industry IOTs can be compiled using either the fixed industry sales structure
assumption (whereby each industry has its own specific sales structure, irrespective of its
product mix) or the fixed product sales structure assumption (whereby each product has its
own specific sales structure, irrespective of the industry where it is produced).

A mixture of both assumptions can also be applied by implementing a hybrid technology

assumption. The correct use and understanding of the terminology, transformation process and
assumptions applied are covered in more detail in Chapter 12 of this Handbook.

2.46. The selection of the appropriate type of IOTs - Product by Product or Industry by
Industry - depends on a number of statistical and practical considerations. For example, Industry
by Industry IOTs are closer to statistical sources and actual market transactions. Product by
Product IOTs are believed to be more similar in terms of cost structures and production activities.

2.47. In the IOTs, two identities of the SUTs system are reduced to one type of identity. It is
typical for IOTs that, for each product or industry the input equals output and total input equal
total output.

2.48. The figures of total output and total input by product are the same as total supply and total
use by product of the SUTs – this holds for Product by Product IOTs. The industry based structures
are transformed into product based structures. In this transformation, the final use data are left
unchanged. The transformation only rearranges on the basis of the production matrix of the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

intermediate use table by applying certain analytical assumptions to the relations between primary
and secondary outputs.

2.49. In general, it is recommended to prepare separate IOTs for domestic output and imported
products which are derived from the SUTs system where the Use Table is separated into the
Domestic Use Table (for domestic production) and the Imports Use Table. More detail on the
compilation of the Domestic Use Table and the Imports Use Table are in Chapter 8.

2.50. Box 2.3 and Box 2.4 show a simplified numerical example of a sequence of tables - based
on the SUTs shown in Box 2.1 and Box 2.2 - necessary for compiling Product by Product IOTs
and Industry by Industry IOTs, respectively.

Box 2.3 Supply and Use Tables and Product by Product Input-Output Tables
Supply Table
Domestic Total
Manufacturing and Imports
Agriculture Services supply supply
270 30 50 350 20 370

Manufacturing and construction 10 430 100 540 50 590
Services 20 40 550 610 30 640
Total 300 500 700 1500 100 1600

Use Table Domestic Use Table for Domestic Output

Industries Final use Industries Final use
Total use Manuf acturing Final Total
Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital Gross capital
Agriculture Services Exports Agriculture and Services consumption Exports
Construction expenditure formation formation
Construction expenditure
34 59 93 131 21 32 370 30 50 90 130 20 30 350


Agriculture Agriculture
Manufacturing and construction 106 119 61 139 103 62 590 Manuf acturing and construction 90 100 54 136 100 60 540
Services 70 112 75 291 61 31 640 Services 60 100 70 290 60 30 610
Taxes less subsidies on products 4 5 12 52 6 1 80 Imports 30 40 15 5 5 5 100
GVA 86 205 459 750 Taxes less subsidies on products 4 5 12 52 6 1 80
Total 300 500 700 613 191 126 2 430 GVA 86 205 459 750
Total 300 500 700 613 191 126 2430

Empty cells by definition Imports Use Table

Industries Final use
Manuf acturing Final Total
Gross capital
Agriculture and Services consumption Exports
Construction expenditure
4 9 3 1 1 2 20

Manuf acturing and construction 16 19 7 3 3 2 50
Services 10 12 5 1 1 1 30
Total 30 40 15 5 5 5 100

Input-Output Table for Domestic Output (product by product)

Products Final use
Manuf acturing Final Output
Gross capital
Agriculture and Services consumption Exports
Construction expenditure
34.08 52.23 83.69 130.00 20.00 30.00 350.00

Manuf acturing and construction 113.17 111.84 18.99 136.00 100.00 60.00 540.00
Services 73.23 114.19 42.58 290.00 60.00 30.00 610.00
Imports 37.73 46.07 1.20 5.00 5.00 5.00 100.00
Taxes less subsidies on products 4.58 4.83 11.59 52.00 6.00 1.00 80.00
GVA 87.21 210.84 451.95 750.00
Total 350.00 540.00 610.00 613.00 191.00 126.00 2 430.00

Input Table for Imports (product by product)

Products Final use
Manuf acturing Final Total
Gross capital
Agriculture and Services consumption Exports
Construction expenditure

Agriculture 4.91 10.75 0.34 1.00 1.00 2.00 20.00

Manuf acturing and construction 20.22 21.68 0.11 3.00 3.00 2.00 50.00
Services 12.60 13.65 0.74 1.00 1.00 1.00 30.00
Total 37.73 46.07 1.20 5.00 5.00 5.00 100.00

In Product by Product IOTs, all inputs are allocated to similar production units. They are derived from the SUTs
system on the basis of analytical assumptions (see Chapter 12 for detail on the derivation of IOTs).
Product by Product IOTs are believed to be more similar but further away from statistical sources than Industry by
Industry IOTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 2.4 Supply and Use Tables and Industry by Industry Input-Output Tables
Supply Table
Manufacturing Domestic Total
Agriculture and Services supply supply
270 30 50 350 20 370

Manufacturing and construction 10 430 100 540 50 590
Services 20 40 550 610 30 640
Total 300 500 700 1500 100 1600

Use Table Domestic Use Table for Domestic Output

Industries Final use Industries Final use
Manufacturing Final Gross Manufacturing Final
Total use Gross capital Total
Agriculture and Services consumption capital Exports Agriculture and Services consumption Exports
f ormation
Construction expenditure formation Construction expenditure
34 59 93 131 21 32 370 30 50 90 130 20 30 350

Agriculture Agriculture
Manufacturing and construction 106 119 61 139 103 62 590 Manufacturing and construction 90 100 54 136 100 60 540
Services 70 112 75 291 61 31 640 Services 60 100 70 290 60 30 610
Taxes less subsidies on products 4 5 12 52 6 1 80 Imports 30 40 15 5 5 5 100
GVA 86 205 459 750 Taxes less subsidies on products 4 5 12 52 6 1 80
Total 300 500 700 613 191 126 2 430 GVA 86 205 459 750
Total 300 500 700 613 191 126 2430

= Zero by definition Imports Use Table

Industries Final use
Manufacturing Final
Gross capital Total
Agriculture and Services consumption Exports
f ormation
Construction expenditure
4 9 3 1 1 2 20

Manufacturing and construction 16 19 7 3 3 2 50
Services 10 12 5 1 1 1 30
Total 30 40 15 5 5 5 100

Input-Output Table for Domestic Output (industry by industry)

Industries Final use
Manufacturing Final
Gross capital Total
Agriculture and Services consumption Exports
f ormation
Construction expenditure

Agriculture 26.78 43.70 72.72 112.31 19.25 25.24 300.00

Manufacturing and construction 78.17 90.47 55.30 138.46 85.28 52.32 500.00
Services 75.05 115.83 85.97 305.23 75.47 42.45 700.00
Imports 30.00 40.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 100.00
Taxes less subsidies on products 4.00 5.00 12.00 52.00 6.00 1.00 80.00
GVA 86.00 205.00 459.00 750.00
Total 300.00 500.00 700.00 613.00 191.00 126.00 2 430.00

Input Table for Imports (industry by industry)

Industries Final use
Manufacturing Final
Gross capital Total
Agriculture and Services consumption Exports
f ormation
Construction expenditure

Agriculture 3.71 7.69 2.61 0.86 0.86 1.61 17.34

Manufacturing and construction 13.74 16.69 6.16 2.54 2.54 1.83 43.50
Services 12.55 15.62 6.23 1.60 1.60 1.56 39.17
Total 30.00 40.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 100.00

In Industry by Industry IOTs, inputs are allocated to industries. They are derived from the SUTs system on the
basis of pragmatic assumptions. The intermediate input of industries consists of output of industries rather than
products (of industry adjusted products) (see Chapter 12 for detail on the derivation of IOTs).
Industry by Industry IOTs are less similar but closer to statistical sources and actual observations than Product
by Product IOTs.

D. Structure of SUTs and IOTs: basic elements

2.51. Defining the structure of SUTs and IOTs is a principal first step and depends on a number
of basic elements which form the backbone of these tabulations. These elements include:

• the principles of the accounting system underlying the SNA applied to SUTs and IOTs;
• the classification of economic activities (and its level of detail);
• the classification of products (and its level of detail);
• the choice of the statistical units; and
• the valuation.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2.52. Considerations on these elements reflect the specific context in which the tables are
compiled which include, among other things, the analytical objectives, the data availability, the
economic structure of the country etc. Each of these elements is described below.

1. Principles of the accounting system underlying the SNA applied to SUTs and IOTs

2.53. The accounting system underlying the SNA is derived from broad bookkeeping principles
and is applied to the structure and links in the SUTs and IOTs. There are three bookkeeping
principles underlying the SNA accounting system:

• Vertical double-entry bookkeeping, also known as double-entry bookkeeping;

• Horizontal double-entry bookkeeping; and
• Quadruple-entry bookkeeping.
2.54. The main characteristic of vertical double-entry bookkeeping is that each transaction leads
to at least two entries, traditionally referred to as a credit entry and a debit entry. This principle
ensures that the total of all credit entries and all debit entries for all transactions are equal, thus
permitting a check on consistency of accounts for a single unit. Each transaction requires two

2.55. The concept of horizontal double-entry bookkeeping is useful for compiling accounts that
reflect the mutual economic relationships between different institutional units in a consistent way.
It implies that if unit A provides something to unit B, the accounts of both A and B show the
transaction for the same amount: as a payment in A’s account and as a receipt in B’s account.
Horizontal double-entry bookkeeping ensures the consistency of recording for each transaction
category by counterparties. For example, dividends payable throughout the economy should be
equal to dividends receivable throughout the economy once transactions with the rest of the world
are taken into account.

2.56. Simultaneous application of vertical and horizontal double-entry bookkeeping results in

quadruple-entry bookkeeping - which forms the accounting system underlying the SNA. It deals
in a coherent way with multiple transactors or groups of transactors, each of which satisfies vertical
double-entry bookkeeping requirements. A single transaction between two counterparties thus
gives rise to four entries. In contrast to business bookkeeping, National Accounts deal with
interactions among a multitude of units in parallel, and thus require special care from a consistency
point of view.

2.57. An account records and displays all of the flows and stocks for a given aspect of economic
life. In each account, the sum of resources is equal to the sum of uses with a balancing item to
ensure this equality. Normally the balancing item will be an economic measure which is itself of

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2.58. The accounts can be built up for different areas of the economy by employing a system of
economic accounts which highlight, for example, production, income and financial transactions.
In many cases, these accounts can be elaborated and set out for different institutional units and
groups of units (or institutional sectors). Usually a balancing item has to be introduced between
the total resources and total uses of these units or sectors and, when summed across the whole
economy, these balancing items constitute significant aggregates.

2.59. The accounting structure is uniform throughout the system and applies to all units in the
economy, whether they are institutional units, sub-sectors, sectors or the whole economy, although
some accounts (or transactions) may not be relevant for some institutional sectors.

2.60. The National Accounting system uses two types of units and two corresponding ways of
sub-dividing the economy, which are quite different and serve separate analytical purposes:

• The first purpose of describing production, income, expenditure and financial flows, and
balance sheets, is met by grouping institutional units into institutional sectors on the basis of
their principal functions, behaviour and objectives. The national accounting system enables
a complete set of flow accounts and balance sheets to be compiled for each sector, and sub-
sector, as well as for the total economy.
• The second purpose of describing processes of production and for input-output analysis is
met by the system grouping establishments into industries on the basis of their type of
activity. An activity is characterised by an input of products, a production process and an
output of products.
2.61. Figure 2.3 shows in matrix form an overview of the structure of the SNA. The degree of
sub-divisions of the columns and rows using the relevant classifications determines the degree of
detail of the accounts. The shaded rows and columns for goods and services and production by
industry indicate those parts of the system relevant for the compilation of SUTs and IOTs, and
clearly indicate that SUTs are at the core of the National Accounts system.

2.62. The three approaches to measuring GDP (production, income and expenditure) are shown
in Box 2.5 and can be derived from the data in Figure 2.3 generating a single estimate of GDP.

2.63. All the aggregate components and detailed components are included in the SUTs and IOTs
related part of the system.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 2.3 The System of National Accounts in matrix form

Million Euro

Assets Opening Goods and Production by Income and Accummu- Rest of the Closing Total excl.
balance services industry consumption lation world balance balance

Liabilities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Assets of
Opening balance 1 assets of the
sectors (real
and financial)
303 492 226 258 74 612 165 648 770 009
Goods and Exports of
2 Intermediate Final Gross capital
services goods and
consumption consumption formation
578 360 578 360
Production by
3 Output at
basic prices

33 778 274 868 38 023 346 670

Income and Taxes less Value added incomes and
consumption subsidies on at basic current
products prices transfers from
79 669 - 5 057 74 612
Liabilities of Deficit on the Liabilities of
Accummulation 5
domestic Gross savings balance of domestic
sectors payments sectors
157 871 40 743 198 614
Financial Imports of incomes and Financial
Rest of the world 6
liabilities of goods and current liabilities of
the RoW services transfers to the RoW
the RoW
Assets of
Closing balance 7 assets of the
sectors (real
and financial )

Total excl.
8 770 009 578 360 346 670 74 612 198 614

Austria 2011

Box 2.5 The three approaches to measuring GDP

Production approach Income approach Expenditure approach
Million Euro Million Euro Million Euro
Variable Value Variable Value Variable Value
Output at basic prices 578 360 Compensation of employees 144 343 Final consumptipon 226 258

+ Other taxes less subsidies on production 4 858

- Intermediate consumption - 303 492 + Consumption of fixed capital 53 469 + Gross capital formation 74 612

+ Net operating surplus 72 198

= Gross value added at basic prices 274 868 = Gross value added at basic prices 274 868 + Exports of goods and services 165 648
+ Taxes less subsidies on products 33 778 + Taxes less subsidies on products 33 778 - Imports of goods and services - 157 871

= Gross domestic product 308 647 = Gross domestic product 308 647 = Gross domestic product 308 647

Austria 2011

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2. Classification of economic activities

2.64. The International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC)
(United Nations, 2008b) is the international reference classification of economic activities (also
referred to as “industries”). The fourth revision, ISIC Rev. 4, was released by the United Nations
in 2008. Its main purpose is to provide a set of activity categories that can be utilised for collecting
and presenting internationally comparable statistics by economic activity.

2.65. In general, the scope of ISIC covers productive activity, that is, all economic activities
within the production boundary as described in the SNA (with one exception for activities in
Division 98 which is used to measure subsistence activities of households that cannot otherwise
be captured in the classification). The classification is used to classify statistical units such as
establishments or enterprises, according to the economic activity in which they mainly engage. All
categories at each level of the classification are mutually exclusive. The ISIC Rev. 4 is the
reference classification of production activities of the 2008 SNA.

2.66. The structure of ISIC consists of 21 Sections, 88 Divisions, 238 Groups and 419 Classes.
The principles and criteria used to define and delineate the categories are based on the inputs of
goods, services and factors of production, the process and technology of production, the
characteristics of outputs, and the use to which the outputs are put. At the class level of the
classification, preference has been given to the process and technology of production to define
individual ISIC classes, particularly in the classes related to services. The list of products that
defines a class is called the principal products of that class. At the division and group levels,
characteristics of outputs and the use to which outputs are put become more important to create
analytically useful aggregation categories.

2.67. At national and regional levels, there may be the need to use a level of detail that reflects
specific national and regional circumstances. However, it is important that these classifications are
compatible with ISIC Rev. 4 at an aggregated level of detail. At its thirty-seventh session, the
United Nations Statistical Commission recommended that countries adapt their national
classifications in a way that allows them to report data at least at the two-digit level of ISIC, Rev.
4 without loss of information3 Examples of regional classifications is the industrial classification
used in the European Union - the General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within
the European Communities (NACE) Rev. 2, which is identical with ISIC Rev. 4 up to the two-
digit level (divisions) of the classification. At lower levels, NACE has created more detail suitable
for the European users of the classification. The additional detail can always be aggregated to ISIC
categories at the three-digit level and four-digit level, within the same structure. The North

See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 2002, Supplement No.4 (E/2006/24), chapter I, paragraph.
3, item 37/105 (b).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

American Industry Classification System (NAICS), although it has a substantially different

structure from ISIC, has been designed in a way that statistical data collected according to NAICS
can be re-aggregated into the two-digit divisions of ISIC, Rev. 4. The Australian and New Zealand
Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) has been revised in 2006. The ANZSIC structure
broadly follows the ISIC structure, so that categories at the division and more detailed levels can
be aggregated into the two-digit categories of ISIC.

2.68. An economic unit may engage in a variety of production activities. The classification of
the economic unit is done according to the importance of the production activities. In this regard,
the activities of an economic unit are distinguished into principal activity, secondary activity and
ancillary activities. The principal activity of an economic entity is the activity that contributes most
to the value added of the entity, as determined by the “top-down method”. The top-down method
follows a hierarchical principle whereby the process starts with the identification of the relevant
category at the highest level (section) and progresses down through the levels of the classification
to the lowest level (classes). As a result of the top-down method, it is not necessary that the
principal activity account for 50 per cent or more of the total value added of an entity or even that
its generated value added exceed that of all other activities carried out by the unit, although in
practice it will do so in the majority of cases. (United Nations 2008b, paragraph 57).

2.69. However, in practice, it is often impossible to obtain the information on GVA of the
different activities performed and the activity classification has to be determined by using
substitute criteria such as employment and/or turnover.

2.70. Products resulting from a principal activity are either principal products or by-products.
By-products are products that are necessarily produced together with principal products, for
example, hides produced when producing meat by slaughtering animals. Since normal patterns of
horizontal integration have been taken into account when defining the ISIC classification, such
commonly integrated activities are usually included in the same ISIC class even though the outputs
produced have quite different characteristics. Thus the ISIC Class 1010 “processing and preserving
of meat” also includes hides, skins, wool and feather originating from slaughtered animals (United
Nations 2008b, paragraphs 57 and 120).

2.71. A secondary activity is each separate activity that produces products eventually for third
parties and that is not the principal activity of the entity in question. The outputs of secondary
activities are called secondary products including any by-products associated with these outputs.
Most economic entities produce at least some secondary products.

2.72. Traditionally the existence of by-products has been seen as creating problems in I-O
analysis as they would disturb supply and use relationships. Thus additional demand for the
principal product would also result in more output of the by-product for which there would not
automatically be any additional demand. When it comes to more complex production processes
than meat and hides, for example in chemical and electronic industries, it will, however, be very

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

difficult or in the absence of special technical insight, impossible for the compilers of SUTs to
identify by-products separately.

2.73. A distinction is made between principal and secondary activities on the one hand and
ancillary activities on the other. All economic units require some basic, routine services to support
their production activities. When they are provided in-house, they are called ancillary activities. In
general, an ancillary activity is a supporting activity undertaken within an enterprise in order to
create the conditions within which the principal and secondary activities can be carried out (2008
SNA, paragraph 5.36). Ancillary activities typically produce services that are commonly found as
inputs into almost any kind of economic activity. These outputs are always services and intended
for intermediate consumption within the same entity. They include for example: maintaining
records, files or accounts in written form or on computers; purchasing materials and equipment;
providing electronic and traditional written communication facilities; hiring, training, managing
and paying employees; storing materials or equipment; warehousing; providing security and
surveillance; etc.

2.74. Some of these activities are found in every economic entity. The output of an ancillary
activity is not explicitly recognized and recorded separately in the SNA. It follows that the use of
this output is also not recorded. All the inputs consumed by an ancillary activity, materials, labour,
consumption of fixed capital, etc., are treated as inputs into the principal or secondary activity that
it supports.

2.75. The following activities are not to be considered ancillary: producing goods or services as
part of Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) and research and development activities, which are
considered to be part of GFCF in the 2008 SNA. These items will therefore appear as either
principal or secondary output. Goods that become embodied in the output of the principal or
secondary activities are not outputs of ancillary activities.

2.76. More details on principal products, secondary products and ancillary products specific to
the construction of the Supply Table are covered in Chapter 5.

Considerations for the compilation of SUTs and IOTs

2.77. In SUTs and IOTs, the industries should be classified according to ISIC Rev. 4. The major
advantage of using established international industrial classifications is that the comparability to
other types of economic statistics and the National Accounts is not compromised. The choice is
therefore not which industrial classifications should be used in the SUTs and IOTs but rather at
which level of detail.

2.78. At the working level, it is recommended to use the most detailed level of classification of
industry taking into consideration user needs, the availability of data and the level of detail used
in the National Accounts. Furthermore, certain compilation aspects also influence the choice of
working level such as the distinction between industries which are allowed to deduct Value Added

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Tax (VAT) and those that are not, the distinction between market and non-market producers, and
the explicit identification of certain industry sub-divisions which are relevant for the compilation
of the trade and transport margin matrices. These considerations are further elaborated in Chapters
4 to 7. In general, the level of detail in the published/disseminated SUTs differs from that at the
working level: SUTs are generally published at a more aggregated level of detail which takes into
account users’ needs and confidentiality.

3. Classification of products

2.79. The international reference classification of products is the Central Product Classification,
Version 2.1 (CPC Ver. 2.1) (United Nations 2015). The primary purpose of the CPC is to classify
all goods and services that are the result of production in the economy. The CPC presents
categories for all products that can be the object of domestic or international transactions or that
can be entered into stocks. It includes products that are an output of economic activity, including
transportable goods, non-transportable goods and services. The CPC in general follows the
definition of products within the SNA.

2.80. The importance of the industrial origin of goods and services was underscored by the
attempt to group into one CPC sub-class mainly the products that are the output of a single ISIC
class. Through their linkage to the criterion of industrial origin, the input structure, technology and
organisation of production characteristics of products are also reflected in the structure of the CPC.
The industrial origin of products criterion is one of the classification principles applied by the ISIC.

2.81. The CPC was developed primarily to enhance harmonisation among various fields of
economic and related statistics and to strengthen the role of National Accounts as an instrument
for the coordination of economic statistics. It provides a basis for transforming basic statistics from
their original classifications into a standard classification for analytical use. As a general purpose
classification, the CPC provides less detail than other specific classification systems in areas or
applications for which such systems are available, for example the HS. The HS4 codes provide
building blocks for the part dealing with transportable goods and take into account the basic
categories of economic supply and use of products as specified in the SNA such as intermediate
consumption, final consumption, capital formation, and imports and exports.

2.82. The CPC is a system of categories that are both exhaustive and mutually exclusive. This
means that if a product does not fit into one CPC category, it must automatically fit into another.
In CPC Ver. 2.1, in total there are 10 sections, 71 divisions, 329 groups, 1,299 classes and 2,887
subclasses. Each subclass in sections 0 to 4 of the CPC is defined as the equivalent of one heading

The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) is the classification used for international trade

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

or sub-heading or the aggregation of several headings or sub-headings of the HS, owing to the fact
that the HS is a detailed classification of transportable goods that is widely accepted for use in
international trade statistics by virtually all countries. Other classifications of products may be
used at country and regional level, however, these classification are in general broadly consistent
with the CPC Ver. 2.1.

2.83. The CPC and the ISIC are both general purpose classifications with the ISIC representing
the activity side. Each sub-class of the CPC consists of goods or services that are predominantly
produced in a specific class of the ISIC. However, the relationship between industries and their
products is complex and changes over time, and it should be noted that there has been no intention
of establishing a one-to-one correspondence between the CPC and ISIC. Such an effort is
considered neither practical nor desirable as it might lead to an inadequate description of CPC
categories, especially at the higher levels.

2.84. The classification of a product in the service part of the CPC does not automatically imply
that the product cannot be a principal output of a goods producing industry. Thus the two CPC
divisions: (87) Maintenance, repair and installation (except construction) services; and (88)
Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others both appear in the business and
production services section of the CPC but the units carrying out these activities on a fee or contract
basis are classified in the same ISIC category as units producing the same goods or services for
their own account. The correspondence table between CPC Ver. 2.1 and ISIC Rev. 4 (see, UNSD
classification website at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/class/default.asp) shows that 125 sub-classes
of CPC Division 88 are defined to correspond to 125 manufacturing industry classes of the ISIC.
This implies that these manufacturing services are principal output (and not as might have been
expected, secondary output) of the corresponding manufacturing activities. In other words, there
are no service industries producing these services. This example shows the need to get these kind
of services correctly entered into the domestic output matrix requiring a considerable number of

2.85. Box 2.6 shows other classification of products, such as the HS, the Standard International
Trade Classification (SITC), the Classification by Broad Economic Categories (BEC) and the
Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification (EBOPS) and how they relate to the CPC.
However, the basis for grouping products in the SUTs (and IOTs) is thus most commonly an
aggregation of CPC Sections, Divisions, or Groups (2008 SNA, paragraph 14.22).

Box 2.6 Other classifications of products

The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding system generally referred to as “Harmonized
System” or simply HS is a multipurpose international product nomenclature developed by the World Customs
Organization (WCO). The system is used by more than 200 countries and economies as a basis for their
collection of external trade statistics for goods. It is also extensively used by governments, international
organizations and the private sector for many other purposes such as internal taxes, trade policies, monitoring
of controlled goods, rules of origin, freight tariffs, transport statistics, price monitoring, quota controls,
compilation of National Accounts, and economic research and analysis.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

As a result of the intensive world-wide use and degree of detail the HS provides, it is a fundamental
classification and provides a key link for the definitions of all other classifications of goods (including the
goods part of the CPC) as well as for the definition of the classes of the ISIC. The latest version now available
is HS 2012.
The HS explanatory notes are a part of a commodity database giving the HS classification of more than
200,000 products actually traded internationally. This high number of “background” products also makes it
evident that at the level of external trade statistics (usually 5,000-10,000 products, as most countries apply
further subdivisions of the 5,000 HS-codes), there will be no “homogeneous” products, and of course, even
less so at the much higher level of aggregation applied in a SUTs system.
The Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Classification by Broad Economic
Categories (BEC) are both classifications of goods defined in terms of HS, and also primarily used in relation
to external trade data. SITC distinguish around 3,000 products at its most detailed level. It is primarily used
as an alternative to the HS publication level of external trade statistics, and there will usually be no advantage
in applying it in SUTs compared to using the HS directly. With the breakdown of products according to BEC
(food, materials, fuel, capital goods, transport equipment, consumer goods), these groupings may be used as
a reference when deciding on uses of some products but it is not applicable as the main product classification
in the SUTs system. Furthermore, the BEC is not an international standard classification in the same sense as
The relationship between the CPC and the SITC is similar to that between the CPC and the HS, since SITC
also uses the sub-headings of the HS as building blocks to create product groupings that are more suitable for
the economic analysis of trade. The BEC is related to the CPC through its close correlation with SITC and is
designed to serve as a means for converting external trade data compiled by using SITC into end-use
categories that are meaningful within the SNA framework. It is generally possible to rearrange whole CPC
sub-classes into BEC categories through the correspondences between CPC and SITC, and between SITC and
The Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification 2010 (EBOPS 2010) (United Nations et al.,
2011) is a classification of trade in services that was developed to provide further breakdowns of the BPM6
classification so as to meet a number of user requirements, including the provision of information required in
connection with the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). It builds upon the BPM6 classification
of services. In BPM6, 12 main service categories are identified and broken down into a list of standard and
supplementary components. EBOPS 2010 consists of a further breakdown of these components into more
detailed sub-items. EBOPS 2010 also contains several supplementary items for the recording of useful
additional information regarding services transactions in various sectors such as, travel/tourism or insurance
services. Like the BPM6 services classification, EBOPS 2010 is primarily a product-based classification.
Items of these classifications may be described in terms of the CPC, which is the standard international product
classification. However, correspondences cannot be established in the areas of travel, construction, and
government goods and services, n.i.e., which focus on the mode of consumption of goods and services or the
status of the transactor, rather than on the type of product consumed. A detailed correspondence between
EBOPS 2010 and CPC, Version 2, can be found online at http://unstats.un.org/unsd/tradeserv/TFSITS/

Considerations for the compilation of products in the SUTs and IOTs

2.86. Based on the description of the product classifications and their level of detail, it is obvious
that “products” in the SUTs, even when a high level of detail is applied such as for example 2,000
products, will nonetheless represent aggregated groups of products when compared to the detail
applied in basic statistics, and even more so when compared to the real world variety of products.
Therefore, analogies to the notion of homogeneous products, which are often assumed in standard
economic theory, will in general be inappropriate, as there can be no homogeneous products or

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

production processes at the SUTs or IOTs level of aggregation. Many economies usually consist
of hundreds of thousands of producing units, of which hardly any two are completely identical,
and there are millions of different products and even more production processes. Therefore it is
important to realise that National Accounts and SUTs record economic transactions, and not
physically identifiable products or related technical production processes, which will in general be
outside the sphere of official statistics.

2.87. Even very detailed basic statistics already represent highly aggregated data when compared
to the number of real world products. As previously mentioned, the HS contains descriptions of
200,000 products. Statistics on products are collected at a maximum detail of, say, 10,000
products, and only in selected areas such as external trade statistics and output from manufacturing
industries. Furthermore products that are identical in a physical sense may be different in an
economic sense when they are sold at different prices to different purchasers. This may, for
example, happen because of the way transportation costs are invoiced. The concept of basic prices
is defined to specifically include this possibility. Statistics on the breakdown of products for
intermediate consumption will often give less detail than production statistics and may sometimes
be collected from enterprise units rather than establishment units, and in most cases the statistical
coverage of purchases is irregular and/or limited to certain industries, for example, mainly
manufacturing industries but even in this case the compilers of SUTs may be confronted with the
task of further aggregation.

2.88. For the further understanding of the level of aggregation, it is informative to consider the
product definitions required when selecting items and collecting prices for compiling price indices
such as consumer price indices and producer price indices. Each item must be defined more
precisely than by just referring to even the most detailed product classification. The same is the
case when collecting prices for use in the International Comparison Project. Official statistics have
in these cases to make selections from a product universe at a much more detailed level than 10,000
product groups to compile a sound price index. This places the terminology of "homogeneity”
often applied in connection with SUTs and IOTs in perspective. (See 2008 SNA, paragraph

2.89. Therefore the term "homogenous" in the context of the SUTs system usually means
"mutually exclusive”. As outlined above, international activity and product classifications aim at
mutually exclusive classification criteria. Yet within any group of products fulfilling this criterion,
there may be considerable “non-homogeneity” depending on the level of aggregation. The
classification of products in this sense (mutually exclusive) is statistically possible at any level of
aggregation but a product in the SUTs will usually represent a basket of products, and furthermore
the contents of the basket will vary from one cell to another along the rows of both the Supply
Table and the Use Table. For the classification of producer units into industries the same “mutually
exclusive” conditions basically hold, though the situation is somewhat different as the statistically
observed input structures will usually represent a mixture of intermediate consumption structures
for many individual products, some of which will also be produced in other industries. Therefore

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

industries producing mutually exclusive products can only be derived on certain assumptions
which do not in general form part of the compilation of the SUTs. Redefinitions (see Chapter 5)
may be seen as an exception.

4. Other classifications relevant for SUTs and IOTs

2.90. The SUTs system distinguishes a large number of products and industries. However, final
uses distinguish often only final consumption, gross capital formation and exports at a very
aggregate level. The functional classifications help to support the compilation of SUTs and allow
for a wide range of other analyses. It is mainly the disaggregated SUTs which allow us to identify
the different purposes of expenditure on a product basis.

2.91. The SNA uses special classifications to analyse consumption and other outlays according
to the purpose for which the expenditure is undertaken. Such functional classifications and
associated detail - the Classifications of Expenditure According to Purpose (UN 1999) - can be
found in 2008 SNA, Chapter 29 on satellite accounts and other extensions. These classifications
include in particular: the Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG); the
Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP), the Classification of
the Purposes of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households (COPNI) and the Classification of the
Outlays of Producers According to Purpose (COPP). The main purpose of these classifications is
to provide more detailed statistics for a wide variety of analytical uses.

2.92. For the SUTs, the lower level detail is recommended to be produced in the form of
disaggregated matrices as sub-systems feeding into the central compilation of SUTs in current
prices and in volume terms. Thus a correspondence between categories of these functional
classifications and the CPC allows bringing the basic data into the use tables.

2.93. The correspondence table between categories of CPC and COICOP has been established
and available on the UNSD classification website at http://unstats.un.org/unsd/class/default.asp.
When making decisions on the details of the product classification to be applied in SUTs, the
possibility to establish transformation tables to the COICOP at group levels or class levels and to
make use of the reverse transformation, from the products surveyed in the household budget
surveys to the products of the SUTs should be taken into consideration. These transformation
matrices are keys to utilising the consumer price index (CPI) in the volume estimates, as sub-
indices of the CPI will usually be based on the COICOP classification. Also, for the purposes of
household budget surveys and purchasing power parities (PPP), the COICOP is applied at more
detailed level including as many as 300-400 or more sub-classes.

2.94. Table 2.7 shows the types of links and extensions. Some of the key areas are covered in
this section but more detail in terms of compilation is covered in Chapter 6.

2.95. The Classification of the Outlays of Producers According to Purpose (COPP) provides
detailed information on outlays of producers for current production, infrastructure research and

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

development, environmental protection, marketing and human resource development. It should be

noted that the COPP is covered here more for completeness of presentation of the functional
classifications. The COPP is not used much and does not fit well in the SUTs framework as outlays
include wages and other types of costs in addition to intermediate consumption. In principle, COPP
applies to all producers, whether market or non-market or for own final use.

Table 2.7 Links between the Use Table and functional classifications
Use Table
Final consumption expenditure Gross Total
Agricul- Other
.. Total General capital Exports
ture services Households NPISH
government formation

Other services
Value added

Final consumption expenditure by households (COICOP)

Alcoholic beverages
alcoholic beverages

goods and servces

Food and non-

Clothing and
and tobacco




Other services

Final consumption expenditure by NPISH (COPNI)

Social protection
Public order and
General public





Other services

Final consumption expenditure by government (COFOG)

and culture






Other services

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

5. Statistical units

2.96. In general, the same statistical unit is the basis for compiling the Use Table and for
compiling the Supply Table. Different choices of statistical units are available for the compiler and
it is important to have a clear understanding of the impact of the choice of different statistical units
has on the SUTs and on the IOTs.

2.97. Different types of statistical units can be defined (for example, enterprise group, local unit,
kind-of-activity unit, etc.). However, for SUTs the focus is on two specific statistical units:
enterprises and establishment (local kind-of-activity unit).

2.98. An enterprise is defined as the view of an institutional unit as a producer of goods and
services (where institutional units are economic entities that have autonomy of decision making
and have clear links with the legal units). An establishment is an enterprise or part of an enterprise
that is situated in a single location and in which only a single productive activity is carried out or
in which the principal productive activity accounts for most of the value added.

2.99. Although the impact of globalisation and the way multi-national businesses control and
operate their activities poses lots of challenges, including the basis of the statistical unit for
measurement of national activity versus global activity. However, in line with the
recommendations of the 2008 SNA, the establishment is the unit that is more suitable for analysis
of production in which the technology of production plays an important role. Thus the
establishment is the recommended unit for the compilation of the production part of the National
Accounts and therefore the compilation of SUTs. This means, as a rule, that “multi-product”
enterprises must be partitioned into smaller and more uniform units with regard to the kind of
production, if possible.

2.100. There is a recognised need to review the statistical unit and its use across the National and
Regional Accounts as well as the need to reflect the role of MNE Groups and the impact of
globalisation on global production arrangements. The ISWGNA have commissioned a group to
undertake such a review. Presently, an enterprise is the preferred unit for institutional sector
accounts and an establishment for the industry accounts (including SUTs and IOTs). However,
there is a strong case that an enterprise can better meet the needs of SUTs and better reflect the
economy as well as reflect data collected via business surveys, for example, the Supply Table
allows for secondary production. Whereas for IOTs, which is more of a theoretical concept, the
establishment remains the preferred unit and adjustments need to be made for any secondary
production. Having different units for SUTs and IOTs is not welcomed. However in reality, many
countries may operate at the enterprise level although some do have establishment on the business
register as a basis for both SUTs and IOTs.

2.101. Trying to collect data on sub-establishment production processes as part of the I-O
compilation is an approach that has no natural limitation, and will, apart from the costs, almost

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

invariably become biased by the specific knowledge and insight that the compilers happen to
possess and lead to non-transparent and uneven compilation processes.

2.102. In practice, the extent of partitioning enterprises into establishments varies across countries
depending on whether the creation of establishments is based on a relatively modest breakdown of
institutional units or if alternatively the starting point is a register of all local producer units. The
latter case follows the formal definitions set out in the 2008 SNA and would lead to a more pure
activity classification than the former. Recommendations for partitioning vertical and horizontal
integrated enterprises are briefly presented in Box 2.7.

Box 2.7 SNA recommendations on partitioning of vertically/horizontally integrated

A horizontally integrated enterprise is one in which several different kinds of activities that produce different
kinds of goods or services for sale on the market are carried out simultaneously using the same factors of
production. (2008 SNA paragraph 5.21). Horizontal integration occurs when an activity results in end-products
with different characteristics. This could theoretically be interpreted as activities carried out simultaneously using
the same factors of production. In this case, it will not be possible to separate them statistically into different
processes, assign them to different units or generally provide separate data for these activities. Another example
would be the production of electricity through a waste incineration process. The activity of waste disposal and
the activity of electricity production cannot be separated in this case.
Within the SNA, a separate establishment should be identified for each different kind of activity wherever
possible. (2008 SNA, paragraph 5.22)
A vertically integrated enterprise is one in which different stages of production, which are usually carried out
by different enterprises, are carried out in succession by different parts of the same enterprise. (2008 SNA
paragraph 5.23) Vertical integration of activities occurs wherever the different stages of production are carried
out in succession by the same unit and the output of one process serves as the input to the next process. Examples
of common vertical integration include tree felling and subsequent on-site sawmilling, mining of metal ores and
manufacture of basic iron and steel, a clay pit combined with a brickworks or production of synthetic fibers in a
textile mill.
While the procedure for the treatment of vertically integrated activities could be applied to any unit, it should be
noted that the SNA recommends that when a vertically integrated enterprise spans two or more sections of ISIC,
at least one establishment must be distinguished within each section. With such a treatment, activities of units
engaged in vertically integrated activities will not cross section boundaries of ISIC. (2008 SNA, paragraph 5.26)

6. Valuation in the SUTs

2.103. More than one set of prices may be used to value outputs and inputs depending on how
taxes and subsidies on products, and also transport charges and trade margins are recorded. The
2008 SNA distinguishes three main valuation concepts of the flows of goods and services: basic
prices, producers’ prices and purchasers’ prices.

2.104. The valuation of the data for the Use Table (for example, intermediate and final
consumption) is different from the valuation of the data for the production side of the Supply Table.
In fact, the valuation of Use Table is based on the actual price paid by the users for the goods and

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

services (i.e. purchasers’ price) while the valuation of the production data in the Supply Table is
based on output at basic prices.

2.105. In order to balance the SUTs, the same valuation should be used. For this purpose, specific
matrices have to be compiled for trade and transport margins and taxes and subsidies on products.
The compilation of these valuation matrices is an important component of the compilation of SUTs
and IOTs. Chapter 7 provides a detail description on the compilation steps for the valuation
matrices and the compilation issues.

2.106. These different valuations – basic prices, producers’ prices and purchasers’ prices – are
looked at in turn below. They differ as a result of the treatment of taxes on products less subsidies
on products, and trade and transport margins.

(a) Basic prices

2.107. Basic prices are the preferred method in the 2008 SNA for valuing output in the accounts.
This price basis reflects the amount receivable by the producer from the purchaser for a unit of
goods or services, minus any taxes payable, and plus any subsidy receivable on that unit as a
consequence of production or sale (for instance, the cost of production).

2.108. The value of output at basic prices reflects the sum of intermediate consumption of goods
and services at purchasers’ prices, compensation of employees, return to capital for market
producers’ own capital formation, and other taxes less subsidies on production. Other taxes on
production include items such as property taxes/business rates, business licences, motor vehicle
licenses, mission permits issues by government under cap-and-trade schemes, etc. Basic prices
exclude any transport charges invoiced separately by the producer. When a valuation at basic
prices is definitely not feasible then producers’ prices may be used.

2.109. The basic price valuation is the preferred valuation to construct IOTs which in turn are
used in constructing structural models of the economy or modelling particular features of economic
behaviour. When compiling the IOTs, it is therefore necessary to also value the purchases by
products at basic prices, and this is further explained in Chapter 7.

(b) Producers’ prices

2.110. Producers’ prices may be thought of as the prices of goods and services ‘at the factory
gate’. This valuation includes all taxes on production and taxes on products, for example excise
duties. Producers’ prices relate to basic prices as follow:

Producers’ prices equals basic prices

plus taxes on products (excluding VAT)
less subsidies on products.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2.111. Although the producers’ price valuation is not one of the key price valuations in the 2008
SNA, this valuation still forms the basis of some of business survey data. Therefore, if relevant,
specific steps are needed to change data based on business survey to basic prices, as appropriate,
for use in National Accounts and SUTs.

(c) Purchasers’ prices

2.112. Purchasers’ prices are those prices payable by the purchaser and include transport costs,
trade margins and taxes (unless the taxes are deductible by the purchaser). Purchasers’ prices are
defined as follow:

Purchasers’ prices equals producers’ prices

plus any non-deductible VAT or similar tax payable by the purchaser
plus transport costs paid separately by the purchaser and not included in
the producers’ price.

2.113. Although purchasers’ prices is a “market” price, it is recommended in the SNA that the
term “market prices” should be avoided when referring to GVA and the price basis used (for
example, basic, producers’ or purchasers’). However, GDP is valued at market prices and not
purchasers’ prices. There is a small difference between the purchasers’ price and market price
valuation of GDP. This is because of the valuation of imports, which are recorded as free on board
and not as purchasers’ prices (which will include taxes less subsidies on imports) when deducted
from the expenditure approach. A balance is achieved as these taxes (less subsidies) are added in
the production approach. Therefore the valuation of GDP is referred to as market prices and not as
purchasers’ prices.

2.114. In terms of taxes and subsidies on products and other taxes and subsidies on production,
below are some short descriptions:

• Taxes on products include, in particular, value added taxes, taxes and duties on imports, and
taxes on products such as stamp taxes on the sale of petrol, diesel, alcoholic beverages and

• Subsidies on products include import subsidies and other subsidies on products.

• Other taxes on production consist of all taxes that enterprises incur as a result of engaging in
production, independently of the quantity or value of the goods and services produced or
sold. These may be payable on the land, fixed assets, business/property rates or labour
employed in the production process or on certain activities or transactions.

• Other subsidies on production consist of subsidies which resident producer units may receive
as a consequence of engaging in production including in particular subsidies on payroll or
work force, subsidies to reduce pollution and grants for interest relief.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2.115. In the Use Table transactions are recorded at purchasers’ prices. In the Supply Table,
domestic production is recorded at basic prices and imports by type of product at cost, insurance
and freight costs (CIF) prices (although total imports of goods is valued at free on board (FOB)
prices), whereby an adjustment is needed to move the foreign trade statistics to be basis required.
Therefore, additional columns are included in the Supply Table in order to complete the valuation
gap between total use and total supply of products. They include information on trade and transport
margins, taxes on products and subsidies on products.

(d) Value added tax

2.116. VAT is a wide-ranging tax usually designed to cover most or all goods and services. In
some countries, VAT may replace most other forms of taxes on products but VAT may also be
levied in addition to some other taxes on products, such as excise duties on tobacco, alcoholic
drink or fuel oils. VAT is a tax on products collected in stages by enterprises. Producers are
required to charge certain percentage rates of VAT on the goods or services they sell. The VAT is
shown separately on the sellers’ invoices so that purchasers know the amounts they have paid.
However, producers are not required to pay to the government the full amounts of the VAT
invoiced to their customers because they are usually permitted to deduct the VAT that they
themselves have paid on goods and services purchased for their own intermediate consumption,
resale or gross fixed capital formation.

2.117. Deductible VAT is the VAT payable on purchases of goods or services intended for
intermediate consumption, gross fixed capital formation or for resale that a producer is permitted
to deduct from his own VAT liability to the government in respect of VAT invoiced to his
customers. Non-deductible VAT is VAT payable by a purchaser that is not deductible from his
own VAT liability, if any.

2.118. The SNA requires that the net system of recording VAT should be followed. In the net
system: (a) Outputs of goods and services are valued excluding invoiced VAT; imports are
similarly valued excluding invoiced VAT; and (b) Purchases of goods and services are recorded
including non-deductible VAT.

(e) Valuation in SUTs and IOTs

2.119. Box 2.8 presents an overview of the valuation in the compilation of SUTs and IOTs in a
simplified numerical example. This overview underlines the different valuation layers: the Supply
Table at basic prices including the transformation into purchasers' prices is considered with the
Use Table at purchasers' prices (total supply equals the total use). In a second step valuation
matrices are compiled - one for the trade and transport margins and the other for the taxes less
subsidies on products, in order to transform the Use Table from purchasers’ prices to basic prices.
In this way, the Supply Table at basic price can be considered in relation to the Use Table at basic
prices (total supply at basic prices equals total use at basic prices). The use table at basic prices is

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

further split between the domestic use table and imports use table at basic prices. The SUTs at
basic prices are the starting point for the compilation of IOTs which are compiled at basic prices.

Box 2.8 Overview of the valuation in SUTs and IOTs

Supply Table at basic prices including a transformation into purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
Industries Industries Final use
Output at Supply at Trade and Taxes less Total supply at Total use at
Final Gross
Agricul- Manuf. and basic Imports basic transport subsidies purchasers’ Agricul- Manuf. and purchasers’
Services Services consumption capital Exports
ture Constr. prices prices margins on products prices ture Constr. prices
expenditure formation
Agriculture 270 30 50 350 20 370 28 20 418 Agriculture 38 65 103 155 24 33 418
Manufacturing 6 380 87 473 42 515 80 21 616 Manufacturing 115 123 64 167 85 62 616
Construction 4 50 13 67 8 75 22 4 101 Construction 12 16 6 24 39 4 101

Trade, transport and
Trade, transport and communication
communication 10 15 210 235 7 242 - 130 13 125 21 2 2 98 1 1 125
Finance and business
Finance and business services
services 6 17 240 263 11 274 15 289 14 54 43 128 32 18 289
Other services 4 8 100 112 12 124 7 131 Other services 14 35 23 41 10 8 131
Total 300 500 700 1 500 100 1 600 80 1 680 GVA 86 205 459 750
Output at basic prices 300 500 700 613 191 126 2 430
Trade and transport margins
Industries Final use
Final Gross
Agricul- Manuf. and Total
Services consumption capital Exports
ture Constr.
expenditure formation
Agriculture 3 5 4 13 2 1 28
Manufacturing 16 14 5 33 10 2 80
Construction 3 4 1 5 8 1 22

Trade, transport and
communication - 22 - 23 - 10 - 51 - 20 - 4 - 130
Finance and business
Other services
Taxes less subsidies on products
Industries Final use
Final Gross
Agricul- Manuf. and Total
Services consumption capital Exports
ture Constr.
expenditure formation
Agriculture 1 1 6 11 1 20
Manufacturing 2 2 2 12 2 1 21
Construction 1 2 1 4

Trade, transport and

communication 1 1 1 9 1 13
Finance and business
services 1 1 12 1 15
Other services 1 6 7
Total 4 5 12 52 6 1 80


Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices
Industries Output at Supply at
Industries Final use
Final Gross
Agricul- Manuf. and basic Imports basic Agricul- Manuf. and Total
Services Services consumption capital Exports
ture Constr. prices prices ture Constr.
expenditure formation
Agriculture 270 30 50 350 20 370 Agriculture 34 59 93 131 21 32 370
Manufacturing 6 380 87 473 42 515 Manufacturing 97 107 57 122 73 59 515
Construction 4 50 13 67 8 75 Construction 9 12 4 17 30 3 75


Trade, transport and Trade, transport and

communication 10 15 210 235 7 242 communication 42 24 11 140 20 5 242
Finance and business Finance and business
services 6 17 240 263 11 274 services 14 53 42 116 31 18 274
Other services 4 8 100 112 12 124 Other services 14 35 22 35 10 8 124
Taxes less subsidies on
Total 300 500 700 1 500 100 1 600 products 4 5 12 52 6 1 80
GVA 86 205 459 750
Total 300 500 700 613 191 126 2 430


Imports Use Table at basic prices Domestic Use Table for domestic output at basic prices
Industries Final use Industries Final use
Gross Final Gross Total use at
Agricul- Manuf. and Final cons. Total Agricul- Manuf. and
Services capital Exports Services consumption capital Exports basic prices
ture Constr. exp. ture Constr.
form. expenditure formation
Agriculture 4 9 3 1 1 2 20 Agriculture 30 50 90 130 20 30 350
Manufacturing 12 17 6 2 3 2 42 Manufacturing 85 90 51 120 70 57 473
Construction 4 2 1 1 8 Construction 5 10 3 16 30 3 67


Trade, transport and Trade, transport and

communication 2 4 1 7 communication 40 20 10 140 20 5 235
Finance and business Finance and business
services 4 3 2 1 1 11 services 10 50 40 115 30 18 263
Other services 4 5 2 1 12 Other services 10 30 20 35 10 7 112
Total 30 40 15 5 5 5 100 Imports 30 40 15 5 5 5 100
Taxes less subsidies on
products 4 5 12 52 6 1 80
Empty cells by definition GVA 86 205 459 750
Total 300 500 700 613 191 126 2 430

E. Compiling SUTs as an integral part of the National Accounts

2.120. As mentioned before, the compilation of SUTs should be seen as an integral part of the
compilation of the National Accounts. Figure 2.4 provides a general overview of how the
compilation of SUTs and IOTs fits within the compilation of National Accounts conforming to the
same statistical standards (for example, 2008 SNA, BPM6, SEEA-2012, IMF Government Finance

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Statistics, etc.), and using the same basic sources generally used for the compilation of National

2.121. One important feature of Figure 2.4 is the level at which the traditional annual and quarterly
balancing process of the National Accounts and Balance of Payments system takes place. Balanced
macroeconomic data can be derived on a more aggregate level by applying the production, income
and expenditure approaches. However, the better quality option and recommendation is to balance
the system at the same time for the institutional sector accounts and the SUTs at a lower level
disaggregation of products and industries. The annual and quarterly estimates of GDP are obtained
from the production, income and expenditure approaches and reconciled using SUTs in many
countries. Some countries have a long tradition and much experience in utilising detailed
production data based on establishments (local KAU) as the statistical unit for compiling GDP
estimates according to the production approach.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 2.4 Overview of SUTs and IOTs as part of the SNA compilation

System of National Accounts

Supply and Use Tables Accounts

Supply and
Use Tables Production Income
Valuation Expenditure
at approach approach
matrices approach GDP
purchasers' GDP GDP
(unbalanced) (unbalanced)
prices (unbalanced) (unbalanced)


Supply and
Use Tables
at Single estimate of Gross Domestic Product
prices (balanced)

Institutional Sector accounts

1. Non-financial corporations
Supply and Use Tables at 2. Financial corporations Total Rest of
basic prices
3. General government economy the world
4. Households

Product by Industry by Distribution Accumu-
and Production
product industry and use of lation
services account
IOTs IOTs income accounts

(a) Different approaches to measuring GDP

2.122. The three approaches to measuring GDP form the basis of estimating GDP both quarterly
and annually. Using three different methods which, as far as possible, use independent sources of
information avoids sole reliance on one source and allows greater confidence in the overall
estimation process. This in turn also underpins not only the quality of the key aggregates but also
of the underlying details. The SUTs combine the three approaches together in a consistent manner.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Production approach

2.123. The production approach looks at the contribution of each economic unit by estimating the
value of their output less the value of goods and services used up in the production process to
produce their output, this is also known as GVA. Using the production approach:

GVA at basic prices equals output at basic prices

less intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices
and then,

GDP equals GVA at basic prices

plus taxes on products
less subsidies on products

GDP is also the balancing item of the production account for the whole economy.

2.124. The distinction between market and non-market producers (see 2008 SNA, paragraph
6.133 for the definitions) is important for the determinants of both total output and gross value
added which is covered in this section. While the output of market producers is determined from
the revenue side, the output of non-market producers is calculated as the costs of all inputs
including labour cost and consumption of fixed capital. Box 2.9 provides an overview of the
calculation of output for market and non-market producers.

2.125. The estimate of output for producing units in the non-market sector is derived by summing
their costs, for example, intermediate consumption, compensation of employees, other taxes (less
subsidies) on production and consumption of fixed capital. GVA is the sum of compensation of
employees, other taxes (less subsidies) on production and consumption of fixed capital.

2.126. The production approach to measuring GDP, and the estimates of GVA, can be
implemented by using an industry dimension or by an institutional sector dimension. GVA is the
variable used when producing labour productivity estimates and also output per worker uses GVA
as the output measure.

Box 2.9 Calculation of output for market and non-market producers

Market producers and producers for own final use
Total output equals total sales of goods and services (as invoiced, excluding VAT)
(at basic prices) plus changes in inventories of work-in-progress and finished goods
plus output produced for own use, for example R&D, computer software and construction (also known
as own account capital formation) and household production of agriculture products for own use
less purchases of goods or services for resale without further processing (thereby only including the
gross margin within output)
plus income earned-in-kind
less any taxes on products
plus any subsidies on products
Total ICa equals total purchases of goods and services for use as inputs to the production process (excluding
(at purchasers’ prices) employment costs and fixed capital formation)

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

less changes in inventories of materials and fuels

less any purchased/bought-in R&D, computer software (treated as capital expenditure, assuming this
is included in the purchases in the first place)
plus Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)
less any imputed insurance premium supplements
less any payments to employees such as income earned-in-kind
Gross value added equals total output (at basic prices)
(at basic prices) less total intermediate consumption (at purchasers’ prices)
Non-market producers
Total output equals total intermediate consumption (at purchasers’ prices)
(at basic prices) plus compensation of employees (labour costs)
plus imputed charge for consumption of fixed capital (sometimes called depreciation)
plus other taxes on production and imports
less other subsidies on production
Gross value added equals compensation of employees (labour costs)
(at basic prices) plus imputed charge for consumption of fixed capital (depreciation)
plus other taxes on production and imports
less other subsidies on production
Final consumption expenditure equals total intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices
(at purchasers’ prices) plus gross value added at basic prices
equals total output at basic prices
less market output (receipts from actual sales)
less output produced for own final use
equals non-market output
= Intermediate consumption

Income approach

2.127. Using the income approach, GDP is obtained by adding together the income components
that make up value added. GDP by income approach covers only the income generated within the
domestic economy:

GDP equals compensation of employees

plus gross operating surplus and gross mixed income
plus other taxes less subsidies on production
plus taxes on products and imports.
less subsidies on products

The above income approach provides estimates of GDP market prices.

2.128. As it suggests, the income approach adds up all income earned by resident individuals or
corporations in the production of goods and services and is therefore the sum of uses in the
generation of income account for the total economy (or alternatively the sum of primary incomes
distributed by resident producer units).

2.129. The income approach to measuring GDP can be analysed either by industry, by institutional
sector or by type of factor income. The type of factor income approach is often linked to the source
data and allows for incorporation of various administrative data sources.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2.130. Based on factor incomes, gross operating surplus excludes holding gains on inventories but

• self-employment income (mixed income and quasi-corporations);

• gross trading profits of private financial corporations;
• gross trading profits of private non-financial corporations;
• gross trading surplus of public corporations (financial and non-financial);
• rental income;
• non-market consumption of fixed capital; and
• deduct intermediate consumption of FISIM.
2.131. Producing all three dimensions in a single, integrated SUTs framework provides a natural
link between the production account and generation of income account, both by industry and by
institutional sector. This approach also ensures a high degree of consistency and coherency across
the accounts.

2.132. It should be noted that the income approach to measuring GDP cannot be used to calculate
chained linked volume measures directly because it is not possible to separate income components
into prices and quantities in the same way as for goods and services. However, a chained linked
volume measure of the income based total can be obtained indirectly. The expenditure based GDP
deflator at market prices (also known as the index of total home costs) can be used to deflate the
current market price income based total estimate to provide a chained linked volume measure of
the total income component of GDP for balancing purposes.

Expenditure approach

2.133. In the expenditure approach, GDP is obtained by adding the final expenditures or uses by
consumers and producers of goods and services produced within the domestic economy. The total
is obtained from the sum of final consumption expenditure on goods and services by households,
NPISHs and government, gross capital formation (gross fixed capital formation on tangible and
intangible fixed assets, changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables) and net
exports of goods and services.

2.134. Using the expenditure approach:

GDP equals Final consumption expenditure (Households, NPISH and government)

plus gross fixed capital formation
plus change in inventories
plus acquisitions less disposals of valuables
plus exports
less imports.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2.135. The data for these categories are estimated from a wide variety of sources including
business surveys, expenditure surveys, the government’s internal accounting system, surveys of
traders and the administrative documents used in the importing and exporting of goods.

2.136. To avoid double counting in this approach, it is important to classify consumption

expenditures as either final or intermediate. Final consumption expenditure involves the
consumption of goods purchased by or for the ultimate consumer or user. These expenditures are
final because the goods are no longer part of the economic flow or being traded in the market place.
Intermediate consumption, on the other hand, is consumption of goods and services that are used
or consumed in the production process. Gross capital formation is treated separately from
intermediate consumption as the goods (or services) involved are not used up within the production
process in an accounting period, except for depreciating over time.

2.137. Exports include all sales to non-residents, and exports of both goods and services have to
be regarded as final consumption expenditure, since they are final as far as the domestic economy
is concerned. Imports of goods and services are deducted because they are not part of the
production of the domestic economy but produced in another economy.

2.138. The expenditure approach to measuring GDP is also used to estimate chained linked
volume measures of GDP. The chained linked volume measure shows the change in GDP after the
effects of inflation has been removed.

2.139. Box 2.10 shows a numerical example of how a single estimate of GDP can be derived from
a balanced SUTs system by extracting the components of the production, income and expenditure
approaches to measuring GDP from the Supply Table and Use Table.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 2.10 Example of derivation of GDP from balanced SUTs

Supply Table at basic prices, including a transformation into purchasers' prices
Million Euro
Trade, Finance and supply at supply at
Other Imports Wholesale Retail trade Transport Taxes on Subsidies
Agriculture Manufacturing Construction transport and business Total basic Total purchasers’
services trade margins margins margins products on products
communication services prices prices
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (15)
Agriculture (1) 8 782 0 0 0 0 0 8 782 3 271 12 052 1 052 873 274 386 - 107 2 479 14 532
Manuf acturing (2) 796 182 982 643 1 808 133 44 186 405 124 590 310 995 29 777 19 061 2 540 21 041 - 49 72 370 383 364
Construction (3) 83 961 43 060 734 255 179 45 272 563 45 835 0 0 0 1 542 0 1 542 47 377

Trade (4) 1 4 773 311 54 204 640 257 60 187 600 60 787 - 31 301 - 21 040 0 586 0 - 51 755 9 032
Transport (5) 13 465 66 25 538 128 125 26 335 8 150 34 485 0 0 - 2 800 628 - 448 - 2 620 31 865
Communication (6) 160 1 781 139 43 912 1 253 982 48 228 6 234 54 463 472 1 021 9 3 592 - 34 5 059 59 522
Finance and business services (7) 29 8 902 698 7 588 106 909 3 381 127 508 7 061 134 569 0 0 - 22 4 865 0 4 842 139 411
Other services (8) 3 85 13 1 053 143 74 346 75 643 824 76 467 0 85 0 1 777 0 1 861 78 329
Total (9) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360 151 293 729 653 0 0 0 34 416 - 638 33 778 763 431

CIF/FOB adjustments on imports (10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 97 - 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 97

Direct purchases abroad by

(11) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 675 6 675 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 675
Total (12) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360 157 871 736 230 0 0 0 34 416 - 638 33 778 770 009
Total of w hich:
Market output (13) 9 763 195 916 41 462 127 401 88 330 18 116 480 989 0 480 989 0 0 0 0 0 0 480 989
Output for ow n f inal use (14) 104 4 029 3 468 2 134 19 890 2 670 32 295 0 32 295 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 295
Non-market output (15) 0 4 0 5 302 1 241 58 528 65 075 0 65 075 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 075
Use Table at purchasers' prices
Million Euro
Total use at
Trade, Finance and Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed Changes Changes
Other purchasers’
Agriculture Manufacturing Construction transport and business Total General capital in in Exports Total
services Households NPISH prices
communication services government formation valuables inventorie
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 2 583 6 570 16 371 34 49 9 623 3 595 0 0 180 0 - 27 1 161 4 909 14 532
Manuf acturing (2) 2 205 107 190 12 441 16 874 6 015 8 797 153 522 71 438 0 3 180 26 756 2 183 3 034 123 252 229 842 383 364
Construction (3) 105 2 440 9 528 2 446 3 907 1 604 20 029 1 667 0 0 25 155 0 - 38 563 27 348 47 377

Trade (4) 33 1 883 119 2 240 259 308 4 842 3 325 0 0 67 45 0 753 4 189 9 032
Transport (5) 14 4 386 267 8 399 822 321 14 208 5 833 0 3 370 0 0 0 8 453 17 656 31 865
Communication (6) 34 2 563 299 9 359 5 919 1 833 20 008 26 444 0 121 5 976 0 67 6 905 39 514 59 522
Finance and business services (7) 457 13 578 4 736 20 359 29 166 9 134 77 430 38 838 0 1 006 11 170 0 - 178 11 145 61 981 139 411
Other services (8) 8 382 59 1 171 415 1 794 3 829 14 923 5 416 53 373 113 107 1 567 74 500 78 329
Total at purchasers’ prices (9) 5 440 138 991 27 466 61 219 46 538 23 839 303 492 166 063 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 152 800 459 939 763 431

CIF/FOB adjustments on exports (10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 97 - 97 - 97

Direct purchases abroad by
(11) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 675 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 675 6 675
Purchases on the domestic
(12) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 12 945 0 0 0 0 0 12 945 0 0
territory by non-residents
Total at purchasers’ prices (13) 5 440 138 991 27 466 61 219 46 538 23 839 303 492 159 792 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 165 648 466 517 770 009
Compensation of employees (14) 551 30 679 10 239 37 906 22 997 41 971 144 343 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Other taxes less subsidies on

(15) - 1 627 1 077 546 1 755 2 004 1 103 4 858 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Consumption of f ixed capital (16) 1 845 12 750 1 542 10 917 18 934 7 480 53 469 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Net operating surplus (17) 3 658 16 453 5 138 23 040 18 989 4 921 72 198 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gross operating surplus (18) 5 503 29 203 6 680 33 957 37 923 12 401 125 667 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GVA (19) 4 427 60 959 17 465 73 618 62 923 55 475 274 868 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total input at basic prices (20) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Austria 2011
The box below shows how a single estimate of GDP at market prices can be derived from the above balanced SUTs
system by extracting the components of the production, income and expenditure approaches to measuring GDP
from either the Supply Table and/or the Use Table.
Million Euro
Production approach Income approach Expenditure approach
Total output at basic prices 578 360 Compensation of employees 144 343 Final consumption expenditure by Househods 159 792
- Intermedate consumption at purchasers’ prices - 303 492 + Other taxes less subsidies on production 4 858 + Final consumption expenditure by NPISH 5 416
+ Consumption of fixed capital 53 469 + Final consumption expenditure by General government 61 050
+ Net operating surplus 72 198 + Gross fixed capital formation 69 418
= GVA 274 868 = GVA 274 868 + Changes in valuables 2 335
+ Changes in inventories 2 859
+ Taxes less subsidies on products 33 778 + Taxes less subsidies on products 33 778 + Exports 165 648
- Imports - 157 871
= GDP 308 647 = GDP 308 647 = GDP 308 647

Austria 2011

(b) SUTs links to the institutional sector accounts

2.140. It is important to link the SUTs to the institutional sector accounts in order to have a
complete, consistent and integrated set of accounts. The SNA uses two types of units and two ways
to sub-divide the economy. Both are quite different and serve different analytical purposes. In
order to describe production, income, expenditure and financial flows, and balance sheets, the
SNA uses institutional units which, on the basis of their principal functions, behaviour and

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

objectives, are grouped into institutional sectors like non-financial corporations and financial
corporations. For the institutional units, the full set of accounts is covered in the system.

2.141. A simplified version of a table covering the main institutional sectors is shown in Table
2.8. More details are covered in Chapter 10 (Linking the Institutional Sector Accounts to the
Supply and Use Tables).

Table 2.8 A simplified table linking the SUTs to the institutional sector accounts

1 2 1 n
1. Non-financial corporations
Total output
Market output
Output for own final use
Non-market output
Intermediate consumption
GVA at basic prices
Compensation of employees
Other net taxes on production and imports
Consumption of fixed capital
Operating surplus, net
Gross fixed capital formation
2. Financial corporations
Total output
Gross fixed capital formation
3. General government
Total output
Gross fixed capital formation
4. Households
Total output
Gross fixed capital formation
5. Non-profit institutions serving households
Total output
Gross fixed capital formation
6. Total
Total output
Gross fixed capital formation

2.142. When describing the processes of production (and I-O analyses), the system uses the
establishment as the basis of their main type of activity when grouping into industries. For the
establishment, only a limited set of accounts is feasible, namely those accounts of the SUTs

2.143. In order to show the relationships between the accounts of the production processes and
the accounts of the institutional level, a link table is an integrated part of the system. In this link
table, a cross-classification of output, intermediate consumption, components of GVA (and
possible other variables of industries) between the industries and the institutional sectors is shown.
This link table should help to ensure consistency of data compiled on the basis of establishment

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

and on the basis of institutional units. As both units are classified differently, the link table also
provides a picture of the relationships between output, intermediate consumption, GVA, etc.,
originating in the different industries and institutional sectors.

United Nations (2015): Central Product Classification Version 2.1. Statistical Papers, Series M,
No 77, Ver. 2.1. Also available from:

United Nations (2008b): International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic

Activities Revision 4, New York, Statistical Papers Series M No. 4 Rev. 4 United Nations
Publication Sales No. E.08.XVII. Also available from:

United Nations (2007). Statistical Units (ESA/STAT/2008/6). Available at:


United Nations (2009). Classifications of Expenditure According to Purpose: Classification of the

Functions of Government (COFOG); Classification of Individual Consumption According
to Purpose (COICOP); Classification of the Purposes of Non-Profit Institutions Serving
Households (COPNI); Classification of the Outlays of Producers According to Purpose
(COPP), Statistical Papers Series M, No.84 (United Nations publication, Sales No.
E.00.XVII.6. Available at:

United Nations, European Commission, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development, World Trade Organization (2011). Manual on Statistics of
International Trade in Services (MSITS), 2010. Available at:

United Nations, European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,
The World Bank, 2014. System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 — Central
Framework. Available online at:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Part B

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 3. Business Processes and Stages of Production

A. Introduction

3.1. The compilation of monetary and physical SUTs and thus IOTs is viewed as part of a
statistical production process which starts from the identification of the objectives and users’ needs
to the dissemination of the tabulations and the evaluation of the production process. The various
stages of compilation of SUTs (and IOTs) presented in this Handbook follow the stages of the
Generic Statistical Business Production Model (GSBPM) (United Nations Economic Commission
for Europe, 2013). The GSBPM explicitly identifies and organizes the compilation steps and the
inter-dependencies between them in a generic statistical business process. Thus, it provides a
useful flexible framework to describe the compilation for SUTs and IOTs.

3.2. It should be mentioned that country practices in the compilation of SUTs and IOTs vary
considerably since they are specific to the particular context in which they take place. For example,
they depend on the specific institutional arrangements of the statistical system, the statistical legal
framework, the legal, political, regional and taxations type arrangements, the statistical units, the
business registers, the range of processes, publication schedules, revision policies, resources, data
availability, confidentiality, and, also, the final outputs produced. Despite the great variability in
country practices, there are common steps in the compilation of SUTs and IOTs. The compilation
stages of the GSBPM described in this Handbook describe these common steps that are flexible
and applicable to all countries.

3.3. There is an over-arching framework within which the statistical production process takes
place and should be taken into consideration in the design of the compilation process as well in
the actual compilation of SUTs and IOTs. This includes the statistical institutional arrangement in
the country and the data and metadata quality framework.

3.4. The objective of this chapter is to provide an overview of the compilation steps for SUTs
and IOTs. This chapter starts in Section B with an overview of the different institutional set-ups
that exist in countries. Section C provides an overview of the GSBPM compilation stages that
relate to SUTs (and IOTs), and finally, Section D provides a schematic summary of the compilation
steps and their links with the relevant chapters of the Handbook and a summary of the main

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

recommendations, principles and guidelines for the compilation of SUTs, IOTs and PSUTs that
are contained in this handbook.

B. Institutional arrangements

3.5. The institutional arrangements are generally understood as a set of agreements between the
involved agencies on the division of the responsibilities in the collection, processing, compilation
and dissemination of data. They are fundamental for an effective statistical system and essential
for the management of integrated economic statistics. In fact, the functions and responsibilities of
the lead statistical agency in the country can be carried out more efficiently if it is supported in its
role by institutional arrangements such as advisory committees, relationship meetings,
memorandums of understanding, service-level agreements, technical cooperation and a legal
framework that protects the confidentiality and integrity of the data while allowing for the sharing
of data between partner statistical agencies. (United Nations, 2013, paragraph 3.23)

3.6. Institutional arrangements depend, among other factors like the legal framework etc., on
what kind of national statistical system exists in a given country, namely centralized and
decentralized statistical systems.

• A national statistical service is referred to as centralized if the management and operations

of the statistical programmes are predominantly the responsibility of a single autonomous
government agency.
• A national statistical service is commonly referred to as decentralized if the statistical
programmes are managed and operated under the authority of several government
departments. Under this arrangement, a particular agency is usually charged with the
responsibility of coordinating the statistical activities of the various departments.
3.7. In economic statistics, countries have different institutional arrangements with different
roles and responsibilities of the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) and National Central Banks
(NCBs). Countries often follow a decentralized approach splitting economic statistics across
different institutions within the country where, for example: the National Accounts (non-financial
accounts) are compiled by the NSO, the Balance of Payments and financial accounts are compiled
by the NCB, and the Government Finance Statistics covering the Public Sector are compiled by
the Finance Ministry.

3.8. When countries are considering either building or redesigning their systems or changing
the roles and responsibilities of the various institutions involved, the plans should be viewed with
the aim of producing integrated economic accounts throughout whole of the statistical production
process. The motivation for integrated economic statistics comes from the benefits such data sets
provide for coordinated national and global policy initiatives in an increasingly interconnected
world. The integration of economic statistics is about the use of common concepts, definitions,
estimation methods and data sources for statistical reconciliation which will help to improve

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

coherency and consistency of a wide-range of economic statistics as well as reducing the

respondent burden and overall costs. The integration therefore is neither specific to the type of
national statistical system (centralized versus decentralized statistical system) nor the level of
development of the statistical system. It is an approach that requires: (a) the adoption of the
conceptual framework of the SNA and the SEEA as the umbrella framework for organizing
economic statistics, (b) the alignment of the interdependencies of the components of the statistical
production process (statistical units, classifications, etc.) and (c) the establishment of enabling
institutional arrangements for statistical integration. (United Nations, 2013, paragraph 2.5)

3.9. Examples of institutional arrangements different countries are presented in the Annex to
Chapter 3. In general, it could be said that, beyond the coherency and consistency of official
economic statistics, a centralised arrangement may provide more comparability and harmonisation
inside the national statistical system and with other national statistical system. Although moving
towards an integrated system may incur large investments costs, it would generate great benefits
in terms of improved quality and reduced costs in the short-term and long-term.

3.10. The roles and responsibilities of the various institutions in other countries evolve over time
and some of the historical evolution of these arrangements is reflected in the country examples
covered in this chapter. A recent example is that of Finland where, in 2014, the compilation of the
Balance of Payments was transferred from the NCB to the NSO. Finland now follows the same
practice of Denmark, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta and the UK where the Balance of Payments is
compiled alongside the National Accounts within the NSO and not in the NCB.

C. Overview of GSBPM

3.11. The GSBPM describes, and defines, the set of business processes needed to produce
official statistics. It provides a standard framework and harmonised terminology to help statistical
organisations to modernise their statistical production processes, as well as to share methods and
components. The GSBPM can also be used for integrating data and metadata standards, as a
template for process documentation, for harmonizing statistical computing infrastructures, and to
provide a framework for process quality assessment and improvement.

3.12. The GSBPM is a reference model that can be used in a flexible manner to describe,
document, organize, and communicate the statistical production process in question. The GSBPM
consists of a sequence of eight phases: (1) Specify needs; (2) Design; (3) Build; (4) Collect; (5)
Process; (6) Analyse; (7) Disseminate; and (8) Evaluate. Figure 3.1 provides an overview of the
phases together with the sub-elements of each phase.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 3.1 Phases of the Generic Statistical Business Process Model

3.13. The GSBPM is not a rigid framework in which all steps must be followed in a strict order;
rather, it helps to identify the possible steps in the statistical business process, and the inter-
dependencies between them. Although presentation of the GSBPM follows the logical sequence
of steps in most statistical business processes (for example, business surveys), the elements of the
model may occur in different orders in different circumstances. Also, in compiling SUTs and IOTs,
some sub-processes will be revisited a number of times forming iterative loops, particularly within
“process” and “analyse” phases.

3.14. This section focuses on the business processes in National Accounts, in particular,
compilation of SUTs, PSUTs and IOTs. The business process and stages of production covered in
this chapter reflect the application of the underlying GSBPM concepts, principles and guidance.
As a result, Figure 3.2 provides an overview of a “simplified” business processing model specific
for the compilation of SUTs, PSUTs and IOTs.

3.15. In the compilation of SUTs and IOTs, the sequential stages of compilation of the GSBPM
can be simplified as presented in Figure 3.2 as follows:

• Phases 1-3: Specify needs, design and build. This stage contains tasks related to the Phases:
“Specify needs” (1), “Design” (2) and “Build” (3) of the GSBPM of Figure 3.1. It contains
all the pre-collection activities of setting up the system including identifying users’ needs,
designing the system, determining the size of the SUTs and IOTs etc.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Phase 4: Collect. This relates to the activities of data gathering from various sources. In
general, the compilers of SUTs (and IOTs) rely on data already collected for the purposes of
National Accounts which are often already adjusted to fit into the national accounting
• Phase 5: Process. This stage corresponds to a number of activities related to the data
cleaning, adjustments and transformation that are needed in order to start putting the data
into an unbalanced SUT. This stage is very important in the compilation of SUTs and IOTs
and is therefore separated into two steps in Figure 3.2. The first corresponds to all the
activities necessary to put the data in the initial unbalance SUTs. This involves data cleaning,
pre-processing, aggregation/disaggregation of the basic data and any other adjustment to the
basic data to fit into the national accounts concepts of the SUTs. The second step in this
phase corresponds to all the activities of putting an initial (unbalanced) set of SUTs at
purchasers’ and basic prices and in current prices and volume terms.
• Phase 6: Analyse. This phase corresponds mainly to the activities of balancing (manual and
automated) SUTs and IOTs and the feedback loop to the source data to resolve
inconsistencies. Thus there is a continuous loop between this phase and the previous in order
to arrive at balanced SUTs and IOTs. In this stage, the final output of the compilation process
is prepared, validated and finalized.
• Phase 7-8: Disseminate and Evaluate. This stage refers to the activities related to the
dissemination of the output tables which include the preparation of printed publications,
press releases and web sites, the promotion of dissemination products etc. as well as the
activities related to the evaluation of the production process as well as of the output as a
result of internal or external feedback.
3.16. Figure 3.2 shows the different stages of a simplified business process model for the
compilation of SUTs and IOTs (in monetary and physical units). The grey boxes for each stage in
Figure 3.2 contain examples of the types of functions undertaken. They are listed in no particular
order of importance and have links between each other.

3.17. The broad thrust is to move and process data from left to right, with minimal loops
backwards, even though effective feedback loops are critical at each phase, and the incorporation
of new, or improved, data deliveries are unavoidable. Good data version control at each stage is
needed, enabling the generation of a wide-range of outputs, articles and analyses such as revision

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 3.2 Simplified business processing model for compiling SUTs, IOTs, and PSUTs

3.18. Each phase should be viewed as cumulative even when allowing for the iterative nature of
the balancing process. The incorporation of balancing adjustments should be viewed as a
cumulative step and not as creating a loop.

3.19. It is important to have proper documentation throughout the various compilation stages
and in particular during the stage of balancing and adjustment. The steps and links between the
source data through to the balanced data should be recorded and documented separately and
reviewed in subsequent balancing exercises to investigate source data incoherence, bias, etc. For
example, moving from the original source data (covering for example, business survey data,
administrative based data, company accounts based data, etc.) to the validated 2008 SNA data, a
number of adjustments may need to be made such as:

• coverage (including exhaustiveness) adjustments;

• conceptual adjustments;
• quality adjustments; and
• balancing/coherency adjustments.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

3.20. In general, for all the stages of the compilation process, it is important also to have in place
the following:

• Data version control - for example, data storage, conventions, allowing easy access and
revision analyses as well as pre and post automated balancing analyses;
• Clear controls and disciplines - for example, read and write access for each stage, setting out
operational standards, change controls and testing, etc.;
• Appropriate staffing - for example, ensuring all staff are trained and skilled to undertake the
different functions as well as ensuring sufficient staff are in place for each phase; and
• Clear organisational structure of the staff involved – for example, clear roles and
responsibilities of staff, as staff can have more than one role in more than one phase.

D. Overall strategy for the compilation of SUTs and IOTS

3.21. Within the stages of the overall production process presented in the previous section,
Process and Analyse have a particular structure in the compilation of SUTs and IOTs. This section
provides an overview of the steps that are generally undertaken to construct SUTs and IOTs after
the data have been gathered. In addition, since the compilation of SUTs and IOTs is not seen as a
one-time exercise but as part of a continuous programme, this chapter also provides the strategy
for compiling SUTs and IOTs in current prices and in previous years’ prices for the first year of
compilation and the subsequent years.

3.22. The first step in compiling SUTs and IOTS is to construct the various separate parts of the
Supply Table and Use Table (as shown in Figure 3.3) with the available data. This leads to the
construction of unbalanced SUTs which then goes through a balancing process to reconcile all the

3.23. The steps that are generally used by countries to construct an unbalanced version of the
SUTs are presented below:

Step 1 - Construction of the Supply Table. This consists of filling the available data into
an initial unbalanced Supply Table which cover domestic output by product (Part 1 in
Figure 3.3) and the imports of goods and services and the valuation matrices comprising
information on taxes less subsidies on products, trade margins and transport margins (Part
2 in Figure 3.3). These valuation matrices allow the transformation of total supply of
products at basic prices (formed by summing the domestic output and the imports) to total
supply of products at purchasers’ prices. The construction of this initial unbalanced Supply
Table is presented in Chapter 5 of this Handbook.
Step 2 - Construction of the Use Table. Similarly to Step 1, this step consists of filling
the Use Table with the available data, which covers: the intermediate consumption at
purchasers’ prices (showing the input requirements of goods and services for the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

production of the domestic output of each industry shown in the Supply Table) (Part 3 in
Figure 3.3); final uses at purchasers’ prices and for each category - such as final
consumption and gross fixed capital formation, separate compilation steps will be needed
(Part 4 in Figure 3.3); and production-based GVA at basic prices shown by industry (Part
5 in Figure 3.3). This compilation step is covered in Chapter 6 of this Handbook.
Step 3 - Compilation of the valuation matrices. These matrices are essential to arrive to
SUTs at basic prices. These matrices expand the valuation columns in Part 2 of the Supply
Table in Figure 3.3 into corresponding matrices for intermediate consumption and final
consumption of the Use Table. This step of the compilation is described in Chapter 7 of
this Handbook.
Step 4 - Compilation of the Imports Use Table and Domestic Use Table at basic prices.
This step is essential to increase the analytical uses of SUTs by distinguishing the use of
imported and domestic products. This compilation step is presented in Chapter 8 of this
Step 5 - Compilation of the SUTs in volume terms (previous years’ prices). When
balanced both in current prices and in volume terms, the SUTs ensure coherent and
consistent deflation of the components of the production and expenditure approaches to
measuring GDP as well as coherent and consistent estimates of price and volume indices.
This requires that SUTs are compiled in volume term at this stage of the compilation
process. The compilation of SUTs in volume terms is described in Chapter 9 of this
Step 6 - Linking SUTs with the institutional sector accounts. Linking SUTs and the
institutional sector accounts is an important step in the compilation of SUTs which ensure
the full integration and consistency of SUTs with the National Accounts. This link is
provided by compiling a linking table between the sectors and industries (Part 6 in Figure
3.3). The compilation of the linking tables is presented in Chapter 10 of this Handbook.
3.24. These six steps above are generally followed in that order; however, there is a significant
amount of interdependency in the compilation process. For example, trade and transport margins
and taxes less subsidies on products are necessary for the transformation of the Use Table from
purchasers’ prices to basic prices as well as to convert the supply of products at basic prices to
purchasers’ prices in the Supply Table, to enable the balancing of products at purchasers’ prices.
This information may partly be derived from estimates based on the Use Tables and linked to
estimates from the Supply Table at basic prices.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

3.25. On the other hand, estimates of certain final uses may require basic supply side information
if, for example, the product flow5 method is being applied. Nevertheless, allowing for
interdependencies in the compilation of these tables, it is vital that these tables are viewed and
accepted as primary estimates.

Figure 3.3 Structure of the SUTs and the links covered in this Handbook


3.26. Once these six steps are completed, the result is unbalanced SUTs at purchasers’ prices and
basic prices. This represents the start of a balancing procedure which is an iterative procedure
integrating the following aspects:

• balancing of SUTs at purchasers’ prices;

• compilation of valuation matrices;

Note following the terminology 2008 SNA (paragraph 14.2), in this Handbook the expressions “product balance”
and “product flow” methods are used in preference to “commodity balance” and “commodity flow method” as
reflecting more recent usage of the word product in place of commodity. However, the change in terminology does
not indicate a change in methodology.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• transformation of SUTs into basic prices;

• compilation of separate Use Tables for use of domestic output and use of imports of goods
and services;
• balancing of SUTs at purchasers’ prices and at basic prices; and
• balancing the production based GVA and income based GVA, providing the link to the
institutional sector accounts.
All of the above should be balanced with time series in mind to ensure consistent movements of
levels and growth rates.

3.27. One of the key reasons why the SUTs are balanced first at purchasers’ prices is to reflect
as closely as possible the basis of the survey data collected feeding into the Use Table. The
intermediate uses and final uses, for example, are collected close to the economic reality of the
prices paid by purchasers, that is, purchasers’ prices. In addition, no valuation issues exist with
variables like compensation of employees and other taxes less subsidies on production.

3.28. However, these aspects need to be viewed alongside the domestic output part of the Supply
Table reflecting data collected from producers whereby the output is valued at basic prices. Thus
a balance between the two is needed.

3.29. For the SUTs balanced at purchasers’ prices, the two key identities are:

• total supply of products at purchasers’ prices equals total uses of products at purchasers’
prices, and
• total output of industries at basic prices equals total input of industries at basic prices.
3.30. Balancing is not just necessary in order to achieve the above identities but also allows us
to trace inconsistencies of basic data and estimation methods. Ideally, the balancing of the SUTs
system should be done both in current prices and in volume terms simultaneously. In fact,
balancing in this manner implies it is not complete until the transformation into basic prices and
the separation of the use of domestically produced products from the use of imported goods and
services has been achieved, as they are key steps to produce the SUTs in volume terms. These
steps are in practice interrelated and provide a powerful feedback loop in terms of quality and
validity of the various component estimates.

1. Compilation of SUTs in current prices and volume terms

3.31. The SUTs framework in Figure 3.3 when treated in summary form can be combined with
the “H-Approach” to show a simplified version of the compilation schematic when the SUTs are
compiled in current prices and in volume terms. Figure 3.4 illustrates the sequence of steps
involved in the compilation of SUTs, PSUTs, and IOTs. The red line box focuses on the
compilation of SUTs. Thus countries that intend to compile only monetary SUTs can focus on the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

steps within the red line box and follow the sequence of compilation indicated by the arrows in the
figure. The order of compilation of PSUTs and IOTs in the figure does not imply a sequence of
compilation of these tabulations. The compilation of these tables reflects the country’s priority.

3.32. The simplified illustration of compiling SUTs, PSUTs and IOTs in Figure 3.4 can be seen
in relation, on one hand, to phase 4 “Process” when it comes to compiling unbalanced SUTs and
PSUTs and, on another hand, to phase 5 “Analyse” when it comes to compiling balanced SUTs,
PSUTs, and IOTs.

Figure 3.4 Compilation of SUTs and IOTs in current prices and in volume terms

3.33. In order to compile the six boxes, in the sequence from Box A to Box G, there is a further
evolution dimension to reflect. In Year One of the compilation process, Box A, B and C
representing current prices are produced in that sequence covering the economy for year (T) for
SUTs and IOTs, and Box G covering PSUTs which are linked to the outputs of Box B and Box C.

3.34. However, Box D, Box E and Box F representing the previous years’ prices cannot be
compiled in Year One as there are no SUTs in current prices for the previous year (T-1).

3.35. Thus it is essential to have two consecutive years of SUTs in current prices to enable the
production of the first year of SUTs in previous years’ prices. If the SUTs are produced less
frequently, say every five years, it is much more difficult to produce SUTs in volume terms.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

3.36. In Year Two, Box A, B and C are produced covering the economy for year (T+1) together
with any revisions to the data for Box A, B and C for the year (T). In addition, the first set of SUTs
in previous years’ prices can be compiled for year (T+1). In each year thereafter, the process will
extend the availability of SUTs by an extra year in current prices and previous years’ prices as well
as incorporating any revisions to SUTs for earlier periods to ensure consistent time series.

3.37. Figure 3.5 provides a summary of the evolution dimension for the first three years. As time
goes by, different challenges will evolve such as retaining an ever-increasing number of years of
SUTs on a consistent basis, need for a revisions policy, data version/vintage control, managing the
production of consistent levels and/or growth rates, organisational arrangement of resources which
may not increase each year, etc. It is thus important to plan and manage this process from the start.

Figure 3.5 Evolution of compiling SUTs and IOTs in the first three years

Note: CP: Current prices; PYP: previous years’ prices; (r) revised tables.

3.38. Based on the overall strategy for the compilation of SUTs and IOTs, it is possible to provide
a step-by-step guidance. This guidance is provided for the first year of compilation, as well as
subsequent years of compilation, as there are some additional steps that need to be considered in
order to ensure a fully consistent time series of SUTs in current prices and in previous years’ prices.

(a) Step-by-step summary for the first year of compilation

3.39. Figure 3.6 provides a description of the various phases in the compilation of SUTs and
IOTs for Year One of the compilation together with the reference to the relevant chapters of the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Handbook. The figure also contains references to Boxes A to G of Figure 3.4 and the compilation
stages of Figure 3.2. Although Boxes A, B and C form key outputs, there are various intermediate
stages and intermediate outputs as denoted in the separate stages in Figure 3.6.

3.40. Before starting the first year of compilation, as illustrated in Figure 3.6, compilers should
ensure that the overall framework is well in place: standards, definitions, classifications and
methods, statistical units, business registers and sample frames, census, survey and administrative
data collection.

3.41. Figure 3.6 brings together and reflects various aspects and key features to note:

• It is consistent with Figure 3.5 and covers the simplified business process model for
compiling SUTs and IOTs. Each block of work in Figure 3.6 is split according to the type of
work as indicated in the six different stages in Figure 3.2.
• It follows the underlying principles and features of the GSBPM.
• The flow of work is kept as logical and sequential as possible and follows the “H-Approach”
as covered earlier. However, as mentioned earlier in this chapter, the compilation of SUTs
and IOTs has several inter-related processes and dependencies which have to be reflected
and retained. Furthermore, in some cases, there is more than one approach available, for
compiling trade margins using a supply-side approach or use-side approach or both.
• The flows in Figure 3.6 do not present loops backwards, though effective feedback loops are
critical at each phase and improve the process. For example, the compilation and balancing
of PSUTs provides an important feedback loop to the compilation of monetary SUTs, thus
enhancing the quality of physical and monetary SUTs.
• Integrated links bringing the PSUTs together with input data like the prices and quantities
(levels) and material flow accounts alongside the SUTs and IOTs.
• Each phase of work is also linked to the main chapters in Part B of the Handbook, providing
much more detail on the compilation – these links provide the key chapters, but not all
• The same approach has not been applied to Part C (Extensions and applications) of the
Handbook as there are many variations and options.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 3.6 First Year of Compilation – Outputs cover BOXES A, B and C

Standards, definitions, classifications and methods

Statistical units, business registers and sample frames

Census, surveys and administrative data collection PART A
and B

Integration of statistics – Accounts of the economic statistics system 1

(focus on SUTs, IOTs, PSUTs and PIOTs for (Year T) in current prices only) 2

Framework and infrastructure issues – Focus on SUTs, IOTs, PSUTs and PIOTs
Foundation Examples include:
Phase 1-3 Governance, organisational structures, resources, people, training, roles and responsibilities
Number of industries and products, classifications, schedules, documentation, policies, processes

Business survey Administrative data Other government
Other sources
sources sources department sources
Phase 4

Data gathering - Service level agreements, timetables, quality criteria, single data validation, etc.

Phase 5 (a) Data preparation, validation and conversion to National Accounts concepts and definitions

Domestic output at Imports of goods Use Table – Use Table – Final

basic prices and services Income components Intermediate Uses Uses
of GVA and by 5
institutional sector
U 6
Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at purchasers’ prices N
GVA at basic prices B 7
(Production and Income) A
Phase 5 (b) Flow L 8
Accounts A
N 10
Margins – Margins – Taxes on products Subsidies on Prices and C
VAT Quantities E
Trade Transport (excluding VAT) products 13
(levels) D
Figure 3.4 SUTs at basic prices, valuation matrices and SUTs at purchasers’ prices PSUTs
BOX A and B

Validation and balancing (manual and automatic)

Figure 3.4 11
SUTs at basic prices, valuation matrices and SUTs at purchasers’ prices PSUTs
Phase 6 BOX A and B
(Balanced) 13
Figure 3.4
Disclosure checking, documentation, feedback to BOX G
earlier parts of the process and suppliers

Figure 3.4 PIOTs

Transformation of (PxI) SUTs at basic prices to (PxP) IOTs and (IxI) IOTs 12
and 6
Figure 3.4 13
Leontief Inverse, multipliers, etc. BOX G

Extensions and applications C

Phase 7-8 Data analyses, publication, dissemination, communication and stakeholder management 15

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(b) Step-by-step summary for the subsequent years of compilation

3.42. Having completed the Year One results, Figure 3.7 provides a detailed stage of production
for Year Two with the focus on the SUTs in previous years’ prices, which as mentioned, can only
be compiled when SUTs have been compiled for the current year and the previous year.

3.43. In compiling SUTs in previous years’ prices for the first time, there may be several years
of SUTs in current prices already available. If so, then the compilation is just an extended version
of the process indicated in Figure 3.7, and it is better in terms of quality and consistency as there
is a time series dimension in place immediately.

3.44. Other features to note in Figure 3.7 are the following:

• The focus of the steps in Figure 3.7 is the right-hand side of the “H-Approach” of Figure 3.4
and builds on the detail available from the left-hand side – assuming the left-hand side
products are available.
• Deflation approach follows the underlying “H-Approach” and is covered in Chapter 9
(Compiling Supply and Use Tables in volume terms).
• Other approaches are available but this is the recommended approach.
• Compilation of IOTs in volume terms is not essential but is not resource intensive if all the
other parts are available.
3.45. An additional feature is also achieved whereby GVA in volume terms is achieved using
the SNA recommended approach - “double-deflation”. However, the results from this approach
need additional quality assurance against other indicators. This is to ensure the quality of the GVA
estimate in volume terms (and in turn GDP) is not reduced due to the errors in either the current
price estimates of output and intermediate consumption or inappropriate deflation of these two

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 3.7 Second Year of Compilation – Outputs cover BOXES A, B, C, D, E and F


Inputs and outputs available for (Year T, maybe revised) – BOXES A, B and C (balanced and/or unbalanced)
PLUS (Year T+1) - BOXES A, B and C (balanced and/or unbalanced) [All at current prices]. “Main”
This “stage of production” process focusses on the volume compilation of (Year T+1) – BOXES D, E and F. Chapters

Phase 1, Business survey Administrative data Other government

Other sources
2, 3 and sources sources department sources
4 type 3
work Data gathering – Year 1 sources extended to include prices, deflators, volume indicators, etc.
Phase 5 (a)
type Data preparation, validation and conversion to National Accounts concepts and definitions

Valuation matrices
Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices
Transition from BOX A to BOX B 6
P 7
Domestic output Imports Use Domestic Use
Domestic output D 8
sold for domestic Table Table
sold for export A
T 10
Deflation using price indicators (e.g. PPIs, EPIs, IPIs) and volume indicators (if appropriate).
Deflation using
Apply same approach to domestic output and domestic use – retaining a balance.
previous year rates 14
Generate, validate and quality-assure double-deflated GVA.
applied to volume
Different handling of market and non-market production required.
change in PYP SUTs
Deflation using CPIs, for areas like HHFCe should also be done and reconciled with basic price
in basic prices
approach or replace the basic price approach (e.g. valuation matrices) in a balanced manner.

Phase 5 (b)
work Domestic output Imports Use Domestic Use
Domestic output
sold for domestic Table Table
sold for export

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices 9

Margins – Taxes on products Subsidies on P

Margins – Trade VAT Y
Transport (excluding VAT) products

Figure 3.4
BOX D and E SUTs at basic prices, valuation matrices and SUTs at purchasers’ prices A
(Unbalanced) (these may or may not be balanced depending upon the approaches taken) T

Validation, reconciliation, and if required, balancing (as appropriate)

Phase 6
type Figure 3.4 11
work BOX D and E SUTs at basic prices, valuation matrices and SUTs at purchasers’ prices (balanced)
(Balanced) 13

Disclosure checking, documentation, feedback to earlier parts of the process and suppliers

Figure 3.4
Phase 5 BOX F
Transformation of (PxI) SUTs at basic prices to (PxP) IOTs and (IxI) IOTs 12
and 6
type work 13
Leontief Inverse, multipliers, etc.

Phase 7
and 8 Data analyses, publication, dissemination, communication and stakeholder management 15
type work

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2. Summary of the main recommendations, principles and guidelines of the Handbook

3.46. Box 3.1 provides a list of the main recommendations, principles and guidelines relevant
for the compilation of SUTs, IOTs, PSUTs (and EE-IOTs) and related products presented in this

Box 3.1 Examples of the main recommendations, principles and guidelines

provided in this Handbook
Organizational/institutional environment
The organization of the economic statistics system to follow an integrated economic statistics approach and be aligned
with the GSBPM.
The compilation of the various components of the SNA framework to be coordinated and integrated:
• National Accounts (including Balance of Payments and Monetary Financial Statistics, Government Finance
• SUTs and IOTs together with PSUTs and EE-IOTs;
• Environmental-economic accounts to sit alongside the compilation of SUTs; and
• Regional accounts.
The compilation of SUTs and IOTs to be done as part of the regular compilation of the National Accounts. This:
• Leads to better quality, coherency and consistency of National Accounts, Balance of Payments and related
statistics; and
• Creates effective and powerful data quality and coherence feedback loops.
The final estimates of the National Accounts aggregates to be based on the outputs of a balanced SUTs framework.
The compilation of SUTs and IOTs to reflect stakeholder interests by organizing regular meetings with data suppliers
and users together with other regular stakeholders.
Appropriate governance to ensure accountability and guidance supported with programme, project and process
management, including risk management, framework reflecting:
• Schedules, timetables and customer/supplier service level agreements to be in place to ensure a regular supply
of source data, briefings and evaluation reviews.
• Various standards and policies, such as revision policy, disclosure controls, etc.
• Staff recruitment, retention and skill development.
Skill development needs to take into consideration the following training requirements:
• National Accounts - Technical skill focus covering National Accounts concepts, methods, processes and
guidance, etc. as well as functions such as compilation, coordination, balancing and analyses.
• Systems - IT systems, programming, data management (standards and principles), data dissemination including
web-site management, etc.
• Management - Staff management, effective leadership, communication, etc.
For effective and sustainable production of SUTs and IOTs, it is important to have sufficient computing capacity in place
that includes:
• Robust, reliant, structured, quick and well-documented systems.
• Database software and hardware, speed, structure, flexibility, statistical functionality, data management and
links to web-dissemination.
It is important that the statistical production process is well documented reflecting:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Operational, methodological, system, metadata and recording specific issues, adjustments, etc. for each
quarterly/annual exercise.
The compilation of SUTs and IOTs to be done taking into consideration resources and costs available.
SUTs (and IOTs) to be compiled annually, and, if possible on a quarterly basis, following the "H-Approach" for
producing SUTs/IOTs in current prices and in previous years' prices (including valuation and imports matrices).
Produce SUTs first, then derive IOTs from the SUTs using additional information and assumptions.
Compiling rectangular SUTs with more products than industries provides for:
• Greater detail, better the quality - although more detail will impact on the burden on business, systems and
• Improved matching between prices and values, thereby better quality of the data in volume terms.
Use standard international statistical classifications (for example, ISIC, CPC, COICOP, etc.) at appropriate detailed
levels to ensure international comparability.
Use of consistent statistical unit(s) through the process from the business register and business surveys through to the
Ideally SUTs and PSUTs are based on sound and complete data sources reflecting:
• Common concepts, definitions and classifications.
• Comprehensive and up-to-date statistical business register.
• Wide-range of (preferably annual) regular business surveys (including structural detail), household surveys,
administrative data, prices, etc.
• Benchmarking/reconciliation - preferably, annually, reflecting rapidly changing economies (use of fixed factor
or stability assumptions minimized).
• Incorporation of labour and capital information ensuring coherence for productivity estimates.
• Appropriate choice of index number formulae and base year.
Record all the data building blocks separately, namely source data, coverage adjustments (including exhaustiveness),
conceptual adjustments, quality adjustments, balancing adjustments, etc.
Compile a table linking the SUTs and the institutional sector accounts:
• Goods and services.
• Production accounts by industry and by institutional sector.
• Generation of income accounts by industry and by institutional sector.
• Parts of the Use of disposable income account and parts of the Capital account (by industry and by institutional
It is preferred to use the bottom up approach in the compilation of regional SUTs which should be reconciled with
National SUTs.
The most frequently used methods to derive IOTs are:
• Model A (Product by Product) IOTs using the product technology assumption.
• Model D (Industry by Industry) IOTs using the fixed product sales structure assumption.
• Hybrid – Mix of technologies usually chosen to avoid having any negatives.
Comprehensive documentation on operational methods and methodology including appropriate metadata and revision
Keep up to date with, and contribute to, internationally evolving/agreed changes to concepts, methods and systems
Data strategy and requirements

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

SUTs are data hungry and a range of timely, comprehensive, consistent and coherent data sources are needed. The data
strategy should reflect a range of aspects.
Data handling aspects such as:
• Data collection (for example, questionnaire design, electronic data capture, etc.).
• Data processing, data editing, metadata and data warehousing.
• Data quality frameworks.
• Data dissemination and use of SDMX standards.
Structural and data collection issues:
• Comprehensive and up-to-date statistical business register used as the sampling frame for all business surveys.
• Use of as many data sources as possible, censuses, business and household surveys, administrative data,
company accounts, regulatory accounts, company websites, etc.
• Frequency of information – monthly, quarterly, annually or five-yearly. More regular, the better reflecting
rapidly changing industry structures of sales and inputs, changing patterns of household consumption, impact
of globalization on trade flows, etc.
• Sufficient, appropriate and relevant, price indices matching the current price values for deflation and/or use of
suitable volume only indicators where price information may be unavailable.
• Strategy for handling, and reviewing, areas where data may be missing.
More generally:
• Need to minimize the burden on business.
• Confidentiality and disclosure testing processes.
Balanced SUTs in current prices and in volume terms leads to:
• A single estimate of GDP incorporating the components of production, income and expenditure approaches to
measuring GDP;
• Volume estimates of GVA through double-deflation; and
• Balance between supply of products and use of products and between industry inputs and industry outputs.
The balancing process to encompass simultaneously:
• SUTs at basic prices and at purchasers' prices;
• SUTs in current prices and in volume terms (preferably, previous years' prices);
• SUTs links to IOTs, PSUTs and EE-IOTs (as appropriate); and
• Link with the institutional sector accounts.
Balancing presents powerful integration theme:
• Goods and services, Production account, Generation of income account, parts of the Capital account and Use of
disposable income account.
• Incorporation of PSUTs and EE-IOTs (as appropriate).
• Productivity estimates (labour, capital and multi-factor).
Simultaneous balancing is preferred over sequential balancing. If this is not possible, an alternative is sequential
balancing (first in current prices, then in volume terms) with quick and effective feedback loops. Centralized balancing
rather than de-centralized balancing is preferred.
The production and balancing of SUTs should enable the identification of source data incoherence. Mechanism should
be developed to provide feedback to data suppliers and help prioritize areas for improvement and allocation of resources.
Carry out annual review and evaluation of the balancing adjustments to identify and address any evolving biases.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

United Nations, 2013. Guidelines on Integrated Economic Statistics. Studies in methods. Series F,
No. 108. Available online at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/nationalaccount/docs/IES-Guidelines-

UN ECE, 2013. The Generic Statistical Business Process Model v5.0. Available online at:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Annex to Chapter 3: Examples of institutional arrangements in countries

A3.1 This Annex presents examples of institutional arrangements in selected countries. The
examples cover the cases of centralized and decentralized statistical systems.

A. Example of centralised production of economic statistics - Canada

A3.2 As a centralised NSO, a federal act (the Statistics Act) provides Statistics Canada the legal
mandate to collect and disseminate a broad range of statistics. Provisions in the Act also serve to
protect data confidentiality and assure political neutrality and an arms-length relationship with

A3.3 Users are regularly consulted, and the NSO, through various channels, ensures that priority
requirements are established and met. These channels include national advisory committees,
federal-provincial consultations and regular bilateral meetings with key policy partners such as the
federal finance department and the Central Bank.

A3.4 Statistics Canada produces a full suite of macroeconomic accounts, including:

• National Accounts (including financial and wealth accounts);

• Balance of Payments;
• Government Finance Statistics;
• Productivity Measures;
• Environmental Accounts (natural resource stocks as well as physical flows of energy use,
greenhouse gas emissions and water use); and
• Selected satellite accounts covering tourism, culture and pensions.
A3.5 The compilation processes are integrated to assure data coherence across components of
the Canadian macroeconomic accounts, and Regional SUTs serve as the integrating mechanism
for the production dimensions. The integration is achieved via annual benchmarking and
reconciliation processes with current price measures of GDP income and expenditure, real GDP
by industry and labour and multifactor productivity. Data coherence is a requirement for key policy
applications, for example, input to fiscal formulas for the sharing of sales tax revenues among the
federal government and provincial jurisdictions or to formulas for equalising fiscal capacity among
Canadian provinces.

A3.6 Economic surveys, along with labour market data, price statistics and international trade
statistics are produced within Statistics Canada, ensuring alignment of priority-setting for feeder
programs to the macroeconomic accounts.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

A3.7 All business surveys are linked to a central business register maintained via regular updates
from administrative files. The survey content is harmonized as are approaches to collection,
processing and estimation within an Integrated Business Statistics Program framework. The use
of administrative data is optimised throughout all stages of the process, and continuous access to
required files is assured through formalised arrangements with data providers, such as the Canada
Revenue Agency and national and provincial regulatory authorities.

A3.8 In recent years, Statistics Canada has made significant progress towards implementing
consistent classification standards across all feeder programs, facilitating the compilation of SUTs.
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) serves as the basis of industry statistics
and North American Product Classification (NAPCS) the basis of statistics on products. On-going
efforts are made to ensure compliance and to coordinate input from the macroeconomic accounts
and feeder program areas into the development of updated standards.

B. Example of centralised production of economic statistics - Norway

A3.9 Statistics Norway has overall responsibility for official statistics in Norway as well as for
carrying-out extensive research and analysis activities. Statistics Norway reports to the Ministry
of Finance supported by the Statistics Act of 1989. Statistics Norway is a professional, autonomous
organisation with the mandate to determine what it publishes as well as when, and how, the
publishing takes place.

A3.10 Statistics Norway is responsible for the production and maintenance of the Business
Register as well as the Business Surveys using samples drawn from this register.

A3.11 The Department of National Accounts and Industry Statistics is responsible for the
following nine divisions:

• National Accounts;
• Primary industry statistics;
• Manufacturing and R&D statistics;
• Construction and service statistics;
• Transport, tourism and ICT statistics;
• Energy statistics;
• Natural resources and environmental statistics;
• Accounting statistics; and
• Business Register.
A3.12 The Division for National Accounts is responsible for:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Quarterly and annual National Accounts (including SUTs, IOTs and regional accounts);
• Quarterly and annual non-financial accounts; and
• Quarterly Balance of Payments.
The Balance of Payments has been an integral part of the National Accounts since the 1950s.
Satellite accounts are also prepared by the National Accounts Division but not on a regular basis.

A3.13 The Department of prices, financial and external trade statistics is responsible for the
following six divisions:

• Financial market statistics (including financial accounts);

• Public finance statistics;
• Financial corporations;
• External trade statistics (in liaison with Customs Department);
• Price statistics; and
• Development cooperation.
Banking statistics were originally within Statistics Norway and then moved to Bank of Norway
before being moved back to Statistics Norway.

C. Example of centralised production of economic statistics - UK

A3.14 The structure of the United Kingdom (UK) statistical system has evolved over many
decades, helped by several reorganisations of statistical departments and changes in legislation,
bringing together the responsibility for almost all economic statistics under the UK Office for
National Statistics (ONS). The UK system continues to evolve, for example developing better links
and access to administrative data.

A3.15 Presently, the UK has in place resources, systems and processes for producing detailed,
integrated and timely quarterly and annual economic accounts. The ONS, as an independent
statistical body with a central role, is wholly responsible for the compilation of the National
Accounts, Balance of Payments, Public Sector Finance statistics, Labour Market statistics and
Price statistics. The compilation of SUTs is central to the annual National Accounts system. The
ONS also produces Regional Accounts, Environmental Accounts and IOTs.

A3.16 The ONS is one of a few NSOs with such centralised responsibility and coverage of
economic statistics – this has only been the case since the late 1980s. Furthermore, since 2011,
economic statistics are all being produced on the same site location.

A3.17 The independent status of ONS is supported by national legislation, whereby the ONS
reports to the UK Statistics Authority. The UK Statistics Authority was established on 1 April

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2008 under the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007. The UK Statistics Authority is a non-
ministerial Department overseen by Parliament and not by a Government Minister.

UK integrated process of compiling National Accounts

and Balance of Payments
Compiled by
Statistical value chain - UK Sanjiv Mahajan
March 2014

Business Register (and the statistical unit) + Administrative data

→ Data collection, editing and validation processes L
→ Production and publication of survey results and analysis
→ Census and population O
→ National Accounts (including non-financial and financial accounts) N
→ Supply and Use Tables and Input-Output Tables
→ Labour, prices and social statistics
→ Regional Accounts and Environmental Accounts
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T
→ Balance of Payments (including IIP) H
→ Public Sector Finance (including EDP / GFS)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O
→ Productivity analyses (labour and capital) N
These boundaries covering the S
→ Well-being and Tourism Satellite Accounts
compilation of economic statistics
in each National Statistical
→ Labour Accounts and Social Accounting Matrices
Office differ across countries
→ Other satellite accounts

→ Regional, impact and policy analyses

→ CGE and economic modelling

D. Example of de-centralised production of economic statistics – Chile

A3.18 Economic statistics in Chile are mainly produced by three institutions:

• The Central Bank of Chile (CBC) is responsible for the compilation of most of the
macroeconomics statistics, namely National Accounts (non-financial and financial
accounts), Balance of Payments and International Investment Position.
• The Finance Ministry produces the Government Finance Statistics.
• The NSO undertakes the data collection covering economic and business surveys,
compilation of price indicators as well as labour market indicators and socio-demographic
A3.19 The organizational structure described above allows the CBC to achieve a high level of
consistency between external statistics and National Accounts both in statistical terms and
methodological terms.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

A3.20 In the production of macroeconomics statistics, the CBC uses a significant amount of data,
provided mainly by Tax Revenue Service, National Customs Service, the General Comptroller
Office and the NSO, the latter being the main provider of statistics for National Accounts
compilation. The dependency on the statistics from the NSO requires a high degree of coordination
between both institutions. To this end, a framework agreement is in place to ensure the
requirements and conditions for the provision of statistical products are met. In addition, a
committee with members from both institutions regularly meets to coordinate issues related to data
collection and the specific needs of National Accounts.

A3.21 There are strong links between the CBC and NSO supported with a continuous programme
to improve the cooperation and the quality of the links and the data flows between the customer
and supplier.

A3.22 Other points to note:

• The SUTs and IOTs are compiled within the National Accounts in the CBC.
• In terms of Balance of Payments, the CBC collects the data on international trade in services
to supplement the international trade in goods data collected, and provided, by the National
Customs Service.
• The CBC also produces Regional GDP on an annual basis.
• The NSO produces a Business Register, which in turn, the CBC utilizes after implementing
improvements and modifications.
• Although the Environmental Accounts are not produced for Chile, various efforts are in
motion by the Minister of the Environment to produce a range of environmental indicators.
A3.23 The diagram below shows the components of the statistical system in Chile.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Data Collection and Macroeconomic Other Government

Statistical Compilation Statistics Compilation Department

Coordination Data Provision

National Statistical Office Central Bank of Chile

Tax Revenue Service
Price indicators National Accounts
Labour market indicators (including SUTs and IOTs) National Customs Service
Socio-Demographic Data Balance of Payment
Economic and business International Investment General Comptroller Office
surveys Position

Data Provision

Finance Ministry

Government Finance

E. Example of de-centralised production of economic statistics – United States of


A3.24 The United States of America (USA) has a highly decentralised statistical system with
responsibility for producing a substantial portion of official federal economic statistics divided
among 13 agencies that have statistical work as their principal mission.

A3.25 There are also numerous other entities that are considered part of the statistical system in
the USA but statistical work is not their principal mission. Most of the USA primary economic
indicators are produced by one of three main federal statistical agencies, while the US Census
Bureau conduct economic censuses and surveys.

• The US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) relies primarily on data generated by other
agencies to compile the National Accounts (non-financial accounts) and the Balance of
• The Federal Reserve Board (the US Central Bank) compiles the Financial Accounts and
Government Finance Statistics.
• The Labor Market Statistics and Price Statistics are prepared by the US Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS).
A3.26 The BEA also undertakes a number of business surveys. However, most of the statistics
used by BEA in preparing GDP and I-O accounts come from non-BEA sources, including other
statistical offices. The Census Bureau provides most of the other expenditure components of GDP
and output and intermediate purchases within the I-O framework. For the period 1997 to 2017, the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

BEA produces SUTs at basic prices with a transformation to purchasers' prices, Make/Use Tables
at purchasers' prices for benchmark years and at producers' prices annually as well as IOTs.
Annual Make/Use Tables at producers' prices at a more aggregate level of detail are also available
for the period 1947-1996.

A3.27 The agencies each produce and maintain their own business register often created using
different sources:

• Census Bureau’s business establishment list is compiled mainly from federal tax forms and
used as the primary sampling frame for the 5-year economic censuses and many of the
economic surveys.
• BLS business establishment list is based on information collected in connection with the
joint federal/state unemployment insurance program and used by BLS establishment
surveys, including the PPI survey.

Overview of the products produced by the main agencies

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Overview of the statistical system structure

A3.28 Data sharing between agencies, like in the USA, may improve significantly data
harmonisation and lead eventually to savings. The BEA in recent year has set up some
Memorandum of Understanding with other agencies/ministries to facilitate the exchange of data
including confidential data.

A3.29 Although differences in concepts and coverage between different agencies on common
statistics may occur (for example, the productivity statistics are published in the USA by BLS and
used by BEA in their measurement of National Accounts), the confrontation of data itself or data
processing steps achieves another level of validation of the data and raise the quality of statistics.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 4. Specify needs, design, build and collect phase

A. Introduction

4.1. The objective of this chapter is to describe the activities specific to the compilation of SUTs
and IOTs - which take place during the stages of the Generic Statistical Business Process Model
(GSBPM) that relate to “specify needs”, “design”, “build” and “Collect”, and to elaborate on
specific elements that need to be considered when compiling SUTs and IOTs. These phases of the
GSBPM are particularly important in the compilation process as they affect the remaining phases
of the compilation process. They are obviously routinely reviewed as to make adjustments to the

4.2. Section B of this chapter focuses on the “specify needs”, “design” and “build” phases for
SUTs and IOTs. Considerations on the level of detail of the industry and products in the tables are
to be carefully evaluated at the beginning of the compilation process together with other elements
such as the schedule of compilation, the revision policy etc. Section C moves onto the collect phase
and describes the main data sources used for SUTs and IOTs.

B. Specify needs, Design and Build phase

1. Specify needs

4.3. The identification of user’s needs is a fundamental step in the compilation of any statistics,
as it aims to identify what statistics need to be compiled in which format, when and for what
purpose. All these elements affect the planning of the compilation process of SUTs and IOTs since
they impact, for example, the choice of the level of industry and product detail of the SUTs. Thus
an assessment of the objectives of these tabulations has to take place during the phase ‘specify
needs’ of the statistical production process and it needs to be regularly reviewed based on the
feedback from users to ensure the relevance of the compiled SUTs and IOTs. During this phase
consultation with relevant stakeholders, through for example, meetings, workshops and surveys
form key elements.

4.4. Other elements of this phase include the identification of the statistical outputs that are
required to meet the user needs and checking the data availability to see if existing data sources
can meet the user requirements, if there are alternative data sources that would be more suitable
for the specific statistics, and if there are data gaps to fill.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

4.5. There are many different users (for example, policy makers, analysts, researchers, etc.) and
uses (for example, planning, modelling, monitoring, etc.) of SUTs and IOTs. It is therefore
important to maintain the link with the users to ensure that their needs are met through one efficient
compilation process. For example, with the increasing concerns about the environment, if a
specific environmental topic (for example, water, energy, fish, forest, etc.) is considered as a key
user need to address, it is important to develop and design a compilation process which include
these elements from the beginning rather than adjusting ex-post the statistical output through
modelling based on various assumptions.

4.6. The compilation of any statistical output depends to a large extent on the availability of
appropriate infrastructure for information technology (IT) and human resources. The technology
has changed enormously in the last 50 years. Statistics which were once compiled with calculators
are now processed in seconds by modern computers, laptops or even smart phones. This fast
development has facilitated the work of statisticians and improved the timeliness of the statistical
outputs. When compiling SUTs and IOTs, different software, databases, and custom-designed
platforms are available and can be adapted to the specific compilation process in the country.

4.7. It is therefore important to have a clear understanding of the IT requirements necessary for
all the phases of the compilation process. In practice, more than one software package is often
required and each one is used to best meet the various, separate functional requirements of the
specific phase and need to be able to communicate with each in an easy, effective and efficient
manner. If the links between the software packages are cumbersome or time consuming,
alternatives should be sought. Many NSOs have built in-house tailored software to best meet their
needs – this has various advantages but may provide a greater overhead maintenance and training

4.8. Box 4.1 and Box 4.2 provide examples of custom-made software produced and maintained
in the first case by Statistics Netherland and in the second by INSEE and Eurostat.

Box 4.1 Example of in-house built software - Statistics Netherlands

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has a long-standing tradition of compiling SUTs both in current prices and in
volume terms as well as IOTs, and therefore has long experience in addressing the range of challenges of
using computer systems to produce and maintain long-run series of SUTs and IOTs.
CBS has published SUTs since 1990 (relating to the benchmark revision for the year 1987) and IOTs since
the 1950s (with the first year being 1948).
The CBS has always used in-house built software for the compilation of the balanced SUTs and IOTs. There
are two separate tools which are both updated continuously an SQL database. These are combined with a
graphical user interface in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) allowing data to be accessed and adjusted
by the national accounts staff. Both systems can handle quarterly and annual data.
The first application contains tools used for the transformation of source data to national accounts definitions
and standards, both in current prices and in volume terms.
The second application contains tools for simultaneous balancing of the SUTs in current prices and in volume
terms, for compiling the valuation matrices and for transforming the SUTs to Industry by Industry IOTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

The present systems are based on a major overhaul in 1995 and have been continuously updated. A key re-
build took place in 2004/2005 reflecting a new programming language as well as the inclusion of new

Box 4.2 ERETES

ERETES - the French acronym for Equilibre Ressources-Emplois et Tableau Entrées-Sorties (Supply-
Use Balances and Input-Output Tables) - is a computer system designed to assist national accountants to
compile the SUTs and Integrated Economic Accounts (including sector accounts) and complies with the
principles and guidelines set out by the SNA. ERETES was developed by the French NSO (INSEE) and
Eurostat. In 2014, it was being used by several countries in Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean.
Further countries are expected to adopt the system. The ERETES system is available in French, Spanish
and English.
Although the objective of ERETES is to generate SUTs and the integrated economic accounts, it can also
be used by countries that have limited data resources. The minimum data requirements are an enterprise
and a household budget survey, foreign trade statistics, government accounts, balance of payments and
banking statistics. With these data, ERETES can aid countries to generate estimates of GDP in current
prices. If sufficient price and volume indices are available, then estimates of GDP in volume terms can
also be generated. The compilation of SUTs would also require information on intermediate consumption
and trade and transport margins.
One key advantage of ERETES over other computer systems is that it is supported by a permanent
secretariat that can call on a group of multi-lingual national accountants and IT experts who are very
experienced in applying the system in several developing countries. ERETES is regularly updated and
improved. ERETES is available at: http://www.eretes.net/EN/index.htm

4.9. Another successful example of custom-built software produced by one NSO, and then
provided for effective use by other countries under specific terms and conditions was the
Norwegian software (SNA-NT), where Statistics Norway provided the software as well as the
associated human resource for training in the use of the applications, by for example, Malawi, the
Czech Republic and Slovakia.

4.10. When choosing the software and hardware to support the compilation of SUTs and IOTs
as part of the National Accounts, one should consider various criteria such as the database
environment, in particular its flexibility and structure, its statistical functionality and diagnostic
tools required, the necessary availability of mathematical functions such as matrices calculations,
the resources and costs, the training program, the compatibility with data suppliers, the data
management, the data dissemination platform envisaged.

4.11. Across countries various products are used such as Oracle, JAVA programming,
MATLAB, SPSS, SQL, SAS, Excel and custom-made software built to meet specific
requirements. For example, using Excel or input systems such as an Oracle database could provide
an effective solution in the “Collect” phase and in the “Process” phase for preparing and validating
the data, while SAS could be used for further processing of SUTs and IOTs. Tools such as Excel,
an output system and web-tools for dissemination may be the solution regarding the validation and
balancing as well as the analyses and dissemination of the data.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

4.12. Skilled and trained human resources are also a fundamental pillar for the compilation of
SUTs and IOTs. It is thus important to recruit and retain skilled and effective staff and develop
and utilise internal and external training opportunities on the theoretical and practical aspects of
the compilation of economic statistics.

4.13. An important step in this phase is the preparation of a document summarizing the findings
of all the activities mentioned above (i.e. identifying needs, establish output objectives, check data
availability, checking IT requirements, etc.) in the form of a business case to get approval to
implement the new or modified statistical business process. Such a business case would need to
conform to the requirements of the approval body but would typically include elements such as: a
description of the "As-Is" business process (if it already exists), with information on how the
current statistics are produced, highlighting any inefficiencies and issues to be addressed; the
proposed "To-Be" solution (with clear improvements and benefits); detailing how the statistical
business process will be developed to produce the new or revised statistics; an assessment of costs
and benefits, as well as any external constraints.

2. Design and Build phase

4.14. The design phase describes all the activities undertaken to define the statistical output and
the concepts, methods, collection instruments and operational processes necessary. Therefore, this
phase includes all the design elements needed to define or refine the statistical output identified in
the previous phase, all relevant metadata, ready for use later in the statistical business process, as
well as quality assurance procedures.

4.15. These activities make substantial use of international and national standards, in order to
reduce the length and cost of the design process and enhance comparability and usability of
outputs. Organisations are also encouraged to reuse or adapt design elements from existing
processes. Additionally, outputs of design processes may form the basis for future standards at the
national and international levels.

4.16. The design of the statistical output for SUTs and IOTS refers to the size and layout of the
tables; the breakdown of industries and products; disclosure control methods; processes governing
access to any confidential information; and the identification of the statistical variables needed,
which is then linked to the data collection phase.

4.17. In the build phase, the production solution is put together and tested to the point where it
is ready for use in the "live" environment. This phase is broken down into several activities, which
include: a review of data sources; the configuration of the workflow from data collection through
to dissemination; and testing of the statistical business process. For statistical outputs produced on
a regular basis, the ‘design and build’ phase usually occurs for the first iteration, and following a
review or a change in methodology or technology, rather than for every iteration.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

4.18. During the design and build phase a number of specific issues in the compilation of SUTs
and IOTs should be considered. They include, for example, the choice of the level of detail of
industries and products of SUTs and IOTs at working level and at the dissemination stage; how to
handle confidentiality throughout the compilation process; the schedule of compilation and
dissemination of SUTs and IOTs; the revision policy and analysis; the required resources to sustain
the compilation on a sustainable basis; the benchmarking; and the choice of the index formula and
the base year. In addition, it is important to create and maintain documentation for all the stages
of the compilation process to serve as a quality control measure of the process. All these activities
in the design and build phase are further elaborated in the following sections.

(a) Level of industry and product detail and size of SUTs and IOTs

4.19. The level of industry and product detail of the published/disseminated SUTs (and IOTs)
greatly depends on the objectives of the tabulations and its uses. The industries and products
explicitly identified in the disseminated tables reflect to a great extent the users’ needs and the
specific policy concern of interest. For example, if a specific environmental domain is of interest,
for example energy, specific industries and products are likely to be explicitly identified in the
disseminated tables in order to address the specific domain. The ultimate level of aggregation of
the disseminated SUTs and IOTS has an impact on - and at the same time is affected by - the data
collection/availability, compilation and balancing procedures.

4.20. The number of products in the SUTs is usually higher than the number of industries, thus
showing for each industry not only one primary product, in which case SUTs are rectangular. Their
size and shape will have appropriate implications for IOTs, the physical tables and other related
products analyses (for example, productivity).

4.21. The level of detail of industries and products at the working level is generally very
disaggregated and the recommendation is to work with the most detailed level of aggregation
taking into consideration the constraints posed by the available data, resources, and burden on
business. Various aspects need to be considered including the user needs, the availability of data,
as well as the level of detail used in National Accounts. For example, compilation aspects that
influence the level of detail (since they facilitate the compilation and validation of the data at the
working level) include:

• Distinction between industries which are allowed to deduct VAT and those that are not
allowed to deduct VAT, and different VAT rates per product and categories exempt from
VAT to facilitate the compilation of the valuation matrices in particular for taxes and

• Distinction between market and non-market activities to facilitate the understanding of the
input structure of GVA;

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Sub-divisions of industries according to institutional sectors which impact the linking table
between SUTs and the institutional sector accounts;

• Separately identify certain industry and product sub-divisions to facilitate the compilation
of the trade and transport margin matrices such as Section G and its Divisions of the
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Rev. 4;

• Links to international industry, product and functional classifications;

• Links between output structures, input structures, price indices and values for deflation as
well as the availability of price statistics to generate estimates in volume terms;

• Links between domestic supply and exports as well as intermediate consumption and
imports to study the input structure of the industries;

• Links to the environmental accounts;

• Enterprises that trade internationally and have links to Global Value Chains (GVCs) (see
extended SUTs and the OECD Trade by enterprise characteristics data (TEC) indicators);

• Availability and quality of source data;

• Size and value of output and value added of the industry: if the industry is too large and
heterogeneous then it should be further broken down. The same can apply to products;

• Benchmarking (annual as opposed to 5-yearly) using comprehensive sources/censuses

since the level of detail in benchmarking years is much larger than that during regular
annual compilation of SUTs and IOTs;

• Annual chain-linking the volume estimates; and

• Staff resources, time schedules for production and publication, confidentiality and system

4.22. An appropriate choice of the level of industry and product detail in the SUTs at working
level facilitates the compilation and the search for causes of inconsistencies. For many products,
by their nature, it is possible to identify in which industry they are used. For example, fertiliser is
mainly used in agriculture, crude oil in oil refineries, concrete in construction, etc. For some
products, it may also be possible to identify whether they are used as intermediate consumption or
final consumption. Haircut services, for example, can be assumed to be mainly consumed by
Households and thus recorded in Household Final Consumption Expenditure. The more detailed
classification of products used in SUTs, the easier it is to use expert knowledge to supplement
surveys in allocating products to different uses.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

4.23. Linking and matching products to elements concerning valuation (taxes, subsidies, trade
and transport margins) make the compositions of transactions more transparent, clear-cut and
makes analysing much easier.

4.24. More detailed products also imply that the number of users of a certain product is greatly
reduced. Where there is only one producer and one user of a product, the search for the cause of
inconsistencies would only require investigating two source statistics. When a product has 20
users, for example, the search becomes more complicated.

4.25. Questions of the SUTs table layout also arise for the final use part of the SUTs. It is
worthwhile to integrate the functional classifications in the final consumption data, showing final
consumption by products and by consumption purpose. On the other hand, it may be better to keep
such detail and transformation separate but this is still needed in whichever form in the integration
of compiling SUTs and the other accounts of the system.

4.26. At the dissemination stage, the size and industry/product breakdown shown in the SUTs
(and thus in the IOTs) mainly reflect the user’s needs and the objective of the tabulations taking
into account confidentiality considerations. Other presentational considerations include, for
example, the size and relative value of output and value added for the industries and the size and
value of supply for the products. Industries or products that are not economically significant or
relevant for a particular economy may be aggregated together, while a more detail breakdown may
be shown for economic activities that contribute substantially to GDP, in order to better analyse
the cost structures and the interdependencies with other economic activities.

4.27. It should be mentioned that when compiling consistent annual, or quarterly, SUTs, the
stability of the level of detail of the applied classifications is also important as many ratios and
proportions will usually be taken as a starting point in the estimates for the following year.

4.28. A higher degree of product detail also supports the use of certain estimation methods, for
example the product flow method of compiling National Accounts (i.e. balancing supply and use
of products) by taking into account the relevant differentiation concerning product tax rates,
margin rates and homogeneity in prices. Moreover, it is much easier to distribute disaggregated
products and services across industries and final use categories with the product flow method than
at a higher aggregate level. Detailed product accounts also help in the balancing procedure, as it is
easier to explore and detect the causes of imbalances if the basis is determined by homogeneous
single products rather than aggregate groups of products. The work on a detailed product level
certainly increases the data quality but has resource and systems implications. At higher levels of
aggregation, problems of imbalances might not even be seen at all and therefore not be dealt with.

4.29. Table 4.1 provides an example of the size of SUTs and IOTs compiled by selected
countries. It is worth noting that the internal working level of the industries/products detail used
for compilation and balancing is much larger than what is published. For example, in the USA, the
working level in producing the SUTs is over 800 industries, whereas in Denmark, there are around

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2,350 products at the working level but the SUTs are published only at the 64 product by 64
industry level.

4.30. It is important to distinguish between the detail required for the compilation and balancing
work at the working level as opposed to the information required for the publication. The in-house
operating detail should be the same or, as in most cases, be in greater detail in terms of number of
industries and products than what the level for publication allows for disclosure. For example,
many countries distinguish hundreds or even over thousands of products, but do not publish at
these levels as these reflect a lot of confidential information. However it should be noted, that
countries do often allow people outside the NSO to have access to more detailed data, albeit
confidential and under signed agreements, for analytical purposes.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 4.1 Examples of the size of “published” and “internal working level” SUTs and IOTs

National Supply and Use Tables National Input-Output Tables

Volume terms
Current prices Current prices
or PYPs
Internal working / Do you Internal working /
Country(1),(2) Published levels produce such compilation levels Published levels
compilation levels
Number of Number of Number of Number of Y (yes) Number of Number of
products industries products industries N (no) industries / products industries / products
or PxP IxI PxP IxI
P (plan to) Tables Tables Tables Tables

Argentina (3) 271 162 271 162 N n/a 124 n/a 124
Australia (4) 301 67 n/a n/a Y n/a 114 n/a 114
Austria 573 135 74 74 P 74 n/a 74 n/a
Belgium (5) 355 135 64 64 P 135 n/a 64 n/a
Brunei Darussalam (6) 324 74 74 74 N 74 74 74 74
Canada 490 230 490 230 P n/a 230 n/a 230
Chile 275 160 180 111 Y n/a 111 n/a 111
Columbia 369 61 61 61 Y 61 61 61 61
Costa Rica 183 146 183 138 Y 183 136 183 128
Czech Republic 252 120 88 88 Y 184 184 82 82
Denmark(7) 2,350 117 117 117 Y n/a 117 n/a 117
Estonia 247 98 64 64 Y 64 n/a 64 n/a
Finland 776 179 64 64 Y n/a 179 n/a 64
Germany 86 63 85 63 P 73 n/a 72 n/a
Greenland 680 33 23 29 Y n/a 30 n/a 30
Hungary(8) 820 242 64 64 Y 88 88 64 64
Iceland(9) 561 142 n/a n/a P n/a n/a n/a n/a
Indonesia (10) 244 81 n/a n/a P 251 n/a 185 n/a
Ireland(11) 82 82 58 58 Y 82 n/a 58 n/a
Korea 1,851 328 384 328 N 1,851 n/a 384 n/a
Kuwait(12) 43 43 n/a n/a N 43 43 n/a n/a
Mexico(13) 819 814 262 262 P 814 262 814 262
Netherlands 614 128 85 76 Y n/a 128 n/a 76
New Zealand(14) 299 118 201 106 P n/a 106 n/a 106
Norway 860 156 64 64 P n/a 156 n/a 64
Saudi Arabia (15) 59 59 18 18 N 59 59 n/a n/a
Serbia 216 88 n/a n/a N n/a n/a n/a n/a
Singapore 71 71 71 71 N n/a 71 n/a 71
Slovakia 290 88 64 64 Y 88 n/a 64 n/a
Slovenia (16) 350 230 64 64 Y 64 n/a 64 n/a
South Africa 104 293 104 62 N n/a 50 n/a 50
Sweden(17) 403 97 62 64 P 62 n/a 62 n/a
Taiwan(18) 526 166 n/a n/a N 166 n/a 166 n/a
Tanzania (19) 250 59 250 59 P n/a n/a n/a n/a
United Kingdom (20) 112 112 112 112 P 112 n/a 112 n/a
United States of America (21) 4,988 819 73 71 P 73 71 n/a n/a
Submissions to European
Commission reflect EU 64 64 64 64 P 64 64 64 64
Member States(22)

Note (1) The above detail has been compiled by Sanjiv Mahajan (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom). The numbers are
indicative for tables as available for the reference year 2014 (as at December 2016) unless denoted otherwise.
Note (2) Other differences will exist in terms of comparability such as the tables are compiled on a different basis, for example, the
frequency of the tables, classifications used, the SNA version, latest reference year, latest benchmark year, valuation of
SUTs (basic prices or producers' prices or purchasers' prices), assumptions used underpinning the IOTs, etc.
Note (3) Argentina - the SUTs reference year is 2004 and the IOTs reference year is 1997.
Note (4) Australia - the IOTs working level operates at 1268 products and 114 industries.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Note (5) Belgium - the IOTs reference year is 2010.

Note (6) Brunei Darussalam - the reference year for SUTs and IOTs is 2005.
Note (7) Denmark - the number of products can vary from year to year. Detailed data can be made available outside Statistics Denmark
for analytical purposes.
Note (8) Hungary - the IOTs reference year is 2010 (compiled five-yearly).
Note (9) Iceland - the SUTs are produced but not yet published. The plans are to publish 64 products x 64 industries.
Note (10) Indonesia - the SUTs and IOTs reference year is 2010.
Note (11) Ireland - the SUTs reference year is 2013 and the IOTs reference year is 2011.
Note (12) Kuwait - the SUTs and IOTs reference year is 2010.
Note (13) Mexico - the reference is year 2008. PxP IOTs reference year is 2008 (814 products), updated version for 2012 (259
products). IxI IOTs reference year is 2012.
Note (14) New Zealand - the production of SUTs in volume terms are being planned but no plans for publication.
Note (15) Saudi Arabia - the SUTs and IOTs internal working levels reference year is 2011 and published SUTs reference year is 2013.
Note (16) Slovenia - the SUTs reference year is 2013 and the IOTs reference year is 2010. SUTs and IOTs will be published in 2017
both with a reference year of 2014.
Note (17) Sweden - the SUTs in PYPs are produced but not yet published. However, a version is submitted to the Commission
(Eurostat) and plan is to publish at some stage.
Note (18) Taiwan - the SUTs and IOTs reference year is 2011.
Note (19) Tanzania - the SUTs reference year is 2007. IOTs for the reference year 2007 is being finalised.
Note (20) United Kingdom - the IOTs PxP Tables use the "hybrid" assumption approach.
Note (21) USA - In benchmark years, the SUTs are published at the 389 product and 389 industry level of detail. While IOTs
themselves are not currently published, the IxI Leontief Inverse tables calculated from IOTs are published at the 71 industry
level of detail as well as PxP tables at the 73 product level of detail.
Note (22) All EU Member States are expected to provide:
Annual SUTs both in current prices and PYPs as well as five-yearly IOTs under the ESA 2010 Transmission Programme
after the expiry of any National Derogations.
The SUTs and IOTs are to be supplied using 64 products and 64 industries.

4.31. Confidentiality is a fundamental principle of official statistics (see United Nations 2013b).
It ensures that individual data collected by statistical agencies for statistical compilation, whether
they refer to natural or legal persons are to be strictly confidential and used exclusively for
statistical purposes. It is important therefore that procedures are put in place to ensure the
confidentiality of the information disseminated.

4.32. Countries may apply different criteria to decide whether specific data may be disclosed or
not. This is likely to be driven by the legislation in place underpinning the collection of data from
businesses. Usually, the number of enterprises observed in an industry takes influence on this
decision or whether disclosure can be determined by deduction. One solution would be to choose
a higher aggregation level with a sufficient number of enterprises in an industry to overcome any
disclosure problems. There may not always be an easy solution for some industries or products to
which they should be allocated. The price is a loss of information due to aggregation resulting in
a larger heterogeneity of the SUTs system. Other methods might therefore be explored or
combined such as creating or redefining products.

4.33. Cases where there is one or two dominant producers in an industry, like say mining,
extraction of crude oil, sugar, pharmaceuticals, etc., pose a different challenge. In these cases, it is
recommended, when necessary, that specific permission is sought from the business when their
data are publicly available from other public sources, for example published company annual
report and accounts. If permission is not granted, then suppression of the relevant cells in the SUTs

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

should be considered. Aggregation of industries/products with non-disclosive industries/products

should, however, be avoided as this loses useful details for non-disclosive industries/products.

(c) Schedule of the work programme

4.34. Aligning the monthly, quarterly and annual timetables covering data collection processes,
compilation processes, data supply, validation, balancing and publication for all the accounts, and
outputs, is a key step in ensuring coherency and consistency. This should include the compilation
of SUTs, and other I-O related products, as appropriate.

4.35. The overall process needs therefore to be split into well-defined blocks of work with clearly
defined processes and linkages between the processes and all fitting within realistic schedules
(including contingency planning and risk management) with clear roles and responsibilities for the
staff and management involved. The governance of the programme should be clear with regular
monitoring and meetings scheduled at key junctures, for example, linked to key milestones in the
process. The project management of the process should ensure dedicated resource is attributable
to this support function.

4.36. The schedule needs to incorporate deadlines of both data providers and data users as well
as various internal intermediate deadlines. For annual business surveys, the time lag from changing
the questionnaire to incorporating the new results and publication in SUTs/National Accounts
could be around three years, thus it is important to retain schedules, which are regularly reviewed
and reflect the incorporation of continual data improvements.

4.37. In general, it is useful to put in place service level type agreements with data providers as
well as with data users. Agreements with data providers would cover what types of data to be
provided, quality criteria, briefings, schedules and the format in which the data will be delivered.
Important elements to consider in such service level type agreements include:

• Clear ownership – senior representatives from both the supplier side and the customer side.
• Reasons for data requirement.
• Publication of results including disclosure requirements.
• Process of data delivery by data provider (for example, format).
• What data are required (need to be specific of the variables needed).
• Timing of data deliveries.
• Briefing required accompanying the data.
• Handling of customer queries.
• Quality (covering criteria like consistency, credibility, revisions, precision and

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Methodological notes supporting the data (for example, sources, methods, coverage, etc.).
• Development, improvements and consultation.
• Arrangements for review of the process, etc.
4.38. Service level type agreements with data users, on the other side, would cover, for example,
users’ deadlines (for example, those linked to policy agendas, research schedules, etc.) to be
reflected in the statistical production schedule. For example, the finance ministry and/or the
Central Bank may require structural updates on the economy to fit with their policy review, and
these may be part of regular annual schedules, thus requirements of the producers of SUTs, etc.

4.39. In general, there should be a regular review, for example, on an annual basis, of all aspects
of the process (including timetables, data quality, implementation future changes, etc.) with both
data providers and data users in order to continually improve and change as necessary.

4.40. The schedule for the compilation of SUTs depends of course on the periodicity/frequency
of SUTs/IOTs. In general, it is recommended the annual compilation of SUTs in line with the
United Nations Statistical Commission recommendations on the scope of the implementation of
the 2008 System of National Accounts6. While it is recommended to compile every five years a
benchmark system of SUTs based on specific survey results, rapid changes in the economy,
external impact from globalisation, the increasing rate of change of technology and its impact, new
products, new industries etc. may impact the production process of SUTs and the periodicity of
benchmarked tables.

4.41. Schedules in terms of frequency of SUTs compilation may be assessed against the revision
policy and the uses of infra-annual sources (such as quarterly and monthly short-term indicators)
to incorporate if necessary the revision guidelines and indicators policy.

(d) Revision policy and analysis

4.42. Revisions to time series data are an important part of the production process. Changes to
published data can occur for many different reasons. For example, forecast data may be replaced
by survey data, reclassification of industries, methodological changes to the way in which data are
estimated or just correcting errors. Changes due to the correction of errors should be identified as
corrections and distinguished from revisions that are more commonly associated with improving
estimates as more information is gathered over time. There is a conflict between releasing timely
estimates and releasing accurate estimates. If NSOs waited to publish the most accurate data

See the recommended data set in the Report of the Intersecretariat Working Group on National Accounts
(E/CN.3/2011/6) available at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/statcom/doc11/2011-6-NationalAccounts-E.pdf

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

possible, due to the nature of data collection there would be a large time lag between the date to
which the data refer and the date of publication.

4.43. Bringing together data for the purposes of compiling SUTs, and other I-O related products,
integrated within the National Accounts implies aligning production timetables (quarterly and/or
annual) and schedules but also revision policies. Ideally, a highly effective revision policy to
ensure revisions are implemented in a coordinated and coherent fashion across the accounts should
cover the National Accounts, Balance of Payments and Government Finance Statistics, and this in
turn should include the SUTs and IOTs.

4.44. The revision policy should reflect appropriate criteria to assess each revision, including
when best to implement the changes, for example, in a quarterly exercise (for example, for short-
term revisions) or in an annual exercise (for example, for long period revisions). This will impact
on how to compile SUTs and IOTs and the revision guidelines should be operated flexibly
reflecting issues like economic significance and practical aspects such as impact on resources and

4.45. The usual guidelines applied to all the accounts will cover:

• Revisions to the latest quarters for an incomplete year (these can impact annual SUTs).
• Revisions to past recent quarters since the last full benchmark year.
• Revisions made through the annual process to recent years, say 3-5 completed years.
• Revisions to a longer period, sometimes viewed as a major revision. Many earlier years may
be revised dependent upon meeting certain criteria like methodological improvements,
correction of errors and economic significance.
4.46. Any changes to back data will also have an impact on the monthly and/or quarterly
seasonally adjusted estimates.

4.47. In some countries, occasional or major revisions of National Accounts are usually carried
out every 10 or 15 years and require more resources if the revision is implemented on the basis of
a large SUTs system. A revision at a more aggregated level is always easier and less demanding.

4.48. There are variants that could be considered with different pros and cons:

• Regular revisions to SUTs and National Accounts, thereby preserving good quality levels
and/or growth rates. However, some users do not welcome regular revisions, whereas some
users do not welcome “big bang” approach to revisions.
• 5-yearly revision exercises imply distorted levels, or even discontinuities, for a number of
years until the next revision window.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Make revisions only at the aggregated level, which may provide problems with the detail
and provide discontinuities in the long time series of annual SUTs.
• Revise the SUTs at a more aggregated level than for the regular SUTs.
• Carry out the revisions at the level of IOTs, and thereby SUTs and IOTs remain consistent.
4.49. Revisions applied only to part of the accounts and not all the relevant outputs would
generate incoherence across different outputs and not help users, for example, in some countries,
SUTs may be revised but the IOTs are not revised, thus the links between the two products are out
of line. This situation should be avoided.

4.50. Analysis of revisions can provide information about the reliability of estimates and how
they change between the first estimate and final estimate as well as a source for the identification
of any biases. Note that revision analysis does not give information on the accuracy of an estimate,
for example, the final estimate may not be accurate in terms of sampling error or non-sampling

4.51. The knowledge of the source and the reason(s) for the revisions is key and helps producers,
and users, to better understand the data. Sometimes with major revisions going back in time,
understanding the changes can be quite complicated like changes in definitions, classifications and
data. For analytical users of SUTs and IOTs, it is important to understand the reasons and impact,
especially when there is a mix of revisions, for example, with the introduction of 2008 SNA, SUTs
and/or IOTs may be revised going back 30-40 years or more. The forthcoming Handbook on
Backcasting Methodology (United Nations, forthcoming) provides more information on this topic.

(e) Resources

4.52. When discussing the resources and human requirements for a full integration of SUTs and
IOTs (as well as PSUTs) in the compilation of National Accounts and Balance of Payments, it is
essential to distinguish between the first compilation of the SUTs, the recurrent production of
SUTs and the process around major backward revisions.

4.53. A substantial amount of resources is required to build up an integrated SUTs framework

for the first time. This work involves establishing all the planning, conceptual and methodological
work, data collection needs, requirements of all the individual industry and product balances, the
development of appropriate techniques for incorporating the primary sources and new software for
handling the SUTs system as well as training and investment in staff and systems. The investment
may lead to considerable changes in the working procedures towards a better integration of
activities from data collection through to publication following an integrated statistics approach.

4.54. The resources needed for establishing an integrated SUTs framework should, however, be
seen in connection with the way the development will evolve, for example, the level of integration
and how. The recommended guidelines have already been described but there are several country

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

variations in the compilation designs that already exist now, partly driven by the resources
available and changes over time, for example:

• Only annual SUTs in current prices.

• Annual SUTs in both current prices and in volume terms.
• Annual SUTs complemented with a quarterly SUTs system.
• Annual and quarterly SUTs in current prices and in volume terms.
• SUTs at basic prices and/or at purchasers’ prices.
• Benchmarking annually, or say, at least every five years.
• Links between SUTs and IOTs:
• SUTs only.
• SUTs and IOTs, both in current prices (maybe in volume terms too).
• Only IOTs and no SUTs – this clearly the least favoured but has a historical legacy in
some countries.
4.55. Developing a new SUTs and National Accounts System poses different challenges to
changing existing production systems whilst maintaining business-as-usual activities.

4.56. Regarding the periodicity, at least every five years a benchmark system of SUTs should be
compiled which is based on more exhaustive specific survey and administrative data results.
However, with rapidly changing and developing economies, impact of globalisation, increasing
rate of change of technology and its impact, new products and new industries, etc., it is
recommended that the development of new SUTs systems should reflect an annual
benchmarking/reconciliation process. This also helps to avoid storing significant revisions and
distortions to levels. Together with annual chain-linking, this will imply better quality of the
growth rates of GDP in volume terms, especially for the more recent periods. Appropriate
techniques have been developed and the trends of structural change (for example, composition of
outputs and intermediate consumption) during the previous years can be used to take forward the
structures in SUTs, if no new structural information is available, for example, beyond benchmark

4.57. The experience from countries which have integrated the SUTs framework into the
compilation of National Accounts suggests that the resources needed are similar as the resources
for those countries following a more traditional approach with a separate SUTs compilation. It is
therefore recommended that SUTs are compiled as an integrated process and a regular part of the
compilation of the National Accounts. Reflecting that IOTs are produced with relatively few
additional resources if a SUTs system is in place, the resource question turns in favour of an
integrated and regular approach for the compilation of IOTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(f) Benchmarking, extrapolation using indicators, price and volume information

4.58. Planning a new system of SUTs is generally linked to a benchmark year for which the most
important areas of the economy are covered by censuses and surveys. This is especially important
when policy decisions are based on the levels of the figures, for example, the level of Gross
National Income (GNI). Some detailed data sources are collected at more or less regular intervals
and will not all be available for the benchmark year. Hence, figures that do not relate to the actual
year will need to be corrected for the changes that have taken place between the reference period
of the data and the period for which they are being used. This can be done using indicators for
value or volume and price indicators.

4.59. When a balanced benchmark SUT exists, the compilation of SUTs for following (or
previous) years will usually be considerably easier. It is possible to utilise information on the
structures of the benchmark table to fill the gaps between those cells for which no new source data
are available or to extrapolate as appropriate. For example, input structures will change over time
and information on new input structures can then be utilised as they become available, replacing
the extrapolated information. Taking into account that the other estimated structures are subject to
uncertainty, it may be sufficient to review them with intervals of a few years, one at a time. Even
when such structures are reused from the previous year, they will change over time as a result of
balancing the SUTs. This could happen even more rapidly with the impact of globalisation and the
development of new products.

(g) Features of GDP in volume terms

4.60. When looking at the change in the economy over time, the main concern is often whether
more goods and services are actually being produced now than at some time in the past. With
productivity, however, the point of interest is whether this output is increasing relative to the

4.61. Over time, changes in current price GDP show changes in the monetary value of the
components of GDP. These changes in value can reflect changes in both price and volume changes
making it difficult to establish how much of an increase in the series is due either to increased
activity in the economy (volume change) or to an increase in the price level. For productivity
measures only volume changes are used. It is therefore useful to measure GDP in volume terms
(preferably in previous years’ prices), meaning excluding price effects, as well as in current prices.
In most cases, the revaluation of current price data to remove price effects (known as deflation) is
carried out by using price indices such as component series of the retail prices index or producer
price index, to deflate current price series at a detailed level of disaggregation.

4.62. Internationally, constant price estimates and chain-linked volume measures are two
common measures for volume change of GDP. Under the constant price method, a certain year is
selected as the base year; constant price volume estimates of GDP for subsequent years are the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

aggregation of its components computed by multiplying the price of each component in the base
year by its volume in the current year, and the real growth is derived from the comparison of
constant price volume estimates at different years.

4.63. Under the chain-linked volume measures method, the annually re-weighted chain linking
approach is adopted to compile the volume measures of GDP and its components. Firstly, the
volume estimates of major components of GDP in current year are re-valued at preceding year
prices, which in practice are calculated by “deflating” the current price values of sub-components
by the relevant price indices. Secondly, the short term volume indices for different years,
calculated by dividing the volume estimate of GDP from the initial step by the current price GDP
in the previous year, are chain linked to a selected reference year in order to obtain a continuous
time series of the chain volume indices of GDP and its components. The chain volume index series
can be converted into the chained monetary series by multiplying the chain volume index by the
current price value in the reference year

4.64. For some series, price indices for particular goods and services are used to deflate the
current price series, such as components of the:

• consumer price index (CPI)

• retail prices index (RPI)
• producer price index (PPI)
• corporate services price index (CSPI)
• import prices
• export prices
4.65. “Double deflation” is the preferred method to estimate GVA in volume terms. This is
achieved by deflating the value of output and the value of intermediate inputs separately to get
corresponding volume measures, and then subtracting the latter from the former. This “double
deflation” approach means that an industry’s total output is deflated by the price of its primary and
secondary output, while each intermediate input is deflated by its own price index.

4.66. This is in contrast to the single deflation method whereby GVA in current prices is deflated
directly using an output based deflator to arrive at GVA estimates in volume terms. The “single
indicator” volume estimates can also be derived in other ways, for example, deflating output with
output price indices, assuming a constant GVA to total output ratios from the base year, or using
volume indicators directly. This direct price deflation of GVA is not recommended by the SNA
when using a single indicator method.

4.67. The SUTs provide a major advantage and a natural framework that allows for double
deflation to be applied in a coherent and consistent manner across the national accounts.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

4.68. Chain- linked volume measure series are expressed as index numbers in which the series
are simply scaled proportionately to a value of 100 in the reference year. These index numbers are
volume indices of the ‘base weighted’ or ‘Laspeyres’ form.

4.69. Aggregate price indices are of the ‘Paasche’ or ‘current-weighted’ form. They are generally
calculated indirectly by dividing the current price value by the corresponding chained volume
measure and multiplying by 100. Examples are the GDP deflator and the households’ consumption

4.70. Value indices are calculated by scaling current price values proportionately to a value of
100 in the reference year. By definition such a value index, if divided by the corresponding volume
index and multiplied by 100, will give the corresponding price index.

4.71. From the point of view of production, GDP at market prices is at best estimated with
reference to annually compiled SUTs both in current prices and in previous years’ prices. The
SUTs are compiled in previous years’ prices in order to achieve an accurate breakdown of value
changes in subsequent years according to volume and price changes.

4.72. The base-year table provides the specific weights for each industry and product, used in
the index formulae by which the price data are aggregated.

4.73. The great statistical benefit of a system based on previous years’ prices is the fact that the
weights in the index formulae are always up-to-date, thus reflecting the structure of the recent past,
and in turn, optimising the quality of the GDP growth rates in volume terms for more recent

Choice of index number formulae

4.74. In order to calculate price and volume measures, a number of methodological choices have
to be made, for example:

• which index number formulae will be applied; and

• whether a fixed base year or an annually changing base year will be applied.
4.75. Different index formulae can be applied using different weighting schemes. It is beyond
the scope of this manual to discuss in depth the theoretical and practical considerations with respect
to this choice. Chapter 15 of the 2008 SNA and the Eurostat (2016) provide much more details on
the choice of index formulae.

4.76. Economic theory suggests that an index formula that assigns equal weights to the current
year and the base year is to be preferred. This is one of the reasons why the SNA prefers, albeit
not strongly, the so-called superlative indices, like Tornqvist and Fisher.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

4.77. Although the superlative indices have a number of attractions, it should be noted they also
have notable disadvantages:

• superlative indices are demanding in their data requirements and will increase the work
burden significantly;
• superlative indices are less intuitive than Laspeyres and Paasche indices;
• superlative indices are not additively consistent, which is a serious constraint when applied
in an accounting framework; and
• values change do not always equal volume change times price change.
4.78. From a practical point of view, a number of requirements can be imposed on the index

• The applied index formulae should be a good approximation of the changes obtained by the
superlative indices;
• A change in value must be divided into a price change and a volume change without a
• Values in volume terms for aggregates should equal the sum of values in volume terms of
constituent parts, applying the same index formulae; and
• Additionally, it is sensible for the index formulae to be relatively straightforward and easy
to interpret for users.
4.79. The last three requirements can only be met with the application of the Laspeyres volume
index formula and the Paasche price index formula. The formulae underpinning these indices are
shown below:

∑ ∑
Laspeyres volume index Paasche price index

∑ ∑ = =
= = ∑ ∑ /
∑ ∑
where is the price and is the quantity.

4.80. The characteristic for the Laspeyres volume index is that the volume changes of individual
goods are weighted with the value of the concerning transaction in the base year.

4.81. The characteristic for the Paasche price index is that the price changes of individual goods
are weighted with their value of the concerning transaction in the current year. The deflated values
derived with this index formula combination can easily be explained as "values in prices of the
base year".

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

4.82. It can be easily shown that the decomposition of value changes, in terms of volume and
price changes, do not have a residual.

= = ×

4.83. The deflation of values in current prices by using a Paasche price index gives:

/ = / =

4.84. This illustrates that the deflated aggregate equals the sum of deflated components, which
means that additivity in the SUTs for volume estimates is assured. The use of Laspeyres volume
indices and Paasche price indices ensures that the current price identities also hold in volume terms.
This also means that after balancing:

4.85. For every product, the total supply equals total use, and for every industry, the total output
equals total intermediate consumption plus gross value added and in volume terms, this is:

Total supply in volume terms equals Total use in volume terms

Total output in volume terms equals Total intermediate consumption in volume terms

plus Total value added in volume terms

Choice of the base year

4.86. By applying the Laspeyres volume index number formula, the volume changes are
weighted with the values of the concerning transaction in a "base year". The question arises which
year should be chosen as the base year. Generally speaking, there is a choice between a fixed base
year and a changing base year.

4.87. With the method of fixed weights for a series of years, the weights are derived from a single
year in the past. An advantage of this method is that with long time series of values at prices of the
base year, the deflated components of aggregates exactly add up to the deflated aggregate.
However, a very serious disadvantage is that volume changes of aggregates are calculated with
outdated weights. This disadvantage is especially severe when relative prices change rapidly, and
as a result, economic growth can be significantly misrepresented. In addition, the disappearance
of products (for example, vinyl records, cathode ray tube televisions, etc.) or the appearance of
new products (for example, mobile telephony, pharmaceutical tablets, iPads, etc.) can lead to
notable distortion in the estimates of economic growth. Even with a fixed base year, you have to
change it every five years, and then all previously published real growth rates will be revised –
this change is often not welcome by users.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

4.88. Applying a changing base year means that the weights are updated every year and are
usually derived from the previous year. Since those weights are more up-to-date, a better
approximation of the volume changes is obtained compared to the method of using fixed weights.
The time series can be obtained by multiplying separately estimated year-to-year volume indices
- this is called "chaining".

4.89. An important advantage of the chaining method is that the above mentioned
misrepresentation of growth rates is avoided. In fact, chain-linked volume measures provide a
more reliable measure of volume growth, provided individual prices and quantities tend to increase
or decrease steadily over time. However, there is also a key disadvantage, in that when the time
series are in prices of a fixed reference year, the deflated components of an aggregate then no
longer add up exactly to the deflated aggregate. As a result "mathematical discrepancies" will
appear that cannot be removed without distorting the underlying "actual" volume and price

(h) Documentation

4.90. As the compilation of SUTs is a complex process, a thorough documentation of the basic
data and the methods used, the problems encountered, solutions applied, and the results achieved
is highly recommended. Such an annual (and/or quarterly, if appropriate) inventory is not only
worthwhile for purposes of publication but also for internal use in the compilation process itself
and future exercises. When SUTs have to be balanced, in particular information on the sources and
methods of estimation for each single supply and use element is needed to evaluate and analyse
industry and product imbalances. The documentation helps to evaluate the data quality and outline
the strategy for balancing. Of course, the balancing steps should also be documented in order to
avoid repeating changes and destruction of already balanced data.

4.91. Documentation of the various compilation steps can also point to missing data issues and
problems of basic data quality. It is important that such findings are utilised as feedbacks to
primary statistics and provide priorities to improving the compilation methodology. A
documentation system for the SUTs should be seen in the frame of the overall documentation for
the System of National Accounts data.

4.92. Producing a balanced set of SUTs for several years is like solving a puzzle. At first, all
macroeconomic data, survey results, census results and other valid economic data on supply and
use of products in the economy have to be collected. In a second step, missing data has to be
estimated on the basis of harmonised methodologies and documented procedures. In the third and
final stage, the balancing of the SUTs system is generating a consistent set of macroeconomic
variables in current prices and in previous years’ prices. Thus the documentation of all stages of
the compilation of 'hard' data in terms of sources and 'soft' data in terms of estimates and
adjustments, ideally for each cell of the SUTs system is key.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

4.93. Links between survey data and final National Accounts data should be maintained in the
system, in particular separately recording documentation on the survey data, coverage adjustments,
conceptual and valuation adjustments, quality adjustments and balancing and coherence
adjustments. Analyses of these types of adjustments over time and over successive exercises can
also help to highlight any biases, incoherence in data sources, etc. and in turn, help to develop
priorities and strategies for further improvements and investment.

C. Collect phase

4.94. The collect phase of the GSBPM (see Figure 3.2) consists of all the activities concerning
the collection and gathering of all necessary information (data and metadata), using different
collection modes (including extractions from statistical, administrative and other non-statistical
registers and databases), and store them in an appropriate structured environment for further
processing. Whilst it can include the validation of dataset formats, it does not include any
transformations of the data themselves, as these are all done in the "Process" phase. For statistical
outputs produced regularly, then this phase occurs in each iteration.

4.95. Generally the compilation of SUTs and IOTs relies on the data sources used for calculating
GDP according to the production, income and expenditure approaches. An overview of the range
of data sources generally used is provided in Box 4.3.

4.96. It should be noted that this situation is reversed in some countries, such as Chile and Japan,
which first clearly define the requirements of SUTs and then undertake the surveys (regular and
ad-hoc) to collect data to meet these requirements. Of course this may be ideal for SUTs (and
IOTs) but may also be more costly.

4.97. The compilation of SUTs is data demanding and in principle could be done based on many
source(s) that could help to populate the SUTs. However, it is strongly recommended to have more
regularly available data sources in terms of timeliness, which are also based on official statistics,
preferably using the same business register sampling frame. It is also worth noting, many sources
can provide data feeding into both the Supply Table and the Use Table for the respective
industries/products as appropriate. For example, annual structural surveys provide details on both
sales and purchases.

Box 4.3 Data sources generally used

Monthly, quarterly, annual, regular and ad hoc business surveys based on the business register sampling frame:
• Monthly business surveys covering production, distribution, construction and service industries and
financial information like employment and turnover.
• Monthly surveys collecting price related details such as producer (input and output) prices covering
all industries (for example, manufacturing and services), retail and consumer price indices, import
prices, export prices, and earnings/wage prices.
• Quarterly business surveys covering areas like capital expenditure, inventories and profits.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Annual business surveys covering structural business statistics for each industry:
• Detailed information covering variables like turnover, employment, purchases, capital
expenditure, inventories, holding gains, taxes and subsidies, etc.
• Detailed sales by type of product.
• Detailed purchases data by type of product covering intermediate-type products and capital-type
product separately.
• Range of quarterly and annual surveys covering financial services, in particular financial assets and
liabilities, international trade in services and foreign and direct investment.
• Economic censuses every 3 to 5 years.
Household based surveys:
• Living costs and food surveys – collecting details on expenditure by households.
• International passenger surveys – expenditure by residents abroad and non-residents expenditure in
the domestic economy.
• Labour force surveys – collecting details on employment including hours worked.
Administrative data:
• Census – population estimates for grossing purposes for use in household based surveys.
• Pay and profits data relating to tax and employment records from collecting government departments
as well as data covering self-employed incomes.
• VAT payments data and turnover subject to VAT by industry (and by product where differential rates
exist) from the tax collecting departments.
• Imports and exports of goods data collected by customs.
Other government departments:
• Agriculture industry data from the Agricultural Ministry.
• Banking industry data from the Central Bank.
• Data on government incomes and expenditures from the Finance Ministry – expenditures will need to
be split between the individual consumption and collective consumption categories.
Other sources:
• Company annual report and accounts (in general, the direct use is limited, however these are often
used for public supply companies like electricity, gas, water, postal services, telecommunications, etc.
in many countries).
• Regulatory bodies’ accounts.
• Insurance data from the insurance industry regulators.
• Airline data from the airline industry regulators.
• Financial detail from company websites which supplements the company annual report and accounts.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1. Typical data sources

(a) Structural surveys

4.98. Many countries rely on annual structural type surveys which fit in naturally to the needs of
the SUTs framework. One of the advantages of such a set-up is that it allows the collection of a
range of variables from a single source - the statistical unit - thereby ensuring consistency and
coherency of each variable and across variables. For example, the employment data will be
consistent with the turnover data and, in turn, with the derived GVA data.

4.99. Where annual structural surveys exist, data for a number of key variables are collected with
more detail supplemented from other surveys (for example, detailed purchases data). These
variables can include:

• Sales of goods and services (and an appropriate product breakdown);

• Purchases of goods and services (and an appropriate product breakdown);
• Purchases and sales of goods for resale without any further processing (this helps to produce
the trade margins by type of product);
• Changes in inventories (split between materials and fuels, work-in-progress and finished
goods not sold is required as the first category affects intermediate consumption and the
latter two categories affect output);
• Capital expenditure (and an appropriate product breakdown);
• Employment costs (and an appropriate breakdown);
• Taxes on products and production (covering business rates, excise duties, etc.);
• Subsidies on products and production (covering agriculture, transport, etc.); and
• Areas like research and development, and international trade in services, which link to other
related surveys.
4.100. Often data compiled to respond to statistical regulations are used in the compilation of
SUTs. For example, in the EU, various statistical regulations for EU Member States cover various
business statistics derived from monthly, quarterly and annual surveys providing short-term
indictors and structural business statistics. Data from many of these sources also feed into the
compilation of SUTs. The Handbook on the Design and Implementation of Business Surveys,
Eurostat (1998), provides a lot of detail on conducting such surveys.

(b) Administrative data

4.101. Administrative data forms a key data source for both the compilation of quarterly and
annual national accounts and in some countries administrative data may be the main data source.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

The use of administrative data is growing due to several factors, such as good coverage, less
resource impact on NSOs and lessening of the response burden.

4.102. Administrative data have statistical strengths and weaknesses vis-à-vis sample surveys.
Apart from the low cost of obtaining administrative data, their major strength is that they
commonly have complete, or nearly complete, coverage of whatever they relate to. So, there are
no sampling errors and some non-sampling errors, such as those arising from an out-of-date
business register and inadequate new business provisions, are either non-existent or minor.

4.103. The weaknesses of administrative data arise from the fact that they are by-products of
administrative systems, which are not generally designed to meet the needs of the National
Accounts. Examples of these weaknesses include the following:

• the available data do not meet national accounting definitions (for example, wages rather
than compensation of employees, or a measure of depreciation that differs from the national
accounting concept of consumption of fixed capital);
• purchases registered in the VAT system will usually include both purchases for intermediate
consumption and for gross capital formation;
• the data are not recorded on an accrual basis (for example, exports and imports from customs
are recorded as they cross the customs frontier and not when they change ownership);
• the data are incomplete (for example, movement of oil rigs in and out of territorial waters
are excluded from customs data);
• the data may not be disaggregated in a desirable way (for example, government expenditures
may not distinguish between wages and intermediate consumption or new motor vehicle
registrations may not distinguish between household and business use);
• administrative data may be untimely (for example, company tax data); and
• administrative data can undergo change as a result of a change in policy.

(c) Business/company accounts based statistics

4.104. The values of outputs, inputs, gross capital formation, etc. have their counterparts in
business accounts or government accounts but the concepts used in business accounting often do
not completely follow National Accounts definitions. For more detail, see United Nations (2000),
and Mahajan (2011), (Challenges of Using Company Accounts based data in National Accounts).
A few examples are listed below:

• Differences between concepts: Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured

(FISIM), insurance services, etc.
• Change in inventories: different valuations, correction for holding gains and losses, etc.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Distinction between intermediate consumption and capital formation: acquisitions of

machinery and equipment included in current expenses, etc.
• Distinction between intermediate consumption and compensation of employees: fringe
benefits, links to own account production, etc.
• Business accounts do not always follow the calendar year. Often accounts that are closest to
the calendar year can be used as an approximation for the annual values but it may be
appropriate to correct figures for some big enterprises that have accounts that cover other
periods or may have large seasonal patterns, for example, the gas supply industry.
• Government accounts may use fiscal year that differs from the calendar year. It can be
misleading to use the information for the nearest fiscal year as if it were identical to calendar
year data. Annual data can be calculated by weighting together data for the two fiscal years
that overlap the actual year. A better method is, however, to use quarterly or monthly
information to split the data from each fiscal year into the shares belonging to different
calendar years where such information exists.

(d) VAT based statistics

4.105. The VAT system usually provides statistics on those units that are covered by the business
register, which will also use the VAT-registered businesses as a source. The business register
generally includes the units that collect VAT on all or a part of their turnover and those that can
deduct VAT on all or part of their purchases (capital or current).

4.106. The VAT based statistics may exist in published form but even when not published, it can
usually be made available from the authorities that are responsible for collection of VAT with
appropriate service level and confidentiality agreements in place. Typically, this source will
contain information on VAT liable, zero-rated and VAT exempt turnover as well as deductible and
non-deductible purchases with a classification by industries.

4.107. The VAT based statistics tend to be available on a quarterly as well as an annual basis, and
it is usually available shortly after the reference period. A correction based on the final dates of
payment may be necessary if the statistics show payments instead of accruals.

4.108. There are pitfalls to consider when using VAT based statistics for National Accounts

• The concepts used in VAT based statistics are different from those used in National
Accounts. As VAT based turnover covers sales of products from own production, sales of
traded goods as well as sales of used capital equipment, the VAT purchases cover purchases
of goods and services for use as inputs, goods intended for resale as well as purchases of
capital equipment. Before these figures can be used in National Accounts, the VAT
purchases must be split into the different shares based on details payments.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• VAT based statistics do not show figures for units with activities that are not VAT liable and
they may not include units with turnover below certain thresholds. Such thresholds differ
from country to country but will often exclude a significant share of the smaller enterprises.
The informal economy can – by nature – be assumed not to be included in the VAT based
register sources.
• The industry classification of the VAT based units may not be the same as the classification
used in national accounts.
• For practical reasons, the units accepted in VAT based statistics may be enterprises, KAUs,
establishments, or even conglomerates of enterprises which are allowed a joint registration
for payment of VAT.
4.109. Despite such caveats, the VAT based statistics may still be the most reliable data source
for the size of some industries that are poorly covered by other sources. The figures from VAT
based statistics should, however, be seen as the minimal size of the industries in question. It can
be necessary to add values for units below the threshold values and VAT exempt units including
those operating in the informal and hidden economy.

(e) Missing data

4.110. If certain data are not available in the official statistical system, the first option would be
to check whether such data are available outside official statistics. An example is, for instance,
when intermediate data on advertising costs are not available as a separate item in the business
surveys. In this case, one possible source could be data from relevant trade associations observing
the advertising market. Despite the fact that the data are often not comprehensive enough, or the
classifications are different from the official ones so that data does not fully conform to the required
concepts, these data certainly give a good indication of the advertising market over the various

4.111. There may be a full set of data observations for a period, and then again for a later period.
Various modelling techniques exist for generating estimates for the intervening periods to populate
the SUTs, for example basic Holt-Winters approach. (Holt, 1957; Winters, 1960) However, when
balancing SUTs, these estimates should be treated as much lower quality compared to the more
reliable and up to data estimates.

4.112. Furthermore, if no specific data are available, the expert advice of chambers of commerce,
trade associations, research institutes or other similar organisations could be useful.

4.113. In certain industries, one or a few companies are the big players in that market. They could
also be specifically contacted for expertise or requesting some of their internal data on a
confidential basis. For example, telecommunication companies may provide their revenue data by
type of customer, supermarket chains may be asked to provide data on their sales by products,
major railway companies to provide data on the goods transported, and so on.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

4.114. Annual company reports and accounts, publications of regulatory bodies and trade
associations, and internet company web-sites are very useful sources of financial data for
businesses and households.

4.115. Certain estimates can be based on the identities and coherence of the SUTs framework.
This holds true for the application of the product flow method, where detailed supply data are used
to estimate certain use data. The product flow method basically applies fixed allocations which
will need to be reviewed each year. The method should be applied with great caution to populate
SUTs and will depend on the level of product detail. The collection of primary data from various
sources with data confrontation provides the best approach to populate SUTs and to achieve quality

(f) Exhaustiveness - methods of grossing up

4.116. Statistical sources usually exclude units with employment or turnover below certain
thresholds while National Accounts data should include estimations for these missing units. The
methods used for grossing up will typically be based on an estimate of employment in the excluded
units, and assumptions on output, input, capital formation, etc. by employee. These assumptions
should as far as possible reflect the conditions in comparable units but when the small units are
not covered by source data, the grossing up procedure will necessarily add to the uncertainty of
the estimated totals. It can also be expected that the structures of outputs and inputs of small units
are somewhat different from those found in the units covered by collected data.

4.117. There is considerable interest in the phenomenon of the non-observed economy. This term
is used to describe activities that, for one reason or another, are not captured in regular statistical
enquiries, because they are underground, illegal, informal, household production for own final use,
or just because of deficiencies in the basic data collection system. Guidance on the measurement
of the non-observed economy is provided in OECD at al, 2002 and on the informal sector in ILO,

4.118. In countries where a significant share of total output and input is found in the informal
economy, it can be appropriate to conduct specific surveys of this activity. To confront data on
the supply and use of labour, useful information on this subject may actually be found in population
censuses, household budget surveys or labour force surveys. In this respect, the SUTs framework,
in which available source data are combined and balanced, provides the greatest potential to arrive
at exhaustive estimates of economic activity.

2. Methodological and practical benefits of SUTs as an integral part of the National


4.119. The compilation of SUTs whether done as an integral part of the compilation of National
Accounts (as recommended in this Handbook) or done as a separate compilation from that of the
National Accounts, is based to a large extent on the same data sources as those used for the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

National Accounts. Figure 4.1 expands on Figure 2.3 in Chapter 2 to shows the typical data sources
used for the compilation of national accounts which also feed in the compilation of SUTs and
IOTs. Often the same source can provide data feeding into more than one of the approaches to
measuring GDP. For example, the agriculture data from agricultural departments often feeds into
all three approaches to measuring GDP, thereby ensuring natural consistency and coherency of the
data used in SUTs.

4.120. In general, there is a strong correlation with the level of detail used within the SUTs and
the quality of the product balances and the aggregates. The more disaggregated the level of
industries/products ensures a higher degree of matching of individual products in terms of
allocation of uses, prices, etc. and hence improving the quality. If the product level is too
aggregated, the individual products may be too broad and heterogeneous, thereby of lesser quality.

4.121. There are a number of advantages of producing SUTs as an integral part of the National
Accounts and therefore recommended in this Handbook.

4.122. From a methodological point of view, the following advantages for compiling SUTs as an
integral part of the National Accounts can be emphasised:

• SUTs provide the ideal framework for integrating the components to the three approaches to
measuring GDP both in current prices and in volume terms.
• When statistical discrepancies exist amongst the macroeconomic aggregates, it is less clear
where adjustments could be applied. However through the detailed examination of the
supply and use of products, the SUTs provide a powerful approach to identify which areas
could be adjusted.
• SUTs allow for the data confrontation of different primary sources by bringing them together
into a single framework, and aid the prioritisation of where resources could be allocated to
seek quality improvements.
• Where statistical information is incomplete or contradictory, as it may happen with gross
fixed capital formation or household final consumption expenditure, alternative estimates
can be made in a transparent way using the SUTs framework ensuring consistency and
• SUTs provide the full framework for establishing the connection between the various
valuation concepts in National Accounts, from basic prices through to purchasers’ prices.
• SUTs form the ideal framework for estimating GVA through “double-deflation” and GDP
in volume terms as well as ensuring coherency of deflation across the different areas.
• SUTs at basic prices are the basis for the construction of IOTs, and in turn, the foundation
of a range of macroeconomic models.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 4.1 Overview of SUTs and IOTs as part of the SNA compilation

Business Register

System of National Accounts

Supply and Use Tables Accounts

Supply and
Business Use Tables Production Income Expenditure Consumer
Census at approach approach approach Price
matrices Statistics
purchasers' GDP GDP GDP
Annual prices (unbalanced) (unbalanced) (unbalanced)
Business (unbalanced) Price

Construc- Balancing Capital

tion Survey Expenditure
Supply and
Income Use Tables Material
Survey Valuation Input
at Single estimate of Gross Domestic Product Statistics
Household prices (balanced)
Expendi- (balanced) Balance of
ture Survey Payments

Govern- Sector accounts

ment 1. Non-financial corporations Trade
Budget Supply and Use Tables at 2. Financial corporations Total Rest of Statistics
basic prices 3. General government economy the world
4. Households
5. NPISH Production

Statistics Goods
Product by Industry by Distribution Accumu- Statistics
and Production
product industry and use of lation
services account
Employ- IOTs IOTs income accounts
ment account Population
accounts Census

4.123. In terms of practical benefits:

• SUTs offer new options to incorporate all existing information, including from primary
sources, on a consistent basis. This is also true for information that is only periodically
available as well as a framework for making reliable estimates, including plausible
restrictions and identities.
• When SUTs are produced as an integral part of the National Accounts, it is relatively easy
to compile IOTs. These IOTs derived from SUTs will be totally compatible and consistent
with all national accounts figures, adding to the credibility and analytical usefulness of both
• SUTs that are consistent with the National Accounts are normally produced in connection
with benchmarked macroeconomic data around 2-3 years after first preliminary results of

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

the National Accounts are published. However, SUTs can also play a vital role in the
production of preliminary annual or even quarterly accounts.
4.124. Once the SUTs system is in place on an annual basis, the benefits are significant and can
take various forms:

• Updating SUTs from the last year with information available for the preliminary year in
order to have a complete set of SUTs (albeit at a more aggregated level) available that are
consistent with the preliminary figures. This procedure is a good method for revealing
inconsistencies in the aggregated preliminary figures at an early stage.
• Use of SUTs incorporating new information; for example, when new detailed information
on total supply and exports is available earlier, then the structure of SUTs of the previous
year could be used to project SUTs for domestic output and imports.

Eurostat, 1998. Handbook on Design and Implementation of Business Surveys. Available online
at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/en/web/products-manuals-and-guidelines/-/CA-09-97-818

Eurostat, 2001. Handbook on Price and Volume Measures in National Accounts. Available online
at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/KS-41-01-543-__-N-EN.pdf

Holt, 2004. International Journal of Forecasting, Volume 20, Issue 1, January–March 2004, Pages
5–10, Forecasting seasonals and trends by exponentially weighted moving averages

International Labour Organization, 2013. Measuring informality: A statistical manual on the

informal sector and informal employment. Available at:

Mahajan, 2011. Challenges of Using Company Accounts based data in national accounts.
Available at: ……

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), International Monetary Fund
(IMF), International Labour Organization (ILO), Interstate Statistical Commission of the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS STAT). 2002. Measuring the non-observed economy:
A handbook (Paris). Available at: https://www.oecd.org/std/na/1963116.pdf

United Nations, 2000. Links between Business Accounting and National Accounting. Studies in
Methods. Series F, No. 76. Available at:

United Nations (forthcoming). Handbook on Backcasting Methodology

UN, 2013. Guidelines on Integrated Economic Statistics. Studies in methods. Series F, No. 108.
Available online at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/nationalaccount/docs/IES-Guidelines-e.pdf

United Nations, 2013b. Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. Available online at


UN ECE (2013). The Generic Statistical Business Process Model v5.0. Available from

Winters, P.R., 1960. Forecasting sales by exponentially weighted moving averages. Management
Sciences, 6, 324-342

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 5. Compiling the Supply Table

A. Introduction

5.1. The first step in the compilation of SUTs and IOTs is the construction of an initial and
unbalanced version of the Supply Table. The values entered into the tables should reflect, as far as
possible, all available knowledge and data on the product structure of each column, although many
values may need to be changed when the SUTs system is balanced. This applies to estimated totals
as well as the values of supply of specific products.

5.2. Before balancing takes place, the estimates for domestic supply, imports of goods and
services should be checked for credibility, and if necessary adjusted as appropriate. These will
then form the starting point for the balancing process.

5.3. This Chapter focuses on the steps and data sources needed to compile this initial,
unbalanced version of the Supply Table. Section B provides a more in-depth overview of the
structure of the Supply Table. Section C focuses on the compilation of the domestic output table
and the necessary compilation steps and Section D focuses on the compilation of the imports of
goods and services.

B. Structure of the Supply Table

5.4. The Supply Table shows the supply of goods and services by type of product of an economy
for a given period of time and distinguishes between the output of domestic industries and imports
by type of product. The Supply Table is generally compiled first at basic prices reflecting the
valuation of the data sources. As illustrated in Table 5.1, the Supply Table at basic prices contains
two main parts: domestic output and imports of goods and services.

5.5. The domestic output matrix contains information on the supply of products by the different
industries. The column for the imports of goods and services contain information on the total
imports by products. The matrices for domestic output and imports of goods and services have the
same row structure defined by categories of products. This structure allows the horizontal
aggregation of all elements and the transition from total supply of products at basic prices to total
supply at purchasers’ prices.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 5.1 Numerical example of a Supply Table at basic prices

Total supply
Trade, Finance and Output Imports at basic
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other
transport and business at basic prices
ture turing tion services
communication services prices
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Agriculture (1) 8 782 0 0 0 0 0 8 782 3 271 12 052
Manufacturing (2) 796 182 982 643 1 808 133 44 186 405 124 590 310 995
Construction (3) 83 961 43 060 734 255 179 45 272 563 45 835

Trade (4) 1 4 773 311 54 204 640 257 60 187 600 60 787
Transport (5) 13 465 66 25 538 128 125 26 335 8 150 34 485
Communication (6) 160 1 781 139 43 912 1 253 982 48 228 6 234 54 463
Finance and business services (7) 29 8 902 698 7 588 106 909 3 381 127 508 7 061 134 569
Other services (8) 3 85 13 1 053 143 74 346 75 643 824 76 467
Total (9) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360 151 293 729 653

CIF/FOB adjustments on imports (10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 97 - 97

Direct purchases abroad by residents (11) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 675 6 675

Total (12) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360 157 871 736 230
Total of w hich:
Market output (13) 9 763 195 916 41 462 127 401 88 330 18 116 480 989 0
Output for ow n final use (14) 104 4 029 3 468 2 134 19 890 2 670 32 295 0
Non-market output (15) 0 4 0 5 302 1 241 58 528 65 075 0

Austria 2011

5.6. The Supply Table at basic prices is then transformed to the Supply Table at purchasers’
prices, through the addition of valuation adjustments represented by valuation matrices containing
trade margins, transport margins, taxes on products and subsidies on products. Table 5.2 shows
the valuation adjustments which are added to the columns of the Supply Table at basic prices to
arrive to a total supply of each product at purchasers' prices.

5.7. The first step in the compilation of an initial version of the Supply Table involves therefore
the compilation of data for total domestic output at basic prices and imports valued at CIF prices
aggregated to total supply at basic prices. The second step involves the compilation of trade and
transport margins, taxes on products less subsidies on products which are used to convert total
supply of products at basic prices to total supply of products at purchasers’ prices.

5.8. The data in the domestic output matrix are valued at basic prices which is the amount
receivable by the producer from the purchaser for a unit of a good or service produced as output
minus any tax payable, and plus any subsidy receivable by the producer as a consequence of its
production or sale. The value of output of goods excludes any transport charges invoiced separately
by the producer.

5.9. Data on imports by product from foreign trade statistics are usually valued at CIF prices.
However, in the 2008 SNA and BPM 6, total imports of goods are valued FOB, an extra row for
the CIF/FOB adjustments on imports has to be added in order to reconcile the different valuations.
These adjustments are shown in row (10) of Table 5.1 and explained in detail in Section D. In
addition, a further adjustment is added in the Supply Table to account for the direct purchases
abroad by residents, this is shown in row (11) in Table 5.1.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

5.10. These adjustment in the Supply Table (row (10) and (11) in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2) have
corresponding entries in the Use Table (row (10) and row (11) in Table 6.1) under the columns for
Exports and Final consumption expenditures by households. It should be noted that some countries
do not show these estimates in the separate rows but consolidate the values across the product
groups in the respective columns providing a different product balance.

Table 5.2 Supply Table at basic prices, including a transformation into purchasers’ prices
Output Total supply
Trade, Finance and at basic Imports at basic
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other
transport and business prices prices
ture turing tion services
communication services

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Agriculture (1) 8 782 0 0 0 0 0 8 782 3 271 12 052
Manufacturing (2) 796 182 982 643 1 808 133 44 186 405 124 590 310 995
Construction (3) 83 961 43 060 734 255 179 45 272 563 45 835

Trade (4) 1 4 773 311 54 204 640 257 60 187 600 60 787
Transport (5) 13 465 66 25 538 128 125 26 335 8 150 34 485
Communication (6) 160 1 781 139 43 912 1 253 982 48 228 6 234 54 463
Finance and business services (7) 29 8 902 698 7 588 106 909 3 381 127 508 7 061 134 569
Other services (8) 3 85 13 1 053 143 74 346 75 643 824 76 467
Total (9) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360 151 293 729 653

CIF/FOB adjustments on imports (10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 97 - 97

Direct purchases abroad by

(11) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 675 6 675
Total (12) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360 157 871 736 230
Total of w hich:
Market output (13) 9 763 195 916 41 462 127 401 88 330 18 116 480 989 0
Output for ow n final use (14) 104 4 029 3 468 2 134 19 890 2 670 32 295 0
Non-market output (15) 0 4 0 5 302 1 241 58 528 65 075 0


supply at at
basic Trade Transport Taxes on Subsidies purchasers'
VAT Total
prices margins margins products on products prices
(9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 12 052 1 926 274 329 57 - 107 2 479 14 532
Manufacturing (2) 310 995 48 838 2 540 13 175 7 866 - 49 72 370 383 364
Construction (3) 45 835 0 0 1 529 13 0 1 542 47 377

Trade (4) 60 787 - 52 341 0 575 11 0 - 51 755 9 032

Transport (5) 34 485 0 - 2 800 558 71 - 448 - 2 620 31 865
Communication (6) 54 463 1 493 9 3 375 217 - 34 5 059 59 522
Finance and business services (7) 134 569 0 - 22 2 706 2 159 0 4 842 139 411
Other services (8) 76 467 85 0 1 201 576 0 1 861 78 329
Total (9) 729 653 0 0 23 447 10 969 - 638 33 778 763 431

CIF/FOB adjustments on imports (10) - 97 0 0 0 0 0 - 97 - 97

Direct purchases abroad by

(11) 6 675 0 0 0 0 0 6 675 6 675
Total (12) 736 230 0 0 23 447 10 969 - 638 40 356 770 009
Total of w hich:
Market output (13) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Output for ow n final use (14) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Non-market output (15) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Austria 2011

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

5.11. A distinction may be made in the SUTs between the three types of production: market
output; output for own final use; and non-market output. However, in the domestic output matrix,
these three categories of production are usually grouped together in the relevant industries and
shown in three supplementary rows for each industry. Thus government services are distributed
in the system to the various activities in which the government is engaged, for example, public
administration services, education services, health services, recreation services, social welfare
services, etc. but are shown together with the corresponding market producers. For example, health
services provided by market and non-market producers (within the same industry) are shown as a
total. Furthermore, the supplementary rows are for some industries useful for the link with the
institutional sector accounts.

5.12. Although the supplementary rows make it possible to split output by industry to the three
categories of output, there is no product dimension. Ideally, each industry could be shown
separately (also reflecting different structures and links between the output and the inputs) or
additional analyses produced for the user.

5.13. Imports of goods and services are classified by type of product. Since this table is designed
to show the total supply by type of products, the valuation of imports of goods should be
compatible with the valuation of the domestic production of goods. Imports by type of product are
therefore valued at CIF prices which are comparable with the domestic output at basic prices.
Although total imports of goods are valued at FOB prices, it is not an easy task to move the imports
of goods by type of product to CIF prices and depends upon the source data and who provides the
transportation (see 2008 SNA, paragraph 14.77).

5.14. Adding both components, production and imports, gives the total supply of products at
basic prices.

5.15. The Supply Table at purchasers’ prices is obtained by adding to total supply at basic prices,
various valuation matrices (earned on both domestic output and imports) that allow moving from
one valuation to another. The valuation matrices are:

• Trade margins;
• Transport margins;
• Taxes on products (with non-deductible VAT treated separately from other taxes on
products); and
• Subsidies on products (which are deducted).
5.16. It should be noted that when the Supply Table is shown with the final column summing to
purchasers’ prices, it is referred to as the Supply Table at purchasers’ prices. This is actually just
the Supply Table at basic prices with the valuation columns added. The production and import
parts of the Supply Table have not been changed and remain valued at basic prices.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

5.17. The task of compiling SUTs is a highly integrated process. This is particularly true for the
estimation of the valuation vectors/matrices, where it is often necessary to rely also on estimates
from the Use Table side in order to obtain the valuation vectors entered into the Supply Table.
Figure 5.1 provides an overview of how the valuation matrix in the Supply Table is linked to a
sequence of valuation matrices in the Use Table. The Figure also demonstrates the
interconnections between the valuation matrices linking the Supply Table and Use Table.
Therefore the estimation of the valuation matrices, considering both the Supply Table and the Use
Table is dealt with in Chapter 7.

5.18. The rest of this Chapter focuses on the compilation of the Supply Table at basic prices.

Figure 5.1 Link between valuation matrices in the Supply Table and the Use Table
Supply Table at purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
Total supply Total use at
Output Taxes Subsidies at Final Gross
Agricul- Other Imports at basic Trade Transport Other purchasers’
.. at basic VAT on on Total purchasers' Agriculture .. Total consumption capital Exports Total
ture services prices margins margins services prices
prices products products prices expenditure formation
(1) .. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (1) .. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Agriculture (1) Agriculture (1)
Manuf acturing (2) Manuf acturing (2)
Construction (3) Construction (3)

Trade (4) Trade (4)
Transport (5) Transport (5)
Communication (6) Communication (6)
Finance and business Finance and business
(7) (7)
services services
Other services (8) Other services (8)
TOT (9) Total (9)

Compensation of employees (10)

Other taxes on production (11)


Consumption of fixed capital (12)

Net operating surplus/Net

mised income
Total (14)
Total input at basic prices (15)

Subsidies on products
Agriculture (1)

: :
: :
Other services (8)
Total (9)

Other taxes on products

Agriculture (1)

: :
: :
Other services (8)
Total (9)

Non-deductible VAT
Agriculture (1)

: :
: :
Other services (8)
Total (9)

Transport margins
Agriculture (1)

: :
: :
Other services (8)
Total (9)

Trade margins
Agriculture (1)

: :
: :
Other services (8)
Total (9)

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

C. Domestic output

1. Structure of the domestic output table

5.19. The first and most elaborated part of the Supply Table is the domestic output matrix. This
records data on the production of the economy classified according to two dimensions: the rows
represent the type of products (based on the CPC Ver. 2.1) and the columns represent the different
industry groupings (based on ISIC Rev. 4). Thus the domestic output matrix shows in the rows, a
single product by producing industry and, in the columns, all the products produced by a single
industry. However, albeit consistent with the CPC and ISIC, countries may use different and more
detailed classifications as inputs, for example, reflecting country specific activities.

5.20. The domestic output matrix reflects the principal and secondary products of industries
including by-products. It is the principal activity of the statistical unit that determines its
classification to a specific industry. In the special case where the domestic output matrix is square
(the number of products being equal to the number of industries), and the sequence of products
arranged to reflect the sequence of the industries (based on their principal activities), the principal
activity of an industry is reported on the diagonal of the matrix while the secondary activities of
an industry are listed as off-diagonal entries.

5.21. However, in practice, it is common to have more products than industries. For this reason,
the production part of the Supply Table is usually a rectangular matrix with more rows than
columns as shown in Table 5.1. This reflects the fact that it may be more interesting to specify
different kinds of agricultural crops, in the case of agriculture, and less interesting or practical to
distinguish farms specialising in each of the possible sorts of crop. In this case, all the crops would
still form the principal output of agriculture, whereas, for example, the production of wine or
construction of buildings for own use would be treated as secondary output of the industry. The
greater is the level of product detail, the more scatter of entries will be around the principal
products. In these cases, it is not possible to observe directly the distinction of principal products
versus secondary products/production in the rectangular domestic output matrix.

5.22. Annex A to Chapter 5 provides an extract of a survey questionnaire collecting data on sales
of goods and services by type of product as well as other variables by product such as opening
stocks (inventories), closing stocks (inventories) and trade margins.

5.23. Even though the “industry” concept is already being applied in the National Accounts, the
existing level of detail or precise delimitation should not be taken as a constraint when compiling
SUTs, and in particular when compiling benchmark tables. On the other hand, the way the
statistical units are defined and classified in the business register and covered in basic statistics
represents the real constraint on the possible choices concerning industries in the SUTs. Even
though industries may, in the process of compiling SUTs, to some extent be redefined or otherwise
modified relative to basic statistics, the options are much more limited than the range of choices
available when it comes to the decision on the product classification to be applied.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

5.24. The choice of level of detail for industries and products to be used in the SUTs must be
based on a thorough examination of available statistics and considerations concerning the
advantages of product details in balancing, in estimating margins and taxes on products by uses,
final uses by purpose, and in volume estimates, etc. However, the general recommendation is to
work with as much detail as possible, as any aggregation of basic statistics also implies a loss of
information that could at some stage have contributed to the overall quality of the balanced SUTs.
(See also Chapter 4)

5.25. It is also necessary to clarify any user requirements about the format that the final table
should meet, including international reporting. In general, it would be an advantage to work at a
more detailed level than warranted by current uses in order to extract maximum information from
available data sources, and to be prepared for emerging new use as well as for transformation to
comply with future changes to economic activity and product classifications.

2. Primary statistics and data sources

5.26. The structure of economic entities varies from small enterprises engaged in one or a few
activities that are undertaken either at, or from, a single geographical location to large and complex
enterprises engaged in many different activities. These enterprises may be horizontally or
vertically integrated, that may be undertaken either at, or from, many geographical locations. The
way producer units are defined, measured statistically, broken down or aggregated is of
fundamental importance when compiling SUTs.

5.27. In practice, compilers of SUTs will not deal with the individual economic units but only
with the aggregates of units in the form of industries usually based on current business statistics
by economic activity. To fully understand the role of these statistics in the SUTs compilation, it
is necessary to assess the delimitation of units influence the properties of the industries.

5.28. The most important prerequisite for the collection of basic statistics is the business register
and the types of economic units held. Ideally business registers will contain two types of units,
enterprise units and establishments.

5.29. Usually the enterprises form the core units of the business register, as they are easier to
identify and track on a current basis because of their legal status. It depends on the adopted register
policy how many establishments are created (i.e. how many enterprises are partitioned into
establishments). Different geographical locations of the production units will be one important
criterion for sub-dividing an enterprise into several establishments.

5.30. In the collection of basic statistics the enterprise will usually be the collection entity, and
to the extent that the enterprise is made up of several establishments, the enterprise will be
requested to report a range of statistics for each of those establishments separately. This has
implications for both the Supply Table and the Use Table, as some types of costs can only be

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

reported at the enterprise level, whereas all regular production costs can be reported for the
individual establishments.

5.31. In some cases, the enterprise and the establishment units may be identical, as many
enterprises may be engaged in one kind of activity only. However, large enterprises which often
contribute the major part of the production of an economy will often cover different kinds of
economic activity and therefore formally be made up of several establishment units.

5.32. It is important to note that many primary sources, for example, enterprise surveys and
production surveys, used to collect data feeding into the domestic output matrix, often also collect
data at the same time through the same survey questionnaire but feeding into the Use Table (for
example, the industries’ input structures and GFCF). This approach provides a high degree of
coherency and consistency of the data feeding into the SUTs.

5.33. The estimates of the domestic output matrix are usually based on two main types of sources
of information: enterprise surveys and production surveys. Additional information, for example,
administrative sources, company accounts, etc. will also be used. Figure 5.2 provides a simplified
view of the different types of information used for compiling the domestic output matrix.

Figure 5.2 Different type of information for compiling the production matrix

INDUSTRIES Trade Finance

Agri- Manu- Construc- and and Other
domestic Production
culture facturing tion transport business services
PRODUCTS output surveys
services services
No (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 Agriculture
2 Manufacturing Data on
3 Construction total sales
4 Trade and transport services or output by
5 Finance and business services type of
6 Oher services product
7 Total

= Principal activities
Enterprise or establishment surveys
= Secondary activities Data on total sales by companies plus information, preferably with a
product breakdown, such as:
Secondary activity
Ancillary activity
Changes in inventories
Own account production
Other taxes and subsidies on production
Trade activity
Sales for export

5.34. Starting from the enterprise survey, its main objective is to supply information on the main
structural characteristics of the different economic activities. The basic unit of this type of survey

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

tends to be the enterprise. From this source, it is possible to estimate the total production by activity
starting from its private accounting business systems. On the other hand, the production surveys
allow the estimation of the total production by type of product. The information unit used for these
surveys is usually the establishment. An establishment can usually only provide information on its
specific activity, not on other secondary activities and therefore, the secondary activity may need
to be estimated.

5.35. Combining both sources of information, enterprise statistics and production statistics, it is
possible to combine the data and obtain the production by type of product, by principal activities
of the enterprise and by principal activities of the establishment that belongs to this enterprise.
Thus, mainly for industrial products, the principal production and the secondary production of a
product can be identified. In many cases, the lack of information makes it necessary to use
reasonable assumptions about what products are produced by the industries as secondary
production. The main types of secondary output are construction, trade services and real estate.

5.36. Almost all establishments may perform some construction work, for example, own-account
gross capital formation and minor maintenance and repair work. Often establishments in the
manufacturing and service industries are involved in either wholesale trade or retail trade or even
both. Many service industry establishments run retail trade services as a secondary activity.
Finally, rental activities of real estate and of leasing of equipment are often secondary activities.

5.37. In basic statistics, output by products will usually be available for the goods producing
industries like agriculture, mining and manufacturing industries, (at least for
enterprises/establishments above a certain threshold), and similarly imports and exports of goods
will be covered in great detail by external trade statistics. For service industries, a breakdown of
output by individual kinds of services (as defined in the CPC classification) is less common,
although many countries in recent years have developed such statistics. If there is a lack of product
statistics for services, the output by the most detailed service activities of the ISIC may be used as
proxy, assuming that all output consists of the services characteristic for that particular industry.
Concerning the product breakdowns, construction will be placed between these two extremes.

5.38. For manufacturing units below a certain threshold, output statistics by products will usually
be missing, whereas total output has been estimated based on either business surveys or
administrative records. Working at the most detailed activity level available, output from these
small units can be broken down into the products of the system, for example, by assuming that the
composition by product is identical to what has been observed for the smallest category of those
units for which output statistics by product exist. During the balancing process, this assumption
may be modified and the output redistributed by product.

5.39. The products recorded in the domestic output part of the Supply Table should be output
valued at basic prices at the time it is completed. For manufacturing industries, usually, only sales

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

by product are given in the surveys, adjustments for change in inventories of finished goods and
work-in-progress would need to be made to move from sales to output.

5.40. When information exists about opening and closing inventories by industry it can be
assumed that the composition by product is identical to sales by product. By applying relevant
price indices and assumptions about inventory valuation principles used by enterprises, the change
in inventories of finished products and work-in-progress by product can be derived. However, as
the reliability of these data by product is limited, and by definition, should always be identical on
the supply side and the use side, there is no need to adjust the sales figures or enter them into the
final use category of changes of inventories at this stage. In the system, it is actually the sales
figures that are relevant for the distribution by users, and the estimated data for change in
inventories can therefore just be imposed on the system after the balancing has been completed.
This is, however, not the case for change in inventories of materials and fuels (recorded in the
intermediate use part of the Use Table) and in trade. Change in inventories of agricultural products
and mining products will usually have to be included in the system from the beginning as the
output data will often not refer to sales but to actual output.

3. Principal and secondary products

5.41. The distinction between principal and secondary production has traditionally played a
prominent role in I-O literature as the existence of secondary production requires some
assumptions in order to compile IOTs. However, it should be noted, that a match between products
and industries (determining in which industry a product is the principal output) is strictly speaking
only necessary in those cases where the chosen techniques for deriving IOTs as a starting point
requires the SUTs to be aggregated to square tables, where the sequence of the aggregated products
is made comparable to the sequence of industries. For other techniques of compiling IOTs and for
the purpose of the SUTs, there is no need for matching products and industries. Thus it should be
noted that when Industry by Industry IOTs are derived on the assumption of fixed product sales
structures, there is no need to first aggregate the rectangular SUTs.

5.42. When needed, the match between product and principal producer can be derived either
theoretically (by identifying for each product the principal producer according to the ISIC
definitions of the principal products of each industry - the correspondence keys are available on
the UNSD classification website at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/class/default.asp) or empirically
(established by observing in the actual domestic output matrix, the industry being the main
producer of each product).

5.43. In principle, the empirical match will be the most “precise” in the sense that it depicts the
production relationships as they actually exist in this particular economy. The theoretical match
may be the preferred approach when considering time series and international comparisons. These
matching methods also demonstrate that the product classification applied when compiling SUTs

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

can be chosen completely independently from the possible need to subsequently deriving square

5.44. When the domestic output matrix is aggregated to a square matrix and arranged so that the
entries for the primary products fall on the diagonal, the off-diagonal elements show the extent of
secondary production. This is that part of a product which is produced by industries other than the
one where it principally belongs either formally according to the industrial classification
(theoretical aggregation key) or according to the industry which is actually the main producer
(empirical aggregation key).

5.45. As the secondary production observed in the domestic output matrix depends on the level
of aggregation both of products and of industries, secondary production does not possess any
observable characteristics of its own. The elusive character of the concept of secondary production
makes it difficult to justify that a product should be of particular interest statistically just because
it is produced in two or more industries at a certain level of industry or product aggregation. When
the industry and product classifications to be used in SUTs have been decided (inclusive of
possibly redefinitions), the principal/secondary distinction plays no role in the following
elaboration and balancing within the SUTs framework.

5.46. For most countries, the domestic output matrix is characterised by showing secondary
production almost exclusively for manufacturing industries, whereas for most other industries,
practically all of the production is found on the diagonal elements (or in the rectangular table – in
the “diagonal field”). There are three main reasons for this:

• Basic statistics for manufacturing industries have traditionally included detailed product
statistics and thus make identification of secondary production possible.

• For service industries, the diagonal structure is simply due to the fact that most often very
limited details on the type of product breakdown on services are collected. Thus total output
from establishments (or even enterprises) must be assumed to be primary output of the
industries to which the units are classified in the business register.

• The activities of industries such as agriculture, construction and trade are often defined in a
more pure form (the industries covering all their principal products, and only those) in the
National Accounts and SUTs than in the business register. In this case, all secondary
agricultural, construction and trade activities in other industries would have been transferred
to their main activities. Alternatively, data for some activities may have been constructed in
such a way that from the outset no secondary production exists, for example, the agricultural
activity is measured as the sum of all agricultural products, construction activity as the value
of new construction and repairs etc.

5.47. When the rectangular SUTs have been balanced, there may be a need to aggregate them
into a square system either for dissemination purposes or for compiling IOTs by methods that

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

require square SUTs. In a square system, the number of product groups must be identical to the
number of industries, and furthermore, the products aggregated in such a way that the resulting
product groups can be given corresponding “industry names”, indicating the industry of which
they are principal products. If aggregation is just made for dissemination purposes, the product
aggregation could also be done to, for example, higher levels of the CPC - from which there, as
mentioned above, is no direct correspondence to ISIC defined industries.

4. Ancillary activities

5.48. When the production of an enterprise takes place in two or more different establishments,
certain ancillary activities may be carried out centrally for the benefit of all the establishments
collectively. If a producer unit in that case is undertaking purely ancillary activities and is
statistically observable, whereby separable accounts for the production it undertakes are readily
available, or if it is in a geographically different location from the establishments it serves, it may
be desirable and useful to consider it as a separate unit and allocate it to the industrial classification
corresponding to its principal activity. Another exception is when some products are used both
for own ancillary use and are supplied to another unit (see SNA 2008, Paragraph 14.33). However,
in SNA 2008, it is recommended that statisticians do not make extraordinary efforts to create
separate establishments for these activities artificially in the absence of suitable basic data being

5.49. The fact that establishments, even at a detailed level, are classified to the same activity,
does not imply that they are in all respects identical. Each establishment has its own unique
institutional and organisational characteristics, which may influence the composition of its
purchases as much as the underlying technical production processes. Two establishments
producing identical products may have quite different input structures, depending on the degree of
reliance on purchased semi-fabricated products, outsourcing of certain activities (see also Chapter
8, annex on goods sent abroad for processing), whether it owns the capital equipment and buildings
it uses rather than leasing or renting them, etc. and in general, on the degree of vertical integration
of the various stages of the production processes. There is no way that these institutional
characteristics inherent in the original source data are eliminated from the SUTs (or subsequently
from the IOTs) nor does the SNA request the compilers to try doing so.

5.50. Institutional arrangements of production do not only differ between establishments

classified in the same industry but also across countries and over time. It is obvious that viewing
the SUTs (and the IOTs) as portraying the technical characteristics of a production system has
serious limitations. From a statistical point of view the achievable elimination of institutional
arrangements is obtained by applying establishments as production units (with the possible
additional partitioning of vertically integrated enterprises mentioned as covered above), as
establishments are designed with this purpose in mind and there are no official statistics providing
production structures below this level.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

5.51. In some countries, the recommended establishment unit approach may not be achievable
in practice as for legal, practical or historic reasons statistics are only collected for enterprise units.
Even though compilers of the SUTs may in this situation try to break down the most important
multi-activity enterprises into their constituent establishment units there is in general no feasible
alternative to working with the existing data. In this case, it is still possible to compile SUTs
although the overall picture of the productive system will become less precise and to some extent
blurred, which will also affect the resulting SUTs and IOTs adversely.

5.52. It should, however, be recognised that important objectives of compiling the SUTs may
also be achieved when the data are based on enterprise units (see SNA 2008, Paragraph 14.21),
although some commodity flow and common sense type procedures may be more difficult to apply
because of the less stringent definition of industries, as the composition of output from the
enterprise units will also be crossing the borderlines between sections of the ISIC. For these
reasons an enterprise based approach will in general require more complete coverage of statistical
source data. It should also be realised that there are no automatic methods available that can
disentangle this dataset and transform it into SUTs or IOTs with analytical properties comparable
with those resulting from SUTs based on establishment type units. Depending on the specific
circumstances it may in such cases be decided to just compile SUTs and not IOTs.

5. Redefinitions

5.53. Redefinitions refer to adjustments made to the source data relative to the way they are
obtained from the primary statistics in order to obtain more “pure” industries for use in the SUTs.
This is an exception to the previous mentioned rule that SUTs compilers should not attempt to
create their own versions of basic statistics. That would be neither cost effective nor supportive for
the comparability of SUTs to other economic statistics or internationally. In practice, deviations
from the way enterprises or establishments are defined in the business register and reflected in
primary statistics should be limited in scope.

5.54. Such redefinitions can be seen as implementing the SNA recommendation to partition
vertically or horizontally integrated enterprises or establishments that have production in two or
more sections of the ISIC Rev. 4 (2008 SNA, paragraphs 5.52-5.54). Redefinitions are generally
carried out “by hand” using product specific input-structures based on specific insight into the
activities so that the results will come as no surprise or give rise to negative elements, as might
have been the case if more automatic methods were applied. By reducing secondary production,
redefinitions facilitate the subsequent compilation of IOTs, and compilers of SUTs should be
aware of how the choice of compilation techniques will affect the subsequent calculation of the

5.55. Redefinitions (more background is provided in Box 5.1) are usually concentrated on a few
major activities, such as agriculture, energy, construction and trade, or a few major enterprises, for
example, mining operations. Redefinitions affect all those activities from which secondary output

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

is being removed. For some activities, redefinition-type adjustments may have been carried out
already in the source data, for example:

• The EU System of Agricultural Accounts requires that all agricultural activity is covered by
these accounts and there are very limited possibilities to retain non-agricultural secondary
production within the system definition of agriculture.
• All rented dwellings are usually grouped together in one single industry (together with
owner-occupied dwellings) independently of the activity of the actual owner.
• Trade activities outside the trade industries (trade as secondary activity), by definition, have
already been separately identified when compiling the National Accounts, as only the trade
margins and not the gross turnover of the traded products should be counted as output, and
may have been grouped together with trade as primary activity.
• Construction activities are also frequently redefined to form one single “pure” construction
activity, often because total output has been defined by adding up the values of specific types
of construction output rather than output from building establishments, or alternatively input
being determined from the supply of construction materials. Any of these approaches will
also facilitate the distribution of building materials for intermediate consumption.
Box 5.1 Redefinitions
In Miller and Blair (2009) (page 141) redefinitions are defined as: “Factoring out the amount of secondary
products produced as well as the inputs used in that production and reassigning both to the industry for
which the product is classified as primary”.
Further a distinction is made between specific redefinition and mechanical redefinition (page 215),
where the former is the “by hand” procedure and the latter refers to the various mathematical procedures
that can be applied to eliminate secondary production when producing IOTs from SUTs (covered in
Chapter 12 of Miller and Blair (2009)).
The specific redefinition or two-step process emerges from the practice in several countries. It is explained
in detail for the United States in Jiemin Guo et al. (2002). The BEA paper was presented at the 14th
International Input-Output Association Conference in Montreal, Canada 2002. The article also analyses
the differences between the resulting tables when redefinitions are not applied (Case 1), and when they are
applied (Case 2).
The redefinition method is also used in Canada and Denmark whereas Industry by Industry IOTs in Norway
are more of the Case 1 type to retain to a maximum degree of micro-macro link.
The Industry by Industry IOTs of the Netherlands seems to fit somewhere between Case 1 and Case 2.
In France, the first step (redefinition) based on enterprise units and is carried out to an extent that the Supply
Table becomes diagonal. The Use Table thereby also form the IOTs, and the second step (compiling the
IOTs) becomes superfluous.

5.56. Although the redefinitions serve the purpose of creating more pure activities and thus
facilitates I-O analysis, their main purpose is to arrive at an activity classification that is applicable
for use in the national accounts, and thus supportive to the integrated compilation of SUTs and
National Accounts. Three different situations can be distinguished:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Case 1 - no redefinitions take place in the national accounts, the SUTs and the Industry by
Industry IOTs.

• Case 2 - redefinitions have been carried out for all national accounts data and in the SUTs
prior to the calculation of the Industry by Industry IOTs.

• Case 3 - redefinitions are not carried out when the current national accounts are compiled
but applied when the SUTs and the Industry by Industry IOTs are compiled.

5.57. In the first two cases, the consistency and comparability between the current national
accounts (tables by industry), the SUTs and IOTs classifications are upheld but not in the third
case. Ideally, the choice of redefinitions should be introduced already in the general classification
of industries used in national accounts. Not only will the redefinitions “by hand” be more precise
at these earlier stages, but they will also facilitate the balancing of the system as a lot of small
inputs entries to a large number of cells of the Use Table will be avoided.

D. Imports of goods and services

1. General description and definition

5.58. The second part of the Supply Table covers the total imports of goods and services. In
National Accounts, imports refer to transactions that occur when there are changes of economic
ownership of goods between residents and non-residents whether or not there are corresponding
physical movements of goods across frontiers.

5.59. The main source of data for imports of goods is international merchandise trade statistics.
International standards are given in International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Concepts and
Definitions (IMTS 2010) (United Nations, 2011). The main source of data for import of services
is either the details available in the Balance of Payments (BoP) statistics or specialised statistics
on international trade in services (for example, business surveys) according to the international
standards given in the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010 (MSITS 2010)
(UN et al. 2011) in connection with product classifications.

5.60. Some differences exist, however, between the concepts used in international trade statistics
and the 2008 SNA and BPM 6, and therefore adjustments are needed to the basic statistics in order
to use them in the SUTs. The BPM 6 identifies sources of difference between the IMTS and the
2008 SNA and BPM 6 concepts of imports that may occur in countries. In this regard, it
recommended that a standard reconciliation table be compiled to assist users in understanding
these differences.

5.61. One major difference is the valuation used to record imports of goods. While IMTS 2010
uses a CIF valuation for imports, the 2008 SNA and BPM 6 uses a uniform FOB valuation for both
exports and imports of goods. The 2008 SNA states that:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

“Imports and exports of goods are recorded in the SNA at border values. Total imports
and exports of goods are valued free-on-board (FOB, that is, at the exporter’s customs
frontier). As it is usually not be possible to obtain FOB values for imports at detailed
product levels breakdowns, the tables containing product details on foreign trade show
imports of goods valued at the importer’s customs frontier (CIF, that is, cost, insurance and
freight), supplemented with a global adjustment to FOB values. CIF values include the
insurance and freight charges incurred between the exporter’s frontier and that of the
importer. The value on the commercial invoice may of course differ from both of these”.
(See 2008 SNA, paragraph 3.149)

5.62. The adjustments for the FOB and CIF valuation of imports are described in more detail in
the next section.

5.63. Another difference is the time of recording. In the 2008 SNA and BPM 6, the time of
recording of imports and exports correspond to the time the ownership of the goods is transferred.
In contrast, IMTS follow the timing of customs processing. While this timing is often an acceptable
approximation to the change of economic ownership principle, adjustments may be needed in some
cases, such as for items with large values or goods sent on consignment (that is, dispatched before
they are sold). It should be noted, in the case of goods sent abroad for processing with no change
of economic ownership, the values of goods movements are included in the IMTS-based recording
but are to be excluded from the ownership based recording in the in the National Accounts and
Balance of Payment. However, the values of goods movements are recommended as
supplementary items in the Balance of Payment to understand the nature of these arrangements.

5.64. Other adjustments to IMTS may be needed to bring estimates into line with the change of
economic ownership of goods, either generally or because of the particular coverage of each
country. Possible examples include:

• Merchanting;
• Non-monetary gold;
• Goods entering or leaving the territory illegally;
• Goods procured in ports by carriers; and
• Goods moving physically but where no change of economic ownership has taken place such
as “operating leasing”.
5.65. To maintain consistency with BPM 6, the 2008 SNA introduced new treatment relating to
merchanting and goods sent abroad for processing. Merchanting is a process whereby a unit in
economy X purchases goods from economy Y for sale in economy Z (sometimes within economy
Y itself). The goods legally change ownership but do not physically enter the economy where the
owner is resident. By convention, the purchases of the goods intended for resale is shown as
negative exports. When the goods are sold, they are shown as [positive] exports. When the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

purchase and sale take place in the same period, the difference is shown as an addition to exports.
If the purchase takes place in an accounting period, the negative export is offset by an increase in
inventories of goods for resale, even though those goods are held abroad.

5.66. The “surplus” on this item in the foreign trade statistics is by its nature a trade margin and
should be included in the output of the industry, in the main, this activity is predominantly in the
trade industry. In exceptional cases, this may lead to an overall deficit on the item in the foreign
trade statistics but the trade margin would usually still remain positive (the deficit + changes in
inventories). As indicated, trade margins from merchanting activity mainly occur in the trade
industry but can occur in many other industries, unless all trade is redefined to the trade industry.
Given business statistics provide source data as a starting point for the compilation of SUTs, then
merchanting activity can appear in various industries, for example, oil companies and
pharmaceutical companies.

5.67. The new treatment of goods sent abroad for processing is dealt with in more detail in
Chapter 8 of this Handbook.

5.68. A special category within imports is the direct purchases abroad by residents. This item
covers all purchases of goods and services made by residents while travelling abroad for business
or pleasure. Two categories must be distinguished because they require different treatments:

• Expenditure by resident business travellers. This item refers to intermediate consumption of

several industries to which the travellers belong (in the Use Table) and imports of services
(in the Supply Table); and
• Expenditure by other resident travellers on personal trips. This expenditure is recorded in
Final Consumption expenditures by Households (in the Use Table) and imports of services
(in the Supply Table).
5.69. Imports broken down by products in the SUTs do not include direct purchases abroad by
residents. Consequently, these have to be included in an adjustment row to obtain the overall value
of imports (row (11) in Table 5.1).

5.70. In Table 5.1 and Table 5.2, the estimates for CIF/FOB on imports and the direct purchases
abroad by residents are shown separately. However, it should be noted that some countries do not
show these estimates in the separate rows but consolidate the values across the product groups in
the respective columns providing a different product balance. This is often due to the coverage of
the data sources. Appropriate adjustments are then required to extract the corresponding entries.

5.71. Goods procured in ports by carriers may be included in a similar adjustment row. It should
also be noted that imports and exports of ships and air planes may have to be given special attention
as these transaction may be following special procedures of recording in the external trade statistics
that may not be consistent with the way output or GFCF should be recorded in the National

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

5.72. Imports of goods and services in SUTs are dealt with in more detail in Chapter 8.

2. The valuation for imports - the CIF and FOB valuation

5.73. In the 2008 SNA and BPM 6, the total imports of goods are valued FOB. However, the
data on imports by detailed products from the foreign trade statistics used in the SUTs are usually
available at CIF prices following the International Merchandise Trade Statistics (United Nations,
2011). To reconcile the different valuations used for total imports of goods and for the product
components of imports, two types of adjustments are needed. These adjustments are presented

(a) Data adjustment

5.74. The first type of adjustment must be made to the data of the Balance of Payments prior to
entering data from this data source into the SUTs system. This adjustment is necessary in order to
start from a consistent set of data for imports and exports of goods and services that can be balanced
across the SUTs. This adjustment is illustrated in Table 5.3.

5.75. The starting point is the account for the rest of the world as shown in columns (1) and (2)
of Table 5.3 (which mirrors the Balance of Payments according to BPM 6), where (only) the entries
for goods and services are shown and where imports of goods are valued FOB (372 in column (2)
of Table 5.3). This is the value of the goods at the point of exit from the exporter’s economy,
including transport charges and trade margins up to the point of the border. The CIF value of
imports (382 in column (6) of Table 5.3) of goods measures the value of a good delivered at the
point of entry into the importing economy. The difference between the two values (10 in column
(4) of Table 5.3) is made up of the costs of transportation, insurance and other expenditures
between the point of exit of the exporter’s country and the point of entry into the importers country.

5.76. The services linked to the difference between the FOB and CIF values can be delivered by
either resident producers or non-resident producers. To the extent that non-resident producers are
involved, the BPM 6 imports of services must be reduced with their services (7 in Column (4) of
Table 5.3) to avoid double counting, as these services are now included in the CIF value of the
imported goods. Adjustment for the services delivered by resident producers (3 in Column (3) of
Table 5.3) is a bit trickier, as a service that according to the BPM 6 definition is a purely domestic
transaction should now appear as an import of services included in the CIF value of imported
goods. As this import originates from resident producers, it is necessary to introduce a balancing
service export of the same value.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 5.3 Data adjustment for external trade of goods and services
SNA/BPM Balance of Paym ents Introducing im ports CIF SUTs Balance of Paym ents
Uses (FOB) Resources (FOB) Uses Resources Uses (CIF) Resources (CIF)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Imports of goods 372 10 382
Exports of goods 462 462
Imports of services 84 -7 77
Exports of services 78 3 81
Total 540 456 3 3 543 459
Balance 84 0 84

Note: In practice there will be a further breakdown of both goods and (in particular) services in the
Balance of Payments, and therefore, also for the adjustments in Columns (3) and (4).

5.77. In Table 5.3, all data adjustments are shown in columns (3) and (4), and the resulting “SUTs
Balance of Payments” in columns (5) and (6). It is noted that the balance of the adjustment items
is zero, and consequently, the surplus on the transactions in goods and services (84 in column (2))
is identical in the two alternative ways of presenting the external transactions.

5.78. The “SUTs Balance of Payments” represents the framework of source data for external
trade for SUTs with the appropriate product breakdowns. The composition by specific services
making up the CIF and FOB difference will usually be available from the working tables of the
Balance of Payments compilers, as their starting point for the FOB recording of imports will
usually have been imports of goods from the external trade statistics valued at CIF. Regular surveys
may also have been carried out to inform about the CIF and FOB difference and the related service

5.79. It is important to underline that the above data adjustment is not the CIF and FOB
adjustment often seen as a separate row in SUTs or IOTs. The data adjustment must be made
before starting compiling SUTs. At the detailed product level, the supply and use of the individual
services are adjusted so that they can meaningfully be balanced under the CIF valuation of goods,
and these data adjustments will not be separately identifiable in the completed SUTs.

(b) The CIF and FOB adjustment row

5.80. The CIF and FOB adjustment is an ex post adjustment made at the macro-level to the totals
for exports and imports of goods and services to derive the corresponding totals found in the
System of the National Accounts (the goods and services account and the rest of the world

5.81. In principle the purpose of this adjustment is to demonstrate that the data in SUTs are
consistent with the rest of the National Accounts. The CIF and FOB adjustment row has no
balancing or other methodological functions in the SUTs, and it may be omitted from the SUTs as
well as the IOTs if there is no special need to maintain the exact conceptual relationship to the
National Accounts.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

5.82. Table 5.4 illustrates the place and contents of the CIF and FOB adjustment row in SUTs,
here albeit limited to containing external trade data only.

Table 5.4 CIF and FOB adjustment row

Supply Table Use Table
Im ports Exports
Goods Services Goods Services
SUT total 382 77 462 81
CIF/FOB adjustment -10 7 -3
BOP total 372 84 462 78

5.83. The row “SUT total” contains the totals for imports and exports of goods and services in
the balanced SUTs system, consistent with the “SUTs Balance of Payments” in Table 5.3.

5.84. In order to obtain totals for the external transactions identical to those found in the rest of
the National Accounts (and the Balance of Payments), the adjustments shown in the row “CIF/FOB
adjustment” of Table 5.4 are introduced. These adjustments mirror those that were made as data
adjustments in Table 5.3. However, the two types of adjustments have quite different roles:

• Those in Table 5.3 relate in principle to columns of the SUTs and must necessary be carried
out prior to the balancing, and there is no way to avoid this adjustment.
• On the other hand, the CIF/FOB adjustment in Table 5.4 is a kind of “memo” row of the
SUTs that can be added ex-post, or even be omitted if there is no need to demonstrate
consistency with the National Accounts.
5.85. It should be noted that if goods and services are lumped together in SUTs, the CIF/FOB
adjustment row will only contain the adjustments item -3 for both imports and exports.

5.86. From a bookkeeping perspective, the data adjustment for exports of services (3 in Table
5.3) could alternatively be recorded as a negative import, even though this recording implies a less
logical explanation of how the domestic output of services are disposed of and also requires that
existing imports of those services are sufficient to prevent a negative net result.

5.87. With this approach, there would be adjustments in Table 5.3 for imports only, showing
identical numerical changes for goods and services, respectively. The CIF/FOB adjustment row in
Table 5.4 would in this case have entries only for imports (-10 for goods and +10 for services),
and if imports were not shown separately for goods and for services, the CIF/FOB adjustment row
would be empty. Further details covering issues of consistency in the SNA are provided in Box

Box 5.2 Consistency issues with the CIF/FOB adjustment

The CIF/FOB adjustment is dealt with in both the Eurostat Manual of Supply, Use and Input-Output
Tables (Eurostat 2008) and in the Supply and Use Table Chapters 14 and 28 of the 2008 SNA.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

In the numerical example in Eurostat 2008 (pages 60, 70 and 122), external trade in goods and
services are lumped together and, as explained above, for this case, the CIF/FOB adjustment row
therefore contains identical negative adjustments for imports and exports. In the more elaborated
numerical example (pages 113-115) where comparisons are also made to the treatment in the 1993
SNA, ex ante data adjustments are mixed up with the ex post CIF/FOB adjustment in a complicated
The CIF/FOB adjustment table has both a column and a row dimension, and the final outcome is
incorrect because the ordinary export of services linked to exports of goods are included in the
The exposition of the CIF/FOB adjustment in the 2008 SNA is unclear because it starts out from the
assumption that the SUTs have been balanced using inconsistent data, namely imports of goods
valued CIF, and services as defined as in the BPM 6 based on imports being valued FOB. This
shortcoming can obviously not be remedied by ex post adjustments to columns and rows, as any new
column data would require a new balancing of the SUTs.
The final outcome in the 2008 SNA are SUTs with a CIF/FOB column in the Supply Table (Table
14.12 of the 2008 SNA) in addition to the CIF/FOB adjustment row with adjustments for imports
only (the resident producers’ delivery of services linked to imports CIF being treated as negative
If the CIF/FOB adjustment column in the Supply Table (Table 14.12 of the 2008 SNA) is added to
the column for imports of services, services as defined in the “SUTs Balance of Payments” are
obtained, so that in principle this could be taken to indicate the ex-ante data adjustment but this is
not easily understood from the exposition, and to complete the lack of clarity the CIF/FOB
adjustment is being distributed by user (in Table 14.15 of the 2008 SNA), a step for which there is
no explanation.

Eurostat, 1997 (???). Handbook on Design and Implementation of Business Surveys. Available
online at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/1014855/1016008/Handbook-on-

Eurostat (2008). Manual of Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables

Miller, R.E. and Blair, D.B. 2009. Input-output analysis: Foundations and Extensions, Second
Edition. Available online at: http://systemsci.org/wp-content/uploads/group-

Jiemin Guo, Ann M. Lawson and Mark A. Planting (2002). From make-use to symmetric I-O
tables: An assessment of alternative technology assumptions. Paper presented at: The 14th
International Conference on Input-Output Techniques, Montreal, Canada October 10-15, 2002.
Available online at: https://www.bea.gov/papers/pdf/alttechassump.pdf

United Nations (2011). International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Concepts and Definitions
(IMTS 2010). Available online at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/trade/eg-

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development, Statistical Office of the European Union, United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development, World Tourism Organization and World Trade Organization (2011) Manual on
Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010 (MSITS 2010). Available online at:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Annex to Chapter 5: Example questionnaire collecting sales of goods and

services, inventories of goods and trade related data

A5.1 The extract shown in Figure A5.1 is from a business survey questionnaire from the
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. The data are collected for each industry and by product
covering the:

• Sales of goods produced by the enterprise;

• Closing stocks of products and work in progress;

• Sales of merchandise;

• Trade margin; and

• Closing stocks of goods for resale.

A5.2 The full coverage of goods and services produced to calculate the industry totals is
achieved via further tables collecting data on the sales of industrial and non-industrial services, an
extract is shown in Figure A5.2. This data allows for the calculation of industry output by product
and trade margins required to populate the domestic output part of the Supply Table and the trade
margins column as shown in Table 5.2.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure A5.1 Extract of questionnaire covering sales of goods, inventories of goods and
trade activity
Sales of
stocks of Closing
products Sales of Trade stocks of
produced by
and work in merchandise margins goods for
No. Code Product description the
progress (group of amount resale
(group of accounts 60) rate % (group of
(group of
accounts 10 accounts 13)
accounts 61)
and 11)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1000 TOTAL
1001 01.11.1 - 01.11.4 Cereals, all kinds (except rice), cereal seeds
1002 01.11.6, 01.11.7 Green leguminous vegetables (beans, peas, lentils and other)
1003 01.11.8 Soya beans, groundnuts (row) and cotton seed
1004 01.11.9 Other oil seeds - sunflower, sesame, flax, etc.
1005 01.11.12 Rice, not husked
01.13 except
1006 Vegetables, raw and seeds
1007 01.13.7 Sugar beet and sugar beet seed
1008 01.13.8 Mushrooms and truffles
1009 01.15 Unprocessed, raw tobacco
1010 01.16 Fibre crops (flax, cotton, hemp and other, used in textile industry)
1011 01.19.1 Forage crops and vegetative matter for livestock feeding unprocessed form
1012 01.19.2 Flower and flower seeds
1013 01.21 Grapes
1014 01.22, 01.23 Tropical and subtropical fruits, all kinds (including citrus, figs etc.)
01.24, 01.25
1015 Other fruits, tree and bush fruits, except nuts (apples, pears, cherries, berries etc.)
except 01.25.3
1016 01.25.3 Nuts (almonds, hazelnut, walnuts, etc.)
1017 01.26 Olives, coconuts (raw, unprocessed)
1018 01.27 Coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa beans, not roasted
1019 01.28 Spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops
01.11.5, 01.14, Vegetables and fruit seeds, other seeds; grass, unprocessed straw and other
1020 01.19.3, 01.29, residues of cereals; seeds for trees and seedings; planting materials, sugar cane
01.3 and other raw, unprocessed and untreated products of plant origin n.e.c.
01.4. except Live animals and animal products (unprocessed milk, eggs, natural honey; seeds and
01.45.3 & 01.49.3 embryos of animals, except raw skins, shorn wool and skins, etc.)
Raw fur skins, shorn wool, skins (excluding products of slaughterhouses and industrial
1022 01.45.3, 01.49.3
meat production, see 1036)
1023 01.49, part Other agricultural animal origin products, raw, unprocessed and untreated, n.e.s.
1024 01.7 Hunting and trapping products, raw, unprocessed
Wood in the rough - logs, fuel wood and other raw products of forestry, odds and
1025 02.2
ends included
Forest trees and seeds, wild growing edible products; natural cork, varnish, balsams
1026 02.1, 02.3
and other naturals gums and resins and other raw products of forestry n.e.c.
Fish, sea food and other fishing products; aquaculture products (raw, unprocessed
1027 03
and untreated)
1028 05.1, 05.2 Coals, hard coal and lignite (coal for heating included)
Crude petroleum, bituminous or oil shale and tar sands. Note petroleum products
1029 06.1
entered in row 1082









Food products and other processed products of plant and animal origin; used as
reproduced material








Production of electricity and manufactured gas (excluding natural gas extraction and
petrol gases in refineries); trade and distribution of electricity and manufactured gas








1162 41, part Development of building projects
1163 41, part Construction works of residential and non-residential buildings
1164 42 Construction and construction works of civil-engineering
1165 43 Specialised constructions works

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure A5.2 Extract of questionnaire covering sales of industrial and non-industrial

Sales of
No. CPA code Code and service description (groups of
accounts 61
and 65, part)
1 2 3 4
2000 TOTAL
Support services directly linked with the production of goods and services
2001 01.6 part Support agricultural services to crop production
2002 01.6 part Support services to animal production (animal farming ; veterinary services excluded (row 2059)
2003 02.10.2, 02.4 Support services to forestry (cultivation and logging of trees, excluded)
2004 09 Mining support services, services to petroleum and natural gas extraction
2005 13.3 Textile finishing services - bleaching, dyeing, printing etc.
Drying, impregnation or chemical treatment services of timber and product of wood; support services in the
2006 16.10.9
processing of wood and wood products n.e.c.
2007 25.5 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming services of metal
2008 25.6 Treatment and coating services of metals; machining
2009 24.5 Casting services of metal and steel
Subcontracted services in industry and construction, trade services and other intermediation commissions.
Note: enter only the value of the services, value of materials of goods excluded
2010 14, part Subcontracted operations in textile industry (excluding value of materials)
2011 15, part Subcontracted operations in footwear and leather production industry (excluding value of materials)
2012 16, part Subcontracted operations in production of processed wood and wood products (value of materials, excluded)
Subcontracted operations as part of machine industry - processing and finishing materials services (value of
2013 25, part
materials, excluded)
Other subcontracted operations in production of goods of other enterprises (value of materials, excluded),
2014 -
please specify
2015 46.1 Trade commissions
Other intermediation commissions
2016 -
please specify
Repair, maintenance, installation services; conversion, reconstruction and fitting out of transport equipment
Repair and maintenance services of fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment, except motor
2017 33.1
2018 95.1 Repair services of computers and communication equipment
2019 95.2 Repair services of personal and household goods
2020 45.2 Maintenance and repair services of motor vehicles
2021 33.2 Installation services of industrial machinery and equipment
Reconditioning, assembly, fitting out and bodywork services of motor vehicles, except installation, maintenance
2022 29.20.4, 29.20.5
and repair services
30.11.9, 30.20.9, Conversion, reconstruction and fitting out services of other transport equipment, except installation,
30.30.6 maintenance and repair services
Transportation services
Note include transportation equipment rental services with driver and removal services
2024 49.1 and 49.3 Land transport services - passengers, taxi include
2025 49.2 and 49.4 Land transport services - freight
2026 50.1 Water transport services - passengers
2027 50.2 Water transport services - freight
2028 51.1 Air transport services - passengers
2029 51.2 Air transport services - freight
Support services for transportation (loading, unloading, hauling, towing, parking service, etc., transportation
2030 52.2
Other services
Printing services and services related to printing (newspaper printing, pre-press, binding and related services,
2031 18
reproduction services of recorded media)
2032 35.30 Steam, hot water, air conditioning supply services
2033 36 Natural water, water treatment, supply and distribution services
2034 37 Sewerage services, removal and treatment services
2035 38 Waste collection, treatment and disposal services




Donations and state subsidies (group accounts 64), lease of intangible assets and income from fees and
Note: 2089 and 2090 positions are not entered
Donations and other unconditioned transfers in cash or in kind by resident legal and natural persons (account
640 and 641)
Donations and other unconditioned transfers in cash or in kind by foreign legal and natural persons (account
2087 -
640 and 641)
2088 - Subsidies, grants, donations and transfers of state and local government bodies (account 640 and 641)
Income from fees for usage of public non-produced assets (this is filled out only by budgetary units - account
2089 -
2090 - Income from administrative and legal fees (this is filled out only by budgetary units - account 742200)

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 6. Compiling the Use Table

A. Introduction

6.1. This Chapter primarily deals with the construction of an initial, unbalanced version of the
Use Table. The values entered into the tables should, as far as possible, reflect all available
knowledge and data on the product structure of each column, although many values may need to
be changed when the SUTs system is balanced. This applies to estimated totals as well as the
values for specific products. Before balancing takes place, the estimates for intermediate
consumption, final uses and GVA, and the components of GVA (if available in this stage of the
process), should be checked for credibility, and if necessary adjusted as appropriate. These will
then form the starting point for the balancing process.

6.2. This Chapter starts with an overview of the structure of the Use Table in Section B and it
describes the main blocks of the table. Section C focuses on the intermediate consumption; Section
D on the GVA part of the table; Section E on the final consumption expenditure; Section F on the
gross capital formation; and Section G on the exports of goods and services. Two annexes relevant
to this Chapter are provided: Annex A (to Chapter 6) provides an example of a questionnaire for
the collection of data on the purchase of goods and services for intermediate consumption. Annex
B (to Chapter 6) provides a description of the impact the change in treatment of research and
development according to the 2008 SNA.

B. Structure of the Use Table

6.3. The Use Table shows the use of goods and services by product and by type of use for
intermediate consumption by industry, final consumption expenditure, gross capital formation and
exports. The Use Table also shows the components of GVA by industry for compensation of
employees, other taxes less subsidies on production, consumption of fixed capital, and net
operating surplus and net mixed income. Table 6.1 illustrates the structure of the Use Table.

6.4. The Use Table has two main objectives:

• the columns show the cost structure of each industry and the product structure of each type
of final use; and

• the rows show the distribution of each product and primary input (labour and capital) by

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

6.5. It is common to compile the Use Table, at least initially, at purchasers’ prices. This
valuation relates most closely to the basis of the data collected via business and household surveys
and is known by the purchasers of the products.

Table 6.1 Use Table at purchasers’ prices

Million euro
Total use at
Trade, Finance and Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed purchasers’
Other Changes in Changes in
Agriculture Manufacturing Construction transport and business Total General capital Exports Total prices
services Households NPISH valuables inventories
communication services government formation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 2 583 6 570 16 371 34 49 9 623 3 595 0 0 180 0 - 27 1 161 4 909 14 532
Manufacturing (2) 2 205 107 190 12 441 16 874 6 015 8 797 153 522 71 438 0 3 180 26 756 2 183 3 034 123 252 229 842 383 364
Construction (3) 105 2 440 9 528 2 446 3 907 1 604 20 029 1 667 0 0 25 155 0 - 38 563 27 348 47 377

Trade (4) 33 1 883 119 2 240 259 308 4 842 3 325 0 0 67 45 0 753 4 189 9 032
Transport (5) 14 4 386 267 8 399 822 321 14 208 5 833 0 3 370 0 0 0 8 453 17 656 31 865
Communication (6) 34 2 563 299 9 359 5 919 1 833 20 008 26 444 0 121 5 976 0 67 6 905 39 514 59 522
Finance and business services (7) 457 13 578 4 736 20 359 29 166 9 134 77 430 38 838 0 1 006 11 170 0 - 178 11 145 61 981 139 411
Other services (8) 8 382 59 1 171 415 1 794 3 829 14 923 5 416 53 373 113 107 1 567 74 500 78 329
Total at purchasers’ prices
(9) 5 440 138 991 27 466 61 219 46 538 23 839 303 492 166 063 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 152 800 459 939 763 431
before adjustments
CIF/FOB adjustments on
(10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 97 - 97 - 97

Direct purchases abroad by
(11) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 675 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 675 6 675
Purchases in the domestic
(12) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 12 945 0 0 0 0 0 12 945 0 0
territory by non-residents
Total at purchasers’ prices (13) 5 440 138 991 27 466 61 219 46 538 23 839 303 492 159 792 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 165 648 466 517 770 009
Compensation of employees (14) 551 30 679 10 239 37 906 22 997 41 971 144 343 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other taxes less subsidies on
(15) - 1 627 1 077 546 1 755 2 004 1 103 4 858 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Consumption of fixed capital (16) 1 845 12 750 1 542 10 917 18 934 7 480 53 469 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net operating surplus/net mixed

(17) 3 658 16 453 5 138 23 040 18 989 4 921 72 198 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gross operating surplus/gross
(18) 5 503 29 203 6 680 33 957 37 923 12 401 125 667 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
mixed income
GVA (19) 4 427 60 959 17 465 73 618 62 923 55 475 274 868 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total input at basic prices (20) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Empty cell by construction

Austria 2011

6.6. The upper part of the Use Table (rows (1) to (9) in Table 6.1) shows how the use of goods
and services is distributed as intermediate consumption by industry, final consumption
expenditure, gross capital formation and exports. The rows of this part of the table correspond to
the same rows of the Supply Table. Each row in upper part of the SUTs represents a product
balance for each product.

6.7. In the lower left part of the Use Table (rows (14) to row (19) in Table 6.1), the components
of GVA are shown below intermediate consumption for each industry. If the industry output is
given and the intermediate consumption of products determined in the Use Table, GVA of an
industry can be estimated as a residual variable. However, if the income measure components of
GVA (compensation of employees, other net taxes on production, consumption of fixed capital)
are known, the residual value is net operating surplus and net mixed income. For each industry,
the sum of intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices and GVA at basic prices will equal the
value of output at basic prices shown as column totals in the Supply Table.

6.8. The columns of the Use Table cover the following categories:

• Industries (columns (1) to (6) in Table 6.1). Intermediate consumption will be shown with
the same breakdown (number of columns) as for the industries’ domestic production in the
Supply Table.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Final consumption expenditure (columns (8) to (10) in Table 6.1), which consists of final
consumption of Households, NPISHs and General Government. The latter is typically
broken down into individual and collective consumption.

• Gross capital formation (columns (11) to (13) in Table 6.1), which is broken down in its
components of total value of the gross fixed capital formation, changes in inventories and
acquisitions less disposals of valuables. It can further be broken down by types of assets
and/or industries.

• Exports of goods and services (column (14) in Table 6.1), which may be shown as a single
column or as goods and services in separate columns. Furthermore, they can be further
broken down as columns for export of domestically produced products and re-exports.
Exports can also be broken down by countries or geographical or market groupings of

6.9. As described in Chapter 4, the actual number of rows and columns in the SUTs will depend
among other aspects on resources and availability of source data.

6.10. The Use Table also contains a number of rows (in particular, rows (10) to (12) in Table
6.1) which contain adjustments due to different valuation methods. In particular, these rows
contain the adjustment for the valuation of exports (CIF/FOB adjustments on exports), direct
purchases abroad by residents, and purchase in the domestic territory by non-residents. In the
SUTs, total imports and exports are valued FOB. However, data on detailed flows of imports from
foreign trade statistics are valued at CIF prices. To reconcile the different valuations used for total
imports FOB and the imported products CIF, a total CIF/FOB adjustment row on imports is added
to the Supply Table. The same negative entries are shown in the CIF/FOB adjustment row for

6.11. The adjustments for direct purchases abroad by residents and purchases in the domestic
territory by non-residents have to be made because final consumption expenditure of households,
as broken down by product, includes direct purchases of non-residents in the domestic territory
which have to be treated as exports. Similarly, direct purchases of residents abroad have to be
treated as imports and thus included in total final consumption expenditure of households.

6.12. The purchases of residents abroad are treated as both imports and final consumption
expenditure of households. Thus an appropriate positive amount has to be entered in the imports
column of the Supply Table and at the same time as positive entry in the column of final
consumption expenditure of households in the Use Table. The purchases in the domestic territory
by non-residents are treated as exports and deducted from households’ final consumption
expenditure. Thus the corresponding amount entered in the exports column with a positive value
is deducted in the column of final consumption expenditure of households. The balance of the row
is zero.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

6.13. The SUTs provide a framework whereby, the supply and use of all products are balanced,
and the total outputs and inputs of each industry are balanced. However, in this stage of the
compilation process, it is recommended to populate the SUTs using data based on the best possible
data sources before the balancing process takes place. Preferably, regular (quarterly and annual)
business surveys based on a high-quality comprehensive business register as well as household
based surveys and the use of administrative data should be used.

6.14. A simple method for drawing up product balances – traditionally referred to as the “product
flow method” is to distribute the value available for domestic use based on the characteristics of
each product. This may work well for products that have specific uses, for instance, as input in a
particular industry or as GFCF. Most of the products in the SUTs are, however, broad categories
of goods or services that may have several different uses. Estimates of the use side that are solely
based on the supply of specific products can, however, be used where information from the use
side is unavailable.

6.15. For compiling the Use Table, two general options are available: the input approach and the
output approach. In the input approach, the cost structures of industries and input structures of
final uses categories are compiled on the basis of specific survey results, while in the output
approach the allocation of goods and services is determined with the product flow methodology.
As the input approach is based on collected data, it is the recommended approach for populating
the intermediate use part of the Use Table. The output approach is an alternative, providing a cross-
check and forming the basis of balancing process.

6.16. There is no absolute rule on deciding whether to give priority to columns or rows of a Use
Table. It depends on basic surveys and specific country practices of National Accounts as well as
indicators such as quality and coverage of the data. However, it is recommended to start the
compilation process by column because data received from basic sources are fully reflected. At
the same time, this method is consistent with the institutional approach to identify the input
structures for industries by intermediate consumption and GVA, and for the categories of final use
(consumption, gross capital formation, exports) by product. However, a distinction has to be made
between population of the tables with a tendency by column and the balancing of the tables with a
stronger row dimension.

6.17. The prime objective of the Use Table is to identify the cost structures of industries and the
input structure of final uses. The input approach can be implemented if survey results are available
which identify the main cost structures – the survey approach to collect input data is recommended.
The main types of sources for the input approach are: Establishment Survey, Consumer
Expenditure Survey, Government Expenditure Survey, and Capital Expenditure Survey. At the
same time, the Use Table identifies the use of products and primary inputs. The main sources of
the output approach are: Production Statistics and Foreign Trade Statistics.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

6.18. The output approach (product flow method) is highly dependent on survey results from
production statistics and foreign trade statistics.

6.19. In absence of surveys on the cost structure of industries, the product flow method can be
useful to compile the rows in a first stage even if later on they are changed during the balancing
process. If product flows are compiled at a very detailed level, one will be able to break down
intermediate consumption between industries even in the absence of complete and direct
information on cost structures.

6.20. The product flow method (output approach) is often used to compile Use Tables. It is a
valuable complement of the input approach. The product flow method facilitates identifying the
output structure of goods and services. The more homogeneous goods and services are, the easier
it will be to allocate the use in specific industries or categories of final uses. The product flow
method is widely applied for rectangular systems of products and industries in which the number
of products is much larger than the number of industries. Provided that survey results are available,
the input approach is the best option to identify cost structures. The product flow method is a
valuable cross check for the input approach. It allows identifying a more refined structure of
intermediate and final uses in terms of specific products. The product flow method is also a
powerful tool when it comes to balancing the system.

6.21. Nevertheless, the first stage is always to compile the totals of industries in terms of output,
intermediates and GVA. This is done in the production accounts of the system. Then the categories
of final uses are added which were derived from specific surveys and statistics and product flow

1. Three dimensional presentation of the SUTs

6.22. Trade and transport margins, taxes less subsidies on products (except VAT) and non-
deductible VAT must be distributed by products in the valuation table (sometimes referred to as
the “bridge column”) shown as part of the supply by products at purchasers’ prices. It is
recommended where the supply-values from the different levels of the valuation table are
distributed by uses in “valuation layers”, matrices with the same size and format as the upper part
of the Use Table at purchasers’ prices.

6.23. Figure 6.1 shows how the layers can be shown as stacked one above the other as a three-
dimensional representation of the Use Table. In this way, it will be possible to look at each product
balance as a “vertical slice” from left to right from the SUTs, where the supply is shown at basic
prices while the uses can be seen as a table showing how purchasers’ prices are transformed into
basic prices by removal of trade and transport margins, net taxes on products excluding VAT and
non-deductible VAT.

6.24. The exact distributions of trade and transport margins and net taxes on products by uses
cannot usually be observed in the data sources and therefore need to be estimated based on

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

whatever data are available as well as assumptions based on common sense considerations, further
details are covered in Chapter 7. Hence the establishment of the full three-dimensional system will
require some additional resources. It can, however be very useful as a tool to keep track on the use
of trade and transport margins and net taxes on products by uses and they are also needed for
estimation of SUTs in volume terms and IOTs (both in current prices and in volume terms).

Figure 6.1 Three dimensional view of SUTs

Total use
USE Exports
Changes in valuables
Changes in inventories
Gross fixed capital formation
Final consumption of government Purchasers' prices
Final consumption of NPISH Non-deductible VAT
Final consumption of households Other net taxes on products
Trade and transport margins
Industries Basic prices
Bridge Intermediate Total use
column for consumption at
valuation purchasers' prices
Final use
Purchasers' prices
Non-deductible VAT Value added at
Other net taxes on products basic prices
Trade and transport margins
Output at
Industries basic prices

Basic prices
Total supply

C. Intermediate consumption part of the Use Table

6.25. This section describes how to put together an initial unbalanced version of the intermediate
consumption part of the Use Table and the data sources that can be used.

6.26. Intermediate consumption consists of the value of the goods and services consumed as
inputs by a process of production, excluding fixed assets whose consumption is recorded as
consumption of fixed capital (2008 SNA, paragraph 6.213). It thus includes all non-durable goods
and services with an expected life of less than one year which are used up in the process of
production by industries, thus excluding any goods purchased for resale without any further
processing. The ‘bought and not-consumed’ goods are entered in changes in inventories. Goods
paid for by employers for the benefit of their staff can be regarded as remuneration in kind entered
in compensation of employees.

6.27. The compilation methods for the intermediate consumption vary across countries
depending on the data sources available. The recommended approach is to have regular (for
example, annual) data collection on input structures, even more so, with globalisation and new
technologies contributing to rapid structural change. However, the most commonly used approach
consists of starting from the total intermediate consumption by industry, i.e. the row ‘Total’ (row

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(9) in Table 6.1). Then, there is a balancing process with the amounts which are available for
intermediate use of the various products. Finally, an equilibrium is obtained between the sum of
the row ‘Total’ and the sum of the column ‘Total’.

6.28. Nevertheless, in some countries, especially countries in which accounts rely on data
sources on enterprises (institutional approach), intermediate consumption may be initially known
at the level of the whole economy. Thus, the main problem consists of distributing this total
intermediate consumption among industries.

6.29. Intermediate consumption can be broken down by industries according to ISIC and by
institutional sectors. As for the Supply Table, it is also possible to distinguish between market
producers, non-market producers and producers for own final use and between producers in the
formal and the informal economy. The columns in the Use Table correspond to the same
classifications used in the Supply Table. However, the number of columns does not necessarily
need to be identical when estimating the input structure, although it is recommended that the
industry columns headings in the Supply Table and the Use Table are eventually the same.

6.30. The separated columns of an ISIC category (for example, market and non-market) can have
significantly different input structures. Trade margins on their inputs may also differ due to the use
of different trading channels, discounts and taxation rules may vary, for example the deductibility
of VAT.

6.31. When a distinction is made between market producers, non-market producers and
producers for own final use, the inputs in each of these categories of units could be shown as
separate sub-matrices. This would, however, leave many input columns empty or almost empty.
A practical solution could be to separate only market and non-market producers within the same
ISIC category into different columns where both have a significant size, for example, in the case
of health and education services. Similarly, production on own account or informal activity may
be shown in separate columns, if it is of special interest, for instance within agriculture,
construction or trade.

1. Initial, unbalanced version of the intermediate consumption part of the Use Table

6.32. The information used for the construction of an initial set of estimates for the intermediate
consumption part of the Use Table will draw from various source data.

6.33. For some industries, the source data can consist of a complete picture of outputs and inputs
by products. These estimates will typically combine information on physical volumes and prices
and may also use information from accounting data. The estimates may be carried out outside the
actual SUTs compilation process. Similar is the case for the grossing up of survey results to cover
the entire industries in question, for example, agriculture, forestry and fishing. From the
perspective of the National Accounts and SUTs compilation, the values of all inputs are assumed
to be already grossed up and ready to be entered into the SUTs framework.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

6.34. It is important to ensure consistency between estimated outputs, inputs and change in
inventories within each industry. Products delivered between units within the industry should
appear with the same value for sales and purchases of the industry, except for the costs of change
of ownership.

6.35. If different data sources are used to draw up the output and input sides of an industry, it is
important to make sure that the units behind the data are defined in a similar way. Otherwise there
is a danger that the industry’s GVA could be over-estimated or under-estimated. It is also important
to ensure that all the inputs are covered and that less important inputs are not missing from the
input structure.

6.36. As mentioned before, the most common method to fill the initial and unbalanced version
of the intermediate consumption part of the Use Table is to (a) estimate the values for total
intermediate consumption by industry; (b) enter in the table ‘known’ values of intermediate
consumption by product and by industry when available; and (c) use additional information on
cost structures to estimate all other values in this part of the Use Table.

(a) Total intermediate consumption by industry

6.37. The data sources for populating the Use Table to obtain the value of total intermediate
consumption by industry (see Chapter 4 for more detail) include statistical surveys, accounts based
statistics and VAT based statistics. It should be noted that often the same source for the industry
providing data feeding into the Supply Table also forms the source for the data feeding into the
Use Table

6.38. For some industries, all inputs are provided by the supplier and total intermediate
consumption is calculated as the sum of these inputs. For most industries, however, total
intermediate consumption needs to be estimated from annual and/or quarterly business surveys
based on information from business accounts, government accounts and other sources such as
annual reports and financial statements of the economic units themselves.

(b) Inputs by products for each industry

Known values for specific cells, rows or columns

6.39. Some values for cells of the intermediate consumption part of the Use Table may be known
from source data, or they may already have been calculated within the framework of independent
“sub-systems”, for instance the use of energy, FISIM or insurance services by industries. For some
industries, the entire columns of initial inputs can be drawn up in sub-systems from which they
can be transferred to the SUTs framework. Entire rows and columns may be filled in this way. The
source data used to calculate such values may not necessarily be available at purchasers’ prices
and they may need to be converted using the best possible assumption on trade and transport
margins, net taxes on products and non-deductible VAT.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Input structures
6.40. Surveys on cost structures and other information on the input structure could be used for
estimating the input structure in the intermediate consumption part of the Use Table.

6.41. Ideally, detailed purchases of goods and services should be collected annually covering all
industries through surveys of cost structures. These annual surveys typically capture various
aspects such as:

• year-on-year structural changes;

• technological innovation and change;

• contracting-out;

• company restructurings, mergers and takeovers;

• non-consolidation of businesses/industries;

• technological product and import substitution;

• economies of scale;

• inventory control; and

• price changes.

6.42. Collecting regular purchases details also allows for better measurement of sudden
economic change, for example, due to the swine flu crisis (affecting agricultural/slaughtering
industries), storm damage (affecting construction and insurance industries), growth of Internet
activity, or other natural disasters which may affect the supply and price of certain intermediate
products and impact the production chains, etc.

6.43. Annual surveys of cost structure would also considerably facilitate the production of good
quality SUTs in volume measures, which has a key annual focus. Annex A to Chapter 6 provides
an example of the type of costs and inventories questions, by type of product covering all goods
and services that could be put on a questionnaire.

6.44. The information from surveys based on business accounts may contain some useful sub-
totals, for example, purchases of goods or indirect production costs but it would usually be
insufficient to provide a full breakdown by product and by industry. Similarly, government
accounts may contain supplementary information on the input of products, but generally not with
sufficient detail for full input structures.

6.45. Known totals and sub-totals must be supplemented by other information. Surveys on the
use of raw-materials and/or services are typically used to serve the needs of National Accounts,

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

specifically the Use Table. The coverage of such surveys has traditionally been limited to
manufacturing and other industries that have a significant input of raw materials. However, the
cost structures of construction, distribution and service industries should also be surveyed. The
level of detail should preferably make it possible to aggregate the collected data into the products
used in the SUTs but for practical reasons, it can just as well be the product categories from surveys
that need to be split into more detailed categories used in the SUTs - the latter approach generates
lower quality estimates. A survey may only exist for earlier or later years than the year for which
the SUTs are being compiled, in which case the revaluation of the values to prices of the year in
question should be considered.

6.46. Surveys of cost structures may not have total coverage. They may exclude units below a
threshold or they may be based on small samples. When results are grossed up to industry totals,
uncertainty is added to the figures. Input structures of small establishments that are not covered by
the survey will probably be unlike the structures found in the survey. Furthermore surveys may
collect data for enterprises rather than establishments. Enterprise based data will include inputs of
establishments classified in other industries, and therefore reflect some inputs which should not be
included here but in another industry.

6.47. Cost structures typically also include some acquisition of capital equipment originally
treated as current expenditure in business accounts.

6.48. Finally, respondents do not always know all their inputs, and categories whose descriptions
begin with “Other” or finishes with “not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.)” will usually be overstated
in such surveys. It can be feasible to apply some common sense corrections to the survey data
before it is used to create input structures. The grossed up values of inputs by products calculated
from surveys are probably, despite their inaccuracy, often the best possible initial estimates of
input structures but should be used with some caution.

6.49. The availability of statistics on cost structures can vary greatly among countries. For
example, there are countries where surveys on cost structure are conducted yearly for all industries,
there are countries where only manufacturing industries are surveyed annually and most other
industries are surveyed with regular intervals; and there are countries where such surveys are
missing, scarce or outdated.

6.50. It is advisable that the need for new surveys is considered well in advance when new
benchmark SUTs are planned, as it may take several years to plan and implement and obtain
useable results from such surveys. Where no statistics are available, the possible existence of
alternative data sources should be investigated as well.

6.51. In some countries, it is common for annual reports and accounts of enterprises to contain
detailed descriptions of the use of inputs, for example, supporting purchase ledger details. The
information is, however, typically shown in a rather unsystematic way. To make this detail useful,
the data must be categorized in a way that corresponds to the product classification used in SUTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

A similar approach can be used for inputs in general government, if the accounts for central and
local government contain detailed information that can used to create input structures.

6.52. If nothing is known about inputs for some industries, it may be possible to use input
structures from other industries that are assumed to be similar but with some modifications based
on expert opinions. One can, as a last resort, look at input structures from neighbouring countries
or similar activities in other countries, in particular, if those structures are based on actual source
data. Obviously, the initial inputs that are based on these kinds of approaches are uncertain, and
they are more likely to be adjusted – within reasonable limits – in the balancing process.

6.53. In countries where the informal economy forms a considerable share of output in specific
industries, the structure of inputs used in informal units can be expected to be different from the
structure found in surveys of formal businesses. Within agriculture and related activities, the input
in informal units may be covered by agricultural statistics. Otherwise it can be appropriate to make
a separate estimation of the input structure in informal economy. Information on the use of inputs
in informal activities may be found in household budget surveys or labour force surveys, as
mentioned above, if not in special studies of the informal activities. Such data may give an
incomplete picture of the outputs and inputs and it may be necessary to add some supplementary
assumptions based on expert knowledge before it can be used in SUTs.

(c) Putting together “known” values and information on product structure

6.54. Information on the “known” values and information on the input structure can be put
together in order to fill an initial version of the values of intermediate consumption by product of
an industry. Box 6.1 provides a numerical example of how all the available information can be

Box 6.1 Example of a calculation of the values of an input column

In this example the total input, 2,500, is supposed to be known. A survey-based input structure sums
to 100%.
The values of input of products 2 and 5 are known as 150 and 300 respectively. The known values are
treated as predetermined and subtracted from the total value that is going to be distributed by products.
The residual total value of inputs, 2,500 - 450 = 2,050 is now distributed proportionally with the
“survey-based input structure excluding the “known values”.
Finally, the known and the calculated input values are added together to form the complete initial
column of intermediate consumption for the industry in question.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Input in an Survey "Known" Survey-based input Inputs estimated from Result:

industry based input (Predetermined) structure excl. known survey-based structure Input column
structure values values
% Value % Value Value
(1) (2) (3) = (1) * 100.0/80.0 (4) = (3) * (2500-450)/100 (5) = (2) + (4)
Product 1 16.0 0 20.0 410 410
Product 2 6.0 150 0.0 0 150
Product 3 7.0 0 8.8 179 179
Product 4 44.0 0 55.0 1 128 1 128
Product 5 14.0 300 0.0 0 300
Product 6 8.0 0 10.0 205 205
Product 7 5.0 0 6.3 128 128
Total 100.0 450 100.0 2 050 2 500

(d) Grossed up data versus the data collected by surveys

6.55. Putting together information from different kinds of sources in the SUTs framework
generally will result in an unbalanced set of SUTs. Thus the total uses of a product will differ from
the total supply for most products. In the final, balanced version of the Use Table such differences
are removed either by manual adjustments and/or automatic methods.

6.56. The corrections that are necessary to remove the differences between the first estimates of
supply and use should as far as possible retain those values that are considered to be reliable
statistics. For this purpose it is useful to be able to distinguish between:

• Inputs by product that have actually been reported as primary statistics by respondents and
values that are found in annual reports, government accounts or other reliable sources; and

• Initial inputs by product that are result of grossing up to the estimates for total input in each

6.57. In most cases, the difference between the two will represent the value that can be removed
during the balancing process when total initial use exceeds total initial supply for a product. It can
be useful if the “reliable” parts of the input values are shown together with the grossed up values
in the tables presented to the people working on the manual balancing of SUTs.

6.58. An example, of ‘part’ of an industry input structure (column) with supplementary “reliable”
values at purchasers’ prices in the rightmost column is shown in Table 6.2. Column (6) and (7)
show values from the two approaches, which in turn should be investigated to achieve a plausible
industry input structure, and in turn, an agreed estimate for each product. Apart from wood-wool,
all the other products show significant differences, which question the reliability of the data
feeding into the SUTs for the input structure for this industry.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 6.2 Intermediate consumption of selected inputs

into “Manufacture of rubber and plastic products”
Net taxes
Purchasers' Reported
Transaction Basic price Margins on products VAT
price values
(excl. VAT)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Wood-w ool P2 22 0 0 0 22 20
Wood in logs or roughly cut P2 5 625 607 0 0 6 232 2 340
Plyw ood, laminated w ood P2 10 286 1 024 0 0 11 310 10 539
Packaging material, w ood P2 20 085 580 0 0 20 665 12 816
Other w ood products P2 20 352 1 854 0 0 22 206 20 353
Paper in rolls and sheets P2 3 027 46 0 0 3 073 1 329
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

P2: Intermediate consumption.

6.59. An example showing part of a product balance (row) with supplementary “reliable” values
in the rightmost column is shown in Table 6.3. Here the reported values on the supply side refer
to basic prices while the reported values at the use side refer to purchasers’ prices. Although the
basic price estimates are in balance (allowing for rounding differences), the Column (6) and (7)
show significant differences at purchasers’ prices between the estimated value and the reported

Table 6.3 An example product balance for "Gelatine and gelatine derivatives"
Transaction Basic price
(1) (2) (3)
Oher food products, n.e.c. P1 12 12
Paints and soap, etc. P1 230 779 230 779
Imports P1 136 245 136 244
Gelatine amd gelatine derivatives Total 367 036 367 035

Net taxes on
Purchasers' Reported
Transaction Basic price Margins products VAT
price values
(excl. VAT)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Meat products P2 14 029 4 749 0 0 18 778 3 498
Fish products P2 932 31 0 0 963
Dairy products P2 9 925 7 958 0 0 17 883
Bakery products P2 133 110 0 0 243 134
Other food prod. n.e.c. P2 109 577 22 735 0 0 132 312 67 143
Paints and soap, etc. P2 34 113 7 170 0 0 41 283 26 765
Pharmaceuticals, medicine P2 64 658 9 516 0 0 74 174 7 315
Rubber and plastic products P2 17 812 3 754 0 0 21 566 10 436
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Change in inventories, materials P52 736 141 0 0 877
Change in inventories, goods for resale P52 736 141 0 0 877
Exports of domestic production P6 98 487 357 0 0 98 844 97 197
Re-exports P6 10 287 35 0 0 10 322 10 150
Gelatine amd gelatine derivatives Total 367 035 56 697 0 0 0 222 638

P1: Output
P2: Intermediate consumption

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

P6: Exports of goods and services

P52: Changes in inventories

D. The GVA part of the Use Table

6.60. Once the intermediate consumption part of the use table has been estimated, it is possible
to calculate the GVA for each industry. The GVA at basic prices is estimated as total output at
basic prices from the Supply Table minus total intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices
from the upper part of the Use Table. The GVA can be broken down into the following

• Compensation of employees;

• Other taxes less subsidies on production;

• Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income.

6.61. Gross operating surplus can be further split into net operating surplus and consumption of
fixed capital on gross operating surplus. In addition, gross mixed income can be further split into
net mixed income and consumption of fixed capital on gross mixed income. If information is
available, these breakdowns could be shown in the Use table as follows:

Gross value added:

Compensation of employees
Other taxes less subsidies on production
Gross operating surplus
Consumption of fixed capital on gross operating surplus
Net operating surplus
Gross mixed income
Consumption of fixed capital on mixed income
Net mixed income

6.62. Each of the categories of GVA is described below together with the relevant data sources.

1. Compensation of employees

6.63. Compensation of employees is defined as the total remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable
by an enterprise to an employee in return for work done by the latter during the accounting period
(2008 SNA, paragraph 7.5). Compensation of employees has two main components: wages and
salaries payable in cash or in kind; and social insurance contributions payable by employers (actual
and imputed) (2008 SNA, paragraph 7.42). Generally, statistics drawn from business accounts and
government accounts show values for wages and salaries and possibly also other costs related to

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

employment. In both cases, there may be conceptual differences from the National Accounts
concepts due, for example, to the different treatment of particular issues such as fringe benefits,
employers actual and imputed social contributions, etc. In addition, the information usually needs
to be grossed up to cover the part of each industry that is not covered by the statistics (for example,
non-exhaustive business register) and values that are only available for enterprises which would
need to be distributed by establishments before use.

6.64. Information from tax collecting authorities can provide data on compensation of employees
that will also cover industries not fully covered by accounts statistics or surveys. This information
may contain a distribution by industries that can be more or less consistent with the industry
classification used in other statistical sources. If a business register is used to classify data from
the various sources, it is likely that the figures from various sources are classified in the same way.
As the structure of many economic units will change over time, the same units may nevertheless
be classified differently in different data sources. One should be aware that data collected for
administrative purposes may refer to units that are neither enterprises nor establishments, thus for
the purposes of National Accounts further alignment may be necessary for inconsistency.

6.65. In some countries, data for compensation of employees in a number of industries is

estimated based on labour force surveys, household budget surveys or occasional industrial
censuses in combination with population censuses. This is specifically relevant when a
considerable share of economic activity takes place in the informal economy.

2. Other taxes less subsidies on production

6.66. The other component of GVA at basic prices consists of other taxes less subsidies on
production. Other taxes on production consist of all taxes except taxes on products that enterprises
incur as a result of engaging in production (2008 SNA paragraph 7.97). Similarly, other subsidies
on production consist of subsidies except subsidies on products that resident enterprises may
receive as a consequence of engaging in production. There are different types of taxes and
subsidies on production. They may include taxes/subsidies on payroll or workforce, subsidies to
reduce pollution, recurrent taxes on land, buildings or other structures, etc.

6.67. Generally, government accounts contain information on the total taxes and subsidy on
production for each type of taxes and subsidies as they cover the various taxes and subsidies
contained in the legislation.

6.68. The distribution of the taxes and subsidies by industries may be available from source data,
however, when this is not the case, the total taxes and subsidies on production have to be allocated
to relevant industries (proportionally to the items they relate). The amounts should be shown at an
accrual basis.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

3. Operating surplus and mixed income

6.69. The value of “gross operating surplus and gross mixed income” is obtained as a residual
when compensation of employees and other taxes and subsidies are subtracted from GVA at basic
prices by industry. Estimates of these industry totals are usually available early in the process of
compilation of the Use Table and should be checked for credibility before balancing SUTs.

6.70. The consumption of fixed capital on operating surplus and mixed income and the
corresponding values for net operating surplus and net mixed income are usually calculated in one
of the final steps in the compilation of SUTs as the calculation of consumption of fixed capital
requires finalized data on GFCF broken down by industries, by institutional sector and by type of

E. The final consumption expenditure part of the Use Table

6.71. Final consumption expenditure is the amount of expenditure on consumption goods and
services. (2008 SNA, paragraph 9.7). Final consumption expenditure can be disaggregated
between individual consumption expenditure and collective consumption expenditures. The first
consists of expenditures on individual consumption goods or services that are acquired by a
household and used to satisfy the needs or wants of members of that household. The latter consists
of the expenditures for collective consumption services which are services provided
simultaneously to all members of the community or to all members of a particular section of the
community, such as all households living in a particular region.

6.72. Final consumption expenditure is disaggregated in the Use Table in final consumption
expenditure by households, NPISHs or general government. Table 6.4 shows the structure of the
final consumption expenditure in the Use Table.

Table 6.4 Categories of final consumption expenditure

Households NPISHs Total
Products Government
Product 1
Product 2
Product N

6.73. The manner of compiling the sub-matrix of the Use Table showing the use of products for
final consumption is similar for each of the three types of final consumer (households, NPISHs
and general government) but starts from a different classification for each of them reflecting the
way (and the basic functional classifications) in which the basic data are collected.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1. Household final consumption expenditure

6.74. Household final consumption expenditure consists of the expenditure, including

expenditure whose value must be estimated indirectly, incurred by resident households on
individual consumption goods and services, including those sold at prices that are not
economically significant and including consumption goods and services acquired abroad. (2008
SNA, paragraph 9.113)

6.75. Information on consumption by households usually starts from household surveys. In these
surveys, household expenditures are classified according to the Classification of Individual
Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP) (United Nations, 1999) - see Box 6.2. Therefore,
it is recommended to underpin the compilation of this part of the Use Table with a table linking
data on the final consumption expenditures by purpose and by products. This will greatly improve
the quality of the data and will ensure that the different analyses of household final consumption
expenditure are consistent and coherent with the balanced SUTs. This will also ensure
homogeneity in the deflation process, thus ensuring better quality volume data.

Box 6.2 Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose

COICOP is an integral part of the SNA, but it is also intended for use in three other statistical areas: household
budget surveys, consumer price indices and international comparisons of gross domestic product (GDP) and its
component expenditures. The purposes defined in COICOP are based on the classifications of consumer
expenditures which national statistical offices have developed for their own use to serve a variety of analytic
applications. Although COICOP is not strictly linked to any particular model of consumer behaviour, the
classification is designed to broadly reflect differences in income elasticities. There are 14 divisions in COICOP:
01 - Food and non-alcoholic beverages
02 - Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics
03 - Clothing and footwear
04 - Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels
05 - Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance
06 - Health
07 - Transport
08 - Communication
09 - Recreation and culture
10 - Education
11 - Restaurants and hotels
12 - Miscellaneous goods and services
13 - Individual consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)
14 - Individual consumption expenditure of general government
The first 12 divisions add up to total individual consumption expenditure of private households. The last two
identify those parts of consumption expenditure by non-profit institutions serving households and general

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

government that are treated as social transfers in kind. Together all 14 items represent actual final consumption
by households.

6.76. Table 6.5 shows the table that is used to cross-classify data of final consumption
expenditures by purpose (COICOP classes) and by products (CPC classes). The list of products in
this table is the same as the one used for the Supply Table and the intermediate consumption part
of the Use Table. Of course, the greater the level of disaggregation, the better the quality and
precision of allocation to products as well as homogeneity for deflation purposes.

6.77. The compilation of Table 6.5 relies on different data sources and is often based on
household budget surveys which directly collect details of expenditure on goods and services by
households as well as retail trade surveys (although some adjustments are needed). These data
sources are discussed in the following sections.

Table 6.5 Table linking final expenditures by purpose (COICOP) and product (CPC)
Consumption INDUSTRIES
Household consumption (ISIC)
COICOP Non-alcoholic Other services
groups Food P Total
beverages n.e.c
Products 01.1 01.2 P 12.7 01.1-12.7
Product 1
Product 2
Product N

6.78. Some adjustments may be needed to ensure that the final consumption expenditures by
households reflect the final consumption expenditures of “resident” households. This means that
if the starting point is the final expenditures that took place in the territory by households,
adjustments are needed to remove the expenditures in the country by non-resident households and
include the final expenditures of resident households abroad. When distributions by COICOP
groups of these adjustment items are unknown, they can be placed in one or two supplementary
columns with positive and a negative value as appropriate.

6.79. Very few products are exclusively used for household final consumption expenditure. For
example, some domestic supply of typical consumer-related goods (for example, food) is used as
intermediate consumption in restaurants, transport services and government institutions, as
individual consumption of NPISHs and general government or – in the case of durables – as fixed
capital formation. Therefore, the amounts spent by households (which is considered as final
consumption expenditures by households) cannot be determined from the supply of such products
without the knowledge of the other uses.

6.80. For some products, full information on household final consumption expenditure can be
provided by sub-systems established outside the SUTs framework. The underlying data may have

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

the form of physical volume and price information, for example, energy. Administrative sources
can provide a rich source of detail, for example, covering purchases of motor vehicles, school fees
and other outlays such as education, prescription medicine, and other expenses on health services.

6.81. Table 6.6 provides a numerical example of the link between household final consumption
expenditure of households in the Use Table and the COICOP by product breakdown. In this
example, the largest expenditures are spent for housing, followed by transportation, restaurants
and food.

Table 6.6 Final consumption expenditure of households (by COICOP headings)

COICOP Food and Alcoholic Clothing and Housing, Furnishings, Health Transport Communicat Recreation Education Restaurants Miscellaneo
non- beverages, footw ear w ater, household COICOP 06 COICOP 07 ion and culture COICOP 10 and hotels us goods Total use at
alcoholic tobacco COICOP 03 electricity, equipment and COICOP 08 COICOP 09 COICOP 11 and purchasers'
beverages and gas and routine household services prices
COICOP 01 narcotics other f uels maintenance COICOP 12
No PRODUCTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
1 Agricultural products 2 240 60 0 434 0 0 0 0 860 0 0 0 3 595
2 Manufactured products 14 016 5 537 9 749 7 090 10 198 2 254 12 809 2 548 2 767 0 0 4 470 71 438
3 Construction 0 0 0 1 667 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 667
4 Trade, transport, communication 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 827 3 361 4 407 0 20 008 0 35 602
5 Financal and business services 0 0 0 26 218 747 0 1 339 0 2 590 0 0 7 944 38 838
6 Other services 0 0 194 77 212 3 730 235 133 4 204 1 221 0 4 918 14 923
7 Total 16 257 5 597 9 943 35 487 11 157 5 984 22 209 6 041 14 827 1 221 20 008 17 332 166 063

Austria 2011

Note: the products “Trade”, “Transport” and “Communication” of Table 6.1 are presented together in Table 6.6

6.82. COICOP also distinguishes household final consumption expenditure according to the
following product classes: services (S), non-durables (ND), semi-durables (SD) and durables (D).
This supplementary classification provides data for other analytic applications, such as assessing
household stocks of goods and the cyclical variation in consumer demand. For example, to
estimate the stock of “capital goods” held by households, goods in COICOP classes that are
identified as durables provide the basic elements for such estimates. Box 6.3 provides a description
of durable, semi-durable, non-durable goods and services.

Box 6.3: Non-durable, semi-durable and durable goods

Non-durable goods are defined as goods that can be used only once, for example: food, non-
alcoholic beverages, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, materials for the maintenance and repair
of dwellings, pharmaceuticals, fuels, energy, garden plants, flowers, pets, newspapers and
Semi-durable goods differ from durable goods in that their expected lifetime of use, though
more than one year, is significantly shorter, and their purchase price is typically less than for
durable goods. For example: clothing, footwear, household textiles, motor vehicle spare
parts, recording media, games, toys, books, and electrical appliances for personal care.
Durable goods are those goods which can be used repeatedly or continuously over a period
of more than a year, for example: furniture and furnishings, carpets, major tools, vehicles,
telephone equipment, computers, photographic equipment, jewellery, clocks and watches.
Services include cleaning and hire of clothing, actual and imputed housing rental, repair
services, domestic services, outpatient and hospital services, transport services, post and

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

telecommunication services, recreational and cultural services, education, catering,

accommodation, hairdressing, insurance and financial services.

(a) Household budget surveys

6.83. Household budget surveys provide a good source on expenses classified by purpose and
by product according to internationally agreed standards. Such surveys may also include
information on a wider range of household activities and living conditions, and sometimes may be
named “Living Standard Surveys”. Household budget surveys are generally used to compile or
update the ‘weights’ for the basket of goods used in the Consumer Price Indices (CPI) and to
collect information on households income, possession of assets, type and equipment of dwellings,
outlays for repair and maintenance, production for own use and other informal economic activity.
This supplementary information is often useful for National Accounts and Purchaser Power
Parities (PPPs) and may actually have been collected with this purpose in mind as well as satellite
accounts like Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs). Household budget surveys can contain
information relating to consumption of goods produced for own consumption and services from
owner occupied dwellings which in some countries may not be available from other data sources.

6.84. Household expenditure surveys frequently use the COICOP as the basis for the collection
of household expenditure information. The results are reallocated to products classified by CPC
and then used to estimate the vector of household final consumption expenditure by product for
the SUTs.

6.85. Household budget surveys often provide good initial estimates feeding into household final
consumption expenditure. However, attention should be paid to the coverage of the survey in order
to ensure that the survey results can be used for final consumption expenditures by households.
For example, some household budget surveys may not cover the year for which the SUTs are being
compiled in which case the survey data should be referenced to prices of the actual year, and if
possible, corrected for the development in volumes from the surveyed period. In addition, since
household final consumption expenditure refer to the total resident population, the statistician has
to ensure that the results of the household budget surveys are grossed up to cover the total

6.86. If no household budget survey exists for the SUTs reference year, an alternative approach
may be to use the structure of expenditure from the last household budget survey and then constrain
to the estimate for total expenditure. This clearly assumes a fixed basket of spending on goods
and services (this does not allow for relative price changes or changes due to new products or
products not consumed anymore) and then allowing the balancing process to provide feedback on

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(b) Retail trade surveys

6.87. Household final consumption is linked to turnover of retail trade after adjusting for sales
to businesses and non-residents. Consumers buy most of their goods from retail outlets. Retail
trade statistics provide data on turnover broken down to product groups. However, retail trade
statistics do not include imputed transactions like imputed rentals of owner occupied dwellings
and FISIM which are included in households final consumption expenditure. These are compiled
using different sources and affect other parts of the National Accounts, not just household final
consumption expenditure.

6.88. The use of retail sales statistics feeding into household final consumption expenditure
needs to include appropriate adjustments. For example, although consumers purchase most of their
goods and services from retail outlets, they also purchase goods and services from units not
classified to the retail industry, for example, directly from manufacturers and service industries.
On the other hand, sales by retail outlets are not all consumed by resident household consumers
but purchases from these retail outlets are also made by non-residents (for example, visitors) which
is treated as an export and by businesses which is treated as intermediate consumption.

6.89. Therefore, the turnover of retail trade and some services disaggregated by detailed
industries can provide valuable information on household final consumption expenditure only by
broad categories of products and there is no one-to-one correspondence between retail trade
turnover by industries and household final consumption expenditure by COICOP groups.

6.90. It should also be borne in mind that informal activities may also contribute significantly to
household final consumption expenditure. The development in retail trade is particularly useful to
extrapolate column totals from already existing SUTs to form initial estimates for subsequent

(c) Products subject to regulations, taxes or subsidies

6.91. It is often possible to obtain detailed data on products that are subject to regulation, taxation
or subsidization, since this information is available from the responsible authorities.

6.92. Motor vehicles, alcohol and tobacco are typical example of such products subject to
regulation. It may, for example, be possible to use information on motor vehicle registrations to
determine household final consumption expenditure of motor vehicles. Information on the use of
alcohol or tobacco (for example, related to duties paid) could be used to determine consumption
of products that are used for household final consumption expenditure taking into account that
these products could also be used for hospitality by businesses or an input used by restaurants, in
which case they would be treated as intermediate consumption and thus excluded from final
consumption expenditures by households.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2. Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs

6.93. Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs consists of the expenditure, including

expenditure whose value must be estimated indirectly, incurred by resident NPISHs on individual
consumption goods and services and possibly on collective consumption services. (2008 SNA,
paragraph 9.115).

6.94. Similar to the final consumption expenditure of households, it is useful to cross-classify

the consumption expenditures of NPISHs by products (according to CPC) and by purpose. The
reference classification of these expenditures by purpose is the Classification of the Purposes of
Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households (COPNI) (UN 1999), see Box 6.4. By convention, all
consumption expenditures of NPISHs are treated as individual consumption (see 2008 SNA,
paragraph 9.107). Thus, all consumption expenditures of NPISHs are described in COPNI as well
as in Division 13 of COICOP.

6.95. Table 6.7 shows the matrix that links the final consumption expenditures by NPISHs by
purpose (according to COPNI) and by product (according to CPC).

6.96. In some countries, NPISHs may produce most of the services within education, health or
social protection while in other countries such services may mainly be produced by general
government and private enterprises. It can be appropriate to show separate columns for COPNI
Divisions in the Use Table. Where NPISHs activity is negligible, its detailed breakdown can be
considered to be less relevant.

6.97. Various data sources will be used to cover NPISHs detail by industry and by product, for
example, it is recommended that a business survey is used based on a sample of NPISHs selected
from the business register. The grossing-up methodology for a sample survey would need to reflect
that NPISHs are non-market bodies and not market bodies, i.e. output is the sum of costs and not
related to turnover. Other sources may also include company accounts, regulatory bodies and
collective group accounts covering say a group of trade unions or religious bodies.

Box 6.4 Classification of the Purposes of NPISHs

The main use of COPNI is to classify expenditures by NPISHs in a manner consistent with the purposes of
the individual consumption expenditures of households and general government in order to obtain the SNA
aggregate of actual final consumption of households.
COPNI can also be used to facilitate international comparisons of the activities of NPISHs. In many countries,
activities of these institutions are an important complement to government activities in respect of supplying
education, health and social protection services to the population. In some countries, NPISHs are also
becoming prominent in non-traditional areas such as environmental protection, the protection of human rights
and the defence of minority groups.
There are nine divisions are distinguished in COPNI:
01 - Housing
02 - Health

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

03 - Recreation and culture

04 - Education
05 - Social protection
06 - Religion
07 - Political parties, labour and professional organizations
08 - Environmental protection
09 - Services n.e.c.
Note that the nine division of COPNI corresponds to Division 13 of COICOP which classifies the Individual
consumption expenditure of NPISHs. (see Box 6.2)

Table 6.7 Table linking final consumption expenditures of NPISHs

by purpose (COPNI) and by product (CPC)
Final consumption of NPISHs (COPNI)(ISIC)
Division Other services
Housing Health P Total
Products 01 02 P 09 01-09
Product 1
Product 2
Product N

3. Final consumption expenditure of general government

6.98. General government final consumption expenditure consists of expenditure, including

expenditure whose value must be estimated indirectly, incurred by general government on both
individual consumption goods and services and collective consumption services (2008 SNA,
paragraph 9.114).

6.99. Final consumption expenditures of general government can be classified in several ways.
For example:

• According to whether the goods or services have been produced by market or non-market

• According to whether the expenditures are on collective services or individual goods or


• By function or purpose according to the Classification of the Functions of Government


• By type of good or service according to CPC.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

6.100. The column of final consumption of general government in the Use Table is usually
underpinned with a matrix linking the final consumption of general government by product and by
purpose. The reference classification of final consumption of general government by purpose is
the Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG) (UN 1999) (see Box 6.5). Data from
government accounts is usually classified by COFOG groups. This classification may be more or
less detailed but should in most cases make it possible to distinguish between individual
consumption and collective consumption. Individual consumption corresponds to Group 14 of

Box 6.5 Classification of Functions of Government

A major use of COFOG is to identify consumption expenditures that benefit individual households and that
are transferred to Division 14 of COICOP in order to derive the SNA aggregate of actual final consumption
of households (or actual individual consumption). The divisions, groups and classes covering these
expenditures are clearly indicated in the classification. COFOG also permits trends in government outlays
on particular functions or purposes to be examined over time.
COFOG is used in the analysis and presentation of statistics on the government finance. COFOG consists
of ten divisions:
01 - General public services
02 - Defence
03 - Public order and safety
04 - Economic affairs
05 - Environmental protection
06 - Housing and community amenities
07 - Health
08 - Recreation, culture and religion
09 - Education
10 - Social protection
Each class of COFOG is clearly identified as collective services or individual services. In general, all of
classes 01 to 06 are collective services, as are section 07.5 and 07.6 of health, sections 08.3 to 08.6 of
recreation, culture and religion, sections 09.7 and 09.8 of education, and sections 10.8 and 10.9 of social
protection. These sections cover expenditures on general administration, regulation, research that is not
recorded as capital formation and so on. The remaining sections of health, recreation, culture and religion,
education and social protection (which dominate each of the classes) are individual services. (2008 SNA
paragraph 9.100).

6.101. Table 6.8 shows the table linking consumption expenditures of the general government by
purpose (COFOG) and by product (CPC). An alternative would be to have column headings in
terms of industries (ISIC) and the row headings by product (CPC).

6.102. The function to industry transformation is important, for example, as many

regulatory/administrative functions could be classified to the Public Administration and Defence
industry and not industries like health and education. Again the level of detail is determined by its

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

importance in the country. A split by level of government could depict different characteristics in
terms of COFOG categories, inputs and outputs.

Table 6.8 Table linking final consumption expenditure of general

government by COFOG and CPC
Collective services Individual services
Collective consumption general government (ISIC)
Individual consumption general government (ISIC)
(COFOG) General (COFOG) Recreation
Social Social
public Defence P Total Health culture and Education Total
protection protection
services religion
Products 01 02 P 10 Products 07* 08* 09* 10*
Product 1 Product 1
Product 2 Product 2
: :
Product N Product N
Total Total

6.103. Individual consumption of general government consists of two parts which may be shown
as separate columns in the Use Table:

• goods and services produced by general government as a non-market producer; and

• goods and services purchased by general government from market producers for onward
transmission to households either free or at prices that are not economically significant.
These goods and services are not included in the output of general government.

6.104. Data sources for general government primarily rely on central government and local
government administrative data, and mainly provided by the finance ministries and local
government bodies. This is often supplemented with specific survey data such as very detailed
local government expenditure. Furthermore, some estimates are based on models such as the
Perpetual Inventory Model estimating the consumption of fixed capital for both the central
government and local government sectors. All of these sources may use a COFOG basis or an
industry basis – in both cases, they will need a CPC product breakdown.

F. The gross capital formation part of the Use Table

6.105. Gross fixed capital formation is measured by the total value of a producer’s acquisitions,
less disposals, of fixed assets during the accounting period plus certain specified expenditure on
services that adds to the value of non-produced assets. (2008 SNA, paragraph 10.32) Gross capital
formation is measured by the total value of the gross fixed capital formation, changes in inventories
and acquisitions less disposals of valuables. (2008 SNA, paragraph 10.31). In the Use Table, gross
capital formation is usually at least broken down in three separate columns to show its components
separately as shown in Table 6.9. They are discussed in the next sections.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 6.9 Categories of gross capital formation

Gross capital formation
Gross fixed Aquisitions less
Changes in
capital disposals of Total
Products formation valuables
Product 1
Product 2
Product N

1. Gross fixed capital formation

6.106. Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) is measured by the total value of a producer’s
acquisitions, less disposals, of fixed assets during the accounting period plus certain specified
expenditure on services that adds to the value of non-produced assets (2008 SNA, paragraph
10.32). Fixed assets are produced assets that are used repeatedly or continuously in production
processes for more than one year (2008 SNA, paragraph 10.11). GFCF is also described as capital
investment or investment or capital expenditure.

6.107. One approach for the compilation of this part of the Use Table is the demand-based
approach which requires detailed information on investment. Under this approach a matrix is
compiled linking GFCF by industries (according to ISIC), by type of asset (see Box 6.6) and by
products (according to CPC). This matrix is often referred to as the ‘investment matrix’. In order
to develop such a matrix by industry, and by institutional sector, for each type of asset there should
be an allocation to the appropriate product. In some cases, there may be a one-to-one relationship
between the asset and product but for example in the case of machinery, there are many one-to-
many relationships.

Box 6.6 Gross fixed capital formation by type of asset

Gross fixed capital formation is usually shown by type of asset. The types of assets distinguished in the 2008
SNA are the following (see 2008 SNA, Chapter 10, Table 10.2).
Gross fixed capital formation by type of asset:
Other buildings and structures
Buildings other than dwellings
Other structures
Land improvements
Machinery and equipment
Transport equipment
ICT equipment
Other machinery and equipment
Weapons systems

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Cultivated biological resources

Animal resources yielding repeat products
Tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products
Costs of ownership transfer on non-produced assets
Intellectual property products
Research and development
Mineral exploration and evaluation
Computer software and databases
Computer software
Entertainment, literary or artistic originals
Other intellectual property products
Recognizing the output and capital formation of Research and development are particularly difficult to
measure. In theory, the value of the output of research and development is equal to the value of discounted
future benefits the business gets from their research and development investment. These future benefits are
difficult to estimate. Furthermore, most research and development is produced on own-account. Therefore
the sum of costs approach for valuation of output will usually be applied. More detail on the impact of
capitalizing research and development costs on SUTs and IOTs are covered in Annex B in this chapter.

6.108. Table 6.10 shows the structure of the matrix linking GFCF by type of asset, by product and
by industry. Typically this matrix is based on surveys on capital expenditure which tend to focus
on institutional sectors, industries and assets; however supplementary data source(s) are often also
needed, such as, for example, specifically designed surveys which collect and provide investment
detail by type of product. Detailed information on investments are particularly important for
GFCF, which tends to be an erratic series and cannot be modelled easily, for example, all
businesses do not buy vehicles every year, and the length of their use will vary across, and within,

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 6.10 Table linking GFCF by industries, assets and products

6.109. In countries where such level of detail data is not available, a product flow approach may
be applied using assumptions linking the output of a product to the destination of the product in
terms of its purpose. This is a less optimal approach but allows output and demand to be matched.

6.110. It is important to note, that GFCF - like other product based variables in the Use Table - are
valued at purchasers’ prices. However, GFCF is recorded by including any non-deductible VAT
and excluding any deductible VAT. This will impact on those industries and products where
exemption applies and will be consistent with the valuation of the intermediate inputs for the
corresponding industries.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

6.111. In its simplest version, the Use Table may show GFCF as a single column, and this would
also fulfil the requirements for compiling SUTs and some users’ needs. The single column
approach may be preferred if information on GFCF is missing or incomplete. It should, however,
be possible to distinguish between broad groups of assets based on the product classification used
in the SUTs framework.

6.112. However, the quality of the product breakdown is greatly enhanced with the greater level
of detail linking industries, institutional sectors, assets and products. The disaggregation of GFCF
by industries and institutional sectors is also needed for calculation of consumption of fixed capital
by industry, and in turn, for the calculation of the value of non-market producers’ output. The
breakdown can be done by columns that correspond fully to the columns for output and
intermediate consumption. It may, however, be feasible to limit the number of columns in such a
breakdown due to lack of precise information from source data.

6.113. If all combinations of GFCF by types, industries and institutional sectors of a detailed
matrix were shown as columns in the Use Table, these columns would completely dominate the
presentation. Furthermore, a disproportionate share of the resources needed to balance the SUTs
might be required to distribute products between the GFCF columns, and finalization of the SUTs
might be delayed unnecessarily.

6.114. One practical solution could be to show columns for a few broad categories of industries.
Another practical solution could be to show only columns for different types of capital formation
within the SUTs framework. The breakdown by industries can instead take place outside the
central SUTs framework in a sub-system of investment matrices. Here, GFCF by product from the
final balanced version of the Use Table can be allocated to specific industries, institutional sectors
as a separate process.

6.115. Estimates of GFCF by industries have, however, an important role in the preparation of
initial column totals for GFCF for the Use Table. Furthermore, a preliminary version of GFCF by
products and industries can provide the starting point for the GFCF columns of the Use Table.

6.116. Table 6.11 illustrates the GFCF by industry and product link to the GFCF column in the
Use Table. In essence, this identifies the producers of capital goods in the rows and the investing
industries in the columns.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 6.11 Gross fixed capital formation by investing industry

INDUSTRIES Agriculture Manufacturing Construction Trade, Financial Other Total at
transport, and services purchasers'
communication business prices
No PRODUCTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 Agricultural products 128 2 0 4 36 10 180
2 Manufactured products 1 223 7 225 664 5 893 9 124 2 626 26 756
3 Construction 828 1 752 224 3 822 15 995 2 534 25 155
4 Trade, transport, communication 12 1 206 189 2 280 1 672 684 6 043
5 Financal and business services 124 4 331 82 1 324 3 065 2 245 11 170
6 Other services 0 0 0 0 0 113 113
7 Total 2 314 14 516 1 160 13 323 29 892 8 212 69 418

Austria 2011

Note: the products “Trade”, “Transport” and “Communication” of Table 6.1 are presented together in Table 6.11

6.117. The GFCF matrix has further roles to play. The calculation of capital stock data and the
calculation of a valuation matrix for non-deductible VAT require an assessment of GFCF by
product (by producing industry) and investor (by investing industry). In the investment matrix,
the user concept of capital - and not the owner concept of capital, should be reflected.

6.118. The assessment of consumption of fixed capital as a component of GVA should be based
on empirical capital stock data. The man-made capital stock is derived from cumulative investment
of the past in buildings, machinery and transport equipment based on the actual lifetime of a capital
good, allowing for retirements and obsolescence by using the perpetual investor method (see
OECD, 2009).

6.119. Consumption of fixed capital is calculated at current replacement cost of the net capital
stock. The net capital stock is defined as the financial value of the gross capital stock still in use.
It is obvious that it will be easier to estimate these types of matrices on the basis of a rectangular
SUTs system with many disaggregated homogeneous products.

(a) Sources for GFCF

6.120. For industries that are covered by business statistics, the source data will usually include
information on purchases and sales of capital equipment. It is usually possible to distinguish
between GFCF in buildings, structures and machinery and equipment. Investment in intellectual
property products is usually also shown but is not necessarily classified by categories that can be
used for National Accounts. For example, these sources will often include purchased software and
may also show a value for bigger software projects produced on own account. Inclusion of
acquisitions of patents, franchises and goodwill and the fact that R&D may or may not be wholly
or partially capitalized but not necessarily at the time when it should have been as recorded for
National Accounts, is difficult to measure.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

6.121. The distinction between intermediate consumption and GFCF in business accounts has
similar consequences but with opposite sign for estimates of GFCF as it has for intermediate
consumption. There are other conceptual differences between company accounts and National
Accounts, for example:

• Business accounts may not fully show GFCF according to economic ownership. Some
financially leased assets may be included in investment by their legal owners.

• Sales of existing assets should be treated as a negative GFCF valued at the actual prices
obtained by the seller. When the sale takes place between two resident producers, the positive
and negative investment will cancel out for the economy as a whole except for costs of
change of ownership. In business accounts, the figures for disposals of assets will often be
shown at historical cost while the corresponding cumulated depreciation is shown as a
separate item. The difference is the bookkeeping value of the sold asset. If the actual price
obtained differs from this value, the residual is included in secondary income. In practice, it
can usually be assumed that the difference between the negative GFCF and the bookkeeping
value of the sold asset is insignificant but there may be important exceptions where figures
from company accounts are misleading.

• In business accounts, it is common practice to treat minor or regular purchases of equipment

as current expenses. Such acquisitions may not always be identifiable in the accounts. For
some big corporations, the threshold for classifying purchases as investment can actually be
high, say, $10.000 or more but practices may vary between countries due to differences in
legislation and taxation rules.

• Own account production of capital goods may be capitalized in business accounts. Even if
this is not the case the accounts may contain information on the value of own account
production. However, the value shown may not be at basic prices as it may only include the
direct cost of raw materials and wages and salaries attributed to its production, in which case
a correction for indirect costs and gross operating surplus can be appropriate.

• Own account production of intellectual property products may not be directly identifiable in
company accounts. Production of software, databases, R&D and literary, artistic or
entertainment originals may sometimes have been capitalized as intangible assets in
company accounts but may be treated as current expenses. For some intangibles, GFCF may
be covered by business surveys. In the absence of further detail, it is recommended that
GFCF is estimated based on the wages and salaries paid for this kind of work with an
appropriate mark-up for other expenses and typical gross operating surplus.

6.122. Information on GFCF within general government can usually be found in government
accounts. Many of the above issues are also relevant to investment within general government.
Accounts of central and local government will usually contain a level of detail that reveals the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

distinction between intermediate consumption and GFCF. Extra-budgetary units within general
government may, on the other hand, provide less information on the nature of their costs as it may
also be the case for NPISHs.

6.123. Special care should be taken when projects are partially or wholly financed by capital
transfers from outside, for instance from international organizations. In such cases, the accounts
may show values that are net of financing from outside. In national accounts, GFCF should record
the full value of such projects.

6.124. The value of investment covered by business accounts will often give an incomplete picture
of total GFCF because some industries are only partially covered or lack information on some
types of investment. The initial estimates of GFCF may be prepared within an investment matrix
framework that shows investment by industries, institutional sectors, types and products. Despite
the use of uncertain data and “guestimates” in many cells within such a framework, it can indicate
those cells that are badly covered by source data but should definitely contain values.

(b) GFCF by products

6.125. It is recommended to use regular business surveys as the key source for GFCF by product
especially since as GFCF is an erratic time series and cannot be modelled easily. If possible, these
surveys should be linked to those collecting details on purchases of goods and services for
intermediate consumption, in order to avoid double-counting or missing expenditure. Surveys of
the product structure of GFCF may exist but may not cover all industries. As for intermediate
consumption, it may be possible to find detailed information in annual reports of enterprises.

6.126. Government accounts contain information providing much more detail than a simple
distribution by main types of investment. This information can, also for investment products,
typically appear in an unsystematic form and it will need to be coded by product categories in
SUTs before it can be used.

6.127. For many industries available information on the product dimension of investment is
limited to a few categories or even non-existent. Initial estimates will therefore require some
common sense decisions.

6.128. In the end, the product structure of GFCF will to a large extent be determined by the
availability of investment products within the SUTs framework. In the simplest case, where other
information is unavailable, GFCF will alone be determined by the supply of typical investment
products that are largely not used for other purposes.

6.129. Very few products are used exclusively for capital formation. In most cases, the distribution
between intermediate consumption, household final consumption expenditure and GFCF that can
be estimated using information from business surveys and company accounts is uncertain,
especially if the rows of the SUTs represent broad categories of products. The disaggregation of

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

products can reduce this uncertainty, when the necessary source data are available. For some
products, the distribution may be based on other types of information, examples include:

• If an official register of motor vehicles is accessible, it may be possible to identify the

changes from year-to-year in the numbers of different types of cars and trucks by age, size
and ownership. Combined with typical prices for the various groups of vehicles it may be
used to estimate household final consumption expenditure as well as GFCF by industry of
new and used vehicles. Registers may also provide information to help distribute registration
taxes by purpose.

• Similarly, it may be possible to use register information to follow the capital stock, and
change in capital stock for other types of transport equipment.

• Official registers of buildings may also include information on type, size, use and owners
and may be used for distribution of buildings by purpose. For dwellings and private
commercial buildings that are not completely covered by company accounts or business
surveys, register information can be used in the estimation of the value of investment.

• Information on investment in buildings, transport equipment or specific types of machinery

and investment may be collected by business surveys. Some countries carry out quarterly
and annual business surveys covering GFCF and underlying details. On the other hand, some
countries occasionally carry out comprehensive industrial censuses that may contain
information on the use of capital equipment for units that are not covered by other kinds of

• Household budget surveys can include information on investment in new dwellings and
capital repairs. In countries with a large informal economy, household budget surveys may
be the most important source for estimation of investment in buildings, machinery and
equipment in small farms (that may, however, also be included in agricultural censuses),
small retail trade and repair workshops.

6.130. Furthermore, the product structure of investment tends to be more volatile than the
structure of input cost structures. Nevertheless, an initial version of investment by products
estimated from the uses side is, despite its uncertainties, usually preferred to an estimated
distribution based alone on the supply of specific products.

2. Changes in inventories

6.131. In order to define changes in inventories, it is useful to define first, what is covered by
inventories. Inventories are produced assets that consist of goods and services, which came into
existence in the current period or in an earlier period, and that are held for sale, use in production
or other use at a later date (2008, SNA, paragraph 10.12). Changes in inventories are measured by
the value of the entries into inventories less the value of withdrawals and less the value of any

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

recurrent losses of goods held in inventories during the accounting period. Some of these
acquisitions and disposals are attributable to actual purchases or sales but others reflect
transactions that are internal to the enterprise (2008 SNA, paragraph 10.118).

6.132. The column of change in inventories in the Use Table should be underpinned with a matrix
linking as column headings, classification of industries (for example, ISIC), and as row headings,
the product grouping (for example, CPC) as appearing in the SUTs for each type of asset. Changes
in inventories can be analysed by industry and by types of assets, which need to be linked via the
CPC in the SUTs as illustrated in Table 6.12.

Table 6.12 Table linking change in inventories industries, assets and products

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

6.133. The change in inventories should separately distinguish among the following types of

• Materials and supplies, which consist of all products that an enterprise holds in inventory
with the intention of using them as intermediate inputs into production;

• Work-in-progress, which consists of output produced by an enterprise that is not yet

sufficiently processed to be in a state in which it is normally supplied to other institutional

• Finished goods , which consist of goods produced as outputs that their producer does not
intend to process further before supplying them to other institutional units;

• Military inventories, which consist of single-use items, such as ammunition, missiles,

rockets, bombs, etc., delivered by weapons or weapons systems. Some single-use items such
as ballistic missiles highly destructive may be classified as fixed assets in the sense that they
provide deterrence services against aggressors; and

• Goods for resale, which are goods acquired by enterprises, such as wholesalers or retailers,
for the purpose of reselling them to their customers.

6.134. Although change in inventories for all asset types appear in the final uses part of the Use
Table, they also play a role across other parts of the Supply Table and Use Table:

• For each industry, intermediate consumption can be calculated as purchases goods and
services less change in inventories of materials, fuels and raw materials.

• For each industry, output can be calculated as sales plus change in inventories of work-in-
progress and finished goods. Producers of services may actually have inventories of work-
in-progress in the form of projects lasting for more than one accounting period like movies,
advertising campaigns, legal contracts, etc.

6.135. The output value in trade can be calculated as sales less purchases less change in
inventories of goods purchased for resale without any further processing. If a distinction between
wholesale and retail trade is made in SUTs, then the calculation of the output value for each of
these industries requires separate values for change in inventories of goods for resale.

6.136. For estimating output and intermediate consumption, changes in inventories are usually
estimated by industry and institutional sector. These detailed breakdowns are, however, seldom
shown in the Use Table.

6.137. It must be noted that the changes in inventories reported by the survey respondents should
be adjusted to fulfil National Accounts definitions, for example, the changes in inventories should
not include any holding gains or losses. Source data may be presented as output and intermediate

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

consumption instead of sales and purchases. In practice, the data collected may nevertheless
contain values of sales and purchases. This may be replaced by a correction that uses inventories
that appear in the company accounts. If such changes include any holding gains or losses, the
correct treatment is to remove the original correction for inventory changes and replace it by a
correction that uses inventory changes according to National Accounts definitions.

6.138. Statistics based on company accounts usually contain information on inventory changes as
well as stocks of inventories. The value shown for change in inventories will usually include
holding gains/losses and will be misleading if significant price changes take place during the year.
A correction for holding gains/losses can usually be based on the nominal values of opening and
closing stocks, or the book value levels. It will require the existence of adequate information on
price changes during the year. The correction can typically be carried out by inflation or deflation
of opening and closing stocks to the average prices of the year before calculation of the difference.
To calculate constant price values of stock of inventories (and changes in current prices), they
should be broken down into products for which price indices or volume indicators can be found.

6.139. Annual company accounts may not contain information of opening stocks, in which case
it can be necessary to use values of closing stocks from the previous year as a measure of opening
stocks. As coverage changes and establishments are reclassified, the observed differences between
closing stocks and opening stocks may then need some adjustments at the industry level.

6.140. Given the links between sales, purchases and inventories as well as other variables, it is
recommended that the data on inventories is collected via the same survey questionnaires to ensure
coherency across the variables being collected via the same source and at the same point in time.

(a) Estimation of changes in inventories by product

6.141. To fill in of the columns for changes in inventories, the totals for such item must be broken
down into changes in inventories for the products used in the SUTs and have to be completed as
part of generating the estimates of output and intermediate consumption.

6.142. For some products, the values of changes in inventories may be calculated based on
knowledge of physical opening stocks and closing stocks and information on the development in
prices, for example, for crops and livestock in agriculture and for energy products. The calculation
of changes in inventories should be an integral part of sub-systems used to provide the complete
product balances for such products.

6.143. The inventories of most industries contain a broad selection of products that are usually
not known from statistical sources. The totals of opening stocks and closing stocks used to
calculate changes in inventories need to be distributed by products based on assumptions on the
product structure for each total. Examples include:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Inventories of finished goods and work-in-progress can be distributed proportionally with

those outputs of each industry that can appear in inventories of goods. Caution will be needed
on service products

• Inventories of raw materials and fuels can be distributed proportionally with the use of inputs
of each industry that can appear in inventories.

• Inventories of goods for resale can be distributed using various proxies for the product
structure, for example, output or input in specific industries, household final consumption
expenditure in specific COICOP groups or GFCF of specific types.

• Values of inventories of specific products may already be known from other calculations.
Such values can be retained as pre-determined values.

• Some products, for instance electricity, are not likely to appear in inventories. Services
should only appear in inventories as work-in-progress.

6.144. Calculating the distribution of changes in inventories by products in this way is of course
uncertain and it may be adjusted during the balancing of SUTs. There is also a danger that errors
in source data are not detected if changes in inventories are used as balancing items or not
adequately quality assured. One should, at least, only adjust the total of changes in inventories in
‘exceptional cases’, where this is believed to be the most realistic solution to a balancing problem.

6.145. It should be noted that any balancing adjustment to the asset composition of changes in
inventories, or to the total changes in inventories, will impact the Supply Table and Use Table and
have no net differential impact between the production, income and expenditure approaches to
measuring GDP. This is because the various components of changes in inventories feed into the
estimation of output and intermediate consumption, thus the impact of any adjustment will be
equal on production, income and expenditure. It is more likely that quality adjustments are made
to source data, where such changes will, and should, change corresponding industries’ intermediate
consumption and output and, in turn, GVA.

3. Acquisitions less disposals of valuables

6.146. Valuables are produced goods of considerable value that are not used primarily for
purposes of production or consumption but are held as stores of value over time (2008 SNA,
paragraph 10.13). Valuables include precious metals and stones, antiques and other art objects and
other valuables. The aim of the acquisitions less disposals of valuables is to capture these
alternative forms of investments. For example, investors may choose to buy gold rather than a
financial asset, like pension funds and this is recorded under this heading. Capital formation in
valuables usually needs to be based on domestic supply of specific goods, that is, imports less
exports plus the margin. Valuables are by nature difficult to distribute by industries based on

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

establishments as they share some properties with financial assets, and the industry breakdown
does not reflect those valuables held by say, households.

6.147. Trade data by product provide a good source for such items. Whereas the margin or fee
type data may be collected via surveys to say, auctioneers. For SUTs, the product breakdown is
key thus the relevance of imports less exports by type of product. In terms of ownership, this is
less important, as the owner could be industry, government or households.

G. Exports

6.148. Exports are shown in the Use Table by product. Depending on the specific user’s need,
additional breakdown by column could be provided by destination. It should be noted that the
treatment, issues and sources of data applied to imports of goods and services are also applicable
to exports of goods and services. More details on imports of goods and services are covered in
Chapters 4, 5 and 8, including issues like the new treatment of goods sent abroad for processing.

6.149. In the Use Table, exports are valued FOB at the point of exit from the exporter’s economy.
It includes the cost of transport from the exporter’s premises to the border of the exporting
economy. FOB price includes:

• the value of goods at basic prices;

• trade and transport services to the border;

• taxes minus subsidies on products; there is no VAT on exports.

6.150. Since data on exports on goods are collected on a FOB basis, no further transformation is

1. Data sources

6.151. Most countries have comprehensive foreign trade statistics for goods. Data are generally
collected according to HS, valued at FOB and often available with a high level of detail, say by 6-
digit or 8-digit HS codes. Thus the only adjustment needed to the basic data is the conversion
between HS codes and CPC. It is usually possible to convert the data from the HS classification
using a correspondence table from the UN website (http://unstats.un.org/unsd/class/default.asp)
supplemented by a conversion table that define the SUTs products as aggregates of CPC

6.152. Various adjustments would be needed to move the foreign trade statistics onto a balance of
payments basis in line with BPM 6 such as the change in economic ownership and the difference
crossing the border.

6.153. Foreign trade statistics will also usually include the distribution of exports of goods by
countries for all products.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

6.154. Enterprises with exports below certain threshold values can be allowed to report their
foreign trade without a distribution by products, for example with survey based external trade
statistics. In this case, the values of exports by products will need to be grossed up to cover total
exports. The difference between grossed up and reported values is uncertain, and may need to be
corrected during the balancing of SUTs. As for inputs, information on the reported values can be
shown together with the grossed up values in the tables presented to those working on the manual
balancing of SUTs before any automated balancing process.

6.155. The main source for data on exports of services is the balance of payments based data and
the sources used to produce this data. The classification according to the EBOPS 2010 (IMF, 2009)
and United Nations (2011) will usually provide sufficient detail for conversion into the
classification used in the SUTs. Otherwise one may have access to statistics that shows imports
and exports by industries. A conversion into detailed SUTs based products can be established
based on the coding in balance of payments and the information on the industry classification of
exporting units.

IMF (2009). Balance of payments and international investment position manual, Sixth Edition.
Available from https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/bop/2007/pdf/bpm6.pdf

OECD (2009). Measuring Capital OECD Manual. Second edition. Available from

United Nations (2011). Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010. Available

United Nations (1999). Classifications of Expenditure According to Purpose: Classification of the

Functions of Government (COFOG); Classification of Individual Consumption According to
Purpose (COICOP); Classification of the Purposes of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households
(COPNI); Classification of the Outlays of Producers According to Purpose (COPP). Series M,
No. 84, Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/publication/SeriesM/SeriesM_84E.pdf

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Annex A to Chapter 6: Example questionnaire collecting purchases of goods

and services for intermediate consumption

A6.2 The extract shown in Figure A6.1 is from a business survey questionnaire from the
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. The data are collected for each industry and by product
covering the:

• Cost of materials; and

• Closing stocks of materials and fuels.

A6.3 Full coverage of goods and services consumed as intermediate consumption to calculate
the industry totals is achieved via further tables collecting data on the costs of industrial and non-
industrial services, an extract is shown in Figure A1.2. This data allows for the calculation of
intermediate consumption by product required to populate the intermediate use part of the Use
Table as shown in Table 6.1.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure A6.1 Extract of questionnaire covering costs and closing stocks of raw materials
and other material inputs
Cost of
Closing stocks
No. Code Product description (group of
(group of
accounts 10)
account 5.1)
1 2 3 4 5
3000 TOTAL
3001 01.11.1 - 01.11.4 Cereals, all kinds (except rice), cereal seeds
3002 01.11.6 - 01.11.7 Green leguminous vegetables (beans, peas, lentils and other)
3003 01.11.8 Soya beans, groundnuts (row ) and cotton seed
3004 01.11.9 Other oil seeds - sunflow er, sesame, lin etc.
3005 01.11.12 Rice, not husked
3006 01.13 except 01.13.7 Vegetables, raw
3007 01.13.7 Sugar beet and sugar beet seed
3008 01.13.8 Mushrooms and truffles
3009 01.15 Unmanufactured tobacco
3010 01.16 Fibre crops (lin, cotton and other fibre crops, used in textile industry)
3011 01.19.1 Forage crops and vegetative matter for livestock feeding unprocessed form
3012 01.19.2 Flow ers and flow er seeds
3013 01.21 Grapes
3014 01.22 - 01.23 Tropical and subtropical fruits (citrus, figs etc.)
3015 01.24, 01.25 except 01.25.3 Other fruits, tree and bush fruits, except nuts (apples, pears, cherries, berries etc.)
3016 01.25.3 Nuts (almonds, hazelnut, w alnuts etc.)
3017 01.26 Olives, coconuts (row , unprocessed)
3018 01.27 Coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa beans, not roasted
3019 01.28 Spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops
3020 01.11.5, 01.14, 01.19.3, Vegetables and fruit seeds, other seeds, grass, unprocessed straw and other residues of cereals, seeds
01.29, 01.3 for trees and seedings, planting materials, sugar cane and other raw , unprocessed and untreated products
of plant origin n.e.c.
3021 01.4. except 01.45.3 & Live animals and raw animal products (unprocessed milk, eggs, natural honey, except raw skins, shorn
01.49.3 w ool and skins, see line 3022, etc.)
3022 01.45.3, 01.49.3 Raw f ur skins, shorn w ool, skins (excluding products of slaughterhouses and industrial meat production,
see 1036)
3023 01.49. part Other animal products, raw , unprocessed an untreated
3024 01.7 Hunting and trapping products, raw
3025 02.2 Wood in the rough - logs, fuel w ood and other row products of forestry
3026 02.1, 02.3 Forest trees and seeds, w ild grow ing edible products; natural cork, varnish, balsams and other raw
products of forestry n.e.c.
3027 03 Fish and other fishing products; aquaculture products (raw , unprocessed and untreated)
3028 05.1, 05.2 Coals, hard coal and lignite
3029 06.1 Crude petroleum, bituminous or oil shale and tar sands. Note petroleum products - fuels are entered in the
row 3118
3030 06.2 Natural gas, processed (Manufactured gas distributed though mains, heating gas and petroleum gases from
refineries should be reported in row s 3116 and 3119)
3031 07.1 Iron ores
3032 07.2 Other metal ores
3033 08.1 Stone, sand, and clay and other raw materials for construction, industrial and craft activities
3034 08.9 Other mining and quarrying products n.e.c.
Food products and other processed products of plant and animal origin; used as reproduced material
3035 10.11 except 10.11.4 & Meat (red meat, including frozen) except live animals and unprocessed and untreated products of animal
10.12.5 origin (goes to row s 1021 -1024); raw offal and edible fat and oils





Electricity, refined petroleum products for energy purposes, gas (excluding natural gas), steam, hot w ater, Account 513
air conditioning (including energy products use for heating)
3115 35.11 Electricity costs
3116 35.22 Manuf actured gas for industrial purposes and for heating - gas distributed through mains (excluding natural
gas, see 3030, petroleum gas from refineries, see 3119 and industrial and medical gases, see 3069)

3117 35.30 Steam and hot w ater, air conditioning supply services
3118 19.2 Refined petroleum products - motor, engine and other f uels
3119 19.2 Petroleum gases - propane, butane etc. (excluding natural gas and industrial and medical gases)

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure A6.2: Extract of questionnaire covering costs of industrial and

non-industrial services
Costs of
No. CPA code Product description Account code
1 2 3 4 5
4000 TOTAL
Support services directly linked w ith the production of goods and services
4001 01.6 part Support agricultural services to crop production
4002 01.6 part Support services to animal production; veterinary services excluded (row 4044)
4003 02.10.2, 02.4 Support services to forestry
4004 09 Mining support services; services to petroleum and natural gas extraction
4005 13.3 Textile finishing services - bleaching, dyeing, printing etc.
4006 16.10.9 Drying, impregnation or chemical treatment services of timber and product of w ood; support services in the
processing of w ood and w ood products n.e.c.
4007 25.5 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming services of metal
4008 25.6 Treatment and coating services of metals, machining
4009 24.5 Casting services of metal and steel
Subcontracted services in industry and construction, trade services and other intermediation commissions.
Note: enter only the value of the services, value of materials of goods excluded
4010 14, part Subcontracted operations in textile industry (excluding value of materials)
4011 15, part Subcontracted operations in footw ear and leather production industry (excluding value of materials)
4012 16, part Subcontracted operations in production of processed w ood and w ood products (excluding value of materials)
4013 25, part Subcontracted operations as part of machine industry - processing and finishing materials services
(excluding value of materials)
4014 41, 42, 43 Subcontracted operations in construction 530, 539
4015 - Other subcontracted operations in production of goods of other enterprises (excluding value of materials),
please specify
4016 46.1 Trade commissions
4017 - Other intermediation commissions,
please specify
Transportation costs, postal and courier services
4018 49 Land transport of freight, taxi operation services including rental services of land transport vehicles w ith
4019 50 Water transport
4020 51 Air transport
4021 52.2 Support services for transportation (loading, unloading, hauling, tow ing, parking services, etc.,
transportation excluded)
4022 53 Postal services under universal obligation
4023 53 Other postal and courier services
Repair, maintenance, installation services; conversion, reconstruction and fitting out of transport equipment
4024 33.1 Repair and maintenance services of fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment, except motor
4025 43 Repair and maintenance services of buildings and electrical, plumbing, heating and similar installations
4026 45.2 Maintenance and repair services of motor vehicles
4027 95.1 Maintenance and repair services of computers and communication equipment
4028 95.2 Repair services of personal and household goods 532

4029 33.2 Installation services of industrial machinery and equipment

4030 29.20.4, 29.20.5 Reconditioning, assembly, fitting out and bodyw ork services of motor vehicles, except installation,
maintenance and repair services
4031 30.11.9, 30.20.9, 30.30.6 Conversion, reconstruction and fitting out services of other transport equipment, except installation,
maintenance and repair services
Rentals, rents on land, w arehousing and storage services
4032 68.2, part Rental costs on buildings and office space ow ned by legal persons (except rents on land)
4033 68.2, part Rental costs on buildings and office space ow ned by natural persons (except rents on land)
4034 68.2, part Rents on private land
4035 68.2, part Rents on public/state land
4036 77 Rental and leasing services of motor vehicles, machinery, equipment and tangible goods (excluding real
estate and financial lease)





Expenditure related to the intellectual property (royalties, licence fees, rights of usage, publication,
reproduction, transmission, broadcasting and the like), other services n.e.c. Note: services as
expenditures; if not capitalised
4089 58,1 Royalties for the publication of books, magazines, new spapers, etc.
4090 58,2 Royalties and similar payments for usage of softw are
4091 59 Royalties for publishing (music & movies, TV series)
4092 60 Royalties (broadcast rights, etc.) in the production and broadcast of radio and television programs
4093 71,2 Certification of products and processes 539 or 559

4094 77,4 Royalties and fees for the use of intellectual property if it is not capitalised
4095 96,01 Laundry and w ashing of textile and fur
4096 - Other industrial and non-industrial services n.e.c.
Please specify

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Annex B to Chapter 6: Impact of capitalising the costs of research and

development in SUTs and IOTs

A. Research and development as fixed capital formation

B6.1 The 2008 SNA introduced changes with regard to the treatment of research and
development. Research and development is creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in
order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and
enable this stock of knowledge to be used to devise new applications. The 2008 SNA does not
treat the research and development activity as an ancillary activity and it recommends that a
separate establishment should be distinguished for research and development when possible.

B6.2 The output of research and development should be capitalized as “intellectual property
products” except in cases where it is clear that the activity does not entail any economic benefit to
its producer (and hence owner) in which case it is treated as intermediate consumption.

B6.3 The 2008 SNA now includes expenditures for both bought-in and own-account research
and development as GFCF and the depreciation of these assets as consumption of fixed capital.

B6.4 Table B6.1 shows a summary of the impact of these changes using a simplified hypothetical
example just to demonstrate the capitalization impact. The example is simplified in the sense that
it only shows two years and where capitalization of Research and development (R&D) is assumed
to be introduced in year 1, there is no increase in consumption of fixed capital in year 1. In reality,
the capitalization costs will be over several successive years and consumption of fixed capital will
occur in year 1 and throughout the life-length of the asset.

B6.5 Under 1993 SNA, own-account R&D activity was treated as an ancillary activity and no
separate output was estimated in the system, and expenditures for this purpose were not separately
identified. Only in those, usually unimportant cases, where R&D services were purchased from
outside specialist producers, were classified in the research and development activity (ISIC Rev.
4 Division 72) or imported, R&D services appear as intermediate consumption in the SUTs.

B6.6 With the capitalization of R&D expenditures under the 2008 SNA, the output of own-
account R&D is separately estimated and allocated to GCF or exports. In practice, the introduction
of own-account R&D output in the system has just resulted in additional output with the
intermediate inputs being left unaffected, as the intermediate inputs needed to produce the own-
account R&D were already included. With the 2008 SNA change of treating research and
development not as an ancillary activity, the question for the compilation of SUTs and IOTs is
whether the R&D output from own-account R&D activity should be seen as a secondary product
from that particular branch or the principal product of the activity “Scientific research and

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

development” ISIC Rev. 4 Division 72. This issue of reclassification of own-account R&D activity
is considered in the following Section.

B6.7 The challenging methodological and practical problems related to the actual estimates of
output of own-account R&D are not be dealt with at this point; reference is made to the Eurostat
Manual on Measuring Research and Development in ESA 2010 (Eurostat 2014), the OECD
Handbook on Deriving Capital Measures of Intellectual Property Products (OECD, 2010) and
specific country documentations, such as for example, the UK (ONS, 2014). In the following, only
some problems of special interest for the compilation of SUTs and IOTs will be highlighted.

Table B6.1 Summary of the impact of capitalization of R&D in the new 2008 SNA
Change in the treatment of Research and Development

Indicative impact Market producers Non-market producers

Ow n
Bought-in Ow n account Bought in
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Intermediate consumption 0 -500 0 -500
Non-market consumption of fixed capital 0 0 (+200) (+100)
GoS +1000 +500 (+200) (+100)
GVA +1000 +500 (+200) (+100)
Total output +1000 0 (+200) -500 (+100)
Output for ow n fnal use +1000 0 +1000 0
GG FCe or NPISHs Fce 0 0 -1000 (+200) -500 (+100)
GFCF +1000 +500 +1000 *500
Impact on GDP +1000 +500 0 (+2000) 0 (+1000)

(a) For own account value of production is 1000. For non-market producers, consumption of fixed capital
in Year 2 is 200.
(b) For bought-in, value of intermediate consumption is 500. For non-market producers, consumption of
fixed capital in Year 2 is 100.
(c) Year 1 estimates. Estimates in brackets to relate to consumption of fixed capital to impact in Year 2
for non-market producers.

B. Implications of valuation of output as sum of costs

B6.8 Output for own final use should be valued at the basic prices at which the goods and
services could be sold if offered for sale on the market. When reliable market prices cannot be
obtained, a second best procedure must be used in which the value of the output of the goods or
services produced for own final use is deemed to be equal to the sum of their costs of production,
that is, as the sum of: intermediate consumption; compensation of employees; consumption of
fixed capital; a net return to fixed capital; and other taxes (less subsidies) on production. By
convention, no net return to capital is included when own-account production is undertaken by
non-market producers. (2008 SNA, paragraph 6.125).

B6.9 The calculation of the output of own-account R&D from the sum of costs approach implies
that the cost structure for this particular type of output will be separately specified, this is contrary
to the usual situation where intermediate and primary inputs used for various types of outputs will

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

be indistinguishably lumped together. Based on the known cost structure, it would in principle be
possible to create separate establishments for the own-account R&D activity, and if further this
activity was seen as secondary, to reclassify these establishments from the original activity they
are classified to, for example, pharmaceuticals, electronics etc., to the specialist activity for
scientific research and development (ISIC Rev. 4 Division 72).

B6.10 However, for various analytical, methodological and practical reasons such a
reclassification is not recommended. Examples of some of the main reasons being:

• There is an analytical interest in keeping track of those economic activities that are R&D
active and this information would be lost through such a reclassification.

• As each R&D output is uniquely defined, the own-account R&D is usually not suitable for
delivery outside the producing unit, and a reclassification would not reflect the economic
reality of the activity.

• Due to the lack of any other information, it is assumed that the producing unit is also the
owner of the resulting R&D capital stock and charged with the related consumption of fixed
capital – this is often not valid.

• The cost structures calculated to derive the estimate of R&D output will not usually have
product details corresponding to the SUTs product requirement, and in general, will only
exist as internal worksheet exercises not intended for a wider audience.

• If all R&D were reclassified to the ISIC Rev. 4 Division 72, this division would in many
developed countries increase to the same size or even larger than the agricultural sector, and
seriously distort the relative proportions, in particular between manufacturing industries and
service industries. It would also make the R&D active industries (such as the pharmaceutical
industry) rather meaningless truncated “residuals” compared with the usual notion of the size
and structure of these industries and thus the reclassifications are counter-productive from
the point of view of users’ needs and a wide-range of analytical purposes.

C. Own-account R&D as principal or secondary output

B6.11 Research and development services, CPC Ver. 2.1 Division 81, also existed prior to the
capitalization of R&D, and were mainly made up of the services actually sold in the market by
enterprises classified in ISIC Rev. 4 Division 72, “Scientific research and development”. However,
this was in general small when compared with the total value of own-account R&D estimated in
connection with the capitalization.

B6.12 In CPC Ver. 2.1 Division 81, the sub-classes are organised according to the type of research
(for example, chemistry, biotechnology, etc.), and not according to the economic activities
carrying out the R&D, and all R&D services are indicated as characteristic products of ISIC Rev.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

4 sub-classes 7210 and 7220. This follows logically from the fact that the CPC Ver. 2.1 was not
designed for a situation where the overwhelming share of R&D services comes into existence as
estimated own-account output in ISIC industries other than ISC Rev. 4 Division 72.

B6.13 Under the system of estimated own-account output of R&D services, it would be more
appropriate to introduce a CPC structure for R&D similar to the structures for “Maintenance, repair
and installation (except construction) services” (CPC Ver. 2.1 Division 87) and for
“Manufacturing services on physical goods owned by others” (CPC Ver. 2.1 Division 88) where
the sub-classes (4 digit) are made up industry specific outputs, each corresponding to a
characteristic ISIC class (4 digit). This implies in particular that outputs of these services in R&D
active industries form principal outputs. When this approach is followed for own-account R&D
services, there will be as many sub-classes of CPC Division 81 as there are industries with R&D
activities, and own-account R&D will formally change from a secondary to a principal activity of
the producing industries. The adoption of this approach will also have important implications when
deriving IOTs from the SUTs, as it will prevent major structural differences between Industry by
Industry IOTs and Product by Product IOTs, and in particular avoid “truncated” R&D intensive
product-adjusted industries in the Product by Product IOTs.

B6.14 In practice, specialised R&D departments of enterprises with major own-account R&D
activity may for various reasons (legal, tax-related, etc.) already been classified in ISIC Rev. 4
Division 72 in the business register, and thus in business statistics be included with this activity
and not with the principal activity (for example, pharmaceutical, electronic etc.) of the parent

B6.15 In such cases, the flows between the R&D department classified in ISIC Rev. 4 Division
72 and the parent enterprise as well as the applied valuation principles should be assessed carefully.
In this connection, it is important to realise that business accounting practices will usually not
follow the principle of capitalising R&D expenditures. Thus the total output (however estimated)
from an R&D department classified in ISIC Rev. 4 Division 72 may in the business accounts
reappear as intermediate consumption in the accounts of the parent enterprise. Depending on the
circumstances, one solution might be to reclassify the R&D department back to the activity of the
parent enterprise. In National Accounts, sometimes legal structures may be overruled if they are
found not to reflect economic realities. Alternatively, the intermediate consumption of R&D
services could just be removed from the parent enterprise and instead treated as GFCF but this
may leave a truncated enterprise of little analytical interest, as noted above, and it would still be
necessary to deal with the valuation of reported output of the R&D department.

D. Balancing supply and use of R&D services

B6.16 Assuming that output of R&D services (market, non-market and for own-use) by industry
are available from the current National Accounts calculations, allocation by user should be in

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

principle be fairly straightforward, as these services under the 2008 SNA treatment of R&D should
be allocated to GFCF. There are, however, two problem areas worth mentioning:

• some research and development purchases are still to be treated as intermediate

consumption; and

• foreign trade in research and development services must be taken into account when
balancing the R&D services.

B6.17 When market R&D services are purchased by an own-account producer of R&D from a
commercial R&D producer (usually, though not necessarily, classified in ISIC, Rev. 4 Division
72) or imported, it must be decided whether this is an acquisition of an asset or an intermediate
product used as an input into the own-account production of R&D. As there is usually not enough
information available on the individual transactions to allow an informed decision, it is in the
absence of any strong evidence to the contrary recommended by the Eurostat Manual that all
purchases by own-account R&D producers from units classified in ISIC Rev. 4 Division 72 (as
well as purchases by other units in ISIC Rev. 4 Division 72) should be treated as intermediate
consumption. This assumption will also ease the distribution in cases where no product statistics
for the output from ISIC Rev. 4 Division 72 are available, as some output may be non-R&D
services that would nonetheless usually be allocated to intermediate consumption.

B6.18 However, the above mentioned case with a specialised R&D department classified in ISIC
Rev. 4 Division 72 may interfere with this solution, and it is recommended that the SUTs compilers
coordinate closely with the compilers of the R&D estimates made for the National Accounts.

B6.19 In the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010 (MSIT 2010) and
Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification (EBOPS 2010), there are special entries on
“R&D services”, which are explicitly separated from transactions on the results of R&D (for
example, royalties and license fees paid for use of patented entities).

B6.20 It would therefore appear that the balancing of the R&D services, taking into account also
imports and exports would be straightforward. However, the transactions registered in the Balance
of Payments are actual economic transactions where the “prices” may be quite different from the
cost-based valuation of the domestic own-account output of R&D services, and the delimitation of
the R&D concept may also deviate. Further Balance of Payments transactions in R&D may include
significant elements of transfer pricing and trade with subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions. When
consistency with existing Balance of Payments data are aimed at, the final balancing of the R&D
services may be quite difficult, even though the capitalised R&D services allows trade in “used”
R&D so that GFCF may in principle (though no very realistically) become negative. For more
details on these problems, it is recommended to refer to Chapter 7 of The Impact of Globalisation
on National Accounts (UN ECE, 2011).


Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Eurostat, 2014. Manual on measuring Research and Development in ESA 2010.Available from

OECD, 2010. Handbook on Deriving Capital Measures of Intellectual Property Products.

Available from http://www.oecd.org/std/na/44312350.pdf

ONS 2014.

UN ECE, 2011. The Impact of Globalisation on National Accounts. Available from


Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 7. Compiling the Valuation Matrices

A. Introduction

7.1. The compilation of valuation matrices is a fundamental step in the compilation process of
SUTs. These matrices are necessary to bridge the different valuation concepts of the product flows.
This Chapter covers the main concepts and methodologies of compiling matrices for trade margins,
transport margins, taxes on products and subsidies on products. In particular, this Chapter starts in
Section B with an overview of the valuation concepts in the 2008 SNA and of how the valuation
matrices fit within the SUTs presented in Chapters 5 and 6. Sections C to E elaborate on each
component of the valuation matrices and describe the main compilation steps. The Annex to
Chapter 7 provides further explanation on how to compile trade margins for the SUTs from survey
data based on a country practice.

B. Valuation of product flows

7.2. Transactions are valued at the actual prices agreed upon by the purchasers and sellers.
Market prices are thus the main reference for the valuation of transactions in the SUTs system in
line with 2008 SNA. In the absence of market transactions, the valuation is made according to
costs incurred (for example, for non-market services produced by government) or by reference to
market prices for analogous goods and services (for example, for services of owner-occupied

1. Valuation concepts in the 2008 SNA

7.3. More than one set of prices may be used to value outputs and inputs depending on how
taxes and subsidies on products, trade and transport margins are recorded. The 2008 SNA
distinguishes three main valuation concepts of the flows of goods and services: the two main
recommended valuations being basic prices and purchasers’ prices and the lesser used producers’

7.4. The basic price is the amount receivable by the producer from the purchaser for a unit of a
good or service produced as output minus any tax payable, and plus any subsidy receivable, by the
producer as a consequence of its production or sale. It excludes any transport charges invoiced
separately by the producer. (2008 SNA, paragraph 6.51)

7.5. The producers’ price is the amount receivable by the producer from the purchaser for a unit
of a good or service produced as output minus any value added taxes (VAT), or similar deductible

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

tax, invoiced to the purchaser. It excludes any transport charges invoiced separately by the
producer. (2008 SNA, paragraph 6.51)

7.6. The purchasers’ price is the amount paid by the purchaser, excluding any VAT or similar
tax deductible by the purchaser, in order to take delivery of a unit of a good or service at the time
and place required by the purchaser. The purchasers’ price of a good includes any transport charges
paid separately by the purchaser to take delivery at the required time and place. (2008 SNA,
paragraph 6.64)

7.7. The difference between these valuation concepts for a product relates to trade margins,
transport margins and taxes on products and subsidies on products. The relationship between the
three types of prices is as follows:

Basic prices + Taxes on products excluding invoiced VAT

- Subsidies on products
= Producers’ prices

Producers’ prices + VAT not deductible by the purchaser

+ Separately invoiced transport charges
+ Wholesalers’ trade margins
+ Retailers’ trade margins
= Purchasers’ prices

7.8. The basic price measures the amount retained by the producer and therefore the price most
relevant for the producers’ decision-making and is often reported in business surveys. For imported
products, taxes on products include import duties. When the relationship between basic prices and
purchasers’ prices is compiled for the total economy, the transport charges and trade margins will
cancel out because they only form a reallocation of value across products.

7.9. The concept of producers’ prices does not form any of the main valuations. The preferred
valuation of output and GVA in the SNA is at basic prices and for intermediate consumption at
purchasers’ prices. It is worth recognising that source data from business surveys for sales may be
valued at producers’ prices. In these cases, data should be adjusted to a basic price valuation before
entering them into the SUTs. If this step is not completed, then a different recording of taxes on
products and subsidies on products have to be established, and GVA by economic activity would
be partly at “market prices”, which is not recommended by the SNA.

7.10. It is important to note that the relationship between basic price and purchasers’ price does
not describe ‘a process over time’ for an identifiable product. In this case, the difference between
basic prices and purchasers’ prices is likely to contain an element of holding gains and losses while
the product is with the producer and with wholesale and retail traders (2008 SNA, paragraph
3.148). The SNA value concepts are consistently defined in such a way that holding gains and
losses do not become part of GVA and GDP. Hence a trade margin is relative to the replace price

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

of the good ‘at the time it is sold’, and the price of intermediate consumption relates to what the
producer would have to pay to replace it ‘at the time it is used’.

7.11. The source data used to fill the cells in the SUTs may have different valuations:

• Production and output data are valued at basic prices.

• Intermediate consumption and final uses are valued at purchasers’ prices.
• Imports are valued at CIF prices. This is the valuation of a good delivered at the point of
entry into the importing economy or the price of a service delivered to a resident, before the
payment of any import duties or other taxes on imports or trade and transport margins within
the country. In the SUTs framework, the CIF value is taken to be the basic price of imports
of goods.
• Exports are valued at FOB prices. The valuation of a good at the point of exit from the
exporter’s economy or the price of a service delivered to a non-resident, including transport
charges and trade margins up to the point of the border, and including any taxes less subsidies
on the goods exported. In the SUTs framework, the FOB value is taken to be the purchasers’
price of exports of goods.
7.12. It is recommended that the different valuation components of the product flows are
separated to ensure the SUTs framework is balanced in a fully coherent and consistent manner.
One of the purposes of the valuation matrices is to bridge the difference between the valuation at
basic prices and the valuation at purchasers’ prices and to arrive to SUTs at basic prices. Figure
7.1 illustrates how the valuation matrices link the Supply Table with the Use Table. They comprise
all flows that are related to the supply and use of trade margins and transport margins and to taxes
and subsidies on products.

Figure 7.1 Schematic representation of the valuation matrices in the SUTs

Total use
Final use
Purchasers' prices
Non-deductible VAT
Other net taxes on products
SUPPLY Trade and transport margins
Industries Basic prices

Bridge Total use

column for Exports
valuation Changes in valuables
Changes in inventories
Purchasers' prices Gross fixed capital formation
Non-deductible VAT Final consumption by government
Other net taxes on products Final consumption expenditure by NPISH
Trade and transport margins Final consumption expenditure by households

Industries Intermediate consumption

Basic prices
Total supply

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

7.13. In the Supply Table, the valuation matrices consist of columns, (the “bridge column” in
Figure 7.1) which transform the supply of each product from basic prices to purchasers’ prices,
and, in turn, match the product values in the use table compiled at purchasers’ prices.

7.14. In the Use Table, the valuation matrices consist in product by industry matrices of trade
margins, transport margins, taxes on products and subsidies on products which allow for the
transformation of the values of the Use Table from purchasers’ prices into basic prices. The
availability of such matrices allows for balancing of SUTs at basic prices and purchasers’ prices
and, as recommended in the Handbook, both valuations should be balanced simultaneously.

7.15. Although it is not strictly necessary that a balanced SUTs framework ends up with tables
showing valuation both at purchasers’ and at basic prices, this is recommended for several reasons.
For analytical purposes, the SUTs data must have the same valuation, and usually the basic price
version is the most appropriate. This is also the case for the transformation process of the SUTs
into IOTs and for the volume estimates in a consistent SUTs framework leading to the estimation
of GVA in volume terms using double-deflation.

7.16. For these I-O based analytical purposes, a valuation as uniform as possible of the cells in a
row of the Use Table is essential. The values at purchasers’ prices in the different uses will usually
be affected by differences in trade and transport margins, and by differences in taxes on products
and subsidies on products, according to the specific user. The uniformity requirement is therefore
best fulfilled by values at basic prices, although the cells valued at basic prices may still show user
specific price variation, this is the most uniform valuation concept that in practice can be achieved.

2. The valuation matrices in the SUTs framework

7.17. The valuation matrices comprise information on trade margins, transport margins, taxes on
products and subsidies on products. Valuation matrices can be established for the Supply Table
(supply-side valuation matrices) and the Use Table (use-side valuation matrices). In a balanced
SUTs system, the use-side valuation matrices and the supply-side valuation matrices will sum to
the same totals. In this Section, the full set of valuation matrices is described.

(a) Supply-side valuation matrices

7.18. The supply-side valuation matrix consists of a set of column added to the Supply Table at
basic prices to derive the supply at purchasers’ prices. These columns consist of trade margins,
transport margins, VAT, taxes on products and subsidies on products. Table 7.1 shows the
structure of Supply Table at basic prices, including a transformation into purchasers’ prices. The
table corresponds to Table 5.2 of Chapter 5 and is reproduced here for ease of reference. The left
part of this table starts with the domestic output of the various industries by products at basic
prices. The inclusion of the imports valued at CIF prices by products generates the total supply by
products at basic prices as shown in Column (9).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

7.19. In the Supply Table, the output at basic prices of trade services (of which, trade margins
forms the major part) is included in Row (4) and that of transport services in Row (5). To arrive at
purchasers’ prices for each product, the trade margins and transport margin shares of this output
have to be reallocated from trade margins and transport services to the traded and transported
products. Columns (10) and (11) of Table 7.1 contains the allocation of trade margins and transport
margins respectively with positive entries (+) in the rows of the traded and transported products
and negative entries (-) in the rows of trade services and transport services. The totals by row of
Columns (10) and (11) of trade and transport margins respectively are always zero.

7.20. The columns of taxes less subsidies of products - Columns (12) to (14) of Table 7.1 - are
also added to total supply at basic prices in order to arrive to the total supply at purchasers’ prices.
Taxes on products comprise VAT type taxes, taxes and duties on imports and other taxes on
products. Similarly, subsidies on products comprise import subsidies and other subsidies on
products. Taxes and subsidies on products should be compiled separately although they may be
shown as a single column.

7.21. Adding Columns (10) to (14) to total supply at basic prices of Column (9) gives total supply
at purchasers’ prices in Column (16). Columns (10) and (14) are thus the necessary bridge to
compare and balance total supply with total use when both sides are valued at purchasers’ prices.

7.22. Both trade margins and transport margins can be produced by any industry outside the trade
and transport industries. However, the bulk of the output of trade margins is generally produced
by the trade industries and the bulk of transport margins by the transport industries as illustrated
in Rows (4) and (5) of Table 7.1.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 7.1 Supply Table at basic prices, including a transformation into purchasers’ prices
Output Total supply
Trade, Finance and at basic Imports at basic
Agriculture Manufacturing Construction transport and business prices prices
communication services
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Agriculture (1) 8 782 0 0 0 0 0 8 782 3 271 12 052
Manufacturing (2) 796 182 982 643 1 808 133 44 186 405 124 590 310 995
Construction (3) 83 961 43 060 734 255 179 45 272 563 45 835

Trade (4) 1 4 773 311 54 204 640 257 60 187 600 60 787
Transport (5) 13 465 66 25 538 128 125 26 335 8 150 34 485
Communication (6) 160 1 781 139 43 912 1 253 982 48 228 6 234 54 463
Finance and business services (7) 29 8 902 698 7 588 106 909 3 381 127 508 7 061 134 569
Other services (8) 3 85 13 1 053 143 74 346 75 643 824 76 467
Total (9) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360 151 293 729 653

CIF/FOB adjustments on imports (10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 97 - 97

Direct purchases abroad by residents (11) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 675 6 675

Total (12) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360 157 871 736 230
Total of w hich:
Market output (13) 9 763 195 916 41 462 127 401 88 330 18 116 480 989 0
Output for ow n final use (14) 104 4 029 3 468 2 134 19 890 2 670 32 295 0
Non-market output (15) 0 4 0 5 302 1 241 58 528 65 075 0


Total supply
at basic Transport Taxes on Subsidies
Trade margins VAT Total purchasers'
prices margins products on products prices
(9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 12 052 1 926 274 329 57 - 107 2 479 14 532
Manufacturing (2) 310 995 48 838 2 540 13 175 7 866 - 49 72 370 383 364
Construction (3) 45 835 0 0 1 529 13 0 1 542 47 377

Trade (4) 60 787 - 52 341 0 575 11 0 - 51 755 9 032

Transport (5) 34 485 0 - 2 800 558 71 - 448 - 2 620 31 865
Communication (6) 54 463 1 493 9 3 375 217 - 34 5 059 59 522
Finance and business services (7) 134 569 0 - 22 2 706 2 159 0 4 842 139 411
Other services (8) 76 467 85 0 1 201 576 0 1 861 78 329
Total (9) 729 653 0 0 23 447 10 969 - 638 33 778 763 431

CIF/FOB adjustments on imports (10) - 97 0 0 0 0 0 - 97 - 97

Direct purchases abroad by residents (11) 6 675 0 0 0 0 0 6 675 6 675

Total (12) 736 230 0 0 23 447 10 969 - 638 40 356 770 009
Total of w hich:
Market output (13) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Output for ow n final use (14) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Non-market output (15) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Austria 2011

(b) Use-side valuation matrices

7.23. The use-side valuation matrices consist of a sequence of matrices - mirroring the shape of
the intermediate use and final use parts of the Use Table - for each component of the valuation,
namely for: trade margins, transport margins, taxes on products and subsidies on products.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

7.24. Table 7.2 illustrates the Use Table at purchasers’ prices. This table corresponds to Table
6.1 of Chapter 6 and is reproduced here for ease of reference. It shows the structure of the table
which comprises the following three sub-matrices:

• intermediate consumption matrix showing intermediate consumption for each industry by


• final uses matrix showing final uses by type of final use and by product; and

• GVA matrix showing the components of GVA for each industry.

Table 7.2 Use Table at purchasers’ prices

Total use at
Trade, Finance and Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed purchasers’
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other Changes in Changes in
transport and business Total General capital Exports Total prices
ture turing tion services Households NPISH valuables inventories
communication services government formation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 2 583 6 570 16 371 34 49 9 623 3 595 0 0 180 0 - 27 1 161 4 909 14 532
Manufacturing (2) 2 205 107 190 12 441 16 874 6 015 8 797 153 522 71 438 0 3 180 26 756 2 183 3 034 123 252 229 842 383 364
Construction (3) 105 2 440 9 528 2 446 3 907 1 604 20 029 1 667 0 0 25 155 0 - 38 563 27 348 47 377

Trade (4) 33 1 883 119 2 240 259 308 4 842 3 325 0 0 67 45 0 753 4 189 9 032
Transport (5) 14 4 386 267 8 399 822 321 14 208 5 833 0 3 370 0 0 0 8 453 17 656 31 865
Communication (6) 34 2 563 299 9 359 5 919 1 833 20 008 26 444 0 121 5 976 0 67 6 905 39 514 59 522
Finance and business
(7) 457 13 578 4 736 20 359 29 166 9 134 77 430 38 838 0 1 006 11 170 0 - 178 11 145 61 981 139 411
Other services (8) 8 382 59 1 171 415 1 794 3 829 14 923 5 416 53 373 113 107 1 567 74 500 78 329
Total at purchasers’ prices
(9) 5 440 138 991 27 466 61 219 46 538 23 839 303 492 166 063 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 152 800 459 939 763 431
before adjustments
CIF/FOB adjustments on
(10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 97 - 97 - 97

Direct purchases abroad by
(11) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 675 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 675 6 675
Purchases in the domestic
(12) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 12 945 0 0 0 0 0 12 945 0 0
territory by non-residents
Total at purchasers’ prices (13) 5 440 138 991 27 466 61 219 46 538 23 839 303 492 159 792 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 165 648 466 517 770 009
Compensation of employees (14) 551 30 679 10 239 37 906 22 997 41 971 144 343 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other taxes less subsidies
(15) - 1 627 1 077 546 1 755 2 004 1 103 4 858 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
on production
Consumption of fixed capital (16) 1 845 12 750 1 542 10 917 18 934 7 480 53 469 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net operating surplus/Net

(17) 3 658 16 453 5 138 23 040 18 989 4 921 72 198 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
mixed income
Gross operating
(18) 5 503 29 203 6 680 33 957 37 923 12 401 125 667 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
surplus/gross mixed income
GVA (19) 4 427 60 959 17 465 73 618 62 923 55 475 274 868 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total input at basic prices (20) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Austria 2011

7.25. The matrices covering intermediate consumption and final uses are valued at purchasers’
prices, thus they include trade margins and transport margins as well as taxes on products less
subsidies on products. Therefore, the sum of total intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices
(Column (7) of Table 7.2) and total final use (Column (15) of Table 7.2) gives the total use by
product at purchasers’ prices, which, in a balanced system, is equal to the total supply by products
at purchasers’ prices in Column (16) of the Supply Table in Table 7.1.

7.26. Table 7.3 shows the use-side valuation matrices covering trade margins (which is split
between wholesale and retail trade margins), transport margin, VAT, taxes on products and
subsidies on products. These matrices have the same structure and dimension as the intermediate
consumption and final uses sub-matrices of the use table at purchasers’ prices. They show the
allocation of the trade margins, transport margins, taxes and subsidies on products to each element
of the Use Table at purchasers’ prices. They represent the amounts that must be deducted from the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

each element of the Use Table at the purchasers’ price in order to arrive to the Use Table at basic

Table 7.3 Use-side valuation matrices

Total use at
Trade, Finance and Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed Changes Changes
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other purchasers’
transport and business Total capital in in Exports Total prices
ture turing tion services General
communication services Households NPISH formation valuables inventories
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Wholesale trade margins
Agriculture (1) 31 440 2 63 4 6 547 326 10 4 165 506 1 052
Manufacturing (2) 164 6 450 1 415 1 879 326 1 049 11 284 5 941 560 2 718 15 265 8 995 18 493 29 777

Construction (3)
Trade (4) - 196 - 6 910 - 1 420 - 1 997 - 367 - 1 082 - 11 972 - 6 464 - 569 - 2 776 - 15 - 273 - 9 232 - 19 329 - 31 301
Transport (5)
Communication (6) 0 20 3 55 37 27 141 197 9 48 4 72 330 472
Finance and business services (7)
Other services (8)
Total (9) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Retail trade margins
Agriculture (1) 3 0 13 0 1 17 856 856 873
Manufacturing (2) 19 56 20 339 38 90 562 16 781 477 1 142 99 18 499 19 061

Construction (3)
Trade (4) - 19 - 86 - 25 - 431 - 104 - 150 - 815 - 18 363 - 511 - 1 168 - 184 - 20 226 - 21 040
Transport (5)
Communication (6) 0 27 5 79 66 59 236 725 34 26 785 1 021
Finance and business services (7)
Other services (8) 85 85 85
Total (9) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Transport margins
Agriculture (1) 7 201 1 7 0 1 217 44 2 1 11 57 274
Manufacturing (2) 20 1 125 191 127 30 64 1 557 303 21 144 2 26 486 983 2 540

Construction (3)
Trade (4)
Transport (5) - 27 - 1 321 - 191 - 135 - 31 - 65 - 1 771 - 347 - 21 - 146 - 2 - 27 - 487 - 1 030 - 2 800
Communication (6) 0 0 1 1 0 4 3 0 2 0 1 5 9
Finance and business services (7) 0 - 5 - 1 - 1 0 0 - 7 - 3 0 - 2 0 0 - 10 - 15 - 22
Other services (8)
Total (9) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Value added tax (VAT)
Agriculture (1) 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 324 1 325 329
Manufacturing (2) 18 71 18 68 200 942 1 317 10 624 368 734 132 11 858 13 175

Construction (3) 0 1 7 4 242 185 439 265 825 1 090 1 529

Trade (4) 3 16 4 20 17 39 100 467 2 7 476 575
Transport (5) 0 1 0 9 8 17 36 487 34 521 558
Communication (6) 0 1 0 16 207 150 374 2 888 10 103 3 001 3 375
Finance and business services (7) 0 3 3 28 561 713 1 308 1 235 163 1 398 2 706
Other services (8) 0 0 0 1 17 44 63 921 209 8 1 138 1 201
Total (9) 22 93 32 147 1 252 2 093 3 639 17 210 621 1 830 147 19 807 23 447
Taxes on products (excl. VAT)
Agriculture (1) 0 50 0 1 0 0 51 5 1 0 0 6 57
Manufacturing (2) 62 834 179 1 068 212 544 2 898 4 272 6 284 5 7 393 4 968 7 866

Construction (3) 0 1 3 1 1 0 5 0 7 8 13
Trade (4) 0 5 0 4 0 0 10 1 0 0 1 11
Transport (5) 0 7 1 8 11 3 30 26 0 14 40 71
Communication (6) 0 6 1 14 47 5 72 130 0 0 0 15 145 217
Finance and business services (7) 9 88 18 142 172 37 467 936 755 1 691 2 159
Other services (8) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 574 1 0 575 576
Total (9) 71 991 202 1 238 443 590 3 535 5 944 8 1 048 6 7 422 7 434 10 969
Agriculture (1) 0 - 89 0 0 0 0 - 89 - 2 - 5 0 - 11 - 18 - 107
Manufacturing (2) 0 - 16 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 24 - 9 0 - 2 0 0 - 14 - 25 - 49

Construction (3)
Trade (4)
Transport (5) 0 - 26 - 2 - 33 - 6 - 10 - 77 - 300 - 71 - 1 - 371 - 448
Communication (6) 0 0 - 34 - 34 - 34
Finance and business services (7)
Other services (8)
Total (9) - 1 - 131 - 5 - 36 - 6 - 11 - 190 - 344 - 71 - 7 0 0 - 25 - 448 - 638
Trade and transport margins
Agriculture (1) 38 644 3 83 4 8 781 1 226 12 5 176 1 419 2 200
Manufacturing (2) 203 7 631 1 626 2 345 393 1 204 13 403 23 025 1 058 4 004 117 291 9 481 37 975 51 378

Construction (3)
Trade (4) - 215 - 6 996 - 1 445 - 2 428 - 471 - 1 233 - 12 786 - 24 827 - 1 080 - 3 944 - 199 - 273 - 9 232 - 39 555 - 52 341
Transport (5) - 27 - 1 321 - 191 - 135 - 31 - 65 - 1 771 - 347 - 21 - 146 - 2 - 27 - 487 - 1 030 - 2 800
Communication (6) 1 47 8 136 104 86 381 925 44 75 4 72 1 121 1 501
Finance and business services (7) 0 - 5 - 1 - 1 0 0 - 7 - 3 0 - 2 0 0 - 10 - 15 - 22
Other services (8) 85 85 85
Total (9) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Taxes less subsidies on products
Agriculture (1) 0 - 38 0 1 0 3 - 34 327 - 3 0 - 10 313 279
Manufacturing (2) 80 888 194 1 133 411 1 485 4 191 14 888 374 1 016 137 7 379 16 800 20 992

Construction (3) 0 1 10 5 243 185 444 265 833 1 098 1 542

Trade (4) 3 21 4 24 17 40 109 468 2 7 477 586
Transport (5) 0 - 18 - 1 - 15 13 10 - 11 214 - 36 14 191 180
Communication (6) 0 6 1 30 253 155 446 2 984 10 104 0 15 3 112 3 558
Finance and business services (7) 9 91 21 171 733 750 1 775 2 171 918 3 090 4 865
Other services (8) 0 0 0 2 17 44 63 1 495 210 8 1 713 1 777
Total (9) 92 952 229 1 349 1 689 2 672 6 984 22 810 557 2 870 152 7 397 26 794 33 778

Austria 2011

7.27. Note that the use-side valuation matrices in Table 7.3 relate to the supply-side valuation
matrices in Table 7.1 as follows:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• The sum of Columns (16) in Table 7.3 for “Wholesale trade margins” and “Retail trade
margins” must be equal to “Trade margins” in the supply-side valuation matrix, namely
Column (10) of Table 7.1.

• Column (16) of Table 7.3 for “Transport margins” must be equal to the “Transport margins”
in the supply-side valuation matrix, namely Column (11) of Table 7.1.

• Column (16) of Table 7.3 for “Value added tax (VAT)” must be equal to the “Value added
tax” in the supply-side valuation matrix, namely Column (12) of Table 7.1.

• Column (16) of Table 7.3 for “Taxes on products (excl. VAT)” must be equal to the “Taxes
on products” in the supply-side valuation matrix, namely Column (13) of Table 7.1.

• Column (16) of Table 7.3 for “Subsidies” must be equal to the “Subsidies on products” in
the supply-side valuation matrix, namely Column (14) of Table 7.1.

7.28. In general, the information needed to construct the trade and transport margins matrices of
Table 7.3 is available only to a limited extent, and some balancing between the supply and use of
trade margins and transport margins is necessary. In addition, depending on available data and
whether a benchmark or a current SUT is being compiled, it must be assessed whether it is best to
start out from the supply or the use side when estimating total trade margins and transport margins
by products. In the cases when trade and transport margins are estimated first from the supply side,
they will serve as a constraint when allocating the supply of trade margins and transport margins
to the various use categories.

7.29. There is one type of tax on product, namely VAT, for which it is not possible to start with
the supply-side estimates. In the VAT system according to the SNA, only non-deductible VAT is
recorded as a tax on product, and there is no way that the actual VAT payers (VAT collectors) can
have information about the final users and their ability to deduct VAT or not. The structure of
VAT by products has therefore to be estimated from the use-side by identifying all user categories
not exempted from the VAT system and to apply the appropriate effective tax rate to all their
purchases of products.

7.30. Once all the matrices in Table 7.1 are compiled, the next step is to deduct the trade margins,
transport margins and taxes less subsidies on products from the Use Table at purchasers’ prices to
arrive to the Use Table at basic prices as shown in Table 7.4. Furthermore, it is necessary to
reallocate the deducted trade margins and transport margins to the specific trade and transport
service products distinguished in the product classification applied, and the taxes on products to a
separate row. After these steps, the Use Table has been transformed into a valuation at basic prices
as shown in Table 7.4.

7.31. It should be noted that all the entries from Row (1) to Row (9) in Table 7.4 are at basic
prices. Row (10) of Table 7.4 contains the net taxes on products which bridge the total use at basic

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

prices with the total use at purchasers’ price which is shown in Row (11) of Table 7.4. This latter
coincides with Row (9) of the Use table at purchasers’ price in Table 7.2.

Table 7.4 Use Table at basic prices

Total use
Trade, Finance and Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed at basic
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other Changes in Changes in
transport and business Total General capital Exports Total prices
ture turing tion services Households NPISH valuables inventories
communication services government formation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 2 545 5 964 13 287 29 38 8 877 2 042 0 0 170 0 - 32 996 3 176 12 052
Manufacturing (2) 1 922 98 670 10 621 13 397 5 211 6 108 135 928 33 525 0 1 749 21 736 1 929 2 737 113 392 175 067 310 995
Construction (3) 105 2 439 9 518 2 441 3 664 1 419 19 585 1 402 0 0 24 323 0 - 38 563 26 250 45 835

Trade (4) 245 8 857 1 560 4 644 712 1 501 17 519 27 684 0 1 080 4 008 238 273 9 985 43 267 60 787
Transport (5) 41 5 724 459 8 549 840 376 15 990 5 967 0 3 427 146 2 27 8 926 18 495 34 485
Communication (6) 33 2 510 290 9 194 5 562 1 592 19 181 22 535 0 68 5 797 0 63 6 818 35 281 54 463
Finance and business services (7) 448 13 492 4 716 20 189 28 433 8 384 75 662 36 669 0 1 006 10 254 0 - 177 11 156 58 907 134 569
Other services (8) 8 381 59 1 169 398 1 750 3 765 13 429 5 416 53 163 113 14 1 567 72 702 76 467
Total at basic prices (9) 5 348 138 038 27 236 59 870 44 849 21 167 296 507 143 252 5 416 60 492 66 548 2 182 2 852 152 403 433 145 729 653
Taxes less subsidies on
(10) 92 952 229 1 349 1 689 2 672 6 984 22 810 557 2 870 152 7 397 26 794 33 778
Total at purchasers’ prices
(11) 5 440 138 991 27 466 61 219 46 538 23 839 303 492 166 063 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 152 800 459 939 763 431
bef ore adjustments
CIF/FOB adjustments on
(12) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 97 - 97 - 97

Direct purchases abroad by
(13) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 675 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 675 6 675
Purchases in the domestic
(14) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 12 945 0 0 0 0 0 12 945 0 0
territory by non-residents
Total at purchasers’ prices (15) 5 440 138 991 27 466 61 219 46 538 23 839 303 492 159 792 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 165 648 466 517 770 009
Compensation of employees (16) 551 30 679 10 239 37 906 22 997 41 971 144 343 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other taxes less subsidies on
(17) - 1 627 1 077 546 1 755 2 004 1 103 4 858 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Consumption of fixed capital (18) 1 845 12 750 1 542 10 917 18 934 7 480 53 469 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net operating surplus/Net

(19) 3 658 16 453 5 138 23 040 18 989 4 921 72 198 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
mixed income
Gross operating surplus/Gross
(20) 5 503 29 203 6 680 33 957 37 923 12 401 125 667 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
mixed income
GVA (21) 4 427 60 959 17 465 73 618 62 923 55 475 274 868 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total input at basic prices (22) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Austria 2011

C. Trade margins

7.32. This section deals with the compilation of the valuation matrix for trade margins. The
amounts involved can vary significantly by type of product and can be of great magnitude in total.
In most countries, it can vary between 10 and 25 per cent of total domestic supply of goods and

7.33. The data sources needed for compiling the trade margin estimates by product for the SUTs
are special in the sense that this type of data are not necessary when compiling the current National
Accounts GVA by industry, and therefore they may not be readily available on an annual basis.

7.34. Whereas information on trade turnover and purchases of goods for resale by industry is
usually included in the general business statistics or estimated in order to compile the annual GVA
by industry, the situation is different for information on trade turnover and margins by product.
These data are generally not as readily available for a number of reasons: most often they are
collected with intervals of several years, if at all; or there may only exist information on trade
margin ratios for a limited number of products available from government agencies dealing with
price control or monopoly surveillance; or what can be derived from current price statistics by, for
example, comparing wholesale prices collected for the wholesale price index (WPI) with the prices
collected for the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

7.35. Especially for the purpose of compiling benchmark SUTs, it is therefore recommended to
conduct a special survey that covers all trading activity (both as primary and secondary output) by
industry and by product at a level sufficiently detailed to match the level and classification of
products applied in the SUTs. Annex to Chapter 7 provides an example of a questionnaire used for
a survey of this kind as well as a template for the optimal use of the collected data in compiling
the SUTs trade margin matrices.

7.36. Even when less than ideal source data are available, it is still necessary to estimate the trade
margin matrices. However, in these cases the results will become more dependent on the
assumptions made to populate the trade margin columns in the Supply Table and the trade margin
matrices in the Use Table. In principle, the same type of trade margin data table (shown in Table
7.5 and in the Annex in this Chapter) must be generated irrespective of the coverage or quality of
primary source data on trade and trade margins.

1. Definition of trade margins

7.37. Even though wholesalers and retailers actually buy and sell goods, the goods purchased are
not treated as part of their intermediate consumption as they are resold with only minimal
processing such as grading, cleaning and packaging. Wholesalers and retailers are treated as
supplying services. Their output is measured by the total value of the trade margins realized on the
goods they purchase for resale and some non-margin trade services. In spite of this, actual trade
turnover is an important supporting variable when compiling the trade margin matrices in the

7.38. The 2008 SNA defines a trade margin as:

“A trade margin is defined as the difference between the actual or imputed price realised
on a good purchased for resale and the price that would have to be paid by the distributor
to replace the good at the time it is sold or otherwise disposed of.” (2008 SNA, paragraph

7.39. On valuation, it is further stated that:

“Goods purchased for resale should be valued excluding any transport charges invoiced
separately by the suppliers or paid to third parties by wholesalers or retailers: these
transport services form part of the intermediate consumption of the wholesalers or
retailers.” (2008 SNA, paragraph 6.148)

7.40. This valuation principle implies that there cannot be any transport margins linked to
purchases of goods for resale. This follows from the fact that, in the National Accounts definition
of output from trade activity, the traded goods are not seen as actually flowing in and out of the
trade activity. The trade activity only adds services to the goods that are seen as flowing directly

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

from the producer or importer to the user. Therefore there is no flow to which a transport margin
could be attached.

7.41. In practice, the output of wholesalers and retailers is derived as the difference between the
trading sales and the costs of goods purchased for resale adjusted by changes in inventories (see
2008 SNA, paragraph 6.147):

Value of output = value of sales

+ value of goods purchased for resale but used for intermediate
consumption, compensation of employees, etc.
- value of goods purchased for resale
+ value of additions to inventories of goods for resale
- value of goods withdrawn from inventories of goods for resale
- value of recurrent losses due to normal rates of wastage, theft or
accidental damage.

7.42. In order to derive trade margins, either for trading activities of single goods, trading
activities of a statistical unit industries or total economy, data on trading sales (trade turnover),
data on goods purchased for resale without further processing, and data on inventories of goods
for resale at the beginning and at the end of the period must be available. Usually business surveys
or specialised trade surveys can collect and provide data at the level of trade industries. Trading is
also an important secondary activity in many non-trade industries, and trading activities in the
system are measured by trade margins, regardless of whether it is done by traders as their main
activity or by other industries as part of their secondary outputs.

7.43. Even though distributive trade is defined as purchases of goods for resale without any
transformation, certain operations usually associated with distribution are included in the
definition such as the sorting, mixing, breaking bulk and re-packaging for distribution into smaller
lots. Also included may be other services, if not separately invoiced, such as installation in situ.

7.44. Trade services should be separated at least into two main categories: wholesale and retail.
Wholesale is the resale (sale without transformation) of new and used goods to retailers, industrial,
commercial, institutional or professional users or to other wholesalers and export. Retailing is the
resale (sale without transformation) of new and used goods, mainly to the general public for
personal or household consumption or non-resident visitors or for a minor part to business
(intermediate consumption and fixed capital formation). This separation is essential for estimating
in a correct and transparent way, the trade channels and the cumulative trade margins for products
passing through both the wholesale and the retail trade links.

7.45. The services provided by trade industry include both margin and non-margin services.
Margins services are those related to the trade activity of resale. Non-margin services are other
services provided by trade establishments such as repair and installation services. Some trade
margins on used products, such as used cars, may need special treatment, as the flows of underlying

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

products do not appear in the system. With the CIF valuation of imports, there are no imports of
trade margins.

7.46. Trade activity is classified in the industrial classification ISIC Rev. 4 under Division 45
“Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles”, Division 46
“Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles” and Division 47 “Retail trade, except
of motor vehicles and motorcycles”. The following should be noted:

• Division 45 is a mixture of both wholesale and retail trade activities as well as of non-trade
activities. In the context of SUTs and IOTs, Division 45 must be sub-divided into repair
activities (Group 452), and trade activities (Groups 451, 453).
• Group 454 “Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories”
has to be dealt with appropriately, depending on the significance of this activity in the
country. This is a heterogeneous group and if the GVA contribution is significant, then the
sale, maintenance and repair activities should be separated as the respective margin ratios
are very different.
• Division 46 also covers wholesale on a fee or contract basis which is not part of the trade
margin activity. It also covers some merchanting activity.
• Division 47 includes the resale (sale without transformation) of new and used goods mainly
to the general public for personal or household consumption or utilization, by shops,
department stores, stalls, mail-order houses, hawkers and peddlers, consumer cooperatives
7.47. Trade services are classified in the CPC Ver. 2.1 in Division 61 (Wholesale trade services)
and Division 62 (Retail trade services). It should be noted that even though many industries have
output of trade services as either principal or secondary products, the product classification used
in the system may distinguish only a few groups such as wholesale and retail trade services.

2. Compilation of trade margin matrices

7.48. The compilation of the trade margin matrices in the SUTs may in principle be started either
from the supply-side or from the use-side. In general, especially when compiling a benchmark
SUTs, the preferred approach is to first start with estimating trade margins in the supply-side
resulting in data on the total amount of trade margins by products. These estimates will then
represent the restrictions with which the use-side trade margin estimates have to comply.

7.49. Business surveys or special trade surveys usually provide data on total output of trade
margins by industries (including sub-divisions of the trade industries) which then need to be
transformed into margins by products if special surveys do not provide this information.

7.50. Starting the compilation of trade margins from the use-side means that estimates are made
on the share of trade margins included in each element of the Use Table at purchasers’ prices. The

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

effective trade margin associated with each cell depends both on the typical trade channels for this
particular use and on the typical product margin ratios for those parts passing through the
wholesale and retail links. Normally, such information cannot be gathered by asking purchasing
enterprises/establishments and other users as they will only be aware of the last step in the
distribution channel (where they have purchased the product) but clearly not on the previous steps.
Even for the last step, they do not know the margin implicitly invoiced to them. Thus, plausible
assumptions both on distributive channels and margin ratios have to be made and, for this purpose,
it is useful to have the supply-side trade margin estimates at hand.

7.51. In the case of benchmarked estimates, it is necessary to calculate the full range of supply-
side and use-side trade margin matrices by exploiting all available data sources and thus also to
establish a basis for subsequent calculation, where the trade margin ratios of the previous years
can be taken as the point of departure, and depending on available data, it may in this case be best
to start from the use-side, as this represent the most detailed set of trade margin ratios.

7.52. The compilation of trade margins can be organized in three steps. The first two steps can
be seen as dealing with estimating the supply-side trade margins by product, while the third step
deals with the estimation of the use-side trade margin matrix. Box 7.1 gives a general summary of
the three compilation steps for trade margins. The first two steps can be seen as dealing with
estimating the supply-side trade margins by product, whereas the third step deals with the
estimation of the full use-side trade margin matrices. The three steps are described below.

Box 7.1 Compilation process for trade margins

Estimation of turnover and output (trade margins) by principal Absolute constraint for totals by
and secondary trade margin producers. producing industries
Step 1 Output estimates entered into the
Supply- domestic output part of the Supply
side Table
trade (a) Estimation of trade turnover matrices (dimension: product by Relative constraints for margins by
margins margin producing industry). product.
Step 2 (b) Estimation of product specific trade margin ratios. Result entered into the trade
(c) Calculation of total wholesale and retail margins by product. margin columns of the Supply
(d) Balance Step 2(c) against Step 1. Table
The starting point is Step 2(d) and the Use Table, either balanced
or unbalanced, and either at purchasers’ prices or at basic prices.
Main objective:
If use table at purchasers’ prices: To compile the full matrices Common problems:
for trade margins to derive basic price values in each cell, and - Question of distribution
the corresponding rows for the margin producing industries. channels.
- No direct information of
trade Step 3 If use table preliminary estimated at basic prices: To compile
trade margin ratios by user
margins the full matrices of trade margins in order to adjust the
preliminary estimates of the rows for margin producing
- Extensive use of assumptions
industries (often the case in an already established SUTs system)
Estimated trade margin matrices are eventually balanced against
the constraint in Step 1 (absolute constraint) and in Step 2(d)
(relative constraint)

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(a) Step 1

7.53. Step 1 of the compilation process for trade margins covers the compilation of trade services
by industry that must already be part of the current annual National Accounts calculations of GVA
by industry. The National Accounts estimates of output usually do not include a distinction
between primary and secondary output. However, in the case of trade output, the situation is
different as trade output must be derived separately as the difference between sales and purchase
of goods for resale. The data needed to fill in the domestic production part of the Supply Table
should therefore be readily available, and these calculations are not unique for the SUTs.

7.54. When compiling the SUTs, and in particular benchmark SUTs, there may be a need to take
a closer look at existing calculations and to supplement them with more detail such as, for example,
through the introduction of the distinction between wholesale and retail output, if it has not already
been done.

7.55. Trading services are an important secondary output in many industries other than trade,
such as manufacturing enterprises, barber shops, museums, hotels, recreational and sporting
activities, etc. Therefore, as a first step, it should be assessed if current data fully cover all
secondary output of trade activity, as some data sources such as industrial statistics may exclude
trading, whereas data sources for service industries may not specify trade turnover separately, and
some existing estimates may need improvements. Thus for certain industries only total sales
without distinguishing between trade sales and other sales may be known. Estimates based on
plausible assumptions should be made to achieve data on total trade services of the economy.

7.56. Trade turnover should be separated into wholesale trade turnover and retail sale trade
turnover, and wholesale trade margins and retail trade margins be recorded as different products
in the domestic output part of the Supply Table at basic prices. In business statistics, wholesale
and retail trade turnover and margins are often available for the trade industries separately (ISIC
Rev. 4 Divisions 45, 46 and 47). For industries with trade activity as a secondary activity this
breakdown may not be available and, even in cases where trade turnover has been reported
separately for wholesale and for retail sales, the value of goods purchased for resale may not thus
be sub-divided. In this case, wholesale and retail trade margins cannot be derived directly but have
to be estimated on plausible assumptions.

7.57. If no direct separate information on the type of trade (wholesale or retail) is available from
surveys, the sub-division can be based on the kind of primary economic activity. Thus all ISIC
Rev. 4 Division 46 can be assumed to carry out wholesale trade, and all ISIC Rev. 4 Division 47
retail trade, whereas ISIC Rev. 4 Division 45 has to be further broken down as indicated above.
The sub-division of trade for secondary trade producers into wholesale and retail trade has in this
case to be based on assumptions. For example, it can be assumed that trade turnover of restaurants
and hotels, hairdressers, cinemas and theatres will probably be retail trade turnover, whereas trade
activities of advertising agents will more likely be wholesale trade. Manufacturing industries will

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

often trade in products similar to those they produce or in complementary products and such sales
will usually be of a wholesale type, although some may be sold directly to consumers.
Manufacturing industries may also be trading in similar imported goods, and such trade is again,
likely to be classified as wholesale trade. There may also be industries where a grouping by size
might be relevant for the correct identification of the type of trade activity performed, for example,
the trade activity of small bakeries would normally be retail sale, whereas the trade activities of
the larger ones would probably be wholesale trade.

7.58. For the purpose of the following calculation steps, these estimates should be done also at
the most detailed level of classification of the trade industry available in source statistics. Although
these more detailed estimates would not be shown in the Supply Table at basic prices, they will be
very useful when estimating trade margins by products in the case where this information is not
available from existing surveys.

7.59. In the discussion above, it has been assumed that secondary output of trade services remain
in the industries of the secondary producers. However, as explained in Chapter 5, the SNA
recommends to partition horizontally-integrated enterprises that have production in two or more
Sections of the ISIC Rev. 4 (Sections are broad activity groups such as agriculture and fishing,
mining, manufacturing, construction, trade, etc.) and create new establishments to be classified
together with the primary producers of the secondary product if that has not already been done in
basic statistics. Such reclassification of secondary output is called “redefinition” and is typically
carried out for trade activities in many countries. A redefinition implies that there will be trade
activity and output of trade margins from only Divisions 45-47 of ISIC Rev. 4. This will simplify
significantly the calculations and will also facilitate the estimates of input structures and the
calculations of Industry by Industry IOTs. However, the basic methodology outlined in this section
and in the Annex to Chapter 7 will not be affected.

7.60. Step 1 results in an estimate of total output of trade services forming an absolute
constraint. This value is then disaggregated by products in Step 2 as described below.

(b) Step 2

7.61. In Step 2, the product dimension is in focus, in particular in the allocation of total
wholesale and retail trade margins to the products to which the margins apply.

7.62. The output of both wholesale and retail trade services must be first separated into output
of margin activities (“trade margins”) and output of non-margin activities (“non-margin trade
services”) such as trade services related to used goods, waste and scrap, and to goods in transit and
to merchanting. The output of non-margin trade services do not form part of the valuation matrices
(see paragraph 7.44).

7.63. Table 7.5 illustrates how the trade data needed in the Supply Table are related to the survey
data (or primary data obtained in other ways, eventually by relying on plausible estimates). The

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

yellow shaded cells are data that will feed into the rows for wholesale and retail trade services in
the domestic output part of the Supply Table. They are obtained as explained under Step 1 above.
Step 2 deals with the problem of distributing the values in the yellow shaded cells to the various
products and then the grey shaded column for the total trade margins will form the trade margin
columns of the Supply Table (column (10) of Table 7.1). It is noted that the trade turnover data
appear as supporting variables only; they are not moved forward to the Supply Table.

7.64. In the situation that data on margins by product is already available, either from current
business surveys or from special surveys conducted in connection for the SUTs, the task is limited
to aligning the survey results with the product classification used in the SUTs, and to grossing up
the results to make them consistent with the output data for trade dealt with in Step 1 above.

7.65. In the case where no trade data by product are available, it is necessary to sub-divide the
margin trade turnover by each industry into turnover and trade margins by the products traded.
This should be done separately for wholesale trade turnover and retail trade turnover.

Table 7.5 Trade turnover and trade margins for wholesale and retail trade margins
Ec. Activity 1 Ec. Activity 2 ... Trade 45 Trade 46 Trade 47 ... Ec. Activity n SUM
Activity ISIC

Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade
... ... Trade Trade
turn-over margin turn-over margin turn-over margin turn-over margin turn-over margin turn-over margin
turn-over margin
Product CPC Indicate W or R Indicate W or R ... Indicate W or R Wholesale (W) Retail [R] ... Indicate W or R
Total Wholesale
Total Retail

7.66. The sub-division by products of trade turnover of each trade service producing industry
will result in the two trade turnover matrices each with dimensions ‘products (traded) by producing
industry (output)’: one matrix for wholesale trade turnover and one matrix for retail trade turnover.
These matrices are presented together in Table 7.5. The availability of source data for this sub-
division may vary a great deal across countries. Even in cases where no direct survey information
is available, scattered information may be available including from administrative sources and
related/older surveys. Although ad hoc information on specific units may not be representative for
the total branch. In this case, it is of particular importance to utilise data from the most detailed
level of sub-divisions of the trade industry, as these will indicate the types of products traded.

7.67. Even with the availability of data for sub-divisions of the trade industries, the estimation
of trade turnover by products is not straightforward. This is the case, for example, of non-
specialised trade divisions such as supermarkets and department stores where a wide range of
goods are traded (even though, in some cases, it may be possible to get access to computerised
cash transactions with detailed information about the goods sold and purchased data from

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

businesses). It is generally easier to make estimates for specialised retail division as they are known
from everyday life and more uniform. Estimating turnover by product for the wholesale divisions
is more difficult because of the range of product mix, although there are branches with a clear
concentration on one or a few product groups such as for example wholesale of motor vehicles
and energy products.

7.68. For trade as secondary activity plausible assumptions must be made about the products
traded. For example, for hairdresser trade in cosmetic articles, hotels trade in souvenirs,
newspapers, journals, food and beverages, and museums trade in books, multimedia products, and
so on, the share of each identified product group in turnover also has to be determined. In
manufacturing, it can be difficult to estimate trade turnover structures by goods traded without any
specific information as the specialisation can be very high. Information could be obtained on ad
hoc basis by asking selected units with significant trade turnovers. Making these estimates based
on plausible assumptions at the highest level of detail may provide acceptable results for the SUTs
aggregates, even if only rudimentary information is available.

7.69. Having compiled the two trade turnover matrices in Table 7.5, it is possible to check the
wholesale and retail trade turnover against the supply of the goods (domestic production and
imports) from the Supply Table. At this stage, the comparison cannot be done at completely
comparable prices, as the supply will be at basic prices and the trade turnover will be inclusive of
either wholesale or retail trade margins, or both, but such checks should ensure that the trade
turnover estimates are plausible in relation to the supply of the goods. For instance, there should
not be much retail trade turnover of intermediate and capital goods; wholesale trade turnover
should normally not be much higher than domestic production plus imports (plus wholesale
margins); retail trade turnover of consumer goods should not be much higher than household
expenditure for these goods. However, there may be exceptions to these general rules for certain
products, such as products that are traded twice within the same chain of distribution. For example,
when one wholesaler imports a product or purchases it from many small producers (such as
agriculture) and subsequently resells it to another wholesaler.

7.70. From the two trade turnover matrices, the trade margin matrices of the same dimensions
must be derived. This is formally done by multiplying the trade turnover matrix by the assumed
product margin ratios as described below.

7.71. The margin ratios are defined here as the share of a trade margin relative to the trade
turnover. Margin ratios can be defined at the level of industries which would show the average
margin obtained by margin producing industry (the necessary information is already available
from the Step 1 calculations) or at the level of products, where information is usually less readily
available, although some countries may conduct regular surveys on percentage trade margins by
products, classified by CPC or COICOP. It must in general be assumed that margin ratios are
closer connected with the products traded than with the industry carrying out the trading activity
as either primary or secondary production.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

7.72. It is obvious that even a single benchmark survey of product-specific trade margins would
contribute greatly to the overall quality of the SUTs.

7.73. It is important to be aware of the basis for the calculation of percentage trade margins.
When reported by enterprises, the trade margins will often appear as a percentage of the total
selling price, including excise taxes and VAT, whereas the compiler of the SUTs will usually need
the trade margin as either a percentage of the basic price (when estimating margins in the Supply
Table) or a percentage of the purchasers’ price excluding taxes on products (when estimating
margins in the Use Table). The source data on percentage trade margins must therefore be adjusted
to the appropriate basis before being applied in the system.

7.74. When specific survey information is missing, alternative sources for product specific
margin ratios must be explored. One possible approach might be to compare the prices observed
for the CPI and for the wholesale price index (WPI) for identical products. The same could be
done by comparing PPIs with WPIs, which could provide proxies for wholesale margin ratios. In
the case of regulated prices, the price levels in the different distribution channels may be available,
and more generally price information available from the monopoly and price control agencies
could be utilised. The margin ratios of specialised trade branches may be used as proxies for the
related product margin ratios. Thus the margin ratio of the retail trade branch selling shoes could
be taken as the typical retail margin for shoes. In practice, the usefulness of this approach would
depend on the level of detail in the product classification applied, and the availability of data by
detailed sub-branches of wholesale and retail activity, which would facilitate linking branches and

7.75. Having established a set of product-specific margin ratios, the multiplication of the trade
turnover matrix could then be performed on the assumption that these product-specific margin
ratios are valid in all industries trading in that product (primary and as secondary). Next the
resulting wholesale and retail trade margins by producing industries must be compared with the
total trade margins by industries determined in Step 1. The reasons for differences could be
inaccuracies in the trade turnover matrices, in the sub-division between wholesale and retail
margins, and in the assumed or derived product margin ratios. These differences must be
eliminated either by proportional adjustments or, if appropriate, by more refined methods.

7.76. It should be noted that the challenges in determining trade margins are not only the often
weak data sources but also related to the on-going changes in the structure of the trade industries,
for example:

• changing forms of supply of trade services;

• concentration in retail trade branches;
• increase in the size of shops; and
• increasing importance of internet trade etc.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

7.77. These developments also affect the validity of benchmark estimates that may, relatively
quickly, become outdated.

(c) Step 3

7.78. Step 3 relates to the calculation of the use-side trade margins matrices. In the previous
steps, the question of trade channels has not been dealt with, as the data sources have been either
survey data for the trading activities or estimates based on administrative or other indirect sources.
However, when compiling the Use Table trade margin matrices, trade channels become important,
as individual users may purchase their goods from different levels of the distribution system, or
even directly from producers.

7.79. Direct data sources are more limited for the Use Table margins than for the Supply Table
based margins. This is due to the fact that buyers of the goods do not know the share of the trade
margins in the price they have paid. Sometimes they even do not know whether they have
purchased the good from a trader or not. In cases that the goods have been purchased in a retail
shop or from a wholesaler, the buyer will only know that the price paid includes some trade margin
but not the full amount of the margin. This is because the distribution channels before the final
seller are usually unknown to the buyer.

7.80. Figure 7.2 illustrates in a schematic way the possible distributions channels for goods from
the producer of market output and imports of goods to the user. The distribution can go directly
from the producer to the user (represented by box A); through wholesale trade (box B) in which
case on wholesale margins are applicable; through wholesale and retail trade (box C) in which case
both on wholesale and retail margins are applicable; or only though retail trade (box D) in which
case only retail margins are applicable.

Figure 7.2 Alternative distribution channels of goods

Market output and imports of goods

Wholesale trade

Retail trade


Channel A: From the producer directly to the user (without margins)

Channel B: From the producer to the user through a wholesale trader (wholesale margins)
Channel C: From the producer to the user through a wholesale trader and a retail trader (wholesale and retail margins)
Channel D: From the producer to the user through a retail trader (retail margins)

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

7.81. The calculation of the Use Table trade margin matrices has therefore to be based on
plausible assumptions and eventually balanced with the estimated total supply of the trade margins
by products. In principle, the following types of information are necessary:

• for each single cell of the Use Table, the share of total purchases that has been channelled
through trade activities (for all involved steps in the distributive channel); and
• the margin ratios to be applied for the products actually traded in the particular intermediate
or final use part of the Use Table.
7.82. Usually specific knowledge about the distributive channels for the goods in the individual
cells is missing. The same is the case for the possible variation of the actual margin ratio across
users. Therefore plausible assumptions have to be made. Concerning the use of wholesale and
retail trade channels, it can reasonably be assumed that:

• For intermediate consumption, mostly wholesale trade margins and in very few cases retail
trade margins are relevant. Retail trade margins for intermediate consumption can be
relevant, for example, when buying stationery, materials by handicrafts, smaller shops and
small scale enterprises.
• For household final consumption expenditure, retail trade margins are mostly relevant with
also some exceptions when consumers have access to wholesale channel directly and thus
generating wholesale trade margins or are able to buy directly from the producer of the good
(for example, farmers, bakeries, tailors, etc.) thus not involving trading services at all.
• Wholesale services are also connected with household final consumption expenditure as
some of the products bought in retail trade may have been delivered from wholesalers, and
thus also contain wholesale trade margins.
• For gross fixed capital formation, the wholesale channel is the most important and, to a very
small extent, also the retail sale channel, for example, valuables and smaller equipment.
• In changes in inventories, it may reasonably be assumed that only wholesale margins can be
involved but not retail trade margins (although theoretically possible). Furthermore,
wholesale trade margins can only be allocated to input stocks and trading stocks but not to
output stocks, finished products and work-in-progress.
• For exports, it may reasonably be assumed that only wholesale margins may be involved
(allowing for retail trade margins allocated to non-residents expenditure).
7.83. For much intermediate consumption, fixed capital information in equipment and
machinery, and exports no trade margins may be involved at all, as especially bigger enterprises
will deal directly with each other. Imported goods may be more likely to be bought via wholesales
than goods from domestic producers, again depending on the size of the enterprises. Small
enterprises will have a bigger tendency to buy certain goods via retail traders.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

7.84. The allocation of the trade margins to the individual cells of the Use Table has to be done
in a step-wise procedure. VAT and other net taxes on products must first be removed from the Use
Table at purchasers’ prices. The remaining value of the cells comprises only basic values and trade
margins and is called the “residual” Use Table at purchasers’ prices. It may be better to first
estimate the retail trade margins for consumption of households and deduct those amounts in order
to get all ‘use-data’ (including household final consumption expenditure) in a more uniform
valuation including only wholesale trade margins, making the allocation of these wholesale trade
margins easier and of slightly higher quality. Nonetheless, the retail margins and the wholesale
margins are determined as follows:

• Based on the relationship between the total supply of each product and the trade turnover
determined in Step 2, it is possible to estimate the average share of the total supply of each
product passing through wholesale and retail trade links.
• At this stage, it is necessary to make assumptions about distributive pattern for each cell
under the restriction that the total trade turnover (separately for wholesale and retail trade)
is known from Step 2. In this way the absolute amount of each cell passing through either
wholesale or retail trade is determined.
• If no specific information is available, it can be assumed that the average wholesale or retail
trade margin ratio for the specific product (known from Table 7.5 in Step 2) should be
applied to the share of the total value passing through this trade link as determined in (3).
7.85. When the two trade margin matrices have been compiled, they can be deducted from the
“residual” Use Table at purchasers’ prices to obtain the Use Table at basic prices.

7.86. The resulting Use Table and trade margin matrices should be checked for overall
plausibility both regarding the relationship between allocated wholesale and retail trade margins
and the relationship between the Use Table data at purchasers’ prices and the allocated trade
margins. In this process, the previously estimated trade margins by products of Step 2 may also be

7.87. The procedures outlined in this section for estimating the trade margin matrices is one that
typically has to be applied when estimating benchmark SUTs. As mentioned above, the approach
may be somewhat different when compiling annual tables on a current basis, as it may be better in
this case to start from the Use Table side, taking as the starting point the effective trade margin
ratios (in principle the proportion passing through this trade channel multiplied by the actual trade
margin ratio) of the previous year as this detailed set of trade margin ratios is less prone to
aggregation errors than applying the average margin ratios by product that can be derived from the
Supply Table.

7.88. The Annex to Chapter 7 contains a numerical example where the principles outlined in this
section are illustrated in a complete template for deriving trade margin matrices, and which in

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

particular clarifies the importance of the distinction between wholesale and retail trade margins in
getting the correct results.

D. Transport margins

7.89. Transport margins are another valuation component relating to the delivery chain of the
products from the producer to the final user. Transport margins represent freight transportation
services of products when invoiced separately by the seller. Transport margins are transport
charges paid separately by the purchaser to take delivery at the required time and place. They are
included in the use of products at purchasers’ prices but not in the basic price of a manufacturer’s
output or in the trade margins of wholesalers or retail traders.

7.90. Transport margins include in particular:

• Transport of goods arranged by the manufacturer, the wholesale or the retail trader in such
a way that the purchaser has to pay separately for the transport costs even when the
transport is done by the manufacturer, wholesale or retail trader himself.

• Transport of goods from the place where it is manufactured or sold to the place where the
purchaser takes delivery of it in case the manufacturer or trader pays a third party for the
transport, if this amount is invoiced separately to the purchaser.

7.91. This definition of transport margins implies that the transportation has to be arranged by
the seller (producer or trader). This also implies that transportation arranged directly by the
purchaser (and thus, of course, also directly paid for by the purchaser) is not included in the
transport margins.

7.92. The existence of a transport margin is thus related to the way the transportation costs are
paid. This implies that transport margins cannot be derived from the output of the respective
transportation services but that information on the payments between the two related parties of the
seller and the buyer is required.

7.93. Since transport margins only occur when transport services are separately invoiced, this
has the important implication that no partitioning of transactions is necessary because the transport
service is already treated as a separate product and necessarily known to the purchaser. (see 2008
SNA, paragraph 14.130)

7.94. Thus, from a statistical point of view, transport margins should therefore be much easier to
deal with and to estimate than the trade margins because they could be surveyed directly, based on
information available in the bookkeeping department of the purchaser and because it is not
necessary to break down the purchasers’ price based on assumptions.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

7.95. Based on the definition of transport margins, which is logically connected to the definitions
of basic prices, purchasers’ prices and trade margins, Box 7.2 provides examples of transportation
costs which are not recorded as transport margins because they do not contribute to the valuation
difference between basic prices and purchasers’ prices.

7.96. The definitions of value concepts and the implied transport margins are treated in the 2008
SNA to reflect the way the transportation costs are treated in business accounts and thus in the
source data. When the cost of transportation that is arranged by the purchaser is included in the
price of the intermediate consumption or final use in the source data, it should be treated as
transport margins but not when it is recorded as a separate cost item. Hence the recording of
transportation costs in the source data will influence the actual delimitation of transport margins,
particularly when “non SNA-compatible” source data are not being adapted (by the compiler of
the National Accounts) to be in line with the SNA definition. However, such general adaptations
of existing source data will in general not be feasible and it may even be questioned if such
adaptations should be attempted at all. If not done, the concepts of basic value and transport
margins would deviate somewhat from the recommended concepts but the overall properties of
the system would not be compromised.

7.97. Contrary to the treatment of trade margins, imports of transport margins can exist. This
happens when a foreign carrier transports freight into, within, or out of the domestic territory. This
would be the case of road, sea (only inland waterways), and air (inland) transport. Pipelines within
the domestic territory are normally run by a resident enterprise, as are foreign carriers using the
domestic railway system.

Box 7.2 Examples of transportation costs which do not form transport margins
Transport margins are not the same as actual transportation costs. Since these two concepts are often
confused, examples of activities which are not recorded as transport margins because they do not
contribute to the valuation difference between basic prices and purchasers’ prices are listed below:
• If the manufacturer or trader transports the goods himself and does not invoice the transportation
separately, these transportation costs will be included in the basic price of the manufacturers’
output or traders’ output. This transport represents an ancillary activity and the individual costs
of transport will not be identifiable as transportation costs.
• If the manufacturer arranges for the goods to be transported by a third party without a separate
invoice for the transport services, these transport costs will be included in the basic prices of the
manufacturers’ output. These transportation costs will be identifiable and recorded as part of the
manufacturers’ intermediate consumption.
• If wholesale and retail traders arrange for goods to be moved from where they take delivery of
them to where another purchaser takes delivery, these costs will be included in the trade margin
if no separate charge is made for transportation to the purchaser, where these costs will be part
of the intermediate consumption of the wholesale trader and retail trader.
• If a household buys goods for final consumption purposes and arranges for transport by a third
party, these transport costs are recorded as household final consumption expenditure on transport
services and not included in transport margins.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• If a domestic carrier transports goods from Country A to Country B through the domestic
territory (transit transport), this will also not be considered as a transport margin as it does not
relate to goods that forms part of domestic supply and use, these transportation services will be
recorded under exports of services.
• Transportation services of domestic carriers outside the domestic territory (merchanting) are not
part of the transport margins but form exports of services.

• Freight transportation of used goods, scrap and waste, earth and similar freight connected with
construction projects are also not part of transport margins as these goods are not considered as
products. This also includes the transportation of goods in connection with removals.

7.98. According to the modes of transport (such as road, railway, water, air, and pipeline), several
kinds of transport margins have to be distinguished provided they are classified as separately
products in the system. In addition, the services of forwarding agencies also form part of the
transport margins when paid separately by the buyer. Transport insurance services have to also be
considered under the same terms as the general definition of transport margins.

7.99. Compared with trade margins, transport margins are of a much lower magnitude and,
according to the restricted definition in the 2008 SNA, they are of a much lower magnitude than
they were in the 1968 SNA based system. However, the complexity of the transport margin is
much bigger, not only because of the different kinds of transport margins but also because of the
definition itself.

7.100. Furthermore, the data situation gives rise to numerous practical problems. The relationship
between the supply of goods and the transport margins connected with them is looser than in the
case of trade margins. Thus transport costs are usually not related to the value of the goods
transported; much transportation is done as ancillary activity; and the way transportation costs are
paid might differ from product to product and from transaction to transaction.

7.101. According to the 2008 SNA, total imports and exports of goods are to be valued FOB.
However, for the purpose of compiling SUTs, total imports will be valued CIF and an appropriate
adjustment item should serve for the transition between both valuation concepts. A CIF valuation
means that transport costs up to the border of the importing country are included in the CIF based

7.102. Transport services between the border of the importing country and the domestic location
of the buyer are thus to be considered as transport margins (if paid for by the buyer and separately
invoiced by the seller). Analogously, transport services between the domestic location of the seller
and the border in the case of exports are also to be considered as transport margins (if paid for by
the buyer and separately invoiced by the seller). Transportation services delivered outside domestic
territory by resident producers will never become transport margins but are exports of trade
services. Non-resident carriers can also provide transportation services within domestic territory
for resident or non-resident buyers.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1. Compilation of transport margin matrices

7.103. Before embarking on the task of estimating transport margins, the compiler should
carefully study the instructions provided in the business questionnaires used to collect sales and
purchases based data, and any other sources for these data. This should be done with a view to
determine to what extent the collected data fulfils the conditions for the existence of transport
margins, and, if that is the case, how exactly such transport margins relate to the SNA definition.

7.104. In particular, how the (non-margin) transport costs directly collected in the business
surveys or available from other sources, have been defined should be examined, in order to clarify
if such cost item could possibly include those transport costs that, according to the SNA definition,
are to be considered as transport margins. Only after this examination, a decision can be made on
the existence and/or the exact delimitation of the transport margins to be estimated.

7.105. Trade margins make up the bulk of total output of trade services (the exceptions being only
the trade services on used goods, waste and scrap, and trade relating to goods in transit and
merchanting), and practically all trading activity in the economy is covered by the total output of
trade services identified in the system. The situation for transport margin activity is quite different.
A significant part of all transport activity in an economy takes place as ancillary activity in non-
transport industries and is therefore not identified in the system. The intermediate consumption
related to the ancillary activity is lumped together with the intermediate consumption related to
the principal and secondary activities of the industry. Only the transport services carried out by the
transport industries and, if statistically identified, a very minor output of transport services as
secondary output in non-transport industries is shown explicitly in the system.

7.106. If transport margins are estimated, it is therefore not possible to assess their importance
relative to the total transport activity in the economy, and the estimated transport margins should
not be mistaken for reflecting the actual physical freight transport activities carried out in the
economy, comparable to what will usually be covered in specialised transport statistics. Within the
SUTs, the only way to assess total freight transport activity, ancillary and marketed, is by means
of the distribution of those inputs typically used for transportation such as fuel, auto repair, and
current taxes on motor vehicles (other taxes on production). On the other hand, these inputs will
often, and ideally, have been estimated based on a distribution of all motor vehicles by type and
size to by industry.

7.107. The magnitude of the transport margins, and even of the total output of freight transport
services, is usually relatively much smaller than the trade margins. In some cases, the imbalance
between supply and use of a product might even be bigger than the transport margins of that
specific product. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully review those products where important
transportation services are involved such as, for example, agricultural and forestry products,
energy products, iron and steel products and products related to construction. This situation will
vary across countries.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

7.108. If no secondary transport activity is shown in the Supply Table at basic prices, this means
that the transport of goods is arranged by the manufacturer, the wholesale trader or the retail trader
in such a way that the purchaser has to pay separately for the transport costs even when the
transport is done by the seller will not be applicable.

7.109. As mentioned, transport margins could in principle be surveyed directly based on

information available in the bookkeeping of the purchasers. In practice such information is,
however, not being collected, as a relevant coverage would involve not only total transport margin
paid by enterprises being surveyed but also their distribution by product and by kind of
transportation. In addition, even if this information may exist, respondents may have to go back to
the individual invoices and collate the data required in order to provide these data. Thus, even
though it would be possible to establish such special surveys, for example related to compilation
of benchmark SUTs, it is generally not conducted without incurring large burden on businesses.
When such information is available and sufficiently representative, then this is all that is needed
to compile the transport margins of the system.

7.110. Box 7.3 provides four options to consider in the absence of any direct information on
transport margins. The supporting argument for Option (4) is that the matrix of wholesale trade
margins will anyway be based on inadequate information, and that it is not possible to ascertain
whether the margin associated with a particular cell is the “pure” wholesale trade margin or if it
also includes some transport margin. As trade margins will anyway be much higher (around 10-
25 per cent) than any contribution from possible transport margins (around 0.5 per cent), the
additional uncertainty introduced by choosing a joint wholesale and transport margin will be
therefore rather limited. However, the input structure of wholesale trade will be somewhat

Box 7.3 Options to consider where no data exists on transport margins

In the absence of any direct information on transport margins, there are basically four ways to proceed:
Option 1: In complete absence of any information on transportation margins, decide that transport
margins are insignificant the way output and intermediate consumption values are defined, and
therefore need not be estimated at all.
Option 2: Concentrate on those products where important transportation services are involved. Such
products are normally agricultural and forestry products, energy products, iron and steel products
and products related to construction, and collect ad hoc information about transport arrangement
from selected enterprises.
Option 3: Decide to establish a full matrix of transport margins based on general assumptions about
total transport margins and their distribution by products and uses.
Option 4: Rerouting transport margins by product and by use through wholesale trade. This can be
done by estimating for each type of transport output the share being transport margins, and record
this as input into wholesale trade. Output of wholesale trade should be increased by the same amount.
This “rerouting” via wholesale trade recognizes the existence of transport margins but their actual
distribution is hidden in an untraceable way in the wholesale trade margin matrix.
Regarding Options (3) and (4), the total transport margins by type of transport output could be in principle
determined residually as the difference between total supply and the identified uses of each type of

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

transport service. This approach would, however, require a very high degree of confidence in the
preliminary estimates of transport costs entered into the Use Table. As previously noted, transport
margins are expected to make up only a very minor share of total transport services. This residual would
be highly unreliable, and probably reflect the statistical uncertainty of the estimated output and use data
than the actual level of any transport margins.

7.111. From the Supply Table basis alone, it is not possible to distinguish transport services paid
for by the seller from those invoiced to the purchaser. Starting from the output of transport services
(principal or secondary) in the industries, only total output can be calculated. From this total output,
some non-margin services can be clearly deducted. These are the transport services related to
transit transport, merchanting, and to used goods, waste and scrap. It would also be possible to
deduct some statistically identified transport services paid for by the seller and not invoiced
separately or directly paid for by the purchaser. However, this still could leave a residual that
would be much higher than any reasonable estimate of total transport margins.

7.112. Transportation costs are usually surveyed in current business statistics, at least as a cost
item. By definition, these transportation costs relate to the goods produced or traded. If the
purchaser arranges the transport, these costs may be incorporated in intermediate consumption.
Based on the structure of the output and the products traded, an estimate can be made on the
structure of the products for which the transportation costs have been paid for. However it is
implausible to assume that the transport costs are to some extent proportional to the value of the
products produced or traded. Such assumptions and the subsequent estimates will be of limited

7.113. The various estimation steps to calculate the transport margins matrices should as far as
possible be separated into the different modes of transport (for example, road, railway, water, air,
pipeline, forwarding, and transport insurance); however, available data might not have such
breakdowns and different estimation methods would need to be applied.

7.114. Due to the weak data availability, one may concentrate on the products with large transport
margins involved and allocate margins to the remaining products according to some plausible
assumptions. As only a part of all transport services are transport margins, it is difficult to check
the resulting data on plausibility. Supply and use of transport margins should of course be equal
but the estimation of the one side is not independent from the estimation of the other side.

7.115. For the forwarding agents’ services, the same estimation problem exists as for the
transportation itself. However, the forwarding agents’ services are much more related to the
transportation costs, and estimates could be based, if available at this stage, on the structure of the
transportation margins. However, not all transportation is organised by forwarding agents.
Forwarding agents are usually engaged in cross-border transportation rather than in domestic
transportation. In evaluating the practical problems connected with the correct estimates of

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

forwarding agents' margin matrices, one could consider treating these services as not being part of
the transport margins.

7.116. Transport insurance services are usually a very small part of the transport margins. Here
also, they may be more important for cross-border transportation than for domestic transportation.
A key difference is that the insurance premiums depend on the value of the goods transported
rather than on actual transport costs of the freight. Similarly to the forwarding agents’ services,
and in view of practical implementation and the usually small magnitude of such services, it could
be decided to treat them also as ordinary services outside the margin system.

7.117. Having estimated the Use Table based transport margin matrices, whenever relevant, these
matrices have to be deducted from the Use Table at purchasers’ prices, and the total transportation
margins by intermediate and final uses are allocated to the transport services products of the
applied product classification.

E. Taxes on products and subsidies on products

7.118. Taxes on products and subsidies on products are the other major valuation component in
addition to the trade and transport margins. Compared with the margins matrices, the elaboration
of the matrices of taxes on products and subsidies on products is less complicated because the data
situation is usually more favourable and the delimitation and calculation of taxes and subsidies is
an integral part of the regular compilation of National Accounts and not just an aspect of the SUTs.
Thus the main task with regard to taxes on products and subsidies on products when compiling
SUTs is to establish the relationship between the different kinds of taxes and subsidies and the
product flows.

7.119. The matrices for taxes on products and subsidies on products is usually derived by separate
calculations for each of those taxes and subsidies and related to the intermediate use and final use
parts of the Use Table. Contrary to the trade and transport margins, no specific information on
distribution channels or transport deliveries is needed here; only the relations between the product
classification and the individual taxes and subsidies are needed.

7.120. A tax on a product is a tax that is payable per unit of some good or service. The tax may
be a specific amount of money per unit of quantity of a good or service (the quantity units being
measured either in terms of discrete units or continuous physical variables such as volume, weight,
strength, distance, time, etc.), or it may be calculated ad valorem as a specified percentage of the
price per unit or value of the goods or services transacted. A tax on a product usually becomes
payable when it is produced, sold or imported, but it may also become payable in other
circumstances, such as when a good is exported, leased, transferred, delivered, or used for own
consumption or own capital formation. An enterprise may or may not itemise the amount of a tax
on a product separately on the invoice or bill that it charges its customers. (2008 SNA, paragraph

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

7.121. VAT is a special type of tax on products collected in stages by enterprises but ultimately
charged in full to the final purchasers. It is described as a “deductible” tax because producers are
not usually required to pay to the government the full amount of the tax they invoice to their
customers, being permitted to deduct the amount of tax they have been invoiced on their own
purchases of goods or services intended for intermediate consumption or fixed capital formation.
VAT is usually calculated on the price of the good or service including any other tax on the
product. VAT is also payable on imports of goods or services in addition to any import duties or
other taxes on the imports. (2008 SNA, paragraph 7.89). General sales and turnover taxes give rise
to many of the same compilation problems as VAT.

7.122. A subsidy on a product is a subsidy payable per unit of a good or service. The subsidy
may be a specific amount of money per unit of quantity of a good or service, or it may be calculated
ad valorem as a specified percentage of the price per unit. A subsidy may also be calculated as the
difference between a specified target price and the market price actually paid by a buyer. A subsidy
on a product usually becomes payable when the good or service is produced, sold or imported, but
it may also be payable in other circumstances such as when a good is transferred, leased, delivered
or used for own consumption or own capital formation. (2008 SNA, paragraph 7.100).

7.123. Three main categories of taxes on products are distinguished:

• VAT type taxes;

• taxes and duties on imports excluding VAT; and

• taxes on products, except VAT and import taxes.

7.124. Similarly, there are three main categories of subsidies on product:

• import subsidies;

• export subsidies; and

• other subsidies on products.

7.125. For all of these different types of taxes on products and subsidies on products, the 2008
SNA gives further definitions and lists typical examples. It should be noted that profits of fiscal
monopolies which are transferred to the state are treated as taxes on products, and that losses of
government trading organisations and subsidies to public corporations and quasi-corporations may
have to be treated as subsidies on products.

7.126. Taxes on products should be recorded on an accrual basis that is when the activities,
transactions or other events occur creating the liabilities to pay taxes. The amounts to be recorded
in the system are determined by the amounts due for payment only when evidenced by tax
assessments, declarations or other instruments which create liabilities in the form of clear

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

obligations on the part of taxpayers. The system does not impute missing taxes not evidenced by
tax assessments.

7.127. Subsidies on products are recorded when the transaction or the event (production, sale,
import, etc.) which gives rise to the subsidy occurs.

7.128. The recording in the SNA of transactions related to taxes on products and subsidies on
products does not mirror the way in which those involved view them. The system contains no
transactions between economic units that are the actual payers (collectors) of taxes on product or
the actual receivers of the subsidies on products and government. In the SNA, taxes on products
and subsidies on products are recorded only at the level of the total economy and are not payable
out of GVA of domestic producers. They are also not split by institutional sector.

7.129. In the context of SUTs, this has the important implication that it is never necessary to
consider the actual payment flows related to these taxes and subsidies but only to identify the
products to which they relate. It is therefore also irrelevant at which stage in the turnover sequence
(producer, wholesaler or retailer) the tax is actually being collected or the subsidy paid out.

1. Compilation of taxes on products and subsidies on products matrices

7.130. Generally, the compilation of the taxes on products and subsidies on products matrices
consists in three main steps. The first compilation step is the allocation of taxes and subsidies on
products by the products of the supply table which corresponds to Columns (12), (13) and (14) of
Table 7.1. The second compilation step is to allocate taxes and subsidies on products to the relevant
entries of the Use Table as shown in Table 7.3. The third compilation step covers the specific task
relating to VAT in order to calculate non-deductible VAT.

7.131. The allocation of the taxes on products and subsidies on products would be easier if it SUTs
would be compiled at a level of product detail where a one-to-one relation between the product
classification item and the specific tax and subsidy given. Furthermore, in cases that the tax or
subsidy is linked to the physical quantities, such additional information might be necessary.

7.132. In the first compilation step, the amounts of the different and specific taxes and
subsidies - usually taken directly from the respective government revenue accounts - are allocated
to specific products in the SUTs. If these data are not already on an accruals basis, then they must
be adjusted from a cash basis to an accruals basis, which can often be done by summary time-
adjustments. No further compilation steps would be needed to arrive at the required column of
taxes on products (exclusive of VAT) less subsidies on products for the Supply Table at
purchasers’ prices, Column (13) and (14) of Table 7.1. The allocation of non-deductible VAT
depends upon the user, and in general, can only be derived from the basis of the Use Table, and is
covered later in this section.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

7.133. The second compilation step refers to the allocation of taxes and subsidies on products to
the entries of the Use Table (intermediate use and final uses) at purchasers’ prices and to the
separation of “other taxes on products” and “subsidies on products” as in Table 7.3. For those
product categories for which the tax or subsidy have been allocated, the share of the tax or subsidy
component in the purchasers’ price has to be calculated. This step needs to be based on the
appropriate taxation basis according to tax legislation, and Table 7.3 is the result of the appropriate
calculations for each single kind of taxes on products and subsidies on products.

7.134. In order to adequately allocate the taxes and subsidies to the Use Table elements, not only
the appropriate tax rates have to be explored but also the share of the use flows at which the tax
rate is to be applied. A certain product classification category might not only include flows that
are taxed but also other types of products not taxed, and/or certain products may be free of taxes
for certain users. Thus, an effective rate may need to be estimated, for example, the mineral oil tax
may not only have different tax rates for the different mineral oil products but also some of them
might have a tax rate of zero (for example, aviation fuel) and some users may be exempt of tax
like the agriculture industry. As mentioned, this problem may be alleviated by having a sufficiently
detailed product classification.

7.135. There may be cases where no rates or limited data are available to allocate taxes and
subsidies to the Use Table element. In this cases, a pro rata approach may need to be applied, for
example, the total value of tobacco excise duty received by government may need to be prorated
against all industries’ purchases of tobacco except the principal industry and including components
of final uses. This implicitly assumes all purchasers of tobacco pay the same proportion of duty in
relation to the value of their purchase. This is clearly a sub-optimal approach but achieves an
allocation constrained to the corresponding total value in the Supply Table at purchasers’ prices.

7.136. Usually the taxes on products and subsidies on products are restricted to only a small group
of products, and furthermore, quite a few taxes on products cover the bulk of them. This is even
more prevalent with subsidies on products.

7.137. The third compilation step covers a specific tax on product, VAT, which requires separate
handling. According to 2008 SNA, VAT is to be recorded net in the sense that the:

• output of goods and services and imports are valued excluding invoiced VAT, and

• purchases of goods and services are recorded inclusive of non-deductible VAT.

7.138. VAT is recorded as being borne by the purchasers, not the sellers, and then, only by those
purchasers who are not able to deduct VAT. This applies to both intermediate consumption and
gross fixed capital formation.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

7.139. Therefore the overwhelming part of non-deductible VAT will be recorded as being levied
on final uses, mainly on household final consumption expenditures. A small part of VAT, however,
is levied on enterprises and institutions that are exempt from VAT.

7.140. According to the definition of purchasers’ prices, only the non-deductible part of VAT is
included in the purchasers’ prices. Thus, the rows (products) in the Use Table at purchasers’ prices
include non-deductible VAT. In order to balance supply and use for each product, the non-
deductible VAT by products has to be estimated and either included in Column (13) of Table 7.1
or deducted from the Use Table.

7.141. In general, VAT exemptions are related to products or activities. If an industry has only
exempted activities there is no problem. In the case of an industry has exempted and non-exempted
activities, additional assumptions on the estimation of non-deductible VAT are necessary. For
example, apply the ratio of exempted activities and total activities to intermediate consumption in
the estimation of VAT. The exemptions may differ across countries and dependent of the
respective countries’ taxation policies. For estimation of VAT by type of product, and by type of
use, details should be sought from the relevant tax authorities and should be reviewed annually.

7.142. In order to calculate non-deductible VAT, it is necessary to identify those industries and
final users that are exempted from VAT, and therefore not allowed to deduct VAT from their
purchases, and to relate the VAT rates (explicit rate or an effective rate depending upon the product
mix) to the product classification used. Both steps need to be based on the actual VAT legislation.
This calculation will be further complicated where there is more than one VAT rate in operation,
as some product items in the product classification applied might be mixed with regard to the VAT
tax rates. In this case, additional breakdowns of those product groups would be desirable or an
effective rate using a weighting of lower level product detail and VAT rates calculated.

7.143. Certain part of an industry might be VAT exempt and appropriate sub-divisions might be
helpful. It could also be the case that certain VAT exempt industries are normal VAT payers for
their secondary outputs. The VAT legislation may also have specific rules for very small
enterprises that have to be considered, for example, thresholds for being registered in the VAT
system. It is important to note, for VAT exempt industries, non-deductible VAT has to be
calculated both for intermediate consumption as well as for GFCF.

7.144. Examples of exempt-type industries, dependent upon individual countries’ tax legislation,
tend to cover industries like postal services, newspapers, dwellings (but not the intermediate
consumption part), banking, insurance, some business services, education services and health

7.145. Total calculated non-deductible VAT derived by using the official tax rates and the
purchasers’ values of the relevant cells in the Use Table will generate a theoretical VAT estimate,
which should exceed VAT revenue (on accrual basis) received by government. This is because
there will always be some degree of missing VAT due to evasion, cash transactions and fraud

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

involving products that are (based on other statistical sources) included in SUTs. Using the official
VAT rates may lead to an over-estimation of theoretical VAT, for example, the tax-law allows
reductions for losses on debtors or in countries where there are high thresholds for registration for
VAT. It can also be appropriate to lower the rate if local tax authorities are known to be inefficient.

7.146. In the balancing process of the VAT vector/matrices, the theoretical VAT must be adjusted
to the revenue received (due to be paid) by government. This adjustment process should be based
on information from the tax authorities such as industries / products where VAT is or is not likely
to be paid, for example, general government is likely to be fully compliant whereas households
less so.

7.147. It is also important in producing SUTs, that the rates are reviewed each year to allow for
changes in VAT rates, schemes and legislation. For example, if the effective VAT rate on a
product changes in mid-year, appropriate weighted estimate for the period will need to be

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Annex A to Chapter 7. Example for deriving trade margins in Supply and Use
Tables based on survey data

A7.1 This Annex provides an illustrative example on how to calculate trade margins matrices
using survey data. This example builds upon the availability of survey data obtained, for example,
through the questionnaire shown in Figure A7.1 which is used in the Statistical Office of the
Republic of Serbia. Similar information can be extracted by other forms of questionnaires.

Figure A7.1 Extract of questionnaire

Sales of
stock of Closing
products and Sales of stocks of
produced by Trade margin
work in merchandise goods for
No. Code Product description the amount or
progress (group of resale (group
enterprise rate %
(groups of account 60) of accounts
(group of
accounts 10 13
accounts 61)
and 11)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1072 14.3 Outerwear, knitted or crocheted; socks, sweaters, vest

Tanned or dressed leather; luggage, handbags, saddlery and harness;

1073 15.1
dressed and dyed fur

1074 15.2 Footwear

Wood and products of wood and cork, articles of straw and


1075 16.1 Cut and treated wood for further processing

Wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture (see 1147);
1076 16.2
articles of straw and plainting

Paper and paper products

1077 17.1 Pulp, paper and cardboard for further industrial processing and printing

Articles of paper and paperboard for industrial use - boxes, containers

1078 17.2
and packing material
Articles of paper and paperboard for personal use -paper towels,
1079 17.2
napkins, toilet paper, cleaning items and deletion of the pulp and paper
Paper stationary and articles of paper and paperboards (notebooks,
1080 17.2
binders, forms etc..)
Coke and refined petroleum products - manufacturing (columns 4-
5; trade and wholesale (columns 6-8)

Source: Structure of income and expenditure of economic subjects in the republic of Serbia 2011. Statistical office of the
Republic of Serbia, 2013. http://webrzs.stat.gov.rs/WebSite/Public/PageView.aspx?pKey=63

(Data were collected for about 250 goods and 50 services according to the CPA classification, varying from 2 to 4 digit
groups. The same questionnaire was used for all non-financial market enterprises).

A7.2 The objective of the calculation is to populate Table A7.1 with available data in order to
obtain the trade margin matrices. If the available data sources are less complete, the results are of
course more dependent on the assumptions used to populate the trade margin columns (in the
Supply Table) and the trade margin matrices (underpinning the Use Table). Irrespective of the
coverage or quality of source data on trade and trade margins, it is important to generate Table

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

A7.3 The data collected from the above questionnaire covers:

• For all economic activities, trade turnover and either purchase of goods for resale or trade
margins (either absolute or as a percentage of either purchasing or selling price) by type of

• The product specification is at least as detailed as the product classification applied in the
SUTs, and is either using the same classification or a version that is easily transformed into
the SUTs product classification.

• For each product, data are sought on either opening or closing stocks of merchandise to
facilitate the calculation of changes in inventories of merchandise needed in case the total
trade margin is derived from the difference between sales and purchases.

• Surveys usually include total coverage for enterprises above a certain threshold (based on
either turnover or employment) and samples for the smaller enterprises. It is assumed that
the survey results have been grossed up to cover the whole population.

Based on this information it is possible to compile Table A7.1.

A7.4 As shown in Table A7.1, the vast majority of trade turnover and output of trade margins
(trade services) originates from the three trade activities (ISIC Rev. 4 Divisions 45-47) whereas
many other industries generate relative small amounts of trade output as their secondary
production. In Table A7.1 estimates of grossed up trade turnover and trade margins are both shown
as this information is needed later in the compilation process.

Table A7.1 Trade data from survey: Trade margins identified separately
for wholesale and retail trade margins

Ec. Activity 1 Ec. Activity 2 ... Trade 45 Trade 46 Trade 47 ... Ec. Activity n SUM: All W SUM: All R

Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade Trade
... ...
turn-over margin turn-over margin turn-over margin turn-over margin turn-over margin turn-over margin turn-over margin turn-over margin

Indicate W or R Indicate W or R ... Indicate W or R Wholesale (W) Retail [R] ... Indicate W or R W R
Product: CPC
1 10 1 15 2 0 0 750 90 950 230 10 3 800 100 1 000 250
2 0 0 10 4 0 0 1 000 100 700 300 20 8 1 100 100 800 400
Total W 5 200 1 000 9 000 0 0 11 000
Total R 0 50 2 000 0 13 000 25 17 000

A7.5 At this stage, it is important to introduce the distinction between wholesale and retail
trade margins. In this example, it is assumed that this distinction is not made directly in the survey
results (although it can be established from survey returns). It is therefore necessary to make
decisions on the type of margin associated with the various combinations of producing economic
activities and products.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

A7.6 Firstly, it can be reasonably assumed that ISIC Rev. 4 Division 46, wholesale, produces
mainly wholesale trade margins, and similarly that ISIC Rev. 4 Division 47, retail trade, produces
mainly retail margins, whereas ISIC Rev. 4 Division 45 produces a mix of margins, which must
be decided based on the individual products.

A7.7 For trade carried out as secondary activity, it can be assumed, for example, that trade
turnover of restaurants and hotels is probably retail trade turnover, the same with trade turnover of
suppliers like hairdressers, cinemas and theatres. On the other hand, trade activities of advertising
agents are more likely to be wholesale trade. Manufacturing industries are often trade in products
similar to those they produce or in complementary products and the majority of such trade sales
are usually of the wholesale type, although some may be sold direct to consumers. These industries
may also be trading in similar imported goods and such trade is again likely to be classified as
wholesale trade.

A7.8 There will be some products where a trade margin may not be applicable and there may be
additional survey detail collected enabling the specific nature of these decisions to be improved.

A7.9 Once these decisions have been made, the row and column totals for wholesale margins
and retail trade margins can be calculated, and for the row totals also the turnover by product
broken down by wholesale and retail turnover. Table A7.1 illustrates how the results of these
decisions are fitted into the system. It should also be noted that at this stage only absolute and not
percentage margins are being processed.

A7.10 As explained in Chapter 7, the source data for trade activity and trade margins may in
practice be available in alternative ways and with a varying degree of detail. Therefore different
assumptions may be needed to establish the dataset shown in Table A7.1 which is essential for
deriving the trade margins needed in both the Supply Table and the Use Table.

The Supply Table

A7.11 The trade activity and the trade margin entries needed in the Supply Table consist of rows
for output of margin activities by economic activity in the “domestic output at basic prices” part
of the Supply Table, and of the columns for trade margins needed to transform the values by
product from basic prices to purchasers’ prices.

A7.12 It will become clearer throughout this process, and beyond, that it is essential to retain the
distinction between wholesale trade margins and retail trade margins derived in connection with

A7.13 Table A7.1 resembles the format (product by industry) of the Supply Table. All necessary
information on the output of trade services and trade margins from Table A7.1 can be transferred
in Table A7.2.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

A7.14 As explained in Chapter 5, many countries may choose to “redefine” secondary output of
trade services in the Supply Table so that secondary output is classified together with the output
of the primary producers. Such a redefinition would imply that there will be trade activity and
output of trade margins services only from ISIC Rev. 4 Divisions 45-47. In this example it is
assumed that redefinition has taken place. This simplifies all the calculations in this example and
facilitates the estimation of the input structures and the calculations of IOTs. However, the basic
methodology outlines in this Annex will not be affected.

A7.15 It should be noted that the output of trade products may also contain some non-margin
items (for example, commissions, fees, margins on second-hand sales, etc.) so that total supply
from trade may still be positive after deduction of trade margins in the trade margin columns – this
reflects actual output produced.

Table A7.2 Supply Table

Ec. Ec. Ec. Output at Supply Wholesal Retail Subsidies Supply at
Trade Trade Trade Taxes on
Activity Activity ... ... Activity basic Imports at basic e trade trade VAT on purchasers'
45 46 47 products
1 2 n prices prices margins margins products price

1 1 000 100 250 150 20 1 520

2 2 000 100 400 200 - 10 2 690

Wholesale 5 200 1 000 9 000 0 11 000 - 11 000 0
Retail 0 50 2 000 13 000 25 17 000 - 17 000 0
Total 0 0

A7.16 Before compiling the trade margin matrices associated with the Use Table, it is useful to
derive a number of memo proportions from Table A7.1 and Table A7.2, which are shown in Table

Table A7.3 MEMO table: Distribution channels and percentage trade margins
Total supply at purchasers' Average percentage
Survey turnover, Average percentage of
prices made comparable to Absolute trade margins trade margin for traded
Grossed up supply passing through
trade survey turnover (from Table A7.1) goods out of
(from Table A7.1) W and R trade channels
(from Table A7.2) comparable prices
Basic value
Basic value
plus Trade Trade
w holesale turnover turnover Whole-sale Retail Whole-sale Retail Whole-sale Retail
w holesale
and retail Whole-sale Retail
1 1 100 1 350 800 1 000 72.7 74.1 100 250 12.5 25.0
2 2 100 2 500 1 100 800 52.4 32.0 100 400 9.1 50.0


Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

A7.17 The question of trade channels (i.e. how big a share of the supply of a given product passes
through the wholesale and/or retail channels) is central when compiling the Use Table trade margin
matrices as shown in Figure 7.2. Fortunately there is enough combined information in Table A7.1
and Table A7.2 to address this issue.

A7.18 To calculate these shares, the total supply in the Supply Table must be made comparable
to the turnover concept used for the survey data (assumed to be turnover exclusive of VAT and
net of taxes on products). The Supply Table value concept comparable for the wholesale trade
turnover is basic value plus wholesale trade margin (1100 for product 1). For retail trade turnover,
the comparable concept is basic value plus both wholesale and retail trade margins (1350 for
product 1).

A7.19 The average percentages of supply passing through each of wholesale and retail trade
channels can now be calculated as shown in Table A7.3. For product 1, the shares are 72.7
(800/1100) and 74.1 (1000/1350) respectively. It is further possible to calculate the average
percentage trade margin for actual traded goods out of comparable purchasers' prices. For product
1, the percentage trade margins are 12.5 (100/800) and 25.0 (250/1000) respectively.

A7.20 It should be noted, that the percentage trade margins are calculated as percentage of sales
prices, as required for the estimates in the Use Table (and not the usually applied survey
percentages out of the traders buying price). It should be noted that the VAT column does not need
to be completed to calculate these memo items.

The Use Table

A7.21 The Use Table is initially valued at purchasers’ prices and this table is the starting point for
determining the valuation matrices that will permit the gradual transition of the Use Table from
purchasers’ prices to basic prices.

A7.22 The first step is to estimate the VAT matrix, and subsequently deduct it from the Use Table
at purchasers’ prices. In the next step, the matrix for other taxes on products must be determined
and deducted, and the matrix for subsidies on products determined and added.

A7.23 The elements in the “residual” Supply Table resulting from these procedures will consist
of only basic values and trade margins as illustrated in Table A7.4, and the task is now to separate
each element into its basic value and the possible wholesale and retail trade margins. In order to
illustrate the restrictions and sum conditions, it is assumed that only those economic activities
specified (1, 2 and n) have intermediate consumption.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table A7.4 The Use Table after removal of net taxes on products
Final Final consumption Gross
Total Total use at
Econ. Econ. Econ. consumption expenditure of fixed Changes in
... intermediate Exports purchasers
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity n expenditure of general capital inventories
consumption ’ prices
households government formation
1 100 50 150 300 700 50 150 50 100 1 350


A7.24 The Product by Product procedure utilises the information in Table A7.3 as illustrated in
Table A7.5, Table A7.6 and Table A7.7. If a product passes through both a wholesale channel and
a retail channel, the retail trade margin comes on the top of the wholesale trade margin,
corresponding to the trade margin percentages calculated in Table A7.3. Therefore, first the retail
trade margins must be estimated and then the wholesale trade margins.

Table A7.5 Product 1: Retail margins

Final Final consumption
Total Gross fixed Total use at
Econ. Econ. Econ. consumption expenditure of Changes in
... intermediate capital Exports purchasers’
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity n expenditure of general inventories
consumption formation prices
households government
1. Starting row (from Table A7.4) 100 50 150 300 700 50 150 50 100 1 350

2. Selected values w ith retail margin 50 150 200 700 100 1 000

3. Retail margin distributed 13 0 38 50 175 0 25 0 0 250

4. Average percentage retail margin 12.5 25.0 25.0 0.0 16.7 0.0 0.0 18.5

A7.25 The estimates of the retail trade margins are illustrated for product 1 in Table A7.5. From
Table A7.3, it is known that 1,000 of the 1,350 passes through the retail trade, and the total retail
trade margin on this product is 250. The knowledge of these totals provides a good starting position
but it is still not known to which of the individual uses (or part thereof) the retail turnover is linked,
and therefore it is necessary to decide (make assumptions on) on the figures to be entered in Row
(2) - based on which specific knowledge may be at hand, and on common sense, to comply with
the restriction that their sum must be 1000. For example, final consumption expenditure of
households is usually assumed to include a high share of the “available” retail trade margins,
whereas intermediate consumption and Gross capital formation may have very little retail margin,
and exports none at all, as non-resident expenditure is a summary adjustment item, and the related
margins will be included in the domestic consumption concept.

A7.26 When Row (2) in Table A7.5 has been determined, the distribution of the retail trade
margin can be determined either by distributing the 250 proportionally to the values in Row (2),
or by applying the percentage retail trade margin of 25 per cent from Table A7.3 to the values in
Row (2). In Row (3), the effective percentage retail trade margins relative to the elements of the
Use Table are calculated. These are the percentages that will be used to recalculate the retail trade
margin table after changes made to the original data during the balancing.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table A7.6 Product 1: Wholesale margins

Final Final consumption
Total Gross fixed Total use at
Econ. Econ. Econ. consumption expenditure of Changes in
... intermediate capital Exports purchasers’
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity n expenditure of general inventories
consumption f ormation prices
households government
1. Table A7.4 Row (1) minus Row (3) 87.5 50.0 112.5 250.0 525.0 50.0 125.0 50.0 100.0 1 100.0

2. Values w ith w holesale margin 50.0 100.0 150.0 500.0 100.0 50.0 800.0

3. Wholesale margin distributed 6.3 0.0 12.5 18.8 62.5 0.0 12.5 0.0 6.3 100.0

4. Average percentage w holesale margin 7.1 0.0 11.1 11.9 0.0 10.0 0.0 6.3 9.1

A7.27 A similar procedure is used to determine the distribution of wholesale trade margins in
Table A7.6. The first row in this table is the first row in Table A7.5 minus the estimated retail trade
margins. When the estimated wholesale trade margins are deducted from Row (1) in Table A7.6,
the row at basic prices in Table A7.7 below is obtained, and thus the desired Use Table at basis
prices has been derived. Note, in the Use Table at basic prices, the rows for wholesale and retail
“products” will be made up of the column totals of the two trade margin matrices, and in addition,
they will include any non-margin trade output.

Table A7.7 Product 1: Row in Use Table at basic prices

Final Final consumption
Total Gross fixed Total use at
Econ. Econ. Econ. consumption expenditure of Changes in
... intermediate capital Exports purchasers’
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity n expenditure of general inventories
consumption formation prices
households government
Product 1 at basic prices 81.3 50.0 100.0 231.3 462.5 50.0 112.5 50.0 93.8 1 000.0

A7.28 Following the outline of these procedures, it is clear why it is essential to distinguish
between wholesale and retail trade margins. If this is not done, in practice it will not be possible
to manage the problem of successive trade channels. Thus the cumulative trade margin on
household consumption of (175+62.5)/463 = 51 per cent out of the basic value total could not have
been derived directly from the survey results if just aggregated.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 8. Compiling the Imports Use Table and Domestic Use Table

A. Introduction
8.1. This Chapter describes the disaggregation of the Use Table into the Imports Use Table and
the Domestic Use Table. The first table, the Imports Use Table, contains information on the use,
in the national economy, of imported products (by product) for intermediate consumption and final
uses. The second table, the Domestic Use Table, provides information on the use of domestically
produced products (by product) for intermediate consumption and final use. The compilation of
these two tables mainly consists in the estimation of the Imports Use Table since the Domestic
Use Table is obtained by subtracting the Imports Use Table from the Use Table. This Chapter
therefore focuses mainly on the compilation of the Imports Use Table.

8.2. The compilation of an Imports Use Table is embedded in the System of National Accounts
and it is important to balance supply and use of products for the domestic economy, to accurately
deflate components of GDP by linking imported intermediate products with appropriate import
price deflators, and to ascertain the correct distribution of the changes in the volume of GVA by
industry and industry contributions of GDP growth.

8.3. Historically the compilation of the Imports Use Table was mainly considered as an
intermediate step towards the compilation of IOTs (though not an essential step). However the
Imports Use Table is becoming increasingly important in its own right for analytical purposes.
With the globalisation of economic activities, exports and imports are growing more rapidly than
GDP and the GVA chains in production are becoming more complex and more international.
Therefore, it is very important for the National Accounts to provide sectored disaggregation of
macroeconomic data for both domestic production and imports.

8.4. Over time, many domestic economies have seen significant changes in the import share of
domestic supply that can be attributed to changes in international trade, and in particular, trade in
goods for processing and other intermediate materials inputs. In addition, many multi-national
enterprises, and previously large domestic businesses, have shifted their production processes

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

around the work, utilising lower costs of production and thereby increasing their competitiveness
and profitability.

8.5. The set of SUTs at basic prices - both in current prices and in volume terms - that should
be compiled includes the following tables:

• Supply Table at basic prices;

• Domestic Use Table at basic prices; and
• Imports Use Table at basic prices.
8.6. Since direct information for compiling the Use Table for imported products is generally
rare and available only in exceptional cases, the recommendation is to work on a highly detailed
level of product group (implying rectangular SUTs with a detailed product specification). A
detailed level helps identify the likely users of a specific imported product.

8.7. Chapter 5 provides a detailed description of the concepts and definition of imports of goods
and services, where emphasis is placed on the imports by products as part of total supply of
products. In the Supply Table, imports are only shown as a vector of products covering goods and
services. However, in practice, it may be desirable to sub-divide the import vector by regions to
separately identify imports within and outside of particular regions. Furthermore, the import vector
could show separate columns, for example showing goods and services separately.

8.8. This Chapter focuses on the compilation of the Imports Use Table. In particular, Section B
describes the structure of the Imports Use Table, provides a numerical example and describes how
to obtain the Domestic Use Table. Section C focuses on the compilation of the Imports Use Table
and potential issues that arise during the compilation process.

B. Structure of the Imports Use Table and Domestic Use Table

8.9. Imports consist of purchases of goods and services by residents from non-resident
producers/suppliers. In the SNA, total imports are valued FOB. However, data on detailed flows
of imports by product from foreign trade statistics are usually valued on a CIF basis. To reconcile
the different valuations used for total imports and the product components of imports, a global
CIF/FOB adjustment on imports is required, and it needs to be allocated by the type of goods
involved. More details on the CIF/FOB adjustment are covered in Chapter 5.

8.10. The supply of imports shown in the Supply Table has to be allocated in the Imports Use
Table to the different use categories of intermediate uses and final uses. The general structure of
the Imports Use Table is shown in Table 8.1. The Table shows the total use of imported products,
goods and services, by products and by industries and by final use categories. In the columns, the
table has the same format as the use table. It distinguishes two main sub-matrices, one for the
intermediate use and one for the final uses of products. The total use of imports must be equal to
the total supply of imports of the Supply Table. This equality is given for each of the products

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

distinguished in the SUTs. Table 8.2 shows a numerical example of the Imports Use Table as part
of the SUTs system.

Table 8.1 Structure of the Imports Use Table

Industries Industries Final uses Total use
Final Gross capital at basic
Products Agriculture Manufacturing P Services Total Exports Total prices
Consumption formation
Manufacturing Total imported
Total imported
Imported products for intermediate consumption products for Imported
P Imported products for final uses at CIF values products for
at CIF values intermediate total use
P final uses
Other Services
Total Intermediate consumption by Industry Total final uses by category

Table 8.2 Numerical example of the Imports Use Table

Million euro
Total use
Trade, Finance and Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed Changes at basic
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other Changes in
transport and business Total General capital in Exports Total prices
ture turing tion services Households NPISH inventories
communication services government formation valuables
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 191 1 680 5 170 14 17 2 077 1 079 47 9 58 1 194 3 271
Manufacturing (2) 706 55 898 4 365 5 621 1 126 2 985 70 702 20 894 1 422 12 310 807 1 344 17 112 53 888 124 590
Construction (3) 255 197 68 38 5 563 563

Trade (4) 257 0 274 30 39 600 600

Transport (5) 10 1 300 95 2 181 265 75 3 926 139 9 59 1 6 4 011 4 223 8 150
Communication (6) 4 860 65 2 449 1 267 248 4 893 447 17 686 22 169 1 342 6 234
Finance and business services(7) 8 1 786 106 1 566 2 654 322 6 443 145 473 618 7 061
Other services (8) 14 1 110 23 127 275 384 47 118 549 824
Total (9) 919 62 051 4 834 12 439 5 417 3 819 89 479 23 087 0 1 495 13 575 926 1 381 21 350 61 814 151 293

Austria 2011

8.11. Once the Imports Use Table is compiled, the Domestic Use Table is obtained by deducting
the Imports Use Table from the Use Table. As shown in Table 8.3, the structure and size of the
Domestic Use Table is the same as the Use Table except there is an additional row in the primary
inputs section to reflect the sum of the columns in the Imports Use Table. The body of the Domestic
Use Table does not include direct or indirect imports of goods and services.

8.12. Table 8.4 provides a numerical example of the Domestic Use Table.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 8.3 Structure of the Domestic Use Table

Industries Industries Final uses
Total use at
Final Gross capital basic prices
Products Agriculture Manuf acturing P Services Total Exports Total
Consumption formation
Manufacturing Domestic products for intermediate consumption Domestic products for final uses Total use by
P at basic prices at basic prices product

Other Services
Total at basic prices Final uses at basic prices
Total imported products Total imported products
Use of Imported products, CIF
for intermediate consumption for final uses
Net taxes on products Net taxes on products
Taxes less subsidies on products
f or intemediate consumption for final use
Total at purchasers' prices Final uses at purchasers' prices
Compensation of employees
Other net taxes on production
Value added by component and by industry
Consumption of f ixed capital
Net operating surplus/net mixed income
Value added at basic prices
Total Inputs at basic prices

Empty cells

Table 8.4 Numerical example of a Domestic Use Table

Million euro
Total use
Trade, Finance and Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed Changes Changes at basic
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other
transport and business Total General capital in in Exports Total prices
ture turing tion services Households NPISH
communication services government formation valuables inventories
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 2 354 4 284 8 117 15 21 6 800 963 123 - 42 938 1 982 8 782
Manuf acturing (2) 1 216 42 772 6 256 7 776 4 085 3 123 65 227 12 631 327 9 426 1 122 1 393 96 280 121 178 186 405
Construction (3) 105 2 184 9 321 2 373 3 625 1 414 19 021 1 402 24 323 - 38 563 26 250 45 272

Trade (4) 245 8 601 1 560 4 370 682 1 462 16 919 27 684 1 080 4 008 238 273 9 985 43 267 60 187
Transport (5) 31 4 424 364 6 368 575 301 12 063 5 828 3 418 87 2 21 4 916 14 271 26 335
Communication (6) 29 1 651 226 6 745 4 295 1 343 14 289 22 088 51 5 111 40 6 649 33 940 48 228
Finance and business services (7) 439 11 706 4 611 18 623 25 779 8 062 69 219 36 524 1 006 9 781 0 - 177 11 156 58 289 127 508
Other services (8) 8 367 58 1 060 375 1 622 3 490 13 045 5 416 53 116 113 - 105 1 567 72 153 75 643
Total at basic prices (9) 4 429 75 987 22 402 47 431 39 431 17 348 207 028 120 165 5 416 58 997 52 973 1 257 1 471 131 053 371 332 578 360
Imports (10) 919 62 051 4 834 12 439 5 417 3 819 89 479 23 087 1 495 13 575 926 1 381 21 350 61 814 151 293
Taxes less subsidies on
(11) 92 952 229 1 349 1 689 2 672 6 984 22 810 557 2 870 152 7 397 26 794 33 778
Total at purchasers’ prices (12) 5 440 138 991 27 466 61 219 46 538 23 839 303 492 166 063 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 152 800 459 939 763 431
CIF/FOB adjustments on
(13) - 97 - 97 - 97

Direct purchases abroad by
(14) 6 675 6 675 6 675
Purchases on the domestic
(15) - 12 945 12 945
territory by non-residents
Total at purchasers’ prices (16) 5 440 138 991 27 466 61 219 46 538 23 839 303 492 159 792 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 165 648 466 517 770 009
Compensation of employees (17) 551 30 679 10 239 37 906 22 997 41 971 144 343
Other taxes less subsidies on
(18) - 1 627 1 077 546 1 755 2 004 1 103 4 858
Consumption of fixed capital (19) 1 845 12 750 1 542 10 917 18 934 7 480 53 469

Net operating surplus/net

(20) 3 658 16 453 5 138 23 040 18 989 4 921 72 198
mixed income
Gross operating surplus/gross
(21) 5 503 29 203 6 680 33 957 37 923 12 401 125 667
mixed income
GVA (22) 4 427 60 959 17 465 73 618 62 923 55 475 274 868
Total input at basic prices (23) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360

Empty cells

Austria 2011

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(a) Input Table for Imports

8.13. Table 8.5 shows a numerical example of an input table for imports of goods and services
at basic prices. This table is either a Product by Product Table or Industry by Industry Table but is
not an IOT as imports form an input, and not an output.

8.14. It should be noted, that the sub-matrices for final uses and the row totals for products are
the same in the Imports Use Table and the IOT table of imports. An Input Table for Imports, as
mentioned, can also be a step in order to compile IOTs but not a necessary step. This is covered in
more detail in Chapter 12 (Box 12.3) on the transformation of SUTs into IOTs, where the
“transformed” Imports Use Table can be applied in two different ways.

8.15. The only difference from the Imports Use Table in Table 8.2 is that Table 8.5 shows the
intermediate use of the imports in a Product by Product format (or could be an Industry by Industry
format). The final use part is unchanged. Chapter 12 provides more details on how the Imports
Use Table, and in turn the Input Table for Imports, can be used to produce IOTs, where for imports
of goods and services, this is only an input table.

Table 8.5 Example of an Input Table for Imports at basic prices

Million euro
Total use
Trade, Finance and Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed Changes Changes at basic
Agriculture Manufacturing Construction transport and business Total General capital in in Exports Total prices
services Households NPISH
communication services government formation valuables inventories
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 176 1 722 3 148 14 15 2 077 1 079 47 9 58 1 194 3 271
Manufacturing (2) 618 55 846 4 392 5 506 1 398 2 941 70 702 20 894 1 422 12 310 807 1 344 17 112 53 888 124 590

Construction (3) 265 204 47 44 4 563 563

Trade, transport and communication (4) 9 2 095 150 5 150 1 678 337 9 419 586 26 745 1 28 4 179 5 565 14 984
Finance and business services (5) 7 1 531 97 1 527 2 974 308 6 443 145 473 618 7 061
Other services (6) 10 0 108 29 127 275 384 47 118 549 824
Total (7) 811 61 469 4 846 12 485 6 136 3 731 89 479 23 087 1 495 13 575 926 1 381 21 350 61 814 151 293

Austria 2011

(b) Input-Output Table for domestic output at basic prices

8.16. If the Imports Use Table is subtracted from the Use Table at purchasers’ prices, the
corresponding Domestic Use Table can be derived which shows only consumption of domestic
produced output. However, a further step is to subtract and reallocate the trade and transport
margins and to deduct the taxes less subsidies on products in order to achieve the SUTs at basic

8.17. Table 8.6 shows the IOT for domestic output and is the basis for I-O analyses. It should be
noted that in this table the use of imported goods and services is only shown in an aggregated form
in one row.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 8.6 Input-output table for domestic output at basic prices

Million euro
Output at
Trade, Finance and Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed Changes Changes basic
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other
transport and business Total General capital in in Exports Total prices
ture turing tion services Households NPISH
communication services government formation valuables inventories

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 2 316 4 344 4 101 15 19 6 800 963 123 - 42 938 1 982 8 782
Manufacturing (2) 1 091 42 919 6 362 7 534 4 369 2 951 65 227 12 631 327 9 426 1 122 1 393 96 280 121 178 186 405

Construction (3) 73 1 883 9 927 1 969 3 890 1 279 19 021 1 402 24 323 - 38 563 26 250 45 272
Trade, transport and communication (4) 239 13 805 2 109 18 364 5 909 2 846 43 272 55 600 4 549 9 207 239 334 21 550 91 479 134 750
Finance and business services (5) 370 9 320 4 530 17 653 29 781 7 564 69 219 36 524 1 006 9 781 0 - 177 11 156 58 289 127 508
Other services (6) 6 286 51 1 066 453 1 629 3 490 13 045 5 416 53 116 113 - 105 1 567 72 153 75 643
Total (7) 4 094 72 557 22 984 46 687 44 418 16 288 207 028 120 165 5 416 58 997 52 973 1 257 1 471 131 053 371 332 578 360
Imports (8) 811 61 469 4 846 12 485 6 136 3 731 89 479 23 087 1 495 13 575 926 1 381 21 350 61 814 151 293
Taxes less subsidies on products (9) 78 862 226 1 333 1 839 2 646 6 984 22 810 557 2 870 152 7 397 26 794 33 778
Total at purchasers’ prices (10) 4 983 134 889 28 056 60 506 52 393 22 665 303 492 166 063 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 152 800 459 939 763 431
Compensation of employees (11) 411 25 857 10 216 38 422 28 962 40 475 144 343
Other taxes less subsidies on production
(12) - 1 446 717 545 1 762 2 267 1 014 4 858
Consumption of fixed capital (13) 1 620 11 519 1 422 10 172 21 759 6 977 53 469

Net operating surplus/net mixed

(14) 3 214 13 423 5 032 23 889 22 127 4 512 72 198
Gross operating surplus/gross
(15) 4 834 24 942 6 455 34 061 43 886 11 489 125 667
mixed income
GVA (16) 3 799 51 516 17 216 74 245 75 115 52 978 274 868
Total input at basic prices (17) 8 782 186 405 45 272 134 750 127 508 75 643 578 360

Austria 2011

C. Compilation of the Imports Use Table

8.18. The compilation of the Imports Use Table may be challenging because direct information
for the estimates of imported products by industry and by final use may not be available or only
available in limited cases. As a result, direct information has to be supplemented by reasonable
assumptions and indirect techniques. As noted earlier, in a large rectangular SUTs system many
homogenous products can be identified which have to be imported from abroad. Thus, the
allocation of goods and services in the use table for domestic output and the use table for imports
is easier if a large rectangular SUTs system is available. The two main approaches to the
compilation of Imports Use tables are presented below: the first is based on the availability of
directly collected data and the second on assumption on the imports.

1. Using directly collected data

8.19. There are two major sources for direct information for the Imports Use Table:

• Business surveys which could be developed further, for example, for each industry, more
product detail of imports of goods and services by type of product as well more information
on imports of services.

• Trade surveys which provide extensive details of imports of goods. Traditionally the
Customs Department collects foreign trade statistics.

8.20. Business surveys (annual or for benchmarked years) generally collect details such as sales
by type of product and purchases by type of product. These surveys could be expanded to include

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

additional questions useful for the Imports Use Table, such as the value of purchases of imports of
goods and the value of purchases of imports of services.

8.21. For certain industries, it is important to ask specific questions on imports of goods and
services for some specific products. For example, for the sugar refining industry it may be
important to have information on the purchases of sugar beet separate from sugar cane. The
economy may not have any, or little, domestic production of one or both of these products and
would have to rely on imports, which at the 2-digit level would appear in the same product
classification. This approach of asking for specific details may apply also to other products such
as, for example, tobacco and tobacco leaf.

8.22. This use of the business survey data would help to provide an industry total of direct
imports. These values could then be developed and matched with imports of goods from the trade
data suppliers by product to help develop the body of the Imports Use Table in terms of
intermediate use. This works for direct imports but less so for indirect imports, such as imports
sold to manufacturers via resident distributors such as wholesalers. However, imports by retailers
could be assumed in the main for final use categories. Again, this would need scrutiny, for example
small items (not purchased in bulk) like stationary, may be purchased by businesses from retailers.
For imports of services, indirect imports should not be an issue because by their nature services
cannot be resold, i.e. they are used only once.

8.23. International trade surveys provide a lot of the detail by product. However, further work is
often required to identify the importing industry or industries. For imports of goods, for example,
very detailed international trade data from the HS can be more easily used to link imports to
specific products that are used by industries as intermediate consumption and those products that
are components of specific categories of final use. These data could be developed with the data
collectors to identify the industry to which the importer is classified and the value of imports by

8.24. In terms of imports of services - a product by industry matrix should be generated for each
of the 12 components forming trade in services (applicable to both imports and exports), see Box
8.1, which would also highlight various improvements required to imports of services in the
balance of payments. For business services, a separate matrix can be generated using imports of
services data from business surveys providing details for other variables such as sales and

8.25. There are various existing sources of data used for imports of services by product, examples

• International trade in services – which collects data from businesses covering their imports
and exports of services by product. This is a statistical survey which has advantages over
administrative data.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• International passenger survey – which collects expenditure data by product by travellers,

at the point of entering or exiting the resident economy (for example, airports and ports).
There is a need to separate the expenditure by business travellers (recorded as intermediate
consumption) and expenditure by households (recorded as Households final consumption

• Specific sources capturing imports of services such as shipping, air transport, financial
services, etc.

• Development of non-traditional survey-type sources such as credit card data and

international micro-data sharing, for example between NSOs.

8.26. However, for some of the standard services components, there are specific issues which
need careful handling, for example, disbursements, freight costs, royalties, etc.

Box 8.1 Standard services components of BPM6

1 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others.
2 Maintenance and repair services not included elsewhere (n.i.e.).
3 Transport.
4 Travel.
5 Construction.
6 Insurance and pension services.
7 Financial services.
8 Charges for the use of intellectual property not included elsewhere (n.i.e.).
9 Telecommunications, computer, and information services.
10 Other business services.
11 Personal, cultural, and recreational services.
12 Government goods and services n.i.e.
Source: United Nations et al. (2010)

2. An alternative approach

8.27. As noted, there may be a lack of source data (unless surveys are designed to collect detail
data and flows from the trade industry) to estimate “indirect” import use, that is the ultimate
destination of the use of imported goods, and not say, the wholesaler acting as an intermediary.
This situation will often require strong assumptions and indirect techniques to allocate the use of
imports by product for each industry and by category of final use by product.

8.28. A widely used assumption to estimate import use by product across using industries and
categories of final uses is to apply the so-called import proportionality or comparability
assumption. This assumes that imports are used in the same proportion across all industries

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

intermediate inputs and final uses (except exports and allowing for imports for re-exports). This is
often a two-step procedure in which the ratio of imports to domestic supply is first calculated and
is then applied to each product that is used by industries as intermediate inputs to production and
by categories of final uses (except exports). For example, if imports of semi-conductors represent
50 per cent of the domestic supply of semi-conductors, then it is assumed that each industry that
purchases semi-conductors purchases 50 per cent from foreign sources. This procedure results in
the same distribution of imported products across a given row in the Use Table, thus providing
another reason to work at the most detailed level of products available within the SUTs system,
where there are likely fewer users of very specific products. Thus this procedure works much better
with many products (for example, 10,000) as opposed to, say, less than 100 products. With the
foreign trade data, there tends to be much more data available by products relative to other data

8.29. Certain products can be very straightforward to allocate. For example, there are very few
users of imports of crude oil in the domestic economy, whereas imports of food are used by many
industries and households, or refrigerators could be used by households or in gross fixed capital
formation. Nevertheless, the main task remains, and that is to attribute allocation ratios and
percentages for each category of imported products across using industries and categories of final

8.30. For this procedure, the Classification by Broad Economic Categories (BEC) can also be
utilised. The BEC allocates imports of goods into categories of intermediate goods, consumer
goods and capital goods. The elements of BEC are the sub-classes of the Standard International
Trade Classification (SITC) which are defined in terms of the HS. However, the categories
distinguished are only of broad use, and are of less help for the intermediate uses by specific
industry. Nonetheless, the BEC would help achieve a certain categorisation of the products for the
Imports Use Table.

8.31. It is worth noting that it is time and resource consuming, especially for the first time, to
attribute allocation ratios and percentages for each category of imported products, on which the
allocation of the imports to the assumed user.

8.32. In defining the allocation percentages, there is a need to also consider that, due to secondary
output, products are also used in industries where they might not be typical inputs into that
industry. This may have already been addressed in the Use Table.

8.33. It is important that the import proportionality assumption or related ratio procedures be
used only after direct information of imports use has been compiled. Lastly, once the
proportionality assumptions have been applied, it is essential to evaluate the generalised results for
reasonableness, and adjust these percentages based on the understanding of how the specific
economy operates with regard to production chains and purchases of products by final use.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

8.34. The product imbalances, and the balancing process, can often be used to correct for
implausible results from an initial allocation based on proportions.

8.35. Although the proportionality approach is not time consuming, the allocation percentages
can generally also be applied for other years without any large changes. Usually a great share of
total imports will fall under quite a few specific product classifications (for example,
manufacturing products purchased by manufacturing industries) and efforts should be
concentrated on those as they determine the quality of the resulting Imports Use Table to a large
extent, and thus the accuracy of GDP in volume terms and the distribution of GVA by industry.

8.36. A difficult category of final use with respect to the allocation of imports of goods is changes
in inventories. Firstly, it is often assumed that the import share of semi-finished and finished
products is zero. Secondly, changes in inventories is a balancing item between the inventories at
the end of the period minus the inventories at the beginning of the period without knowing the
inflows and outflows over the period, therefore the sign of the estimate can be positive or negative,
with the latter case, this needs to be handled with caution otherwise this could lead to implausible

8.37. However, inventories of finished goods should be treated separately from imports of
finished goods for resale without further processing. The latter are goods likely to be held mainly
by distributors.

8.38. Lastly, in the process of balancing it must be expected that the procedure may need to be
repeated in order to achieve plausible results. As noted, the allocation shares might need to be
corrected based on implausible results, which can include negative use elements. Naturally, the
allocation of imports to a use element with a zero entry is not permissible and may indicate a wider
problem with the level of aggregation.

D. Specific issues in the compilation of Imports Use Table

8.39. There are specific issues that need careful consideration when compiling Imports Use
Table. They include the recording of goods sent abroad for processing, investment goods repaired
abroad, imports for re-exports, and direct expenditures by residents abroad. These specific issues
are briefly discussed below. Also, the UNECE Guide to Measuring Global Production provides
much more detail on how handle these type of issues.

1. Goods sent abroad for processing

8.40. Sending materials or partly-finished goods to another affiliate or non-affiliate enterprise

for processing is an established practice which has become more common with low transport costs,
specialisation among enterprises and the emergence of new production sources. The enterprise
processing the items may be resident in the same country as its client or it may be abroad.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

8.41. The procedure of sending material for processing is called "goods sent abroad for
processing". This practice is very common in industries such as wearing apparel (clothing);
chemicals and manufacturing of electronic and metal goods. One variant of particular interest for
the National Accounts and Balance of Payments is goods sent abroad for processing, where the
unit in country A (the principal) makes a contract with the unit in country B (the contractor) under
which B transforms in a substantive way raw materials or semi-processed goods sent by country
A. The principal maintains legal ownership of the raw materials and semi-processed goods
throughout as well as of the processed goods. The principal pays the contractor a fee for the

8.42. How to record the goods sent abroad for processing in National Accounts, including SUTs
and Balance of Payments, has been the subject of extensive discussions in connection with
successive versions of the SNA and the BPM. The central question has been whether to impute a
value of the goods when sent abroad for processing and subsequently for the processed goods
when returned to the legal owner, in this approach, impute transactions even though no change of
ownership has taken place (the gross principle) or just record the processing fee as a separate
service delivered from the processor to the principal (the net principle).

8.43. In the following sections, the different implications of applying either the gross or the net
method are illustrated by numerical examples, both for goods sent for domestic processing and for
goods sent for international processing. With this background, the international recommendations
as established by the 2008 SNA and the BPM 6 are explained, also including possibilities to deviate
from them to reinforce desirable SUTs properties. Finally, related measurement problems in
current economic statistics are also considered.

(a) Domestic processing

8.44. In the example in Table 8.7, a principal unit classified in Industry 1 sends semi-processed
goods (Product A) for further processing to a contractor unit classified in Industry 2. The contractor
does not pay for the material received from the principal unit. The value of the goods sent for
processing is 100. The value of the goods after processing, assumed to be finished goods requiring
no further processing (Product B) is estimated at 180. Processing fees in this example are for
simplicity set at 80. In this example, Industry 1 and Industry 2 could also be interpreted as two
units belonging to the same industry but for the clearness of the exposition a two-industry case is

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 8.7 Processing within the country

Gross recording Net recording
Supply Table Use Table Supply Table Use Table

Industry 1 Industry 2 Imports Industry 1 Industry 2 Exports Industry 1 Industry 2 Imports Industry 1 Industry 2 Exports

Product A 100 100 Prod A

Product B 180 Prod B 180
Processing fees Processing fees 80 80
Other intermediate Other intermediate
70 30 70 30
consumption consumption
GVA 30 50 GVA 30 50
Total output 100 180 0 100 180 0 Total output 180 80 0 180 80 0
Note: Industry 1 is the principal and Industry 2 is the contractor.

8.45. Under the gross treatment transactions of the values of 100 and 180 are imputed, the 100
being output of Industry 1, and the 180 being output of Industry 2. As the 180 is assumed to consist
of finished goods, they are not “returned” to the owner industry but enter the product balance as
an output of Product B from Industry 2, even though this industry is not the legal owner. From the
point of view of Industry 1, it would be goods for resale which are therefore not recorded as a flow
from Industry 1 in the system, except if held in inventories at the end of the period. The processing
fees do not appear separately as they are included in the output of Product B.

8.46. Under the net treatment, the processing fee of 80 is the (only) output of Industry 2 and it is
used as intermediate consumption by Industry 1. The processing fee will be classified as a service
and not a good. The output of Industry 1 will be 180. As processing fees can usually be found in
current industrial statistics, then there are no imputations associated with implementing the net

8.47. It is noted that the GVA in the two industries (30 and 50 respectively) are identical for the
two alternative treatments but the input structures are quite different. For Industry 1, the gross
treatment results in a much higher GVA share in output than the net treatment, and vice versa for
Industry 2.

(b) International processing

8.48. In Table 8.8, the gross and net treatments are illustrated for goods sent abroad for
processing. Basically the numerical example is identical to the one for domestic processing, except
that now it is assumed that the principal is a resident of Country I, and the processor a resident of
Country II, and also the two-country case involves exports and imports transactions, either actual
or imputed.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 8.8 Goods sent abroad for processing

Gross recording (1993 SNA)
Principal (Country I) Contractor (Country II)
Supply Table Use Table Supply Table Use Table

Industry 1 Industry 2 Imports Industry 1 Industry 2 Exports Industry 1 Industry 2 Imports Industry 1 Industry 2 Exports

Product A 100 100 Product A 100 100

Product B 180 Product B 180 180
Processing fees Processing fees
Other intermediate Other intermediate
70 30
consumption consumption
GVA 30 GVA 50
Total output 100 0 180 100 0 100 Total output 0 180 100 0 180 180

Net recording (2008 SNA)

Principal (Country I) Contractor (Country II)
Supply Table Use Table Supply Table Use Table

Industry 1 Industry 2 Imports Industry 1 Industry 2 Exports Industry 1 Industry 2 Imports Industry 1 Industry 2 Exports

Product A Product A
Product B 180 Product B
Processing fees 80 80 Processing fees 80 80
Other intermediate Other intermediate
70 30
consumption consumption
GVA 30 GVA 50
Total output 180 0 80 180 0 0 Total output 0 80 0 0 80 80

8.49. Under the gross treatment, the 100 output of semi-processed goods (Product A) from
Industry 1 in Country I is exports of goods from Country I and imports of goods into Country II,
where it is used as intermediate consumption in Industry 2. The output of 180 from Industry 2
(Product B) in Country II is exported to Country I. As the 180 is assumed to consist of finished
goods, they are not “returned” to the owner industry but enter the balance of Product B in Country
I as imports of goods. As there is no change of ownership related to the 100, and the 180, the values
of these transactions must be imputed, but as later noted these cross-border movements of goods
will usually be included in and valued for the external merchandise trade statistics.

8.50. Under the net treatment the semi-processed goods (Product A) disappear, and the processed
goods (Product B) will appear as produced in Country I, as actual output from Industry 1. Only
processing fees will appear in international trade, under services. As international processing fees
are usually covered both by current industrial statistics and by statistics on international trade in
services, there are no imputations associated with the implementation of the net treatment of goods
sent abroad for processing.

8.51. As for domestic processing, the GVA remains the same for the two approaches but the
input structure is significantly different.

8.52. It should be noted that these numerical examples are highly stylised to stress the main
characteristics of the gross and net treatments. In practice, the difference between the value of the
finished goods and the semi-processed goods may not be equal to the processing fee paid either
because the prices have changed over the processing period or because part of the increase in the
value of the finished goods reflects the embodiment of intellectual property or trademarks owned

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

by the principal. It may also be that the processed goods require further processing by the principal
in which case an additional entry of intermediate consumption (180 in the example following the
gross treatment) would be necessary, and output increased accordingly. It should be noted that
these issue will only arise under the gross treatment. The net treatment automatically resolves

(c) The treatment proposed in 2008 SNA and BPM 6

8.53. The treatment of goods sent for processing based on the 1993 SNA and the BPM 5 was
quite complex but the main recommendations were that domestic processing should be based on
the net treatment (except when transactions take place between two establishments belonging to
the same enterprise, in which case the gross treatment should be used), and that international
processing should be based on the gross principle. It was mentioned that this treatment of goods
for processing in the 1993 SNA was to facilitate input-output analysis.

8.54. The question raised leading up to the discussion of 2008 SNA was whether there was still
a valid reason to record goods for international processing on a gross basis or if the advent of
globalisation and the increasing amount of goods processed abroad suggest a change in practice
would be appropriate. In response to this discussion, the recommended treatment of goods for
processing was changed in the 2008 SNA and the BPM 6, where the change in economic
ownership principle was given priority to the actual movements of goods and physical technology
so that all goods sent for processing (both domestically and internationally) should be treated
according to the net principle. This much simplified recommendation is, at the same time, more in
line with company accounts and principally avoids imputations.

8.55. The new treatment of goods for processing potentially leads to larger variation in I-O
coefficients and it is important to put this change into perspective. In the 1993 SNA, the net
treatment was already applied if the goods were sent for processing to a non-affiliated domestic
processor. Moreover, input structures change for a number of reasons, for example, because of
changes in product mix, more or less use of semi-finished products, changes in capital and labour
intensities, and outsourcing of services. The goods sent abroad for processing change merely adds
to the other changes in the 2008 SNA, which in turn change the I-O coefficients.

8.56. The effects on the input structure of the alternative treatments of goods sent for processing
are illustrated in Table 8.9 for Industry 1. The input structures when using the gross or net treatment
are taken from Table 8.7. To get an idea of what the input structure would have looked like if no
goods had been sent for processing, the processing fee has been decomposed into “other
intermediates” and “GVA”, using the input structure of Industry 2, and the components added to
“net treatment” column to obtain the result in last column. When looking at the GVA/Output ratios
of the three input structures, they are obviously quite different, and if from an “I-O technology”
point of view, we would prefer the structure in the last column—none of the first two would be a
good approximation. In practice, when following the 2008 SNA, the input structure of an industry

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

sending goods for processing would probably represent a weighted average of the structures in the
second and the last column, as the industry will probably also have some primary output that has
not been sent for processing. When the share of goods sent for processing changes, the overall
input structure of the industry will change even though no technological change has taken place.

Table 8.9 Industry 1 – Alternative input structures

Gross Processing fee Structure w hen

Net treatment
treatment breakdow n no processing

Processing fees 80 -80

Other intermediates 70 70 30 100
GVA 30 30 50 80
Output 100 180 180
GVA/Output 0.30 0.17 0.44

8.57. In 2008 SNA (paragraphs 28.18 and 28.19), there are two ways to proceed that would retain
the “technical” interpretation:

• Option 1: Split the economic activity into two: one processing on own account, and one for
goods sent for processing.

• Option 2: use the gross recording approach.

8.58. It should be emphasized that it is option 1 that is the recommendation of the 2008 SNA
and, for goods sent abroad for processing, BPM6. Option 2 is shown as a supplementary
presentation that may be adopted for reasons of continuity with past practices. Option 1 more
accurately reflects the economic processes taking place while option 2 focuses on the physical
transformation process. (2008 SNA, paragraph 28.20). However, the idea – when seen in the
perspective of a published IOT – is rather theoretical, as it would in very exceptional cases be
realistic to have the tables to include such “dual” branches, and furthermore this way of reasoning
could be extended to cover all other reasons for differences in input structures and thus lead to an
expansion of the number of economic activities ad infinitum. In these cases where the individual
producer units represent blends of traditional production and contracting-out, this approach would
anyway not be feasible.

8.59. Even in gross recording, the input structures of principals and contractors would probably
be quite different from the input structure when processing on own account. However, specific
adjustments may in certain cases be appropriate. If for example, the share of oil refining made on
contract basis (as a contractor) varies drastically over time, it might be justified to apply the gross
treatment in this case, while on the other hand an increasing trend in goods sent abroad for
processing should not be counteracted. Practical data problems will also limit the options. Whereas
it may be perfectly realistic to implement the gross treatment in the above oil refinery case, it
would require industrial insight and data beyond any realistic possibility to adjust for the latter
general trend.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

8.60. The increasing activity by businesses for goods sent for processing, whether domestically
or internationally, will in any case affect the I-O coefficients (both for the principal and the
contractor), and imputing sets of data that are completely detached from the actual economic
transactions and their statistical recording is not a viable way to deal with the complications
following from the institutional changes taking place in the economy. The increasing importance
of outsourcing under globalisation of markets makes these inherent institutional changes more
rapid, and more significant, and this is a phenomenon that the I-O compilers and analytical users
will have to cope with - not by making an artificial world of their own that denies these structural
changes rather than exposing them.

(d) Data and balancing issues

8.61. There are three main data sources involved in making the industry and product estimates
for goods sent for processing in the SUTs:

• Industrial statistics in which manufacturers provide information on receipts for doing work
to orders of others (as contractor) and sub-contracting expenses (as principal) but in which
manufacturers are not asked to estimate values for the materials received for processing or
for the processed goods when returned to the principal.

• Merchandise trade statistics in which estimated values for the goods sent abroad for – and
returned from – processing abroad are included as a border crossing principle rather than a
change of ownership principle is being followed.

• Statistics on international trade in services in which in-going and out-going processing fees
are recorded.

8.62. If data from all three data sources are just taken at face value and entered into the SUTs,
major imbalances will obviously result.

8.63. Under the net treatment, the merchandise trade related to goods sent abroad for processing
will have no counterpart in the data recorded by domestic industrial statistics and therefore must
be removed from the merchandise trade data. This is often possible as these types of goods have
been given a special code in the customs procedure. If, however, they are indistinguishably
included, a more comprehensive approach may be needed based on specific information on
industrial practices and processes. Under the net approach, the processing fees recorded in the
statistics on international trade in services should be directly applicable, and in principle consistent
with (but not equal to) the processing fees recorded in domestic industrial statistics, as these also
include payments for domestic processing.

8.64. Under the gross treatment, the imbalance between supply and use of goods would be
removed by imputing additional inputs and outputs for domestic industries corresponding to the
merchandise imports and exports related to processing. As the processing fees are in this case

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

embedded in the value of the processed goods, they should be removed from the statistics on
international trade in services before these data are entered into the SUTs.

8.65. In order to keep track of the conceptual and data linked complexities of goods sent for
processing, both domestically and internationally, it is recommended to establish a sub-system in
which all the related goods and services balances are separately set out and analysed to secure full
coverage and consistency in the SUTs before the data are entered into the full system.

2. Investment goods repaired abroad

8.66. Investment goods which are sent abroad for major repair result in substantial amount of
value being created in the reconstruction. Both the export and the re-import are part of the import
and export flows. However, in case of minor repair, maintenance, or servicing, the flows concerned
are not to be recorded under imports and exports. In case of major repairs, similar problems of
recording in a SUTs framework do occur. Thus, for practical reasons one could assume that it
usually would be only a minor repair. Furthermore, one could assume that cross-border
transportation of investment goods for repair is quite rare and thus be negligible (with the exception
of products like aircraft and ships, where the activity and values involved are often very

3. Imports for re-exports

8.67. Another challenge in the compilation of the Imports Use Table concerns re-exports. Re-
exports are transactions of goods which were previously imported with a change in economic
ownership and then exported without any substantial transformation. These re-exports are included
as exports in foreign trade statistics. In cases of products that are not produced domestically, any
exports of these products could easily be identified as re-exports. It should be noted that – with the
exception of transport margins – re-exports of services are, by concept, not possible, thus the
identification of re-exports is only a problem for goods.

4. Direct expenditures by residents abroad

8.68. A fourth challenge which may also be of some importance concerning the data involved is
the direct purchases abroad by residents in connection with tourism. These direct purchases abroad
by residents should cover all purchases of goods and services made by residents while travelling
abroad for business or pleasure. Such purchases are part of the import flows and need to be
estimated on a product basis. Therefore, these purchases have to be allocated to intermediate use
in case of business travellers and to household final consumption in the case of private travellers.

E. Enhancements to the Imports Use Table for analytical uses

8.69. The analytical potential of the Imports Use Table for users is considerably enhanced if the
Imports Use Table also showed supplementary classifications such as the distinction between

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

“competitive imports” and “complementary imports”, or imports sub-divided by regions such as

imports by country/region of origin.

8.70. Competitive imports are products that are also domestically produced and thus are
consequential in estimating an accurate domestic use table. Complementary imports (also
sometimes referred to as non-competitive imports) are products that are not domestically produced.

8.71. This distinction is of analytical interest as both types of imports can be expected to have a
different relationship with and importance for the national economy. Competitive imports can be
the subject of economic analysis concerning substitution policies and effects. Complementary
imports, as products not being produced in the national economy, are sometimes vital and analyses
may focus on the impact of changes in their prices or volume.

8.72. In theory the distinction between competitive and complementary imports seems to be
clear. However, in practice a number of borderline cases have to be solved. For the validity of this
distinction, the product level of disaggregation is of utmost importance. Even on a very detailed
product level it is sometimes very difficult to classify the products as competitive or
complementary. Furthermore, this classification may not be stable over time.

8.73. Compared to the distinction between competitive and complementary imports, a

geographical breakdown of the use table of imports is easier to compile as there may be data
problems but no basic conceptual problems. Usually for the goods, information on the
geographical origin of the imports is available in foreign trade statistics. For services, the data
situation concerning the geographical breakdown of imports is less favourable.

8.74. The main problem in compiling use tables on imports with a geographical breakdown is
how to allocate a single product imported from two geographical regions to the respective use
categories: should one allocate it proportionally to the assumed users? However, similar questions
already arise when compiling the use table of imports without geographical breakdowns: is the
import share of an imported product the same in all use categories? In consequence, a geographical
breakdown might need such additional assumptions in order to allocate the imports.

UN, Eurostat, IMF, OECD, UNCTAD, INWTO, WTO (2010). Manual on Statistics of
International Trade in Services 2010. Available at:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 9. Compiling Supply and Use Tables in volume terms

A. Introduction

9.1. One of the major objectives of National Accounts is to provide comprehensive and
coherent data which can be used for analysing and evaluating the performance of an economy.
Data on the real growth of major economic flows such as production, household consumption,
capital formation and exports serve as inputs for formulating economic policy. Furthermore, the
National Accounts data play a key role in helping to investigate the causal mechanisms within an

9.2. Estimation of the parameters for macroeconomic models by applying econometric methods
requires consistent time series of National Accounts data with a focus on annual changes.
Therefore, the decomposition of annual current price changes into price changes and volume
changes is an important aspect of the compilation of National Accounts.

9.3. Contrary to data in current prices, much of the data in volume terms cannot be directly
observed. They have to be derived from current price data combined with appropriate price and
volume indicators, implying that estimates in volume terms are more modelled or based on proxies
rather than estimates used when formulating data in current prices. In addition, the choice of index
formulae influences the result of the estimates in volume terms.

9.4. The calculation of price and volume changes for the transactions of goods and services in
the national accounts is ideally supported through the use of the SUTs framework. When
established in an accounting framework, the volume indices and deflators of several variables at
different levels of aggregation are inter-related in a systematic way. By applying an appropriate
combination of price and volume index formulae, all the identities and relationships of SUTs in
current prices are maintained in the SUTs in volume terms.

9.5. When balanced both in current prices and in volume terms, the SUTs ensure coherent and
consistent deflation of the components of the production and expenditure approaches to measuring
GDP as well as coherent and consistent estimates of price and volume indices. Another advantage
of compiling price and volume measures within the SUTs framework is that price and volume
measures can be derived for important balancing items as GVA and GDP through applying the so

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

called “double-deflation” approach – this is the recommended SNA approach to estimating GVA
in volume terms.

9.6. This Chapter focuses on the compilation of SUTs in volume terms. The balancing of SUTs
in current prices and in volume terms (as well as at basic prices and at purchasers’ prices) is
covered in Chapter 11.

B. Recognition of alternative approaches

9.7. Based on issues like the availability of data, resources and time, it is important to note that
there are different ways of deflating SUTs as well as different sequences in doing so. These
variations will also in turn generate different balancing schemes and, most importantly, different
degrees of quality for the detail and the aggregates.

9.8. This Chapter focuses on a recommended approach although alternative approaches are
available. For example, the deflation of uses at purchasers’ prices as inputs to generate the SUTs
in volume terms and balance the rest of SUTs, which may be deflated at basic prices (or producer
prices), for example, output. This approach may be easier to implement but has in-built
incoherency and inconsistency reflected through balancing different valuations, albeit balanced
out, the impact on the quality of the aggregates is implicit and not explicit, and for some areas like
GFCF is clearly sub-optimal as appropriate price indices at purchasers’ prices are not usually

9.9. On the other hand, one can remove taxes, subsidies, trade and transport margins and
imports, and deflate domestic output at basic prices (with weighting for exports using export price
indices) and deflate imports using import price indices. Trade and transport margins and taxes and
subsidies in volume terms are estimates using rates of the previous year and the volume change at
basic prices.

9.10. The underlying principles of the second approach forms the recommended approach
covered in detail in this Chapter (referred to as the “H-Approach”) and an overview shown in
Figure 9.1. This is a transparent, coherent and consistent approach compiling SUTs both in current
prices and in previous years’ prices as well as better matching of the valuation of current price
values with appropriate price indices.

9.11. There are many benefits of the “H-Approach” as, for example, it allows for the data
confrontation to take place in both current prices and in volume terms and also ensures consistent
deflation across the National Accounts. In addition, the incorporation of high-quality alternatives
to help improve the quality of the SUTs in volume terms, for example, deflating household final
consumption expenditure using Consumers Price Indices (CPIs). The result through using a dual
approach or all the information available allows for better quality estimates of household final
consumption expenditure to be produced but they will be different from purely using the CPIs.
There is a variety of reasons using CPIs but there are some deficiencies, for example, CPIs may

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

not allow for discounts or bulk purchases, etc. or fully meet National Accounts requirements. Thus
the implied household final consumption expenditure deflator from the SUTs would be, and should
be, different from the CPI. However, for areas like capital formation, it is unlikely that direct price
collection at purchasers’ prices exists to be used to deflate components like gross fixed capital
formation, thus alternative proxies (for example, producer prices) may be used. In these cases, the
use of the “H-Approach” provides a much better bases and results in a higher quality volume

C. Overview of the steps in the “H-Approach” with a focus on volumes

9.12. This section provides an overview of the compilation process, where Figure 9.1 shows a
framework for estimating SUTs simultaneously at purchasers’ prices and at basic prices and in
current prices and volume terms. On the left-hand side of the “H”, the current price data are
presented, whilst the right-hand side of the “H” presents the volume data in previous years’ prices.
In the middle, the joins through the deflation connection are shown as well as the link to the IOTs
in the bottom left-hand side and bottom right-hand side.

9.13. This framework is shown as a summary in Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.5 covering a simplified
version of the “outputs” in the compilation schematic for SUTs and IOTs in current prices and in
previous years’ prices. Applying this compilation scheme, this generates consistent and coherent
estimates of volume and price indices for all entries of the SUTs linking the different valuations
and the valuation matrices as well as the IOTs.

9.14. Figure 9.1 provides an overview that underpins the annexes covering the sequence and the
stage of production processes compiling SUTs in both current prices and in volume terms, in
Chapter 4.

9.15. As stated in the introduction, many of the above transactions in volume terms cannot be
directly observed. Therefore, volume estimates have to be derived from current price data
combined with information on price and/or volume changes. As a consequence, the starting point
for volume estimates are the SUTs in current prices as shown in the top left corner of Figure 9.1.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 9.1 An overview of the compilation schematic linking SUTs

in current prices and in volume terms

An overview of the compilation schematic integrating

Supply and Use Tables and Input-Output Tables – “H-Approach”
Current prices Previous years’ prices
Supply and
Use Tables Supply Use Supply Use

Industry I M T Industry Industry I M T Industry





Reallocate: PY rate x Reallocate PYP estimates of: Other

• Taxes and subsidies on products volume change • Taxes and subsidies on products supporting
• Trade and transport margins • Trade and transport margins analyses
prices e.g. HHFCe
and remove: Deflation and add PYP estimates of:
deflation by
• Imports of goods and services • Imports of goods and services consumer
Taxes/subsidies price indices
Domestic Supply Domestic Use Domestic Supply Domestic Use
split at each stage
Basic Industry Industry Deflation Industry Industry



prices (with domestic /
export split)

Type of tables P x P Tables use I x I Tables use P x P Tables use I x I Tables use
Technology Fixed sales structure Technology Fixed sales structure

Product or
P or I or Hybrid P sales or I sales P or I or Hybrid P sales or I sales
industry or hybrid

Leontief Inverse, multipliers, etc. Leontief Inverse, multipliers, etc. Compiled by

Sanjiv Mahajan
June 2009

1. Step 1

9.16. Once current price SUTs at purchasers’ prices (i.e. top left-hand side of Figure 9.1) have
been established, the separation of the valuation matrices covering taxes on products, subsidies on
products, trade margins and transport margins, and the separation of the Imports Use Table are
used to derive a Domestic Use Table at basic prices (i.e. middle of the left-hand side of Figure
9.1). The compilation of each of these matrices and tables is covered in Chapters 7 and 8 of this

9.17. At this stage (i.e. middle of the left-hand side of Figure 9.1), the tables for imported goods
and services and domestically produced goods and services form the starting point for the
compilation of the IOTs in current prices (i.e. bottom of the left-hand side of Figure 9.1) but also
the first step in the “deflation” phase for compiling SUTs in volume terms.

2. Step 2

9.18. For intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices in the Use Table, appropriate price
indices are mostly not available. The output and import price indices might be used as an
approximation (see below), however the optimal process is to compile the Use Table at basic prices
by the deduction of the valuation matrices from the Use Table at purchasers’ prices, shown on the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

left-hand side of Figure 9.1. In order to apply the most appropriate price indices, the Use Table at
basic prices should be split between uses of imported goods and services (Imports Use Table)
separate from uses of domestically produced goods and services (Domestic Use Table) shown in
middle of the left-hand side of Figure 9.1.

9.19. The Domestic Use Table at basic prices is deflated using appropriate price deflators (or use
of volume indicators) applied across each product in both the Supply Table and Use Table allowing
for the separation of domestically consumed products and exported products (deflated using export
price indices (EPIs)).

9.20. In the ideal case, producer price indices (PPIs) are a correctly weighted average of domestic
sales and exports. However, in practice, often a weighted average has to be constructed by applying
weights of the previous year. Another option is to split produced goods and services between those
consumed domestically and those exported, and then deflate using PPIs and EPIs, respectively.

9.21. The same approach holds for the imports of goods and services when applying import price
indices (IPSs).

9.22. The above step results in SUTs at basic prices in previous years’ prices. These data in
volume terms sit in the middle of the right-hand side of Figure 9.1.

9.23. In the case, when the SUTs in current prices and at purchasers’ prices are already balanced,
the above step should result in balanced SUTs at basic prices in previous years’ prices, assuming
the requirements on prices mentioned above are fulfilled. However, in practice, some balancing
will be required.

3. Step 3

9.24. The deflated valuation matrices for taxes, subsidies and margins (trade and transport) are
compiled by applying the previous year rates to the volumes at basic prices (or volume change as

9.25. In combination with the SUTs at basic prices, in previous years’ prices, the volume changes
can be calculated, which form the base for the volume estimates for all the individual entries of
the valuation matrices. In this compilation step, there are two key issues:

• Firstly, one has to check the plausibility of the volume estimates, in particular trade and
transport margins for the goods and services which have large changes in quality, as the
quality change is part of the volume changes in the National Accounts. The consequences
for GVA in the trade and transport industries might be unacceptable.

• Secondly, separate independent PPIs might be available for transport services. Confrontation
with the implicit price indices resulting from the process indicated by Figure 9.1 might lead

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

to unacceptable differences with the observed price indices. Thereby, a re-evaluation of

earlier estimates may be necessary.

4. Step 4

9.26. Adding SUTs at basic prices and valuation matrices, both in previous years’ prices, gives
SUTs at purchasers’ prices, in previous years’ prices, as shown in the top-right corner of Figure

9.27. At this stage, additional plausibility checks are available, and in some cases, essential. For
example, as described earlier, the use of household final consumption expenditure in volume terms
using CPIs. Confrontation of the resulting implicit price indices from the SUTs at purchasers’
prices with observed purchasers’ price indices like the CPI may reveal implausible results. This
will lead to re-evaluation and adjustment of earlier estimates.

9.28. The re-assessment and allocation of adjustments may ultimately imply, in some cases, that
the current price SUTs at purchasers’ prices may need to change or one or several of the
intermediate steps may need to be altered.

9.29. In the case of starting with balanced SUTs in current prices and at purchasers’ prices, each
transitionary step thereafter creates a balanced matrix. Therefore the resulting SUTs in previous
years’ prices both at basic prices and at purchasers’ prices will also be balanced. Any adjustments
resulting from the additional plausibility checks will be incorporated in a balanced manner and
improve plausibility and in turn quality.

5. Step 5

9.30. The bottom right-hand side of Figure 9.1 covers the compilation of IOTs in previous years’
prices and using the same assumptions as applied on the left-hand side when compiling the IOTs
in current prices.

6. Other points to note

9.31. Options on the starting point, whether the current price SUTs at purchasers’ prices and at
basic prices balanced as a starting point or whether they are unbalanced is discussed in Chapter 11
of this Handbook. This choice does not alter the steps or the processes of deflation but do have
different impacts on processes, resources, systems and schedules needed to compile these tables.

9.32. Figure 9.2 shows the links between the table in Figure 9.1 at the current price estimates
and in volume estimates for two successive years. In particular:

• The link between the SUTs of year t-1 in current prices of t-1 and the SUTs year t in prices
of t-1 are the SUTs with the corresponding volume indices.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• The connecting link between the SUTs in current prices of year t and the SUTs of year t in
prices of t-1 are the SUTs with the information on price indices.

• From the SUTs in current prices of year t and year t-1, the SUTs with value indices can be

9.33. At the end of this estimation process, a complete picture is available as laid out in Figure
9.2, for every column of the SUTs, not only in current prices but also in previous years’ prices for
outputs, intermediate uses, final uses and imports of goods and services. It should be noted the
SUTs may be unbalanced at this stage.

9.34. This set of data allows for checking the consistency of the data, whereby even if the results
in current prices look plausible, the analysis of volume and price data may show large problems.
For example, comparing changes in the volume of output by industry with the corresponding
changes in the volume of intermediate consumption and the volume of GVA.

9.35. The analysis in volume terms is far superior, especially when prices are changing rapidly.
In several cases, these data can be checked with actual data in volumes, for example, use of energy
products or the volume of sales by product like agriculture.

9.36. The value/price/volume analysis can lead to amendments on either of the estimated
variables before the balancing process has commenced.

Figure 9.2 Link between SUTs in current prices and in volume terms

Supply and Use Tables Supply and Use Tables Supply and Use Tables
of year t-1 of year t of year t
in prices of t-1 in prices of t-1 in prices of t

Supply and Use Tables Supply and Use Tables

Volume indices Price indices
(Real growth) (Price change)

Supply and Use Tables

Value indices
(Nominal growth)

9.37. An empirical example of SUTs reflecting the components of Figure 9.2 (including prices
indices, volume indices and value indices) is shown in Table 9.1 and Table 9.2. From these tables,
information on inflation, real growth and nominal growth can be extracted at a detailed level as

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

well as nominal GDP, real GDP growth and the GDP deflator. Table 9.3 also shows that the growth
rates for GDP can be directly derived from the SUTs by applying the formulae for the production,
income and expenditure approaches.

9.38. It should be noticed that the estimates of “direct purchases abroad by residents” and
“purchases on the domestic territory by non-residents” in rows (11) of Table 9.1 and rows (11) and
(12) of Table 9.2 are not shown separately in these tables but incorporated within the products of
the table. This is an alternative presentation of direct purchases abroad by residents and domestic
purchases by non-residents - these adjustments form the difference between the national concept
and domestic concept of household final consumption expenditure. The breakdown by product
allows for more appropriate deflation by product whereas the two aggregates form a heterogeneous
suite of products.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 9.1 The Supply Table in current prices and in volume terms
Total supply
Imports at basic
Trade, Finance and Trade and Taxes less purchasers’
Other prices
Agriculture Manufacturing Construction transport and business Total transport subsidies Total prices
communication services margins on products
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Supply Table at current prices in year T
Agriculture (1) 25 773 153 20 16 25 962 15 384 41 346 10 903 535 11 438 52 784
Manufacturing (2) 1 262 316 757 1 757 18 741 5 157 11 821 355 495 336 807 692 302 112 979 39 419 152 398 844 700

Construction (3) 92 1 104 87 896 296 2 062 2 134 93 584 1 564 95 148 8 260 8 260 103 408
Trade (4) 144 9 919 356 116 902 2 893 672 130 886 3 429 134 315 - 109 321 829 - 108 492 25 823
Transport (5) 385 17 69 63 645 1 348 977 66 441 10 671 77 112 - 14 864 - 996 - 15 860 61 252
Communication (6) 4 722 41 679 2 895 585 49 881 6 277 56 158 198 3 160 3 358 59 516
Finance and business services (7) 489 6 992 1 053 13 015 195 536 73 409 290 494 55 242 345 736 9 124 9 124 354 860
Other services (8) 304 2 512 2 687 3 540 216 628 225 671 16 638 242 309 105 3 008 3 113 245 422
Total (9) 28 449 342 176 91 131 256 965 213 451 306 242 1 238 414 446 012 1 684 426 63 339 63 339 1 747 765

CIF/FOB adjustments on imports (10) - 3 569 - 3 569 - 3 569


Direct purchases abroad by

Total (12) 28 449 342 176 91 131 256 965 213 451 306 242 1 238 414 442 443 1 680 857 63 339 63 339 1 744 196
Price index (T-1 = 100)
Agriculture (1) 102.0 104.1 100.0 100.0 102.0 106.9 103.8 97.5 107.6 97.9 102.4
Manufacturing (2) 107.5 108.0 101.3 99.9 100.5 101.3 107.2 108.0 107.6 100.2 101.9 100.7 106.2

Construction (3) 103.4 100.8 100.5 102.1 100.9 99.8 100.5 101.6 100.5 100.1 100.1 100.5
Trade (4) 98.0 100.1 99.2 99.7 99.9 99.9 99.7 100.0 99.7 99.5 102.3 99.5 100.4
Transport (5) 102.4 100.0 101.5 102.0 101.6 101.6 102.0 102.2 102.0 103.5 99.4 103.2 101.7
Communication (6) 97.5 99.6 97.4 98.3 99.2 98.3 99.1 101.5 100.5 100.6 99.2
Finance and business services (7) 102.9 101.0 100.5 100.7 100.2 101.0 100.4 101.0 100.5 93.6 93.6 100.3
Other services (8) 102.4 100.2 102.2 115.9 100.8 101.0 103.4 101.1 99.1 110.2 109.8 101.2
Total (9) 102.2 107.4 100.5 100.3 100.4 100.8 102.4 106.5 103.4 100.8 100.8 103.3

CIF/FOB adjustments on imports (10) 108.1 108.1 108.1


Direct purchases abroad by

Total (12) 102.2 107.4 100.5 100.3 100.4 100.8 102.4 106.5 103.4 100.8 100.8 103.3
Supply Table of year T at previous years' prices
Agriculture (1) 25 274 147 20 16 25 457 14 386 39 843 11 183 497 11 680 51 523
Manufacturing (2) 1 174 293 265 1 734 18 755 5 129 11 673 331 730 311 934 643 664 112 711 38 690 151 401 795 065

Construction (3) 89 1 095 87 486 290 2 043 2 138 93 141 1 540 94 681 8 253 8 253 102 934
Trade (4) 147 9 913 359 117 309 2 897 673 131 298 3 428 134 726 - 109 828 810 - 109 018 25 708
Transport (5) 376 17 68 62 377 1 327 962 65 127 10 444 75 571 - 14 367 - 1 002 - 15 369 60 202
Communication (6) 4 845 41 862 2 973 595 50 275 6 385 56 660 195 3 144 3 339 59 999
Finance and business services (7) 475 6 925 1 048 12 924 195 168 72 709 289 249 54 690 343 939 9 745 9 745 353 684
Other services (8) 297 2 507 2 628 3 055 214 997 223 484 16 094 239 578 106 2 729 2 835 242 413
Total (9) 27 832 318 714 90 695 256 145 212 612 303 763 1 209 761 418 901 1 628 662 62 866 62 866 1 691 528

CIF/FOB adjustments on imports (10) - 3 303 - 3 303 - 3 303


Direct purchases abroad by

Total (12) 27 832 318 714 90 695 256 145 212 612 303 763 1 209 761 415 598 1 625 359 62 866 62 866 1 688 225
Volume index (T-1 = 100)
Agriculture (1) 99.9 96.1 87.0 88.9 99.9 103.5 101.1 103.6 111.9 103.9 101.8
Manufacturing (2) 95.4 104.5 89.4 98.5 94.4 103.1 103.8 103.3 103.6 103.6 98.7 102.3 103.3

Construction (3) 127.1 129.4 104.1 117.9 89.3 99.9 103.9 101.2 103.8 98.2 98.2 103.4
Trade (4) 79.5 94.4 104.1 104.8 99.0 90.5 103.6 101.4 103.6 103.4 98.8 103.5 104.1
Transport (5) 98.9 100.0 82.9 103.2 129.2 101.9 103.6 100.3 103.1 104.9 106.5 105.0 102.7
Communication (6) 109.4 101.6 109.6 97.2 102.7 97.8 102.1 97.0 97.5 97.5 101.9
Finance and business services (7) 99.6 103.0 97.1 103.3 102.7 100.4 102.1 107.4 102.9 98.2 98.2 102.8
Other services (8) 95.2 99.1 99.4 100.3 100.5 100.5 98.3 100.3 94.6 101.9 101.6 100.4
Total (9) 99.6 104.2 103.6 103.3 102.4 100.6 102.6 103.5 102.8 98.6 98.6 102.7

CIF/FOB adjustments on imports (10) 100.9 100.9 100.9


Direct purchases abroad by

Total (12) 99.6 104.2 103.6 103.3 102.4 100.6 102.6 103.5 102.8 98.6 98.6 102.7
Supply Table of T-1 at current prices
Agriculture (1) 25 299 153 23 18 25 493 13 900 39 393 10 799 444 11 243 50 636
Manufacturing (2) 1 230 280 614 1 939 19 032 5 431 11 317 319 563 301 843 621 406 108 774 39 201 147 975 769 381

Construction (3) 70 846 84 076 246 2 289 2 141 89 668 1 521 91 189 8 404 8 404 99 593
Trade (4) 185 10 503 345 111 978 2 927 744 126 682 3 381 130 063 - 106 185 820 - 105 365 24 698
Transport (5) 380 17 82 60 429 1 027 944 62 879 10 408 73 287 - 13 701 - 941 - 14 642 58 645
Communication (6) 4 428 41 199 2 713 612 48 952 6 530 55 482 201 3 224 3 425 58 907
Finance and business services (7) 477 6 724 1 079 12 509 190 079 72 409 283 277 50 908 334 185 9 925 9 925 344 110
Other services (8) 312 2 531 2 644 3 045 213 878 222 410 16 366 238 776 112 2 678 2 790 241 566
Total (9) 27 953 305 816 87 521 248 037 207 534 302 063 1 178 924 404 857 1 583 781 63 755 63 755 1 647 536

CIF/FOB adjustments on imports (10) - 3 272 - 3 272 - 3 272


Direct purchases abroad by

Total (12) 27 953 305 816 87 521 248 037 207 534 302 063 1 178 924 401 585 1 580 509 63 755 63 755 1 644 264
Value index (T-1 = 100)
Agriculture (1) 101.9 100.0 87.0 88.9 101.8 110.7 105.0 101.0 120.5 101.7 104.2
Manufacturing (2) 102.6 112.9 90.6 98.5 95.0 104.5 111.2 111.6 111.4 103.9 100.6 103.0 109.8

Construction (3) 131.4 130.5 104.5 120.3 90.1 99.7 104.4 102.8 104.3 98.3 98.3 103.8
Trade (4) 77.8 94.4 103.2 104.4 98.8 90.3 103.3 101.4 103.3 103.0 101.1 103.0 104.6
Transport (5) 101.3 100.0 84.1 105.3 131.3 103.5 105.7 102.5 105.2 108.5 105.8 108.3 104.4
Communication (6) 106.6 101.2 106.7 95.6 101.9 96.1 101.2 98.5 98.0 98.0 101.0
Finance and business services (7) 102.5 104.0 97.6 104.0 102.9 101.4 102.5 108.5 103.5 91.9 91.9 103.1
Other services (8) 97.4 99.2 101.6 116.3 101.3 101.5 101.7 101.5 93.8 112.3 111.6 101.6
Total (9) 101.8 111.9 104.1 103.6 102.9 101.4 105.0 110.2 106.4 99.3 99.3 106.1

CIF/FOB adjustments on imports (10) 109.1 109.1 109.1


Direct purchases abroad by

Total (12) 101.8 111.9 104.1 103.6 102.9 101.4 105.0 110.2 106.3 99.3 99.3 106.1

Netherlands 2011

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 9.2 The Use Table in current prices and in volume terms
Total use at
Trade, transport Finance and Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed Changes
Other Changes in purchasers’
Agriculture Manuf acturing Construction and business Total Household General capital in Exports Total
services NPISH inventories
communication services s government f ormation valuables
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Use Table at current in year T
Agriculture (1) 5 514 17 236 114 205 248 1 091 24 408 5 937 143 - 91 22 387 28 376 52 784
Manuf acturing (2) 10 133 175 862 26 285 26 880 7 573 30 984 277 717 122 814 9 119 51 545 1 409 382 096 566 983 844 700

Construction (3) 298 1 718 24 504 1 608 2 212 15 934 46 274 453 566 54 015 2 100 57 134 103 408
Trade (4) 107 2 975 336 7 421 2 115 576 13 530 4 750 7 543 12 293 25 823
Transport (5) 291 3 230 162 23 566 2 738 1 903 31 890 5 679 492 23 191 29 362 61 252
Communication (6) 170 3 027 1 068 13 842 7 911 6 089 32 107 10 794 868 6 717 2 9 028 27 409 59 516
Finance and business services (7) 2 067 36 341 7 131 46 730 61 900 52 851 207 020 77 968 5 3 585 16 820 49 462 147 840 354 860
Other services (8) 172 2 306 1 236 4 214 4 569 13 381 25 878 55 061 4 610 153 396 1 162 206 5 109 219 544 245 422
Total (9) 18 752 242 695 60 836 124 466 89 266 122 809 658 824 283 456 5 483 167 158 130 402 1 526 500 916 1 088 941 1 747 765
CIF/FOB adjustments on (10)

- 3 569 - 3 569 - 3 569

Direct purchases abroad by (11)
Purchases in the domestic (12)
territory by non-residents
Total (13) 18 752 242 695 60 836 124 466 89 266 122 809 658 824 283 456 5 483 167 158 130 402 1 526 497 347 1 085 372 1 744 196
Compensation of employees (14) 2 677 42 141 18 786 71 831 70 666 111 939 318 040 318 040
Other taxes less subsidies on (15) - 722 176 5 18 - 930 1 190 - 263 - 263

Consumption of f ixed capital (16) 3 683 18 241 2 234 18 024 13 259 51 627 107 068 107 068
Net operating surplus (17) 4 059 38 923 9 270 42 626 41 190 18 677 154 745 154 745
GVA (18) 9 697 99 481 30 295 132 499 124 185 183 433 579 590 579 590
Total input at basic prices (19) 28 449 342 176 91 131 256 965 213 451 306 242 1 238 414 283 456 5 483 167 158 130 402 1 526 497 347 1 085 372
Price index (T-1 = 100)
Agriculture (1) 105.8 109.9 102.7 108.5 102.5 96.2 108.2 100.4 94.7 568.8 97.7 98.0 102.4
Manuf acturing (2) 114.1 111.5 103.3 107.0 103.9 103.5 109.2 102.1 99.5 99.6 85.7 106.8 104.9 106.2

Construction (3) 101.4 103.1 100.3 102.4 101.1 101.8 101.0 97.4 97.1 100.0 102.0 100.0 100.5
Trade (4) 100.0 101.2 101.2 101.7 102.4 101.8 101.7 102.2 97.3 99.1 100.4
Transport (5) 101.7 101.4 101.9 102.4 100.4 102.1 102.1 101.8 103.1 101.3 101.4 101.7
Communication (6) 100.0 98.3 97.9 98.7 99.6 99.2 99.0 102.4 100.9 96.7 100.0 98.1 99.5 99.2
Finance and business services (7) 101.4 100.8 100.4 100.7 101.7 98.7 100.5 101.7 100.0 101.8 95.7 99.0 100.1 100.3
Other services (8) 102.4 101.4 102.1 102.5 102.4 105.6 103.9 102.7 103.8 100.2 101.7 99.5 101.8 100.9 101.2
Total (9) 109.3 109.0 101.6 102.2 101.7 101.1 104.5 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 104.9 102.6 103.3
CIF/FOB adjustments on (10) 108.1 108.1 108.1

Direct purchases abroad by (11)
Purchases in the domestic (12)
territory by non-residents
Total (13) 109.3 109.0 101.6 102.2 101.7 101.1 104.5 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 104.8 102.6 103.3
Compensation of employees (14) 102.7 102.1 101.3 101.8 101.5 101.4 101.6 101.6
Other taxes less subsidies on (15) 98.0 193.4 - 500.0 - 1 800.0 98.8 113.9 48.3 48.3

Consumption of f ixed capital (16) 99.1 100.7 99.4 99.9 98.8 97.7 98.8 98.8
Net operating surplus (17) 79.8 106.1 92.4 93.1 96.3 103.8 97.7 97.7
GVA (18) 90.8 103.5 98.3 98.6 99.5 100.6 100.1 100.1
Total input at basic prices (19) 102.2 107.4 100.5 100.3 100.4 100.8 102.4 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 104.8 102.6
Use Table at previous years' prices
Agriculture (1) 5 212 15 677 111 189 242 1 134 22 565 5 912 151 - 16 22 911 28 958 51 523
Manuf acturing (2) 8 882 157 696 25 450 25 123 7 291 29 932 254 374 120 255 9 167 51 739 1 645 357 885 540 691 795 065

Construction (3) 294 1 667 24 422 1 570 2 188 15 654 45 795 465 583 54 033 2 058 57 139 102 934
Trade (4) 107 2 940 332 7 299 2 065 566 13 309 4 646 7 753 12 399 25 708
Transport (5) 286 3 186 159 23 022 2 728 1 863 31 244 5 579 477 22 902 28 958 60 202
Communication (6) 170 3 079 1 091 14 028 7 939 6 139 32 446 10 538 860 6 947 2 9 206 27 553 59 999
Finance and business services (7) 2 039 36 056 7 102 46 387 60 856 53 536 205 976 76 632 5 3 523 17 570 49 978 147 708 353 684
Other services (8) 168 2 274 1 210 4 112 4 461 12 675 24 900 53 632 4 443 153 068 1 143 207 5 020 217 513 242 413
Total (9) 17 158 222 575 59 877 121 730 87 770 121 499 630 609 277 659 5 308 166 818 131 583 1 838 477 713 1 060 919 1 691 528
CIF/FOB adjustments on (10)

- 3 303 - 3 303 - 3 303

Direct purchases abroad by (11)
Purchases in the domestic (12)
territory by non-residents
Total (13) 17 158 222 575 59 877 121 730 87 770 121 499 630 609 277 659 5 308 166 818 131 583 1 838 474 410 1 057 616 1 688 225
Compensation of employees (14) 2 606 41 261 18 537 70 563 69 589 110 413 312 969 312 969
Other taxes less subsidies on (15) - 737 91 - 1 - 1 - 941 1 045 - 544 - 544

Consumption of f ixed capital (16) 3 718 18 116 2 247 18 045 13 424 52 821 108 371 108 371
Net operating surplus (17) 5 087 36 671 10 035 45 808 42 770 17 985 158 356 158 356
GVA (18) 10 674 96 139 30 818 134 415 124 842 182 264 579 152 579 152
Total input at basic prices (19) 27 832 318 714 90 695 256 145 212 612 303 763 1 209 761 277 659 5 308 166 818 131 583 1 838 474 410 1 057 616
Volume index (T-1 = 100)
Agriculture (1) 102.0 103.3 119.4 71.3 103.4 101.1 102.6 101.5 84.8 - 9.1 102.0 101.1 101.8
Manuf acturing (2) 99.5 106.3 101.6 99.3 99.9 97.5 103.6 99.4 102.8 112.5 43.1 104.0 103.2 103.3

Construction (3) 100.7 126.0 109.8 102.3 101.2 99.8 105.9 103.3 96.0 101.9 91.6 101.4 103.4
Trade (4) 97.3 99.0 108.1 99.3 99.2 95.0 99.2 99.2 117.4 109.9 104.1
Transport (5) 100.0 97.7 100.0 101.7 108.4 96.4 101.5 100.8 97.3 104.9 103.9 102.7
Communication (6) 98.8 102.5 100.6 104.7 101.3 95.3 101.6 97.5 100.0 102.9 7.4 107.9 102.2 101.9
Finance and business services (7) 98.9 104.9 104.0 104.8 104.7 99.1 103.2 100.5 100.0 96.2 100.2 106.2 102.2 102.8
Other services (8) 99.4 103.6 98.5 107.8 102.7 99.1 101.5 101.8 99.8 99.7 98.2 72.6 103.1 100.2 100.4
Total (9) 100.2 105.7 105.1 102.7 103.8 98.6 103.2 100.2 99.8 99.8 105.6 42.7 104.4 102.4 102.7
CIF/FOB adjustments on (10) 100.9 100.9 100.9

Direct purchases abroad by (11)
Purchases in the domestic (12)
territory by non-residents
Total (13) 100.2 105.7 105.1 102.7 103.8 98.6 103.2 100.2 99.8 99.8 105.6 42.7 104.4 102.4 102.7
Compensation of employees (14) 100.1 100.5 98.8 101.4 101.6 100.4 100.8 100.8
Other taxes less subsidies on (15) 137.2 - 104.6 5.3 .9 94.4 136.4 55.5 55.5

Consumption of f ixed capital (16) 101.6 100.8 101.5 100.3 100.4 102.0 101.3 101.3
Net operating surplus (17) 99.7 101.2 104.8 109.0 101.5 110.7 104.7 104.7
GVA (18) 98.6 101.0 100.9 103.8 101.5 101.9 102.0 102.0
Total input at basic prices (19) 99.6 104.2 103.6 103.3 102.4 100.6 102.6 100.2 99.8 99.8 105.6 42.7 104.4 102.4

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 9.2 The Use Table in current prices and in volume terms (continued)
Total use at
Trade, transport Finance and Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed Changes
Other Changes in purchasers’
Agriculture Manuf acturing Construction and business Total Household General capital in Exports Total
services NPISH inventories
communication services s government f ormation valuables
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Use Table of T-1 at current prices
Agriculture (1) 5 108 15 176 93 265 234 1 122 21 998 5 823 178 176 22 461 28 638 50 636
Manuf acturing (2) 8 926 148 356 25 043 25 305 7 297 30 707 245 634 120 960 8 919 45 974 3 820 344 074 523 747 769 381

Construction (3) 292 1 323 22 247 1 534 2 161 15 686 43 243 450 607 53 047 2 246 56 350 99 593
Trade (4) 110 2 970 307 7 347 2 082 596 13 412 4 683 6 603 11 286 24 698
Transport (5) 286 3 260 159 22 630 2 517 1 933 30 785 5 535 490 21 835 27 860 58 645
Communication (6) 172 3 004 1 084 13 401 7 835 6 439 31 935 10 806 860 6 748 27 8 531 26 972 58 907
Finance and business services (7) 2 062 34 384 6 828 44 243 58 107 53 998 199 622 76 231 5 3 664 17 538 47 050 144 488 344 110
Other services (8) 169 2 194 1 229 3 815 4 345 12 786 24 538 52 706 4 451 153 552 1 164 285 4 870 217 028 241 566
Total (9) 17 125 210 667 56 990 118 540 84 578 123 267 611 167 277 194 5 316 167 232 124 649 4 308 457 670 1 036 369 1 647 536
CIF/FOB adjustments on (10) - 3 272 - 3 272 - 3 272

Direct purchases abroad by (11)
Purchases in the domestic (12)
territory by non-residents
Total (13) 17 125 210 667 56 990 118 540 84 578 123 267 611 167 277 194 5 316 167 232 124 649 4 308 454 398 1 033 097 1 644 264
Compensation of employees (14) 2 603 41 042 18 765 69 595 68 466 110 000 310 471 310 471
Other taxes less subsidies on (15) - 537 - 87 - 19 - 106 - 997 766 - 980 - 980

Consumption of f ixed capital (16) 3 660 17 973 2 213 17 989 13 366 51 781 106 982 106 982
Net operating surplus (17) 5 102 36 221 9 572 42 019 42 121 16 249 151 284 151 284
GVA (18) 10 828 95 149 30 531 129 497 122 956 178 796 567 757 567 757
Total input at basic prices (19) 27 953 305 816 87 521 248 037 207 534 302 063 1 178 924 277 194 5 316 167 232 124 649 4 308 454 398 1 033 097
Value index (T-1 = 100)
Agriculture (1) 107.9 113.6 122.6 77.4 106.0 97.2 111.0 102.0 80.3 - 51.7 99.7 99.1 104.2
Manuf acturing (2) 113.5 118.5 105.0 106.2 103.8 100.9 113.1 101.5 102.2 112.1 36.9 111.1 108.3 109.8

Construction (3) 102.1 129.9 110.1 104.8 102.4 101.6 107.0 100.7 93.2 101.8 93.5 101.4 103.8
Trade (4) 97.3 100.2 109.4 101.0 101.6 96.6 100.9 101.4 114.2 108.9 104.6
Transport (5) 101.7 99.1 101.9 104.1 108.8 98.4 103.6 102.6 100.4 106.2 105.4 104.4
Communication (6) 98.8 100.8 98.5 103.3 101.0 94.6 100.5 99.9 100.9 99.5 7.4 105.8 101.6 101.0
Finance and business services (7) 100.2 105.7 104.4 105.6 106.5 97.9 103.7 102.3 100.0 97.8 95.9 105.1 102.3 103.1
Other services (8) 101.8 105.1 100.6 110.5 105.2 104.7 105.5 104.5 103.6 99.9 99.8 72.3 104.9 101.2 101.6
Total (9) 109.5 115.2 106.7 105.0 105.5 99.6 107.8 102.3 103.1 100.0 104.6 35.4 109.4 105.1 106.1
CIF/FOB adjustments on (10) 109.1 109.1 109.1

Direct purchases abroad by (11)
Purchases in the domestic (12)
territory by non-residents
Total (13) 109.5 115.2 106.7 105.0 105.5 99.6 107.8 102.3 103.1 100.0 104.6 35.4 109.5 105.1 106.1
Compensation of employees (14) 102.8 102.7 100.1 103.2 103.2 101.8 102.4 102.4
Other taxes less subsidies on (15) 134.5 - 202.3 - 26.3 - 17.0 93.3 155.4 26.8 26.8

Consumption of f ixed capital (16) 100.6 101.5 100.9 100.2 99.2 99.7 100.1 100.1
Net operating surplus (17) 79.6 107.5 96.8 101.4 97.8 114.9 102.3 102.3
GVA (18) 89.6 104.6 99.2 102.3 101.0 102.6 102.1 102.1
Total input at basic prices (19) 101.8 111.9 104.1 103.6 102.9 101.4 105.0 102.3 103.1 100.0 104.6 35.4 109.5 105.1

Netherlands 2011

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 9.3 Gross domestic product in current prices and in volume terms

Production approach Income approach Expenditure approach

GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT t at current prices

Total output at basic prices 1 238 414 Compensation of employees 318 040 Hous ehold final cons umption expenditure 283 456
- Intermediate cons umption - 658 824 + Other net taxes on production - 263 + NPISH final consum ption expenditure 5 483
+ Capital consum ption 107 068 + Government consumption expenditure 167 158
+ Net operating s urplus 154 745 + Gross fixed capital formation 130 402
+ Acquisitions less disposals of valuables
= Value added at basic prices 579 590 = Value added at basic prices 579 590 + Changes in inventories 1 526
+ Exports of goods and services 497 347
+ Taxes les s subsidies on products 63 339 + Taxes less subsidies on products 63 339 - Imports of goods and services - 442 443
= Gross domestic product 642 929 = Gross domes tic product 642 929 = Gross dom estic product 642 929
INFLATION Annual change of prices in percent
Total output at basic prices 2.4 Compensation of employees 1.6 Hous ehold final cons umption expenditure 2.1
- Intermediate cons umption 4.5 + Other net taxes on production -51.7 + NPISH final consum ption expenditure 3.3
+ Capital consum ption -1.2 + Government consumption expenditure 0.2
+ Net operating s urplus -2.3 + Gross fixed capital formation -0.9
+ Acquisitions less disposals of valuables 0.0
= Value added at basic prices 0.1 = Value added at basic prices 0.1 + Changes in inventories -17.0
+ Exports of goods and services 4.8
+ Taxes les s subsidies on products 0.8 + Taxes less subsidies on products 0.8 - Imports of goods and services 6.5
= Gross domestic product 0.1 = Gross domes tic product 0.1 = Gross dom estic product 0.1
GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT t at prices of previous year
Total output at basic prices 1 209 761 Compensation of employees 312 969 Hous ehold final cons umption expenditure 277 659
- Intermediate cons umption - 630 609 + Other net taxes on production - 544 + NPISH final consum ption expenditure 5 308
+ Capital consum ption 108 371 + Government consumption expenditure 166 818
+ Net operating s urplus 158 356 + Gross fixed capital formation 131 583
+ Acquisitions less disposals of valuables
= Value added at basic prices 579 152 = Value added at basic prices 579 152 + Changes in inventories 1 838
+ Exports of goods and services 474 410
+ Taxes les s subsidies on products 62 866 + Taxes less subsidies on products 62 866 - Imports of goods and services - 415 598
= Gross domestic product 642 018 = Gross domes tic product 642 018 = Gross dom estic product 642 018
REAL GROWTH Annual real growth rates in percent
Total output at basic prices 2.6 Compensation of employees 0.8 Hous ehold final cons umption expenditure 0.2
- Intermediate cons umption 3.2 + Other net taxes on production -44.5 + NPISH final consum ption expenditure -0.2
+ Capital consum ption 1.3 + Government consumption expenditure -0.2
+ Net operating s urplus 4.7 + Gross fixed capital formation 5.6
+ Acquisitions less disposals of valuables 0.0
= Value added at basic prices 2.0 = Value added at basic prices 2.0 + Changes in inventories -57.3
+ Exports of goods and services 4.4
+ Taxes les s subsidies on products -1.4 + Taxes less subsidies on products -1.4 - Imports of goods and services 3.5
= Gross domestic product 1.7 = Gross domes tic product 1.7 = Gross dom estic product 1.7
GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT t-1 at current prices
Total output at basic prices 1 178 924 Compensation of employees 310 471 Hous ehold final cons umption expenditure 277 194
- Intermediate cons umption - 611 167 + Other net taxes on production - 980 + NPISH final consum ption expenditure 5 316
+ Capital consum ption 106 982 + Government consumption expenditure 167 232
+ Net operating s urplus 151 284 + Gross fixed capital formation 124 649
+ Acquisitions less disposals of valuables
= Value added at basic prices 567 757 = Value added at basic prices 567 757 + Changes in inventories 4 308
+ Exports of goods and services 454 398
+ Taxes les s subsidies on products 63 755 + Taxes less subsidies on products 63 755 - Imports of goods and services - 401 585
= Gross domestic product 631 512 = Gross domes tic product 631 512 = Gross dom estic product 631 512
NOMINAL GROWTH Annual nom inal growth rates in percent
Total output at basic prices 5.0 Compensation of employees 2.4 Hous ehold final cons umption expenditure 2.3
- Intermediate cons umption 7.8 + Other net taxes on production -73.2 + NPISH final consum ption expenditure 3.1
+ Capital consum ption 0.1 + Government consumption expenditure 0.0
+ Net operating s urplus 2.3 + Gross fixed capital formation 4.6
+ Acquisitions less disposals of valuables 0.0
= Value added at basic prices 2.1 = Value added at basic prices 2.1 + Changes in inventories -64.6
+ Exports of goods and services 9.5
+ Taxes les s subsidies on products -0.7 + Taxes less subsidies on products -0.7 - Imports of goods and services 10.2
= Gross domestic product 1.8 = Gross domes tic product 1.8 = Gross dom estic product 1.8

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

D. Price and volume indicators in theory

9.39. The price and volume changes for aggregates are derived from price and volume changes
of separate products preferably at a low level of aggregation. Ideally, price changes on the product
level should refer to specific products, for example, every year the prices of exactly the same
product can change (for example due to brand type, weight, quality, etc.) and should be observed.
Generally speaking, in terms of quality, the greater the number of products in the SUTs, the better
the requirement of matching appropriate values and prices will be achieved.

9.40. The price and volume indicators have to meet a number of requirements in order to be
appropriate for estimating price and volume indices within the SUTs framework. These
requirements are discussed in relation to the concept of output. However they are applicable to all
other transactions in goods and services. Examples of the requirements include:

• The prices and quantities should relate directly to output. This means that they should refer
to complete end-products and not to contributory activities or to contributory intermediate
or primary inputs. In the case of prices, they also have to refer to the right valuation, for
example, output at basic prices.

• The prices and quantities should have sufficient stratification implying that different prices
and quantities should be available for all different product groups making up the output.

• The product classification of prices and quantities should have sufficient and detailed
matching. This requirement will be fully met, for example, if there is only one product in a
product group. If there is more than one product within a product group, an additional
requirement is that the composition of the product group does not change over time – this is
more often not the case.

• The prices and quantities should be sufficiently representative for the product group.
Usually, prices and quantities available do not cover all products of the product group and /
or are based on a sample survey. Changes in the prices / quantities that are observed should
be representative of changes in the prices and quantities that are not observed.

• If prices differ amongst users for the same products, then separate price indices should be
collected and used, for example, this is very important when distinguishing price changes
between domestic users and for export.

• The changes in values resulting from changes of quality should be excluded from the price
index and included in the volume index.

9.41. The requirement of matching for volume estimation implies that the compilation of SUTs
in volume terms will require much more detail in terms of products (and prices) than is necessary

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

for the compilation of SUTs in current prices. However, preferably the classification of the SUTs
in volume terms is similar to the level of detail of the SUTs in current prices.

9.42. The requirements of SUTs in volume terms forms one of many criteria to assess when
considering the size of the SUTs – this covered in more detail in Chapter 4. A balance between the
assumptions to be made in order to get enough detail to achieve homogeneity for price and values
and the gain in quality must be taken into account when determining the classifications in the

9.43. Mostly integral information, neither on prices nor on quantities, is available. Therefore,
estimates will be based on limited information. It is recognised that limited price data and limited
quantity data do not provide the same possibilities. It may be expected that price information from
a sample with a certain size is more representative than quantity information from a sample of the
same size. This statement is based on the consideration that if there is a competitive market for a
“specific” product grouping, then there will be a tendency to use one price for the total supply of
that product. In that case, a relatively small sample will be sufficient for observing the price and
price changes of the total supply of that product.

9.44. However, changes in quantities are less liable to such equalising tendencies, for example,
it is true that in an expanding market, all producers will try to increase their supply but the
realisation will depend on restrictive factors such as production capacity and financing facilities.
Along with fast growing producers, there will be slow growing producers, and maybe, even
shrinking producers. This implies in order to obtain reliable estimates for quantities, the samples
will have to be (much) larger. As a consequence, it is common practice to derive price indices from
price samples and afterwards compile data in volume terms by combining current price data and
price indices. In many cases, this approach is efficient and cost-saving.

9.45. Although the standard price method can be applied for many goods and services, there are
still a number of transactions for which observation of prices has not been realised or even not
possible. The latter point refers to particular cases, in which, owing to the nature of the definition
and measurement of output in current prices, the direct observation of appropriate prices is not
possible, for example, non-market services, FISIM and insurance services.

E. Price and volume indicators in practice

9.46. This section briefly covers a range of price and volume indicators that may be available for
the building blocks to produce SUTs in volume terms and is not meant to be exhaustive. These
indicators should be considered applicable, as appropriate, to the various parts of the “H-
Approach”, for example, ensuring consistency as far as possible between the Supply Table
components and the Use Tables components. The section covers:

• Supply Table at basic prices

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Use Table at basic prices

• GVA by industry

• Valuation matrices

9.47. The Chapter 15 of the 2008 SNA and the Handbook on Price and Volume Measures in
National Accounts (Eurostat, 2016) provide much more details on the choice of index formulae.

1. Supply Table at basic prices

9.48. This section considers the domestic production of goods and services and imports of goods
and services separately.

(a) Domestic production

Producers’ price indices

9.49. The PPIs usually fulfil the general requirements for price indicators like valuation,
adjustment for quality change and level of detail, and preferably separate prices are available for
domestic sales and for exports. For total output, a weighted average should be used. Therefore
PPIs are the best indicators for the deflation of output of goods and services (either by product as
required or by industry).

9.50. For most PPIs, they are collected as producers’ prices which will suffice for many
industries. However, industries paying large amounts of excise duties (for example, oil, alcohol
and tobacco) will require adjustments such as when “rates” have changed. One disadvantage of
PPIs is that they are mostly Laspeyres type indices and might use fixed weighting schemes,
generally updated only once every five years. This argues in favour of applying PPIs at the lowest
possible level of detail when deflating the domestic supply of products for domestic consumption.

9.51. It is not always possible to observe prices directly because the concerning products are not
the same over time, for example, unique goods and services and goods changing rapidly in quality
such as computers, mobile phones, tablets, etc.

9.52. If the products in the Domestic Output part of the Supply Table are deflated using PPIs (or
adjusted to form basic price indices), then the same indices need to be used for the corresponding
products in the Use Table on the right-hand side of the “H-Approach”, thereby ensuring
consistency as well as a balance.

9.53. Price indicators other than direct observation for some products may have to be considered,
for example: tariff indices, model pricing, hedonic price indices, unit value indices, consumer price
indices, extrapolation by quantity indicators, input methods, and non-market production.

(i) Tariff indices

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

9.54. Certain types of services (for example, commercial services and services of general
medical practitioners) are paid for by tariffs, for example, a fee per time unit. Problems with these
types of indices are that changes in the quality of the services provided as well as changes in the
productivity per time unit are not accounted for in this approach. So, tariff-based price indices are
only appropriate deflators if adjustments can be made for changes of quality and productivity or
when it is known for sure that such changes are within acceptable limits.

(ii) Model pricing

9.55. In the model pricing approach, the producers are asked to provide price estimates for
typical products. Model price indices are candidate approximate deflators, when there are
significant changes in product specification from one year to the next and especially in areas where
products are unique. An important advantage is that since the same product or project is priced,
the quality is unchanged. However, there are some disadvantages in areas like rapid product change
and the degree of representation of the observed price change for total supply is questionable.

(iii) Hedonic price indices

9.56. Hedonic price indices are candidate deflators when product specification and quality
change significantly. The method is based on an assessment of certain measurable characteristics
that make up such a product, for example, in personal computers, memory and processing speed
are two such characteristics. The main advantage is that quality changes are explicitly captured
and thereby productivity changes are also taken into account. A serious drawback is the complexity
of the method. Furthermore, the resulting quality adjustment factor seems to be highly dependent
on the choice of the characteristics and the choice of the regression model.

(iv) Unit value indices

9.57. Unit value indices of a product can be derived when for both the current year and the base
year information on value and quantity is available for domestic supply (for example, from
production surveys). Dividing the values by the corresponding quantities gives so-called unit
values. Under certain conditions a unit value index can be applied as a price index, for example,
when a PPI is not available. However, a problem with unit value indices is that they often refer to
heterogeneous products, and therefore, their usefulness is, generally limited to cases in which they
refer to homogeneous (mass) products whereby the quality does not change rapidly over time.

9.58. For unit values, they are quantity weighted as opposed to the regular price indices, which
will be time weighted (such as the annual average of monthly indices). In some cases, where
quantities do not move smoothly over the year and prices vary a lot, unit values may be the only
approach to get the correct relationship between current price value and volume. Thus we may
often choose to rely on unit values for energy products and some agricultural products, with
changes in inventories in current prices adjusted accordingly.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(v) Consumer price indices

9.59. For some products, CPIs can be used as approximate deflators for domestic supply.
However, only in cases in which private households buy a considerable part, or all, of the supply
of a product, and trade and transport margins and taxes and subsidies play a very small part in the
value at purchasers’ prices. Special attention has to be given to changes in tax rates, especially
taxes like VAT. As only non-deductible VAT should be taken into account, any modification in
the laws of VAT deduction rights must be treated in the same way as a modification of the rates
of invoiced VAT and therefore as a variation of the price of the tax. This effect could not be fully
detected if one uses CPI to deflate taxes because only the products of final consumption are
considered in CPI, and not for example, those of intermediate consumption of exempt industries.

9.60. The CPIs are serious candidate deflators for service products mainly provided to private
households. An advantage of CPIs is that they take account for changes in quality. On the other
hand, most CPIs are Laspeyres type and might use fixed weighting schemes, generally up-dated
only once every five years, and this is a disadvantage. This argues in favour of applying CPIs at
the lowest level of detail as possible when deflating the domestic supply of products for domestic

(vi) Extrapolation by quantity indicators

9.61. Although the standard price method can be applied for many goods and services, there are
still various transactions for which observation of prices has not been realised or even not possible.
The latter refers to particular cases, where due to the nature of the definition and measurement of
output in current prices, direct observation of appropriate prices is not possible, for example, non-
market services, FISIM and insurance companies. If price observation is not possible, then the use
of quantity information is an alternative.

9.62. As mentioned above, for some products, it is impossible to collect price data, and in order
to decompose a value change in a price change and a volume change, quantity indicators must be
used. For some industries, mostly object of government involvement (for example, public
transport, medical services and cultural services) or government supervision (for example, banking
and insurance), a lot of detailed quantity data are already collected by the NSOs or government
agencies. Examples can be found in the medical sector (for example, number of in-patients of
short-stay hospitals classified by diagnoses related groups), the cultural sector (for example, the
number of visitors attending theatrical performances), and the banking sector (for example, the
number of saving accounts, number of credits granted to commercial and private customers,
number of payments on bank accounts). Of course, quantity indicators have to fulfil the general
requirements concerning quality adjustment.

(vii) Input methods

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

9.63. Input methods use the weighted price or volume changes of intermediate and primary
inputs as a proxy for the price or volume change of the output of an industry. The advantage of
input methods for deflation within a SUTs framework, the necessary data are readily available, as
all inputs exist in the SUTs in current prices, and can be deflated on the Use Table side consistently
with the Supply Table side. It should be noted that the input method is recommended for
capitalized R&D although it is not the total production of an industry. However a considerable
disadvantage is that the price and volume indicators are not directly related to output. As a result,
the change in GVA in volume terms, and also productivity changes of an industry, cannot be
calculated in a proper way. For that reason, input methods have to be avoided as much as possible.
Another disadvantage is that input methods can only be applied for the total production of an
industry. A separate deflation of the different products of an industry is impossible.

(viii) Non-market production

9.64. Special attention must be paid to non-market production by general government and
NPISHs. By definition the output of non-market producers in current prices equals the sum of the
costs of inputs. As the SUTs accounting rules are valid both in current prices and in volume terms,
it can be argued the output of non-market producers in volume terms equals the sum of inputs in
volume terms. This implies that in fact an input method is applied. However, this approach
introduces a considerable restraint on the estimation of volume and price indices for the non-
market services. Independent estimates of GVA in volume terms and productivity changes are not
possible if the input method is used. If non-market services contribute a significant amount in an
economy, estimates of the volume growth of macroeconomic variables like GDP are liable to be
biased if input methods are applied. Applying quantity methods can improve the estimates of
output and GVA in volume terms. Preferably, the quantity indicators should be adjusted for
changes in quality.

(b) Imports of goods and services

Import price indices

9.65. Import price indices usually fulfil the general requirements for price indicators like
valuation, adjustment for quality change and detail. Therefore import prices are the best indicators
for the deflation of import of goods and services. One disadvantage with most import price indices
are that they tend to be Laspeyres type indices and may use fixed weighting schemes, generally
updated only once every five years. This argues in favour of applying import price indices at the
lowest possible level of detail when deflating the imports of goods and services. One problem is
the limited availability of import price data covering services, so alternatives will need to be

(i) Unit value indices

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

9.66. Foreign Trade Statistics often provide the value of imports as well as the corresponding
quantities at a detailed level. Using this information, unit value indices can be derived. A problem
with unit value indices when used for deflation purposes is that they often cover a heterogeneous
set of product groups. Sometimes, the unit of measurement is kilograms or the unit is simply the
number of items. This implies that in many cases, unit value indices suffer from heterogeneity
issues. Therefore, the possibilities for their use as deflators are limited. However, if no appropriate
information from price statistics is available, and the unit values refers to a similar mass products,
for which the quality does not change rapidly over time, they may be applied as useful proxy

(ii) Other proxies

9.67. Generally, directly observed deflators for services are limited in terms of availability, and
implies that deflation of services within SUTs may have to use proxies based on rough assumptions
– nonetheless, deflation through SUTs ensures consistency. A good assumption may be for every
product, the price generating conditions at the domestic market tend to bring about one price,
which may hold for both domestic supply and imported services. In terms of the strength of this
assumption, the price index of the domestic supply of a service is an acceptable proxy for the price
index of the imports of that service. The validity of the assumption depends whether imports are a
large part of the domestic market and/or if imported services are of same quality to domestically
produced services.

2. Use Table at basic prices

9.68. In the ideal scenario, the Use Table at basic prices can be derived as sum of the Domestic
Use Table at basic prices and the Imports Use Table at basic prices both in volume terms.

(a) Domestic Use Table at basic prices

9.69. Assuming a competitive economy, for the deflation of the Use Table with goods and
services from domestic production, PPIs are appropriate price indices as (in the main, except areas
like duty-related industries, as already covered) they are valued at basic prices. In cases where
volume indicators are used for the compilation of the volume estimates in the Supply Table, the
residually derived price indices (i.e. the implied price index derived from the difference between
the value index and the volume index) can be used. If available, it is better to apply dedicated
volume or price indices for specific transactions.

(b) Imports Use Table at basic prices

9.70. Assuming a competitive economy, for the deflation of the Imports Use Table, import prices
are appropriate price indices. In cases where volume indicators are used for the compilation of the
volume estimates in the Supply Table, the residually derived price indices can be used. If available,
again, it is better to apply dedicated volume or price indices for specific transactions.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

3. GVA by industry

9.71. Although GVA is not deflated directly, this section covers how GVA is established in
volume terms and its constituents.

(a) Double-deflation approach

9.72. Total GVA in current prices by industry is compiled as the difference between output and
intermediate consumption of goods and services. For the estimates in volume terms, the same
method is applied. As a result, following condition holds:

GVA in volume terms equals Deflated output

less Deflated intermediate consumption
9.73. The corresponding price and volume indices are derived afterwards. This approach is also
known as the double-deflation approach.

9.74. From a theoretical perspective, this approach is superior to the so-called single deflation
methods, since this approach takes into account changes of both the composition of outputs and
composition of inputs to derive GVA as a residual. With a double-deflation approach, the volume
index of GVA is the result of independent estimates of the volume indices of output and
intermediate consumption, and the results are pre-eminently appropriate for productivity analysis.
There are three variations of the double-deflation approach.

9.75. Double-deflation. As described, double-deflation covers the deflation of current price

estimates for output and of intermediate consumption separately using appropriate price indices.
The volume estimate of GVA is derived by subtracting the volume of intermediate consumption
from the volume of output.

9.76. Double extrapolation. In double extrapolation, the previous year values of output and
intermediate consumption are extrapolated using appropriate volume indices, and then the volume
estimate of GVA is derived by subtracting the volume of intermediate consumption from the
volume of output.

9.77. Extrapolation and deflation. This is a combination of extrapolation of output of the

previous year by a volume index and deflation of intermediate consumption of the current year by
a price index, and then the volume estimate of GVA is derived by subtracting the volume of
intermediate consumption from the volume of output.

(b) Compensation of employees

9.78. Compensation of employees is part of total GVA and it is useful to estimate it in volume
terms as it increases the range of options for economic analysis using SUTs, for example, the
results can be used in the analysis of labour productivity. Another application is in price analysis,

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

for example, the price change of the output of an industry is linked, and explained, by the price
changes of the inputs including compensation of employees.

9.79. Compensation of employees consists of two parts, wages and salaries, both in cash and in
kind, and employers’ social contributions. The deflation of both parts should be closely connected
since both relate to the same labour input. So, both volume indices have to be the same, thus it is
not necessary to estimate price and volume indices for both parts separately.

9.80. Since employers’ social contributions are liable to complex legislation, it is difficult to
observe their price index. This means that in practice, wages and salaries will be deflated, and the
resulting volume index will also be applied in the calculation employers’ social contributions in
volume terms.

9.81. An important question relates to the appropriate unit of the volume of labour. Many
candidate units suffer from heterogeneity, for example, the numbers of employed persons do not
account for the number of hours worked per person. Even full-time equivalent jobs are not
sufficiently adequate since they do not account for reductions in working hours and differences in
education level, skill, etc. of the employees. Therefore, for the purpose of measuring the volume
of the input of labour in an industry, the most appropriate quantity unit, may be the actual number
of hours worked classified into education levels, skills, etc. The corresponding price is the value
of this unit.

(c) Other taxes and subsidies on production

9.82. The payment of other taxes on production is related to the use of certain inputs in the
production process or to socially unwelcome results of production processes. Examples of the
former include taxes on real estate property, taxes on motorcars and motor-lorries owned by
producers. An example of the latter are levies on pollution caused by a production process.

9.83. Taxes can be based on values (for example, the value of a building) or quantities (for
example, tons of pollutants), implying that the deflation of other taxes on production is in principle
comparable with the deflation of taxes on products, and that the same formulae are applicable.
However, in practice the deflation of other taxes on production is more difficult because of a
serious lack of appropriate indicators for price and volume.

9.84. In principle, price or quantity indicators can be used to derive other taxes on production in
volume terms. However, because of the complexity of the tariff structure of most taxes, and the
lack of appropriate data, quantity methods will prevail. The use of quantity indicators requires a
direct link between them and the tax. For instance, the indicator for the tax on real estate property
needs a direct relation to the amount of real estate property owned by producers. A candidate proxy
indicator is the volume index of the total stock real estate property. The index of the total tons of
emitted pollutants per kind of pollution tax could be an appropriate indicator for taxes on pollution.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

The price indices are derived afterwards from the combination of the value index and the volume
index, and they can be applied for the deflation of the tax payments by industry.

9.85. The practical elaboration of volume estimation of taxes on production presented above can
be similarly applied to subsidies on production.

(d) Gross operating surplus

9.86. Gross operating surplus in volume terms is a residual item calculated as GVA minus
Compensation of employees and minus other taxes on production plus subsidies on production.
Direct deflation of gross operating surplus is impossible because no appropriate price or volume
indices are available. Furthermore, the economic interpretation of gross operating surplus in
volume terms is questionable, and many view it as a meaningless concept.

4. Valuation matrices

(a) Trade margins

9.87. Trade margins are the remuneration for the services mainly provided by the trade industry
to producers, consumers and exports in the distribution of goods. Trade margins can also be
generated by industries other than the trade industry. As with other services, the appropriate
deflation of trade services requires price or volume indicators directly related to the service
provided. Next to the difficulty to define the services provided by the trade industry precisely,
numerous aspects influence the quality of the services of the trade industry, for example, the
amount of information given to the customers, after sales services, delivery time, assortment,
quality of shop assistants and availability of parking lots. Therefore methods to observe or derive
price and volume indices based on direct price and quantity indicators are not available.

9.88. As trade margins in current prices are defined as the difference between the value of goods
sold and the value of the same goods purchased for resale by trade industry. An alternative, and
theoretically sound solution would be double-deflation, meaning independent deflation of sales
and purchases for resale, and subsequently, calculate trade margins in volume terms as the
difference. This approach requires high quality price indices for both purchases for resale and sales
of products by the trade industry (and other industries as appropriate).

9.89. A third option is applying a proxy for the estimation of the volume index of the trade
margin on a product, based on the assumption that the volume change of trade margins equals the
volume change of the underlying product flow. An alternative way to formulate this proxy, is to
take as percentage of trade margins in volume terms to be applied on the product flow in volume
terms, the percentage of the current prices of period t-1. The percentages of trade margin are
defined as the ratio of trade margins and the relevant product flow valued at basic prices. In this
option, the price change is a residual item derived from the current price trade margins and the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

trade margins in volume terms. This method provides better quality results when applied at a
detailed product and industry level.

9.90. For every entry of the Use Table, if applicable, the trade margins in volume terms can be
estimated as:

/ = / ×


/ = trade margins of in prices of − 1

/ = trade margins of − 1 in prices of − 1

9.91. The underlying assumption is more valid, if the degree to which trade involved in the
concerning transactions does not change from one year to another. However, the position of trade
in a market, reflected in the “involvement rate” which can be defined as the ratio between turnover
of trade and the relevant product flow which can differ from year to year. These changes influence
the estimates in volume terms.

9.92. The relation of the flow and the turnover of trade can be written as:

= ×


= volume index of turnover trade

Trade margins in volume terms can be written as:

/ = / ×

9.93. If = 1, then the involvement rate of trade in the product flow has not been changed from
period − 1 to period , and the volume index of the turnover of trade equals the product flow.

9.94. If ≠ 1, then the product flow assumption is not valid. In order to refine the estimates, the
collection of data on involvement rates by product (and preferably industry) is necessary.

9.95. A further major improvement can be achieved by collecting a detailed breakdown of trade
margins, by type of product, and by type of outlet, assuming that different outlets provide different
qualities of services. In this way, the quality changes due to turnover shifts between outlets can be

(b) Transport margins

9.96. For transport margins, there is more than one way for estimating the volume estimates.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

9.97. The first approach is similar to the method for compiling trade margins in volume terms -
that is using the ‘rates’ of the previous year.

9.98. An alternative option for the deflation of transport margins is the use of price indices for
the output of transport industries. A necessary condition is the existence of a matrix of transport
margins, by type of transport (column) and by type of product (row). By column, the price index
of the relevant type of transport can be applied. The resulting volume change of the transport
margins can be checked for plausibility with the volume changes resulting from the ‘margin
method’. Generally, it is expected that these two volume changes should be similar.

9.99. A further approach is to firstly derive volume estimates, by applying the volume changes
of the transported products on the previous years’ results, and secondly, inflate these with the
appropriate price indices in order to arrive at current price estimates. Consequently, the initial
current price estimates will then be overruled.

(c) Taxes on products

9.100. Taxes on products are taxes that are payable per unit of a certain good or service purchased.
The tax may be a specific amount of money per unit of quantity of a good or service, or it may be
calculated as a specified percentage of the price per unit or value of the goods and services

9.101. Taxes on products affect the price of a product and not the volume. This means that for
deflation, for a specific product, it is a requirement that the volume index including any taxes on
products equals the volume index excluding any taxes on products. As a result, also the volume
index of the tax must equal the volume index at basic prices of the product on which the tax is
applied. However, it should be noted that the volume index of GVA for the whole economy will
not necessarily move in line with the volume index of GDP as there is no direct link between
the volume of taxes on products (or subsidies on products) and the volume of GVA. The taxes on
products are directly linked to the sales of goods and services, therefore relate to the volume of
output and not GVA. The volume change of GVA is not necessarily the same as the volume change
of output because the volume change of intermediate consumption might (will) be different as a
consequence of more efficient production, outsourcing etc.

9.102. In the case of taxes on products on “quantities”, for every entry of the Use Table, if
applicable, taxes on products in volume terms can be estimated as:

/ = / ×


/ =tax on products in prices of − 1

/ =tax on products − 1 in prices of − 1

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

9.103. Examples of this application cover excise duties on tobacco, alcoholic drinks and fuel.

9.104. In the case of taxes on products on “values”, for every entry of the Use Table, if applicable,
taxes on products in volume terms can be estimated as:

/ = / ×


/ =tax on products in prices of − 1

/ =tax on products − 1 in prices of − 1

9.105. An example of taxes levied on prices is VAT.

9.106. In the case of taxes on products on “value”, the price index of the tax is usually different
for different transactions. The reason is that they depend on the price index of the value at basic
prices of the transactions. Furthermore, different tariffs exist for different products.

9.107. This approach for calculating taxes on products can lead to odd looking results when a new
tax appears or an existing tax disappears as shown in Box 9.1.

(d) Subsidies on products

9.108. The practical elaboration of the estimation in volume terms of the taxes on products
presented above also applies in the same way to subsidies on products – thus the equations in that
section also apply to subsidies on products (replace T with S).

9.109. It must be recognised that the assumption that the volume change of trade (and transport)
margins and taxes and subsidies on products equals the volume change of the transactions at
purchasers’ prices can lead to unacceptable results – the focus is the volume change at basic prices.
For products with a rapid increase of quality (for example, computers, mobile phones, etc.) and
also the volume changes of the relevant valuation layers, include this ‘change in quality’. This may
lead to unacceptable growth rates of GVA and labour productivity for specific branches in
wholesale and retail. Thus ad hoc adjustments may be needed.

9.110. Similar to taxes, new subsidies can appear or an existing subsidy disappears, and this is
covered in Box 9.1.

Box 9.1 Treatment of newly introduced and disappearing taxes and subsidies
Newly introduced and disappearing taxes and subsidies
As described when using Laspeyres volume indices and Paasche price indices, taxes on products and subsidies
on products affect the price of a product and not the volume, implying that the volume index of the value
including tax (or subsidy) of a product equals the volume index of the value excluding tax (or subsidy).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

As a result, the latter also equals the volume index of the tax (or subsidy) value. In case of newly introduced or
disappearing taxes (or subsidies), these conditions give rise to remarkable results. In the example to demonstrate
the impact, trade and transport margins are omitted for convenience. However, these results are in conformity
with the registration of changes in taxes on products as a price change.
Newly introduced taxes on products
Applying the guidelines, the volume change at purchasers’ prices equals the volume change at basic prices,
implies that taxes on products in volume terms equal zero, while the current price amount is not zero, as shown
in the table below.
Year Price Year t Volume Year t-1
Current prices index Volume terms index Current prices
Output at basic prices 1 000 100 1 000 100 1 000
Taxes on products 100 0 0 0 0
Output at purchasers' prices 1 100 110 1 000 100 1 000

As expected the introduction of a tax on products results in an increase of the purchasers’ prices.
Disappearing taxes on products
Applying the guidelines, the volume change at purchasers’ prices equals the volume change at basic prices,
implies that taxes on products in volume terms are not zero, while in current prices the amount equals zero, as
shown in the table below.
Year Price Year t Volume Year t-1
Current prices index Volume terms index Current prices
Output at basic prices 1 000 100 1 000 100 1 000
Taxes on products 0 0 100 100 100
Output at purchasers' prices 1 000 91 1 100 100 1 100

As expected the disappearance of a tax on products results in a decrease of the purchasers’ prices.

5. Use Table at purchasers’ prices

9.111. The Use Table at purchasers’ prices can be derived from the Use Table at basic prices and
the valuation matrices. In order to keep consistency in the system, the bridge columns between the
Supply Table at basic prices and the Use Table at purchasers’ prices are derived from the valuation
matrices (row totals).

9.112. For the Use Table at purchasers’ prices, alternative options for price and volume estimation
are available using indicators appropriate for this valuation. This option leads to additional
plausibility checks on volumes and prices, especially for the valuation matrices.

(a) Intermediate consumption by industries

9.113. Intermediate consumption price indices (ICPIs) usually fulfil the general requirements like
valuation, adjustment for quality change and detail. Therefore ICPIs are the best indicators for the
deflation of intermediate consumption of goods and services. A key problem is that ICPIs are very
rarely collected by NSOs, and if available, do not cover intermediate consumption of services.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

9.114. In some cases, where ICPIs are not available, CPIs can be used as proxy deflators for
intermediate consumption of products. An important requirement is that market conditions for
intermediate use and areas like household final consumption expenditure are comparable. This
means for example, the share of wholesale and retail margins in the purchasers’ price is the same.
An example of goods where intermediate use and household final consumption expenditure often
show comparable price changes is fuel for motor-cars.

9.115. In a number of cases, the error in the estimation of total GDP due to the use of less
appropriate price indices will be limited. When intermediate consumption is the main part of
turnover of a domestically produced product, the under-estimation of intermediate consumption,
and thus, over-estimation of GVA in one industry will be counter-balanced by an under-estimation
of output (product, trade or transport margins) thus an under-estimation of GVA in another

(b) Exports of goods and services

9.116. Export price indices usually fulfil the general requirements like valuation, adjustment for
quality change and detail. Therefore export price indices are the best indicators for the deflation of
exports of goods and services. A problem is that export price statistics covering services tend to
be available on a limited scale. In addition, they tend to have the disadvantage of mostly being
Laspeyres type indices and that use fixed weighting schemes generally updated only once every
five years. This argues in favour of applying them at the lowest level of detail as possible.

9.117. Deflation by unit value indices. Foreign Trade Statistics often provide the value of exports
as well as the corresponding quantities at a detailed level. From this information unit value indices
can be derived. A problem with unit value indices when used for deflation purposes is that they
often refer to heterogeneous product groups. The unit of measurement can be kilos or simply the
number of products. That means that unit value indices in many cases suffer from heterogeneity
issues. Therefore the possibilities for their use as deflators are limited. However, if no appropriate
information from producer’s price statistics is available and the unit values refer to similar mass
products where the quality does not change rapidly over time, then they can be applied as useful
proxies of deflators.

9.118. Presently, deflation using exports price data and unit value indices is only possible for
export of goods. Direct deflators for services are limited in terms of their availability. A general
problem is the exact observation of the exports by product group according to the classification in
the SUTs. The second, and for deflation most important, problem is that the price observation of
exported services is not a well-developed area in many countries. For that reason, in the national
accounts for the deflation of the exports of services tend to resort to proxies based on rough

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

9.119. A simple but rough assumption is that for every product, the price index for exports equals
the price index of domestic production. Another possibility would be to collect information on the
price changes of that service in the customer countries (see imports of services).

(c) Household final consumption expenditure

9.120. CPIs usually fulfil the general requirements such as valuation, adjustment for quality
change and detail. Therefore CPIs are the best indicators for the deflation of household final
consumption expenditure (for both goods and services). Most CPIs are Laspeyres type, which
argues in favour of applying CPIs at the lowest possible level of detail. Balancing the SUTs at
basic prices is complicated when CPIs are used due to the differences in valuation. Thus household
final consumption expenditure deflated using CPIs should be used to validate the household final
consumption expenditure deflated at basic prices and transformed to household final consumption
expenditure at purchasers’ prices, which is the right-hand side of the “H-Approach”.

(d) Government consumption

9.121. Collective and ‘individual’ government consumption equals government production minus
sale of market production by government and own account fixed capital formation. Estimates in
volume terms can be derived following the same approach. For social benefits-in-kind, similar
indicators as for consumption of households can be used.

(e) Gross fixed capital formation

9.122. Specific price indices for fixed capital goods usually fulfil the general requirements like
valuation, adjustment for quality change and detail. Therefore, directly collected specific price
indices for capital goods form the best indicators for deflation of GFCF in goods. A major problem
is that price indices for capital goods are hardly ever collected as part of prices collection in NSOs
but proxy producer price type indices are used. Again, the disadvantages are that price indices for
capital goods are often Laspeyres type and that they use fixed weighting schemes generally up-
dated only once every five years. This argues in favour of applying price indices for capital goods
at the lowest level of detail as possible when deflating the domestic supply of products. For GFCF,
more weight will be given to the deflation of GFCF through the basic price valuation to purchasers’
price valuation on the right-hand side of the “H-Approach” when compared with the results using
proxy price indices for capital goods.

(f) Changes in inventories

9.123. The calculations of changes in inventories in current prices and in volume terms are often
closely interlinked. If high quality current price estimates can be made because reliable and
appropriate data are available, then it is often possible to make high quality estimates in volume
terms as well, since the same data are used.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

9.124. In the ideal case, information is available on the exact times and quantities of additions to
and withdrawals from the inventory and the price of the product at those times. Then it is in
principle straightforward to calculate the changes in inventories in current prices and in volume
terms. Additions and withdrawals have to be valued at the prices prevailing at the times at which
they take place. The changes in inventories in volume terms can be calculated by valuing the
quantities of additions and withdrawals at the average prices of the previous year.

9.125. In practice, the data available for the calculation of changes in inventories do not allow a
‘perfect’ estimation. Assumptions and approximations have to be made. The estimation
methodology for changes in inventories (both in current prices and in volume terms) is highly
dependent on the kind of information on inventories that is available. In general, enterprises will
not provide data on quantities but only on the value of the level of their inventories at the beginning
and end of the year according to their own bookkeeping system. This means calculating the current
price value of the volume change is difficult as the adjustment for holding gains/losses is incorrect
or missed. These bookkeeping systems also do not generally value inventories according to SNA
rules but for example follow a historic cost system, LIFO system, etc. Therefore, these values
cannot be used directly in the National Accounts. In order to calculate correctly the change in
volume of inventories, information is needed on the bookkeeping system used in the enterprise.
Knowing that the first step is to estimates the change in volume, and then multiply the result with
an appropriate price index to arrive at changes in inventories in current prices. As a result, this
provides some scope to adjust the current price changes in inventories in the balancing process.

F. Input-Output Tables in volume terms

9.126. As with SUTs, IOTs can be compiled in volume terms. However, the reference year in
particular can be a problem for IOTs because they are often compiled at irregular, non-annual
intervals, for example, once every five years. This does not line up with other National Accounts
data which are required by international standards to make use of the previous year as base year in
the calculation of volume measures and the "chaining" of annual data at prices of a fixed reference

9.127. The SUTs in volume terms will generally be compiled at prices of the previous year. This
enables the calculation of growth rates by comparing the volume measures with the current price
values of the previous year. Results of "chaining" complete SUTs will not be additive, i.e. the
SUTs will result in which the elements of a row will not add up to the row total, and likewise, for
the columns. The resulting tables can only be used to analyse the time path of one particular
element at a time. They cannot be used very well for example for the analysis of the time path of
the total input structure of an industry or the market shares for a product.

9.128. For IOTs, if they are only compiled once every five years, it is of course possible to use
the previous years’ prices as well but the results cannot be used to calculate growth rates, which
would clearly reduce the usefulness of such tables.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

9.129. The alternative would be to compile IOTs in prices of the year five years prior to the current
year, for example, the year 2010 in prices of 2005. This could be done by performing the same
transformation process as for the current price IOTs but this would require the availability of
coherent SUTs in the same valuation, which is a problem when "chaining" is used, as already

9.130. Another possibility of deriving such IOTs is to deflate directly the IOTs in current prices
by finding appropriate price or volume indices for the products. These should be indices of the
price or volume change in the five years between the base year and the current year. This procedure
implies the use of a different base year than for the SUTs in volume terms, introducing the risk of

9.131. The recommended approach would be to compile IOTs annually, and to apply the same
price and volume methodology as used for SUTs.

Eurostat, 2016. Handbook on Price and Volume Measures in National Accounts. Office for
Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. Available at

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 10. Linking the Supply and Use Tables to the Institutional Sector

A. Introduction
10.1. When compiling SUTs, it is important that the SUTs are linked to, and consistent with, the
institutional sector accounts of the SNA. This is fundamental to ensure a full integration of the
accounts and also a full integration of the SUTs with the regular annual compilation of the National
Accounts. Thus data in the SUTs, such as GVA and GDP, are consistent and coherent with the
institutional sector accounts, and vice-versa. This is achieved through the compilation and
balancing process of SUTs incorporating a table that cross-classifying data by industry, by type of
factor incomes and by institutional sector.

10.2. Linking SUTs to the institutional sector accounts extends the role of SUTs to increase the
quality, consistency and coherency of the National Accounts, where the SUTs have specific links
bringing together parts of the National Accounts. Figure 10.1 shows the links between the industry
accounts (for example, the SUTs system) and the institutional sector accounts as part of the
balancing framework within the National Accounts. Figure 10.1 provides a different perspective
from that illustrated in Figure 1.1 but a more detailed diagram linking the two parts of the National
Accounts framework.

10.3. This Chapter describes the links between the SUTs and the institutional sector accounts. In
particular, it starts in Section B with a description of the institutional sectors in the National
Accounts and the differences in perspective of the institutional accounts and SUTs. Section C
provides a description on how the SUTs are linked to the institutional sector accounts and the
layout of the table linking these accounts. Section C also provides a numerical example of the
linking table and how the SUTs are linked to the good and services accounts, production accounts
and generation of income accounts. Section D presents various approaches to establish the link
between the SUTs and the institutional accounts and describe some issues that may arise in the
compilation of the linking table.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 10.1 Links between the industry accounts and the institutional sector accounts

Supply and Use Tables system Gross Domestic Product

Domestic Use Table at Imports Use

Valuation Production Income Expenditure
output at basic purchasers' Table at basic
matrices approach approach approach
prices prices prices (CIF)
unbalanced unbalanced unbalanced unbalanced
unbalanced unbalanced unbalanced


Input-Output approach Institutional approach

Domestic Use Table at Imports Use

Valuation Production Income Expenditure
output at basic purchasers' Table at basic
matrices approach approach approach
prices prices prices (CIF)

Institutional sector accounts

Supply Table
at basic prices Non-financial corporations
with transforma- Use Table at Financial corporations Rest of the
Total economy
tion into basic prices General government world
purchasers' Households

Goods and Accumu-
Production and use of
services lation
account income
account accounts

Table linking institutional sector

accounts to the SUTs

B. Institutional sectors and sub-sectors

10.4. The institutional sectors of the 2008 SNA group together institutional units on the basis of
their principal functions, behaviour and objectives. The following institutional sectors are
distinguished in the 2008 SNA:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Non-financial corporations are institutional units that are principally engaged in the
production of market goods and non-financial services. (2008 SNA paragraph 4.94)

• Financial corporations consist of all resident corporations that are principally engaged in
providing financial services, including insurance and pension funding services, to other
institutional units. (2008 SNA paragraph 4.98)

• General government consists of the following groups of resident institutional units: (a) All
units of central, state or local government; (b) All non-market Non-profit institutions
(NPIs) that are controlled by government units. (2008 SNA paragraph 4.127). It consists
of institutional units that, in addition to fulfilling their political responsibilities and their
role of economic regulation, produce services (and possibly goods) for individual or
collective consumption mainly on a non-market basis and redistribute income and wealth.

• Households consists of all resident households (2008 SNA paragraph 4.158). Households
are institutional units consisting of one individual or a group of individuals. All physical
persons in the economy must belong to one and only one household. The principal
functions of households are to supply labour, to undertake final consumption and, as
entrepreneurs, to produce market goods and non-financial (and possibly financial) services.
The entrepreneurial activities of a household consist of unincorporated enterprises that
remain within the household except under certain specific conditions.

• NPISHs consists of all resident NPIs, except those controlled by government, that provide
non-market goods or services to households or to the community at large. (2008 SNA
paragraph 4.31).

10.5. Table 10.1 provides a summary of institutional sectors, sub-sectors and between market
and non-market producers. Often there is a misconception that the distinction between market and
non-market producers corresponds to the distinction between private and public sector. This is not
the case in the National Accounts. The public sector includes all resident institutional units
controlled directly or indirectly by resident government units. In other words, the public sector
consists of all units of the general government sector plus all resident public corporations
(2008SNA paragraph 22.164). Therefore the public sector includes both market and non-market
producers as long as they are controlled directly or indirectly by resident government units.

10.6. It should be noted that the SUTs and the institutional sector accounts reflect different views
of looking at and measuring the economy. In the SUTs, the analysis by products and industries
emphasises the production processes, the flows of goods and services, and the use of primary
inputs (for example, capital, labour, etc.). Thus the units are chosen to reflect technical-economic
relations, for example, units of production such as establishments. As a result, economic activities
are studied from the viewpoint of the specific units that carry out the production. The balance

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

between supply (resources) and uses of products constitutes the central element of this type of
functional analysis.

10.7. In the institutional approach, the analysis focuses on the generation and distribution of
income, and the investment and financing of capital by institutional sectors. In this case, the units
are chosen that reflect the general economic behaviour of “institutional units” according to their
economic objectives, functions and behaviour.

Table 10.1 Summary of institutional sectors and sub-sectors

Market / non-
market Institutional sectors Sub-sectors (summary)

Market Non-financial corporations

Central Bank
Deposit-taking corporations except the Central Bank
Money market funds (MMF)
Non-MMF investment funds
Market Financial corporations Other financial intermediaries except insurance corporations and pension funds (ICPF)
Financial auxiliaries
Captive financial institutions and money lenders
Insurance corporations (IC)
Pension funds (PF)
Central government
State government
Non-market General government
Local government
Social security funds *
Market Households
Non-profit institutions
serving households
n/a Rest of the w orld

* Social security funds may also be grouped at the various government level.

10.8. Table 10.2 provides a summary of the key features of the SUTs approach and institutional
approach. The two types of approaches are linked and should be integrated via the linking table

10.9. Ideally, if a single common unit could meet both the needs of SUTs as well as the
institutional sector accounts, this would further improve the coherency, consistency and
compilation of the two areas of the National Accounts framework (see also Section D on the
compilation methods).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 10.2 Main features of SUT approach and institutional sector approach

SUT approach Institutional approach

Production relationship To record the economic data of institutional units

Objectives Goods and services flows grouped in terms of their economic objectives,
(equilibrium of resources and uses) functions and behaviour.
Goods and services account
Production account A complete system of accounts (income,
Generation of income account expenditure, financial flows, and balance sheets)
(integrated in the SUT framework)
Types of units:
Elementary Production units (establishments, etc.) Institutional units (households, corporations, etc.)
Aggregates Industries (type of economic activity) Institutional sectors

10.10. As an establishment always belongs to an institutional unit, it is possible to link the

production activities of industries and institutional sectors. Output of an institutional unit is equal
to the sum of the outputs of the individual establishments of which the institutional unit is
composed, thus including deliveries between establishments within the institutional unit.

10.11. To clarify relationships and contents of industries and institutional sectors, the 2008 SNA
proposes the cross-classification of GVA and its components (and if possible, also for output and
intermediate consumption) by both industry and by institutional sector. This is essentially the
GVA part of the Use Table broken down also by sectors to become the table linking SUTs to
institutional sectors.

10.12. In order to implement the table linking SUTs and institutional sector accounts, it would be
a great advantage to have good clear links between units and institutional sectors on the Business
Register, and then in turn, also as a feature of business survey results. The split by institutional
sector of units classified by industry would meet the compilation requirements. This would also
facilitate similar cross-classifications for output, intermediate consumption and variables like
GFCF and compensation of employees.

C. Table linking SUTs and institutional sector accounts

10.13. Figure 10.1 shows how the SUTs are linked to the sequence of accounts by institutional
sector through a linking table. The linking table contains in the rows information by institutional
sector on the following:

• Transaction of production accounts: total output and intermediate consumption.

• Transactions on the generation of income account: GVA, compensation of employees,

other taxes less subsidies on production and imports.

• Transaction of the accumulation accounts: GFCF.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

10.14. The linking table thus records complete data of three specific sector accounts of the whole
system: the production account, the generation of income account and the accumulation accounts
broken down simultaneously by industries (by column) and by institutional sector (by row). In this
way, the systems interrelations become clear and their coherence is warranted in both the sector
accounts and SUTs.

10.15. The starting point for linking the SUTs to the institutional sector accounts is the Supply
Table at basic prices including a transformation at purchasers’ prices and the Use Table at
purchasers’ prices. Table 10.3 shows a numerical example of the linking table linking the SUTs in
Tables 5.2 of Chapter 5 and Table 6.1 of Chapter 6 to the institutional sector accounts.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 10.2 Link between the SUTs and institutional sector accounts

Supply and Use Tables Framework

Supply Table Use Table

Taxes less subsidies

Trade and transport

Supply purchasers’

Use at purchasers’
Domestic supply

at basic prices
Imports CIF

on products


Industries Industries Final use

Domestic supply

Supply at basic


Taxes and



Use at


Output by product at basic Intermediate consumption Final use at
prices at purchasers' prices purchasers' prices


basic prices
Total Output at basic prices

GVA at
GVA at basic prices

Final uses at
Total Output at basic prices
purchasers’ prices

Table linking the Institutional Sector Accounts and the Supply and Use Tables
Non-financial corporations
Total output
Market output
Output for ow n final use
Non-market output
Intermediate consumption
GVA at basic prices
Compensation of employees
Other net taxes on production and imports
Consumption of fixed capital
Operating surplus, net
Gross fixed capital formation
Financial corporations

General government



Total Economy

Institutional Sector Accounts

Non-financial General
Financial corporations Households NPISHs Total economy
corporations government
Uses Resources Uses Resources Uses Resources Uses Resources Uses Resources Uses Resources


Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 10.3 Numerical example showing the table linking

the SUTs and institutional sector accounts
Million Euro

Trade, transport Finance and Other

INSTITUTIONAL SECTORS Agriculture Manufacturing Construction Total
and communication business services services
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
1. Non-financial corporations
Total output 1 837 196 180 37 517 112 204 53 204 8 809 409 751
Market output 1 828 192 193 37 244 110 468 52 633 8 685 403 050
Output for ow n final use 9 3 988 273 1 736 571 124 6 701
Other non-market output
Intermediate consumption 972 136 868 24 907 52 394 24 513 3 129 242 784
Gross value added at basic prices 864 59 313 12 611 59 810 28 691 5 679 166 967
Compensation of employees 349 29 839 9 247 32 573 13 008 4 912 89 928
Other net taxes on production and imports - 133 1 017 479 1 360 955 - 340 3 337
Consumption of fixed capital 165 12 533 1 370 8 598 9 208 526 32 401
Operating surplus, net 482 15 923 1 515 17 279 5 519 582 41 300
Gross fixed capital formation 277 14 376 1 058 10 419 14 605 931 41 665
2. Financial corporations
Total output 25 058 25 058
Market output 24 802 24 802
Output for ow n final use 256 256
Other non-market output
Intermediate consumption 12 351 12 351
Gross value added at basic prices 12 706 12 706
Compensation of employees 8 125 8 125
Other net taxes on production and imports 926 926
Consumption of fixed capital 1 810 1 810
Operating surplus, net 1 846 1 846
Gross fixed capital formation 1 923 1 923
3. General governm ent
Total output 18 225 5 753 3 045 53 382 62 423
Market output 18 221 151 1 489 578 2 457
Output for ow n final use 300 314 2 223 2 837
Other non-market output 4 5 302 1 241 50 581 57 129
Intermediate consumption 13 149 2 555 1 366 15 609 19 692
Gross value added at basic prices 5 77 3 198 1 678 37 773 42 731
Compensation of employees 3 12 1 494 782 30 725 33 017
Other net taxes on production and imports 1 1 127 34 1 260 1 423
Consumption of fixed capital 1 20 1 582 625 5 890 8 118
Operating surplus, net 0 44 - 5 237 - 103 173
Gross fixed capital formation 2 11 2 318 1 251 5 661 9 243
4. Households
Total output 8 012 3 544 7 413 16 880 28 141 9 096 73 086
Market output 7 918 3 503 4 218 16 782 9 391 8 847 50 659
Output for ow n final use 95 41 3 195 98 18 749 249 22 428
Other non-market output
Intermediate consumption 4 455 1 975 2 559 6 270 8 307 2 746 26 311
Gross value added at basic prices 3 558 1 569 4 854 10 610 19 834 6 350 46 775
Compensation of employees 198 828 992 3 839 1 081 1 390 8 329
Other net taxes on production and imports - 1 495 60 67 267 89 - 70 - 1 081
Consumption of fixed capital 1 622 249 183 777 7 264 580 10 675
Operating surplus, net 3 233 432 3 612 5 726 11 399 4 450 28 852
Gross fixed capital formation 2 036 129 101 586 12 114 887 15 853
5. Non-profit institutions serving households
Total output 8 029 8 029
Market output 7 7
Output for ow n final use 74 74
Other non-market output 7 948 7 948
Intermediate consumption 2 356 2 356
Gross value added at basic prices 5 672 5 672
Compensation of employees 4 944 4 944
Other net taxes on production and imports 253 253
Consumption of fixed capital 475 475
Operating surplus, net 0 0
Gross fixed capital formation 734 734
6. Total
Total output 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 447 79 315 578 347
Market output 9 763 195 916 41 462 127 401 88 315 18 116 480 975
Output for ow n final use 104 4 029 3 468 2 134 19 890 2 670 32 295
Other non-market output 4 5 302 1 241 58 529 65 077
Intermediate consumption 5 440 138 991 27 466 61 219 46 538 23 841 303 495
Gross value added at basic prices 4 428 60 958 17 465 73 618 62 909 55 475 274 852
Compensation of employees 551 30 679 10 239 37 906 22 997 41 971 144 343
Other net taxes on production and imports - 1 627 1 077 546 1 755 2 004 1 103 4 858
Consumption of fixed capital 1 788 12 803 1 553 10 958 18 908 7 472 53 480
Operating surplus, net 3 715 16 400 5 128 22 999 19 001 4 929 72 171
Gross fixed capital formation 2 314 14 516 1 160 13 323 29 892 8 212 69 418
Austria 2011

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

10.16. Among the sector accounts, the Goods and Services Accounts, the Production Accounts
and the Generation of Income Accounts are important for balancing the SUTs and the sector

10.17. If the Good and Services Accounts, Production Accounts, and Generation of Income
Accounts are compiled and balanced in an integrated manner as part of the SUTs compilation and
balancing process, then all of the components of the first three accounts of the National Accounts
framework are available from the balanced SUTs. This ensures a high degree of consistency and
coherency between the SUTs and the institutional sector accounts. In addition, there is a powerful
data quality feedback loop from the institutional sector accounts affecting SUTs, and vice versa.

10.18. Furthermore, when the data for GFCF is compiled by industry, by product and by
institutional sector and as an “integrated” input to the Use Table, this also provides a key link
between the SUTs and part of the accumulation accounts. Although these could be compiled as a
satellite system, they should be together and an input to the SUTs process and are available on a
consistent basis after the SUTs are balanced.

10.19. Although this type of approach is recommended, in many countries the SUTs are compiled
separate from the institutional sector accounts. See also Section D on compilation methods.

1. Goods and services accounts

10.20. The goods and services accounts show for the whole economy, the total supply of a product
and how it has been used. The main components for the whole economy balance are:

Output + imports + taxes on products – subsidies on products (Total resources)

Intermediate consumption + final consumption + gross capital formation + exports (Total uses)

10.21. The goods and services are traced through the economy from their original producers
(either resident producers or producers abroad) to their users (either resident users or users abroad).
With output being valued at basic prices and uses at purchasers’ prices, then taxes on products less
subsidies on products must be included in the resources part to ensure a purchasers’ prices balance
can be struck.

10.22. It is important to note that the goods and services account is by definition in balance and
therefore has no balancing item, and all the components are available from the SUTs. In essence,
all of these are totals of variables available in the SUTs. Table 10.4 shows a numerical example
covering goods and services.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 10.4 Goods and services for the whole economy

Million Euro

Uses Total Resources Total

Intermediate consumption 303 492 Output 578 360

Final consumption expenditure 226 258 Imports of goods and services 157 871
Final consumption by households 159 792 Taxes less subsidies on products 33 778
Final consumption by non-profit organisations 5 416 Taxes on products 34 416
Final consumption by government 61 050 Subsidies on products (-) - 638
GCF 74 612
GFCF 69 418
Changes in inventories 2 335
Acquisition less disposal of valuables 2 859
Exports of goods and services 165 648
Total 770 009 Total 770 009

Austria 2011

2. Production account

10.23. The Production Account shows the transactions relating to the production process and is
drawn up for institutional sectors and for industries. For the whole economy, and for each
institutional sector, the resources include output and the uses include intermediate consumption.

10.24. The Production Account generates one of the most important balancing items in the system,
GVA, the value generated by any unit engaged in production activity and in turn, the link to the
major aggregate, i.e. GDP. GVA is economically significant for both the institutional sectors and
the industries.

10.25. As with balancing items for all the accounts, value added may be calculated before or after
consumption of fixed capital is allowed for, therefore is available on a gross or net basis. Given
that output is valued at basic prices and intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices, GVA will
not include taxes on products and include subsidies on products.

10.26. The Production Account at the whole economy level includes in resources, in addition to
the output of goods and services, the taxes on products less subsidies on products. This enables
GDP at market prices to be obtained as a balancing item.

10.27. Again, all the components are available from the SUTs and are totals for the variables
available in the SUTs. Table 10.5 shows a numerical example covering the production account for
the whole economy. The same variables underpin the whole economy by the institutional sectors,
except that GVA is shown instead of GDP as the balancing item in the uses side.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 10.5 Production Account for the whole economy

Million Euro
Uses Total Resources Total
Intermediate consumption 303 492 Output 578 360
Market output 480 989
Output for own final use 32 295
Non-market output 65 075
GDP 308 647 Taxes less subsidies on products 33 778
Consumption of fixed capital 53 469 Taxes on products 34 416
NDP 255 177 Subsidies on products (-) - 638
Total 612 138 Total 612 138

Austria 2011

10.28. All the estimates for the Production Account for the whole economy in Table 10.5 can be
derived from the SUTs in order to derive GDP. Alongside this, GVA by industry can also be linked
and similarly derived from the same SUTs as shown in Table 10.6.

Table 10.6 Link between GDP and industries’ GVA

Million Euro
Gross value
Intermediate Taxes on Subsidies GDP at
Industries Output added at
consumption products on products market prices
basic prices
Agriculture 9 867 5 440 4 427
Manufacturing 199 950 138 991 60 959
Construction 44 931 27 466 17 465
Trade, transport and communication 134 837 61 219 73 618
Finance and business services 109 461 46 538 62 923
Other services 79 314 23 839 55 475
Total 578 360 303 492 274 868 34 416 638 308 647
Austria 2011

3. Generation of income account

10.29. The Generation of Income Account analyses the extent to which GVA can cover
compensation of employees and other taxes less subsidies on production. It measures the gross
operating surplus, which is the surplus (or deficit) on production activities before account has been
taken of the interest, rents or charges which the production unit must pay on financial assets or on
tangible non-produced assets which it has borrowed or rented and must receive on financial assets
or on tangible non-produced assets of which it is the owner.

10.30. The gross operating surplus corresponds to the income which the units obtain from their
own use of their production facilities. Although the institutional sector accounts have balancing
items in each of the accounts, gross operating surplus is the last balancing item in the National
Accounts framework that can be calculated linking industries, institutional sectors and sub-sectors.

10.31. In the case of unincorporated enterprises in the households sector, the balancing item of
the Generation of Income Account implicitly contains an element corresponding to remuneration

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

for work carried out by the owner or members of his family which cannot be distinguished from
his profits as entrepreneur. This is referred to as “mixed income”.

10.32. In the case of own account production of accommodation services by owner-occupier

households, the balancing item of the generation of income account is an operating surplus, and
not mixed income.

10.33. The Generation of Income Account can also be presented by industries and is usually
published with the main National Accounts releases. These can be shown as the industry columns
of the Use Table and presented as sectors, sub-sectors and industries which are the source, rather
than the destination, of primary income.

10.34. The importance of these industries (and underlying units) being the same as applied in the
SUTs, Industry by Industry IOTs and the institutional sector accounts is essential. If not, it is not
ideal but a clear bridge addressing the differences is needed.

10.35. All the components could be available from the SUTs and would be totals of variables
available in the GVA part of the Use Table if the SUTs incorporated these components as part of
the SUTs compilation and balancing process.

10.36. Table 10.7 shows a numerical example of the generation of income account for the whole
economy. It is underpinned with a similar breakdown by institutional sector (and by industry)
except that GVA is shown instead of GDP as the starting point, in line with GVA being the
balancing item of the production account for each institutional sector.

Table 10.7 Generation of income account for the whole economy

Million Euro
Uses Total Resources Total

Compensation of employees 144 343 GDP 308 647

Wages and salaries
Employers' social contributions
Taxes on production and imports
Taxes on products 34 416
VAT type taxes
Taxes and duties on imports excuding VAT
Taxes on products except VAT and import taxes
Other taxes on production 4 858
Subsidies - 638
Subdsidies on products
Other subsidies on production
Gross operating surplus 125 667
Gross mixed income
Total 308 647 Total 308 647

Austria 2011

10.37. The income approach to measuring GDP is obtained by summing together:

• gross operating surplus;

• compensation of employees;

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• taxes on production and imports less any subsidies on production; and

• taxes on products and imports less any subsidies on products.

D. Compilation methods

10.38. With the tables linking the SUTs to the institutional sector accounts, a direct comparison
can be made with information from the SUTs and the institutional sector accounts for each period.
This at least guarantees that after the balancing process consistency is obtained between the SUTs
and the sector accounts. Even after independently compiling the SUTs and institutional sector
accounts, the linking table may be established to check the consistency of results.

10.39. A compilation procedure is so that, in a first stage, the SUTs on the one hand and
institutional sector accounts on the other hand are independently compiled. In a second stage, the
comparison between the two types of information is made in the linking table. In the case of
incompatibilities of data, a revision process will start on both approaches until a new assessment
is reached.

10.40. There are, however, other possibilities of compilation methods (see Eurostat, 2008) as
shown in Box 10.1 to link the SUTs to the institutional sector accounts.

Box 10.1 Compilation methods for linking SUTs with the institutional sector accounts
General structure of the national accounts The role of the linking matrix in the compilation
compilation procedure process
Method A
Independent compilation of SUTs and institutional Ex-post reconciliation of both approaches
sectors accounts.
Method B
Compilation based on instruments and statistical sources The linking matrix would be the first stage in the
of SUTs as a core element with a secondary role of compilation of institutional sectors accounts.
institutional sectors accounts.
Method C
Compilation based on instruments and statistical sources The linking matrix would be the first stage in the
of institutional sectors accounts with a secondary role of compilation of SUTs.
Method D
Simultaneous compilation of SUTs and institutional The linking matrix as a central instrument in the
sectors accounts. compilation of the system of national accounts.

10.41. In Method A, the two approaches are elaborated in an independent way. The unique
possible role of the linking matrix is to contrast them and to help in the reconciliation process.
Method B and Method C represent two opposite alternatives in the compilation of National
Accounts. Method B focuses on the production SUTs methods and corresponding sources of
information. Method C promotes the institutional sectors from which SUTs elements will be
derived. In both alternatives the role of the linking matrix is similar. It represents the missing link
between the two approaches. When the SUTs approach is the starting point, the linking matrix
gives data for the first two accounts of institutional sectors - production and generation of income

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

accounts. In case institutional sector accounts are the main and initial stage, the linking matrix
helps to distribute data over the different industries as a first stage of the compilation of SUTs.

10.42. The recommended approach would be starting simultaneously from an institutional and
SUTs perspective as indicated in Method D. The advantage of this method is that the two different
perspectives are totally compatible from the very beginning of the National Accounts compilation
process. In terms of the relevance of the linking table, such a method would mean that the linking
table is in the core of all the compilation process.

10.43. The statistical requirements for this method are, however, enormous. The main aspect is
that the databases should be structured according to the institutional sector with which the units
are associated. As indicated in the linking table, there are five basic types of information required
(broken down by institutional sectors) to prepare SUTs:

• Production data broken down into matrixes by products and industries and valued at basic

• Intermediate consumption data, broken down by products and industries and valued at
purchasers’ prices.

• Data on the cost of primary inputs, particularly wage earners compensations (with a
breakdown of wages and salaries and employers’ social contributions), and consumption
of fixed capital. These data should be disaggregated by industries.

• Data on the GFCF and stock variations broken down by types of products and industries.
In the case of GFCF, the data are valued at purchasers’ prices, while in the case of changes
in inventories (stock variations) the data are shown at basic prices.

• Data on labour input broken down by the employers’ industries and by employment
category (wage and salary earners, self-occupied). Also defined by the amount of people
employed and hours worked.

10.44. The availability of such cross-classified database allows for a simultaneous compilation of
SUTs and institutional sector accounts and the overall improvement of all requirements to compile
the national accounts as follows:

• One of main advantages of the linking table is that it allows the possibility to state and
analyse the different types of production (market, non-market, for own final use) which
depend on the institutional approach. Definition of the concepts of market output, output
for own final use and other non-market output can only be understood by looking also at
features of the institutional unit and the establishment that produce that output. The
distinctions are defined in a top-down way, i.e. the distinction is first defined for
institutional units, then for establishment (local KAUs) and then for their output.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• The simultaneous compilation of institutional sectors / industries aspects is a prerequisite

for the estimation of “value added” type of taxes. If some details of intermediate
consumption and GFCF are available in the suggested approach, then it is possible to
achieve a more accurate compilation of VAT.

• The linking table allows a clear identification of non-market household production

activities: the (imputed) production of rental services of owner occupied dwellings; output
of household services produced by employing paid staff; own-account construction, etc.

10.45. When the compilation of the linking table is at the core of the compilation of National
Accounts (as in method D in Box 10.1), it is important to cross classify the original data by industry
and sector. In this regard, it is important to keep the link between national accounting, from the
one side, and business accounting and public finance, from the other side, as close as possible.

10.46. From the perspective of compiling the linking table, major problems arise from vertically
integrated enterprises. A vertically integrated enterprise is one in which different stages of
production, which are usually carried out by different enterprises, are carried out in succession by
different parts of the same enterprise (2008 SNA, paragraph 5.23). Business accounting data will
be consolidated, without specific detail on the stages and intra-enterprise transactions involved
among the different units. This causes difficulties in distinguishing: intermediate consumption and
other current costs as output of one stage which is, for example, intermediate consumption of
another stage. Moreover, gross operating surplus may not be differentiated among the different
parts of the enterprise, thus appropriate adjustments would be required – more details of the type
of redefinition required is covered in Chapter 5.

10.47. The 2008 SNA recommends (see 2008 SNA, paragraph 5.26) that when a vertically
integrated enterprise spans two or more sections of ISIC, at least one establishment must be
distinguished within each section. With such a treatment, activities of units engaged in vertically
integrated activities will not cross section boundaries of ISIC.

Eurostat (2008). Eurostat Manual of Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables. Available from

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 11. Balancing the Supply and Use Tables

A. Introduction

11.1 The balancing of SUTs is a fundamental step in the compilation process of SUTs. The
usefulness of the SUTs is underpinned by the set of identities between elements of the tables which
allow to consistently integrating the three approaches to measuring GDP.

11.2 In fact, since the SUTs are populated in the first stage with data derived from many sources
each of which has its own sample and reliability margins, definitions and peculiarities, the basic
identities of the SUTs are not met when the tables are first put together (as described in the previous
chapters) and the resulting estimates of GDP emerging from the three approaches are likely to be
very different, and different from year to year. In order to achieve a single, coherent and consistent
estimate, all the identities and plausibility relations in the SUTs have to be met, and thereby the
initial unbalanced SUTs need to be balanced, preferably with a time series perspective and not just
a single period in mind.

11.3 The ideal scenario, linked to the “H-Approach” to the compilation of SUTs (as shown in
Figure 9.1), implies that the full set of SUTs is balanced simultaneously at basic prices and at
purchasers’ prices as well as in current prices and in volume terms. In addition, if the balancing
takes into account also the institutional sector accounts, IOTs, physical SUTs and EE-IOTs,
balanced as a single package or sequentially, the integration and reliability of the system is greatly

11.4 This approach however, is demanding in terms of data, resources and computer systems.
In practice, balancing will often be less extensive and more sequential procedures are applied. The
sequential theme, may, for example, concern volume estimates, valuation matrices or the import
matrix. The choice of a variant for the balancing process in practice depends upon criteria such as
the availability of data. In the estimation of volume data, the application of appropriate price
indices is a key factor to consider.

11.5 Whatever choice of the set-up of the balancing, it is important to recognise that any version
of the SUTs or a particular stage of the process is not finished until all the subsequent estimates
are made and checked for plausibility. The balancing phase is then an iterative process and

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

feedback loops to earlier stages in the process improve quality of the final result as well as can
indicate future improvements to source data.

11.6 The main objective of this Chapter is to provide an overview of the balancing of SUTs.
Section B provides an overview of the basic identities that need to be satisfied in the SUTs system.
Section C describes different methods of balancing - sequential and simultaneous methods - and a
general approach to investigate and resolve inconsistencies. Section D describes a step by step
procedure of a simultaneous balancing in current prices and in volume terms. Section E describes
the benefits of extending the balancing to include also the institutional sector accounts, IOTs,
physical SUTs and EE-IOTs. Finally, Section F provides a list of practical considerations for
balancing. These include, for example, the use of automated and manual balancing procedures, the
role of balancing in benchmark years and the importance of documenting the adjustments to the
data. Annex A to Chapter 11 provides a numerical example of how the unbalanced initial SUTs
are balanced through a simultaneous balancing process.

B. Overview of the system and basic identities

11.7 The balancing starts with a set of tables which consists of the following (in current and
previous year’s prices):

• SUTs at purchasers’ prices

• Valuation matrices

• SUTs at basic prices

• Use Table at basic prices with split between Domestic Use Table and Imports Use Table.

11.8 Thus the full system of SUTs as presented in Figure 2.2 in Chapter 2 consists of SUTs both
at purchasers’ prices and basic prices and a set valuation matrices bridging the valuation gap
between the Supply Table and the Use Table as well as the corresponding dimension covering
previous years’ prices. The Use Table at basic prices is also split between a table showing uses of
domestically produced goods and services (Domestic Use Table) and a table showing the imports
of goods and services (Imports Use Table). Figure 11.1 shows the full set of tables and matrices
irrespective of the price basis. In addition, the IOTs at basic prices, IOTs of domestic output at
basic prices and the Input tables of imports also play a key feedback role in terms of quality,
coherency and consistency (whether through sequential or simultaneous balancing).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 11.1 Simplified SUTs system

Supply Table at purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
Valuation Total
Domestic output at Imports supply at Taxes less Trade supply at Intermediate
Final use at
Total use
and purchas- consumption at at purchas-
basic prices CIF basic subsidies purchasers' prices
ers' purchasers' prices ers' prices
prices on products transport
margins prices
Total output
GVA at basic prices
at basic prices
Total output at basic
Valuation matrices

Other taxes on products

Subsidies on products

Retail trade margins

Wholesale trade margins

Transport margins

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

Intermediate Total use
Domestic output at Imports supply at Final use at basic
consumption at basic at basic
basic prices CIF basic prices
prices prices

Total output Taxes less subsidies Taxes less subsidies

at basic prices on products on products
GVA at basic prices

Total output at basic


Supply Table of domestic output Domestic Use Table

Total use
Domes- Intermediate of
Domestic output at tic output consumption of Final use of domestic domestic
basic prices at basic domestic output at output at basic prices output at
prices basic prices basic
Total output Use of imported Use of imported
at basic prices products cif products cif
Taxes less subsidies Taxes less subsidies
on products on products
GVA at basic prices
Total output at basic
Imports Use Table
Total use
Intermediate of
Final use of imported
consumption of imported
products at basic
imported products at products
basic prices at basic
Total Total Total

11.9 In the ideal case, all tables and matrices presented in Figure 11.1 are balanced
simultaneously both in current prices (top-down in the scheme and the top left-hand side of the H-

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Approach) and in volume terms (bottom-up in the scheme and the top right-hand side of the H-
Approach). In doing so, implausible results like imports for a product smaller than re-exports
(apart from when the re-exports have come from inventories) and negative values at basic prices
can be avoided. In addition, the volume and price changes can be judged on plausibility with
possibly implications for the current price estimates.

11.10 Being an accounting framework, the SUTs have basic identities which are directly linked
to the three approaches to measuring GDP. With the inclusion of taxes and subsidies in the SUTs,
differences will exist in the identities at the macro (total economy) and at the meso (product or
industry) level.

1. Basic Identities of SUTs

(a) Supply = Use

11.11 The “total supply equals total use” identity has to be satisfied for the whole economy
(macro level) and also for each product (product level). In the first case, at the macro level, this
identity has to be satisfied at purchasers’ prices. Total supply at purchasers’ prices consists of
domestically produced, and imported, goods and services plus taxes on products less subsidies on
products. At the macro level, trade and transport margins do not appear separately in this identity
because they are part of the output of goods and services at basic prices. Total use consists of
intermediate consumption, final consumption of households and government, gross capital
formation and exports, which are all valued at purchasers’ prices.

11.12 At the product level, the “total supply equals total use” identity is defined both at
purchasers’ prices and at basic prices. In the first case, the total supply consists of domestically
produced and imported goods and services, trade and transport margins plus taxes on products less
subsidies on products. The total use consists of intermediate consumption, final consumption,
gross capital formation and exports, which all valued at purchasers’ prices.

11.13 In the case of basic prices, the total supply consists only of domestically produced and
imported goods and services. The total use consists of intermediate consumption, final
consumption, gross capital formation and exports, which are all valued at basis prices. In the basic
price case, the trade and transport margins are treated as ordinary services.

(b) Output = Input

11.14 The “total output equals total input” identity also is defined at different levels: for the whole
economy (macro level) and by industry (industry level). For the whole economy, the output is at
basic prices and the input consists of intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices and GVA at
basic prices.

11.15 At the industry level, this identity is also defined at basic prices. The output is defined at
basic prices and the input consists of intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices and GVA at

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

basic prices. The column totals of the valuation matrices appear as separate rows in the SUTs
system at basic prices.

(c) Trade and transport margins ‘used’ = trade and transport margins ‘produced’ and

11.16 In the Supply Table at purchasers’ prices, the trade and transport margins appear in separate
columns. These columns provide the total constraint for the relevant valuation matrices. This
means that for each product, the trade and transport margins in the Supply Table has to equal to
the sum by columns of the relevant valuation matrices (i.e. Retail trade, wholesale trade and
transport margins).

(d) Value change = volume change * price change

11.17 When the above identities are not met, it is not always easy to discover the causes and
therefore it is always helpful to have additional information. For example, incorporating price and
volume information considerably helps to identify and analyse inconsistencies within the SUTs.
Preferably, the basic identities mentioned above apply both in current prices as well as in volume
terms. This requirement depends upon the choice of the index formulae. In this case, the
combination of the Laspeyres volume index and Paasche price index formula ensures the identities
in this section also hold for the volume terms.

11.18 With the inclusion of volume estimates, the SUTs identities in current prices and in volume
terms have to be fulfilled, as well as the less strict relations between variables based on price and
volume changes can be judged on plausibility.

11.19 When viewing the industries, the volume change of production is very similar to the
volume change of intermediate consumption. This relation is stronger for the output goods and
input of raw materials than for services. However, when there is a large difference between the
two volume changes, this indicates there may be something wrong in the data and further
investigation is advisable.

11.20 When combined with labour data, the volume changes of GVA can be used to calculate
changes in labour productivity. It is important to note, that the labour data should be on the same
basis (for example, using the same statistical unit) as the economic data. If so, then labour
productivity is expected to rise gradually every year (except for periods like the start of a
recession). A decrease or a high growth of productivity can also indicate possible mistakes in the

11.21 When viewing products, in a competitive economy, it is expected that price changes are
more or less the same for all economic agents (except for areas like foreign trade). If the price
change of a certain user deviates significantly from the average, this may indicate something is
wrong and further investigation is advisable.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

11.22 For household final consumption expenditure, the plausibility of volume changes of
products for ‘general’ use, like food, can be evaluated comparing with other indicators like the
growth of the population.

11.23 An optional check is to view time series of variables. Sudden breaks in time series can
indicate a signal of implausible data in the SUTs. Again, further investigation is necessary before
any conclusion that adjustments are necessary. For example, the impact of globalisation, and fast
changing ways of organising production processes by enterprises, can lead to justified breaks in
time series.

C. Balancing

11.24 Balancing of the SUTs refers to the iterative process of reconciling differences between the
different parts of the SUTs. For balancing, no general theory or mathematical programs are
available whereby the “whole” process can be automated. There is a clear, controlled role for
automated balancing techniques but after, and only after, all the significant imbalances have been
resolved manually. However, in balancing it is very important to follow a systematic approach to
solve the problems. Basic identities, checks on plausibility and credibility, investigation of possible
causes of inconsistencies. This section reviews the two main approaches to balancing (sequential
and simultaneous balancing) and provides a general guide on how to investigate sources of

1. Simultaneous or sequential balancing

11.25 The compilation of SUTs in current prices and in volume terms can be organised in two
ways: through a sequential approach whereby the SUTs is balanced first in current prices,
subsequently these SUTs are deflated and then the SUTs in volume terms are balanced; or through
a simultaneous approach whereby the SUTs in current prices and in volume terms are balanced at
the same time. At the end of the balancing process, the tables in current prices and in volume terms
are available and balanced. There are various advantages and disadvantages of each approach but
in general, the simultaneous balancing approach is recommended.

11.26 The main advantage of sequential balancing is that it is, in general, less complicated
because one has only to deal with values in current prices during balancing and also because there
may be a lack of reliable price data on a sufficiently detailed level. However, the major
disadvantage of a sequential approach is that problems encountered while compiling SUTs in
volume terms sometimes make it necessary to make changes in the current price tables that have
already been finished, and perhaps even published.

11.27 In general, in the sequential approach, it is preferable to have an iterative procedure with
feedback loops to the SUTs in current prices. Also the SUTs in current prices should not be
considered as “final” until all tables of the SUTs system (including SUTs in volume terms) are
checked for coherency and plausibility.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

11.28 The main advantage of the simultaneous approach is that it gives the possibility of
analysing value, price and volume indices in relation to each other. The outcome of the analysis
may affect data in volume terms as well as current price data. In other words, all three indices must
give a plausible picture. This clearly improves the quality of the outcome of the balancing process.
It must also be mentioned that the simultaneous approach can be useful not only in the balancing
phase but also in the phase in which basic data are prepared for National Accounts purposes. The
approach offers the opportunity to check the data by comparing price and volume indices before
they are entered in the system of SUTs. Simultaneous balancing in current prices and in volume
terms may result in a different allocation of adjustments than balancing in current prices only.

11.29 The simultaneous approach requires that every transaction of the SUTs must be available,
current prices, deflation detail and prices of the previous year. In order to calculate indices, the
system also requires values in current prices of the previous year. For every entry in the SUTs,
three values must be available:

• a value for year t in prices of t-1;

• a value in current prices for year t-1; and

• a value in current prices for year t.

11.30 Figure 11.2 illustrates the above detail presented in the form of a “Six Pack”.

Figure 11.2 The Six Pack

Description Data Description Data

t at current prices 525 Price index 102.9

t in prices of t-1 510 Volume index 102.0
t-1 at current prices 500 Value index 105.0

11.31 The “Six Pack” allows compilers of National Accounts and SUTs to cross-check
consistency of data – analytical tools should ensure such analyses are readily available to aid
validation and balancing. Although the results in current prices look plausible at first sight, analysis
of the volume and price data can show implausible results and lead to adjustments in the current
price data. Important checks are the comparison between changes in the volume of output by
industry, its intermediate consumption and GVA. Especially when prices are changing rapidly, it
is evident that analysis in volume terms is to be preferred, for example, in oil and chemical

11.32 A major advantage of the simultaneous approach is that it provides the opportunity of
analysing value, price and volume indices in relation to each other, and the impact of any
adjustments on all items of the “Six Pack” immediately, in terms of plausibility, including the
impact on macro and meso economic aggregates like GDP and GVA by industry.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2. Balancing – investigative dimension

11.33 In general, an effective way to approach the balancing process is to investigate the
inconsistencies in the SUTs in a systematic manner. In the first step, one would select the large
inconsistencies. In the second step one would carry out a critical search for results of data
processed for compiling the National Accounts. Especially in the Use Table, main items are the
result of partitioning source data into product groups. The allocation may be changed without
altering the original aggregates. In practice, one will see that not all problems can be solved in this
way. In the third step, one would consult the expert knowledge of the statistician who is compiling
the source statistics. If large inconsistencies still remain, a fourth step is to contact the reporting
company for a critical discussion of the data they have provided.

11.34 The balancing is driven by two linked underlying themes: the reconciliation of estimates
of industry GVA between the income based and production based approaches; and the
reconciliation of supply and use for each product, essentially through matching production
and expenditure. As all of the components of production, income and expenditure are integrated
within a single framework, when the identities are reconciled, the estimates based on the three
approaches will be equal.

11.35 It should be mentioned that these reconciliation must also ensure that consistency and
coherency over time is also achieved. For example, consistency over time of individual series, both
within the SUTs and in suppliers’ own detailed series; consistency over time of aggregated series;
consistency of estimates in current prices, estimates in volume terms and the implied deflators,
both at the aggregate and component level; and consistency in terms of growth rates and levels.

11.36 When assessing these aspects, the impact of revisions to earlier years and the quality of the
relative data sources are also taken into account.

11.37 It should be noted that, during the balancing, the basic identities of SUTs in current prices
and, if applicable, in volume terms, must be satisfied and that the values in the SUTs are consistent
and plausible providing a coherent set of price and volume changes. In a set of balanced SUTs, the
identities of the framework are met as well as less strict plausibility relationships like volume
change of output of goods resembles the volume change of intermediate consumption. Through
the process of balancing, the detection of inconsistencies and implausibility’s on the one hand, and
finding the causes on the other hand, forms the most important part of the exercise. With this
knowledge, the resolution of any inconsistencies is much more straightforward.

11.38 Any difference between total supply and total use of any product implies an inconsistency
in the system, and forms the start for a balancing procedure in which one has to look for the cause

• analysing the transformation of source data and the validity of assumptions made, see the
various compilation chapters.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• analysing the underlying source data, if necessary, at the unit level.

• discussing the data with experts in the respective areas or even survey respondents.
• analysing the data in the form of time series.
• carrying out a number of credibility checks, for example:
o GVA to total output ratios.
o changes in the composition of GVA weights.
o taxes on products, trade and transport margins as a proportion of supply and use of
o search for outliers in price and volume ratios (if applicable).
• comparing data with other data sources (which are not from the statistical office or central
bank), for example qualitative and quantitative covering specific industries/products like
company reports, regulatory reports, trade association analysis, etc.
• comparing and reconciling incongruencies between different survey data sources providing
different estimates for the same or similar variables (for example, turnover from monthly
sources compared with audited annual sources).
• using other “proxy” indicators to help the identification of plausible SUTs variables, for
example, VAT based indicators to compare with GVA and turnover.
• analysing related volume ratios for variables like, output and intermediate consumption.
11.39 Working with statistical data based on sample surveys and questionnaires, and influenced
by non-response type issues, etc. implies working with reliability margins (for each cell), and
therefore inconsistencies will exist. The cause will then be a statistical measurement issue. In such
a case, balancing could be automated using the reliability margins of the statistics concerned as
weights. Some of the methods of automated balancing described later in this chapter are based on
this principle.

11.40 However, statistics are never ideal and inconsistencies are not only caused by sampling,
etc. but may have causes due to a non-statistical nature. It is these causes of inconsistencies that
make manual balancing essential, and necessary, as a preliminary step prior to any form of
automated balancing.

3. Examples of causes of data inconsistencies

11.41 There could be several reasons for data inconsistencies and they can arise at various stages
of the collection and processing of data. Some of the inconsistencies that are frequently
encountered in the compilation of SUTs are presented below.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(a) Inconsistencies in data at the unit level

11.42 For the collection of data on sales and purchases, most statistical units like enterprises,
establishments or kind of activity units are defined. These units consist of sets of legal units. In the
simplest case, the statistical unit is the same as the legal unit but often the statistical unit consists
of more than one legal unit. Having a well-defined statistical unit does not necessarily mean that
it corresponds to, for example, tax units used by the company concerned for their tax declaration
or to the level of consolidation in the bookkeeping. Where the respondent follows his bookkeeping
or tax records, the reporting unit is not likely to be the same as the statistical unit. This can lead to
missing data for certain legal units or even double-counting. This risk increases when data are
collected by different agencies, for example, the national statistical offices, national central banks
and the tax authorities.

11.43 Another ever-increasing and widespread cause of inconsistencies is the impact of

globalisation, reflecting aspects like production abroad and the trade flows associated with
intellectual property products as well as the impact of whether there is or is not a change of
economic ownership. When the unit in a country is the economic owner of all goods and services
purchased and sold, it will report its worldwide activity in business statistics, even when the goods
concerned never enter the country of residence of the unit. On the other hand, foreign trade
statistics on goods are based on goods crossing borders, so goods that never enter the country of
residence of the unit will be missing. In this case, there is an inconsistency between business
statistics and Foreign Trade Statistics, which both serve as a source for the SUTs system. The
UNECE Guide to Measuring Global Production provides much more detail on how handle these
type of issues.

11.44 Examples of other causes of inconsistencies at the unit level are mismatches and mistakes.
An example of a mismatch is the difference between the calendar year and the bookkeeping year,
where for a significant number of units the bookkeeping year differs from the calendar year used
in the National Accounts (and other annual statistics). Entering the bookkeeping data in the
questionnaire causes inconsistencies in the SUTs when these data are confronted with other

11.45 The survey questionnaires for business statistics are designed in a way that data covering
different branches can be compared and added together. The needs of users like National Accounts
require specific definitions of variables in the survey questionnaires, which cannot always be
derived directly from bookkeeping records. When a respondent uses their own definitions of
variables, this may also cause inconsistencies in the SUTs.

11.46 When detailed information on variables like output and intermediate consumption is sought
via survey questionnaires, it is possible respondents allocate products to the wrong CPC product
code, leading to incomparable contents of product codes in the SUTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

11.47 Last but not least, a business can provide incomplete data. If, for example, data on changes
in inventories is lacking, the transformation from either sales to output and/or purchases to
intermediate consumption cannot be made. This will in turn also affect GVA and GDP.

(b) Inconsistencies in processing survey data

11.48 The processing of collected micro data to subject matter statistics can cause
inconsistencies. Although procedures for grossing up are routine, the target population is less
straightforward. An important issue in this regard is linked to the update of the business register
and the consequence of identifying correctly active or non-active units during the reporting period.
A further related issue is the outlier detection and treatment.

11.49 Small enterprises often get less detailed survey questionnaires, implying the necessity to
break down the aggregated variables to the level of detail of the large enterprises. The assumptions
made for this calculation may be incorrect. The same holds for the breakdown of variables from
business statistics to the product classification used in the SUTs. For the compilation of valuation
matrices, the trade and transport margins and taxes and subsidies on production must be allocated
to the various users (industries and final consumption categories). If little information is available
on the level of detail, then a range of assumptions is applied, which may also lead to
inconsistencies, especially in the SUTs at basic prices.

11.50 Another cause of inconsistencies can be the coverage of the hidden and informal economy.
When no or insufficient estimates for the hidden and informal economy are included in the SUTs,
inconsistencies will arise. When, for example, a consumer buys a beer in the pub, they usually do
not know whether it is, economically speaking, an “illegal” (for example, smuggled) or a “legal”
beer, implying that in household consumption a beer is reported, while in business statistics the
“illegal” beer will be missing.

(c) Inconsistencies in volume data

11.51 Deflating SUTs data can itself generate inconsistencies in the SUTs in volume terms. As
most price index numbers based on observation are Laspeyres indices, inconsistencies result when
working on a level of aggregation above the observation of the price data. The observed price data
often do not keep account of discounts, bulk purchases and negotiated prices (especially in
business to business sales), implying that they do not always match with the actual value of the
transactions. In the process of balancing the full SUTs system, the implicit price indices resulting
from the SUTs system have to be reconciled with the observed indices like the CPIs and PPIs by
specific products.

4. Reliability of data in the unbalanced SUTs

11.52 An important and very useful step before starting with the balancing process is the
assessment of the reliability and quality of the data in the unbalanced SUTs. In general, less reliable

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

data will, and should, be adjusted to a relative higher degree. However, one should bear in mind
that even weaker estimates cannot endlessly absorb inconsistencies, for example, positive changes
in inventories for a product for a large number of consecutive years are implausible or generate
implausible ratios or movements in ratios, for GVA as a proportion of output or trade margin as a
proportion of domestic output at basic prices.

11.53 The quality of the estimates will influence the “role” the variable will play in the balancing
process of the SUTs. Some variables are pre-determined when entered directly into the system and
kept at their original value throughout the whole balancing process. For example, data on taxes
and subsidies which are directly derived from government administrative data sources and data
derived from exhaustive sources (like regulatory sources).

11.54 A perfect sample with a 100 per cent response rate can still generate inconsistencies.
Although such source statistics can be judged as very reliable, they can still be adjusted in the
balancing process. Estimates using models, for example fixed input structures based on the
previous period, expert guesses, use of data for the previous period, etc. are likely to be adjusted
earlier in the balancing process.

11.55 A ranking of the reliability of estimates for entries and aggregates in the SUTs is very
useful to bear in mind, especially through the manual balancing phase. This ranking information
is an essential input for any automated balancing procedures and this is covered later in this

11.56 Box 11.1 and Box 11.2 provide two examples illustrating the simultaneous balancing
process. With each example, it is very important to have details on the reliability of the data before
starting to look for a solution or implementing any adjustments.

11.57 Box 11.1 illustrates a situation where the discrepancies are balanced in current prices and
in volume terms. The value, price and volume analysis can lead to adjustment of any of the
estimated variables. Sometimes the results can be checked with observed quantity data, for
example, for the supply and use of energy products, often quantity data are also available. Another
possible check in the simultaneous approach is the ratio of the volume of GVA and the input of

11.58 The example in Box 11.2 shows that comparing volume indices of the main supplier and
the main user indicates a solution for a balancing problem.

Box 11.1 Example of discrepancies balanced in current prices and in volume terms
The price and volume changes of domestic production and exports can be compared in the simplified example
below (need to accept there may be inconsistencies between the price indices from supply and use side by using
a simplified example). This example, for demonstration purposes only, excludes margins, taxes, subsidies and
imports. The supply minus use shows the discrepancies between supply (domestic production) and use (exports
and by other users) in current prices and in volume terms.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Supply Domestic Domestic

Exports Other uses Exports Other uses
minus use production production
Value t in current prices -10 525 420 115 Price index 102.9 100.0 103.6
Value t in prices of t-1 -21 510 420 111 Volume index 102.0 105.0 111.0
Value t-1 in current prices 0 500 400 100 Value index 105.0 105.0 115.0

In this example, there is a discrepancy both in current prices and in volume terms. The first step is to get an
idea about the reliability of the data. In this case, data on both domestic production and exports in current prices
are considered to be very reliable. Thus a sensible solution would be to adjust “other uses”. If the price index
(102.9) is considered to be correct, the adjustment should be made both in current prices and in volume terms.
This results with the following situation.
Supply Domestic Domestic
Exports Other uses Exports Other uses
minus use production production
Value t in current prices 0 525 420 105 Price index 102.9 100.0 102.9
Value t in prices of t-1 -12 510 420 102 Volume index 102.0 105.0 102.0
Value t-1 in current prices 0 500 400 100 Value index 105.0 105.0 105.0

The discrepancy in current prices has been eliminated but in volume terms a discrepancy remains. Assuming
the price of domestic production are reliable figures, and assuming that the difference between the volume
index of domestic production and exports should not be too large, then the balancing results in an adjustment
of the price of the export and a minor adjustment of other uses.
Supply Domestic Domestic
Exports Other uses Exports Other uses
minus use production production
Value t in current prices 0 525 420 105 Price index 102.9 102.7 104.0
Value t in prices of t-1 0 510 409 101 Volume index 102.0 102.3 101.0
Value t-1 in current prices 0 500 400 100 Value index 105.0 105.0 105.0

Box 11.2 Example of simultaneous balancing comparing volume indices

Large discrepancies between volume changes of the main user of important raw materials and volume changes of
the main supplier (for instance imports) are an indication for inconsistent data.
Supply Domestic Domestic
Imports Main user Other uses Imports Main user Other uses
minus use production production
Value t in current prices 0 50 468 426 92 Price index 100.0 104.0 100.0 100.0
Value t in prices of t-1 -18 50 450 426 92 Volume index 100.0 100.0 103.9 102.2
Value t-1 in current prices 0 50 450 410 90 Value index 100.0 104.0 103.9 102.2

In this example, no discrepancy between supply and use in current prices is assumed. The value indices of imports
and the main user are both plausible: 104.0 and 103.9 respectively. However, analysis reveals that volume indices
of imports and the main user differ: 100.0 versus 103.9, which is not plausible. Further analysis is necessary to find
the solution for this balancing problem. It is not inconceivable that the value in current prices also has to be adjusted.

5. Documentation

11.59 Many decisions leading to corrections, adjustments and subjective estimates are entered by
the balancers, and these may provoke a struggle when referred to other statistical and available
sources or with common sense considerations. Thus, it is important that the considerations and
rationale behind the solutions implemented are visible to other balancers, and the solutions are
sustainable and can be re-produced if the same problems are encountered in subsequent years.
Such corrections should be recorded in a systematic way.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

11.60 It is also important to record separately the steps and links between the source data through
to the balanced data so that they can be reviewed in subsequent balancing exercises to investigate
source data incoherence, bias, etc. For example:

National Accounts source data (covering business survey data, household survey data,
census data, administrative based data, extrapolations and models (for example, PIM,
FISIM), company accounts based data, etc.)

plus coverage (including exhaustiveness) adjustments

plus conceptual adjustments
plus quality (data validation) adjustments
plus balancing/coherency adjustments
equals National Accounts final estimates on 2008 SNA basis

11.61 Balancing adjustments can, and should, be part of a process table describing the steps from
the source statistics to the final estimates in the balanced SUTs. If the balancing adjustments are
recorded in a systematic manner, they can point to flaws in source statistics or even a bias in the
balancing process itself. Again, the feedback loop can be powerful in that suppliers of source data
can improve survey questionnaires, data collection, data processing, etc. cumulatively improving
the quality of the National Accounts estimates.

D. A step by step procedure for simultaneous balancing

11.62 This section provides a step by step process for the simultaneous balancing of SUTs in
current prices and in volume terms. The process presented below relies on a sequence of tables
which starts from the SUTs at purchasers’ prices, valuation matrices, SUTs at basic prices, and the
Domestic Use Table and Imports Use Table at basic prices. An alternative sequence could be to
split the SUTs at purchasers’ prices into the Domestic Use Table and Imports Use Table at
purchasers’ prices. However the latter is not a commonly used sequencing of tables and the first
is the recommended approach to the compilation of SUTs.

11.63 Figure 11.3 provides a scheme on how to carry out the balancing of SUTs indicating what
types of balancing in done at each step. Note that balancing is an is iterative process, so the figures
shows a number of feedback loops that need to be done in order to arrive to a final set of balanced
SUTs in current prices and volume terms.

11.64 At the start of the balancing process, an estimate is available for all entries in the full SUTs
system both in current prices and in volume terms. In combination with balanced and fixed data
of the previous year, volume changes can then be compiled. The balancing effort starts by checking
all the inconsistencies and implausible estimates in the system. This is summarised in the sequence
of steps below.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 11.3 An overview of the SUTs balancing framework for simultaneous balancing

(a) Differences between supply and use of products at purchasers’ prices in current prices

11.65 These types of checks are represented in Part (A) in current prices in Figure 11.3.
Differences between supply and use of products at purchasers’ prices in current prices point
towards inconsistencies possibly caused by data processing with National Accounts (for example,
transformation to National Accounts definitions and requirements) or by inconsistencies in
observed data (for example, as a result of the impact of globalisation).

(b) Unwanted negative entries in the SUTs at basic prices - Part (B) and (C) in current prices

11.66 These types of checks are represented in Part (B) and Part (C) in current prices in Figure
11.3. The unwanted negative entries in the SUTs at basic prices can be caused by mistakes in the
calculation of the valuation matrices, which would lead to a recalculation of these matrices. This
is an iterative process until all unwanted negatives are eliminated and the valuation matrices look
plausible. However, in some cases, negative entries are plausible in areas like changes in
inventories or exports of goods (for example, merchanting). This step forms the first key iterative
process of “balancing” the SUTs system (heptagon 1 in the figure).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(c) Differences between supply and use of products at basic prices in current prices

11.67 These checks are represented in Part (C) in current prices in Figure 11.3. These differences
will point towards inconsistencies like those covered in (a) above due to issues such as data
processing inconsistencies in observed data.

(d) Inconsistencies between domestic supply and use of products from domestic origin and
use of imported products in current prices

11.68 These checks are represented in Part (D) in current prices in Figure 11.3. The Use Table is
initially split into the Domestic Use Table and Imports Use Table independently of the Supply
Table. Thus there may be inconsistencies at the product level such as, for example, the value of
exports is larger than the value of domestic supply or the value of re-exports is larger than the
value of imports. In these cases, values need to be adjusted. The breakdown of the supply of
domestic and imports in the Supply Table can also be used to inform the split between the
Domestic Use Table and Imports Use Table.

(e) Differences between the supply and use of products at basic prices in previous years’

11.69 These checks are represented in Part (C) and Part (D) in previous years’ prices in Figure
11.3. When starting with balanced SUTs in current prices, the differences between supply and use
of products in volume terms point towards inconsistencies in the applied price indices. For
example, not deflating domestic output and exports separately or not using an appropriate
weighted-average. Furthermore, there may be weaknesses in the PPIs regarding details on
discounts, bulk purchases and negotiated prices which can cause inconsistencies. In addition, being
a Laspeyres type index can also play a role in generating inconsistencies.

11.70 These checks can also point at errors in the SUTs in current prices. In this case, the SUTs
in current prices need to be rebalanced. This forms the second key iterative process in balancing
the full SUTs system (heptagon 2 in the figure).

(f) Plausibility of volume changes of output and intermediate consumption

11.71 These checks are represented in Part (C) comparing the SUTs in previous years’ prices and
the SUTs for period t-1 in current prices in Figure 11.3. When combined with previous years data,
the deflated SUTs at basic prices in previous years’ prices provides the framework to judge the
volume changes of output, intermediate consumption and GVA at the industry level. Implausible
results will need adjustment of the estimates in volume terms, and if necessary, the current price
estimates in the SUTs. This forms the third iterative process in balancing the SUTs system
(heptagon 3 in the figure).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(g) Plausibility of changes in labour productivity

11.72 These checks are represented in Part (C) comparing the SUTs in previous years’ prices and
the SUTs for period t-1 in current prices in Figure 11.3. Similar to the changes in volume of output
and intermediate consumption, the changes in labour productivity can be used to assess the
plausibility of the resulting GVA in volume terms at both the macro level and the industry level.
Implausible results will require adjustment of the estimates in volume terms, and if necessary, the
estimates in current prices in the SUTs. This forms the fourth iterative process in balancing the
SUTs system (heptagon 4 in the figure).

(h) Confrontation of implicit price indices of valuation matrices and observed PPIs and
changes in tariffs

11.73 These checks are represented in Part (B) in Figure 11.3 confronting the valuation matrices
for period t in current and previous years’ prices. The volumes for the valuation layers are
calculated by applying the rates of the previous year to the estimates in volume terms. Therefore,
for all entries of the valuation matrices, implicit prices can be compiled. If available, observed
producer prices indices can be compared with these implicit prices indices. It is likely there will
be possibilities for a data confrontation for specific areas, for example, transport services. For taxes
and subsidies linked to the value of the concerning transaction (for example, VAT), the changes
in tariffs can be used to assess the plausibility of the implicit prices. Implausible results will need
adjustment of the estimates in volume terms, and if necessary, the current price estimates in the
SUTs. This forms the fifth iterative process in balancing the SUTs system (heptagon 5 in the

(i) Confrontation of implicit purchasers’ price indices resulting from calculation and
observed purchasers’ price indices like the CPIs

11.74 These checks are represented in Part (A) in Figure 11.3 confronting the SUTs for period t
in current prices and in previous years’ prices. The SUTs in volume terms at purchasers’ prices is
compiled as sum of the SUTs at basic prices and the valuation matrices (all in volume terms).
When the SUTs at basic prices are balanced, the SUTs at purchasers’ prices are by definition also
balanced. At this point in the balancing process, a confrontation of observed purchasers’ price type
indices like the CPI and the calculated implicit purchasers’ price indices may show that the latter
may be implausible, albeit they should not be the same. If there are significant differences, then
the estimates in volume terms of all underlying component tables (the valuation matrices, and the
SUTs at basic prices) may need to be reconsidered. This forms the sixth iterative process in
balancing the SUTs system (heptagon 6 in the figure).

(j) Overall assessment of the second order effects of balancing steps (a) to (i)

11.75 Through the balancing procedure, the trade and transport margins are very likely to be
adjusted as a result of manual and automated corrections. As a consequence, the total use of trade

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

and transport margins will likely not equal the total supply, even if they were in balance in the
initial version of the system, and will require to be constrained.

11.76 Similarly, VAT should be recalculated based on the adjusted results in the Use Table. The
total of non-deductible VAT which is the result of the balancing procedure cannot be expected to
exactly match the VAT receipts based on government accounts. If only official rates and tax
legislation is used in the calculations, the computed VAT total will normally exceed the target, this
is closer to the concept of theoretical VAT as opposed to the cash-collected VAT (on an accrued
basis). However, to be realistic, the model used to estimate VAT should take into account the
expected patterns of tax evasion by keeping account of various issues like the hidden economy.
Nevertheless, the total estimated VAT will not equal the government data automatically, so final
corrections will be needed. It may be preferable to proportionally adjust VAT in specific columns,
where the exact share of VAT liable is uncertain. A final proportional adjustment of VAT on many
products, most likely to be household final consumption expenditure, can be used to eliminate the
remaining difference.

11.77 One important final check is to ensure that the resulting effective (and implied) tax rates
do not exceed the legal rates, for example, the standard rate of VAT.

E. Alternative balancing methods

11.78 The ideal balancing scenario covered in the previous section based on the H-Approach
consists in simultaneously balancing SUTs at basic prices and at purchasers’ prices both in current
prices and in volume terms. This balancing is data demanding and the choice between
simultaneous balancing and any other variation of balancing methods heavily depends upon the
availability of data, human resources and IT systems. If the ideal scenario is not possible, then
alternatives can be considered such as, for example, balancing the SUTs at purchasers’ prices and
balancing at basic prices or prioritising between them or an iterative process with feedback loops.

11.79 The choice in selecting alternative scenarios will have different consequences, especially
for the use of price indicators. In the ideal scenario, the price indicators match optimally with the
SUTs being deflated in terms of underlying flows and valuations. Diversion from the ideal scenario
will require additional compilation, assumptions and approximations in the use of price indicators.

1. Balancing SUTs at basic prices

11.80 Assuming that the balancing process is not ended before all components of the full SUTs
are checked for plausibility, the balancing at basic prices only is a close approximation of the ideal

11.81 Balancing at basic prices requires stripping out the trade margins, transport margins, taxes
on products and subsidies on products from the initial current price Use Table at purchasers’ prices.
The deflation of the SUTs then takes place at basic prices applying PPIs and import prices for the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Supply Table and a weighted average of those indicators for the Use Table. Weights could be
derived from the Domestic Use Table and Imports Use Table of the previous year. When the SUTs
are balanced both in current prices and in volume terms, the volume changes of the valuation
matrices can be compiled applying the volume changes of the corresponding entries of the Use

11.82 Then, the SUTs at purchasers’ prices including non-deductible VAT can be derived both
in current prices and in volume terms. The resulting price indices can be checked for plausibility
with observed indices on consumption of households (for example, the CPIs) and export price
indices as in the ideal scenario. The price indices resulting from the sequentially compiled
Domestic Use Table and Imports Use Table can also be checked for plausibility with the observed
PPIs and import price indices.

2. Balancing SUTs at purchasers’ prices

11.83 Balancing at purchasers’ prices requires a very different approach for a number of entries
in the SUTs, and in general, more approximations/assumptions because of the lack of appropriate
price indices, especially for those cases where trade and transport margins play a substantial role.
As a first step, non-deductible VAT may have to be stripped out from the initial Use Table, which
includes VAT (often this step may be carried out in the pre-processing of source data for the SUTs).

11.84 As the Supply Table is valued at basic prices, the deflation for this part will be similar to
the ideal scenario applying PPIs, import price indices or other appropriate indicators.

11.85 The compilation of the volumes of trade margins, transport margins, taxes on products and
subsidies on products using this balancing approach will be done at an aggregate level. If
applicable, at this stage, for each product only the total trade margins, transport margins, taxes on
products and subsidies on products are included in the system as part of the bridge columns
between the Supply Table and the Use Table. In order to compile the volume changes, the volume
change of the underlying aggregated flows have to be determined. For an accurate estimate of the
volume index of the valuation layers, it is therefore very important to determine which part of the
supply or use of a product is liable to this valuation layer. For example, the retail trade margins are
mainly linked to household final consumption expenditure.

11.86 For deflation of the Use Table at purchasers’ prices (excluding the deflation of VAT), then
price indicators are required other than those applied in the ideal scenario. Especially for
intermediate consumption of goods and services and GFCF, where the ‘ideal’ price indices are
often not available and must be replaced by proxies. More details are shown in Chapter 9.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

F. Extending balancing SUTs to include institutional sector accounts, IOTs,


11.87 The previous section describes a process for a simultaneous balancing of SUTs at basic
prices and purchasers’ prices both in current prices and in volume terms. Thus it focuses on the
balancing within a SUTs system. However, the compilation of SUTs is not seen here a separate
and isolated exercice from the compilation of the National Accounts and from the compilation of
IOTs, PSUTs, EE-IOTs or other satellite accounts, if they are compiled. This implies that the
balancing process has to be extended to ensure a coherent and consistent integration of SUTs with
the National Accounts (i.e. intitutional sector accounts) and related products (for example, IOTs,

11.88 The balancing of SUTs can be extended to include additional accounts either in a
simultaneously or sequentially manner. There are a clear benefits in this extended balancing due
to the additional feedback loops which would eventually lead to further improvements in the
quality of the SUTs as well as the other products in terms of consistency, coherence and
integration. Thus it is, in general, recommended to extend the balancing to include

1. Institutional sector accounts

11.89 Together with the SUTs, the institutional sector accounts are in the core of the National
Accounts. The sector accounts provide an overview of the various economic activities covering
production, consumption, generation of income and distribution of income, accumulation of
wealth and relations with the rest of the world. The SUTs and institutional sector accounts have
thus several variables in common like output, intermediate consumption, GVA and its components
linked by industry and by institutional sector. Analysing and balancing SUTs and the institutional
sector accounts can point to implausible data in SUTs, implying a re-balancing of the SUTs, for
example, highlighting classification issues or where cells should have zero or non-zero entries.

11.90 Like the SUTs system, the institutional sector accounts constitute a balancing framework
consisting of a set of well-defined variables and a number of basic identities. For the total economy,
the production account and the generation of income account are in fact an aggregate of the
domestic production part of the SUTs without the dimensions products and industries. One-to-one
links exist for production, intermediate consumption and GVA. In addition, compensation of
employees is directly linked to the SUTs system. Other macroeconomic variables with a strong
link between SUTs and institutional sector accounts are consumption of households and
government (use of disposable income account), and fixed capital formation (capital account).
Finally, taxes and subsidies on products and other taxes on production appear in both systems.

11.91 From a conceptual point of view, the links between SUTs and institutional sector accounts
are strong. However, in statistical practice, it is not always easy to transform industry data on
production into institutional sector data and vice versa. For that purpose, a set of tables is

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

constructed with a dual classification. In this table the transactions are classified by industry
(SUTs) and by institutional sector (sector accounts) (see the linking table in Chapter 10).

11.92 The SUTs are the most elaborated and detailed framework to estimate GDP and other
macroeconomic variables in the scope of production, consumption, gross capital formation,
exports, import, and income. The three approaches to measuring GDP are combined in one system
based on a great variety of source data which are confronted and compared with each other in order
to find possible causes of inconsistencies. With the high reliability, the strengths, and the quality
of SUTs estimates, they have a strong influence on the sector accounts. Largely one can say that
there is a one-way traffic between SUTs and institutional sector accounts. However, via the dual
classification, there are possibilities for feedback in both directions. For the time being, feedback
is limited because the level of aggregation in the institutional sector accounts is very high.
Therefore, it is difficult to trace back inconsistencies and implausible results on a sector level to
specific industries in the SUTs system.

11.93 When GVA by industry from the production approach is available, it should be balanced
against the GVA from the income approach for the corresponding industry, linking the factor
incomes and the institutional sectors. This link is extremely important between the industry
accounts and the institutional sector accounts.

(1) Thus for each industry, using the production approach:

Total output at basic prices
less total intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices
equals GVA at basic prices (production approach)

(2) For the corresponding industry, using the income approach reflecting the different factor
Self-employment income (mixed income and quasi-corporations);
plus gross trading profits of private financial corporations;
plus gross trading profits of private non-financial corporations;
plus gross trading surplus of public corporations (financial and non-financial);
plus rental income;
plus non-market consumption of fixed capital;
less holding gains/losses; and
less intermediate consumption of FISIM.
plus other taxes on production and imports
less other subsidies on production
equals GVA at basic prices (income approach)

11.94 Note, for each of the factor income components shown in (2), there is an institutional sector

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

11.95 The approaches shown in (1) and (2) bring together within the SUTs framework data from
sources ranging from administrative data to business surveys, and when balanced, ensures a better
quality estimate of GVA by industry, in turn for the whole economy GVA, and hence GDP and

11.96 The full breakdown in (2) in terms of data may not be available by detailed industry (and
by institutional sector) for a range of reasons. The minimum that should be incorporated in the
SUTs compilation and balancing process is covered in (3) below:

Gross operating surplus

plus compensation of employees
plus other taxes on production and imports
less other subsidies on production
equals GVA at basic prices (income approach)

11.97 Again note, for each component shown in (3), there is an institutional sector breakdown.

2. IOTs

11.98 The links between the SUTs and IOTs in the bottom left-hand side and right-hand side of
the “H-Approach” have been covered through the links to the separation of imports of goods and
services and valuation matrices needed to produce the SUTs at basic prices and the SUTs in volume
terms, and then in turn, the IOTs.

11.99 By integrating the production of IOTs with the production and balancing of SUTs allows
for powerful feedback loops to be effective, and timely, in indicating data problems within the
SUTs or with the step(s) transforming SUTs to IOTs. For example, addressing negative cell entries
in the IOTs can improve the quality of the SUTs. Producing IOTs (simultaneously or sequentially)
alongside SUTs is recommended rather than being produced a significant period of time later or
even less frequently than the SUTs.

3. PSUTs and EE-IOTs

11.100 The links with the PSUTs and EE-IOTs are of a different nature because the transactions
in the physical SUTs are expressed in other units (for example, kilograms, terajoules, etc.) or are
more detailed in terms of industries and products. The balancing of PSUTs and EE-IOTs in
combination with SUTs and IOTs is described in Chapter 13.

4. Key feedback loops generated by the balancing process

11.101 In the ideal scenario, all balancing is done simultaneously, implying that all feedback loops
are part of an integrated process. This includes the feedback loops within the SUTs process as well
as the loops going back to earlier steps in the full statistical process chain.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

11.102 Figure 11.4 illustrates key feedback loops that can be generated from within the balancing
process as well as examples of the sources of the feedback loops.

11.103 When the balancing is extended to cover also IOTs, the links to the institutional sector
accounts, PSUTs, EE-IOTs, and other satellite accounts, there will be more feedback loops that
become available than shown in Figure 11.4, and in turn, each adds a further data quality
improvement dimension.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 11.4 Sources of feedback loops emanating from the balancing process

G. Practical aspects of balancing

11.104 The balancing of SUTs is not a simple task as it requires priorities to be set because of time
and resources constrains. Below are some practical considerations for the balancing process.

1. Automated and manual balancing

11.105 The balancing process covering full SUTs system incorporates automated and manual
balancing. The first step is to separate the inconsistencies between those needing further research

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

and those which can be resolved using automated procedures. In general, the large inconsistencies
require more attention than smaller ones but also indicators like time series, revision analyses, I-
O ratios and labour productivity can point to serious problems in the data. For the smaller
inconsistencies, automated procedures may be used, nonetheless will still require assessment in
terms of the quality and plausibility of the results.

11.106 For the inconsistencies selected for manual balancing, more or less a reversed version of
the initial full statistical process from surveys to National Accounts can be applied. It would start
with a critical investigation of the National Accounts process transforming source data into data
for the use in SUTs. In particular, in the Use Table, there are many entries which are the result of
splitting aggregated source data to the product level as required in the SUTs. The allocation may
be changed without altering the initial aggregate total, and thus GVA. In practice, many of the
problems will not be resolved through this approach. The next step is to consult the expert
knowledge on the specific subject matter. If large inconsistencies still remain, a final step may be
to contact the survey respondent or source supplier for a critical discussion of the data they have

11.107 The adjustments to entries in the SUTs will obviously affect other flows and ratios. To
make the balancing process systematic, for example, to take into account inter-industrial
relationships, it is helpful to distinguish separable blocks of industries, whereby the main producers
and users of products are represented and assign to these blocks separate groups of I-O specialist
statisticians responsible for balancing. For example, cement would be definitely required by the
construction industry, and therefore, cement supplies can be used to cross-check the plausibility
of construction estimates. The SUTs can be divided into various groupings of related industries,
for example one suite of groupings may be, albeit this is not exhaustive:

• Agriculture, and fishing (ISIC Rev. 4 Divisions 01, 03), manufacture of food products and
beverages (ISIC Rev. 4 Divisions 10-12), hotels and restaurants (ISIC Rev. 4 Divisions 55-
• Manufacture of metals and metal products (ISIC Rev. 4 Divisions 24-25) and manufacture
of machinery and means of transport industries (ISIC Rev. 4 Divisions 26, 29, 30);
• Forestry (ISIC Rev. 4 Division 02) and industries producing wood and wood products (ISIC
Rev. 4 Divisions 16, 31);
• Quarrying and non-metallic mineral products (ISIC Rev. 4 Divisions 08, 23) and
construction (ISIC Rev. 4 Divisions 41-43);
• Manufacture of textile (ISIC Rev. 4 Division 13) and textile products, footwear (ISIC Rev.
4 Divisions 14, 15);
• Chemical industries, including plastic products (ISIC Rev. 4 Divisions 19-22); and
• Energy sectors (ISIC Rev. 4 Divisions 05-06, 35).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

11.108 Automation is essential for the preparation and management of the SUTs system. The
SUTs IT system (including the supporting modules and analytical tools/function) will play
different roles in the compilation process and, even more importantly, will need to be designed
well and built with the range of different roles in mind.

11.109 A lot of the calculations in the preparation stage are carried out by automated procedures.
In every stage of the process, the IT system can provide quick and clear overviews of the data in
every chosen configuration. The IT system produces the first parts of the SUTs which are essential
for the detection of major integration problems. The IT system finally allows searches in the
deepest details to efficiently find the causes of balancing problems. Finally, the IT system can help
to develop appropriate solutions as well as professional, and orderly, documentation of all the
adjustments made during the compilation and balancing processes. The IT system is a powerful
instrument which is indispensable for all operations from the source data through to the final set
of balanced SUTs.

11.110 Modules can be designed to adequately, and efficiently, eliminate small discrepancies
between supply and use at the product level. This may imply one-dimensional proportional
distribution of the discrepancies over selected set of users.

11.111 Balancing the whole SUTs system requires a multi-dimensional approach for the
reconciliation of inconsistencies and a range of human inputs which cannot be automated. To date,
experiences of balancing SUTs in an automated manner have shown that full automated balancing
is a bridge too far, generating lower quality, many implausible movements requiring further
investigation, and overall proving to be a major false saving. Most efforts have concluded that a
combination of automated and manual statistical techniques and procedures is the best workable
solution to underpin a SUTs system.

11.112 Working with statistical data based on sample surveys, survey questionnaires and
influenced by non-response etc. means working with sample margins of error. Even when samples
are perfect and response is 100 per cent there will be inconsistencies. Therefore a major cause for
differences is a statistical one and it could be argued that balancing could be done in an automated
manner using the sample margins of the statistics concerned as weights. However, statistics are
never ideal and inconsistencies are not only caused by sampling etc. but various causes of a non-
statistical nature. It is these causes of inconsistencies that make manual balancing necessary as a
preliminary step prior to using automated balancing.

11.113 The decision what can be balanced using automated procedures and what should be done
manually depends not only on the nature of the inconsistencies but also on the ‘setting’ of where
the balancing takes place.

11.114 If the automated balancing of SUTs is carried out independently for consecutive years, and
if applicable, for current prices and volume estimates, then the initial discrepancies must be small.
Proven experience has shown that even small differences in initial data can lead to totally different

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

results in RAS (covered below) and optimisation procedures, which implies that the balanced
SUTs are not comparable over time. As long as discrepancies are small, the chance of getting
incomparable results may also be small.

11.115 A major step forward is to include linkages (for example, growth rate expectations)
between consecutive years preferably including price and volume indicators. In setting such a
scenario, the basic identities of the SUTs can be used as a restriction in the automated balancing
process as well as criteria relating to plausibility as mentioned above. Including price and volume
ratios and defined restrictions attributable to them would help to assure the plausibility of growth
rates and comparability over time. This also allows the option to leave larges discrepancies to the
automated system.

11.116 Box 11.3 provides a short description of authomated methods often used to remove some
inconsistencies in the SUTs.

Box 11.3 Methods used for automated balancing SUTs

RAS method
The RAS method is a well-known and widely used method for data reconciliation. Its aim is to achieve
consistency between the entries of some non-negative matrix and pre-specified column totals and row totals. It
is very easy to apply and to understand. However RAS has a narrow scope of applicability, for example, it can
only be applied to non-negative matrices.
It is used to revise the internal entries in a matrix so that they agree with the margin totals. RAS is used when
the margin totals – total supply/use of commodities, or total gross output by kind of activity, for example – are
believed to be correct but the breakdown inside the matrix is not consistent with the margin totals. Over the
years, many extensions, variations and improvements of the RAS method have been developed. Some examples
• GRAS (Generalised RAS) allows for matrices in which some of the elements are pre-defined, in
addition to the row totals and the column totals. Another GRAS method allows for matrices with
negative entries, Lenzen et al. (2007).
• TRAS (Three-stage RAS) extends RAS by including constraints on arbitrary subsets of the matrix
elements, instead of only fixing row totals and column totals, Cole (1992) and Gilchrist and St. Louis
• KRAS, by Lenzen et al. (2009) includes the aforementioned features of GRAS and TRAS and further
generalises RAS for the case of conflicting source data. The simplest case is when two data sources
prescribe two different values for the same matrix entry. The initial RAS method will start from either
of the conflicting values, whereas the KRAS Method will use both values and allow for different
reliabilities of the data sources.
More details on different updating methods are covered in Chapter 18 and UN (1999).
Stone Method
The Stone method is another method for data reconciliation whereby it adjusts data in order to satisfy a set of
linear constraints. In adjusting the initial data, the Stone Method uses information on the relative reliabilities of
the initial data given in a covariance matrix. Data that are considered to be the most reliable are modified least,
and vice versa. The Stone Method yields a set of fully reconciled data, with minimum variance. The Stone
Method translates the reconciliation problem into a mathematical (weighted quadrati) optimisation problem
under linear constraints.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

In practical applications of the method, a covariance matrix of the initial data are often unavailable. Therefore
applications generally use estimates of relative variances. There are several ad hoc methods for estimating
relative variances. One method is to have a specialist estimate of 95 per cent confidence intervals and to use the
interval sizes as an approximation for variances. Another method may be to distinguish several categories such
as relatively unreliable, normally reliable and relatively reliable, and all variables within the same group are
assigned the same variance.
It is often desirable in practice for reconciliation to affect large values more than small values in an absolute

!"#$ % = &$' #$' where, &$ is a parameter that depends on the reliability, or reliability category, of #$ .
sense. If this is the intention, then the following variances may be chosen:

In practice, determining the correct ratios between the various variances is a process of trial and error, which
means that one particular ratio is chosen based on a degree of prior knowledge and simple assumptions (for
example, that variances are equal in the absence of prior knowledge), and then judging whether the results are
acceptable. If not, the variances are then modified.
Convex quadratic constrained optimisation
An option for balancing SUTs both in current prices and in volume terms simultaneously is the application of
loss function which includes current price and volume estimates as well as linear price and volume ratios. The
loss function must be minimised under a set of linear constraints, and the loss is defined as the difference between
the initial data and the balanced data. For the price and volume ratios, linear constraints are applied. The
constraints are either strong or weak.
Strong constraints include, for example, identities of the SUTs and upper and lower boundaries (subsidies should
be less or equal to zero). Weaker constraints include for example: volume change of output related to volume
change of input; ratio of taxes and subsidies to the basic price estimate (in the form of a percentage of the variable
like tax); ratio of margins to the basic price estimate (in the form of a percentage of the margins); and re-exports
are smaller that the corresponding imports (weak because of differences in valuation).
More specific constraints on a product level can be specified in this optimisation problem. It is also possible to
extend the optimisation problem, and to include, for example, the transformation to Industry by Industry IOTs,
including the estimation of valuation matrices.

2. Balancing benchmark and consecutive years

11.117 In the ideal situation, the annual SUTs and IOTs present the state of art concerning the
balancing of the basic statistics. However, the data from the annual SUTs and IOTs is further
improved with every new benchmarking leading to a whole new time series. Benchmarking is a
regular process in economic statistics whereby data sources for the same target variable with
different frequencies are reconciled and the inconsistencies between the different estimates are
corrected. Benchmarking leads to revisions of earlier estimates of the target variables. This section
deals with two types of benchmark revisions for SUTs and IOTs - periodic benchmarking and
annual benchmarking - and considerations about balancing of SUTs and IOTs in these two cases.

11.118 Periodic benchmarking refer to significant revisions, for example, conceptual changes, new
or changed basic data sources that originates from incorporating data from periodic benchmark
censuses (which are carried out every five to ten years), revised international guidelines like 2008
SNA and BPM 6 and other changes that cannot be incorporated on a continuous basis because of
resource contraints. Backward revisions to the timeseries affecting several back years are also
carried out based on the benchmark excersise.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

11.119 In general, planning for period benchmark revisions should seek to coordinate all major
changes to be synchronised for a common year for implementation. Thereby, say as a minimum,
once every five years, a maximum degree of consistency within National Accounts, Balance of
Payments and other related domains is achieved and the statistics concerned are based on the best
possible data.

11.120 Annual benchmarking mainly refers in this context to the regular revisions to the annual
accounts due to the availability of new and more complete data sources. Annual benchmarking,
however, also include revisions due to the alignment of short-term survey results (say, turnover
variable) based on small survey samples to much larger sample based annual structural surveys.
The reconciliation of short term survey sources before the benchmaring process with the more
complete and detailed annual data sources such as structural statistics are then feed through the
SUTs framework. Combining annual benchmarking and annual chain-linking also ensures better
accuracy of the levels and growth rates of the economy more quickly, and again, achieved through
the SUTs framework.

11.121 Consistency is one of the key elements of National Accounts. Theoretically, the whole time
series and every level of detail should be consistent. In practice, it may not be possible to publish
all results at the same moment. However, the SUTs and the main aggregates such as GDP should
be fully consistent. As more and more years of SUTs are produced, this poses a growing challenge
of how to maintain consistency of SUTs as a long run dataset. For example, Statistics Denmark
as part of their implementation of 2008 SNA and BPM 6 ensured that the Danish IOTs were
retained on a consistent basis going back to 1966 – a significant exercise in its own right.

11.122 Annual benchmark revisions, done for example in the United Kingdom and Ireland, require
less of a planning burden to synchronise a common year as the changes form an integral process
to compiling annual SUTs.

11.123 In theory, the balancing procedure for period benchmark SUTs is the same as for SUTs
compiled annually as well as investigations for the causes of inconsistencies and finding solutions.
However, for non-benchmark years, a lot of information can be derived from the previous years.
When balanced product-flow systems already exists for the previous year, it can safely be assumed
that the general structure of the system will be more or less similar to the preceding year, unless
of course specific information is available that there are major structural changes in some
industries. Combined with price and volume estimates, the T-1-data provides a valuable source in
detecting inconsistencies in the SUTs.

11.124 For periodic benchmark SUTs, all inconsistencies have to be investigated thoroughly and
exhaustively. This is even more important as the level estimates of the subsequent years are based
on this benchmark. As a consequence, balancing benchmark SUTs should be done manually to a
high degree to achieve a high quality base. Thus, the room for automated procedures should be
limited to small discrepancies.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Annex A to Chapter 11. Balancing Supply and Use Tables

A11.1 This Annex presents a numerical example of the balancing of SUTs in current prices and
in previous years’ prices in line with the SUTs balancing framework shown in Figure 11.3. This
provide an examples of the type of thinking and issue resolution to achieve a balanced SUTs
system. The numbers in the tables in this Annex have been divided by 1,000 for readability and
presentational purposes, in reality the differences are larger than the small numbers shown. This
Annex consists of three sections.

A11.2 Section 1 of this Annex shows the following (unbalanced) tables:

• Table A11.1: Supply and Use Tables 2011 in current price (SUTs at purchasers’ prices,
Taxes less subsidies on products, Trade and transport margins, SUTs at basic prices, Imports
Use Table and Domestic Use Table).

• Table A11.2: Price indices for Supply and Use Tables 2011 (SUTs at purchasers’ prices,
Taxes less subsidies on products, Trade and transport margins, SUTs at basic prices, Imports
Use Table and Domestic Use Table). Please note, some prices may be from actual source
data or derived from independent volume estimates (using the valuation matrices) or implicit
prices but a complete set of prices are shown for the purposes of this balancing example.

• Table A11.3: Supply and Use Tables 2011 in previous years’ prices (SUTs at purchasers’
prices, Taxes less subsidies on products, Trade and transport margins, SUTs at basic prices,
Imports Use Table and Domestic Use Table).

• Table A11.4: Volume indices tables for Supply and Use Tables 2011 (SUTs at purchasers’
prices, Taxes less subsidies on products, Trade and transport margins, SUTs at basic prices,
Imports Use Table and Domestic Use Table).

• Table A11.5: Supply and Use Tables 2010 in current price - SUTs at purchasers’ prices,
Taxes less subsidies on products, Trade and transport margins, SUTs at basic prices, Imports
Use Table and Domestic Use Table.

A11.3 Section 2 of this Annex follows the same sequence of tables but shows the corresponding
“balanced SUTs system” for both price bases. The cells highlighted in yellow are those changed
in order to achieve balanced SUTs.

A11.4 Section 3 of this Annex provides an overview of the numerical adjustments required to
achieve the balanced system.

A11.5 The inconsistencies in the system are revealed by differences between the supply and use
at the product level and discrepancies between trade and transport margins in the SUTs at

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

purchasers’ prices and the row totals of the respective valuation matrices. The same holds for taxes
less subsidies on products. In general, the net operating surplus is used as a balancing item in
achieving the identity that the total output equals the total input.

A11.6 If the inconsistencies are relatively small, then automated procedures can be applied to
simultaneously balance the SUTs system in the different valuations. In the case of large
discrepancies or for example implausible I-O ratios in volume terms or implausible movements in
the price changes on a row, then further research is necessary before any automated balancing
should be applied.

A11.7 In the numerical example, the estimates for agriculture products in current prices show a
discrepancy both at purchasers’ prices and at basic prices. Conversely, the estimates in previous
years’ prices are balanced. The latter does not mean that the previous years’ prices based data are
plausible. However, after examining the data on volumes and prices, at a more detailed level than
presented in the example, it is concluded that the prices were too high and the volumes looked
plausible. As a consequence, the estimates in current prices for the supply of agriculture products
by the agriculture industry needed to be adjusted.

A11.8 The estimates for manufacturing products show a discrepancy both in current prices and
in previous years’ prices both at purchasers’ prices and at basic prices. The difference in the
previous years’ prices based data at purchasers’ prices is somewhat larger than in current prices
because the initial estimate of Taxes less subsidies on products and Trade and transport margins
in previous years’ prices seems to be very low. The separate Use Table based on domestic output
(i.e. Domestic Use Table) and imports (i.e. Imports Use table) shows a big discrepancy for this
product group in the Domestic Use Table, which is counterbalanced in the Imports Use Table. In
addition to the difference between supply and use of products in current prices and in previous
years’ prices, there is an implausible price index for exports. In this case, the estimates in previous
years’ prices can be adjusted in order to get plausible price indices. A second reason for the
inconsistency is the delineation of exports and re-exports. At the point when products are imported,
it is not always known whether or not the products will be re-exported in the same form. As a
consequence, the data available for re-exports from source statistics should be a minimum and the
actual estimate in the SUTs will be (much) higher as shown in this example. With the delineation
problem, a small inconsistency existed which is solved by adjusting total exports.

A11.9 The balancing adjustments and approaches applied to the valuation matrices differ for
estimates in current prices from the estimates in previous years’ prices.

A11.10The current price estimates of trade and transport margins (TTM) do not show an
inconsistency in the purchasers’ prices table. The TTM column is consistent with the output of
trade. However in the basic price table, there is an inconsistency caused by the difference between
the TTM matrix and the TTM column in the Supply Table at purchasers’ prices. The gap is 680,
which is found on the manufacturing product row.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

A11.11 Similarly, for taxes less subsidies on products (TLS), there were some differences
between the TLS column of the Supply Table and the total column of the TLS matrix. These
inconsistencies appear on the product rows MAN and FBS.

A11.12 In both cases, the data in the current price valuation matrices need to be adjusted, as in
most cases, the current price TLS on products are derived from government data and are therefore
fixed. The same approach is less strong for TTM, whereby the output control totals generally
prevails over the estimates of the valuation matrices.

A11.13For the previous years’ prices based estimates of TLS and TTM, the opposite holds because
the estimates for TTM and TLS on products are compiled using the volume change of the
concerning transactions, the estimates in the valuation matrices determine TTM and TLS in
previous years’ prices, so the TLS and TTM columns of the SUTs at purchasers’ prices have to be

A11.14Both in current prices and in previous years’ prices, the transport products show a
discrepancy. In this case the inconsistency is not caused by the valuation matrices but looking at
the Imports Use table and through additional research it was identified that the estimate of import
of transport services was too high.

A11.15The discrepancy in communication is shown in both valuation matrices in current prices

and in previous years’ prices. Also this is seen in the Domestic Use Table. After examining the
data, it was decided that consumption of households had to be adjusted.

A11.16A similar procedure was followed for financial and business services and other services,
in which cases it was decided to adjust intermediate consumption of TIC and consumption of
households respectively. It should be noted that the discrepancy for the FBS product in the basic
price table is somewhat larger than in the purchasers’ price table because of the wrong estimate in
the TLS matrix.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1. Unbalanced SUTs system (Table A11.1 - Table A11.5)

Table A11.1: Supply and use tables 2011 in current prices

Supply Table at basic prices, transf. to purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
AGR 26.0 0.2 0.0 26.2 15.4 41.6 10.9 0.5 53.0 AGR 5.5 17.4 1.5 24.4 5.9 0.1 -0.1 22.4 28.4 52.8 0.2
MAN 1.3 318.5 35.7 355.5 336.8 692.3 113.0 39.4 844.7 MAN 10.1 202.1 65.4 277.7 122.8 9.1 51.5 1.4 383.1 568.0 845.7 -1.0
CON 0.1 88.0 4.5 92.6 1.6 94.1 8.3 102.4 CON 0.3 26.2 19.8 46.3 0.5 0.6 53.7 2.1 56.8 103.1 -0.7
TTC 0.5 15.1 231.6 247.2 73.4 320.6 -124.0 3.0 199.6 TTC 0.6 10.8 66.2 77.5 21.4 0.9 0.5 6.7 0.0 92.3 121.8 199.3 0.3
FBS 0.5 8.0 282.0 290.5 55.2 345.7 9.1 354.9 FBS 2.1 43.5 161.8 207.3 78.0 0.0 3.6 16.8 49.5 147.8 355.2 -0.3
OSE 0.3 2.5 222.9 225.7 16.6 242.3 0.1 3.0 245.4 OSE 0.2 3.5 22.2 25.9 54.7 4.6 153.4 1.2 0.2 5.1 219.1 245.0 0.4
TOT 28.7 432.3 776.7 1237.7 499.1 1736.7 0.0 63.3 1800.1 TIC 18.8 303.5 336.8 659.1 283.3 5.5 167.2 130.1 1.5 554.5 1142.0 1801.1 -1.0
OTLS -0.7 0.2 0.3 -0.3 -0.3
COE 2.7 60.9 254.4 318.0 318.0
CFC 3.7 20.5 82.9 107.1 107.1
NOS 4.3 47.2 102.2 153.7 153.7
GVA 9.9 128.8 439.8 578.5 578.5
TOT 28.7 432.3 776.7 1237.7 283.3 5.5 167.2 130.1 1.5 554.5 1142.0


Taxes less subsidies on products Use Table for taxes less subsidies on products
AGR 0.5 0.5 AGR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.5
MAN 39.4 39.4 MAN 0.2 1.7 6.4 8.3 26.8 0.4 2.2 0.0 1.7 31.1 39.4 0.0
CON 8.3 8.3 CON 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.1 6.1 0.0 6.2 8.3
TTC 3.0 3.0 TTC 0.0 -0.1 1.1 1.0 1.7 -0.1 0.4 -0.1 2.0 3.0
FBS 9.1 9.1 FBS 0.0 0.0 4.4 4.4 1.6 0.1 3.0 0.0 4.7 9.1 0.0
OSE 3.0 3.0 OSE 0.0 0.1 0.1 2.3 -0.4 0.7 0.3 2.9 3.0
TOT 63.3 63.3 TOT 0.2 1.6 14.0 15.8 32.9 0.1 12.5 0.0 2.0 47.5 63.3 0.0

Trade and transport margins Use Table for trade and transport margins
AGR 10.9 10.9 AGR 0.4 1.6 0.4 2.5 3.2 0.0 0.0 5.2 8.4 10.9
MAN 113.0 113.0 MAN 0.9 20.5 9.2 30.6 39.1 3.1 5.1 -0.1 34.5 81.7 112.3 0.7
TTC -124.0 -124.0 TTC -1.3 -22.2 -9.6 -33.1 -42.3 -3.1 -5.1 0.1 -39.7 -90.2 -123.3 -0.7
OSE 0.1 0.1 OSE 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1
TOT 0.0 0.0 TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

AGR 26.0 0.2 0.0 26.2 15.4 41.6 AGR 5.1 15.7 1.1 21.9 2.4 0.1 -0.1 17.1 19.5 41.3 0.3
MAN 1.3 318.5 35.7 355.5 336.8 692.3 MAN 9.0 179.9 49.8 238.8 56.9 5.6 44.3 1.5 346.9 455.2 694.0 -1.7
CON 0.1 88.0 4.5 92.6 1.6 94.1 CON 0.3 26.2 17.7 44.3 0.4 0.5 47.6 2.1 50.6 94.8 -0.7
TTC 0.5 15.1 231.6 247.2 73.4 320.6 TTC 1.8 33.0 74.8 109.6 62.0 0.9 3.7 11.4 -0.1 132.1 210.0 319.7 1.0
FBS 0.5 8.0 282.0 290.5 55.2 345.7 FBS 2.1 43.5 157.4 202.9 76.4 0.0 3.5 13.8 49.5 143.1 346.1 -0.3
OSE 0.3 2.5 222.9 225.7 16.6 242.3 OSE 0.2 3.5 22.1 25.8 52.3 4.6 153.8 0.4 0.2 4.8 216.1 241.9 0.4
TOT 28.7 432.3 776.7 1237.7 499.1 1736.7 TLS 0.2 1.6 14.0 15.8 32.9 0.1 12.5 0.0 2.0 47.5 63.3
TIC 18.8 303.5 336.8 659.1 283.3 5.5 167.2 130.1 1.5 554.5 1142.0 1801.1 -1.1
OTLS -0.7 0.2 0.3 -0.3 -0.3
COE 2.7 60.9 254.4 318.0 318.0
CFC 3.7 20.5 82.9 107.1 107.1
NOS 4.3 47.2 102.2 153.7 153.7
GVA 9.9 128.8 439.8 578.5 578.5
TOT 28.7 432.3 776.7 1237.7 283.3 5.5 167.2 130.1 1.5 554.5 1142.0


Imports CIF Imports Use Table

AGR 15.4 AGR 0.8 6.4 0.5 7.7 1.2 0.0 -0.1 6.6 7.7 15.4
MAN 336.8 MAN 1.3 98.0 20.9 120.2 24.5 1.6 19.2 -0.2 121.3 166.5 286.6 50.2
CON 1.6 CON 0.0 0.5 0.4 0.9 0.7 0.7 1.6
TTC 73.4 TTC 0.0 2.7 14.0 16.8 0.7 2.7 0.0 52.7 56.1 72.9 0.5
FBS 55.2 FBS 0.2 14.0 24.5 38.8 0.2 2.2 14.1 16.5 55.2
OSE 16.6 OSE 0.0 0.5 3.9 4.5 12.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 12.2 16.6
TOT 499.1 TLS
TIC 2.3 122.1 64.2 188.7 38.7 1.6 24.8 -0.1 194.7 259.7 448.4 50.7

Supply Table for domestic output at basic prices Domestic Use Table at basic prices
AGR 26.0 0.2 0.0 26.2 AGR 4.3 9.3 0.6 14.2 1.2 0.1 0.0 10.5 11.7 26.0 0.2
MAN 1.3 318.5 35.7 355.5 MAN 7.8 81.9 28.9 118.6 32.4 4.0 25.1 1.6 225.6 288.7 407.4 -51.9
CON 0.1 88.0 4.5 92.6 CON 0.3 25.7 17.4 43.4 0.4 0.5 46.9 2.1 49.9 93.3 -0.7
TTC 0.5 15.1 231.6 247.2 TTC 1.8 30.3 60.7 92.8 61.3 0.9 3.7 8.6 -0.1 79.4 153.9 246.7 0.5
FBS 0.5 8.0 282.0 290.5 FBS 1.8 29.5 132.9 164.2 76.2 0.0 3.5 11.6 35.4 126.6 290.8 -0.3
OSE 0.3 2.5 222.9 225.7 OSE 0.2 3.0 18.1 21.3 40.2 4.6 153.8 0.4 0.1 4.8 203.9 225.3 0.4
TOT 28.7 432.3 776.7 1237.7 TLS 0.2 1.6 14.0 15.8 32.9 0.1 12.5 0.0 2.0 47.5 63.3
TIC 16.4 181.4 272.6 470.5 244.6 5.5 165.5 105.3 1.6 359.7 882.3 1352.8 -51.8
IMP 2.3 122.1 64.2 188.7 38.7 1.6 24.8 -0.1 194.7 259.7 448.4
TOT 18.8 303.5 336.8 659.1 283.3 5.5 167.2 130.1 1.5 554.5 1142.0 1801.1 -51.8
OTLS -0.7 0.2 0.3 -0.3 -0.3
COE 2.7 60.9 254.4 318.0 318.0
CFC 3.7 20.5 82.9 107.1 107.1
NOS 4.3 47.2 102.2 153.7 153.7
GVA 9.9 128.8 439.8 578.5 578.5
TOT 28.7 432.3 776.7 1237.7 283.3 5.5 167.2 130.1 1.5 554.5 1142.0


Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table A11.2: Price indices for supply and use tables 2011
Supply Table at basic prices, transf. to purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
AGR 102.0 104.1 102.0 106.9 103.8 97.5 107.6 102.5 AGR 105.8 109.9 98.7 108.2 100.4 94.7 568.8 97.7 98.0 102.4 0.0
MAN 107.5 108.0 100.5 107.2 108.0 107.6 101.1 103.2 106.4 MAN 114.1 110.4 105.0 109.2 102.1 99.5 99.6 85.7 106.7 104.9 106.2 0.2
CON 103.4 100.5 100.5 100.5 101.6 100.5 100.1 100.4 CON 101.4 100.5 101.8 101.0 97.4 97.1 100.0 102.0 100.0 100.5 0.0
TTC 101.1 99.2 100.3 100.2 110.7 102.4 100.8 101.4 103.4 TTC 100.9 100.1 100.8 100.7 102.2 108.0 106.2 104.0 -0.5
FBS 102.9 100.9 100.4 100.4 101.0 100.5 93.6 100.3 FBS 101.4 100.7 100.4 100.5 101.7 101.8 99.0 100.1 100.3 0.0
OSE 100.2 101.0 103.4 101.1 99.1 110.2 101.2 OSE 102.4 101.7 104.3 103.9 102.7 103.8 101.7 99.5 101.8 100.9 101.2 0.0
TOT 102.2 105.8 100.5 102.4 107.3 103.7 101.6 103.7 TIC 109.3 107.5 101.7 104.5 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 105.7 103.2 103.6 -0.3
OTLS 98.0 201.1 269.9 48.3 48.3
COE 102.7 101.9 101.5 101.6 101.6
CFC 99.1 100.6 98.4 98.8 98.8
NOS 80.9 103.2 96.2 97.7 97.7
GVA 91.1 102.2 99.7 100.1 100.1
TOT 102.2 105.8 100.5 102.4 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 105.7 103.2


Taxes less subsidies on products Use Table for taxes less subsidies on products
AGR 107.6 AGR 92.3 612.5 91.4 230.0 100.8 96.2 99.8 107.6
MAN 103.2 MAN 103.7 107.3 103.9 104.6 101.7 98.7 93.8 -100.0 104.4 101.3 101.9 1.3
CON 100.1 CON 102.2 102.1 90.7 95.1 99.6 100.0 99.4 100.1
TTC 101.4 TTC 99.4 103.3 102.4 101.4
FBS 93.6 FBS 123.1 100.0 102.0 102.1 105.7 103.8 44.4 86.4 93.3 0.3
OSE 110.2 OSE 241.7 109.2 101.1 108.5 110.2
TOT 101.6 TOT 105.1 110.1 103.1 103.8 102.5 102.3 92.5 -100.0 105.0 99.8 100.7 0.8

Trade and transport margins Use Table for trade and transport margins
AGR 97.5 AGR 90.4 96.7 100.7 96.3 104.9 85.7 100.0 94.0 97.9 97.5
MAN 101.1 MAN 113.7 102.6 102.3 102.8 97.8 97.9 97.5 93.5 99.5 98.5 99.6 1.5
TTC 100.8 TTC 105.0 102.1 102.2 102.3 98.3 97.9 97.5 93.8 98.8 98.4 99.4 1.4
OSE 99.1 OSE 97.6 104.2 99.1 99.1

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

AGR 102.0 104.1 102.0 106.9 103.8 AGR 107.2 111.2 98.1 109.5 94.9 95.6 725.0 98.9 98.0 103.8 0.0
MAN 107.5 108.0 100.5 107.2 108.0 107.6 MAN 114.4 111.4 105.6 110.2 105.5 100.5 100.2 85.7 107.5 106.3 107.6 -0.1
CON 103.4 100.5 100.5 100.5 101.6 100.5 CON 101.4 100.5 101.7 101.0 98.3 97.4 100.0 102.0 100.1 100.5 0.0
TTC 101.1 99.2 100.3 100.2 110.7 102.4 TTC 103.8 101.5 101.0 101.2 99.5 98.5 97.0 93.7 105.0 102.8 102.2 0.2
FBS 102.9 100.9 100.4 100.4 101.0 100.5 FBS 101.2 100.7 100.4 100.5 101.7 101.7 100.6 99.0 100.6 100.5 0.0
OSE 100.2 101.0 103.4 101.1 OSE 102.4 101.8 104.1 103.7 102.4 103.8 102.5 99.5 101.5 100.8 101.1 0.0
TOT 102.2 105.8 100.5 102.4 107.3 103.7 TLS 105.1 110.1 103.1 103.8 102.5 102.3 92.5 -100.0 105.0 99.8 100.7
TIC 109.3 107.5 101.7 104.5 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 105.7 103.2 103.6 0.1
OTLS 98.0 201.1 269.9 48.3 48.3
COE 102.7 101.9 101.5 101.6 101.6
CFC 99.1 100.6 98.4 98.8 98.8
NOS 80.9 103.2 96.2 97.7 97.7
GVA 91.1 102.2 99.7 100.1 100.1
TOT 102.2 105.8 100.5 102.4 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 105.7 103.2


Imports cif Imports Use Table

AGR 106.9 AGR 113.0 114.5 98.0 113.2 100.1 100.0 207.1 102.1 101.4 106.9
MAN 108.0 MAN 112.6 114.4 107.2 113.1 102.0 99.6 99.5 -311.5 89.4 92.1 99.9 8.1
CON 101.6 CON 100.0 101.0 102.0 101.4 101.8 101.8 101.6
TTC 110.7 TTC 100.0 100.5 101.2 115.2 113.9 110.7 -0.1
FBS 101.0 FBS 97.0 101.4 100.4 100.8 106.7 101.6 101.0
OSE 103.4 OSE 100.0 100.8 101.4 101.4 104.2 99.0 97.1 104.1 103.4
TOT 107.3 TLS
TIC 110.7 112.3 102.8 108.9 102.6 99.6 99.4 -100.8 96.5 97.6 102.0 5.3

Supply Table for domestic output at basic prices Domestic Use Table at basic prices
AGR 102.0 104.1 102.0 AGR 106.2 109.0 98.2 107.6 90.0 94.6 -181.3 97.0 95.9 102.0 0.0
MAN 107.5 108.0 100.5 107.2 MAN 114.7 107.9 104.5 107.5 108.4 100.8 100.7 98.0 120.7 116.7 113.9 -6.7
CON 103.4 100.5 100.5 100.5 CON 101.4 100.5 101.7 101.0 98.3 97.4 100.0 102.0 100.0 100.5 0.0
TTC 101.1 99.2 100.3 100.2 TTC 103.9 101.5 100.9 101.2 99.5 98.5 97.2 93.5 99.2 99.2 99.9 0.3
FBS 102.9 100.9 100.4 100.4 FBS 101.8 100.4 100.4 100.4 101.7 101.7 100.5 98.0 100.5 100.4 0.0
OSE 100.2 101.0 OSE 102.5 101.9 104.7 104.2 101.9 103.8 102.5 100.0 101.5 100.7 101.0 0.0
TOT 102.2 105.8 100.5 102.4 TLS 105.1 110.1 103.1 103.8 102.5 102.3 92.5 -100.0 105.0 99.8 100.7
TIC 109.1 104.4 101.4 102.8 102.0 103.3 100.2 99.0 96.1 111.5 104.9 104.2 -6.4
IMP 110.7 112.3 102.8 108.9 102.6 99.6 99.4 -100.8 96.5 97.6 102.0
TOT 109.3 107.5 101.7 104.5 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 105.7 103.2 103.6 -6.4
OTLS 98.0 201.1 269.9 48.3 48.3
COE 102.7 101.9 101.5 101.6 101.6
CFC 99.1 100.6 98.4 98.8 98.8
NOS 80.9 103.2 96.2 97.7 97.7
GVA 91.1 102.2 99.7 100.1 100.1
TOT 102.2 105.8 100.5 102.4 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 105.7 103.2

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table A11.3: Supply and use tables 2011 at previous years' prices
Supply Table at basic prices, transf. to purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
AGR 25.5 0.1 0.0 25.7 14.4 40.1 11.2 0.5 51.8 AGR 5.2 15.8 1.6 22.6 5.9 0.2 0.0 22.9 29.0 51.5 0.2
MAN 1.2 295.0 35.6 331.7 311.9 643.7 111.7 38.2 793.6 MAN 8.9 183.1 62.3 254.4 120.3 9.2 51.7 1.6 358.9 541.7 796.1 -2.5
CON 0.1 87.6 4.5 92.2 1.5 93.7 8.3 102.0 CON 0.3 26.1 19.4 45.8 0.5 0.6 53.7 2.1 56.8 102.6 -0.7
TTC 0.5 15.2 231.0 246.7 66.4 313.1 -123.0 3.0 193.0 TTC 0.6 10.8 65.6 77.0 21.0 0.9 0.5 6.9 0.0 85.5 114.7 191.7 1.3
FBS 0.5 8.0 280.8 289.2 54.7 343.9 9.7 353.7 FBS 2.0 43.2 161.1 206.3 76.6 0.0 3.5 17.6 50.0 147.7 354.0 -0.3
OSE 0.3 2.5 220.7 223.5 16.1 239.6 0.1 2.7 242.4 OSE 0.2 3.5 21.2 24.9 53.2 4.4 153.1 1.1 0.2 5.0 217.1 242.0 0.4
TOT 28.1 408.4 772.5 1209.0 465.0 1674.0 0.0 62.4 1736.4 TIC 17.2 282.5 331.3 630.9 277.5 5.3 166.8 131.3 1.8 524.3 1107.0 1737.9 -1.5
OTLS -0.7 0.1 0.1 -0.5 -0.5
COE 2.6 59.8 250.6 313.0 313.0
CFC 3.7 20.4 84.3 108.4 108.4
NOS 5.3 45.7 106.3 157.3 157.3
GVA 10.9 126.0 441.2 578.1 578.1
TOT 28.1 408.4 772.5 1209.0 277.5 5.3 166.8 131.3 1.8 524.3 1107.0


Taxes less subsidies on products Use Table for taxes less subsidies on products
AGR 0.5 AGR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.5
MAN 38.2 MAN 0.2 1.6 6.2 8.0 26.4 0.4 2.3 0.0 1.6 30.7 38.7 -0.5
CON 8.3 CON 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 6.1 0.0 6.3 8.3
TTC 3.0 TTC 0.0 -0.1 1.1 1.0 1.7 -0.1 0.5 -0.1 2.0 3.0
FBS 9.7 FBS 0.0 0.0 4.3 4.3 1.5 0.1 3.9 0.0 5.5 9.7
OSE 2.7 OSE 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 -0.4 0.7 0.3 2.7 2.7
TOT 62.4 TOT 0.2 1.5 13.6 15.3 32.1 0.1 13.5 0.0 1.9 47.6 62.9 -0.5

Trade and transport margins Use Table for trade and transport margins
AGR 11.2 AGR 0.4 1.7 0.4 2.6 3.1 0.0 0.0 5.6 8.6 11.2
MAN 111.7 MAN 0.8 20.0 9.0 29.8 39.9 3.2 5.2 -0.1 34.7 82.9 112.7 -1.0
TTC -123.0 TTC -1.2 -21.7 -9.4 -32.3 -43.1 -3.2 -5.2 0.1 -40.2 -91.7 -124.0 1.0
OSE 0.1 OSE 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1
TOT 0.0 TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

AGR 25.5 0.1 0.0 25.7 14.4 40.1 AGR 4.8 14.1 1.1 20.0 2.5 0.1 0.0 17.2 19.9 39.8 0.2
MAN 1.2 295.0 35.6 331.7 311.9 643.7 MAN 7.9 161.6 47.1 216.6 53.9 5.6 44.2 1.7 322.6 428.0 644.7 -1.0
CON 0.1 87.6 4.5 92.2 1.5 93.7 CON 0.3 26.1 17.4 43.8 0.4 0.5 47.6 2.1 50.6 94.4 -0.7
TTC 0.5 15.2 231.0 246.7 66.4 313.1 TTC 1.8 32.5 74.0 108.3 62.4 0.9 3.8 11.7 -0.1 125.8 204.4 312.8 0.3
FBS 0.5 8.0 280.8 289.2 54.7 343.9 FBS 2.0 43.2 156.8 202.0 75.1 0.0 3.4 13.7 50.0 142.2 344.2 -0.3
OSE 0.3 2.5 220.7 223.5 16.1 239.6 OSE 0.2 3.5 21.2 24.9 51.0 4.4 153.5 0.4 0.2 4.7 214.3 239.2 0.4
TOT 28.1 408.4 772.5 1209.0 465.0 1674.0 TLS 0.2 1.5 13.6 15.3 32.1 0.1 13.5 0.0 1.9 47.6 62.9
TIC 17.2 282.5 331.3 630.9 277.5 5.3 166.8 131.3 1.8 524.3 1107.0 1737.9 -1.0
OTLS -0.7 0.1 0.1 -0.5 -0.5
COE 2.6 59.8 250.6 313.0 313.0
CFC 3.7 20.4 84.3 108.4 108.4
NOS 5.3 45.7 106.3 157.3 157.3
GVA 10.9 126.0 441.2 578.1 578.1
TOT 28.1 408.4 772.5 1209.0 277.5 5.3 166.8 131.3 1.8 524.3 1107.0


Imports CIF Imports Use Table

AGR 14.4 AGR 0.7 5.6 0.5 6.8 1.2 0.0 0.0 6.4 7.6 14.4
MAN 311.9 MAN 1.1 85.6 19.5 106.2 24.0 1.6 19.3 0.1 135.7 180.7 286.9 25.0
CON 1.5 CON 0.0 0.5 0.3 0.9 0.7 0.7 1.5
TTC 66.4 TTC 0.0 2.7 13.9 16.6 0.7 2.8 0.0 45.8 49.3 65.9 0.5
FBS 54.7 FBS 0.2 13.8 24.4 38.5 0.2 2.1 13.9 16.2 54.7
OSE 16.1 OSE 0.0 0.5 3.9 4.4 11.6 0.0 0.1 0.0 11.7 16.1
TOT 465.0 TLS
TIC 2.1 108.7 62.5 173.3 37.7 1.6 24.9 0.1 201.8 266.2 439.5 25.5

Supply Table for domestic output at basic prices Domestic Use Table at basic prices
AGR 25.5 0.1 0.0 25.7 AGR 4.1 8.5 0.6 13.2 1.3 0.1 0.0 10.8 12.2 25.5 0.2
MAN 1.2 295.0 35.6 331.7 MAN 6.8 75.9 27.7 110.4 29.9 3.9 24.9 1.7 186.9 247.3 357.7 -26.0
CON 0.1 87.6 4.5 92.2 CON 0.3 25.6 17.1 43.0 0.4 0.5 46.9 2.1 49.9 92.8 -0.7
TRA 0.5 15.2 231.0 246.7 TTC 1.7 29.9 60.2 91.8 61.7 0.9 3.8 8.9 -0.1 80.0 155.1 246.9 -0.2
TRN 0.5 8.0 280.8 289.2 FBS 1.8 29.4 132.4 163.5 74.9 0.0 3.4 11.6 36.1 126.0 289.5 -0.3
COM 0.3 2.5 220.7 223.5 OSE 0.2 3.0 17.3 20.5 39.5 4.4 153.5 0.4 0.1 4.7 202.6 223.1 0.4
TOT 28.1 408.4 772.5 1209.0 TLS 0.2 1.5 13.6 15.3 32.1 0.1 13.5 0.0 1.9 47.6 62.9
TIC 15.1 173.7 268.8 457.6 239.8 5.3 165.2 106.4 1.7 322.5 840.8 1298.4 -26.5
IMP 2.1 108.7 62.5 173.3 37.7 1.6 24.9 0.1 201.8 266.2 439.5
TOT 17.2 282.5 331.3 630.9 277.5 5.3 166.8 131.3 1.8 524.3 1107.0 1737.9 -26.5
OTLS -0.7 0.1 0.1 -0.5 -0.5
COE 2.6 59.8 250.6 313.0 313.0
CFC 3.7 20.4 84.3 108.4 108.4
NOS 5.3 45.7 106.3 157.3 157.3
GVA 10.9 126.0 441.2 578.1 578.1
TOT 28.1 408.4 772.5 1209.0 277.5 5.3 166.8 131.3 1.8 524.3 1107.0


Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table A11.4: Volume indices for supply and use tables 2011
Supply Table at basic prices, transf. to purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
AGR 100.8 96.1 87.8 100.8 103.5 101.8 103.6 111.9 102.2 AGR 102.0 103.4 96.5 102.6 101.5 84.8 -9.1 102.0 101.1 101.8 0.5
MAN 95.4 104.4 99.4 103.8 103.3 103.6 102.7 97.4 103.1 MAN 99.5 105.6 98.5 103.6 99.4 102.8 112.5 43.1 104.3 103.4 103.5 -0.3
CON 127.1 103.2 95.6 102.8 101.2 102.8 98.2 102.4 CON 100.7 110.7 100.2 105.9 103.3 96.0 101.3 91.6 100.9 103.1 -0.7
TTC 92.6 98.9 103.8 103.4 101.9 103.1 102.8 95.1 103.2 TTC 99.1 100.0 101.3 101.1 99.7 104.5 103.4 102.5 0.7
FBS 99.6 102.2 102.1 102.1 107.4 102.9 98.2 102.8 FBS 98.9 104.7 103.0 103.3 100.5 96.2 106.2 102.2 102.9 -0.1
OSE 95.2 99.1 100.5 100.5 98.3 100.3 94.6 101.9 100.4 OSE 99.4 101.8 101.4 101.5 101.0 99.8 98.2 72.6 103.1 100.0 100.2 0.2
TOT 100.4 103.8 102.0 102.6 103.4 102.8 104.2 97.8 102.6 TIC 100.2 105.5 101.5 103.2 100.1 99.8 99.8 105.3 42.7 104.3 102.4 102.7 0.2
OTLS 137.2 -84.9 -30.6 55.5 55.5
COE 100.1 100.0 101.0 100.8 100.8
CFC 101.6 100.9 101.4 101.3 101.3
NOS 104.4 99.9 105.9 104.0 104.0
GVA 100.8 100.2 102.3 101.8 101.8
TOT 100.4 103.8 102.0 102.6 100.1 99.8 99.8 105.3 42.7 104.3 102.4


Taxes less subsidies on products Use Table for taxes less subsidies on products
AGR 111.9 AGR 92.9 -40.0 134.6 -375.0 101.4 110.5 103.3 111.9
MAN 97.4 MAN 94.3 97.2 97.6 97.5 98.2 100.8 105.1 -100.0 104.0 99.0 98.7 -1.3
CON 98.2 CON 98.1 98.1 105.9 96.5 98.2 100.0 98.2 98.2
TTC 95.1 TTC 92.2 98.2 96.7 95.1
FBS 98.2 FBS 130.0 -14.3 100.4 100.7 102.9 89.0 225.0 96.3 98.2
OSE 101.9 OSE 240.0 101.0 101.1 101.1 101.9
TOT 97.8 TOT 96.4 99.7 98.3 98.4 98.7 79.8 98.2 -100.0 103.5 98.7 98.6 -0.8

Trade and transport margins Use Table for trade and transport margins
AGR 103.6 AGR 101.4 104.6 95.9 102.5 101.7 82.4 -50.0 105.4 103.9 103.6
MAN 102.7 MAN 97.9 107.5 97.8 104.1 100.7 101.5 118.6 -183.3 105.2 103.4 103.6 -0.9
TTC 102.8 TTC 99.2 107.3 97.7 104.0 100.8 101.5 118.5 -162.0 105.2 103.5 103.6 -0.8
OSE 94.6 OSE 95.3 92.3 94.6 94.6

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

AGR 100.8 96.1 100.8 103.5 101.8 AGR 102.1 103.1 95.9 102.4 101.3 85.1 -7.1 100.9 99.9 101.1 0.6
MAN 95.4 104.4 99.4 103.8 103.3 103.6 MAN 99.8 105.5 98.7 103.7 99.0 103.7 112.3 45.7 104.2 103.8 103.7 -0.2
CON 127.1 103.2 95.6 102.8 101.2 102.8 CON 100.7 110.7 100.4 106.3 103.0 96.0 101.7 91.6 101.2 103.5 -0.7
TTC 92.6 98.9 103.8 103.4 101.9 103.1 TTC 99.1 104.7 101.0 102.1 100.5 101.0 109.7 -102.6 104.7 103.5 103.0 0.1
FBS 99.6 102.2 102.1 102.1 107.4 102.9 FBS 98.7 104.7 103.1 103.4 100.5 96.4 102.0 106.2 102.5 103.0 -0.1
OSE 99.1 100.5 98.3 100.3 OSE 99.4 101.6 101.4 101.4 101.0 99.8 93.7 72.6 103.2 100.0 100.2 0.2
TOT 100.4 103.8 102.0 102.6 103.4 102.8 TLS 96.4 99.7 98.3 98.4 98.7 79.8 98.2 -100.0 103.5 98.7 98.6
TIC 100.2 105.5 101.5 103.2 100.1 99.8 99.8 105.3 42.7 104.3 102.4 102.7 -0.1
OTLS 137.2 -84.9 -30.6 55.5 55.5
COE 100.1 100.0 101.0 100.8 100.8
CFC 101.6 100.9 101.4 101.3 101.3
NOS 104.4 99.9 105.9 104.0 104.0
GVA 100.8 100.2 102.3 101.8 101.8
TOT 100.4 103.8 102.0 102.6 100.1 99.8 99.8 105.3 42.7 104.3 102.4


Imports CIF Imports Use Table

AGR 103.5 AGR 100.9 106.3 88.2 104.2 105.0 78.8 -32.2 104.5 102.9 103.5
MAN 103.3 MAN 104.1 106.6 99.7 105.2 100.4 92.0 117.4 3.1 86.4 90.0 95.1 8.3
CON 101.2 CON 100.0 110.6 96.6 104.5 97.4 97.4 101.2
TTC 101.9 TTC 102.3 99.0 100.2 101.7 101.4 101.1 0.8
FBS 107.4 FBS 98.8 103.5 107.7 106.1 92.1 110.8 107.4
OSE 98.3 OSE 85.7 104.5 101.8 102.1 97.6 57.8 97.2 97.0 98.3
TOT 103.4 TLS
TIC 102.3 105.9 102.9 104.8 99.7 92.2 114.7 6.3 91.3 93.6 97.7 5.7

Supply Table for domestic output at basic prices Domestic Use Table at basic prices
AGR 100.8 96.1 100.8 AGR 102.3 101.0 103.0 101.5 98.0 86.7 19.8 98.9 98.1 99.9 0.9
MAN 95.4 104.4 99.4 103.8 MAN 99.1 104.3 98.0 102.3 98.0 109.4 108.6 79.6 122.5 116.8 111.9 -8.1
CON 127.1 103.2 95.6 102.8 CON 100.7 110.7 100.5 106.3 103.0 96.0 101.8 91.6 101.3 103.5 -0.8
TTC 92.6 98.9 103.8 103.4 TTC 99.0 105.3 101.1 102.4 100.5 101.0 114.6 -110.0 106.6 104.2 103.5 -0.1
FBS 99.6 102.2 102.1 102.1 FBS 98.7 105.3 102.3 102.8 100.5 96.4 98.3 105.3 101.5 102.2 -0.1
OSE 99.1 100.5 OSE 100.0 101.2 101.3 101.2 102.1 99.8 93.7 95.5 103.2 100.2 100.3 0.2
TOT 100.4 103.8 102.0 102.6 TLS 96.4 99.7 98.3 98.4 98.7 79.8 98.2 -100.0 103.5 98.7 98.6
TIC 99.9 105.3 101.2 102.7 100.2 99.8 99.8 103.3 72.5 114.6 105.5 104.5 -8.0
IMP 102.3 105.9 102.9 104.8 99.7 92.2 114.7 6.3 91.3 93.6 97.7
TOT 100.2 105.5 101.5 103.2 100.1 99.8 99.8 105.3 42.7 104.3 102.4 102.7 -8.0
OTLS 137.2 -84.9 -30.6 55.5 55.5
COE 100.1 100.0 101.0 100.8 100.8
CFC 101.6 100.9 101.4 101.3 101.3
NOS 104.4 99.9 105.9 104.0 104.0
GVA 100.8 100.2 102.3 101.8 101.8
TOT 100.4 103.8 102.0 102.6 100.1 99.8 99.8 105.3 42.7 104.3 102.4

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table A11.5: Supply and use tables 2010 in current prices

Supply Table at basic prices, transf. to purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
AGR 25.3 0.2 0.0 25.5 13.9 39.4 10.8 0.4 50.6 AGR 5.1 15.3 1.6 22.0 5.8 0.2 0.2 22.5 28.6 50.6
MAN 1.2 282.6 35.8 319.6 301.8 621.4 108.8 39.2 769.4 MAN 8.9 173.4 63.3 245.6 121.0 8.9 46.0 3.8 344.1 523.7 769.4
CON 0.1 84.9 4.7 89.7 1.5 91.2 8.4 99.6 CON 0.3 23.6 19.4 43.2 0.5 0.6 53.0 2.2 56.4 99.6
TTC 0.6 15.4 222.6 238.5 65.1 303.6 -119.7 3.1 187.1 TTC 0.6 10.8 64.8 76.1 21.0 0.9 0.5 6.7 0.0 81.8 110.9 187.1
FBS 0.5 7.8 275.0 283.3 50.9 334.2 9.9 344.1 FBS 2.1 41.2 156.3 199.6 76.2 0.0 3.7 17.5 47.1 144.5 344.1
OSE 0.3 2.5 219.6 222.4 16.4 238.8 0.1 2.7 241.6 OSE 0.2 3.4 20.9 24.5 52.7 4.5 153.6 1.2 0.3 4.9 217.0 241.6
TOT 28.0 393.3 757.6 1178.9 449.7 1628.6 0.0 63.8 1692.3 TIC 17.1 267.7 326.4 611.2 277.2 5.3 167.2 124.6 4.3 502.5 1081.2 1692.3
OTLS -0.5 -0.1 -0.3 -1.0 -1.0
COE 2.6 59.8 248.1 310.5 310.5
CFC 3.7 20.2 83.1 107.0 107.0
NOS 5.1 45.8 100.4 151.3 151.3
GVA 10.8 125.7 431.2 567.8 567.8
TOT 28.0 393.3 757.6 1178.9 277.2 5.3 167.2 124.6 4.3 502.5 1081.2


Taxes less subsidies on products Use Table for taxes less subsidies on products
AGR 0.4 AGR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.4
MAN 39.2 MAN 0.2 1.6 6.3 8.2 26.9 0.4 2.2 0.0 1.6 31.0 39.2
CON 8.4 CON 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 6.3 0.0 6.4 8.4
TTC 3.1 TTC 0.0 -0.1 1.1 1.1 1.7 -0.1 0.5 -0.1 2.0 3.1
FBS 9.9 FBS 0.0 0.0 4.3 4.3 1.5 0.1 4.1 0.0 5.7 9.9
OSE 2.7 OSE 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 -0.4 0.7 0.3 2.7 2.7
TOT 63.8 TOT 0.2 1.5 13.8 15.5 32.5 0.1 13.8 0.0 1.8 48.2 63.8

Trade and transport margins Use Table for trade and transport margins
AGR 10.8 AGR 0.4 1.6 0.4 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.0 5.3 8.3 10.8
MAN 108.8 MAN 0.8 18.6 9.2 28.6 39.6 3.2 4.4 0.0 32.9 80.2 108.8
TTC -119.7 TTC -1.2 -20.2 -9.7 -31.1 -42.7 -3.2 -4.4 -0.1 -38.2 -88.6 -119.7
OSE 0.1 OSE 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1
TOT 0.0 TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

AGR 25.3 0.2 0.0 25.5 13.9 39.4 AGR 4.7 13.7 1.2 19.5 2.5 0.2 0.2 17.1 19.9 39.4
MAN 1.2 282.6 35.8 319.6 301.8 621.4 MAN 7.9 153.2 47.8 208.9 54.5 5.4 39.4 3.8 309.6 412.5 621.4
CON 0.1 84.9 4.7 89.7 1.5 91.2 CON 0.3 23.6 17.4 41.2 0.4 0.5 46.8 2.2 50.0 91.2
TTC 0.6 15.4 222.6 238.5 65.1 303.6 TTC 1.8 31.1 73.3 106.2 62.1 0.9 3.7 10.7 0.1 120.1 197.5 303.6
FBS 0.5 7.8 275.0 283.3 50.9 334.2 FBS 2.1 41.2 152.1 195.4 74.8 0.0 3.5 13.4 47.1 138.8 334.2
OSE 0.3 2.5 219.6 222.4 16.4 238.8 OSE 0.2 3.4 20.9 24.5 50.5 4.5 154.0 0.5 0.3 4.6 214.3 238.8
TOT 28.0 393.3 757.6 1178.9 449.7 1628.6 TLS 0.2 1.5 13.8 15.5 32.5 0.1 13.8 0.0 1.8 48.2 63.8
TIC 17.1 267.7 326.4 611.2 277.2 5.3 167.2 124.6 4.3 502.5 1081.2 1692.3
OTLS -0.5 -0.1 -0.3 -1.0 -1.0
COE 2.6 59.8 248.1 310.5 310.5
CFC 3.7 20.2 83.1 107.0 107.0
NOS 5.1 45.8 100.4 151.3 151.3
GVA 10.8 125.7 431.2 567.8 567.8
TOT 28.0 393.3 757.6 1178.9 277.2 5.3 167.2 124.6 4.3 502.5 1081.2


Imports CIF Imports Use Table

AGR 13.9 AGR 0.7 5.3 0.6 6.5 1.2 0.0 0.1 6.1 7.4 13.9
MAN 301.8 MAN 1.1 80.4 19.5 101.0 23.9 1.8 16.4 1.7 157.1 200.9 301.8
CON 1.5 CON 0.0 0.5 0.4 0.8 0.7 0.7 1.5
TTC 65.1 TTC 0.0 2.7 13.8 16.6 0.7 2.9 0.0 45.0 48.6 65.1
FBS 50.9 FBS 0.2 13.3 22.7 36.3 0.2 1.7 12.8 14.6 50.9
OSE 16.4 OSE 0.0 0.5 3.8 4.3 11.8 0.2 0.0 12.1 16.4
TOT 449.7 TLS
TIC 2.0 102.6 60.8 165.4 37.8 1.8 21.7 1.9 221.0 284.2 449.7

Supply Table for domestic output at basic prices Domestic Use Table at basic prices
AGR 25.3 0.2 0.0 25.5 AGR 4.0 8.4 0.6 13.0 1.3 0.1 0.1 10.9 12.5 25.5
MAN 1.2 282.6 35.8 319.6 MAN 6.8 72.8 28.2 107.9 30.6 3.6 22.9 2.1 152.5 211.7 319.6
CON 0.1 84.9 4.7 89.7 CON 0.3 23.1 17.0 40.4 0.4 0.5 46.1 2.2 49.3 89.7
TTC 0.6 15.4 222.6 238.5 TTC 1.7 28.4 59.5 89.6 61.4 0.9 3.7 7.8 0.1 75.1 148.9 238.5
FBS 0.5 7.8 275.0 283.3 FBS 1.8 27.9 129.4 159.1 74.5 0.0 3.5 11.8 34.3 124.2 283.3
OSE 0.3 2.5 219.6 222.4 OSE 0.2 2.9 17.1 20.2 38.7 4.5 154.0 0.5 0.1 4.5 202.2 222.4
TOT 28.0 393.3 757.6 1178.9 TLS 0.2 1.5 13.8 15.5 32.5 0.1 13.8 0.0 1.8 48.2 63.8
TIC 15.1 165.0 265.6 445.7 239.4 5.3 165.5 102.9 2.4 281.5 796.9 1242.7
IMP 2.0 102.6 60.8 165.4 37.8 1.8 21.7 1.9 221.0 284.2 449.7
TOT 17.1 267.7 326.4 611.2 277.2 5.3 167.2 124.6 4.3 502.5 1081.2 1692.3
OTLS -0.5 -0.1 -0.3 -1.0 -1.0
COE 2.6 59.8 248.1 310.5 310.5
CFC 3.7 20.2 83.1 107.0 107.0
NOS 5.1 45.8 100.4 151.3 151.3
GVA 10.8 125.7 431.2 567.8 567.8
TOT 28.0 393.3 757.6 1178.9 277.2 5.3 167.2 124.6 4.3 502.5 1081.2


Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2. Balanced Supply and Use Tables (Table A11.6 - Table 11.10)

Table A11.6: Supply and use tables 2011 in current prices

Supply Table at basic prices, transf. to purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
AGR 25.8 0.2 0.0 26.0 15.4 41.3 10.9 0.5 52.8 AGR 5.5 17.4 1.5 24.4 5.9 0.1 -0.1 22.4 28.4 52.8
MAN 1.3 318.5 35.7 355.5 336.8 692.3 113.0 39.4 844.7 MAN 10.1 202.1 65.4 277.7 122.8 9.1 51.5 1.4 382.1 567.0 844.7
CON 0.1 89.0 4.5 93.6 1.6 95.1 8.3 103.4 CON 0.3 26.2 19.8 46.3 0.5 0.6 54.0 2.1 57.1 103.4
TTC 0.5 15.1 231.6 247.2 72.9 320.1 -124.0 3.0 199.1 TTC 0.6 10.8 66.2 77.5 21.2 0.9 0.5 6.7 0.0 92.3 121.6 199.1
FBS 0.5 8.0 282.0 290.5 55.2 345.7 9.1 354.9 FBS 2.1 43.5 161.5 207.0 78.0 0.0 3.6 16.8 49.5 147.8 354.9
OSE 0.3 2.5 222.9 225.7 16.6 242.3 0.1 3.0 245.4 OSE 0.2 3.5 22.2 25.9 55.1 4.6 153.4 1.2 0.2 5.1 219.5 245.4
TOT 28.4 433.3 776.7 1238.4 498.6 1737.0 0.0 63.3 1800.3 TIC 18.8 303.5 336.5 658.8 283.5 5.5 167.2 130.4 1.5 553.5 1141.5 1800.3
OTLS -0.7 0.2 0.3 -0.3 -0.3
COE 2.7 60.9 254.4 318.0 318.0
CFC 3.7 20.5 82.9 107.1 107.1
NOS 4.1 48.2 102.5 154.7 154.7
GVA 9.7 129.8 440.1 579.6 579.6
TOT 28.4 433.3 776.7 1238.4 283.5 5.5 167.2 130.4 1.5 553.5 1141.5


Taxes less subsidies on products Use Table for taxes less subsidies on products
AGR 0.5 0.5 AGR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.5
MAN 39.4 39.4 MAN 0.2 1.6 6.4 8.3 26.8 0.4 2.2 0.0 1.7 31.1 39.4
CON 8.3 8.3 CON 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.1 6.1 0.0 6.2 8.3
TTC 3.0 3.0 TTC 0.0 -0.1 1.1 1.0 1.7 -0.1 0.4 -0.1 2.0 3.0
FBS 9.1 9.1 FBS 0.0 0.0 4.4 4.4 1.6 0.1 3.0 0.0 4.7 9.1
OSE 3.0 3.0 OSE 0.0 0.1 0.1 2.3 -0.4 0.7 0.3 2.9 3.0
TOT 63.3 63.3 TOT 0.2 1.6 14.0 15.9 32.9 0.1 12.5 0.0 2.0 47.5 63.3

Trade and transport margins Use Table for trade and transport margins
AGR 10.9 10.9 AGR 0.4 1.6 0.4 2.5 3.2 0.0 0.0 5.2 8.4 10.9
MAN 113.0 113.0 MAN 0.9 20.4 9.2 30.5 39.9 3.1 5.1 -0.1 34.5 82.5 113.0
TTC -124.0 -124.0 TTC -1.3 -22.0 -9.6 -33.0 -43.1 -3.1 -5.1 0.1 -39.7 -91.0 -124.0
OSE 0.1 0.1 OSE 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1
TOT 0.0 0.0 TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

AGR 25.8 0.2 0.0 26.0 15.4 41.3 AGR 5.1 15.7 1.1 21.9 2.4 0.1 -0.1 17.1 19.5 41.3
MAN 1.3 318.5 35.7 355.5 336.8 692.3 MAN 9.0 180.1 49.8 238.9 56.1 5.6 44.3 1.5 345.9 453.4 692.3
CON 0.1 89.0 4.5 93.6 1.6 95.1 CON 0.3 26.2 17.7 44.3 0.4 0.5 47.9 2.1 50.9 95.1
TTC 0.5 15.1 231.6 247.2 72.9 320.1 TTC 1.8 32.9 74.8 109.5 62.6 0.9 3.7 11.4 -0.1 132.1 210.6 320.1
FBS 0.5 8.0 282.0 290.5 55.2 345.7 FBS 2.1 43.5 157.1 202.6 76.4 0.0 3.5 13.8 49.5 143.1 345.7
OSE 0.3 2.5 222.9 225.7 16.6 242.3 OSE 0.2 3.5 22.1 25.8 52.7 4.6 153.8 0.4 0.2 4.8 216.5 242.3
TOT 28.4 433.3 776.7 1238.4 498.6 1737.0 TLS 0.2 1.6 14.0 15.9 32.9 0.1 12.5 0.0 2.0 47.5 63.3
TIC 18.8 303.5 336.5 658.8 283.5 5.5 167.2 130.4 1.5 553.5 1141.5 1800.3
OTLS -0.7 0.2 0.3 -0.3 -0.3
COE 2.7 60.9 254.4 318.0 318.0
CFC 3.7 20.5 82.9 107.1 107.1
NOS 4.1 48.2 102.5 154.7 154.7
GVA 9.7 129.8 440.1 579.6 579.6
TOT 28.4 433.3 776.7 1238.4 283.5 5.5 167.2 130.4 1.5 553.5 1141.5


Imports CIF Imports Use Table

AGR 15.4 AGR 0.8 6.4 0.5 7.7 1.2 0.0 -0.1 6.6 7.7 15.4
MAN 336.8 MAN 1.3 98.0 20.9 120.2 24.7 1.6 19.2 -0.2 171.3 216.7 336.8
CON 1.6 CON 0.0 0.5 0.4 0.9 0.7 0.7 1.6
TTC 72.9 TTC 0.0 2.7 14.0 16.8 0.7 2.7 0.0 52.7 56.1 72.9
FBS 55.2 FBS 0.2 14.0 24.5 38.8 0.2 2.2 14.1 16.5 55.2
OSE 16.6 OSE 0.0 0.5 3.9 4.5 12.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 12.2 16.6
TOT 498.6 TLS
TIC 2.3 122.1 64.2 188.7 38.9 1.6 24.8 -0.1 244.7 309.9 498.6

Supply Table for domestic output at basic prices Domestic Use Table at basic prices
AGR 25.8 0.2 0.0 26.0 AGR 4.3 9.3 0.6 14.2 1.2 0.1 0.0 10.5 11.7 26.0
MAN 1.3 318.5 35.7 355.5 MAN 7.8 82.1 28.9 118.8 31.4 4.0 25.1 1.6 174.6 236.7 355.5
CON 0.1 89.0 4.5 93.6 CON 0.3 25.7 17.4 43.4 0.4 0.5 47.2 2.1 50.2 93.6
TTC 0.5 15.1 231.6 247.2 TTC 1.8 30.2 60.7 92.7 61.9 0.9 3.7 8.6 -0.1 79.4 154.5 247.2
FBS 0.5 8.0 282.0 290.5 FBS 1.8 29.5 132.6 163.9 76.2 0.0 3.5 11.6 35.4 126.6 290.5
OSE 0.3 2.5 222.9 225.7 OSE 0.2 3.0 18.1 21.3 40.6 4.6 153.8 0.4 0.1 4.8 204.3 225.7
TOT 28.4 433.3 776.7 1238.4 TLS 0.2 1.6 14.0 15.9 32.9 0.1 12.5 0.0 2.0 47.5 63.3
TIC 16.4 181.4 272.3 470.2 244.6 5.5 165.5 105.6 1.6 308.7 831.6 1301.8
IMP 2.3 122.1 64.2 188.7 38.9 1.6 24.8 -0.1 244.7 309.9 498.6
TOT 18.8 303.5 336.5 658.8 283.5 5.5 167.2 130.4 1.5 553.5 1141.5 1800.3
OTLS -0.7 0.2 0.3 -0.3 -0.3
COE 2.7 60.9 254.4 318.0 318.0
CFC 3.7 20.5 82.9 107.1 107.1
NOS 4.1 48.2 102.5 154.7 154.7
GVA 9.7 129.8 440.1 579.6 579.6
TOT 28.4 433.3 776.7 1238.4 283.5 5.5 167.2 130.4 1.5 553.5 1141.5


Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table A11.7: Price indices for supply and use tables 2011
Supply Table at basic prices, transf. to purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
AGR 102.0 104.1 102.0 106.9 103.8 97.5 107.6 102.4 AGR 105.8 109.9 98.7 108.2 100.4 94.7 568.8 97.7 98.0 102.4
MAN 107.5 108.0 100.5 107.2 108.0 107.6 100.2 101.9 106.2 MAN 114.1 110.4 105.0 109.2 102.1 99.5 99.6 85.7 106.8 104.9 106.2
CON 103.4 100.5 100.5 100.5 101.6 100.5 100.1 100.5 CON 101.4 100.5 101.8 101.0 97.4 97.1 100.0 102.0 100.0 100.5
TTC 101.1 99.2 100.3 100.2 110.7 102.4 100.0 101.4 104.0 TTC 100.9 100.1 100.8 100.7 102.2 108.0 106.2 104.0
FBS 102.9 100.9 100.4 100.4 101.0 100.5 93.6 100.3 FBS 101.4 100.7 100.4 100.5 101.7 101.8 99.0 100.1 100.3
OSE 100.2 101.0 103.4 101.1 99.1 110.2 101.2 OSE 102.4 101.7 104.3 103.9 102.7 103.8 101.7 99.5 101.8 100.9 101.2
TOT 102.2 105.8 100.5 102.4 107.3 103.7 100.8 103.6 TIC 109.3 107.5 101.7 104.5 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 105.8 103.2 103.6
OTLS 98.0 201.1 269.9 48.3 48.3
COE 102.7 101.9 101.5 101.6 101.6
CFC 99.1 100.6 98.4 98.8 98.8
NOS 79.8 103.2 96.2 97.7 97.7
GVA 90.8 102.2 99.7 100.1 100.1
TOT 102.2 105.8 100.5 102.4 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 105.8 103.2


Taxes less subsidies on products Use Table for taxes less subsidies on products
AGR 107.6 AGR 92.3 612.5 91.4 230.0 100.8 96.2 99.8 107.6
MAN 101.9 MAN 103.7 106.1 103.9 104.3 101.7 98.7 93.8 -100.0 104.4 101.3 101.9
CON 100.1 CON 102.2 102.1 90.7 95.1 99.6 100.0 99.4 100.1
TTC 101.4 TTC 99.4 103.3 102.4 101.4
FBS 93.6 FBS 123.1 100.0 102.7 102.8 105.7 103.8 44.4 86.4 93.6
OSE 110.2 OSE 241.7 109.2 101.1 108.5 110.2
TOT 100.8 TOT 105.1 108.7 103.3 103.9 102.5 102.3 92.5 -100.0 105.0 99.8 100.8

Trade and transport margins Use Table for trade and transport margins
AGR 97.5 AGR 90.4 96.7 100.7 96.3 104.9 85.7 100.0 94.0 97.9 97.5
MAN 100.2 MAN 113.7 102.0 102.3 102.4 99.8 97.9 97.5 93.5 99.5 99.5 100.2
TTC 100.0 TTC 105.0 101.6 102.2 101.9 100.2 97.9 97.5 93.8 98.8 99.3 100.0
OSE 99.1 OSE 97.6 104.2 99.1 99.1

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

AGR 102.0 104.1 102.0 106.9 103.8 103.8 AGR 107.2 111.2 98.1 109.5 94.9 95.6 725.0 98.9 98.0 103.8
MAN 107.5 108.0 100.5 107.2 108.0 107.6 107.6 MAN 114.4 111.5 105.6 110.3 104.0 100.5 100.2 85.7 107.6 106.2 107.6
CON 103.4 100.5 100.5 100.5 101.6 100.5 100.5 CON 101.4 100.5 101.7 101.0 98.3 97.4 100.0 102.0 100.1 100.5
TTC 101.1 99.2 100.3 100.2 110.7 102.4 102.4 TTC 103.8 101.1 101.0 101.1 100.8 98.5 97.0 93.7 105.0 103.1 102.4
FBS 102.9 100.9 100.4 100.4 101.0 100.5 100.5 FBS 101.2 100.7 100.4 100.5 101.7 101.7 100.6 99.0 100.6 100.5
OSE 100.2 101.0 103.4 101.1 101.1 OSE 102.4 101.8 104.1 103.7 102.4 103.8 102.5 99.5 101.5 100.8 101.1
TOT 102.2 105.8 100.5 102.4 107.3 103.7 103.7 TLS 105.1 108.7 103.3 103.9 102.5 102.3 92.5 -100.0 105.0 99.8 100.8
TIC 109.3 107.5 101.7 104.5 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 105.8 103.2 103.6
OTLS 98.0 201.1 269.9 48.3 48.3
COE 102.7 101.9 101.5 101.6 101.6
CFC 99.1 100.6 98.4 98.8 98.8
NOS 79.8 103.2 96.2 97.7 97.7
GVA 90.8 102.2 99.7 100.1 100.1
TOT 102.2 105.8 100.5 102.4 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 105.8 103.2


Imports CIF Imports Use Table

AGR 106.9 AGR 113.0 114.5 98.0 113.2 100.1 100.0 207.1 102.1 101.4 106.9
MAN 108.0 MAN 112.6 114.4 107.2 113.1 102.8 99.6 99.5 -311.5 106.6 105.3 108.0
CON 101.6 CON 100.0 101.0 102.0 101.4 101.8 101.8 101.6
TTC 110.7 TTC 100.0 100.5 101.2 115.2 113.9 110.7
FBS 101.0 FBS 97.0 101.4 100.4 100.8 106.7 101.6 101.0
OSE 103.4 OSE 100.0 100.8 101.4 101.4 104.2 99.0 97.1 104.1 103.4
TOT 107.3 TLS
TIC 110.7 112.3 102.8 108.9 103.2 99.6 99.4 -100.8 107.9 106.4 107.3

Supply Table for domestic output at basic prices Domestic Use Table at basic prices
AGR 102.0 104.1 102.0 AGR 106.2 109.0 98.2 107.6 90.0 94.6 -181.3 97.0 95.9 102.0
MAN 107.5 108.0 100.5 107.2 MAN 114.7 108.1 104.5 107.6 105.0 100.8 100.7 98.0 108.5 106.9 107.2
CON 103.4 100.5 100.5 100.5 CON 101.4 100.5 101.7 101.0 98.3 97.4 100.0 102.0 100.0 100.5
TTC 101.1 99.2 100.3 100.2 TTC 103.9 101.1 100.9 101.0 100.8 98.5 97.2 93.5 99.2 99.7 100.2
FBS 102.9 100.9 100.4 100.4 FBS 101.8 100.4 100.4 100.4 101.7 101.7 100.5 98.0 100.5 100.4
OSE 100.2 101.0 OSE 102.5 101.9 104.7 104.2 101.9 103.8 102.5 100.0 101.5 100.7 101.0
TOT 102.2 105.8 100.5 102.4 TLS 105.1 108.7 103.3 103.9 102.5 102.3 92.5 -100.0 105.0 99.8 100.8
TIC 109.1 104.4 101.4 102.8 101.9 103.3 100.2 99.0 96.1 104.1 102.0 102.3
IMP 110.7 112.3 102.8 108.9 103.2 99.6 99.4 -100.8 107.9 106.4 107.3
TOT 109.3 107.5 101.7 104.5 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 105.8 103.2 103.6
OTLS 98.0 201.1 269.9 48.3 48.3
COE 102.7 101.9 101.5 101.6 101.6
CFC 99.1 100.6 98.4 98.8 98.8
NOS 79.8 103.2 96.2 97.7 97.7
GVA 90.8 102.2 99.7 100.1 100.1
TOT 102.2 105.8 100.5 102.4 102.1 103.3 100.2 99.1 83.0 105.8 103.2

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table A11.8: Supply and use tables 2011 at previous years' prices
Supply Table at basic prices, transf. to purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
AGR 25.3 0.1 0.0 25.5 14.4 39.8 11.2 0.5 51.5 AGR 5.2 15.8 1.6 22.6 5.9 0.2 0.0 22.9 29.0 51.5
MAN 1.2 295.0 35.6 331.7 311.9 643.7 112.7 38.7 795.1 MAN 8.9 183.1 62.3 254.4 120.3 9.2 51.7 1.6 357.9 540.7 795.1
CON 0.1 88.6 4.5 93.1 1.5 94.7 8.3 102.9 CON 0.3 26.1 19.4 45.8 0.5 0.6 54.0 2.1 57.1 102.9
TTC 0.5 15.2 231.0 246.7 65.9 312.6 -124.0 3.0 191.5 TTC 0.6 10.8 65.6 77.0 20.8 0.9 0.5 6.9 0.0 85.5 114.5 191.5
FBS 0.5 8.0 280.8 289.2 54.7 343.9 9.7 353.7 FBS 2.0 43.2 160.8 206.0 76.6 0.0 3.5 17.6 50.0 147.7 353.7
OSE 0.3 2.5 220.7 223.5 16.1 239.6 0.1 2.7 242.4 OSE 0.2 3.5 21.2 24.9 53.6 4.4 153.1 1.1 0.2 5.0 217.5 242.4
TOT 27.8 409.4 772.5 1209.8 464.5 1674.3 0.0 62.9 1737.1 TIC 17.2 282.5 331.0 630.6 277.7 5.3 166.8 131.6 1.8 523.3 1106.5 1737.1
OTLS -0.7 0.1 0.1 -0.5 -0.5
COE 2.6 59.8 250.6 313.0 313.0
CFC 3.7 20.4 84.3 108.4 108.4
NOS 5.1 46.7 106.6 158.4 158.4
GVA 10.7 127.0 441.5 579.2 579.2
TOT 27.8 409.4 772.5 1209.8 277.7 5.3 166.8 131.6 1.8 523.3 1106.5


Taxes less subsidies on products Use Table for taxes less subsidies on products
AGR 0.5 AGR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.5
MAN 38.7 MAN 0.2 1.6 6.2 8.0 26.4 0.4 2.3 0.0 1.6 30.7 38.7
CON 8.3 CON 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 6.1 0.0 6.3 8.3
TTC 3.0 TTC 0.0 -0.1 1.1 1.0 1.7 -0.1 0.5 -0.1 2.0 3.0
FBS 9.7 FBS 0.0 0.0 4.3 4.3 1.5 0.1 3.9 0.0 5.5 9.7
OSE 2.7 OSE 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 -0.4 0.7 0.3 2.7 2.7
TOT 62.9 TOT 0.2 1.5 13.6 15.3 32.1 0.1 13.5 0.0 1.9 47.6 62.9

Trade and transport margins Use Table for trade and transport margins
AGR 11.2 AGR 0.4 1.7 0.4 2.6 3.1 0.0 0.0 5.6 8.6 11.2
MAN 112.7 MAN 0.8 20.0 9.0 29.8 39.9 3.2 5.2 -0.1 34.7 82.9 112.7
TTC -124.0 TTC -1.2 -21.7 -9.4 -32.3 -43.1 -3.2 -5.2 0.1 -40.2 -91.7 -124.0
OSE 0.1 OSE 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1
TOT 0.0 TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

AGR 25.3 0.1 0.0 25.5 14.4 39.8 AGR 4.8 14.1 1.1 20.0 2.5 0.1 0.0 17.2 19.9 39.8
MAN 1.2 295.0 35.6 331.7 311.9 643.7 MAN 7.9 161.6 47.1 216.6 53.9 5.6 44.2 1.7 321.6 427.0 643.7
CON 0.1 88.6 4.5 93.1 1.5 94.7 CON 0.3 26.1 17.4 43.8 0.4 0.5 47.9 2.1 50.9 94.7
TTC 0.5 15.2 231.0 246.7 65.9 312.6 TTC 1.8 32.5 74.0 108.3 62.2 0.9 3.8 11.7 -0.1 125.8 204.2 312.6
FBS 0.5 8.0 280.8 289.2 54.7 343.9 FBS 2.0 43.2 156.5 201.7 75.1 0.0 3.4 13.7 50.0 142.2 343.9
OSE 0.3 2.5 220.7 223.5 16.1 239.6 OSE 0.2 3.5 21.2 24.9 51.4 4.4 153.5 0.4 0.2 4.7 214.7 239.6
TOT 27.8 409.4 772.5 1209.8 464.5 1674.3 TLS 0.2 1.5 13.6 15.3 32.1 0.1 13.5 0.0 1.9 47.6 62.9
TIC 17.2 282.5 331.0 630.6 277.7 5.3 166.8 131.6 1.8 523.3 1106.5 1737.1
OTLS -0.7 0.1 0.1 -0.5 -0.5
COE 2.6 59.8 250.6 313.0 313.0
CFC 3.7 20.4 84.3 108.4 108.4
NOS 5.1 46.7 106.6 158.4 158.4
GVA 10.7 127.0 441.5 579.2 579.2
TOT 27.8 409.4 772.5 1209.8 277.7 5.3 166.8 131.6 1.8 523.3 1106.5


Imports CIF Imports Use Table

AGR 14.4 AGR 0.7 5.6 0.5 6.8 1.2 0.0 0.0 6.4 7.6 14.4
MAN 311.9 MAN 1.1 85.6 19.5 106.2 24.0 1.6 19.3 0.1 160.7 205.7 311.9
CON 1.5 CON 0.0 0.5 0.3 0.9 0.7 0.7 1.5
TTC 65.9 TTC 0.0 2.7 13.9 16.6 0.7 2.8 0.0 45.8 49.3 65.9
FBS 54.7 FBS 0.2 13.8 24.4 38.5 0.2 2.1 13.9 16.2 54.7
OSE 16.1 OSE 0.0 0.5 3.9 4.4 11.6 0.0 0.1 0.0 11.7 16.1
TOT 464.5 TLS
TIC 2.1 108.7 62.5 173.3 37.7 1.6 24.9 0.1 226.8 291.2 464.5

Supply Table for domestic output at basic prices Domestic Use Table at basic prices
AGR 25.3 0.1 0.0 25.5 AGR 4.1 8.5 0.6 13.2 1.3 0.1 0.0 10.8 12.2 25.5
MAN 1.2 295.0 35.6 331.7 MAN 6.8 75.9 27.7 110.4 29.9 3.9 24.9 1.7 160.9 221.3 331.7
CON 0.1 88.6 4.5 93.1 CON 0.3 25.6 17.1 43.0 0.4 0.5 47.2 2.1 50.2 93.1
TRA 0.5 15.2 231.0 246.7 TTC 1.7 29.9 60.2 91.8 61.5 0.9 3.8 8.9 -0.1 80.0 154.9 246.7
TRN 0.5 8.0 280.8 289.2 FBS 1.8 29.4 132.1 163.2 74.9 0.0 3.4 11.6 36.1 126.0 289.2
COM 0.3 2.5 220.7 223.5 OSE 0.2 3.0 17.3 20.5 39.9 4.4 153.5 0.4 0.1 4.7 203.0 223.5
TOT 27.8 409.4 772.5 1209.8 TLS 0.2 1.5 13.6 15.3 32.1 0.1 13.5 0.0 1.9 47.6 62.9
TIC 15.1 173.7 268.5 457.3 240.0 5.3 165.2 106.7 1.7 296.5 815.3 1272.6
IMP 2.1 108.7 62.5 173.3 37.7 1.6 24.9 0.1 226.8 291.2 464.5
TOT 17.2 282.5 331.0 630.6 277.7 5.3 166.8 131.6 1.8 523.3 1106.5 1737.1
OTLS -0.7 0.1 0.1 -0.5 -0.5
COE 2.6 59.8 250.6 313.0 313.0
CFC 3.7 20.4 84.3 108.4 108.4
NOS 5.1 46.7 106.6 158.4 158.4
GVA 10.7 127.0 441.5 579.2 579.2
TOT 27.8 409.4 772.5 1209.8 277.7 5.3 166.8 131.6 1.8 523.3 1106.5


Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table A11.9: Supply and use tables 2011 at previous years' prices
Supply Table at basic prices, transf. to purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
AGR 99.9 96.1 87.8 99.9 103.5 101.1 103.6 111.9 101.8 AGR 102.0 103.4 96.5 102.6 101.5 84.8 -9.1 102.0 101.1 101.8
MAN 95.4 104.4 99.4 103.8 103.3 103.6 103.6 98.7 103.3 MAN 99.5 105.6 98.5 103.6 99.4 102.8 112.5 43.1 104.0 103.2 103.3
CON 127.1 104.3 95.6 103.9 101.2 103.8 98.2 103.4 CON 100.7 110.7 100.2 105.9 103.3 96.0 101.9 91.6 101.4 103.4
TTC 92.6 98.9 103.8 103.4 101.1 102.9 103.6 95.1 102.4 TTC 99.1 100.0 101.3 101.1 98.8 104.5 103.2 102.4
FBS 99.6 102.2 102.1 102.1 107.4 102.9 98.2 102.8 FBS 98.9 104.7 102.8 103.2 100.5 96.2 106.2 102.2 102.8
OSE 95.2 99.1 100.5 100.5 98.3 100.3 94.6 101.9 100.4 OSE 99.4 101.8 101.4 101.5 101.8 99.8 98.2 72.6 103.1 100.2 100.4
TOT 99.6 104.1 102.0 102.6 103.3 102.8 104.2 98.6 102.6 TIC 100.2 105.5 101.4 103.2 100.2 99.8 99.8 105.6 42.7 104.1 102.3 102.6
OTLS 137.2 -84.9 -30.6 55.5 55.5
COE 100.1 100.0 101.0 100.8 100.8
CFC 101.6 100.9 101.4 101.3 101.3
NOS 99.7 102.0 106.2 104.7 104.7
GVA 98.6 101.0 102.4 102.0 102.0
TOT 99.6 104.1 102.0 102.6 100.2 99.8 99.8 105.6 42.7 104.1 102.3


Taxes less subsidies on products Use Table for taxes less subsidies on products
AGR 111.9 AGR 92.9 -40.0 134.6 -375.0 101.4 110.5 103.3 111.9
MAN 98.7 MAN 94.3 97.2 97.6 97.5 98.2 100.8 105.1 -100.0 104.0 99.0 98.7
CON 98.2 CON 98.1 98.1 105.9 96.5 98.2 100.0 98.2 98.2
TTC 95.1 TTC 92.2 98.2 96.7 95.1
FBS 98.2 FBS 130.0 -14.3 100.4 100.7 102.9 89.0 225.0 96.3 98.2
OSE 101.9 OSE 240.0 101.0 101.1 101.1 101.9
TOT 98.6 TOT 96.4 99.7 98.3 98.4 98.7 79.8 98.2 -100.0 103.5 98.7 98.6

Trade and transport margins Use Table for trade and transport margins
AGR 103.6 AGR 101.4 104.6 95.9 102.5 101.7 82.4 -50.0 105.4 103.9 103.6
MAN 103.6 MAN 97.9 107.5 97.8 104.1 100.7 101.5 118.6 -183.3 105.2 103.4 103.6
TTC 103.6 TTC 99.2 107.3 97.7 104.0 100.8 101.5 118.5 -162.0 105.2 103.5 103.6
OSE 94.6 OSE 95.3 92.3 94.6 94.6

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

AGR 99.9 96.1 99.9 103.5 101.1 AGR 102.1 103.1 95.9 102.4 101.3 85.1 -7.1 100.9 99.9 101.1
MAN 95.4 104.4 99.4 103.8 103.3 103.6 MAN 99.8 105.5 98.7 103.7 99.0 103.7 112.3 45.7 103.9 103.5 103.6
CON 127.1 104.3 95.6 103.9 101.2 103.8 CON 100.7 110.7 100.4 106.3 103.0 96.0 102.3 91.6 101.8 103.8
TTC 92.6 98.9 103.8 103.4 101.1 102.9 TTC 99.1 104.7 101.0 102.1 100.2 101.0 109.7 -102.6 104.7 103.4 102.9
FBS 99.6 102.2 102.1 102.1 107.4 102.9 FBS 98.7 104.7 102.9 103.2 100.5 96.4 102.0 106.2 102.5 102.9
OSE 99.1 100.5 98.3 100.3 OSE 99.4 101.6 101.4 101.4 101.8 99.8 93.7 72.6 103.2 100.2 100.3
TOT 99.6 104.1 102.0 102.6 103.3 102.8 TLS 96.4 99.7 98.3 98.4 98.7 79.8 98.2 -100.0 103.5 98.7 98.6
TIC 100.2 105.5 101.4 103.2 100.2 99.8 99.8 105.6 42.7 104.1 102.3 102.6
OTLS 137.2 -84.9 -30.6 55.5 55.5
COE 100.1 100.0 101.0 100.8 100.8
CFC 101.6 100.9 101.4 101.3 101.3
NOS 99.7 102.0 106.2 104.7 104.7
GVA 98.6 101.0 102.4 102.0 102.0
TOT 99.6 104.1 102.0 102.6 100.2 99.8 99.8 105.6 42.7 104.1 102.3


Imports CIF Imports Use Table

AGR 103.5 AGR 100.9 106.3 88.2 104.2 105.0 78.8 -32.2 104.5 102.9 103.5
MAN 103.3 MAN 104.1 106.6 99.7 105.2 100.4 92.0 117.4 3.1 102.3 102.4 103.3
CON 101.2 CON 100.0 110.6 96.6 104.5 97.4 97.4 101.2
TTC 101.1 TTC 102.3 99.0 100.2 101.7 101.4 101.1
FBS 107.4 FBS 98.8 103.5 107.7 106.1 92.1 110.8 107.4
OSE 98.3 OSE 85.7 104.5 101.8 102.1 97.6 57.8 97.2 97.0 98.3
TOT 103.3 TLS
TIC 102.3 105.9 102.9 104.8 99.7 92.2 114.7 6.3 102.6 102.4 103.3

Supply Table for domestic output at basic prices Domestic Use Table at basic prices
AGR 99.9 96.1 99.9 AGR 102.3 101.0 103.0 101.5 98.0 86.7 19.8 98.9 98.1 99.9
MAN 95.4 104.4 99.4 103.8 MAN 99.1 104.3 98.0 102.3 98.0 109.4 108.6 79.6 105.5 104.6 103.8
CON 127.1 104.3 95.6 103.9 CON 100.7 110.7 100.5 106.3 103.0 96.0 102.4 91.6 101.9 103.9
TTC 92.6 98.9 103.8 103.4 TTC 99.0 105.3 101.1 102.4 100.1 101.0 114.6 -110.0 106.6 104.0 103.4
FBS 99.6 102.2 102.1 102.1 FBS 98.7 105.3 102.1 102.6 100.5 96.4 98.3 105.3 101.5 102.1
OSE 99.1 100.5 OSE 100.0 101.2 101.3 101.2 103.1 99.8 93.7 95.5 103.2 100.4 100.5
TOT 99.6 104.1 102.0 102.6 TLS 96.4 99.7 98.3 98.4 98.7 79.8 98.2 -100.0 103.5 98.7 98.6
TIC 99.9 105.3 101.1 102.6 100.2 99.8 99.8 103.6 72.5 105.3 102.3 102.4
IMP 102.3 105.9 102.9 104.8 99.7 92.2 114.7 6.3 102.6 102.4 103.3
TOT 100.2 105.5 101.4 103.2 100.2 99.8 99.8 105.6 42.7 104.1 102.3 102.6
OTLS 137.2 -84.9 -30.6 55.5 55.5
COE 100.1 100.0 101.0 100.8 100.8
CFC 101.6 100.9 101.4 101.3 101.3
NOS 99.7 102.0 106.2 104.7 104.7
GVA 98.6 101.0 102.4 102.0 102.0
TOT 99.6 104.1 102.0 102.6 100.2 99.8 99.8 105.6 42.7 104.1 102.3

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table A11.10: Supply and use tables 2010 in current prices

Supply Table at basic prices, transf. to purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
AGR 25.3 0.2 0.0 25.5 13.9 39.4 10.8 0.4 50.6 AGR 5.1 15.3 1.6 22.0 5.8 0.2 0.2 22.5 28.6 50.6
MAN 1.2 282.6 35.8 319.6 301.8 621.4 108.8 39.2 769.4 MAN 8.9 173.4 63.3 245.6 121.0 8.9 46.0 3.8 344.1 523.7 769.4
CON 0.1 84.9 4.7 89.7 1.5 91.2 8.4 99.6 CON 0.3 23.6 19.4 43.2 0.5 0.6 53.0 2.2 56.4 99.6
TTC 0.6 15.4 222.6 238.5 65.1 303.6 -119.7 3.1 187.1 TTC 0.6 10.8 64.8 76.1 21.0 0.9 0.5 6.7 0.0 81.8 110.9 187.1
FBS 0.5 7.8 275.0 283.3 50.9 334.2 9.9 344.1 FBS 2.1 41.2 156.3 199.6 76.2 0.0 3.7 17.5 47.1 144.5 344.1
OSE 0.3 2.5 219.6 222.4 16.4 238.8 0.1 2.7 241.6 OSE 0.2 3.4 20.9 24.5 52.7 4.5 153.6 1.2 0.3 4.9 217.0 241.6
TOT 28.0 393.3 757.6 1178.9 449.7 1628.6 0.0 63.8 1692.3 TIC 17.1 267.7 326.4 611.2 277.2 5.3 167.2 124.6 4.3 502.5 1081.2 1692.3
OTLS -0.5 -0.1 -0.3 -1.0 -1.0
COE 2.6 59.8 248.1 310.5 310.5
CFC 3.7 20.2 83.1 107.0 107.0
NOS 5.1 45.8 100.4 151.3 151.3
GVA 10.8 125.7 431.2 567.8 567.8
TOT 28.0 393.3 757.6 1178.9 277.2 5.3 167.2 124.6 4.3 502.5 1081.2


Taxes less subsidies on products Use Table for taxes less subsidies on products
AGR 0.4 AGR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.4
MAN 39.2 MAN 0.2 1.6 6.3 8.2 26.9 0.4 2.2 0.0 1.6 31.0 39.2
CON 8.4 CON 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 6.3 0.0 6.4 8.4
TTC 3.1 TTC 0.0 -0.1 1.1 1.1 1.7 -0.1 0.5 -0.1 2.0 3.1
FBS 9.9 FBS 0.0 0.0 4.3 4.3 1.5 0.1 4.1 0.0 5.7 9.9
OSE 2.7 OSE 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 -0.4 0.7 0.3 2.7 2.7
TOT 63.8 TOT 0.2 1.5 13.8 15.5 32.5 0.1 13.8 0.0 1.8 48.2 63.8

Trade and transport margins Use Table for trade and transport margins
AGR 10.8 AGR 0.4 1.6 0.4 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.0 5.3 8.3 10.8
MAN 108.8 MAN 0.8 18.6 9.2 28.6 39.6 3.2 4.4 0.0 32.9 80.2 108.8
TTC -119.7 TTC -1.2 -20.2 -9.7 -31.1 -42.7 -3.2 -4.4 -0.1 -38.2 -88.6 -119.7
OSE 0.1 OSE 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1
TOT 0.0 TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

AGR 25.3 0.2 0.0 25.5 13.9 39.4 AGR 4.7 13.7 1.2 19.5 2.5 0.2 0.2 17.1 19.9 39.4
MAN 1.2 282.6 35.8 319.6 301.8 621.4 MAN 7.9 153.2 47.8 208.9 54.5 5.4 39.4 3.8 309.6 412.5 621.4
CON 0.1 84.9 4.7 89.7 1.5 91.2 CON 0.3 23.6 17.4 41.2 0.4 0.5 46.8 2.2 50.0 91.2
TTC 0.6 15.4 222.6 238.5 65.1 303.6 TTC 1.8 31.1 73.3 106.2 62.1 0.9 3.7 10.7 0.1 120.1 197.5 303.6
FBS 0.5 7.8 275.0 283.3 50.9 334.2 FBS 2.1 41.2 152.1 195.4 74.8 0.0 3.5 13.4 47.1 138.8 334.2
OSE 0.3 2.5 219.6 222.4 16.4 238.8 OSE 0.2 3.4 20.9 24.5 50.5 4.5 154.0 0.5 0.3 4.6 214.3 238.8
TOT 28.0 393.3 757.6 1178.9 449.7 1628.6 TLS 0.2 1.5 13.8 15.5 32.5 0.1 13.8 0.0 1.8 48.2 63.8
TIC 17.1 267.7 326.4 611.2 277.2 5.3 167.2 124.6 4.3 502.5 1081.2 1692.3
OTLS -0.5 -0.1 -0.3 -1.0 -1.0
COE 2.6 59.8 248.1 310.5 310.5
CFC 3.7 20.2 83.1 107.0 107.0
NOS 5.1 45.8 100.4 151.3 151.3
GVA 10.8 125.7 431.2 567.8 567.8
TOT 28.0 393.3 757.6 1178.9 277.2 5.3 167.2 124.6 4.3 502.5 1081.2


Imports CIF Imports Use Table

AGR 13.9 AGR 0.7 5.3 0.6 6.5 1.2 0.0 0.1 6.1 7.4 13.9
MAN 301.8 MAN 1.1 80.4 19.5 101.0 23.9 1.8 16.4 1.7 157.1 200.9 301.8
CON 1.5 CON 0.0 0.5 0.4 0.8 0.7 0.7 1.5
TTC 65.1 TTC 0.0 2.7 13.8 16.6 0.7 2.9 0.0 45.0 48.6 65.1
FBS 50.9 FBS 0.2 13.3 22.7 36.3 0.2 1.7 12.8 14.6 50.9
OSE 16.4 OSE 0.0 0.5 3.8 4.3 11.8 0.2 0.0 12.1 16.4
TOT 449.7 TLS
TIC 2.0 102.6 60.8 165.4 37.8 1.8 21.7 1.9 221.0 284.2 449.7

Supply Table for domestic output at basic prices Domestic Use Table at basic prices
AGR 25.3 0.2 0.0 25.5 AGR 4.0 8.4 0.6 13.0 1.3 0.1 0.1 10.9 12.5 25.5
MAN 1.2 282.6 35.8 319.6 MAN 6.8 72.8 28.2 107.9 30.6 3.6 22.9 2.1 152.5 211.7 319.6
CON 0.1 84.9 4.7 89.7 CON 0.3 23.1 17.0 40.4 0.4 0.5 46.1 2.2 49.3 89.7
TTC 0.6 15.4 222.6 238.5 TTC 1.7 28.4 59.5 89.6 61.4 0.9 3.7 7.8 0.1 75.1 148.9 238.5
FBS 0.5 7.8 275.0 283.3 FBS 1.8 27.9 129.4 159.1 74.5 0.0 3.5 11.8 34.3 124.2 283.3
OSE 0.3 2.5 219.6 222.4 OSE 0.2 2.9 17.1 20.2 38.7 4.5 154.0 0.5 0.1 4.5 202.2 222.4
TOT 28.0 393.3 757.6 1178.9 TLS 0.2 1.5 13.8 15.5 32.5 0.1 13.8 0.0 1.8 48.2 63.8
TIC 15.1 165.0 265.6 445.7 239.4 5.3 165.5 102.9 2.4 281.5 796.9 1242.7
IMP 2.0 102.6 60.8 165.4 37.8 1.8 21.7 1.9 221.0 284.2 449.7
TOT 17.1 267.7 326.4 611.2 277.2 5.3 167.2 124.6 4.3 502.5 1081.2 1692.3
OTLS -0.5 -0.1 -0.3 -1.0 -1.0
COE 2.6 59.8 248.1 310.5 310.5
CFC 3.7 20.2 83.1 107.0 107.0
NOS 5.1 45.8 100.4 151.3 151.3
GVA 10.8 125.7 431.2 567.8 567.8
TOT 28.0 393.3 757.6 1178.9 277.2 5.3 167.2 124.6 4.3 502.5 1081.2


Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

3. Balancing adjustments incorporated in the Supply and Use Tables (Table A11.12 -
Table A11.15)

No change made in Table A11.11, thus no Table A11.16.

Table A11.12 Supply and use tables 2011 in current prices
Supply Table at basic prices, transf. to purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
AGR 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 AGR 0.2
MAN MAN 1.0 1.0 1.0 -1.0
CON -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 CON -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.7
TTC 0.5 0.5 0.5 TTC 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3
FBS FBS 0.3 0.3 0.3 -0.3
OSE OSE -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 0.4
TOT 0.3 -1.0 -0.8 0.5 -0.3 -0.3 TIC 0.3 0.3 -0.2 -0.3 1.0 0.5 0.8 -1.0
NOS 0.3 -1.0 -0.3 -1.1 -1.1
GVA 0.3 -1.0 -0.3 -1.1 -1.1
TOT 0.3 -1.0 -0.8 -0.2 -0.3 1.0 0.5


Taxes less subsidies on products Use Table for taxes less subsidies on products
MAN MAN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
FBS FBS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOT TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Trade and transport margins Use Table for trade and transport margins
MAN MAN 0.1 0.1 -0.8 -0.8 -0.7 0.7
TTC TTC -0.1 -0.1 0.8 0.8 0.7 -0.7
TOT TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

AGR 0.3 0.3 0.3 AGR 0.3
MAN MAN -0.1 -0.1 0.8 1.0 1.8 1.7 -1.7
CON -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 CON -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.7
TTC 0.5 0.5 TTC 0.1 0.1 -0.6 -0.6 -0.5 1.0
FBS FBS 0.3 0.3 0.3 -0.3
OSE OSE -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 0.4
TOT 0.3 -1.0 -0.8 0.5 -0.3 TLS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TIC 0.3 0.3 -0.2 -0.3 1.0 0.5 0.8 -1.1
NOS 0.3 -1.0 -0.3 -1.1 -1.1
GVA 0.3 -1.0 -0.3 -1.0 -1.0
TOT 0.3 -1.0 -0.7 -0.2 -0.3 1.0 0.5


Imports CIF Imports Use Table

MAN MAN -0.2 -50.0 -50.2 -50.2 50.2
TTC 0.5 TTC 0.5
TIC -0.2 -50.0 -50.2 -50.2 50.7

Supply Table for domestic output at basic prices Domestic Use Table at basic prices
AGR 0.3 0.3 AGR 0.2
MAN MAN -0.1 -0.1 1.0 51.0 52.0 51.9 -51.9
CON -1.0 -1.0 CON -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.7
TTC TTC 0.1 0.1 -0.6 -0.6 -0.5 0.5
FBS FBS 0.3 0.3 0.3 -0.3
OSE OSE -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 0.4
TOT 0.3 -1.0 -0.8 TLS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TIC 0.3 0.3 -0.3 51.0 50.7 51.0 -51.8
IMP -0.2 -50.0 -50.2 -50.2
TOT 0.3 0.3 -0.2 -0.3 1.0 0.5 0.8 -51.8
NOS 0.3 -1.0 -0.3 -1.1 -1.1
GVA 0.3 -1.0 -0.3 -1.0 -1.0
TOT 0.3 -1.0 -0.8 -0.2 -0.3 1.0 0.5


Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table A11.13: Price indices for supply and use tables 2011
Supply Table at basic prices, transf. to purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
AGR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AGR 0.0
MAN 0.9 1.3 0.2 MAN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2
CON 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CON 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TTC -0.1 0.0 0.8 -0.5 TTC 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.5
FBS FBS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
OSE OSE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 TIC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.3
NOS 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
GVA 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Taxes less subsidies on products Use Table for taxes less subsidies on products
MAN 1.3 MAN 1.3 0.3 0.1 1.3
FBS FBS -0.7 -0.7 -0.3 0.3
TOT 0.8 TOT 1.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.8

Trade and transport margins Use Table for trade and transport margins
MAN 0.9 MAN 0.6 0.4 -2.0 -1.0 -0.6 1.5
TTC 0.8 TTC 0.6 0.4 -1.9 -0.9 -0.5 1.4

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

AGR 0.0 0.0 0.0 104.2 AGR 0.0
MAN MAN -0.1 -0.1 1.5 0.0 0.2 0.1 -0.1
CON 0.0 0.0 0.0 102.0 CON 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TTC -0.1 0.0 102.0 TTC 0.4 0.1 -1.3 -0.4 -0.2 0.2
FBS FBS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
OSE OSE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -103.7 TLS 1.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0
TIC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1
NOS 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
GVA 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Imports CIF Imports Use Table

MAN MAN -0.8 -17.2 -13.2 -8.1 8.1
TTC -0.1 TTC -0.1
TIC -0.5 -11.4 -8.9 -5.3 5.3

Supply Table for domestic output at basic prices Domestic Use Table at basic prices
AGR 0.0 0.0 AGR 0.0
MAN MAN -0.2 -0.1 3.3 12.2 9.8 6.7 -6.7
CON 0.0 0.0 CON 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TTC TTC 0.4 0.1 -1.3 -0.5 -0.3 0.3
FBS FBS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
OSE OSE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0 TLS 1.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0
TIC 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 7.4 2.9 1.9 -6.4
IMP -0.5 -11.4 -8.9 -5.3
TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -6.4
NOS 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
GVA 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table A11.14: Supply and use tables 2011 at previous years' prices
Supply Table at basic prices, transf. to purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
AGR 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 AGR 0.2
MAN -1.0 -0.5 -1.5 MAN 1.0 1.0 1.0 -2.5
CON -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 CON -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.7
TTC 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 TTC 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.3
FBS FBS 0.3 0.3 0.3 -0.3
OSE OSE -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 0.4
TOT 0.2 -1.0 -0.7 0.5 -0.3 -0.5 -0.8 TIC 0.3 0.3 -0.2 -0.3 1.0 0.5 0.8 -1.5
NOS 0.2 -1.0 -0.3 -1.0 -1.0
GVA 0.2 -1.0 -0.3 -1.0 -1.0
TOT 0.2 -1.0 -0.7 -0.2 -0.3 1.0 0.5


Taxes less subsidies on products Use Table for taxes less subsidies on products
MAN -0.5 MAN -0.5
TOT -0.5 TOT -0.5

Trade and transport margins Use Table for trade and transport margins
MAN -1.0 MAN -1.0
TTC 1.0 TTC 1.0

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

AGR 0.2 0.2 0.2 AGR 0.2
MAN MAN 1.0 1.0 1.0 -1.0
CON -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 CON -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.7
TTC 0.5 0.5 TTC 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3
FBS FBS 0.3 0.3 0.3 -0.3
OSE OSE -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 0.4
TOT 0.2 -1.0 -0.7 0.5 -0.3 TLS
TIC 0.3 0.3 -0.2 -0.3 1.0 0.5 0.8 -1.0
NOS 0.2 -1.0 -0.3 -1.0 -1.0
GVA 0.2 -1.0 -0.3 -1.0 -1.0
TOT 0.2 -1.0 -0.7 -0.2 -0.3 1.0 0.5


Imports CIF Imports Use Table

MAN MAN -25.0 -25.0 -25.0 25.0
TTC 0.5 TTC 0.5
TIC -25.0 -25.0 -25.0 25.5

Supply Table for domestic output at basic prices Domestic Use Table at basic prices
AGR 0.2 0.2 AGR 0.2
MAN MAN 26.0 26.0 26.0 -26.0
CON -1.0 -1.0 CON -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.7
TRA TTC 0.2 0.2 0.2 -0.2
TRN FBS 0.3 0.3 0.3 -0.3
COM OSE -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 0.4
TOT 0.2 -1.0 -0.7 TLS
TIC 0.3 0.3 -0.2 -0.3 26.0 25.5 25.8 -26.5
IMP -25.0 -25.0 -25.0
TOT 0.3 0.3 -0.2 -0.3 1.0 0.5 0.8 -26.5
NOS 0.2 -1.0 -0.3 -1.0 -1.0
GVA 0.2 -1.0 -0.3 -1.0 -1.0
TOT 0.2 -1.0 -0.7 -0.2 -0.3 1.0 0.5


Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table A11.15: Volume indices for supply and use tables 2011
Supply Table at basic prices, transf. to purchasers' prices Use Table at purchasers' prices
AGR 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.5 AGR 0.5
MAN -0.9 -1.3 -0.2 MAN 0.3 0.2 0.1 -0.3
CON -1.2 -1.1 -1.1 -1.0 CON -0.6 -0.5 -0.3 -0.7
TTC 0.8 0.2 -0.8 0.8 TTC 1.0 0.2 0.1 0.7
FBS FBS 0.2 0.1 0.1 -0.1
OSE OSE -0.8 -0.2 -0.2 0.2
TOT 0.9 -0.2 -0.1 0.1 0.0 -0.8 0.0 TIC 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2
NOS 4.7 -2.1 -0.3 -0.7 -0.7
GVA 2.2 -0.8 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2
TOT 0.9 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 0.2 0.0


Taxes less subsidies on products Use Table for taxes less subsidies on products
MAN -1.3 MAN -1.3
TOT -0.8 TOT -0.8

Trade and transport margins Use Table for trade and transport margins
MAN -0.9 MAN -0.9
TTC -0.8 TTC -0.8

Supply Table at basic prices Use Table at basic prices

AGR 0.9 0.9 0.6 AGR 0.6
MAN MAN 0.3 0.2 0.2 -0.2
CON -1.2 -1.1 -1.1 CON -0.6 -0.6 -0.3 -0.7
TTC 0.8 0.2 TTC 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1
FBS FBS 0.2 0.1 0.1 -0.1
OSE OSE -0.8 -0.2 -0.2 0.2
TOT 0.9 -0.2 -0.1 0.1 0.0 TLS
TIC 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 -0.1
NOS 4.7 -2.1 -0.3 -0.7 -0.7
GVA 2.2 -0.8 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2
TOT 0.9 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 0.2 0.0


Imports CIF Imports Use Table

MAN MAN -15.9 -12.4 -8.3 8.3
TTC 0.8 TTC 0.8
TIC -11.3 -8.8 -5.6 5.7

Supply Table for domestic output at basic prices Domestic Use Table at basic prices
AGR 0.9 0.9 AGR 0.9
MAN MAN 17.1 12.3 8.1 -8.1
CON -1.2 -1.1 CON -0.7 -0.6 -0.3 -0.8
TTC TTC 0.3 0.1 0.1 -0.1
FBS FBS 0.2 0.2 0.1 -0.1
OSE OSE -1.0 -0.2 -0.2 0.2
TOT 0.9 -0.2 -0.1 TLS
TIC 0.1 0.1 -0.1 -0.3 9.2 3.2 2.1 -8.0
IMP -11.3 -8.8 -5.6
TOT 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 -8.0
NOS 4.7 -2.1 -0.3 -0.7 -0.7
GVA 2.2 -0.8 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2
TOT 0.9 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 0.2 0.0

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 12. Transforming the Supply and Use Tables into Input-Output

A. Introduction

12.1 This Chapter describes the methods for transforming SUTs into IOTs (Product by Product
and Industry by Industry). The compilation of IOTs is quite different in nature from the
compilation of the SUTs and is better described as an analytical step or transformation rather than
a compilation process.

12.2 Section B provides an overview of the IOTs and a description of the terminology used for
IOTs. Section C focuses on the transformation of SUTs into IOTs. In particular, it describes the
tables that form the starting point for the compilation of IOTs, and covers some issues related to
when it is necessary to have a square versus rectangular SUTs for the compilation of IOTs, and
how to deal with secondary production in IOTs. Section D describes the I-O framework; it
describes the theoretical models for the compilation of IOTs; and it provides numerical examples
of transformation of SUTs into IOTs based on the different theoretical models. Section E provides
an empirical application of the transformation models. It also discusses general issues on IOTs
such as the relationship between types of tables, technology and share markets, the link between
IOTs and official statistics and the requirements of IOTs. Annex A and B to this Chapter elaborate
more on the mathematical derivation of different IOTs and cover how to handle negatives in the
IOTs. Annex C to this Chapter provides a list of references for the treatment of secondary

B. Overview of the relationship between IOTs and SUTs

12.3 The SUTs form a central part of the National Accounts and they provide a framework to
bring together various data and, through balancing, ensure the coherency and consistency of
various parts of the National Accounts. The SUTs thus serve many purposes, in particular,
statistical and analytical, not just for producers but also for a range of different users, and the
analytical dimension is especially enhanced when the SUTs are transformed into IOTs. For
analytical purposes, the assumptions about the relationships between inputs and outputs are
required irrespective of whether the products have been produced by the primary industry or by
other industries as their secondary output.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

12.4 The SUTs constitute the basis for compiling IOTs and it is recommended that the SUTs
are compiled first, and then the IOTs. This approach best utilises data collected from businesses
and other sources in order to compile SUTs and then - via a range of assumptions - move to the
basis of the IOTs. The domestic output part of the Supply Table and the intermediate use part of
the Use Table are always product by industry tables and often rectangular whereby many more
products than industries are distinguished. IOTs, on the other hand, always reflect the same number
of industries (Industry by Industry IOTs) or the same number of products (Product by Product

12.5 Table 12.1 shows the general structure of a Product by Product IOT at basic prices. A
similar table can be compiled for an Industry by Industry IOT where the first quadrant contains an
Industry by Industry rather than a Product by Product matrix. In practice, the IOTs can have
different presentations such as input-output table with net exports. However, the fundamental
elements of the general structure remain the same. The different presentations of IOTs and the
components are covered later in this Chapter.

Table 12.1 Product by Product Input-Output Table at basic prices

Trade, Finance and Final consumption expenditure
Gross fixed at basic
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other Changes in Changes in
transport and business Total General capital Exports Total prices
ture turing tion services Households NPISH valuables inventories
communication services government formation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1)
Manufacturing (2)

Construction (3)
Trade, transport and Intermediate consumption of domestic Final use of domestic products
(4) products at basic prices at basic prices
Finance and business
Other services (6)
Total at basic prices (7)
Imports (8) Intermediate consumption of imported products Final use of imported products
Taxes less subsidies on
(9) Taxes less subsidies on products Taxes less subsidies on products
Total at purchasers’ prices (10)
Compensation of employees (11)
Other taxes less subsidies
on production

GVA at basic prices

Consumption of fixed capital (13)
Net operating surplus/Net
mixed income
GVA (15)

Input at basic prices (16)

= empty

12.6 In classical I-O theory, the impact analysis (for example, the effect on GVA of an increase
in household final consumption) requires that the output side and the input side are classified in
identical ways (either by products or by industries). This allows the direct and indirect effects to
be traced through the system - any output will require inputs, which in turn, require further outputs,
etc. As the basis of the Use Table is a product by industry matrix, it is not possible to directly link
the required outputs to the required inputs, and thus it is necessary to transform either the product
dimension into an industry dimension or vice versa, which is done by applying the information
available in the Supply Table. Although the impact analysis can also be undertaken by iterative
procedures based on the Supply Table and Use Table datasets directly, this approach basically also
implies relying on one of the transformation models discussed later in this Chapter. Thus compiling

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

IOTs is an analytical step and various assumptions have to be made and sometimes adjustments
are required for the transformation of SUTs into IOTs.

12.7 In the main, the construction of IOTs is a matter of how the treatment of secondary products
is undertaken. Many units may produce only one group of products, which are the primary products
of the industry to which they are classified. However, some units produce products that are not
among the primary products of the industry to which they belong. As a result, there will be many
non-diagonal entries in the Supply Table. The treatment of secondary products rest upon the
separation of outputs or inputs associated with secondary products, so that they can be added to
the outputs or inputs of the industry in which the secondary product is the characteristic or principal
output or alternatively to create industry adjusted product groups.

12.8 As an analytical tool, I-O based data are conveniently integrated into macroeconomic
models in order to analyse the links between final uses and levels of industrial output. I-O analysis
can also serve various analytical purposes such as impact analysis, productivity analysis,
employment effects, analysis of inter-dependence structures and analysis of price change.
Analytical uses of IOTs are illustrated in Chapter 19 and Chapter 20 of this Handbook.

12.9 The SUTs at basic prices with a split of the Use Table between use of domestically
produced products and use of imported products constitute the starting point for the transformation
of SUTs to IOTs. Thus in essence, this provides the starting point as shown in Figure 2.2, for the
bottom left-hand side of the “H-Approach” for IOTs in current prices and for the bottom right-
hand side of the “H-Approach” for IOTs in previous years’ prices.

12.10 Figure 12.1 provides an overview of the various tables that feed into the transformation of
SUTs into IOTs and the various types of IOTs linked to the different model assumptions.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 12.1 Transformation of SUTs to IOTs

Supply and Use Tables System

Supply and Use Tables Valuation matrices

Domestic Use Table Use Table

Output at for imports Trade Transport Taxes on Subsidies
matrix at purchasers' at basic margins margins products on products
basic prices prices prices (cif)

Supply Table at basic

prices with transforma- Use Table at
tion into purchasers' purchasers' prices

Supply Table at basic Domestic Use Table at

Use Table basic prices Imports Use Table
prices basic prices

Transformation of Supply and Use Tables to Input-Output Tables

Technology assumption Assumption of fixed sales structure

Model A Model B Model C Model D

Product technology Industry technology Fixed industry sales Fixed product sales structure
assumption assumption structure assumption assumption
Each product is produced in its Each industry has its own specific Each industry has its own specific Each product has its own specific
own specific way, irrespective of way of production, irrespective of its sales structure, irrespective of its sales structure, irrespective of the
the industry where it is produced. product mix. product mix. industry where it is produced.

Product by Product by Industry by Industry by

Product by product input Product by product input Industry by industry Industry by industry
product IOTs table of product IOTs table of industry IOTs input table of industry IOTs input table of
imports imports imports imports

Model may generate Model may generate

Model without negatives Model without negatives
negatives negatives

1. Terminology used with reference to IOTs

12.11 Over many years, the terminology and the understanding around Symmetric Input-Output
Tables and the Supply and Use Tables have evolved. In particular, the use of the term ‘symmetric’
is often misunderstood. In fact the term ‘symmetric’ is correct in the sense that the IOTs are square
tables (thus allowing, for example, for matrix inversion and the generation of multipliers) and the
way the Industry by Industry Tables or Product by Product Tables are presented. However,
conceptually, it is incorrect to use the term ‘symmetric’ in the sense that the transformations reflect

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

“Industry-adjusted products” by Industry IOTs or product by “Product-adjusted industries” IOTs,

in essence, no symmetry exists in the dimension of the matrix (see Box 12.1 for more detail).

12.12 In addition, in mathematical terms, IOTs are not symmetric matrices, that is, the table
element (i,j) is not equal to element (j,i). In other words, the use of steel by the manufacturing
industry of basic metals is not the same as the use of basic metals by the steel industry. Thus in
this Handbook, and for future guidance, it is recommended to use the term “Input-Output Tables”
(IOTs) and not “Symmetric Input-Output Tables”.

12.13 It is also worth noting, that in the transformations used in Model A and Model B as shown
in Figure 12.1 where technology assumptions are applied, there is no technology involved in the
meaning of physical production processes but merely economic transactions measured in monetary
terms. With the transformations, the institutional characteristics of the industries remain.

12.14 Box 12.1 provides further clarification on some key misunderstandings regarding I-O
related terminology.

Box 12.1 Clarification of IOTs terminology

The terminology used to this day for IOTs can be traced back to Chapter 3 of the 1968 SNA. However, as the
understanding has evolved some clarifications are important to be made in two specific areas to ensure correct
understanding and correct use of specific terminology.
The first area relates to the use of the term “technology assumptions”. This term was previously also applied to
the assumptions used for compiling Industry by Industry IOTs from SUTs. Based on the work of Konijn and
Steenge (1995), it was clarified that only the much weaker sales structure assumptions were necessary and those
actually used in this case. This aspect was further elaborated in Thage (2002) and the new terminology with a clear
distinction between technology assumptions and sales structure assumptions. These contributed to the
understanding of the real differences between Product by Product IOTs and Industry by Industry IOTs, and became
the new standard terminology with the introduction of the Eurostat Manual on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables
(2008), the 2008 SNA and the ESA 2010.
The second area relates to the use of the terms “Product by Product” IOTs and “Industry by Industry” IOTs.
The same term is used to characterize both rows and columns, although their implications are very different.
Starting with the Use Table for intermediate consumption, the products are indicated in the rows and industries
indicated in the columns.
• “Product by Product” IOTs are compiled by adjusting the columns (using technology assumptions) but in this
process the industries remain as industries with all the characteristics of the producing units, transforming
intermediate and primary inputs into output, including all the institutional characteristics. The industries are
not transformed into products.
• “Industry by Industry” IOTs are compiled by adjusting the rows (using sales structure assumptions) but in this
process the products remain as products, now just composed in a different way. The products are not
transformed into industries.
Therefore, a more precise terminology reflecting the actual procedures would require the use of different terms
representing meaning of the rows and the columns of the IOTs. This can be summarized as follows:
• References to “Product by Product” should be Product by “Product-adjusted industries”, whereby the
“industry” is retained.
• References to “Industry by Industry” should be “Industry-adjusted products” by Industry, whereby the
“product” is retained.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Even though these terms are conceptually correct, they are currently not used. In general, it is important to
remember that “Product by Product” and “Industry by Industry” references are short-hand versions of a more
descriptive terminology, and what this implies for the understanding of the contents of the tables.

C. Conversion of SUTs to IOTs

1. Starting point for the transformation

12.15 The starting point for the transformation of SUTs to IOTs consists of the set of the
following tables:

• Supply Table at basic prices;

• Use Table at basic prices;
• Domestic Use Table (DUT) at basic prices; and
• Imports Use Table (IUT) at basic prices.
12.16 Although the Use Table is initially compiled at purchasers’ prices, the transformation of
the Use Table to basic prices is viewed as a step towards the compilation of IOTs, which are usually
compiled at basic prices and not purchasers’ prices. Intermediate uses and final uses calculated at
basic prices are one step further removed from basic statistics collected and actual observations in
the economy thus needing the compilation of valuation matrices as described in Chapter 7 of this

12.17 The structure and data contents of producing unbalanced SUTs in current prices, including
the DUT and IUT, are covered in detail in Chapters 3 to 8. These chapters cover all the building
blocks required in producing the set of tables necessary to compile IOTs. Various issues of
particular relevance when compiling IOTs from SUTs, such as statistical units, redefinitions and
the relationship between products and industries are further elaborated in this Chapter.

12.18 The recommended approach to the compilation of IOTs is thus to prepare separate IOTs
for domestic output and imported products which are derived from the Domestic Use Table and
the Imports Use Table of the SUTs system. The statistical requirements for such a separation are
considerable but the results allow considerable flexibility in the treatment of imports and allow a
clear analysis of the changes in the impact of the use of supplies from resident producers and from
non-resident suppliers.

12.19 A simple numerical example of IOTs obtained using different models is presented in this
Chapter. The starting point for the various IOTs is the SUTs in Table 12.2 which include a Supply
Table at basic prices, a Domestic Use Table at basic prices and an Imports Use Table. Note that in
the Domestic Use Table, the imports are still included in the table but shown in a single row so
that the resulting table still adds up to the Supply Table.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 12.2 Numerical example of rectangular SUTs for the transformation

Supply Table at basic prices Dom estic Use Table at basic prices

Industries Industries Final use

Total Total
Manufacturing Output Imports Manufacturing Final Gross
Agricul- supply Agricul- use
and Services and Services consumption capital Exports
ture ture
construction construction expenditure formation
Agriculture 25.77 5.15 7.04 37.96 15.38 53.35 Agriculture 4.35 9.28 0.61 13.18 0.08 10.47 37.96
Manufacturing 1.26 313.51 35.72 350.50 399.47 749.97 Manufacturing 7.78 82.09 28.90 31.15 26.74 173.83 350.50
Construction 0.09 89.00 4.49 93.58 1.56 95.15 Construction 0.30 25.71 17.39 0.89 47.20 2.10 93.58

Trade, transport and Trade, transport and
0.53 15.08 231.60 247.21 72.93 320.13 1.80 30.22 60.71 68.96 8.57 76.95 247.21
communication communication
Finance and business Finance and business
12.49 8.05 262.96 283.49 55.24 338.74 1.82 29.48 132.56 73.04 11.63 34.97 283.49
services services
Other services 0.30 2.51 222.86 225.67 16.64 242.31 Other services 0.17 3.03 18.14 202.77 0.55 1.02 225.67
Total 40.45 433.31 764.66 1 238.41 561.23 1 799.64 Imports 2.54 123.74 78.29 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23

GVA 21.70 129.78 428.07 579.54

Total 40.45 433.31 764.66 465.33 131.27 544.17

Im ports Use Table at basic prices

Industries Final use
Manufacturing Final Gross
Agricul- use
and Services consumption capital Exports
construction expenditure formation
Agriculture 0.77 6.40 0.48 1.25 0.03 6.45 15.38
Manufacturing 1.49 99.62 34.95 61.07 30.80 171.55 399.47
Construction 0.00 0.52 0.35 0.69 1.56

Trade, transport and
0.04 2.69 14.05 0.73 2.72 52.70 72.93
Finance and business
0.23 13.99 24.54 0.22 2.16 14.10 55.24
Other services 0.01 0.52 3.93 12.06 0.10 0.02 16.64
Total 2.54 123.74 78.29 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23

2. Square vs rectangular SUTs

12.20 A square Supply Table is required when the assumptions for the transformation into IOTs
are based on product technology assumption (Model A) and fixed industry sales structure model
(Model C) which require the calculation of an inverse matrix based on the Supply Table. In most
countries, the SUTs are rectangular, where there are many more products than industries, and this
requires an aggregation of the product dimension so the number of industries will determine the
dimension of the resulting square SUTs.

12.21 In the case of the industry technology assumption (Model B), square matrices are not
required but applying the formula directly to the existing dimensions of the SUTs will result in
square IOTs with as many rows and columns as the number of products which will usually not
make much sense, and the aggregation loss of information will not depend on whether the
aggregation is made before or after application of the formula.

12.22 Only in the case of the fixed product sales structure assumption (Model D), there is a clear
gain relative to minimising the aggregation loss of information by using the formula directly on
the SUTs rectangular matrices, resulting in Industry by Industry IOTs with as many rows and
columns as the number of industries.

12.23 In the cases where aggregation by product is necessary to obtain a square SUTs system,
each product has to be assigned to a primary producer. The existing link between CPC and ISIC
provides a guide for the assignment of products to industries. In general, several products will have
to be assigned to the same industry. This implies that, in the product technology assumption
(Model A), these products are assumed to share the same input structure. The assignment of

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

products to industries can then be used to aggregate the Supply Table to obtain a square table. For
the product technology assumption (Model A), it is not strictly required to aggregate the Use Table
at this stage. However, to ultimately obtain square IOTs, an aggregation of the Use Table will be
necessary at some point. It may therefore also be done before the calculation of the IOTs.

12.24 Table 12.3 shows a numerical example of a square SUTs constructed from the rectangular
SUTs shown in Table 12.2.

Table 12.3 Numerical example of square SUTs for the transformation

Supply Table at basic prices Dom estic Use Table at basic prices

Industries Industries Final use

Manufacturing Total Manufacturing Final Gross Total
Agricul- Output Imports Agricul-
and Services supply and Services consumption capital Exports use
ture ture
construction construction expenditure formation
Agriculture 25.77 5.15 7.04 37.96 15.38 53.35 Agriculture 4.35 9.28 0.61 13.18 0.08 10.47 37.96

Manufacturing Manufacturing
1.35 402.51 40.21 444.08 401.04 845.12 8.08 107.80 46.29 32.04 73.94 175.94 444.08
and construction and construction
Services 13.32 25.64 717.41 756.37 144.81 901.18 Services 3.78 62.72 211.40 344.77 20.75 112.95 756.37
Total 40.45 433.31 764.66 1 238.41 561.23 1 799.64 Imports 2.54 123.74 78.29 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23
GVA 21.70 129.78 428.07 579.54
Total 40.45 433.31 764.66 465.33 131.27 544.17

Im ports Use Table

Industries Final use
Manufacturing Final Gross Total
Agricul- use
and Services consumption capital Exports
construction expenditure formation
Agriculture 0.77 6.40 0.48 1.25 0.03 6.45 15.38

1.49 100.14 35.30 61.07 31.49 171.55 401.04
and construction
Services 0.28 17.20 42.52 13.02 4.98 66.81 144.81
Total 2.54 123.74 78.29 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23

3. Secondary production

12.25 The existence of cell entries reflecting secondary production in the square based Supply
Table is the only reason for the difference between Product by Product and Industry by Industry
IOTs. The secondary production thereby creates the need to choose between the alternative product
technology assumptions and market share assumptions. In the case of no secondary production,
the Domestic Use Table would represent an IOT.

12.26 The 2008 SNA (paragraph 28.46) distinguishes between three types of secondary products:

• subsidiary products are those products that are technologically unrelated to the primary
• by-products are those products that are produced simultaneously with another product but
which can be regarded as secondary to that product, for example, gas produced by blast
• joint products are those products that are produced simultaneously with another product but
which cannot be said to be secondary, for example, beef and hide produced by slaughtering

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

12.27 The importance of secondary production is closely connected to the type of economic unit
(for example, establishments versus enterprises) used when collecting data from businesses and
compiling the SUTs. Most often the compiler may not be in a position to distinguish between the
three types of secondary products. Therefore the four standard models for compiling IOTs from
SUTs do not make such a distinction, whereas it may play a role when compiling Product by
Product IOTs based on the assumption of hybrid technology.

12.28 In most economies, there are probably limited cases of pure subsidiary, by-products or joint
production. In most cases, there are some joint costs and some costs that can be attributed to the
distinctive outputs.

12.29 In practice, where certain kinds of secondary production would potentially create problems
in the resulting IOTs no matter which transformation formula is used, then a priori redefinitions
(for example, breakdowns of vertically integrated economic units) may be possible solutions. Such
very special features of production structure will usually be well known by the compilers and could
be taken into account on an ad hoc basis. The handling of secondary production in SUTs is covered
in more detail in Chapter 5.

4. Main theoretical models used for the derivation of IOTs

12.30 There are four main transformation methods to derive IOTs from SUTs. As shown in
Figure 12.1, and summarized in Figure 12.2, the four basic transformation models are based on
the following assumptions:

• Product technology assumption (Model A)

Each product is produced in its own specific way, irrespective of the industry where it is
• Industry technology assumption (Model B)
Each industry has its own specific way of production, irrespective of its product mix.
• Fixed industry sales structure assumption (Model C)
Each industry has its own specific sales structure, irrespective of its product mix.
• Fixed product sales structure assumption (Model D)
Each product has its own specific sales structure, irrespective of the industry where it is
12.31 The main distinction concerning assumptions is between “technology assumptions” and
“sales structure assumptions”. Product by Product IOTs are based on technology assumptions
while the Industry by Industry IOTs are derived from sales structure assumptions.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

12.32 A “technology” assumption is a strong assumption in the sense that it is based on

production theory that cannot be underpinned by observed statistical data. The “sales structure”
assumptions are weaker assumptions as, in general, they only utilise observed sales structures for
the actual year. Thus, from a statistical perspective, the two types of IOTs thus reflect quite
different approaches.

12.33 A further distinction relates to the fact that Model B and Model D represent relatively
simple breakdowns and subsequent aggregations that in practice can be implemented without any
reference to mathematical models. Whereas Model A and Model C can only be implemented by a
mathematical transformation that makes each resulting element in the IOTs in principle depend on
all elements of the SUTs.

12.34 In general, Model A (using the product technology assumption) and Model D (using the
fixed product sales structure assumption) are widely used by NSOs, whereas Model B and Model
C are considered less realistic but for formal reasons presented as they can be derived as
mathematically analogously to the two other models.

Figure 12.2 Basic transformation models

Product by Product Industry by Industry
Input-Output Table Input-Output Table

Model A

Product technology Each product is produced in its own

specific way, irrespective of the

industry where it is produced.

Negative elements may occur

Model B
Each industry has its own specific
Industry technology
way of production, irrespective of its
product mix.
No negative elements

Model C
Fixed industry sales Each industry has its own specific
structure sales structure, irrespective of its
Sales structure

product mix.
Negative elements may occur

Model D
Fixed product sales Each product has its own specific
structure sales structure, irrespective of the
industry where it is produced.
No negative elements

12.35 It is important to note that the assumptions made for the IOTs (whether technology
assumptions or sale structure assumptions) relate to the situation in the particular year for which
the IOTs are compiled. They do not imply any assumptions about constant input proportions or
market shares over time. In fact, when IOTs are compiled on an annual basis (or every five years),

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

the time series of these tables can be used to examine the dynamic changes of the input structures
in models dealing with the structural development of the economy.

12.36 The task confronting compilers of the rectangular SUTs is to reorganise already highly
aggregated data and, when compiling the IOTs, compilers have to first deal with a disaggregation
of the SUTs data under certain assumptions and subsequently with an aggregation to derive an
IOT. When compared to the real world and the magnitude of products and production processes,
even the detailed basic statistics already represent a major aggregation.

12.37 In the various transformation models, each of the “products” and “industries” includes
many different underlying products and production processes. If, for example, the product
technology is assumed, this also implies the assumption that the underlying product composition
of the output from any secondary producer is identical to the underlying product composition of
the primary producer. Looking below the applied level of aggregation, it is thus implicitly assumed
that an industry technology will apply for the underlying products in order to implement the
product technology. This illustrates the inter-connections between the various types of
assumptions when the real world complexities are taken into account.

D. The I-O framework

12.38 The I-O framework is presented in Box 12.2 with a definition of variables and a summary
of the main transformation models is given in Box 12.3. The information contained in SUTs can
be rearranged in the I-O framework as shown in Box 12.2. In Box 12.2 and Box 12.3, the capital
letters denote matrices and the small letters vectors. Transpose matrices are written as matrices
with the attachment of a superscript (T). Vectors are written as column vectors and row vectors
are written as transposed column vectors by the attachment of a superscript (T). In addition, the
superscript ^ is used to denote the diagonalisation of a vector.

12.39 The benefit of the I-O framework is that all information of the SUTs and IOTs can be
integrated into one matrix. The first two rows of the “Integrated I-O framework” in Box 12.2 refer

by industries (the matrix () ) and final uses (the matrix Yd). The matrix Ud has products in the
to products. In particular, the first row shows the use of domestic products as intermediate output

rows and industries in the columns. Similarly, the second row of the “Integrated I-O framework”
shows the use of imported products as intermediate output by industries (Um) and final uses (Ym).
The matrix Um has products in the rows and industries in the columns.

12.40 The typical element of the matrix Ud, say, in rows i and column j, represents the amount of
product i used up in the production of industry j. The row sums of this matrix represent the total
intermediate use of the various products in production. The column sums represent the
intermediate use of all products by the various industries. The matrix Yd has again products in the
rows and final uses categories in the columns. Each element of the corresponding summation
vector represents the net final use of a particular domestic product for consumption, capital
formation and net exports.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

12.41 The third row (and column) of the “Integrated I-O framework” in Box 12.2 relates to
industries. Whereas the column sums of V give the domestic output of the various products, the
row sums of V give the domestic output of the various industries. These row totals are the elements
of the vector of industry outputs (g). The column totals are the elements of the transposed vector
of industry output (gT). The third column of the “Integrated I-O framework shows the total costs
to produce the industry outputs. The column sums of Ud and Um, which represent the cost of
intermediate inputs, and the elements of the row vector W, which represent the cost of primary
input (value added) determine the value of industry output.

12.42 The fifth row and column of the “Integrated I-O framework” relate to total input and total
output of products and industries, but also to total value added and net final expenditures. The
system is balanced if total input of products (xT and mT) equals total output of products (x and m)
and total input of industries (gT) equals total output of industries (g). If this is the case, total value
added (w) equals total net final expenditure (y).

12.43 In the following, each of the mathematical models defined in Box 12.3, will be
implemented by numerical examples starting from the same SUTs, either rectangular as given by
Table 12.2 or aggregated to a square version as shown in Table 12.3.

1. Treatment of imports of goods and services in IOTs

12.44 It should be noted that the DUT at basic prices of these SUTs also include the uses of
imports which, however, in these tables are separated from the domestic output, and grouped
together in a single row and classified as a primary input, indicating that the supply and use of
imported products does not affect the domestic production circuit.

12.45 In the IUT included in Table 12.2 and Table 12.3, the import row is broken down by
products. In practice, the procedure will usually be to derive the IUT by sub-dividing each element
in the total Use Table into a domestic and an imported share, and subsequently derive the single
import row in the DUT as the column sums of the IUT. The choice to display uses of imports in
a single row is therefore not usually an alternative to estimating the full IUT. More details covering
the estimation of the IUT is covered in Chapter 8. Numerical examples are presented in the next
Sections based on the mathematical models in Box 12.3. All these examples start from the same
SUTs given in Table 12.2 and Table 12.3.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 12.2 Input-Output framework for domestic output and imports

Supply Table
Industries Output Imports Supply
Products V x m q
Output g

Domestic Use Table

Industries Final use Use
Domestic products Ud Yd x
Imported products Um Ym m
Gross value added W w = empty
Output g y

Integrated input-output framework

Domestic products Imported products Industries Final use Total
Domestic products Ud Yd x
Imported products Um Ym m
Industries V g
Gross value added W w
Total x m g y

Input-Output Table of domestic output - product by product

Products Final use Use
Domestic products Sd Yd x
Imported products Sm Ym m
Gross value added E w
Output x y

Input-Output Table of domestic output - industry by industry

Industries Final use Output
Domestic industries Bd Fd g
Imports from industries Bm Fm m
Gross value added W w
Output g y

V = Make matrix (industry by product)
VT = Supply matrix (product by industry) y = Row vector of final use
U = Use matrix for intermediates (product by industry) w = Column vector of gross value added
Y = Final use matrix (product by category) I = Unit matrix
F = Final use matrix (industry by category) x = Column vector of product output
S = Matrix for intermediates (Product by Product) xT = Row vector of product output
B = Matrix for intermediates (Industry by Industry) g = Column vector of industry output
E = Gross value added matrix (components by homogenous gT = Row vector of industry output
branches) m = Column vector of total imports

*+ = Diagonal matrix of industry output , = Index for domestic origin

W = Gross value added matrix (components by industry) mT = Row vector of imports

#+ = Diagonal matrix of product output - = Index for imported origin


. = ("*+% Input requirements for products per unit of output of an industry (intermediates)
= /"*+% Input requirements for value added per unit of output of an industry (primary input)

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1 "*
0= +% Product-mix matrix (share of each product in output of an industry)
2 = "#+% Market shares matrix (contribution of each industry to the output of a product)
Capital letters denote matrices and the small letters vectors.
Transpose matrices are written as matrices with the attachment of a superscript (T).
Vectors are written as column vectors and row vectors are written as transposed column vectors by the attachment of
a superscript (T).
Use of superscript ^ as diagonalisation of a vector.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 12.3 Basic transformations of SUTs to IOTs

Model A: Product by Product IOTs based on product technology assumption Negatives possible
Each product is produced in its own specific way, irrespective of the industry where it is produced.

T -1
T = (D ) Transformation matrix
Sd = Ud T Domestic intermediates
Sm = Um T Imported intermediates
E=WT Gross value added
Yd = Yd Final use of domestic products
Ym = Ym Final use of imported products

Model B: Product by Product IOTs based on industry technology assumption No negatives

Each industry has its own specific way of production, irrespective of its product mix.

T= C Transformation matrix
Sd = Ud T Domestic intermediates
Sm = Um T Imported intermediates
E=WT Gross value added
Yd = Yd Final use of domestic products
Ym = Ym Final use of imported products

Model C: Industry by Industry IOTs based on fixed industry sales structure assumption Negatives possible
Each industry has its own specific sales structure, irrespective of its product mix.

T= C Transformation matrix
Bd = T Ud Domestic intermediates
Bm = T Um Imported intermediates
W=W Gross value added
Fd = TYd Final use of domestic products
Fm = TYm Final use of imported products

Model D: Industry by Industry IOTs based on fixed product sales structure assumption No negatives
Each product has its own specific sales structure, irrespective of the industry where it is produced.

T= D Transformation matrix
Bd = T Ud Domestic intermediates
Bm = T Um Imported intermediates
W=W Gross value added
Fd = T Yd Final use of domestic products
Fm = T Ym Final use of imported products

Model E: Product by Product IOTs based on a hybrid of technologies chosen to avoid negatives Negatives possible
Products are produced with product technology assumption or industry technology assumption.

V1 = V # H Matrix for product technology

V2 = V - V1 Matrix for industry technology
T -1
C1 = V1 ( ĝ ) Product mix matrix for product technology
D2 = V2 ( x̂ ) Market share matrix for industry technology
-1 T
R =C1 * (I-diag(D2 * i)) + D2 Hybrid technology transformation matrix
A = ZR Input coefficients intermediates
R=LR Input coefficients value added
x = (I - Z R) y Output
S = Z R x̂ Intermediates
Y=Y Final use
E=LR x̂ Gross value added

V1 = Matrix for product technology

V2 = Matrix for industry technology (V - V1)
g1 = Vector of industry output with product technology
i = Unit vector
H = Matrix for hybrid technology

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

12.46 In the numerical examples presented in the next Sections, the transformation of the SUTs
into the IOTs takes place separately for the DUT (not including imports) and the IUT, following
the sequence of the formulas in Box 12.3. When the Input Table of Imports (ITI) has been
derived, it can be presented in two different ways:

• The vector of column sums of the ITI is inserted as a single row into the primary input part
of the first sub-table. It would also be possible to insert the full ITI into the primary input
section of this IOT. Sometimes this type of IOT is also called the national or domestic
version, or described as an IOT with endogenous imports because the imports required to
produce a certain final use can be calculated using an I-O model based on this type of IOT.
• The full ITI is added element by element to the domestic output part of the IOT (the first
sub-table) to obtain an IOT where no distinction is made between domestically produced
products and imported products. This type of IOT can also be obtained directly from the
SUTs with no distinction made between domestic output and imports. This distinction is
therefore not a precondition for compiling an IOT. This version of the IOT is described as
an IOT with net exports, as imports are treated as a negative final use. Sometimes this type
of IOT is also called the global or total version, indicating model assumptions that outputs
worldwide are being produced by input structures observed for the domestic producers, or
alternatively, that the domestic producers can produce import substitutes without changing
their observed input structure. It may also be described as an IOT with exogenous imports
as it is necessary to make independent estimates of the imports in analytical uses of an input-
output model based on this type of IOT.
12.47 The results of the numerical examples for each Model (A, B, C or D) are therefore
represented by two different versions of an IOT where:

• imports of goods and services are treated as a primary input (referred as “Input-Output
Table”) and
• imports of goods and services are treated as a negative final use (referred as “Input-Output
Table with net exports”).
Both versions of these IOTs are completely self-contained and can be used for analytical

12.48 For illustrative purposes, the following three tables are presented in the numerical examples
of IOTs under the different models:

• the Input-Output Table (containing the imports of goods and services as primary inputs);
• the Input Table of Imports;
• the Input-Output Table with net exports.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

12.49 The sequence of three tables showing the results of the numerical examples in the next
Sections should not be mistaken to imply that the first two sub-tables (Input-Output Table and
Input Table for Imports) are just stepping stones to obtain the last sub-table, the Input-Output Table
with net exports. In fact, the whole sequence of calculations could be reversed as the Input-Output
Table with net exports can be derived directly from the SUTs without applying an Input Table for
Imports and it is possible to move from the Input-Output Table with net exports to the Input-Output
Table by applying the Input Table of Imports. Starting from the SUTs, the Input-Output Table with
imports as primary input is seen to be more data demanding than the Input-Output Table with net

12.50 An IOT is characterised by row sums being equal to column sums. This property follows
directly from the mathematical formulas applied for the compilation. Furthermore, the row and
column sums for the production part of an IOT must be equal to the domestic output by products
for Product by Product IOTs and equal to the output by industry for Industry by Industry IOTs.
The totals for output either by product or by industry in the SUTs will therefore also appear in the
IOTs as is clearly demonstrated by the results of the numerical examples in the following sections.

2. Product by Product IOTs

(a) Product technology assumption (Model A)

12.51 The most frequently used method for deriving Product by Product IOTs is the method
based on the product technology assumption (Model A). It is assumed that:

Each product is produced in its own specific way, irrespective of the industry where it is

“Product” is here to be understood as referring to the level of aggregation of products in the SUTs
that will make the number of product groups equal to the number of industries. For each of these
products, the same proportions of products and factor inputs are assumed to be used to produce
one unit of the product disregarding in which industry the product is actually produced.

12.52 Formally, the product technology assumption seems to be the most applicable in cases of
subsidiary production, since in those cases the technologies of primary and secondary products are
independent. However, the product technology assumption does not exclude cases where two or
more products are produced in the same process, for example, joint production. When one of the
products is also produced elsewhere, and in a different way, then the product technology
assumption is not valid.

12.53 The product technology assumption requires the use of square SUTs. The aggregation of
products to arrive to a square SUTs leads to some information loss. When such aggregation has
been made it also implies that each industry will usually produce several primary products, thus

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

underlining the theoretical nature of the assumption that each aggregated product is being produced
in only one way.

12.54 Mathematically, Model A can be expressed as the post-multiplication of the Use matrix
with a transformation matrix. The transformation matrix in Model A is equal to:

T = (DT)-1

where 2 represent the market share matrix and, together with the intermediate uses, GVA and final
uses of the Product by Product IOTs, can be calculated as illustrated in Box 12.3. Table 12.4
provides a numerical example of the transformation matrix for the product technology assumption
applied to SUTs given in Table 12.3.

Table 12.4 Transformation matrix for the product technology assumption

Agriculture Services
and construction
Agriculture 1.4809 -0.2117 -0.2692

Manufacturing and
-0.0022 1.1075 -0.1053
Services -0.0274 -0.0357 1.0631

12.55 After the transformation matrix is applied to the original SUTs as illustrated in Box 12.3,
the resulting Product by Product IOTs based on product technology (Model A) is obtained as
shown in Table 12.5.

12.56 Note that, as the final uses are already defined in terms of products in the Use Table, the
final use of domestic products and the final use of imported products remain the same in the Input-
Output Table. Also, the total inputs by column in the IOTs are equal to total outputs by row in the
IOTs with exports and with net exports (even though the totals are not the same in the two tables
due to the different treatment of imports). The columns of IOTs now describe input structures of
products. The final uses are not affected since they are already formulated in terms of products.

12.57 In Table 12.5, there are a few cell entries with negative values. Before finalizing these
tables, the negative values should be address and removed. Annex B to Chapter 12 describes
potential causes and possible treatments of negative cell entries in the product technology.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 12.5 Product by Product IOTs based on product technology

Input-Output Table
Products Final use
Final Gross Output
Agriculture Services consumption capital Exports
and construction
expenditure formation
Agriculture 6.40 9.33 -1.50 13.18 0.08 10.47 37.96

Manufacturing and
10.45 116.03 35.68 32.04 73.94 175.94 444.08
Services -0.33 61.13 217.11 344.77 20.75 112.95 756.37
Imports 1.34 133.72 69.52 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23

GVA 20.10 123.88 435.56 579.54

Input 37.96 444.08 756.37 465.33 131.27 544.17 2,379.18

Input Table of Imports

Products Final use
Final Gross Total
Agriculture Services consumption capital Exports
and construction
expenditure formation
Agriculture 1.11 6.91 -0.37 1.25 0.03 6.45 15.38

Manufacturing and
1.01 109.33 26.58 61.07 31.49 171.55 401.04
Services -0.79 17.48 43.31 13.02 4.98 66.81 144.81
Total 1.34 133.72 69.52 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23

Input-Output Table with net exports

Products Final use
Final Gross Output
Manufacturing Net
Agriculture Services consumption capital
and construction exports
expenditure formation
Agriculture 7.52 16.24 -1.88 14.43 0.10 1.54 37.96

Manufacturing and
11.47 225.36 62.26 93.11 105.44 -53.55 444.08
Services -1.12 78.60 260.43 357.79 25.73 34.95 756.37
GVA 20.10 123.88 435.56 579.54
Input 37.96 444.08 756.37 465.33 131.27 -17.05 1,817.96

(b) Industry technology assumption (Model B)

12.58 The industry technology assumption is based on the assumption that:

Each industry has its own specific way of production, irrespective of its product mix.

This assumption applies best to cases of by-products or joint products, since in these cases several
products are produced in a single production process.

12.59 The formula for Model B can be derived through the following transformation matrix:

= 0 1

where 0 is the product-mix matrix and, together with the intermediate uses and GVA of the Product
by Product IOTs, is calculated as illustrated in Box 12.3. The numerical example of the
transformation matrix for the industry technology assumption is shown in Table 12.6 and applied
to the original matrices in the Use Table.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 12.6 Transformation matrix for industry technology assumption

Agriculture Services
and construction
Agriculture 0.6372 0.0335 0.3294

Manufacturing and
0.0119 0.9289 0.0592
Services 0.0092 0.0526 0.9382

12.60 The resulting IOTs based on the industry technology assumption are presented in Table
12.7. In this case, negative cell entries cannot arise since the amounts transferred can never be
larger than the amounts available in the columns of the industries. However, the lack of negatives
does not imply that the results are more plausible.

Table 12.7 Product by Product IOTs based on industry technology

Input-Output Table
Products Final use
Manufacturing Final Gross Output
Agriculture and Services consumption capital Exports
construction expenditure formation
Agriculture 2.89 8.80 2.55 13.18 0.08 10.47 37.96

Manufacturing and
6.85 102.84 52.47 32.04 73.94 175.94 444.08
Services 5.10 69.51 203.30 344.77 20.75 112.95 756.37
Imports 3.81 119.15 81.61 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23

GVA 19.31 143.79 416.45 579.54

Input 37.96 444.08 756.37 465.33 131.27 544.17 2,379.18

Input Table of Imports

Products Final use
Manufacturing Final Gross Total
Agriculture and Services consumption capital Exports
construction expenditure formation
Agriculture 0.57 6.00 1.08 1.25 0.03 6.45 15.38

Manufacturing and
2.47 94.92 39.53 61.07 31.49 171.55 401.04
Services 0.77 18.22 41.00 13.02 4.98 66.81 144.81

Total 3.81 119.15 81.61 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23

Input-Output Table with net exports

Products Final use
Manufacturing Final Gross Output
Agriculture and Services consumption capital
construction expenditure formation
Agriculture 3.46 14.79 3.63 14.43 0.10 1.54 37.96

Manufacturing and
9.32 197.76 92.00 93.11 105.44 -53.55 444.08
Services 5.88 87.73 244.30 357.79 25.73 34.95 756.37
GVA 19.31 143.79 416.45 579.54
Input 37.96 444.08 756.37 465.33 131.27 -17.05 1,817.96

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(c) Hybrid technology assumptions

12.61 In general, the product technology assumption is most suitable in cases of subsidiary
products while the industry technology assumption applies best to cases of by-products or joint
products. However, in practice secondary production can occur in different forms in a country.
Thus it is possible to use hybrid assumptions of product and industry technology. The classical
way is to divide the Supply Table into two parts: one which contains the primary and subsidiary
products and the other which contains the by-products or joint products. The product technology
is applied to the first part, and the industry technology to the second. This approach is used by
countries like the United Kingdom.

12.62 The mathematical formulation under the hybrid technology assumption (Model E) is shown
in Box 12.3. This formulation is based on a matrix for hybrid technology, H, which is a product-
by-industry matrix of ‘ones’ for products that should use the product technology assumption and
‘zeros’ for products that should use the industry technology assumption.

12.63 Table 12.8 provides an example of this "hybrid" (or "mixed") technology model. The
model gives no new theoretical viewpoint but is merely a combination of the two techniques
presented above. If the matrix for hybrid technology is filled in each cell with 1s, this method
coincides with the model based on product technology assumption. If negative cell entries are
observed, then the challenge is to fill in as few zeros as possible until all negative values have
disappeared. In a further step, there are procedures that can be used to remove negative values (see
Annex B).

Table 12.8 Matrix for hybrid technology

Agriculture and Services
Agriculture 1 1 1 1 = Product technology assumption

1 1 1
and construction 0 = Industry technology assumption
Services 1 0 0

12.64 If for example, the secondary outputs of the agriculture industry and the secondary output
of services by manufacturing utilised different production processes than the primary producers of
these products, a possible method for resolving the problem would be to selectively apply the
industry technology assumptions to these products. In Table 12.8, it is assumed that all outputs
flagged with ‘ones’ are produced according to the product technology assumption. While the
remaining outputs flagged with ‘zeros’ in Table 12.8 were produced according to the industry
technology assumption. The numerical example of the hybrid technology transformation matrix R
is shown in Table 12.9.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 12.9 Transformation matrix for hybrid technology assumption


Agriculture Services
and construction

Agriculture 0.0000 -0.1770 0.1574

0.0000 0.9854 -0.0057
and construction
Services 1.0000 0.1916 0.8483

12.65 The result of the hybrid technology assumption is presented in Table 12.10.

Table 12.10 IOTs based on the hybrid technology assumption

Input-Output Table
Products Final use
Final Output
Manufacturing Gross capital
Agriculture Services consumption Exports
and construction formation
Agriculture 0.03 0.98 13.22 13.18 0.08 10.47 37.96

2.30 98.31 61.55 32.04 73.94 175.94 444.08
and construction
Services 10.50 79.51 187.90 344.77 20.75 112.95 756.37
Imports 3.89 128.74 71.95 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23

GVA 21.25 136.53 421.76 579.54

Input 37.96 444.08 756.37 465.33 131.27 544.17 2,379.18

Input Table of Imports

Products Final use
Final Total
Manufacturing Gross capital
Agriculture Services consumption Exports
and construction formation
Agriculture 0.02 5.02 2.61 1.25 0.03 6.45 15.38

1.75 102.16 33.01 61.07 31.49 171.55 401.04
and construction
Services 2.11 21.56 36.33 13.02 4.98 66.81 144.81

Total 3.89 128.74 71.95 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23

Input-Output Table with net exports

Products Final use
Final Output
Manufacturing Gross capital Net
Agriculture Services consumption
and construction formation exports
Agriculture 0.05 6.00 15.83 14.43 0.10 1.54 37.96

4.05 200.47 94.56 93.11 105.44 -53.55 444.08
and construction
Services 12.61 101.07 224.23 357.79 25.73 34.95 756.37
GVA 21.25 136.53 421.76 579.54
Input 37.96 444.08 756.37 465.33 131.27 -17.05 1,817.96

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

3. Industry by Industry IOTs

12.66 Industry by Industry IOTs can be derived by transferring inputs within the industry
columns. The product classification of the rows is transformed into the industry classification
(industry-adjusted products) of the columns.

(a) Assumption of fixed industry sales structures (Model C)

12.67 The fixed industry sales structure is based on the assumption that:

Each industry has its own specific sales structure, irrespective of its product mix

12.68 The mathematical formulation of the transformation matrix in the case of the fixed industry
sales structures model is as follows:

T = C-1

Where C is the product-mix matrix and together with the intermediate uses and final uses of the
resulting Industry by Industry IOTs is calculated as illustrated in Box 12.3.

12.69 The numerical example of the transformation matrix for the industry sales structure
assumption is shown in Table 12.11 and the resulting IOTs are presented in Table 12.12.

Table 12.11 Transformation matrix for the fixed industry sales

structure assumption
Agriculture Services
and construction
Agriculture 1.5779 -0.0193 -0.0144

Manufacturing and
-0.0256 1.0807 -0.0603
Services -0.5523 -0.0614 1.0747

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 12.12 IOTs based on the fixed industry sales structure assumption

Input-Output Table
Industries Final use
Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital
Agriculture Services Exports
construction expenditure f ormation
Agriculture 6.65 11.66 -2.98 15.22 -1.60 11.51 40.45

Manufacturing and
8.39 112.47 37.25 13.49 78.65 183.05 433.31
Services 1.17 55.66 224.02 361.28 17.72 104.80 764.66

Imports 2.54 123.74 78.29 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23


GVA 21.70 129.78 428.07 579.54

Input 40.45 433.31 764.66 465.33 131.27 544.17 2,379.18

Input Table of imports

Industries Final use
Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital
Agriculture Services Exports
construction expenditure f ormation
Agriculture 1.18 7.92 -0.54 0.61 -0.63 5.91 14.46

Manufacturing and
1.57 107.01 35.57 65.18 33.73 181.20 424.26
Services -0.22 8.80 43.26 9.55 3.40 57.71 122.51

Total 2.54 123.74 78.29 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23

Input-Output Table with net exports

Industries Final use
Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital Net
Agriculture Services
construction expenditure f ormation exports
Agriculture 7.84 19.58 -3.52 15.82 -2.24 2.96 40.45

Manufacturing and
9.96 219.48 72.82 78.67 112.39 -60.02 433.31
Services 0.95 64.47 267.28 370.83 21.12 40.00 764.66

GVA 21.70 129.78 428.07 579.54

Input 40.45 433.31 764.66 465.33 131.27 -17.05 1,817.96

12.70 The assumption of fixed industry sales structures seems to be rather unrealistic. Only in a
few cases will firms supply all their products in the same proportions to their users (an example
may be secondary trade activities such as software sold together with computers by a computer
producing firm). In general, it seems more plausible to assume that the secondary products have
different destinations than the primary products.

12.71 In Table 12.12, there are a few cell entries with negative values. Before proceeding these
need to be address and removed. These tables are Industry by Industry and the reasons for the
negative cell entries are likely to be different from those generated using the product technology.
Annex B in this chapter covers the causes and treatment of negative cell entries in the product

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(b) Fixed product sales structures assumption (Model D)

12.72 A more realistic and the most frequently used method for deriving Industry by Industry
IOTs is that of a fixed product sales structure which states that:

Each product has its own specific sales structure, irrespective of the industry where it is

12.73 The term "sales structure" indicates the proportions of the output of a product in which it
is sold to the respective intermediate uses and final uses.

12.74 The transformation matrix for the fixed product sales structures model (Model D) is as

= 2

where 2 is the market-share matrix and, together with the intermediate uses and final uses of the
Industry by Industry IOTs can be derived using the formula shown in Box 12.3.

12.75 An important advantage of the market share method (Model D) is that IOTs can directly
be derived from the rectangular SUTs without any intermediate aggregation to square SUTs.
Consequently, the question of defining characteristic products and making a formal distinction
between primary and secondary production does not arise. As illustrated both in the numerical
examples and empirical examples in this chapter, this method reduces the aggregation loss of
information. This does not exclude the introduction of special knowledge that modifies this
assumption but this must already happen in the SUTs compilation system, and thus also in the
basic framework of the National Accounts.

12.76 The recommended method is therefore to apply Model D directly to rectangular SUTs. To
illustrate the loss of information by applying Model D to the square aggregation of the SUTs, the
results of both calculations are shown in this Section.

12.77 Table 12.13 illustrates the numerical example of the transformation matrix for the fixed
product sales structure assumption applied to the rectangular SUTs in Table 12.2 and the resulting
Industry by Industry tables are presented in Table 12.14.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 12.13 Transformation matrix for the fixed product sales structure assumption for
rectangular SUTs
Trade, transport Finance and Other
Agriculture Manufacturing Construction
and communication business services services
Agriculture 0.6789 0.0036 0.0010 0.0021 0.0441 0.0013

Manufacturing and
0.1357 0.8945 0.9510 0.0610 0.0284 0.0111
Services 0.1853 0.1019 0.0480 0.9368 0.9276 0.9875

Table 12.14 IOTs based on the fixed product sales structure assumption derived from
rectangular SUTs

Input-Output Table
Industries Final use
Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital
Agriculture Services Exports
construction expenditure formation

Agriculture 3.07 7.99 6.53 12.70 0.73 9.44 40.45


Manufacturing and
8.00 101.85 50.13 39.04 69.68 164.61 433.31
Services 5.15 69.96 201.63 338.25 24.37 125.30 764.66

Imports 2.54 123.74 78.29 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23


GVA 21.70 129.78 428.07 579.54

Input 40.45 433.31 764.66 465.33 131.27 544.17 2,379.18

Input Table of imports

Industries Final use
Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital
Agriculture Services Exports
construction expenditure formation
Agriculture 0.54 5.33 1.57 1.10 0.23 5.73 14.50

Manufacturing and
1.45 91.03 33.26 54.98 28.44 157.94 367.10
Services 0.56 27.37 43.47 19.26 7.82 81.14 179.63

Total 2.54 123.74 78.29 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23

Input-Output Table with net exports

Industries Final use
Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital Net
Agriculture Services
construction expenditure formation Exports
Agriculture 3.60 13.32 8.09 13.80 0.96 0.68 40.45

Manufacturing and
9.44 192.88 83.39 94.02 98.12 -44.55 433.31
Services 5.70 97.33 245.10 357.51 32.19 26.81 764.66

GVA 21.70 129.78 428.07 579.54

Input 40.45 433.31 764.66 465.33 131.27 -17.05 1,817.96

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

12.78 The row sums (total input) now equal the industry output levels (total output) in the IOT
in Table 12.14. In the Industry by Industry IOTs based on a fixed product sales structure, the GVA
is unaffected, since this part is already formulated in terms of industries.

12.79 In order to see the impact of using square SUTs instead of rectangular SUTs, IOTs are
calculated based on the Square SUTs of Table 12.3 and comparing them with those obtained above.
Thus Table 12.15 and Table 12.16 are the equivalent versions of Table 12.13 and Table 12.14
respectively but based on square SUTs of Table 12.3. Table 12.17 shows the absolute deviation
between the two approaches and thus the effect of the loss of information suffered by moving from
the rectangular SUTs to the square SUTs as data base for the transformation.

Table 12.15 Transformation matrix for the fixed product sales structure assumption
for square SUTs
Manufacturing and
Agriculture Services
Agriculture 0.6789 0.0030 0.0176

Manufacturing and
0.1357 0.9064 0.0339
Services 0.1853 0.0905 0.9485

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 12.16 IOTs based on the fixed product sales structure assumption for square SUTs

Input-Output Table
Industries Final use
Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital
Agriculture Services Exports
construction expenditure formation
Agriculture 3.04 7.73 4.28 15.12 0.64 9.64 40.45

Manufacturing and
8.04 101.09 49.20 42.52 67.73 164.72 433.31
Services 5.13 70.97 204.82 332.35 26.39 125.00 764.66

Imports 2.54 123.74 78.29 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23


GVA 21.70 129.78 428.07 579.54

Input 40.45 433.31 764.66 465.33 131.27 544.17 2,379.18

Input Table of imports

Industries Final use
Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital
Agriculture Services Exports
construction expenditure formation

Agriculture 0.53 4.96 1.18 1.26 0.20 6.08 14.22


Manufacturing and
1.46 92.21 33.50 55.96 28.72 158.64 370.50
Services 0.54 26.57 43.61 18.11 7.58 80.10 176.51

Total 2.54 123.74 78.29 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23

Input-Output Table with net exports

Industries Final use
Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital Net
Agriculture Services
construction expenditure formation Exports

Agriculture 3.58 12.69 5.46 16.38 0.85 1.50 40.45


Manufacturing and
9.51 193.31 82.70 98.48 96.45 -47.14 433.31
Services 5.67 97.54 248.43 350.46 33.97 28.59 764.66

GVA 21.70 129.78 428.07 579.54

Input 40.45 433.31 764.66 465.33 131.27 -17.05 1,817.96

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 12.17 Absolute deviation of IOTs based on rectangular SUTs less IOTs based on
square SUTs for Model D

Input-Output Table
Industries Final use

Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital
Agriculture Services Exports
construction expenditure formation

Agriculture 0.02 0.25 2.25 -2.42 0.08 -0.19 0.00


Manufacturing and
-0.04 0.76 0.93 -3.48 1.94 -0.11 0.00
Services 0.02 -1.01 -3.18 5.90 -2.03 0.30 0.00



Input 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Input Table of imports

Industries Final use

Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital
Agriculture Services Exports
construction expenditure formation

Agriculture 0.01 0.37 0.39 -0.17 0.03 -0.35 0.28


Manufacturing and
-0.02 -1.18 -0.24 -0.98 -0.28 -0.69 -3.40
Services 0.01 0.81 -0.14 1.15 0.25 1.04 3.12

Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Input-Output Table with net exports

Industries Final use

Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital Net
Agriculture Services
construction expenditure formation Exports

Agriculture 0.03 0.63 2.64 -2.59 0.11 -0.82 0.00


Manufacturing and
-0.06 -0.42 0.69 -4.46 1.67 2.60 0.00
Services 0.04 -0.21 -3.32 7.05 -1.78 -1.78 0.00


Input 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

4. Alternative presentation of imports in the Input-Output Table

12.80 In the previous tables, imports were presented in two ways in the IOTs as either primary
input (such as the first table in Table 12.16) or as a negative final use (such as the bottom table in
Table 12.16). In the latter case, imports may either be netted against exports (as done in the tables
above) or kept in a separate column with a negative sign. Net exports in the third sub-table of Table
12.18, 1.54, is obtained as 10.47 plus 6.45 minus 15.38.

12.81 In an alternative presentation sometimes used, the vector of imports (either classified by
product or by “industry-adjusted products” depending on the type of IOT) are added to domestic
output to obtain the total supply as column sums for the production part of the IOT, matching the
row sums that include total uses of both domestic output and imports. However, this import row

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

is neither intermediate consumption nor primary input but just a bookkeeping entry to balance the
total use in the corresponding rows. The fourth sub-table in Table 12.18 illustrates this alternative

12.82 It should be noted that this alternative presentation can in general not be taken directly as
a basis for input-output modelling, such as for example calculating impact multipliers. The reason
is that the input coefficients adding to one including the import row will already in the first round
effects imply that all categories of final uses of a particular product have identical import shares,
and in the following rounds, imports of similar products will increase proportional to the increases
in the domestic output, which is not realistic.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 12.18 Alternative presentations of a (Product by Product) IOTs

Products Final use
Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital
Agriculture Services Exports
construction expenditure formation
Agriculture 6.40 9.33 -1.50 13.18 0.08 10.47 37.96

Manufacturing and
10.45 116.03 35.68 32.04 73.94 175.94 444.08
Services -0.33 61.13 217.11 344.77 20.75 112.95 756.37

Imports 1.34 133.72 69.52 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23


GVA 20.10 123.88 435.56 579.54

Input 37.96 444.08 756.37 465.33 131.27 544.17 2,379.18

Input Table of Imports

Products Final use
Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital
Agriculture Services Exports
construction expenditure formation
Agriculture 1.11 6.91 -0.37 1.25 0.03 6.45 15.38

Manufacturing and
1.01 109.33 26.58 61.07 31.49 171.55 401.04
Services -0.79 17.48 43.31 13.02 4.98 66.81 144.81

Total 1.34 133.72 69.52 75.33 36.50 244.82 561.23

Input-Output Table with net exports

Products Final use
Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital Net
Agriculture Services
construction expenditure formation Exports
Agriculture 7.52 16.24 -1.88 14.43 0.10 1.54 37.96

Manufacturing and
11.47 225.36 62.26 93.11 105.44 -53.55 444.08
Services -1.12 78.60 260.43 357.79 25.73 34.95 756.37

GVA 20.10 123.88 435.56 579.54

Input 37.96 444.08 756.37 465.33 131.27 -17.05 1,817.96

Input-Output Table with supply and use

Products Final use
Manufacturing and Final consumption Gross capital
Agriculture Services Exports
construction expenditure formation
Agriculture 7.52 16.24 -1.88 14.43 0.10 16.93 53.35

Manufacturing and
11.47 225.36 62.26 93.11 105.44 347.49 845.12
Services -1.12 78.60 260.43 357.79 25.73 179.76 901.18

GVA 20.10 123.88 435.56 579.54

Output 37.96 444.08 756.37 465.33 131.27 544.17 2,379.18

Imports 15.38 401.04 144.81 561.23

Supply 53.35 845.12 901.18 465.33 131.27 544.17 2,940.41

E. Empirical application of the transformation models

12.83 As previously mentioned, Model A (Product by Product IOTs using the product technology
assumption) and Model D (Industry by Industry IOTs using the fixed product sales structure
assumption) are widely used by NSOs. In general, it is difficult to recommend a specific
transformation model based on theoretical considerations alone. Ultimately, the choices made by

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

the official producers of IOTs will reflect a range of issues. These will include for example,
available resources, relevance and appropriateness of the source data, statistical policy related to
consistency and continuity in the overall statistical system, international reporting obligations, and
history and traditions.

12.84 Users of IOTs will seldom specifically state their wishes for the type of IOTs as long as
the NSOs are responsible for the quality of the tables. The main concern of users will often relate
to basis of the IOTs - Product by Product or Industry by Industry - rather than the type of
technology or market share assumptions have been applied. This is because users will often need
to combine the IOTs with other kinds of data to undertake their analysis. For many kinds of
analysis, the IOTs must be combined with structural data or time series which are based on industry
based classifications, for example, energy and productivity analysis. For other kinds of analysis,
for example relating to prices, the matching data will usually be available and based on products.

12.85 However, it is important to note that the type of IOTs will not exclude a priori any kind of
analysis. This is because the information contained in the Supply Table can be used to transform
product classified information into the industry classification, and vice versa, in the same way as
the transformation tables were defined to compile the four alternative transformation models
(Model A, B, C and D). Therefore any input to, and output from an analysis based on IOTs can be
given either a product or an industry classification as required.

12.86 When IOTs from several countries are merged together into an international model, it may
be useful to have the same types of tables from all countries. The compilation of such tables is
covered in Chapter 17.

12.87 Although a few countries produce both Product by Product IOTs and Industry by Industry
IOTs at the same time, it is not generally recommended to do so for the above reasons. The
existence of several types of IOTs may cause confusion amongst the users rather than being
helpful. However the compilation of alternative types of tables may serve a pedagogical purpose
in illustrating that their direct contents, and in particular the impact tables, may not be that

1. Examples of Product by Product IOTs and Industry by Industry IOTs

12.88 If the major parts of activities are reported on the diagonal of the Supply Table, the
difference between Product by Product IOTs and Industry by Industry IOTs would then be very
small. In the extreme case, without secondary activities (all activities of industries are reported on
the diagonal of the Supply Table), the two types of IOTs converge and the Use Table becomes an

12.89 The Supply Table shows the extent of secondary production as off-diagonal elements when
it is aggregated to a square matrix. The observed extent of secondary production depends on the
level of aggregation of both products and industries and secondary production, therefore it does

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

not possess any observable characteristics of its own. The relative character of the secondary
production concept also indicates that it is difficult to justify that the input structure of a particular
product (say, product number 201 at a certain level of aggregation) should be of more interest than
the input structure of the other 200 products produced by that industry, just because it is also
produced as secondary production in another industry.

12.90 For many countries, the Supply Table is characterised by having secondary production
mainly for manufacturing industries or manufacturing products. For other industries, often
diagonal elements are dominant with very limited secondary production. There are two reasons for

• for service industries, the diagonal structure is usually simply due to the fact that limited
product specifications exist, so that total output from establishments (or even legal or
institutional units) must be assumed to be characteristic output of the industries in which the
units are classified in the business register.

• establishments for industries such as agriculture, construction and trade are often defined in
a more product-oriented form in the National Accounts than in the business register.
Thereby, all secondary activities in these industries have already been transferred to the
primary industry before the data are entered in SUTs (as also recommended in the two-step
process outlined later in this section) or the data are alternatively constructed in such a way
that from the outset little or no secondary production exists, for example, agricultural output
as the sum of agricultural products, construction as the sum of the value of new construction
and repairs etc.

12.91 In practice, as much as 70 per cent (depending upon the type of economic units applied) of
all economic activity may be completely unaffected by whatever transformation procedure is used
to construct the IOTs. The technology or transformation problem is thus, in practice, largely
limited to the manufacturing industries and their output of industrial products. Considering the
simplified way the rest of the economy is handled, primarily due to lack of relevant data sources,
the efforts and theoretical refinements attached to the transformation procedures for manufacturing
industries should be proportionate.

12.92 The Product by Product IOTs in Table 12.19 were compiled using the product technology
assumption (Model A). The first table shows the input requirements for domestically produced
products for intermediate uses and final uses while the second table shows the input requirements
for imported products for intermediate uses and final uses. The third table reflects the total
requirements for intermediate uses and final uses disregarding origin of the products.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 12.19 Empirical example of Product by Product IOTs

Input-Output Table
Trade, transport Finance and Total Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed Changes Total output at
Other Changes in basic
Agriculture Manufacturing Construction and business General capital in Exports
services Households NPISH inventories prices
communication services government formation valuables
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 2 316 4 344 4 101 15 19 6 800 963 123 - 42 938 1 982 8 782
Manufacturing (2) 1 091 42 919 6 362 7 534 4 369 2 951 65 227 12 631 327 9 426 1 122 1 393 96 280 121 178 186 405

Construction (3) 73 1 883 9 927 1 969 3 890 1 279 19 021 1 402 24 323 - 38 563 26 250 45 272
Trade, transport and
(4) 239 13 805 2 109 18 364 5 909 2 846 43 272 55 600 4 549 9 207 239 334 21 550 91 479 134 750
Finance and business
(5) 370 9 320 4 530 17 653 29 781 7 564 69 219 36 524 1 006 9 781 0 - 177 11 156 58 289 127 508
Other services (6) 6 286 51 1 066 453 1 629 3 490 13 045 5 416 53 116 113 - 105 1 567 72 153 75 643
Total at basic prices (7) 4 094 72 557 22 984 46 687 44 418 16 288 207 028 120 165 5 416 58 997 52 973 1 257 1 471 131 053 371 332 578 360
Imports (8) 811 61 469 4 846 12 485 6 136 3 731 89 479 23 087 1 495 13 575 926 1 381 21 350 61 814 151 293
Taxes less subsidies on
(9) 78 862 226 1 333 1 839 2 646 6 984 22 810 557 2 870 152 7 397 26 794 33 778
Total at purchasers’ prices (10) 4 983 134 889 28 056 60 506 52 393 22 665 303 492 166 063 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 152 800 459 939 763 431
Compensation of
(11) 411 25 857 10 216 38 422 28 962 40 475 144 343

Other taxes less

(12) - 1 446 717 545 1 762 2 267 1 014 4 858
subsidies on production
Consumption of fixed
(13) 1 620 11 519 1 422 10 172 21 759 6 977 53 469
Net operating surplus (14) 3 214 13 423 5 032 23 889 22 127 4 512 72 198
Gross operating surplus (15) 4 834 24 942 6 455 34 061 43 886 11 489 125 667
GVA (16) 3 799 51 516 17 216 74 245 75 115 52 978 274 868
Input at basic prices (17) 8 782 186 405 45 272 134 750 127 508 75 643 578 360

Input table of imports

Total at
Trade, transport Finance and Total Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed Changes Total basic
Other Changes in
Agriculture Manufacturing Construction and business General capital in Exports prices
services Households NPISH inventories
communication services government formation valuables
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 176 1 722 3 148 14 15 2 077 1 079 47 9 58 1 194 3 271
Manufacturing (2) 618 55 846 4 392 5 506 1 398 2 941 70 702 20 894 1 422 12 310 807 1 344 17 112 53 888 124 590

Construction (3) 265 204 47 44 4 563 563

Trade, transport and
(4) 9 2 095 150 5 150 1 678 337 9 419 586 26 745 1 28 4 179 5 565 14 984
Finance and business
(5) 7 1 531 97 1 527 2 974 308 6 443 145 473 618 7 061
Other services (6) 10 0 108 29 127 275 384 47 118 549 824
Total (7) 811 61 469 4 846 12 485 6 136 3 731 89 479 23 087 1 495 13 575 926 1 381 21 350 61 814 151 293

Input-Output Table with net exports

Trade, transport Finance and Total Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed Changes Total output at
Other Changes in Net basic
Agriculture Manufacturing Construction and business General capital in
services Households NPISH inventories Exports prices
communication services government formation valuables
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 2 492 6 065 8 248 29 34 8 877 2 042 170 - 32 - 2 275 - 95 8 782
Manufacturing (2) 1 708 98 765 10 754 13 040 5 768 5 893 135 928 33 525 1 749 21 736 1 929 2 737 - 11 198 50 477 186 405

Construction (3) 73 2 148 10 131 2 016 3 934 1 282 19 585 1 402 24 323 - 38 0 25 687 45 272
Trade, transport and
(4) 248 15 900 2 258 23 514 7 586 3 183 52 690 56 185 4 575 9 951 240 363 10 746 82 060 134 750
Finance and business
(5) 377 10 851 4 627 19 180 32 755 7 872 75 662 36 669 1 006 10 254 0 - 177 4 095 51 846 127 508
Other services (6) 6 297 51 1 174 482 1 756 3 765 13 429 5 416 53 163 113 14 1 - 257 71 878 75 643
Total (7) 4 905 134 027 27 830 59 173 50 554 20 019 296 507 143 252 5 416 60 492 66 548 2 182 2 852 1 110 281 852 578 360
Taxes less subsidies on
(8) 78 862 226 1 333 1 839 2 646 6 984 22 810 557 2 870 152 7 397 26 794 33 778
Total at purchasers’ prices (9) 4 983 134 889 28 056 60 506 52 393 22 665 303 492 166 063 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 1 507 308 647 612 138
Compensation of
(10) 411 25 857 10 216 38 422 28 962 40 475 144 343

Other taxes less

(11) - 1 446 717 545 1 762 2 267 1 014 4 858
subsidies on production
Consumption of fixed
(12) 1 620 11 519 1 422 10 172 21 759 6 977 53 469
Net operating surplus (13) 3 214 13 423 5 032 23 889 22 127 4 512 72 198
Gross operating surplus (14) 4 834 24 942 6 455 34 061 43 886 11 489 125 667
GVA (15) 3 799 51 516 17 216 74 245 75 115 52 978 274 868
Input at basic prices (16) 8 782 186 405 45 272 134 750 127 508 75 643 578 360

Austria 2011

12.93 Using Model A often results in observing some negative elements in the IOTs. Sometimes
large negative entries are removed via a manual balancing procedure, whereas smaller ones can be
eliminated by automated methods.

12.94 There are many possible reasons for the negatives. A key reason could be that the
assumption of a product technology does not reflect the economic reality at that level of
aggregation. However, even if the assumption of a product technology were correct, the negative
elements could be due to the lack of accuracy of the source data.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

12.95 In practice, it is not possible to decide to which extent negatives are caused by the product
technology assumption or errors in data because the target variables cannot be statistically
observed. An attempt to do so would be very time-consuming and would imply the collection of
additional basic statistics at a very late stage of the compilation process, which would necessitate
changing the whole work sequence and schedule. The effort spent on eliminating the negatives
may be misdirected, as even more important problems can be hidden in the positive elements, and
the procedures applied to eliminate the negatives may adversely affect the good quality data.
Annex B in this Chapter provides further details on the causes and treatment of negative cell entries
in the use of product technology assumptions.

12.96 An empirical example of Industry by Industry IOTs by applying Model D for the same
country and year is shown in Table 12.20 and Table 12.16. Table 12.14 is compiled directly from
the rectangular SUTs and Table 12.16 using the same method on the corresponding aggregated
square SUTs. The differences between the two tables illustrate the loss of information by first
aggregating to the square SUTs.

12.97 The difference between Product by Product IOTs and Industry by Industry IOTs for some
elements can be considerable, which is to be expected depending upon the reported level of
industries’ secondary output. The differences between using rectangular tables and square tables
in Model D can be significant as shown in Table 12.17. As the column sums in the two types of
tables are different, referring to product and industry totals, respectively, the elements are not
directly comparable, and the effective differences between the two tables can best be studied on
the background of the corresponding impact tables.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 12.20 Empirical example of Industry by Industry IOTs

Input-Output Table
Total Final consumption expenditure Total output at
Trade, transport Finance and Gross fixed Changes
Other Changes in basic
Agriculture Manufacturing Construction and business
General capital in Exports
Households NPISH inventories prices
communication services
government formation valuables
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 2 374 4 384 38 209 35 42 7 083 1 320 0 4 182 0 - 37 1 315 2 784 9 867
Manufacturing (2) 1 220 43 620 6 818 9 290 5 744 3 623 70 315 14 707 2 614 13 684 1 129 1 403 98 097 129 635 199 950

Construction (3) 112 2 350 8 988 2 454 3 623 1 411 18 939 1 747 0 21 23 357 5 - 34 895 25 992 44 931
Trade, transport and
(4) 344 14 918 2 466 17 970 6 739 3 475 45 912 54 542 15 4 416 8 963 220 291 20 477 88 925 134 837
Finance and business
(5) 367 10 175 3 912 16 397 22 678 7 131 60 660 34 641 1 847 4 505 3 - 160 8 964 48 801 109 461
Other services (6) 11 539 179 1 110 613 1 666 4 119 13 207 5 398 53 097 2 283 - 101 7 1 305 75 196 79 314
Total at basic prices (7) 4 429 75 987 22 402 47 431 39 431 17 348 207 028 120 165 5 416 58 997 52 973 1 257 1 471 131 053 371 332 578 360
Imports (8) 919 62 051 4 834 12 439 5 417 3 819 89 479 23 087 1 495 13 575 926 1 381 21 350 61 814 151 293
Taxes less subsidies on
(9) 92 952 229 1 349 1 689 2 672 6 984 22 810 557 2 870 152 7 397 26 794 33 778
Total at purchasers’ prices (10) 5 440 138 991 27 466 61 219 46 538 23 839 303 492 166 063 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 152 800 459 939 763 431
Compensation of
(11) 551 30 679 10 239 37 906 22 997 41 971 144 343

Other taxes less

(12) - 1 627 1 077 546 1 755 2 004 1 103 4 858
subsidies on production
Consumption of fixed
(13) 1 845 12 750 1 542 10 917 18 934 7 480 53 469
Net operating surplus (14) 3 658 16 453 5 138 23 040 18 989 4 921 72 198
Gross operating surplus (15) 5 503 29 203 6 680 33 957 37 923 12 401 125 667
GVA (16) 4 427 60 959 17 465 73 618 62 923 55 475 274 868
Input at basic prices (17) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360

Input table of imports

Total at
Total Final consumption expenditure Total
Trade, transport Finance and Gross fixed Changes basic
Other Changes in
Agriculture Manufacturing Construction and business General capital in Exports prices
services Households NPISH inventories
communication services government formation valuables

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 198 1 769 9 210 21 27 2 235 1 255 0 48 0 11 78 1 392 3 627
Manufacturing (2) 695 55 370 4 335 5 821 1 335 2 986 70 542 20 684 1 413 12 550 804 1 332 17 011 53 795 124 337

Construction (3) 1 595 215 96 52 9 969 22 0 32 1 8 79 142 1 111

Trade, transport and
(4) 16 2 736 177 4 728 1 617 345 9 619 580 24 664 4 30 4 128 5 431 15 049
Finance and business
(5) 9 1 521 94 1 408 2 291 320 5 643 159 10 133 0 1 44 347 5 990
Other services (6) 0 60 4 177 100 131 472 386 47 147 116 0 9 706 1 178
Total (7) 919 62 051 4 834 12 439 5 417 3 819 89 479 23 087 1 495 13 575 926 1 381 21 350 61 814 151 293

Input-Output Table with net exports

Trade, transport Finance and Total Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed Changes Total output at
Other Changes in Net
Agriculture Manufacturing Construction and business General capital in basic
services Households NPISH inventories Exports
communication services government formation valuables prices
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Agriculture (1) 2 573 6 153 47 419 56 69 9 318 2 575 0 4 230 0 - 26 - 2 233 550 9 867
Manufacturing (2) 1 915 98 990 11 153 15 111 7 078 6 610 140 857 35 391 2 2 027 26 234 1 933 2 735 - 9 229 59 092 199 950

Construction (3) 113 2 945 9 204 2 550 3 676 1 420 19 908 1 769 0 21 23 389 6 - 26 - 138 25 023 44 931
Trade, transport and
(4) 360 17 654 2 643 22 698 8 356 3 819 55 531 55 123 15 4 440 9 627 224 321 9 556 79 306 134 837
Finance and business
(5) 376 11 697 4 006 17 805 24 969 7 451 66 303 34 800 1 856 4 638 3 - 159 3 019 43 158 109 461
Other services (6) 12 599 182 1 287 713 1 797 4 591 13 594 5 398 53 144 2 430 16 7 135 74 724 79 314
Total (7) 5 348 138 038 27 236 59 870 44 849 21 167 296 507 143 252 5 416 60 492 66 548 2 182 2 852 1 110 281 852 578 360
Taxes less subsidies on
(8) 92 952 229 1 349 1 689 2 672 6 984 22 810 557 2 870 152 7 397 26 794 33 778
Total at purchasers’ prices (9) 5 440 138 991 27 466 61 219 46 538 23 839 303 492 166 063 5 416 61 050 69 418 2 335 2 859 1 507 308 647 612 138
Compensation of
(10) 551 30 679 10 239 37 906 22 997 41 971 144 343

Other taxes less

(11) - 1 627 1 077 546 1 755 2 004 1 103 4 858
subsidies on production
Consumption of fixed
(12) 1 845 12 750 1 542 10 917 18 934 7 480 53 469
Net operating surplus (13) 3 658 16 453 5 138 23 040 18 989 4 921 72 198
Gross operating surplus (14) 5 503 29 203 6 680 33 957 37 923 12 401 125 667
GVA (15) 4 427 60 959 17 465 73 618 62 923 55 475 274 868
Input at basic prices (16) 9 867 199 950 44 931 134 837 109 461 79 314 578 360

Austria 2011

2. Relationship between types of table, technology and market shares

12.98 The Product by Product IOTs are closely related to a particular understanding of the
concept of a “product”. In economic theory, products in general are produced by means of
products, labour and capital. Each product is characterised by a separate production function which
describes a specific technology, and a technology is fully described in terms of a set of products
and primary inputs. However, an analogy between this theoretical approach and the properties of
statistical IOTs is difficult to establish, as they represent two different levels of abstraction.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

12.99 At the I-O level of aggregation, there are no “homogeneous” products or production
processes for individual products. The economy consists of thousands or even millions of
producing units, of which hardly even two are completely identical, and there are millions of
different products and even more production processes. The recommendations on how to construct
IOTs are often based on numerical or mathematical examples that assume that at a high level of
aggregation, the economy can be represented by a set of homogeneous products and production
functions. These models may not always convey useful advice on how to solve the practical
problems faced by the compiler of IOTs.

12.100 When compared to the real world, the magnitude of products and production processes,
even detailed basic statistics already represent a major aggregation. Statistics on products are
collected at a maximum level of detail, say around 10,000 products, and that is only in selected
areas such as foreign trade statistics, and perhaps output from manufacturing industries.
Furthermore, products that are identical in a physical sense are different in an economic sense
when they are sold at different prices to different purchasers and possibly even for different
purposes. The concept of basic prices is an attempt to define a valuation specifically for this
possibility. Purchases for intermediate consumption by products are at best collected for
establishments, and in most cases, the statistical coverage of purchases is irregular and/or highly

12.101 Individual production processes are not within the realm of official statistics and thus
observed data for various production technologies do not usually exist. Economic statistics deal
with transactions and only exceptionally with technical transformations. Furthermore, any relevant
technology description should comprise the type of capital and labour used in the production
process and the intermediate inputs. In the discussion on how IOTs can be compiled, the term
“technology” is a broader concept than in its usual sense.

12.102 Independently of the approach chosen, it is obvious that any single element in IOTs
represents a unique “basket of products”. The measureable degree of “heterogeneity” of these
baskets is closely related to the elementary or most detailed level of product that is identified. In
many countries, the SUTs are compiled for rather aggregated product groups, often not more than
a few hundred groups, and a level of 2,000-3,000 groups is very detailed in an international context.
Only when there are more product groups than industries in SUTs together with the compilation
of tables in volume terms, is it possible to identify the variation in the basket along a row of the
Use Table. In cases where the tables are very aggregated, and therefore, the methods used in the
compilation system (both in current prices and in volume terms) will result with data on the surface
complying with theoretical assumption about homogeneity, as all evidence operating at such an
aggregated level would have been eliminated in the compilation process.

12.103 Each establishment has its own unique institutional and organisational characteristics,
which may influence the composition of its purchases as much as the underlying technical
production processes do. Two establishments producing identical products may have quite

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

different input (purchase) structures, depending on the degree of reliance on purchases of semi-
fabricated products, outsourcing of certain activities, whether it owns its capital equipment and
buildings rather than leasing or renting them etc., and in general on the degree of vertical
integration of the various production processes.

12.104 For the proper understanding of the character of I-O data, it is essential to realise that there
is no way to eliminate completely the institutional characteristics of an economy from SUTs or
IOTs. As institutional arrangements change over time in individual countries, and may vary
considerably across countries, it is obvious that the interpretation of SUTs and IOTs as a
description of a technical production system has serious limitations.

12.105 Concerning the analytical properties of IOTs, it is important to note, in practice all
analytical uses of IOTs must implicitly assume an industry technology, no matter how the tables
have originally been compiled. In view of the limited amount of secondary activities and from an
analytical point of view the distinction between a product and an industry technology is thus of
limited relevance. Furthermore any Product by Product IOTs in practice are a manipulated Industry
by Industry IOTs, as it still contains all the institutional establishment (or even enterprise)
characteristics of the data collected and the basis of the SUTs.

3. Input-Output and official statistics

12.106 Many countries have been compiling IOTs for a considerable span of years, either every
five-year or at irregular intervals, and a growing number of countries are now compiling annual
SUTs and IOTs as an integrated part of their National Accounts. These experiences can also help
to identify procedures that underpin recommendations on “best practices”.

12.107 It is generally accepted that the type of tables that best fulfil the standard quality criteria
are Model A (Product by Product IOTs using the product technology assumption) and Model D
(Industry by Industry IOTs using the fixed product sales structure assumption). These tables reflect
the accumulated experience and current practice of those countries most permanently involved in
the compilation of IOTs.

12.108 There is no ideal type of table against which to measure the quality of the outcome.
However, the IOTs exist as an important part of official statistics and should as such fulfil central
quality criteria including user needs.

12.109 The main quality characteristics of Industry by Industry IOTs and Product by Product IOTs

(a) Transparency

• Industry by Industry IOTs based on the fixed product sales assumption can be derived
from SUTs without much further effort and in such a way that negative elements do
not appear. They provide more transparency on the compilation procedure.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Product by Product IOTs based on the product technology assumption are derived from
SUTs in a complex procedure. If negative elements appear, a new balancing procedure
is required. Manual balancing causes less transparency.

(b) Comparability

• Industry by Industry IOTs are closer to statistical sources, business survey results and
actual observations as well as the SUTs. More direct comparability is guaranteed with
National Accounts data and other industry-based statistics.

• Product by Product IOTs are further away from statistical sources and business survey
results. The results have been compiled in an analytical step which creates less
comparability with the sources but creates more comparability across nations – this will
also depend upon each industry/product case and the level of aggregation.

(c) Inputs

• IOTs identify for each industry the input requirements from other industries. The same
is true for the categories of final uses. Mixed bundles of goods and services rather than
homogenous products are reported for intermediate uses and final uses.

• Product by Product IOTs have a clear input structure in terms of products for
intermediate uses and GVA for the compensation of labour and capital for product
defined industries.

(d) Resources and timeliness

• Industry by Industry IOTs are less resource intensive to produce and can be directly
derived from SUTs at basic prices. This requires less resource and guarantees better

• The compilation of Product by Product IOTs based on the product technology is more
demanding as negatives may appear. These tables require more resource and balancing
efforts. The publication of results is delayed.

(e) Analytical potential

• The specific type of IOTs (Product by Product or Industry by Industry) will not exclude
any kind of analysis. This is because the information contained in the Supply Table can
be used to transform product classified information into the industry classification, and
vice versa, in the same way as the transformation tables were defined to compile the
four alternative transformation models (Model A, B, C and D). Therefore any data input
into, and output of results from, an analysis based on IOTs can be given either a product
or an industry classification as needed.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(f) User friendliness

• Compiling IOTs integrated with SUTs on a regular basis despite the practical problems
associated with IOTs encourages its uses.

12.110 The size of sampling and non-sampling errors associated with the primary data on which
the SUTs are based, and the fact that a considerable part of the data content of the SUTs is usually
obtained by survey grossing-up methods, extrapolations, estimates from a subjective-based nature
and even model calculations should be borne in mind when choosing the method for constructing
IOTs. Furthermore, purchases data for intermediate consumption by products are at best collected
for establishments, and in most cases, the statistical coverage of purchases is irregular and/or
highly aggregated. Another important source of error in the detailed output and input data is
connected with the transformation from observed data on sales and purchases to the National
Accounts concepts of production and intermediate consumption, and the fact that sales and
purchases are not evenly distributed over the year, the challenge of measuring changes in

12.111 Thus the effects of non-sampling errors, misclassifications and biases in grossing-up
methods may represent sources of errors more important than the total secondary production, at a
particular level of aggregation. There are few possibilities to identify and correct such errors, when
they have already passed the test of a balanced SUTs system. Compilation methods for the IOTs
should therefore not assume an accuracy of the data that is not commensurate with the actual
knowledge about data quality.

4. Taking account of IOTs requirements when compiling the SUTs – Redefinitions

12.112 When SUTs statistics are compiled, it is essential to take into account the desired properties
and compilation methods of IOTs. By making appropriate choices of the groupings and structure
of SUTs, it is possible to construct a database which is relevant and useful in the current National
Accounts, and at the same time, can be transformed into IOTs with a minimum of data

12.113 There are some procedures related to the compilation of the SUTs that are useful to observe
before the transformation to the IOTs. This represents the first step of the two-step process or
redefinition process which is applied in many countries with extensive experience in producing
IOTs and covered in Chapter 5. There are many country-specific variants or methods, especially
for countries covering only enterprise units in their economic statistics. In France, for example,
the first step is carried to such an extent that the Supply Table becomes diagonal only. The second
step is thus superfluous.

12.114 The first step of the two-step process defines the industries in SUTs (and in the activity
tables of the National Accounts) in such a way that no industries have secondary production in
other sections of ISIC, although this is not often fully achieved and therefore requires a second

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

step. The ISIC Rev. 4 sections are broad industry groups such as Agriculture forestry and fishing
(Section A), Mining and quarrying (Section B), Manufacturing (Section C), Construction (Section
F), etc. If the establishments for which statistics are available do not automatically fulfil this
condition, it is the task of the national accountants to make further breakdowns and create new
establishments until this condition is fulfilled both for horizontally and vertically integrated units.
Such additional breakdowns are typically made manually based on the best available information
and judgement of the national accountants. Often there is limited intermediate consumption data
available for establishments created this way. The redefinition can be implemented just by moving
some parts of the totals for intermediate consumption between industries, thus also facilitating the
subsequent compilation of the detailed input structures in the Use Table.

12.115 There are two important points to be noted concerning this procedure:

• This redefinition reflects compliance with 2008 SNA concerning the definition of units of
homogeneous production (2008 SNA, paragraphs 5.52-5.54). The compliance with the SNA
definition of industries is essential for the usefulness of the data classified by activity not
only for I-O purposes but also for their analytical relevance. Industries should therefore
ideally be defined in the same way in the production accounts, in SUTs and in IOTs.

• This method should not be seen as representing a “mixed technology” assumption. The first
step is only to ascertain that the basic principles for compiling production accounts according
to the SNA are being followed. In the second step, IOTs are compiled on the assumption of
fixed product sales structures.

12.116 The redefinitions mainly relate to activities like agriculture, energy, construction and trade.
These breakdowns and reclassifications could be seen as the use of a product technology
assumption. This will not result in negative elements. Often very specific information on input
structures that could not possibly be identified alone from the SUTs is used in the redefinitions.

12.117 As this redefinition takes place before the SUTs are populated, it is often not even necessary
to assume a specific input structure for the redefined output as the transfers only take place between
output and input totals of the industries. This facilitates the compilation of SUTs. If, for example,
all construction has a priory been transferred to the construction industry there will be no need to
distribute construction materials to practically all industries in SUTs – a procedure which would
be both very time consuming and unreliable as source data for such inputs would usually be

12.118 The redefined industries become "pure" in the sense that they have no secondary
production and all secondary output of these products have been transferred to the redefined
industries. However, the redefined industries are not homogeneous in any strict meaning of this
term as they may still produce many different products with separate input structures, price
movements and distributions by users.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

12.119 In some countries, the business registers do not contain much detail on establishments and
concentrate on enterprise units. In general, data problems do, however, not exempt those compiling
National Accounts from complying with the SNA rules. Experience shows that in cases where the
starting point are the SUTs with enterprise defined activities, and Product by Product IOTs are
calculated on the assumption of a product technology, the successive rounds of recalculations
(using the negatives as indicators) lead to changes to the original SUTs that basically (at least for
changes related to the elimination of the big negatives) reflect the type of redefinitions described
in the first step of the two-step process. In such cases, it is a more straightforward and efficient to
first do the redefinitions in the SUTs in a systematic way, as negatives that appear at a later stage
will have a low signal value, and may lead to unsystematic and arbitrary adjustments in the SUTs.

12.120 If the National Accounts and SUTs are based on enterprise type units, it may not be realistic
to compile redefined SUTs with a redefined industry classification that does not comply with the
current National Accounts tables. When it comes to the construction of the IOTs, it is still possible
to use the two step process, and first adjust the (rectangular) SUTs as outlined above, and
subsequently compile Industry by Industry IOTs based on the assumption of fixed product sales
structures, without first having to aggregate to square SUTs. Even though the comparability of the
classifications for IOTs and National Accounts will not be perfect, the advantages of limited
aggregation loss of information as well as the simplicity of the method will still be retained.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Annex A to Chapter 12. Mathematical derivation of different IOTs

A. Product by Product IOTs and Industry by Industry IOTs

A12.1 Over the past 60 years, there have been many descriptions generalising the matrix

point for the construction of the Product by Product IOTs is the amount of product 4 used by
multiplication for the IOTs. For example, using Rueda-Cantuche and ten Raa (2009), the starting

industry 5 (to produce product 6): intermediate use 7$8 . Schematically, the transformation
underlying Product by Product IOTs is:

product 4 → industry 5 → product 6

A12.2 For the Industry by Industry IOTs, this will be viewed as a product 4 contribution to the
delivery from industry 5 to industry 6. This is:

industry 5 → product 4 → industry 6

A12.3 This common framework for IOTs is made precise by indexing the so called I-O
coefficients by three subscripts. The first subscript indexes the input, the second the observation
unit, and the third the output.

A12.4 A Product by Product input-output coefficient $89 , is defined as the amount of product
4 used by industry 5 to make one unit of product 6. Similarly, the Industry by Industry input-output
coefficient, :8$9 , is defined as the delivery by industry 5 in product market 4 per unit of output of
industry 6.

A12.5 As shown in Figure A12.1, in the construction of Product by Product IOTs industry 5’s
secondary products ;89 , and their input requirements, $89 ;89 , are transferred out from industry 5
to industry 6; the flipside of the coin is that products produced elsewhere ;98 as secondary and
their input requirements $98 ;98 are transferred in from industries 6. Hence, the amount of product
4 used to make product 5 becomes:

7$8 − ∑9<8 $89 ;89 + ∑9<8 $98 ;98 (1)

constructing Industry by Industry IOTs, the secondary products (produced by industry 5) ;8$ , and
A12.6 The same reasoning extends to Industry by Industry IOTs as shown in Figure A12.2. In

their deliveries to industries 6, :8$9 ;8$ , are transferred out from market 4 to industry 5; here the
reverse is that market product 5 produced elsewhere as secondary ;$8 and their corresponding
deliveries :$89 ;$8 must be transferred in from markets 5. Hence, the amount delivered by industry
4 to industry 6 becomes:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

7$9 − ∑8<> :8$9 ;8$ + ∑?<> :$89 ;$8 (2)

B. Product by Product IOTs

A12.7 There are alternative ways to decide how much input corresponds with output for Product
by Product IOTs. Ten Raa and Rueda-Cantuche (2003) provides a range of the available methods
(see Annex C in this chapter for a summary of the different types of methods). Two outstanding
methods are:

• the product technology assumption (Model A); and

• the industry technology assumption (Model B).
A12.8 These are also used by a few NSOs combined into the hybrid (or mixed) technology

A12.9 These assumptions have been considered as opposite or even competing, but the reality
is both technology assumptions can be derived in an unifying framework, under alternative
assumptions of the variation of I-O coefficients across industries (ten Raa and Rueda-Cantuche,
2007a). The product technology assumption postulates that all products have unique input
structures irrespective the industry of fabrication (removal of the second subscript in (1)) and thus
implies the following condition:

$89 = $9 for all 5

when the total consumption of input i for the making of secondary outputs of industry j exceeds
A12.10 The resulting IOTs using the product technology assumption may contain negative values

the total use of product i by the industry j, either for its primary or secondary products.

A12.11 On the other hand, the industry technology assumption postulates that all industries have
the same input structure irrespective of the products they produce (removal of the third subscript
in (1)). Therefore:

$89 = $8 for all 6

A12.12 Using the industry technology assumption, the IOTs values are non-negative.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure A12.1 Transfers made for the Product by Product IOTs

Industry j

1 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. n

Domestic output by product at basic prices

product of

Total supply at basic prices

industry j

Product i :
: Product i produced
: elsewhere
Total Output of industries at basic prices

Industry j

1 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. n
product of
industry j
Intermediate consumption

Gross capital formation

: Use at basic prices


Final uses


Product i :
: Product i produced
: elsewhere
TOT Intermediate consumption of domestic output at basic prices

IMP Intermediate consumption of imports

TLS Taxes less subsidies on products

TOT Intermediate consumption at purchasers' prices

GVA Gross value added at basic prices

TOT Output at basic prices

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

C. Industry by Industry IOTs

A12.13 There are two main models for the construction of Industry by Industry IOTs:

• The assumption of a fixed industry sales (FI) structure postulates that each industry has its
own specific sales structure, irrespective of its product mix (Model C).

• The alternative assumption of a fixed product sales (FP) structure postulates that each
product has its own specific market shares (deliveries to industries) independent of the
industry where it is produced. The market shares refer to the shares of the total output of a
product delivered to the various intermediate and final users (Model D).

A12.14 Rueda-Cantuche and ten Raa (2009), as many others, used an encompassing framework
for the construction of Industry by Industry IOTs. The fixed industry sales structure assumption
postulates that all industries have unique input structures, irrespective the product market (removal
of the second subscript in (2)). Consequently, fixed industry sales coefficients may be defined

:8$9 = :89 for all 4

The Supply Table needs to be square and negatives may emerge from this assumption.

A12.15 Alternatively, the fixed product sales structure assumption assumes that product 4's
unitary deliveries to industry 6 must be independent of the supplier industry (5). Therefore, all
products require unique industry deliveries, irrespective of the industry of fabrication (removal of
the first subscript in (2)):

:8$9 = :$9 for all 5

The Supply Table does not need to be square and negatives do not emerge from this assumption.

A12.16 It is reasonable to assume that secondary outputs have different destinations than the
primary outputs. This is the reason why the fixed product sales structure assumption catches more
attention in the literature, see Thage and ten Raa (2006) or Yamano and Ahmad (2006). Moreover,
FP has no negative elements, unlike FI, because of the inversion of the Supply Table.

A12.17 Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Canada, the US and the OECD are
examples that fully or partially adopt FP to compile Industry by Industry IOTs (Yamano and
Ahmad, 2006).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure A12.2 Transfers made for the Industry by Industry IOTs

Industry j

1 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. n

Domestic output by product at basic prices

products of

Total supply at basic prices

industry j

Product i :
: Product i produced
: elsewhere
Total Output of industries at basic prices

Industry j

1 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. n
products of
industry j
Intermediate consumption

Gross capital formation

Use at basic prices


Final uses


Product i :
: Product i produced
: elsewhere
TOT Intermediate consumption of domestic output at basic prices

IMP Intermediate consumption of imports

TLS Taxes less subsidies on products

TOT Intermediate consumption at purchasers' prices

GVA Gross value added at basic prices

TOT Output at basic prices

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

D. Use of a hybrid technology assumption for Product by Product IOTs

A12.18 The product and the industry technology assumptions are the two main methods to
construct Product by Product IOTs from SUTs. However, although they are commonly seen in the
literature as opposite, some NSOs apply a hybrid product and industry technology assumptions to
produce Product by Product IOTs. In some cases, the non-negativity of one of the assumptions is
enough to use it more widely than a single (non-hybrid) technology assumption. In particular, for
hybrid models, the choice of products for which either the product technology assumption or the
industry technology assumption will be used is mainly based on expert judgements and seldom
empirical analyses.

A12.19 Rueda-Cantuche and ten Raa (2013) presented several empirical tests that provide
conclusions on the choice of technology assumption for Product by Product IOTs (as in the
construction of the Use Tables, the assumption that individual establishment data with a full input
specification exist may not be feasible within the tests).

A12.20 Following the expression (1), these authors showed that the tests can provide acceptance
and rejection regions for the competing technology assumptions allowing a hybrid technology
model in which some secondary products are treated by one assumption and other products by the
other assumption. These tests will enable NSOs to apply more tailored hybrid technology
assumptions, which can be complemented with expert judgments in order to improve the whole
compilation process.

A12.21 Overall, producers of IOTs should be cautious. The results from these tests should not
lead to rejecting the product technology assumption and consider it unrealistic. On the contrary,
the lack of homogeneity in the product classification is constantly biasing final
acceptance/rejection decisions in favour of the competing model (industry technology).

A12.22 However, it should be noticed that detailed product data on inputs and outputs at the level
of individual units are required and valued at basic prices, which is not readily available from
business surveys. Businesses report data on goods and services with insufficient specification and
mostly at purchasers’ prices. There are many examples of partly specified inputs, for example,
single aggregates for a mixed bunch of goods (food and drinks in hotels and restaurants;
consumption of building materials in construction firms; office materials used in businesses, etc.)
and the ‘other costs’ items, which may include a large variety of products. It might be common
practice to use assumptions that come close to product or industry technology assumptions to
complete the full specification of firms’ data on inputs and outputs but it should be done preferably
using actual data or structures of other firms/establishments with the same economic activity and
similar number of workers.

A12.23 Besides, firms report the price paid including trade and transport margins and (if any) net
taxes on products (purchasers’ prices), so some adjustments need to be applied in order to get
firms’ input data valued at basic prices.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

A12.24 These tests could lead to statistically significant conclusions on the selection of the most
appropriate technology assumption but the power of the tests might be largely affected by the
heterogeneity in the product classification, the insufficient detailed breakdown of products and the
measurement errors by the business. These tests may be used as a guide towards the selection of
one of the two technology assumptions in the construction of a hybrid technology-based Product
by Product IOTs, for example, as performed by one regional statistical office (Catalonia, Spain).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Annex B to Chapter 12. Causes and treatment of negative cell entries in the
product technology

A. Causes of negative elements in the product technology

B12.1 As mentioned in Chapter 12, the product technology assumption may generate negative
values. There can be various reasons for the appearance of negative elements, for example:

• there may be multiple technologies for the production of a product.

• the economic transactions may not fully record technological relations.

• the products may represent heterogeneous elements.

• there may be data errors in the SUTs.

B12.2 This Annex briefly covers these factors and proposes possible solutions. The reader is
encouraged to consult ten Raa and Rueda-Cantuche (2013) for a more in-depth review of the issues
and available solutions, including algorithmic procedures for the elimination of negatives which
will not be covered in full in this Annex.

1. The product technology assumption may be incorrect

B12.3 This means there is a product that is produced in two different ways. Clearly, there are
cases where this is true, for example in the chemical industry, where there are often different
processes that lead to exactly the same product. Negatives could be created when one process uses
inputs that are not used by another. This assumption is likely to be only valid at a very detailed
level (for example, KAU or LKAU) and possibly not applicable at the level of aggregation used
in SUTs.

2. Economic transactions are recorded rather than technological relations

B12.4 The SUTs record in principle all transactions between establishments/enterprises. These
are the economic transactions and do not necessarily describe technology. For example, two
companies employ the same process to produce a product. One of the companies sub-contracts a
large part of the process, whereas the other company does the whole process in-house. The two
companies will thus show different input structures in the Use Table for the same output, possibly
leading to negatives.

B12.5 Another situation that could lead to negative elements is where the company operates
vertically integrated production processes. For example, consider the production of cheese at a

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

dairy farm. The milk produced at the farm and used in the production of cheese is neither recorded
as an input nor as an output of the dairy farm. Hence, it looks as if the farm produces cheese
without using milk. If the cheese were to be transferred to the dairy industry, and the input structure
of the dairy industry were to be applied to this cheese, a negative input for milk would appear for
the dairy farm.

B12.6 Non-market output creates a special problem in the application of the product technology
assumption. Non-market output is valued by convention as the sum of the costs incurred in its
production, with net operating surplus being zero. This is applied at the level of the producing unit
and not by product. Secondary market products are valued at their market prices but the value of
the total output of the unit is determined by the costs. If therefore the secondary products are
transferred to the (market) industry where it is produced as primary product, a negative may arise
for the net operating surplus.

3. Heterogeneity in data and classifications

B12.7 Negatives can be generated by heterogeneity in the data. Heterogeneity is unavoidable

because products and industries need to be aggregated in SUTs. In the numerical example used in
this chapter, the manufacturing products produced by agriculture could be totally different
products than, or perhaps a subset of, the products produced by the manufacturing industry. It is
clear that assuming the product technology in such a case would create problems. It is
recommended therefore to apply the product technology assumption always at the most detailed
level of products possible, allowing for the requirement of a square SUTs.

B12.8 The classifications play an important role here. As mentioned earlier, the international
classifications may be based on a variety of criteria that are not always the ones that are appropriate
for I-O analysis. An example is footwear. The CPC does not distinguish footwear of different
materials. More importantly, the CPC provides a distinction of footwear by use. However,
aggregating leather and plastic shoes in one column of the SUTs creates heterogeneity in the
description of the production processes. This may lead to negatives when another industry
produces one of the two types of shoes as secondary output.

4. Errors in the SUTs data

B12.9 Last but not least, negatives can be caused by errors in the SUTs starting point for
transformation or parts of the transformation itself, in terms of the trade margins, transport
margins, taxes on products and subsidies on products.

B12.10 This is an important aspect because it could give insight into the quality of the elements
of the SUTs system. In this way, the compilation of the IOTs can provide a useful and powerful
feedback loop for checking the plausibility of the SUTs data. This experience has shown that IOTs
should be compiled simultaneously with SUTs to enable the results of the IOTs be immediately

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

incorporated back into the SUTs. This approach may not hold when a long run of SUTs need to be
revised due to methodological changes or a new ISIC or a new SNA.

B. Overall strategy for removing negatives

B12.11 As already covered, there are various reasons or causes why negative cell entries using
the product technology can be generated and various ways in resolving these negatives.

B12.12 Ideally, all the negatives should be removed manually having identified the cause for the
negatives and the SUTs/IOTs rebalanced, as appropriate. However, due to the limited resources,
limited time or limited information available, alternative strategies for resolving these negatives
may need to be applied. For example, Model A is applied and negative cell entries are generated
and a three-step approach could be applied:

• All large, and/or any significant, negative cell entries are investigated, resolved and
rebalanced – these changes could affect the SUTs or any of the steps in the transformation
to the IOTs. In doing so, some positive cell entries may be identified as implausible and
may also need to be changed.

• Eliminate small negatives by applying some form of automated procedure.

• Review plausibility of the results, and change, if necessary.

C. Specific approaches to dealing with negatives

B12.13 There are various ways of dealing with negatives, including:

• merging industries;

• changing the primary producer;

• applying industry technology within the product technology framework;

• introducing new products;

• correcting errors in the SUTs;

• making manual corrections to IOTs; and

• (after the above steps) the Almon Method used to remove any small negative cell

1. Merging industries

B12.14 If two or more products are produced more or less simultaneously, it is often difficult to
distinguish the production processes of those products. For example, two closely related industries

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

are restaurants (ISIC Rev. 4 Group 561) and bars (ISIC Rev. 4 Group 563). Restaurants will have
a lot of secondary output of beverage serving services (CPC Ver. 2.1 Group 634, the main product
of bars), while bars will have a lot of secondary output of food serving services (CPC Ver. 2.1
Group 633, the main product of restaurants). It will be difficult to distinguish separate input
structures for beverage serving services and food serving services, since both services are usually
provided simultaneously. It is basically a form of joint production. Trying to distinguish separate
input structures by applying the product technology may lead to negative elements.

B12.15 It would be better to aggregate such industries and hence the products before applying
the product technology. The assumption is then that both products are produced in the same
production process – this is far from ideal and not in line with recommended approach to operate
at the most detailed level possible. Merging the industries removes the secondary outputs and
prevents negatives, and can be a convenient solution to many cases. The apparent disadvantage of
increasing the heterogeneity of the database is in fact not so important, since the input structures
merged are similar anyway.

2. Changing the primary producer

B12.16 It was noted that it must be known which industry is the primary producer for each
product if the product technology assumption is applied. In some cases, negatives are created
because the initially chosen primary producer of a product is not the right one (for example,
research and development). In such a case, the input structure of another industry might be more
appropriate to use as starting point.

B12.17 It has to be noted, in most cases, there are many more products than industries, and hence
there can be products for which it is not immediately obvious who the primary producer may be,
especially when they are rather heterogeneous products.

3. Apply industry technology within the product technology framework

B12.18 In the case that the product technology is not valid because there are in fact two ways of
producing a product, one way of resolving this problem is to apply the industry technology
assumption. The industry technology assumption assumes that all products produced by the
industry are produced in the same production process. Thus, for example it does not matter whether
the outputs of the agriculture industry are called agricultural products or manufacturing products,
they can all be treated as if they were primary products. The secondary output of manufacturing
products could thus be added to the primary output. However, the same adjustments have to be
made in the Use Table, that is, the corresponding amounts have to be transferred from the
manufacturing products row to the agricultural products row and these amounts have to be
allocated to the appropriate users. It is easy to see that this is exactly the same problem as the one
that has to be solved when compiling Industry by Industry IOTs. If available, this assumption could
be complemented with actual data.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

B12.19 The drawback of this solution is that it leads to a reclassification of products. The heading
"agricultural products" in the IOTs would no longer contain the same products as the same heading
in SUTs. This could pose problems for interpretation and for users. In that case, this solution could
still be applied in cases where the reclassification stays within the product groups distinguished in
the most detailed published tables.

4. Introducing new products

B12.20 Another possibility is to introduce a new product. It could well be that there exist two or
more ways to produce a product. If there is sufficient information on the different production
processes available, this could be added to increase the homogeneity of the IOTs. The drawback
of this method is the labour and data intensity. However, if all products are defined as characteristic
in the industry where they are actually produced, then the product technology is in practise replaced
by an industry technology.

5. Correcting errors in the SUTs

B12.21 Wherever it can be established that negatives (or other implausible results) are caused by
errors, it should of course be repaired by correcting the data.

B12.22 The problem here is that IOTs are usually compiled after the “closing” of the accounts
and the SUTs. This is more so in countries when IOTs are compiled less regularly, for example,
once every five years. In such cases, when the compilation of the IOTs reveals problems/errors in
the SUTs, these can often only be resolved at the next benchmark revision and therefore
inconsistencies may have to be reflected to produce plausible IOTs.

6. Make manual corrections to IOTs

B12.23 Finally, if large negatives remain that cannot be dealt with by any of the above solutions,
for example, because it would significantly affect the compatibility with the original SUTs, they
could be resolved by correcting the results of the product technology manually.

B12.24 After the large negative values have been removed and perhaps after adjusting manually
some clearly wrong positive elements, the remaining small negatives can also be eliminated by
setting them to zero as in Armstrong (1975). The final balancing to match the totals can be done
using a mathematical routine such as the RAS procedure or other methods as covered in Chapter
18 of this Handbook. This is the case when it can be considered that these negatives are the normal
"noise" in the compilation process, due to unavoidable heterogeneity and statistical error within
the normal confidence ranges.

7. Almon Method

B12.25 Depending upon the diversity of industries’ secondary activities, Model A (Product
technology assumption) may generate Product by Product IOTs with negative entries.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

B12.26 Almon developed an alternative method which is consistent with the product technology
assumption but calculates Product by Product IOTs from SUTs without any negative entries
(Almon 2000). The most effective application of the Almond Method should be considered when
all of the above procedures have been used, and the focus is only to remove the last small suite of
negative entries. The Almond Method should not be used alone and directly applied to the original

B12.27 The method applies the product technology by calculating IOTs row by row, and taking
care of negatives as soon as they appear. It monitors the transformation process outlined for Model
A step-by-step for each row (i.e. product), when a negative cell entry occurs, the amounts
transferred are reduced until the negative value is absorbed.

B12.28 The method leaves the row totals unaffected but there is no guarantee that the column
totals are maintained. It is therefore necessary to perform a RAS procedure or a similar procedure
to re-balance the row and column totals.

B12.29 The fact that no negative cell entries appear also means that the negative cell entries
cannot be used to analyse the quality and plausibility of the SUTs. However, the results of the
Almon Method can be checked by recalculating the Use Table. In a similar way as above, this
check provides information such as where the structure of SUTs or the product assumptions can
be improved.

B12.30 Box B12.1 shows the application of the Almon Method in removing “small” negatives
for a small numerical example.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box B.1 Almon Method

Clopper Almon developed a procedure (Almon, 2000) to compile Product by Product IOTs from SUTs using
the product technology assumption without negative cell entries.
In Scenario A, the traditional transformation of the SUTs to IOTs with the product technology assumption
(Model A) does not result in negative flows. However, a marginal change in the Use Table in Scenario B does
result in negative cell entries.
In Scenario A, the Almon procedure generates the same result as the traditional transformation with Model A.
However, in Scenario B, it is demonstrated how negative cell entries can be avoided by using the Almon
The final result of the Almon procedure reflects the fact that rennet is only used in the cheese industry. In
addition, the Almon procedure gives an indication in the sheet “New use table” how the Use Table can be
revised to avoid negative cell entries in the compiled Product by Product IOTs. In fact, in the example of
Almon, the “New use table” of Scenario B corresponds with the original Use Table of Scenario A.
Supply table Supply table
Industries Industries
q q
Cheese Ice Cream Chocolate Rennet Other Cheese Ice Cream Chocolate Rennet Other
Cheese 70 30 100 Cheese 70 30 100
Ice Cream 20 180 200 Ice Cream 20 180 200

Chocolate 100 100 Chocolate 100 100
Rennet 20 20 Rennet 20 20
Other 535 535 Other 535 535
g' 90 210 100 20 535 g' 90 210 100 20 535

Use table Use table

Industries Industries
y q y q
Cheese Ice Cream Chocolate Rennet Other Cheese Ice Cream Chocolate Rennet Other
Cheese 100 100 Cheese 100 100
Ice Cream 200 200 Ice Cream 200 200


Chocolate 4 36 60 100 Chocolate 3 37 60 100

Rennet 14 6 20 Rennet 15 5 20
Other 28 72 30 5 400 535 Other 28 72 30 5 400 535
W 44 96 70 15 535 760 W 44 96 70 15 535 760
g' 90 210 100 20 535 760 g' 90 210 100 20 535 760

Product technology assumption Product technology assumption

Product-by-product input-output table Product-by-product input-output table

Products Products
Y q Y q
Cheese Ice Cream Chocolate Rennet Other Cheese Ice Cream Chocolate Rennet Other
Cheese 100 100 Cheese 100 100
Ice Cream 200 200 Ice Cream 200 200


Chocolate 40 60 100 Chocolate -1.67 41.67 60 100

Rennet 20 20 Rennet 21.67 -1.67 20
Other 30 70 30 5 400 535 Other 30 70 30 5 400 535
W 50 90 70 15 535 760 W 50 90 70 15 535 760
q' 100 200 100 20 535 760 q' 100 200 100 20 535 760

Almon procedures Almon procedures

Product-by-product input-output table Product-by-product input-output table

Products Products
Y q Y q
Cheese Ice Cream Chocolate Rennet Other Cheese Ice Cream Chocolate Rennet Other
Cheese 100 100 Cheese 100 100
Ice Cream 200 200 Ice Cream 200 200


Chocolate 40 60 100 Chocolate 40 60 100

Rennet 20 20 Rennet 20 20
Other 30 70 30 5 400 535 Other 30 70 30 5 400 535
W 50 90 70 15 535 760 W 50 90 70 15 535 760
q' 100 200 100 20 535 760 q' 100 200 100 20 535 760

New use table New use table

Products Products
Y q Y q
Cheese Ice Cream Chocolate Rennet Other Cheese Ice Cream Chocolate Rennet Other
Cheese 100 100 Cheese 100 100
Ice Cream 200 200 Ice Cream 200 200


Chocolate 4 36 60 100 Chocolate 4 36 60 100

Rennet 14 6 20 Rennet 14 6 20
Other 28 72 30 5 400 535 Other 28 72 30 5 400 535
W 44 96 70 15 535 760 W 44 96 70 15 535 760
g' 90 210 100 20 535 760 g' 90 210 100 20 535 760

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Annex C to Chapter 12. Examples of reviews of approaches to the treatment

of secondary products

Treatment of secondary products

Year Source or author(s) as appropriate Reference to specific pages


Transfer method
1961 Stone Pages 39-41
1973 UN Page 25
1985 Fukui and Seneta Page 178
1986 Viet Pages 16-18
1990 Kop Jansen and ten Raa Page 215
1994 Viet Pages 36-38
Stone Method or By-product technology model
1961 Stone Pages 39-41
1973 UN Page 26
1984 ten Raa, Chakraborty and Small Page 88
1985 Fukui and Seneta Page 178
1986 Viet Pages 15-16
1990 Kop Jansen and ten Raa Page 215
1994 Viet Page 38
European System of Integrated Economic Accounts (ESA) Method (EUROSTAT, 1979)
1986 Viet Pages 18-19
1990 Kop Jansen and ten Raa Page 214
1994 Viet Pages 38-40

Lump-sum or aggregation method

1974 Office for Statistical Standards Page 116
1985 Fukui and Seneta Page 177
1990 Kop Jansen and ten Raa Page 214
1994 Viet Pages 42-43
Methods with a single technology assumption - Product technology model
1968 UN Pages 48-51
1968 van Rijckeghem Pages 607-608
1970 Gigantes Pages 280-284
1973 UN Pages 26-32
1975 Armstrong Pages 71-72
1984 ten Raa, Chakraborty and Small Page 88
1986 Viet Page 20
1990 Kop Jansen and ten Raa Page 215

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1994 Viet Page 41

Methods with a single technology assumption - Industry technology model
1968 UN Pages 48-51
1970 Gigantes Pages 272-280
1973 UN Pages 26-32
1975 Armstrong Pages 71-72
1984 ten Raa, Chakraborty and Small Pages 88-89
1985 Fukui and Seneta Page 178
1986 Viet Page 21
1990 Kop Jansen and ten Raa Page 215
1994 Viet Pages 40-41
Methods with a single technology assumption - Activity technology model
1994 Konijn Pages 143-184
1995 Konijn and Steenge Pages 426-433

Hybrid technology assumption methods - Mixed product and industry technology assumptions
1968 UN Pages 48-51
1970 Gigantes Pages 284-290
1973 UN Pages 33-34
1975 Armstrong Pages 72-76
Hybrid technology assumption methods - Product technology assumption and by-product technology
1984 ten Raa, Chakraborty and Small Page 90

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 13. Compiling Physical Supply and Use Tables and Environmentally
Extended Input-Output Tables

A. Introduction

13.1 Industrial growth and a rapidly growing world population have large impacts on the global
environment and allocation of material resources. Most changes in the environment are brought
about by human activities and these activities result in a flow of materials. The flows of resources
from the natural environment to the economy are a prerequisite of production while flows of
residuals from the economy to the environment are the consequence of production and
consumption. A full understanding of these processes requires a complete description of the
physical dimension of the economy and its interaction with the environment.

13.2 The Physical Supply and Use Tables (PSUTs) and Environmental-Extended Input-Output
Tables (EE-IOTs) are used to describe the magnitude (measured by tonnes or other physical
measuring units) and the nature of materials and products flowing in the economy, within the
economy and between the economy and nature. They show how the natural resources (natural
inputs) enter, are processed and subsequently, as products, are moved around the economy, used
and finally returned to the natural environment in the form of residuals (emissions, waste, waste
water, etc.). The exchange of products between the domestic economy and the rest of the world is
also described in the PSUTs and EE-IOTs.

13.3 The SEEA Central Framework (United Nations et al. 2014) contains the internationally
agreed standard concepts, definitions, classifications, accounting rules and tables for producing
internationally comparable statistics for environmental-economic accounts. The SEEA, as a
satellite account of the SNA, uses an accounting structure as well as concepts, definitions and
classifications consistent with the SNA in order to facilitate the integration of environmental and
economic statistics.

13.4 The SEEA Central Framework describes a set of accounts that are relevant for the analyses
of the interactions between the environment and the economy. This Chapter focuses on the
compilation of one set of the accounts, namely the PSUTs and the EE-IOTs. Section B presents
the structure of PSUTs and the relevant definitions and classifications of natural inputs and
residuals. This section also covers the accounting and balancing identities and the principles of
physical flow accounting. Section C covers the compilation steps for PSUTs and how they fit in

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

the overall process provided in Chapter 3 of this Handbook. This section will also cover possible
data sources used for the compilation of PSUTs.

13.5 Section D describes how to extend standard economic IOTs in monetary units to include
information on the environment in physical units in the EE-IOTs. The section focus on two types
of EE-IOTs, namely the Single Region Input-Output Tables (SR-IOTs) and the Hybrid IOTs. The
compilation steps for EE-IOTs are described in Section E. Two country examples on the
compilation of PSUTs are finally presented in Section F.

13.6 Physical Input-Output Tables (PIOTs) are also an extension of the SUTs framework to take
into account environmental considerations. They consist of a transformation of the PSUTs into
PIOTs. However, because of the difficulties, conceptually and practically, with the compilation of
PIOTs, the focus of SEEA (2012) has shifted more towards the compilation of EE-IOTS rather
than PIOTs. A conceptual disadvantage of the PIOTs, for example, is that they do not allow for
the distinction between different types of inputs and outputs. Inputs of products and natural inputs
are combined together in PIOTs to generate one output which combines products and residuals.
This limits the environmental analyses that can be drawn by combining physical accounts. On the
practical side, the choice of the physical unit to measure the various types of products, natural
inputs and residuals is also not simple. This Chapter, therefore, does not elaborate more on the
compilation of PIOTs, although some countries do compile PIOTs as well as from this point in
this Handbook, the focus will be mainly on EE-IOTs as opposed to PIOTs.

B. Overview of Physical Supply and Use Tables

13.7 The SEEA provides the conceptual foundation for the extensions of the SNA to include the
environment. The SEEA Central Framework records flows from the environment to the economy
(natural input), within the economy (product flows), and flow from the economy to the
environment (residuals). Figure 13.1 provides a schematic representation of the physical flows of
natural inputs, products and residuals between the environment and the economy.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 13.1 Physical flows of natural inputs, products and residuals

Economy Natural inputs (incl. Mineral resources

Timber resources, Aquatic resources,
Water resources)

Industries Products (Goods

& services
produced Environment
and consumed in
the economy)
Residuals (incl. Air emissions,
Return flows of water)

13.8 PSUTs record physical flows of natural inputs, products and residuals in physical units of
measurement. They are used to assess how an economy supplies and uses natural resources and
examine changes in production and consumption patterns over the accounting period. In
combination with data from monetary SUTs, they allow for analyses of changes in productivity
and intensity in the use of natural inputs and the release of residuals. Physical flows within the
environment, i.e. natural flows of materials and energy, are outside the scope of PSUTs.

13.9 For the recording of physical flows, the structure of the SUTs of the SNA is extended by
additional rows and columns in order to accommodate physical flows between the economy and
the environment.

13.10 As shown in Table 13.1, PSUTs consist of a pair of tables which have the same
format/structure. The two tables show by row, the various physical flow types, namely natural
inputs, products, and residuals. By column, they show instead the various origins and destinations
supplying and using the flow items, namely industries (i.e. production activities), households (i.e.
consumption activities), accumulation (changes in stocks of produced assets and product
inventories), rest of the world and environment.

13.11 The physical Supply Table shows which physical flows are provided by which source
(industries, households, accumulation, rest of the world, or the environment). In other words, it
shows the physical flows by origin. The physical Use Table shows where the physical flows are
used or received (i.e. production, consumption, accumulation activity, etc.). In other words, it
shows the physical flows by its destination. The SEEA Central Framework notes that the general
framework shown in Table 13.1 may be articulated fully or only partly.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 13.1 General Physical Supply and Use Table7

Simplified structure of the physical supply table
Indus tri es Industries Gross capital
Agriculture, Mining and Imports formation/Accu Environment Total
… Services consumption
forestry, etc. quarrying mulation
Mineral and energy resources Flows from Total supply

the by natural
environment inputs
… (A) (TSNI)
Agriculture, forestry, etc.

Ores and minerals; etc. Imports by Total supply

Output by product by Industry
product by product
… (C)
(D) (TSP)

Total (for products) Total Output by Industry Total imports

Residuals from
Solid waste
Residuals scrapping and
Residuals Residuals

received demolition of
generated recovered Total supply
Residuals generated by Industry from the produced assets
Wastewater by final from the by residuals
(I) Rest of the and emissions
consumtpion environment (TSR)
World from controlloed
(J) (M)
(L) landfill sites


Total Supply

Empty by definition Blank cells may contain relevant flows

Simplified structure of the physical use table

Indus tri es Industries Gross capital
Agriculture, Mining and Exports formation/Accu Environment Total
… Services consumption
forestry, etc. quarrying mulation
Mineral and energy resources Total use by

Extraction of Natural inputs natural

(B) inputs
… (TUNI)
Agriculture, forestry, etc. Final
consumption Gross capital

Ores and minerals; etc. Intermediate consumption by product and by Exports by Total use by
by product formation/Accu
Industry product product
… and by mulation
(E) (H) (TUP)
category (G)
Services (F)
Value added Value added by component and by industry Value added
Total for products Total Output by Industry Total final uses by category

Solid waste Residuals Accumulation of Residual


C ollection and treatment of waste and other sent to the waste in flows direct Total use by
Wastewater residuals Rest of the controlled to the residuals
(N) World landfilled enviornment (TUR)
… (P) (O) (Q)

Total Use

Empty by definition Blank cells may contain relevant flows

13.12 As indicated in Chapter 2, the part of the PSUTs related to products provides the physical
measurements of the flows that are recorded in the monetary SUTs presented in previous chapters.
Many of the flows of products recorded in monetary terms relate to the use of products originating
from the environment, for example, the manufacture of wood products, or to activities and
expenditures associated with the environment, for example, environmental protection expenditure.

Based on Table 3.2.1 of the SEEA-2012 Central Framework

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

It should be noted that the monetary and physical SUTs of the SEEA are compiled for either a
specific underlying environmental theme or for whole suite of environmental themes. This means
that the industry and product breakdown shown in the tables explicitly identify relevant
industries/products for the environmental theme of interest. For example, when compiling SUTs
for water in physical and monetary units, the industry breakdown will explicitly identify the
industry distributing water, the industry treating wastewater and the major industries abstracting
and using water. Similarly on the product side, the relevant products for water will be explicitly
identified. The monetary and physical tables are therefore compiled for the same breakdown, and
indicators can be calculated using consistent physical and monetary information.

(a) Natural inputs, products and residuals

13.13 The starting point to understand the PSUTs is to have a clear understanding of the
terminology used for the construction of such tables. The definition of products is the same as that
used within the National Accounts, namely products (goods and services) are the result of
production. They are exchanged and used for various purposes; as inputs in the production of other
goods and services, as final consumption or for investment (2008 SNA, paragraph 2.36). Natural
inputs and residuals are not within the National Accounts boundaries. They are defined in the
SEEA Central Framework in order to account for the physical inter-relations between the national
economy and the natural environment.

13.14 Natural inputs are all physical inputs that are moved from their location in the environment
as a part of the economic process or are directly used in production. They include, for example,
natural timber resources and water resources that are extracted from the environment. Natural
inputs should not be confused with products. In the case of mining activities, for example, natural
inputs, such as gross ore, are input flows to the mining industry. They become products once they
become an output by the mining industry, such as processed ore and concentrates.

13.15 The three broad classes of natural inputs are distinguished in the SEEA and listed below.
Table 13.2 provides the classes of natural input as defined by the SEEA Central Framework.

i. Natural resource inputs are material resource extraction from the natural environment.
They include materials actually used in production as well as natural resource residuals
which are natural resource inputs that do not subsequently become products but instead
immediately return to the environment.

ii. Natural inputs of energy from renewable sources, such as solar, hydro energy captured by
economic units.

iii. Other natural inputs such as inputs from soil (for example, soil nutrients) and inputs from
air (for example, oxygen taken up in combustion processes, CO2 absorbed by cultivated

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 13.2 Classes of natural input

1 Natural resource inputs
1.1 Extraction used in production
1.1.1 Mineral and energy resources Oil resources Natural gas resources Coal and peat resources Non-metallic mineral resources (excl. coal & peat resources) Metallic mineral resources
1.1.2 Soil resources (excavated)
1.1.3 Natural timber resources
1.1.4 Natural aquatic resources
1.1.5 Other natural biological resources (excluding timber and aquatic resources)
1.1.6 Water resources Surface water Groundwater Soil water
1.2 Natural resource residuals
2 Inputs of energy from renewable sources
2.1 Solar
2.2 Hydro
2.3 Wind
2.4 Wave and tidal
2.5 Geothermal
2.6 Other electricity and heat
3 Other natural inputs
3.1 Inputs from soil
3.1.1 Soil nutrients
3.1.2 Soil carbon
3.1.3 Other inputs from soil
3.2 Inputs from air
3.2.1 Nitrogen
3.2.2 Oxygen
3.2.3 Carbon dioxide
3.2.4 Other inputs from air
3.3 Other natural inputs n.e.c.

13.16 Residuals refer to flows of solid, liquid and gaseous materials, and energy that are
discarded, discharged or emitted by the economy and households to the environment (for example,
emissions to air and water) through processes of production, consumption and accumulation. The
SEEA Central Framework distinguishes the following groups of residuals:

a) Solid waste covers discarded materials that are no longer required by the owner or user.
Solid waste includes materials that are in a solid or liquid state but excludes wastewater
and small particulate matter released into the atmosphere.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

b) Wastewater is discarded water that is no longer required by the owner or user. Water
discharged into drains or sewers, water received by water treatment plants and water
discharged direct to the environment is all considered wastewater. Wastewater includes
return flows of water which are flows of water direct to the environment, with or without
treatment. All water is included regardless of the quality of the water, including returns
from hydro-electric power generators.

c) Emissions are substances released to the environment by establishments and households

as a result of production, consumption and accumulation processes. Generally, emissions
are analysed by type of receiving environment (i.e. air, water and soil) and by type of

• Emissions to air are gaseous and particulate substances released to the atmosphere
by establishments and households as a result of production, consumption and
accumulation processes.

• Emissions to water are substances released to water resources by establishments

and households as a result of production, consumption and accumulation processes.

• Emissions to soil are substances released to the soil by establishments and

households as a result of production, consumption and accumulation processes.

d) Dissipative uses of products covers products that are deliberately released to the
environment as part of production processes. For example, fertilisers and pesticides are
deliberately spread on soil and plants as part of agricultural and forestry practice, and in
certain countries salt is spread on roads to improve road conditions for drivers.

e) Dissipative losses are material residues that are an indirect result of production and
consumption activity. Examples include particulate abrasion from road surfaces, abrasion
residues from car brakes and tyres, and zinc from rain collection systems.

f) Natural resource residuals are natural resource inputs that do not subsequently become
incorporated into production processes and instead immediately return to the environment.
Natural resource residuals are recorded as a generation of residuals by natural resource
extracting industries and as a flow of residuals directly to the environment. Thus these
flows do not become products; thus they do not enter the economy. An example of natural
resource residual is cooling water which is abstracted to cool the plant such as electricity
generation plants, chemical manufacturing plants, etc. Once the water cools the plant, it is
returned generally into the same place in the environment. It is important to monitor these
residuals because of their environmental impact.

13.17 Table 13.3 provides examples of the types of materials/components that are commonly
included in the different groups of residuals for analytical purposes depending on the focus of the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

analysis whether it is on the purpose behind the discard (for example, solid waste), the destination
of the substance (for example, emissions to air), or the processes leading to the emission (for
example, dissipative losses).

Table 13.3 Typical components for groups of residuals8

Group Typical components
Solid waste (includes recovered materials)* Chemical and healthcare waste, Radioactive waste, Metallic waste, Other recyclables,
Discarded equipment and vehicles, Animal and vegetal wastes, Mixed residential and
commercial waste, Mineral wastes and soil, Combustion wastes, Other wastes
Wastewater* Water for treatment and disposal, Return flows, Reused water
Emissions to air Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Dinotrogen oxide, Nitrous oxides, Hydrofluorocarbons,
Perfluorocarbons, Sulphur Hexaflouride, Carbon monoxide, Non-methane volatile organic
compounds, Sulphur dioxide, Ammonia, Heavy metals, Persistent organic pollutants,
Particulates (e.g. PM10, dust)
Emissions to water Nitrogen compounds, Phosphorous compounds, Heavy metals, Other substances and
(organic) compounds
Emissions to soil Leaks from pipelines, chemical spills
Residuals from dissipative use of products Unabsorbed nutrients from fertilisers, salt spread on roads
Dissipative losses Abrasion (tyres/brakes), Erosion/corrosion of infrastructure (roads, etc)
Natural resource residuals Mining overburden, felling residues, discarded catch
* This list of typical components for groups of residuals can also be applied to certain flows defined as products.

13.18 Another way in which residuals are considered is in terms of losses. This is of particular
interest in the analysis of physical flows of energy and water. Four types of losses are identified
according to the stage at which they occur through the production process:

(a) Losses during extraction are losses that occur during extraction of a natural resource before
there is any further processing, treatment or transportation of the extracted natural resource.
Losses during extraction exclude natural resources that are re-injected into the deposit from
which they were extracted.

(b)Losses during distribution are losses that occur between a point of abstraction, extraction or
supply and a point of use.

(c) Losses during storage are losses of energy products and materials held in inventories. They
include evaporation, leakages of fuels (measured in mass or volume units), wastage and
accidental damage. Excluded from the scope of inventories are non-produced assets even
though they might be considered as being stored.

(d)Losses during transformation refer to the energy lost, for example in the form of heat, during
the transformation of one energy product into another energy product.

Table 3.2.4 of the SEEA-2012 Central Framework

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(b) Accounting and balancing identities

13.19 As explained in Chapter 1 and 2, SUTs are linked together through various accounting and
balancing identities. PSUTs, which represent the environmental extensions of the SNA-based
SUTs in physical terms, also contain a range of important accounting and balancing identities. The
starting point for the balancing of the PSUTs is the supply and use of products identity, which
recognizes that, within the economy, the amount of a product supplied must be equal in physical
units to that used within the economy or exported. Thus

Total supply of products (TSP) = Total use of products (TUP)


Total supply of products (TSP) = Domestic production (C) + imports (D)

Total use of products (TUP) = Intermediate consumption (E) + household final

consumption (F) + gross capital formation (G) + exports (H)

In parentheses, reference is made to specific parts of the PSUTs illustrated in Figure 13.1.

13.20 In the PSUTs, the supply and use of products identity also holds in physical units for flows
of natural inputs and residuals:

Total supply of natural inputs (TSNI) = Total use of natural inputs (TUNI)

Total supply of residuals (TSR) = Total use of residuals (TUR)

13.21 These identities also relate to the fundamental physical law underpinning the PSUTs,
namely the conservation of mass and the conservation of energy. These physical identities imply
the existence of material and energy balances for all individual materials within the system. It can
be shown that, over an accounting period, the following is true:

Flows of materials into an economy must equal the flows of materials out of an economy plus
any net additions to stock in the economy.

This is known as the I-O identity.

13.22 The net additions to the stock comprise additions and deductions over an accounting period

(a) gross capital formation in investment goods and inventories of products;

(b) physical flows of residuals to and from the rest of the world;
(c) residuals recovered from the environment (for example, oil collected following an oil spill);

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(d) the accumulation of solid waste in controlled landfill sites (excluding emissions from these
13.23 Thus, the I-O identity describing the physical flows between an economy and the

Materials into the economy = Materials out of the economy + Net additions to stock in the


Materials into the economy = Natural inputs (A) + imports (D) + residuals received from the
rest of the world (L) + residuals recovered from the environment (M)

Materials out of the economy = Residual flows to the environment (Q) + exports (H) + residuals
sent to the rest of the world (P)

Net additions to stock in the economy = Gross capital formation (G) + accumulation in
controlled landfill sites (O) - residuals from produced assets and controlled landfill sites (K)

13.24 This identity can be applied at the level of an entire economy and also at the level of an
individual industry or household, in which case the notion of imports and exports refer to flows to
and from other industries in the economy as well as to and from the rest of the world.

13.25 Natural resource residuals are recorded in the PSUTs, first as a supply from the
environment and use of natural inputs by the economy (part (A) and (B) in Table 13.1) and then
as returning flow to the environment (part (I) and (Q) in Table 13.1). Thus, unlike natural inputs,
they do not become products and are not recorded in the block of rows for products in the PSUTs.

13.26 PSUTs can be compiled for a single specific environmental domain, such as water or
energy but also for a larger set of domains. In either case, these accounting identities and a common
set of accounting principles can be applied. In particular, clear boundaries in respect of the point
of transition between the environment and the economy must be established.

(c) Recording principles of physical flow accounting

13.27 When compiling PSUTs there are specific recording principles that should be followed in
particular regarding the gross and net recording of physical flows, the treatment of international
flows of goods, and the treatment of goods for processing. These are described in turn below.

Gross and net recording of physical flows

13.28 PSUTs record flows between the environment and the economy, flows between different
economic units, and, where applicable, flows within economic units. This recording of flows is
referred to in the SEEA as ‘gross recording’. The main advantage of a gross recording approach is

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

that a full reconciliation of all flows at all levels of the SUTs, for example, by industry and by
product, can be made.

13.29 However, recording all of these flows may hide some key relationships; hence, for
analytical purposes, alternative consolidations and aggregations of flows have been developed.
These alternative approaches are often referred to as ‘net recordings’, although the nature of the
consolidations and aggregations varies and there is therefore no single application of net recording.

13.30 One example of when gross and net recording is that of PSUTs for energy. When PSUTs
for energy are compiled on a gross basis, they show all flows of energy between economic units.
Some of these are flows of energy products to energy producers which transform one energy
product into a different energy product (for example, coal is burned to generate electricity in
electric power plants) while other flows are destined to end-users (the case, for example, of
delivery of electricity to households). PSUTs on the basis of net recording exclude non-
consumptive energy use which is the transformation of one energy product into another product
thus allowing for a greater focus on the end use of energy.

13.31 Generally, care should be taken when using and interpreting the terms “gross” and “net”
and clear definitions of inclusions and exclusions should be sought and provided.

Treatment of international flows

13.32 The treatment of physical flows to and from the rest of the world needs a careful
articulation. In line with the SNA, the underlying principle applied in the SEEA is that relevant
flows are attributed to the country of residence of the producing or consuming unit. This differs
from the territory principle of recording, which is applied in a number of statistical domains such
as energy statistics and energy balances. The territory principle attributes the relevant flows to the
country in which the producing or consuming unit is located at the time of the flow.

13.33 In accordance with both the 2008 SNA and the BPM 6, the residence of an institutional
unit is determined by the economic territory with which it has the strongest connection (2008 SNA,
paragraphs 4.10–4.15). In the majority of situations, the concepts of territory and residence are
closely aligned. However, there are cases that require careful considerations in order to choose the
appropriate recording. These include: international transport, tourist activity and natural resource

International transport

13.34 To ensure consistency with other parts of the accounts, the appropriate recording of
international transport activity is centred on the residence of the operator of the transport
equipment which is usually the location of the headquarters of the transport operator. Therefore
regardless of the distances travelled, the number of places of operation, whether the transport
service is supplied to non-residents or whether the transport service is between locations in

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

different countries, all revenues, inputs (including fuel, wherever purchased) and emissions are
attributed to the country of residence of the operator.

13.35 Special attention must be made to the bunkering of fuel, primarily for ships and aircrafts.
The recording of bunkering of fuel is a transaction between the operator of the transport service
and the owner of the fuel. Therefore, if the owner of the fuel is a resident in the rest of the world,
the refuelling of a ship operated by a resident unit is considered an import independently where
the refuelling takes place. In fact, there may be in practice a variety of special arrangements
whereby a unit resident in a country stores fuel in another country while still retaining ownership
of the fuel itself. Following the principles of the SNA and the BPM, the location of the fuel is not
relevant rather the ownership of the fuel. Thus, if country A established a bunker in country B and
transports fuel to that country in order to refuel a ship that it operates, then the fuel is considered
to have remained in the ownership of country A and no export of fuel to country B is recorded.
Thus, the fuel stored in country B is not necessarily all attributable to country B. This treatment is
likely to differ from the recording utilized in international trade statistics; and adjustments to
source data may therefore be needed to align the recording to this treatment.

Tourist activity

13.36 The recording of tourist activity in the PSUTs is consistent with the recording of
international transport activity in that the concept of residence is central. The consumption activity
of a tourist travelling abroad is attributed to the tourist’s country of residence and not to the location
of the tourist when the consumption is undertaken. Thus, purchases in a country by a foreign tourist
are recorded as an export by the country visited and as an import of the country of residence of the
tourist. Solid waste generated in the country by foreign tourists should generally be attributed to
local enterprises (for example, hotels and restaurants). Emissions from local transport used by
foreign tourists (for example, taxis, minibuses, nationally operated rental cars, etc.) are attributed
to the local transport company. In addition, similarly to case of international transport, emissions
from aircraft and other long-distance transport equipment are attributed to the country of residence
of the operator whether or not used by tourists. In neither case are the emissions attributed to the

13.37 It should be mentioned however that analyses of the impact of tourism on the economy or
on the environment could be done by expanding exists flows to identify the part due to the tourism
activity. This is done in the Tourism Satellite Accounts (United Nations et al. 2010).

Natural resource inputs

13.38 Natural resource inputs are physical inputs to the economy from the environment. In line
with the 2008 SNA, natural resources that are legally owned by non-residents are considered to be
owned by a notional resident unit and the non-resident legal owner is shown as the financial owner
of the notional resident unit. Consequently, the extraction of natural resource inputs must occur
within a country’s economic territory by economic units that are resident in the country.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

13.39 The major exception to this kind of treatment occurs with respect to natural aquatic
resources. Following accounting conventions, the harvest of aquatic resources is allocated to the
residence of the operator of the vessel undertaking the harvesting rather than to the location of the
resources. Thus, the amount of natural resource input that should be recorded for a country is equal
to the quantity of aquatic resources caught by vessels whose operator is resident in that country,
regardless of where the resources are caught. Natural resource inputs are not recorded for the
harvest of aquatic resources by vessels operated by non-residents in national waters and the exports
are also not recorded in this situation. In the accounts of the country to which the non-resident
operator is connected, there should be entries for natural resource inputs for aquatic resources
caught in non-national waters but no reduction in national aquatic resources in the asset accounts
for this harvest.

Treatment of goods for processing

13.40 It is increasingly common for goods from one country to be sent to another country for
further processing before being (a) returned to the original country, (b) sold in the processing
country or (c) sent to other countries. In situations where the unprocessed goods are sold to a
processor in a second country, there are no particular recording issues. However, in situations
where the processing is undertaken on a fee-for-service basis and there is no change of ownership
of the goods (i.e., the ownership remains with the original country), the financial flows are unlikely
to relate directly to the physical flows of goods being processed.

13.41 From a monetary accounts perspective, the enterprise processing the goods assumes no risk
associated with the eventual marketing of the products and the value of the output of the processor
is the fee agreed for the processing. This fee is recorded as an export of a service to the first country.
A consequence of this treatment is that the recorded pattern of inputs for the enterprise that is
processing goods on behalf of another unit is quite different from the pattern of inputs when the
enterprise is manufacturing similar goods on its own account.

13.42 Although this treatment is in line with that of the SNA and provides the most appropriate
recording of the monetary flows, it does not correspond to the physical flows of goods.
Consequently, a different treatment of goods for processing is recommended for PSUTs. This
entails recording the physical flows of goods, both as they enter into the country of the processing
unit and as they leave that country. Tracking the physical flows in this way enables a clearer
reconciliation of all physical flows in the economy and also provides a physical link to the
recording of the environmental effects of the processing activity in the country in which the
processing is being undertaken, including, for example, emissions to air. The same considerations
apply to flows of goods for repair and merchanting.

13.43 Depending on the products and industries that are of interest, reconciliation entries may be
required if accounts combining physical and monetary data are to be compiled.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

C. Compilation of PSUTs

13.44 The SEEA Central Framework provides the primary source for definitions, classifications
and methods to be employed in developing the PSUTs. This section covers the compilation steps
for PSUTs and how they fit in the overall process based on the GBSPM provided in Chapter 3 of
this Handbook. This section also covers possible data sources used for the compilation of PSUTs.
It should be noted there is only a limited number of countries that produce the full set of PSUTs
and in turn, well-established practices across many countries do not exist. Thus this Chapter
provides a general approach but national practices will have to take into account national
circumstances such as data availability, resources, systems, user needs, etc. as described in
Chapters 3 and 4 of this Handbook.

13.45 Generally, compilers of PSUTs are not responsible for primary data collection such as
conducting surveys and censuses. Rather the role of compilers is to collate and integrate
information from a range of sources to provide a coherent and consistent picture of the theme or
topic that is the focus of the accounts and to ensure the PSUTs are produced alongside the
corresponding SUTs and IOTs as well integrated with the “core” National Accounts. An important
role of the compiler is therefore to understand the various sources of information including their
scope, coverage, item definition, etc. and adjust them if necessary to fit them into the accounting
framework of the SEEA.

13.46 As the source data for PSUTs come from a variety of different sources, an action plan is
needed to be developed in order to collect all the necessary information to compile the PSUTs and
to include activities to be developed by different stakeholders, including the different department
within the National Statistics Office and other relevant agencies in charge of natural resources
management such as the Ministry of Environment. This, in turn, requires institutional
arrangements to clarify roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder and to facilitate the sharing
of responsibilities and data among the different stakeholders.

1. List of individual components of SEEA physical flow accounts

13.47 Section B provides a comprehensive examination of the systems of physical flow accounts.
In practice, the flexible and modular approach of the SEEA implementation strategy recommends
that the compilation of the SEEA accounts should start with individual component accounts that
have been identified as priorities. Table 13.4 provides a list of individual component of a full set
of physical flow accounts in the SEEA Central Framework.

Table 13.4 List of individual components of SEEA PSUTs

PSUTs Topics covered (detailed definition)

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

All resources and materials (energy, water, air emissions, water

Full set of SUTs for materials emissions, solid waste) (CF 3.45)
Economy-wide material flow Supply and consumption of energy; air emissions, water emissions, and
accounts (MFA) solid waste (CF 3.279)
PSUTs for water Supply (precipitation) and consumption of water (CF 3.186)
PSUTs for energy Supply and consumption of energy (CF 3.140)
Air emissions accounts Air emissions (CO2, pollutants) (CF 3.233)
Water emissions accounts Water emissions (CF 3.257)
Waste accounts Solid wastes (CF 3.268)

2. Data sources

13.48 In practice, the methods used in compiling PSUTs (whether for individual components or
a full set of components) require the use of a wide range of data sources and can be constrained in
large part by the nature of the data available. Using existing data sources as much as possible is
therefore fundamental when building PSUTs. All available sources should be reviewed for
possible use in PSUTs with or without adjustments to fit within the conceptual framework. This
form the basis for the improvement of existing data source or even the development of new sources
to fill the gaps. Table 13.5 identified the common national data sources for each SEEA component
accounts and the corresponding PSUTs.

Table 13.5 Common national data sources and links to SEEA component accounts
Data source SEEA component accounts and corresponding PSUTs
Environment statistics
Emissions inventory (Pollutant release and 12.121 Air emissions accounts
transfer registry) 12.122 Water emissions account
Water statistics 12.123 Water emissions account
12.124 Water PSUTs
12.125 Water asset accounts
Energy statistics 12.126 Air emissions
12.127 Energy PSUTs
12.128 Mineral and energy asset accounts
Waste statistics 12.129 Waste accounts
Other environment statistics 12.130 Land cover accounts
12.131 Forest accounts
Economic statistics
National accounts 12.132 Energy PSUTs
12.133 Mineral and energy asset accounts
12.134 Environmental protection expenditures
12.135 Environmental taxes and subsidies
12.136 Environmental goods and services sector
International trade statistics 12.137 Material flow accounts
Business statistics 12.138 Environmental protection expenditures
12.139 Environmental goods and services sector
Government finance statistics 12.140 Environmental protection expenditures
12.141 Environmental taxes and subsidies

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Other (for example, administrative data) 12.142 Mineral and energy asset accounts

13.49 A non-exhaustive list of material that is relevant for the compilation for each individual
component of SEEA physical flow accounts and the corresponding PSUTs is provided in Box

Box 13.1 Selected reference material

Material flows
• Eurostat guidance developed for its environmental-economic accounting programme of work on
material flow accounting.
• The forthcoming SEEA Technical Note on Material Flow Accounting.
• Guidelines for the Compilation of Water Accounts and Statistics, prepared by UNSD, 2014.
• SEEA Water, 2012.
• The forthcoming SEEA Technical Note on Water Accounting.
• International Recommendations for Water Statistics, 2012.
• FAO guidance on collecting data in AquaStat –
see http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/main/index.stm
• Eurostat guidance developed for its environmental-economic accounting programme of work on water-
flow data.
• The forthcoming SEEA Energy.
• The forthcoming SEEA Technical Note on Energy Accounting.
• The 2014 International Recommendations for Energy Statistics.
• International Energy Agency guidance on collecting energy statistics.
• Eurostat guidance from its environmental-economic accounting programme for energy flow data.
Air emissions
• The forthcoming SEEA Technical Note on Air Emission Accounting
• IPCC guidance on the measurement of emissions in the UNFCCC;
• FAO guidance from its programme of work on measuring greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture;
• Eurostat guidance from its environmental-economic accounting programme of work on air emissions
flow data.
Agricultural products and related environmental flows
• The forthcoming SEEA Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
• Guidance in the FAOSTAT website.
• FAO handbooks and guidance on the collection of national agricultural production data, including the
ten-year agricultural census.
• Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics.
• Eurostat information on the collection of agricultural statistics.
• Guidance on the compilation of the European Economic Accounts for Agriculture and Forestry by
Forestry products and related environmental flows
• The forthcoming SEEA Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
• Guidance for the FAO five-year global Forest Resource Assessment.
• Guidance for the Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire.
• The 2002 European Framework for Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting for Forests.
Fisheries products and related environmental flows
• The forthcoming SEEA Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
• FAO guidance on collecting fisheries statistics in
FishStat - http://www.fao.org/fishery/statistics/software/fishstatj/en

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• The 2004 FAO handbook Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting for Fisheries.

3. Overall strategy for the compilation of PSUTs

13.50 Figure 13.2 shows an overview of the general compilation process. Please note, Steps 6, 7
and 8 in Figure 13.2 link to, and fit in with Box G in Figure 3.4 of Chapter 3 showing the
compilation schematic for SUTs and IOTs

Figure 13.2 Overview of the compilation schematic for PSUTs

13.51 Wherever possible, direct observed quantity data on natural input, product and residual
flows is recommended to be used for the compilation of PSUTs. In the ideal scenario, the data are
available for all parts of the SUTs and PSUTs are initially compiled unbalanced and are
subsequently balanced simultaneously (or sequentially, if appropriate). In this situation, Step 5 and
Step 7 in Figure 13.2 would be merged replacing the existing Step 7.

13.52 However, in practice, countries that compile SUTs and PSUTs often start with balanced
SUTs. In addition, since exhaustive source data for PSUTs are generally not available (and often
not compiled within the National Accounts), the SUTs compiled within the National Accounts are
converted into PSUTs by applying price and quantity data as an initial estimate of PSUTs. In this
situation, Figure 13.2 reflects practical considerations where Step 5 is separate from Step 7.
Nonetheless, the process of compiling unbalanced PSUTs and balancing PSUTs allows for a

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

feedback loop to the SUTs, irrespective whether the SUTs and PSUTs are balanced simultaneously
(or sequentially, if appropriate).

Step 1 to Step 5

13.53 Please refer to earlier chapters for the compilation steps for the SUTs (i.e. step 1 to step 5
in Figure 13.3).

• Step 1: Compilation of SUTs at purchasers’ price. See Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6.

• Step 2: Compilation of valuation matrices. See Chapter 7.

• Step 3: Compilation of SUTs at basic prices. See Chapter 7.

• Step 4: Compilation of DUTs, IUTs and SUTs at basic prices and in volume terms. See
Chapters 8 and 9.

• Step 5: Balance the SUTs simultaneously (or sequentially) in current prices and in volume
terms: See Chapter 11.

Step 6: Conversion of SUTs at basic prices to PSUTs

13.54 The SUTs are converted into PSUTs using information on the level of prices and data on
quantities from several sources. This step generates an unbalanced set of PSUTs. Variations of this
approach as presented in the case studies later in this Chapter. Information on prices can be derived
from several sources. In the ideal case, business statistics provide data on output and intermediate
use both in monetary and physical terms. The derivation of prices to be applied to the SUTs is
straightforward. However, often these data have incomplete coverage or are very limited as well
as depending upon the level of aggregation, there may be large price variations per physical unit
within a product group.

13.55 If the quantities are available from basic statistics, they can be applied directly without
using prices. Furthermore, the price and quantity details can provide an effective feedback loop
regarding the quality of the current price values in the SUTs.

13.56 These initial estimates can be overruled if specific information for certain industries or
expenditure categories is available. Examples of such sources include business surveys and
household budget surveys. For example, for agriculture, food processing industries and energy
industries, generally a lot of physical data and price levels are available.

13.57 A specific source for household final consumption is scanner data provided by the retail
industry (for example, supermarkets). Applying the price levels derived from this source to
household final consumption valued at purchasers’ prices results is an alternative, and probably, a
higher quality estimate of physical data.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

13.58 For some “outputs”, neither price levels nor quantity data can be usefully applied, for
example construction, for which an ‘input’ method is applied, meaning that output in physical
terms by definition equals the sum of inputs in physical terms.

13.59 In addition to physical data for supply and use of product, the physical flows of natural
resource and residual not having a monetary value have to be included. Mainly these flows concern
the flows between the economy and the environment like extraction from natural sources, air
emissions, etc. Also within an economy, the flows without a monetary value can exist, for example,
waste. Some of these physical flows form part of accumulation in the economy.

13.60 The physical Supply Table records natural input, product and residual flows that occur due
to a decrease in stock like, for example, waste that arises from demolishing a building. Another
example includes the CO2 emissions that are released from landfills. On the basis of the type of
waste that is being produced, a distinction is made between waste that results from the production
process and waste that results from discarding capital. On the other hand, the Use Table records
addition to stock and dumping of waste in landfills. Additions to stock are not always easy to
estimate and are often part of a balancing entry, like the addition of buildings and infrastructure.

Step 7: Balancing the PSUTs

13.61 Compiling PSUTs as described above may result with unbalanced PSUTs. This may
reflect, for example, data from different sources, insufficient matching of prices and quantities or
addressing implausible results. Additional adjustments are then necessary in order to generate
balanced PSUTs.

13.62 In the balancing of PSUTs, the following identities covering the physical flows should be

a) for each industry, the amount of material/resource that goes in equals the amount of
material/resource that comes out; and

b) for each product, the amount that is supplied equals the amount that is used.

13.63 It should be mentioned that the balancing of PSUTs may often identify inconsistencies in
the monetary SUTs thus providing a feedback loop into the monetary SUTs. For this reason, it is
often recommended to balance the SUTs simultaneously in monetary (in current prices and in
volume terms) and physical units. In this case, Step 5 and Step 7 would be merged into a new Step
7, whereby SUTs and PSUTs would be balanced at the same time.

Step 8: Transformation of PSUTs to EE-IOT or PIOTs

13.64 In general, once balanced PSUTs are available, they can be transformed into EE-IOTs or
PIOTs using the same assumptions and techniques that are used to transform monetary SUTs to
IOTs (Industry by Industry or Product by Product).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

13.65 When the compilation of PSUTs is done simultaneously with the monetary SUTs both in
current prices and in volume terms, an extensive set of feedback loops could be used to improve
the monetary SUTs. Figure 13.3 shows the key feedback loops in producing and balancing the
PSUTs and EE-IOTs or PIOTs.

Figure 13.3 Key feedback loops in producing and balancing

the PSUTs and PIOTs (or EE-IOTs)

Key phases

SUTs at purchasers’ prices, basic prices, valuation matrices both in current prices
and previous years’ prices

Population SUTs at purchasers’ prices

Compile valuation prices
Compile SUTs at basic prices
Compile IOTs

Compilation of Physical SUTs and Physical IOTs / EE-IOTs

Collect price data (levels)

Collect physical data (where applicable)
Compile SUTs in physical terms (PSUTs)
Compile IOTs in physical terms (PIOTs / EE-IOTs)

Validation, reconciliation and balancing

Check key identities in physical terms

Check plausibility of movements in physical terms
Reconcile inconsistencies in physical terms
Feedback/amendments from PSUTs/PIOTs/EE-IOTs to SUTs and/or IOTs

Feedback loops Process flows

13.66 In practice, the PSUTs will be compiled using final balanced SUTs as a starting point. The
option for feedback to the SUTs is then limited to the year or periods in question until the next
revision cycle but it is still very useful indeed. Any inconsistencies detected in balancing the
PSUTs can be used as additional information to inform the compilation and balancing of the next
revision of the affected SUTs. In some countries, this may have to wait for the next benchmark
revision year.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

D. Environmentally-Extended Input-Output Tables

13.67 The EE-IOTs are integrated datasets that combine information from standard monetary
IOTs and information on environmental flows, such as flows of natural inputs and residuals which
are measured in physical units. The section focus on two types of EE-IOTs, namely the SR-IOTs
and the Hybrid IOTs. Reference to the Multi-Regional Input-Output Tables (MR-IOTs) will be
made in this Chapter as well as expanded in Chapter 17. The intent of this section is to introduce
the main types of EE-IOTs, to show key parts of their compilation, and to discuss some of the
measurement issues associated with them.

1. SR-IOTs

13.68 The SR-IOTs consist of an extension of monetary IOTs to include environmental flows in
physical units. These tables are called ‘single region’ as they are compiled for a (single) territory
(which can be either a country or a group of countries) and where the Rest of the World include
all other territories/countries. This is in contrast with MR-IOTs, where the tables consist of sets of
IOTs for more than one country and are combined in such a way that intra-country relationships
are explicitly identified. Chapter 17 of this Handbook elaborates on MR-IOTs.

13.69 Table 13.6 shows a simplified version of SR-IOTs. It gives a detailed description of
domestic production processes and transactions within a single country (or region). An IOT is

an Industry by Industry table of 5 industries. The rows show the outputs of an industry while the
usually structured as a Product by Product IOTs or Industry by Industry IOTs. Table 13.6 shows

columns provide information about the inputs required in the production process of an industry.

Table 13.6 A Single Region Input-Output Table (SR-IOT) with environmental data
Data in monetary terms
Industries Final use Total output
1 … j Final Gross capital Exports

consumption formation

Industries Z C f e q+m

Value added
Total inputs

Data in physical (non-monetary) terms

Natural inputs /


• .: Matrix of intermediate consumption (5 by 5 matrix)

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• C: Final consumption

• D: Gross capital formation

• E: Exports

• ;: Value added

• : outputs of domestic industries

• -: denotes the use of imported goods and services

• !: Environmental flows (i.e. natural inputs or residual flows) taken from SEEA

• subscript 5 denotes industry

• subscript F denotes totals.

13.70 The output of the industries is the sum of intermediate consumption (.) (which is a 5 by 5
matrix) and final use categories such as final consumption (C), gross capital formation (D)

sum of domestically produced goods and services and imported products. i.e. . = .) + .G , C =
(including changes in inventories), and exports (E). Note that for all these categories this is the

C) + CG , D = D) + DG , E = E) + EG (subscript , denotes the use of domestically produced inputs

and - the use of imported goods and services). The inputs for each domestic industry comprise
the intermediate inputs (.) and value added categories (;). Since the inputs into an industry must

the row sums are equal to domestic output plus the imported products ( + -). All the variables
equal the outputs, the column sums are thus equal to the outputs ( ) of domestic industries while

with the subscript F are vectors that show the totals for those respective row or columns.

13.71 The intermediate input matrix, ., of IOTs is therefore a square matrix (i.e. it contains the
same number of rows and columns).

13.72 The IOT can be augmented with environmental data by industry (denoted by the vector !
in Table 13.6) which may be taken from the PSUTs. In most applications these data relate to flows
of natural inputs and residuals. The conceptual foundation for environmental extensions to SNA
based IOTs, represented by the EE-IOTs is described in the System of Environmental-Economic
Accounting 2012 Applications and Extensions (UN et al. 2014).

13.73 Having PSUTs available greatly facilitate the compilation of EE-IOTs as the environmental
information is already organized into an accounting framework consistent with the framework of
the IOTs in terms of concepts, definitions and classifications.

13.74 IOTs can be constructed as Industry by Industry IOTs or Product by Product IOTs. When
a Product by Product based structure is used for IOTs, adjustments to the environmental data are

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

necessary since data on environmental flows are most commonly collected and classified by
industry. The adjustment of environmental flow data in terms of industries and products will also
arise when SUTs form the basis for the representation of flows within the economy. SUTs are
generally structured with columns representing industries and rows representing products with
substantially more products than industries. Examples of EE- SUTs are emerging in the literature
and may be beneficial for some analysis since they provide additional detail by product.

2. Hybrid IOTs

output of selected industries. Table 13.7 shows a hybrid IOT where data for the industry H (shaded
13.75 Hybrid IOTs consists in IOTs augmented with data in physical units for the input and

area in Table 13.7) are also measured in physical terms. Many studies, for example, have analysed
energy using IOTs where the output of the energy industries is measured in gigajoules or another
energy unit. The source data from this type of data could, for example, be from the PSUTs for
energy. Note that because the columns contain a mix of entries in different units (some monetary
and some physical), it is not possible to aggregate entries within a column. However, summation
across each row is possible.

Table 13.7 A Single Region Input-Output Table (SR-IOT) in hybrid units

Industries Final use
1 … J Final Gross capital Exports Total output
consumption formation
… Z C F e q+m

(physical J$K$LM
Value added v

13.76 For environmental analysis, it remains relevant to extend the hybrid IOTs using
information on flows of natural inputs and residuals as in the case of the SR-IOTs. The advantage
of using physical units within the core IOTs is that, in many cases, this provides a better description
of the technological relationships for industries that have a reasonably large share of physical rather
than service-based flows. Hence, when applying the analytical techniques, there is likely to be a
better estimation of the direct and indirect environmental pressures across the economy. It is
important to note that the mathematical specifications of the I-O model apply irrespective of the
units of the rows of the hybrid IOTs. The details of these types of models (for energy) are provided
in Chapter 9 of Miller and Blair (2009).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

13.77 This type of EE-IOTs incorporates elements of life cycle analysis and process analysis
since it is possible to reflect the chain of flows between economic units in physical terms in the
context of an economy wide set of flows.

E. Compilation of EE-IOTs

13.78 The compilation of the EE-IOTs, in particular SR-IOTs, consists of two parts:

i. Monetary IOTs (Upper block of Table 13.6)

ii. Environmental data by industry taken from PSUTs. In most applications these data relate
to flows of natural inputs and residuals (lower block of Table 13.6)

Table 13.8 Industry by Industry IOTs (Upper block of Table 13.6)

Data in monetary terms
Industries Final use
1 … j Final Gross capital Exports Total output
consumption formation
Industries … Z c f e q+m
Value added v
Total inputs q ctot ftot etot

13.79 The monetary IOTs (Table 13.8) are derived from the SUTs following the steps described
in the previous chapters of this Handbook.

Table 13.9 Environmental data by industry (Lower block of Table 13.6)

Data in physical (non-monetary) terms
Industries Final demand
1 … j Final Gross capital Exports Total output
consumption formation
Natural inputs /
r rtot

13.80 The environmental data by industry in Table 13.9 are taken from individual PSUTs.
Example for such data items are resource use and emission per industry. In most applications these
data relate to flows of natural inputs and residual. Please refer to the earlier section for the common
national data sources and relevant materials for each SEEA component accounts of physical flows.

13.81 The environmental data do not necessarily have to be derived from PSUTs but having
balanced PSUTs behind the information in Table 13.9 helps to guarantee the reliability of the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

information and the consistency between monetary and physical data (ensured by the balancing
feedback loops).

13.82 In addition to the materials listed in Box 13.1, a number of databases have been developed
that incorporate physical flows and environmental information. They require the integration of
data from various data domains as envisaged in the EE-IOTs: the World Input-Output Database
2012 (Groningen University); the EXIOPOL and CREEA projects funded by the European Union.

13.83 There are a number of measurement issues that are important to recognise when compiling
the EE-IOTs. In the 2008 SNA, imports and exports are defined on the basis of ownership rather
than physical flows. However, in physical terms a difference in the recording of some flows of
products (for example, goods sent abroad for processing) may need to be taken into account (see
Chapter 3 of the SEEA Central Framework for more details of the treatment in physical terms).
Consequently, analysis seeking to utilise information in both monetary and physical terms may
require adjustment to either data set to ensure an alignment in the treatment of certain flows.

13.84 Basic environmental statistics may not strictly align to the measurement boundaries of the
SEEA. Care should therefore be taken to appropriately record, and adjust if necessary, entries for
purchases abroad by tourists, re-exports and the general issue of recording data on a residence
basis rather than on territory. (See for further details, Section 3.3 of the SEEA Central Framework).

F. Country examples

1. Danish PSUTs

13.85 In Statistics Denmark, the compilation of the SUTs is an integrated part and the backbone
of the annual Danish National Accounts in current prices and in previous years’ prices. Every year,
as part of the final annual National Accounts, the SUTs are constructed using a classification level
including 117 industries, 135 groups of final use, and approximately 2,350 products, of which
approximately 1,800 can be characterised as goods (physical products).

13.86 The PSUTs follow as closely as possible, where applicable, the layout, classifications and
definitions, etc. and methods used for the Danish SUTs (and IOTs). Furthermore, in order to ensure
the correspondence between the SUTs (and IOTs) and the PSUTs and to speed up the data handling
and construction of the tables, the IT-system and database used for balancing and preparing of the
monetary tables have been extended to include also the physical information.

13.87 The accounts for waste and water are produced independent of the SUTs. The monetary
and physical energy accounts are produced as part of the SUTs process and enter directly into the
National Accounts SUTs and the PSUT, respectively. The emissions accounts are subsequently
based on PSUTs for energy with some additions for non-energy related air emissions. It should be
noted, Statistics Denmark also produce PIOTs after the PSUTs are produced whereby all the
physical accounts fit directly into an EE-IOTs framework.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

13.88 The PSUTs are integrated with, and builds partly on, the existing Danish environmental-
economic accounts for Economy Wide Material Flows (EW-MFA), energy and air emission.

13.89 The EW-MFA accounts are based on information from resource extraction statistics,
fisheries statistics, agricultural statistics, etc. and foreign trade statistics. All information is
available in tonnes.

13.90 The system of PSUTs is constructed as a further layer to the SUTs. This means that the
same classifications of industries and products are used for the physical flows. For the final uses,
a slightly different classification is used, For example, the physical flows are less relevant for some
consumption groups, whilst, on the other hand, it may be more appropriate to classify Households
final consumption expenditures according to whether the consumption involves durable goods or

13.91 For the Danish PSUTs, more than 100 types of natural resources (various types of biomass
and minerals) and 40 types of residuals (types of solid waste and air emissions) were added to the
classification of materials/products giving a total of approximately 2,000 items along the
materials/products dimension of the system.

13.92 Figure 13.4 shows the complete system of monetary and physical flow data including
monetary data on products, and physical data on natural inputs, products and residuals. The top
(black) layers are monetary data including, on the supply side, basic prices only, and, on the use
side, basic prices, trade margins, taxes, and purchasers’ prices. The bottom (red) layer is physical
data measured in tonnes. For products, there is a one to one correspondence between the monetary
data and the physical data.

13.93 In front of the physical layer of products, the data for natural resources are added. The
environment is added as the supplier of natural resources, while the industries (intermediate
consumption) are the only users.

13.94 The residuals are represented behind the layer of products. The supply comes from
industries and the households. It should be noted that unlike in the SUTs, the households are now
also represented on the supply side since they also generate residuals. The users of residuals are
both industries and the environment. Residuals like waste for incineration go into the waste
treatment industry, while air emissions go into the environment.

13.95 In practice, all monetary and physical data illustrated in Figure 13.4 are stored and managed
in a file using a common system of transaction codes and classifications. Each flow is identified
first by a “product” code for the natural resource, product or residual. This code is followed by a
transaction code (covering which type, origin or destination), classification (which industry, etc.)
and then the data for basic prices, wholesale and retail margins, taxes (excluding VAT) less
subsidies on products, VAT, purchasers’ prices and finally the quantity (tonnes).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

13.96 The Danish energy accounts present the supply and use of 40 types of energy products.
The supply and use of products are broken down by domestic industries, households, imports and
exports, etc. The Danish energy accounts are made up using various measuring units: monetary
units (Danish Krone, DKK), natural physical units (tonnes, cubic metres, etc.) and energy units
(petajoule, PJ). Tonnes are used for the purpose of the PSUTs.

Figure 13.4 The Danish SUTs framework extended with physical flows




Final use at
purchasers' prices
Intermediates at
Purchasers' prices
VALUATION purchasers' prices
Non-deductible VAT

Other net taxes on products

NATURE Trade marggins
Value added Basic prices
at basic
prices QUANTITIES (tonnes)


Domstic production
at basic prices
Flow to environment
Change in inventories
Gross fixed capital fomation
PRO- Consumption of government
DUCTS Consumption of households

Industries LEGEND

Values at purchasers'
Flow from environment (Nature as supplier)
Gross capital formation (Accumulation) prices
Consumption of households
Taxes less subsidies on products Valuation matrices
RESIDUALS Trade and tranport margins
Imports Values at basic prices
Industries Quantities (tonnes)

13.97 Data on energy related air emissions of carbon and sulphur are drawn from the Danish air
emission accounts. The air emission accounts show the energy related and other types of air
emissions of various substances from industries and households. The CO2 and SO2 air emissions
are converted into carbon and sulphur based on the molecule weights. This procedure is used since
the oxygen used for the combustion of energy is not included on the input side of the PSUTs

13.98 In addition to the economic-environmental accounts, a number of other data sources are

• Waste statistics (physical data) broken down by waste fractions.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Water statistics (physical data).

• Foreign trade statistics.

• Production statistics (physical and monetary data).

• Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Statistics (physical data).

• SUTs from the National Accounts (monetary data).

• Assumptions used in transforming the SUTs to IOTs.

13.99 As a general rule, water is not included in the Danish PSUTs. However, in order to balance
inputs and outputs, it is necessary to account for the inclusion of water into some products, for
example, beverages, on the input side and evaporation, etc. of water from products, for example,
from slaughtered animals, on the output side. Water supplied to production in agriculture,
horticulture, forestry and fishery is implicitly included when calculating the input of natural
resources from the harvested biomass weight. Information on the quantities of water added to
products is otherwise obtained by including existing structural information, and by estimations
carried out during the general balancing process.

13.100 The foreign trade statistics includes very detailed data on the imports and exports of
products. The information is available in both monetary values and quantities measured in tonnes
and sometimes also additional physical units (cubic metres etc.).

13.101 The compilation of domestic production in tonnes broken down by industries is primarily
based on Statistics Denmark's production statistics for the manufacturing industries. Whilst
agricultural, forestry and fishery statistics are used for the corresponding primary industries. In the
case of a number of items in the product balances, there is no information in the product statistics
on the weight in tonnes, and this is therefore estimated indirectly. In those cases where alternative
quantitative information has been given in, for example, cubic metres or pieces, a conversion is
made from conversion factors like specific gravity or weight per piece. In other cases, the
quantities are estimated on the basis of value and corresponding unit volume price. As there is
price and quantitative information available for exports in almost all product balances based on
the foreign trade statistics, the unit volume prices are typically calculated on the basis of the
proportionality between the basic price and the weight of the exported item.

13.102 Thus, all cells for resource flows, all cells for imports and exports and domestic production
and most cells for residual flows can initially be filled out by using the physical data sources as
described above. In contrast, apart from a few exceptions, it is not possible to fill out the various
domestic uses of products from the basic data. The exceptions include for example, agricultural
products and energy products, where good data on the uses can be found in many cases.

13.103 Figure 13.5 shows the various stages in transforming basic data and statistics into PSUTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 13.5 From source data to PSUTs

Balancing the PSUTs

13.104 It is a fundamental principle of accounting that the flow of materials (natural resources,
products and residuals) into a single industry or the households must be precisely matched by a
corresponding accumulation and/or flow from the industry or household group.

13.105 Although the initial filling out and estimations ensures that for each product the total supply
equals total use, there is no guarantee that the mentioned material balance for industries and
households exist.

13.106 For each of the 117 industries and the households represented in the PSUTs, it is therefore
necessary to adjust the inputs or outputs until a complete balance between material inputs and
outputs (including accumulation) is obtained.

13.107 The balancing is undertaken, inter alia, in the light of information on the technical
production conditions in the industries obtained from different technical reports and additional
statistical information. In addition to this, it is necessary, in a very large number of cases, to use
estimates and common sense considerations.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

13.108 The reconciliation of the inputs and outputs in the Danish PSUTs system is done for 11
sub-groups of materials (natural resources, products and residuals) corresponding to relatively
similar or coherent groups of materials, for which there is an apparent connection between inputs
and outputs. The groups are: energy, agricultural products, etc., glass, metallic minerals,
construction minerals, plastic, wood and paper, rubber, chemical products and fertilizers,
lubricants and oil waste, and other materials.

13.109 The 11 individual sub-PSUTs systems are reconciled before a final reconciliation of the
total PSUTs takes place because it is easier and more logical to focus on inputs and outputs of
products that are physically connected through the production processes. For example, when the
sub-PSUTs for energy reviewed, these will include input flows of natural gas, crude oil and
biomass used for energy production, all energy products and energy related residuals, while all
other products are excluded. The energy related residual flows comprise air emission of carbon
and sulphur, other energy related air emissions and solid waste of fly ash and, for instance,
desulphurisation products, etc.

13.110 For other groups except energy, there is in practise some links to the other groups, for
example, inputs of chemical products and fertilisers are used in relation to the production of animal
and crop products. The existence of these links between the different groups means that it is not
possible to make a complete balance within one single group, and instead an interim balancing
item is introduced for each sub-group in the system (except for energy). If positive for an industry,
this artificial residual represents a net input of materials belonging to other groups into the industry.
If it is negative, this means that the industry delivers products of the specific material type to be
used as inputs for the production of products of another material type.

13.111 If the balancing of the 11 sub-groups is made fully correct, the individual balancing items
will cancel each other when they are added up. In practice, this is not the case, since the balancing
items will also include uncertainties and inconsistencies introduced during the initial phases and
balancing processes. Thus, it is necessary to make a final balancing to ensure that the artificial
residuals sum to zero.

13.112 Table 13.10 shows a numerical example of PSUTs for Denmark for the year 2009 (note
the data in Table 13.10 are preliminary data). The Supply Table shows that 106.4 million tonnes
of natural inputs were extracted from the environment in Denmark. All these inputs were used by
Danish industries. 288.3 million tonnes of products were supplied, of which 223.4 and 64.9 million
tonnes were Danish output and imports, respectively. The 288.3 million tonnes of products were
used as follows: 160.1 million tonnes were used for intermediate consumption by industries, 26.9
million tonnes were used by household consumption, 57.3 million tonnes were used for GCF and
44.0 million tonnes were exported. Industries generated 43.1 million tonnes of residuals and
households 26.9 million tonnes of residuals.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 13.10 Physical SUTs in Denmark

Physical Supply Table 1.000 tonnes

Govern- Accu- Rest of the Environ-

Industries Housholds Total supply
ment mulation world ment

Natural inputs 104 965 104 965

Products 232 603 62 901 295 505

Residuals 48 732 18 867 67 600

Total 281 336 18 867 62 901 104 965 468 069

Physical Use Table 1.000 tonnes

Govern- Accu- Rest of the Environ-

Industries Housholds Total supply
ment mulation world ment

Natural inputs 104 965 104 965

Products 176 370 18 867 61 958 38 309 295 505

Residuals 67 600 67 600

Total 281 335 18 867 61 958 38 309 67 600 468 069

Denmark 2009 = Grey cells are null by definition.

13.113 The Use Table shows that all these residuals go to the environment. Following the SEEA
Central Framework conventions, residuals that are sent to controlled landfills should be recorded
as accumulation in the economy but for this simplified Danish SUTs such a recording is not used.

13.114 Table 13.10 also shows that the basic bookkeeping identities covered above are all fulfilled.
For each of the items accumulation, for the rest of the world and the environment, there is no
balance between supply and use of products but when all three items are considered together, the
total supply equals total use. This indicates in 2009, Danish imports exceeded Danish exports and
that the extraction of natural inputs from the environment exceeded the amount of residuals that
were returned to the environment. Thus the exchange of materials between the Danish economy
and the rest of the world plus nature showed a surplus at 57.3 million tons of material. This amount
is exactly equal to the accumulation of materials in the economy as shown in the column for

2. PSUTs in the Netherlands

13.115 The PSUTs compiled by Statistics Netherlands are fully in line with the standards set out
by SEEA. The starting point for the PSUTs is the balanced SUTs as compiled as part of the
National Accounts. With the physical flows having a monetary value, the flows not having a

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

monetary value are added like natural inputs, waste and emissions. The integration of all physical
flows in the PSUTs generates a consistent and coherent set of data which is also consistent with
the monetary information contained in the monetary SUTs of the SNA. As a consequence, the
economic variables like labour and GVA can be analysed in combination with the physical data
shown in the PSUTs. Statistics Netherlands regularly compiles SUTs, IOTs and PSUTs. However,
PIOTs are not compiled.

Structure of the PSUTs for the Netherlands

13.116 The PSUTs follows as close as possible the structure and classifications of the SUTs. An
important difference between the SUTs and PSUTs is that the PSUTs also include the physical
flows not having a monetary value. In the Supply Table, air emissions and waste is recorded (the
former under the heading balancing item in the example below). In the Use Table, the recycled
waste and extraction from the environment are taken in account. Also a balancing item is
introduced in order to achieve the material balance at the industry level which consists of items
such as emissions other than CO2, the supply and use of water, etc.

13.117 Table 13.11 shows an example of the SUTs for the Netherlands for 2010 and Table 13.12
shows the corresponding PSUTs for the same year.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 13.11 SUTs for the Netherlands, 2010

Supply Table at basic prices Mio. Euro
supply at
Manufacturing Imports
Agriculture and Services Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Agri cul ture (1) 25 299 153 41 25 493 13 900 39 393
Manufa cturi ng (2) 1 230 282 553 35 780 319 563 301 843 621 406

Cons tructi on (3) 70 84 922 4 676 89 668 1 521 91 189

Trade, transport and
(4) 565 15 375 222 573 238 513 20 319 258 832
Finance and business
(5) 477 7 803 274 997 283 277 50 908 334 185
Other services (6) 312 2 531 219 567 222 410 16 366 238 776
Total (7) 27 953 393 337 757 634 1 178 924 404 857 1 583 781
CIF/FOB adjustments on
(8) - 3 272 - 3 272
Direct purchases abroad by
Total (10) 27 953 393 337 757 634 1 178 924 401 585 1 580 509

Use Table at basic prices Mio. Euro

Total use
Manufacturing Final consum ption expenditure Gross fixed Changes Total at basic
Agriculture and Services Total capital in Exports prices
construction Households NPISH
government formation inventories
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Agri cul ture (1) 4 679 13 686 1 152 19 517 2 461 161 168 17 086 19 876 39 393
Manufa cturi ng (2) 7 921 153 180 47 758 208 859 54 468 5 373 39 357 3 775 309 574 412 547 621 406

Cons tructi on (3) 292 23 573 17 370 41 235 399 522 46 786 2 247 49 954 91 189
Trade, transport and
(4) 1 790 31 077 73 293 106 160 62 054 860 3 725 10 673 77 75 283 152 672 258 832
Finance and business
(5) 2 052 41 219 152 096 195 367 74 771 5 3 546 13 442 47 054 138 818 334 185
Other services (6) 169 3 429 20 925 24 523 50 518 4 451 153 957 461 285 4 581 214 253 238 776
Tota l at bas i c pri ces (7) 16 903 266 164 312 594 595 661 244 671 5 316 167 123 110 880 4 305 455 825 988 120 1 583 781
Ta xes less subs idi es on
(8) 222 1 493 13 791 15 506 32 523 109 13 769 3 1 845 48 249 63 755
Tota l (9) 17 125 267 657 326 385 611 167 277 194 5 316 167 232 124 649 4 308 457 670 1 036 369 1 647 536
CIF/FOB a djus tments on
(10) - 3 272 - 3 272 - 3 272
Direct purcha s es a broa d by
res i dents
Purcha s es on the domes tic
territory by non-res i dents
Tota l at purchas ers ’ pri ces (13) 17 125 267 657 326 385 611 167 277 194 5 316 167 232 124 649 4 308 454 398 1 033 097 1 644 264
Compens a tion of employees (14) 2 603 59 807 248 061 310 471 310 471
Other taxes less s ubs i di es on
(15) - 537 - 106 - 337 - 980 - 980

producti on
Cons umpti on of fixed ca pi tal (16) 3 660 20 186 83 136 106 982 106 982
Net opera ting s urplus (17) 5 102 45 793 100 389 151 284 151 284
GVA (18) 10 828 125 680 431 249 567 757 567 757
Tota l (19) 27 953 393 337 757 634 1 178 924 277 194 5 316 167 232 124 649 4 308 454 398 1 033 097 2 212 021

Netherlands 2010 = Grey cells are null by definition.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 13.12 Physical SUTs for the Netherlands, 2010

Physical Supply Table Million kilogram
Flow from
Manufacturing Households Accumulation Imports Total
Agriculture and Services Total environment
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Agriculture (1) 43 592 31 43 623 26 779 70 402
Manufacturing (2) 182 334 216 16 345 350 743 328 027 678 770

Construction (3)
Trade, transport and
Finance and business
Other services (6)
Total (7) 43 774 334 247 16 345 394 366 354 806 749 172
Waste (8) 74 596 50 944 5 136 130 676 9 297 6 059 15 350 161 382
Extraction (9) 143 679 143 679
Balancing item (10) 75 143 258 891 88 265 422 299 85 219 282 455 789 973
Total (11) 193 513 644 082 109 746 947 341 94 516 6 059 370 156 426 134 1 844 206

Physical Use Table Million kilogram

Manufacturing Flow to
Households Accumulation Exports Re-Exports Total
Agriculture and Services Total environment
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Agriculture (1) 5 957 41 879 1 875 49 711 2 437 216 10 197 7 841 70 402
Manufacturing (2) 17 955 292 152 47 582 357 689 31 280 7 573 184 069 98 159 678 770

Construction (3)
Trade, transport and
Finance and business
Other services (6)
Total (7) 23 912 334 031 49 457 407 400 33 717 7 789 194 266 106 000 749 172
Waste (8) 76 602 68 068 144 670 1 495 15 217 161 382
Extraction (9) 38 778 101 095 3 806 143 679 143 679
Balancing item (10) 54 221 140 888 56 483 251 592 60 799 101 610 375 972 789 973
Total (11) 193 513 644 082 109 746 947 341 94 516 110 894 209 483 106 000 375 972 1 844 206

Netherlands 2010 = Grey cells are null by definition.

Transformation from SUTs to PSUTs

13.118 The starting point for the compilation of PSUTs (in kilogram) is the balanced SUTs valued
at basic prices. In addition to the data used for the SUTs, there are several data sources available
covering prices and quantities. The most important sources are:

• Foreign trade statistics

• Data on output of manufacturing

• Data on intermediate use from business statistics (limited)

• Scanner data of supermarkets

• Price information from branch organisations and dedicated research institutes (mainly

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Quantity data on energy and related products from the energy accounts.

13.119 Following the approach of Konijn et al (1995), the initial estimates for the physical use of
products are compiled applying import prices to monetary Use Table. The physical supply is
initially estimated applying export prices to the monetary Supply Table. The justification for this
choice is that a large share of domestic production of goods is exported and vice versa, a large
share of use of goods is imported.

13.120 If specific data are available these initial estimates are overruled in the next step. The
business statistics dedicated to the composition of output provide information on prices and
quantities of the supply of goods for manufacturing at the 3-digit level or 4-digit level of NACE
Revision 2. This information is especially useful in the cases where the products are not
homogeneous, and therefore, the prices can differ among industries. Also, the differences in quality
of the products may lead to differences in prices. For example, meat produced by slaughterhouses
will probably be of different quality than meat produced by the food processing industry. As a
consequence, there will be a difference in price levels between the meat products produced by the
two industries.

13.121 For a limited number of industries, the price information for the intermediate inputs is
available which is used for overruling the initial physical estimates based on import prices. Further
additional price information collected by branch organisations and research institutes is used. The
most important examples cover price data for agricultural products. Together with harvest
estimates, this provides a sound base for estimating the physical flows in this area.

13.122 Scanner data provided by supermarkets are a valuable source of information for the
transformation of, or part of, the consumption of households into physical units.

13.123 In addition to the price information, the observed physical information is used in compiling
the PSUTs. This mainly covers the data on agriculture and energy (crude oil, fuel, natural gas,
electricity etc.). The latter are derived from energy accounts.

13.124 Applying this information on balanced SUTs results in PSUTs for all relevant products,
however these PSUTs are not balanced.

13.125 In addition to the physical flows for supply and use of products, the physical flows for
materials not having a monetary value are included. These mainly concern flows between the
economy and the environment like air emissions, extraction of natural resources, the input of
oxygen in combustion processes and waste. Adding these flows will create the possibility for
analysing the balance of physical input and physical output on the industry level. Emission and
waste statistics are the main sources for making initial estimates for these physical flows. The
items mentioned only cover parts of the non-monetary flows. For example, the extraction of water
by the production of beverages is missing. When the PSUTs are balanced, the adjustments for
these missing items are made.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications


13.126 On the supply side, the material flows are incorporated resulting from the reduction of
physical stocks of products. Examples include the physical residuals becoming available with the
demolition of machines and buildings and air emissions from controlled landfills. Based on the
type of waste, a split is made between waste resulting from a production process and waste
resulting from scrap of capital goods, etc.

13.127 On the use side, the additions to the capital stock (GFCF, both monetary and physical) and
the accumulation of waste in landfills are taken into account. The estimates of the accumulation
part of the PSUTs are not straightforward and therefore a less reliable part of the PSUTs.

Balancing the PSUTs

13.128 The initial estimates of the PSUTs are not balanced – neither the product level (row wise)
nor the industry level (column wise). There are several causes of the inconsistencies between
supply and use of products in the PSUTs. As previously mentioned the products which are not
homogeneous can give rise to inconsistencies because the prices may differ significantly between
the various producing and using industries. The assumption that output is mainly exported and
(intermediate) use is mainly imported is not always valid. When significant parts of domestic
output are domestically used, inconsistencies are likely to appear. Finally, there may be examples
of inaccurate source data.

13.129 The balancing of the PSUTs has three steps:

• Detection and balancing of large inconsistencies at the product level.

• Detection and balancing of large discrepancies between input and output in physical terms
by industry.

• Automated balancing of small inconsistencies.

13.130 During the balancing at the product level, large inconsistencies between supply and use on
a product level are resolved by analysing the link between the physical volumes of outputs
compared to the physical volumes of inputs. For example, the number of cattle entering the
slaughterhouses and the volume of meat produced. In this stage, the input from the branch
specialists is used for judging the plausibility of the results.

13.131 In the balancing of the input and output in physical terms by industry, the material flows
to and from the environment are taken into account. In the Supply Table, the CO2 and water
emissions in combustion processes are taken into account. In the Use Table, the oxygen necessary
for combustion is recorded. A specific estimate is made for Nitrogen (N2) extracted from the air

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

in producing ammonia is made. The estimates for the other emissions to the air or water are not
made because they are relatively small compared to CO2-emissions. The above mentioned items,
excluding CO2-emissions resulting from combustion, are recorded as part of the balancing item
with the industries in the PSUTs.

13.132 In addition to the above mentioned flows, the balancing item consists of the water content
of products. The production of beverages has relatively low intermediate input of raw materials
because the main input is water which is extracted from the environment.

13.133 The opposite can also happen that the water content is reduced in the production process.
In the PSUTs for the Netherlands, separate estimates are made for the water content of products,
and, in this way, the estimates by industry are made whether on the balance the water is supplied
to or extracted from the environment. This information is used to judge the plausibility of the
balancing items by industry.

13.134 In many cases, a balancing item is necessary for those types of industries where services
are produced but a considerable part of inputs are goods, for example, restaurants and pubs. A
meal in a restaurant is recorded as a service while the inputs are goods and services.

13.135 In the construction industry, the physical estimate of output is relatively low because no
direct estimate is made of the physical value of dwellings, buildings, roads, etc. as a consequence
of a lack of data. The physical output for construction is accounted for in the balancing item in the
Supply Table.

13.136 As a consequence, the ‘theoretical’ contents of the balancing item can vary greatly between

13.137 The remaining small inconsistencies are balanced using an automated balancing procedure
similar to the approach used for balancing the SUTs as covered in Chapter 11 of this Handbook.

United Nations World Tourism Organization, Commission of the European Communities,
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2010. Tourism Satellite Account:
Recommended Methodological Framework 2008. Series F No. 80/Rev.1. Available at:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 14. Supply and Use Tables and Quarterly National Accounts

A. Introduction

14.1 The previous Chapters of this Handbook focused mainly on the compilation of annual
SUTs. However, the SUTs also play an important role in the compilation of Quarterly National
Accounts (QNA) to ensure the consistency and coherence of the estimation of the accounts.

14.2 Although the ideal scenario is that SUTs are compiled and published on a quarterly basis
and benchmarked with the annual SUTs, this is often difficult to implement, for example, due to
data availability, human and financial resources and time constrains. Nonetheless, quarterly SUTs
provide a key tool for the compilation of QNA or as a minimum a validation tool of the QNA.

14.3 For both quarterly and annual SUTs, the integrated approach to balance in current prices
and in volume terms as well as at basic prices and at purchasers' prices will achieve a high degree
of consistency and coherence.

14.4 This Chapter provides an overview of ways in which SUTs can be used to improve the
QNA. Since there are various scenarios that can be used in practice, this Chapter focuses only on
three main situations which represent using SUTs in various degrees in the compilation of the

14.5 A progressive approach could be used whereby the annual SUTs are first used to improve
the QNA, then quarterly supply and use of products based models are put in place to edit and
validate the QNA and finally quarterly balanced SUTs are compiled and published when
appropriate data sources and validation processes are developed.

14.6 Section B of this Chapter provides a general overview of the QNA and the main differences
between the compilation of Annual National Accounts (ANA) and the QNA (for example, data
sources, revisions, timings, level of detail, etc.) and the issue of benchmarking the QNA with the
ANA. Section C describes in more detail the uses of SUTs in the compilation of the QNA.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

B. Quarterly National Accounts

14.7 The QNA constitute a system of integrated quarterly time series coordinated through an
accounting framework. The QNA adopt the same principles, definitions, and structure as applied
in the ANA. In principle, the QNA cover the entire sequence of accounts and balance sheets in the
System of National Accounts. In practice, the constraints of data availability, time, and resources
mean that the QNA are usually less complete than the ANA.

14.8 The main purpose of the QNA is to provide a picture of current economic developments
much quicker than the ANA and more comprehensive than that provided by individual short-term
indicators. Thus, the QNA can be seen as positioned between the ANA and specific short-term
indicators in many of these purposes. The QNA are commonly compiled by combining ANA data
with short-term source statistics and ANA estimates (for example, benchmarked to annual

14.9 In general, the same principles for designing sources and methods apply to both the ANA
and the QNA. However, the QNA data sources are generally more limited in detail and coverage
than those available for the ANA because of issues of data availability, collection cost, and
timeliness and this may affect the level of detail of the QNA. Some compilation issues that are
more pertinent to the compilation of either the short-term indicators or the QNA include:

• monthly or quarterly type adjustments (for example, working days, trading days, moving
holidays, leap years, etc.);

• seasonal adjustment (for example, handling annual sale periods, use of ARIMA models,
trend cycle estimation);

• quarterly chain-linked volume estimates;

• deriving estimates of quarterly variables consistent with annual benchmarks;

• smoothing; and

• forecasting and now-casting.

14.10 In addition, the compilation of the QNA is not to be considered in isolation but as a
consistent and coherent part of the ANA process and part of a time series. This implies that
additional work in the compilation of the QNA is needed to benchmark the QNA with the ANA,
from the one side, and to revise previous quarters as more information becomes available, from
the other. Issues with the data sources and benchmarking are further addressed below.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1. Data sources

14.11 Ideally, the same data sources used for the annual estimates of GDP should be used for the
quarterly estimates. However, this is often not possible because the data are not available on a
quarterly basis (i.e. detail breakdowns not available) or less timely, and, when available, the higher
frequency data may be less accurate and reliable.

14.12 For example, the present practice in the UK, the early GDP data releases follow:

• 1st (Preliminary) Estimate of UK GDP is released around 25 days after the quarter.

• 2nd Estimate of UK GDP is released around 55 days after the quarter.

• 3rd Estimate of UK GDP is released around 85 days after the quarter together with the full
Quarterly National Accounts, Balance of Payments and the institutional sector non-financial
and financial accounts.

14.13 The 1st Estimate of UK GDP contains a mix of collected data (for example, via business
surveys and administrative data) and data based on forecasts/now-casts to complete the picture.
The 1st Estimate is heavily based on the Production (Output) approach to measuring GDP using
proxies to estimate output and an assumption that GVA moves in line with output in the short-
term. At this stage, there is very limited data underlying the Expenditure approach to measuring
GDP. With the move to the 2nd Estimate and through to the 3rd Estimate, more and more data
becomes available replacing the earlier forecasts of missing data for both approaches. By the time
the 3rd Estimate is produced, there is also some data available for the Income approach to
measuring GDP.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 14.1 Quarterly GDP Production (Output) aggregate - Data availability

and estimation in the United Kingdom

14.14 Figure 14.1 shows how the quarterly data underlying the Production (Output) based
aggregate evolve over time, whereby the collected data replaces early forecasts/now-casts of
missing data. Similarly, Figure 14.2 shows how the underlying components of the Expenditure
approach to measuring GDP evolve over time.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 14.2 Quarterly GDP Expenditure components - Data availability

and estimation in the United Kingdom

14.15 Many countries have monthly and quarterly surveys collecting a wide-range of economic
information but generally not with the same level of detail or coverage of the corresponding annual
surveys. Various totals may be collected but no breakdowns, for example, total turnover may be
collected but not with a product breakdown. Thus the structure of the last annual SUTs (preferably
in volume terms) or the last dataset collected helps to provide the ratios/percentages to breakdown
the totals to be taken forward in the compilation process prior to any quarterly balancing process.

14.16 Similarly, administrative data, where available, can also be used in the QNA. However,
some administrative data may not be timely enough for the QNA such as, for example, labour costs
or self-employment incomes.

14.17 The QNA may therefore be less accurate than the more comprehensive ANA for various
reasons including the following:

• less information is available on a quarterly basis than on an annual basis and there is more
reliance on proxy indicators;

• the basic quarterly statistics are often less robust than the annual equivalents (for example,
the annual data may be available through annual audited accounts);

• smaller sample sizes in the quarterly business surveys;

• greater sample and non-sample errors in the data sources; and

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• balancing is not completed through quarterly SUTs, whereas the SUTs framework may be
applied annually.

14.18 It is therefore important to have a framework that allows for the confrontation of the
different data sources and their reconciliation. The SUTs framework allows for the analysis and
reconciliation of data inconsistencies. In turn, for example, produce a coherent picture of GDP and
its components.

2. Data reconciliation, benchmarking and revisions

14.19 An important step in the compilation of the QNA is benchmarking the QNA with the ANA
when the latter becomes available. This is a necessary step to ensure that the QNA are consistent
with the annual accounts and they are coherent with the short-term evolution of quarterly
indicators. Benchmarking refers to the procedures used to maintain consistency among the time
series available at different frequencies (in this case annual and quarterly) for the same target

14.20 The need to synchronise the implementation of major revisions including benchmarking
were briefly covered in Chapter 11. Whereby, in particular, such events should be implemented,
compiled and balanced through a SUTs framework both in current prices and in volume terms as
well as at basic prices and at purchasers’ prices.

14.21 Since quarterly data sources are not of the same quality as the equivalent of the annual data
sources (due to reasons already mentioned above such as smaller survey samples, coverage, etc.),
benchmarking usually consists of adjusting quarterly data to match annual (or quinquennial)
benchmarks. Once the QNA are benchmarked with the ANA, the QNA and the ANA are consistent
in the sense the annual accounts are the sum (or the average) of the quarterly accounts.

14.22 Before the benchmarking exercise is undertaken, a separate reconciliation exercise may
need to be considered requiring dedicated resource and time. This involves reconciling the data
for the same respondent aligning the short-term/quarterly survey source and the annual source. For
example, the annual growth rate and current price level, for say, turnover, should be aligned. The
same reconciliation principle before benchmarking applies to all other variables (for example,
GFCF, purchases of goods and services, etc.) where such a link exists across short-term/quarterly
and annual surveys. In a sense, this reconciliation process improves the quality of source data, and
in turn, removes the full impact of the automatic benchmarking focus and may help to reduce
future revisions. Through this investigative and reconciliation approach, it may mean that the
short-term/quarterly survey source estimate(s) should be changed, or the annual survey estimate(s)
changed or a combination of both. This process will imply the highest quality source estimate will
be used for benchmarking, and in turn, it may be different from what would have been generated
via a direct benchmarking approach without this reconciliation step.

14.23 In the QNA, benchmarking serves two purposes:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• quarterly distribution (or interpolation) of annual data to construct time series of

benchmarked QNA estimates (“back series”); and

• quarterly extrapolation to derive the QNA estimates for quarters for which annual national
accounts benchmarks are not yet available (“forward series”).

14.24 Various techniques are used to benchmark the QNA to the ANA. They include, for
example, pro rata benchmarking methods, the proportional Denton Methods, the proportional
Cholette-Dagum method with first-order autoregressive (AR) error (which cover the Chow-Lin
methods (Chow and Lin, 1971) and its variants as particular cases), etc. The IMF Quarterly
National Accounts Manual (IMF, 2001) and the forthcoming update of the Manual (IMF,
forthcoming) provide a detailed review of these methods. The forthcoming Handbook on
Backcasting (UN, forthcoming) provides guidance on backcasting time series in National

14.25 It should be noted that there is a high priority need to capture rapid changes in the economy
within quarterly periods (or annual periods) which may go unnoticed in the annual or five-yearly
structural statistics. For example, with the impact of globalization, new industries/products, rapid
technological change, etc., it is recommended that data on sales and purchases are collected more
regularly via business surveys. This will ensure structural change is picked up quickly and less
reliance on modelled results which will depict smooth series. More data collected will help to
avoid key structural changes being missed within a year. Even traditional industries like electricity,
gas, oil, etc. change their input structures rapidly. For example, changes such as privatization (for
example, leading to the non-consolidation of electricity and gas industries separating functions
like generation, transmission, distribution and supply), use of environmentally more friendly
inputs (for example, the electricity industry using gas or nuclear fuel as opposed to coal),
contracting-out processes (for example, billing services), etc. Much more detail should be collected
say, annually, and maybe only control totals quarterly, which assume the same structural
breakdowns as the last annual picture.

14.26 In general, the incorporation of new annual data for one year requires the revision of
previously published quarterly data for several years in order to avoid introducing distortions in
the series. Similarly, the annual benchmarks of previously published QNA estimates can generate
revisions to the quarterly data. In principle, previously published QNA estimates for all preceding
and following years may have to be adjusted to maximally preserve the short-term movements. In
practice, however, with most benchmarking methods, the impact of new annual data will gradually
be diminishing and zero for sufficiently distant periods. It is also worth noting that the first
estimates of the ANA tend to be based on the annualized quarterly accounts, which through say,
the seasonal adjustment process, can change previously published quarterly estimates.

14.27 Ideally, revisions to quarterly indicators should be incorporated in the QNA series as soon
as possible to reflect the most up-to-date short-term information available. This is particularly

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

relevant for the forward series, which should immediately incorporate revisions to preliminary
values of the indicators for the previous quarters on the basis of more up-to-date and
comprehensive source data. If revisions to preliminary information in the current year are
disregarded, the QNA may easily lead to biased extrapolations for the subsequent periods. For the
back series, revisions to previous years of the indicator should be reflected in the QNA series at
the time when revisions to new or revised ANA benchmarks are incorporated and should be
implemented through the SUTs framework.

14.28 The benchmarking (and revisions) of the QNA with the ANA is an important aspect to
consider for the compilation of quarterly SUTs. Indeed quarterly SUTs, when compiled, should
also be benchmarked with the annual SUTs in order to provide a consistent set of information on
a quarterly and annual basis. Techniques for the benchmarking and revisions are very much similar
to those used for the QNA.

C. SUTs and QNA

14.29 Quarterly GDP is typically calculated by aggregating a limited number of components,

derived either from the production side (i.e. GVA of economic activities plus net taxes on
products), from the expenditure side (i.e., consumption plus capital formation plus net exports), or
from income side (even though this is less common). In most countries, the production approach
is chosen as the preferred approach for deriving the official quarterly GDP measure. The
production-based GDP is then used as a predetermined variable in the expenditure decomposition.
This situation generally leads to two consequences: one is to derive one of the expenditure items
residually (such as changes in inventories or household consumption), the other is to present
statistical discrepancies as a residual item between the production-based GDP and the sum of the
expenditure components. Either way, the inconsistencies between expenditure and production
components are not properly investigated and addressed. As a result, the quality of the quarterly
GDP may be undermined.

14.30 One way to achieve consistent quarterly GDP data at a detailed product level is to compile
quarterly SUTs. A set of SUTs is considered the best framework for GDP compilation in the 2008
SNA, at any frequency. Some countries with sophisticated National Accounts systems derive the
official quarterly GDP from quarterly SUTs (for example, the Netherlands compile quarterly
SUTs). In effect, the main advantage of using the SUTs framework is to help fill data gaps of
specific items with missing information, which could be a very complicated task in a QNA system
based on aggregate variables. However, developing a quarterly SUTs system may be too
demanding in terms of resources. Countries should be aware that preconditions for a successful
development of quarterly SUTs are to have a well-established system of annual SUTs,
sophisticated staff with significant SUTs and National Accounts skills and expertise, and
willingness to revolutionize the existing QNA compilation system. There are four sets of quarterly
SUTs that should (or could) be compiled:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• SUTs in current prices, unadjusted;

• SUTs in previous years’ prices, unadjusted;

• SUTs in current prices, seasonally adjusted; and

• SUTs in previous years’ prices, seasonally adjusted.

14.31 Even if data for quarterly SUTs are not available in a comprehensive framework, a partial
version in the form of product balances for particular products can provide some of the benefits of
SUTs for balancing. The validation process of QNA is performed by means of a simplified
quarterly supply-use model derived on the basis of assumptions from the most recent annual SUTs.
Some countries use apply the SUTs framework on a quarterly basis typically at a less detailed
level than annually and as a compilation/validation tool whereby the detailed results are not
intended for publication.

14.32 The main advantage of using SUTs in the validation process of the quarterly GDP is that
inconsistencies calculated at the aggregate level can be transformed into detailed imbalances
between total supply and total use of specific products (or between total output and total input of
specific economic activities, if the fixed input-output ratio assumption is relaxed). This detailed
view permits to pinpoint the major sources of inconsistencies, and allows the compilers to identify
the most critical areas of intervention. The editing process should be reiterated until the quarterly
GDP data show a satisfactory degree of consistency in the quarterly supply-use model.

14.33 This validation tool can be helpful in assessing the consistency of both quarters that are
benchmarked to closed years, and quarters that are extrapolated from the latest annual benchmark.
Although the quarterly data are benchmarked to consistent annual data, they may still lack
consistency at the quarterly level due to seasonal effects, outliers, and other sub-annual effects.
These effects may introduce distortions in the measurement of short-term changes of GDP, with
possible consequences in the determination of business cycle turning points. In extrapolation, a
supply-use model for validation can be particularly useful in verifying that the quarterly aggregate
GDP figures are internally consistent.

14.34 There are three main ways in which the SUTs framework can be used for the compilation
of QNA and described in the next Section. They consist of:

• the use of annual SUTs with a product flow method for the compilation of QNA;
• the use of partial quarterly SUTs based model to validate QNA; and
• the compilation of quarterly balanced SUTs to underpin the compilation of QNA.
14.35 Country practices may use different variations of these methods but the main
considerations presented here are still valid.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1. Annual SUTs and the QNA

14.36 When only annual SUTs are available, they can be used in aid to the compilation of QNA
in combination of a product flow method. Product flow method essentially consists of a simple
form of the SUTs but requires much less and up-to-date information. This is in contrast with the
SUTs which require full information on the supply of products which come from both domestic
production and imports and on the uses of products for their own production (i.e. intermediate
consumption), final consumption, gross capital formation and exports. The product flow approach
based on the SUTs requires a bridge between basic prices and purchasers’ prices.

14.37 The annual SUTs are used to derive ratios that are applied to quarterly totals or to make
extrapolation. In the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, the product flow method is used in the
calculation of GFCF in machinery and equipment. The domestic supply is first determined from
base statistics with a detailed breakdown of goods. By applying capital formation ratios (from the
previous SUTs and/or IOTs) and adding some supplementary information and adjustments,
machinery and equipment can be derived from this. The product flow method is mainly based on
sources that are available on a quarterly basis, for example, the production statistics, or even on a
monthly basis, for example, turnover surveys and the foreign trade statistics. Therefore, the up-to-
date quarterly accounts follow the flow pattern from the annual accounts. The quarterly results can
be aggregated to form annual results. GFCF in machinery and equipment is determined at a very
fine level of product disaggregation as difference between product supply (production plus
imports) and exports.

14.38 Table 14.1 demonstrates the type of information required to balance supply and use of
products (goods and services) at purchasers’ prices. Any differences have to be allocated to supply
of goods and services or the use of goods and services or both.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 14.1 Balancing supply and use of products


Final consumption expenditure by government

Final consumption expenditure by households

Final consumption expenditure by NPISH

Gross fixed capital formation

Total use at purchsers' prices

Supply at purchasers' prices

Intermediate consum[tion

Changes in inventories
Output at basic prices

Subsidies on products

Changes in valuables
Transport margins

Taxes on products
Trade margins
Imports CIF


No Code (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
1 01111 Wheat, s eed
2 01112 Wheat, other
3 01121 Ma ize (corn), seed
⁞ ⁞
3150 97990 Other mis cell aneous s ervices n.e.c.
3151 98000 Domes ti c servi ces
3152 99000 Services provided by extra-territoria l org.

2. A quarterly SUTs based model to aid validation of the QNA

14.39 A quarterly SUTs based model consists of a partial compilation of quarterly SUTs based
on existing National Accounts data and based on modelling of the remaining data that are required
in a SUTs approach. The quarterly SUTs based model uses the relationships in the annual tables
to expand the level of detail available quarterly to better articulate the relationships between the
different approaches to measuring GDP and thus assist in the identification of possible
inconsistencies. The quarterly SUTs based model uses the economic relationships between
variables in the latest available annual SUTs (referred to as the reference year tables) to generate
the additional product detail required to complete the quarterly SUTs. The fundamental assumption
underlying the model is that the economic relationships that apply in the reference year tables
remain the same during the subsequent quarterly estimation periods. As the substantial component
is based on modelled data, it is not generally used to compile the QNA but is used instead as a
validation tool in the compilation process. It helps to identify and resolve inconsistencies in the
data and in the longer run, it may help to identify areas of improvements of the accounts and lead
the way for the establishment of a regular compilation of quarterly SUTs.

14.40 In general, a quarterly SUTs based model makes use of the relationships in the latest annual
SUTs and expands the data of the QNA to roughly the level of detail in the annual SUTs. The
underlying assumption is to consider industry/product structure in the quarterly SUTs is relatively
stable until the next set of annual SUTs become available. As industries and economies are ever-
changing more rapidly, then this assumption albeit valid becomes weaker, especially in current

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

14.41 The quarterly SUTs based model is best applied to seasonally adjusted data in volume
terms. As mentioned earlier, a quarterly SUTs based model should be based on ratios calculated
from annual SUTs. Annual-to-quarter assumptions work better for volume estimates than for
current price estimates, as the price component may be subject to sudden changes even in the short-
term. For example, large swings in international oil prices can modify remarkably the I-O ratios
of high energy consuming industries such as transport. Similarly, assumptions from annual SUTs
are better suited for seasonally adjusted data. Seasonal effects may change the annual relationships
between variables, so it would be inappropriate to apply annual ratios to distribute quarterly
patterns not adjusted for seasonality.

14.42 It may be useful to note that in order to accommodate a time dimension in the quarterly
SUTs based model, the basic SUTs will need to be expanded to create a suite of inter-related tables
with each table having a time dimension covering the total estimation period.

14.43 The first step in the construction of a quarterly SUTs based model is to create a domestic
output table at basic prices from the production based GDP estimates. The domestic output table
distributes output by economic activity into primary and secondary products. Quarterly output is
usually calculated in the QNA system by economic activity, very often by assuming a stable
relationship with GVA in volume terms. A quarterly distribution of the output of economic
activities can be made by taking the shares of primary and secondary products from the most recent
annual SUTs. This assumption reflects the mix of products produced by an industry, in volume
terms and seasonally adjusted, should remain fairly stable in the short-term.

14.44 The next step is to populate the remaining elements contained in the Supply Table.
Quarterly data on imports of goods and services are readily accessible with sufficient detail from
the merchandise trade statistics and Balance of Payments data; therefore it should not be
complicated to populate the imports column with actual data. In absence of detailed data, the
structure of imports of goods separate from the imports of services from the annual SUTs can be
used to distribute total quarterly imports of goods and services. However, this assumption may not
work well, for example, for economies with large shares of imported capital goods, which can
cause swift changes in the mix of imports and their destination for use.

14.45 The Supply Table is completed with the transformation of basic prices into purchasers’
prices, which is the valuation needed for supply of products to match the valuation for the use of
products in the Use Table.

14.46 The first transformation required is to allocate trade and transport margins among the
various products. This calculation can be done using the structure of margins by product from the
annual SUTs. As the total amount of margins is known from the quarterly domestic output table,
the initial allocation of margins by product (based on the annual SUTs) has to be reconciled with
the total amount. A similar two-step transformation is done for taxes less subsidies on products.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

The initial allocation of net taxes based on the flows of output is reconciled with the total quarterly
net taxes provided by government data.

14.47 The intermediate consumption part of the Use Table should also be linked to the production
based GDP estimates. Intermediation consumption by industry should preserve the fixed (or stable)
relationship between GVA and output. Hence, total intermediate costs by industry are to be
distributed based on the intermediate input structure in the annual SUTs. The assumption of a
stable intermediate input structure is reasonable for relatively short-term periods of time in volume
terms. This is not true in current prices due to short-term price volatility. When compiling quarterly
SUTs (in current prices and in previous years’ prices, unadjusted and seasonally adjusted), the
assumption of stable product structures by industry may be acceptable for seasonally adjusted data
in volume terms. The seasonality of output and intermediate consumption may cause the quarterly
structure of unadjusted data to differ from the annual structure, here it would be better to use the
ratios from the SUTs of the same quarter of preceding year.

14.48 The last step in the calculation of quarterly SUTs based model is to break down each of the
final use components by product. The Use Table should be based on the quarterly estimates of
expenditure components that are as far as possible independent from the production based
quarterly GDP estimates.

14.49 The quarterly total flows in the Use Table are distributed by product using the simplest
assumption that the shares in the annual SUTs for each final use category remain stable in the
short-term in volume terms. This assumption can be satisfactory for household consumption,
which presents fairly regular patterns dominated by frequent purchases (food, housing,
transportation, etc.). However, this assumption may not hold true, even in the short-term, for other
final use categories. For example, purchases of certain capital goods may be very volatile, which
can introduce substantial differences with respect to the product shares. The same can happen with
exports, especially for small-open economies. Once again, this assumption may work well only
for quarterly seasonally adjusted data and in volume terms.

14.50 For changes in inventories, it is very unlikely that the product allocation in a year remain
the same for each quarter. Inventory levels can move very rapidly between quarters due to different
phases in the economy, movements that can modify substantially the product shares estimated in
the annual SUTs. An alternative assumption for calculating quarterly inventories in the SUTs
based model is to link the opening and closing levels of inventories to the supply of products
(output plus imports). The difference between the closing and opening stocks (inventory levels)
would give an estimate of the changes in each quarter. In this case, however, the quarterly
distribution for the type of product for the changes in inventories is based on the annual SUTs is
preferred for practical reasons.

14.51 Once all the elements of the quarterly SUTs based model are generated and put into place,
it is possible to compare and analyze the discrepancies between total supply and total use for each

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

individual product. This is the main objective of using a SUTs based model for validating the
components of quarterly GDP. Although the quarterly tables are constructed with several
assumptions, they can provide a very useful insight into the sources of aggregate discrepancies
arising from the aggregate quarterly GDP estimates as well as identifying at detailed levels, where
new, and significant, product imbalances have materialised.

Reference Year

14.52 The reference year plays an important role in the structure of the quarterly SUTs based
model as the ratios from the annual SUTs influence the breakdown of the quarterly totals. The
obvious natural choice is to use the latest year of the annual SUTs. Re-referencing the quarterly
SUTs model involves re-specifying the level and composition of outputs and intermediate inputs
for each industry to reflect the relationships in the latest reference year. Updating the reference
year ensures that changes in economic relationships are captured in the quarterly SUTs based
model as soon as possible, although the reference year may have lags with the QNA data by
between one and two years.

14.53 For some years, the structural changes in the economy may be relatively small, with change
occurring incrementally in response to factors such as technological advances and changing
consumer tastes. However, some events can have a significant impact on the cost structure of
industries and take place rapidly. For example, a severe drought is likely to change the relationship
between the supply of products and the intermediate use of products for the agriculture industry.

Seasonally adjusted data versus unadjusted data

14.54 A priority when using SUTs for validating the components of quarterly GDP is that all the
assumptions made should maximise the preservation of the time series properties of the QNA and
avoid any breaks between quarters. Using seasonally adjusted data facilitates the application of
annual ratios to distribute quarterly data. However, ratios taken from the annual SUTs of
contiguous years (when available) can be substantially different. This could create steps between
the last quarter of one year (based on a set of ratios from that year) and the first quarter of the
following year (based on a different set of SUTs). In such cases, instead of using fixed quarterly
ratios, the annual ratios in the two different years can be interpolated to smooth out the transition
between the two levels.

14.55 For the QNA data, unadjusted for seasonal effects, a quarterly SUTs based model using
annual assumptions poses greater challenges. The relationship between economic variables can be
highly seasonal. For example, the share of purchases of tourism services during a holiday period
is certainly higher than the annual average. However, if proper assumptions about the seasonal
variation can be made, a quarterly SUTs based model for unadjusted data can help reveal
inconsistencies between the seasonality of production and expenditure data. For example, seasonal
peaks and troughs are expected to appear in the same quarters along the supply and use of specific
product rows. A quarterly SUTs based model based on unadjusted data could reveal

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

inconsistencies when related QNA variables are based on indicators with diverging seasonal

14.56 An approach to consider in obtaining quarterly seasonally adjusted benchmarked chain-

linked data may be:

• Step 1- Seasonally adjust quarterly national accounts data at the highest level of breakdown
and obtain the corresponding seasonal factors;

• Step 2 - Derive seasonally adjusted data at previous years’ prices;

• Step 3 - Different aggregates seasonally adjusted at previous years’ prices can be obtained
just by adding up the corresponding components;

• Step 4 - Balance the quarterly SUTs and chain-link the results; and

• Step 5 - Carry out a residual seasonality analysis (in some cases, this implies changing the
seasonal factors using the balanced unadjusted series, and then returning to Step 1).

Data in current prices versus data in volume terms

14.57 The construction of quarterly SUTs (fully balanced or nearly balanced) in volume terms
can help analyze the consistency of the QNA figures in current prices. The final quarterly SUTs in
previous years’ prices can be reflated with available price indices (for example, producer prices,
consumer prices, imports and exports prices). Discrepancies in the resulting quarterly SUTs in
current prices can identify inconsistencies in the price statistics at a detailed product and industry
level. Furthermore, the results from the quarterly SUTs based model can be compared with the
current price estimates derived from the QNA system. In this way, a quarterly SUTs based model
can also be beneficial for improving the quality of the estimate of the GDP deflator.

Level of detail and classification

14.58 The level of detail for a quarterly SUTs based model is to be chosen with pragmatism.
Theoretically, one may wish to build quarterly SUTs with hundreds of rows and columns to
improve the robustness of the assumptions. However, the work for developing and maintaining
large systems of quarterly SUTs may be unsustainable. Quarterly SUTs based models should be
simplified versions of existing annual SUTs. The detail level of the QNA system is certainly to be
considered when deciding the number and type of products and economic activities of the quarterly
SUTs based model.

14.59 When quarterly GDP is calculated using only the production approach, the quarterly SUTs
based model can be used to develop a rudimentary estimate of quarterly GDP using the expenditure
components. Many countries do not produce quarterly GDP by expenditure because of lack of
source data (i.e. lack of a continuous household consumption data source). Product-flow

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

assumptions from available annual SUTs (i.e. fixed shares underpinning the breakdown of final
use) can be used to allocate the production based estimates between the different uses. With this
approach, however, the resulting GDP estimate using the expenditure approach would be
constructed from the production based GDP data (no discrepancy would appear between the two
estimates). Consequently, the quarterly GDP by expenditure could not be considered an
independent measure of the GDP.

14.60 The classification used in the quarterly SUTs based model should reflect the classification
used in the annual SUTs and the QNA and therefore the underlying data sources.

3. Quarterly SUTs for QNA

14.61 The compilation of balanced quarterly SUTs is the best option for the compilation of
coherent and consistent QNA but it poses some challenges such as data availability and data
coverage, timeliness of the data processing, balancing and an appropriate level of resources.

14.62 Most of the considerations covered in the previous section also hold for the compilation
and publication of quarterly SUTs. However, the compilation of quarterly SUTs often relies on a
wider set of source data with high frequency and a more complete balancing process. Some
countries regularly compile and publish quarterly SUTs. The text below is based primarily on the
experience in the compilation of quarterly SUTs in the Netherlands.

Quarterly SUTs in the Netherlands

14.63 In the Netherlands, the quarterly estimate of GDP and its components covering both the
production and expenditure approaches to measuring GDP are compiled using quarterly SUTs.
The quarterly SUTs are simultaneously compiled in current prices and in volume terms.

14.64 For each quarter, two estimates are made, a flash estimate which is published at T+45 days
and a firmer estimate which published at T+90 days. When making the estimate for the fourth
quarter, the first three quarters are updated in order to get a best possible first flash estimate of the
concerning reporting year. The four quarterly SUTs also form the base for estimates for the
preliminary years combined with new information for certain industries and expenditure
categories, for example, government, banking and insurance, health services and foreign trade.

14.65 Like the annual SUTs, the quarterly SUTs are balanced at purchasers’ prices excluding
VAT (Use Table). The valuation gap between output at basic prices and the supply at purchasers’
prices is covered through the additional columns on trade and transport margins and taxes and
subsidies on products in the Supply Table. Also, non-deductible VAT is recorded in a separate row
in the Use Table.

14.66 The quarterly SUTs cover estimates in both current prices and in volume terms. The
volume based estimates are expressed in average prices of the previous year. The choice for the
price base ensures additivity of the four quarters to annual figures in volume terms. In order to

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

estimate volume changes, the corresponding quarter of T-1 has to be also expressed in average
prices of T-1.

14.67 For each cell of the SUTs, the following data are available:

0 $, = ∑$ " $, ∗ $, %, current prices of quarter 4 of year

P $, = ∑$" ∗ $, % ‘volume terms’ of quarter 4 of year − 1 expressed in average

prices of the year T-1

QP $, = ∑$ R ∗ $, S ‘volume terms’ of quarter 4 of year − 1 expressed in

average prices of the year −1

0 $, = ∑$ " $, ∗ $, %, current prices of quarter 4 of year −1

$, / =0 $, / P $, , price index of quarter 4 of

expressed in the average prices of

$, = 0 $, /QP
/ $, , price index of quarter 4 of − 1 expressed in the average
prices of year − 1

$, = P $, QP $, , volume index of quarter 4 of compared with quarter 4 of − 1.

Source data

14.68 Compared with the annual data, the source data for quarterly estimates are less detailed and
are often less reliable. In addition to the lack of detail, the main omissions include data covering
intermediate consumption and changes in inventories.

14.69 For manufacturing and commercial services, the main data sources for turnover are based
on VAT or surveys. For agriculture, the data on quantities and prices are available. For the flash
estimate, government budget data are used whereas for the firmer based estimate, for a large part
of government, quarterly government accounts are available. Data on financial institutions are
provided by the central bank. Health care is estimated using a model approach.

14.70 Estimates for exports and imports of goods and services are based on data derived from
foreign trade statistics. Consumption of households is based on data from retail trade, and specific
information like vehicle registration.

14.71 When GFCF is not available on a quarterly basis, estimates can be derived from the supply
of capital goods following a product flow type of approach. For specific parts, additional
information is available like the vehicle registration, airplanes, ships, etc.

14.72 For changes in inventories, only limited information is available and estimates are made
during balancing combined with the seasonal pattern of the previous year.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

14.73 No quarterly data are available for trade and transport margins. These are estimated using
the ratios/percentages from the annual SUTs of the previous year. For the volume estimates, this
corresponds to the rules described in Chapter 9. By applying this assumption for current prices, a
possible change in the percentage of trade and transport margins will be missed until the
incorporation of the next annual SUTs.

14.74 For the deflation of the quarterly SUTs, producer price indices, import and export prices
and consumer price indices are available. The observed data are transformed into indices having
the average prices of T-1 as the base.

14.75 As very little data for intermediate consumption are available, the initial estimates are
based on the assumption of fixed I-O coefficients in volume terms. For each industry, each product
forming intermediate consumption, the ratio to total output of the corresponding quarter of T-1 is
applied to the estimates in volume terms of the quarter being estimated. In order to get current
price estimates, the volume estimates are inflated using the above mentioned price indices. When
balancing, these initial estimates of intermediate consumption are adjusted and reconciled with the
estimates of supply.


14.76 The balancing of quarterly SUTs is very similar to the balancing of annual SUTs. The
balancing process starts with the detection of large inconsistencies which need additional analysis
and detailed investigations, these are balanced manually. An important difference with balancing
annual SUTs is the reliability of the estimates of intermediate consumption. The same identities
must hold and the same plausibility checks can be applied. However in the quarterly SUTs, there
are more and larger adjustments made on intermediate consumption, although they must be within
the limits that the balanced results show plausible movements over time and plausible I-O ratios.

14.77 In the balancing process, other checks are also undertaken such as the links with the labour
accounts. Changes in labour productivity are an important indicator for judging plausibility. For
the firmer based estimates in the quarterly SUTs, a balanced link with the quarterly sector accounts
is also established.

Benchmarking or reconciliation

14.78 In order to get consistency between the quarterly accounts and the annual accounts
benchmarking or reconciliation may be necessary. This implies that:

i. the sum of the four quarters in current prices equals the annual estimates in current prices.
ii. the sum of the four quarters of year T in average prices of the previous year (T-1) equals
annual estimates of T in prices of the previous year (T-1).
iii. the sum of the four quarters, for example, for T-1 in average prices of T-1 equals the annual
estimates of T-1 in current prices (of T-1).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

14.79 In the Dutch approach, the preliminary annual estimates are the sum of the four quarters
combined with annual information for specific industries or expenditure categories (for example,
government, banking and insurance, health services and foreign trade). After having reconciled
large discrepancies between quarterly and annual information for those specific items, the
balancing of the four quarters and the annual information is done simultaneously using automated

14.80 For the final estimates, for most industries the annual source data are available including
intermediate consumption and changes in inventories. The final annual estimate of the SUTs is
made autonomously and is not linked to the (updated) quarterly SUTs. Therefore for the final
estimates, the quarterly SUTs have to be benchmarked/reconciled with the annual SUTs. After
having reconciled the large discrepancies between quarterly and annual SUTs, the benchmarking
of the four quarters is done simultaneously using automated procedures.

DESTATIS, 2008. Quarterly National Accounts (QNA) in Germany – Methods and data sources.
Available at:

IMF 2001. Quarterly National Accounts Manual— Concepts, Data Sources, and Compilation.
Available at: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/qna/2000/textbook/

IMF, 2014, draft Chapter 6 of the Update of the Quarterly National Accounts Manual. Available
at: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/qna/

IMF, 2015, draft Chapter 9 of the Update of the Quarterly National Accounts Manual. Available
at: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/qna/pdf/chapter9.pdf

Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2006. A Supply and Use Model for Editing the Quarterly National
Accounts, Australia, Research Paper, 2006. Available at:
http://www.abs.gov.au/AusStats/[email protected]/MF/5258.0

United Nations, forthcoming. Handbook on Backcasting

Vu, 2011. Compiling GDP by final expenditure An operational guide using commodity flow
approach. International Workshop on Measuring GDP by Final Demand Approach Shenzhen,
China 25-27 April 2011. Available at:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 15. Disseminating Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables

A. Introduction

15.1 Data dissemination is an important activity for any statistical production process as it
provides the users with a range of statistics produced to internationally agree guidelines. Presenting
SUTs and IOTs to the users in a clear, transparent and user-friendly manner is thus an important
task of the statisticians. This Chapter provides an overview of the elements that should be
considered when disseminating SUTs and IOTs9. It starts in Section B with the identification of
users’ needs in order to tailor the dissemination to the main types of users of SUTs and IOTs.
Section C describes the importance of having a dissemination strategy and the elements that should
be covered in the strategy. Section D describes the importance of the communication strategy when
disseminating statistics as statistical information is nowadays not just made available but is
‘communicated’ to the users in a way that it is made more accessible and understandable. Section
E provides examples of dissemination formats of SUTs and IOTs and provides the list of tables
that are often published. Finally, Section F elaborates on the Statistical Data and Metadata
Exchange (SDMX) which was developed for the data and metadata sharing for National Accounts
and which includes a module for SUTs and IOTs.

B. User identification

15.2 Economic statistics in general have a wide variety of users with very different uses of the
statistics. The SUTs, IOTs and other related products provide important analytical tools for many
types of users including all levels of government, international organizations, the private sector,
research institutions, the public including the media, etc. These users can be grouped into two main
categories with respect to the intensity of statistical use of the information disseminated. There are
general data users (such as journalists, students, teachers, small businesses, or general citizens who
have simple data requirements but from a great range of information) and analysis users (such as
government departments, local authorities, researchers, and international organizations with
complex data requirements on detailed variables, time series and regional breakdowns).

For further reading, please refer to http://www.unece.org/stats/documents/writing/

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

15.3 The need to be aware and understand who the users may be and their needs is extremely
important not only to compile SUTs and IOTs (the identification of users’ needs is the first phase
of the statistical compilation process, see Chapter 3) but also to identify effective ways to
disseminate the statistical information. Indeed, knowing who the users are helps to steer what
message is being conveyed when statistics are released in a language understood by users (who
may not have the technical expertise of the nuances of National Accounts or references like the
SNA or BPM).

15.4 To meet the different demands, the dissemination of SUTs and IOTs can be made using
different channels. For example, press releases are generally used by the media and the general
public with the presentation of the main findings from the SUTs and IOTs. Detailed information
on SUTs and IOTs is usually presented in the Yearbooks of the country; this information can be
used by researchers, students or international organizations. Special publications can also be
prepared with time series, with detailed data, accompanied by metadata and sometimes by a short
economic analysis based on these indicators. These publications can be used for different purposes
by government, researchers, academic media or international organizations. Finally, electronic
dissemination offers the opportunity to reduce the costs of dissemination and make information
more usable and accessible, for example, through the NSO Website.

C. Dissemination strategy
15.5 The compilation of SUTs and related products in general form a small subset of the data
compiled by the NSO (or NCB) but a key and very rich dataset in terms of the inter-linkages
between all players in an economy - all producers of goods and services and all consumers of
goods and services. Thus, the dissemination of SUTs and IOTs should be part of a more
comprehensive dissemination strategy of the office compiling these tabulations.

15.6 The dissemination strategy includes various elements such as what information is made
available, the timeliness, coherence between disseminated data sets, statistical confidentiality,
revision policy, user needs, formats and means of dissemination, and dissemination of metadata
and information on data quality.

15.7 The dissemination strategy is to be developed/formulated in line with the Fundamental

Principles of Official Statistics (2013), see Box 15.1. Principle 1, in particular, states that
“…official statistics are to be compiled and made available on an impartial basis by official
statistical agencies to honour the entitlement of citizens to public information” and sets out a clear
steer for dissemination.

Box 15.1 UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics

Principle 1
Official statistics provide an indispensable element in the information system of a democratic society,
serving the Government, the economy and the public with data about the economic, demographic, social
and environmental situation. To this end, official statistics that meet the test of practical utility are to be

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

compiled and made available on an impartial basis by official statistical agencies to honour citizens’
entitlement to public information.
Principle 2
To retain trust in official statistics, the statistical agencies need to decide according to strictly professional
considerations, including scientific principles and professional ethics, on the methods and procedures for
the collection, processing, storage and presentation of statistical data.
Principle 3
To facilitate a correct interpretation of the data, the statistical agencies are to present information
according to scientific standards on the sources, methods and procedures of the statistics.
Principle 4
The statistical agencies are entitled to comment on erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics.
Principle 5
Data for statistical purposes may be drawn from all types of sources, be they statistical surveys or
administrative records. Statistical agencies are to choose the source with regard to quality, timeliness,
costs and the burden on respondents.
Principle 6
Individual data collected by statistical agencies for statistical compilation, whether they refer to natural
or legal persons, are to be strictly confidential and used exclusively for statistical purposes.
Principle 7
The laws, regulations and measures under which the statistical systems operate are to be made public.
Principle 8
Coordination among statistical agencies within countries is essential to achieve consistency and efficiency
in the statistical system.
Principle 9
The use by statistical agencies in each country of international concepts, classifications and methods
promotes the consistency and efficiency of statistical systems at all official levels.
Principle 10
Bilateral and multilateral cooperation in statistics contributes to the improvement of systems of official
statistics in all countries.
Adopted by the UN General Assembly – 73rd plenary meeting on 29 January 2014

15.8 To help establish good dissemination practices, there is a range of information and good
practice already available. For example, the General Data Dissemination Standards (GDDS) (IMF,
2013) was developed by the IMF to assist Member Countries not in a position to subscribe to the
Special Data Dissemination Standards (SDDS) to develop nevertheless a sound statistical system
as the basis for timely dissemination of data to the public. The purpose of the GDDS is to
encourage member countries: to improve data quality, to provide a framework for evaluating needs
for data improvement and setting priorities in this respect, and to guide countries in disseminating
comprehensive, timely, accessible, and reliable economic, financial, and socio-demographic
statistics to the public.

15.9 Other examples of dissemination practices can be found in the Statistics Code of Practice,
such as the EU Statistics Code of Practice (Eurostat, 2011), the UK Code of Practice for Statistics
(UK Statistical Authority, 2009), etc.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1. Release calendar

15.10 The availability of a release calendar is important for the users. Knowing when the
information is released/disseminated allows the user to plan their activities accordingly. The
compilation and release schedule should be realistic for compilers and, at the same time, useful for
users. In addition, it is often a good practice to announce in advance the precise dates at which
particular data series will be released. The advance release calendar should be posted at the
beginning of each year, or at least well in advance of the release date on the websites of the
agencies responsible for the dissemination. By doing so, this also helps to provide evidence of no
political or ministerial interference with the production and dissemination of official statistics.

15.11 Figure 15.1 shows an example of a national release calendar covering SUTs, IOTs and
National Accounts as in Statistics Denmark.

Figure 15.1 Release calendar covering SUTs, IOTs and

National Accounts – Statistics Denmark

Statistics Denmark National Accounts Publication Schedule for 2017

(including revision schedule)

Year T Year T Year T Year T Year T

Month of publication
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Mid May of year T A

End May of year T P
End June of year T R

Mid August of year T - A

End August of year T R P
End September of year T R R

Mid November of year T - - A

End November of year T R R P
End December of year T R R R

Mid February of year T+1 - - - A

End February of year T+1 R R R P P (SQ)
End March of year T+1 R R R R R (SQ)
End June of year T+1 R R R R R (SQ)

Beginning November of year T+1 - - - - R (AP1)

End November of year T+1 R R R R -

Beginning November of year T+2 - - - - R (AP2)

End November of year T+2 R R R R -

Beginning November of year T+3 - - - - F

End November of year T+3 F F F F -
A Advanced or flash GDP estimate (GDP 45)
P Preliminary QNA figures (QNA60)
R Revised (applies both to QNA90 and to successive revisions)
F Final (applies both to annual and quarterly figures) Annual figures include final SUTs and IOTs.
SQ Sum of quarters
AP1 Firs t preliminary annual calculation including IOTs.
AP2 Second preliminary annual calculation including IOTs.
The revisions of the quarterly figures in November T+1, T+2 and T+3 are made in order to m ake the quarterly figures consistent with the
annual figures.

The above detail has been compiled by Sanjiv Mahajan (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom) (as at February 2017).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2. Data revision and revision policies

15.12 Revisions are an essential part of data compilation. They occur as a consequence of the
trade-off between the timeliness of published data and their reliability, accuracy and
comprehensiveness. To address this trade-off, the responsible agencies often compile and
disseminate the provisional data that are then revised when new and more accurate data become
available. Although, in general, repeated revisions may be perceived as reflecting negatively on
the reliability of official data, the attempt to avoid them by producing accurate but very untimely
data will result in failing to satisfy the users’ needs.

15.13 Figure 15.2 shows the UK quarterly and annual revision (including SUTs) policy to the
first estimate of quarterly GDP through successive quarterly exercises through to annual
benchmarking. The pending revision policy (quarterly or annual) and description of revisions is
communicated well-in advance so users can prepare appropriately. This is even more important
for significant revisions such as a new SNA or industrial classification or methodological changes
and takes place via articles, seminars, etc. Although descriptions are provided, the exact estimates
are not available until the release day.

Figure 15.2 Measuring United Kingdom GDP and SUTs - Revision policy

Revision time frame – UK GDP estimate for 2013 Q1

(First UK Quarterly GDP estimate and subsequent revisions through to annual benchmarking)
Release Brief description Revised periods

Apr-13 1st estimate Preliminary Estimate of GDP (after 25 days) No revisions

May-13 2nd estimate 2nd Estimate of GDP (after 55 days) 2013 Q1 only
Quarterly National Accounts (after 85 days)
3rd estimate
Jun-13 GDP, BoP, financial and non-financial accounts for all Up to past 13 quarters
(Quarterly exercise)
institutional sectors also released at the same time.
Annual Exercise Annual and quarterly revisions back to
Sep-13 ONS Blue Book and 2013 Q1 potentially revised 1990 Q1.
Pink Book SUTs revisions back to 1997.
Dec-13 Quarterly exercise 2013 Q1 potentially revised Up to past 11 quarters
Mar-14 Quarterly exercise 2013 Q1 potentially revised Up to past 12 quarters
Jun-14 Quarterly exercise 2013 Q1 potentially revised Up to past 13 quarters
Annual Exercise Annual revisions back to 1948.
1st annual exercise
Sep-14 ONS Blue Book and Quarterly revisions back to 1955.
Partial benchmarking
Pink Book SUTs revisions back to 1997.
Dec-14 Quarterly exercise 2013 Q1 potentially revised Up to past 11 quarters
Mar-15 Quarterly exercise 2013 Q1 potentially revised Up to past 12 quarters
Jun-15 Quarterly exercise 2013 Q1 potentially revised Up to past 13 quarters
Annual Exercise 2nd annual exercise Annual revisions back to 1985.
Sep-15 ONS Blue Book and Benchmarking short-term indicators Quarterly revisions back to 1985.
Pink Book 1st annual balancing exercise through SUTs SUTs revisions back to 1997.
: : : :
: : : :

The Revision Policy can, and does, vary for quarterly exercises, for example, to allow for exceptional cases. Always determined well in advance.
For each quarterly / annual exercise, whatever the policy for periods open to revision, it applies to all variables, accounts and institutional sectors.
The periods open to revision cover both current prices and previous years' prices as well as reflect annual chain-linking of the volume data.
The above detail has been compiled by Sanjiv Mahajan (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom) (as at February 2017).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

15.14 In general, countries are encouraged to develop a well-designed revision policy that is
carefully managed and coordinated with other areas of statistics as well as communicated to users
well in advance. The development of such a policy should aim at providing users with the
necessary information to cope with revisions in a more systematic manner. The absence of
coordination and planning of revisions is considered a quality problem by users. Essential features
of a well-established revision policy are a predetermined schedule, reasonable stability from year
to year, openness, advance notice of reasons for the revision and its effects, easy access of users
to sufficiently long time series of revised data, as well as adequate documentation of revisions
included in the statistical publications and databases.

15.15 In general, errors (statistical or data processing errors) should be corrected as soon as they
are detected. In some cases, the compiling agency may decide to carry out a special revision for
reasons of reassessing the data coverage and/or data compilation methods, which could lead to
significant changes in the historical time series. It is recommended that such revisions be
announced in advance and the reasons for such revisions, as well as assessment of their possible
impact on the available data, should be given. (see also the UN forthcoming Handbook on

3. Confidentiality

15.16 One of the most important policy concerns relevant to data dissemination is the
preservation of statistical confidentiality. Statistical confidentiality is necessary in order to gain
and keep the trust of both respondents to statistical surveys and users of the statistical information.
The Sixth United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (see Box 15.1) stipulates
that individual data collected by statistical agencies for statistical compilation, whether they refer
to natural or legal persons or not, are to be strictly confidential and used exclusively for statistical

15.17 It is therefore important that appropriate disclosure checking procedures are in place as part
of the dissemination process. In some cases, permissions may be sought from a business to publish
information which helps to reduce the number of disclosive cells.

15.18 Where data validation by an external organisation or a specific expert is necessary or

significant benefits as part of data quality assurance are expected or have been previously
demonstrated, unreleased non-confidential information may be provided in such cases under strict
and agreed conditions for the purposes of validation/quality assurance before its official release.

4. Metadata

15.19 Metadata are “data about data” which enable and facilitate sharing, querying,
understanding and using statistical data over the different stages of collection, compilation and
dissemination, and at their various levels of aggregation (i.e. from micro-data to macro-data). They
encompass administrative facts about the data (who has created them and when) and definition of

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

concepts applied as well as description of how data were collected and processed before they were
disseminated or stored in a database. Metadata are important for users and also play a crucial role
in the statistical production process, as common standards and definitions should be followed to
the extent possible throughout all statistical domains in order to facilitate the linking and
integration of statistical information.

15.20 As metadata are generated and processed during every step of the compilation process,
there is a strong need for a metadata management system to ensure that the appropriate metadata
retain their links with data. Metadata dissemination should be an integral part of the dissemination
strategy. A good practice in this regard is to actively link metadata to the statistical data they
describe, and vice versa by implementing metadata-driven systems and management systems for
metadata throughout the various stages of the statistical production process. There are several
information model specifications that can contribute to achieving this goal, most notably Statistical
Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) (see Section F). While such specifications are designed to
enable performance of different functions, they can be used together in the same system, or
complement each other, in the compilation and exchange of data and metadata. Box 15.2 provides
examples of reference Metadata in the SDMX Metadata Structure for SUTs and IOTs.

Box 15.2 Reference Metadata in the SDMX Metadata Structure for SUTs and IOTs
1. Contact 11. Quality management
2. Metadata update 12. Relevance
3. Statistical presentation 13. Accuracy
4. Unit of measure 14. Timeliness and punctuality
5. Reference period 15. Coherence and comparability
6. Institutional mandate 16. Cost and burden
7. Confidentiality 17. Data revision
8. Release policy 18. Statistical processing
9. Frequency of dissemination 19. Comment
10. Accessibility and clarity
Source: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/esa-supply-use-input-tables/data/database

D. Communications of SUTs and IOTs with users

15.21 The production, analysis and dissemination of official statistics must be done in a
transparent and accessible way. To aid all users, information is provided through different
channels, for example website, regular press releases, news releases, statistical reports and emails.

15.22 All communications should be supported via a solid relationship with the media, who tend
to be the main distributors of public statistics to the general public. In this way, the information is
available to all users at the same time without privileged access, although there may be limited
number of people with time limited pre-release access for specific reasons.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

15.23 The communications department in the NSO (or NCB) is responsible for the relationship
between NSO (or NCB) and the media organising and coordinating press briefings, press
conferences, interviews with experts, requests from journalists and other requirements such as
handling media crisis or correction responses to media comments. In addition, lock-in type
briefings for journalists and media reporters may be undertaken just ahead of a release to allow for
quick, timely and efficient dissemination of material by the media moments after the official

15.24 The link between the media officers and the statistician is important. Media training should
be provided for all statisticians who come into contact with the media as this is outside the scope
of the work of the professional statistician.

15.25 To communicate National Accounts data effectively, a press release, report or article

• interpret the tables of numbers and graphs clearly;

• tell a story about the data;
• catch the reader’s attention quickly with a headline or a graph;
• be written in a clear and accessible way without (excessive) use of economic and statistical
• be easily understood, interesting and entertaining; and
• encourage others, including the media, to use the national accounts data appropriately to add
impact to what they are communicating.
15.26 Before preparing such materials, the target audience should be identified as a first step. It
is also important to be aware of the available communication media, including the press, television,
radio, Internet and (rapidly evolving) social media options.

E. Dissemination format for SUTs and IOTs

15.27 More often than not, SUTs and IOTs data tends to be annual data and less timely compared
to the latest quarterly estimate of GDP. Nonetheless, this does not imply a newsworthy story cannot
be extracted from the SUTs and IOTs data to form the basis of a news release. On the contrary,
often newspaper headlines can be generated from the releases of SUTs and IOTs.

15.28 SUTs and IOTs data are disseminated mostly via the NSO (or NCB) websites with
dedicated topic web-pages and through various file formats. Press releases, articles and analyses
may be disseminated in PDF form as these are easier to print for users whereas the data are also
provided in Excel or alternative spreadsheet formats on-line to allow users to easily manipulate
the data to suit their needs – this aspect is very important in meeting user needs. Other lesser used

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

formats include SAS, GAUSS and GAM. However the NSOs (or NCBs) need to ensure any format
used is user-friendly.

15.29 The release of SUTs and/or IOTs and related articles and analyses can be produced and
published as separate printed publications as well as produced as web-based analyses.

15.30 Other analyses such as satellite accounts for energy and air emissions are often linked to
web-pages for SUTs and IOTs. These data are presented using exactly the same principles,
definitions and classifications in National Accounts and SUTs and IOTs, and it is therefore
possible to combine data for use in a wider range of analyses of economic trends and structures –
this approach adds considerable value to the user, especially in terms of consistent and coherent
related products available in close proximity.

15.31 The SUTs data are best disseminated in a structured template format, for example, in Excel,
with several worksheets covering different parts of the framework for a “specific year”. Below are
examples of tables, after disclosure testing, that could be considered as part of the dissemination
of SUTs, with the main tables shown in italics:

• Supply Table at basic prices, including transformation into purchasers’ prices.

• Use Table at purchasers’ prices.
• Valuation matrices.
• Use Table at basic price with the split of Domestic Use Table and Imports Use Table.
• GVA by industry (split by the factor incomes and by institutional sector).
• GGFCe table (separating Central Government and Local Government both split by ISIC by
• Household final consumption expenditure table (COICOP by CPC and analyses by type of
durables and services).
• NPISHs table (ISIC by CPC and/or COPNI by CPC).
• GFCF table (ISIC by CPC).
• Production account by industry and by institutional sector.
• Generation of income account by industry and by institutional sector.
• PSUTs / EE-IOTs.
15.32 Similarly, an Excel workbook approach could be used for IOTs and related analyses for a
“specific year”. Examples of what is included when disseminating IOTs are provided below:

• Industry by Industry IOTs and/or Product by Product IOTs.

• Leontief Inverse.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Multipliers (for example, output, employment, employment costs, etc.).

• Range of environmental accounts such as, for example. EE-IOTs, air emissions accounts,
energy accounts, etc.
15.33 The above approach provides data for a “specific year”. Assuming the structure of the
templates are the same for each year, derived analyses or analytical tools or a menu driven analyses
or pivot tables could be provided to allow for time series analyses or revision analyses of any cell
in the framework or ratio-type analyses. Further examples of such derived analyses may include:

• Export shares of goods and services by product.

• Import penetration of goods and services by product.
• Net trade in goods and services by product.
• Labour and capital productivity by industry.
15.34 Furthermore, the NSO (or NCB) could provide functional analyses meeting a range of user
needs, for example:

• Specific cross-cutting sectors such as the “creative sector”, “food sector”, “oil and gas
sector” and “sports sector”.
• Concentration ratios for businesses by industry.
• Satellite accounts, for example, agriculture, tourism, health and education.

F. The Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange initiative

15.35 Seven institutions (the BIS, European Central Bank, Eurostat, IMF, OECD, United Nations
and the World Bank) sponsor the Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) initiative to
foster standards for the exchange of statistical information. The standard is an ISO standard
(ISO/Technical Specification ISO 17369:2013, which revises ISO/Technical Specification
17369:2005). It offers an information model for representing statistical data and metadata, as well
as several formats to represent this model (SDMX-EDI and several SDMX-ML formats). It also
proposes a standard way of implementing web services, including the use of registers.

15.36 The SDMX information model covers various elements. They are listed and described as

• Descriptor concepts. In order to make sense of statistical data, it is necessary to know the
concepts associated with them. For example, on its own, the figure 1.2953 is pretty
meaningless but if we know that this is an exchange rate for the United States dollar against
the euro on 23 November 2006, it starts to make more sense.
• Packaging structure. Statistical data can be grouped together at the following levels: the
observation level (the measurement of a phenomenon); the series level (the measurement of

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

a phenomenon over time, usually at regular intervals); the group level (a group of series, a
well-known example being the sibling group, a set of series which are identical except for
the fact that they are measured with different frequencies); and the data set level (comprising
several groups covering, for example, a specific statistical domain). The descriptor concepts
mentioned above can be attached at various levels in this hierarchy.
• Dimensions and attributes. There are two types of descriptor concepts: dimensions, which
both identify and describe the data, and attributes, which are purely descriptive.
• Keys. Dimensions are grouped into keys, which allow a particular set of data (a series, for
example) to be identified. The key values are attached at the series level and given in a fixed
sequence. By convention, frequency is the first descriptor concept and the other concepts are
assigned an order for that particular data set. Partial keys can be attached to groups.
• Code lists. Every possible value for a dimension is defined in a code list. Each value on that
list is given a language-independent abbreviation (code) and a language-specific description.
Attributes are represented either by codes or free-text values. Since the sole purpose of an
attribute is to describe and not to identify the data, this is not a problem.
• Data structure definitions. A data structure definition (data classification scheme) specifies
a set of concepts which describe and identify a set of data. It indicates which concepts are
dimensions (identification and description) and which are attributes (just description), and it
gives the attachment level for each of these concepts on the basis of the packaging structure
(data set, group, series or observation), as well as their status (mandatory or conditional). It
also specifies which code lists provide possible values for the dimensions and gives possible
values for the attributes, either as code lists or free-text fields.
15.37 The SDMX Data Structure Definitions for National Accounts data exchange covers a
module for the SUTs and IOTs. It is envisaged that the implementation of SDMX compliant
databases will facilitate the data and metadata exchange.

Eurostat, 2011. European Statistics Code of Practice - revised edition 2011. Available at:

Eurostat, 2013. Essential SNA: building the basic. Available at:


IMF, 2013. The general data dissemination system. Available online at:

UK Statistical Authority, 2009. Code of Practice for Official Statistics. Available at:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Part C

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 16. Regional Supply and Use Tables

A. Introduction

16.1 The SUTs compiled at the national level, similarly to the National Accounts, can often hide
differences in the economic and social development between various regions within the country.
In the recent years, there has been an increasing interest in compiling regional National Accounts
as well as regional SUTs, consistent with their national counterpart providing more detailed and
disaggregated information for regional economic analysis, fiscal and monetary policy and
monitoring. The term “regional” refers in this Chapter to sub-national areas that make up the
country under consideration.

16.2 Many of the issues in compiling regional SUTs and IOTs are similar to those encountered
in the compilation of regional National Accounts, such as assigning transactions to multi-regional
units which have the centre of predominant economic interest in more than one region. Assigning
transactions to national units which the centre of predominant economic interest cannot be
geographically located as in the case of multi-regional units (this is the case, for example, of
government, national railway, electricity corporations, etc.) (see 2008 SNA paragraphs 18.47-

16.3 Other issues involve the compilation of the inter-regional trade flow matrices. Since in the
regional accounts each region is treated as a different economic territory thus the transaction with
other regions are treated as external transaction. However, the distinction of external transactions
between those with the rest of the world and those with other regions within the country is
important in order to explicitly maintain the link with the National Accounts.

16.4 This Chapter provides in Section B a general description of the two main methods to
compile regional SUTs and IOTs using the top-down and bottom-up methods. The issues in the
compilation of regional SUTs are presented in Section C as part of a practical country example of
Canada. The country example is representative of the conceptual and practical issues commonly
encountered in the compilation of regional SUTs and IOTs.

B. Issues and methods for compiling regional SUTs and IOTs

16.5 There are a number of statistical issues related to the compilation of regional accounts.
They include the selection of the relevant statistical unit, the treatment of productive activities

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

crossing regional boundaries, data availability, confidentiality and the consistency of matching
micro estimates and macro estimates.

16.6 In general, the units that are particularly relevant for compiling regional aggregates are
local kind-of-activity unit (establishments) and kind-of-activity units (enterprises). Enterprises
often cover activities in more than one region and therefore not totally suitable for regional
accounts. Establishments are often preferred as they are strictly defined to be in geographically
identified places. However, there are also some issues with their choice. Full information at
establishment level may not be available. In addition, mobile equipment such as ships, trains,
planes cannot be local units. They have to be attached to local units in an appropriate and consistent
way. Also, sites with no labour activity (such as railway crossing or automated signal boxes)
cannot be local units.

16.7 The establishments involved generally are not a conceptual issue for units with only one
site. However, many producer units have sites in more than one region and are active in more than
one industry (multi-regional and heterogeneous units). In practice, depending on information
available for the different type of statistical units, whether local units, establishments or
enterprises, the classification at local and aggregated level should be consistent as much as possible
in order to obtain reliable regional aggregate by region and industry.

16.8 Some productive activities cross regional boundaries. These include, for example, transport
services and energy supply. Producer units may also operate in more than one region either at
permanent sites or on a temporary basis, for example, builders may undertake work in different
regions. This inter-regional activity has to be allocated consistently between regions. Two general
approaches could be used: the residence approach and the territorial approach.

16.9 The residence approach consists of allocating GVA to the region where the unit is resident
and the GFCF to the same region where the producer unit owning the goods use them. The
residence principle is particularly difficult to apply in the energy and transport industries. In brief,
the residence principle means that GVA from transporting goods across several regions is not split
between the regions but allocated to one region, the region in which the producer unit is resident.
Also GFCF in national infrastructure networks is allocated to the region where the unit in charge
of the infrastructure is resident rather than where the asset is located.

16.10 In the territorial approach, activities resulting from factors of production would be allocated
to the region in which the economic activities are actually carried out, irrespective of the resident
regions of either the factor of production or the production units. The activities of the builder, for
example, would be allocated to the region where the building site is located. The inter-regional
transport activity would be split between the regions and GFCF on energy and transport networks
would be allocated to the region where the asset is located. In more general terms, the activity
resulting from factors of production would be allocated to the region in which the economic

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

activities are actually carried out, irrespective of the resident regions of either the factor of
production or the production units.

16.11 Data availability represents a major constraint when compiling regional accounts, SUTs
and IOTs. The availability of regional statistics greatly impacts the method chosen for the
compilation of regional accounts particularly for the compilation of trade flows across regions
within a nation.

16.12 With a smaller territory of reference, represented by the regions of a country, more issues
on confidentiality may arise as greater granularity is likely to create more data disclosure issues.

16.13 Another important issue with the compilation of regional accounts, SUTs and IOTs is the
coherence and consistency of the accounts at regional and national level and also matching micro
estimates and macro estimates.

16.14 The two main methods for compiling regional National Accounts, and thus regional SUTs
and IOTs, are the top-down and bottom-up methods. The bottom-up (or ascending) method of
estimating a regional aggregate involves collecting (or using) data at establishment level, and
ascending by addition until the regional value of the aggregate is established. The method is named
bottom-up because the elements for calculating the aggregate are directly collected at this local

16.15 The top-down method consists in the disaggregation at regional level of the National
Accounts aggregates without attempting to single out the establishment or local unit. The national
figure is distributed using an indicator which is as close as possible to the variable to be estimated.
For example, wages and salaries might be allocated to regions using total employment multiplied
by average earnings from a different statistical source. However, variables like GFCF are much
more difficult to allocate across several regions meaningfully in economic terms as there are no
linked proxies. The method is named top-down because the aggregate is allocated to a region and
not to a local unit. The notion of a local unit does not always underpin the estimates. Sometimes
an indicator is used to allocate an aggregate to regions.

16.16 In general, the bottom-up method is the preferred method but it relies on the availability
of detailed data collected at regional level. In practice, the choice of the method is usually
determined by the availability of data and the legislative and administrative arrangements in the
country and the methods often used consist of a combination of the two methods above. For more
information on the comparison between the top-down and bottom-up methods, please see Eurostat
(2013) and (1995).

C. Example of bottom-up methods for regional SUTs - the Canadian experience

16.17 This section presents practical issues in the compilation of regional SUTs using a bottom-
bottom-up approach through the description of the experience of Statistics Canada. The issues

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

encountered by Statistics Canada reflect, to a great extent, general issues and therefore their
description is done through a country example.

16.18 This section provides first an overview of the development and evolution of the annual
Canadian Regional I-O programme since its inception in the late 1990s. It then describes the inter-
regional accounting framework and the methods used to address specific issues such as the
regional trade flows, the valuation, and other conceptual issues in the regional accounts. The last
section describes the lessons learnt by Statistics Canada and future directions for the Canadian
programme which provides useful insight to other countries at various stages of their statistical

1. Development and evolution of regional economic accounts

16.19 The Canadian Macroeconomic Accounts programme produces comprehensive annual

provincial and territorial I-O Accounts. These consist of detailed rectangular SUTs built for the
most part from the bottom-up approach, with the national SUTs being the sum of the provinces
and territories. They are released around two and a half years after the reference period in question
and are fully integrated with the other regional dimensions of the Canadian System of
Macroeconomic Accounts (CSMA) programme. This includes more timely annual estimates of
GDP income based and expenditure based, and real GDP by industry for Canada’s provinces and
territories. They draw on a well-developed statistical feeder system including economic surveys,
tax data and other administrative and regulatory sources. They are entrenched in regional fiscal
policy implementation and enable a range of important inter-regional analyses and applications.

(a) The evolution of the inter-regional accounts

16.20 The need for regional accounts to provide a rigorous framework for economic analysis has
long been recognised in Canada. The Canadian economy is characterised by a high degree of
regional diversity and specialisation, as well as a high volume of trade among provinces and

16.21 Regional I-O Accounts evolved out of national programmes with a long history in Canada.
They started with developing the components of the income approach to measuring GDP and final
domestic demand by province in 1981. The accounts replicated the concepts and framework at the
national level but were constructed with more limited information. Rather than bottom-up
estimation by region, they were generally based on approximate allocations of more robust
statistics built at the national level. The early accounts were experimental in nature and lacked the
critically important regional trade flows, which were subsequently developed when the enabling
regional SUTs framework was in place.

16.22 Experimental IOTs for Canadian provinces and territories were developed on an ad hoc
basis as resources permitted and included the reference years 1974, 1979, 1984 and 1990. These
tables were primarily intended for modelling purposes and exploited data from existing statistical

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

programmes designed to compile estimates at the national level. Unlike their national counterparts,
they were not fully integrated with the standard national accounts programme and did not serve as
benchmarks for National Accounts compilation.

16.23 Official, annual regional SUTs were introduced to the CSMA programme with the
reference year 1997, when a significant investment was made in provincial economic statistics to
improve the quality for use in specific regional fiscal policy applications. In particular, the regional
tables would provide quality and detail sufficient for use in allocating revenue from the newly
introduced Harmonised Sales Tax, a VAT type tax among the federal government and participating

16.24 Starting in 1997, a comprehensive programme was implemented to compile fully

integrated national and provincial/territorial statistics for three components of the CSMA on an
annual basis:

• income and expenditure dimension;

• provincial and territorial GDP by industry; and

• Input-Output accounts.

16.25 The use of the regional accounts was thereafter integrated in fiscal formulae spelled out in
federal regulations.

(b) The development of statistical feeder systems

16.26 The new role played by regional accounts called for a significant improvement in the
quality and detail of economic source data at sub-national level. To fulfil this role, an agency-wide
project known as the Project to Improve Provincial Economic Statistics (PIPES) was launched in
1996. A principal mandate of PIPES was to ensure that provincial statistics used to build the new
accounts were adequately reliable for inter-governmental revenue sharing and for critical scrutiny
by participating governments. Since fiscal formulae relied on provincial shares to determine
revenue entitlements, it was also necessary that estimates were uniformly reliable across all
provincial jurisdictions. The existing survey framework and infrastructure was overhauled and
revamped, and a range of new annual business surveys introduced.

16.27 A critical strategy of PIPES was to integrate the content of the economic survey programme
via the introduction of the Unified Enterprise Survey (UES). The features of the UES included a
centralised survey frame via an enhanced business register with regular profiling of the
organisational structure of large complex enterprises to ensure their accurate representation of
establishments by region. The strategy focused on the collection of production, employment, sales
and other required information at the establishment level to accurately reflect the region where
operations took place, while maintaining coherence at the enterprise level.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

16.28 A second element of PIPES was to enhance Statistics Canada’s access to, and its capacity
to make use of, administrative records such as corporate tax files. Increased reliance on
administrative records allowed data collection at substantially lower cost and with minimal
response burden. The principal administrative data base is the General Index of Financial
Information (GIFI), consisting of the financial statements of all Canadian businesses based on
corporate income tax records. Other tax data on income statistics such as personal tax and personal
income are also used extensively.

16.29 More recently, the objectives of the UES programme are being advanced through an
expanded harmonisation initiative at Statistics Canada known as the Integrated Business Statistics
Program (IBSP). This new framework further integrates survey operations including content,
collection and processing to realise important efficiency objectives. It also benefits from a more
mature system of administrative data sources. Unlike the UES, which was limited to annual
economic surveys covering specific industries (manufacturing, services and distributive trades) the
IBSP will eventually cover all industries and activities surveyed, both annual and sub-annual.

2. The regional accounting framework

16.30 The Canadian SUTs are rectangular in format, permitting the articulation of many products
per industry covering both outputs and inputs. A product may thus be produced by many industries
and purchased by many users. The national and the inter-regional tables record 230 industries
based on the North American Industry Classification (NAICS) and 490 products, as well as 278
categories of final uses, comprising:

• 100 household final consumption expenditures groups;

• 54 industry groups for gross fixed capital formation in machinery and equipment;

• 54 industry groups for gross fixed capital formation in construction;

• 54 industry groups for gross fixed capital formation in intellectual property;

• two inventory groups;

• nine categories of government and NPISH expenditure; and

• five categories for imports and exports.

16.31 The regional accounts in Canada are compiled for 14 regions which consist of 10 provinces,
three territories and one territorial enclave.

16.32 In order to effectively integrate national and regional concepts and conventions, Statistics
Canada focused on two principal areas: the development of inter-regional trade flows and the
regionalisation of production. These are described next.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(a) Inter-regional trade flows

16.33 The accounting framework of the inter-regional (or inter-provincial, as they are known in
Canada) SUTs is an extension of the framework of the National SUTs. It consists of two sets of

• SUTs for each region; and

• an inter-regional trade flows table.

16.34 The format of a regional SUTs differs from that of a national table in one essential aspect.
The final expenditure categories include regional import and regional export columns, in addition
to foreign export and foreign import columns of the national tables. This is represented in Table

Table 16.1 SUTs framework for inter-regional SUTs

Products Industries Final uses
Gross Total
Agriculture, Ores and Agriculture, Mining and Final Exports to Imports
… Services … Services capital
forestry, etc. minerals; etc. forestry, etc. quarrying C onsumption ROW from ROW
Agriculture, forestry, etc.

Ores and minerals; etc.

Agriculture, forestry, etc.

Mining and quarrying

Gross value added GDP

Zero by definition

Region 2
Region 1
Products Industries Final uses
Gross Exports Total
Agriculture, Ores and Agriculture, Mining and Final Exports to Imports from
… Services … Services capital to other
forestry, etc. minerals; etc. forestry, etc. quarrying C onsumption ROW from ROW other
formation Regions
Agriculture, forestry, etc.

Ores and minerals; etc.

Agriculture, forestry, etc.

Mining and quarrying

Gross value added

Zero by definition

16.35 The inter-regional trade flow tables provide a further regional breakdown for each column
of regional export and import. This is a matrix which identifies the exporting and importing regions
for each product. The data sources used in developing the flows are:

• Annual Survey of Manufacturers (destination of shipments);

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Annual Wholesale Survey (origin and destination);

• Surveys on transportation origin and destination;

• Surveys on destination of services data from business services; and

• Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada.

16.36 Trade flows are conceptually reflected by the sale of products from one region (or abroad)
to another. Exports originate from a region if the goods or services are produced or withdrawn
from inventories of an establishment in the region. The region of export or import refers to the
ultimate region of origin and destination rather than the port of landing or the regions where goods
are shipped. A regional export also occurs when goods and services are purchased within a region
by non-residents, for example, hotel accommodation, meals or entertainment. Similarly, imports
are defined if the goods or services are destined for the region’s current expenditure or capital
expenditure, used as intermediate inputs by establishments in the region or make up additions to
inventories. Goods shipped into a region but destined for another region do not constitute imports.

(b) Valuation

16.37 Trade flows of goods are valued at basic prices. By this definition, the valuation of a good
excludes all costs associated with transportation, distributive trade (wholesale and retail) mark-ups
as well as taxes on products. This method of valuation is preferable to purchasers’ prices, since it
more accurately measures the value of trade flows of goods and services by permitting the
decomposition of purchasers’ price into its separate costs.

16.38 To illustrate this point, take a good produced in Quebec purchased by a wholesaler in
Ontario and subsequently sold to a customer in Alberta via a retailer. A Manitoba trucker transports
the good from Quebec to Alberta. As a final consumer, Alberta is importing from three provinces:
Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba. The basic price value of the good is an import from Quebec, the
wholesale mark-up is an import from Ontario, while the transportation service is an import from
Manitoba. The retail margin is Alberta’s own production and hence, there is no inter-provincial
trade flow generated. If the trade flows were valued at purchasers’ prices for the above example,
this could only be represented as a single trade flow from Quebec to Alberta, and the activity
occurring in Ontario and Manitoba would not be shown.

(c) Accounting Identities

16.39 The principal accounting identities used in the derivation of inter-regional and international
trade flows of goods and services are described below.

16.40 In each province and for each product, the total domestic supply must equal the sum of
sales to the rest of the world (international exports), sales to other provinces (inter-regional
exports), and sales to its own region. Total domestic supply is defined as the value of production

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

plus shipments out of the inventories of producers, wholesalers and retailers. Estimates of the total
domestic supply originate with the regional SUTs. Each side of the identity (whether trade flows
or components of total domestic supply) is often measured from different data sources.

16.41 In each province and for each product, the total domestic use must equal the sum of
purchases from the rest of the world (international imports), purchases from other provinces (inter-
provincial imports), and purchases from its own province. Total domestic use is equal to final
domestic use plus intermediate domestic use (inputs into the production process) plus additions to
inventories of producers, wholesalers and retailers. Again, estimates of the total domestic use
originate with the regional SUTs. Each side of the identity (whether trade flows or components of
total domestic use) is often measured from different data sources.

16.42 In each region and for each product, the total domestic supply minus total domestic use
equals total exports minus total imports. This yields a measure of net trade by province and by

16.43 For each product, the sum of international exports and imports by region are identical to
their national counterparts.

16.44 For each product, inter-regional exports and imports are the same when summed over all
provinces since one region’s exports must be another region’s imports.

16.45 For each product, the sum for all regions’ total domestic supply and use, combined with
foreign supply and use equal the national values of total supply and total use.

16.46 Goods purchased outside Canada and re-exported to the rest of the world are not part of
the regional identities. They are recorded as a separate element, as a trade flow from rest of world
to outside Canada.

16.47 The above identities collectively form an accounting framework for adjusting source data,
filling data gaps and analysing the quality and consistency of trade flow estimates. They are
particularly important because although several sources exist that indicate trade flows, they are
often not adequate for developing a complete matrix of inter-regional trade flows.

16.48 It is worth noting, that surveys on destinations are very unusual and difficult to undertake.
However, it is essential to include wholesale trade to be able to follow deliveries. Chile is another
country that undertakes similar surveys for their five-yearly benchmark SUTs.

16.49 The rectangular framework allows the trade flow pattern obtained from the sources
mentioned to be prorated iteratively, for example, using the RAS technique to the domestic supply
and domestic use control totals originating from the provincial SUTs. This is done with respect to
the above identities for each product at the highest level of detail possible, the 490 products.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

16.50 Table 16.2 presents the accounting framework and identities reviewed and also a summary
of the total of all inter-regional and international trade flows for the year 2010. There is a similar
table for each of the 490 products where all of the above mentioned accounting identities are in

Table 16.2 Inter-regional and international trade flows

by province and territory, 2010 ($ millions)
$ millions
Destination Exports
N.W. Govt. Supply to other
Origin N.L. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. B.C. Y.T. Nvt. World to ROW
T. Abr. regions
N.L. 31,678 78 946 1,949 2,103 1,351 328 56 314 108 3 16 7 10,959 49,897 10,959 7,259
P.E.I. 90 7,241 273 275 183 369 21 19 54 30 0 0 0 927 9,483 927 1,315
N.S. 870 377 55,273 1,325 1,587 2,170 220 159 592 461 9 37 28 0 6,354 69,461 6,354 7,834
N.B. 959 586 1,663 44,450 3,852 1,853 265 106 874 347 11 43 17 12,377 67,404 12,377 10,577
Que. 1,597 339 2,453 3,116 498,869 38,721 2,317 1,792 7,696 6,001 78 316 246 19 78,083 641,643 78,083 64,692
Ont. 3,280 829 5,394 4,722 40,717 958,738 8,083 6,267 24,535 18,364 305 609 408 224 186,975 1,259,450 186,975 113,737
Man. 112 35 211 182 2,152 6,235 76,824 1,880 2,811 1,686 25 72 29 0 12,909 105,162 12,909 15,430
Sask. 38 27 102 128 1,016 5,736 2,254 82,644 5,142 1,621 15 42 27 0 26,130 124,922 26,130 16,148
Alta. 683 92 750 743 5,543 19,861 5,409 11,658 373,317 15,459 313 811 332 0 79,807 514,779 79,807 61,655
B.C. 287 87 671 577 5,014 10,451 1,603 1,966 13,089 301,484 402 282 168 0 41,527 377,609 41,527 34,598
Y.T. 2 0 4 4 22 133 7 9 38 92 3,511 23 6 0 313 4,164 313 341
N.W.T. 9 1 10 4 111 659 23 28 133 87 17 5,999 85 2,122 9,286 2,122 1,166
Nvt. 5 0 9 2 50 387 11 7 33 12 1 31 3,376 21 3,945 21 548
Abroad 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,374 1 1,384 1 9
World 7,997 973 10,369 14,605 100,959 214,299 13,746 14,420 60,944 49,740 396 846 287 528 24,708 514,817 24,708
Demand 47,607 10,665 78,128 72,083 662,178 1,260,971 111,109 121,010 489,573 395,493 5,086 9,127 5,018 2,146 483,213 3,753,407 458,505 335,308

from ROW 7,997 973 10,369 14,605 100,959 214,299 13,746 14,420 60,944 49,740 396 846 287 528 24,708 514,817
from other
regions 7,932 2,451 12,486 13,027 62,350 87,934 20,539 23,946 55,312 44,269 1,179 2,283 1,355 244 335,308
Canada 2010

16.51 The numbers along each row, except those on the diagonal, represent the exports of the
province or territory identified at the head of the row toward the other provinces or territories and
the rest of the world. The last number along a row represents the total domestic supply of the
exporting region. Total domestic supply estimates are derived from the regional SUTs.

16.52 The numbers down each column, except those on the diagonal, represent the imports of the
region identified at the top of the column from other regions and the rest of the world. The last
number at the bottom of a column represents the total domestic use of the importing region. Total
domestic use estimates are derived from the regional SUTs.

16.53 The estimates along the diagonal represent the value of the goods produced and consumed
within the same region. The estimate on the diagonal at the “world” intersection represents goods
imported from outside Canada and re-exported to the rest of the world. These re-exported
international imports have been excluded from both international imports and exports of all

16.54 Note that since one region’s exports forms another region’s imports, the Canada total of
inter-regional exports is equal to total inter-regional imports. Finally, the number on the diagonal
at the intersection of the total supply column and total use row represents Canada’s total supply or
use from both domestic and foreign sources.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

16.55 As the trade flows are derived in a fully balanced set of provincial SUTs, whereby the
supply/use constraints are derived from these tables, changes in trade flows are often traced to
changes in these supply and use constraints. Furthermore, these constraints yield net trade
estimates which provide reliable constraints for the derivation of provincial trade flows.

(d) Conceptual issues involved in regionalisation of economic accounts

16.56 2008 SNA paragraph 18.47 identifies three types of institutional units that require different
treatments in regionalisation of accounts:

• regional units;

• multi-regional units; and

• national units.

16.57 Multi-regional units have their centre of predominant economic interest in more than one
region. National units such as national governments have a centre of predominant economic
interest that is not located geographically, not even in the sense of a multi-regional location. When
regional source data is available, a bottom-up-approach is applied where the sum of (actual)
provincial data becomes the national total. This is done for all goods-producing industries,
distributive trade and several service industries. In cases where there is no detailed regional data,
the approach used is generally top-down where national estimates are allocated to regions based
on industry-specific methodologies. Starting with the 1997 reference year, when regional surveys
and other sources came on stream, the top-down approach is used in only a few areas in the
Canadian I-O Accounts.

16.58 The accounting framework was developed to effectively integrate national and regional
concepts and conventions. The accounting framework incorporated the following conventions
which are further described in the next sections:

• an extra-region that contains foreign production such as embassies and armed forces

• consistent and economically meaningful treatment for the head offices for multi-regional

• regionalisation of central government expenditures, construction projects, and the output

of the air transportation industry.

• treatments for regionalisation of (multi-regional) financial services such as banking and


Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(e) Spatial boundary: extra-regional foreign production

16.59 Developing regional accounts in an existing national framework encounters certain

economic activities that properly belong in the national jurisdiction but not in any specific region.
Examples include embassies, armed forces stationed abroad and activities relating to off-shore oil
and gas extraction. With off-shore activities in relation to Canada, these do not pose a
regionalisation problem as, under the constitution, each province and territory has their respective
jurisdiction over off-shore resources. The activities of embassies and armed forces stationed
abroad, however do not take place within the spatial boundary of a province or territory, and,
although part of national GDP, they have no economic impact on the region where the main
responsibility centre is located. Rather than allocating activity across regions and thereby distorting
GDP, a fourteenth region was created to accommodate such activities.

(f) Head offices

16.60 Head offices and other ancillary units, like warehouses, serve all establishments that make
up an enterprise. They often undertake significant expenditure on behalf of their establishments
by, for example, purchasing data processing services delivered to constituent establishments or
incurring costs that benefit them indirectly such as wages of managers, advertising services, etc.
Head offices typically do not receive corresponding revenue from their establishments for these

16.61 The problem of multi-establishment head offices and ancillary units has two key
dimensions: classification and allocation.

16.62 “If an establishment undertaking purely ancillary activities is statistically observable, in

that separate accounts for the production it undertakes are readily available, or if it is in a
geographically different location from the establishments it serves, it may be desirable and useful
to consider it as a separate unit and allocate it to the industrial classification corresponding to its
principal activity.” (2008 SNA, paragraph 5.41)

16.63 This treatment ensures that GVA generated by head offices is recognised in the region of
the head office. If the head office expenses were allocated to all constituent establishments in
different regions, the head office would be effectively “moved” to other regions. Consequently,
the actual host region’s GVA, and in turn GDP, would be reduced or understated while those of
other regions would be overstated.

16.64 In order to preserve the GVA and GDP associated with the head office in the region of its
actual residence, the treatment adopted in the Canadian accounts is to impute an output for the
services provided by head office equal to the sum of their own intermediate expenses plus
compensation of employees that staff the head office. In addition to these costs, a consumption of
fixed capital component may be added to the imputation of output when adequate data is available.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

However, this is not done in the Canadian accounts. The output of the head office is then shown
as a purchased input of all establishments in all industries and regions served by the head office.

16.65 Up to the 2014 reference year, the Canadian accounts do not include a separate head office
industry. Outputs, inputs and GVA relating to head offices and ancillary units are classified to the
industry of their primary establishment.

(g) Output of central government

16.66 The output of central government and local government services is defined as the sum of
the costs incurred in producing the services. The costs consist of intermediate inputs, compensation
of employees, consumption of fixed capital, and other taxes less subsidies on production (see 2008
SNA paragraph 6.94). Canada’s system of government consists of three main levels: federal,
provincial or territorial, and municipal. The last two levels of government do not present
regionalisation problems because their services are limited to the geographic boundaries of a single

16.67 Activities of the central or federal government are undertaken on behalf of all residents of
Canada in all regions. As such, the federal government is a resident of all regions. In the allocation
of federal government expenditures, the central conceptual question is where the goods and
services are used in order to produce the government output. The convention adopted for this
purpose is that production occurs in the region where transactions occur such as where wages and
salaries are paid, intermediate inputs are used and physical capital is consumed. This criterion is
more relevant for National Accounts because it is the impact of federal government activity on the
regional economy that is most relevant for measuring production and in presenting regional policy
choices. When the region where services are consumed is not identifiable, a treatment is used to
approximate the actual flow of goods and services. For example, the expenditure related to a coast
guard vessel which patrols several provinces are assigned to the province of the home port of the

16.68 Another criterion considered but not implemented in the Canadian accounts calls for the
allocation of federal government revenues and expenditures on the basis of benefits received by
each region. Based on this “service benefit criterion” federal expenditures would be allocated on
a per capita basis regardless of the regions in which expenditures are incurred. This criterion
assumes federal expenditures generate services benefitting every Canadian.

(h) Taxes

16.69 In Canada, taxes on production are predominantly collected by local and provincial
governments. Activities of these governments fall completely within boundaries of regions and
present no regionalisation problems.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

16.70 Taxes on products are levied by all three levels of government: federal, provincial and
municipal. Only federal taxes applicable to, and collected in, all provinces and territories present
a regionalisation issue. The federal government exacts a number of consumption taxes on goods
and services, the largest of which are the Goods and Services Tax (GST), fuel tax, and federal
excise taxes such as the sales tax on tobacco. These taxes on products are allocated to regions
where taxable products are consumed as an intermediate use or purchased by final use categories.
Similarly, other federal product taxes such as excise duties, excise taxes and import duties are
distributed based on the regional consumption of the relevant products.

(i) Construction

16.71 In the Canadian I-O Accounts, construction is defined as the activity of putting in place
buildings and structures by specialised trades managed by general contractors. Activity by
construction contractors and by industries and governments on their own-account are combined
into a single industry group. This treatment was adopted due to data limitations, since values of
materials and services are not available separately for construction contractors and own-account
producers. It is preferable to assign an input product such as ready-mix concrete, for example, to
a total construction activity than to distribute it among contract and own-account producers. This
implies a shift of materials and labour compensation from industries undertaking own-account
construction to the construction industry.

16.72 Construction is broken down into eight structural types, residential construction, non-
residential building construction, transportation engineering construction, oil and gas engineering
construction, electric power engineering construction, communication engineering construction,
other engineering construction and repair construction. Each structural type is treated as an
industry with outputs, intermediate inputs and GVA components. Hence, the sub-contractors sales
of special trades to general contractors are netted-out of production and intermediate inputs,
materials, services and primary factors are routed directly to the construction industry.

16.73 Following this concept of construction, the GVA generated belongs in the region where
the structure is put into place, regardless of the residency of the contractor or its labour force. When
regional boundaries are crossed by contractors, a notional establishment is created that employs
the labour and capital dedicated to the project in the region where the work is put in place.

(j) Air transportation

16.74 In Canada, there are very few dominant players in the air transportation industry, so at the
provincial level, data sources show an over-representation of revenue in provinces where the
national air carriers have their corporate head offices located. Therefore, the revenue from these
sources is not very amenable for use in regionalisation of the output. Other data is available on
revenue by province but this data is based on the point of sale, which does not represent production
as much as it does consumption. Although data is also available on origin and destination of

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

passengers, these do not include the intermediate steps of the journeys. Given the limitations of
the available datasets, it was decided to distribute the national output of this industry over
provinces using GVA by province. The provincial distribution of compensation of employees is
obtained from personal income tax data. Gross operating surplus is allocated provincially based
on consumption of fixed capital data by province.

(k) Financial institutions

16.75 The regional distribution of financial institutions presents unique problems that involve
both conceptual issues on the nature of production and measurement challenges that are the subject
of current debate in many countries. The CSMA has determined approaches to regionalise statistics
on financial services taking into account currently employed national concepts and conventions.

Banks and other deposit accepting credit intermediaries

16.76 These institutions are legally chartered to accept deposits, and produce two distinct
products: FISIM and other (explicit, fee-for-service) financial services. With regards to the
regional allocation of FISIM, output is produced whether a lender loans funds to a bank or a
borrower receives funds from a bank. Each type of transaction comprises a component of FISIM.
Using this concept of output, production in the regions will vary depending on how much
borrowing and lending activity takes place in each region, with some regions potentially showing
flows of net lending and others showing net borrowing from other regions. This is consistent with
the notion of intermediation service underlying the SNA concept, where production is deemed to
occur when funds are either borrowed or lent out. The CSMA uses a provincial distribution of
assets and liabilities that has some detail to allocate the FISIM by sector across the provinces.
Output of FISIM by province is then calculated as the sum of the allocated national sectoral FISIM
using the closest available proxy of loan or deposit. The second product of deposit accepting
institutions is financial services for which explicit fees are charged. Regional estimates for the
output of these products present no conceptual problems, although a number of practical
difficulties and data gaps remain. For instance, as fee incomes are not reported by region, total fees
at the national level must be allocated to regions. Average levels of assets and liabilities by region
are used as a guide to allocate fees that relate to each type of asset or liability, for example, the
amounts held in cheque accounts is used to allocate fees earned from managing cheque accounts.
Wages by province are used for fee types that do not have a logical asset or liability associated
with them.

Life and non-life insurance

16.77 Like other financial services, underwriters of life insurance and non-life insurance tend to
be located in one region, whereas their clients and regional networks are dispersed across all
regions. Since the most crucial part of insurance provision is risk management through risk pooling
and re-insurance, there is a compelling argument that the security offered by an insurance policy
is a product of risk pooling. Accordingly, the regional location of insurance production is taken to

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

be that of the head office province. However, the network that distributes and delivers these
services is located across all regions. In relation to these regional operations, the insurer incurs
wages and salaries, commissions paid to sales staff, other intermediate expenses, and depreciation
of physical capital located at their regional offices. A part of total output of insurance is therefore
produced by its regional operations and must be allocated accordingly. Wages by province are
used to do this allocation, as this is the most reliable data by province available. A direct
consequence of this concept of production is that production and consumption of services are
geographically separated and generate inter-regional flows of payment between the producing and
consuming regions.

Investment brokers

16.78 There are two distinct services offered by investment brokers. Firstly, brokerage services,
consisting of purchase and sale of publicly traded financial assets such as bonds, equities, etc. are
provided to clients. While they may interact with their clients through their network of local offices
located in the regions, brokers provide these services by executing trades at their head office
locations. Trades are executed at exchanges or through the electronic trading networks and
electronic settlement infrastructure owned and operated by brokerage houses. Clearly, there is
some production taking place in the head office province where either the virtual or the physical
exchanges follow client instructions and transact their trade. Secondly, these services are
sometimes combined with provision of financial advice to clients in their region of residence.
There are wages, salaries and commissions corresponding to the services provided in regions.
These services are produced and consumed in the same region, while that part of the service that
relates to trade execution is produced in the head office province and consumed in the province of
residence of the client. Since no adequate data exists on transactions by province of residence of
clients, the cost of these services are presently allocated to provinces using proxies relating to
investment income.

Open-end investment (mutual) funds

16.79 In Canada, members of the public can purchase units of mutual funds, which in turn invest
their funds in a wide-range of financial assets. The funds contract out the portfolio management to
asset management companies, and purchase professional services to manage affairs and conform
to regulatory requirements. These fees are known collectively as management and administrative
expenses and are usually expressed as a ratio to the net asset value of the fund (management
expense ratio or MER) and represent the output of the mutual fund. The money managers and other
professional services firms are located in all regions of the country, so output does not coincide
with the location of the mutual fund. However, since the money management company is most
often the fund sponsor, the regional location of the investment manager and fund tend to coincide.
A practical way to regionally allocate output is therefore to use the fund location. A secondary
expense (and output) associated with purchase of mutual fund units is incurred because companies
sponsoring a fund, that is, marketing and distributing units of the fund, often charge a fee or “load”

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

against the fund to compensate their licensed sales forces and financial advisors who recommend
the fund. Such sales charges related to mutual funds are allocated to regions using data on labour
compensation by region. The geographic location of the consumption of MER is straightforward
because it depends on the region where the beneficiaries or investors are located. Since no data is
available on the regional residence of funds’ beneficiaries, household expenditure on mutual funds
services is allocated to regions using proxies related to investment income. Consequently, there
will be inter-provincial exports of these services from those regions where money management is
concentrated and imports of services into other regions.

3. Lessons learned and future directions

(a) Role in Canadian SNA

16.80 The Canadian regional SUTs are at the core of the CSMA, serving as a statistical audit for
consistency, integrity and comprehensiveness. The SUTs framework enforces coherence across
programmes, with the SUTs functioning as a benchmark for integrated CSMA programmes,
including the income approach and expenditure approach to measuring GDP, GDP by industry
and provincial labour productivity. The detailed SUTs also enable estimation of regional trade
flows up to the latest reference year, which in turn allows for the estimation of inter-regional trade
flows in the current period using a projected SUTs approach.

16.81 In order to assure quality across the integrated CSMA programmes, annual reconciliation
processes are held between the various internal stakeholders in Statistics Canada. This enables
important feedback on national estimates including feedback to survey partners producing source
data. Work-in-progress quality reviews with provincial government statistical counterparts are also
integrated into the annual cycle and provide additional quality checks.

16.82 In addition to the benchmarking and quality assurance role, the availability of regional
SUTs has enabled Statistics Canada to maintain provincial I-O models and analytical products.
Statistics Canada therefore offers custom, client-specified economic impact simulations to clients
on a cost-recovery basis. There is an increasing appetite to undertake this work to understand
regional impacts of infrastructure projects, for example, in the oil and gas industry. Specialised
analyses are also undertaken for key clients such as the simulation of the impact of tax policy
alternatives. The tables are also used in experimental work to develop, for example, estimates of
sub-regional GDP for municipalities and provincial multi-factor productivity. Statistics Canada
also offers regular regional workshops to educate potential users about these models and analytical

(b) Challenges

16.83 The production of detailed annual regional SUTs adds significantly to the cost and
operational complexity of the statistical programme and comes with a range of other important
challenges in the Canadian context, summarised below.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Heightened scrutiny of data

16.84 Since the data are used to allocate tax revenue across provincial governments (similar
theme in the EU, where National Accounts data are used to determine Member States’ monetary
contributions to the EU) and equalise fiscal capacity across provinces via fiscal arrangements, they
are subject to a great deal of scrutiny at the detailed product level. Tax outputs are key deliverables
and quality must be maintained at a very detailed level. This accountability limits the flexibility to
use approximate modelling top-down techniques in estimation and favours direct compilation from
source data so that estimates are transparent and justifiable.


16.85 The broad use of detailed data presents challenges in terms of confidentiality suppressions.
Efforts need to be made to develop a confidentiality mask to minimise residual suppressions and
to avoid releasing only very aggregate estimates by province. Work is also required to adapt
aggregations to ensure maximum information can be released. However, although publicly
released data used to include aggregations and confidentiality suppressions, access to the full detail
has been made available to all users as of 2016.

(c) Costs

16.86 While deemed to be worth the investment, Canadian regional SUTs are costly to maintain.
There is approximately 50 staff involved in the I-O programme within the CSMA (this is unusually
high but indicates the high priority attached to this work and its impact). There is additionally a
very important investment to collect the source data required to build the estimates. In a recent
“modernisation”, the industry and product classifications were streamlined. Detail that was
considered no longer relevant was eliminated and new detail added in areas of growing economic
importance, for example, services industries and oil and gas.

(d) Operational complexity

16.87 Maintaining a complex and detailed integrated programme involves coordinating a series
of reconciliation and feedback processes on an annual cycle. It also implies constant active
interaction with partners across a broad spectrum of sources to ensure data requirements are met.
It is particularly challenging in periods of downsizing and constrained resources to maintain
quality of outputs.

(e) Historical continuity

16.88 This is particularly an issue when historical revisions are undertaken. In the CSMA, the
last “big-bang” historical revision was undertaken in 2012 with the introduction of 2008 SNA.
This involved a lengthy and complex decision making process and for cost-benefit reasons it was
not possible to recompile the tables back in time. It was therefore decided to undertake a back-

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

casting exercise using a modelled approach for analytical purposes, implemented over time as
capacity constraints allowed. The CSMA is moving to a new approach of more frequent, smaller
scale revisions across all programmes. A new mechanism is therefore needed to assure coherence
in the historical period that is feasible to maintain on an on-going basis.

Eurostat, 1995. Regional accounts methods: Gross value-added and gross fixed capital
formation by activity. Available at:

Eurostat, 2013. Manual on regional accounts methods. Available at:


Pierre A. Généreux and Brent Langen (2002). The Derivation of Provincial (Inter-regional)
Trade Flows: The Canadian Experience. Paper prepared for presentation at the 14th
International Input-Output Techniques Conference, held October 10 to 15, 2002 at the Université
du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada

Yusuf Siddiqi and Mehrzad Salem (2002). Constructing Regional Input-output Accounts: The
Recent Canadian Experience, Paper presented at Fourteenth International Conference on Input-
Output Techniques, Montréal, October 10-15, 2002

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 17. Multi-country Supply and Use Tables and Input-Output Tables

A. Introduction

17.1 Although the focus of this Handbook is generally on national SUTs and national IOTs,
there is an increasing demand for the instruments to capture the structure and mechanism of cross-
border fragmentation of production activities. The development of multi-country SUTs and IOTs
in recent years has been primarily driven by the academic and policy decision-making interests in
three key areas of global governance.

17.2 The first area is the link between the environment and the economy. There is a growing
need to respond to the range of data demands for environmental analyses that cover policy,
regulation, taxation, and, more generally, better understanding of the cross-border impacts of
economic activity on the environment. The study of “carbon footprint” addresses questions such
as whether to attribute the global warming to producers’ responsibility or to consumers’
responsibility. The multi-country SUTs and IOTs with environmental extensions (for example,
carbon intensities, etc.) provides a powerful analytical tool for tracking the footprint of production
activities all over the world, see Wiedmann (2009) and Carbon Trust (2011).

17.3 The second area of interest relates to the rapidly changing features of international trade
and governance. The “trade in value-added” analysis attempts to trace international flows of GVA
embodied in traded products across economic activities and countries. The traditional approaches
in the study rely heavily on the information sourced from individual firms. The multi-country
SUTs and IOTs based analysis complements these traditional approaches, yet provides a wider
perspective for analysing the nexus of inter-industrial linkages at the global scale, see OECD-
WTO (2013) and Inomata (2014) for non-technical introduction to the concept of trade in value-
added. Also, Inomata (2017) provides an extensive overview on the development of analytical
frameworks of SUTs and IOTs for the study of global value chains.

17.4 Multi-partner country SUTs are central in the satellite accounting framework for measuring
Global Value Chains (GVC). An Expert Group on International Trade and Economic Globalization
Statistics was created by the United Nations Statistical Commission in 2015 with the task of
preparing a handbook on a system of extended national accounts and integrated business statistics.
In the handbook, the measurement of interconnectedness of economies is dealt with by properly
accounting for global value chains while maintaining the perspective of the national statistical

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

system. The forthcoming Handbook provides a national perspective in the compilation of extended
national accounts and integrated business statistics to measure global value chains.

17.5 The third area of significant policy and business relevance concerns the impact of
globalisation on labour markets. Globalisation has promoted international trade and production,
yet at the same time, we observe an increasing wealth disparity between those who are connected
to the global growth and those who are not. Linking multi-country SUTs and IOTs to the drivers
of global growth, especially in the light of labour productivity and employment, will provide
insights on the relationship between globalisation and in particular income distribution within a
country. To this end, employment, wages and other labour-related dimensions are regularly added
to multi-country SUTs and IOTs (for example, the European FIGARO project and OECD-WTO
TiVA database), and NSOs are encouraged to consider adding these dimensions to their own

17.6 The main objective of this Chapter is to provide a schematic description of the compilation
procedure of multi-country SUTs and IOTs. Section B starts with an overview of the tables and
then addresses some methodological and practical issues that arise during their compilation.
Section C provides a simplified picture of the compilation procedure. Section D introduces the
efforts that have been undertaken so far at the international level to build multi-country SUTs and
IOTs and Section E describes areas of further work in the context of multi-country SUTs and IOTs.

B. Overview of multi-country SUTs and IOTs and main compilation issues

17.7 Multi-country SUTs and IOTs bring together the national tables of different countries into
a single format, and thus have the same basic structure of the national SUTs and IOTs. The
distinctive feature of multi-country tables, however is that these tables explicitly present
international transactions in the form of import matrices and export matrices by trading partners,
which allows for a comprehensive mapping of global production networks. Figure 17.1 and Figure
17.2 shows a simplified format of multi-country SUTs and IOTs respectively, for the case of three
countries with four products and three industries. The cells in blue colour refer to the entries based
on the source data of Country A, while segments without cells (shown in grey colour) in the multi-
colour SUTs correspond to non-existent data by construction.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 17.1 Schematic representation of multi-country SUTs (three country case)

( " ) ( " * ( " ( ( " ) ( " * ( " ( (" ) (" * (" (
/  ' %
.  & 
       &  &
                  + 0 # #


( " )



( " *



( " (



( " )  !" 



( " *  !" 



( " (  !" 


12 31 455  67! 8639

@45 !225" 8A29

: B7 @C 24"4A57  376D DE7 17 !

 7 46 45 376D= 4  6 !4 7 !!

12 31 >7! 3 =7 ?5 8639

B7 4<7!  2!

@47 4  4!2 14D6 !

@45 !225" 8229

F!! E457G47 8A29

@45 6 2 8A29

: ;<72  =!7 3 >7! 3 =7 ?5

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 17.2 Schematic representation of multi-country IOTs (three country case)

Intermediate use Final use

Country A Country B Country C Ctry A Ctry B Ctry C

+ discrepancies
Export to ROW
Product x Product

Total output

Final use 1
Final use 2
Final use 1
Final use 2
Final use 1
Final use 2
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4
Product 1
Product 2
Country A Intermediate use Final use
Product 3
Product 4
Country A Country B Country C Ctry A Ctry B Ctry C

+ discrepancies
Product 1

Export to ROW
Industry x Industry
Product 2

Total output

Final use 1
Final use 2
Final use 1
Final use 2
Final use 1
Final use 2
Country B

Industry 1
Industry 2
Industry 3
Industry 1
Industry 2
Industry 3
Industry 1
Industry 2
Industry 3
Product 3
Product 4
Product 1
Product 2 Industry 1
Country C
Product 3 Country A Industry 2
Product 4
Industry 3
Net taxes on products, Industry 1
payable to foreign govt's
Country B Industry 2
International freight Industry 3
and insurance costs Industry 1
Import from Country C Industry 2
Rest of the World Industry 3
Net taxes on products,
Net taxes on products
payable to foreign govt's

International freight
Gross value-added
and insurance costs

Import from
Total input
Rest of the World

Net taxes on products

Gross value-added

Total input

17.8 As described in Chapter 12, the SUTs system offers a flexible solution for choosing an
appropriate type of model for the IOTs. The choice of model depends upon the nature of the
research question that the model is seeking to satisfy.

17.9 The Product by Product IOTs are, in theory, generally recognised as having a better
matching for the technical coefficients, yet the Industry by Industry IOTs may work better for
policy analyses upon a practical consideration. This is because most of the analytical extensions
in this research area are often derived from ancillary data such as carbon emission accounts,
employment tables or capital stock matrices and these data are typically constructed on the industry
basis rather than the product basis. In particular, the information on GVA is collected and shown
at the industry level in the Use Table, which endorses the choice of Industry by Industry multi-
country IOTs for the analyses of trade in value-added. In addition, it is generally recognised that
construction of the Product by Product IOTs is more demanding than the Industry by Industry
IOTs from the viewpoint of data requirements and assumptions.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1. Valuation

17.10 There are different valuation schemes for SUTs and IOTs and each scheme has its own
advantages and disadvantages as covered in Chapter 7. This Handbook, in line with the 2008 SNA,
recommends basic prices for SUTs and IOTs, and in turn, this applies for the multi-country SUTs
and IOTs.

17.11 If a country only compiles tables based on either producers’ price or purchasers’ price, they
should be converted to the basic price valuation (for variables like GVA and output), including the
export column which is valued at FOB in the purchasers’ price table, by the use of appropriate
information on trade and transport margins and taxes less subsidies on products.

2. Classifications of constituent national SUTs and IOTs

17.12 Each national SUTs and IOTs may have its own product and industrial classifications. Box
4.1 in Chapter 4 provides a flavour of the differences in terms of the number of products and
industries used in various countries. The weights of different products/industries can also vary
significantly. Countries with large agricultural based economies have relatively detailed
classifications covering the agricultural industry, whereas industrialised economies attribute more
comprehensive coverage to the manufacturing industries. Therefore, the product and industry
classifications (and their breakdown) used in national SUTs and IOTs reflect the characteristics of
the economy concerned, and a precise concordance system that bridges national classifications to
the classification used for multi-country SUTs and IOTs (referred to as “uniform classification”)
is absolutely essential for compiling consistent tables.

17.13 In general, a product/industry concordance system has a tree-like structure where one
product/industry of the uniform classification corresponds to one or several items in national
classifications. If the concordance system has a clear-cut structure (i.e. “one to one” or “one to
many”) then the aggregation of national tables into the uniform classification of multi-country
tables is much easier.

17.14 The problem arises when a single item in national tables is associated with several
categories of the uniform classification. In such a case, preliminary disaggregation of the
corresponding rows and/or columns of the national tables are required for appropriate reallocation
of values under the uniform classification. This can be done by using the split ratios derived from
other sources such as industrial statistics or business surveys.

17.15 The use of international classifications such as ISIC Rev. 4 for industries and CPC Ver. 2.1
or NACE Rev. 2 and CPA Ver. 2.1 respectively (as used in the European classification system
whereby the nomenclature aligns well) for products in national tables facilitates enormously the
compilation of multi-country SUTs and IOTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

3. Supplementary national data

17.16 For the compilation of multi-country SUTs and IOTs, supplementary data are needed
which may not be part of the regular set of tables compiled at the national level. As a starting point,
it is important to have national SUTs at basic prices which are not always available on an annual
basis. In the European Union, for example, Member States are required to transmit yearly national
Supply Table at basic prices and Use Table at purchasers’ prices, and, every five years, the
valuation tables, the Use Table at basic prices including the split between domestic and imports
and the IOTs including the split between domestic and imports. In addition, data needs go beyond
those requirements for multi-country SUTs and IOTs and they have to be prepared for all
respective countries participating in the scheme. The necessary additional data include:

• Import data (CIF) and export data (FOB), by product and by country of origin/destination.
The values of re-exports must be clearly distinguished in the data since they are recorded
separately in the export vector of the Imports Use Table (not in the Domestic Use Table) in
the national SUTs. The 2008 SNA mentions the overall CIF/FOB adjustment (see, for
example, 2008 SNA paragraph 28.11) but here the total amount would need to be detailed
by products and countries.
• Rates of international freight and insurance costs (with respect to CIF import values), by
product and by country of origin. Only few countries have the data available from their data
sources; others typically estimate them based on some assumptions and raw data. However,
that this data item can be shared if a country is also able to collect import data on FOB basis.
The UNSD is currently promoting the development of import data on both CIF and FOB
• Rates of domestic trade margins, preferably those on domestic export, by product and by
industry. Some countries have separate information for wholesale and retail margins.
• Rates of domestic freight transport costs, preferably those on domestic export, by product
and by industry.
• Rates of net taxes on domestically produced products (i.e. “not” including those levied on
imported products such as duties and import product taxes), by product and by industry.
17.17 The imports and exports of goods data can be directly constructed from foreign trade
statistics, notably the UN International Merchandise Trade Statistics. It is advisable to separately
present the data for intermediate uses and for final uses by drawing an appropriate reference such
as the UN BEC or the OECD Bilateral Trade Database by Industry and End-Use (BTDIxE). The
imports and exports of services data by product, and by country of origin/destination should be
supplemented wherever available, for example, from the Balance of Payments and business
surveys, etc.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

17.18 The data covering international freight and insurance costs is limited, and therefore, some
estimation work is required on the data available to make up for the missing information. Most
empirical literatures on international trade employ gravity equations, using the geographical
distance between trading partners as a main explanatory variable for these costs, see for example,
Gaulier and Zignago (2010). In this respect, the OECD has produced detailed estimates of CIF-
FOB margins for those countries where data are not available, and includes these data together
with official published data in its database10.

17.19 In contrast, the data on domestic trade margins, transport costs and taxes less subsidies on
products are usually presented in national SUTs.

4. Bilateral trade data

17.20 In compiling the multi-country SUTs and IOTs, bilateral trade data should be as coherent
as possible with equivalent data reported by partner countries, yet in reality there are substantial
discrepancies between mirror statistics declared by two partners.

17.21 One of the sources of discrepancies is inherent in trade statistics itself. This is often referred
to as the problem of trade asymmetries. Theoretically, Country A’s export of a particular product
to Country B should be equal to Country B’s import of that product from Country A. In practice,
however, this is often not the case for many circumstances. The main causes of the asymmetries
phenomenon include:

• difference in valuation schemes of import (= CIF) and export (= FOB);

• recorded difference between the country of origin (for import) and the country of destination
(for export). While the former is identified on the basis of several criteria (product’s custom
code, GVA, etc.), the latter is typically assigned to the most immediate shipping destination;
• improper declaration of product classification at the customs border, either entry or exit;
• mis-specification of re-exports and re-imports;
• shipping time-lag across different accounting periods (quarters or years);
• differences in coverage of “merchanting” trade;
• goods entering or leaving the territory illegally such as smuggling; and
• other unspecified transactions (for example, the issue of confidentiality, etc.).
Guo, et al (2009) provides a further description of the problem.

Available at: http://dotstat.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=CIF_FOB_ITIC

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

17.22 The discrepancies in the table can also be attributed to inappropriate estimation of
transaction margins, for example, international freight and insurance costs (CIF/FOB difference),
trade and transport margins, and various taxes in converting the valuation scheme of import
matrices. Furthermore, there may be mismatches between the record of international transactions
in SUTs/National Accounts and those of the custom statistics/Balance of Payments statistics,
which aggravate the statistical discrepancies in the multi-country SUTs and IOTs.

5. Goods sent abroad for processing

17.23 With the growing impact of globalisation, the production process is becoming increasingly
fragmented and dispersed to various locations of different countries. Goods sent abroad for
processing is a production arrangement where a manufacturer sends out materials or semi-finished
products to foreign contractors for further processing, without a change in legal ownership of the
products throughout the arrangement.

17.24 The issues associated with the choice of recording principles of goods sent abroad for
processing is discussed in Chapter 8. Thus, here only the issues particularly relevant at the national
level for the compilation of multi-country SUTs and IOTs are covered.

17.25 The 2008 SNA and BPM 6 generally recommend the “net” principle for recording the
transaction of goods sent for processing, both domestically and those sent abroad. Foreign trade
statistics (notably customs statistics) on the other hand record physical flows of goods based on a
border crossing principle rather than a change of economic ownership principle. In constructing
multi-country tables by integrating the information of foreign trade statistics, therefore, the values
of goods sent abroad for processing have to be removed from trade statistics in order to achieve
consistency under the “net” principle.

17.26 The need for such an adjustment has already been pointed out in Chapter 8 for the
construction of the Imports Use Table, yet the problem spills over to the compilation of multi-
country tables. The failure to apply a necessary adjustment will result in aggravation of statistical
discrepancies of bilateral trade statistics and in the Export to Rest of the World column for the
multi-country SUTs and IOTs.

6. Diversity of presentation formats

17.27 Despite the fact that SUTs and IOTs form a central part of the SNA, comparisons of each
national table of an individual country exhibit different features and characteristics, reflecting the
country’s institutional idiosyncrasies such as different legal and taxation schemes as well as the
issues like the availability of data. In addition, there may be a legacy of country practice, for
example, only either SUTs or IOTs are compiled, or even where both SUTs and IOTs are compiled,
the former is produced from the latter and not vice versa as recommended by the SNA. In line with
the 2008 SNA, countries are encouraged to compile national SUTs first, and then the IOTs using
the SNA based methodologies, concepts and the various international classifications such as ISIC

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

and CPC. This also helps to improve the quality, comparability and the compilation processes of
the multi-country tables.

17.28 Consequently, the compilers of multi-country SUTs and IOTs have to conduct thorough
examination of conceptual as well as methodological differences among countries in the estimation
of basic statistics for the national SUTs and IOTs, and if necessary, to carry out pre-adjustment of
these tables onto a common format prior to the compilation of multi-country SUTs and IOTs. In
general, it is often the case that the statistics of detailed and information-rich tables have to be
adjusted to conform to those that are less detailed in order to achieve commonality unless there is
a good prospect of obtaining additional information for upgrading the less detailed tables.
Therefore, there is always a trade-off between the level of uniformity and the level of information
embedded in generating consistent multi-country SUTs and IOTs, and hence careful and thorough
consideration is required in making adjustment rules.

17.29 Table 17.1 lists some examples of adjustment targets for national IOTs that constitute the
Asian International Input-Output Tables (AIIOT). The list reveals the diversity of presentation
formats across the tables as well as the difficulty of harmonisation, see Inomata (2016) for a
detailed description of the methods applied.

Table 17.1 Adjustment targets for national tables of selected countries in the Asian
International Input-Output Table for the year 2000
Rep. of Korea





1. Conversion of valuation
of Private Consumption Expenditure X X X
of Export vectors X X
of Import matrix/vector X X X X X
2. Negative entries X
3. Dummy sectors X X X X X X
4. Machine-repair sector X X X X
5. Financial intermediaries (FISIM) sector X X X X
6. Special treatment of import/export
for water transport X
for "Pure import" of gold X
for re-export X
for telecommunication X
7. Computer software products
8. Producers of government services X X

Source: Inomata (2016)

C. Compilation procedure

17.30 In general, the preferred method for compiling multi-country IOTs is to use national SUTs
as basic constituent tables. Using this approach, an Imports Use Table of each country is split by
country of origin and linked internationally together with the Domestic Use Table to form the
multi-country Use Table. The entire table is then transformed to square multi-country IOTs by an
appropriate technology/fixed sales structure assumptions, more details of such transformations are

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

covered in Chapter 12. Alternatively, multi-country IOTs can also be compiled from national

17.31 The benefit of using SUTs rather than IOTs as inputs to the multi-country IOTs is
concerned with three main issues:

• Using SUTs implies that one is able to retain the information from source data on the input
structures of industries in the form of multi-country Use Tables.
• When the Imports Use Table is split row-wise by the country of origin, the country shares
from the trade statistics are used. Since the rows of the Use Table are shown as product
categories, it is possible to split the import matrices at the product level which is usually
more detailed than the industry level. This improves the quality of the final product (i.e.
multi-country IOTs) when only non-survey methods are applied in the process.
• Both Industry by Industry and Product by Product types of multi-country IOTs can be
derived from the system of multi-country SUTs depending on the analytical objective of
17.32 For these reasons, and with an expectation that an increasing number of national SUTs will
become available in the foreseeable future, these guidelines propose the SUTs approach for
compilation of the multi-country IOTs, building on the method developed in the World Input-
Output Databases, see Timmer, M. P. et al., 2012. Alternative methodologies used by different
institutions are shown in Section D.

17.33 Figure 17.3 presents the entire image of the system of multi-country SUTs for the three-
country case with four products and three industries. The segments without cells (shown in grey
colour) correspond to non-existent data by construction. The other coloured cells refer to the
entries based on the source data of Country A with each colour showing the link to the relevant
segment in the national SUTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 17.3 The system of multi-country SUTs and its conceptual

correspondence to a national SUTs framework

Country A Country B Country C Country A Country B Country C Ctry A Ctry B Ctry C

Total output (bp)

+ discrepancies
Export to ROW

Total use (bp)

Final use 1
Final use 2
Final use 1
Final use 2
Final use 1
Final use 2
Industry 1
Industry 2
Industry 3
Industry 1
Industry 2
Industry 3
Industry 1
Industry 2
Industry 3
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4
X[ X\Z ]UY ][ ]\Z VW U TU
Product 1

Product 2
Country A
Product 3
Product 4

XUZ X[ X\Z ]UZ ][ ]\Z VW[ T[

Product 1

Product 2
Country B
Product 3
Product 4

XUZ X[ X\Y ]UZ ][ VW\ T\

Product 1

Z Z ]\Y
Product 2
Country C
Product 3
Product 4

^U _U
Industry 1
Country A Industry 2
Industry 3

^[ _[
Industry 1
Country B Industry 2
Industry 3

^\ _\
Industry 1
Country C Industry 2

"ZU %b "Z[ %b "Z\%b

Industry 3

"TU %b "T[ %b "T\ %b

Import from all countries (cif)

Total supply (bp)

dUe d[ d\e dUf d[ d\f

* Net TOP payable to foreign governments
International freight and insurance costs
e f

ghiU ghi[ ghi\ gUe g[ g\e gUf g[ g\f

Import from Rest of the World (cif)

e f
ggZU ggZ[ ggZ\
Net taxes on products

"aU %b "a[ %b "a\ %b

Trade and trasport margins

cU c[ c\
Total supply (pp)

"_U %b "_[ %b "_\ %b

Gross value-added (bp)
Total input (bp)
* Except to those of Rest of the World
Total output (bp)

Total use (bp)

Country A's Country A's

Final use 1
Final use 2

National National
Industry 1
Industry 2
Industry 3
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4

Supply Table Use Table


(basic price) (basic price)

^U _U
Industry 1 Product 1


Industry 2 Product 2

"ZU %b
Industry 3 Product 3

"TU %b
Import (cif) Product 4

ghiU XUZ ]UZ

Total supply (bp) Product 1


dUe dUf
Net taxes on products Product 2

+ +
Trade & trasport margins Product 3 The entries in these cells

gUe gUf k
Total supply (pp) Product 4 are not referred to for

Net taxes on products
compilation of multi-

"_U %b
country SUTs.
Gross value-added
Total input (bp)

17.34 Following the notations given in Box 12.2 in Chapter 12, we have:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Domestic output matrix (= transpose of supply matrix)

XlZ Intermediate use matrix for imported products

Intermediate use matrix for domestic products

Final use matrix for domestic products

Final use matrix for imported products

ghil Net taxes on products, by product

Export to Rest of the World and statistical discrepancies

ggZl Trade and transport margins, by product

dle Other entries for intermediate use
Total import, by product

Other entries for final use

Net taxes on products paid out by the countries in ROW

process of matrices into basic price by using F in Supply Table

Net taxes on products for intermediate use, by industry, derived through the conversion

conversion process of matrices into basic price by using F in Supply Table
Net taxes on products for final use, by final demand sector, derived through the

vector into basic price by using F in Supply Table
Net taxes on products for export, derived through the conversion process of the export

Gross value added

Total supply, purchasers’ price

Total supply/use, basic price (= total output by product)
Total input/output, basic price, by industry
bp Basic price
pp Purchasers’ price
CIF Cost, freight and insurance
where, superscript r is country code (r=A, B, and C), and superscript T indicates a transpose of a
vector/matrix. Upper-case bold italic refers to a matrix, lower-case bold italic to a vector, and
lower-case italic to a scalar.

Linking and reconciliation of the tables

17.35 As shown in Figure 17.3, the domestic transaction parts (in pale colours) of the multi-
country SUTs can be directly transplanted from the original tables after the relevant aggregations
into the uniform product/industrial classification. In contrast, international transaction parts (in
dark colours) require some processing before linking, as illustrated in Figure 17.3.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

17.36 In order to integrate the national SUTs into multi-country SUTs, various common criteria
need to be met for these constituent tables, most of which are already assumed in the
recommendations provided throughout this Handbook. In the main, the tables should be:

• Consistent with key National Accounts aggregates.

• Valued at basic prices, and expressed in common currency (for example, US dollar), using
the year-average of IMF official exchange rates, the linking via external trade data at world
market prices makes official exchange rates acceptable).

• Aggregated into the uniform product and industry classifications.

• Harmonised across the different sources in terms of presentation format.

• Split between the Domestic Use Table and Imports Use Table of the same dimension. The
export vector in the Domestic Use Table should contain only domestically produced
products, and it should not include re-exports, which should be separately presented in the
export vector of the Imports Use Table.

17.37 Once the classifications of the constituent national SUTs have been harmonized and
supplementary data have been gathered, the compilation of multi-country SUTs can then be
organized in the following four steps:

Step 1: Splitting the Imports Use Table by sourcing country

Step 2: Converting valuation of the Imports Use Table from CIF to basic price
Step 3: Creating the export vector to Rest of the World
Step 4: Linking and reconciliation of the table

Step 1 Splitting the Imports Use Table by sourcing country

17.38 The first step of this stylized example is to split the Imports Use Table by country of origin
using the share of sourcing country for each imported product as shown in Figure 17.4. The goods
transaction part is split by the shares derived from foreign trade statistics (see the first bullet point
in the description of data in paragraph 17.15). Here, it assumes an identical distribution structure
of an imported product among domestic users, irrespective of sourcing countries of the product
(the “proportionality assumption”). Bilateral trade asymmetries should be reconciled as far as
possible prior to using these data in order to minimize statistical discrepancies in the linked table
as mentioned in paragraph 17.50.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 17.4 Splitting the import matrix by sourcing country

Final Share of sourcing countries

Industry for each good [derived
us e
from para17.15, 1st bullet

Goods import, cif, Column totals of import

point] applied here. from country B matrix from country B
Goods import, cif,

Tota l use
Goods import, cif, from country C Column totals of import
(from all countries)

Goods import, cif, matrix from country C

from Rest of the World
Column totals of import
Service import Service import matrix from ROW
Net ta xes on products (from all countries)
(from all countries)
Total input Applied here,
country by country, Share of sourcing countries
as a proxy for of goods import aggregate,
service import. by domestic users
Service import
from country B
Service import
from country C
Service import
from Rest of the World

17.39 If the information on sourcing countries for imports of services is available, the same
treatment as for imports of goods can be applied to splitting the import matrix of services.
Otherwise, the service transaction part can be split by referring to the aggregate shares of goods
transaction as a proxy, as indicated on the right-hand side of Figure 17.4.

Step 2 Converting valuation of the Imports Use Table from CIF to basic price

17.40 Since the import transaction is valued in CIF, it must be converted to basic prices from the
sourcing country’s perspective. This process is important in order to achieve valuation that is
consistent between domestic products and imported products, and to approximate a mirror relation
between its own import and the partner’s export (noting that the export vectors in the benchmarked
National Use Tables are now valued at basic price, not at FOB). The margins are individually
removed by using the respective margin rates in the correct order (see the description of all the
bullet points except the first bullet point in paragraph 17.16). Figure 17.5 shows the steps for
handling the valuation conversion.

17.41 As shown in the right-hand side of the figure, “taxes less subsidies on products payable to
foreign governments of sourcing countries” are aggregated column-wise across all countries of
origin into a single row vector, which is separately presented in the multi-country SUTs and IOTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 17.5 Converting valuation scheme

From the previous task,

we obtain the below-
presented matricies.
Goods cif
import, International freight and Country B's domestic Country B's domestic net
Industry Final use basic price, insurance costs on import trade margins on its export taxes on products exported
from ctry B from country B (matrix) to country A (matrix) to country A (matrix)
Goods import, cif, Service import Country B's domestic
from country B from country B transport costs on its

SUM export to country A (matrix) SUM

Service import IFI on import from country B
Rates of international freight and
Country B's net TOP on export
from country B insurance costs, rates of TTMs and
IFI on import from country C net taxes on products of trading Country C's net TOP on export
Goods import, cif, partners [para17.15, 2nd to 5th
from country C UP! bullet points] applied here. UP!

Goods cif
Service import
from country C import, International freight and Country C's domestic Country C's domestic net
basic price, insurance costs on import trade margins on its export taxes on products exported
from ctry C from country C (matrix) to country A (matrix) to country A (matrix)
Goods import, cif,
from Rest of the World Service import Country C's domestic

from country C transport costs on its

export to country A (matrix)
Service import
from Rest of the World c
Column-wise aggregation,
each for trade and transport
Import from country B, sector, by country.
basic price
Country B's TTMs


Import from country C,

basic price
Country C's TTMs

SUM Transport
Goods import from ROW Net TOP to foreign gov.
Service import from ROW
Int. freight & insurance
SUM Abbreviations: IFI = International Freight and Insurance
UP! Import from ROW, cif
TTM = Trade and transport margins
TOP = Net taxes on products

17.42 In contrast, the domestic trade and transport margins, for the delivery of goods from
factories to ports in the sourcing countries, are individually aggregated column-wise, country by
country, and the former is merged into “trade” sector, and the latter into “transport” sector of the
corresponding import matrices. This is based on the recognition that trade and transport margins
embodied in imported products are considered as import of trade and transport services. It should
be noted therefore, that for the separation of trade and transport margins, and likewise taxes less
subsidies on products, the rates of sourcing countries, and not those of its own, must be applied.

17.43 For international freight and insurance costs, the residency of service providers should be
identified using information from the third sources, in addition to the origins and destinations of
international shipping. In the current OECD Inter-Country Input-Output Tables, for example,
international transport margins are redistributed to sourcing countries according to the export share
of transport services of each country concerned using the service trade data derived from various
sources. The values are then added to the corresponding sector (transport or insurance) of sourcing
countries. (In the case that the residency of service providers cannot be identified, the international

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

freight and insurance matrices are aggregated column-wise across all countries of origin into a
single row vector, which is separately presented in the table.)

17.44 The imports from Rest of the World are aggregated column-wise to form a vector, valued
at CIF

17.45 The result of these steps generates the multi-country Use Tables, which provides the core
information for compiling the multi-country IOTs.

Step 3 Creating the export vector to Rest of the World

17.46 Assuming mirror trade relations, the import uses (both intermediate and final) by country
of origin in the multi-country Use Table are considered to represent exports of the corresponding
trade partners to the respective importers in the Table. The exports to any remaining countries
other than these importers are lumped up in the vector of Export to Rest of the World. A simple
three-country case is presented in Figure 17.6.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 17.6 Making export vector to Rest of the World

Country A Ctry A Country B Ctry B Country C Ctry C

Final Final Final
Industry Industry Industry
use use use

Product 1
Product 2
Country A
Product 3
Product 4

Product 1
Product 2
Country B
Product 3
Product 4

Product 1
Product 2
Country C
Product 3

Product 4
* Net TOP payable to foreign governments
International freight and insurance costs
Import from Rest of the World (cif)
Net taxes on products
Gross value-added
Total input

Ex to ROW
Total use

Country A's


Use Table Industry

(basic price)

Product 1

Total use

Country B's Product 2


Use Table Industry

Product 3 use
(basic price)
Product 4

T[ T[
o VW[
Product 1 Product 1

Total use

Country C'sProduct 2

Product 2Final

Use Table Industry

Product 3 Product 3use
(basic price)
Product 4 Product 4

o VW\
Product Product
1 Net taxes
1 on products



Product Product
2 Gross
Product Product
2 value-added
3 input (bp)
Total - =
#W Ẽ
Product Product
Net taxes1 on products

- =

Product 2

Gross value-added
Total 3input (bp)
Product 4

Net taxes on products

Gross value-added
Total input (bp)
Abbreviation: TOP = Net taxes on products, GVA = Gross Value Added

17.47 As shown in Figure 17.6, the three-country case (Country A, B and C), the vector can be

"#W k , #W m , #W n % on the one hand, and the total uses in the original national Use Tables "# k , # m , # n % on
simply derived as a difference between the row totals of juxtaposed multi-country Use Tables

the other, element by element.

corresponding row total in the multi-country Use Tables "#W % and the sum of net TOP entries in
17.48 Net taxes on products (TOP) for Rest of the World is derived as a difference between the

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

the export columns of all countries’ Use Tables "∑r t rq = t sq + t tq + t uq %. This relation stands as

17.49 Entries in the row, “Net TOP payable to foreign government”, shows the amount of cross-
national transfer of net tax revenues, as embodied in traded products, among the three Countries
A, B and C. On the other hand, the sum of net TOP on export of all three countries’ Use Tables
represents the entire flows of cross-national tax revenues to these countries from all over the world.
The difference is therefore the net taxes paid out by the countries in Rest of the World, embodied
in imported products from the three countries. (This is a balancing item rather than a statistics of
any analytical significance.)

17.50 Such a treatment for Rest of the World inevitably leads to the characterisation of the vector
as a “residual” of the entire multi-country IOTs matrix, containing various statistical discrepancies.
These discrepancies arise out of the linking process as a reflection of data confrontations among
different sources, when the export data in each national Use Table is replaced by the import
transaction matrices of trading partners assuming a mirror relation between the two partners.

17.51 This could be explicitly presented in the final multi-country SUTs and IOTs by naming the
vector as “Export to Rest of the World and statistical discrepancies”.

Step 4 Linking and reconciliation of the table

17.52 As a result of Steps 1, 2 and 3, all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are now ready for linking,
which produces the system illustrated in Figure 17.3. The system can now be transformed to the
Product by Product or Industry by Industry multi-country IOTs as presented in the beginning of
the Chapter. Figure 17.7 shows an image of the transformation. The areas in pink colour form the
Product by Product multi-country IOTs and the areas in blue colour form the Industry by Industry
multi-country IOTs. The entries in the cells with a cross are shared between the two types of tables.

matrices (^U , ^[ , ^\ in Figure 17.3) in line with the conversion formulae shown in Chapter 12 on
The transformation to multi-country IOTs is based on the information given by the domestic output

the transformation of SUTs into IOTs.

17.53 Figure 17.7 illustrates the conversion of the multi-country SUTs into multi-country IOTs
by re‐allocating secondary products using Models A, B, C or D across the entire matrix. This
approach shifts values across columns (for Product by Product IOTs). This implicitly allocates
secondary products to other countries as exports, for example, cheese produced by domestic milk
producers as secondary output might end up in a foreign producer of cheese rather than on a
domestic producer of cheese. Thus the conversion could be done on a country basis in order to
avoid this effect and not to the full matrix. A further consequence is that the geographical
distribution of exports and imports can also be distorted.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 17.7 Transformation to multi-country IOTs

Country A Country B Country C Country A Country B Country C Ctry A Ctry B Ctry C

Total output (bp)

+ discrepancies
Export to ROW

Total use (bp)

Final use 1
Final use 2
Final use 1
Final use 2
Final use 1
Final use 2
Industry 1
Industry 2
Industry 3
Industry 1
Industry 2
Industry 3
Industry 1
Industry 2
Industry 3
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4
Product 1
Product 2
Country A

Transformation of columns to
Product 3
Product 4

the product basis

Product 1
Product 2
Country B
Product 3
Product 4
Product 1
Product 2
Country C
Product 3
Product 4
Industry 1
Country A Industry 2
Transformation of rows to the industry basis
Industry 3
Industry 1
Country B Industry 2
Industry 3
Industry 1
Country C Industry 2
Industry 3
Import from all countries (cif)
Total supply (bp)
* Net TOP payable to foreign governments
columns to the product

International freight and insurance costs

Transformation of

Import from Rest of the World (cif)

Net taxes on products

Trade and trasport margins

Total supply (pp)
Gross value-added (bp)
Total input (bp)
* Except to those of Rest of the World

17.54 The final stage covers the reconciliation of the table, which has three tasks to complete:

• cross-checks between key aggregate figures of the linked table and corresponding macro-
statistics from national sources, for example, National Accounts and foreign trade statistics.
• the investigation of the causes and the correction of errors if there is any outstanding
• application of an automated balancing method for rounding up the table such as the RAS
algorithm, where necessary. It is however advised that the use of such an automated method
should be restricted to the final round-up of the table, only after thorough manual adjustment
of the matrix. Also various constraints have to be set for the maximum utilisation of the
available information, see Ahmad, et al. (2013).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

D. Multi-country SUTs and IOTs databases initiatives

17.55 Since the early 2000s, several multi-country SUTs and IOTs databases have been
developed by the scientific community and international organisations. Examples of these
initiatives are presented in Box 17.1.

Box 17.1 Overview of multi-country SUTs and IOTs

EORA-MRIO Lenzen, M., Moran, D., Kanemoto, K. and Geschke, A. 2013. Building EORA: A Global
Multi-region Input–Output Database at High Country and Sector Resolution. Economic
Systems Research, 25: 20–49.
EXIOPOL/EXIOBASE Tukker, A., de Koning, A., Wood, R., Hawkins, T., Lutter, S., Acosta, J., Rueda
Cantuche, J. M., Bouwmeester, M., Oosterhaven, J., Drosdowski, T. and Kuenen, J. 2013.
EXIOPOL – Development and Illustrative Analyses of a Detailed Global MR EE SUT/IOT.
Economic Systems Research, 25: 50–70
WIOD Dietzenbacher, E., Los, B., Stehrer, R., Timmer, M. and de Vries, G. 2013. The Construction
of World Input–Output Tables in the WIOD Project. Economic Systems Research, 25: 71–98
GTAP-MRIO Peters, G. P., Andrew, R. and Lennox, J. 2011. Constructing a Multi-regional Input–Output
Table using the GTAP Database. Economic Systems Research, 23: 131–152
GRAM Bruckner, M., Giljum, S., Lutz, C. and Wiebe, K. S. 2012. Materials Embodied in International
Trade – Global Material Extraction and Consumption Between 1995 and 2005. Global
Environmental Change, 22: 568–576.
AIIOT Meng, B., Zhang, Y. and Inomata, S. 2013. Compilation and Applications of IDE-JETRO's
International Input–Output Tables. Economic Systems Research, 25: 122–142.
OECD-ICIO http://www.oecd.org/sti/ind/tiva/tivasourcesandmethods.htm

17.56 The various initiatives in Box 17.1 were originally developed to answer different policy
needs and scientific aims:

• EXIOBASE and EORA tackle environmental issues.

• GTAP-MRIO considers trade policy measures and impacts.

• OECD-ICIO and WIOD illustrate global production and value-added trade. Both initiatives
also provide data on socio-economic and environmental indicators at the industry level that
can be used for a wide scope of applications.

• GRAM relates to material flows' questions.

• AIIOT focuses on the production networks in East Asia.

17.57 These international initiatives also differ in the data sources that underlie the models, by
the country coverage, by the time span of data available, by the level of detail for industries and
products, by the accessibility to the database and by the methodological choices in the compilation
process. Box 17.2 provides a summary of the main features of these initiatives.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

17.58 Methodological choices are necessary when building up multi-country SUTs and IOTs.
GTAP-MRIO uses trade data as benchmark to adjust the SUTs and IOTs whereas the other models
start from the SUTs or IOTs available and benchmark them to National Accounts statistics using
trade data. In the case of EXIOBASE and WIOD, the SUTs are the first dominant input, whereas
for AIIOT, the IOTs form the base. For OECD-ICIO and Eora, there is a mix of SUTs and IOTs,
although the OECD’s data is moving to a fully SUTs-based approach for future editions. Specific
challenges such as the treatment of re-exports, the CIF/FOB adjustment, the method for reconciling
trade data will vary from one to another. In general, UN COMTRADE is used for trade statistics
albeit some models complement it with specific datasets of national sources.

17.59 As previously mentioned, it is important to have the data at basic prices in order to build
multi-country SUTs and IOTs, for both the Supply Tables and Use Tables. Many national Use
Tables are compiled and disseminated at purchasers' prices. Therefore, estimation is needed to
compile the Use Table at basic prices when they are unavailable from the country in question.
EXIOBASE and OECD-ICIO are based on the information available (therefore reflect the Use
Table at basic prices when disseminated) or estimating from existing information. WIOD estimates
the Use Table at basic prices using the SUT-RAS procedure. GTAP-MRIO constructs the data by
exploiting information on multi-country margins and taxes. In Eora, the Use Table at basic prices
are constructed during a large-scale optimisation procedure. Similar approaches occur to estimate
the imports matrices with an extensive use of the proportionality assumption.

17.60 In 2018, the OECD-ICIO tables underlying the TiVA database will be updated to 2008
SNA methodology. In the same year, the Eurostat project FIGARO will provide European
reference data based on the latest international classifications and ESA 2010 (adaptation of 2008
SNA for the European Union). The new data will also include specific adjustments for merchanting
trade and goods for processing.

Box 17.2 Overview of the main features of the various databases

Database Number of Number of industries and Years Availability
Name countries products of data
EXIOBASE 43 countries; 5 220 products; 163 industries 2000;2007 Yes
world regions
EORA 187 Varying across countries; 1990-2012 Yes
simplified version with 26
GTAP-MRIO 140 GTAP regions 57 GTAP commodities 2004; 2007; 2011 Only to GTAP
OECD/WTO 64 (including Rest 34 industries; 34 products 1995; 2000; 2005; Yes
of the World) 2008-2011; now-
casted indicators for
WIOD 41 (including Rest 35 industries;35 products 1995-2011 Yes
of the World)
GRAM 228 n.a. n.a. No
AIIOT 10 (8 for 1975 76 products (56 for 1975 1975; 1985; 1990; Yes
table) table, 77 for 1985 table) 1995; 2000; 2005

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

E. Way ahead

17.61 The multi-country SUTs and IOTs can be continually improved and extended in various
directions. Presently, the areas listed below are amongst those requiring the greatest attention of
the statistical communities:

• Bilateral trade symmetries;

• Rest of the World;

• Proportionality assumption;

• International freight and insurance costs;

• Direct purchases by travellers;

• Firm heterogeneity;

• Factor income transfers; and

• Sub-regionalisation of multi-country SUTs and IOTs.

(a) Making trade data symmetric

17.62 The problem of bilateral trade asymmetries has been extensively discussed in the earlier
section, and it is one of the key obstacles to constructing consistent and harmonized multi-country
SUTs and IOTs.

17.63 The ongoing joint effort by the OECD, WTO, Eurostat and other international
organizations, in collaboration with various NSOs, aims to develop benchmark trade dataset of
both goods and services in which the asymmetry problem is resolved in alignment with National
Accounts constraints. Using this benchmark data in the compilation of multi-country SUTs is
expected to significantly reduce the aforementioned discrepancies, see Fortanier and Sarrazin
(2016) and Fortanier et al. (2017).

(b) More countries to cover, less to be included in Rest of the World

17.64 The format of the multi-country SUTs and IOTs introduced in this Handbook treats any
country whose SUTs are not integrated into the table as outside the system and puts it under the
label of “Rest of the World”. In line with the globalisation of economic activities, however, the
cross-border production networks continue to expand further to involve more countries which have
not been given much attention to date. Also, the new entrants of the international networks may
grow faster as a result of participation in more sophisticated production sharing among countries.
As a result, they may have a significant impact on the global production system and a failure to
include them in the model becomes increasingly inappropriate, see Stadler, et al. (2014).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

17.65 Some existing multi-country IOTs, notably the Inter-Country Input-Output Tables of the
OECD and the European Commission funded World Input-Output Tables have featured Rest of
the World as a single endogenous region in the transaction matrices. This allows the multi-country
Leontief inverse to be derived with respect to the corresponding segments, see Dietzenbacher, et
al. (2013).

17.66 In contrast, the EORA database developed by the University of Sydney utilises all relevant
information to estimate unavailable transaction matrices with the aid of a powerful estimation
algorithm, and thereby maximises the number of endogenous countries to the extent that Rest of
the World as a residual of the system becomes almost negligible in terms of transaction volumes,
see Lenzen, et al. (2013).

(c) Departure from the “proportionality assumption”

17.67 The countries with less developed statistical bases often resort to the proportionality
assumption in making the Imports Use Table as described in Chapter 8. This approach assumes an
identical distribution structure of a product among different domestic users, no matter whether it
is imported or domestically produced. While the assumption could be acceptable for a highly
disaggregated Use Table, it may cause some inappropriate allocation of imported goods when the
products with different degrees of foreign sourcing are mixed under the same product category.

17.68 The problem spills over to the construction of the Imports Use Table by country of origins
for the multi-country SUTs and IOTs. For example, the production chain of a cellular phone, from
designing, research, and manufacturing to distribution may spread over different countries, where
the parts and components are produced in some countries and then assembled into a finished
product in a yet different country. If the phones’ finished product and parts are bundled together
in the Use Table under the label of, for example, “Telephone sets, including telephones for cellular
networks or for other wireless networks; other apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless
network" (CPC Ver. 2.1 4722), the sourcing country mix of this product category will be different
between the household final consumption (buying finished products, and hence more import from
the country of final assembly) and industries (buying part and components, and hence more import
from other countries). Here, the “proportionality” is disturbed among different users of the product.

17.69 With these types of cases, it is recommended that a special survey is conducted on key
imported products, or wherever available, the information from business registers is integrated, in
order to identify their distribution structures among domestic users with a sufficient level of detail.
Any additional information of this kind will significantly improve the quality of multi-country
SUTs and IOTs. Constructing import data by end-use categories (BEC or BTDIxE) is an
improvement on the proportionality assumption.

17.70 Apparently, it is not only about trade in goods but also trade in services that the data should
be developed in this direction, alongside the search for more information on detailed service

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

categories and partner countries than currently available in the Balance of Payment statistics and

(d) Direct purchases by travellers

17.71 In the current SUTs framework, the households final consumption expenditures in the Use
Table is recorded on the domestic territorial basis with macro-adjustment rows of “Direct
purchases abroad by residents” and “Purchases on the domestic territory by non-residents”. The
counterbalancing entries for imports and exports are presented along these rows vis-à-vis
respective columns in the Supply Table and the Use Table as shown in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.

17.72 With an increasing flow of people crossing borders, however, it is advisable to record
households final consumption expenditures on the national basis by product, accompanied by a
corresponding adjustment in the import and export vectors. For this end, the entries in the
adjustment rows should be expanded and redistributed by product, by making an appropriate
reference to external sources such as international passenger surveys (for example, expenditure on
food, alcohol, hotels, travel, leisure and shopping). It is noted that the spending by business
travellers must be separated out in these data, as this expenditure should be recorded as
intermediate consumption.

(e) Disaggregation of industries by firm characteristics

17.73 The rapid increase of foreign direct investment over the past few decades has added a new
feature of production technology in developing economies. Technological heterogeneity within a
single industry, say, among domestic oriented producers, processing exporters and non-processing
exporters or between large scale enterprises and small/medium scale firms, implies that the current
treatment of SUTs and IOTs is less effective in analysing the structure of global production

17.74 In this respect, the multi-country SUTs and IOTs can be extended by further disaggregating
its industrial sectors by firm characteristics, possibly with a help of firm-level micro-data. Ideally,
this breakdown should be provided within the context of the construction of national SUTs. In
many cases, however, the relevant data build on existing national efforts, such as statistics on Trade
by Enterprise Characteristics (TEC), Services Trade by Enterprise Characteristics (STEC) and
Foreign Affiliate Statistics (FATS). This work will help to develop this area, for example, by
linking firm-level trade data and business registers, and thereby aim to identify the characteristics
of traders such as sizes (number of employees), types (exporter/importer) or ownership (foreign
controlled/domestically controlled) according to the nature of activities engaged by the firms
(analysed at the 2-digit level of ISIC Revision 4). This is an area with a growing focus and
analytical interest, see Piacentini and Fortanier (2015) and the study by the OECD and the Nordic
Council (2017) on “Nordic Countries in GVCs”.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(f) Incorporation of factor income transfers

17.75 With ever-increasing mobility of people and capital being transferred across borders, the
multi-country SUTs and IOTs can better capture the nature of economic interdependency, if these
tables can be extended to embrace the cross-border transfer of factor incomes (repatriation). This
is particularly relevant when considering the growing impact of multinational corporations on the
international distribution of income and wealth. Identifying these flows requires not only a
breakdown of SUTs by firm ownership but also a more detailed disaggregation of GVA using
information from business surveys as well as FDI statistics.

(g) Sub-regionalisation of multi-country IOTs

17.76 The current multi-country SUTs and IOTs framework regards a referred country as if it is
a ‘point’ of transaction in the international production networks. A national economy, however,
has a spatial dimension. It is rather unjustifiable to treat countries like Brazil or Russia in the same
manner as Singapore or Costa Rica. In particular, as a result of increasing relocation of production
capacities across borders, it is possible to envisage that a region in one country has stronger
economic ties with regions in foreign countries rather than with its own domestic neighbours.

17.77 The multi-country SUTs and IOTs can be extended to capture cross-border economic
linkages on the region-to-region basis, for example, from Guangdong province in China to Tohoku
region in Japan by embedding Inter-Regional IOTs of referred countries in a single multi-country
IOT matrix, as covered by Inomata and Meng (2013).


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Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

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Downloadable from:

Inomata, S. and B. Meng (2013): “Transnational Interregional Input-Output Tables: An

Alternative Approach to MRIO?”, in Murray, J. and M. Lenzen, eds., The Sustainability
Practitioner’s Guide to Multi-Regional Input-Output Analysis, Chapter 4, pp.33-51, Common
Ground. Downloadable from:


Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 18. Projecting Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables

A. Introduction
18.1 For a number of analytical purposes users often require comparable SUTs and IOTs. This
implies, for example, that they need SUTs and IOTs available on a regular frequency and with
certain timeliness. In practice, however, SUTs may be compiled on an annual basis or every five
years or even at irregular time intervals. The situation for IOTs is similar.

18.2 In general, a projection problem consists of knowing one single base table (SUTs or IOTs)
and estimating a target table possibly with additional information such as known row and/or
column totals or even certain table elements. There are a variety of methods, techniques and
approaches in projecting SUTs and IOTs and dealing with the missing data gaps. Projections are
generally done by analysts and researchers but depending on the situation some projection model
could be used in support of regular compilation in specific circumstances. Therefore, these
techniques are not only for analytical purposes but they can also help producers, for example,
dealing with periods between benchmarked years.

18.3 This Chapter provides a review of various projection methods and techniques as well as
references to work in literature to help overcome the problem of incomplete data thus allowing the
estimation and projection of SUTs and IOTs. The Chapter starts, in Section B, with a description
of the needs for projection methods. It then provides in Section C, a review of the general
approaches and categorisation of the projection methods including a historical perspective on some
of the work in literature that is most relevant to the scope and content of this Handbook. Section
D presents a numerical example of three projection methods: the generalised RAS (GRAS)
method, the SUT-RAS method, and the Euro method. Finally, Section E provides a description of
the criteria to consider when choosing a projection method.

B. Why is there a need for projection methods?

18.4 Projection methods may be useful in a variety of circumstances such as dealing with the
lack of timeliness of the required SUTs and/or IOTs, to reconcile inconsistent information with

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

different reliability, to carry out the historical revisions to ensure a consistent time series of the
tabulations, to compile multi-regional SUTs and IOTs; and finally to overcome the issue of
incomplete data due to confidentiality. These are described next.

18.5 Timeliness. The frequency and timeliness of SUTs and IOTs compiled at national level
varies enormously among countries and this is often a major constraint in policy research
undertaken at global level. Thus there is the need for using non-survey based methods to estimate
SUTs and IOTs for missing years or updating previous SUTs and IOTs to revised totals.

18.6 Balancing. During the balancing process in the compilation of SUTs and IOTs, there are
many cases where data for specific cells, or groups of cells, in the tables are well known (through
specific data sources, for example, business surveys, government based data, etc.) or there is
reliable information on certain column and/or row totals but there could also be cases where data
from the different data sources are conflicting whereby the NSOs allocate different levels of
reliability to the different sources. Guidance on how to resolve this is very limited, examples
include: Dalgaard and Gysting (2004); Tarancón and del Río (2005); and Lenzen et al (2009).

18.7 Revisions. Often revisions are needed to existing benchmark SUTs and IOTs to reflect, for
example, a new version of the SNA or a new classification. Projection approaches may be required
due to the fact that official SUTs and IOTs, going back a number of years, are not usually revised
when more recent data have been estimated or when there is a change in the statistical concepts or
methodological issues, such as the advent of 2008 SNA or revised classifications like ISIC Rev.
4. It is not expected that NSOs will provide SUTs and IOTs based on the 2008 SNA for “all” the
back years and benchmarks. Therefore, there is a need to blend survey based data with sound
mathematical techniques to avoid discontinuities in the SUTs and IOTs, for example, Rueda-
Cantuche et al (2013a).

18.8 Multi-regional or multi-country analysis. The role and significance of multi-regional and
multi-country analysis has seen a renaissance over the past two decades using multi-regional SUTs
and IOTs databases to inform worldwide policy research issues such as climate change,
international trade, competitiveness and sustainable production and consumption policies (see
Chapter 17). Several international projects have used some of these projection methods for the
estimation/projection of missing national SUTs and IOTs and for the eventual balancing of the
multi-regional databases. Major examples of these databases include:

• World Input-Output Database, Dietzenbacher et al (2013);

• EXIOBASE Database, Tukker et al (2013);
• GTAP-MRIO Database, Andrew and Peters (2013);
• Eora Database, Lenzen et al (2013);
• Asian International Input-Output Tables, Meng et al (2013);

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• OECD Inter-country Input-Output Database; and

• Eurostat's single SUTs and IOTs for the European Union and the Euro Area, Eurostat (2011).
18.9 Confidentiality. The issue of confidentiality may render some national datasets incomplete
due to the suppression of data due to confidentiality which can be overcome by projection methods
in research analysis. The gaps will also vary across countries, for example, the different legislations
and treatment of data collected from businesses.

C. General approaches for the projection methods with a historical view

18.10 As mentioned, the general balancing/projection approach basically relies on having

available one base table (SUTs, IOTs or SAMs) and at least the row and column totals for the
incomplete table. Alternatively, Mínguez et al (2009) and Oosterhaven et al (2011) considered
several complete tables as base tables, whether they were a time series of IOTs or a group of
different IOTs from different regions. Furthermore, row and/or column totals may be missing in
some situations as well, as dealt with Eurostat (2008) and Temurshoev and Timmer (2011).

18.11 There are three different ways (including a modified version of the distinction made by
Lenzen et al (2009)) to address the projections, where data gaps for the interior elements of the
tables outnumber the external constraints in the form, for example, of row and column totals. These

• Constrained optimisation methods based on probability and information theory or based on

distance measures.
• Proportional scaling methods which can be one-sided or bi-proportional.
• Modelling based methods.
18.12 Some of the projection methods can in principle be used in the reconciliation of information
from different data sources and in the balancing process of SUTs and IOTs, a section is introduced
to briefly describe this application of projection methods.

1. Historical overview of projection methods

18.13 This historical overview pivots around the general problem of balancing/projecting SUTs
and IOTs and any other related matrices (for example, valuation matrices) concerning the different
price valuations covered in the 2008 SNA, mainly basic prices and purchasers' prices and the
distinction between domestic uses and import uses, wherever appropriate.

18.14 It is important to note that although the projection problem has given rise to a number of
attractive mathematical features, they are often not combined with survey data, other data sources
or expert opinions on certain key elements like rows, columns or individual cells. Only very
recently, there have been attempts to follow the so-called hybrid strategy (Miller and Blair 1985,

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

page 336), as a way to capture the best of both, selective survey and expert information and
mathematical projection techniques. This would be highly recommendable whenever possible.

18.15 Huang et al (2008) describe the projection problem as a linear or non-linear programming
problem, which can be expressed as:

w4x4-4IE D"y%

Subject to: ∑z8{ #$8 = 78 ∀4 = 1, … , -

${ #$8 = ;8 ∀4 = 1, … , x

I$8 ≥ 0 ∀4, 5

where: I$8 is the ratio derived from #$8 = I$8 $8 , being $8 the original entry and #$8 , the target
entry in matrix y. Row and column totals are represented by 7$ and ;8 , respectively. The
matrix/table has - rows and x columns and can be either rectangular "- ≠ x% or square "- = x%.

18.16 The solutions of this problem can take the form of a simple iterative proportional scaling
process or can lead to substantial programming requirements with sometimes long run times, for
example, non-linear objective functions.

18.17 This group of methods has been categorised with the general term constrained

function D" %:
optimisation methods and can be split up into two groups depending on the type of objective

• The first group, in general, has in common the fact that the methods minimise some measure
of distance between all elements of the two matrices, the prior and the estimated projection.
There are many types of distance measures such as absolute differences, square differences
as shown in Box 18.1.
• The second group comprises objective functions that are based on the statistical concept of
Kullback-Leibler (K-L) divergence, also denoted as information loss, taken from the
probability and information theory laid out by Kullback and Leibler (1951). In short, the K-
L divergence of two probability distributions and is a measure of the information lost
when is used to approximate . The measure typically represents an approximation of
and evidently, the solution to the problem provides a minimum information loss. This
concept was first associated to the RAS solution by Uribe et al (1965).
18.18 Within this framework, Bacharach (1970) used technical coefficients which to some extent
could be considered as a measure of probabilities, bounded between 0 and 1 and non-negatives, to
prove that the solution to this problem could also be expressed in terms of a simple bi-proportional
iterative scaling method, which was the so called RAS method used by Stone (1961). McGill
(1977), Bachem and Korte (1979) and Batten (1983) also contributed to this idea.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

18.19 The extension of this statistical concept to a transactions matrix prompted a lot of
discussion provided that the elements of the matrices are not coefficients any more but (positive
and negative) absolute values, key examples include: Günlük-Senesen and Bates (1988); Junius
and Oosterhaven (2003); Huang et al (2008); Lenzen et al (2007); and Lemelin (2009). However,
the solutions do not always turn out to be simple scaling methods, for example as covered by Stone
et al (1942); Robinson et al (2001); Golan et al (1994); Rodrigues (2014); Lugovoy et al (2015);
and Fernández et al (2015) also proved the Bayesian approach with success.

18.20 Alternatively, there are other methods that do not necessarily have to be written in the form
of a programming problem such as Tilanus (1968) and Timmer et al (2005), and have been
categorised as proportional scaling methods. This category may also include other one-sided or
bi-proportional methods.

18.21 Finally, there are other methods that use I-O modelling based methods to project SUTs
and IOTs, for example, Leontief price and quantity models used by Snower (1990); Beutel (2002)
and (2008); Valderas (2015); time series analysis covered by Wang et al (2015); and econometric
methods used by Kratena and Zakarias (2004).

18.22 Box 18.1 shows a summary of the literature using methods for balancing/projecting SUTs
and IOTs and provides a broad overview of the different available methods. The detailed aspects
of all of them can be found in their respective references. This review also acknowledges the
earliest, to our knowledge, related contributions even though they were not initially conceived to
be used in the I-O accounts. However, these are not included in Box 18.1 but reflected within the
text of this Chapter.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 18.1 Methods for projection of SUTs and IOTs

Year Author(s) Summary of methodology
Proportional scaling methods

1960 Osborne Diagonal similarity scaling (DSS)

1964 (*) Matuszewski, Pitts and Sawyer Proportional correction method (PCM)
1968 (*) Tilanus Statistical correction method (SCM)
1970 Ehret Procedure of selected coefficients (PSC)
1974 Evers Procedure of selected coefficients (PSC)
2005 (*) Timmer, Aulin-Ahmavaara and Ho EUKLEMS
2008 Eurostat Procedure of selected coefficients (PSC)
2011 (*) Temurshoev, Webb and Yamano EUKLEMS
2013 Pereira, Carrascal and Fernandez PATH-RAS (or GLOBAL MODEL)
2013 Rueda-Cantuche, Beutel, Remond-Tiedrez and Amores Good practices guidelines (GPG)
2013 Rueda-Cantuche, Amores and Remond-Tiedrez RACE
Constrained optimisation methods
(based on probability and information theory)

1961 Stone RAS

1963 Paelinck and Waelbroeck MRAS
1970 Bacharach RAS
1972 Stäglin Method of double proportion patterns (MDPP)
1986 Israilevich ERAS
1988 Günlük-Senesen and Bates GRAS
1994 Golan, Judge and Robinson Minimisation sum of cross-entropies (MSCE)
1999 Gilchrist and St. Louis TRAS
2003 Junius and Oosterhaven GRAS
2004 Dalgaard and Gysting Commodity-flow balancing algorithm (CFB)
2008 Eurostat Method of double proportion patterns (MDPP)
2009 Lenzen, Gallego and Wood KRAS
2011 Temurshoev and Timmer SUT-RAS
2014 Rodrigues Bayesian approach for SUTs (BY-SUT)
2015 Fernández, Hewings and Ramos Cross-entropy based Bayesian approach (BY-CE)
2015 Lugovoy, Polbin and Potashnikov Bayesian approach for IOTs (BY-IOT)
Constrained optimisation methods
(based on distance measures)

1961 Friedlander Normalised square differences (NSD)

1964 Matuszewski, Pitts and Sawyer Normalised absolute differences (NAD)
1968 Almon Square differences (SD)
1971 Jaksch and Conrad Least squares method (LS)
1987 Hartoorn and van Dalen Generalisation of least squares differences (HvD)
1988 Kuroda Square (weighted) relative differences (KUR)
2001 Lahr Weighted absolute differences (WAD)
2004 Lahr and Mesnard Absolute differences (AD)
2004 Jackson and Murray Global change constant (GCC)
2004 Jackson and Murray Sign-preserving absolute differences (SPAD)
2004 Jackson and Murray Weighted square differences (WSD)
2004 Jackson and Murray Sign-preserving square differences (SPSD)
2005 Tarancón and del Río ANAIS
2008 Huang, Kobayashi and Tanji Improved square differences (ISD)
2008 Huang, Kobayashi and Tanji Improved normalised square differences (INSD)
2008 Huang, Kobayashi and Tanji Improved weighted square differences (IWSD)
2008 Eurostat Least squares method (LS)
2008 Rampa Weighted least squares (WLS)
2009 Mínguez, Oosterhaven and Escobedo Cell-corrected RAS (CRAS)
Modelling based methods

1990 Snower TAU-UAT

2002 Beutel EURO
2004 Kratena and Zakarias Econometrics based method (ECO)
2008 Eurostat EURO
2008 Beutel SUT-EURO
2015 Valderas SUT-EURO
2015 Wang, Wang, Zheng, Feng, Guan and Long Matrix Transformation Technique (MTT)

Notes: (*) One-sided proportional methods.

For some methods (for example RAS) there are earlier works that refer to applications not related to
SUIOTs and I-O analysis. They are cited instead in the text for the sake of comprehensiveness.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2. The RAS method

18.23 There are some common features to the proportional scaling methods and the constrained
optimisation methods that are based on the minimum information loss principle (information
theory). They usually provide a solution that is simple to implement, relatively quick, sign-
preservation, and with minimum data requirements. The most prevailing method is the so-called
RAS method.

18.24 The basic idea of RAS was firstly developed to be used with IOTs, and particularly, applied
to the intermediate inputs part of the Use Table. It consists in changing the structure of the known

U and [. All the elements in U are known but only some of the elements of [ are known, such as:
base table as little as possible. Suppose that there are two square matrices of technical coefficients,

• the total industry output, which means that we are implicitly considering Industry by
Industry IOTs;
• GVA by industry, therefore, by difference, intermediate consumption by industry, 78 ; and

industries for intermediate consumption, ;8 ).

• total final uses by products; and therefore, by difference, the sum of outputs of products to

18.25 The problem is to project the elements of [ in such a way that they are as close as possible
to the corresponding elements of U, subject to the known marginal column and row totals, as
described by Toh (1998). The closeness in the RAS method is achieved by minimizing the
following K-L based objective function described by Bacharach (1970):

w4x4-4IE :$8 ln • ‚
$ 8

Subject to:

:$8 #8 = 7$

:$8 #8 = ;8

18.26 The solution is the set of ! and ƒ scaling factors, which satisfy:

:$8 = !$ $8 ƒ8

∑8 !$ $8 ƒ8 #8 = 7$ (1)

∑$ !$ $8 ƒ8 #8 = ;8 (2)

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

18.27 For bi-proportional methods, this problem could be written either in terms of technical
coefficients or transaction values, as covered by Mesnard (1994) and Dietzenbacher and Miller
(2009) illustrating that the results were indeed equivalent.

18.28 In matrix terms, [ = „U…, being „ and … diagonal matrices with the corresponding ! and
ƒ scaling factors in the main diagonal. However, there is no direct solution to the scaling factors, r
and s. Instead, the following simple and iterative procedure converging to the desired totals is
applied. It starts by choosing a first set of r scaling factors, say all equal to 1, and the elements of
s are computed using equation (2). These s scaling factors are then used in equation (1) for the
calculation of the scaling factors r, which can be fed back into equation (2) to derive new estimated
s scaling factors. The process is repeated until the values of the scaling factors are not changed
between iterations within a certain threshold or a sufficient number of times. Mesnard (1994)
proved that the solution to the RAS problem is independent of the initial values of r and s and
therefore, it remains unchanged.

18.29 The origins of the RAS method go back several decades - Bregman (1967) attributed this
method to 1930s Leningrad architect Sheleikhovskii, who used this approach to estimate
transportation traffic flows. Kruithof (1937) also used the RAS approach to estimate telephone
communication traffic flows. Nonetheless, it was not until Deming and Stephan (1940) when this
approach became accessible to social scientists and the English language, Lahr and Mesnard
(2004). Since then, there have been many applications to many fields different from SUTs and
IOTs, for example, migration and transportation flows, international and inter-regional trade,
voting patterns, etc.

18.30 According to Lahr and Mesnard (2004), it was Leontief (1941) who first used bi-
proportional techniques within the context of I-O analysis with the purpose to identify the sources
of inter-temporal change in the elements of IOTs. Nevertheless, it was Sir Richard Stone, Stone et
al (1942), Stone (1961), Stone (1962), Stone and Brown (1962) who waved the banner on behalf
of the RAS method within the field of I-O analysis. For further details of the historical background
of the RAS method, refer to Bacharach (1970), Lecomber (1975), Polenske (1997) and Miller and
Blair (2009).

18.31 The RAS method was used extensively by Bacharach (1970) to update old IOTs to a more
recent or even future period for which only the row and column totals were available. Similarly,
Hewings (1969) and (1977) also used bi-proportional techniques to the problem of regionalising
the national IOTs given some row and column totals at the regional level. Later, Oosterhaven et
al. (1986) combined both ideas to solve the problem of updating inter-regional IOTs. Miller and
Blair (2009) provide an overview of this issue.

18.32 There is no doubt that RAS has been one of the most successful methods in terms of the
number of applications where it has been used. Following Jackson and Murray (2004) and Lahr

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

and Mesnard (2004), the main features that have contributed to RAS being used so often can be
summarised as follows:

• In terms of information theory, the RAS solution provides the minimum information loss,
when we use the input structure of an original IOT as an approximation to the input structure
of the target IOT. In other words, the target table is as close as possible to the prior.
• RAS is sign preserving and does not allow converting zero elements from the original
matrix into non-zero elements in the target table, and does not yield negative values, which
is helpful for input structures.
• The iterative solution to the RAS method is simple to understand and straightforward to
program and apply.
• RAS has the minimum data requirements, only row and column totals.
• Scaling factors r and s can be interpreted as substitution and fabrication factors,
respectively. The former (row-wise) are meant to be a measure of the degree to which an
input has replaced or has been replaced over time by other inputs while the latter refers to
the extent to which the initial industry mix of the economy varies (column-wise). Van der
Linden and Dietzenbacher (1995), Mesnard (2002) and Mesnard (2004a) remarked, that a
meaningful interpretation of the RAS-type scaling factors is only possible if transformed
into relative values, for example, normalisation, but never with the absolute values of r and
s. Interestingly, Toh (1998) also proved that r and s can also be interpreted as statistical
estimates obtained from the method of Instrumental Variables (IV) allowing for asymptotic
standard errors and confidence intervals.
18.33 The RAS method, however, has also several drawbacks. They include the following:

• Projection of the intermediate matrix only may not be sufficient to build up the target IOTs.
There are other missing components such as GVA and final uses, which may also contain
legitimate negative values such as changes in valuables and inventories, and other net taxes
on production.
• The RAS method requires row and column totals to be known, and sometimes, they are
missing and have to be estimated. It may also be that less information is available on these
totals, for example, only industry output or column totals may be available.
• The RAS method can deal with one single price valuation at a time while the SNA defines
several price valuations, for example, basic prices and purchasers' prices as well as current
prices and in volume terms. They can actually be even more disaggregated, for example,
trade margins are shown separate from transport margins or consumption is split between
domestic output and imports.
• Sign-preservation is a feature of RAS can also be seen as a drawback - where the cell value
can switch sign between periods, for example, taxes less subsidies on products or changes

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

in inventories. However, Lenzen et al (2014) successfully addressed this issue and proposed
a mathematical solution.
• If RAS is carried out successively over a number of years, hysteresis problems will arise
leading to discontinuities and potential errors as covered by Lenzen et al (2012).
• The RAS method cannot handle conflicting external data and cannot incorporate constraints
on the row and/or column totals and/or any set of interior elements unless it is properly
extended as in Gilchrist and St. Louis (1999) and Ooterhaven et al (1986) or unless the
KRAS method covered by Lenzen et al (2009) is used with non-unitary coefficients. For
example, the total of trade margins must be equal to the total output of trade industries at
basic prices which may not occur automatically. The supply and use of products and
industries must be balanced in advance.
• The RAS method does not allow the use of relative reliabilities on the initial tables and on
external constraints which would be advisable to compute interval estimates rather than point
estimates. Indeed, the RAS method may generate implausible results and requiring further
adjustments. However, for research purposes, Miller and Blair (2009) claimed that as long
as the resulting multipliers perform well, they should be still used.
• The dimension of the initial and target tables must be the same, which makes impossible to
address the problem of a change in the classification and/or methodological systems. In this
sense, the number of industries and products may change from one system to another.

(a) Further extensions of RAS - with less information

18.34 Different variants of the RAS method have been utilised with the aim to circumvent the
limitations presented above. One of them is a further extension of the RAS method to deal with
less information.

18.35 Günlük-Senesen and Bates (1988) defined Generalised RAS (GRAS) method which was
further formalised mathematically by Junius and Oosterhaven (2003). The GRAS method allows
for positive and negative values in the initial tables and it is sign preserving, like the RAS method.
The RAS method can be considered as a special case of the GRAS method. However, unlike RAS,
the objective function of the GRAS method has been somewhat controversial in the sense that it
eventually does not really represent the K-L divergence or minimum information loss principle as
covered by Lemelin (2009).

18.36 The latest versions of the GRAS method are used in Lenzen et al (2007), Huang et al (2008)
and Temurshoev et al (2013). In particular, the latter authors present a GRAS analytical solution
that does not need of high performance, non-linear solvers, as in Lenzen et al (2007). They also
deal with full non-positive rows and/or columns, for example, the row elements of trade industries
in a trade margins matrix are always negative, and infeasible RAS cases as covered by Miller and

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Blair (2009, page 336). In practice, this is very helpful since small positive numbers are often
added to the initial table in order to guarantee convergence.

18.37 Another advantage of the GRAS analytical solution proposed by Temurshoev et al (2013)
covers control of the convergence process by setting the desired threshold level, which is not
straightforward when using solvers. Furthermore, the scaling factors derived from the analytical
solution have, as mentioned earlier, economic interpretations covered by Stone (1961), Toh
(1998), van der Linden and Dietzenbacher (2000) that cannot be found if solvers are used.

18.38 However, similar to the RAS method, the GRAS method needs to have known row and
column totals, which is sometimes unrealistic if we extend the projections to SUTs instead of just
IOTs. Indeed, the total product outputs are not usually known and therefore, row totals are not
known. To solve this issue, Temurshoev and Timmer (2011) proposed the SUT-RAS method,
which has an additional number of advantages compared with the GRAS method. The SUT-RAS
method was extensively used in the construction of the World Input-Output Database,
Dietzenbacher et al (2013). Most prominently, the SUT-RAS method can be applied in a variety
of settings: basic prices, purchasers' prices and with a distinction between domestic and import
uses, while the GRAS method is envisaged to be applied only to a single price valuation at a time,
for example, basic prices and to total uses. Moreover, the SUT-RAS method is conceived as a joint
estimation of rectangular SUTs such that total supply and total use match both for products and
industries. Similarly, Temurshoev et al (2011) and Timmer et al (2005) proposed the so called
EUKLEMS method, which is based on one constraint only, columns sums condition – industry
output, resulting in a one-sided RAS-type technique.

18.39 Concerning the lack of information, the situation might be worse in some cases.
Information may even not be available on industry outputs (the column totals). Within this context,
there are two outstanding methods that were designed with the philosophy of projecting SUTs and
IOTs using a minimum set of data requirements:

• EURO method for IOTs covered by Beutel (2002); Eurostat (2008); and SUT-EURO
method (for SUTs) covered by Beutel (2008) and Valderas (2015); and

• Path-RAS method covered by Pereira et al (2013), also denoted as the Global Method.

18.40 Instead, they require GVA by industries, total final uses of the different categories, total
taxes less subsidies on products, and total imports.

18.41 The SUT-EURO method cannot handle rectangular SUTs and should be used with IOTs
or square SUTs only. In particular, the SUT-EURO method has been used extensively by Eurostat
in the estimation of European SUTs and IOTs provided that the number of industries and products
was the same within the context of the CPA and NACE classifications. The Path-RAS method as
stated in Pereira et al (2013) is only conceived for IOTs but recent work in progress made by
Pereira and Rueda-Cantuche (2013) has proven that it can also be extended to either square or

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

rectangular SUTs. It estimates SUTs jointly (as in SUT-RAS) distinguishing between domestic
and import uses and it consists of an iterative process that allocates the deviations obtained in each
iteration to final uses and GVA using a weighted average of the conflicting estimates of the
corresponding intermediate uses.

18.42 The SUT-EURO and the Path-RAS methods can be very helpful when regionalising
national or regional SUTs and IOTs into smaller geographical areas where GVA by industries are
usually better known than industry outputs.

(b) Further extensions of RAS - with more information

18.43 All of the above methods do not use any other extra information other than row and/or
column totals of the target tables or none of them. However, there may be the situation that
additional external information is available on the interior elements of the target SUTs and IOTs
and/or on the constraints that can be useful for the projections. Indeed, Szyrmer (1989), Gilchrist
and St Louis (1999), Lenzen et al (2006) and Mesnard and Miller (2006) came to the same
conclusion that the introduction of partial information improves the outcomes of the RAS-type
projections. The RAS methods can thus be extended to cover the case that additional information
is available.

18.44 The earlier work in the 1960s took the form of a Modified RAS (MRAS) covered by
Paelinck and Waelbroeck (1963). The particular known cell values were set to zero and subtracted
from the row and column totals. The RAS method would then be applied to the remaining cells,
and eventually, the known cells would be placed back to the projected table. However, this solution
may create too many zeros in the modified initial table which could lead to unsolvable RAS
situations. More refined methods and applications were developed later by Barker (1975), ERAS
covered by Israilevich (1986); Oosterhaven et al (1986); Batten and Martellato (1985); Snower
(1990); Cole (1992); Jackson and Comer (1993); TRAS covered by Gilchrist and St Luois (1999)
and (2004); Planting and Guo (2004); SUT-RAS covered by Temurshoev and Timmer (2011).

18.45 By adding external known information and/or external additional constraints to the target
tables which are different from those of the column and row totals, it is possible to go one step
further from a full automated mathematical process to a more elaborated, and expert guided,
methods for the estimation of SUTs and IOTs.

18.46 A distinction is generally made between “projection”, either in time, updating, or by

regions, regionalisation, and “estimation”. The availability of extra information on subsets of
elements as well as on additional external constraints converts a projection problem into an
estimation problem.

18.47 Furthermore, the estimation problem can also be transformed into a “compilation”
problem. Suppose the IOTs (Industry by Industry), where the final uses of one product is known
as well as the total output of the industry producing it. Subsequently, the total intermediate use of

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

the same product is given by difference but nothing guarantees that it will have to be feasible, for
example, positive. This is an example of conflicting external data covered by Lenzen et al (2009)
and RAS-type methods cannot handle them. Incidentally, this is maybe the most usual situation
that NSOs face in their tasks of compiling SUTs and IOTs. For this reason, we have identified
these types of methods as closer to compilation tasks rather than to estimation or projection
methods. Moreover, initial SUTs produced in NSOs will never be balanced as they are based on
data from several different data sources. Actually, this is similar to the scenario of balancing supply
and uses of products and industries’ inputs and outputs.

18.48 With this in mind, Table 18.1 shows a categorisation of the methods presented in Box 18.1
as well as providing information about whether the focus of the methods are on SUTs or IOTs
(either with a transaction matrix or with a technical coefficient matrix, A).

18.49 Lenzen et al (2009) proposed a balancing method that incorporated the following

• Handling non-unity coefficients, for example, constraints on any subset of matrix elements
instead of fixing row and column sums only.
• Handling conflicting external data and inconsistent constraints.
• Allows for relative reliabilities of initial estimates and of external constraints.
• Deal with negative values and, if required, can be sign preserving.
Table 18.1 Categorisation of methods

Projection Estimation Compilation

Path-RAS** GPG* CFB**



(*) Refers to methods for which neither column nor row totals are available.
(**) Refers to methods for which only column totals are available.
The remaining methods comprise a base table and known column and row totals of the target
18.50 Lenzen et al (2009) named their method KRAS (from “Konfliktfreies” RAS). It is a kind
of RAS-type iterative procedure that can deal with all four desirable properties from above. In the
first step, it minimises a GRAS-type objective function as stated in Lenzen et al (2007) subject to

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

constraints. The second step adjusts conflicting constraints simultaneously with the transaction
matrix, whenever the first step fails to match them. The adjustments to the constraint constants are
regulated according to its degree of uncertainty as described by Lemelin (2009). It should be noted
that the main advantage of KRAS over the general constrained optimisation methods in dealing
with conflicting data and inconsistent constraints is that it needs less programming requirements
and long run times. As stated by Lenzen et al (2009), the KRAS method aims to deal with the
manual removal of inconsistencies in the constrained system in a systematic and automated way.

18.51 A comparable method is the SUT-RAS, which is a particular case of the KRAS method as
a solution to the general balancing problem. The SUT-RAS provides an easier and simple
algorithm for the computation of the scaling factors and allows for basic prices and purchasers’
prices; domestic and import uses; and external additional information. In this sense, it avoids the
construction steps to build up the constraint matrix in case of a general formulation of the
optimisation problem.

18.52 There are two other contributions that are closely linked to compilation tasks. Dalgaard
and Gysting (2004) presented an algorithm (CFB) that can handle product flow systems for
Denmark within the context of the 1993 SNA and allowing for six different price concepts. Supply
and use of products and industries’ inputs and outputs are not required to be balanced in the initial
SUTs and, in the same approach used by Lahr (2001), they use information on the relative
reliability of the unbalanced column sums and other information incorporated into the balancing
procedure. Their work was based on the automated balancing approach described in Stone et al
(1942), Byron (1978) and Stone (1984) for the situations where rows and column totals were
endogenous variables.

18.53 Opposite to RAS-type methods, Dalgaard and Gysting (2004) did not allow for constant
relative reliabilities for the column totals in the initial Use Table at purchasers’ prices. Instead,
they suggested a choice based on how likely they consider the values to be sure. For example,
intermediate consumption of public administration and exports were 100 per cent reliable provided
that such information usually comes from the government budget and foreign trade statistics,
respectively. Other data based on annual high quality accounting statistics, for example, business
surveys, were given 90 per cent reliability while other less certain areas such as GFCF and
household final consumption expenditure were given 70 per cent confidence. Interestingly, the
results were compared against the official manually compiled SUTs and the deviations were only
around 0.13 per cent of the GDP, producing economically meaningful, and apparently, quite robust
results. This was the first work reporting a real large scale (500 products and 100 uses of products)
SUTs balancing process within the context of the 1993 SNA, and blending manual and semi-
automated methods. Pedullà (1995) made an earlier attempt for Italy but with smaller tables.

18.54 On the other hand, Tarancón and del Río (2005) developed the ANAIS method and tested
it for Spain (1994). This basically comprised an individual and global minimisation of relative
discrepancies between the elements of the initial and target IOTs, including not only intermediate

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

uses but also final uses and primary inputs. The ANAIS method uses all kind of information to
avoid variations in the coefficients that could be mathematically feasible but difficult to accept
from the compiler’s perspective. This is completed through the specification of a set of constraints
that would benchmark coefficients with economic aggregates derived from National Accounts
and/or macroeconomic models. One of its main advantages is an interactive process which ensures
the results are consistent with the external information and expert guidance, and it provides a
solution with interval estimates rather than point estimates.

18.55 The use of other elements of the SUTs and IOTs different from intermediate uses alone is
not common to many methods presented in this chapter, for example:

• TAU-UAT covered by Snower (1990);

• EURO covered by Beutel (2002) and SUT-EURO covered by Beutel (2008);

• CFB covered by Dalgaard and Gysting (2004);

• ANAIS covered by Tarancón and del Río (2005); and

• SUT-RAS covered by Temurshoev and Timmer (2011).

Some of the above approaches make a distinction between uses of domestic output and imports.

18.56 The issue of reliability of the initial tables and of the external constraints have also been
addressed although quite far away from the RAS-type developments by Lahr and Mesnard (2004).
The earlier works did not actually document the relative reliability used in their analyses as covered
by Allen and Lecomber (1975), Stephan (1942) and Stone et al (1942). It was not until Jensen and
McGaurr (1976) when they were explicitly justified. Lahr (2001) and Dalgaard and Gysting (2004)
used relative reliability rates in RAS-type constrained optimisation methods to deal with the
uncertainty of the external constraints specified to the optimisation problem. However, their
approaches were somewhat limited since they could not deal with inconsistent totals or conflicting
data. Apart from the KRAS method covered by Lenzen et al (2009), general constrained
optimisation methods are typically the methods that can handle different data reliabilities and
conflicting external information more easily as covered by Golan et al (1994) and Robinson et al
(2001) than RAS-type methods.

18.57 Within a slightly different context, Rodrigues (2014) studied the projection and/or
balancing of statistical economic data with a best guess, initial values, and uncertainty measures
of the outcomes. This Bayesian approach considers the projected and/or balanced outcomes as
random variables rather than point estimates. Rodrigues (2014) shows that methods such as
generalised least squares, weighted least squares (Rampa, 2008) and bi-proportional methods like
RAS are particular cases of a more general framework. For example, the relative uncertainties of
the values both interior parts and of row and column sums obtained through the RAS method are
implicitly assumed to be identical, which does not need to be always true.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

3. Constrained optimisation methods based on distance measures

18.58 There are other types of linear or non-linear constrained optimisation methods
characterised by minimising some measure of distance between all the elements of the prior and
the estimated tables. None of them can preserve the sign of the original table although with some
non-negativity constraints they can do so. However, there might be a collateral effect in terms of
a larger number of zeros in the estimated tables as covered by Lahr and Mesnard (2004). Some of
them can handle non-negative matrices only.

18.59 In order to circumvent these two drawbacks, distance measures have been modified, for
example by Huang et al. (2008) and Temurshoev et al. (2013), in order to be able to handle negative
values and preserve signs.

18.60 Box 18.1 provides a list of the different distance based optimisation methods available in
the literature. Broadly speaking, they can be grouped into:

• Absolute differences - Lahr and Mesnard (2004); Matuszewski et al (1964); Lahr, (2001);
Jackson and Murray (2004); and Tarancón and del Río (2005).
• Square differences – Almon (1968); Friedlander (1961); Jackson and Murray (2004);
Huang et al (2008); Kuroda (1988); Jacksch and Conrad (1971); Hartoorn and van Dalen
(1987); and Mínguez et al (2009).
18.61 The solutions to these optimisation methods can sometimes be very complicated if external
information and/or potentially conflicting data are added. The works of Harrigan (1983), Harrigan
and Buchanan (1984), Zenios et al (1989) and Nagurney and Robinson (1992) are good examples.
The combination of equality and inequality conditions, for example, non-negativity, require
quadratic programming methods and solving bounded constrained optimisation problems that
notably complicate the scheme. Within this context, the KRAS method provides a RAS variant
able to deal with conflicting external data and inconsistent constraints with less programming
requirements and long run times than in general constrained optimisation methods.

4. Proportional scaling methods

18.62 The basic idea of proportional scaling methods is to correct a given matrix row-wise (and
column wise for bi-proportional methods) with a diagonal matrix of correction factors. There are
proportional scaling methods that are not based on the minimum information loss principle. A few
of them are one-sided proportional methods in the sense that the scaling is only made either on
rows or on columns, for example, Matuszewski et al (1964), Tilanus (1968) and Timmer et al
(2005), and the others are bi-proportional techniques. The former methods provide inefficient
estimations since they make adjustments just column-wise or row-wise. Moreover, the EUKLEMS
method covered by Timmer et al (2005) requires somewhat arbitrary adjustments to make SUTs
consistent with respect to the derived product total outputs covered by Temurshoev et al (2011).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

18.63 Eurostat has developed a set of guidelines for the estimation of missing SUTs and IOTs of
countries in order to estimate single European and/or Euro Area SUTs and IOTs using a
proportional scaling methods based on current and/or previous year SUTs and IOTs and/or
available valuation matrices. The set of guidelines are covered in Rueda-Cantuche et al (2013b).

18.64 Another bi-proportional scaling method is the Path-RAS method covered earlier. This
method is meant to be used whenever rows and column totals are missing and can be applied both
to SUTs and IOTs. This is covered in Pereira et al (2013) and Pereira and Rueda-Cantuche (2013).

18.65 Finally, the new changes in the accounting systems like in the 2008 SNA and BPM 6 bring
new challenges in the field of projections of SUTs and IOTs. One of the most important challenges
for research policy analysis is to avoid a break in series of SUTs and IOTs because of changes in
the classifications of products (CPC) and industries (ISIC) and/or a change in the methodologies,
such as those introduced with the 2008 SNA.

18.66 All the methods mentioned so far assume the same classification and methodology both
for the initial and the target SUTs and IOTs. Eurostat and the European Commission’s Joint
Research Centre developed an algorithm, RACE, (Rueda-Cantuche et al, 2013a) to convert SUTs
and IOTs from old classifications of products (CPC) and industries (ISIC) into new ones. As
expected the results depend on the specific bridge tables of each country, whenever available.

5. Modelling-based methods

18.67 The modelling-based methods are not based on minimisation of some distance function or
some information loss principle, but rely on modelling assumptions that try to capture the changes
from the initial to the target tables. By construction, the projected/estimated SUTs and IOTs are
those that minimise some distance function or some information loss principle subject to some
constraints. However, it is not guaranteed that the projected/estimated tables are going to be close
to reality. Mesnard (1997 and 2004b) interprets this gap between projection and target tables as a
measure of structural change.

18.68 It is interesting to note, Minguez et al (2009) showed with CRAS that using multiple
region-specific tables may improve the updated results except for the case when the structural
change, for example, oil price hikes, have to be projected. Then, the best outcome is likely to be
obtained using only the most recent tables.

18.69 In this sense, some authors have proposed modelling approaches to the general
balancing/projection problem instead of the broadly used conservative approach of minimising
information losses. The extent to which those modelling hypotheses hold in detriment of the
minimum information loss principle depends very much on the way NSOs actually compile SUTs
and IOTs. If they are compiled by looking at the structures of previous years, it may be logical to
think that modelling based methods will not likely perform better than their counterparts. The
Leontief price and quantity models are used in the TAU-UAT method as covered by Snower

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(1990), while the Leontief quantity model alone is used in the EURO method covered by Beutel
(2002) and Eurostat (2008), and the SUT-EURO method covered by Beutel (2008) and Valderas
(2015), whereas Kratena and Zakarias (2004) used econometric methods instead.

6. Manual balancing versus automated balancing

18.70 The projection models described above could provide some useful elements to consider for
the regular compilation of SUTs and IOTs, in particular during the balancing process. There are
differing viewpoints with respect to the use, and the benefits, of manual balancing versus
automated balancing. There is an argument that automated balancing will yield superior results
compared with any manual balancing that does not explicitly optimise a distance function covered
by Stone et al (1942). This view, however, is not shared for example, by the majority of NSOs
who compile National Accounts and SUTs and IOTs. As Dalgaard and Gysting (2004) pointed
out, “... based on the experience that many errors in primary statistics are spotted in the course of
a balancing process that is predominantly manual, compilers are typically convinced that a
(mainly) manual balancing process yields results of higher quality…”.

18.71 Irrespective of the different viewpoints, there is no doubt that some sort of automated
balancing is unavoidable when many periods have to be rebalanced following a comprehensive
revision. The same is generally true if SUTs and IOTs are compiled in connection to provisional
figures of the National Accounts system.

18.72 Hence, following the lines of Lahr and Mesnard (2004) and Miller and Blair (2009), it
would be advisable that producers and users share more knowledge and experiences with each
other, especially covering data reliabilities and complexities of subjective reliability assessments
into the existing mathematical projection techniques. Incidentally, this chapter provides a good
step in this direction, where the aim is to get mathematical techniques more often combined with
survey data, other data sources and/or expert opinions on certain key elements like rows, columns
or individual cells.

D. Numerical examples

18.73 This section presents numerical examples for three of the methods described in the previous
text: the GRAS, SUT-RAS and SUT-EURO methods. These methods have been selected on the
basis of their easy and simple implementation; different types of external data needed to operate,
row and column totals, column totals only and none of them, and because of their better
performance when compared against other similar methods.

18.74 There have been many articles testing the RAS method against various RAS variants and
other constrained optimisation methods. As mentioned earlier, Szyrmer (1989), Gilchrist and St.
Louis (1999), Lenzen et al (2006), Mesnard and Miller (2006) and Mínguez et al (2009) showed
that the introduction of known partial information improves the results of the RAS-type
projections, for example TRAS and CRAS. Moreover, the RAS method has been assessed against

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

entropy theoretic methods as covered in McDougall (1999), various constrained optimisation

methods based on distance measures such as in Pavía et al (2009) and Tarancón and del Río (2005),
and econometric methods covered in Kratena and Zakarias (2004). The results generally favoured
the RAS method against the other alternatives.

18.75 The GRAS method also outperformed certain constrained optimisation methods based on
distance measures (see Murray 2004, Oosterhaven 2005, Strømman 2009 and Temurshoev et al
2011), proportional scaling methods (see Temurshoev et al 2011), and other modelling based
methods (see Temurshoev et al 2011).

18.76 Concerning those methods dealing with SUTs instead of IOTs and/or technical
coefficients, Temurshoev and Timmer (2011) and Valderas (2015) demonstrated that the SUT-
RAS method outperformed the SUT-EURO and EUKLEMS methods whenever industry output
(column totals) is available. Nevertheless, the SUT-EURO method can still be helpful over the
SUT-RAS method to project SUTs and IOTs whenever row and column totals are missing
provided that the SUT-RAS method cannot handle such case.

18.77 Based on the considerations above, the GRAS, SUT-RAS and SUT-EURO methods were
selected to show numerical examples of projection. The GRAS method is applied to the situation
when row and column totals are known. The SUT-RAS method assumes unknown product outputs
(row) but known industry outputs (columns). The SUT-EURO method is applied to the case where
both row and column totals are missing.

18.78 The numerical examples are based on the set of data presented in Box 18.2. The Box shows
the SUTs and IOTs for Austria for the years 2005 (base year) and 2006, at basic prices. The official
SUTs have been aggregated to four products and three industries which make them rectangular
with more products than industries. The amount of taxes less subsidies on production paid by the
agriculture industry has been changed into negative for illustrative purposes. The GRAS, SUT-
RAS and SUT-EURO methods are applied to selected tables in Box 18.2.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 18.2 Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables for Austria, 2005 and 2006

Industries Total Total Industries Total Total

Supply 2005 Agricul- Manuf. Servi ce s output Imports Supply Supply 2006 Agri cul - Manuf. Servi ces output Imports Supply
ture and cons t. ture and cons t.
Agriculture 6 826 6 826 2 209 9 035 Agriculture 7 455 7 455 2 429 9 884
Manuf. and Manuf. and

const. 725 172 430 3 320 176 475 97 313 273 788 const. 682 190 892 3 695 195 269 105 962 301 231
Trade to Busin. Trade to Busin.
Services 2 4 433 45 440 49 875 645 50 520 Services 2 4 722 47 528 52 252 575 52 827
Other services 249 4 345 209 547 214 141 16 958 231 099 Other services 228 4 968 222 262 227 458 18 636 246 094
Total 7 802 181 208 258 307 447 317 117 125 564 442 Total 8 367 200 582 273 485 482 434 127 602 610 036

Industries Final Use Industries Final Use

Use 2005 Agricul- Manuf. Servi ce s Dom. Exports Total Use 2006 Agricul- Manuf. Servi ces Dom. Exports Total
ture and cons t. Demand ture and cons t. Demand
Agriculture 1 784 2 777 340 1 448 477 6 826 Agriculture 2 000 3 235 262 1 456 502 7 455
Manuf. and Manuf. and

const. 987 37 706 20 218 43 014 74 550 176 475 const. 1 121 45 637 21 410 44 683 82 418 195 269
Trade to Busin. Trade to Busin.
Services 301 9 761 5 668 27 221 6 924 49 875 Services 280 10 026 6 022 28 331 7 593 52 252
Other services 452 18 475 57 943 118 725 18 546 214 141 Other services 443 19 937 62 302 124 292 20 484 227 458
Agriculture 115 980 141 920 53 2 209 Agriculture 115 1 102 131 1 005 76 2 429
Manuf. and Manuf. and

const. 480 42 057 8 228 28 991 17 557 97 313 const. 452 47 054 8 599 29 831 20 026 105 962
Trade to Busin. Trade to Busin.
Services 1 249 395 645 Services 1 219 355 575
Other services 39 3 491 9 476 1 373 2 579 16 958 Other services 42 3 515 10 197 1 515 3 367 18 636
Taxes less subsidies Taxes less subsidies
on products - 93 1 024 4 720 18 215 117 23 983 on products - 77 955 4 438 18 731 243 24 290
GVA 3 736 64 688 151 178 219 602 GVA 3 990 68 902 159 769 232 661
Total 7 802 181 208 258 307 239 907 120 803 Total 8 367 200 582 273 485 249 844 134 709

Industries Final Use Industries Final Use

IOT (ixi) 2005 Agricul- Manuf. Servi ce s Dom. Exports Total IOT (ixi) 2006 Agricul- Manuf. Servi ces Dom. Exports Total
ture and cons t. Demand ture and cons t. Demand
Agriculture 1 789 2 959 484 1 763 807 7 802 Agriculture 2 005 3 419 393 1 738 813 8 367


Manuf. and Manuf. and

const. 989 37 781 21 870 46 880 73 688 181 208 const. 1 121 45 652 23 297 48 969 81 543 200 582
Services 746 27 980 61 816 141 764 26 001 258 307 Services 719 29 764 66 306 148 056 28 641 273 485
Agriculture 117 1 156 184 1 040 128 2 626 Agriculture 117 1 269 170 1 110 149 2 815


Manuf. and 470 41 217 8 368 28 372 17 240 95 668 Manuf. and 443 46 129 8 772 29 215 19 694 104 252
Services 48 4 403 9 688 1 871 2 821 18 832 const.
Services 50 4 492 10 340 2 026 3 627 20 535
Taxes less subsidies Taxes less subsidies
on products - 93 1 024 4 720 18 215 117 23 983 on products - 77 955 4 438 18 731 243 24 290
GVA 3 736 64 688 151 178 219 602 GVA 3 990 68 902 159 769 232 661
Total 7 802 181 208 258 307 239 907 120 803 Total 8 367 200 582 273 485 249 844 134 709

18.79 The numerical example of the GRAS method is based on square tables (IOTs) and the
SUT-EUTO method relies on square SUTs. For illustrative purposes, this Chapter focuses on the
construction of Industry by Industry IOTs instead of using the official Product by Product IOTs
because it is more likely to know the projected industry output control totals rather than the
projected product output control totals. In addition, it has been assumed fixed product sales
structures (Model D) in the estimation of the IOTs.

1. Generalised RAS (GRAS) method

18.80 In this example, the GRAS method is applied to the IOT for 2005 to project the IOT for
2006 when the row and column totals are known for 2006. The estimated IOT for 2006 is then
compared to the real 2006 IOT of Box 18.2.

18.81 In order to run the GRAS method, the following steps must be followed:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Step 1 The IOTs (b) must be split up into a matrix † with non-negative values and a matrix ‡
with negative values in absolute terms, see Box 18.4. This implies that: b = †– ‡.

8 "!% = ∑‰${ !$ $8

x8 "!% = ∑‰${
Step 2 Assuming a vector r of one’s as the starting point, calculate: and

‹ Œ• ‹ Œ• ‹ " %z‹ " %


Step 3 Calculate: ƒ8 = being ;8 the projected column totals. Note that,

' ‹" %
Temurshoev et al (2013) proposed a different formulation when 8 "!% = 0.

$ "ƒ% = ∑•8{ $8 ƒ8 and x$ "ƒ% = ∑•8{

Step 4 Calculate: .

‘Š Œ•‘ŠŽ Œ• Š "K%zŠ "K%

Step 5 Calculate a new vector ! such that: !$ = being 7$ the projected row
' Š "K%
totals. Note that, Temurshoev et al (2013) proposed a different formulation when $ "ƒ% = 0.

Step 6 Repeat Steps 2-5 until the difference between the ƒ8 's obtained from the "6 + 1%-th
iteration and the ƒ8 's obtained from the 6-th iteration is less than a certain threshold (for example
10-8) for all the elements. Convergence needs to be guaranteed.

Step 7 Construct the projected table using the following formulation for the 6-th iteration: $8 =
!$ "6% $8 ƒ8 "6% −
Š "9%K‹ "9%

18.82 Box 18.3 shows the numerical results of the first two iterations and the projected IOTs after
11 iterations (or imposing a threshold of 10-8). It is remarkable that the projected IOT for 2006
provides almost exactly the same official GDP of the year 2006 and that its weighted average
percentage error is 1.7 per cent when compared against the Industry by Industry IOTs (calculated
using Model D, Eurostat (2008), Page 347) for Austria for 2006.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 18.3 Results using the GRAS Method

Matrix P Matrix N
Industries Final use Industries Final use
IOT 2005 Agricul- Manuf. and Services Dom. Exports Total IOT 2005 Agricul- Manuf. and Services Dom. Exports Total r(0)
ture const. Demand ture const. Demand
Imports Domestic

Imports Domestic
Agriculture 1 789 2 959 484 1 763 807 7 802 Agriculture 1
Manuf. and const. 989 37 781 21 870 46 880 73 688 181 208 Manuf. and const. 1
Services 746 27 980 61 816 141 764 26 001 258 307 Services 1
Agriculture 117 1 156 184 1 040 128 2 626 Agriculture 1
Manuf. and const. 470 41 217 8 368 28 372 17 240 95 668 Manuf. and const. 1
Services 48 4 403 9 688 1 871 2 821 18 832 Services 1
Taxes less subsidies on Taxes less subsidies on
products 1 024 4 720 18 215 117 24 076 products 93 93 1
GVA 3 736 64 688 151 178 219 602 GVA 1
Total 7 895 181 208 258 307 239 907 120 803 Total 93

Iteration 1

p_j(r) 7 895 181 208 258 307 239 907 120 803 n_j(r) 93
s(1) 1.071 1.107 1.059 1.041 1.115

p_i(s) n_i(s) r(1)

Imports Domestic

Imports Domestic
Agriculture 8 439 Agriculture 0.991
Manuf. and const. 197 027 Manuf. and const. 1.018
Services 273 849 Services 0.999
Agriculture 2 826 Agriculture 0.996
Manuf. and const. 103 759 Manuf. and const. 1.005
Services 20 277 Services 1.013
Taxes less subsidies on Taxes less subsidies on
products 25 231 products 87 0.966
GVA 235 666 GVA 0.987
Iteration 2

p_j(r) 7851 181215 256691 240090 122205 n_j(r) 96

s(2) 1.077 1.107 1.065 1.041 1.102

p_i(s) n_i(s) r(2)

Imports Domestic

Imports Domestic

Agriculture 8 442 Agriculture 0.991

Manuf. and const. 196 197 Manuf. and const. 1.022
Services 273 819 Services 0.999
Agriculture 2 825 Agriculture 0.996
Manuf. and const. 103 573 Manuf. and const. 1.007
Services 20 305 Services 1.011
Taxes less subsidies on Taxes less subsidies on
products 25 246 products 86 0.966
GVA 236 694 GVA 0.983

s(2) - s(1) 0.006 0.000 0.007 -0.001 -0.013

After 11 iterations (threshold 0.0000001)

Industries Final use

IOT 2006 Agricul- Manuf. and Services Dom. Exports Total
ture const. Demand
Agriculture 1 914 3 242 520 1 816 876 8 367

Manuf. and const. 1 106 43 183 23 460 49 833 83 000 200 582
Services 793 30 636 66 496 147 186 28 374 273 485
Agriculture 126 1 277 198 1 077 140 2 818

Manuf. and const. 511 45 941 8 901 29 665 19 028 104 046
Services 52 4 963 10 574 1 983 3 167 20 738
Taxes less subsidies on
products - 89 1 096 4 876 18 283 124 24 290
GVA 3 955 70 245 158 462 232 661
Total 8 367 200 582 273 485 249 844 134 709

18.83 Box 18.4 shows a flow diagram of the GRAS method for updating IOTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 18.4 Flow diagram of the GRAS method


l™ P N STEP 1

i” l •” l STEP 2


—” STEP 3

i˜ — •˜ — STEP 4

l š STEP 5

Repeat until — ” š + › − — ” š œ • v = projected column totals

u = projected row totals

2. SUT-RAS method

18.84 The SUT-RAS method consists of adjusting SUTs to new column totals but unknown row
totals. In this case, the SUT-RAS method is applied to the 2005 SUTs in Box 18.2 to project the
SUTs to 2006 with information on the column totals for 2006. This means that, for the projection
year, the following information must be available: industry outputs; GVA totals by industry; totals
of final use categories; total imports; and total taxes less subsidies on products. Note that the
version of the SUT-RAS method presented here has been adjusted to separately account for taxes
less subsidies on products.

18.85 The matrix can be rectangular as shown in the numerical example. Moreover, we use an
integrated I-O framework for the joint projection of SUTs as shown in Box 18.5. This framework
can be split up into three different matrices: domestic intermediate and final uses (,); imported
intermediate and final uses, extended with an additional row accounting for taxes less subsidies on
products (-); and the domestic supply table or transpose of the supply table (;).

18.86 To run the SUT-RAS method, the following steps must be followed:

Step 1 As in the previous case, the initial table, ’, must be split up into a matrix † with non-
negative values and a matrix ‡ with negative values in absolute terms.

This implies that: ’ = †– ‡. In addition, the matrices †) , †G and †“ are separately

distinguished in matrix † and ‡) , ‡G and ‡“ in matrix ‡ to denote the part of the matrix

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

accounting for domestic uses (,), imported uses and taxes less subsidies on products (-) and

example: (4 by 5), (5 by 5) and (3 by 4), respectively, both in sub-matrices of † and ‡. The

supply of products by industries (;), respectively. The dimensions of the matrices are in this

vector of product imports for the base year is denoted with Z = {- , -' … -• }.

Step 2 Set a vector ƒ of one’s (5 by 1), another vector ! “ of one’s (3 by 1) and a scalar ! = 1,
as starting points, calculate vectors ! ) and ! G with dimensions (4 by 1) and (5 by 1),
respectively, as follows:

!$) = )


∑•8{ + ! -$
¡ ƒ8
!$G =
∑•8{ $8 ƒ8

= ∑•8{ $8 ƒ8 + ∑£8{ and x$) = ∑•8{ + ∑£8{ $8 !8

) ) zŠ‹
“ “
$ ¢


Step 3 Use vectors ! ) and ! G obtained from Step 2 to compute new vectors ƒ, ! “ and !, with
dimensions (5 by 1), (3 by 1) and (1 by 1), as follows:

#$ + #$' + 4 •∑•8{ ‚ R∑•8{ x$8 !8 S
$8 “ )
!$“ = “
2 ∑•8{

78 + •78' + 4 8K x8K
ƒ8 =
2 K

!= -$

= ∑•${ !$) + ∑•${ !$G x8K = ∑•${ + ∑•${ and w is the overall sum of
K ) G zŠ‹

8 $8 $8 , ¤ §
imports plus taxes less subsidies of the projected year.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Step 4 Repeat Steps 2 and 3 with the new revised vectors ƒ, ! “ and ! until the difference
between the ! ) of the "6 + 1%-th iteration and the ! ) of the 6-th iteration is less than a certain
threshold for all the elements. The same must apply to the elements of ! G . Convergence needs
to be guaranteed.

Step 5 Construct the projected table ’ and its components, ’) , ’G and ’“ , using the following
formulation for the 6-th iteration:
D$8) = !$) "6% $8 ƒ8 "6%

!$) "6% ƒ8 "6%
D$8G = !$G "6% $8
ƒ8 "6% − G
!$ "6% ƒ8 "6%

!$“ "6% “
!8) "6% x$8

D$8“ = −
!8) "6% !$“ "6%

Step 6 Eventually, the elements of the projected vector of imports and taxes less subsidies on
products can be derived from either one of these two equivalent mathematical expressions:


! G = D$8G
!$ "6%

18.87 Box 18.5 shows the results for the first three iterations and the projected SUTs after 20
iterations. It is remarkable that the projected SUTs for 2006 provides almost exactly the same
official GDP of the year 2006 (about 0.4% deviation) and that its weighted average percentage
error is 1.1% when compared against the official SUTs of Austria for 2006 in Box 18.2. Eventually,
the GVA components are simply added to the projected table since they are assumed to be known.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 18.5 Results using the SUT-RAS method

Austria 2005 SUT
Matrix P Matrix N
Agricul- Manuf. Trade to Other Agricul- Manuf. and Services Dom. Exports Agricul- Manuf. Trade to Other Agricul- Manuf. Services Dom. Exports
Tota l Total
ture and Busin. services ture const. Demand ture and Busin. services ture and Demand
const. Services const. Services const.
Agriculture 1784 2777 340 1448 477 6826 Agriculture

Manuf. and const. 987 37706 20218 43014 74550 176475 Manuf. and const.
Trade to Busin. Trade to Busin.
Services 301 9761 5668 27221 6924 49875 Services
Other services 452 18475 57943 118725 18546 214141 Other services
Agriculture 115 980 141 920 53 2209 Agriculture
Manuf. and const. 17557 97313 Manuf. and const.

480 42057 8228 28991
Trade to Busin. Trade to Busin.
1 249 395 645
Services Services
Other services 39 3491 9476 1373 2579 16958 Other services
Taxes less subsidies Taxes less subsidies on
on products 1024 4720 18215 117 24076 products 93 93
Agriculture 6826 725 2 249 7802 Agriculture

Manuf. and const. 172430 4433 4345 181208 Manuf. and const.
Services 3320 45440 209547 258307 Services

Tota l 6826 176475 49875 214141 4159 116520 107129 239907 120803 Total 93

Pd Pm Pv empty cell Nd Nm Nv

Iteration 1

p_d n_d r_d r_m p_v n_v r_v p_s n_s su (1) r (1)
6826 6826 1 1 7802 1.072 4159 93 1.073 1.076
176475 176475 1 1 181208 1.107 116520 1.130
49875 49875 1 1 258307 1.059 107129 1.061
214141 214141 1 1 239907 1.041
1 120803 1.115
Iteration 2

p_d n_d r_d r_m p_v n_v r_v p_s n_s su (2) r (2) dev r_d dev r_m
7454 7320 0.991 0.996 7860 1.064 4142 92 1.077 1.072 -0.0090 -0.0042
193060 195158 1.005 0.992 180298 1.112 116292 1.132 0.0054 -0.0085
53440 53019 0.996 0.995 258588 1.058 107142 1.061 -0.0039 -0.0053
227193 226936 0.999 0.997 239927 1.041 -0.0006 -0.0027
1.012 121011 1.113
Iteration 3

p_d n_d r_d r_m p_v n_v r_v p_s n_s su (3) r (3) dev r_d dev r_m
7466 7266.1 0.987 0.993 7890 1.060 4135 92 1.079 1.069 -0.0045 -0.0026
192998 196111 1.008 0.989 179857 1.115 116255 1.133 0.0026 -0.0023
53447 52992 0.996 0.992 258690 1.057 107114 1.062 -0.0003 -0.0024
227183 226718 0.999 0.995 239858 1.042 -0.0005 -0.0021
1.010 121145 1.112

Iteration 20

p_d n_d r_d r_m p_v n_v r_v p_s n_s s u (20) r (20) dev r_d dev r_m
7474 7215 0.982 0.991 7916 1.057 4129 92 1.081 1.067 0.0000 0.0000
192875 197079 1.011 0.987 179386 1.118 116222 1.133 0.0000 0.0000
53457 52977 0.995 0.990 258803 1.057 107080 1.062 0.0000 0.0000
227261 226557 0.998 0.993 239778 1.042
1.008 121292 1.111
Supply and use framework at basic prices
Austria 2006 SUT-RASed
Agricul- Manuf. Trade to Other Agricul- Manuf. and Services Dom. Exports Total
ture and Busin. services ture const. Demand
const. Services
Agriculture 1894 3091 355 1482 520 7343

Manuf. and const. 1078 43184 21704 45306 83694 194966

Trade to Busin.
Services 324 11009 5992 28236 7655 53217
Other services 488 20900 61438 123517 20566 226909
Agriculture 123 1100 148 950 58 2379
Manuf. and const. 512 47021 8622 29808 19241 105204

Trade to Busin.
1 279 415 695
Other services 42 3927 9990 1420 2844 18223
Agriculture 7343 758 2 264 8367

Manuf. and const. 190737 4979 4866 200582

Services 3471 48235 221779 273485
Taxes less subsidies
on products -85 1169 5051 19125 131 25390
VA 3990 68902 159769 232661
Total 7343 194966 53217 226909 8367 200582 273485 249844 134709

18.88 Box 18.6 shows a flow diagram of the SUT-RAS method for updating SUTs and IOTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 18.6 Flow diagram of the SUT-RAS method

— ™ Pd, Pv, Nd, Nv Pm, Nm, m l™ l– ™ STEP 1

lY , lZ STEP 2

T˜ e” MT

— š , l ™ , l– š STEP 3

Repeat until: lY š + › − lY š œ •, lZ š + › − lZ š œ •

x = projected (supply) row total (industry output)

u = projected (use) column total
MT = total projected imports + TLS

3. SUT-EURO method

18.89 The SUT-EURO method is used to project SUTs on the basis of a base year SUTs. In this
numerical example it is used to project the SUTs for Austria for the year 2006 based on the SUTs
at basic prices for 2005. The method requires the following information: GVA totals by industry;
totals of final use categories; total imports; and total taxes less subsidies on products. In practice,
the growth rates of this information are used instead of their actual values as shown in Table 2 in
Box 18.7. In addition, the SUT-EURO method assumes that the shares of industries in the
production of products, market shares, remain constant, see Table 1 in Box 18.7. The fully fledged
matrix can be rectangular as shown in the numerical example, although there must be the same
number of industries than of products.

18.90 The initial SUTs consists of the following components all expressed at basic prices:

• Domestic and imported intermediate use matrix (product by industry).

• Domestic and imported final use matrix (product by category of final use).

• Supply matrix (product by industry).

• Vector of total GVA of industries.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Vector of total taxes less subsidies on products by industries and final use categories.

18.91 Each one of the iterations of the SUT-EURO method consists of two steps, see Box 18.8
for a flow diagram of the entire process.

18.92 The first step of the first iteration defines domestic and imported intermediate and final
uses, the vector of GVA, the vector of taxes less subsidies on products, and the Supply Table of
the projected SUTs. This first estimation of the (unbalanced) use table (Table 5 in Box 18.7) is
basically a cell-wise arithmetic average (except for GVA, which is set to the now values of the
projected year) resulting from multiplying the corresponding growth rates to the columns (Table
3 in Box 18.7) and rows (Table 4 in Box 18.7) of the initial Use Table.

18.93 The growth rates used in Table 4 in Box 18.7, row scaling, correspond to the GVA growth
rates of the corresponding industries for which the product is primary output. The same growth
rates for domestically produced products and imported products are also assumed as starting
values. Subsequently, the total product outputs from the projected Use Table are allocated row-
wise proportionally to the initial Supply Table, that is constant market shares, in order to obtain
the first estimation of the Supply Table at basic prices. This table is not shown in Box 18.7.

18.94 As a result, the total industry outputs and total industry inputs will not be equal after this
first step, column sums of the projected SUTs. Similarly, the GDP calculated from the use side,
258,432, differs from the GDP calculated from the supply side, 257,346, as it can be derived from
the data in Table 5 of Box 18.7.

18.95 Therefore, with the purpose of making the current projected SUTs consistent, it is assumed
that the input structures of industries, including domestic and imported inputs, GVA and taxes less
subsidies on products, see Table 6 in Box 18.7 and the actual values of final uses of products, see
Table 5 in Box 18.7, from the first step are valid. Given this assumption, the fixed product sales
structure model determines consistent industry outputs and inputs levels, see Eurostat (2008,
Model D, Page 351). This second step ensures consistency of the industry outputs and inputs, and
supply and use of products, see Table 7 and Table 8 in Box 18.7, however, it deviates from
macroeconomic statistics, GVA by industry, final uses of categories, total GVA, overall sum of
taxes less subsidies on products and total imports.

18.96 Eventually, the total product outputs, from the consistent Use Table, are allocated row-
wise proportionally to the initial market shares in order to obtain the consistent estimation of the
Supply Table at basic prices.

18.97 The growth rates initially used are then adjusted in an iterative procedure in order to make
the difference between the actual and projected growth rates, in each of the iterations, to be less
than a certain threshold. The observed deviations (devk) are used to correct these rates in such a
way that it should ensure that if the model overestimates or underestimates the available
macroeconomic statistics, the corresponding growth rates are decreased or increased appropriately.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

This is done through the correction factors as shown in Row (4) of Table 9 in Box 18.7, which are
defined as follows:

©",E;9 − 1% ∙ 100«¬
1+ , 4D ,E;9 > 1
C9 = ¨ 100
©"1 − ,E;9 % ∙ 100«¬
1+ , 4D ,E;9 œ 1
where ,E;9 is actual value / projected value and ɛ = 0.9.
18.98 The first step of the second iteration computes the projected SUTs components as in the
first iteration, that is domestic and imported intermediate and final uses, the vector of GVA, the
vector of taxes less subsidies on products, and the Supply Table. As was the case with the first step
of the first iteration, the results do not ensure the equality of industry outputs and inputs.

18.99 The consistent industry outputs and inputs are again found using the fixed product sales
structure model, which is then used to derive consistent SUTs of the second iteration in exactly
the same manner as defined earlier for the first iteration. It is worth noting, the input structures are
derived endogenously from the outcomes of the first step of the second iteration. As a result, one
obtains a new deviation vector, which quantifies the deviation of the projected growth rates from
the macroeconomic statistics.

18.100 If the difference between the actual and projected growth rates is acceptable, the resulting
SUTs are the final outcome of the projection of the SUT-EURO method. Otherwise, the steps of
the second iteration are repeated until the projected variables look like, closely or perfectly, those
of the macroeconomic statistics. It is important to note, each subsequent iteration starts with
computing new correction factors, which are then used to correct the growth rates from the
previous iteration.

18.101 Box 18.7 shows the results of the projected SUTs after the fiftieth iteration. It can be seen
that the deviations are sufficiently small to stop the iterative process. It is important to note that
the projected table for the SUTs for 2006 provides almost exactly the same official GDP of the
year 2006 (about -0.001% deviation), and that the weighted average percentage error is 1.8%
compared against the official SUTs for 2006 as in Box 18.2.

18.102 The convergence in the SUT-EURO method can always be found by changing the tolerance
level (ɛ) until convergence is reached. The last important point concerning the SUT-EURO method
is that it requires that the number of industries and products have to be equal. Thus, even if the
SUT-EURO method distinguishes between products and industries, strictly speaking, it does not
allow for rectangular SUTs estimation.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 18.7 Results using the SUT-EURO method

Table 1
Market shares Agricul- Manuf. Services
ture and const.
Agriculture 1.00 0.00 0.00

Manuf. and
const. 0.00 0.98 0.03 Table 2
Services 0.00 0.02 0.97 TLS VA Fi na l Us e Imports
Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 Growth 1.013 1.068 1.065 1.057 1.041 1.115 1.089

Iteration 1
Table 3 (1) Table 4 (1)
Industries Final Use Industries Final Use
Agricul- Manuf. Services Dom. Exports Total Agricul- Manuf. and Services Dom. Exports Total
ture and const. Demand ture const. Demand
Imports Domestic

Imports Domestic
Agriculture 1905 2958 359 1508 532 7262 Agriculture 1905 2966 363 1546 509 7290
Manuf. and 1054 40162 21367 44796 83132 190511 Manuf. and 1051 40162 21535 45816 79406 187971
Services 804 30075 67226 151991 28402 278498 Services 796 29841 67226 154240 26917 279019
Agriculture 123 1044 149 958 59 2333 Agriculture 123 1047 151 983 57 2359
Manuf. and 513 44797 8696 30192 19578 103775 Manuf. and 511 44797 8764 30880 18701 103652
Services 43 3984 10432 1430 2876 18764 Services 42 3953 10432 1451 2726 18603
Taxes less subsidies Taxes less subsidies on
on products -99 1091 4988 18969 130 25080 products -94 1037 4780 18448 118 24290
GVA 3990 68902 159769 0 0 232661 GVA 3958 68535 160168 0 0 232661
Total 8332 193013 272986 249844 134709 Total 8293 192336 273419 253364 128435

Table 5 (1) Table 6 (1)

Industries Final Use Industries
Agricul- Manuf. Services Dom. Exports Total Agricul- Manuf. and Services
ture and const. Demand ture const.
Imports Domestic

Imports Domestic

Agriculture 1905 2962 361 1527 521 7276 Agriculture 0.23 0.02 0.00
Manuf. and 1053 40162 21451 45306 81269 189241 Manuf. and 0.13 0.21 0.08
Services 800 29958 67226 153115 27660 278759 Services 0.10 0.16 0.25
Agriculture 123 1045 150 970 58 2346 Agriculture 0.01 0.01 0.00
Manuf. and 512 44797 8730 30536 19139 103714 Manuf. and 0.06 0.23 0.03
Services 42 3968 10432 1440 2801 18684 Services 0.01 0.02 0.04
Taxes less subsidies Taxes less subsidies on
on products -97 1064 4884 18709 124 24685 products -0.01 0.01 0.02
GVA 3990 68902 159769 0 0 232661 GVA 0.48 0.36 0.59
Total 8328 192858 273003 251604 131572 Total 1.00 1.00 1.00

Output 8351 194527 273058

Table 7 (1) Table 8 (1)

Industries Final Use Industries
Consistent Agricul- Manuf. Services Dom. Exports Total Consistent Agricul- Manuf. and Services Total
ture and const. Demand ture const.
Imports Domestic

Agriculture Agriculture

1911 2987 361 1527 521 7307 7307 0 0 7307

Manuf. and 1056 40510 21455 45306 81269 189596 Manuf. and 779 185250 3567 189596
Services 802 30217 67239 153115 27660 279034 Services 265 9277 269491 279034
Agriculture 123 1054 150 970 58 2355 Total 8351 194527 273058 475937
Manuf. and 513 45184 8732 30536 19139 104104
Services 43 4002 10434 1440 2801 18720
Taxes less subsidies
on products -97 1073 4885 18709 124 24695
GVA 4001 69498 159801 0 0 233301
Total 8351 194527 273058 251604 131572

Table 9 (1)
VA VA VA Dom. Exports Total Taxes less Imports
Agricul- Manuf. Services Demand value subsidies on
ture and const. added products
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Actual 1.0680 1.0651 1.0568 1.0414 1.1151 1.0595 1.0128 1.0895
Project 1.0709 1.0744 1.0570 1.0488 1.0891 1.0624 1.0297 1.0688
Deviation 0.9973 0.9914 0.9998 0.9930 1.0238 0.9973 0.9836 1.0193
Corrected 0.9969 0.9913 0.9997 0.9928 1.0219 0.9969 0.9844 1.0181
(to be continued)

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 18.7 Results using the SUT-EURO method (continued)

Iteration 2
Table 3 (2) Table 4 (2)
Industries Final Use Industries Final Use
Agricul- Manuf. Services Dom. Exports Total Agricul- Manuf. and Services Dom. Exports Total
ture and const. Demand ture const. Demand
Imports Domestic

Imports Domestic
Agriculture 1899 2932 359 1497 544 7231 Agriculture 1899 2957 362 1542 508 7267
Manuf. and 1051 39812 21361 44471 84949 191644 Manuf. and 1042 39812 21347 45417 78715 186333
Services 802 29813 67206 150889 29023 277733 Services 796 29832 67206 154194 26909 278936
Agriculture 122 1035 149 951 60 2318 Agriculture 125 1066 153 1000 58 2402
Manuf. and 511 44406 8693 29973 20006 103589 Manuf. and 521 45608 8923 31439 19039 105530
Services 43 3949 10429 1420 2939 18779 Services 43 4024 10621 1477 2775 18940
Taxes less subsidies Taxes less subsidies on
on products -99 1081 4987 18832 133 24934 products -93 1021 4706 18160 117 23911
GVA 3978 68302 159721 0 0 232000 GVA 3946 68321 159668 0 0 231935
Total 8306 191331 272904 248033 137654 Total 8279 192640 272986 253229 128120

Table 5 (2) Table 6 (2)

Industries Final Use Industries
Agricul- Manuf. Services Dom. Exports Total Agricul- Manuf. and Services
ture and const. Demand ture const.
Imports Domestic

Imports Domestic
Agriculture 1899 2944 361 1519 526 7249 Agriculture 0.23 0.02 0.00
Manuf. and 1046 39812 21354 44944 81832 188988 Manuf. and 0.13 0.21 0.08
Services 799 29822 67206 152541 27966 278334 Services 0.10 0.16 0.25
Agriculture 124 1050 151 976 59 2360 Agriculture 0.01 0.01 0.00
Manuf. and 516 45007 8808 30706 19523 104559 Manuf. and 0.06 0.23 0.03
Services 43 3987 10525 1448 2857 18859 Services 0.01 0.02 0.04
Taxes less subsidies Taxes less subsidies on
on products -96 1051 4846 18496 125 24423 products -0.01 0.01 0.02
GVA 3962 68311 159695 0 0 231968 GVA 0.48 0.36 0.59
Total 8293 191985 272945 250631 132887 Total 1.00 1.00 1.00

Output 8340 194395 272684

Table 7 (2) Table 8 (2)

Industries Final Use Industries
Consistent Agricul- Manuf. Services Dom. Exports Total Consistent Agricul- Manuf. and Services Total
ture and const. Demand ture const.
Imports Domestic

Agriculture Agriculture

1910 2981 360 1519 526 7297 7297 0 0 7297

Manuf. and 1052 40312 21334 44944 81832 189474 Manuf. and 778 185131 3565 189474
Services 803 30197 67141 152541 27966 278649 Services 265 9265 269120 278649
Agriculture 124 1063 151 976 59 2374 Total 8340 194395 272684 475420
Manuf. and 519 45572 8799 30706 19523 105119
Services 43 4037 10515 1448 2857 18900
Taxes less subsidies
on products -96 1064 4842 18496 125 24431
GVA 3984 69169 159542 0 0 232695
Total 8340 194395 272684 250631 132887

Table 9 (2)
VA VA VA Dom. Exports Total Taxes less Imports
Agricul- Manuf. Services Demand value subsidies on
ture and const. added products
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Actual 1.0680 1.0651 1.0568 1.0414 1.1151 1.0595 1.0128 1.0895
Project 1.0665 1.0693 1.0553 1.0447 1.1000 1.0596 1.0187 1.0791
Deviation 1.0014 0.9961 1.0014 0.9969 1.0137 0.9999 0.9942 1.0096
Corrected 1.0017 0.9958 1.0017 0.9965 1.0133 0.9998 0.9939 1.0096

From iteration 50
Table 7 (50) Table 8 (50)
Industries Final Use Industries
Consistent Agricul- Manuf. Services Dom. Exports Total Consistent Agricul- Manuf. and Services Total Imports
ture and const. Demand ture const.
Imports Domestic

Agriculture Agriculture

1905 2983 360 1512 533 7294 7294 0 0 7294 2390 9683
Manuf. and 1045 40162 21211 44522 82669 189610 Manuf. and 779 185264 3567 189610 106135 295745
Services 803 30298 67225 152193 28441 278961 Services 265 9275 269421 278961 19076 298037
Agriculture 125 1073 152 979 60 2390 Total 8338 194538 272988 475864 127601 603465
Manuf. and 522 45985 8859 30812 19956 106135
Services 43 4073 10586 1453 2920 19076
Taxes less subsidies
on products -96 1063 4827 18369 127 24290
GVA 3990 68901 159767 0 0 232659
Total 8338 194538 272988 249842 134708

Table 9 (50)
VA VA VA Dom. Exports Total Taxes less Imports
Agricul- Manuf. Services Demand value subsidies on
ture and const. added products
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Actual 1.0680 1.0651 1.0568 1.0414 1.1151 1.0595 1.0128 1.0895
Project 1.0680 1.0651 1.0568 1.0414 1.1151 1.0595 1.0128 1.0894
Deviation 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 18.8 Flow diagram of the SUT-EURO method

Supply and Use Tables 2005 Macroeconomic Forecast 2006

Supply Final Uses

Use Table GVA 2006
Table 2006

Domestic Imports TLS 2006

Growth rate 2006/2005 for

GVA; imports; final uses and TLS

Growth rate 2006/2005 for

activities and products

Supply Table 2006 Use Table 2006

(inconsistent) (inconsistent)

Input-Output Table 2006 (inconsistent)

industry by industry
(fixed product sales structure)


Final Uses

Supply and Use

Tables 2006

Final Uses
GVA 2006

TLS 2006

Adjustment factors Difference to

for growth rates forecast

Difference > 1 % Difference < 1

E. Criteria to consider when choosing a method

18.103 There are various reasons for projection of SUTs and IOTs for policy research analysis and
there a many methods available for such purposes. The choice of method is not trivial and is mainly
influenced by a number of factors including: the scope of the SUTs and IOTs, the price valuation,

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

the classification and methodology, the availability of information, the minimum information loss,
and the overall objective of the projection. These are elaborated below.

18.104 Scope. The projections can be either for rectangular SUTs or for IOTs but presently, the
variety of methods available for carrying out projections is larger for IOTs than for SUTs.

18.105 Price valuation. The SNA distinguishes between basic prices and purchasers’ prices,
amongst other price components, which would influence the choice of method.

18.106 Classification and methodology. The use of projection methods to convert SUTs and IOTs
from older to newer classifications of industries and products and/or from older to newer systems
of economic accounts strongly influences the choice of method due to the different dimensions
between the initial and target tables.

18.107 Availability of information. There is a broad spectrum of methods depending on the amount
of information available to carry out the projections. It can vary from missing row and column
totals to having external data, either conflicting or not, on certain elements of the target tables
and/or the additional external constraints. Also, relative reliabilities can be allocated to the
elements of the initial tables and constraint constants. The amount of information used will
determine whether projections, estimations or semi-automated compilations are undertaken.

18.108 Minimum information loss principle. This principle guarantees the structures of the target
tables deviates the least with respect to the structures of the initial tables. However, this
conservative approach may not be realistic enough to project a table close to the officially compiled
table. Indeed, there is a gap between the projected tables and the actual tables that can be
interpreted as structural changes deviating from the prior structures. Alternatively, there are other
less conservative methods that rely on modelling assumptions (such as, for example, Leontief price
and/or quantity models, time series, econometrics, etc.), that try to capture the actual performance
of the elements of the target tables, for example, input coefficients. As a matter of fact, whether
they perform better than the more conservative methods only has to do with the actual compilation
practices of NSOs.

18.109 The objective of the projection. The projection problem might not be the same between the
projection of SUTs and IOTs or matrices of trade margins and transport margins. Additionally, it
might not be the same for updating tables or regionalising tables, or if projection methods are
applied within the context of estimation and/or balancing of SUTs.

Beutel, J.(2008) An Input-Output System of Economic Accounts for the EU Member States, Report
to the European Commission’s DG Joint Research Centre, Konstanz, Germany.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Fernández, E., G.J.D. Hewings and C. Ramos (2015) “Adjustment of Input-Output Tables from
Two Initial Matrices”, Economic Systems Research 27(3), pp. 345-361.

Lugovoy, O., A. Polbin and V. Potashnikov (2015) “A Bayesian Method for Constructing Input-
Output Tables”, Voprosy statistici, 6, pp. 26-35 [in Russian]

Valderas, J.M. (2015) “Updating Input-Output Frameworks through projection methods”, Ph. D.
Thesis, University of Seville, Spain [in Spanish, English shortened version available upon request
to the author].

Wang, H., Wang, C., H. Zheng, H. Feng, R. Guan and W. Long (2015) “Updating Input-Output
Tables with Benchmark Table Series”, Economic Systems Research 27(3), pp. 287-305.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 19. Extensions of SUTs and IOTs as part of satellite systems

A. Introduction

19.1 The SUTs and IOTs can be extended within the framework of satellite systems to the SNA
in a number of ways to address specific concerns or to focus on specific activities of the economy.
Some of the extensions elaborated in this Chapter are described also in the 2008 SNA Chapters 28
and 29 which deal with the Input-Output and other matrix-based analysis and the Satellite accounts
and other extensions. Satellite systems form a very useful, and important, extension of the National
Accounts and involve the rearrangement of existing National Accounts information to allow an
area of particular economic or social importance to be analysed in much more detail with additional
dimensions not reflected within the core National Accounts. Satellite accounts are reflected with
greater prominence in the 2008 SNA.

19.2 The 2008 SNA distinguishes two types of satellite accounts:

• The first type involves some rearrangement of central classifications and the possible
introduction of complementary elements. Such satellite accounts mostly cover accounts
specific to given fields such as education, tourism and environmental protection
expenditures and may be seen as an extension of the key sector accounts just referred to.
They may involve some differences from the central system such as an alternative
treatment of ancillary activities but they do not change the underlying concepts of the SNA
in a fundamental way.

• The second type is mainly based on concepts that are alternatives to those of the SNA.
These include, for example, a different production boundary, an enlarged concept of
consumption or capital formation, an extension of the scope of assets, and so on. Often a
number of alternative concepts may be used at the same time. This second type of analysis
may involve, like the first, changes in classifications, but in the second type the main
emphasis is on the alternative concepts. Using those alternative concepts may give rise to
partial complementary aggregates, the purpose of which is to supplement the central

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

19.3 The use of IOTs to provide evidence on Global Value Chains (GVCs) and globalisation
more generally is now widespread. However, globalisation may question the relevance of long-
standing assumptions about the relative homogeneity of the production functions (through the I-O
technical coefficients). Such assumptions are challenging when considering the size of firms (small
and large businesses), the new types of businesses such as factoryless goods producers or the
affiliation to multinational enterprises. Therefore initiatives started at international level to
investigate further extensions of the SUTs in breaking down the industries of the table by some
enterprise characteristics.

19.4 Section B of this Chapter provides an overview of some of the possible extensions to the
SUTs and IOTs together with their analytical and policy relevance. The examples of extensions
described in this Chapter are the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) in Section C, the Extended-
IOTs (E-IOTs) in Section D. Other examples of satellite systems, like EU KLEMS, WORLD
KLEMS are presented in Section E.

B. Overview of possible extensions

19.5 Satellite systems reflect the need to expand the analytical capacity of the National Accounts
for selected areas of social concern in a flexible manner without overburdening or disrupting the
central system. On the one hand, satellite systems are linked with the central framework of
National Accounts and therefore to the main body of integrated economic statistics. On the other
hand, as they are more specific to a given field or topic, they are also linked to the information
system specific to this field or topic. As they preserve close connections with the central accounts,
they facilitate analyses of specific fields in the context of macroeconomic accounts and analysis.
Satellite systems can be established for many fields of functional analysis such as culture,
education, health, social protection, tourism, environmental protection, research and development.

19.6 The extensions to the SUTs and IOTs are made to address specific concerns or to focus on
specific activities of the economy. A major driver for these extensions is the need to analysing
sustainable development and to better understand the links between the three pillars of sustainable
development, namely the economic, environmental and social dimensions. The SUTs and IOTs
can play an important role in delivering a suitable database for studying sustainable development.

19.7 Extending the SUTs can provide better measures for relevant policy questions regarding
the role of certain types of businesses (such as foreign affiliates, SMEs, MNEs, etc.). Extended
SUTs could also deal with the heterogeneity problems encountered in the current tables due to
aggregation across all types of businesses. Such tables could provide more evidence on the role
and integration of types of businesses within the GVCs. Examples of current initiatives in this field
will be given.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

1. Disaggregation of the Use Table

19.8 The disaggregation of final uses in the Use Table can further increase the analytical uses
of the tables. Examples of this further disaggregation include the disaggregation of final uses by
purposes - linked to the functional classifications COICOP, COFOG, COPNI and COPP (see
Chapter 6). Also, the disaggregation of GFCF by product and investing industry is required for the
compilation of capital stock data. The same information on investment is also required for the
calculation of the valuation matrix for non-deductible VAT. The classification of individual
consumption by purpose shows household expenditure on, among others, food, health and
education services all of which are important indicators of national welfare; the classification of
the functions of government shows government expenditure on, among others, health and
education services as well as on defence and prison services; the classification of outlays of
producers by purpose provide information on ancillary activities which might deliver important
services to the associated unit

2. Beyond the concept of production

19.9 The concept of production in National Accounts may be too narrow for analysing social,
economic and environmental issues in a comprehensive way. For example, when describing the
social dimension of sustainability, all activities of the population have to be considered. It was
shown in the 1960s that a useful general activity analysis can be introduced which interprets all
household activities as the production of services (Becker 1964, Lancaster 1966). Such a concept
is useful for social as well as for environmental studies. Household activities do not only produce
“goods” in form of goods and services but also lead to “bads” such as wastes and air pollutants. A
comprehensive activity concept could also expand the production boundary and the corresponding
concept of capital. For example, consumer durables could become part of capital formation, and
the depreciation of these goods is part of household costs.

3. Beyond the economic concept of transactions

19.10 In National Accounts, the description of transactions focuses on transactions which are
actually carried out in monetary units. In special cases such as barter transactions, non-monetary
transactions are valued using comparable market values. This approach cannot be sufficient if a
comprehensive activity analysis is planned. The physical flows of materials from nature to the
economy have to be described as well as all transformation processes within the economy and the
material flows back to nature. In the traditional framework, only a part of the material flows are
valued in monetary units, while all other transactions are excluded. Furthermore, all service flows
within the household sector are not taken into account. This narrow economic concept of
transactions needs to be extended to achieve a comprehensive database for sustainability studies.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

4. Limits of monetary valuation

19.11 In the 1960s and 1970s, many economists attempted to describe economic activities in a
comprehensive way using the concept of economic welfare (Nordhaus and Tobin 1972, Reich and
Stahmer 1993). The measure of economic welfare includes not only the traditional economic
transactions but also a comprehensive valuation of all household activities and the internalization
of environmental costs of economic activities even if costs were not incurred. In the 1980s, further
stimulation for comprehensive valuation was given to measuring environmentally adjusted GDP
for depletion of natural resources and degradation of the environment. The aim of these approaches
was to calculate a sustainable level of economic activity

19.12 Further pressure for comprehensive valuation occurred in the 1980s with discussions on
environmentally-adjusted GDP. The aim of the proposed approaches was to calculate a sustainable
level of economic activity. Different versions of this measure were presented in the Handbook on
Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA) of the United Nations (United
Nations 1993, van Dieren 1995). The concepts discussed revealed fundamental differences in
comparison to the welfare measures presented in the 1970s. The aim of economic activities cannot
only be defined as the maximization of present welfare of the own population but rather as a path
of development which takes into account the welfare in other countries and the needs of future
generations too. It was A Long Goodbye (Raymond Chandler) to the dream of an overall welfare
measurement (Radermacher and Stahmer 1996).

19.13 The debate on how to estimate a sustainable level of economic activities also illustrated
dealing with sustainability in a national accounting framework has severe drawbacks.
Sustainability paths could often only be reached after a longer period of adjusting economic
processes. Thus, modelling of future scenarios seems to be unavoidable, which cannot be
adequately reflected in the past period-oriented national accounting system. Furthermore, the
international inter-relationships, especially the global impacts of economic activities and the
indirect environmental impacts of imported goods and services abroad have to be taken into
account (Ewerhart and Stahmer 1998).

19.14 Consequently, national accountants may arrive at a more modest approach of additional
monetary quantification. In any case, it seems to be useful to value those non-monetary flows
which might have similarities to market transactions and, thus, could be quantified in monetary
terms by using comparable market values. Examples of such imputations are estimates at market
values for the flows of natural resources from nature to the economy, and for the services provided
by households as far as they could also be delivered by third persons. This concept is described as
version V.1 in the SEEA (United Nations 1993, Stahmer 1995).

19.15 Of course, such a limited concept of imputed monetary values cannot be sufficient for an
extensive description of the social, environmental and economic dimensions of human activities.
Household activities not following the third-person criterion, as well as the impacts of economic

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

activities on the natural environment (like climatic changes) cannot adequately be analyzed. The
third-person criterion states that an activity is said to be productive or to fall within the “general
production boundary” if its performance can be delegated to a third person and yields the same
desired results. In the following paragraphs, some other types of IOTs which can play a
complementary role are discussed.

19.16 Two notable more recent developments have made significant strides in moving forward:

• A multi-year process of revision to SEEA was initiated by the United Nations Statistical
Commission. The SEEA 2012 - Central Framework was jointly published by the European
Commission, Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), IMF, OECD, UN and the World
Bank (United Nations 2012). More detail is covered below.
• The Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress,
known as the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Commission, published a report in 2009 with 12
recommendations on how to better measure economic performance, social well-being and
sustainability. In this report, the limitations of GDP are discussed as an indicator of
economic performance and social progress as well as assessing alternative measurements of
performance. The report highlighted the need to look beyond GDP when evaluating progress
of society. Box 19.1 briefly summarises the measurement of economic performance and
social progress covered this report.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 19.1 Measurement performance and social progress – Overview of 2009 Report
The report has three main chapters:
• Classical GDP issues;
• Quality of life; and
• Sustainable development and environment.
The report distinguishes between an assessment of current well-being and an assessment of sustainability, and
whether this can last over time.
The first main message of the report is that time has come to adapt the SNA to better reflect the structural
changes which have characterized the development of modern economies. The growing share of services and
the production of increasingly complex products make measurement of output more difficult than in the past.
Capturing quality changes of products is a challenge and vital to measuring appropriately real income and the
well-being of the population.
The second main message concerns the government. Government services play an important role in most
economies of today. They provide collective services such as security, and services of the more individual nature,
such as health services and education. Traditionally, government output is based on inputs and government
output is financed with tax money. Therefore, productivity changes of government services are ignored as no
reliable measure for government output is available. As a consequence, economic growth and real income of the
Nation are underestimated if positive changes in productivity in the public sector are observed and vice versa.
Another key message from the report is that it is time for our measurement system to shift the emphasis from
measuring economic production to measuring people’s well-being. This means working towards the
development of a statistical system that complements measures of market activity with measures that capture
well-being of the population and sustainable development.
Summary of the recommendations were as follows:
• When evaluating material well-being, look at income and consumption rather than production.
• Emphasize the household perspective.
• Consider income and consumption jointly with wealth.
• Give more prominence to the distribution of income, consumption and wealth.
• Broaden income measures to non-market activities.
• Quality of life depends on people’s objective conditions and capabilities.
• Quality-of-life indicators in all the dimensions covered should assess inequalities in a comprehensive way.
• Surveys should be designed to assess the links between various quality-of-life domains for each person, and
this information should be used when designing policies in various fields.
• Statistical offices should provide the information needed to aggregate across quality-of-life dimensions,
allowing the construction of different indexes.
• Measures of both objective and subjective well-being provide key information about people’s quality of life.
• Sustainability assessment requires a well identified dashboard of indicators.
• The environmental aspects of sustainability deserve a separate follow-up based on a well-chosen set of
physical indicators.

5. Uses of physical accounting

19.17 A complete description of the interactions between nature and human beings can only be
done by using physical units such as tonnes, joules, etc. Such physical accounting can show the:
material flows from nature to the economy; different steps of transformation within the economy;
and material flows back to nature.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

19.18 Physical accounting also allows consistent balancing of all metabolic processes of living
beings such as plants, animals and human beings. A concept for treating human beings as an
integral part of nature seems to be urgently needed. These considerations have already led to
physical accounting as an integral part of the SEEA (SEEA, 2012). The SEEA-2012 consists of
three volumes: the SEEA Central Framework, the SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting,
and the SEEA Extensions and Applications. Chapter 13 of this Handbook provides the framework
for compiling SUTs in physical units and extending IOTs to cover environmental issues.

19.19 The SEEA Central Framework organises and integrates the information on the various
stocks and flows of the economy and the environment in a series of tables and accounts, and
comprises the following basic types of tables and accounts:

• Physical flow accounts;

• Accounts for environmental activities and related flows; and
• Asset accounts for environmental assets in physical and monetary terms.
19.20 To complement the SEEA Central Framework, supplementary publications covering
various aspects of the SEEA family have been published. These publications provide more details
on specific subjects, for instance, water and energy.

19.21 The SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting covers the benefits which arise from
ecosystems which form a dynamic complex of biotic communities. Examples include terrestrial
ecosystems such as the rainforest and marine ecosystems such as coral reefs.

19.22 The SEEA Extensions and Applications includes detailed description of how monetary I-
O models can be extended with physical data from the SEEA physical flow accounts, for example,
to estimate the worldwide environmental pressures linked to domestic consumption activities
(environmental footprints).

6. Extended SUTs: Country examples

19.23 Under the OECD Expert Group on Extended Supply and Use Tables some countries have
undertaken projects to investigate or produce extended SUTs. The extension relates to further split
of column (industries) and rows (products) in the SUTs. Most of those projects rely on micro data
linking of different existing official data sources. Confidentiality and reliability of data is an
important issue in this kind of project. Furthermore for some organisations some agreement
between different bodies may be needed to investigate several datasets. Some examples of
extended SUTs projects are given hereafter.

19.24 Some countries that have undertaken experiment or plan to do it will restrict their approach
to a split on the economic activity level and not on the product level because of data availability.
Austria and United Kingdom are of this type. In the Use Table, the intermediate consumption part

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

is usually the one in focus while the GVA components may not be easily split when they do not
rely on survey data but on a model-based approach such as for consumption of fixed capital.

19.25 When compiling extended SUTs plausible assumptions have to be established as not all
data are directly available from data sources. The level of detail of the available information related
to products and industries is therefore essential so that assumptions at the detail level make sense.

19.26 Within the framework of National Accounts, Statistics Austria breaks down the Supply
Table, the intermediate consumption part of the Use Table and the intermediate consumption part
of the Imports Use Table by activities into the following dimensions: foreign owned/domestic
owned and further to exporters/on-exporters. The experiment conducted has been conclusive. In
Statistics Denmark, a study was conducted to have extended SUTs where the columns are broken
down by size, ownership and exporters status. The project has limitations in terms of industry
coverage due to the lack of information from the data sources used (breakdown for industries like
agriculture, financial industries or some services-industries was not possible).

19.27 In Costa Rica the extended SUTs and extended IOTs is meant to show explicitly the
industry information of free zones and other economic activities whose production is mainly
oriented to external markets. Because of the economic importance of free zones more data are
available or made available to National Accounts from those businesses. The breakdown between
free zone and definitive regimen are available as well for IOTs. For both the Use Table and IOTs,
a further split is foreseen between domestically produced products and imported products.

19.28 The US Bureau of Economic Analysis created experimental tables comparing industry-
specific shares of the components of total output of globally engaged firms located in the US that
are part of a multi-national enterprise (MNE) with those of firms that are part of an enterprise
entirely located in the United States. It meant to understand the degree to which heterogeneity is
accounted for in SUTs for the US. The ultimate study will require data linking procedures between
the BEA and the Census Bureau.

19.29 The definition of extended Supply and Use Tables is not singular in terms of which criteria
to use for the breakdown of the industries and products of the SUT. It could be the size of
businesses, the foreign affiliate status, or the exporter status. Once one or several criteria have been
defined then the definition of the clusters is not harmonised between the different initiatives. Size
class can be apprehended through turnover or employment for example. Defining a business as an
exporter relies on its share of exports over the total output which could be set as 10 per cent in one
country or 25 per cent in another.

C. Social accounting matrix

19.30 SUTs and IOTs provide a detailed picture of the structure of the economy but they do not
show the inter-relationship between GVA, final uses and incomes. By extending SUTs with the
institutional sectors accounts, the entire circular flow of income can be shown in a SAM.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

19.31 The 2008 SNA describes the SAM in its broadest form, namely as a means of presenting
National Accounts data in the form of a matrix: “A social accounting matrix (SAM) is a
presentation of the SNA in matrix terms that permits the incorporation of extra details of special
interest”. (2008 SNA, paragraph 2.164)

19.32 The SAM is a presentation of a country's National Accounts in a square matrix that
elaborates the linkages between SUTs and the institutional sector accounts and the flows
mentioned earlier. The SAM is a square matrix in which each account is represented by a row and
a column. Each cell shows the payment from the account of its column to the account of its row.
Additional data are needed to define stocks.

19.33 The SAM allows for extensions of the National Accounts for a fuller understanding of the
socio-economic system that captures the inter-dependencies of institutional groups. SAMs provide
both a conceptual framework and a data system that can support analyses of socio-economic policy
issues and can also be used to evaluate the socio-economic impact of exogenous changes. SAMs
are currently in widespread use. Due to its accounting consistency and comprehensiveness in
recording data for the whole economy, the SAM has become the preferred database of Computable
General Equilibrium (CGE) Models. They are also for various types of empirical multiplier models
and impact studies.

19.34 At the end of the 1940s and beginning of the 1950s, Richard Stone proposed a presentation
of the results of National Accounts not only in T-Accounts but also in a matrix format (Stone
1961), and such a matrix was called a SAM. In the 1960s, Richard Stone and his team developed
the Cambridge Growth Model (Stone and Brown 1962). In this context, he also published a first
SAM for Great Britain 1960 and improved the conceptual framework of a matrix presentation of
the National Accounts. Stone especially stressed the importance of using different statistical units,
for example, products, establishments and institutional units in the system for describing the
variety of economic activities in the most suitable way.

19.35 According to this concept, it is necessary to link the different parts of the accounting system
by special transition matrices from one statistical unit to another. The early SAMs were built as a
matrix representation of the National Account and came to the World Bank in the 1960s with
Graham Pyatt, who left Cambridge and developed SAMs, mainly at the World Bank and together
with Erik Thorbecke became the leading proponents and developers of SAMs (Pyatt and
Thorbecke 1976).

19.36 These considerations were the starting point for the concepts of the 1968 SNA. Since then
the SUTs became an integral part of the National Accounting system. During the 1970s and 1980s,
the term SAM changed its meaning. It was now used for a type of National Accounts matrix
especially describing the inter-relationships of income and transfer flows between the different
institutional units (Pyatt 1999). These concepts were especially used in developing countries (Pyatt
and Round 1985). The promising experiences in these countries encouraged national accountants

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

to propose socio-economic analysis as integral part of the revised concepts of National Accounts
(Keuning, de Ruijter 1988, Keuning 1991, Pyatt 1985, Pyatt 1991).

19.37 Great support for implementing the SAM concepts not only in developing countries but
also in developed countries was given by the work done by Steven Keuning and his team at
Statistics Netherlands. They presented the concepts and numerical examples of a System of
Economic and Social Accounting Matrices and Extensions (SESAME) which comprises a whole
family of SAM modules (Keuning 1996, Keuning 2000, Timmerman, van de Ven 2000). This
strategy had been successful such that the 1993 SNA and 2008 SNA contain chapters on SAMs
showing its usefulness and the great variety of its applications.

19.38 The construction of a SAM with any significant degree of disaggregation requires the
availability of some key datasets, such as:

• National Accounts with institutional sector accounts;

• SUTs;
• Statistics from household surveys;
• government budget accounts;
• trade statistics; and
• balance of payments statistics.
19.39 Many compilers begin by assembling SUTs and SAMs from the National Accounts. This
defines a set of control totals for the disaggregate tables. In contrast, compiling detailed SUTs and
SAMs can be part of a process to improve the estimates of the National Accounts. Estimates from
primary and secondary sources are often inconsistent and balancing methods have to be used to
adjust the initial estimates for consistency. Ideally, the National Accounts are based on a large
rectangular SUTs and a full set of institutional sector accounts which are balanced at the same

19.40 The framework of a large SAM is shown in Table 19.1. The information for the first two
rows and columns is derived from the SUTs and the rest is extracted from the institutional sector

19.41 Table 19.2 provides a numerical example for a SAM (Siddiqi, 2012) with:

• three products (agricultural products, industrial products, and services);

• three industries (agriculture, industry, and services); and
• three institutional sectors (households, corporations, and government).
19.42 The columns of the table represent expenditures while the rows reflect the corresponding
revenues and the total for each column should match the total for the corresponding row.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

19.43 The table allows the generation of income in the production process to be studied in great
detail and it helps to verify at the same time the allocation of primary income among different
institutions. The secondary distribution of income shows how the balance of the primary income
of an institutional sector and the total economy's national income are allocated by redistributive
transactions such as taxes on income, taxes on wealth, social contributions, social benefits and
current transfers. The use of disposable income shows how much is spent by the various
institutions on consumption and saving.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 19.1 Structure of social accounting matrix

5. Secondary 6. Use of 8. Gross fixed
1. Goods and 2. Production 4. Allocation of 10.Rest of the 11. Rest of the
3. Generation of income distribution of disposable 7. Capital capital formation 9. Finance
services (CPC) (ISIC) primary income world world
income income (ISIC)
Agric Indus Servi Agric Indus Servi Com Gros Gros Other Hous Corp Gove Hous Corp Gove Hous Corp Gove Hous Corp Gove Agric Indus Servi Curre Loan Other Current Capital
ultura trial ces ulture try ces pens s s taxes ehold oratio rnme ehold oratio rnme ehold oratio rnme ehold oratio rnme ulture try ces ncy s finan TOTAL
l produ ation mixe opera less s ns nt s ns nt s ns nt s ns nt and cial RECEIPTS
produ cts of d ting subsi depo asset
cts empl inco surpl dies sits s
oyee me us on
s produ

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1. Goods and Agricultural products 1 Intermediate Final cosumption Changes in Gross fixed capital Exports of Total use of
Trade and
services Industrial products 2 consumption at expenditure at inventories at formation at goods and products at
transport margins
(CPC) Services 3 purchasers' prices purchasers' prices purchasers' prices purchasers' prices services purchasers' p.
Agriculture 4 Output of
2. Production Output at basic
Industry 5 industries at
(ISIC) pices
Services 6 basic prices
Compensation of employees 7
Gross value Gross value
3. Generation Gross mixed income 8
added at basic added at basic
of income Gross operating surplus 9 prices prices
Other net taxes on production 10
4. Allocation Households 11 Taxes less
Property income
of primary Corporations 12 subsidies on Gross generated income Property income Income
from RoW
income Government 13 products

5. Secondary Households 14 Redistribtion Current

Gross national Redistributed
distribution of Corporations 15 through taxes and transfers from
income income
income Government 16 transfers RoW

6. Use of Households 17
Gross disposable Disposable
disposbale Corporations 18
income income
income Government 19
Households 20
Capital transfers
7. Capital Corporations 21 Gross savings Borrowing Capial receipts
from RoW
Government 22
8. Gross fixed Agriculture 23
Gross fixed capital
capital for- Industry 24 Gross savings
mation (ISIC) Services 25
Currency and deposits 26 Net aquisitions
Net lending of
9. Finance Loans 27 Lending of financial
Other financial assets 28 assets

Total current
10. Rest of Imports of goods Property income
Current 29 Transfers to RoW receipts from
the world and services to RoW

Total capital
11. Rest of Capital transfers Current external
Capital 30 receipts from
the world to RoW balance
Supply of products Output of Adjusted Total current Total capital
Gross value added at Disposable Net liabilities of
TOTAL EXPENDITURES 31 at purchasers' industries at basic Primary income disposable Capital outlays Gross investment expenditure on expenditure to
basic prices income financial assets
prices prices income exports ROW

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 19.2 Numerical example of a Social Accounting Matrix

billions of dollars
5. Secondary 6. Use of 8. Gross fixed
1. Goods and 2. Production 4. Allocation of 10.Rest of the 11. Rest of the
3. Generation of income distribution of disposable 7. Capital capital formation 9. Finance
services (CPC) (ISIC) primary income world world
income income (ISIC)
Agric Indus Servi Agric Indus Servi Com Gros Gros Other Hous Corp Gove Hous Corp Gove Hous Corp Gove Hous Corp Gove Agric Indus Servi Curre Loan Other financial Current Capital
ultura trial ces ulture try ces pens s s taxes ehold oratio rnme ehold oratio rnme ehold oratio rnme ehold oratio rnme ulture try ces ncy s assets TOTAL
l produ ation mixe opera less s ns nt s ns nt s ns nt s ns nt and RECEIP
produ cts of d ting subsi depo TS
cts empl inco surpl dies sits
oyee me us on
s produ
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Agricultural products 1 17 78 4 10 57 166
1. Goods and
Industrial products 2 25 302 127 184 12 28 67 81 351 1,177
services (CPC)
Services 3 24 111 286 402 198 2 14 15 82 1,134
Agriculture 4 134 10 1 145
2. Production
Industry 5 3 728 25 756
Services 6 2 31 1,030 1,063
Compensation of employees 7 17 139 389 545
3. Generation of Gross mixed income 8 3 6 57 66
income Gross operating surplus 9 60 112 164 336
Other net taxes on production 10 -1 8 36 43
Households 11 545 66 54 106 5 4 780
4. Allocation of
Corporations 12 262 38 51 52 25 428
primary income
Government 13 1 60 24 20 43 38 5 191
5. Secondary Households 14 742 2 110 2 856
distribution of Corporations 15 191 191
income Government 16 115 201 47 4 367
6. Use of Households 17 653 653
disposbale Corporations 18 142 142
income Government 19 254 254
Households 20 57 40 2 -3 96
7. Capital Corporations 21 142 16 22 272 1 453
Government 22 56 -1 55
8. Gross fixed Agriculture 23 10 20 30
capital for- Industry 24 81 81
mation (ISIC) Services 25 47 25 24 96
Currency and deposits 26 19 -3 -9 9 16
9. Finance Loans 27 -1 58 8 -4 61
Other financial assets 28 21 260 32 -39 274

10. Rest of the

Current 29 26 348 54 42 14 2 3 489

11. Rest of the

Capital 30 -36 -36

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 31 166 1,177 1,134 145 756 1,063 545 66 336 43 780 428 191 856 191 367 653 142 254 96 453 55 30 81 96 16 61 274 489 -36

Canada 2000

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

D. Extended Input-Output Tables

19.44 The IOTs play an important role in providing a rich data source for studying sustainable
development and the impact of environmental policies. Experience over the past three decades
have illustrated that it is best to use IOTs with differing units to facilitate special studies on
different aspects of sustainability. For example:

• IOTs in monetary units are especially useful for analysing economic problems;
• IOTs in physical units (tons, etc.) can be used for ecological studies; and
• IOTs in time units might serve as a database for social studies.
19.45 A comprehensive analysis of sustainability would require an integrated analysis of all three
types of tables.

19.46 Extended Input-Output Tables (E-IOTs) comprise useful information of satellite systems
which are integrated into the National Accounts. They often include information on investment,
capital and labour. However, additional information on energy, emissions, natural resources,
waste, sewage and water are also needed and could be added to the tables as well.

19.47 Environmentally Extended Input-Output Tables (EE-IOTs) and models have become a
powerful tool in supporting environmental and economic analyses and policies. When, for
example, IOTs are extended to include environmental information, they provide a solid foundation
for environmental policy analysis. Life cycle analysis of products and their impact on the
environment and sustainable use of natural resources are two prominent applications for EE-IOTs.
Additionally, EE-IOTs can be integrated into broader models such as CGE models.

19.48 The EE-IOTs framework with links to other socio-economic data allows for the estimation
of environmental impacts and external costs of different economic sector activities, final
consumption activities and consumption of natural resources, for example, Exiopol, 2014.

19.49 Table 19.3 provides an example of E-IOTs of Germany for the year 2009. Germany is well-
advanced in developing satellite systems which can be integrated into the system of SUTs and
IOTs. The Product by Product IOTs of Germany comprise 65 production activities and 65
products. The EIOTs includes information in values and quantities.

19.50 The E-IOTs incorporate seven additional satellite systems:

• Input-Output Table (billions of Euros)

• Gross fixed capital formation (billions of Euros)
• Capital stock (billions of Euros)
• Employment (1,000 Persons)

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Energy use (Petajoule)

• Air emissions (1,000 tons)
• Global warming, acid deposition and tropospheric ozone formation (1,000 tons)
• Waste, sewage and water (1,000 tons, Millions cubic metres)
19.51 The first part of the E-IOTs contains the traditional part of the National Accounts. This
includes the domestic production of goods and services (Rows 1-6), taxes less subsidies on
products (Row 8) and GVA at basic prices (Rows 10-13).

19.52 The next three sets of matrices (i.e. GFCF, Capital stock and Employment) below the IOTs
are derived from satellite systems which are integrated into the I-O framework. These matrices
provide useful information for the various industries on investment (for example, machinery and
buildings), capital stock (for example, machinery and buildings) and employment (for example,
number of wage and salary earners and self-employed).

19.53 The next sets of matrices of the E-IOTs satellite system (i.e. Energy, Air emissions, Global
warming and Waste, sewage and water) contain information on energy consumption, emissions
and other residuals (for example, waste, sewage) of the various production and consumption

19.54 It should be noted that the first three matrices (IOTs, investment and capital stock) are in
monetary values, the employment matrix is in number of persons, and the last four matrices contain
quantities (i.e. petajoules for energy, tons for emissions and waste, and cubic metres for sewage
and water).

19.55 For the presentation in this Handbook, the economic activities of the original IOTs are
aggregated into six industry groups as shown in Table 19.3. The monetary IOTs in Table 19.3 are
shown in rows 1-22. The output of domestic products is shown in rows 1-6 and the import of
goods and services are shown in rows 8-13. The separate IOTs for domestic output and imports
are an integral part of the E-IOTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 19.3 Extended Input-Output Table with satellite systems

INPUT-OUTPUT TABLE (Billions of Euro)
Finance Final consumption Gross output at
Trade, Changes
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- and Other fixed basic
trans.and in Exports
ture turing tion business services Households Governmnet capital prices
comm. inventories
service formation
No. PRODUCTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(1) Agriculture 3 20 1 9 3 5 42
(2) Manufacturing 7 394 48 56 11 30 250 7 95 - 58 611 1 451

(3) Construction 1 11 18 8 28 10 5 153 1 234
(4) Trade, transport and comm. 4 139 17 181 38 40 317 15 39 6 111 907
(5) Finance and business services 6 131 30 124 261 51 313 3 25 66 1 010
(6) Other services 18 3 12 17 47 147 472 2 2 721
(7) Total at basic prices 21 713 116 382 355 179 1 041 497 314 - 49 795 4 365
(8) Agriculture 1 11 1 8 1 2 23
(9) Manufacturing 4 246 15 21 3 12 111 7 57 27 160 664
(10) Construction Imported 1 3 20 25
(11) Trade, transport and comm. 9 1 31 4 2 47
(12) Finance and business services 16 1 6 24 5 8 2 4 8 73
(13) Other services 1 1
(14) Imports 5 283 17 58 31 21 128 9 61 31 189 833
(15) Taxes less subsidies on products 2 10 2 12 17 24 151 6 34 257
(16) Total at purchasers’ prices 27 1 007 135 452 402 224 1 319 513 409 - 18 984 5 455
(17) Compensation of employees 6 308 69 294 191 364 1 232
Value add.

(18) Other taxes less subsidies on - 6 - 2 - 1 5 - 7 - 12

(19) Consumption of fixed capital 8 79 5 60 160 63 375
(20) Net operating surplus/Net mixed 7 60 25 101 252 77 523
(21) GVA 15 445 99 454 608 497 2 117
(22) Total input at basic prices 42 1 451 234 907 1 010 721 1 319 513 409 - 18 984
(23) Buildings 2 20 2 19 82 28 153
(24) Machinery and equipment 5 49 4 45 116 37 255
(25) Total 7 69 5 64 198 65 409
CAPITAL STOCK (Billions of Euro)
(26) Buildings 167 1 039 81 777 6 998 2 243 11 305
(27) Machinery and equipment 104 646 51 484 532 241 2 058
(28) Total 271 1 685 132 1 261 7 530 2 484 13 363
EMPLOYMENT (1,000 persons)
(29) Wage and salary earners 295 6 787 1 948 9 821 5 693 11 356 35 900
(30) Self-employed 359 275 463 1 297 1 017 1 059 4 470
(31) Total 654 7 062 2 411 11 118 6 710 12 415 40 370
ENERGY (Petajoule)
(32) Coal and coal products 1 714 1 1 6 17 - 41 40 1 738
(33) Brown coals and lignite products 1 617 1 21 - 9 24 1 654
(34) Crude oil 4 294 - 7 5 4 291
(35) Gasolines 3 91 4 25 20 15 868 4 248 1 278
(36) Diesel fuels 106 123 79 476 93 74 387 355 1 693
(37) Jet fuels 434 4 10 176 624
(38) Heating oil, light 25 188 14 87 26 85 514 13 100 1 052
(39) Fuel oil, heavy 336 17 - 13 217 557
(40) Other petroleum products 2 1 190 101 35 2 3 48 - 1 161 1 540
(41) Natural gas and other gases 12 1 797 12 125 49 184 936 228 465 3 808
(42) Renewable Energy 6 1 178 5 45 7 6 299 1 18 1 564
(43) Electric power and other energy 23 2 641 14 289 76 197 678 127 198 4 242
(44) Total 178 15 167 230 1 535 273 574 3 767 311 2 006 24 043
EMISSIONS (1,000 tons)
(45) Carbon dioxide (CO2) 9 260 550 893 9 162 80 990 12 077 24 173 222 268 908 823
(46) Methane (CH4) 1 247 925 1 49 3 10 79 2 313
(47) Nitrous oxide (N2O) 137 62 2 4 206
(48) Nitrogen oxides (NOx) 153 538 46 398 33 45 314 1 526
(49) Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 3 373 1 41 2 8 42 469
(50) Organic compounds (NMVOC) 13 574 6 40 3 7 310 952
(51) Ammonia (NH3) 541 16 2 20 579
(52) Particulate matter (PM10) 47 42 7 43 2 3 48 192
(53) Hydroflurocarbons (HFC) 12 12
(54) Perflurorocarbons PFC
(55) Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)
(54) Total 11 402 553 435 9 222 81 565 12 120 24 246 223 084 915 073
(55) Greenhouse gases 1) 77 990 589 463 9 232 82 710 12 195 24 482 225 115 1 021 188
(56) Acid deposition 2) 110 749 33 320 25 39 261 1 537
(57) Tropospheric ozone formation 3) 1 413 2 036 52 487 38 61 703 4 792
(58) Waste (1.000 tons) 804 122 849 194 098 4 945 5 510 3 931 36 033 368 171
(59) Sewage (Mio. cbm) 21 26 970 38 173 193 137 3 118 30 650
(60) Water from waterworks (Mio. cbm) 136 - 3 725 14 194 216 154 3 011
(61) Water from nature (Mio. cbm) 303 37 608 25 9 10 7 25 37 986
Germany 2009 = Values = Quantities = Empty cells

Source: GENESIS-Online Databank of the Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Destatis)

Note: 1) Carbon dioxide (CO2 = 1), methane (CH4 = 21) and nitrous oxide (N2O = 310) transformed with the factors to greenhouse
gases in CO2-equivalents. 2) Sulfur dioxide (SO2 = 1) and nitrogen oxides (NOx = 0.7) were transformed with the factors to acid
depositions in SO2-equivalents. 3) Carbon monoxide (CO), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC), methane (CH4),
nitrogen oxides (NOx) cause ozone formation.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(a) Gross fixed capital formation, capital stock and labour

19.56 The first three satellite systems in Table 19.3 include information on investment and the
use of capital and labour in the various industries. The matrix on GFCF identifies how much the
various industries have invested in buildings and machinery in this particular year. The second
matrix on capital stock shows how much capital was used up in the various activities. The third
matrix reflects the actual employment in industries.

(b) Energy

19.57 The matrix on energy use has been derived from energy balances which are available for
most nations. It reflects the total energy use of the economy in petajoule, which is equivalent to
total supply of energy from domestic production and imports and comprises all primary and
secondary energy sources. Conceptually, the energy use found in the balances need to be adjusted
to fir into a national accounts framework. The availability of energy accounts of the SEEA-2012
would facilitate enormously the use of energy data into an extended I-O framework.

(c) Air emissions

19.58 The matrix of the satellite system on air emissions of pollutants is derived from the energy
use of the previous table. Included are 11 different gases, among them the most important gases
which contribute to global warming, acid deposition and tropospheric ozone formation.

(d) Global warming, acid deposition and tropospheric ozone formation

19.59 The matrix on Global warming, acid deposition and tropospheric ozone formation contains
information on the emissions to air that are harmful to the global climate. In particular, the matrix
provides information on the emission of greenhouse gasses derived in CO2-equivalents based on
Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O); acide deposition derived in SOx-
equivalents based on Sulphur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx); and tropospheric ozone
formation based on carbon monoxide (CO), non-methane volatile organic compounds, methane
(CH4) and nitrogen oxides (NOx).

(e) Waste, sewage and water

19.60 The last matrix in Table 19.3 provides information on the generation of waste and sewage
by the various economic activities and households together the use of water from waterworks and
from nature by economic activities. The Eurostat database includes information on 38 different
types of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes and 46 different sources of waste water generation.

19.61 This information is used to calculate a water footprint which consists of three components:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• The blue water footprint is the volume of freshwater that evaporated from the global blue
water resources (surface water and ground water) to produce the goods and services
consumed by all activities.
• The green water footprint is the volume of water evaporated from the global green water
resources (rainwater stored in the soil as soil moisture).
• The grey water footprint is the volume of polluted water that associates with the production
of all goods and services by industries and private households.
19.62 The last category can be estimated as the volume of water that is required to dilute
pollutants to such an extent that the quality of the water remains at or above agreed water quality
standards. The information on waste, sewage and water has been extracted from the Genesis
databank of the Federal Statistical Office of Germany.

E. Other examples of satellite systems

19.63 Satellite systems for the National Accounts can be established for many areas of functional
analysis such as culture, education, health, social protection, tourism, environmental protection,
research and development, non-profit institutions, unpaid Household work, volunteering labour,
human capital, transport. These satellite systems expand the analytical capacity of National
Accounts. Another satellite system is the growth and productivity analysis of the project EU

19.64 EU KLEMS is an industry level, growth and productivity research project financed by the
European Commission. EU KLEMS stands for EU level analysis of capital (K), labour (L), energy
(E), materials (M) and service (S) inputs. The EU KLEMS includes measures of output and input
growth and derived variables such as multi-factor productivity at the industry level.

19.65 The measures were developed for 25 Member States of the European Union and selected
countries of the rest of the world covering 30 to 72 industries for the period from 1970 to 2007.
The new database EU KLEMS allows for the evaluation of the development of productivity in the
European Union using a comparative industry approach. The database includes measures of
economic growth, productivity, employment creation, capital formation and technological change
at the industry level.

19.66 The basic tables cover 30 countries, among them 25 Member States of the European Union
and five countries from the rest of the world, namely Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea and the
USA. Also included are aggregate tables for the European Union (EU 25) and the Eurozone
countries covering data for values, prices, volumes growth accounting and additional tables,
reflecting the above input measures. Productivity measures were also developed in line with
growth accounting techniques.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

19.67 The database forms an important input to policy evaluation, in particular for the assessment
of the goals concerning competitiveness and economic growth potential (EU KLEMS, 2014).

19.68 The WORLD KLEMS initiative promotes the analysis of growth and productivity patterns
around the world with a similar growth accounting framework. Through harmonising concepts,
common standards and classifications helps to develop comparable data across countries and helps
to establish a firm grounding in the international statistical systems (WORLD KLEMS, 2014).

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Chapter 20. Modelling Applications of Input-Output Tables

A. Introduction
20.1 It is widely accepted that the basis of I-O analysis was founded by Wassily Leontief in the
1930s linking micro and macro economics. As Leontief stated, “In practical terms, the economic
system to which input-output analysis is applied may be as large as a nation or even the entire
world economy, or as small as the economy of a metropolitan areas or even a single enterprise. In
all instances the approach is essentially the same” (Leontief, 1986).

20.2 The core of I-O analysis is formulated through the existence of IOTs, which describe the
flow of goods and services between all industries of an economy over a period of time. The IOTs
provide information on production structures and can be arranged to cover all inputs which are
used in production: intermediate inputs, labour, capital and land. I-O analysis provides approaches
to systematically quantify the mutual inter-relationships among the producers and consumers in
the economy. The basis of I-O recognises that production processes are always interdependent and
forms a system of production of products by means of products but also a system of value added
chains in interdependent markets. With globalisation, there is more competition and
interdependent production processes, greater division of labour as well as of diversity and
complexity of products. Thus the exchange of intermediate inputs becomes more important,
thereby further increasing the role of I-O analysis.

20.3 The structure of each industry’s production activity is represented by appropriate structural
coefficients that describe relationships between the inputs it absorbs and the output it produces.
The inter-dependence among the industries and institutional sectors can be expressed by a set of
linear equations which express the balances between total input and total output of each good and
service produced.

20.4 The main applications of I-O analysis have been long discussed - see Leontief (1986),
United Nations (1996), Kurz, Dietzenbacher and Lager (1998), ten Raa (2006), Eurostat (2008),
Miller and Blair (2009), Suh (2010), Murray (2013) as well as various other publications including
the Economic Systems Research, the Journal of the International Input-Output Association.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

20.5 This Chapter provides an overview of the various modelling applications that can be done
on the basis of IOTs. In particular, it provides the description of a number of modelling applications
based on a specific numerical example of IOTs presented in Section B. Each of the following
sections in this Chapter covers different models.

B. Numerical example of IOTs as a starting point

20.6 The SUTs and IOTs can provide a very detailed picture of an economy. The disaggregation
of activities in SUTs and IOTs helps to establish detailed information on the interdependencies in
production between the various industries of the economy. These tables present information on the
supply and use of goods and services for industries’ intermediate consumption and categories of
final use (final consumption, capital formation and exports). The tables also provide details on the
generation of income for each industry distinguishing the components of GVA, in the form of
consumption of employees, other taxes on production, consumption of fixed capital and net
operating surplus. Therefore, SUTs and IOTs can form the basis of many models and a wide-range
of economic analyses.

20.7 The presentation of I-O estimates and I-O models in this chapter is based on an empirical
example. Table 19.3 shows the extended IOTs for the year 2009 for Germany which is used as the
reference case to illustrate the links to the satellite systems extending the traditional set of IOTs.
The original IOTs for Germany have been aggregated to show six products and six industries. The
first part of the table, Rows (1) to (22) consist of the traditional IOTs. The table includes the rows
for production activities and final use separating domestic products and imported products as well
as showing taxes less subsidies on products and GVA. The subsequent matrices are satellite
systems which are integrated into the I-O framework. These matrices provide useful information
in values and quantities for production activities and final use, and include:

• Gross fixed capital formation

• Capital stock
• Employment
• Energy
• Emissions
• Global warming and acid deposition
• Solid waste
20.8 It is worth noting that these extensions have been transformed from an industry to a product

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

20.9 The IOTs in Table 20.1 will be used for analysis. The only difference between the extended
IOTs and the IOTs for domestic output shown in Table 20.1 is that the imported goods and services
were aggregated to form one row vector of imports.

20.10 In Table 20.1, the use of domestic goods and services is shown in Rows (1) to (6) while
the use of aggregated imports is reported in Row (8). The inputs comprise domestic products in
Rows (1) to (6), imported products in Row (8), net taxes on products in Row (9) and the
components of GVA in Rows (11) to (14).

Table 20.1 Input-Output Table at basic prices

Billions of Euro
Trade, Finance and Gross fixed output at
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other Final consumption Changes in
trans.and business capital Exports basic
ture turing tion services Households Governmnet inventories prices
comm. service formation
PRODUCTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Agriculture (1) 3 20 1 9 3 5 42
Manufacturing (2) 7 394 48 56 11 30 250 7 95 - 58 611 1 451
Construction (3) 1 11 18 8 28 10 5 153 1 234
Trade, transport and comm. (4) 4 139 17 181 38 40 317 15 39 6 111 907
Finance and business
(5) 6 131 30 124 261 51 313 3 25 66 1 010
Other services (6) 18 3 12 17 47 147 472 2 2 721
Total at basic prices (7) 21 713 116 382 355 179 1 041 497 314 - 49 795 4 365
Imports (8) 5 283 17 58 31 21 128 9 61 31 189 833
Taxes less subsidies on
(9) 2 10 2 12 17 24 151 6 34 257
Total at purchasers’ prices (10) 27 1 007 135 452 402 224 1 319 513 409 - 18 984 5 455
Compensation of employees (11) 6 308 69 294 191 364 1 232
Other taxes less subsidies
(12) - 6 - 2 - 1 5 - 7 - 12
on production
Consumption of fixed capital (13) 8 79 5 60 160 63 375
Net operating surplus/Net
(14) 7 60 25 101 252 77 523
mixed income
GVA (15) 15 445 99 454 608 497 2 117
Total input at basic prices (16) 42 1 451 234 907 1 010 721 1 319 513 409 - 18 984

Germany 2009

C. Distinction between price, volume, quantity, quality and physical units

20.11 In applied economics, the following monetary IOTs are used:

• IOTs in current prices;

• IOTs in volume terms (of a base year); and
• IOTs in volume terms (in previous years’ prices).
20.12 These monetary IOTs are also often supplemented with information in physical units as
well as with PSUTs.

20.13 The nature of estimates in current prices will be different from those estimates in volume
terms in a fundamental way. The IOTs in current prices can be regarded as the aggregation of
actual economic transactions that take place in a given year. The economic transactions are derived
from an accounting framework of SUTs in current prices. However, the IOTs in volume terms

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

describe the economic situation of a particular year in the prices of another year. It is assumed that
all agents would trade the reported goods and services and primary inputs at prices of another year.
In reality, all the economic transactions of the current year would not take place in an identical
manner in prices of any other year.

comparable product, the value of an economic transaction, ;, is equal to the price per unit of
20.14 The price of a product is defined as the value of one unit of that product. For a single

quantity, , multiplied by the number of the units of quantity, .

;= ×

20.15 A quantity index is built from information on quantities such as the number or total weight
of goods or the number of services; the quantity index has no meaning from an economic point of
view if it involves adding quantities that are not commensurate, although it is often used as a proxy
for a volume index.

20.16 Quantities of different products cannot be aggregated without a certain weighting

mechanism. For aggregating products, the term volume is used instead of quantity. The price and
volume measures have to be constructed for each aggregate of transactions in products within the
accounts, so that:

Value index = Price index ×Volume index

20.17 Each and every change in the value of a given transaction must be attributed either to a
change in price or to a change in volume or to a combination of both. A price index reflects an
average of the proportionate change in the prices of a specified set of goods and services between
two periods of time, and there are three main types:

• Laspeyres price index is a weighted arithmetic average of price relatives using the values of
the earlier period as weights.
• Paasche price index is the harmonic average of price relatives using the values of the later
period as weights.
• Fisher’s Ideal price index is the geometric mean of the Laspeyres and Paasche price indices.
More detail is available in Chapter 9 on the compilation of SUTs in volume terms.

20.18 In principle, the price component should only include changes in price. The price changes
for a given transaction can only occur as a result of prices changes for individual products. All
other changes should be reflected in the changes in volumes. The corresponding Laspeyres,
Paasche and Fisher’s Ideal volume indices use the same approach as above but instead of price
relatives they will use volume relatives.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

20.19 Box 20.1 shows the relationship of quantity, price, value and volume and the corresponding
indices for a small numerical example.

Box 20.1 Quantities, prices, values and volumes in IOTs

This box shows how quantities, prices, values and volumes are related in the IOTs.

IOT of previous year (base year) IOT of following year (current year)
Quantities, prices and values are known Quantities, prices and values are known
Manuf. Manuf.
Agriculture Services Final use Output Agriculture Services Final use Output
and const. and const.
Table 1: Quantities in base year Table 4: Quantities in current year
Agriculture 4 7 2 9 22 Agriculture 5 9 3 11 28
Manuf. and Manuf. and
9 72 19 112 212 10 76 21 116 223
const. const.
Services 5 17 8 106 136 Services 6 21 11 110 148
Labour 4 13 23 40 Labour 5 14 24 43
Input Input
Table 2: Prices in base year Table 5: Prices in current year
Agriculture 4 4 4 4 Agriculture 5 5 5 5
Manuf. and Manuf. and
2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
const. const.
Services 3 3 3 3 Services 4 4 4 4
Wage rate 5 7 9 Wage rate 6 9 13
Input Input
Table 3: IOT of base year (values) Table 6: IOT of current year (values)
Agriculture 16 28 8 36 88 Agriculture 25 45 15 55 140
Manuf. and Manuf. and
18 144 38 224 424 30 228 63 348 669
const. const.
Services 15 51 24 318 408 Services 24 84 44 440 592
Comp. of Comp. of
20 91 207 318 30 126 312 468
employees employees
NOS 19 110 131 260 NOS 31 186 158 375
Input 88 424 408 578 1 498 Input 140 669 592 843 2 244
Table 7: IOT of current year at prices of base year (volumes)
Agriculture 20 36 12 44 112
Manuf. and
20 152 42 232 446
Services 18 63 33 330 444
Comp. of
25 98 216 339
= Net operating surplus is compiled as residual. NOS 29 97 141 267
Input 112 446 444 606 1 608
Table 8: Price index (Base year = 100)
Agriculture 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0
Manuf. and
150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0
Price index = Table 5 / Table 2 Services 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3
Comp. of
120.0 128.6 144.4
Table 9: Volume index (Base year = 100)
Agriculture 125.0 128.6 150.0 122.2 127.3
Manuf. and 111.1 105.6 110.5 103.6 105.2
Volume index = Table 7 / Table 3 Services 120.0 123.5 137.5 103.8 108.8
Comp. of 125.0 107.7 104.3 106.6
NOS 152.6 88.2 107.6 102.7
Input 127.3 105.2 108.8 104.8 107.3
Table 10: Value index (Base Year = 100)
Agriculture 156.3 160.7 187.5 152.8 159.1
Manuf. and 166.7 158.3 165.8 155.4 157.8
Value index = Table 6 / Table 3 Services 160.0 164.7 183.3 138.4 145.1
Comp. of
150.0 138.5 150.7 147.2
NOS 163.2 169.1 120.6 144.2
Input 159.1 157.8 145.1 145.8 149.8

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

20.20 In Box 20.1, Table 1-6 show quantities, prices and values for products in the first three
rows. GVA is compiled as a residual variable as some components of GVA (for example, wages
and salaries) reflect a quantity and price component, whereas other components (for example, net
operating surplus) do not have same characteristics.

20.21 In Box 20.1, Table 7 IOT of the current year is compiled by multiplying the quantities of
the current year with the prices of the base year (previous year). The price index of the current year
in Table 8 is calculated by dividing the prices of the current year (Table 5) by the prices of the
base year (Table 2). The volume index in Table 9 was derived by dividing the IOT of the current
year at prices of the base year (Table 7) by the IOT of the base year (Table 3). Finally, the value
index in Table 10 is compiled by dividing the IOT of the current year (Table 6) by the IOT of the
base year (Table 3).

20.22 Using the double-deflation approach, GVA in volume terms equals deflated output less
deflated intermediate consumption.

20.23 In the economy, most products are available in several varieties of differing quality, each
with its own price, and differing over time. The products of different quality are sufficiently
different to each other to make them distinguishable.

20.24 Changes in quality over time need to be recorded as changes in volumes and not as changes
in price. If the composition of a transaction changes as a result from a shift from or to higher quality
of the same product, the shift should be recorded as changes in volume.

20.25 The volume index can therefore be broken down into the following three components of
changes due to:

• changes in the quality of the products;

• changes in the characteristics of the products; and
• compositional changes in the aggregate.
20.26 Another form of measurement is the use of physical units to record flows of materials and
energy that enter and leave the economy and flows of materials and energy within the economy
itself - these measures are called physical flows.

20.27 The different physical flows (natural inputs, products and residuals) are recorded by
compiling SUTs in physical units of measurement, commonly known as PSUTs (see Chapter 13),
and are based on the monetary SUTs with extensions to incorporate a column for the environment,
and rows for natural inputs and residuals. Thus, for each product measured in physical terms (for
example, cubic metres of timber), the quantity of output and imports (total supply of products)
must equal the quantity of intermediate consumption, households’ final consumption, gross capital
formation and exports (total use of products). The equality between supply and use also applies to
the total supply and use of natural inputs and the total supply and use of residuals.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

20.28 For estimates compiled in monetary terms, as explained earlier, the changes over time in
the values of goods and services can be decomposed into two components: changes in prices and
changes in volumes. However, these volumes are not equivalent to measures of the physical
volume (i.e. solids, liquids or gases) but instead relate to an economic notion of volume which
encompasses the changes in both quantity and quality of goods, services and assets. Thus, for
example, the economic notion of volume would include the increase in the number of cars
produced (or their mass) as well as improvements in the quality of the cars.

20.29 For accounts compiled in physical terms, the unit of measurement will vary depending on
the type of asset concerned. Thus, flows of energy are generally measured by final use energy
content such as joules; stocks and flows of water are generally measured by volume such as cubic
metres; and stocks and flows of other materials are generally measured in mass units such as

20.30 A common principle is that within a single account in physical terms only one unit of
measurement should be used so that aggregation and reconciliation is possible across all
accounting entries. It is noted, however, that in combined presentations of physical and monetary
data, a range of measurement units are likely to be used.

D. Input coefficients

20.31 I-O analysis starts with the calculation of I-O coefficients. Table 20.2 shows the input
coefficients for the IOTs shown in Table 20.1. These coefficients are calculated by dividing each
entry of the IOTs by the corresponding column total. The input coefficients of production activities
can be interpreted as the corresponding cost shares for products and primary inputs in total output.

20.32 As the input coefficients cover all inputs, including net operating surplus, they add up to
unity. The same holds true for the input coefficients of the categories of final uses. In this case, the
input coefficients represent the composition by product of final uses.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 20.2 Input coefficients of Input-Output Table

Trade, Finance and Final consumption Gross fixed
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other Changes in
trans.and business capital Exports
ture turing tion services Households Governmnet inventories
comm. service formation
PRODUCTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Agriculture (1) 0.0692 0.0139 0.0004 0.0001 0.0008 0.0071 0.0000 -0.1886 0.0054
Manufacturing (2) 0.1686 0.2716 0.2048 0.0619 0.0110 0.0414 0.1894 0.0146 0.2323 3.2475 0.6205
Construction (3) 0.0219 0.0077 0.0749 0.0088 0.0278 0.0139 0.0035 0.3746 0.0009
Trade, transport and comm. (4) 0.0838 0.0956 0.0739 0.2000 0.0377 0.0552 0.2407 0.0293 0.0943 -0.3404 0.1124
Finance and business
(5) 0.1443 0.0906 0.1284 0.1370 0.2584 0.0712 0.2370 0.0050 0.0607 0.0207 0.0673
Other services (6) 0.0095 0.0122 0.0138 0.0132 0.0166 0.0659 0.1113 0.9210 0.0055 -0.0146 0.0016
Imports (7) 0.1095 0.1950 0.0737 0.0641 0.0303 0.0287 0.0969 0.0179 0.1502 -1.7247 0.1921
Taxes less subsidies on
(8) 0.0361 0.0071 0.0078 0.0133 0.0164 0.0339 0.1142 0.0122 0.0824 -0.0001
Compensation of employees (9) 0.1342 0.2122 0.2939 0.3248 0.1893 0.5055
Other taxes less subsidies
(10) -0.1406 -0.0017 -0.0008 -0.0009 0.0045 -0.0102
on production
Consumption of fixed capital (11) 0.1892 0.0544 0.0217 0.0661 0.1580 0.0876
Net operating surplus (12) 0.1743 0.0414 0.1080 0.1113 0.2499 0.1063
Total input at basic prices (13) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Empty cells

20.33 For intermediate consumption of domestic products by production activities, the input
coefficients of a sector are defined as:

(1) $8 = #$8 /#8 Input coefficients for domestic intermediates

Monetary Input-Output Table Physical Input-Output Table
$8 = monetary input coefficient for domestic products $8 = physical input coefficient for domestic products
#$8 = value of domestic product 4 used by sector 5 #$8 = quantity of domestic product 4 used by sector 5
#8 = value output of sector 5 #8 = quantity of output of sector 5

20.34 For imported intermediates, the input coefficients of a production activity are defined as:

(2) C$8 = -$8 /#8 Input coefficients for imported intermediates

C$8 = monetary input coefficient for imported products C$8 = physical input coefficient for imported products
Monetary Input-Output Table Physical Input-Output Table

-$8 = value of product 4 imported by sector 5 -$8 = quantity of imported product 4 imported by
sector 5
#8 = value output of sector 5
#8 = quantity of output of sector 5

20.35 For GVA, the input coefficients of a production activity are defined as:

(3) ;98 = I98 /#8 Input coefficients for primary inputs

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

;98 = monetary input coefficient for primary inputs ;98 = physical input coefficient for primary input
Monetary Input-Output Table Physical Input-Output Table

I98 = value of primary input 6 used by sector 5 I98 = quantity of primary input 6 used by sector 5
#8 = value output of sector 5 #8 = quantity of output of sector 5

20.36 Table 20.2 shows a comprehensive picture of input coefficients for the complete IOT. In
Columns (1) to (6) the input coefficients for industries, and in Columns (7) to (11), the input
coefficients for the categories of final uses. For simplicity and space, in the equations, only the
input coefficients for production activities (industry groupings 1 to 6) are shown but the same
principle underlying the equations should be extended for the other groupings.

E. Output coefficients
20.37 Table 20.3 shows the corresponding output coefficients for the monetary IOT. These output
coefficients can be interpreted as the market shares of products in total output. For GVA, they
reflect the distribution of primary inputs among production activities. The output coefficients are
calculated by dividing each entry of the IOTs by the corresponding row total. The output
coefficients show not only the distribution of products but also the distribution of taxes less
subsidies on products and primary inputs.

20.38 For domestic products the output coefficients are:

(4) F$8 = #$8 /#$ Output coefficients for domestic products

F$8 = monetary output coefficient for domestic F$8 = physical output coefficient for domestic products
Monetary Input-Output Table Physical Input-Output Table

#$8 = quantity of domestic product 4 for sector 5

#$8 = value of domestic product 4 for sector 5

#$ = quantity of output of product 4

#$ = value output of product 4

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 20.3 Output coefficients of Input-Output Table

Trade, Finance and Gross fixed output at
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other Final consumption Changes in
trans.and business capital Exports basic
ture turing tion services Households Governmnet inventories prices
comm. service formation
PRODUCTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Agriculture (1) 0.0692 0.4785 0.0092 0.0026 0.0132 0.2216 -0.0004 0.0803 0.1258 1.0000
Manufacturing (2) 0.0049 0.2716 0.0331 0.0387 0.0077 0.0206 0.1721 0.0052 0.0654 -0.0401 0.4209 1.0000
Construction (3) 0.0039 0.0475 0.0749 0.0341 0.1201 0.0426 0.0198 0.6535 0.0036 1.0000
Trade, transport and comm. (4) 0.0039 0.1531 0.0191 0.2000 0.0420 0.0439 0.3502 0.0166 0.0425 0.0067 0.1221 1.0000
Finance and business
(5) 0.0060 0.1301 0.0298 0.1230 0.2584 0.0508 0.3096 0.0026 0.0245 -0.0004 0.0656 1.0000
Other services (6) 0.0006 0.0245 0.0045 0.0166 0.0232 0.0659 0.2038 0.6552 0.0031 0.0004 0.0022 1.0000
Imports (7) 0.0055 0.3399 0.0207 0.0698 0.0368 0.0248 0.1535 0.0110 0.0737 0.0371 0.2271 1.0000
Taxes less subsidies on
(8) 0.0059 0.0400 0.0071 0.0471 0.0644 0.0949 0.5856 0.0242 0.1310 -0.0003 1.0000
Compensation of employees (9) 0.0046 0.2499 0.0559 0.2389 0.1552 0.2956 1.0000
Other taxes less subsidies
(10) 0.4837 0.1973 0.0162 0.0691 -0.3685 0.6023 1.0000
on production
Consumption of fixed capital (11) 0.0213 0.2107 0.0136 0.1600 0.4260 0.1685 1.0000
Net operating surplus (12) 0.0141 0.1149 0.0484 0.1930 0.4830 0.1466 1.0000
Empty cells

20.39 Table 20.3 shows a comprehensive picture of output coefficients for the complete IOT. In
Rows (1) to (6), the output coefficients for products, and in Rows (7) to (12), the output coefficients
for the components of primary inputs. Similar to Table 20.2, for simplicity and space, in the
equations, only the output coefficients for products (products 1 to 6) are shown but the same
principle underlying the equations should be extended for the other groupings.

F. Quantity model of I-O analysis

20.40 The I-O model is the linear model which is based on Leontief production functions and a
given vector of final uses. The objective is to calculate the unknown activity (output) levels for the
individual industries (endogenous variables) for the given final uses (exogenous variables).

20.41 For an economy with three industries, the balance between total input and outputs for
products can be described by the equations below, whereby the product is first produced (output)
which is then used intermediate use and final use (inputs).

(5) # + # ' + # £ + # ) = # Definition equations

(6) #' + #'' + #'£ + #') = #'
(7) #£ + #£' + #££ + #£) = #£

#$8 = value of product 4 for use in sector 5 #$8 = quantity of product 4 for use in sector 5
Monetary Input-Output Table Physical Input-Output Table

#$) = value of product 4 for final use #$) = quantity of product 4 for final use
#8 = value of output of sectors 5 #8 = quantity of output of sectors 5

20.42 We assume that all industries’ production functions are linear Leontief production
functions. All inputs (intermediate consumption, capital, labour, land) are used in fixed proportions

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

in relation to output. It is assumed that a substitution of inputs is impossible. Therefore, changing

prices have no influence on the technical input coefficients.

(8) $8 = #$8 /#8 Input coefficients for intermediate consumption

20.43 The input coefficients for intermediate consumption are shown in Table 20.4. The
requirements for intermediate consumption can be defined as the set of input coefficients weighted
with the corresponding output level.

(9) #$8 = $8 #8 Requirements for intermediate consumption

the equation system (5) to (7) can be rewritten by replacing #$8 by $8 #8 . These equations serve to
20.44 Assuming that the industries’ production operates with fixed technical input coefficients,

make explicit the dependence of inter-industry flows on the total output of each industry.

# + ' #' + £ #£ +# ) =#
# + '' #' + '£ #£ + #') = #'
(10) I-O system
# + £' #' + ££ #£ + #£) = #£
(12) £

Table 20.4 Input coefficients for domestic intermediate consumption

Trade, Finance and
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- trans.and business Other
ture turing tion comm. service services
PRODUCTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Agriculture (1) 0.0692 0.0139 0.0000 0.0004 0.0001 0.0008
Manufacturing (2) 0.1686 0.2716 0.2048 0.0619 0.0110 0.0414
Construction (3) 0.0219 0.0077 0.0749 0.0088 0.0278 0.0139
Trade, transport and comm. (4) 0.0838 0.0956 0.0739 0.2000 0.0377 0.0552
Finance and business
(5) 0.1443 0.0906 0.1284 0.1370 0.2584 0.0712
Other services (6) 0.0095 0.0122 0.0138 0.0132 0.0166 0.0659
Total (7) 0.4974 0.4916 0.4958 0.4214 0.3516 0.2483

20.45 The above set of equations is transformed into the following Leontief equation system with
the following features:

• final uses (exogenous variable) is isolated on the right-hand side of the equation;
• “net” output (output less intra-industry internal consumption) is identified on the diagonal
of the matrix; and
• inputs have a negative sign, output have a positive sign.
20.46 If the vector of final uses and the technical coefficients are known, the Leontief equation
system is simply a set of linear equations with unknown output levels. The objective is to derive
the activity levels of industries for the given level of use.

(13) "1 − %# − ' #' − £ #£ = # )

(14) − ' # + "1 − '' %#' − '£ #£ = #')
Leontief matrix

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(15) − £ # − ££ #' + "1 − £' %#£ = #£)

20.47 On the diagonal of the Leontief matrix shown in Table 20.5, the “net” output (positive sign)
of each industry is reported. It reflects the total output of a product less the input requirements of
this production activity for the production of the same product (for example, seeds for wheat
production in agriculture). The other coefficients in the matrix represent input requirements
(negative sign). For example, for the industry, ‘Agriculture’, the intra-industry input requirements
of 0.0692 product units of its own kind are reported. The internal input requirements for
agricultural products in agriculture are approximately 6.9 per cent of output. Therefore, the net
output of this industry is below unity (0.9308).

Table 20.5 Leontief matrix

Trade, Finance and
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- trans.and business Other
ture turing tion comm. service services
PRODUCTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Agriculture (1) 0.9308 -0.0139 0.0000 -0.0004 -0.0001 -0.0008
Manufacturing (2) -0.1686 0.7284 -0.2048 -0.0619 -0.0110 -0.0414
Construction (3) -0.0219 -0.0077 0.9251 -0.0088 -0.0278 -0.0139
Trade, transport and comm. (4) -0.0838 -0.0956 -0.0739 0.8000 -0.0377 -0.0552
Finance and business
services -0.1443 -0.0906 -0.1284 -0.1370 0.7416 -0.0712
Other services (6) -0.0095 -0.0122 -0.0138 -0.0132 -0.0166 0.9341

20.48 In matrix terms, we define:

(16) Q# + ¼ = #
(17) # − Q# = ¼
(18) " − Q%# = ¼
20.49 The solution of this linear equation system is:

(19) # = " − Q% ¼

Q= matrix of monetary input coefficients for Q= matrix physical input coefficients for
Monetary Input-Output Table Physical Input-Output Table

intermediate consumption intermediate consumption

" − Q%= Leontief matrix " − Q%= Leontief matrix

= unit matrix = unit matrix

" − Q% " − Q% = Leontief Inverse

¼ = vector of final uses (values) ¼ = vector of final uses (quantities)
= Leontief Inverse

# = vector of output (values) # = vector of output (quantities)

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Vector Q½ reflects the requirements for intermediate consumption, while vector ¼ represents the
20.50 In matrix algebra, the vectors are denoted in small letters and matrices in capital letters.

exogenous aggregate of final uses. The matrix " − Q% is called the Leontief matrix. On the
diagonal of this matrix, the “net” output is given for each industry with positive coefficients while

Inverse (" − Q% reflects the direct and indirect requirements for intermediate consumption and
the rest of the matrix is covering the input requirements with negative coefficients. The Leontief

one unit of output for final uses.

20.51 The inverse can be approximated by the power series of Q matrices:

(20) " − Q% = + Q + Q' + Q£ + ⋯ + Qz Power series approximation

20.52 The cumulative input coefficients in Table 20.6 reflect the direct and indirect requirements
for domestic intermediate consumption for one unit of final uses. The difference between Table
20.5 and Table 20.6 corresponds to the indirect input requirements of the economy required for
one unit of a product for final uses.

Table 20.6 Leontief Inverse

Trade, Finance and
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- trans.and business Other
ture turing tion comm. service services
PRODUCTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Agriculture (1) 1.0786 0.0211 0.0050 0.0024 0.0008 0.0021
Manufacturing (2) 0.2801 1.4040 0.3273 0.1207 0.0411 0.0776
Construction (3) 0.0383 0.0207 1.0935 0.0214 0.0429 0.0217
Trade, transport and comm. (4) 0.1650 0.1838 0.1548 1.2805 0.0757 0.0920
Finance and business
(5) 0.2834 0.2155 0.2615 0.2578 1.3775 0.1339
Other services (6) 0.0225 0.0252 0.0273 0.0246 0.0267 1.0756
Total (7) 1.8679 1.8704 1.8695 1.7074 1.5648 1.4029

product for final uses. The matrix Q represents the direct input requirements of the producer for
20.53 In this notation of the inverse, the unit matrix ( ) denotes on the diagonal one unit of the

intermediate consumption and the matrices Q' until Qz the indirect requirements for intermediate
consumption in the previous stages of production. The column sum of the inverse can be
interpreted as output multiplier which reflects the cumulative output of the economy which are
induced by one additional unit of final uses of a certain product. In the case of ‘Manufacturing’
(1.8704), this has the highest output multiplier. If final uses for industrial products would increase
by 1.0 million, the cumulative output of 1.870 million would be induced in the economy.

20.54 The solution of the I-O system " − Q% ¼ = # in equation (19) is included in Table 20.7
which is calibrated to the IOT in the base year before analytical use. The objective of this
calculation is to retain the IOTs shown in Table 20.1 with the I-O model. The inverse is multiplied
with the vector of final uses to estimate the output levels. This model is often used to study the
impact of exogenous changes of final uses on the economy, for example, a prominent application
of the quantity model of I-O analysis is the evaluation of a Keynesian public expenditure program

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

to fight a recession or unemployment. There are other prominent uses such as government is
mainly interested in the employment effect and not necessarily in output.

Table 20.7 Quantity I-O model based on monetary data

Trade, Finance and Final
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- trans.and business Other use
ture turing tion comm. service services
PRODUCTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
-1 y x
Leontief inverse (I-A)

Agriculture (1) 1.0786 0.0211 0.0050 0.0024 0.0008 0.0021 18 42

Manufacturing (2) 0.2801 1.4040 0.3273 0.1207 0.0411 0.0776 905 1 451
Construction (3) 0.0383 0.0207 1.0935 0.0214 0.0429 0.0217 159 234
Trade, transport and comm. (4) 0.1650 0.1838 0.1548 1.2805 0.0757 0.0920 488 907
Finance and business
(5) 0.2834 0.2155 0.2615 0.2578 1.3775 0.1339 406 1 010
Other services (6) 0.0225 0.0252 0.0273 0.0246 0.0267 1.0756 623 721

G. Price model of I-O analysis

20.55 Prices are determined in an I-O system from a set of equations which states that the price
which each sector of the economy receives per unit of output must equal the total outlays incurred
in the course of its production. The outlays comprise not only payments for inputs purchased from
the same and from other industries as well as imports but also the GVA, which essentially
represents payments made to the external factors, for example, capital, labour, and land including
residual profits.

20.56 In the IOT, the costs of production are reported for each industry in the corresponding
column of the matrix. The transposed columns are reported in the following system.

(21) # + #' ' + #£ £ +I =# Price model

(22) # ' + #'' ' + #£' £ + I' ' = #' '

(23) # £ + #'£ ' + #££ £ + I£ £ = #£ £

#$8 = domestic intermediates (volumes) #$8 = domestic intermediates (quantities)

Monetary Input-Output Table Physical Input-Output Table

#8 = output of sector 5 (volumes) #8 = output of sector 5 (quantities)

$ = index price of product 4 $= price of product 4

I8 = primary input to sector 5 (volumes) I8 = primary input to sector 5 (quantities)

$ = factor index price for primary input in sector 4 $= factor price for primary input in sector 4

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

20.57 Again, this assumes that all three industries are operating with Leontief production
functions. Moreover, by calculating implicit prices, this assumes that the conditions for full
competition (many suppliers, many purchasers, free access to markets, full information) are valid.

(24) $8 = #$8 #8 Input coefficients for intermediate consumption

(25) ;8 = I8 #8 Input coefficients for primary input

20.58 The requirements for intermediate consumption can be defined as the input coefficient
weighted with the corresponding output level.

(26) #$8 = $8 #8

(27) I8 = ;8 #8
Requirements for products
Requirements for primary inputs
Monetary Input-Output Table Physical Input-Output Table
$8 $8 =

I8 = requirements for primary input (volumes) I8 = requirements for primary input (quantity)
= input coefficient for products input coefficient for products

;8 = input coefficient for primary input ;8 = input coefficient for primary input

20.59 In the next step, the input coefficients for intermediates and primary input are introduced
into the equation system.

(28) # + ' # ' + £ # £ +; # =# Price model

(29) ' #' + '' #' ' + £' #£ £ + ;' #' ' = #' '

(30) £ #£ + '£ #£ ' + ££ #£ £ + ;£ #£ £ = #£ £

20.60 By dividing each row of the equation system by the output levels #$ , these equations are:

(31) + ' ' + £ £ +; =

(32) ' + '' ' + £' £ + ;' ' = '

(33) £ + '£ ' + ££ £ + ;£ £ = £

;$ $ , this generates the Leontief equations for the price model.

20.61 If the equations system is solved for the exogenous variable ‘Wages per unit of output’

(34) "1 − % − ' ' − £ £ =; Leontief equations

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(35) − ' + "1 − '' % ' − '£ £ = ;' '

(36) − £ − £' ' + "1 − ££ % £ = ;£ £

20.62 The price model in matrix notation is defined as:

(37) Q1 + ,4 *" %; 1 =
− Q1 = ,4 *" %; 1
Price model

(39) " − Q1 % = ,4 *" %; 1


20.63 The solution of the linear equation system is:

(40) = " − Q1 % ¿ 1

Q1 = transposed matrix of input coefficients for Q1 = transposed matrix of input coefficients for
Monetary Input-Output Table Physical Input-Output Table

= unit matrix
intermediate consumption intermediate consumption

" −Q 1% " − Q1 % = transposed Leontief matrix

= unit matrix

" − Q1 % = transposed Leontief inverse " − Q1 % = transposed Leontief inverse

= transposed Leontief matrix

¿ 1 = column vector of input coefficients for ¿ 1 = ,4 *" %; 1 primary inputs per unit of

; 1 = column vector of input coefficients for

primary inputs output
= column vector of index prices for products

,4 *" % = diagonal matrix of unit factor prices

primary inputs

= column vector of product prices

20.64 The objective of the price model is to calculate the unknown product prices (price indices)
for exogenously given primary input coefficients which are weighted with the factor price.

20.65 The results for the reference country Germany for the year 2009 are presented in Table
20.8. In this example, it is assumed that the factor price for all primary inputs in all industries is

20.66 It should be borne in mind that for the monetary IOTs of Germany no information on
quantities and prices (see right-hand side of Box 20.2 and Box 20.3) is available. Therefore, the
input coefficients for primary input have to be weighted with a unit price index. The price model
may be used to study the impact of changes in primary inputs (input coefficients, factor prices) on
product prices. When the price model is applied, it is assumed that all conditions of perfect

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

competition are fulfilled. Higher prices for primary inputs will cause higher product prices in
competitive markets. The approach is capable to simulate the impact of cost-driven inflation, for
example, the price model could be used to study the impact of an increase of the tax on gasoline
on other product prices.

Table 20.8 Price I-O model based on monetary data

Trade, Finance and Input coefficient Price
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- trans.and business Other for primary inputs index
ture turing tion comm. service services
PRODUCTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Transposed Leontief inverse (I-A')-1 w
Agriculture (1) 1.0786 0.2801 0.0383 0.1650 0.2834 0.0225 0.5026 1.0000
Manufacturing (2) 0.0211 1.4040 0.0207 0.1838 0.2155 0.0252 0.5084 1.0000
Construction (3) 0.0050 0.3273 1.0935 0.1548 0.2615 0.0273 0.5042 1.0000
Trade, transport and comm. (4) 0.0024 0.1207 0.0214 1.2805 0.2578 0.0246 0.5786 1.0000
Finance and business
services 0.0008 0.0411 0.0429 0.0757 1.3775 0.0267 0.6484 1.0000
Other services (6) 0.0021 0.0776 0.0217 0.0920 0.1339 1.0756 0.7517 1.0000

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 20.2 Quantity I-O model

This box shows how the I-O model may be applied to quantities and values.
Quantities and unit wage rates for labour are known. Quantities, prices and values are known.
Agricul- Manuf. and Agricul- Manuf. and
Services Final use Output Services Final use Output
ture const. ture const.
Table 1: Input-output table (quantities) Table 1: Input-output table (quantities)
Agriculture 4.0 6.8 2.0 8.4 21.2 Agriculture 4.0 6.8 2.0 8.4 21.2
Manuf. and Manuf. and
10.0 76.0 20.0 114.0 220.0 10.0 76.0 20.0 114.0 220.0
const. const.
Services 4.0 18.0 8.0 110.5 140.5 Services 4.0 18.0 8.0 110.5 140.5
Labour 5.0 14.0 24.0 43.0 Labour 5.0 14.0 24.0 43.0
Table 2: Prices Table 2: Prices
Agriculture Agriculture 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Manuf. and Manuf. and
2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
const. const.
Services Services 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Labour 10.00 13.00 20.00 Labour 10.00 13.00 20.00
Table 3: Input-output table (values) Table 3: Input-output table (values)
Agriculture Agriculture 20.00 34.00 10.00 42.00 106.00
Manuf. and Manuf. and
20.00 152.00 40.00 228.00 440.00
const. const.
Services Services 16.00 72.00 32.00 442.00 562.00
Labour 50.00 182.00 480.00 Labour 50.00 182.00 480.00 712.00
Input Input 106.00 440.00 562.00 712.00
Table 4: Input coefficients (quantities/quantities) Table 4: Input coefficients (values/values)
Agriculture 0.1887 0.0309 0.0142 Agriculture 0.1887 0.0773 0.0178 0.0590
Manuf. and Manuf. and
0.4717 0.3455 0.1423 0.1887 0.3455 0.0712 0.3202
const. const.
Services 0.1887 0.0818 0.0569 Services 0.1509 0.1636 0.0569 0.6208
Labour 0.2358 0.0636 0.1708 Labour 0.4717 0.4136 0.8541
Table 5: Leontief matrix Table 5: Leontief matrix
Agriculture 0.8113 -0.0309 -0.0142 Agriculture 0.8113 -0.0773 -0.0178
Manuf. and Manuf. and
-0.4717 0.6545 -0.1423 -0.1887 0.6545 -0.0712
const. const.
Services -0.1887 -0.0818 0.9431 Services -0.1509 -0.1636 0.9431

Assumption: Final demand of product B increases by 10% Assumption: Final demand of product B increases by 10%
Table 6: Leontief inverse Table 6: Leontief inverse
Agriculture 1.2764 0.0639 0.0289 Agriculture 1.2764 0.1597 0.0361
Manuf. and Manuf. and
0.9942 1.6069 0.2576 0.3977 1.6069 0.1288
const. const.
Services 0.3416 0.1522 1.0885 Services 0.2733 0.3044 1.0885
Table 7: Quantity input-output model Table 7: Quantity input-output model

Leontief inverse Final use Output Leontief inverse Final use Output

Agriculture 1.2764 0.0639 0.0289 8.4 21.9 Agriculture 1.2764 0.1597 0.0361 42.00 109.64
Manuf. and Manuf. and
0.9942 1.6069 0.2576 125.4 238.3 0.3977 1.6069 0.1288 250.80 476.64
const. const.
Services 0.3416 0.1522 1.0885 110.5 142.2 Services 0.2733 0.3044 1.0885 442.00 568.94
Table 8: Projected input-output table (quantities) Table 8: Projected input-output table (values)
Agricul- Manuf. and Agricul- Manuf. and
Services Final use TO Services Final use Output
ture const. ture const.
Agriculture 4.1 7.4 2.0 8.4 21.9 Agriculture 20.69 36.83 10.12 42.00 109.64
Manuf. and Manuf. and
10.3 82.3 20.2 125.4 238.3 20.69 164.66 40.49 250.80 476.64
const. const.
Services 4.1 19.5 8.1 110.5 142.2 Services 16.55 78.00 32.40 442.00 568.94
Labour 5.2 15.2 24.3 44.6 Labour 51.72 197.15 485.93 734.80
Input Input 109.64 476.64 568.94 734.80
Table 9: Growth rates in % Table 9: Growth rates in %
Agriculture 3.4 8.3 1.2 3.4 Agriculture 3.4 8.3 1.2 3.4
Manuf. and Manuf. and
3.4 8.3 1.2 10.0 8.3 3.4 8.3 1.2 10.0 8.3
const. const.
Services 3.4 8.3 1.2 1.2 Services 3.4 8.3 1.2 1.2
Labour 3.4 8.3 1.2 3.8 Labour 3.4 8.3 1.2 3.2
Input Input 3.4 8.3 1.2 3.2

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 20.3 Price I-O model

Quantities and unit wage rates for labour are known. Quantities, prices and values are known.
Agricul- Manuf. and Agricul- Manuf. and
Services Final use Output Services Final use Output
ture const. ture const.
Table 1: Input-output table (quantities) Table 1: Input-output table (quantities)
Agriculture 4.0 6.8 2.0 8.4 21.2 Agriculture 4.0 6.8 2.0 8.4 21.2
Manuf. and Manuf. and
10.0 76.0 20.0 114.0 220.0 10.0 76.0 20.0 114.0 220.0
const. const.
Services 4.0 18.0 8.0 110.5 140.5 Services 4.0 18.0 8.0 110.5 140.5
Labour 5.0 14.0 24.0 43.0 Labour 5.0 14.0 24.0 43.0
Table 2: Prices Table 2: Prices
Agriculture Agriculture 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Manuf. and Manuf. and
2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
const. const.
Services Services 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Labour 10.00 13.00 20.00 Labour 10.00 13.00 20.00
Table 3: Input-output table (values) Table 3: Input-output table (values)
Agriculture Agriculture 20.00 34.00 10.00 42.00 106.00
Manuf. and Manuf. and
20.00 152.00 40.00 228.00 440.00
const. const.
Services Services 16.00 72.00 32.00 442.00 562.00
Labour 50.00 182.00 480.00 Labour 50.00 182.00 480.00 712.00
Input Input 106.00 440.00 562.00 712.00
Table 4: Input coefficients (quantities/quantities) Table 4: Input coefficients (values/values)
Agriculture 0.1887 0.0309 0.0142 Agriculture 0.1887 0.0773 0.0178
Manuf. and Manuf. and
0.4717 0.3455 0.1423 0.1887 0.3455 0.0712
const. const.
Services 0.1887 0.0818 0.0569 Services 0.1509 0.1636 0.0569
Labour 0.2358 0.0636 0.1708 Labour 0.4717 0.4136 0.8541
Table 5: Transposed input coefficients intermediates Table 5: Transposed input coefficients intermediates
Agriculture 0.1887 0.4717 0.1887 Agriculture 0.1887 0.1887 0.1509
Manuf. and Manuf. and
0.0309 0.3455 0.0818 0.0773 0.3455 0.1636
const. const.
Services 0.0142 0.1423 0.0569 Services 0.0178 0.0712 0.0569
Table 6: Transposed Leontief matrix Table 6: Transposed Leontief matrix
Agriculture 0.8113 -0.4717 -0.1887 Agriculture 0.8113 -0.1887 -0.1509
Manuf. and Manuf. and
-0.0309 0.6545 -0.0818 -0.0773 0.6545 -0.1636
const. const.
Services -0.0142 -0.1423 0.9431 Services -0.0178 -0.0712 0.9431

Assumption: Price of labour in industry increases by 10% Assumption: Price of labour in industry increases by 10%
Table 7: Price input-output model Table 7: Price input-output model
Primary Primary Product
Transposed inverse inputs Transposed inverse inputs price
v diag(q) w indexes
Agriculture 1.2764 0.9942 0.3416 2.3585 5.08 Agriculture 1.2764 0.3977 0.2733 0.4717 1.0164
Manuf. and Manuf. and
0.0639 1.6069 0.1522 0.9100 2.13 0.1597 1.6069 0.3044 0.4550 1.0665
const. const.
Services 0.0289 0.2576 1.0885 3.4164 4.02 Services 0.0361 0.1288 1.0885 0.8541 1.0053
Table 8: Projected input-output table (values) Table 8: Projected input-output table (values)
Agricul- Manuf. and Agricul- Manuf. and
Services Final use Output Services Final use Output
ture const. ture const.
Agriculture 20.33 34.56 10.16 42.69 107.74 Agriculture 20.33 34.56 10.16 42.69 107.74
Manuf. and Manuf. and
21.33 162.10 42.66 243.15 469.25 21.33 162.10 42.66 243.15 469.25
const. const.
Services 16.09 72.38 32.17 444.35 564.99 Services 16.09 72.38 32.17 444.35 564.99
Labour 50.00 200.20 480.00 730.20 Labour 50.00 200.20 480.00 730.20
Input 107.74 469.25 564.99 730.20 Input 107.74 469.25 564.99 730.20
Table 9: Growth rates in % Table 9: Growth rates in %
Agriculture 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 Agriculture 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
Manuf. and Manuf. and
6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6
const. const.
Services 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Services 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Labour 0.0 10.0 0.0 2.6 Labour 0.0 10.0 0.0 2.6
Input 1.6 6.6 0.5 2.6 Input 1.6 6.6 0.5 2.6

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

H. Input-output models with input and output coefficients

20.67 The I-O models that are mainly used in empirical research are based on input coefficients
and are generally called Leontief I-O models. However, there is also a family of I-O models which
are based on output coefficients. These models were developed by Ambica K. Ghosh (Ghosh 1958)
and are often called Ghosh I-O models.

20.68 The use-side Leontief models and the supply-side Ghosh models can be used to study the
impact of changes in final use and primary inputs on output as well as price and cost effects. The
dual character of Leontief models and Ghosh models is discussed in Oosterhaven (1996),
Dietzenbacher (1997), De Mesnard (2009) and Rueda-Cantuche (2011). I-O models may also be
used to estimate forward and backward linkages of industries. The input coefficients reflect
production functions and cost structures of activities, whereas the output coefficients reflect
distribution parameters for products and primary inputs reflecting market shares and sales

20.69 Using of input coefficients and output coefficients in I-O analysis is demonstrated for the
four basic I-O models with input and output coefficients. The four I-O models have a dual character
with an underlying symmetry. Each I-O model with input coefficients has a complement with
output coefficients. Leontief and Ghosh models are similar but opposite in structure, almost as
mirror images of one another. Leontief models use fixed input coefficients whilst the Ghosh
models rely on fixed output coefficients. The four models are summarised as follows:

• The Leontief quantity model is a use-driven model which is often used to study the impact
of an exogenous change of final uses on output. It is based on the accounting identities for
total output along the rows of an IOTs and uses fixed intermediate and primary input
• The Leontief price model is sometimes also called cost push I-O price model and allows
simulating cost-driven inflationary processes by simulating the impact of price changes of
primary inputs on product prices (inflation). The primary input prices are assumed to be
exogenous whereas the prices for outputs are determined by the solution of the model.
• The traditional Ghosh quantity model was formulated as a supply-driven model and was
developed to study the impact of an increase in primary inputs on output and final use. The
Ghosh quantity model starts with the accounting identities for total input along the columns
of an IOT. Instead of exogenous final use, the Ghosh quantity model has exogenous
primary inputs and produces a solution for endogenous total inputs. Final use forms a
residual and taken as granted. The input ratios for intermediate consumption vary
arbitrarily and essential production requirements are ignored.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• The traditional Ghosh price model was designed as a demand-driven price model. The
single price for each column of final use is exogenous and the prices for intermediate
consumption and primary inputs are endogenous variables. The model describes the
cumulative effects of changes in final output prices on unit revenues per industry and prices
of primary inputs such as labour and the use of capital. If the price of a specific product of
final use is increasing then the price for all inputs of an industry would increase at the same
rate causing a strange impact on inflation.
20.70 The outcome of the traditional Ghosh models compared with Leontief models has a poor
economic meaning creating many disagreements. In order to overcome the criticism and
implausibility of the Ghosh models, Dietzenbacher (1997) proposed an alternative interpretation
of the models by proving that the traditional Ghosh quantity model generates the results of the
Leontief quantity model, and that the traditional Ghosh price model creates the results of the
Leontief price model.

20.71 It remains to be seen in empirical research whether the input coefficients or output
coefficients are more stable over time and behave according to expectations. However, there are
good reasons why I-O models with output coefficients are rarely used in empirical research as they
lack a proper microeconomic foundation. I-O models with input coefficients are well established
in economic analysis. At best, such models reflect the cost structure of industries and input
structure of final use components. However, it is the rigidity of the underlying Leontief production
functions which provides an obstacle to many applications.

I. Central model of I-O analysis

20.72 I-O analysis has often been used to study the impact of final use on output (quantity model)
and value added changes on prices (price model). Appropriate extensions of the I-O system also
allow evaluation of the direct and indirect impact of economic policies on other economic variables
such as labour, capital, energy and emissions (joint product). Most of these policy issues, for
example, labour policy, structural policy and fiscal policy have to be analysed with
macroeconomic models which provide a minimum of industrial and product disaggregation.

20.73 The following extension of the I-O equation system offers multiple approaches for

(41) . = 2" − Q% Ŷ
2 = matrix of input coefficients for specific variable in economic analysis (intermediate
Central equation of I-O analysis

consumption, labour, capital, energy, etc.)

Q = matrix of input coefficients for intermediate consumption

= unit matrix

Ŷ = diagonal matrix for final use

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

. = matrix with results for direct and indirect requirements (intermediates, labour, capital,

20.74 Matrix 2 includes the input coefficients of the variable under investigation (intermediates,
energy, emissions, etc.)

labour, capital, energy, emissions, etc.). The diagonal matrix P denotes exogenous final use for
goods and services. The matrix . incorporates the results for the direct and indirect requirements
(intermediates, labour, capital, energy) or joint outputs (emissions) for the produced goods and
services of final use.

20.75 In essence, this approach allows assessing the total (direct and indirect) primary energy
requirements or carbon dioxide emissions for the production of a vehicle which occur for all stages
of production to provide the product (vehicle) for a final user. It should be noted that this approach
focuses on domestic emissions only and not the total emissions. The part related to emissions
related to imported products is missing which can be addressed using total IOTs instead of the
domestic part only and applying domestic technology assumption.

20.76 Corresponding calculations of the labour and capital content of products are also feasible

dioxide by private households) must be added as column vector to the results of matrix . to account
with this equation. Direct contributions of final users (for example direct emissions of carbon

for the total emissions to final use.

20.77 This type of analysis is based on the restrictive assumptions of I-O models. Although these
assumptions could be viewed as weakly based, this I-O analysis at least offers opportunities to
assess the magnitude of the expected effects in the short-term, in terms of allocating responsibility
for emissions to final use by linking final use products and emissions of industries. In Table 20.9,
a corresponding calculation is presented for the emission of three disposals to nature, namely the
gases, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). The variable at the bottom
of Table 20.9 reflects also the direct emissions of private households.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 20.9 Emission model

Trade, Finance Gross Changes output at
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other Final consumption
trans.and and fixed in Exports basic
ture turing tion services Households Governmnet prices
comm. business capital inventories
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

Direct emissions (1.000 tons)

Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) (1) 9 260 550 893 9 162 80 990 12 077 24 173 222 268 908 823
Methane (CH4 ) (2) 1 247 925 1 49 3 10 79 2 313
Nitrous oxide (N2O ) (3) 137 62 2 4 206

Output ( Billions of Euro)

Output at basic prices (4) 42 1 451 234 907 1 010 721
Emission coefficients (1.000 tons per billions of Euro)
Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) (5) 219.813 379.615 39.115 89.336 11.957 33.541
Methane (CH4 ) (6) 29.609 0.637 0.004 0.054 0.003 0.014
Nitrous oxide (N2O ) (7) 3.257 0.043 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.000
Inverse (I-A)
Agriculture (8) 1.0786 0.0211 0.0050 0.0024 0.0008 0.0021
Manufacturing (9) 0.2801 1.4040 0.3273 0.1207 0.0411 0.0776
Construction (10) 0.0383 0.0207 1.0935 0.0214 0.0429 0.0217
Trade, transport and comm. (11) 0.1650 0.1838 0.1548 1.2805 0.0757 0.0920
Finance and business services (12) 0.2834 0.2155 0.2615 0.2578 1.3775 0.1339
Other services (13) 0.0225 0.0252 0.0273 0.0246 0.0267 1.0756
Direct and indirect emissions per unit of output B(I-A)
Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) (14) 363.803 558.261 186.001 165.476 41.586 76.668
Methane (CH4 ) (15) 32.126 1.530 0.371 0.219 0.059 0.132
Nitrous oxide (N2O ) (16) 3.526 0.129 0.031 0.016 0.005 0.011

Diagonal matrix of final demand Y

Agriculture (17) 18.003 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Manufacturing (18) 0.000 904.835 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Construction (19) 0.000 0.000 158.546 0.000 0.000 0.000
Trade, transport and comm. (20) 0.000 0.000 0.000 487.822 0.000 0.000
Finance and business services (21) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 405.957 0.000
Other services (22) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 623.171
Emission content of final demand (1.000 tons) Z = B(I-A) Y + Eh
Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) (23) 6 550 505 134 29 490 80 723 16 882 47 777 222 268 908 823
Methane (CH4 ) (24) 578 1 384 59 107 24 82 79 2 313
Nitrous oxide (N2O ) (25) 63 117 5 8 2 7 4 206
Germany 2009

20.78 In Table 20.9, the actual direct emissions (Rows (1) to (3)) and total output levels of
production (Row (4)) are reported. In Rows (5) to (7) the corresponding emission coefficients
have been calculated. The lowest carbon dioxide emission coefficient with 11.957 (1.000 tons
emissions per one billion Euro) is reported for ‘Business services’ in Column (5). However, the
results in Row (14) reveal that including indirect emissions results in a higher value of emission
coefficient of 41.586 for ‘Business services’. The estimates in Column (5) and Row (14) include
all direct and indirect emission of carbon dioxide which can be related to the production of one
unit of output of ‘Business services’ on all stages of production.

20.79 As shown in Row (17) of Table 20.9, the industry ‘Agriculture’ is delivering goods and
services in the magnitude of 18.003 billion of Euros to final use. The calculation reveals that in
the course of production 6.550 million tons of carbon dioxide has been emitted in Germany on all
stages of production to produce these agricultural products for final use.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

20.80 The industry ‘Manufacturing’ has the largest emissions at this level of aggregation and it
includes mining and electricity. In the table, it is shown that the manufacturing industry is directly
responsible for emission of 550.893 million tons of carbon dioxide in the own plants, Row (1) of
Table 20.9. In terms of the number of tons of carbon dioxide emitted on all stages of production
to produce the manufactured goods for final use (904.825 billion Euro), then 505.134 million tons
of carbon dioxide emission can be attributed to products of manufacturing for final use. The
corresponding interpretation of the results is valid for all industries of the economy. This approach
allows for the reallocation of the emissions of carbon dioxide to the products purchased by final
use. Again, it should be noted that this approach comprise only emissions on domestic territory
and not emissions released during production of imported products used in the production

20.81 The total emissions of carbon dioxide are reported in Column (12) of Table 20.9 with
908.823 million tons for the economy. Column (7) of Table 20.9 shows that household
consumption is responsible for direct emission of 222.268 million tons carbon dioxide. The results
in the last part of Table 20.9 include estimates for emissions attributed to final use categories. The

matrix . to attain the national emission total of 908.823 million tons carbon dioxide, see Row (23)
direct emissions of household consumption have to be added as a separate column vector to the

in Table 20.9.

20.82 This example demonstrates how extended I-O based systems may be used effectively to
evaluate environmental policies. This tool will allow analyses of whether national emissions
reduction targets are met and how they comply with the Kyoto Agreement and the targets of the
Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change. At the same time, other important fields of
economic analysis can be covered with the same data base such as the impact of employment
policies, substitution of labour and capital, productivity analysis, energy issues, environmental
problems or structural policies.

J. Indicators
20.83 In general, in the neo-classical microeconomic approach, it is assumed that the production
function relates the amount of inputs used by an industry to the maximum amount that can be
produced by that industry with its primary inputs.

(42) #8 = DR#$8 , 8 , 08 S

#8 = output of industry 5 (products)

Production function

#$8 = inter-industry flow (goods, services) from sector 4 to sector 5 (intermediate consumption)
8 = labour requirements of sector 5
08 = capital requirements of sector 5
D = technology

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

of products (#$8 ) from industry 4 to industry 5 and primary inputs ( , 0) depend on the total output
20.84 In I-O analysis, a fundamental assumption is that for a given period the inter-industry flows

of industry 5 (#8 ). If constant returns to scale and fixed relations of all inputs are assumed, then a
set of technical input coefficients that is reflecting the technology can be produced. In most
production processes, different products are produced but also different skills of labour and

notation of the matrix Q encompass input coefficients for products (intermediate consumption),
different types of capital goods are required. Therefore, the set of input coefficients in a broader

capital and labour (primary inputs).

(43) $8 = I$8 /#8 Technical input coefficients


I$8 = input of type 4 in sector 5 (products, capital, labour)

= input coefficient

#8 = output of sector 5 (product)

20.85 Using the definitions of the technical input coefficients, the production can be specified in
the following form:

(44) #8 = minRI 8 / 8 , I'8 / '8 , … , Iz8 / z8 S Leontief production function

20.86 A number of input variables for various branches have been summarised in Table 20.10.
They represent input requirements for products (intermediate consumption), labour, capital and
energy. The following set of coefficients for emissions has a different character. In each
production, and consumption activity, certain pollutants are emitted as joint products (disposals to
nature). The corresponding emission coefficients for carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide are
summarised using international standard weights to identify the impact on global warming and
acid deposition.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 20.10 Input indicators for production activities per unit of output
Trade, Finance and
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other
trans.and business
ture turing tion services
comm. service
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Domestic goods and services (1) 0.497 0.492 0.496 0.421 0.352 0.248
Imported goods and services (2) 0.109 0.195 0.074 0.064 0.030 0.029
Intermediate consumption (3) 0.607 0.687 0.569 0.485 0.382 0.277
Taxes less subsidies on products (4) 0.036 0.007 0.008 0.013 0.016 0.034
Compensation of employees (5) 0.134 0.212 0.294 0.325 0.189 0.505
Other net taxes on production (6) -0.141 -0.002 -0.001 -0.001 0.004 -0.010
Consumption of fixed capital (7) 0.189 0.054 0.022 0.066 0.158 0.088
Operating surplus, net (8) 0.174 0.041 0.108 0.111 0.250 0.106
Value added at basic prices (9) 0.357 0.306 0.423 0.501 0.602 0.689
Machinery (10) 0.052 0.014 0.007 0.021 0.081 0.040
Buildings (11) 0.125 0.033 0.017 0.050 0.115 0.051
Total (12) 0.177 0.047 0.023 0.070 0.196 0.090
CAPITAL STOCK (bn of Euro)
Machinery (13) 3.963 0.716 0.348 0.857 6.929 3.112
Buildings (14) 2.466 0.445 0.216 0.533 0.527 0.335
Total (15) 6.430 1.161 0.564 1.391 7.456 3.446
Wage and salary earners (16) 7,002 4,677 8,317 10,833 5,637 15,757
Self-employed (17) 8,522 189 1,977 1,431 1,007 1,469
Total (18) 15,524 4,866 10,293 12,264 6,643 17,227
ENERGY (Petajoule)
Coal and coal products (19) 0.009 1.181 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.008
Brown coals and lignite products (20) 0.002 1.114 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001
Crude oil (21) 2.959
Gasolines (22) 0.083 0.063 0.019 0.028 0.020 0.021
Diesel fuels (23) 2.525 0.084 0.338 0.525 0.092 0.103
Jet fuels (24) 0.478 0.005
Heating oil, light (25) 0.582 0.130 0.060 0.096 0.026 0.118
Fuel oil, heavy (26) 0.231 0.019 0.000 0.000
Other petroleum products (27) 0.043 0.820 0.433 0.039 0.002 0.004
Natural gas and other gases (28) 0.291 1.238 0.050 0.138 0.049 0.256
Renewable Energy (29) 0.142 0.812 0.019 0.050 0.007 0.008
Electric power and other energy (30) 0.542 1.820 0.058 0.319 0.075 0.273
Total (31) 4.220 10.452 0.980 1.694 0.270 0.797
EMISSIONS (1.000 tons)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) (32) 219.813 379.615 39.115 89.336 11.957 33.541
Methane (CH4) (33) 29.609 0.637 0.004 0.054 0.003 0.014
Nitrous oxide (N2O) (34) 3.257 0.043 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.000
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) (35) 3.624 0.371 0.195 0.440 0.033 0.062
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) (36) 0.064 0.257 0.005 0.045 0.002 0.011
Organic compounds (NMVOC) (37) 0.313 0.395 0.024 0.044 0.003 0.010
Ammonia (NH3) (38) 12.835 0.011 0.001 0.003 0.000 0.001
Particulate matter (PM10) (39) 1.125 0.029 0.029 0.047 0.002 0.004
Hydroflurocarbons (HFC) (40) 0.008 0.001
Perflurorocarbons PFC (41) 0.000
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) (42) 0.000
Total (43) 270.640 381.366 39.373 89.969 11.999 33.642
Greenhouse gases (44) 1851.272 406.193 39.412 91.233 12.074 33.971
Acid deposition (45) 2.600 0.516 0.141 0.352 0.025 0.054
Tropospheric ozone formation (46) 33.545 1.403 0.223 0.537 0.038 0.085
Waste (1.000 tons) (47) 19.073 84.654 828.662 5.455 5.455 5.455
Sewage (Mio. cbm) (48) 0.504 18.585 0.161 0.191 0.191 0.191
Water from waterworks (Mio. cbm) (49) 3.228 -2.567 0.058 0.214 0.214 0.214
Water from nature (Mio. cbm) (50) 7.200 25.915 0.105 0.010 0.010 0.010

Germany 2009

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

K. Multipliers

20.87 Three of the most frequently used types of multipliers in I-O analysis are those that estimate
the effects of the exogenous changes of final use on:

• outputs of the industries (and products) in the economy;

• GVA and income earned by the households; and
• employment, that is expected to be generated by the new activity levels.
20.88 In the standard I-O model, the final use categories are considered exogenous variables.
However, household final consumption expenditure and GFCF in many respects depend on income
of private households (and businesses). In the Type I multiplier analysis, household final
consumption expenditure and consequently private household activities are exogenous. A more
refined Type II multiplier analysis for wages and private consumption tries to include the
household sector as an endogenous activity. It is assumed that the income earned by private
households from wages and salaries is spent to a large extent as household final consumption
expenditure. This additional income induces higher incomes, which again induces more household
final consumption expenditure until a new equilibrium is reached.

20.89 Box 20.4 provides analysis of the Type I and Type II multiplier links for the output
multiplier, income multiplier and employment multiplier to the I-O model.

1. Output multipliers

20.90 An output multiplier for an industry 5 is defined as the total value of production in all

of product 5 for final use. The output multiplier in Table 20.11 corresponds to the column sum of
industries of the economy that is necessary for all stages of production in order to produce one unit

the Leontief Inverse as shown in Table 20.6.

Table 20.11 Output multipliers (Leontief Inverse)

Trade, Finance and
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other
trans.and business
ture turing tion services
comm. service
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Agriculture (1) 1.0786 0.0211 0.0050 0.0024 0.0008 0.0021
Manufacturing (2) 0.2801 1.4040 0.3273 0.1207 0.0411 0.0776
Construction (3) 0.0383 0.0207 1.0935 0.0214 0.0429 0.0217
Trade, transport and comm. (4) 0.1650 0.1838 0.1548 1.2805 0.0757 0.0920
Finance and business services (5) 0.2834 0.2155 0.2615 0.2578 1.3775 0.1339
Other services (6) 0.0225 0.0252 0.0273 0.0246 0.0267 1.0756
Total 1.8679 1.8704 1.8695 1.7074 1.5648 1.4029

20.91 If a government agency, for example, were trying to determine in which industry of the
economy to spend additional money, a comparison of output multipliers would indicate where this

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

economy. In this case, it would be the industry “Manufacturing” with an output multiplier of Á• =
spending has the greatest impact in terms of the total value of output generated throughout the

1.8704. If the elements of the inverse " − Q% are represented as Ä$8 , then the output multiplier
is defined as:

(45) Á8 = ∑z${ Ä$8 Output multiplier

20.92 The output multiplier in Row (8) of Table 20.11 represents for each industry one unit of
final use (1.0) and the direct and indirect requirements for domestic intermediate consumption, for
example, for agriculture, 0.8679. Multipliers of this sort may overstate or understate the effect on
the economy, for example, if some industries are operating at capacity and a substitution towards
imported inputs could take place. Another critical element is the internal consumption of an
industry on the diagonal of its own products.

20.93 Depending upon the statistical sources, the aggregation of survey results may have a
distinctive influence on the magnitude of the reported internal consumption.

2. Income multipliers

20.94 Income multipliers attempt to identify the impacts of final use changes on income received
by households (labour supply). The central equation (41) of the I-O models is used to calculate the
direct and indirect requirements for wages which are incorporated in one unit of output for final
use. This calculation is equivalent to an assessment of the wage content of products.

(46) . = Å" − Q%
Å = vector of input coefficients for wages
Direct and indirect requirements for wages

Q = matrix of input coefficients for intermediate consumption

= unit matrix

. = vector with results for direct and indirect requirements for wages

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 20.4 Multipliers in the I-O model

The Type I and Type II multiplier links for the output multiplier, income multiplier and employment multiplier to the I-O model
are shown below.
Input-output table Billions of Euro
Trade, Finance Final consumption Gross fixed Changes Output
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other
trans.and and capital in Exports
ture turing tion services Households Governmnet
comm. business formation inventories
PRODUCTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Agriculture (1) 3 20 1 9 3 5 42
Manufacturing (2) 7 394 48 56 11 30 250 7 95 - 58 611 1 451
Construction (3) 1 11 18 8 28 10 5 153 1 234
Trade, transport and
(4) 4 139 17 181 38 40 317 15 39 6 111 907
Finance and business
(5) 6 131 30 124 261 51 313 3 25 66 1 010
Other services (6) 18 3 12 17 47 147 472 2 2 721
Total at basic prices (7) 21 713 116 382 355 179 1 041 497 314 - 49 795 4 365
Imports (8) 5 283 17 58 31 21 128 9 61 31 189 833
Taxes less subsidies on
(9) 2 10 2 12 17 24 151 6 34 257
Total at purchasers’ prices (10) 27 1 007 135 452 402 224 1 319 513 409 - 18 984 5 455
Compensation of
(11) 6 308 69 294 191 364 1 232
Other taxes less subsidies
(12) - 6 - 2 - 1 5 - 7 - 12
on production
Consumption of fixed
(13) 8 79 5 60 160 63 375
Net operating surplus (14) 7 60 25 101 252 77 523
GVA (15) 15 445 99 454 608 497 2 117
Input (16) 42 1 451 234 907 1 010 721 1 319 513 409 - 18 984
Employment 1.000 Persons
Employment (17) 654 7 062 2 411 11 118 6 710 12 415 40 370
Germany 2009 Empty cells

Type I multiplier analysis Type II multiplier analysis

with exogenous final demand with endogenous households consumption and labour income
Input coefficients (A) Input coefficients (A)
0.0692 0.0139 0.0000 0.0004 0.0001 0.0008 0.0692 0.0139 0.0000 0.0004 0.0001 0.0008 0.0071
0.1686 0.2716 0.2048 0.0619 0.0110 0.0414 0.1686 0.2716 0.2048 0.0619 0.0110 0.0414 0.1894
0.0219 0.0077 0.0749 0.0088 0.0278 0.0139 0.0219 0.0077 0.0749 0.0088 0.0278 0.0139 0.0035
0.0838 0.0956 0.0739 0.2000 0.0377 0.0552 0.0838 0.0956 0.0739 0.2000 0.0377 0.0552 0.2407
0.1443 0.0906 0.1284 0.1370 0.2584 0.0712 0.1443 0.0906 0.1284 0.1370 0.2584 0.0712 0.2370
0.0095 0.0122 0.0138 0.0132 0.0166 0.0659 0.0095 0.0122 0.0138 0.0132 0.0166 0.0659 0.1113
0.1342 0.2122 0.2939 0.3248 0.1893 0.5055 0.0000
-1 -1
Leontief inverse (I-A) Leontief inverse (I-A)
1.0786 0.0211 0.0050 0.0024 0.0008 0.0021 1.0852 0.0293 0.0149 0.0124 0.0071 0.0142 0.0195
0.2801 1.4040 0.3273 0.1207 0.0411 0.0776 0.4430 1.6090 0.5737 0.3691 0.1974 0.3811 0.4879
0.0383 0.0207 1.0935 0.0214 0.0429 0.0217 0.0516 0.0374 1.1136 0.0416 0.0557 0.0464 0.0398
0.1650 0.1838 0.1548 1.2805 0.0757 0.0920 0.3570 0.4254 0.4453 1.5733 0.2599 0.4496 0.5750
0.2834 0.2155 0.2615 0.2578 1.3775 0.1339 0.5138 0.5053 0.6098 0.6091 1.5984 0.5628 0.6896
0.0225 0.0252 0.0273 0.0246 0.0267 1.0756 0.0931 0.1140 0.1341 0.1322 0.0944 1.2070 0.2113
0.5151 0.6479 0.7788 0.7854 0.4939 0.9591 1.5419
Output multiplier
The output multiplier for sector j is defined as the total value of production in all sectors of the economy that is
necessary to produce one dollar's worth of final demand of product j.
Column sum of input coefficient for intermediates Column sum of input coefficient for intermediates
0.4974 0.4916 0.4958 0.4214 0.3516 0.2483 0.6316 0.7038 0.7896 0.7461 0.5409 0.7538 0.7890
Output multiplier OM = column sum of Leontief inverse Output multiplier OM = column sum of Leontief inverse
1.8679 1.8704 1.8695 1.7074 1.5648 1.4029 3.0587 3.3683 3.6702 3.5232 2.7068 3.6203 3.5649
Income multiplier
The income multiplier for sector j is defined as the total value of all wages in all sectors of the economy that is
necessary to produce one dollar's worth of final demand of product j.
Input coefficient for compensation of employees w Input coefficient for compensation of employees w
0.1342 0.2122 0.2939 0.3248 0.1893 0.5055 0.1342 0.2122 0.2939 0.3248 0.1893 0.5055 0.0000
Income multiplier IM = w(I-A) Income multiplier IM = w(I-A)-1
0.3340 0.4202 0.5051 0.5093 0.3203 0.6220 0.5151 0.6479 0.7788 0.7854 0.4939 0.9591 0.5419
Employment multiplier
The employment multiplier for sector j is defned as the total number of persons employed in all sectors of the
economy that is necessary to produce one million dollar's worth of final demand of product j.
Input coefficient for employment m Input coefficient for employment m
15.524 4.866 10.293 12.264 6.643 17.227 15.524 4.866 10.293 12.264 6.643 17.227 0.000
Employment multiplier EM = m(I-A)-1 Employment multiplier EM = m(I-A)-1
22.796 11.494 17.034 18.686 11.194 21.180 28.928 19.208 26.307 28.037 17.076 32.599 18.359

20.95 In Table 20.12, various multipliers are summarised for products which are delivered to
final use. In our numerical example, the industry “Agriculture” has a relatively small direct input

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

coefficients for wages, as shown by : = 0.134 in Table 20.10, reflecting that a significant
proportion of the working population in agriculture is self-employed.

Table 20.12 Multipliers for products

Trade, Finance and
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other
trans.and business
ture turing tion services
comm. service
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Final demand of domestic products (1) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Intermediate demand of domestic products (2) 0.868 0.870 0.870 0.707 0.565 0.403
Imported products (3) 0.195 0.297 0.164 0.116 0.059 0.058
Taxes less subsidies on products (4) 0.049 0.018 0.018 0.023 0.025 0.041
Products at purchasers' prices (5) 1.112 1.185 1.051 0.847 0.649 0.501
VALUE ADDED (bn Euro/bn Euro)
Compensation of employees (6) 0.334 0.420 0.505 0.509 0.320 0.622
Other net taxes on production (7) -0.151 -0.005 -0.001 -0.001 0.006 -0.011
Consumption of fixed capital (8) 0.278 0.129 0.096 0.135 0.228 0.127
Operating surplus, net (9) 0.295 0.141 0.218 0.217 0.362 0.164
Value added at basic prices (10) 0.756 0.686 0.818 0.861 0.916 0.902
Machinery (11) 0.088 0.043 0.038 0.050 0.115 0.057
Buildings (12) 0.186 0.085 0.069 0.099 0.166 0.078
Total (13) 0.274 0.128 0.107 0.149 0.281 0.135
CAPITAL STOCK (bn of Euro/bn Euro)
Machinery (14) 6.664 2.825 2.664 3.064 9.740 4.425
Buildings (15) 3.038 0.902 0.624 0.891 0.805 0.524
Total (16) 9.702 3.727 3.288 3.956 10.545 4.949
EMPLOYMENT (1.000 persons/bn Euro)
Wage and salary earners (17) 12.921 10.491 14.242 16.472 9.560 19.257
Self-employed (18) 9.875 1.004 2.791 2.214 1.634 1.922
Total (19) 22.796 11.494 17.034 18.686 11.194 21.180
ENERGY (Petajoule/bn Euro)
Coal (20) 0.341 1.658 0.389 0.144 0.049 0.101
Lignite (21) 0.314 1.564 0.365 0.135 0.046 0.087
Crude oil (22) 0.829 4.154 0.968 0.357 0.122 0.230
Natural gas (23) 0.118 0.100 0.052 0.050 0.034 0.033
Nuclear fuels (24) 2.876 0.298 0.518 0.722 0.190 0.191
Water power (25) 0.079 0.088 0.074 0.613 0.036 0.049
Briquettes (26) 0.692 0.222 0.135 0.151 0.054 0.152
Coke (27) 0.068 0.328 0.079 0.052 0.011 0.020
Petroleum products (28) 0.300 1.169 0.749 0.159 0.058 0.081
Electricity (29) 0.705 1.788 0.502 0.347 0.137 0.392
Produced gas (30) 0.392 1.154 0.297 0.165 0.048 0.078
Steam, hot water (31) 1.177 2.650 0.739 0.656 0.213 0.477
Total (32) 7.891 15.173 4.869 3.550 0.997 1.891
EMISSIONS (1.000 tons/bn Euro)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) (33) 363.803 558.261 186.001 165.476 41.586 76.668
Methane (CH4) (34) 32.126 1.530 0.371 0.219 0.059 0.132
Nitrous oxide (N2O (35) 3.526 0.129 0.031 0.016 0.005 0.011
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) (36) 4.103 0.690 0.431 0.630 0.107 0.152
Nitrogen oxides (NOx ) (37) 0.149 0.371 0.097 0.089 0.017 0.036
Carbon monoxide (CO) (38) 0.457 0.571 0.165 0.106 0.025 0.046
Organic compounds (NMVOC) (39) 13.848 0.286 0.070 0.036 0.012 0.029
Dust particles (40) 1.232 0.074 0.055 0.068 0.010 0.014
Total (41) 0.002 0.011 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.001
Greenhouse gases (42) 2,131.379 630.364 203.533 175.135 44.363 82.822
Acid deposition (43) 3.021 0.854 0.399 0.531 0.091 0.143
Tropospheric ozone formation (44) 36.686 2.791 0.966 0.956 0.190 0.331
Waste (1.000 tons/bn Euro) (45) 78.594 138.761 936.398 36.517 47.149 31.694
Sewage (Mio. cbm/bn Euro) (46) 5.845 26.188 6.346 2.545 1.053 1.695
Water from waterworks (Mio. cbm/bn Euro) (47) 2.866 -3.444 -0.665 0.034 0.216 0.087
Water from nature (Mio. cbm/bn Euro) (48) 15.033 36.542 8.638 3.162 1.089 2.041
Germany 2009

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

requirements per unit of output) for this industry, I = 0.334 as shown in Table 20.12, we can
20.96 However, if we calculate the income multiplier for wages (direct and indirect wage

verify that the ‘wage content’ of agricultural products is threefold. Thus, the intermediate
consumption inputs of agriculture incorporate a significant amount of wages.

20.97 Similarly, ‘Other services’ have the highest direct (:Ç = 0.505) and direct and indirect
(:Ç = 0.622) wage requirements. This general approach allows assessing the wage, labour,
capital or energy content of the various components of final use.

3. Employment multipliers

20.98 When employment multipliers are calculated, the major difference to the calculation of the
wage content of products is that the physical labour input coefficients are used instead of monetary
labour input coefficients.

(47) . = Ê" − Q%
Ê = matrix of input coefficients for labour (1.000 persons per Mill. DM of output)
Direct and indirect requirements for labour

. = matrix with results for direct and indirect requirements for labour (persons)
20.99 For each industry, the employment multipliers represent jobs created per unit of currency

multiplier, I = 22.796. If the final use for agricultural products would be increased by one
of additional final use. The labour intensive industry ‘Agriculture’ has the highest employment

billion Euros, 22.796 positions (wage and salary earners and self-employed) would be created in
this industry. However, the largest difference between direct employment coefficients and
employment multipliers (direct and indirect employment) is observed in “Manufacturing”.

4. Capital multipliers

20.100 The satellite systems as shown in Table 19.3 include information on labour and capital
which is required for the production of the various industries. The matrix for labour distinguishes
in two rows, wage and salary earners and the self-employed, whilst the matrix for the capital stock
provides data for machinery and buildings. This data base allows assessment of the labour and
capital content of products and also assessment of the direct and indirect substitution of labour and
capital, provided that a time series of IOTs with the corresponding satellite systems are available.

20.101 Monetary input coefficients for capital are used to calculate the capital content of products
using the following equation:

(48) . = 0" − Q%
0 = matrix of input coefficients for capital requirements per unit of output
Direct and indirect requirements for capital

. = matrix with results for direct and indirect requirements of capital

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

services”. The direct capital requirements in this industry are C = 7.456 as shown in Table
20.102 The calculation reveals that the highest capital multiplier (capital intensity) is for “Business


20.103 The capital multipliers in Table 20.12 reflect the direct and indirect capital requirements

10.545 billions of Euros capital (buildings, machinery) are required (I = 10.545) on all stages of
on all stages of production. To produce one million Euros of “Business services” for final use,


5. Primary input content of final use

20.104 The multipliers allow assessment of the primary input content of final use by product and
by category. The results are presented in Table 20.13 for the primary input content of final use by

20.105 For the various products of final use, the multipliers for primary inputs Å" − Q% are
multiplied with a diagonal matrix of final use total for products.

(49) Ë = ["Ì − U% › Ŷ
[ = matrix of input coefficients for primary input
Direct and indirect requirements for primary inputs

Ì = unit matrix
U = matrix of input coefficients for intermediate consumption
Ŷ = Diagonal matrix for final use by product
Ë = matrix with results for direct and indirect requirements for primary inputs
(50) Ë = ["Ì − U% › ]
[ = matrix of input coefficients for primary input
Direct and indirect requirements for primary inputs

] = matrix of final use by category

Ë = matrix with results for direct and indirect requirements for primary inputs

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 20.13 Input content of final use by category

Final consumption Gross fixed
Changes in Total
capital Exports
Households Governmnet inventories
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
FINAL USES (bn Euro)
Total (1) 1 041 497 314 - 49 795 2 598
Domestic products (2) 690 209 258 - 44 653 1 767
Imported products (3) 140 31 59 - 16 199 414
Taxes less subsidies on products (4) 26 20 6 - 1 15 67
Products at purchasers' prices (5) 856 260 323 - 60 868 2 247
Compensation of employees (6) 464 305 146 - 20 337 1 232
Other net taxes on production (7) - 3 - 5 - 1 0 - 3 - 12
Consumption of fixed capital (8) 168 63 38 - 6 111 375
Operating surplus, net (9) 245 83 64 - 6 136 523
Value added at basic prices (10) 874 446 248 - 32 581 2 117
Machinery (11) 72 28 15 - 2 40 153
Buildings (11) 118 39 27 - 4 75 255
Total (12) 190 67 42 - 6 115 409
CAPITAL STOCK (Millions of Euro)
Machinery (13) 5 449 2 182 1 045 - 126 2 755 11 305
Buildings (14) 868 270 237 - 37 720 2 058
Total (15) 6 317 2 452 1 282 - 163 3 475 13 363
EMPLOYMENT (1.000 Persons)
Wage and salary earners (16) 13 855 9 444 4 091 - 465 8 975 35 900
Self-employed (17) 1 852 953 653 - 12 1 024 4 470
Total (18) 15 707 10 397 4 744 - 477 9 999 40 370
ENERGY (Terajoule)
Coal and coal products (19) 495 62 224 - 95 1 035 1 722
Brown coals and lignite products (20) 465 55 211 - 89 975 1 618
Crude oil (21) 1 235 145 560 - 237 2 591 4 294
Gasolines (22) 57 17 20 - 5 69 159
Diesel fuels (23) 420 104 141 - 3 290 952
Jet fuels (24) 236 33 44 - 1 125 437
Heating oil, light (25) 149 76 49 - 10 160 424
Fuel oil, heavy (26) 106 13 46 - 19 207 353
Other petroleum products (27) 379 50 233 - 66 738 1 333
Natural gas and other gases (28) 666 204 264 - 100 1 144 2 179
Renewable Energy (29) 372 48 163 - 65 729 1 247
Electric power and other energy (30) 1 021 255 396 - 146 1 713 3 240
Total (31) 5 603 1 062 2 351 - 835 9 776 17 958
EMISSIONS (1.000 Tons)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) (32) 220 519 42 977 89 043 - 30 261 364 278 686 555
Methane (CH4) (33) 791 77 212 21 1 133 2 234
Nitrous oxide (N2O) (34) 74 6 18 5 100 202
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) (35) 469 87 159 - 22 521 1 212
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) (36) 133 21 54 - 21 239 427
Organic compounds (NMVOC) (37) 196 28 84 - 31 365 642
Ammonia (NH3) (38) 221 16 39 30 253 560
Particulate matter (PM10) (39) 57 8 18 0 60 144
Hydroflurocarbons (HFC) (40) 3 1 2 - 1 7 12
Perflurorocarbons PFC (41) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) (42) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total emissions (43) 222 463 43 221 89 629 - 30 280 366 956 691 989
Greenhouse gases (44) 259 955 46 575 98 998 - 28 424 418 968 796 073
Acid deposition (45) 461 82 165 - 36 603 1 276
Tropospheric ozone formation (46) 1 456 192 455 - 33 2 019 4 089
Waste (1.000 tons) (47) 70 728 16 676 159 154 - 7 600 93 179 332 137
Sewage (Mio. cbm) (48) 8 012 1 038 3 585 - 1 489 16 387 27 532
Water from waterworks (Mio. cbm) (49) - 745 17 - 422 210 - 2 071 - 3 011
Water from nature (Mio. cbm) (50) 10 953 1 288 4 944 - 2 057 22 833 37 961
Germany 2009

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

L. Inter-industrial linkage analysis

effects on other industries in the economy. If an industry 5 increases its output, more inputs
20.106 In the I-O analysis framework, the production by a particular industry has two kinds of

(purchases) are required including more intermediate consumption from other industries.

20.107 The term ‘backward linkage’ is used to indicate the inter-connection of a particular industry

of industry 5 indicates that additional amounts of products are available to be used as inputs by
to other industries from which it purchases inputs (use side). On the other hand, increased output

other industries. There will be increased supplies from industry 5 for industries which use product
5 in their production (supply side). The term ‘forward linkage’ is used to indicate the inter-
connection of a particular industry to those to which it sells its output. Many definitions of linkage
measures have been proposed and how to identify key industries in developing countries raised
which are summarised in Rasmussen (1957), Hirschmann (1958), McGilvray (1977), Hewings
(1982) and Miller and Blair (2009).

20.108 The Leontief quantity model will help to identify backward linkages while the Ghosh price
model can be used to identify forward linkages. The column sum of the Leontief Inverse is the
appropriate indicator for the magnitude of backward linkages. On the other hand, the row sum of
the Ghosh Inverse is the corresponding indicator for the size of forward linkages.

20.109 In its simplest form, the strength of the backward linkage of an industry 5 is given by the
column sum of the direct input coefficients. A more useful and comprehensive measure is provided
by the column sum of the Leontief Inverse, which reflects the direct and indirect effects on other

(:8 = 1.8704) with other industries.

industries. In Table 20.14, the industry ‘Manufacturing’ has the most profound backward linkages

20.110 Backward linkages are use-oriented. The industry ‘Construction’ requires inputs from
many other industries and therefore will have strong backward linkages.

20.111 Forward linkages are supply-oriented. The industry ‘Electricity’ supplies electricity to all
other industries, and therefore, this industry is expected to have strong forward linkages (many
clients) but weak backward linkages (few inputs). The row totals of the direct output coefficients

20.15, the industry ‘Business services’ has the strongest forward linkages (D8 = 2.0866).
and the Ghosh Inverse output coefficients are reflecting the intensity of forward linkages. In Table

20.112 There is a discussion whether the on-diagonal elements of the input and output coefficients
should be included or netted out of the summations. If all uses and supply effects are covered, then
they are appropriately included. If, however, the focus is on the industry’s backward dependence
on other industries, and the forward dependence of an industry on the purchases by other industries
of its products, then the on-diagonal elements should be excluded. Also various normalisations of
those measures have been used in empirical studies.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Table 20.14 Backward linkages

Trade, Finance and
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other
trans.and business
ture turing tion services
comm. service
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Agriculture (1) 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 6.0000
Manufacturing (2) 0.0692 0.0139 0.0000 0.0004 0.0001 0.0008
Construction (3) 0.1686 0.2716 0.2048 0.0619 0.0110 0.0414
Trade, transport and comm. (4) 0.0219 0.0077 0.0749 0.0088 0.0278 0.0139
Finance and business services (5) 0.0838 0.0956 0.0739 0.2000 0.0377 0.0552
Other services (6) 0.0095 0.0122 0.0138 0.0132 0.0166 0.0659
Total (7) 1.3530 2.4010 3.3674 4.2843 5.0933 6.1771


Agriculture (8) 1.0786 0.0211 0.0050 0.0024 0.0008 0.0021
Manufacturing (9) 0.2801 1.4040 0.3273 0.1207 0.0411 0.0776
Construction (10) 0.0383 0.0207 1.0935 0.0214 0.0429 0.0217
Trade, transport and comm. (11) 0.1650 0.1838 0.1548 1.2805 0.0757 0.0920
Finance and business services (12) 0.2834 0.2155 0.2615 0.2578 1.3775 0.1339
Other services (13) 0.0225 0.0252 0.0273 0.0246 0.0267 1.0756
Total (14) 1.8679 1.8704 1.8695 1.7074 1.5648 1.4029

Backward linkages (15) 1.8679 1.8704 1.8695 1.7074 1.5648 1.4029

Normalized BL (16) 1.0899 1.0914 1.0908 0.9963 0.9130 0.8186

20.113 When linkages are being measured in order to compare the structure of production or
technologies between countries, the matrix of input coefficients for intermediate consumption
should be derived from total inter-industry transactions, disregarding whether the intermediate
consumption is of domestic or foreign origin. On the other hand, if linkages are being used to
identify key industries with high multipliers in a particular economy, then only domestic
intermediate consumption should be used to assess the forward and backward linkages in the
national context.

Table 20.15 Forward linkages

Trade, Finance and
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other
trans.and business Total
ture turing tion services
comm. service
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Agriculture (1) 0.0692 0.4785 0.0000 0.0092 0.0026 0.0132 0.5727
Manufacturing (2) 0.0049 0.2716 0.0331 0.0387 0.0077 0.0206 0.3765
Construction (3) 0.0039 0.0475 0.0749 0.0341 0.1201 0.0426 0.3231
Trade, transport and comm. (4) 0.0039 0.1531 0.0191 0.2000 0.0420 0.0439 0.4619
Finance and business services (5) 0.0060 0.1301 0.0298 0.1230 0.2584 0.0508 0.5981
Other services (6) 0.0006 0.0245 0.0045 0.0166 0.0232 0.0659 0.1353
Agriculture (7) 1.0786 0.7263 0.0278 0.0524 0.0199 0.0360 1.9411
Manufacturing (8) 0.0081 1.4040 0.0528 0.0754 0.0286 0.0385 1.6074
Construction (9) 0.0069 0.1285 1.0935 0.0828 0.1852 0.0668 1.5637
Trade, transport and comm. (10) 0.0077 0.2943 0.0400 1.2805 0.0844 0.0731 1.7799
Finance and business services (11) 0.0118 0.3097 0.0606 0.2314 1.3775 0.0955 2.0866

20.114 If Í$8 is the x×x matrix of the Leontief inverse " − Q%

Other services (12) 0.0013 0.0508 0.0089 0.0310 0.0374 1.0756 1.2050

then the backward linkage Å 8 of

the sector 5 is computed as:

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Å j= Íij

If however *$8 is the x×x matrix of the Ghosh inverse " − Å% $

the sector 4 is computed as:
then the forward linkage of

i = *ij
20.115 The results for forward and backward linkages are summarised in Table 20.16.
Manufacturing has the highest backward linkages and business services the highest forward
linkages. The lowest linkages are reported for other services.

Table 20.16 Forward and backward linkages

Trade, Finance and
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other
trans.and business
ture turing tion services
comm. service
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Backward linkages (1) 1.8679 1.8704 1.8695 1.7074 1.5648 1.4029
Forward linkages (2) 1.9411 1.6074 1.5637 1.7799 2.0866 1.2050
Total (3) 3.8091 3.4779 3.4332 3.4874 3.6514 2.6078

20.116 The normalised backward linkage ÎÅ 8 of the sector 5 is computed as:

z z z

ÎÅ j = Íij / Íij
x 2

${ ${ 8{
The normalised forward linkage Î $ of the sector 4 is computed as:

z z z

Î = *ij / *ij
8{ ${ 8{
In both cases, the linkage of sectors 5 is divided by the average of all linkages.

Table 20.17 Normalised forward and backward linkages

Trade, Finance and
Agricul- Manufac- Construc- Other
trans.and business
ture turing tion services
comm. service
1 2 3 4 5 6
Backward linkages (1) 1.0899 1.0914 1.0908 0.9963 0.9130 0.8186
Forward linkages (2) 1.1437 0.9471 0.9213 1.0487 1.2294 0.7099
Total (3) 2.2336 2.0384 2.0121 2.0450 2.1424 1.5285

20.117 For a key sector we expect that ÎÅ > 1 and Î > 1. A sector with strong backward
linkages is classified with ÎÅ > 1 and Î œ 1. A sector with strong forward linkages reports
ÎÅ œ 1 and Î > 1. A non-key sector has values below unity for both ÎÅ œ 1 and Î œ

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

20.118 Table 20.17 shows that agriculture is a key sector with ÎÅ = 1.0899 and Î =
1.1437. Manufacturing is a sector with strong backward linkages with ÎÅ = 1.0914 and
Î = 0.9471. Business services is a sector with strong forward linkages with ÎÅ = 0.9130
and Î = 1.2294. Other services is a non-key sector with ÎÅ = 0.8186 and Î =

Chapter 21. Examples of compilation practices

A. Introduction
21.1 This Handbook provides guidelines towards best compilation practice for SUTs and
IOTs, and, when not feasible or possible, recognises the use of possible alternatives. In general,
while the guidelines provided in part B of this Handbook should be the target, it is recognized
that countries may have to use alternative approaches when establishing a SUTs and IOTs
system in line with the recommendations presented in this Handbook. The alternatives may be
less optimal but more achievable given, for example, a country’s limited resources, lack of a
business register, lack of data, etc. In some cases, the alternatives may be more suitable for
smaller countries, for example, or countries at the early stages of statistical development with
limited resource or statistical information.

21.2 Country practices and statistical circumstances vary greatly across the world. These are
often driven by structural differences, which can in turn influence, or even limit, the direction
and development of social and economic statistics. They include, for example:

• the legal framework (for example, different administrative/statistical laws, different

ways businesses may be set up, managed and recorded, and the importance of the
informal economy);

• the political environment (for example, different economic situations and resources for
official statistics, and different uses/demands for statistics);

• the regional/administrative set up (for example, states, provinces, federal set-up’s, etc.);

• the taxation system (for example, different policies, different types of taxes, access to
administrative data, etc.).

21.3 Over the past 60 or so years, since the first BPM in 1948 and SNA in 1953, huge strides
have been made to improve comparability and harmonisation of economic statistics and
National Accounts across countries. This has been achieved, firstly by developing international
standards for the compilation of these accounts, and secondly by helping countries continually
developing the coverage, accuracy, quality and timeliness of the national, industrial and
regional statistics produced in line with the international standards.

21.4 Thus countries continuously improve their statistical infrastructure, registers, surveys,
methodologies, etc. These improvements in turn also generate revisions to various key
microeconomic and macroeconomic statistics. These revisions albeit sometimes inconvenient,
for example to users, they should be welcomed and viewed as improvements to quality and

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

comparability. The development of the SUTs framework to underpin GNI and GDP also
provides a source of revision when confronting data from different sources and balanced
through such a framework, and provide a coherent and consistent base.

21.5 This Chapter provides some guidance for countries with limited resources for statistics.
Examples of the compilation practices from different regions in the world are provided. They
illustrate a common theme of continual change and improvement of the National Accounts and
SUTs and related statistics. They show how countries have addressed challenges and how they
followed different paths of development to the present day situation. Section B provides some
basic considerations on the compilation of National Accounts that are particularly important
also for the compilation of SUTs. The importance of good quality basic economic statistics, the
availability of business registers and measurements of the non-observed economy are some of
the aspects that affect the quality of the National Accounts and SUTs. Examples of the
development of the National Accounts vis a vis that of SUTs are presented for Malawi, the
Czech Republic and Chile in Section D, E and F respectively.

B. Basic considerations for the compilation of National Accounts and SUTs

21.6 The 2008 SNA and BPM 6 are the latest statistical standards for the compilation of the
National Accounts and Balance of Payments respectively. Since the compilation of SUTs forms
an integral part of the compilation of National Accounts (it relies, for example, on the same data
sources, conceptual framework, etc.) some general considerations on the compilation of
National Accounts are presented below. In general, the implementation of 2008 SNA is a
challenge to varying degrees reflecting the need for resources, methods, new systems and new
or more detailed data.

21.7 The NSOs are usually responsible for the National Accounts but in some countries, the
National Accounts compilation (and more so, the Balance of Payments) is the responsibility of
the NCBs (even though, in some countries, this role has changed over the years whereby, for
example, the Balance of Payments is shifting from the NCBs to the NSO as it happened, for
example, in Finland in 2014).

21.8 The quality of National Accounts and also SUTs depends greatly on the methodology
used, data quality and coverage, timeliness of their compilation and their compliance with
international standards. The following elements will have a significant impact on the level of
available details:

• adoption of international industrial, product and functional classifications;

• availability and quality of current price source data;
• availability of prices for deflation;
• benchmarking using comprehensive sources (annual benchmarking as opposed to 5-
yearly benchmarking or longer is preferred);
• staff resources, time schedules for production and publication; and
• system infrastructure.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

21.9 Several countries with less developed statistical systems are using SUTs as an integral
part of the compilation of the final or benchmarked annual National Accounts in current prices.
Such countries might only be able to follow the production approach and the expenditure
approach, while the income approach might be difficult. The income approach requires data for
wages, salaries, taxes and subsidies on production and also consumption of fixed capital.

21.10 A number of countries used to complete the SUTs after the final National Accounts
aggregates are published. However, this is now changing in many cases to a situation whereby
compilation of SUTs is used to set some of the National Accounts aggregates.

21.11 The compilation of National Accounts requires good knowledge about the country’s
economy, special training in the National Accounts compilation, methodology, and also
knowledge about the coverage and quality of the different economic statistics and
administrative data.

21.12 The National Accounts estimates rely on a large number of economic statistics compiled
by various stakeholders such as NSOs, the NCBs and by several different Ministries and
Government Departments including the Finance Ministry.

21.13 It is important to have a solid base of economic statistics for the compilation of National
Accounts so that differences in economic growth can be attributed to the actual changes in the
economy rather than to poor and insufficient basic economic statistics which do not have a good
coverage or are based on some broad assumptions. For example, the inclusion or exclusion of
the non-observed economy and its measurement is a serious problem for the comparability
between National Accounts and GDP across countries and across time.

21.14 Better measurement of the informal sector is a key issue for national accountants
especially in countries with a large informal sector. Issues that affect the measurements of the
informal sector include, for example, the imputation of the GVA of production of crops and
livestock for own consumption, the estimation of the GVA of own construction of dwellings or
farm buildings; or the imputation of rentals for owner-occupied dwellings. In the cases when
these calculations are not done, the GDP may be under-estimated compared with countries that
follow the 2008 SNA recommendations.

21.15 The adoption of the 2008 SNA provides countries with the opportunity to thoroughly
review the sources and methods underlying the collection and compilation of their national
accounts. Efforts to improve coverage and quality have generated large revisions in the National
Accounts of several countries –this is inevitable and should be welcome and managed through
an effective communication strategy.

21.16 The SNA require imputations for various types of non-monetary production, and these
are particularly important in developing countries. These include both stricter adherence to SNA
guidelines and, in particular, the adoption of a regular program of surveys of households,
enterprises, and agriculture.

1. Statistical business register and administrative registers

21.17 The sample frame for the main statistical surveys should be determined by a census or
a business register. A comprehensive high-quality statistical business register regularly updated

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

and maintained in the NSO, alongside the statistical unit, should be one of the most important
instruments of the statistical system.

21.18 The business register should in principle cover all formal producing units operating in
the economy, listing names, addresses, ownership, links to other parts of the
enterprise/enterprise group, and some key variables like employment and turnover. However,
in many countries the business register may have insufficient coverage or may be out of date.

21.19 The business register might include enterprises that no longer exist and/or not include
new enterprises; changes such as mergers or splits of enterprises may not be included; or the
register may contain incorrect information about types of economic activity, enterprise size or
address, etc. Enterprises may not be recorded or be missing from data sources due to statistical
reasons. These situations will occur with high rates of enterprise turnover (for example,
economic slowdowns and upturns) and/or many new industries (for example, reflecting new
products). Industrial production is rising sharply in many developing countries will also lead to
many new start-up businesses.

21.20 Regular updates of the statistical business register for conducting economic surveys
should have high priority. Administrative registers (for example, tax and VAT registers) should
be key sources used for updating the statistical business register. Resources are also required to
plan and complete the moves onto any new or revised classifications, for example the
introduction of ISIC Rev. 4 used in the business register and for the economic statistics.

2. Data sources for compilation of National Accounts and SUTs

21.21 Countries should develop a sustainable system for regular collection of economic data
required for the compilation of National Accounts and SUTs. Administrative data should also
be used as a key data source. Delays, statistical errors and incomplete statistical data, may
require time consuming estimation of the National Accounts estimates. Several versions of
preliminary and corrected data from statistical surveys will also require corrections of the input
data for National Accounts and re-balancing of the National Accounts leading to revisions.
These in turn need to be managed with suppliers and users. An established revision policy will
provide transparency, help planning schedules and provide rationale for revisions and planning.

21.22 Specific ministries such as agriculture, health and education will often have statistical
services and a range of detailed data covering their areas of policy. A formal service-level
agreement or memorandum of understanding between the NSO, Government Departments,
Central Bank and other non-NSO suppliers compiling statistics is sometimes necessary to align
the interests and supply of data required.

21.23 Chapter 4 of this Handbook covers the need for National Accounts/SUTs compilers to
analyse and develop the following types of data sources for the compilation of SUTs/IOTs:

• Statistic domains usually the responsibility of the NSO:

- Agriculture census.
- Crop surveys and livestock censuses.
- Fisheries statistics.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

- Economic surveys for large enterprises or from a sample of enterprises.

- Annual survey for non-profit institutions or for a sample of the non-profit institutions.
- Energy statistics.
- Labour force survey.
- External trade statistics with value and quantity data for imports and exports of goods.
- Integrated Household Surveys.
- Consumer price indices.
- Population Census and Housing Census.
• Administrative data often sourced from other departments:

- Agriculture, fishing, forestry statistics from different ministries.

- Banking statistics and statistics for other financial institutions from the NCB.
- Balance of payments data from the NCB.
- Insurance accounts from Insurance industry regulators.
- Government audited accounts and Budget Documents with expenditures split
between individual consumption and collective consumption categories.
- VAT paid data, and if recorded, VAT turnover, by industry (and by product where
differential rates exist) from tax collecting departments.

(a) Economic surveys for large enterprises or for a sample of enterprises

21.24 Economic enterprise surveys as required for the compilation of SUTs need to collect
information on output by products, intermediate consumption by product, components of GVA
and employment as well as explore the fixed and financial assets and liabilities and the
categories of GFCF.

21.25 The collection of data at the establishment level could be challenging. The statistical
data source therefore may have to be based on enterprises that publish their financial accounts
or are covered in an enterprise survey. It is easier to collect reliable figures on output from
financial accounts of the enterprises but in some cases the output is valued at producers’ prices
rather than at basic prices which is the valuation concept in SNA

21.26 The enterprise surveys is the major source for estimating the input cost structures of
industries by products but enterprise surveys based on the fiscal data usually provide aggregated
data for intermediate consumption with no detail breakdown of the cost structure. Special cost
structure surveys for all industries should be compiled annually or, at least, for the base years.
These surveys are an important source for compiling intermediate consumption by industry for
the National Accounts underpinning the production approach. However, in general they can be
very costly.

21.27 GFCF by enterprises should also be derived from the enterprise survey and provide
information about buildings, transport equipment, machinery, software, etc. Many countries are

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

already including as GFCF on computer software by producers, mineral exploration and

government expenditure on military durable goods other than weapons.

21.28 The product classification used for economic statistics should follow the CPC, and the
industry classification in accordance with the ISIC. The industry and product classifications
used for National Accounts and SUTs should always be aligned with the latest version of each

(b) External trade data

21.29 External trade statistics with detailed data for imports and exports of goods and services
are of great importance for the compilation of SUTs and IOTs in all countries. Different data
processing and database management systems are used for trade statistics and more information
is provided in the compilers manual for international merchandise trade statistics (United
Nations, 2013). Eurostat, for example, has developed the ‘Eurotrace’ software package which
is used in many developing countries to manage data for external trade statistics for goods. The
‘Eurotrace’ software allows: (a) the import and management of the data necessary to the
development of the external trade statistics (in particular the customs data); (b) the treatment of
these data, in particular through carrying out quality controls and the application of standards;
(c) the calculation of a certain number of aggregates, in particular indices of Foreign Trade; and
(d) their export for dissemination and publication. For further details, see

21.30 In small economies data from imports with detailed specification of goods such as
transport equipment and machinery, also forms a reliable data source for deciding large part of
the GFCF data by product and by type. The balance of payments data should provide a data
source for import and export of services.

3. The “non-observed” economy

21.31 The term “non-observed” economy is used to describe activities that, for one reason or
another, are not captured in regular statistical enquiries. The reason may be that the activity is
informal and thus escapes the attention of surveys geared to formal activities; it may be that the
producer is anxious to conceal a legal activity, or it may be that the activity is illegal. (2008
SNA paragraph 6.39).

21.32 The following activities should be recorded within the production boundary in the
National Accounts: underground activities, informal activities, including production of
households for their own final use, illegal and other activities omitted due to deficiencies in the
basic data collection programme. Several small enterprises are often omitted due to deficiencies
in the basic data collection program.

21.33 Although services produced for own consumption within households fall outside the
boundary of production used in the SNA, it is nevertheless useful to give further guidance with
respect to the treatment of certain kinds of household activities which may be particularly
important in some developing countries. The SNA includes the production of all goods within
the production boundary. The 2008 SNA, paragraph 6.32, provides a list of types of production
by households that are included whether intended for own final consumption or not. The list

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

covers, for example: the production of agricultural products and their subsequent storage; the
gathering of berries or other uncultivated crops; forestry; wood-cutting and the collection of
firewood; hunting and fishing; other kinds of processing such as weaving cloth; and dress
making and tailoring; the production of footwear.

21.34 Data obtained through household budget/expenditure surveys on household

consumption from own sources should be used to estimate production of agricultural
commodities for own consumption and the use of firewood gathering from the use side.

21.35 Other activities that are within the production boundary of the SNA but often difficult
to measure are: own-account production of housing services by owner-occupiers; own-account
construction, including that by households; production of domestic and personal services by
employing paid domestic staff; and illegal activities.

21.36 The value of housing services should be included in GDP regardless of whether these
are explicitly purchased in the form of rentals paid to the owner or “paid” by homeowners to
themselves. The SNA suggests that rentals should be imputed for owner-occupiers using rentals
actually paid for similar dwellings. Dwellings in rural areas are often constructed by their
owners using locally available materials and are almost never rented out. When no actual rentals
are available, the NSO might ask the owners to estimate what they think they would have to
pay to rent their dwelling or, alternatively, what they would charge in rent for someone else to
live in it. When properly measured, total rentals for dwellings (both actual and imputed) account
for significant amounts, for example, at least five per cent of GDP in low-income countries,
while in richer countries the percentage is often twice that level. In regions where most people
are owner-occupiers, the omission of imputed rentals means that GDP is likely to be under-

4. SUTs being populated using a simplified approach

21.37 For the compilation of the National Accounts and SUTs, the industry and product
classifications used should be consistent with the international standard classifications such as
ISIC and CPC. Of course, the level of detailed shown in the tables should be chosen taking into
accounts its relevance for the country’s economy among other things.

21.38 In general, the classification of products should be more detailed than the classification
of industries thus generating rectangular SUTs. Detailed specification of products is important
to be able to allocate VAT, trade and transport margins and, for example, product taxes on petrol
and product subsidies on seeds and fertiliser.

21.39 The compilation of SUTs in countries with limited statistical resources can follow a
simplified sequence of five steps when the full suite of recommendations presented in this
Handbook cannot be implemented in the short term. These steps are described below and
provide a simplified temporary alternative until a proper system is put in place.

21.40 Table 21.1 provides an overview linking the Supply Table and the Use Table using the
product (also known as commodity) flow approach.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 21.1: Illustration of a data base for product-flow method used

in smaller countries (note, role of producers’ prices)

21.41 The recommended valuation(s) for balancing should be struck at either basic prices or
purchasers’ prices. However, although not ideal or recommended, some countries may have to
apply the identities at producers’ prices or at purchasers’ prices exclusive of VAT with the
estimates valued on a consistent basis in the Supply Table and Use Table. These identities still
hold at producers’ prices, for example:

Total supply at producers’ prices equals Total use at producers’ prices

21.42 Step 1. The Supply Table at basic prices classified by appropriate industry codes and
products codes is first put together. In cases where the data are at producers’ prices, an
additional step is needed to move to basic prices for compiling SUTs in volume terms.

21.43 Other components by industry and product as appropriate should be shown for:

• Market producers.
• Production for own final use.
• Non-market producers - General government.
• Non-market producers – NPISHs.
• Imports of goods, CIF and custom duty.
• Import of services.
21.44 Step 2. The Use Table at purchasers’ prices classified by appropriate industry codes and
products codes is put together. The Use Table at purchasers’ prices should specify:

• Intermediate Use of products (at purchasers’ prices):

- Market producers.
- Production for own final use – no VAT, trade or transport margins.
- Non-market producers - General government.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

- Non-market producers – NPISHs.

• Final consumption (at purchasers’ prices):

- Final consumption expenditure by households, using COICOP classification.

- Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs, using COPNI classification.
- Final consumption expenditure, individual consumption and collective consumption,
using COFOG classification.
- Capital formation by type of industry and product.
- Exports of goods and services.
21.45 Step 3. The Use Table at purchasers’ prices is corrected to basic prices (or if not feasible,
then producers’ prices, if relevant to link with the Supply Table) by re-allocating non-deductible
VAT, trade and transport margins.

21.46 Non-deductible VAT is not relevant for intermediate consumption (as all non-
observed/informal producers will have to pay non-deductible VAT on their intermediate
consumption) but for market products supplied to final consumption, and in some countries, for
capital formation and export.

21.47 Trade margins have to be estimated for different types of goods and will vary depending
on the receiver of the goods. Transport charges invoiced separately by the producer will vary
depending on the receiver of the goods.

21.48 The first estimated values of non-refundable VAT, trade and transport margins have to
be deducted from purchasers’ prices to compile the Use Table at producers’ prices and later at
basic prices.

21.49 Step 4. Confrontation of data sources - balancing the Supply Table and Use Table at
producers’ prices (as opposed to the recommended valuation basic prices and/or purchasers’

21.50 In many countries with a less developed statistical system, the compilation and
balancing of the National Accounts implies that the National Accounts staff are controlling,
correcting and balancing the data and, in some cases, even heavily involved in the collection of
data. The SUTs framework enables an efficient and consistent confrontation of all the primary
data sources. The identity between resources and uses of products requires product flows to be
compiled or estimated.

21.51 The product flow method is an approach used in National Accounts in several
countries, for example, where detailed information of the input structure of industries is missing
or incomplete. It might be collected data from businesses on outputs but data on inputs for
producing those outputs may be difficult to collect. Changes in inventories will be calculated
by the product flow method as the difference between supply and use of each product at
producers’ prices, determined as a residual variable allocated to change in inventories. Using a
manual procedure the residuals have to be corrected to an acceptable level. Based on judgement,
the compilers should balance the accounts by adjusting selected components based on criteria

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

like quality, coverage, etc. Change of inventories for services have to be corrected on the supply
or the use side and eliminated.

21.52 Step 5. When the Supply Table and the Use Table have been corrected and balanced at
producers’ prices, the Use Table will be compiled at purchasers’ prices by adding corrected
trade and transport margins and non-refundable VAT. The first figures estimated for non-
refundable VAT will be re-allocated according to the move of final consumption expenditure,
gross capital formation and exports from producers’ prices to purchasers’ prices. Similarly,
some part of the trade and transport margins may also have to be re-allocated. At this stage, the
Use Table is valued at purchasers’ prices.

21.53 When the first version of the SUTs is established, the following types of checks are

• the total figures for production, intermediate consumption, GVA and gross capital
formation for the different industries; and
• the total figures for final consumption, product taxes, product subsidies, imports and
21.54 The estimates for household final consumption expenditure at purchasers’ prices must
be evaluated in relation to the computed figures for trade and transport margins and change in
inventories/residuals. Even with annual Household Budget Surveys, small samples and a high
degree of non-response might make this important data source unreliable. The results from the
Household Budget Surveys have to be evaluated and balanced with other data sources for supply
of goods and services. Household surveys often understate final consumption expenditure,
especially on services.

21.55 For products where change in inventories cannot be accepted (for example, some service
products), the production or use of these products must be changed. The compiler has to use
judgement to reach a balance by adjusting the components as necessary. In cases where
statistical information is missing, estimates can be made using the product flow approach and
SUTs framework. This is a fundamental aspect about producing SUTs in this way, in that it
allows the National Accounts to be compiled in a coherent manner even in situations when the
source data are incomplete or weak in quality. The product flow method also provides a basis
for logical substitution of a weak data source, either on the supply side or on the use side.

21.56 Step 6. The Supply Table at producers’ prices is transformed to basic prices. The re-
allocation of certain taxes on products and subsidies on products allows for the transformation
from producers’ prices to basic prices, and thus for the balancing of SUTs also at basic prices.

21.57 With rapidly changing and developing economies, impact of globalisation, increasing
rate of change of technology and its impact, new products and new industries, etc., it is
recommended that the production of new SUTs should reflect an annual benchmarking process.
If countries are unable to compile SUTs every year, it is recommended that National Accounts
should be benchmarked through the compilation of SUTs, at least every five years.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

5. SUTs in volume terms (the ‘double deflation’ technique)

21.58 To obtain GDP in volume terms, the SNA recommends the use of annual chain indices,
which implies in effect updating the base year each year. The SUTs provides a framework for
compilation and balancing in current prices and in volume terms as well as to provide an
overview of transaction data, price indicators and volume indicators interrelated in a systematic
way. Deflation using price indices is the preferred method for calculating GDP in volume terms.

21.59 Chapter 9 of this Handbook provides more details and recommended approaches to
compile SUTs in previous years’ prices. The approaches presented in this Section do not form
recommended approaches but are recognised as accepted temporary alternatives until a proper
system is put in place.

21.60 If countries are unable to update SUTs every year and use chain indices, the 2008 SNA
recommends that the base year is updated every five years. Many countries, for example,
compile SUTs only for the base years.

(a) SUTs as the basis for volume measures of GDP

21.61 The SUTs for the current year should be established with the same format as SUTs for
the previous year or an earlier base year. The SUTs in volume terms should be compiled by
deflating current price values by price indices or using volume indictors but at the product level.
The price indices should match the values being deflated as closely as possible. This results in
integrated Paasche price indices and Laspeyres volume indices. Below are examples of
deflations for specific categories in the SUTs.

21.62 Supply Table - Price indices for products from domestic output linked to domestic use,
at basic prices.

• Price indices for products supplied to domestic users can be based on PPIs, CPIs, unit
value price indices or input price calculations.

• Market producers. Where industrial products are important in the economy, the PPI
compilation as monthly or quarterly indices for industrial products are required but can
be expensive and difficult to organise. CPI should be used for service industries,
supplying services to the households but might also be used for identical services to
market producers. CPI has to be corrected for change in VAT rates from the base year.
Unit value indices are acceptable price indices for homogeneous products as
agricultural, forestry and fishing products and also mining products.

• Production for own final use. If agricultural, forestry and fishery products for own
consumption are important, these products should have a products code different from
the products sold to the market because no trade margins and VAT are charged on own
final consumption. The CPI adjusted for change in the VAT rate can be used for products
for own consumption.

• Non-market producers (general government and NPISHs). Production for general

government and NPISHs in current prices is compiled by summing up intermediate
consumption, compensation of employees, consumption of fixed capital and taxes less

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

subsidies on production. The compilation in volume terms is conducted from the input
side. Input price indices should be calculated using the Paasche formula for each non-
market producer, weighting the price indices for intermediate consumption and a wage
index for compensation of employees. The wage index should be adjusted for changes
in quality of the labour force (using type of job and educational background of the

21.63 Supply Table - Price indices for products from imports (CIF value), at basic prices.

• Unit value price indices for similar groups of products from foreign trade customs

21.64 Use Table - Price indices for products to exports (FOB value), at purchasers’ prices.

• Unit value price indices for similar group of products from foreign trade customs
declaration. CPIs for domestic services as estimates of prices for export of domestic

21.65 Use Table - Volume estimates for products for domestic use at basic prices are covered
in later in this Section.

(b) The compilation process - A simplified methodology

21.66 A simplified methodology for the compilation of SUTs in volume terms is presented

21.67 First step. Use Table - products for export at purchasers’ prices are deflated with unit
value price indices and consumer price indices for services.

21.68 Second step. Use Table - products for export at basic prices in volume terms are
calculated by deducting VAT, trade and transport margins and taxes on products from exports
at purchasers’ prices and adding product subsidies (if relevant), all compiled in previous years’
prices (or a base year price). VAT, trade and transport margins and product taxes, subsidies are
estimated in volume terms at detailed product level by applying rates of the respective tax, trade
and transport margins from the previous year (or the base year).

21.69 Third step. Supply Table - production for own final use and also other products will
only go to the domestic market in all countries. For products supplied both to the domestic
market and to exports, one combined price index should be used to deflate domestic supply of
the products at basic price values. To form the price index for total domestic supply of one of
these products, the price index should be compiled as a weighted average of the price index for
export of the product, calculated at basic prices and the price index for domestic production of
the same product supplied to domestic users, also at basic prices. The combined index for a
product is used to deflate domestic supply of that product from the various industries.

21.70 If no price indices are accessible for some products to the domestic market, the export
price index might be used if the major part of the product is exported, for example, coffee,
tobacco, minerals or oil.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(c) Balancing between the Supply Table and the Use Table in volume terms

21.71 The balancing of the Supply Table and the Use Table in volume terms is first carried
out at the detailed product level at basic prices. The balancing for different parts of the SUTs
are described below.

21.72 Balancing of products for domestic use at basic prices:

• For each product, volume estimates for the total domestic use could be calculated as
total domestic supply plus imports minus exports, all in volume terms.

• For each product, volume estimates for the various domestic uses of the product could
be calculated by distributing total domestic use of the product in volume terms
proportionally with the domestic uses in current prices.

• In volume terms, the supply and use of each product is balanced at basic prices.

21.73 Balancing of domestic use at purchasers’ prices:

• For domestic use, taxes and subsidies on products, trade and transport margins and VAT
in volume terms have to be calculated, specified by products and users, as a supplement
to the basic prices in order to arrive at the purchasers’ prices in volume terms. Tax rates
and trade margins from the previous year (or base year) are used.

21.74 CPIs for household final consumption expenditure:

• Household final consumption expenditure is the only area, except for exports, where
price indices could be used for deflating purchasers’ prices directly. The deflated figures
for goods and services supplied for Household final consumption expenditure could be
adjusted to reflect the change in the CPI for the products in question.

21.75 Checking GVA in volume terms:

• GVA in volume terms is calculated as the difference between production at basic prices
and intermediate consumption at purchasers' prices. Calculating GVA in volume terms
for a given industry using double deflation might give negative figures if specification
of intermediate consumption or price indices is poor and should be corrected. Relatively
small errors may result in an obviously incorrect GVA in volume terms.

6. Documentation of sources and methods of estimation

21.76 When the SUTs are balanced, information in particular on the sources and methods of
estimation for each single element of the SUTs would be useful to evaluate and analysing
industry and product imbalances. A thorough documentation of the basic data and the methods
used, the problems encountered, solutions applied and the results achieved is highly

21.77 The documentation helps to evaluate the data quality and outline the strategy and
prioritisation for balancing. In addition, some form of revisions analyses should be produced,

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

and used to identify any underlying biases in the data and/or processes. Documentation of the
various compilation steps should point to missing data issues and problems of basic data quality.

21.78 It is important that such findings are utilised as feedbacks to primary statistics as well
as informing the development of future strategies and priorities to improve data and collecting
data for the relatively weaker areas as well as seeking funding as appropriate.

C. The Effect on GDP of Integrating SUTs in the National Accounts for Malawi

21.79 National Accounts for Malawi (called Nyasaland from 1891 to 1964) was first
calculated by Miss Phyllis Deane for the year 1938, and published in ”The Measurement of
Colonial National Income”, Cambridge University Press, 1948.

21.80 During the Federal period, from 1954 to 1963 a set of National Accounts were prepared
for Malawi by CSO, Salisbury. Phyllis Deane writes later:

“The difficulties in the way of measuring the national income in Africa spring from two main
sources. First, the concepts and experience from which the national income estimator
usually derives his definitions and methods have for the most part been developed in dealing
with advanced industrial economies such as those of the United Kingdom or the United
States. How far they are applicable to less advanced economies must be deduced from a
series of practical tests. Second, data on which to base estimates are scarce”.

21.81 Following Independence in 1964, the task of preparing National Accounts for Malawi
fell on the newly established National Statistical Office (NSO) in Zomba. The first National
Accounts Publication for Malawi, covering the years 1964-1970 was released in November
1972, and was followed by five other National Accounts publications. The last of these
publications “Malawi National Accounts Report 1990-1994” was published by NSO, Zomba
with series starting from 1990, using 1994 as base year.

21.82 The National Accounts for the years up to 2006 were compiled in 1994 prices, with only
GDP converted to current price by an aggregated price index composed of consumer price
indices and price indices from external trade.

21.83 In June 2003, an Institutional Co-operation Project between Statistics Norway and the
National Statistical Office of Malawi and the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning
of Malawi was established and funded by the Government of the Kingdom of Norway. Statistics
Norway provided technical advice and training to the National Statistical Office of Malawi on
how to build a National Accounts system as a basis for economic and social policy planning.

21.84 In 2004, it was decided to start with the compilation of SUTs compliant with the 1993
SNA. The framework for the first benchmark SUTs was considered carefully. Two of the most
important features supporting this framework included the establishment of an ISIC-based
industry classification relevant to Malawi, specifying around 100 industries, and a CPC-based
product classification, specifying around 350 products.

21.85 The aim was to utilize all economic statistics and relevant administrative data available
in Malawi. Important food products in the Malawian economy were specified, also with a split
between products sold to the market and products for own use. Products like food aid were also

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

given special codes. The list of products was also relevant and manageable for compiling price
indices or quantity indices. A link between the product classification and the HS used in the
import and export statistics was established.

21.86 The SUTs for the year 2002 (and since 2002) mainly relied on Malawi’s crop estimates,
annual economic surveys covering 300 large enterprises, government accounts and integrated
household surveys. For external trade data, the Eurotrace software providing details on imports
and exports of goods was used. These details were not used in compiling the SUTs before 2002.
The BoP figures covered import and export of services. In addition, as part of the Project,
training was provided on how to utilize all available economic statistics in Malawi.

21.87 Excel worksheets are currently used for data input and the final tabulations of the SUTs
estimates. A software application, SNA-NT, provided by Statistics Norway allowed to
balancing the SUTs in current prices, calculating the SUTs in previous years’ prices, and also
deriving Industry by Industry IOTs. Balancing the different data sources in a systematic and
well documented framework has provided important quality checks, and has also produced
improved estimates for the informal economy in the National Accounts for Malawi.

21.88 In March 2007, Malawi released revised National Accounts estimates for the years
2002-2004 and preliminary aggregate figures for the years 2005 and 2006. Comparisons
between the old and new estimates showed GDP in current prices had been revised upwardly
by 38.0 per cent in 2004 and by 37.4 and 37.7 per cent in the two subsequent years. The main
reasons for this revision were the introduction of better quality estimates for small and medium-
sized businesses, and new data on NPISHs.

21.89 The Malawi National Accounts Report 2002-2005 (http://www.nso.malawi.net/) gives

details on the concepts, sources, and methods used.

21.90 During 2009-2013, a further revision of the National Accounts for Malawi for previous
years 2002-2010 started. The classification system was being updated so to conform to ISIC
Revision 4 and CPC Revision 2. Some core aspects of the 1008 SNA were also being
introduced. Relevant new data sources were analysed and used:

• Revised previous Annual Economic Surveys and improved Annual Economic Surveys
from 2008;

• New survey for small and medium-sized enterprises and for NPISHs;

• National Census of Agriculture and Livestock for 2007;

• Third Integrated Household Survey for the year 2010;

• 2008 Population and Housing Census;

• Better estimate for the contribution of forestry by capturing the extensive use of wood
for fuel.

21.91 The annual SUTs for the years 2002-2007 are revised at an aggregated level to establish
comparable time series for the whole period 2002-2010. The annual SUTs at basic prices for
the years 2002-2010 is converted to Industry by Industry IOTs. The methodology for

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

transformation to IOTs is based on the main assumption that each of the detailed products has
its own specific sales structure, ‘the fixed product sales structure’.

Frequency of compilation of SUTs

21.92 Compiling detailed annual SUTs every year is in a general a challenging task which
require careful planning and appropriate resources. Even though the benefits of compiling SUTs
as a regular component of the annual National Accounts was recognized, after careful
considerations it was decided that, given the limited resources in the NSO and users’ needs in
the country, the compilation of annual SUTs was not a technically, financially, or sustainable
approach for the NSO in the country. It was decided that, for the time being, SUTs would be
compiled instead only for benchmark years which are around every five years.

21.93 Main users of the National Accounts data, like the Reserve Bank are more interested in
preliminary estimates of national accounts and quarterly data rather than the final annual
estimates which are published with a lag of more than two years.

A twinning project between Malawian institutions: the Ministry of Development,

Planning and Cooperation and the National Statistical Office

21.94 The SUTs offers a flexible approach to compile Industry by Industry IOTs in current
prices and in volume terms. The twinning project aimed at building a macroeconomic model to
assist the Government in macroeconomic planning and management. The close link between
the two projects made the transition from a simple aggregated model to a more complex and
disaggregated model easier. Apart from providing new insight into the economy, it also created
a close link between the model builders and users and the producers of the statistical inputs to
the model. This, in effect, acts as a quality assurance system bringing along important feedbacks
to further improve the statistics. Once the disaggregated model was implemented it became
apparent that the new methodology was a huge improvement.

21.95 Choosing the type of model to build clearly depends upon for what it is going to be used.
Malawi has a long history of undergoing IMF programs, one of the design criteria to make it
useful was to be able to analyse such programs. Another criterion was for the model to be useful
in formulating the national budgets, an area in which it has already proved helpful, for example,
estimating the fiscal position and any related financing needs, and to keep track of the revenue
effects from tax policies.

21.96 The debate whether to go for large scale models or to keep them small and simple is a
recurrent theme. When the model project was on the drawing-board, a ‘large’ model was
adopted due to the fact that there was a need for IOTs to form the core of the model.

21.97 The IOTs derived from the SUTs were used to create the core of the macroeconomic
model. Furthermore, the IOTs for 2002-2010 made up the bulk of the data for the model. For
each year, the IOTs in current and previous years’ prices were used to create constant price
value time series by chain-linking. The I-O coefficients used in the model were estimated from
the latest version of the IOTs which also defined the base year of the model’s dataset.

21.98 The data in the SUTs was aggregated into 26 domestic industries, of which, 15 industries
import goods and services. Also defined were the prices of intermediate inputs and all the 35

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

final use components. One particular useful design was the separation of household’s
production for own use and what was sold to the market.

D. Development of the application of the I-O framework in the Czech Republic

21.99 The Czech Republic became an independent state in 1993 following the dissolution of
Czechoslovakia. Economic statistics including I-O accounts had a long tradition starting in the
1950s linked with economic planning, and controlling the fulfilment of the plan to providing
statistical information to the public.

21.100 From 1969, the Czechoslovakian Statistics were organised by three main agencies: the
Federal Statistical Office which represented the most important part aimed at coordination and
creation of methodology for data surveys; the Slovak Statistical Office and the Czech Statistical
Office which served as subsidiaries, mainly aimed at data collection.

21.101 In addition, there were research institutes closely cooperating or working with statistical
offices. Czechoslovakia implemented the Soviet Model for macroeconomic statistics that
consisted of sets of balances (Balances of National Economy). The most important were
Balances of National Income, Balances of Non-productive Sphere and Balances of Capital.
These balances were very close to the System of National Accounts in principle although there
were different sets of tables (like accounts). The key part of the system devoted to the creation
of product was called the Material Product System and it covered production by productive
sphere. This very narrow concept of production covered only tangible products (goods) and
selected services. The MPS also covered IOTs.

21.102 In line with Marx theories, socialist measurement of economy was based on the division
of economy into productive and non-productive activities and this was applied on both national
income measurement and IOTs. This implied IOTs compiled in socialist countries were not
comparable with the practice in the Western countries. Box 21.1 provides details on the
evolution of the MPS and the Phare Projects in all the new EU countries through to the
development of SUTs.

21.103 The first IOTs were compiled for Czechoslovakia for 1962 (using 96 products) and a lot
of research work preceded the compilation of these tables. Since then the IOTs were produced
roughly five-yearly (1967, 1973, 1977, 1982 and 1987). The first tables for the Czech Republic
were compiled for 1973 (using 89 products) and subsequently in 1977, 1982 and 1987.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Box 21.1 Material Product System and Phare Projects

After the Russian Revolution, the official National Accounts for the USSR from the 1920s were based on
the Marxist’s production concept, later known as the Material Product System (MPS). From the 1950s,
other centrally planned countries also followed by using the MPS for their National Accounts.
The MPS 1969 version was published in Russian in 1970, and became the official statistical standard for
measurement of economic performance for the centrally planned countries.
From 1971, the UN accepted that these countries used the MPS 1969 for their reporting to UN, while much
of the remaining world tended to use the UN System of National Accounts (1968 SNA).
The major conceptual difference between the MPS 1969 and the 1968 SNA covered the production
boundary, which was confined to only ‘material’ production in the MPS 1969. For example, the services
of owner-occupied dwellings and government health care, education and defence were not regarded as
production. However, the MPS 1969 already included concepts such as actual consumption (total
consumption of the population), first included in SNA from 1993 SNA. Some of these countries compiled
IOTs between 1960 and 1989 following the methodological principles of MPS - the basic indicator in this
system was ‘Net Material Product’. Some countries used both MPS and 1968 SNA in parallel.
In 1989, the European Commission started so-called Phare Projects, with the aim of improving official
statistics in Phare Candidate Countries (at that time, comprising Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia,
Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia). A number of Phare Projects have
been undertaken for the implementation of ESA 1995 (consistent with the 1993 SNA) in these countries.
The majority of the new EU 12 countries had experience with compiling IOTs following the
methodological principles of MPS. Difficulties for many countries during their transition period were to
introduce new concepts in surveys, establishing new data sources, especially for the service sector activities
and change the classifications used, for example to ISIC, then later to NACE.
In accordance with ESA 1995, later ESA 2010, all EEA/EU countries are obliged to prepare SUTs and
IOTs. The first SUTs/IOTs for some of the countries in transition were published in the second half of the
1990s. Major challenges relating to the compilation of SUTs for many of the new EU 12 countries have
• New price and volume measures as price statistics had not been part of their statistical practice.
• Calculation of consumption of fixed capital for all industries using the Perpetual Inventory Model
(PIM) approach.
• FISIM allocation by the consuming industries and final uses.
Several of these countries are now compiling the SUTs as an integral part of the compilation of final or
benchmarked Annual National Accounts in current prices, and as the framework for balancing National
Accounts and compiling National Accounts aggregates. In 2006, the Norwegian Statistical Office signed
contracts with three Eastern European countries to allow them to use their software. One of the institutions,
the Czech Republic Statistical Office (CZSO) used the Norwegian software to implement commodity flow
for balancing SUTs combined with their own Excel based routines, and continue to develop their systems
and processes. In 2009, Statistics Norway also provided Slovakia the right to use software.
All the EU countries are now compiling SUTs in current prices. However, only around half the EU
countries are compiling annual SUTs in previous years’ prices, these include some of the former Phare
Candidate Countries such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia. The Czech Republic
and Hungary are now also compiling IOTs in current prices, and the Czech Republic is also among the few
EU countries producing IOTs in previous years’ prices. For some countries, the present day position has
also reflected the change to the compilation process of producing SUTs before IOTs as opposed to IOTs

21.104 National Accounts were introduced in Czechoslovakia with the transformation of the
country after 1990. Originally proposed ideas on the combination of the Balances of National
Economy and the System of National Accounts were abandoned. During the preparation for
transformation of macroeconomic statistics, Czechoslovakia was divided into the Czech
Republic and the Slovak Republic. The first National Accounts were compiled for the Czech

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Republic for 1992 in 1995. The division of the country also meant the closure of the Federal
Statistical Office. Some skilled experts moved to the CZSO but many left to join private

21.105 The first Czech Republic National Accounts contained both institutional sector accounts
and SUTs at purchasers’ prices based on 1993 SNA /ESA 1995 concepts. The 1968 SNA was
never implemented in Czechoslovakia except GDP estimates compiled within the international
comparison programme organised by the UN. The progress in the compilation of National
Accounts during the 1990s were driven by the most demanded aspects like improvements in
institutional sector accounts, construction of financial accounts, and subsequently, construction
of balances of non-financial assets. SUTs were not often compiled - finished for 1995 and 1997.

21.106 Before entry into the EU in 2004, a major revision of the Czech Republic National
Accounts was undertaken. This revision included time series of both institutional sector
accounts and SUTs for 1995-2003 and ensured the full consistency between institutional sector
accounts and SUTs. Since then SUTs have become a standard tool for balancing and deflation
in the annual National Accounts and IOTs compiled every five years.

21.107 Currently, the Czech Republic National Accounts have two parts:

• Institutional sector accounts describing the creation, distribution and redistribution of

values (including balance sheets); and
• SUTs and IOTs describing technical links and the process of production.
21.108 The SUTs are now compiled annually with three vintages: t+9 months (preliminary),
t+15 months (semi-definitive) and t+27 months (definitive). These tables serve the statistical
office as well as other users - their main purpose is to find equality between resources and uses
on both product level and on aggregates. These tables are automatically deflated into previous
years’ prices and resulting GDP deflators and volumes derived. Up to now, quarterly SUTs are
not compiled but the structures from annual SUTs (industrial weights) are used to produce
quarterly GDP estimates.

21.109 The SUTs provide the main tool for the analysis of compiled figures and the balancing
adjustments are also taken into the institutional sector accounts, balances of fixed assets and
inventories. Balancing equality is found between two completely independent approaches to
measuring GDP - production and expenditure. Balancing is organised as a team of seven staff
with clear roles and responsibilities for specific products and industries. All members of the
balancing team record balancing adjustments following balancing protocols. This implies the
CZSO is transparent in its processes and able to describe how consistency is achieved.

21.110 The core of the Czech Republic I-O system is represented by annual SUTs compiled at
the 2-digit level of CPA and NACE, consistent with CPC and ISIC respectively.

21.111 Appropriate IT systems were evaluated for SUTs and IOTs before it was decided to
construct an internal bespoke system using spreadsheets. In 2006, the CZSO implemented the
Norwegian database system, SNA-NT. In both systems (Norwegian and Czech Republic), all
valuation sets are simultaneously balanced - purchasers’ prices, VAT, trade margins, transport
margins, subsidies on products, taxes on products and basic prices. The Use Table at basic prices

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

is further split between domestically produced products and imported products. All sets of data
are important for deflation purposes.

21.112 While the spreadsheet based Czech Republic system had about 89 products, the SNA-
NT for Czech implementation has more than 1,500 products. The spreadsheet system is still
used for preliminary version of SUTs and for major revisions. Balancing of SUTs with a skilled
team using the spreadsheet system takes about two weeks. More developed and detailed SNA-
NT takes around one and half months.

21.113 The CZSO is also very active in international cooperation. Between 2007 and 2014, the
CZSO provided technical assistance to Macedonia for developing National Accounts including
the I-O system. The Czech Republic system for SUTs was also introduced in Azerbaijan (2010-
2012) and Slovakia (2012-2013). The first aim of the approach is consistency. Even though
some minor aspects can be omitted, it is crucial that full consistency between institutional sector
accounts (both non-financial and financial accounts) and SUTs. Experience has shown that it
seems to be easier and more successful to start with a simplified but complex system rather than
to build up fragments or unrelated tables from the SNA framework.

21.114 In September 2011, new series of SUTs and IOTs were published using the new
classifications CPA 2008 and NACE Revision 2. The revision of the Czech Republic National
Accounts covered all years 1990-2010. The SUTs are compiled for all years and IOTs (both
Product by Product and Industry by Industry versions) for years with 0 or 5 in the end.

21.115 Experts from the University of Economics in Prague estimated goods and services for
1970-1989 based on 1993 SNA /ESA 1995 methodology. These estimates were based on MPS
figures and the original IOTs for 1973 and 1987. In 2012, the users were provided with long
run comparable series of sources and uses of GDP (goods and services) starting in 1970 (in
1971 at previous years’ prices). Revisions to the CPA (linked to CPC) and NACE (linked to
ISIC) classifications have caused various complications for compilation and for users.

21.116 However, the most difficult situation is connected with the implementation of 2008 SNA
/ESA 2010. These new standards are very demanding for both compilers and users, and the
beginning of their implementation has been difficult. Nonetheless, the 2008 SNA/ESA 2010
based accounts should be fully implemented in the Czech Republic by September 2014. This
revision should cover the whole time series starting in 1990, and later this will be taken back to

21.117 The 2008 SNA /ESA 2010 approach to foreign trade covering merchanting is to record
the goods on the export side (even with negative values) and adoption of the principle of change
of ownership affecting processing will cause problems to users. Users of IOTs from research
institutes and universities were used to some interpretation of production process, production
function and resulting I-O coefficients. The new concept introduced in 2008 SNA / ESA 2010
will be changing these assumptions and issues like factory-less production are getting an
increased role. The link between production (output) and intermediate consumption is not so
straightforward and it means that the concept of financial flows is preferred to physical
production. The difference between the institutional sector accounts’ concept of generation of
income (who has a profit) is getting closer to production side of national accounts represented
by SUTs and IOTs.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

E. Continual change, development and improvement in Chile

Background and institutional framework

21.118 The production of IOTs in Chile has historically been linked to the benchmarking of the
National Accounts which constitute the most comprehensive estimation for macroeconomic
aggregates for the Chilean economy in a given year. The production of IOTs began in the 1960s
when the National Accounts were compiled at the Office for National Planning (ODEPLAN).
During this period, two IOTs were produced, for the years 1962 and 1977. In 1982, the
compilation of National Accounts was transferred to the Central Bank of Chile, where four
further benchmarking exercises were carried out along with the corresponding IOTs for the
years 1986, 1996, 2003 and 2008. Table 21.1 provides a summary of the historical benchmarks.

Table 21.1 Historical benchmark exercises

Benchmark year

1962 1977 1986 1996 2003 2008

Benchmark SNA 1953 1968 1968/1993 1993 1993 1993/2008*

Breakdown industry/product 54 x 54 68 x 68 75 x 75 73 x 73 73 x 73 111 x 76
Price basis constant constant constant constant constant chain-linking
Compatibilisation basis SIOT SIOT SUT SUT SUT SUT
purchaser purchaser purchaser purchaser purchaser purchaser
Valuation (prices) producer producer producer producer
basic basic basic basic
Integrated economic accounts - - - yes yes yes

* Recommendation of 2008 started to be implemented.

21.119 Currently, the Chilean Statistical System comprises with two main institutions
responsible for the compilation of economic information:

• National Statistical Institute (INE) responsible for producing a wide range of

production, sales, consumption, employment and price statistics; and

• Central Bank of Chile (CBC) responsible for the compilation of the National Accounts,
Balance of Payments and Monetary statistics.

21.120 The basis of the Chilean National Accounts is moving towards the implementation of
2008 SNA. The estimation of macroeconomic aggregates is organised in separate compilation
cycles. Each cycle starts with the definition of a benchmark year which sets the methods and
statistical infrastructure for the follow up estimates of the reference year. The cycle ends with
the setting of a new benchmark year, at the same time begins with a new cycle on a rolling

21.121 As mentioned above, the benchmarking exercise forms the most detailed estimation of
National Accounts. The main objectives are to:

• Revise previous estimates obtained from non-benchmark years (follow up exercises);

• Introduce considerable improvements to the methods and new classifications of

industries and products; and

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

• Gather data for the preparation of IOTs.

21.122 Throughout the compilation cycles, the SUTs have become a key element in the
compilation of the Chilean National Accounts and significant efforts have been made to
improve the compilation and quality of these tables. These improvements have been undertaken
in each of the benchmarking exercises, in particular the most recent exercise, for the year 2008.

The Benchmarking Exercise for 2008

21.123 The benchmarking exercise for 2008 represented a significant improvement for the
compilation of Chilean National Accounts. The results were published in December 2011 and
included SUTs (176 products and 111 industries) along with IOTs (111 products and 111
industries). The project considered extended information collection and a comprehensive use
of the regular sources available for any follow-up year.

21.124 Several innovations were introduced following international recommendations as set in

2008 SNA. The main innovations in terms of sources of information were:

• Redesigned forms for structural economic surveys;

• Inclusion of new relevant sources not available for follow up compilation, such as
household budget surveys and agricultural census, among others;

• Execution of specific studies, including agriculture/livestock and forestry, trade

margins, and passenger transport; and

• Revised and updated business register.

21.125 Regarding improvements to the methods, a more detailed breakdown of products and
industries was used in the SUTs. The benchmarking exercises for 1996 and 2003 were compiled
using square SUTs (73 products and 73 industries) whereas the exercise for 2008 applied
rectangular SUTs (176 products and 111 industries). In addition, a new method of estimation
and allocation of FISIM was implemented and the “user cost” method was introduced for the
estimation of dwelling services. Finally, information of software and mining prospection was
recorded as GFCF.

21.126 Traditionally, benchmark exercises also provided the fixed base period for estimates in
volume terms or constant prices. In line with international recommended practice, volume based
estimates using the 2008 benchmark are now compiled using previous years’ prices and chain-
linking methods for obtaining a consistent time series. Since this method allows keeping up-to-
date weights for volume based data, it also represented a significant improvement for the
estimates thereafter.

21.127 Since this exercise, the follow up estimates present SUTs in current prices with the same
breakdown of industries and products as well as valuation at basic prices, producers’ prices and
purchasers’ prices. Similarly, IOTs will be elaborated and published annually for 111 products
and 111 industries. This represents a significant improvement compared with the previous
compilation cycle where IOTs were only available for the benchmark years.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Data sources

21.128 The Chilean National Accounts have a wide range of data sources at its disposal in order
to compile SUTs.

21.129 The most important sources are annual business surveys and administrative records. The
annual business surveys are collected for almost all industries and are conducted mostly by INE.
These surveys present mainly information on sales, purchases, employment, compensation of
employees, capital expenditures and taxes. In addition to this information, several surveys
gather data on products. For example, the manufacturing survey presents two sets of forms to
obtain information on purchased and sold products. This information is very useful for the
compilation of the detail in the domestic supply part of the Supply Table and the intermediate
use part of the Use Table. The annual business surveys used in the Chilean National Accounts
are shown in Table 21.2, as well as the institution in charge for the collection and the number
of units collected every year.

Table 21.2 Annual business surveys

Units collected
Industry Source

Mining 60 Central Bank of Chile

Fishing 100 Central Bank of Chile
Manufacturing 4,000 National Statistic Institute
Energy 190 Central Bank of Chile
Trade 3,000 National Statistic Institute
Restaurants and hotels 550 National Statistic Institute
Cargo road transportation 500 National Statistic Institute
Other transports 400 Central Bank of Chile
Comunications 90 Central Bank of Chile
Private education 200 Central Bank of Chile
Private health 80 Central Bank of Chile
Business services 2,000 National Statistic Institute
Other services 500 National Statistic Institute

21.130 Administrative records are also used intensively in the compilation of the Chilean
National Accounts and they provide a high coverage of statistical units, especially regarding
formal activities. A substantial part of the administrative records are derived from the Tax
Revenue Service (SII), namely information on VAT, income and wage statements.

21.131 Foreign trade data are mainly obtained from customs records and the Foreign Exchange
Regulation Manual from the National Customs Service and the Central Bank of Chile,

21.132 Table 21.3 shows the main administrative records used in Chilean National Accounts.

Table 21.3 Administrative records

Information Source

Value Added Tax

Income Statements Internal revenue (SII)
Wages Statements
Custom Records Chilean Custom Services
Fiscal Income Records National Treasury
Foreign Exchange Regulation Manual Central Bank of Chile
Budget Statements National Controller's Office

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

21.133 INE collects a wide range of monthly surveys and indices that are used less intensively
in the compilation of SUTs. These surveys cover mainly mining, manufacturing and utilities
covering output and sales, as well as retail trade sales. The surveys of employment and
compensation of employees are also used.

21.134 Other regular sources used include the CPI, PPI, companies' balance sheets, financial
statements, annual reports and statistical yearbooks of various institutions and industries.

21.135 Information sources that are not available on a monthly or yearly basis are incorporated
into National Accounts estimates for every benchmark exercise. These include mainly
information from the Household Budget Survey (EPF) collected currently every five years as
well as data collected in some specific censuses, such as Agricultural-Livestock-Forestry
Census and Fishery and Aquaculture Census.

21.136 For benchmark years, special studies are conducted by the CBC in order to collect
specific information of industries not covered appropriately with surveys or administrative
records. This is the case of agriculture/livestock, forestry, construction, capture fishery and
aquaculture, trade, and passenger road transport. These studies gather information on prices of
products, inputs and trade margins.

1. Compilation of SUTs

(a) Industry Production Accounts

21.137 Production accounts are compiled using three methods - censused industry, sampled
industry and product method. The choice of the method depends on the available information
for each industry. Hence, for industries where complete coverage of units is available, the
censused method is chosen. Conversely, if data covers only a sample of the industry, the sample
methods is applied. Finally, the product method is considered for industries with no information
on companies or establishments but with data on their respective main products and prices.

21.138 The censused industry method consists in estimating the total output, intermediate
consumption and GVA by industry (the SUTs column total) at a population level, using data
directly from surveys and/or financial statements for all companies. The output, intermediate
consumption product breakdown and the components of GVA is obtained mainly from the

21.139 The sampled industry method estimates total output, intermediate consumption and
GVA by industry (the SUTs column total) extrapolating to the population information obtained
from a sample of companies or establishments. The population level is obtained mainly from
tax records provided by SII. Additionally, economic surveys provide information on the sample
of production unit, detailing output product breakdown as well as costs structures, including
intermediate consumption and GVA.

21.140 The product method consists in estimating the total supply by product (the SUTs row
total) at the population level. It is based on the measurement of value through price and quantity
(commodity flow) by using data on supply of products. Once output levels had been obtained,
the cost structures are derived based on estimated production functions or economic surveys.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

21.141 A special feature of the production accounts compilation is that output is also allocated
in an expenditure variable. This estimation is called “supply hypothesis” and it is based on
information obtained from the same surveys that are used to produce the industries’ production
accounts or, in some cases, derived directly according to the nature of the products. This means
that all the supply is classified in accordance with its hypothetical use, either intermediate use
or final use. The supply hypothesis will be more robust as the product breakdown in the SUTs
increases, this will create easier identification to whether the product is used for household final
consumption, capital investment or intermediate consumption.

(b) Imports

21.142 Imports are estimated mainly using data from customs records at the 8-digit level of the
harmonised system and are valued at CIF prices along with the import duties. The estimations
of imports identifies when they were carried out directly by the user of the good (direct
purchases) or by a trade business. In the latter case, trade margins are estimated for imported

21.143 Similar to domestic supply, imports are classified by type of use, namely final
consumption, capital investment or intermediate consumption products. This produces the
“supply hypothesis” for imported goods and services. This hypothesis is built based on the
nature of the good or service. This allocation process carried out at the 8-digit level of the
Harmonised System and recognises goods with dual use, for example, destination of imports of
vehicle fuel could go to Household final consumption expenditure and/or to the intermediate
consumption of the transport industry, among others.

(c) Expenditure variables

21.144 The expenditure variables are estimated using a diverse suite of methods. The variables
compiled are household final consumption expenditure, GFCF, changes in inventories and
foreign trade.

21.145 The estimation of household final consumption expenditure is based on data obtained in
EPF. This survey is collected currently every five years and presents monthly expenditure for a
sample of more than 10,000 households of Greater Santiago and the regional capitals. The
sample is expanded to the population universe, separately between Greater Santiago and the
rest of the country based on an expansion factor constructed for each area from INE’s population
data. The household consumption vector thus obtained is incorporated for the benchmark
compilation. For non-benchmark years, household consumption is estimated using the monthly
surveys of retail trade as well as information from the production accounts from industries.

21.146 Information on final consumption expenditure of government and NPISH is derived

from industries production accounts. The former is estimated using sum of costs, and the latter
is obtained from tax statement from non-profits institutions.

21.147 GFCF is estimated by product and demanding industry using mainly data from the
compilation of production accounts of the construction industry, the imports of capital goods,
tax records and economic surveys. In the 2008 benchmark exercise, a service component was

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

incorporated as intangible fixed assets, related to software and mining prospecting, in line with
the recommendations of the SNA.

21.148 The estimation of inventories employs varied sources of information, including income
tax records, economic surveys and financial statements. In order to ensure comparability with
the rest of the expenditure aggregates in the SUTs, the method used to obtain the value of the
inventory change considered valuing stocks at the average price of the period being estimated.
To this end, inventory turnover rate (period of product permanence in stock), and inventory
entry and exit prices were estimated in order to elaborate an appropriate deflator.

21.149 Exports are estimated using data mainly from customs records at the 8-digit level of the
harmonised system and are valued at FOB prices.

(d) SUTs compilation

21.150 The SUTs are composed by transaction and valuation tables as shown in Figure 21.2.
Transaction tables are supply, use, and GVA, while the valuation tables cover non-deductible
VAT, trade margins, import duties, and taxes on goods and services.

21.151 Domestic supply and value added tables at basic prices as well as the intermediate
consumption table at purchasers’ prices are obtained directly from the industries production
accounts. These accounts contain information for each ones of the industries in the SUTs as
well as the breakdown of products.

21.152 Imported supply at basic prices is derived straightforward from the imports estimates at
CIF prices.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

Figure 21.2 Supply and Use Table


Total supply at purchasers' prices

Total use at purchasers' prices

Taxes on goods and services

Gross fixed capital formation

Value Added Tax (VAT)

Supply-Use Balancing

Final consumption

Inventory change
Trade margins
Imports (CIF)

Import duties

Industries Industries

Supply at purchasers' prices

Supply at purchasers' prices

Supply - Use Balancing
Imported supply

Domestic supply at Final demand at
Valuation tables consumption at
basic prices purchasers' prices
purchasers' prices

Output at basic prices Total Total Total

Value added at basic prices

Primary inputs Value added at basic

Output at basic prices Final demand at pp

Industry balancing

21.153 Regarding valuation tables, wholesale and retail trade margins are estimated from a
special study developed to collect such data. For domestic margins, the margin rates obtained
in the study are applied to the basic price valuation. The imported product margins are obtained
directly from the imports study.

21.154 The non-deductible VAT table is prepared using the actual amount collected by the
government which is distributed using a theoretical VAT rate for each product. The latter is
applied to intermediate consumption and GFCF for exempted industries as well as household
final consumption expenditure.

21.155 The import duties table is constructed using records from the national customs service,
in which, each transaction includes an amount of duties paid. These amounts are reconciled and
corrected according to amounts actually received by government.

21.156 Taxes on domestic goods table is derived directly with information from government,
and products subject to excise taxes are fuels and tobacco.

21.157 Final Use Tables are obtained accordingly to the expenditure side variable estimation.

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

(e) SUTs balancing

21.158 In general terms, balancing the SUTs is an iterative process, which involves arbitrating
differences by analyzing the economic consistency of the results and the reliability and quality
of each data sources used. The process consists in detecting any inconsistencies that may arise
and making any necessary ad-hoc adjustments. Corrected data are included back into the
balancing process, which ends when no more discrepancies are found; in this way, consistency
of the SUTs is attained.

21.159 In the Chilean context, most of the figures from the production table, imports, exports,
import duties, taxes on production and non-deductible VAT are set as predetermined values.
On the other hand, variables that are more prone to changes during the balancing process are
intermediate consumption, trade margins and some components of final consumption.

21.160 As explained above, domestic and imported supply present an allocation in expenditure
variables, called the “the supply hypothesis”. During the balancing process, this hypothesis is
compared with the actual estimation of intermediate consumption and expenditure side
variables, with the exception of exports that given the robustness of the data are unique. In this
way, we observe two sets of estimations for each of the use table variables, one from the “supply
hypothesis”, and the second from the “use hypothesis”.

21.161 For example, in Table 21.4 unbalanced SUTs for tobacco products is presented. The
first row shows the “use hypothesis” and the second row shows the “supply hypothesis”. Given
that there is a unique estimation for exports, the main difference is observed in final
consumption. In this case, the “supply hypothesis” is considered more robust because it is
obtained directly from business’s information and, particularly, tobacco production is
concentrated in one company. On the other hand, “use hypothesis” is obtained from household
surveys and it is known that these surveys tend to underestimates consumption in this type of
products. Therefore, in this particular case, the supply hypothesis prevails.

Table 21.4 SUTs for tobacco products, year 2008, current prices
Domestic Imported Total Intermediate Final GFCF Changes in Exports
Total use
supply supply supply consumption consumption inventories

1. Use hypothesis 30 500 -20 250 760

2. Supply hypothesis 1000 12 1012 30 766 -34 250 1012

21.162 A different situation is observed in Table 21.5 where the unbalanced SUT is presented
for cleaning and toiletry products. In this case, it is more difficult to identify whether this type
of products are used for final or intermediate consumption. The “use hypothesis” based on the
household survey should deliver a better estimate for final consumption and, therefore, this
hypothesis will dominate through the balancing process.

Table 21.5 SUT for cleaning and toiletry products, year 2008, current prices
Domestic Imported Total Intermediate Final GFCF Changes in Exports
Total use
supply supply supply consumption consumption inventories

1. Use hypothesis 170 1111 0 2 38 1321

2. Supply hypothesis 789 444 1233 143 1015 0 36 38 1232

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

2. Compilation of IOTs

21.163 Once the SUTs at purchasers’ prices are balanced, data are prepared for the
transformation into IOTs. This involves obtaining SUTs at basic prices as well as identifying
domestic output separate from imports. The procedure can be summarised as follows:

• Converting the total use at purchasers’ prices into domestic use at purchasers’ prices.
Imports of goods and services are removed from both the Supply Table and Use Table.
Since this alters the industry equilibrium (column), a row vector of total imports by
industry and type of final use is added to ensure no change to column totals.
• Converting the Domestic Use Table at purchasers’ prices into Domestic Use Table at
producers’ prices. Trade margins are re-distributed from each cell of the use of goods to
the trade row. Row and column equilibriums remain.
• Converting the Domestic Use Table at producers’ prices into Domestic Use Table at basic
prices. Net taxes and subsidies on products are removed from both the Supply Table and
Use Table. Since this alters the industry equilibrium (column), a row vector of net taxes
and subsidies on products by industry and type of final use is added.
• Converting the Domestic Use Table at basic prices into an IOT at basic prices. The IOT
may be either Product by Product or Industry by Industry. In the Chilean case, the industry
technology is preferred in order to ensure that no negative values arise in the IOTs (this
forms an example of the Product by Product IOTs being compiled using the product
21.164 Table 21.6 shows IOTs for Chilean economy for the year 2008.

Table 21.6 IOTs for domestic output at basic prices, 2008

Total at
Trade, Finance and Final consumption expenditure Gross fixed basic
Agricul- Manuf ac- Construc- Other Changes in
transport and business Total capital Exports Total prices
ture turing tion services General inventories
communication services Households NPISH f ormation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
Agriculture (1) 1 151 5 048 4 99 15 29 6 346 892 53 255 - 97 1 175 2 278 8 624
Manufacturing (2) 1 948 17 914 3 720 3 554 918 1 341 29 394 10 733 83 887 795 29 780 42 278 71 672

Construction (3) 16 161 10 263 123 1 259 1 833 12 900 12 900 14 734
Trade, transport and
(4) 712 4 649 1 234 7 271 1 315 1 011 16 192 14 960 167 1 433 4 5 465 22 029 38 221
Finance and business
(5) 641 4 547 1 337 5 524 4 619 1 773 18 440 5 036 123 914 0 660 6 733 25 173
Other services (6) 32 300 29 349 179 652 1 542 12 779 717 10 069 10 0 37 23 612 25 153
Total (7) 4 500 32 620 6 334 17 060 7 169 6 065 73 747 44 400 717 10 495 16 399 702 37 117 109 831 183 578
Imports (8) 984 13 659 1 482 5 111 1 175 640 23 052 6 147 6 014 466 922 13 550 36 602
Total (9) 5 484 46 279 7 816 22 171 8 344 6 706 96 799 50 547 717 10 495 22 414 1 168 38 039 123 380 220 179
Taxes less subsidies on
(10) 23 174 27 564 518 536 1 842 6 229 58 765 15 3 7 069 8 911
Direct purchases abroad by
(11) 501 501 501
Purchases on the domestic
(12) - 911 911
territory by non-residents
Total at purchasers’ prices (13) 5 507 46 454 7 842 22 735 8 861 7 241 98 641 56 365 717 10 553 23 179 1 184 38 953 130 950 229 591
Compensation of employees (14) 1 358 5 465 3 265 7 268 6 370 10 406 34 133

Other taxes less subsidies on

(15) 83 162 106 281 206 606 1 445
Gross operating
(16) 1 676 19 592 3 520 7 936 9 735 6 900 49 359
surplus/Gross mixed income
GVA (17) 3 117 25 219 6 891 15 486 16 312 17 912 84 937
Output at basic prices (18) 8 624 71 672 14 734 38 221 25 173 25 153 183 578

Chile 2008

Draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

3. Future developments

21.165 The CBC has already initiated the work related to a new benchmark exercise for the
year 2021. The process started with the planning of the project during 2012 and, currently, the
data collection process is ongoing with the results expected to be published in December 2016.

21.166 The focus of this benchmarking exercise will reflect the update of the statistical
infrastructure, namely ISIC Revision 4 and CPC Revision 2 as well as continuing with the
implementation of 2008 SNA. In addition, the project will incorporate information of
production accounts and expenditure variables not available for non-benchmark years such as
Agriculture and Construction industries as well as trade margins and household consumption.

21.167 Finally, improving the balancing process is a key task in which CBC is currently
working on to implement. In this context, CBC is exploring the use of statistical techniques to
obtain balanced and reconciled SUTs. Automated balancing process would provide significant
progress in National Accounts compilation such as systematising estimation processes,
extending the detail of products and industries in the SUTs and improving the reliability of


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and tourism activity’ in London, United Kingdom.

Mahajan, Sanjiv (2009): Plenary Session Keynote Speech at the 17th International Input-Output
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