Ap CSP Student Task Directions PDF

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AP® Computer Fall 2017


 Assessment overview
 Explore performance
task directions
 Create performance
 Exam reference sheet
 Scoring guidelines
and notes
AP Computer Science Principles Assessment Overview for Students

Performance Task: Explore – Impact of Computing Innovations

Performance Task: Create – Applications from Ideas

AP Computer Science Principles Exam Reference Sheet

Appendix: Explore and Create Scoring Guidelines and Notes

AP ®
AP Computer ProgramPrinciples Handout
Course and Exam Description

AP Computer Science Principles

Assessment Overview for Students
The AP Computer Science Principles course has three assessments, consisting of
two performance tasks and an end-of-course AP Exam. All three assessments are
summative and will be used to calculate a final AP score (using the 1–5 scale) for
AP Computer Science Principles.

Assessment Timing Percentage of Total AP Score

Explore Performance Task 8 hours 16%

Create Performance Task 12 hours 24%

End-of-Course Exam 2 hours 60%

Students who are completing the AP Computer Science Principles course in a

nontraditional classroom situation (e.g., online, homeschool, independent study)
should consult a school-based AP Coordinator for instructions on taking the
AP Exam and submitting work for the performance tasks.

Investigation and Citation

The through-course performance tasks require you to create computational
artifacts. A computational artifact is a visualization, a graphic, a video, a program,
or an audio recording that you create using a computer. For the Create performance
task, you will develop a computer program and for the Explore performance task,
you will create a computational artifact of your choosing to represent or illustrate
the intended purpose, function, or effect of a computing innovation using any
computational tool(s) you wish.
In creating your computational artifact, you can create your own original
work, including video, music, text, images, graphs, and program code. If you
use external work to integrate into your computational artifact, you must
acknowledge, attribute, and/or cite sources and include a bibliography with your
submission. External work that should be acknowledged include video, music,
text, images, graphs, and program code that are used in the creation of your
computational artifacts.

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AP Computer ProgramPrinciples
Course and Exam Description

AP Computer Science Principles Policy on Plagiarism

A student who fails to acknowledge (i.e., through citation, through attribution, by
reference, and/or through acknowledgment in a bibliographic entry) the source or
author of any and all information or evidence taken from the work of someone else
will receive a score of 0 on that performance task.
To the best of their ability, teachers will ensure that students understand
ethical use and acknowledgment of the ideas and work of others as well as the
consequences of plagiarism. The student’s individual voice should be clearly
evident, and the ideas of others must be acknowledged, attributed, and/or cited.
A computational artifact without acknowledgment of the media used in the creation
of the computational artifact, and program code segment(s) written by someone
else used in a program without appropriate acknowledgment, are all considered
plagiarized work.

Programming Language Requirements

AP Computer Science Principles is language agnostic. This means that there is no
specific language requirement. When completing the Create – Applications from
Ideas performance task for this course, you are allowed to select a language you
feel is most appropriate to meet the requirements of the task. When selecting
a language or program, you should review the requirements section of the
performance task to ensure that your program will be sophisticated enough to
implement mathematical and logical concepts, create abstractions, and implement

Peer-to-Peer Collaboration
Collaboration is only allowed on designated sub-components of the Create
performance task.
For the Explore – Impact of Computing Innovations performance task, collaboration
of any kind is not allowed.
For the Create – Applications from Ideas performance task, you are encouraged to
collaborate on the development of their program with another student in your class.
Collaboration is not allowed during the creation of the video or when answering the
written responses.
Students completing AP Computer Science Principles in a nontraditional
classroom situation (e.g., online, homeschool, independent study) are encouraged
to collaborate with another student peer when completing the Create
performance task.

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Course and Exam Description

Preparing for the Through-Course Performance Tasks

The following guidelines are meant to help you be successful on the performance
tasks as well as to clarify or address any questions you may have regarding the
process of completing these tasks.
Prior to your teacher administering the performance tasks, you should:
▶ obtain content knowledge and skills that will help you succeed on the performance
▶ practice either an entire performance task or individual prompts of the tasks;
▶ review the scoring guidelines, found on AP Central, to understand how your work
will be assessed;
▶ examine examples of performance task found on AP Central of submissions at high,
medium, and low levels. If you select a computing innovation that is represented
in one of the examples, or that was discussed in class, you must find new sources
and submit original responses to avoid. You cannot submit any work from practice
performance tasks.
▶ pay attention to the instructions concerning the size of the files to be uploaded; the
computational artifact for the Explore performance task and the video for the Create
performance task individually cannot exceed 30MB.
▶ ensure you know the proper way to evaluate and appropriately cite a source,
including program code; any program code which has not been written by you must
be cited and credit given to the author;
▶ understand the level of detail expected in writing your responses by examining the
scoring guidelines and high level samples found on AP Central;
▶ understand that you may not revise your work once you have submitted your work
as final to the AP Digital Portfolio; and
▶ be aware that the scoring process that occurs in the AP Reading may be different
from the scoring process that occurs in your classroom; the AP score that you
receive may be different than your classroom grade.

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AP Computer ProgramPrinciples: Explore Performance Task
Course and Exam Description

Performance Task: Explore – Impact of

Computing Innovations

Computing innovations impact our lives in ways that require considerable study
and reflection for us to fully understand them. In this performance task, you will
explore a computing innovation of your choice. A computing innovation is an
innovation that includes a computer or program code as an integral part of its
functionality. Your close examination of this computing innovation will deepen your
understanding of computer science principles.
Please note that once this performance task has been assigned as an assessment
(rather than as practice), you are expected to complete the task with minimal
assistance from anyone. For more clarification see the Guidelines for Completing the
Through-Course Performance Tasks section.
You will be provided with a minimum of 8 hours of class time to develop, complete,
and submit the following:
▶▶ A computational artifact
▶ Written responses
Scoring guidelines and instructions for submitting your performance tasks are
available on the AP Computer Science Principles Course Home Page.
Note: Students in nontraditional classroom environments should consult a school-
based AP Coordinator for submission instructions.
When completing the Explore – Impacts of Computing Innovations performance
task, you will be expected to conduct investigations on a computing innovation. A
computing innovation is an innovation that includes a computer or program code as
an integral part of its functionality.
You must ensure you have identified relevant, credible, and easily accessible
sources to support your creation of a computational artifact as well as to support
your responses to the prompts. You can search for print or nonprint sources as
part of your investigation. You can refer to a journal, Web page, or an expert that is
being quoted as part of your written response. Avoid plagiarism by acknowledging,
attributing, and/or citing sources throughout your responses.

General Requirements
This performance task requires you to select and investigate a computational
innovation to:
▶▶ analyze a computing innovations impact on society, economy, or culture and explain
how this impact could be beneficial and/or harmful;

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AP Computer ProgramPrinciples: Explore Performance Task Handout
Course and Exam Description

▶ explain how a computing innovation consumes, produces, or transforms data; and

▶ describe how data storage, data privacy, or data security concerns are raised based
on the capabilities of the computing innovation.
You are also required to:
▶ investigate your computing innovation using a variety of sources (e.g., print, online,
expert interviews);
▶▶ provide in-text citations of at least three different sources that helped you create
your computational artifact and/or formulate your written responses;
› At least two of the sources must be available online or in print; your third source
may be either online, in print, or a personal interview with an expert on the
computing innovation.
› At least two of the sources must have been created after the end of the previous
academic year.
▶ produce a computational artifact that illustrates, represents, or explains the
computing innovation's intended purpose, its function, or its effect; and
▶ provide written responses to all the prompts in the performance task about your
computational artifact and computing innovation.

Submission Requirements
1. Computational Artifact
Your computational artifact must provide an illustration, representation, or
explanation of the computing innovation’s intended purpose, its function, or its
effect. The computational artifact must not simply repeat the information supplied
in the written responses and should be primarily nontextual.
Submit a video, audio, or PDF file. Use computing tools and techniques to create one
original computational artifact (a visualization, a graphic, a video, a program, or an
audio recording). Acceptable multimedia file types include .mp3, .mp4, .wmv, .avi,
.mov, .wav, .aif, or .pdf format. PDF files must not exceed three pages. Video or
audio files must not exceed 1 minute in length and must not exceed 30MB in size.
2. Written Responses
Submit one PDF file in which you respond directly to each of the prompts below.
Clearly label your responses 2a–2e in order. Your responses must provide evidence
of the extensive knowledge you have developed about your chosen computing
innovation and its impact(s). Write your responses so they would be understandable
to someone who is not familiar with the computing innovation. Include citations,
as applicable, within your written responses. Your response to prompts 2a–2d
combined must not exceed 700 words. The references required in 2e are not
included in the final word count.

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AP Computer ProgramPrinciples: Explore Performance Task
Course and Exam Description

Computational Artifact
2a. Provide information on your computing innovation and computational artifact.
ww Name the computing innovation that is represented by your computational artifact.
w Describe the computing innovation’s intended purpose and function.
w Describe how your computational artifact illustrates, represents, or explains
the computing innovation’s intended purpose, its function, or its effect.
(Must not exceed 100 words)
2b. Describe your development process, explicitly identifying the computing tools
and techniques you used to create your artifact. Your description must be
detailed enough so that a person unfamiliar with those tools and techniques will
understand your process. (Must not exceed 100 words)
Computing Innovation
2c. Explain at least one beneficial effect and at least one harmful effect the
computing innovation has had, or has the potential to have, on society, economy,
or culture. (Must not exceed 250 words)
2d. Using specific details, describe:
ww the data your innovation uses;
w how the innovation consumes (as input), produces (as output), and/or
transforms data; and
w at least one data storage concern, data privacy concern, or data security
concern directly related to the computing innovation.
(Must not exceed 250 words)
2e. Provide a list of at least three online or print sources used to create your
computational artifact and/or support your responses through in-text citation to
the prompts provided in this performance task.
w At least two of the sources must have been created after the end of the
previous academic year.
w For each online source, include the complete and permanent URL. Identify the
author, title, source, the date you retrieved the source, and, if possible, the
date the reference was written or posted.
w For each print source, include the author, title of excerpt/article and magazine
or book, page number(s), publisher, and date of publication.
w If you include an interview source, include the name of the person you
interviewed, the date on which the interview occurred, and the person’s
position in the field.
w Include in-text citations for the sources you used.
w Each source must be relevant, credible, and easily accessed.

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Course and Exam Description

Preparing for the Explore Performance Task

Prior to your teacher administering this task, you should:
▶ understand that a computing innovation (i.e., an innovation that that includes a
computer or program code as an integral part of its functionality) has a meaningful
personal or community emphasis is an appropriate choice, as long as it fulfills the
requirements to complete all the prompts in the performance task;
▶ practice searching and evaluating sources relevant to computing innovations; all
sources cited must be relevant, credible, and easily accessible;
▶▶ practice clearly explaining the impact the intended use of a computing innovation has
on society, economy, and culture, clearly justifying both beneficial and harmful effects;
▶▶ practice demonstrating your knowledge of computer science and understanding of
how data is input, output, and transformed in your analysis of the data used by the
computing innovation.
▶ practice making connections between the data used by a computing innovation and
a security, privacy, or storage concern.
▶ obtain the meaning and purpose of creating a computational artifact; your creation
must provide an illustration, representation, or explanation of the computing
innovation’s intended purpose, its function, or its effect;
▶▶ have exposure to the use of a variety of computational tools that can be used to
create effective computational artifacts;
▶ understand which computational artifacts would be considered effective and
Effective artifacts include:
› visual, graphical, and/or audio content to help a reader understand the purpose,
function, or effect of a computing innovation; and
› the use of communications media, such as animations, comic strips,
infographics, and/or public service announcements, to illustrate the purpose,
function, or effect of a computing innovation.
Ineffective artifacts include:
› artifacts that repeat information previously supplied in the written responses;
› multislide presentations with paragraphs of text or bullets;
›› artifacts that have not been created by the student; and
› artifacts that focus on advertising the computing innovation’s functionality
instead of the purpose of the innovation.
▶ practice writing responses based on relevant and credible sources and include
in-text citations; and
▶ practice appropriate acknowledgment of sources used in the creation of your
computational artifact.

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AP Computer ProgramPrinciples: Explore Performance Task
Course and Exam Description

Guidelines for Completing the

Explore Performance Task
You must:
▶▶ be aware of the performance task directions, timeline, and scoring criteria;
▶ support your written analysis of your computing innovation when responding to
all the prompts by using details related to the knowledge and understanding of
computer science you have obtained throughout the course and your investigation;
▶ provide evidence to support your claims using in-text citations;
▶ use relevant and credible sources to gather information about your computing
▶▶ provide acknowledgments for the use of any media or program code used in the
creation of your computational artifact that is not your own; and
▶ allow your own interests to drive your choice of computing innovation and
computational artifact.
You may:
▶▶ follow a timeline and schedule for completing the performance task;
▶ seek clarification from your teacher or AP Coordinator pertaining to the task,
timeline, components, and scoring criteria;
▶ seek clarification from your teacher or AP Coordinator regarding submission
▶▶ as needed, seek assistance from your teacher or AP Coordinator in defining your
focus and choice of topics; and
▶ seek assistance from your teacher or AP Coordinator to resolve technical problems
that impede work, such as a failing workstation or difficulty with access to
networks, or help with saving files or making movie files.
You may not:
▶▶ collaborate on the Explore performance task;
▶ submit work that has been revised, amended, or corrected by another individual;
▶▶ submit work from a practice performance task as your official submission to the
College Board to be scored by the AP Program; or
▶ seek assistance or feedback on answers to prompts.

© 2017 The College Board 8

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AP Computer ProgramPrinciples: Create Performance Task Handout
Course and Exam Description

Performance Task: Create – Applications

from Ideas

Programming is a collaborative and creative process that brings ideas to life
through the development of software. Programs can help solve problems, enable
innovations, or express personal interests. In this performance task, you will be
developing a program of your choice. Your development process should include
iteratively designing, implementing, and testing your program. You are strongly
encouraged to work with another student in your class.
Please note that once this performance task has been assigned as an assessment
(rather than as practice), you are expected to complete the task with minimal
assistance from anyone other than your collaborative peer(s). For more clarification
see the Guidelines for Completing the Through-Course Performance Tasks section.
You will be provided with a minimum of 12 hours of class time to complete and submit
the following:
▶ A video of your program running
▶ Individual written responses about your program and development process
▶ Program code
Scoring guidelines and instructions for submitting your performance tasks are
available on the AP Computer Science Principles Course Home Page.
Note: Students in nontraditional classroom environments should consult a school-
based AP Coordinator for instructions.

General Requirements
This performance task requires you to develop a program on a topic that interests
you or one that solves a problem. During the completion of this performance task,
you will iteratively design, implement, and test your program. You will provide
written responses to prompts about your program and specific program code that
are significant to the functionality of your program. It is strongly recommended that
a portion of the program involve some form of collaboration with another student in
your class, for example, in the planning, designing, or testing (debugging) part of
the development process. Your program development must also involve a significant
amount of independent work writing your program code, in particular, algorithm(s)
and abstraction(s) that you select to use as part of your written response to describe
how the program code segments help your program run.

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AP Computer ProgramPrinciples: Create Performance Task
Course and Exam Description

You are required to:

▶▶ independently develop an algorithm that integrates two or more algorithms and
that is fundamental for your program to achieve its intended purpose;
▶ develop an abstraction that manages the complexity of your program;
▶ create a video that displays the running of your program and demonstrates its
▶ write responses to all the prompts in the performance task; and
▶ submit your entire program code.

Program Requirements
Your program must demonstrate a variety of capabilities and implement several
different language features that, when combined, produce a result that cannot be
easily accomplished without computing tools and techniques. Your program should
draw upon mathematical and logical concepts, such as use of numbers, variables,
mathematical expressions with arithmetic operators, logical and Boolean operators
and expressions, decision statements, iteration, and/or collections.
Your program must demonstrate:
▶ use of several effectively integrated mathematical and logical concepts, from the
language you are using;
▶ implementation of an algorithm that integrates two or more algorithms and integrates
mathematical and/or logical concepts; and
▶▶ development and use of abstractions to manage the complexity of your program
(e.g., procedures, abstractions provided by the programming language, APIs).

Submission Requirements
1. Video
Submit one video in .mp4, .wmv, .avi, or .mov format that demonstrates the running
of at least one significant feature of your program. Your video must not exceed
1 minute in length and must not exceed 30MB in size.
2. Written Responses
Submit one PDF file in which you respond directly to each prompt. Clearly label
your responses 2a–2d in order. Your response to all prompts combined must not
exceed 750 words, exclusive of the Program Code.

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Course and Exam Description

Program Purpose and Development

2a. Provide a written response or audio narration in your video that:
w identifies the programming language;
w identifies the purpose of your program; and
w explains what the video illustrates.
(Must not exceed 150 words)
2b. Describe the incremental and iterative development process of your program,
focusing on two distinct points in that process. Describe the difficulties and/
or opportunities you encountered and how they were resolved or incorporated.
In your description clearly indicate whether the development described
was collaborative or independent. At least one of these points must refer to
independent program development. (Must not exceed 200 words)
2c. Capture and paste a program code segment that implements an algorithm
(marked with an oval in section 3 below) and that is fundamental for your
program to achieve its intended purpose. This code segment must be an
algorithm you developed individually on your own, must include two or more
algorithms, and must integrate mathematical and/or logical concepts. Describe
how each algorithm within your selected algorithm functions independently,
as well as in combination with others, to form a new algorithm that helps to
achieve the intended purpose of the program. (Must not exceed 200 words)
2d. Capture and paste a program code segment that contains an abstraction you
developed individually on your own (marked with a rectangle in section 3
below). This abstraction must integrate mathematical and logical concepts.
Explain how your abstraction helped manage the complexity of your program.
(Must not exceed 200 words)
3. Program Code
Capture and paste your entire program code in this section.
› Mark with an oval the segment of program code that implements the algorithm
you created for your program that integrates other algorithms and integrates
mathematical and/or logical concepts.
› Mark with a rectangle the segment of program code that represents an
abstraction you developed.
› Include comments or acknowledgments for program code that has been written
by someone else.

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AP Computer ProgramPrinciples: Create Performance Task
Course and Exam Description

Preparing for the Create Performance Task

Prior to your teacher administering this task, you should:
▶ Brainstorm problems that programming can address, or brainstorm special interests
that programming can help develop;
▶ Ensure you understand the iterative nature of developing a computer program;
▶ Be prepared to collaborate with peers as necessary and in different ways;
▶ Ensure you are able to analyze program code and code segments and explain the
function as it relates to the overall program;
▶▶ Know how to keep a programming journal of the design choices that you will make
during the development of your program code and the effect of these decisions
on the program’s function. You can use this journal as a point of reference when
demonstrating your understanding of how:
› an algorithm was built as part of the integration of two or more algorithms;
› a program functions differently with the inclusion of algorithms and
› the inclusion of an abstraction has made their program code more compact,
readable and/or reusable and how the program would operate differently
without the inclusion of the abstraction;
▶ obtain programming support as necessary while practicing the skills needed to
complete the performance task.

Guidelines for Completing the

Create Performance Task
You must:
▶ be aware of the performance task directions, timeline, and scoring criteria;
▶▶ apply computer science knowledge you’ve obtained throughout the course when
developing your program and in your explanation of its function;
▶ provide acknowledgment for program code used in your program that is not your
own; and
▶▶ allow your own interests to drive your choice of program.
You may:
▶▶ follow a timeline and schedule for completing the performance task;
▶ seek clarification from your teacher or AP Coordinator pertaining to the task;
▶ seek clarification from your teacher or AP Coordinator regarding submission

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Course and Exam Description

▶ as needed, seek assistance from your teacher or AP Coordinator in defining your

focus or choice of topics;
▶▶ seek assistance from your teacher or AP Coordinator to resolve technical problems
that impede work, such as a failing workstation or difficulty with access to
networks, or help with saving files or making movie files;
▶ obtain assistance from your teacher or AP Coordinator with the formation of peer-to-
peer collaboration when completing the Create performance task;
▶▶ seek assistance from your teacher or AP Coordinator in resolving collaboration
issues where one partner is clearly and directly impeding the completion of the
Create performance task; and
▶▶ seek guidance from your teacher or AP Coordinator to use and acknowledge APIs
or other pieces of open-source code. Program code not written by you can be used
in programs as long as you are extending the project in some new way. You should
provide acknowledgment and credit from program code you did not write.
You may not:
▶ collaborate on the video or any of the written responses;
▶▶ submit work that has been revised, amended, or correct by another individual, with
the exception of cited program code;
▶▶ submit work from a practice performance task as your official submission to the
College Board to be scored by the AP Program; or
▶ seek assistance or feedback on answers to prompts.

© 2017 The College Board 13

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AP Computer ProgramPrinciples Exam Reference Sheet Course and Exam Description

AP Computer Science Principles Exam

Reference Sheet
As AP Computer Science Principles does not designate any particular programming
language, this reference sheet provides instructions and explanations to help
students understand the format and meaning of the questions they will see on
the exam. The reference sheet includes two programming formats: text based and
block based.
Programming instructions use four data types: numbers, Booleans, strings, and lists.
Instructions from any of the following categories may appear on the exam:
▶▶ Assignment, Display, and Input
▶▶ Arithmetic Operators and Numeric Procedures
▶ Relational and Boolean Operators
▶ Selection
▶▶ Iteration
▶▶ List Operations
▶▶ Procedures
▶▶ Robot

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AP Computer ProgramPrinciples Exam Reference Sheet Course and Exam Description

Instruction Explanation
Assignment, Display, and Input
Text: Evaluates expression and assigns the
a ← expression result to the variable a.

Text: Displays the value of expression,

DISPLAY (expression) followed by a space.

Text: Accepts a value from the user and returns it.


Arithmetic Operators and Numeric Procedures

Text and Block: The arithmetic operators +, -, *, and / are
a + b used to perform arithmetic on a and b.
a - b
For example, 3 / 2 evaluates to 1.5.
a * b
a / b
Text and Block: Evaluates to the remainder when a is divided
a MOD b by b. Assume that a and b are positive
For example, 17 MOD 5 evaluates to 2.
Text: Evaluates to a random integer from a to b,
RANDOM (a, b) including a and b.
Block: For example, RANDOM (1, 3) could
evaluate to 1, 2, or 3.
Relational and Boolean Operators
Text and Block: The relational operators =, ≠, >, <, ≥, and
a = b ≤ are used to test the relationship between two
a ≠ b variables, expressions, or values.
a > b
For example, a = b evaluates to true if
a < b
a and b are equal; otherwise, it evaluates to
a ≥ b
a ≤ b

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Instruction Explanation
Relational and Boolean Operators (continued)
Text: Evaluates to true if condition is false;
NOT condition otherwise evaluates to false.

Text: Evaluates to true if both condition1

condition1 AND condition2 and condition2 are true; otherwise,
evaluates to false.

Text: Evaluates to true if condition1 is

condition1 OR condition2 true or if condition2 is true or if
both condition1 and condition2 are
true; otherwise, evaluates to false.

Text: The code in block of statements
IF (condition) is executed if the Boolean expression
{ condition evaluates to true; no action is
<block of statements> taken if condition evaluates to false.

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Instruction Explanation
Selection (continued)
Text: The code in first block of
IF (condition) statements is executed if the Boolean
{ expression condition evaluates to true;
<first block of statements> otherwise, the code in second block of
} statements is executed.
<second block of statements>

Text: The code in block of statements is
REPEAT n TIMES executed n times.
<block of statements>

Text: The code in block of statements

REPEAT UNTIL (condition) is repeated until the Boolean expression
{ condition evaluates to true.
<block of statements>

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Instruction Explanation
List Operations
For all list operations, if a list index is less than 1 or greater than the length of the list, an error
message is produced and the program terminates.
Text: Refers to the element of list at index i.
list[i] The first element of list is at index 1.

Text: Assigns the value of list[j] to list[i].

list[i] ← list[j]

Text: Assigns value1, value2, and value3

list ← [value1, value2, value3] to list[1], list[2], and list[3],

Text: The variable item is assigned the value of

FOR EACH item IN list each element of list sequentially, in order
{ from the first element to the last element.
<block of statements> The code in block of statements is
} executed once for each assignment of item.

Text: Any values in list at indices greater than or

INSERT (list, i, value) equal to i are shifted to the right. The length
of list is increased by 1, and value is placed
at index i in list.

Text: The length of list is increased by 1, and

APPEND (list, value) value is placed at the end of list.

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Instruction Explanation
List Operations (continued)
Text: Removes the item at index i in list and
REMOVE (list, i) shifts to the left any values at indices greater
Block: than i. The length of list is decreased by 1.

Text: Evaluates to the number of elements in list.

LENGTH (list)

Text: A procedure, name, takes zero or more
PROCEDURE name (parameter1, parameters. The procedure contains
parameter2, ...) programming instructions.

Text: A procedure, name, takes zero or more

PROCEDURE name (parameter1, parameters. The procedure contains
parameter2, ...) programming instructions and returns the value
{ of expression. The RETURN statement
<instructions> may appear at any point inside the procedure
RETURN (expression) and causes an immediate return from the
} procedure back to the calling program.

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Instruction Explanation
If the robot attempts to move to a square that is not open or is beyond the edge of the grid, the robot
will stay in its current location and the program will terminate.
Text: The robot moves one square forward in the
MOVE_FORWARD () direction it is facing.

Text: The robot rotates in place 90 degrees

ROTATE_LEFT () counterclockwise (i.e., makes an in-place
left turn).

Text: The robot rotates in place 90 degrees clockwise

ROTATE_RIGHT () (i.e., makes an in-place right turn).

Text: Evaluates to true if there is an open square

CAN_MOVE (direction) one square in the direction relative to where
the robot is facing; otherwise evaluates to
false. The value of direction can be left,
right, forward, or backward.

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AP ®
AP Computer ProgramPrinciples Course and Exam Description

Appendix: Explore and Create Scoring

Guidelines and Notes

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AP Computer Science Principles — Explore Performance Task
2018 Scoring Guidelines and Notes
Reporting Task Scoring Criteria Decision Rules Scoring Notes
Row 1 COMP. The computational The written response can be used to aid the understanding of how the computational • A computational artifact is something created by a human using a
ARTIFACT artifact: artifact illustrates, represents, or explains the computing innovation’s intended purpose, computer and can be, but is not limited to, a program, an image,
Using • Identifies the function, or effect. an audio, a video, a presentation, or a Web page file. The
Development computing computational artifact could solve a problem, show creative
Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true: expression, or provide a viewer with new insight or knowledge.
Processes innovation.
and Tools AND • there is no artifact; • A computing innovation is an innovation that includes a computer
• Provides an • the artifact is not a computational artifact; or program code as an integral part of its functionality.
illustration, • the innovation identified in the artifact does not match the innovation described in
representation, or the written response;
explanation of the • the artifact does not identify the innovation clearly;

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computing • the artifact does not illustrate, represent or explain the innovation’s intended
innovation’s intended purpose, function, or effect;
purpose, function, or • the artifact illustrates a feature of the innovation instead of the purpose, function,
effect. or effect; or
• the written response describes the innovation’s intended purpose and function
AP Computer Science Principles

without explaining how the computational artifact illustrates, represents, or

explains the intended purpose, function, or effect.
Row 2 RESPONSE • States a fact about Do NOT award a point if: • A computing innovation is an innovation that includes a computer
2A the correctly • the identified innovation is not a computing innovation; or or program code as an integral part of its functionality.
Analyzing identified computing • the written statement gives an effect (which is required for the scoring criteria in • Computing innovations may be physical computing innovations
Impact of innovation’s intended Row 3, not Row 2). such as Google glasses or self-driving cars, non-physical computer
Computing purpose OR function. software like a cell phone app, or computing concepts such as
e-commerce or social networking which rely on physical
transactions conducted on the Internet.
• Purpose means the intended goal or objective of the innovation.
• Function means how the innovation works (e.g., consumes and
produces data).
Row 3 RESPONSE • Identifies at least The effect does not need to be specifically identified as beneficial or harmful. • An effect may be an impact, result, outcome, etc.
2C ONE effect of the
identified or The effect must be identified, but it doesn’t have to be described to earn the point.
Impact of described computing
Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true:
Computing innovation.
• the described innovation is not a computing innovation;
• the response does not state an effect (The purpose or function of the computing
innovation is not the effect of the innovation.); or
• the identified effect is not a result of the use of the innovation as intended (e.g., a
self-driving car is not intended to crash, therefore, its exposure to hacking is not an
effect of its intended use).
Row 4 RESPONSE • Identifies a beneficial Responses that earn this point will also earn the point for Row 3. • An effect may be an impact, result, outcome, etc.
2C effect of the • Beneficial and/or harmful effects are contextual and interpretive;
identified or Responses should be evaluated on the rationale provided in the response not on the identification includes both the classification of the effect as
described computing interpretation or inference on the part of the scorer. beneficial or harmful and justification for that classification.
Impact of
Computing innovation.
Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true:
• the described innovation is not a computing innovation;
• Identifies a harmful • the response is missing the adjectives harmful or beneficial (or synonyms thereof);
effect of the
• the response is missing a plausible beneficial effect;
identified or
• the response is missing a plausible harmful effect; or
described computing
innovation. • the identified effect is not a result of the use of the innovation as intended (e.g., a
self-driving car is not intended to crash, therefore, its exposure to hacking is not an

effect of its intended use).
Reporting Task Scoring Criteria Decision Rules Scoring Notes
Row 5 RESPONSE • Explains how ONE of Responses that earn the point for this row must have earned the point for Row 3. • Effects need to be related to society, economy, or culture and
2C the identified effects need to be connected to a group or individuals. Examples
relates to society, Responses should be evaluated on the rationale provided in the response not on the include but are not limited to:
economy, or culture. interpretation or inference on the part of the scorer. • The innovation and impact of social media online access
Impact of
Computing Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true: varies in different countries and in different socioeconomic
• the described innovation is not a computing innovation; or groups (EK 7.4.1A)
• Mobile, wireless, and networked computing have an impact

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• the explanation does not connect one of the effects to society, economy, or
on innovation throughout the world (EK 7.4.1B)
• The global distribution of computing resources raises issues
of equity, access and power (EK 7.4.1C)
• Groups and individuals are affected by the “digital divide”
(EK 7.4.1D)
AP Computer Science Principles

• Networks and infrastructure are supported by both

commercial and governmental initiatives (EK 7.4.1E)
Row 6 RESPONSE • Identifies the data Responses should be evaluated on the rationale provided in the response not on the • Data types include: integers, numbers, Booleans, text, image,
2D that the identified or interpretation or inference on the part of the scorer. video, audio, signals. Data that infer these types like
Analyzing described computing fingerprints, temperature, music, length, pictures, etc. are
Data and innovation uses allowed.
Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true:
Information AND • Data collection devices (e.g. sensors, cameras, etc.) are not data.
• the described innovation is not a computing innovation;
• Explains how that • Large data sets include data such as transactions,
• the response does not state the specific name of the data or simply says “data”;
data is consumed, measurements, texts, sounds, images, and videos. (EK 3.2.2A)
• the response confuses or conflates the innovation with the data: response fails to
produced, OR
transformed. explain what happens to the data; or
• the response confuses the source of the data with the data.

Row 7 RESPONSE • Identify one data Responses should be evaluated on the rationale provided in the response not on the
2D storage, data privacy, interpretation or inference on the part of the scorer.
Analyzing OR data security
concern related to Responses can earn this point even if they refer to the data in a general without specifically
Data and
the identified or identifying the data being used.
described computing
Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true:
• the described innovation is not a computing innovation; or
• the response identifies or describes a concern that is not related to data.

Row 8 RESPONSE • References, The in-text citations can be in either the artifact or the written response. • In-text citations may be provided in any way that acknowledges
2E & through in-text the source:
ARTIFACT/ citation, at least 3 The in-text citations may be oral in the computational artifact. • “According to . . .” or “As written in the New York Times . . .”
Finding and
Evaluating WRITTEN different sources. • Parenthetical
Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true:
Information RESPONSE • Footnotes
• the response contains a list of sources only, no in-text citations;
• the response contains less than three in-text citations; or • Numerical superscripts with corresponding footnote
• there are fewer than three sources cited, even if there are three or more in-text • Number system with a corresponding reference

AP Computer Science Principles — Create Performance Task
2018 Scoring Guidelines and Notes
Reporting Task Scoring Criteria Decision Rules Scoring Notes
Row 1 VIDEO & • The video demonstrates the Response earns the point if it explains the function of the program instead of identifying • Purpose means the intended goal or objective
RESPONSE running of at least one feature of the purpose. of the program.
Developing a 2A the program submitted. • Function means how the program works.
Response earns the point if the illustrated feature runs, even if it does not function as

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Program with AND
a Purpose • The response (audio narration or
written response) identifies the Response earns the point if the video includes a narration or some form of closed
purpose of the program (what the captioning that addresses the purpose of the program.
program is attempting to do).
Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true:
AP Computer Science Principles

• a video is not submitted;

• the video does not illustrate the feature mentioned in the response; or
• the video does not illustrate the running of the feature (screen shots or
storyboards are not acceptable and would not be credited).
Row 2 RESPONSE • Describes or outlines steps used in Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true: • Development processes are iterative and
2B the incremental and iterative • the response does not indicate iterative development; cyclical in nature and require students to
Developing a development process to create the • refinement and revision are not connected to feedback, testing, or reflection; or reflect AND improve on what they have
Program with entire program. • the response only describes the development at two specific points in time. created. Examples of iterative development
a Purpose could include reflection, revision, testing and
refining, and improvements based on feedback.
• The incremental and iterative development
process does not need to be a formal method
such as waterfall, top — down, bottom-up,
agile, etc.
Row 3 RESPONSE • Specifically identifies at least two Response earns the point if it identifies two opportunities, or two difficulties, or one
2B program development difficulties opportunity and one difficulty AND describes how each is resolved or incorporated.
Developing a or opportunities.
Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true:
Program with AND
• only one distinct difficulty or opportunity in the process is identified and
a Purpose • Describes how the two identified
described; or
difficulties or opportunities are
• the response does not describe how the difficulties or opportunities were resolved
resolved or incorporated.
or incorporated.
Row 4 CODE • Selected code segment implements Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true: • Algorithms are precise sequences of
SEGMENT an algorithm. • the algorithm consists of a single instruction; instructions for processes that can be executed
Applying IN • the code segment consisting of the algorithm is not included in the written by a computer and are implemented using
Algorithms RESPONSE responses section or is not explicitly identified in the program code section; or programming languages. (EU 4.1)
2C • the algorithm is not explicitly identified (i.e., the entire program is selected as an • Algorithms make use of sequencing, selection
algorithm, without explicitly identifying the code segment containing the or iteration. (EK 4.1.1A)

Reporting Task Scoring Criteria Decision Rules Scoring Notes
Row 5 RESPONSE • Selected code segment implements The algorithm being described can utilize existing language functionality, or library calls. • See Row 4 definitions and curriculum
2C an algorithm that uses framework alignment.
mathematical or logical concepts. Response earns the point even if the algorithm was not newly developed. (i.e., a student’s • Mathematical concepts include mathematical
reimplementation of the algorithm to find the minimum value)
Algorithms AND expressions using arithmetic operators and
• Explains how the selected Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true: mathematical functions. (EK 5.5.1.D)
algorithm functions. • the selected algorithm consists of a single instruction; • Logical concepts include Boolean algebra and
AND • the selected algorithm consists solely of library calls to existing language compound expressions. (EK 5.5.1E and 5.5.1F)
• Describes what the selected functionality; • Iteration is the repetition of part of an
algorithm does in relation to the • the selected algorithm does not include mathematical or logical concepts; algorithm until a condition is met or for a
overall purpose of the program. • the response only describes what the selected algorithm does without explaining specified number of times. (EK 4.1.1D)
• Selection uses a Boolean condition to
how it does it;

© 2017 The College Board

• the response does not explicitly address the program’s purpose; determine which of two parts of an algorithm is
used. (EK 4.1.1C)
• the code segment consisting of the selected algorithm is not included in the
• Iteration is the repetition of part of an
written responses section or is not explicitly identified in the program code
algorithm until a condition is met or for a
section; or
specified number of times. (EK 4.1.1D)
• the algorithm is not explicitly identified (i.e., the entire program is selected as an
• Selection uses a Boolean condition to
AP Computer Science Principles

algorithm, without explicitly identifying the code segment containing the

determine which of two parts of an algorithm is
used. (EK 4.1.1C)
Row 6 RESPONSE • Selected code segment implements Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true: • See Row 4 and Row 5 definitions and
2C an algorithm that includes at least • the selected algorithm consists of a single instruction; curriculum framework alignment.
Applying two or more algorithms. • the selected algorithm consists solely of library calls to existing language
Algorithms AND functionality;
• At least one of the included • neither of the included algorithms nor the selected algorithm that includes two
algorithms uses mathematical or or more algorithms uses mathematical or logical concepts;
logical concepts. • the code segment consisting of the algorithm is not included in the written
AND responses section or is not explicitly identified in the program code section; or
• Explains how one of the included • the algorithm is not explicitly identified (i.e., the entire program is selected as an
algorithms functions algorithm, without explicitly identifying the code segment containing the
independently. algorithm).
Row 7 CODE • Selected code segment is a Responses that use existing abstractions to create a new abstraction, such as creating a list • The following are examples of abstractions
SEGMENT student-developed abstraction. to represent a collection (e.g., a classroom, an inventory), would earn this point. (EK 5.3.1):
Applying IN • Procedures
RESPONSE Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true:
Abstraction • Parameters
2D • the response is an existing abstraction such as variables, existing control
• Lists
structures, event handlers, APIs;
• the code segment consisting of the abstraction is not included in the written • Application program interfaces (APIs)
responses section or is not explicitly identified in the program code section; or • Libraries
• the abstraction is not explicitly identified (i.e., the entire program is selected as • Lists and other collections can be treated as
an abstraction, without explicitly identifying the code segment containing the abstract data types (ADTs) in developing
abstraction). programs. (EK 5.5.1I)

Row 8 RESPONSE • Explains how the selected Responses should not be penalized for explanations of abstractions that are not developed • See Row 7 definitions and curriculum
2D abstraction manages the by the student. framework alignment.
Applying complexity of the program.
Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true:
• the explanation does not apply to the selected abstraction; or
• the abstraction is not explicitly identified (i.e., the entire program is selected as
an abstraction, without explicitly identifying the code segment containing the


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