Rise of Nationalism in Europe (Notes)
Rise of Nationalism in Europe (Notes)
Rise of Nationalism in Europe (Notes)
• Aristocracy
→ The land owning class.
→ Spoke French connected by ties of marriages.
→ Numerically a small group.
• Peasantry
→ Majority of population
• Middle class
→ New Social class emerged with the growth of towns and emergence
of commercial classes.
→ Educated class where ideas of nationality gained popularity.
• Liberalism stood for freedom for the individual and equality for
all before the law
The Revolutionaries
Giuseppe Mazzini
Frankfurt Parliament
• It was opposed by King of Prussia and also lost its social basis
as no rights were given to workers and women.
• It forced the autocratic monarchs to introduce some changes –
serfdom and bonded labour was abolished
• Hungarians were granted more autonomy.
• Otto Van Bismarck with the help of Prussian army and bureaucracy
took on the leadership of the movement for national unification.
• Three war over seven years ended in Prussian victory and
completed the process of unification.
• Kaiser William I of Prussia headed the new German Empire.