Super Squat Strength - Overview
Super Squat Strength - Overview
Super Squat Strength - Overview
This 5 week, 5 day/week strength-focused training program deploys MTI's "Super Squat" strength progression methodology.
MTI's Super Squat progression is based on Dr. Strossel’s famous book, but with our significant lab rat-proven modifications.
This training plan specifically focuses on three classic strength training exercises: Back Squat, Bench Press, and Power Clean.
You'll train these exercises 3x days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
On Tuesday's you'll train short-intense work capacity and chassis integrity, and on Thursdays you'll take an easy run.
The Super Squat strength progression uses percentages based off your 1-Rep Max, and the completion of 1 Round of 20x reps of the Back Squat and Bench
Press. The round will be completed without racking the bar, and with 2-3 big breaths between each rep. This should take you around 3-4 minutes of time
beneath the barbell. It's brutal!
1 Round
20x Bench Press @ 50% 1RM.
Take 3 big, slow breaths between each rep (leave the barbell on your shoulders). 20x reps should take 3-4 min to complete if done properly.
Make sure you have a spotter or safety bars for the Back Squat and Bench Press.
Check out the video below of pro freekskier Forrest Jillson working through a Super Squat round.
How Long should the strength sessions (Mon, Wed, Fri) Take?
60-75 minutes. It will take a week or two to figure out the flow, and these sessions may extend to 75 minutes for the first couple weeks. But beginning week 3,
you should have a good idea of the flow and move through them quicker. Aim to finish right around 60 minutes.
What does “1RM” Stand For?
1RM = 1 Repetition Maximum … the most you can lift for 1 rep of that exercise
Training: Warm up: Warm Up: (1) 3 Mile run at Easy Pace Warm Up:
4 Rounds 3 Rounds 3 Rounds
(1) Work up to 1RM Back 5x Push ups 6x Back Squat @ (2) Foam Roll Legs, Low 6x Back Squat @
Squat 5x Burpees 40/50/60% 1RM Back 40/50/60% 1RM
6x 40ft Shuttle 3x Scotty Bobs @ 25# 3x Scotty Bobs @ 25#
Record 1RM Instep Stretch 6x Sit Ups 6x Sit Ups
Instep Stretch Instep Stretch
(2) 1 Round Training: 3x Shoulder Dislocate 3x Shoulder Dislocate
20x Back Squat @ 65%
1RM. (1) 4 Rounds Training: Training:
Take 3 big, slow breaths 300m Shuttle every 2:30 (1) 1 Round (1) 1 Round
between each rep (leave 20x Back Squat @ 65% 20x Back Squat @ 70%
the barbell on your (2) 15 Minute Grind 1RM. 1RM.
shoulders). 20x reps 5x Turkish Get Up @ 25/35# Take 3 big, slow breaths Take 3 big, slow breaths
should take 3-4 min to Switch Arms Each between each rep (leave between each rep (leave
complete if done Round the barbell on your the barbell on your
properly. 10x Standing Slashers @ shoulders). 20x reps shoulders). 20x reps
16/20# should take 3-4 min to should take 3-4 min to
(3) Work up to 1RM Bench 45 Second 1-Arm Farmers complete if done complete if done
Press Carry @ 45/55# properly. properly.
15/15 Standing Founder
Record 1RM (2) 1 Round (2) 1 Round
20x Bench Press @ 50% 20x Bench Press @ 55%
(4) 1 Round 1RM. 1RM.
20x Bench Press @ 50% Take 3 big, slow breaths Take 3 big, slow breaths
1RM. between each rep (leave between each rep (leave
Take 3 big, slow breaths the barbell in the 'up' the barbell in the 'up'
between each rep (leave position with arms position with arms
the barbell in the 'up' extended). 20x reps extended). 20x reps
position with arms should take 3-4 min to should take 3-4 min to
extended). 20x reps complete if done properly. complete if done properly.
should take 3-4 min to
complete if done properly. (3) 9 Rounds (3) 9 Rounds
2x Power Clean - See 2x Power Clean - See
(5) 9 Rounds loading below loading below
2x Power Clean - increase Hip Flexor Stretch between Hip Flexor Stretch between
load each round until 2x reps reps
is hard, but doable
Hip Flexor Stretch By Round 4, be at 10# By Round 4, be at 10#
less than Session 1’s less than Session 1’s
Record final load Finishing Load and Finishing Load and
use that same load use that same load
Comments: “across” rounds 4-9. “across” rounds 4-9.
Parts (2) and (4) aren’t So If you finished @ So If you finished @
fun. Expect shaking 100# on Session 1, 100# on Session 1,
legs and arms near the today use 90# for today use 90# for
end of the 20 reps. rounds 4-9. rounds 4-9.
Embrace the suck and
suffer through. Have a
spot, if possible. If not,
have safety bars ready
and set.
Today’s session may
run a little long - up to
70 minutes.
Week 2
Use SESSION 11’s Back
Squat and Bench Press
1RM’s for part (1) and (2)
today and throughout the
rest of the plan
Week 4