Basf Mastertile 333 Tds

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MasterTile® 333

Premium, water based, non-sheen, penetrating sealer


MasterTile 333 Sealer is a premium, water based,
non-sheen, silane-siloxane penetrating sealer. SURFACE PREPARATION BEFORE
Solvent-free and formulated to provide water Surface should be dry, clean and free of waxes,
repellency and stain protection and may also be sealers or finishes.
used as a pre-grouting sealer. New installations need to be dry 48 hours before
application. Protect surrounding surfaces. Test
KEY FEATURES product in an inconspicuous area to ensure
 High quality sealer for stone, tile and grout desirable results.
 Excellent stain resistance
 For interior and exterior use SURFACE TREATMENT
 Colourless, transparent and highly penetrating The applicator has to make sure the substrate to
 Reduces negative atmospheric effects treat absorbs the water repellent emulsion.
 Water vapour permeable
The more porous and absorbent the material is the
SUITABLE TILE TYPES higher is the efficiency.
Sealer for all natural stone surfaces, unglazed tile,
The substrate will absorb less water repellent
porcelain, clay pavers, concrete, brick, masonry,
emulsion if it is wet, coated with a film forming
and grout.
coating (paint or varnish), treated with a water
For interior and exterior use.
repellent additive, has a very low porosity (for
example, some high performance concrete have
PACKAGING very low porosity).
MasterTile 333 is available in 20 litres.
Drying the substrate is an important precondition
TECHNICAL DATA* in order to achieve maximum penetration depth.
This can be achieved by making sure the water
Material structure Oil in water silane- repellent emulsion is applied after 10 days
siloxane emulsion. following the last exposure of the surface to water
Colour Transparent or rain.
Application substrate +5°C to +35°C
temperature Wet substrates already contain water inside the
Service temperature -20°C to +80°C capillaries. This reduces the uptake of water
Drying time 30 minutes between coats repellent material and results in reduced
2 hours foot traffic
Full cure 24 hours
The following conditions need to be fulfilled to
NB Coverage values are given as a guide only and can
vary greatly depending on the type of material being insure good efficiency of the water repellent
sealed. application:

 The surface to be sealed must be absorbent,

clean and dry.
 The surface must be free of any contaminants
or other surface films such as paint or varnish.
MasterTile® 333
 All existing surface treatments should be Read entire label before using.
removed. If any chemical cleaners are used,
they must be properly rinsed off to avoid any Apply using a paint pad applicator, sponge or
reaction with the water repellent emulsion. brush.
Chemical cleaner residues can cause
discoloration, decrease reaction rate or lack of Allow the sealer to penetrate for up to 5 minutes.
reaction of the water repellent sealer. Wipe surface completely dry using clean, dry
 Damaged substrates have to be repaired or cotton, paper or microfiber towels after each
replaced and allowed to cure before application application.
of the stone sealer.
 The facade has to be free of visible cracks. Porous surfaces may require additional
Cracks have to be filled with adequate filling applications.
materials, would it be elastic sealant, grouting
material or cementitious based mortar. Conduct a test to see if surface is completely
 Do not apply onto walls that have evidence of sealed after 2 hours by applying drops of water on
rising damp. The source of the rising the surface. If it penetrates, an additional
dampness must be dealt with and then the wall application is required.
should be allowed to dry out prior to the sealer
being applied. The drying out of a damp wall Pre-Grout Sealer/Grout Release
can take up to several months. Coloured grout may stain porous tile and stone
 Algae and moss growth has to be removed during installation.
prior to application. Sealing the tile before grouting will make grout
 The facade has to be clean and exempt of dirt removal much easier.
(which leads to a lower absorption) or Apply sealer according to directions after tile has
greasiness will reduce water repellent emulsion been bonded for a minimum of 24 hours, or apply
absorption. to front face of tile before installation.
Wait a minimum of 2 hours before grouting.
 All efflorescence has to be removed
mechanically followed by cleaning with water or
steam jet prior to application of the sealer. COVERAGE
 Avoid splashes onto glass, windows, door MasterTile 333 can be applied between
frames and other sensitive materials as this 4m²-28m² / litre, depending on the porosity and
may cause staining. profile of the substrate. Refer to the method
 Fresh concrete and the mortar joints must have statement for coverages and application details.
cured, i.e. application should be carried out
after 3 to 4 weeks. DRYING TIMES
 The quantity of water repellent emulsion Allow 30 minutes drying time between
applied to the natural stone tile or paver should applications.
match the tile or pavers absorbency. Do not
apply more of the sealer than the tile or paver Ready for surface traffic in 2 hours.
surface will absorb as this may change the Keep dry for 12 hours.
visual aspect of the tile or paver. Achieves a full cure in 24 hours.

The impact of the water repellent emulsion on the CLEANING OF EQUIPMENT

surface appearance of the substrate need to be
tested beforehand. Application of water repellent Clean tools with mineral spirits after use.
emulsion can lead to some color modification or
darkening of the substrate. HEALTH PRECAUTIONS
Wear appropriate skin and eye protection
equipment and ventilate area when spraying.
nitrile, when handling product.
MasterTile® 333
Contains glycol ether monobutyl ether. If in eyes, Sealer will not prevent surface wear or etching
flush with water for at least 15 minutes. If on skin, from acids or caustic chemicals.
wash with soap and water. If irritation persists, Not to be considered as a waterproof membrane.
seek medical attention. If swallowed, DO NOT All stone sealers are applied to act as a protection
induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. for stone against staining prior to clean-up, hence
prolonging the amount of time before stains
PRODUCT MAINTENANCE penetrate. Stone sealers are not to be considered
Do not use cleaners containing ammonia, acids or as a permanent non-stain solution for natural
bleach. stone.
Tile industry experts recommend periodic testing
of sealed surfaces. Apply a few drops of water on SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
the surface. If it soaks in, an additional application As with all chemical products, care should be
of sealer will be necessary to keep sealer at peak taken during use and storage to avoid contact with
performance. eyes mouth, skin and foodstuffs. Treat splashes
to eyes and skin immediately. If accidentally
TECHNICAL SERVICES INFORMATION ingested, seek immediate medical attention.
Reseal containers after use. For further
For technical assistance, contact your local BASF
information, refer to material safety data sheet.
technical services team.
EXPECTED WEAR Field service, where provided, does not constitute
Will vary depending on hardness and texture of supervisory responsibility. For additional
surface, type of area, surface wear, frequency, information contact your local BASF
and type of maintenance products used. representative.
Weather conditions, harsh cleaning methods, and BASF reserves the right to have the true cause of
high-alkaline, acidic, or solvent-based cleaners will any difficulty determined by accepted test
affect wear. methods.


Close container tightly after each use. All products originating from BASF’s Dubai, UAE
Store in original container only. facility are manufactured under a management
Store and use between temperatures of 0°C and system independently certified to conform to the
30°C. requirements of the quality, environmental and
Dispose of residue or any unused leftover product occupational health & safety standards ISO 9001,
in accordance with applicable local requirements. ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.

PRODUCT LIMITATIONS * Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.

If product is allowed to dry on surface, a white film

may form. If this occurs, scrub with a white nylon ® = Registered trademark of the BASF-Group in many countries.
The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.

Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF either
NOTE orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not
BASF, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

BASF Construction Chemicals UAE LLC

Disclaimer: the LRQA mark relates
P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, UAE to certified management system and
Tel: +971 4 8090800, Fax: +971 4 8851002 not to the product mentioned on this datasheet

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