Procedure For E-Waste Management

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Doc No:

Procedure for E-waste Management Version No: 1.2
Date: 14/04/2022

Document History -

Version No Date Details of Change Reason of Change

1.0 11.01.2021 Initial version -

1.1 11.04.2022 - Annual review

Review and Approval -

Prepared By Manikant Barik

Reviewed By Hari Prasad Penjarla

Approved By Pankaj Verma

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Doc No:
Procedure for E-waste Management Version No: 1.2
Date: 14/04/2022

1.0 Purpose:
This Procedure is intended to provide guidance and instructions for e-waste
management & handling in safe manner while ensuring minimization of
environmental impacts to the extent possible at AGEL sites.

2.0 Scope:
This Procedure is applicable to e-waste generated at the premises at AGEL
sites. This covers collection, sale, transfer, storage, and segregation of
wastes and makes these records available for inspection.
3.0 Responsibility:
3.1 All the personnel involved in carrying out /supervising the above activities
are required to ensure implementation of this procedure and may consult
any other relevant documents indicated under Reference section below.
3.2 In case the tasks are performed by the contractors, the concerned
Supervisor from Adani sites shall brief the procedure to be followed and
environmental and OH&S precautions to be complied by personnel from
contractors or external agencies deployed for the above task.
3.3 The supervisor from Adani sites and contractor is responsible to ensure
effective monitoring of implementation of this procedure.
3.4 Ensure all activities related to management and handling of e-waste shall
be carried out with proper PPE.
3.5 Head Projects/Head O&M shall implement the e-waste management
practice as outlined in this procedure for various departments with proper
segregation of various e-waste generated.
3.6 The e-waste shall be stored in designated area.
3.7 All the users of electronic & electrical equipment which are the sources of
e-waste /generation during normal usage shall identify and store at
designated area.
3.8 Site in-charge shall ensure that e-waste is stored in proper earmarked.
3.9 Site in-charge shall be responsible for prevention of any type of fire
accident in earmarked location inside e-Waste Storage area.
3.10 Site In-charge will identify the suitable off-site authorized scarped vendor
collection centers /registered dismantler/recyclers or collection center or
dealer of authorized producer or avail the pick-up or take back services
provided by the producer having valid consent/authorization of State
Pollution Control Board or MoEF for the e-waste.
3.11 Site in-charge shall dispose the e-waste to authorized collection
centers/registered dismantler/recyclers or avail the pick-up or collection

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Doc No:
Procedure for E-waste Management Version No: 1.2
Date: 14/04/2022

center or dealer of authorized producer or take back services provided by

the producer.
3.12 Site in-charge shall be responsible for generation of Form No. 2 (Annexure-
2) - Form for maintaining records of e-waste handled/generated.
3.13 Site In-charge department shall keep relevant records for inspection.
3.14 In the event of any changes required in the procedure such changes may
be requested to AMR, who would take appropriate action with approval
from respective departmental heads.
4.0 Procedure:
4.1. The following General Safety and Environmental procedure should be
General Safety procedures:
Close fitting / protective
Safety Helmet must always
clothing must always be
be worn in workplace.
worn in work areas.
Ensure proper physical and
Electrical isolations and Use Ear Plug if Required
availability of work permit.
Safety Shoes must always be
Use Hand gloves if required.
worn in work areas.
Safety Goggles must be worn
Ensure all flammable
in work areas whenever
materials are safely stored
Rings & Jewellery must not Long and loose hair must be
be worn & Mobiles to be avoided.
turned Off where it is . Usage of Earmuff or Ear
forbidden. Plug whenever required

General environmental procedures:

Ensure that there are no Segregate wastes at source
oil and grease spillage. ensure their
collection,storage and
disposal as per procedure for
relevant type of waste. If not

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Doc No:
Procedure for E-waste Management Version No: 1.2
Date: 14/04/2022

sure,consult environmental

Perfrom activities having Ensure, relevant Common

emissions/dust geenration procedure is follwed.
in secluded araes in way to
contain dust/smoke.
Switch off all
While working keep in mind and
what can be reduced-reused
other energy using
and recycled –for better
systems where not
4.2. Other General Instructions for Compliance:
4.2.1. Access to Emergency evacuation and other emergency services such as
medical and Fire protection shall be readily available and contact details
are readily available concerned supervisor as well as contactor.
4.2.2. Access to drinking water, toilet and other essential infrastructure for both
company and contract personnel should be ensured.

4.3. Instructions:
4.3.1. Procedure for collection of E-wastes. All types of E-waste must be identified by the users/generator. User must collect and send the generated e-waste to the earmarked
designated area. Site In-charge shall ensure that e-waste are stored in proper earmarked
area and accordingly notify the inventory of e-waste to Environment
4.3.2. Procedure of Waste transport and disposal. Site in-charge shall be responsible for safe disposal of e-waste to
authorized collection centers/registered dismantler/recyclers or avail
the pick-up or collection center or dealer of authorized producer or
take back services provided by the producer.
4.4. Handling of Concessions or Deviations:
4.4.1. In the Event of any Changes or Deviation from Procedure are required due
to Urgent business requirements or system/Equipment approval should
be obtained from Head O&M.
4.4.2. The report for the concerned task should clearly Captured the details of
deviations and reason for the same.

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Procedure for E-waste Management Version No: 1.2
Date: 14/04/2022

5.0 References:
E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016.
6.0 Associated Procedures/Guidelines:
• ESMS (Environment Social Management System)
• IMSP/13 Procedure of AIM

7.0 Records:
The records are required to be maintained in statutory forms mandated by
regulatory authorities. Current templates of same are illustrated below. Prior to
preparing the record ascertain the current version of the form from or or from

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Procedure for E-waste Management Version No: 1.2
Date: 14/04/2022

Categories of electrical and electronic equipment including their components,

consumables, parts and spares covered under the E-Waste Rules, 2016
Sr. Categories of electrical and electronic Electrical and electronic
No. equipment equipment code
i. Information technology and telecommunication
Centralized data processing: Mainframes, ITEW1
Personal Computing: Personal Computers ITEW2
Processing Unit with input and output devices)
Personal Computing: Laptop Computers (Central ITEW3
Processing Unit with input and output devices)
Personal Computing: Notebook Computers ITEW4
Personal Computing: Notepad Computers ITEW5
Printers including cartridges ITEW6
Copying equipment ITEW7
Electrical and electronic typewriters ITEW8
User terminals and systems ITEW9
Facsimile ITEW10
Telex ITEW11
Telephones ITEW12
Pay telephones ITEW13
Cordless telephones ITEW14
Cellular telephones ITEW15
Answering systems ITEW16
ii. Consumer electrical and electronics:
Television sets (including sets based on (Liquid CEEW1
Crystal Display and Light Emitting Diode
Refrigerator CEEW2
Washing Machine CEEW3
Air-conditioners excluding centralised air CEEW4
Fluorescent and other Mercury containing lamps CEEW5

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Procedure for E-waste Management Version No: 1.2
Date: 14/04/2022


1. Name of the Site:

2. Site In-charge Name:
4. Types & Quantity of e-waste handled or Category Quantity
generated** Item Description
5. Types & Quantity of e-waste stored Category Quantity
Item Description
6. Types & Quantity of e-waste sent to Category Quantity
collection centre authorised by Item Description
producer/ dismantler/recycler /
refurbisher or authorized
dismantler/recycler or refurbisher**
7. Types & Quantity of e-waste Category Quantity
transported* Quantity
Name, address and contact details of
the destination
8. Types & Quantity of e-waste Category Quantity
refurbished* Item Description
Name, address and contact details of
the destination of refurbished
9. Types & Quantity of e-waste Category Quantity
dismantled* Item Description
Name, address and contact details of
the destination
10. Type & Quantity of e-waste recycled* Category Quantity
Types & Quantity of materials Item Description
recovered Quantity
Name, address and contact details of
the destination
11. Types & Quantity of ewaste Category Quantity
sent to recyclers by dismantlers Item Description
Name, address and contact details of
the destination
12. Types & Quantity of other waste sent Category Quantity
to respective recyclers by Item Description
dismantlers/recyclers of e-waste
Name, address and contact details of
the destination

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Procedure for E-waste Management Version No: 1.2
Date: 14/04/2022

13. Types & Quantity of e-waste treated & Category Quantity

disposed Item Description
Name, address and contact details of
the destination
(1) *Strike off whichever is not applicable
(2) Provide any other information as stipulated in the conditions to the authoriser
(3) ** For producers this information has to be provided state-wise

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