Extension of The Cox Proportional Hazards Model For Time-Dependent Variables

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Seminar in Statistics: Survival Analysis

Chapter 6

Extension of the
Cox Proportional Hazards Model
for Time-Dependent Variables
Tulasi Agnihotram, Gaby Binder, Fabian Frei
4. April 2011

1 Review
Cox PH-Model: h(t, X) = h0 (t)· exp[ i=1 βi Xi ]
∗ Pp
Hazard ratio: HR(t) = ĥ(t,X (t)) = exp[
β̂i [X ∗ − Xi ]]
i=1 i
h(t,X ∗ )
PH assumption: The hazard ratio is independent of time: h(t,X) =θ
Methods for checking the PH assumption:
• Graphical

• Time-dependent covariates
• Goodness-of-fit test
What can be done if the PH assumption is not met:
• Use a stratified Cox procedure

• Use an extended Cox model

2 Time-dependent Variables
Definition: Any variable whose values differ over time.

• Race: time-independent
Race × t: time-dependent

There are 3 types of variables:

• Defined variables

• Internal variables
• Ancillary variables

3 The Extended Cox Model for Time-dependent
X p2
h(t, X(t)) = h0 (t) · exp[ βi Xi + δi Xi (t)]
i=1 i=1

X(t) = (X1 , · · · , Xp1 , X1 (t), · · · , Xp2 (t)) denotes all predictors

Xi denotes the ith time-independent variable
Xi (t) denotes the ith time-dependent variable

• The ML procedure is used to estimate the regression coefficients

• The model assumes that the hazard at time t depends on the value of
Xi (t) at the SAME time t
• We can modify the model to allow lag-time

4 The Hazard Ratio for the Extended Cox Model

Extended hazard ratio:
p1 p2
ĥ(t, X ∗ (t)) X X
HR(t) = = exp[ β̂i [Xi∗ − Xi ] + δˆi [Xi∗ (t) − Xi (t)]]
ĥ(t, X(t)) i=1 i=1

The HR depends on time. That’s why the PH assumption is not satisfied.

5 Assessing Time-independent Variables that do

not satisfy the PH Assumption
General formula for assessing the PH assumption:
X p2
h(t, X(t)) = h0 (t) · exp[ βi Xi + δi Xi gi (t)]
i=1 i=1

Here the gi (t) is a function of time. It is important which form we choose for
gi (t) in the model.
We do a test for assessing the PH assumption using the Likelihood ratio test

LR = −2 log(LPH model ) − (−2 log(Lext. Cox model )) ∼ χ2p under H0

Nullhypothesis H0 : δ1 = · · · = δp = 0
If the test is significant then the extended Cox model( is preferred.
1 if t ≥ t0
We can choose gi (t) as a heaviside function gi (t) =
0 if t < t0
In a model, we can use one or more heaviside functions. If we use heaviside
functions, the HR yields constant values for different time intervals.

6 An Application of the Extended Cox Model:
Treatment of Heroin Addiction
We compare two methadone maintenance clinics. Clinic 2 has always higher
retention probabilities than clinic 1. The difference is very significant after one
year of treatment. Because the two curves in the -ln(-ln(S)) plot are not parallel,
the variable clinic doesn’t satisfy the PH assumption. Two extended Cox models
were considered:

• Heaviside functions to obtain two distinct hazard ratios. One for less than
one year and the other for greater than one year
• A time-dependent variable that allows for the two survival curves to di-
verge over time

7 The Extended Cox Likelihood

Barry 2 1 1
Gary 3 1 0
Harry 5 0 0
Larry 8 1 1

Cox PH model: h(t) = h0 (t)eβ1 SM OKE

Cox Likelihood:
h0 (2)eβ1
L =[ ]
h0 (2)eβ1 + h0 (2)e0 + h0 (2)e0 + h0 (2)eβ1
h0 (3)e0
×[ ]
h0 (3)e + h0 (3)e0 + h0 (3)eβ1

h0 (8)eβ1
×[ ]
h0 (8)eβ1

Cox extended model: h(t) = h0 (t)eβ1 SM OKE+β2 SM OKE×T IM E

Extended Cox Likelihood:
h0 (2)eβ1 +2β2
L =[ ]
h0 (2)eβ1 +2β2 + h0 (2)e0 + h0 (2)e0 + h0 (2)eβ1 +2β2
h0 (3)e0
×[ ]
h0 (3)e0 + h0 (3)e0 + h0 (3)eβ1 +3β2
h0 (8)eβ1 +8β2
×[ ]
h0 (8)eβ1 +8β2


1. Kleinbaum, D.G. and Klein, M. (2005). Survival Analysis. A self-learning

text. Springer.

2. ftp://stat.ethz.ch/WBL/Source-WBL-2/R/TK.R.functions.R
3. http://www.stat.ucla.edu/ david/teac/surv/time-dep-coxph.R

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