DraftComprehensivePlan August2010

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Town of Middletown

Draft Comprehensive Plan

August 2010

Acknowledgements .......................................................................... 3 

1. Introduction ................................................................................. 4 

2. Vision Statement .......................................................................... 7 

3. Goals ............................................................................................ 9 

4. Middletown’s Character Defined ................................................. 10 

5. Recommendations ...................................................................... 11 

6. Plan Implementation .................................................................. 35 

7. Maps ........................................................................................... 42 

Appendix A: Public Input ................................................................ 44 

Appendix B: Community Profile and Environmental Inventory ....... 59 

Location ........................................................................................................................................ 59 
Historical Overview ...................................................................................................................... 59 
Population Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 63 
Housing Characteristics ................................................................................................................ 69 
Housing Affordability ............................................................................................................... 72 
Physical and Environmental Features ........................................................................................... 72 
Ecological Data ............................................................................................................................. 73 
Town Budgets ............................................................................................................................... 74 
Schools, Community Organizations, Historic Resources and Recreation .................................... 76 
Schools ...................................................................................................................................... 76 
Community Organizations......................................................................................................... 77 
Historic Resources ..................................................................................................................... 78 
Recreational Resources ............................................................................................................. 80 
Community Facilities and Infrastructure ...................................................................................... 82 

Transportation and Highway ..................................................................................................... 82 
Emergency Services .................................................................................................................. 83 
Utilities, Water and Waste Water .............................................................................................. 83 
Land Use ....................................................................................................................................... 84 
Land Use Regulations................................................................................................................ 86 
Commercial/Economic Resources ................................................................................................ 92 
Industries and Businesses in Middletown ................................................................................. 92 
Income Data for Middletown .................................................................................................... 94 
Regional Planning Efforts ............................................................................................................. 95 

Appendix C. Planning Board Tools to Address Potential Impacts

to Scenic Resources..................................................................... 97 

Appendix D. Model Language for Density Bonuses ......................... 99 

Appendix E. Zoning and Subdivision Audit: Consultant

Recommendations Submitted by Nan Stolzenburg, AICP .......... 103 

Appendix F. Sample Design Standards for Consideration. ............. 110 


Town Board
Leonard Utter
John J. Roucek
Brian Sweeney
Jacob Rosa
Michael Finberg

Planning Board
John Sanford, Chairman
Richard Andersen
John Nolan Jr
Barbara Puglisi
Katherine Somelofski
Susanna Finch
Kathryn VanBenschoten
Paula DeSimone, Alternate
Glenna Herz, Alternate
Carl Patrick Davis, Code Enforcement Officer
Beth Bush, Planning Board Secretary

Assistance Provided by

Nan Stolzenburg, AICP, Principal Planner

Don Meltz

Delaware County Planning Department

Nicole Franzese, Director
Kent Manuel, Senior Planner
Spencer Duval, GIS Planner

1. Introduction 

A comprehensive plan is a written document that identifies the

goals, principles, policies, and strategies for the growth and
development of the community. It is not a law in itself, but state
statutes require that all land use laws in a municipality be
consistent with a comprehensive plan. The town is authorized to
develop and adopt a comprehensive plan by New York State
Town Law Section 272-a.

Since decisions and actions affecting

the immediate and long-range
protection, enhancement, growth and
development are made by local
governments; New York State
considers adoption of a comprehensive
plan to be a critical means to promote
the health, safety and general welfare
of the people of the town and to give
consideration to the needs of the
people. It is the policy foundation upon
which communities are built.

There are several implications of having a comprehensive plan.

First, all government agencies involved in planning capital
projects in Middletown must first consider this plan. That means
the Town now has a much larger stake in what other
governmental agencies want to do when they are proposing a
project in town. Second, all land use regulations must be in
accordance with a comprehensive plan (Section 272-a). The
plan provides the basis for regulatory programs. All land use
laws should be reviewed, and updated where necessary to be in
accordance with this plan. Finally, programs and regulations
may be adopted to implement the plan to address the Town’s
needs and to encourage desired development and growth.

This Comprehensive Plan attempts to answer three questions for


1) What are the current conditions in the Town?

2) What do we want for the future of our Town?

3) How can we achieve that future?

Appendix A (public input) along with Appendix B (profile and

inventory) of this plan answer the “what are current conditions?”
and “what do we want the future to be?” questions. They
describe current conditions, demographics, physical and cultural
features, and information from the residents. The vision
statement for Middletown sets the tone and overall direction the
Town should take in the future. It was developed directly from a
resident survey, two planning workshops, and other public
comments received. The vision statement depicts in words what
the community is striving to become.
This plan contains several goals that are broad statements that
reflect “ideal” future conditions desired by the Town. The goals
offer more specific direction and are consistent with the stated
vision of the Town. The actions and implementation strategies
are a series of recommended steps that the Town can take to
accomplish each goal contained in this plan.

The Town Board assigned the task of updating a 1984 version of

a Town Comprehensive Plan to the Town Planning Board. The
Planning Board met monthly between April 2008 and April 2010.
The planning process included the following steps:

o Prepared background studies on current conditions;

o Hosted a planning and visioning workshop for the community;

o Outlined issues to be addressed by the plan;

o Defined a long-term vision and a set of goals for Middletown;

o Hosted a planning workshop to gain feedback on goals and

discuss strategies with community members;

o Held a youth workshop to gain feedback on vision and goals

with area youth;

o Drafted recommended strategies to help the Town reach

those goals;

o Presented the plan to the public for comments;

o Presented the Final Draft Plan to the Town Board for review

and adoption (TBA); and

o Adopted the Plan (public hearing, SEQRA, County Planning

Board review) (TBA).

Implementing the Plan

This plan offers the Town options and guidelines that can chart
Middletown’s future. This Comprehensive Plan is not a local law
but it will be implemented over time through local laws and
programs. Should the Town decide to develop or amend a local
law, public hearing(s), review by the county planning board, and
an environmental review will be necessary.

To begin implementation of this Plan, it is recommended that the

Town Board take the following steps:

1. Use the Implementation Schedule included in this plan to

develop an annual work plan of actions. The Town Board
should work on a yearly basis to prioritize the strategies so
that they can direct implementation efforts and review
progress on an annual basis. Assign tasks to appropriate
staff, boards, or appoint ad hoc committees as recommended
in the Plan to assist the Board in carrying out actions.

2. Appoint the Planning Board to work on zoning and subdivision

law updates that translate the options and guidelines
presented in the plan into specific language needed for local

3. As per NY Town Law 272-a, the whole plan should be

reviewed and updated by the Town Board, the Planning Board
or a special “Ad-Hoc” committee every five years. The update
process should include public input to reassess the vision and
goals, a review and update on what progress has been made
in implementing the various recommendations, and changes
made to keep the plan relevant to conditions in Middletown at
the time. The process for updating the plan is the same as
adopting the original plan and would include public hearings,
county review, SEQRA review, and adoption by a Town Board

2. Vision Statement  

In the future, the Town of Middletown will be a place where the

scenic beauty of the mountains remains a hallmark that defines
our community. Open spaces and a clean environment will
support outdoor recreation, wildlife habitats, and contribute to a
high quality of life for residents. Sustainable and thriving farms
and farmland will be preserved and support a diversity of
traditional and alternative agricultural businesses that provide
fresh and safe local foods year round. Quality housing will be
available to meet the needs of people at all income levels.
Senior citizens will have many housing opportunities in
Middletown that allows them to stay here to age in place and
remain active members of our community. Middletown will offer
recreational programs and facilities that offer indoor, outdoor,
passive and active activities for all ages.

The Town will have beautiful hamlets

and villages that are vital and thriving
and that are the central focus for
shopping and cultural opportunities.
Our area will be supported by an
excellent school system and we will
have a high quality of life that makes
Middletown an attractive location for
new year- round employment and
residential opportunities. Part time
residents will take an active role in all
aspects of our community life.

Our villages will be vibrant and remain the economic focus of our
community with a variety of retail, service, dining, and cultural
opportunities that meet the everyday needs of our residents.
Middletown will be home to new, innovative, clean and green
light industrial and commercial businesses that are developed
and operated in ways that honor our small town and aesthetic
character and our desire to remain environmentally sustainable.
Jobs for varying skill levels and ages will exist and allow for
working wages and salaries for all. Workforce training,
especially in work ethics and promotion will be available to assist
businesses. Modern telecommunication services will be available

to all residents and businesses including cellular and high speed

Roads will be well maintained. Accessibility to and within

Middletown will be improved through a variety of alternative
transportation options such as low cost bus or rail road service.
Designated byways will showcase our scenic beauty and link our
villages and hamlets to promote economic opportunities related
to tourism and recreational development. Parking will be
managed and promoted.

Our natural beauty, traditional villages and hamlets, cultural and

historic resources, attractive streets, buildings and roads will all
contribute to our community character. A small town lifestyle
that promotes neighborliness, community spirit, and pride will be
vital parts of who we are as a community. Parks and recreation
facilities, a diversity of quality retail services, thriving main
streets, and active community life will define our community
character. We will maintain our uniqueness by ensuring that our
built and natural environment including signage, buildings,
roads, and development patterns reflect these values. Quality
public services including a full service hospital will be provided
for. The tax burden needed to provide quality local services will
be supported through fair taxes paid by New York City.

3. Goals 
Goals describe future expected outcomes. They provide
programmatic direction and focus on ends rather than means.

1. To preserve and extend the enjoyment of peace and

tranquility of residents on their land and to provide an
improved quality of life for the Town.

2. To conserve the land, water, forest, mineral, historic and

scenic resources of the Town for the use and enjoyment of all
its residents.

3. To prevent degradation of the quality of the surface and

groundwater supply.

4. To encourage the properly regulated and soundly built

development of housing, business, industry and community
facilities according to a master plan of balanced use.

5. To assure that every dwelling and place of work is supported

by an adequate supply of potable water, sewage treatment
and disposal, solid waste disposal, energy and access.

6. To promote the safe, efficient, and attractive circulation of

pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

7. To provide adequate land and resources for recreation and

preservation of the Town’s rural character.

8. To maintain a balanced and equitable tax base.

9. To protect buildings and people from the harm of flood, fire,

detrimental land use, and impairment of their natural

10. To ensure that this area is a place where you can live, work
and thrive spiritually and economically ones’ entire life.

4. Middletown’s Character Defined 

The Town of Middletown recognizes the importance of a

positive community image and maintenance of community
character to assist the Town in instilling a sense of pride and
well-being in the community, assuring quality employment, and
improving tourism. A quality built environment contributes to the
overall economic, environmental, and social well-being of
Middletown. Community character contributes to the quality of
life and community livability into the future.

The most recognizable aspect of

community character is the physical
appearance of the landscape and the
built environment and their relationship
to each other. Many components
comprise community character. Based
on community input during the
Comprehensive Plan process, the
following are terms used to describe
the community character of

o Beautiful
o Scenic
o Friendly
o Long way from the City but not too far
o Picturesque
o Convenient village walking
o Beautiful mountains
o Economic diversity of population
o Rural with farms, woodlands, open space, small town
features, low density, hamlets and villages, barns
o Peace and quiet
o Outdoor recreation
o Artistic and creative community
o Easy for visitors to get to and at the cross roads of two state
o People are entrepreneurial and resourceful
o Second homeowners
o A bedroom community
o Has full public services such as hospital and grocery store
(these features are here but there is not a lot of variety)

5. Recommendations  

This section offers detailed objectives and recommended

actions that support the goals of this Plan. Objectives are clear
and measurable statements of strategy which when completed
will move Middletown towards achieving the vision and goals
stated in this Plan. Recommended actions offer more specific,
realistic steps that the Town can apply over time to achieve the
objectives, goals, and ultimately, the vision established by the

Topic 1. Jobs, Business and Economic Development

Develop a
comprehensive 1. Diversify commerce and industries in the area by
promoting Middletown as an attractive destination for visitors,
economic home occupations, and new businesses. Build on the many
development outdoor recreational resources in Middletown to promote
tourism and recreational business growth. (See Appendix B
strategy. for descriptions of existing recreational resources.)

Recommended Actions

A. Support and Implement the Route 28 Corridor Plan.

Continue to support development, and then implement the
Route 28 Corridor Plan that is being developed in cooperation
with M-ARK, Delaware County, other agencies and
organizations, and neighboring towns and villages.

B. Supportand Implement the Regional Economic

Development Plan. Continue to support development, and
then implement the Middletown Revitalization Plan that is
being developed in cooperation with M-ARK, Delaware
County, adjacent towns, and regional economic development
agencies and organizations. The revitalization plan should
place special emphasis on existing business expansion and
retention, and promotion of new businesses that support both
local jobs and Middletown’s character.

1. When completed, consider incorporating the revitalization

plan as an addendum to this Comprehensive Plan.

2. In the short term, work to attract, develop
or expand retail businesses which will serve as a
“draw” for people to visit Middletown.
Concentrate on businesses oriented to the
outdoor resources, tourism, agri-tourism, and
recreational opportunities in Town.

C. Cooperate with Local Organizations.

Work cooperatively with the Central Catskill
Chamber of Commerce and area organizations to
secure and expand appropriate business opportunities in

D. Promote Agri-tourism. Promote activities that can expand

small scale and niche farming. There are many opportunities
for agri-tourism, organic, and other niche farms to play a
much bigger role in the economy of the area.

E. Consider Local Tax Incentives to Encourage

Redevelopment and Reinvestment. Section 485b of the
New York State Real Property Tax Law establishes a schedule
for property tax abatements for new commercial, business, or
industrial projects. This exemption is a local option. Consider
offering additional incentives to support, retain and attract
businesses, retail and restaurant operations, service
businesses and home-based businesses to Middletown.

F. Work With the County and Neighboring Towns to

Improve Telecommunications Services. Foster improved
telecommunications and utility infrastructure, including
cellular, broadband services, fiber optic, Wi-Fi, DSL, high
speed Internet, and/or cable access connections. Seek
locations on public land that may be technically and
aesthetically feasible for placement of new transmission tower
structures and participate in federal and State-level programs
aimed at improving telecommunication technologies in rural

G. Seek Funding for Economic Development Programs.

Consider applying for available Community Development
Block Grants, USDA (Rural Business Opportunities) and other
available funding for economic development. Consider using

these funds to promote cooperative programs that provide
area youth job training and opportunities to learn to provide
businesses manpower resources and keep our young people
in the community.

Amend zoning to 2. Support growth of the area in a way that integrates new
businesses with existing ones in a manner that promotes
add other
the unique character of Middletown. Provide for the careful
appropriate development of retail and commercial uses in specific
locations including Arkville, in commercial nodes along
Route 28, adjacent to the Village of Margaretville, and in
available for other appropriate locations such as hamlets. Middletown
should not allow new business sprawl to take place along
business growth
the entire length of Route 28. In order to build on the
with beauty and character of the area to draw visitors and new
businesses, new commercial development should be
consistent with the character of Middletown.
standards that
Recommended Actions
consistency with
A. Consider amending zoning to dedicate more land as
a commercial zoning district. The following zoning
character. changes should be considered (see Audit in Appendix E for
Zoning should full details and rationale):

allow businesses 1. Current zoning could result in strip style development

to be developed along major roads in Town. Lands dedicated to commercial
development in a commercial zoning district is limited. To
and prosper but add commercial space, but avoid sprawl type development,
should also consider amending Zoning Article
IV – R-3 (District Regulations)  Commercial “nodes” are 
detail common and Schedule I (Use Table) to better at preventing 
sense create business “nodes” on Route sprawl by concentrating 
30 between Halcotsville and businesses in suitable 
performance Margaretville and another locations.  
exectations. between Arkville and

2. Zoning should clarify the purpose of each zoning district,

and be more specific about what the role of commercial
development in the R3 district will be.

3. Current zoning allows almost all commercial uses

everywhere in the R5 district
with a special use permit. The R5 district might 
Consider amending the R5 meet the goals of the 
zoning district to limit business town better if 
uses to those that can be commercial uses there 
consistent with the scale and were limited to home 
character of the rural areas in occupations, agri­
Town. businesses, agriculture, 
small­scale, and small­
impact businesses. 
4. Current zoning also allows most
commercial uses throughout the
hamlet districts with a special use permit. Consider
amending zoning to include only those commercial uses
that would be compatible with the character and function
of these hamlet districts.

5. Consider removing Commercial and

Industrial Uses Floating Zone (Section 411)
as a floating zone but maintain the existing
standards included for R5 special use
requirements. The existing language is not
adequate to develop a floating zone. If the
Town wishes to allow for a true floating
zone, then a commercial PUD could be
established to allow for more flexibility in
larger scale
commercial Design  and  siting 
development. standards  together  with 
a  list  of  businesses  that 
B. Consider Amending zoning to would  be  permitted  in 
Include Commercial Design and that  location  will 
support  and  not  detract 
siting standards. Design and
from Village and hamlet 
siting standards can help ensure
commercial  uses.    These 
that new commercial uses fit in with standards should ensure 
the landscape of the area and new  and  renovated 
character of the town. Consider commercial  and  mixed­
adding to existing zoning standards use development (where 
for commercial development and allowed)  retains  the 
establish “common sense” design small town, historic, and 
standards which could include rural  character  of  the 
things such as architectural style Town. 
guidelines, signs, screening and
buffering requirements, building
form, maximum building footprint, lighting, landscaping, and
signage guidelines. Commercial design standards should be
tailored to each business district, hamlet, or other area to
maintain character of the neighborhood. Refer also to the
Route 28 Corridor Plan which will also address commercial
development standards. See Appendix E (Town of Middletown
Land Use Regulations Audit and Recommendations) for more
detailed suggestions.

C. Promote more home occupations. Create two categories

of home occupations – minor and major. Minor home
occupations should be permitted by right with no further
review, and major home occupations should require site plan
review and/or a special use permit. Minor home occupations
usually have no employees and have no exterior evidence of
commercial use. Major home occupations have several
employees and have vehicles, material, or equipment storage
on the property with parking, signage and client or supplier

Topic 2. Open Space and Resource Protection (Land, Water,

Forest, Mineral, Historic, Scenic, Wildlife)

Environmentally 1. Promote land uses that are consistent with the capacity
of the land and other resources.
sensitive areas
and historic and
2. Promote the protection of environmentally sensitive
cultural areas (wetlands, steep slopes, streams, stream corridors,
resources should floodplains, critical habitats, unfragmented forests, and
open spaces).
be identified and
protected when
2. Promote the protection of cultural and historic
new resources that contribute to the character and
development is environment of Middletown including scenic and historic

Recommended Actions

A. Provide Educational Materials to Help Town Residents

Understand both the Environment and Zoning. Consider
developing an education program for landowners and
applicants so that they understand the Town’s environment
and zoning requirements in place to protect those resources.
Brochures, CD’s, and websites can all be used to assist in
providing this information in a cost effective and accessible
manner to landowners.

B. Consider updating zoning and subdivision regulations

to strengthen protection of environmental resources:

1. Consider allowing conservation and clustered subdivisions

on a voluntary basis.

2. Consider removing the existing DL Overlay (Section 410 of

Zoning) because these requirements are already covered
by rules and regulations of other agencies.

3. Consider amending site Environmental  features  should  be 

plan, special use mapped  and  analyzed  during 
sections of zoning, and project  review.  Middletown  should 
the subdivision law to give careful attention to the slopes, 
strengthen these review vegetation,  habitats,  water  runoff, 
processes so that the wetlands, streams, and scenic views 
importance of etc.  to  ensure  new  development 
environmental resources does  not  negatively  impact  these 
are elevated during features  that  contribute  to  the 
permitting. As part of character of the Town. 
this, consider treating
scenic resources the
same as all other environmental resources during the
review and permit processes.

When the Planning Board conducts its environmental

review of a project, they may want to require use of the
DEC Visual Environmental Assessment Form during the

1 Many of these actions come from the Zoning Audit and Recommendations document (See
Appendix E). For more detailed explanation and reasoning for the land use oriented
recommendations in this section.

SEQRA process to help evaluation of visual impacts. If they
find that a proposed project has the potential to impact
visual resources of importance to the
Town, the Planning Board could use the
NYS DEC policy for Visual Assessment.
See Appendix C for tools that the
Planning Board could use to minimize
negative impacts on scenic resources.

When the Planning Board has

information on scenic resources as part
of an application, it can help them
minimize negative visual impacts that
may occur during development. To
accomplish this, it is also recommended that the Town
develop an inventory and analysis of important viewshed
and scenic areas within one to two years after adoption of
this Plan. This effort should have community input to help
determine which scenic views are of most importance.

4. Consider preventing development on slopes greater than

25%, and control erosion and stormwater (through such
means as retaining natural vegetation and surface water
flows) on shallower slopes. Minimize loss of woodlands
Use of average during development.
lot sizes, density
C. Use the existing average lot size provisions that
bonuses, and
are in zoning more. This technique results in the creation
implementing of the largest amount of open field and unfragmented forest
as possible during development. Current zoning allows for
the East Branch
use of average lot sizes, and it use of it would help meet
Delaware River this goal. (For example, use of average lot sizes on a 35
acre parcel in a zoning district that requires a 5 acre
average lot size would allow 7 lots to be created. On this
Management parcel, creation of 5 small lots and two larger lots would
preserve the most open space and maintenance of
Plan will all work
environmental features more than creating five different
to conserve seven-acre parcels.)
D. Consider adding density bonus incentives
environment. into zoning to help motivate land developers to
protect important open space features during
development. Density bonuses are an incentive that

can encourage protection of features that are of value to the
entire Town. It offers a land developer the opportunity to
build more houses than would otherwise be allowed under the
zoning for that district. Density bonuses are implemented
through a zoning revision that would detail eligibility for and
amount of density bonuses available. If the Town of
Middletown offers density incentives, consider offering a
bonus for preservation of important farmlands.

E. Participate In Watershed And

Stream Corridor Management
Activities. Use the Principles of
Stream Stewardship (see below as
excerpted from the stream
management recommendations in the
East Branch Delaware River Stream
Corridor Management Plan (SMP)). The
recommendations included in the SMP
are incorporated into this Plan by

a. The Town of Middletown should

implement the SMP recommendations to minimize the
negative impacts of flooding, erosion, sedimentation and
storm drainage on natural resources. Especially, consider
amending zoning and subdivision laws to limit impervious
surfaces, avoid steep slopes, create filter strips and
maintain vegetated buffers along streams, and promote
compact development patterns. Local laws can include
language that incorporates the following stream
stewardship principles:

Stream Stewardship Principles

Work toward the protection and/or restoration of:

• The environmental services provided by streams and floodplains
• The health of stream and floodplain ecosystems
• The naturally effective channel form and function of streams
• Floodplains as part of the natural stream system
• Riparian buffers by minimizing removal of streamside vegetation

In the process of managing streams to protect public safety and

infrastructure, avoid threatening:
• Stream health - upstream or downstream
• The upland ecosystem through which the stream runs
• The stream bank stability of neighboring properties
b. Incorporate stream stewardship and management as
recommended in the SMP into local planning efforts. This
can be achieved by careful review of projects going
through subdivision, site plan, and special use processes
The Stream as follows:

Management 1. New projects should provide for on-site stormwater

Plan includes infiltration;

many 2. Protect existing streamside vegetation buffers in the

recommended riparian zone or create new buffers where none currently
actions the Town
could take to 3. Use cluster or conservation subdivision designs to
limit impervious surfaces;
protect streams
and stream 4. Preserve undisturbed areas;

water quality 5. Reduce clearing and grading;

including the 14
6. Locate areas to be disturbed in less sensitive areas:
items identified Avoid floodplain and wetland areas, steep slopes,
here. drainage ways, and areas with the least permeable soils;

7. Reduce roadway and driveway lengths and maintain

with pervious surfaces;

8. Reduce building foot-print size or other impervious


9. Reduce parking lot size and maintain with pervious


10. Use Low Impact Design Stormwater Control Practices;

11. Preserve prime agricultural soils and active farmlands;

12. Use Best Management Forestry Practices; and

13. Effectively use SEQRA to evaluate and mitigate impacts.

14. Continue zoning standards that require a special use

permit for clearcutting operations over one acre in size.
Consider ways to limit removal of streamside vegetation
and consider prohibiting clear cutting during forestry or
grading operations within certain distances along
streams and wetlands.

F. Minimize Impacts of Stormwater Runoff When Land is

Developed. Work to minimize impervious surfaces, and
avoid compaction of soils over large areas in areas having
hydrological vulnerability. Update land use laws to reference
NYS DEC Notice of Intent, and NYC DEP stormwater
requirements. These require an erosion and stormwater
control plan for all land disturbances over 1 acre in size.

G. Work to protect critical wildlife habitats. Map and keep an

up-to-date inventory of the biological resources in the Town,
including rare, threatened, and endangered species and
habitats. Consider the implications to these resources when
planning future development. During project reviews for
subdivision, site plan, and special use approvals, work to
locate developments away from important plant and animal
habitats and migration corridors.

H. Help promote protection of

historic resources in Town by:

1. Supporting landowners who

desire to list their properties on the
National Register of Historic Places.

2. Evaluating new development

impacts on historic resources within
the Town during site plan and special
use permit reviews.

3. Working with the Villages of

Margaretville and Fleischmanns to develop a historic
renovations guideline pamphlet. This could be based on
the US Department of Interior Standards for Renovation of
Historic Properties and could encourage appropriate
restoration of historic structures.

4. Asking the Historic Preservation Field Services Bureau of

the New York State Historic Preservation Office to be
involved in project review. This review is required for
publicly funded projects that come before the Planning
Board, ZBA or Town Board.

I. Update the Floodplain Law and Help Educate

Landowners about It. Consider adopting the new floodplain
law and work to educate the public and all local officials about
the flood damage prevention laws and why these regulations
are important.

J. Large Projects should be Developed in a Way that also

Protects the Environment and Middletown’s Rural
Character. Any large development project in the Town of
Middletown should be designed and permitted in a way that
meets and balances development with the goals of the
community as expressed in this Comprehensive Plan
especially those related to environmental protection and
maintenance of rural character, and protection of quality of

Topic 3. Land Uses (Agriculture and Forestry, Residential, Non-


1. Recognize agriculture and forestry as an important

Middletown can environmental, economic, and aesthetic component of
manage its Middletown and work to enhance the economic stability of
the farming community. Maintain viable and valuable
future growth to farmland and farm soils and build public support for the
maintain small area’s farms and farmers.

town and rural 2. Manage growth to ensure that development occurs at an

character and to appropriate scale and design consistent with the small town
and rural character of Middletown, and with adjacent land
be an affordable uses. Promote sustainable land use practices and energy
place to live efficient development.

while 3. Promote development of housing in a manner that

maintaining discourages rural sprawl, enables residents to use existing
services and infrastructure efficiently, and that protects the
agriculture and environment. Encourage provision of a greater variety of
discouraging housing styles and types to accommodate a wider range of
housing preferences, income levels, and household types.
rural sprawl.

Recommended Actions

A. Consider establishing a Town

Agricultural Advisory Committee.
Appoint members to represent farmer,
open space, agri-business, and local
government interests. This Committee
should work to promote new and
expand existing agriculture and forestry
opportunities. They can also represent
the farm community, encourage and
promote agricultural-based economic
opportunities, and work with the Town
Board to preserve, revitalize, and
sustain the Town’s agricultural businesses and working lands.
Optimally, the Ag Advisory Committee should work with
adjacent towns to promote agriculture and forestry regionally.

C. B. Educate Landowners on the Ag Assessment

Program and the Ag Disclosure Notice Required by NYS.
Provide information to farmers and farmland owners
regarding the NYS Agriculture Assessment program that is
already available. Promote the program with all eligible land
owners. To this end, also ensure that the Town Assessor,
farmers and farmland owners have up-to-date information on
the tax relief programs. Help educate local realtors about the
requirement for use of the Ag Disclosure Notice when land in
a NYS Agricultural District is to be sold (as per NYS
Agriculture and Markets Law 25-aa).

D. Work Regionally to Promote Agriculture. Coordinate with

and support Delaware County, WAC, CWC, Cornell
Cooperative Extension, and neighboring towns and village
efforts to develop agricultural and forestry related economic
development programs. Support local, regional, and County
programs, organizations, and agencies that assist farmers
and farmland owners. Work to promote small niche and
specialty farms, agri-tourism, and value-added products.
While the current agricultural economy may make it difficult
to promote traditional dairy farms, the Town has
opportunities for other types of agriculture that could add to

local food sources, rural character, and the area’s economy.

E. Support County Ag and Farmland Protection Plan. The

Town should promote full implementation of the County
Agriculture and Farmland Protection Plan and work to ensure
that it is kept up-to-date and includes a strong ag economic
development component. This County-level plan should
target entrepreneurial agri-businesses, attracting new
farmers and expanding existing operations.

F. Promote Area Farms. Promote the Pure Catskills brand in

Middletown. Encourage farmers to become members of Pure
Catskills and increase the number of farms in Town that are
listed in the Pure Catskills brochures.

G. EncourageCounty to be More Aggressive in Ag

Economic Development. Encourage the County and County
economic development programs (such as IDA) to promote
more agricultural operations especially those that could have
an ag-tourist component. Promote development of local
meat, dairy, and other processing facilities such as for-rent
community kitchens. Encourage the Delaware County IDA to
enhance funding opportunities in the forms of loans, grants,
and tax incentives directly for new farm, farm expansion, and
ag-business development.

H. Place a Farmer on the Planning Board. Consider

appointing a farmer to serve as a member of the Planning
Board to ensure that the agricultural perspective is included in
the planning process as per NYS Town Law 271.11.

I. Support Conservation Easements that Allow for

Continuing Agriculture. Support landowners who desire to
use conservation easements to protect their farmland
properties for farming.

J. Ensure that zoning is “farm-friendly”. Middletown’s land

use regulations should define agriculture broadly with no size
or income restrictions, as well as open space, farms, agri-
business, and agri-tourism. Ensure that the definition of
agriculture does not restrict what kind of agriculture can take
place and that it includes forestry operations. Clearly written
purposes should state the importance of protecting farmlands

and farming opportunities. Roadside stands, farm stands,
farmers markets, forestry, and small retail operations on a
farm should be allowed. Small meat processing facilities on
the farm should also be allowed. Allow for farms to have
multiple businesses in addition to food production such as bed
and breakfast inns, u-pick operations, dude ranches, and
other agri-tourism opportunities. Town-wide, but especially
in the NYS Agricultural District, zoning should require careful
review and mitigation where necessary, of potential negative
impacts of a proposed project on adjacent farms/farmlands.

K. Consider amending the zoning law as follows:

1. Add protection of rural character, open space, agriculture,

and environmental protection as important purposes of the

2. Update the definitions section so that definitions are

consistent with the New York State Uniform Building Code
and so that all uses included in the Use Table are defined.

3. Regulate wind turbine development in Middletown through

the special use permit and site plan review procedures.
Consider declaring industrial scale wind turbines a Type I
Action under SEQRA to elevate the environmental review
of these land uses if proposed to the Town.

4. Consider expanding the hamlet district boundaries to offer

more opportunities for compact and mixed-use
development in the future. Boundaries however, should
not extend into floodplains, or wetlands.

L. Encourage Good Subdivision Design. Encourage major

subdivisions to be designed to be consistent with rural and
environmental character through use of such design tools as:

o Retain and reuse existing old farm roads and lanes rather
than constructing new roads or driveways.

o Preserve stone walls and hedgerows.

o Avoid placing buildings in the middle of open fields.

o Use existing vegetation and topography to buffer and
screen new buildings if possible.

o Minimize clearing of vegetation at the edge of the road,

clearing only as much as is necessary to create a driveway
entrance with adequate sight distance.

o Site buildings below ridgelines so that they do not protrude

above treetops and crest lines of hills as seen from public
places and roads.

o Minimize crossing of steep slopes with roads and


P. Allow Different Types of Housing. Ensure that zoning

allows for a wide variety of housing types including accessory
apartments, two-family houses, and multi-family houses.

Q. Assist in Making Middletown an Affordable Place to

Live. Encourage finding more ways to address the housing
needs of low to moderate income families. Support
development of additional senior citizen housing. Continue
cooperative grant writing with to develop additional projects
similar to Mountain Laurel.

Topic 4. Infrastructure and Community Services
(Internet/Cellular, Transportation, Emergency Services)

A. Work to Maintain the Two-Lane Nature of Local,

County and State
Middletown’s Roads. Consider Rural  road  have  no  more  than  20 
development of design feet  of  pavement.  Cul­de­sacs  radii 
rural roads, could  be  limited  to  40  or  50’ 
standards for new roads
managing that incorporate rural maximum.  Rural  Roads  are 
road standards. As new designed  in  context  with  the 
traffic impacts, surrounding  land  and  are  not 
parcels on state and
focusing new county roads are overbuilt.  
developed, work to
carefully manage
infrastructure vehicular access and limit curb cuts. Over time, recognize
that widening roads as a method to deal with increased
to hamlets and
traffic levels is not a desired solution in Middletown. Instead,
near villages, institute traffic access management requirements in
subdivision, site plan, and zoning.
and supporting
local fire and Where possible, minimize use of cul-de-sacs. Where dead
end roads are necessary, utilize T and Y ends instead of cul-
de-sacs. For new development within hamlets, all new
services are streets should be interconnected with no dead ends and they
should use a grid or modified grid pattern. Require that the
“bulb” of cul-de-sacs be landscaped.
actions for the
Town to take to B. Consider using traffic access management and
traffic calming techniques When a Development Might
meet this goal. Impact Traffic Flow. These should be consistent with, the
New York State Department of Transportation Highway
Design Manual, Chapter 25 – Traffic Calming, Revision 33,
August 31, 1998 or most current version. Traffic calming
may not be applicable to every project proposed. Individual
projects should be assessed by the Planning Board to
determine if necessary and feasible.

1.   Traffic access management tools: 
•  Limit  number  of  curb  cuts  permitted  per  parcel  and  reduce  the  number  of 
curb cuts along a highway corridor. Allow for use of shared driveways, shared 
parking  lots,  and  shared  commercial  access  roads  under  carefully  planned 
•  Separate curb cuts and intersections. 
•  Align driveways so they are opposite each other or offset at least 125 feet. 
2.  Traffic calming and mitigation measures: 
•  Speed limits 
•  Signs (standard, vehicle actuated) 
•  Road Markings 
•  Surface treatment; (rumble strips, bar markings) 
•  Reduced  intersection  radii  (also  are  very  important  to  have  when  trying  to 
maintain rural character) 

C. Focus Infrastructure Development to Hamlets and

Villages. Focus development of new public services in areas
of Middletown such as hamlets, commercial districts, and in
areas adjacent to the villages. Promote compact development
to avoid unnecessary development or extension of water and
sewer lines.

D.Work Closely with Fire and

Ambulance Services. The Town
could form an Emergency Services
Advisory Board with members
representing the various emergency
service departments and the Town
Board. The role of this advisory group
is to determine the needs for and
respond to the additional equipment,
facility and personnel needs to provide
quality emergency services.

1. Support aggressive volunteer

recruiting programs by improving existing tax incentives
for emergency service volunteers and working with the
emergency departments to identify other mechanisms to
recruit and retain volunteers.

2. Assist emergency departments’ applications for FEMA and
other grants in order to expand and improve programs and

I. Ensure Public Services are Adequate for New

Development. When reviewing a project subject to SEQRA
ensure that no negative impacts will be created on fire,
ambulance, road, and other town services.

J. Seek More Public Transportation. Work with Delaware

County to explore ways to provide public transportation
services within the town.

K. Consider development of a Capital Improvement Plan

(CIP). See Box below.

A CIP is a multi‐year schedule that lays out a series of Town projects, facilities and 
large equipment, and their associated costs. Over the five‐year period considered 
by the CIP, the plan shows how the Town will maintain, expand or renovate 
facilities and services as needed to meet the demands of existing or new 
population. These documents are excellent planning and budgeting tools and are 
usually “rolling plans” where the plan is updated each year, dropping off the 
previous year and adding one more year at the end of the cycle.  A capital budget is 
updated annually as part of the Town's regular budget process. It will show what 
projects are already on line, what projects will need funds in the current budget 
year, and what projects will be started in the current budget year. Coordinating the 
comprehensive capital budget with the operating budget should give Middletown 
more insight into long range planning. The information helps decision‐makers 
improve coordination of services for greater efficiency and assess short‐run 
financing requirements in the context of long‐run fiscal needs and constraints.  It 
coordinates community planning, financial capacity and physical development.  A 
capital improvements program is composed of two parts ‐‐ a capital budget and a 
capital program. The capital budget is the upcoming year's spending plan for 
capital items (tangible assets or projects that cost at least $10,000 and have a useful 
life of at least five years). The capital program is a plan for capital expenditures that 
extends five years beyond the capital budget.  The Town should establish a formal 
CIP process, by adopting a resolution to create and empower a CIP committee. 

L. Expand Cable Services. Review franchise and service

agreements and require cable franchises to provide expanded

N. Encourage Green Development. Encourage the use of
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
standards for new development and redevelopment of
buildings and sites in the town. Consider use of a density
bonus when developers are willing to undertake this. The
LEED Green Building Rating System® is the national standard
for developing high-performance, sustainable buildings.
Participation in LEED is voluntary.

Topic 5. Recreation

A. Enhance trails and pathways as important recreational

resources and as a tool for economic development.

1. The East Branch Delaware River and its tributaries

There are many
should be more of a focal point for recreation. The Town
opportunities for should develop additional access points and amenities so
the public can have more opportunities to see and use this
enhancing trails
important resource.
for bikes and
2. Consider establishing a Trails Committee (or use the
pedestrians in
Bike and Pedestrian Committee suggested above) and
Middletown. The charge them with evaluating existing trails, identifying
locations for potential new trails, identifying places to link
Town should
new with existing trails, and to identify sources of funding
have a long- for trail development.
range recreation
3. Establish funding sources for trail development
plan which especially through grants. Consider establishing a
recreation fee to be collected for each new residential lot
includes youth
created in the Town. The fees should go to a dedicated
programs and a recreation fund and used to promote new recreation
programs and facilities.
center. 4. Find Ways to Increase Bike and Hike Opportunities.
Consider initiating a bicycle and pedestrian advisory
committee to identify specific roadways that could be used
for bicycles and pedestrians, and develop a plan for
roadway improvements that are needed to support those
uses. Use the NYS DOT Highway Design Manual (Chapter
18: Facilities for Pedestrians and Bicyclists or most current
version) and other guides to plan for pedestrian and
bicycle use in town.

5. Incorporate public access and trails as important features

to be included in the design of major subdivisions. Work
to link trails that may be constructed on individual
developments together to form a network of trails.

6. Consider offering a density bonus to developers if they

provide for public access and trail development within their

7. Continue to work with Delaware County, NYC DEP, CWC,

SWCD, and other organizations to
promote additional access, trail and
pathway development in Town.

8. Consider development of a
greenway linking Fleischmanns,
Arkville, and Margaretville.

9. Promote trails and pathways in

Middletown through signage, maps,
brochures and websites so that
more people can take advantage of
these opportunities.

B. Develop a long range recreation plan that meets the

needs of all residents, but especially teens and seniors.
Appoint a volunteer coordinating committee to oversee this
effort. Have people from different walks of life come together
and work proactively on the recreation plan.

C. Support Development of a Community Center. Support

efforts to develop a community center along County Route 28
to provide for additional recreational opportunities such as a
pool and a youth center.

E. Work to Encourage NYC Contribute to Local Recreation

and Economy. Continue to work with Delaware County,
New York State, and New York City to ensure that County,
State, and City owned lands contribute to local recreational
resources and the local economy.

F. Continue Youth Programs. Continue the Joint Youth
Program with Mine Kill State Park and Belleayre Ski Center
and look for ways to expand this effort.

Topic 6. Quality of Life and Community Development

Keeping senior A. Start an “Aging in Place” Program. Provide for the needs
of senior citizens to help them remain in the community. Work
citizens in our
with Delaware County to promote an “aging in place” program.
community, Locally, consider initiating programs that are oriented to assist
seniors. Support the Hospital Auxiliary Wellness program.
communication B. Foster communication with Citizens. Consider
and supporting establishing an annual or semi-annual town-meeting day to
foster communication with residents. This would also be an
local events and opportunity for the Town Board to hear concerns and issues
from the public and to develop an annual (or semi-annual)
work-plan to address critical needs. Consider also using
are all ways innovative technologies to involve residents in town dealings
Middletown can including webinars, video conferences, telephone conferencing,
and other effective uses of the internet.
maintain a high
quality of life in 1. Establish a community bulletin board in a prominent location
to advertise community events and activities.
2. Establish a Town E-Newsletter on a website and/or a paper

3. Minutes, documents, application forms, local laws,

application forms, maps, plans, and other critical
information should be on a web site for easy access by
local residents.

B. Involve Second Homeowners in the Community.

Establish a community advisory committee made up of
permanent and second home owners. This group could assist
in planning community/youth events, like bands and
cultural/social events, street/community festivals, and
speakers and other programs to involve local government and
residents. Welcome wagon-type programs and music may be
very effective in bringing people together to build a sense of
community. Use town-wide events and activities to bring

different groups of people together in a positive way. Find
opportunities to encourage primary and second homeowners
to become involved in the community as a volunteer,
especially with the Fire Department, and Hospital Auxiliary.

C. Work With Local Organizations and Events. Encourage

joint programming and marketing between local cultural
activities. Provide leadership and coordination to connect all
community and volunteer organizations in Town to mutually
advertise events, volunteer needs, donations, programs, etc.

D. Develop Historic-Oriented Programs. Consider involving

community groups in non-regulatory programs oriented to
historic preservation including educational initiatives, an
interpretive guide to the history of the Town, roadside pull-
offs, design manuals, etc.

E. Establish Gateway Signs. Enhance the community

gateways or “welcome” signs, with landscaping, lighting, and
thematic signage. Gateways can be establish a theme and can
include signs, sculptures, or ornamental historic objects.

Topic 7. Government

A. Update Plan Every Five Years. Keep this plan current by

formally reviewing it every five years and making changes as

B. Share Services with Adjacent Municipalities. Explore

Examples of helpful senior citizen programs may include the following: 
1. Consider instituting Tele­Care volunteer phone calls to support the elderly. 
2.   Consider  working  with  the  School  to  establish  “Chores  R  Us”  program  which  is 
where groups of teens willing to help seniors with programming DVD players, heavy 
housekeeping,  yard  work,  changing  hard­to­reach  light  bulbs,  teaching  computer 
skills, etc. takes place. 
3.   Consider property tax reduction/exemption, perhaps in exchange for volunteer work 
­ long term 
4.   Consider using a website to communicate with seniors and disseminate information
on resources etc

ways to share services with Margaretville, Fleischmanns and
adjacent towns to reduce expenses. Conduct a feasibility
analysis and needs assessment to determine the benefits of
consolidation or shared services.

C. Allow For Intermunicipal Coordination

In order to
and Review. In order to foster regional
analysis of environmental impacts and to accomplish
increase communication between
the many
municipalities, adjacent municipalities in
the region should have the opportunity to actions
review proposals as interested agencies
suggested in
and vice versa. It may be advantageous
for a liaison to be appointed between the this Plan,
Town and Village Planning Boards.
Further, work with adjacent towns to
establish municipalities as “interested should work
agencies” under SEQRA. Current state
with the
law requires notification of any public
hearing when a project falls within 500 many
feet of a town boundary. However, this
step often comes too late for effective
participation. As interested agencies, , businesses,
adjacent towns can be notified in the
and other
earliest stages of a project review and
offer input. institutions.
Success will
D. Seek Funding for Local Economic And
Community Development Programs. come when
Seek assistance from the County, M-Ark all
and other organizations to write grants
that support implementation of the stakeholders
programs identified in this plan. Work are involved
collaboratively with the Village of
Margaretville and Fleischmanns on grant and take an
writing where applicable in order to meet active part in
mutual goals and be more successful in
funding. these actions.
E. Establish local resources to help
landowners understand the benefits and negatives of
sales of land to New York City. Cooperate with NYC DEP
and work to enhance public access and recreational use of

DEP owned or controlled lands. Continue to dialogue with
DEP on watershed rules and regulations to help ensure the
needs of Middletown residents and landowners are addressed.

F. Create incentives and methods to raise funds to address

the costs associated with New York City land ownership
in Town. Consider establishing a per lot fee on New York
City for easements placed on properties. This fee would be
used for community development and revitalization efforts.
Explore other methods such as a real estate transfer tax or
property tax abatements for full time residents to accomplish
this action.

G. Keep Local Fee’s Up-to-Date. Ensure that all local fees are
adequate to cover the real cost of providing those services.

H. Promote Communication with Other Towns and Villages.

Encourage leaders of the town and villages to meet regularly
to discuss mutual issues and keep each other informed.

I. Share This Plan With Others. Share this Comprehensive

Plan with all potential developers to make sure they are
informed about this Plan and its goals as well as the rules and
regulations of the Town of Middletown. Clearly outline the
Town’s expectations for development at the earliest stage of
project review.

6. Plan Implementation 
The Town Board implements the Comprehensive Plan. In order to do
that, the Board will need assistance from other boards, agencies,
institutions and organizations. This Plan offers a variety of tools the
Town can use to help accomplish its goals. These tools can be
organized into policy decisions, program initiatives and regulatory
changes. Some actions recommended in the Plan will also require
finding the funds to make things happen.

Success will be based on setting the right priorities and allocating

scarce resources – people and funding – to the most important
priorities. Priorities, as shown on the following pages list the major
actions required by the Town Board to implement this plan. The
suggested priority of each action is indicated as follows:

Time Frame and Priority

1 Highest Priority - Implement first, preferably within first two
years of plan adoption.
2 Medium Priority - Implement after the highest priorities are
underway, preferably within 3 to 5 years after adoption.
3 Low Priority - Implement after the medium priorities are
underway, preferably within 5 years months.
O Ongoing action needed

Key to Types of Action

Each strategy suggested in this Plan represents a specific type of

action that the Town can take. These types of actions are:

1. Capital Improvement: Any action that results in an investment and

improvement in property, structures, equipment, staff or other
similar items.

2. Administrative: Any action that results in enhanced administration

of town functions.

3. Policy and Program: Any action that results in establishment of a

plan, activity, committee, proposal, or similar items.

4. Regulatory: Any action that results in the development of new or

amendment of existing land use related laws in the Town. This
typically refers to zoning, site plan review, or subdivision laws.

Assistance to the Town Board

The Town Board (TB) oversees all aspects of implementation of the

Plan and directs all work to be done in the future. At the Town Board’s
request, the following boards, organizations, or individuals can assist
the Town Board in implementation:

PB Planning Board
PA Professional Advisory including Attorney, Engineer, Planner or
HD Town Highway Department
C County
NC New committee recommended in this plan (Agriculture Advisory
Committee; Bike, Pedestrian, Trails Committee; Recreation
Committee; or Community Advisory Committee)
O Other organizations and agencies from the region.

Topics in Plan
1. Jobs, Business and Economic Development
2. Open Space and Resource Protection
3. Land Uses
4. Infrastructure and Community Services
5. Recreation
6. Quality of Life and Community Development
7. Government

Date to be Summary of Topic in Who Can Time

Completed Recommended Plan Help Frame
Regulatory Actions

Amend zoning, site plan and 1, 2, 3, 4 PB, PA 1

subdivision laws
Major amendments to be considered involve establishing new commercial
zoning nodes, clarifying district purposes, updating use tables appropriate for
each district, enhancing home occupations, allowing for conservation and
cluster subdivisions, adding a density bonus incentive, implementing the
Stream Management Plan’s recommendations for stream stewardship, being
farm-friendly, having better definitions, expanding hamlet boundaries,
establishing siting standards for major subdivisions, ensuring new roads are
built to rural road standards.
Establish commercial design 1, 2, 3, PB, PA 1

Date to be Summary of Topic in Who Can Time
Completed Recommended Plan Help Frame
Update floodplain law 2 PB, PA, C 2
Update road specifications 4 PB, PA, HD 1
Program and Policy Actions

Implement Route 28 and 1 NC, O, PA 2

Middletown Revitalization
Plans, when completed
Work with area organizations 1 O O
to promote new businesses
oriented to recreation,
tourism, agri-tourism, small
scale businesses
Consider offering incentives to 1 O, C 2 then
retain and attract new O
Promote youth training 1 O, C 1 then
programs O
Apply for economic 1 O, C, PA O
development grants and other
funding as available
Develop educational resources 2 O, C 3
on the Town’s environment
and the regulations that
pertain to it
Implement programs 2 O, C, PA 2
recommended in the East
Branch Delaware River
Stream Corridor Management
Keep an up-to-date inventory 2 O, PA O
and map of biological
resources in town.
Establish a scenic inventory 2 NC, PB, O, 1
based on public involvement PA
Support landowners who wish 2 Town Board O
to have their properties listed
on the historic register
Work with villages to promote 2 O, NC O
historic resources, and
education of residents on
historic structures and
Continue to work to educate 2 O, C, PB O
officials and landowners about

Date to be Summary of Topic in Who Can Time
Completed Recommended Plan Help Frame
floodplains, flood prevention
and flood-related laws.
Appoint an agricultural 3 Town Board 1
advisory committee to help
enhance ag in Town
Promote use of agricultural 3 NC, O, C O
assessments where eligible,
promote agri-business
development, promotion,
branding, and other ideas
outlined in Plan
Work with County IDA to 3 C O
promote more agricultural
Maintain existing roads as 4 HD O
rural roads and resist
Consider forming an 4 O, NC 2
Emergency Services Advisory
Board to determine needs for
and respond to facility,
training, and volunteer staff
needs. Support aggressive
volunteer recruitment
programs and assist on
applications for FEMA and
other grant opportunities
Consider formation of a bike, 4 NC, O, C, 1
pedestrian, and trail PA
committee to identify new
opportunities and enhance
pathways as recreational
resources and economic
drivers. This committee could
also seek funding for these
Develop a long-range 4 NC 2
recreation plan
Support development of a 4 O 3
community center
Work with State, City, and 4 NC O
County to ensure that public
lands contribute to local
recreational resources

Date to be Summary of Topic in Who Can Time
Completed Recommended Plan Help Frame
Continue joint youth program 4 Town Board O
Consider initiating programs 6 O, C, NC 1
oriented to assist senior
citizens stay in Middletown
and remain active in the
Foster communication and 6 NC O
community development
through having town meeting
days, and use innovative
technologies to involve and
inform residents
Consider establishing a 6 Town Board 1
community advisory
committee made up of
permanent and second
homeowners to plan
community events and build
Review and update this plan 7 Town Board O
every five years
Work collaboratively with the 7 NC, O, C O
villages to obtain grant
funding for programs
Establish local resources to 7 NC, O, C O
help landowners understand
the benefits and negatives of
sales of land to New York City
Create incentives and 7 PA 1
methods to raise funds to
address the costs associated
with New York City land
Establish a fee schedule to 7 Town Board 1
ensure that they cover costs
of providing services
Meet regularly with officials 7 Town Board O
from the villages of
Margaretville and Fleishmanns
Share this plan with all 7 PB O
potential developers so that
they understand the goals of
the Town

Date to be Summary of Topic in Who Can Time
Completed Recommended Plan Help Frame
Capital Improvement Actions
Promote compact development 4 PB, PA 0
to avoid unnecessary
development of water and
sewer. Focus provision of
these services near villages,
hamlets and in commercial
Work with Delaware County to 4 C 0
enhance public transportation
Consider development of a 5- 4 HD 2
year Capital Improvement Plan
Consider development of a 5 NC 3
greenway linking Fleschmanns,
Arkville and Margaretville
Develop signs, maps, 5 NC 3
brochures, to advertise trails
and paths in Town
Establish community bulletin 6 NC 2
Enhance gateway or welcome 6 NC 2
Administrative Actions
Ensure Site Plan, Special Use 2 PB 0
and Subdivision procedures
thoroughly evaluate all
environmental, historic, and
cultural resources of
importance to Middletown
Ensure site plan reviews 2 PB 0
evaluate impacts on historic
Consider appointing a farmer 3 Town Board 1
to serve as a member of the
Planning Board as per State
Town Law 271.11
Educate local realtors on Ag 3 NC 0
Disclosure Notice requirements
Review franchise and service 4 Town Board 1
agreements to expand cable
services in Town
Explore and implement if 7 PA 0
feasible, ways to share

Date to be Summary of Topic in Who Can Time
Completed Recommended Plan Help Frame
services with Margaretville,
Fleischmanns and adjacent
Allow for enhanced 7 PB 0
intermunicipal review during

7. Maps 
The following maps are referred to and included in this Comprehensive Plan:

Aerial Photograph
Agricultural Districts
Base Map
Building Limitations
Historic Locations
Land Use
Natural Features
New York City and New York State Lands
Slopes and Contours
Soils and Septics
Zoning Map

8. Appendices

Appendix A: Public Input Received 
Identification of Strengths, Weaknesses, and Issues 

Liabilities Identified Identified Identified as a

Through Through Priority Issue
Public Analysis of from Public
Input Profile & Input Workshop
Inventory (“A” indicates one
vote from public
workshop; “Y”
indicates one vote
from youth
Aesthetic look of businesses – design of franchise buildings 3
Clearcutting of land 3
Decreasing school enrollments, especially in Margaretville 3
Central School District
Flooding issues in the Village of Margaretville and other 3
locations in the town
High housing costs 3 3 A YYY
High taxes and cost of public services, especially for highway 3 3 Y
Higher number of individuals living below the poverty level 3
compared to surrounding towns
Lack of affordable housing 3 3 A

Lack of cellular service and high speed internet 3 AAAAA YYYY

Lack of community center 3 A
Lack of coordination in planning and communication between 3
Town and villages and various organizations

Liabilities Identified Identified Identified as a
Through Through Priority Issue
Public Analysis of from Public
Input Profile & Input Workshop
Inventory (“A” indicates one
vote from public
workshop; “Y”
indicates one vote
from youth
Lack of cultural opportunities (possibly coming) This was 3 AY
linked to community center
Lack of full historic inventory 3
Lack of jobs, especially for young people 3 3 AAA YYYYYY
Lack of recreational opportunities or access to recreation – 3 3 A YYY
especially on New York City lands along the E. Branch
Lack of technology and high skilled jobs 3 3 AAA
Loss of farms and farmland 3 3
Loss of very young children in community coupled with a 3
pronounced aging population. Large loss of school-aged
Lower median household incomes compared to surrounding 3
Maintenance of non-paved roads 3
More services are needed for second home owners, there are 3
fewer volunteers and second homeowners don’t participate in
community events and activities
More housing units and households than population increase. 3
This reflects second home ownership patterns.
New York City buying a lot of land in Town and removing land 3 AAA Y
from the tax rolls is a large issue
New York City regulations 3
Not enough stores and businesses; keeping stores in business 3 AY

Liabilities Identified Identified Identified as a
Through Through Priority Issue
Public Analysis of from Public
Input Profile & Input Workshop
Inventory (“A” indicates one
vote from public
workshop; “Y”
indicates one vote
from youth
is difficult; there is need for streamline permitting
Sprawl along Route 28; aesthetics – need design standards for 3
commercial buildings
Stream bank erosion and inability of landowner to manage 3
streams on their land
Transportation difficulties – you can only get around if you 3 AY
have a car
Volunteer fire departments having difficulty recruiting 3
volunteer members
Wind, water and gas exploration 3

Strengths Identified Identified Indicated as a
Through Through Priority Issue
Public Analysis of from Public
Input Profile & Input Workshop
Inventory (“A” indicates one
vote from public
workshop; “Y”
indicates one vote
from youth
Catskill Park and Forest Preserve Trail Systems 3
Clean air and water 3 AA YYYY
Community organizations 3 3
Delaware and Ulster Railroad 3
East Branch Delaware River 3 AY
Effective zoning and land use regulations 3 A
Environmental resources 3
Friendly people 3
Hamlets and villages 3 AA
Historic resources 3
Housing is low density 3
Improved appearance of community 3
Improving Main Street Margaretville 3 AY
Increase in ethnic diversity of community 3
Libraries 3
Low population density 3
Margaretville , Arena, Arkville, Fleischmanns, Halcottsville Fire 3
Margaretville Memorial Hospital 3 AA
Mountains and ridgelines 3 A YYY

Strengths Identified Identified Indicated as a
Through Through Priority Issue
Public Analysis of from Public
Input Profile & Input Workshop
Inventory (“A” indicates one
vote from public
workshop; “Y”
indicates one vote
from youth
Multiple use development initiatives 3 A
Natural resources (furniture making) 3
New York City lands for recreation 3
Open Space 3 Y
Peace and quiet 3 YY
Proximity to recreation and ski centers 3 A
Recreation Committee exists 3
Recreational opportunities 3 3 YY
Regional planning efforts are underway including stream 3
corridor management plan, village planning, county
comprehensive plan, Route 28 Scenic Byway nomination, etc.
Road maintenance 3 AY
Rural and small town atmosphere 3 AAAA
Scenic beauty 3 A YYY
School 3 Y
Senior services 3
Sense of community and community spirit 3
Services for people with disabilities 3 A
Tourism 3 A
Village parks 3

Strengths Identified Identified Indicated as a
Through Through Priority Issue
Public Analysis of from Public
Input Profile & Input Workshop
Inventory (“A” indicates one
vote from public
workshop; “Y”
indicates one vote
from youth
Wilderness atmosphere close by 3 Y
Updated infrastructure such as water/sewer infrastructure in 3
villages, salt shed

A member of the Planning Board, together with the Catskill Center for Conservation and Development conducted a strengths and
weakness workshop with students from the Margaretville Central School District. They identified their top three liabilities and
strengths about the town. These are recorded in the above table. As part of this effort, the students also wrote letters to the editor to
summarize their thoughts. These letters indicated that lack of jobs for youth was the top concern shared by many youth. Some of the
other comments related to liabilities included lack of recreation for youth, poor maintenance of the River Walk, people taking for
granted the natural beauty of the area, outdated library, need for more volunteers for the fire department, and trail maintenance. As for
strengths, most young people recognized the areas scenic beauty, and its peaceful and quiet nature as being a strong asset.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Strengths and Weaknesses 
Identification of Middletown’s positive and negative features along with
opportunities and threats to the community was a major goal of the public
input process of this Plan. Through this effort, Middletown hopes to maintain
its strengths, improve on its weaknesses, take advantage of opportunities
and prevent threats from impacting the community.

In summary, residents and landowners of Middletown at the workshop

expressed the following:

Major Strengths of Middletown to Preserve:

Access to ski areas and other outdoor recreation

Clean air and water
East Branch of Delaware River
Hamlets and villages
Improved Margaretville Main Street
Memorial Hospital
Mountains and ridges
Open space and natural resources
Peace and quiet
Road maintenance
Rural and small town atmosphere
Scenic beauty

Major Weaknesses of Middletown to Improve:

High housing costs
High taxes
Lack of business
Lack of cell phone and internet services
Lack of community center, cultural, and year round recreational
Lack of jobs
Loss of farms
New development that is not in character with Town (See Section 4 for
Definition of Middletown’s character)
New York City land purchases
Transportation difficulties

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Visioning Workshop 

During the Public Workshop, the following elements were identified as being important to be a
part of Middletown’s future:

Environment and Open Space

Better use of city land and reservoir
Scenic beauty is intact and recreational opportunities abundant
Scenic beauty
Preserved wilderness and wildlife
Keep the mountains free from exploitation
Places to swim
The area is a showcase for environmentally sound farming (including logging) and eco-
tourism (including hunting and fishing)
More development must keep the beauty of the mountains

Summary: The scenic beauty of the mountains is maintained. Open spaces and a clean
environment exist that support outdoor recreation, wildlife, and a quality of life for residents.
Environmentally sound farming and eco-tourism compatibly exist in this context.

Strong agricultural businesses with strong family ties
Increase in local farms and sustainable agriculture
Encourage preservation of farms and farmland
Alternative agriculture
Farmers markets
Thriving agriculture
Farm market year round

Summary: Farms and farmland are preserved and support a diversity of traditional and
alternative agricultural businesses. Local foods and produce are available year round.

Better balance of full and part time residents
Include senior housing (not necessarily affordable) within walking distance of village
Housing for all segments of the economic population
Housing costs decreased
Affordable housing for low, middle and senior incomes
A wide variety of housing at all cost levels
Better Belleayre project
Senior housing
Housing that blends with the existing environment
Senior housing with assisted living

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Summary: Quality housing is available to meet the needs of people at all income levels.
Senior citizens have many housing opportunities in Middletown that allows them to stay here
and age in place and remain active members of our community.

Ways to connect part time owners
Movie Theater
Margaretville Hospital
Public pool
Poor and recreational center
Large town recreational center
Good activities for seniors and teens
As you toured the area meeting people and seeing their offerings, you would feel an energy
of life, a zest for living, a can-do attitude
Attractive to tourists and young families
Increase in young families and organizations for children
Improved streetscapes and sidewalks and plantings
Inclusive recreational activities/opportunities
Continue excellent school
Lots of activities every day of the week
Movie theater
Development of the water museum and community recreation park
Beautiful supermarket that sells fresh food at good prices
Good destination restaurant and good family restaurant
Outdoor café
Develop better visible and physical access to trail system

Part time residents have an active role in our community life. Middletown offers a
recreational programs and facilities that offer indoor and outdoor, as well as passive and
active activities for all ages. Recreational development promotes and enhances responsible
access to our outdoor resources. The Town has beautiful hamlets and villages that are vital
and thriving and that are the central focus for shopping and cultural opportunities. Our area
is supported by an excellent school system. We have a high quality of life that makes
Middletown an attractive location for new year round employment and residential

Cell phone services
Cell phones and other TI technologies
Full cell phone and internet services for all residents
High tech and well paid commercial industry and jobs
Cell service
Innovation partnership with land grant university to global leadership in land use best
Cell service
Some type of new industry/business to create jobs

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Rural access
Universal cell service

Summary: Modern telecommunication services are available to all residents and businesses
including cellular and high speed internet. As such, Middletown is attractive to high-tech
commercial businesses.

Jobs, Business and Economy

Villages would be vibrantly alive every day of the week during the day and the evening with
shopping, dining, and entertainment, recreation
Incubator for rural sustainability
Thriving local economy where all essentials (food, clothing, building materials) are available
Many more retail stores
Work on improving the villages and not build big resorts
Diverse shopping facilities
Two expanded supermarkets
Local industry
Industrial development at a minimum
New retail shopping for all necessary items
Many small and clean industries
Professional services
Training and jobs for young people
More jobs
Variety of stores and restaurants
People would be clamoring to come to the area to work and live here full time
Encourage business to come here but yet stay within the smallness and scale of the villages
Place where young people would like to be to work and live

Summary: Our villages are vibrant and remain the economic focus of our community with a
variety of retail, service, dining, and cultural opportunities that meet the everyday needs of
our residents. Middletown is home to new, innovative, clean and green light industrial and
commercial businesses that are developed and operated in manners that honor our small
town and aesthetic character our desire to remain environmentally sustainable.

Transportation and Traffic

Good maintenance of highways
Dial a ride taxi service
Transportation buses or railroad
Town or county free or low cost bus service like Ulster County
Local transportation made available to all residents
Scenic byway designation
Light rail service
Improve the accessibility of getting here – better rail lines
Management of parking and promote availability

Summary: Roads are well maintained. Accessibility to and within Middletown is improved

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

through a variety of alternative transportation options such as low cost bus or rail road
service. Designated byways showcase our scenic beauty and link our villages and hamlets to
provide economic opportunities related to tourism and recreational development. Parking is
managed and promoted.

Community Character
Parks and recreational facilities
We don’t have to travel 50 miles to shop
Full retail services (butcher, baker, etc.) with balance of tourism related business
Active family farms
Busy Main Street with lots of pedestrians
No empty store fronts of villages
Attractive and inviting entry to Arkville and Margaretville
Unified design of Route 28
Small Town lifestyle and character are intact
Community center
Community events and festivals
Economic diversity – high, middle, and low income families all living in Middletown
Attractive signage
Historical events and fairs and festivals
Coordinated architecture for Main Street businesses
Landscaped parking
Tourist kiosk across from A & P
Small industry that utilize local resources
Retain the beauty of the area, mountains, trees, forests, lakes
Available transportation to nearby cities
Better communication between town and villages

Summary: Our natural beauty, traditional villages and hamlets, cultural and historic
resources, attractive streets and buildings and roads all contribute to our community
character. A small town lifestyle that promotes neighborliness, community spirit, and pride
are vital parts of our community character. Middletown has parks and recreation facilities,
a diversity of quality retail services, thriving main streets, and active community life. Our
community character is defined by these features and we express this in attractive and well-
designed signage, buildings, roads, and programs.

Lower taxes
NYC pay fair taxes
City pays taxes of all full time residents

Draft Summary: The tax burden of providing local services is supported through fair taxes
paid by New York City.

Expanded cultural activities

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Businesses and recreational facilities to keep our young people here

Improve Belleayre ski center
Adequate services
Live theater
A hospital that has complete services

Summary of items not addressed elsewhere: Quality public services including a full service
hospital are provided for.

2002 Survey Results 

About the Participants

½ were from outside the villages; ½ were from villages and hamlet: Slightly more Margaretville
residents participated than other village residents

Wide range of longevity of residents: 18% were < 5 years and 34% > 5 years. 35% listed
themselves as second homeowners

People moved here primarily for the rural atmosphere, followed by affordable housing, low
crime rate, low taxes, and close proximity to friends and family. Schools and public services
quality was not a large factor in that choice. People continue to stay here primarily for rural
atmosphere, followed by low crime rate, close proximity to friends and family and affordable
housing. About 20% of participants stay for other reasons.

About ½ of the second homeowners plan on making Middletown their primary residence in the

40% of participants were aged 45-59; about 35% were senior citizens and the ages ranged from
25 years to > 84 years old.

25% of participants were retired. The majority of workers were in professional occupations as
well as executive/administrative and managerial positions.

50% use their property as a personal residence, 29% as a seasonal home, and 28% for recreation.

Thoughts about the Town

29% of participants feel that the town has not changed in its desirability as a place to live while
21% felt it has improved. 18% feel it is a less desirable place. For those who feel it has become
a less desirable place, the reasons are that there are no activities for young people, New York
City influences, junkyards, not enough stores and businesses, lack of jobs, conflicts, less open
land, run down communities, second homeowners, less services, and increased taxes. For those
that feel the area is the same or increased in desirability, reasons given were that the area is still
rural, there is a diversity of residences, ski center, there is improving aesthetic character, more
stores and services, some renovation and improvements have taken place, the ambience, better

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

than other places, and better conditions in Margaretville.

Some of the negative features of town mentioned include a lack of cultural and recreational
options (34%), cost of services are high, there are transportation difficulties, and low quality of
services. The written comments were varied, but seemed to concentrate around lack of shopping
and jobs, high taxes, New York City regulations, conflicts between primary and secondary home
owners, lack of cultural events, shabby appearance, lack of community center, and new
development that will change the community character.

Drinking water and air, and stream quality were those features that were most important
environmental aspects. Wildlife habitats, scenic views, mature forests, rural character,
farmlands, wetlands, river access, open space/recreation and historic buildings were all
important, in that order. All environmental features explored in the survey were felt to have
importance however.

Participants were interested in having a variety of development aspects reviewed. 13 different

features were explored and all were listed as being very important or important. The most
important aspect to review was a developments impact on streams.

There was support for requiring logging permits and to regulate junk, mobile homes, and large
public gatherings. At the same time, the majority supported preserving the right to mine and

Farmers were most interested in reducing property taxes, getting help with environmental
compliance, right to farm laws, agricultural district development and purchase of development
rights (in that order).

The survey explored specific uses and asked if they were compatible or incompatible. Most
people felt that trucking terminals were incompatible everywhere. Farm stands, beauty/barber
shops, car wash, auto repair, wood products, hotel/motel, office space, retail shops, single family
homes and single family homes on large lots were all favored as compatible in some places.
There were mixed opinions related to mobile home parks, townhouse/apartments, conservation
subdivisions, and mini- storage warehouses. For these uses, about equal numbers of participants
felt they were incompatible everywhere as those who felt they were compatible some places.

Participants did not feel there was much need for fast food restaurants, and auto repair shops.
There was a strong need expressed for supermarket, department store, and medical/dental office.
There was some level of need expressed for all the other uses explored in the survey.

Participants felt that highways and utilities were of high quality. Health care, code enforcement,
and the school had more people express that these were fair quality public services. Few
participants gave any of the public services a rating of poor quality.

There was a majority of participants that supported spending tax dollars for items especially fire,
police, school and library services.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

A majority of participants felt hat recreational and job opportunities were need for teenagers.
Overall, participants felt that there was a strong need for more recreation and job options for all

More people felt that zoning in the Town is effective than those that did not. More people felt
that junkyards, mobile homes, minimum lot sizes, specified areas for residences and businesses,
and signs were topics that should be addressed in local zoning. There was less support (about
30% of participants) who felt that other areas needed guidance in local zoning.

Participants were asked to identify what is most important for the future of the town. There was
a clear desire for economic development (including more local shopping opportunities, growth of
existing businesses, development of tourism industry, new agricultural businesses, and more
small scale industrial jobs), preservation of existing rural character, a clean and green
environment, preservation of historic heritage, profitable farms and farmland preservation, and
improved recreational facilities and trails. A secondary list of important features included having
high quality residential and commercial development, a thriving timber industry, and more
second home development.

Results from Youth Workshop

Characteristics of the “perfect” Middletown:

O Community character remains the same (e.g. small-town vibe, scenic beauty, quiet, low
O Increased job opportunities
O Better activities for youth (e.g. a place to go inside or outside -- parks, juice bar, music)
O Diversified businesses and affordable shopping (more restaurants)
O Year-round tourism
O Improved community appearance (preservation of historic buildings on Main Streets,
better sidewalks, less parking on Main St, Marg)
O Larger school district with improved and diversified programs
O Whole community works together to achieve visions; pride, partnerships and friendliness
O Affordable public transportation (both locally and regionally)
O Movie Theater

Goal: Creation of a music center/ juice bar/ youth center

A secondary goal: creating numerous jobs ranging from manager and staff of center
to the contractors and accountants needed to construct the space.
• Finding an interested party or investor
• Determining location – need open performance space, WiFi, moveable furniture, colorful
design, games, art exhibit
• Developing student support of business – petition? Press Release? Online Marketing?
• Develop ride share or affordable public transportation to and from center. (Purple VW bus)

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Other Discussion:
• Center needs a catchy name...Youth Center doesn’t appeal.
• The center could provide a location for tutoring, as the school is not currently providing this.
• Transportation to and from events would be a challenge, and would require further
discussions. The Purple VW bus was proposed as a safe and reliable (although an old VW
may not be either) method for transporting students.
• Open 11:00-11:00, daily? 2 workers/shift, cook/cashier

Goal: Revitalize Main Streets and village centers

• Advertise assets – like pool and park
• Beautify existing main streets and parks (flower plantings, general clean-up, facade repair or
• Make Fleischmanns a better “gateway” to Delaware County
• Revitalize Fleischmanns Park

Other Disussion:
• Need to draw in and retain tourists and visitors, as well as locals.
• Work to attract investment in Margaretville and Fleischmanns.
• Coffee House in Arkville

Goal: Creation of a local Movie Theatre

• Investigate feasibility of local theatre. Is it a profitable idea? Can we identify a willing
• Determine location, explore Arkville Flea Market site among others.
o Investigate zoning, permitting process

Other Discussion:
What examples can be given to show an potential investor that this theatre is a profitable
• CMF Theatre in Hunter
• Woodstock Theatre -Does it need to be privately run? Can the village or local volunteers run
a theatre?
• Examples of this possibility exist...a cooperative theatre. (Will this bring in popular movies
though?) Possibilities for funders? Someone wealthy with sentimental ties to the area. What
will draw locals to a theater? What do they like?
• Lazy Boy Chairs (Reclining, comfortable seats)
• Reasonable Snack Prices
• A Diversity of Movies
• Adequate Parking

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Appendix B: Community Profile and Environmental 
The southeast town line is the border of Ulster County, New York, and the northeast town line is
the border of Greene County, New York. The eastern part of the town is in the Catskill Park.
According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 97.3 square miles
(251.9 km²), of which, 96.4 square miles (249.7 km²) of it is land and 0.9 square miles (2.3 km²)
of it (0.89%) is water. There are several hamlets and villages within Middletown including:
Arkville, Bedel, Denver, Fleischmanns (Village), Grant Mills, Halcottsville, Hanley Corner,
Kelly Corners, Margaretville (Village), and New Kingston.

Historical Overview 

The Town of Middletown is one of the oldest towns in Delaware County and once encompassed
most of the southern half of the county. The town falls within Great Lots #7, 6, 38, 39 and 40 of
the Hardenburgh Patent, an enormous early 18th century land grant that encompassed much of
the land between the Rondout and Delaware Rivers. The earliest documented European settlers
in the Town of Middletown were Dutch farmers, who arrived around 1763. During the
Revolution, the town became a Tory stronghold and most of the early settlers were driven off.
Many returned after the war and a permanent settlement was established by the early 19th
century. The first church (Reformed Protestant) was formed in 1794. Historical settlements
included the Villages of Margaretville, Arkville, and Fleishmanns (originally Griffins Corners),
and the hamlets of Clovesville, Solitude, Dry Brook, Halcottsville, Spruceville, New Kingston,
Dunraven, Lumberville and Clarks Factory. The old Indian village of "Pa-ka-tagh-kan" was
situated at the mouth of the Bush Kill.

Brief History of the Village of Margaretville (adapted from the Central Catskills Chamber of Commerce

The village of Margaretville is located on the East Branch of the Delaware River in the south-
central part of the Town of Middletown. The Town of Middletown is located in a mountainous
area of the Western Catskill Mountains. The earliest European settlers in the Margaretville area
arrived just after the Revolution. Once known as Pakataghkan, or ‘the meeting of three rivers’,
the early village was named Middletown Center. In 1850 it was re-named Margaretville in honor
of Margaret Lewis, a granddaughter of Robert Livingston, whose family once owned large
portions of the Hardenburgh Patent, including the site of the village. Margaretville began to
develop as a village in the early 1840’s. The village developed rapidly between 1843 and 1869.
The Beers map of that year depicts about 80 buildings, mostly along Main Street, and a
scattering of buildings on parallel or intersecting streets. While Main Street was laid out on the
north side of the East Branch of the Delaware River, a small channel, known as the Binnekill,
has been diverted from the river closer to Main Street to serve the village’s industrial concerns.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Development included a mixture of industrial, residential and civic buildings. In addition to

tanneries, foundries, and saw mills, early businesses included a cobbler shop, wagon shop,
harness shop, cooperage, cabinet and paint shop, and a blacksmith shop. Social and civic
enterprises included a post office and school, several doctor’s offices, the Methodist Church
(built in 1851) and the Margaretville Masonic Lodge and the Odd Fellow’s Pakatakan Lodge,
both organized in 1855. There were still several farms in and around the village, as well as a few
hotels and a cemetery.

As with much of the Catskills, the development of Margaretville was influenced by the coming
of the railroad. During the 1870’s the Ulster and Delaware, one of the major transportation routes
connecting the Hudson River (and thus New York City) to Delaware County, traveled northwest
from Kingston to Phoenicia and then through Fleischmanns, Arkville, Kelly’s Corners,
Halcottsville, Roxbury and beyond on its way to Oneonta. Located a few miles west of Arkville,
Margaretville was just off the U&D line. However, in 1905 the Delaware and Eastern Railroad,
later Delaware and Northern, was developed to extend the U&D line west from Arkville along
the East Branch of the Delaware River with major stops in Margaretville, Dunraven, Andes,
Downsville and East Branch, where it met the main line of the Ontario and Western.
Margaretville was thus now connected with the two major railroads serving the Catskills region.
The D&N located its terminal yards and shops at Margaretville and the railroad gave major
impetus to both the agricultural and the resort industries in the village. Several creameries were
built and, as in the adjacent town of Roxbury, butter was an important product. The
Margaretville station also served as the point of departure for the local cauliflower crop.
Introduced into the region in the 1890’s cauliflower became one of the town’s most important

There were hotels and boarding houses in the village as early as the 1840’s. The largest boarding
house, Briar Cliff Lodge, was situated on a hill overlooking the village. It was built as a
sanitarium but never used for that purpose. Others were located in and around the village,
including the popular Ackerly House on Main Street. Margaretville had become one of the most
popular resort towns in the region and it remains a thriving community today.

A Brief History of Arkville (adapted from the Central Catskills Chamber of Commerce Website)

Arkville had some of the first European settlers in Delaware County. Four Dutch families moved
into the area in 1763, but after learning of an imminent attack by natives, escaped back to the
safety of Kingston in Ulster County. In 1887, artist J. Francis Murphy started the Pakatakan
Artists colony. It was the first Artists Colony in New York State. Houses similar in style were
established in this enclave, many standing to this day and all privately owned. In the late 1800’s
and the early 1900’s the Treyz and later Luzerne Chemical companies operated a large wood
acid factory. The U&D hauled charcoal, wood alcohol, and the acid, which was used to make

The Rondout & Oswego Railroad arrived in Dean’s Corners, as Arkville was known, in 1871.
Some historians say the station was built on the site of the Tuscarora Indian headquarters. The

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

need to add an extra locomotive to climb Highmount made Arkville into an important stop along
what was to become the Ulster & Delaware Railroad.

In 1905, Arkville became even more of a railroad hub when the Delaware and Eastern, later the
Delaware and Northern provided a west bound connection to Margaretville, Andes, The
Reservoir Towns, Downsville and East Branch.

A Brief History of Halcottsville (adapted from the Central Catskills Chamber of Commerce Website)

Halcottsville was settled along the banks of the East Branch of the Delaware River which was
originally called "Pakakunk" by the Native Americans of the time. During the American
Revolution, the hamlet's namesake, Englishman John Halcott defected from the English army
and joined up with Washington's patriots where he achieved the rank of Major. After the war,
Halcott established a homestead along the banks of the East Branch. In 1805, partnering with
fellow veteran and homesteader David Kelly, The two damned and built the first mill along the
river, paving the way for a century of growth amidst the wilds of the Catskill Mountains. It is
also said that Halcott opened the hamlet's first store and along with son Mathew a carding and
fulling mill. In 1851, honoring this early patriot, the settlement was named "Halcottsville". In
later years the Halcott family moved on to other regions, largely vanishing from the area census,
while the descendents of David Kelly maintained the family "Empire" and are still a prominent
area family.

For 125 years or so the damming and widening of the river created a reliable power source
and enabled subsequent industry. Later, this dammed portion became known as Lake Wawaka.
In 1871 the newly laid railroad opened more doors to commerce and recreation. By the turn of
the century, Halcottsville was thriving as a major trading point for the outlying areas of Bragg
Hollow, Kelly Corners, Hubbell Hill and the Denver Valley. In addition to its busy creamery, ice
house and mill, Halcottsville was home to several general stores, two churches, a dressmaker, a
tailor, a hotel, a dancehall and a two-room school. There was even a 15 seat paddle-wheel launch
operated by Burr Hubbell that offered short rides to visitors.

Most Halcottsville and Bragg Hollow families lived and worked on family farms. Although
primarily dairy farms, many families also raised sheep for wool, grew cauliflower and produced
butter and poultry. The Wawaka grange, opened in 1875 provided support for area farmers for
many years. (Excerpted from As The River Runs – A History of Halcottsville by Diane Galusha)

Brief History of the hamlet of New Kingston (adapted from the Central Catskills Chamber of Commerce

New Kingston encompasses a 5,000 acre land grant set aside by Robert R. Livingston in 1799.
Livingston conveyed lots within this tract to residents of Kingston who had lost their homes
when the British burned the city after the Revolution. The land was divided into 100 parcels, 50
acres each. This orderly, geometric pattern was imposed over an area that was characterized by
three deep north-south hollows, thus making settlement within the original patent divisions
difficult. Many of New Kingston’s initial settlers were Dutch. Jacob Van Benschoten was the
Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

first pioneer and he blazed a trail into the New Kingston Valley in the 1790s. However,
between1807-1830, numerous Scottish immigrants settled in the valley and by 1880, New
Kingston’s population was largely of Scottish descent.
The hamlet of New Kinston encompasses a 50 acre tract of the patent located in the most fertile
part of the valley of the Plattekill, or ‘open brook’, where the three major hollows intersect and a
number of smaller streams and roads branch out to the north. The hamlet developed as a service
community for the surrounding agricultural region. In 1828 there was a store in the home of
Philip Yaple at the north end of the village. However, the hamlet was virtually undeveloped until
the mid-19th century.

An 1869 map of New Kingston shows 13 residences, a store, wagon shop, blacksmith and
storehouse, as well as the Presbyterian Church. The school was just outside the village, near the
site of a log school that had been established at an early date. In 1864-65 there were 70 children
between the ages of 5 and 21 in the district (District #24). Although the predominant occupation
in the town was farming, a saw mill and a grist mill existed down the valley (south) from the
village. Peddlers were frequent, selling cloth, pots and pans, tonics, fancy goods, etc. They
usually spent the night at the home of a willing family.

Brief History of the Village of Fleischmanns (adapted from the Fleischmanns Museum Website)

Early settlers came from Germany, England, Holland and Ireland and the original settlement was
named Griffin Corners in honor of Matthew Griffin, a prominent lawyer (he was admitted to the
bar in 1851) and businessman (he owned a store and later a hotel). He also helped to secure the
village's first post office in 1848. Griffin died January 11, 1903. The area known today as
Fleischmanns became part of Middletown in Delaware County on March 3, 1789. At that time
vast tracts of land were owned by a few individuals and farmed by tenants. All 8,000 acres of
Fleischmanns land was owned by General Henry Armstrong. The Anti-Rent War, an uprising of
Catskill tenant farmers in 1844-'45, lead to reforms which put an end to the unfair lease system,
and the area began to grow under private ownership.

According to available local sources, it was in 1883 that Charles F. Fleischmann, (born near
Budapest, Hungary, educated in Vienna and Prague, founder of the Fleischmann Company
famous for its yeast and whiskey) bought property west of the village near the Ulster & Delaware
railroad station from John M. Blish. Soon summer families built beautiful summer homes
abounding with porches, turrets, and terraces and costing $30,000-$40,000 (an enormous sum in
those days). They also constructed a deer park, a riding stable, a heated pool filled with spring
water, and a trout pond, all luxuries unheard of by the people in this valley. From 1890-1912, the
present community actually went by two separate names. From the east end of the village to
Division Street (now Bridge Street) was Griffin Corners and from Division Street to the Ulster &
Delaware Railroad was Fleischmann (no "s"). When the village incorporated in 1913 it became

Fleischmanns Park, which dominated the north side of Wagner Avenue, was a gift to the village
in May 1914 from Julius Fleischmann, son of Charles. Among the many interests of the
Fleischmann family was major league baseball. The park, formerly known as the Mountain
Athletic Club, was where their players came to get in shape before the start of the regular season.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

It was during this period that the little village began to grow. Many rich and famous people built
summer homes here, among them: Herbert Lehman (Governor of New York, 1932), the Leibman
family (owners of Leibman Brewery), and Anton Seidel (conductor of the Metropolitan opera).
Nearby on Highmount were the palatial summer homes of coloratura soprano Amelita Galli
Curci and Shakesperean actress Julia Marlowe. Fleischmanns was also home to the beloved
Molly Goldberg (Gertrude Berg) of radio and early television.

Wagner Avenue had many lovely homes which were built in the late 1800's. This street, in
particular, retains much of its Victorian charm. Lake Switzerland was built not only for boating
and swimming, but also for the harvesting of ice during the winter. Skene Memorial Library was
founded by Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Skene, a celebrated surgeon and his wife, who were summer
residents of Highmount for many years. It was through the influence of Mrs. Skene that a $5,000
donation was obtained from Andrew Carnegie, making construction of the free public library

Fleischmanns began to prosper as a summer boarding colony in the late 1800's. As more
boarders came, more homes and hotels were built or enlarged and they all competed intensely for
tourists. It is said that during the 1940's, the permanent population was 500; but by the Fourth of
July, there would be 10,000 in town. Over the years, tourists abandoned the Catskills in favor of
other locations and many hotels were vacated or sold. Arsonists set fire to many older buildings.

Of the fifty some great lodging places within the village and surrounding area, only a few
remain: The Regis, Mathes Hotel (Kosher Plaza), Alpine, Lorraine, Fleischmanns Hotel,
Meinstein Lodge (the Highland Fling Inn), and the Palace Hotel. Motels and real estate offices
now dot our village, but nothing replaced the once bustling summer resort.

Population Analysis2 
The population in the Town of Middletown has increased 13.9% between 1980 and 2000. The
increase is much higher than that seen by Delaware County, whose population decreased
slightly. It is also approximately twice as high as New York State, but is much lower than the
United States as a whole. In 2000, the US Census recorded 4,501 persons in Town, including
village populations.

Table 1: Population Changes from 1980 to 2000

Area 1980 1990 2000 1980-2000 Change
United States 226,546,000 248,710,000 281,421,906 24.2%
New York State 17,558,165 17,990,455 18,976,457 8.1%
Delaware County 46,824 47,225 46,555 -0.57%
Town of Middletown 3555 3406 4051 13.9%

2 All information for population demographics was obtained from the 1980, 1990, and 2000
Census Data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

The population of Middletown was estimated to have decreased to 3,895 in 2007 by the U.S.
Census Bureau. Using linear trend information since 1980, population is estimated to increase a
small amount by about 18.8 persons every year. These estimates however, are highly variable
and given the decrease in population over the more recent past, unclear whether this pattern will
continue or not.

Figure 1: Population Changes

Since 1980, Middletown has experienced substantial increases in most age groups, but a slight
decrease in the number of people less than 5 years of age (Table 2). The highest increase is in
the 65-year and older group, which has grown by almost 50% since 1980. The median age has
risen from 39.1 years to 46.0 years (a common occurrence throughout New York State). About
24% of the Town’s population is over 65 years. Compared to the County and New York State,
Middletown has fewer young people (as a percentage of the total population) and more mid to
older people, especially people over 65 years of age (Table 3).

Table 2: Age Distribution 1980 - 2000.

Age Group Population
1980 1990 2000 1980 to 2000
Under 5 196 194 191 -2.6%
5 to 18 years 650 501 201 -69%
19 years and 2,702 2,655 3,200 18.4%
65 years and 659 779 973 47.6%

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Median Age 39.1 NA 46.0 17.6%

Table 3: Comparison of Age Distribution, Percent of Total Population, 2000

0-4 5-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 +
Middletown 4.7 12.9 8.3 9.3 13.4 14.5 13.0 24.0

Delaware 4.7 10.9 14.8 10.5 12.5 14.7 13.1 16.7

New York 6.5 14.1 13.4 15.5 16.2 13.5 8.9 12.8

Figure 2: Age Characteristics

Tables 4 and 5 show several other population characteristics in Middletown. While population
has increased 13.9% since 1980, the number of households in Town has risen at a different rate
of 18.2%. This is another common demographic shift seen in many rural communities where
population rises little or moderately, but the increase in households rises faster. (Households are
defined by the US Census as the people who occupy a housing unit as their usual place of
residences. A family includes all people living in the same household who are related by birth,
marriage, or adoption.

Table 4: Population Data Town of Middletown

1970 1980 1990 2000 1980 to 2000 Change
Total Population 3,466 3555 3,406 4,051 13.9%
No. of Households NA 1,414 1,450 1,672 18.2%
Total No. of Families 970 920 1,035 6.7%

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

No. of Married Couple households 344 749 829 10.7% (1990-2000)

No. of Female Head of Household 279 124 140 -49.8%

Compared to nearby towns, Middletown has the highest percent population of persons over 65
years of age (24%). Table 5 shows that in many ways, there are many similarities and differences
between Middletown and its neighbors.

Table 5: Comparison of Other Demographic Characteristics of the Town of

Middletown to Other Adjacent Towns
Town of Town of Town of Town of
Middletown Andes Bovina Roxbury
Total 4,051 1,356 662 2,509
Median Age 46.0 47.8 45.9 44.6
Percent of 24% 21.6% 21.9% 19.6%
Over 65 Years
Number 3,013 1,326 525 2,026
Housing Units
Number 1,341 722 249 948
Vacant** (44.5%) (54%) (47%) (47%)
Housing Units
Population 25 74.2% 75.4% 74.5% 72.8%
years and
Percent of 55.0% 51.4% 62.0% 54.5%
Population 16
and over in
Labor Force
Percent owner 77.2% 85.8% 83.7% 80.0%
occupied units
Median $31,346 $35,119 $43,359 $32,214
Individuals 638 (16.8%) 127 (9.4%) 38 (5.7%) 334 (13.3%)
Below Poverty
Level (See
Median Value $86,200 $94,200 $94,100 $84,700
Housing Units

Note: About 12.6% of all families were below the poverty level in 2000. Of those, almost 21%
are families with children under the age of 18. For families with a female head of household
where no male is present, 34.4% were below the poverty level. Examined by age of individual,
Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

13% of individuals aged 18 and above and 9.6% of those aged 65 years and older were living
below the poverty level. The chart below shows the federal guidelines used in 2000 compared to
2009 for determining poverty status:

Table 5a: Comparison of 2000 to 2009 Poverty Levels Established by the United
States Government

Size of Family
Year 2000 Size of Family Unit 2009
1 $8,350 1 $10,830
2 11,250 2 14,570
3 14,150 3 18,310
4 17,050 4 22,050
5 19,950 5 25,790
6 22,850 6 29,530
7 25,750 7 33,270
8 28,650 8 37,010
For each
For families with more than 8 persons, add
additional $2,900 $3,740 for each additional person.
person, add

Table 5a: Household Income by Age

45 to 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 years
Under 25 25 to 34 35 to 44
54 years years years and
years old years old years old
Household Income old old old over
Total Number of 
Households   29 211 256 347 307 270 246
Less than $10,000 0 26 23 20 54 40 47
$10,000 to $14,999 2 24 19 26 11 31 43
$15,000 to $19,999 10 25 16 20 7 20 27
$20,000 to $24,999 5 36 25 18 33 33 17
$25,000 to $29,999 0 14 19 19 32 15 20
$30,000 to $34,999 9 25 34 18 46 16 14
$35,000 to $39,999 0 11 19 9 21 24 2
$40,000 to $44,999 0 4 10 22 12 3 18
$45,000 to $49,999 0 16 25 9 3 25 9
$50,000 to $59,999 3 21 11 52 21 28 18
$60,000 to $74,999 0 4 25 52 15 16 9
$75,000 to $99,999 0 0 16 30 27 11 11

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

45 to 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 years
Under 25 25 to 34 35 to 44
54 years years years and
years old years old years old
Household Income old old old over
$100,000 to
$124,999 0 5 14 37 16 0 0
$125,000 to
$149,999 0 0 0 0 3 6 11
$150,000 to
$199,999 0 0 0 6 6 2 0
$200,000 or more 0 0 0 9 0 0 0
Householder: The person, or one of the people, in whose name the home is owned, being bought, or rented. If there
is no such person present, any household member 15 years old and over can serve as the householder for the
purposes of the census. Two types of householders are distinguished: a family householder and a nonfamily
householder. A family householder is a householder living with one or more people related to him or her by birth,
marriage, or adoption. The householder and all people in the household related to him are family members. A
nonfamily householder is a householder living alone or with nonrelatives only.

Table 6 illustrates some of Middletown’s demographics compared to other places. Middletown

has the highest percent of owner occupied units, an average median value of housing, the lowest
unemployment rate, the highest poverty rate (except for the state), and the highest vacancy rate
of housing units compared to the County, State and country. This relatively high percentage of
vacant housing units reflects the Town’s high percentage of weekend and part time residents,
who either were not in Middletown when the 2000 census was taken or who listed somewhere
else as their primary residence. The Town also has the lowest percent of households headed by
females, and one of the lowest percentages of families as married couples.

Table 6: Comparison of Demographics of the Region in 2000

United States New York Delaware Town of
State County Middletown
Land Area (square 3,648,399 48,624 1,468 97.3
No. residents per 77 390 34 42
square mile
Percent married 78% 67.6% 48.5% 49.6%
couple families
Percent female 17% 14.7% 11.2% 8.4%
Percent owner 64.2% 47.9% 74.1% 77.2%
occupied units
Median value of $ 79,100 $ 82,900 124,500 83,600
housing unit
Unemployment rate 7.4% 8.5% 4.3% 3.4%
Percent of all 14.2% 24% 13.0% 16.8%
persons below

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

United States New York Delaware Town of

State County Middletown
poverty level
Vacant status of 7% 8.1% 35.5% 44.5%
housing units**
**Vacant housing units are believed to be owned by part time residents who were not in residence when the census
was taken, or who listed their primary residence as somewhere else.

Housing Characteristics

Figure 3: Housing Characteristics

The chart above illustrates several trends. There was an increase in the number of housing units
since 1980. In 2000, there were 3,013 housing units. The number of vacant housing units
increased between 1980 and 1990 but fell between 1990 and 2000, which may reflect an
increasing number of the Town’s part time and weekend residents deciding to move to
Middletown on a full time basis. If this is the trend, we should expect to see a decrease in the
number of “vacant homes” in the next census. Between 1990 and 2000, the number of housing
units remained relatively steady (Figure 4). Almost all housing units in Middletown were 1-unit,
detached structures in 2000. There were a few two-family and 3 to 4 family units and hardly any
large multi-family units. In 1980 about 20% of all residences were mobile homes. In 2000,
about 27% were mobile homes. Between 1980 and 2000, the number of mobile home units in
Town increased by 59.5%. This increase may be due to the availability and affordability of
mobile and manufactured homes.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Figure 4: Type of Housing Units in Middletown

Only about 12.7% of all housing units in Town are rentals. Both rents and housing values have
greatly increased. Between 1980 and 2000 for example, housing values have increased 181.5%.
Middletown has a relatively stable population. In 2000, 60% of residents had lived in the same
house for five years (Table 7 and Figure 5). Sixteen percent moved to Middletown between
1995 and 2000 from other Delaware County locations and about 13% moved from other New
York State locations.

Table 7: Housing Data - Town of Middletown

Housing Characteristics 1980 1990 2000 1980 to 2000
Number of housing units 2,424 2,972 3,013 24.3%
Number of occupied housing 1,414 1,450 1,672 18.2%
Number of owner occupied 1,056 1078 1,290 22.2%
housing units
Number of rental units 358 372 382 6.7%
Vacant units 620 1,522 1,341 116%
Numbers & Type of Unit:
1 unit, detached 1,537 2,160 2,360 53.5%
2 units 138 109 77 -44.2%
3-4 units 107 134 80 -25.2%

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Housing Characteristics 1980 1990 2000 1980 to 2000

5-9 units 33 47 82 148%
10-19 units 6 10 9 50%
Mobile homes/ trailers 215 439 343 59.5%
Housing value, median $29,700 $83,200 $83,600 181.5%
Rental prices, median gross rent $150 $378 $450 200%
No. of Residents living in same NA 1,932 2,417 25.1%
house in last five years
- living in same county NA 537 666 24.0%
-living in different county, same NA 515 546 6.0%
- living in different state NA 195 183 -6.2%

Figure 5: Residency Status of Middletown Residents

Figure 6: Housing Value Distribution for Middletown (From city-data.com)

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Housing Affordability

There are several ways to determine if housing is generally affordable in a community. One
method is to determine the “rental index”. This index shows the maximum gross rent a given
household can afford. Affordable rental housing is generally considered to be no more than 30%
of a household’s monthly income. The average monthly rental rate in the Town of Middletown
(in 2000) was $450. The median household income was $31,346 (in 2000). This yields about
$2,612 of income per month. Thirty percent of this is $784, which means that the average
household could afford the average $450 per month in rent documented in the 2000 Census data
because the average renter pays less than 30% of their income for housing. This data indicates
that for the renter with income levels close to and above the median income level, rental housing
would be affordable. However, about 40% of the households in Middletown earned less than the
median income level in 2000. For very young households and the very oldest households, rents
were probably not affordable.
A second method to determine affordability is to look at the ratio between the median value of a
single-family house and median household income. Nationally, a ratio of 2 or less is considered
to be affordable. The affordability ratio for Middletown is calculated as: $83,600 (median value
of homes in 2000, from Census data) divided by $31,346 (median household income), or 2.67.
This figure is above the desired ratio of two and indicates affordability issues for average income
Data available from City Data.Com indicates that the median price of a house sold in the
Margaretville in 2007 was $180,000 and $140,000 in Delaware County. These prices may reflect
the impact of the housing “bubble” which has effectively doubled home prices and assessed
values over the past 10 years or so.
No updated household income is available specifically for the Town, but 2007 county data had a
median income of $40,032 and for Margaretville of $34,212. A re-calculation of the
affordability ratio with this more recent data results in an updated, but approximate affordability
ratio of 5.3 for Margaretville and 3.5 in Delaware County. It would be anticipated that the Town
of Middletown’s index would fall within this range. This figure is a dramatic increase over that
in 2000 and indicates a serious lack of affordability for the average family. However, given the
housing bubble burst of 2008, housing prices may have fallen to a more affordable level, but it is
not likely to be at the level seen in 2000.
A third method, the purchase price multiplier, also gives an indication of affordability. This
looks at the maximum mortgage approval amount likely to be given to potential homebuyers.
This is usually about 2.25 times annual income. Based on the 2000 median income, this approach
indicates the median income household could afford a house costing $77,581, assuming a 10%
down payment, which was lower than the median priced home in 2000 ($83,600).

Physical and Environmental Features  
The Town of Middletown is basically rural in nature. While some farmland is still found along
town roads north and east of State Route 28, forestland predominates as a land cover in
Middletown. Well over 68% of the town is in woodland cover. A decline over the past decades

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

has left marginal cropland and pastureland to grow into brush and young forest lands. Second
home construction and some farm improvements have not kept pace with forest re-growth. New
York State owns about 6,700 acres of land classified as forest preserve in Middletown. This is
located in the southeastern corner of town and along with many other large tracts of private
forest, provides many acres of land for outdoor recreation.

Water Features and Wetlands: See the Natural Features Map. The total area of the Town
covered by water is about 641 acres, or about 1% of the total land area in Middletown. Several
lakes and ponds exist including Wawaka Lake, the Pepacton Reservoir, and several other smaller
unnamed ponds. The East Branch of the Delaware River, along with tributaries Batavia Kill,
Mill Brook, Huckleberry Brook, Bush Kill, Red Creek, Vly Creek, Platte Kill, Dry Brook, and
Bryants Brook are the major streams in Town.

There are few wetlands in town and these comprise only about 38 acres of land. Those wetlands
12.4 acres or larger have been designated by the DEC as regulated wetlands, and state law
requires a permit for any alteration or development in a wetland and requires a 100-foot buffer
around the wetland boundary. Wetland systems are natural assets for many reasons, including
their capacity for flood control, groundwater recharge, as temporary filters of pollution carried
by streams, landscape and habitat diversity, education, research, and providing food and shelter
for both rare species and economically important fish, birds, and animals.

Floodplains: See the Natural Features Map. Official floodplains are mapped by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency along the East Branch of the Delaware River and the Pepacton
Reservoir. Floodplains are also mapped along Mill Brook, Dry Brook, Bush Kill, and the Platte
Kill streams.

Topography, Slopes and Ridgelines: See Slope Delineation and Contour Line Map.
Middletown’s topography is characterized by large areas of steep slopes (greater than 25%) cut
by valleys. Narrow valleys along the streams form most of the level land in Town. To the east
of the East Branch, Fleishmann Mountain, Pakatakan Mountain, and the other hills of the Dry
Brook Ridge form a large area of steep slopes and ridges. Much of this land is State-owned. To
the west of the East Branch, the topography is less steep (<15%) and gentler terrain. West of the
East Branch is where almost all remaining farmland is located and also where NYC lands
(owned or controlled with easements) are concentrated.

Soils: The vast majority of soils in the Town of Middletown are severely restrained for septic
system development due to shallow soils and wetness. A very small number of locations are
classified by the Delaware County Soil Survey as having moderate suitability for septic systems.
These small areas are usually located in valley areas. Likewise, soils are quite constrained for
agricultural uses as well. Prime farmland soils – those best suited for production of crops, are
located only in the narrow valleys of the major streams in Town. See Agricultural Districts
Map which shows location of prime soils, and the Soil – Septic Suitability map.

Ecological Data
Natural Heritage Program: Data from the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation, Natural Heritage for Middletown is as follows:

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Table 8: Rare Plants, Animals and Significant Ecosystems

Common Name NYS listing Notes
Breeding along the East
Bald Eagle (bird) Threatened Branch of the Delaware,
Pepacton Reservoir,
Found on cliff habitats
Northern Monkshood
Threatened in the vicinity of Dry
Brook Ridge
Musk Root (plant) Endangered Found on sandstone
ledges in the vicinity of
Pakatakan Mountain
Historical Records

Musk Root (plant) Endangered Last record1915

Downy Lettuce (plant) Endangered Last record 1915

Jacob’s Ladder Rare Last record 1975

Town Budgets 
The 2009 Town budget is presented below. Highway expenditures comprise 57% of all
appropriates, followed by general expenditures and then special districts. Special districts include
water, light and fire districts.

Figure 7: 2006 Budget Appropriations

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Table 9: 2009 Summary of Town Budget

Appropriations Less Less
Amount To Be
And Provisions Estimated Unexpended
Raised By Taxes
Fund For Other Uses Revenues Balance

General $951,007 $218,050 $100,000 $632,957

General Outside Village $140,796 $76,000 $15,000 $49,796
Highway-Town wide $1,067,185 $100,000 $40,000 $927,185
Highway-Outside Village $1,047,545 $283,000 $106,000 $658,545
Subtotals $3,206,533 $677,050 $261,000 $2,268,483

Special Districts $429,766

Arkville Water $48,509 $18,350 $3,500 $26,659

Halcottsville Water $11,668 $11,668 $0 $0
Arkville Light $8,250 $200 $0 $8,050
Halcottsville Light $1,300 $38 $0 $1,262
New Kingston Light $780 $18 $0 $762

Arkville Fire $30,400 $0 $0 $30,400

Midd/Hard Fire $268,505.88 $0 $0 $268,505.88
Arena Fire $12,490.12 $0 $0 $12,490.12
Midd Fire #1 $47,863 $0 $0 $47,863

Arkville Water District

Returned Water Rents ($1,315.75)

Halcottsville Water Dist.

Returned Water Rents ($1,187.11)

Total $4,066,065.00 $707,324.00 $264,500.00 $2,664,475.00

Tax Increase Excluding Special Districts $147,324 6.9%

Figure 8 illustrates the changes in Town budgets over the past few years. The budget has
increased from about $3,200,000 in 2006 to about $3,600.000 in 2009. Most of these changes
were result of highway increases (Figure 9).

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Figure 8: Budget Changes 2006-2009

Figure 9: Changes in Town Budget Categories 2006-2009

Schools, Community Organizations, Historic Resources and Recreation 
School districts serving the Town of Middletown include Margaretville and Roxbury. The data
below comes from the New York State Department of Education annual School Reports.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Table 10: School Information for the Districts Serving the Town of Middletown
1999 to 2000 2000 to 2001 2004 to 2005 2006 to 2007
Total Enrollment 573 557 544 495
Attendance Rate 94.1% 91.4% 93% NA
Suspension Rate 1.6% 0.9% 5% NA
% with Free or Reduced Lunch 50.2% 52% 48% 42%
# Teachers* NA NA 44 46
1999 to 2000 2000 to 2001 2004 to 2005 2006 to 2007
Total Enrollment 367 355 342 334
Attendance Rate 94.4% 94.3% 95% NA
Suspension Rate 4.5% 4.5% 2% NA
% with Free or Reduced Lunch 32.1% 28.4% 26% 35%
# Teachers* NA NA 44 43
*Teacher count was only available for the 2001-2002 year. The number of teachers in the Margaretville school
district for this year was 47, and the number of teachers in the Roxbury school district for this year was 45. Free or
reduced lunch eligibility is based on household income by household size. For example, a family of four with an
income of $39,220 per year would be eligible for the free lunch program.

Table 11: Educational Attainment Town of Middletown (25 years and older)
Educational 1990 2000 Change,
Attainment 1990 to
2000 in %
Less than high 744(30%) 682(22%) -8%
school diploma
High school 946(39%) 1,092(36%) -3%
College, no degree 353(14%) 548(18%) +4%
Associates, 403(16.5%) 735(24%) +7.5%
Bachelors degree or

Community Organizations 
The following organizations provide services in or are located in the Town of Middletown:

Fairview Public Library

Skene Memorial Library
Fleischmanns First
German-American Club of Northern Catskills
Historical Society of the Town of Middletown
Central Catskills Chamber of Commerce

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Catskill Center for Conservation and Development

M-ARK Group
Delaware County Chamber of Commerce
Water Discovery Center
Catskill Mountain Christian Center
Catskill Forest Association
Catskill Women’s Network
Catskill Watershed Corporation
Hospital Auxiliary
Central Catskills Collaborative
Margaretville Central School
Margaretville Hospital
Community Pool

The CCC is a group of representatives from seven municipalities along the NYS Route
28 Corridor. This intermunicipal coalition formed to protect and promote the assets of
the corridor and advance projects for the economic benefit of the Central Catskills
Region. In 2008, each municipality adopted a resolution and designated two members to
the Collaborative to begin a regional dialogue. Member municipalities are the Towns of
Hurley, Olive, Shandaken, Middletown and Andes, and the Villages of Fleischmanns and
Margaretville, covering more than 50 miles of Route 28. They have facilitated the
nomination of the Route 28 Corridor Scenic Byway Nomination.

Catskill Revitalization Corporation/DURR

Belleayre Conservatory
Fireman’s Auxiliary
Margaretville Rotary Club

Historic Resources  
According to the New York State Historic Preservation Office, the following locations are listed
on the State and National Historic Registers (See Historic Resources Map):

Table 12: Other Historical Resources

Listed Location/Site
Pakatakan Artist Colony Historic Brook Studio/Cottage
District (1) Barn/Studio
Butternut Cottage
Francis Murphy Studio
Garden Cottage
Hathaway Cottage
Inn Laundry
Lawrence Cottage
Lawrence House, Privy & Shed
Murphy Studio

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Listed Location/Site
Murphy Residence
Stone Bridge
Upper Studio
Buhorn Studio
Clark Cottage
Field Studio (Edsden)
Pakatakan Inn
Roberts Residence
House of Four Winds
Mann Residence/Studio
Wyant Studio
Locke House
New Kingston Historic District
Congregation B’nai Israel
First Presbyterian Church of
New Kingston Presbyterian Church
Old School Baptist Church of
District 10 School (Old
Galli-Curci Theatre
Hubbell Family Farm and Kelleys
Corner Cemetery
Kelly Round Barn
Skene Memorial Library
Van Benschoten Residence and
Guest House

(1) Pakatakan Artist’s Colony Historic District: this historic district has been designated around a
small mountainside collection of studios and residences clustered about the original Pakatakan
Inn on the southern edge of the hamlet of Arkville. The community overlooks the valley formed
by the Dry Brook stream, the Bushkill and the east branch of the Delaware River. It comprises
about 65 acres and includes the original property owned by the Pakatakan artists associated with
the Catskill Mountain school of landscape artists and is an extremely well-preserved collection
of unusual shingle style and other wood frame buildings which provide a physical record of early
summer settlement in the Catskill Mountains between 1886 and 1930. The artists’ colony began
with a hotel, the Hoffman House, built in 1886, and eventually comprised artist’s residences and
studios. There are 35 contributing features on 13 properties: 16 contributing primary buildings,
17 contributing outbuildings and two contributing structures. There are three non-contributing
primary buildings within the district. (Properties within a historic district fall into one of two

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

types of property: contributing and non-contributing. A contributing property, such as a 19th

Century mansion, helps make a historic district historic, a non contributing property, such as a
modern medical clinic, does not. The contributing properties are key to a historic district's
historic associations, historic architectural qualities, or archaeological qualities. A property can
change from contributing to non contributing and vice versa if significant alterations take place.)

A listing of historical cemeteries includes:

• Arkville Cemetery
• Bedell Cemetery - near Fleischmanns
• Clovesville Cemetery
• Clovesville Cemetery - near Fleischmanns
• Small Clovesville Cemetery - near Fleischmanns
• Dimmick Cemetery
• Gavette Cemetery
• Halcottsville Cemetery
• Irena Streeter - single stone at road's edge
• Eureka Cemetery (Kelly Corners Cemetery)
• Margaretville Annex Cemetery
• New Kingston Cemetery - aka Faulkner/Archibald Cemetery
• New Kingston Valley Cemetery
• Van Benschoten Cemetery - New Kingston
• Yaple Cemetery - New Kingston
• Small Cemetery - near Margaretville
• Old Clovesville Cemetery
• Scudder Cemetery
• Taylor Farm Cemetery
• Todd Family Cemetery
• Wood/Avery Cemetery - Arkville
• Woolheater Cemetery

There are several Archeologically Sensitive Areas located throughout the Town of Middletown,
often associated with the historic sites, as well as along streams and rivers.

Recreational Resources 
Numerous recreational opportunities exist in and around Middletown. These include a variety of
state and New York City owned lands, as well as recreational businesses such as bowling,
farmers markets, hiking, skiing, golf, theater, and other tourist attractions. Table 13 outlines
recreational access to New York City owned lands within the Town:

Table 13: New York City Owned Recreation Areas

Area Location Public Hike Fish Hunt Acres
Access Area
Alpaca Thompson Yes - - - 390
Ridge Hollow Rd.
Arena Reservoir Yes - - - 382

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Area Location Public Hike Fish Hunt Acres

Access Area
Brook Brook Rd. No 3 3 3 72
Brush Koop Rd. No 3 3 - 66
Cole Hill Swart Rd. No 3 3 3 253
Clovesville Hog No 3 - - 56
Dunraven County Rt. No 3 3 3 202
North 6
Huckleberr Huckleberr Yes - - - 82
y Brook y Brook
Red Kill Big Red No 3 3 3 83
Kill Rd.
Swart Road Swart Rd. No 3 - 3 111
Weaver Weaver Yes - - - 622
Hollow Hollow Rd.
Old Dunraven Yes - 3 Parking - NA
Dunraven and
Bridge handicapped
access for

New York City Department of Environmental Protection recently opened up all DEP controlled
lands that are adjacent to state-owned lands for hunting and fishing recreation. The reservoir is
limited to fishing access.

Other Recreational Resources

Belleayre Mountain
Wellness Programs (various organizations)
Community Pool
Water Discovery Center (In the planning stage)

Catskill Forest Preserve Lands and Trails

South of Route 28 and the Village of Margaretville, the Dry Brook Ridge Wild Forest has 6,793
acres of land included in the New York State Forest Preserve system. Within this area, four
hiking trails exist:
Huckleberry North Trail (4135’)
Huckleberry South Trail (8282’)
German Hollow Trail (2500’)
Dry Bridge Ridge Trail (9346’)

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Community Facilities and Infrastructure 
Transportation and Highway 

Town Roads: About 40% of Town roads are gravel. General maintenance activities include
snow removal, ditch maintenance, road repair, and culvert maintenance. The Highway
Department has an equipment replacement schedule in place. No major issues related to the
roads exist.

State Roads: State Routes 28 and 30 pass through Middletown. The following traffic count
information was obtained from the New York State Department of Transportation (AADT is the
average annual daily traffic). Traffic volume changes were variable through the years, but
portions of Route 28 and 30 saw large volume increase. The largest volume increase was on
Route 30 between the end of Route 28 to the north line of the Village of Margaretville. Traffic
volume increases along Route 30 were larger than those on Route 28.

Table 14: Traffic Volumes on State Roads

Route Location of Count Average Year %Change
Annual in AADT
28 Delaware County Line to Old Rt. 28 2940 2007 16.7%
2520 1998
Old Rt. 28 to County Rt. 38 3970 2007 21.8%
3260 1993
County Rt. 38 to Start Rt. 30 5110 2007 9.4%
4670 1997
Start Rt. 30 to End Rt. 30 (Dunraven) 2120 2007 -0.47%
2130 1996
End Rt. 30 to County Rt. 2 (Extension Andes) 1250 2007 -2.3%
1280 2000
30 BWS Rd #4 to Start Rt. 28 (Dunraven) 520 2007 6.1%
490 1994
Start Rt. 28 to End Rt. 28 2120 2007 -0.47%
2130 1996
End Rt. 28 to North Line Village of Margaretville 2360 2007 44.8%
1630 1996
North Line Village of Margaretville to County Rt. 38 2320 2007 34.1%
1730 1996
County Rt. 38 to County Rt. 41 (Roxbury) 1980 2007 -34.9%
3040 1996

Table 15: Traffic Volumes on Town and County Roads

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Road AADT Year

Brook Road 40 1998
Crawford Road 30 2005
Dry Brook Road 200 2004
E Hubbell Hill 300 2005
Hog Mountain Road 90 2004
Main Street 900 2004
Old Route 28 Clovesville 400 2004
Van Benschoten 20 2005
Weaver Hollow Road 100 2004
New Kingston Road 900 2002
Vega Road 600 2002
Halcott Center 400 2002
County Route 3 300 2002

Emergency Services 
Delaware County coordinates the E-911 service.

Fire: Fire emergency services are provided by all-volunteer departments of Margaretville,

Arkville, Arena, and Fleischmanns. A major issue related to the fire departments is lack of
volunteers. Changes in training requirements by New York State, as well as modern and busy
lifestyles have made it difficult for people to commit to the time requirements needed to
participate in the fire departments. The Margaretville Fire Department is part of the
Middletown-Hardenburgh Fire District which encompasses all of Middletown and a portion of
Hardenburgh. The rest of Hardenburgh is served by Arena Fire Department (also located in
Town of Middletown) and Beaverkill Valley Fire Department.

Ambulance: The Margaretville Memorial Hospital Ambulance Squad is a combination paid and
volunteer service located at the Margaretville Hospital and it serves the Towns of Middletown,
Hardenburgh, and Halcott as well as the Villages of Margaretville and Fleischmanns. Originally
a volunteer service provided by the Margaretville Hospital, ambulance staff are now paid a
stipend for each call. The squad is called in to support Belleayre frequently although the ski
resort is located in Ulster County.

Law Enforcement: Middletown has no town police, but is provided law enforcement support
from the County Sherriff’s department and the State Police located in Dunraven.

Utilities, Water and Waste Water 

Electric is provided through New York State Electric and Gas.

Telephone, cable and internet services are provided by MTC (Margaretville Telephone
Company), Verizon or Time Warner.
Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Margaretville, Fleishmann, Halcottsville and Arkville have public water. Arkville’s water
system includes the hamlet and has 198 connections (about 450 users). This system was built in
the 1980’s. Halcottsville has 22 connections (66 users) and was recently completed in 2006.
Margaretville and Fleishmanns have their own water systems run by village water departments.
All on-site septic systems are approved by the New York City Department of Environmental
Protection. DEP has a variety of setback requirements from streams as well as a prohibition on
placement of septic systems on slopes >15%.

There is a transfer station for solid waste that is town-owned and run. The County provides the
bins. The Town of Hardenburg also uses this location and pays Middletown an annual fee for use
of this service.

Land Use  
Between 2003 and 2007, the number of building permits issued each year has ranged from 164 to
a high of 196 in 2004. Most of these have been for additions and repairs. The number of new
permits issued for homes between 2005 and part of 2008 was 109 residences as shown in Table
16 and 17. See also Property Class Map that illustrates the location of agriculture, residential,
vacant, commercial, recreation, community service, public service, and conservation lands in

Table 16: Building Permit Summary – All Building Permit Types

Type of building permit 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
New Homes 12 18 21 10 10
Trailers 5 10 2 8 6
Doublewides 2 4 2 3 3
Modular Homes 3 5 4 6 3
Garages/Out Buildings 32 32 24 28 26
Alt/Additions & Repairs 107 124 106 131 115
Commercial 6 3 4 0 1
Total Building Permits 167 196 163 186 164

Table 17: Building Permits for New Residences

Year Number of New Houses/Trailers/Doublewides/Modulars
2005 33
2006 27
2007 34
2008 to date 15

Table 18 illustrates the general pattern of land use in Middletown. The largest group of land uses
is residential with 2,214 parcels and over 25,000 acres of land. This is followed by vacant land
(defined as property that is not in use, is in temporary use or lacks permanent improvements)
with almost 20,000 acres of land.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Agriculture has a very small number of parcels (24) and is the predominant land use on 2,585
acres of land used exclusively for farming. However, other residential parcels also have
agricultural uses but because there is a house present, the parcel is not counted as such. These
lands are likely owned by a non-farmer and rented to a farm operation. Examining the number
of agricultural assessments given in Middletown gives a more accurate picture of the level of
farming in the community. In 2008, there are 43 parcels on 4,733.57 acres in farming land uses.
In 1985, there were 6,862 acres of land in farming.

The US Agricultural Census is conducted every five years. Data is primarily available by county
and by zip code. The three zip codes for the Town of Middletown are 12406 (Arkville), 12455
(Margaretville), and 13731 (Andes). None of these is exclusively within the Town of
Middletown however. All overlap with surrounding towns. However, it does give another
snapshot of the type and level of farming going on in and around Middletown.

In 2002, there were 41 farms counted in these three zip codes: 19 in Margaretville (12455), 22 in
Andes (13731), and no reportable data for Arkville (12455). The majority of the reported farms
(33) were 50 to 999 acres in size, with a very small number of the farms being 1-49 acres and
1000 acres or more (no exact numbers were reported). Eighty percent of the farms in 2002
earned less than $50,000, and only about 5 farms earned more than $50,000. Farms in both
areas included full owners and part owners. In Middletown, 17 were farms with multiple
operators, and 18 had women operators. Of the 41 farms, 29 had land used for cropland, 25 had
pasture or grazing land, and 30 had woodland on them. Six Middletown farms had idle land or
land in cover crops only. Farm animals included calves, beef cows, dairy cows, horses/ponies,
and a small amount of sheep. Crops included primarily grass for forage. A small number of
farms grew corn for grain and silage, vegetables and melons, and had land in orchards and maple
trees. Overall, farming was more profitable and prevalent within the Andes zip code

There are no industrial lands in the Town, and about 1000 acres of commercial land uses. Sixty
parcels on 9,781 acres are classified as wild, forested, conservation lands and public parks.

Table 18: Number of Parcels and Acreage of Land Uses, 2008

Property Class Number of Parcels Acreage Percentage of
Land in Town
Agriculture 24 2,585.96 4.3%
Residential 2,214 25,428.81 42%
Vacant Land 1,148 19,511.54 32%
Commercial 1,009 1,009.18 1.7%
Recreation and 11 273.90 .45%
Community Services 40 260.09 .43%
Industrial 0 0 0
Public Services 18 1,840.05 3%
Wild, Forested, 60 9,781.40 16%
Conservation Lands and
Public Parks

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Property Class Number of Parcels Acreage Percentage of

Land in Town
No Data 18 N/A

New York City owns land or controls easements as shown on Table 19. There are 76 parcels of
land encompassing 6,459.5 acres. About 48% of these acres controlled lands are owned by the

Table 19: NYC Lands & Easements

Type # of Parcels Acreage
DEP Land (Land 59 3,131.07 (5.2% of all lands
Acquisition Program LAP) in Middletown)
DEP Land (other than LAP 9 1,654.33 (2.7% of all lands
and owned prior to MOA) in Middletown)
WAC easement* 3 737.22 (1.2% of all lands in
CE easement+ 5 936.92 (1.5% of all lands in
*Watershed Agricultural Council (WAC): Agricultural Easement done by this organization, funded by NYCDEP
*Conservation Easement (CE): Conservation Easement done by NYCDEP

Overall, there are 97 parcels of land (2.6%) that are wholly tax exempt on 7,256.42 total acres.
Land Use Regulations  
The Town of Middletown has the following land use regulations in effect:

Zoning: Establishes seven different zoning districts (Rural III, Rural V, Business Commercial,
Hamlet 1, Hamlet 1/2, Industrial, Development Limitations Overlay, and a
Commercial/Industrial Floating Zone. See Zoning Map. R-3 requires a 3 acre minimum lot size,
R5 requires a 5 acre minimum lot size. The Development Limitations Overlay District includes
flood hazard areas, wetlands, steep slopes >15%, elevations of 2500’ or more, and watershed
areas that have more than 50% of the land in parcels less than 25 acres. Its purpose is to protect
these areas of town from over-development. Minimum lot sizes are doubled in this overlay to
protect those resources. Zoning requires special permits for some land uses and includes site
plan review for many uses within the Business Commercial District.

See Box for existing allowed uses.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Use Table From Current Zoning:

Residential and Agricultural Uses:

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Public and Commercial Uses:

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Commercial Uses, Continued:

Subdivision: A subdivision law was adopted in 1984 and has been amended in1989. It creates
minor and major subdivision procedures along with development improvements such as roads,
drainage, and utilities. Minor subdivisions are considered those having 4 to 10 lots on a public
road, 2 to 4 lots on a private road meeting Town specifications, and 2 lots of 25-acres or more on
a private right-of-way. The law also includes specifications for new roads.
NYC DEP Watershed Regulations: Some key elements of the Watershed Regulations (from
the Catskill Watershed Corporation Website at http://www.cwconline.org/pubs/moa.html)

Construction of new wastewater treatment plants are prohibited in certain basins, and all existing
wastewater treatment plants must install sophisticated wastewater treatment technology within 5
years, for which the City will pay. In addition, plants are not allowed to discharge effluent into
wetlands and may only discharge into intermittent streams subject to NYSDEC standards.

All septic systems installed, repaired or replaced in the Watershed require prior approval by the
City, and no septics are allowed within 100 feet of a watercourse or wetland or within 300 feet of

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

a reservoir. It should be noted that these standards are state-wide standards, and not exclusive to
the Watershed.

No new impervious surfaces are permitted within 300 feet of a reservoir, or 100 feet of a
watercourse or wetland. Some exemptions to this rule exist for villages, hamlets, commercially
zoned areas, and single family home construction.

Construction of new roads are prohibited within 50 feet of intermittent streams or wetlands, 100
feet of perennial streams or 300 feet of a reservoir. Access roads to subdivisions are allowed
within the 100 foot buffer subject to approval by the City of a stormwater pollution prevention

The location of new petroleum storage tanks are restricted. For example, no new gas stations or
underground home heating oil tanks are permitted within 100 feet of a watercourse or 500 feet of
a reservoir.

No new registered hazardous substance storage tanks are permitted within 100 feet of a
watercourse or 500 feet of a reservoir.

Many types of new commercial and industrial projects within the Watershed now require the
preparation of a "Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan" (SPPP), which must be reviewed and
approved by the City before final project approval may be granted. Examples of projects that
would require a SPPP include: the development or disturbance of land greater than 5 acres in
size; construction of a subdivision (defined as 5 lots or more of 5 acres or less each), a new
paved road or a gasoline station; construction of a new industrial, commercial or multi-family
residential project that will create more than 40,000 square feet of impervious surfaces;
construction of an impervious surface in a village, hamlet, or commercially or industrially-zoned
area in the Watershed; an expansion of up to 25% of an existing commercial or industrial
facility's impervious surfaces if it's within 100 feet of a watercourse or wetland.

Provisions in the Watershed Regulations that will affect homeowners most are those that deal
with the placement and operation of septic systems, the location of underground fuel oil storage
tanks, and the construction of new impervious surfaces (i.e. driveways) on residential property.
However, even though a homeowner may live in the Watershed, the revised regulations will have
the greatest impact on those homeowners who live near water -- like reservoirs, wetlands and

All existing septic systems that are operating according to federal, state and local approvals, but
don't meet the additional requirements of the watershed regulations, are allowed to continue.
However, if a septic system should fail and need major replacement, its repair should be made
according to the new standards. If, because of site limitations or other conditions, that is
impossible, the owner must work with NYCDEP to determine the most appropriate design and
location. In addition, NYCDEP must review and approve any modification, expansion or
remediation of an existing septic system. Routine repairs and maintenance are not affected by the

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

With regard to new septic systems, the NYCDEP will continue to monitor and approve design,
treatment methods, construction, maintenance and operation. New conventional septic systems
will not be allowed within 100 feet of a watercourse or 300 feet of a reservoir. When site
conditions are unsuitable for a conventional system, raised systems are allowed, with certain
restrictions on location.

In addition, DEP regulations:

• prohibit mound systems, intermittent sand filters and evapotranspiration/absorption

• require an additional area of at least 100% of the primary absorption field's area to be set
aside as a reserve field;
• prohibit the building of primary or reserve fields under pavement or other impervious
• call for at least one percolation test and one deep hole test to be performed;
• prohibit the siting of new septics where soil percolation rates are inadequate;
• require a pump system to have a backup storage tank capable of holding one day's flow.

The watershed regulations govern the siting of new impervious (i.e. paved) surfaces such as
roads, roofs and parking lots. The regulations prohibit the construction of impervious surfaces
within 100 feet of a watercourse or 300 feet of a reservoir, except in the following
circumstances: the construction of improvements or additions to an individual residence (as long
as they are non-commercial); agricultural activities; the construction of a new road needed to
provide access to 2 or more parcels of land or to a subdivision; the paving of an existing dirt or
gravel road; the construction of a driveway, where the driveway is needed to provide access to an
existing residence.

With regard to limits on new residential construction, impervious surfaces are prohibited within
300 feet of a reservoir. In addition, the construction of new homes within 100 feet of a perennial
stream or wetland, in most cases, will be permitted, but will require an "Individual Residential
Stormwater Permit" from the NYCDEP.
Build­Out Analysis:  Delaware County Planning Department conducted a buildout analysis
for the Town of Middletown. This study calculated the acreage available for future building
taking into consideration slopes >15%, floodplains, wetlands, wetland buffers, and a 100-foot
buffer around streams. Total land mass in Town is 59,167 acres of which 42,465 acres are in
slopes >15% and 4,849 are in water features. Thus the buildable acres with no environmental
constraints available for future development in town is 11,851 acres of land. This does not
include county, state, NYC DEP lands, and town owned or controlled lands. (See Preliminary
Analysis of Buildable Land in the Town of Middletown map). Lands included in the 15% or
greater slope category would not be developable using conventional septic systems due to NYC
DEP regulations. However, they would be developable for engineered systems.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Commercial/Economic Resources 

The following information about commercial use for Middletown is from the US Census County
Business Patterns by zip code. This information excludes data on self employed individuals,
employees of private households, railroad employees, agricultural production employees, and
most government employees. Business activity in Town includes about 81 establishments in
Margaretville. All three zip code areas had slight increases in the number of establishments
between 1998 and 2006. Payroll, number of employees and annual payroll for each zip code
area also saw increases.

Industries and Businesses in Middletown 

Table 20: Business Information for Zip Codes 12406, 13731, and 12455, 2006 & 1998
12406 (Arkville) 12455 12430 (Fleishmanns)
2006 1998 2006 1998 2006 1998
Number of Establishments 22 19 81 79 21 30
First Quarter payroll in $1000 162 477 4,438 2,890 695 370
Number of Employees 111 122 748 663 77 110
Annual payroll in $1000 2,700 2,191 18,531 12,757 3,678 1,801

In 1998, the industries represented in Table 20 for zip code 12455, above, included a variety of
businesses in 17 different industry classes. The category with the most establishments was retail
trade – with 20 businesses. Most of the businesses had between 1 and 4 employees, followed by
17 that had between 5 and 9 employees. There were two businesses that had over 100 employees
(health care and social services). Zip code 12406 (Arkville) also had a variety of businesses (10
different types), but none as dominant as retail in Margaretville. The Fleishmanns zip code
(12430) also had 10 different business types with six of the 21 establishments being retail trade
related businesses. However, in 1998, Fleishmanns had 30 different businesses, eight in retail
trade, seven in accommodation and food services, and four in construction. By 2006,
Fleishmanns had significantly reduced the number of businesses related to accommodation and
food service.

By 2006, there were 11 different classes of businesses in the Margaretville zip code. Retail
businesses were still the most common (19 of the total 81), but professional and technical
services were much more prevalent than in 1998 (11 of the 81 businesses). Health care and
social services still had over 100 employees in 2006. The business pattern for Arkville was
similar as well in 2000. As in other years, most establishments are businesses with a small
number of employees.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Table 21: Occupations by Number of Employed Persons 16 Years or Older, 2000

Industry # of Employed Persons in
Town of Middletown
Educational, Health, and Social Services 391
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, Accommodation, 219
and Food Service
Retail Trade 172
Construction 167
Manufacturing 165
Other Services 102
Public Administration 93
Professional, Scientific, Management, 90
Wholesale Trade 75
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Mining 66
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Rental, and 65
Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities 62
Information 36

Table 22: Comparison of Occupations, 2000

% of Employed Persons, Aged 16 and older
Occupations Town of Middletown Delaware New York State
Sales and Office 26.0% 22.0% 27.1%
Management, Professional, 29.5% 32.4% 36.7%
and Related
Service Occupations 18.1% 19.7% 16.6%
Production, 12.4% 14.1% 11.7%
Transportation, and
Material Moving
Construction, Extraction, 11.6% 10.2% 7.6%
and Maintenance
Farming, Fishing, and 2.4% 1.6% 0.3%

According to the US Census, there has been a 17% increase in the number of Middletown
residents in the labor force: this represents slightly more than half of the population aged 16 and
over. Usually, much of this can be accounted for by more women entering the workforce.
Unemployment rate was very low (3.48% in 2000) and about 45% of residents are not in the
labor force.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Table 23: Employment Data for Town of Middletown (for those aged 16 and older)
Labor force 1990 2000 1990 to 2000
People in labor 1,549 1,814 (55.0%) 17.1%
People 203 111 (3.4%) -45.3%
People not in labor 1,222 1,482 (45.0%) 21.3%
force (including

Income Data for Middletown 

The median income level for families and per capita income levels (Table 24) have increased
dramatically since 1990. At the same time, the number of households with social security
income increased slightly (7.8%). The number of households receiving public assistance has
decreased since 1990, but the number of individuals and families living below the poverty level
increased. The decrease in public assistance is usually accounted for by changes in the Federal
program and definitions for eligibility. There was a slight decrease in retirement income
households, but a 10.5% increase in self-employment households.

Table 24: Income Data for Town of Middletown

1990 2000 1990 to
Median Income for Families $19,592 $36,818 87.9%
Per capita income $11,285 $17,635 56.3%
Social Security Households 617 665 7.8%
Public assistance households 98 32 -67.3%
Retirement income households 350 345 -1.4%
Self employment households 277 306 10.5%
Farm self employment 41 NA NA
Individuals below poverty level 537 638 18.8%
Percent of people living below 15.9% 16.8% 5.7%
poverty level

In 2000, 665 households had social security income, 32 had public assistance income, and 345
had retirement income. About 17% of families lived below the poverty level (638 individuals).
Table 25 compares median household and family incomes to neighboring towns. Compared to
these other municipalities, Middletown’s households and families had the lowest median income

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

levels compared to all adjacent towns and New York State.

Table 25: Comparison of Median Family and Household Incomes, 1999

Town/State Median Household Median Family
Income Income
New York State $43,393 $ 51,691
Delaware County $41,094 $48,015
Andes $35,119 $39,474
Bovina $43,359 $46,094
Roxbury $32,214 $40,721
Middletown $31,346 $36,818

Regional Planning Efforts 

Town Planning Efforts: The Town of Middletown adopted a comprehensive plan in 1985. This
effort included a survey of residents, establishment of a vision, goals and objectives, and a land
use study of the Town. An update to this plan was developed in April of 1996, but was never
adopted. This update emphasized zoning changes and recommendations for development
standards. In 2002, the town did another survey (see Appendix XX for results). Wellhead
protection studies have been completed by the County for the Town and a Stormwater
Management Plan was developed and adopted for the Village of Margaretville and Town of

Village Planning Efforts: The Village of Margaretville has drafted a new comprehensive plan
and is currently considering adoption of this.

The Village of Fleischmanns initiated a comprehensive planning process in the summer of 2008.

Route 28 Corridor Study: The Town of Middletown will be participating in an upcoming State-
funded planning effort with neighboring municipalities to develop a Route 28 Corridor Plan to
promote revitalization efforts along this vital economic corridor.

Town of Middletown Economic Development Plan: The Town of Middletown will be

participating with the Village of Margaretville, Roxbury and Andes in an upcoming State-funded
planning effort to comprehensively analyze and plan for economic development.

County Planning Efforts: Delaware County completed a county-wide Agriculture and Farmland
Protection Plan in December 2002. They are currently working on a county Comprehensive
Plan, and County Economic Development Plan. The Delaware Soil and Water Conservation
District has prepared an extensive Stream Corridor Management Plan for the East Branch of the
Delaware River.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Watershed Related Planning: NYC DEP sponsored programs include the following:

• Margaretville Central School District bus garage stormwater retrofit (contract complete)
• Village of Margaretville stormwater contracts for sump pumps and various drainage
• Village of Margaretville city-owned wastewater treatment plant with proposed sewer
• Salt Storage Facilities in the Village of Fleishmanns, Town of Middletown, and the
Village of Margaretville (and Delaware County)
• Whole Farm Plans (one whole farm plan approved and 1 commenced with
implementation. Four farms have signed up for Whole Farm Plan activities. Five Whole
Farm Plans were substantially implemented in 2002.
• Stream Management Plan for the East Branch, Delaware River
• Five forest management plans pending and 17 forest management plans are completed.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Appendix C. Planning Board Tools to Address Potential Impacts a 
Project May Have on Scenic Resources 
The Town of Middletown recognizes that development could occur in scenic areas at some point
in time. That development, if properly planned and sited can contribute to the economic assets of
the Town, serve individual needs, and respect the natural setting in which it is placed. In order to
accomplish this goal, the Town could consider incorporating some of the following scenic
protection tools in its future policies and regulations. Any evaluation of scenic resources should
be based on an inventory of scenic resources that has been established with community input.

The following tools could be used by the Planning Board to mitigate any negative visual
resource impacts determined to be significant during the project review process:

o Limit structure size, especially if the structure is proposed to be located in a highly visible

o Site new structures so that the roofline does not extend above the treeline (if there are
trees present) or above the horizon of the ridge (if there are no trees present) as seen from
publicly accessible roads. Also, buildings could be placed in a manner so that they do not
obstruct the view to be preserved.

o Use of view studies such as balloon tests to show visibility of a particular structure and

o Use of setbacks to mitigate visual impacts.

o Limitation of land clearing and grading where the visibility of these actions are deemed
significant during the environmental review process. Siting and location of roads,
buildings and other structures should be designed to minimize grading and to retain
existing landform and characteristics in a natural state. A building project should utilize
the natural grade rather than graded building pads. Terrace or step-type building pads
which substantially alter the natural contours should be avoided.

o Landscaping to blend the development into the landscape. Species selected for planting
should be hardy for this region and appropriate for the setting.

o Careful selection of building materials, colors, and textures to help new structures blend
with the natural environment. For example, use of non-reflective siding and windows
instead of brightly finished metal and glossy surface materials that reflect light could be

o Have outdoor lighting fixtures use fully shielded to reduce or eliminate glare. Shielded
lights direct rays down and confine them to within the property boundaries so that direct
rays are prevented from escaping skyward or outward.
Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

o Use conservation or clustered subdivisions located to protect critical viewshed


o Retain sufficient tree cover to screen structures from view. Natural vegetation (trees and
shrubs) or a landscaped buffer on the downhill side of the mountain slope between the
viewpoint area and the building can maintain important scenic character. This screening
is intended to block visual contact with the structure from a view area and to create a
strong impression of uninterrupted green area.

o Use selective trimming and clearing roadside vegetation in order to maintain open views
of scenic fields, hillsides, look-offs, and streams.

o Avoid placement of buildings in the middle of large open areas. Place structures along
the edges.

o Protection of mature trees and other unique features such as stonewalls to the maximum
extent possible along roads.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Appendix D. Model Language for Density Bonuses 
A. Purpose.
Pursuant to §261-b of the New York State Town Law, the Town of Middletown hereby
establishes a program of incentives to encourage the preservation of open space, agricultural
lands, and facilities and amenities in accordance with its adopted Comprehensive Plan that would
benefit the Town. These amenities include open space, provision of senior citizen housing,
preservation of historic, archaeological, or cultural features of the Town of Middletown, and
provision of public recreational access.

B. Applicability.
An applicant that has submitted a residential subdivision, special use permit or site plan
application may apply for incentives to achieve community benefits or amenities as listed in this

C. Types of Incentives.
No one incentive or combination of incentives shall exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total
dwelling units as determined by the Planning Board from Table 2 of this local Law. The
following residential density incentives are hereby established:

1. Open space/agricultural land preservation. A residential density bonus may be granted for the
preservation of open space that exceeds the fifty percent (50%) requirement for a conservation
subdivision. For every additional 10% of land set aside as open space, a five percent (5%)
residential density bonus may be approved. The residential density bonus granted for the
protection of open space/agricultural land preservation shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%).

2. Senior citizen housing. A residential density bonus may be granted for the provision of senior
housing. A maximum residential density bonus of twenty-five percent (25%) of the proposed
senior citizen housing units being created may be approved. The density bonus may be
applied to the construction of senior or non-senior dwelling units.

3. Cultural, archaeological, historic facilities or other unique features that are to be deeded to the
Town or qualified not-for-profit agencies. For properties in any zoning district, a residential
density bonus not to exceed fifteen percent (15%) may be approved for the permanent
preservation of cultural, archaeological, historical, or other unique features in the Town of

4. Public Access and recreation. A residential density bonus of twenty-five percent (25%) may
be approved for the creation of public recreational lands or trails, public access to streams,
railroad rights-of-way, or open space land, or for the provision of public fishing/hunting

D. General Provisions
1. Where an application seeks both subdivision and special use/site plan approval, the project
shall be considered in its entirety and incentives shall not be granted separately for both

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010


2. Incentives shall be granted only when the community benefits or amenities offered would not
otherwise be required or likely to result from the applicable planning process before the
Planning Board.

3. Such benefits shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other improvements or amenities
otherwise required pursuant to any other provisions of this Zoning Law, the subdivision
regulations, the site plan law, the provisions of SEQRA and the provision of other applicable
New York State laws including, without limitation, Article 16 of the Town Law.

4. Where the parcel falls within two or more contiguous zoning districts, the Planning Board
may approve an incentive representing the cumulative density as derived from summing of all
residential lots allowed in all such districts together with the incentive density, and may
authorize actual construction to take place in all or any portion of one or more such districts.

5. Bonus units shall be similar in appearance and location to non-bonus units, shall contain on
average the same number of bedrooms as the non-bonus units in the development, and shall
be compatible with the design or use of the remaining units in terms of appearance, materials,
and finish quality.

6. Community benefits may be accomplished on or off site by:

(a) Use of agricultural or other permanent conservation easements.
(b) Donations of land for conservation and other community benefit purposes.
(c) Construction of amenities, serving a Town-wide need, accessible to the general public,
above and beyond that required to mitigate proposed impacts in accordance with SEQRA
and the Town law.
(d) Construction or improvement to public works above and beyond that required to
mitigate proposed impacts in accordance with SEQRA and the Town law.

7. The community benefit may be located on-site or off-site of the property to which the
incentive would be applied.

E. Procedures and criteria for approval of incentives.

1. Submission of application. Applications for density incentives shall be submitted
simultaneously to the Town Board and to the Planning Board. An applicant is encouraged to
present its plans to the Town Board as early in the process as possible. The Town Board may
schedule an informal workshop to discuss the incentive application and share information
between the applicant, the Planning Board, the Town Board and the public.

2. Narrative statement. A narrative statement shall be submitted with the following information:

(a) A description of the incentive being requested.

(b) A description of the community amenity or benefit being offered to the Town.
(c) A current estimate of the market value of the proposed benefit.
(d) A preliminary indication that there is adequate wastewater treatment, water supply,

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

transportation facilities, waste disposal, and emergency service protection facilities in the
zoning district in which the proposal is located to handle the additional demands the
incentive and amenity, if it is an on-site amenity, may place on these facilities beyond the
demand that would be placed on them as if the district were developed to its fullest
(e) An explanation as to how the amenity helps implement the physical, social or cultural
policies of the Town of Middletown Comprehensive Plan.

3. The Town Board must approve an incentive bonus prior to the granting of a preliminary plat
or preliminary site plan approval by the Planning Board. Applicants may seek non-binding
input from the Town Board as to whether the proposal is worthy of consideration prior to the
application or at any stage of the application process prior to the formal report issued by the
Planning Board pursuant to subsection 6 below. Each zoning district in which incentives may
be authorized shall be found by the Town Board to contain adequate resources, environmental
quality and public facilities, including adequate transportation, water supply, waste disposal
and fire protection. Further, the Town Board shall determine that there will be no significant
environmentally damaging consequences and that such incentives or bonuses are compatible
with the development otherwise permitted.

4. Applications for incentive zoning shall be processed concurrently and with the same
procedures applicable to subdivisions and/or special use/site plan approvals as set forth in this
Zoning Law and the subdivision regulations of the Town of Middletown.

5. All applicable requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act shall be complied
with as part of the review and hearing process before the Planning Board.

6. Prior to granting approval of the preliminary plat, site plan, or special use permit based on an
incentive proposal but after at least one public hearing has been held, the Planning Board shall
issue an advisory report regarding the incentive zoning to the Town Board. The Planning
Board’s report shall include the following:

(a) The Planning Board’s recommendations regarding the proposal, including an evaluation
of the adequacy with which the benefit and incentives fit the site and how the
development relates to adjacent uses and structures.
(b) a SEQRA Negative Declaration or Findings Statement establishing that the proposal will
not have a significant impact on the environment;
(c) an assessment that adequate water supply, wastewater treatment, transportation, waste
disposal and emergency protection facilities exists to serve the development, and that
such development will not substantially and deleteriously impact upon the future
development of adjoining properties;
(d) a statement that the benefit would not otherwise result without the granting of incentive

7. Within 45 days of receipt of the Planning Board’s report, the Town Board shall hold a public
hearing on the incentive zoning application. Notice of the hearing shall be published in the
official newspaper at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing. The Town Board may

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provide for further notice as it deems appropriate.

8. As required by NYS Town Law 261-b(3) (g), the Town Board shall evaluate the impact such
incentives would have upon the potential development of affordable housing .

9. The Town Board shall render its decision within 45 days of the close of the public hearing. In
no case, however, shall the Town Board be compelled to approve any aspect of this incentive
zoning as such approval rests within the Town Board in its sole and absolute discretion. The
Town Board may approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the incentive zoning
application. Failure to render a determination within said 45-day period shall be deemed to be
a denial. To approve incentive zoning, the Town Board shall determine that the community
benefit provides sufficient public benefit to provide the requested incentive.

10. After the Town Board has rendered a decision, the record of decision shall be referred to the
Planning Board for preliminary and/or final approval of the application with or without
incentives, as prescribed by the Town Board. If the Town Board resolves to permit incentive
zoning, no subsequent approval or permit or approval by any official, board or agency of the
Town shall materially alter any condition imposed by the Town Board and, in the event that
any permit or approval by any agency within or without the Town materially alters any such
condition, the project may not proceed until and unless the Town Board approves the
modification in its sole discretion.

11. The Town Board may engage a consultant to assist in review of the application, the cost of
which will be borne by the applicant.

12. Compliance with SEQRA. All applicable requirements of the State Environmental Quality
Review Act shall be complied with as part of the review and hearing process. The applicant
will pay a proportionate share of the cost of preparing a generic environmental impact
statement as prepared by the Town Board in enacting or amending this section.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Appendix  E.  Zoning  and  Subdivision  Audit:  Consultant 

Recommendations  Submitted by Nan Stolzenburg, AICP 
After review of the Town of Middletown Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Law (as well as the
April 1996 Phase One Comprehensive Plan Update, prepared by Parish Weiner & Shuster, Inc
(not adopted, but much of it valid nonetheless), the following changes are recommended to
improve the zoning so that it serves to more effectively meet the vision and goals presented in
this plan:

1. Purposes (103). Update the purpose section so that more emphasis is placed on rural character,
open space, and environmental protection as important goals for zoning to accomplish.

2. Definitions (202). Update the definitions section. All uses included in the use table should be
defined. Especially add farmers market, roadside stand and other agricultural terms such as agri-
tourism and agri-business. These uses should also be added to the use table and allowed in R3
and R5. Add senior citizen housing-related terms such as assisted living, senior citizen housing,
nursing home, etc. Change the definition for open space to be broader, more oriented to
conservation and agriculture, and not exclusively oriented to recreational uses. Define both
private use and commercial use alternative energy systems.

3. Alternative Energy Systems. Currently, this use includes wind turbines. Private wind turbines
are currently allowed in all zoning districts as a permitted by right accessory use (no planning
board review necessary). Commercial uses are allowed as a special use or site plan review in all
districts. However, no standards are stated for the commercial uses. It is recommended that
private wind turbines be required to go through site plan review. Maintain special use permit
requirements for commercial wind turbines. Middletown should consider developing a new
section in zoning specifically dealing with wind turbines where standards for setbacks, noise
levels, and siting could be established.

4. Article IV – R-3 District Regulations and Schedule I (Use Table). The use table allows almost
all commercial uses everywhere in this district with a special use permit. Allowance of all
commercial uses in the R-3 district could result, long-term, in creation of “strip” style
commercial development along all the major roads in town because the district is set as a strip.
The zoning states that the purpose of this district is to allow for a variety of mixed uses
appropriate for the existing traffic conditions. This purpose is not very clear – what exactly is
meant by “appropriate”? It is recommended that the purpose of the R3 district be clarified.

In order to maintain the low density and rural nature of Middletown, the Town should consider
being more selective about what commercial uses are allowed in the R-3 district and where. For
those that are allowed, design and siting standards should be established to ensure that new
commercial uses fit in with the landscape of the area and character of the town.

As an alternative to allowing commercial uses everywhere throughout the R3 district, instead

consider establishing several locations for new commercial growth at appropriate “nodes”.
Restrict commercial development to these areas. Especially consider creating a new node along

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Route 30 between Halcottsville and Margaretville and between Arkville and Fleishmanns.
Design and siting standards should be applied in these nodes as well.

5. Article IV – R-5 District Regulations and Schedule I (Use Table). The use table allows almost
all commercial uses everywhere in this district with a special use permit. However, the purpose
statement for this district is to allow for low density residential development and limited
commercial development. Allowing a wide variety of commercial use within the R-5 district
seems at odds with this statement. Commercial development in this district should be restricted
to home occupations, agri-businesses and agriculture, and small-scale and small-impact
businesses. Consider setting a 2500 square feet building footprint size for commercial uses in the
R5 area.

6. Article IV – H1 and H ½ District Regulations and Schedule I (Use Table). The use table
allows most commercial uses throughout these districts with a special use permit. However, the
purpose statement is to limit the intrusion of non-residential uses (H1), and to limit and control
nonresidential uses (H ½). Allowing a wide variety of commercial use throughout the hamlet
districts could be at odds with these statements. Commercial and mixed residential uses should
be important to promote in hamlet districts, but not all commercial uses included in the use table
seem to be appropriate for hamlets. The Town should carefully review the use table to include
only those commercial uses that would be compatible with the character and function of these
districts. Establish hamlet style commercial design and siting standards, along with square
footage or floor area ratios to ensure that the scale and design of buildings is in character with the

7. Section 410 – Development Limitations Overlay. An additional zoning map should be created
and adopted showing all the features included in the DL Overlay District. The law refers to a
map, but there does not appear to be any legally adopted map showing all these features.

a. Given the flooding history in Middletown, the Town could consider establishing a
requirement that all structures be placed outside of the floodplain to the maximum extent

b. The limitation defined as “watershed areas that have more than 50% of the land in parcels
less than 25 acres” is confusing. This should be clarified or re-written. What exactly is the
zoning trying to protect?

c. Ridgelines and agricultural lands are not included in the DL Overlay, but are critical to the
character and environment of Middletown. Consider adding these features in as part of the
DL Overlay.

d. Current standards allow for parking, open spaces and other uses not posing obstructions to
water flow shall be permitted in the flood hazard area. While flooding of paved parking lots
may not cause structural damage, they are impervious surfaces and can severely change
water flow and runoff volume that can contribute to severe erosion or downstream flooding
problems. It is recommended that only pervious parking surfaces be allowed in the flood
hazard area.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

e. Other than wetlands and floodplains, the DL requirements are oriented only to projects
undergoing subdivision review. In order to fully meet the stated purposes of this district, it is
recommended that the Town include projects going through special use or site plan review as
well, and establish a new set of development standards for all development taking place
within the overlay – not just subdivisions.

Further, current regulations change the allowable lot size and minimum frontage, but do not
address siting, or other development techniques that could be used to ensure new building of
any sort is protective of the resources of the district. This is problematic because creation of
very large lots contributes to lack of affordable lots and houses. Also, large lot sizes will
simply result in rural sprawl with more private driveways. Ultimately, it is unlikely that this
regulatory tool alone will result in maintenance of the rural character of Middletown. More
emphasis should be placed on the actually siting, design, and site treatment. Establishing a
lower density in some areas certainly would offer more protection to some resources and
features in Middletown. However, the following will be useful as well when applying the
DL Overlay:

1. Ridgeline Protection – Standards to ensure that new structures are sited so that the
roofline does not extend above the tree or ridgeline as viewed from public locations.

2. Steep Slope Protections – Standards to ensure erosion and stormwater are controlled,
that natural vegetation is retained, and that natural surface water flows are not disrupted.

3. Use of clustered or conservation subdivision design (See #16 below)

4. Rural Siting Standards – Standards that guide preservation of important features on a

parcel such as active agricultural lands, scenic views, natural vegetation buffers, etc.

8. Section 411, Commercial and Industrial Uses Floating Zone. This section applies only to
special uses in the R5 district and is not really a floating zone. It serves to require some
additional standards for commercial uses in this district. Therefore, this should be removed as a
floating zone and included in the R5 Special Use requirements section (Section 405E) or in
Section 611. If the Town wishes to allow for a true floating zone, then a commercial PUD
should be established.

9. Section 412, Equivalent Uses. This section calls for the CEO to refer interpretations of
allowable uses to the Planning Board. This is contrary to State Town law and the local law itself
which gives the authority for zoning interpretations to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Should the
Town desire to give this authority to the Planning Board, the local zoning law should be
amended to explicitly state it is superseding state law in this regard.

10. Section 511, Lot Size Averaging. This is an excellent concept and highly recommended. The
Town of Middletown is very progressive in this area. Lot size averaging will assist in creating
open space and smaller lots that may be more affordable. Since it appears as if this is applied
voluntarily by the applicant, how often is this section used? If it is not used frequently, it should

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

be….the Town should consider making use of average lot sizes the required method for
establishing density instead of minimum lot size. One problem is that Section 511 (B) states that
no lot created shall be less than 2 acres. Two acres is still a relatively large lot and some parcels
may be able to have smaller lots created. It may be advantageous to allow the lot size to be
whatever size is required to meet water and on-site sewage requirements.

11. Section 537, Planned Unit Development. Consider moving this section from specific use
regulations to district regulations (Article IV) since a PUD is a district, and not a single use. It is
recommended that this section be expanded to include a better set of procedures. Currently, the
only procedure included is one line indicating that the Town Board can approve a PUD by
resolution. This should be amended to include time frames, SEQR, Planning Board advisory
recommendation, County Planning Board review, public hearing, and sequence of approval
steps. The PUD section is also unclear in its treatment of a cluster development. Clarify that
the clustering provision is voluntary.

12. Section 540, Roadside Stands. Roadside stands are not defined in the law, and should be.
Zoning allows that sale of ag products raised by the owner of the stand does not require any
permits. However, a commercial stand requires a special use permit. It is not clear what the
distinction between the two is. A definition is needed and would clarify that.

13. Section 542, Signs. It is recommended that this section be amended to reduce allowed sign
heights and sizes and better standards to ensure quality aesthetic design of signs. Signs have
significant impacts on the aesthetic character of a community. Large signs can have negative
impacts. Currently, the law allows for a 25 foot high sign in all locations, and most businesses
are allowed up to 32 square feet sizes.

a. It is recommended that a chart be set up in the zoning and different sizes be allowed for
different districts. The largest signs should be allowed in the Business Commercial and Industrial
Districts. Smaller signs should be required in hamlets and residential areas. Freestanding signs
should be limited to 10 feet in height, and sizes should be limited to 24 square feet in BC, I, and
Residential districts. Hamlet signs should be smaller.

b. The law restricts businesses from only one sign per public road frontage. Since most
businesses or offices are not on corners, and that means that they would only be able to have one
sign. It is recommended that the law allow one freestanding sign and one building mounted sign.

c. Middletown should evaluate how to regulate illumination of signs. Some communities allow
only externally lighted signs and prohibit internally lighted ones. For aesthetic purposes, the
Town should reconsider how it treats lighted signs.

14. Section 601 and 602, Special Use and Site Plan:

The law is confusing as to the relationship between special use and site plan. 601(D) indicates
that all special uses require site plan review. However, it also says that site plan may be waived
if 7 different criteria or standards have been satisfied. This is, in my opinion, not appropriate.
Special use permits are oriented to the use itself while site plan is oriented to the location and

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

function of structures on the parcel. While there is some overlap, these are two different kinds of
review and they should go hand in hand. It is my recommendation that 601 (D) be amended to
remove reference to waiving site plan review. Instead, Section 602 should be amended to include
a section on applicability and allow for exemption from site plan review the following (for

a) A single-family detached dwelling or uses or structures accessory.

b) A new two-family dwelling or conversion of an existing single family dwelling to a two-


c) Ordinary repair or maintenance of existing uses or structures.

d) Agricultural structures as defined under the N.Y. State Building and Fire Code
Regulations and agricultural operations, including a farm, riding stables or riding

e) Landscaping or grading incidental to an existing use or a use exempted.

f) Interior alterations to an existing building.

g) Any change in use which does not require the issuance of a certificate of occupancy
pursuant to the New York State Uniform Building and Fire Code.

The section should also be amended to add in the required filing of special use decisions, and
how expansions to already approved special uses would be handled.

15. Site Plan (Section 602) should be amended as follows:

a. Add to the list of supporting data required on the site plan to include contours, existing and
proposed roads and curb cuts, accessory buildings and structures, walls/fences, utilities,
lighting fixtures, signs, list of other permits needed, the SEQRA form, and stormwater plan if
needed. The Planning Board should also be authorized to ask for a traffic impact study and a
visual impact study if warranted.

b. Consider expanding site plan considerations to ensure that important environmental,

neighborhood character, aesthetic, and agricultural resources are evaluated during the site
plan process.

c. The Planning Board should be given authority to establish an escrow account and hire
engineers, attorneys or other professionals to assist them with review of a site plan or special
use permit application.

15. Section 805, Zoning Board of Appeals: The Town should consider the following
amendments to ensure consistency between this ordinance and state statutes:

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

a. Amend Area Variance criteria. It is recommended that the term “practical difficulty” and
criteria be replaced with the five considerations listed in Town Law 267-b.

b. Amend Use Variance criteria. It is recommended that the criteria for determining
“unnecessary hardship” be replaced with the four considerations listed in Town Law 267-b.

16. Add provisions for Clustering and Conservation Subdivision. Consider the options below to
apply these layout techniques that are designed to protect open space and preserve rural
character. One or more of these options could be considered:

a. Make it optional for major subdivisions to be designed in a clustered or conservation

subdivision layout with 50% of the parcel permanently preserved. Allow for conservation,
agriculture, and outdoor recreational activities to occur on preserved lands.

b. Give the Planning Board the authority to require a subdivision to be designed in a

clustered or conservation subdivision layout with 50% of the parcel permanently preserved.
Allow for conservation, agriculture, and outdoor recreational activities to occur on preserved

17. Amend Zoning to require submission of the Agricultural Data Statement for site plan and
special use projects proposed in or within 500 feet of the NYS certified Agricultural District (as
required by Agriculture and Markets Law 25-aa).

18. Consider adding in farmers market as an allowable use in the R5 district.

19. Consider limiting adult uses to only the Business Commercial and Industrial districts. It is
currently allowed in the R5 district too.

20. Consider making the H1 districts for each hamlet at least the same size as the hamlet
designations made for NYC DEP. Further, consider expanding the size of these districts where
environmental conditions allow to promote more hamlet style growth and offer opportunities to
direct more development to the hamlet areas.

21. Ensure that the mapped H1 and H ½ districts in Arkville match up with the sewer and water

22. Establish commercial design and siting standards and tailor them to district and location. For
example, establish commercial design and siting standards specific to hamlets and another set
specific to the Route 28 corridor. Included in these design standards should be street tree,
roadside, and sidewalk and/or pedestrian path improvements.

23. Include a section in zoning that refers to the existing NYS requirements for an erosion and
stormwater plan to be prepared for any project that disturbs more than 1 acre of land.

24. Consider adding multi-family dwelling density and development standards to ensure that
they will be compatible with the area.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

25. Consider adding lighting standards that require use of fully shielded light fixtures, lower pole
heights, and other methods to reduce glare and light pollution.

26. Review noise regulations in zoning and consider amending this to fine tune requirements.
Not all noises have the same frequency or decibel level and regulations should be based on pitch,
frequency and decibels.

27. Allow for one accessory apartment in a single-family dwelling or in an accessory structure
such as a garage. Currently, accessory apartments are not allowed in zoning but these housing
types can offer a very affordable option for young families and senior citizens. Any accessory
apartment should be allowed only via a special use permit in all districts.

28. Work with Margaretville and Fleishmanns to coordinate zoning and land use regulations.
(Nan’s note – I need to get both village zoning laws and can do this review).

Subdivision Audit and Recommendations

1. Section 103: The Policy Statements of the subdivision law should be amended to refer to
consistency with the adopted Town of Middletown Comprehensive Plan. Further, the policy
statements should be expanded to emphasize a further purpose to ensure new subdivisions
maintain both the rural character of the Town and a healthy environment.

2. Section 107: The law allows for the Planning Board to apply provisions of Section 281 of the
Town Law. This may be an old reference. Does this refer to clustering? If so, that is Town Law
Section 278, not 281.

3. Section 109: The law allows for the Planning Board to amend the subdivision law. This
should be rewritten to convey that only the Town Board is authorized by the State to make
changes to a local law.

4. The subdivision law should be amended to update time frames as outlined in Town Law
Section 276. State law changed all time frames from 45 days to 62 days.

5. Consider amending the subdivision regulations to preserve, conserve and/or maintain natural
features which add value to residential developments and to the community, such as large trees
or groves, water courses, lakes, ponds, wetlands, waterfalls, stone walls, hedgerows, bedrock
outcropping, historic structures/sites, scenic vistas, and similar irreplaceable assets. Subdivision
review should include and consider natural terrain, flood areas, steep slopes, existing vegetation,
wildlife habitats, and erosion and sediment control. New development should be carefully sited
and use low impact development techniques to reduce erosion and stormwater impacts.

6. Subdivision should include a new section outlining process and standards for conservation and
clustered subdivisions and this should be coordinated with the zoning law requirements.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Appendix F. Sample Design Standards for

The following illustrate commercial design guidelines that could be used in Middletown. These
design guidelines, if incorporated into zoning or project permit approvals will help new
development be consistent with this plan and with the desired character of Middletown.

Building Design: Consistency with Rural Character

All new construction or redevelopment of a property should, to the greatest practical extent,
utilize materials and design that is either similar to or respectful of a rural setting. This
should include wood, red brick, and stone for primary façades. Metal shed buildings are
discouraged, particularly those large in scale.
New construction should be or appear to be a maximum of two stories in height. Additional
commercial and residential uses are encouraged on second stories.
Building character and scale should compliment and strengthen the character of the
Façades that face public streets or adjacent development should be subdivided and
proportioned using features such as windows, entrances, arcades, arbors, awnings for visual
Entrances should be obvious, attractive, in scale with the building façade and have weather
Canopies covering gasoline pump islands should reflect the architectural style of the primary
building (i.e. materials, colors, and architectural details).
Architectural styles that are respectful of the rural landscape are encouraged.

Low ground mounted signs are encouraged. Internally illuminated signage is discouraged.
Sign materials should relate to the materials and style of the building(s) they serve. Plastic
signs, banners, or flags that include loud colors, particularly colors not pertaining to the
building materials or style, are discouraged.
Ample landscaping should be provided at the base of signs.
Keep signs simple.

Natural Site Design: Respect the site’s natural features.

Maintain existing mature trees.
Use native vegetation and avoid invasive species.
Minimize cut and fill and avoid abrupt grade transitions. Any grade changes should be in
keeping with the general appearance of neighboring developed areas.
Limit soil erosion and disturbance to natural drainage ways, contours, or other landforms.

Lighting And Utilities: Reduce glare, over-lighting, and minimize impacts of utilities.
Locate utilities underground as much as possible. All above ground utility boxes and similar
facilities should be clustered and screened with landscaping.
Lighting should be fully shielded to avoid glare and designed appropriate to a rural setting.
In general, lighting fixtures should not be taller than the buildings that they illuminate.

Town of Middletown Draft Comprehensive Plan April 2010

Canopy lighting should be fully recessed.

Lighting should be kept to the minimum levels needed for safety and security.

Landscaping: Landscaping must be a critical part of development.

All required street trees should be placed between the edge of the road and the parking area
or front building line, whichever is closest.
Parking areas located between structures and the road should be softened with a low growing
hedge and/or an attractive fence or wall.
Large expanses of parking should be broken up with tree and shrub plantings.
A transition zone consisting of pedestrian amenities and landscaping should occur between
buildings and parking areas.

Site Layout: Site Plan Review should ensure that new buildings face streets, maintain setbacks
common to the area, and protect environmental features.
All parking should be located behind or to the side of buildings.
Front entrances should face the primary street.
Structures should maintain consistent setbacks that respect established setback patterns -
especially when located in a hamlet.
Whenever possible, shared parking should be provided between adjoining properties.
Provide connections to adjacent lots and developments through shared access roads, linked
parking lots, and sidewalks
Minimize entry points and curb cuts.
Have a consistent theme of street trees, other landscaping elements, and
pedestrian amenities to provide a unified streetscape in each commercial area.


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