Division of Tanauan City

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Department of Education

Region IV - A


Date: November 28, 2018

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of sixty-minute period the students should be able to:
1. Enumerate common compartments in a fishpond;
2. Differentiate compartments use and design;
3. Classify sizes of fish to be stock in every compartments accordingly.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Drawing the layout plan for Aquaculture facilities.
B. Reference: Competency Based Learning Material Aquaculture NCII Module 2 (page 5-
C. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Cut-out pictures, Ball, Audio, Adhesive, Visual
Aids, etc.,
*** Indicator 8. Selects, develops, organizes and uses appropriate teaching and
learning resources, including ICT, to address learning goals.

D. Intervention: Mathematics and Science

*** Indicator 2. Uses a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy skill.

III. Teaching Procedure


 Preparatory Activities
A. Prayer
B. Greetings
C. Classroom
*** Indicator 4. Manages
classroom structure to engage
learners, individually, or in groups,
in meaningful exploration, discovery
and hands-on activities within a
range of physical learning

D. Checking of
E. Review of Past Lesson
Question 1. Last meeting we
discussed about the 3
common Fishpond Layout in
the Philippines?
2. What is the ratio
used in constructing
Conventional Pond?
3. What is the ratio
used in constructing Modular
4. What is the ratio
used in constructing
Multiple-Stock Harvest

*** Indicator 9. Design, selects,

organizes and use diagnostic,
formative and summative
assessment strategies consistent
with curriculum requirements.

 Developmental Activities
A. Priming
Life Cycle of a Fish
The teacher will show pictures of
eggs, fry, fingerling and
marketable size of fish. The
student will be given 2 minutes to
arrange the following pictures
based on the life cycle of a fish.

*** Indicator 1. Applies knowledge

of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas

B. Activity
Activity Title: Catch and Match
Activity Duration: 10 minutes
Directions: Group the class into 2,
answer the given math problems
inside the box. Answers in every
math problems corresponds to a cut-
out object. After doing your activity
prepare a groups yell.

To achieve everyone’s attention and

understanding on activity’s
instruction teacher will ask students
to read instruction aloud.

Everyone please read the Activity’s

Instruction altogether.
Scoring Rubric
Criteria 3 2 1
Number All of the All of the Left other
of problems problems problems
Correct were were unanswere
Answers answered answered d and
correctly with few answered
mistakes numerous
Disciplin Performs Other Shows
e and with members unsystemat
responsi commen of the ic behavior
bility dable group in doing
behavior shows the activity
and interest
attitude in the
among activity
group while
mates others
did not
Speed Consume Only Did not
d the answered answered
allotted 5-8 set of at least 4
time problems set of
accordin problems
*** Indicator 1. Applies knowledge
of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas
*** Indicator 2. Uses a range of
teaching strategies that enhance
learner achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills.
*** Indicator 5. Manage learner
behavior constructively by applying
positive and non-violent discipline
to ensure learning-focused
Instruction: From the previous activity,
answer the following questions.
1. How was the activity? Did you all Students were able to classify fishes according to
enjoyed and had fun upon doing the size

2. Were you able to classify the fishes?

3. How were you able to answer the We first answered the math problems and we were
questions in the activity? able to classify the cut-outs accordingly.

4. According to the classifications They vary in size and image

done, what did you observed?

5. In accordance to your answer, define

the following: Nursery pond (NP) – for the rearing of fish fry
A. Nursery Pond to fingerlings size.
In addition, the most suitable place
is where it can be easily supplied
with fresh, unpolluted water all the
time and at elevation where it can be
readily drained even during ordinary
low tide.
B. Transition Pond Transition pond (TP) - for the storage or
Very Good, you mentioned the word acclimatization of fingerlings.
“Acclimatization”, anyone from the
class who can define the word
Acclimatization is the introduction of an
organism to a new environment.
In addition, it is located adjacent to
the nursery pond in order to have an
effective and easy transfer of fry. Its
pond bottom is constructed a little
bit lower than that of the nursery

C. Rearing Pond
Rearing pond (RP) – for raising fingerlings up
to marketable size. It is the largest compartment
in the pond system.
D. Breeding Pond
Breeding pond – for confining breeders.
What do you think is the function of They manage to reproduce and further increase
our breeders? population of cultured specie per se.
E. Hatching Pond Student: Hatching pond – for depositing eggs
until these are hatched.

F. Catching Pond Catching pond (CP) – for confining and

catching fry, fingerlings and fish of marketable

G. Head Pond Head pond – for storing reserve water.

What is the other term for Head
pond? Reservoir is the other term for Head Pond.

H. Feed Pond Feed pond – for producing food such as lab-lab,

lumut or plankton.

Lab-Lab, Lumot and Planktons are They are examples of natural foods for fish.
example of what type of food for
Water supply canal – for supplying water to the
I. Water Supply Canal different compartments.

*** Indicator 1. Applies knowledge

of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas

C. Abstraction
Activity Title: Pass the ball
Activity Duration: 10 minutes
Instruction: As the music play, pass the
ball and avoid producing noise and
unnecessary movements if possible for a
well-organized activity. And to generalize
what we had discussed just a while ago,
answer the following question: Answer
Common fishpond layout has 9
1. Common Fishpond layouts in the compartments
Philippines has how many
Nursery Pond, Transition Pond, Rearing
2. Can you name the 9 common Pond, Breeding Pond, Head Pond, Water
compartments in a fish pond layout?
Supply Canal, Feed Pond, Catching Pond
and Hatching Pond.

3. Why do we need to familiarize with We need to familiarize with the

the common compartments? compartments in a fishpond to manage
and minimize loss in our business
*** Indicator 3. Applies range of
teaching strategies to develop
critical thinking and creative
thinking skill as well as other higher
order thinking skills.
*** Indicator 6. Uses differentiated,
developmentally appropriate
learning experiences to address
learner’s gender, needs, strength,
interest and experiences.
*** Indicator 8. Selects, develops,
organizes and uses appropriate
teaching and learning resources,
including ICT, to address learning

Activity Title: Draw and Know

Activity Duration: 5 minutes
Instruction: Using a manila paper and
marker the student is given 5 minutes to
illustrate the compartments with its
appropriate stock (fish/planktons/water
Scoring Rubric
Criteria 3 2 1
Number All of the All of the Left other
of compart compart compartme
Correct ments ments nts not
Answers were were illustrated
illustrate illustrate and
d d with illustrated
correctly few numerous
mistakes mistakes.
Disciplin Performs Other Shows
e and with members unsystemat
responsi commen of the ic behavior
bility dable group in doing
behavior shows the activity
and interest
attitude in the
among activity
group while
mates others
did not
Speed Consume Only Did not
d the illustrate illustrated
allotted d 5-8 at least 4
time compart compartme
accordin ment nts
*** Indicator 6. Uses differentiated,
developmentally appropriate
learning experiences to address
learner’s gender, needs, strength,
interest and experiences.

D. Application
Activity Title: Matchy-Matchy
Activity Duration: 5 minutes
Instruction: On your ¼ sheet of paper
match the column A to Column B and
put answer only on your answer paper Key Answers:
Column A Column B
1. Nursery Pond 1. for the rearing of fish fry to fingerlings
2. Transition Pond 2. for the storage or acclimatization of
3. Breeding Pond
3. for confining breeders.
4. Head Pond
4. for storing reserve water
5. Water Supply 5. for supplying water to the different
Canal compartments.
6. Feed Pond 6. for producing food such as lab-lab, lumut
7. Catching Pond or plankton.
7. for confining and catching fry, fingerlings
8. Hatching Pond
and fish of marketable size.
9. Rearing Pond 8. for depositing eggs until these are
*** Indicator 9. Design, selects, hatched.
organizes and use diagnostic, 9. for raising fingerlings up to marketable
formative and summative size. It is the largest compartment in the
assessment strategies consistent pond system.
with curriculum requirements.

IV. Agreement
Directions: Answer/search for the following:
1. What are the parts of a main gate?
2. Picture of a main gate

V. Reference: Competency Based Learning Materials Grade 9 Aquaculture NC II Module No. 2

(page 5-6)

VI. Remarks
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
application or remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
*** Indicator 7. Plans, manages and implements developmentally sequenced teaching
and learning processes to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts.

Prepared by: Noted/Approved by:


Teacher 1 HT II, TechVoc



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