Lesson Plan - OS
Lesson Plan - OS
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Prayer Someone will lead the prayer
2. Greetings… Good Morning Ma’am Arat
Good Morning Everyone!!!! Good Morning Sir Beltran
Good Morning Classmates
Good Morning!!!
3. Drill
I will going to group you by table, this is
group 1, group 2 and group 3. I have words
here… Read it first then and a
representative will find the corresponding
meaning on the board.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Okay Class, I’m going to give you this
Directions: Inside the envelops are cut (Students will start solving the puzzle)
pictures and then reform the puzzle…
*After solving the puzzle…
What is your idea about the picture that *It’s an Operating System
you come up with?
2. Presentation *Operating system (OS) is a program or set of
Do you have any idea about Operating System? programs, which acts as an interface between a
user of the computer & the computer hardware.
3. Discussion
*The main purpose of an OS is to provide an
environment in which we can execute programs.
*Do you have any idea about the main goals of * To make the computer system convenient to use
OS? * To make the use of computer hardware in
efficient way
(The teacher will show the relationship between
application and System Software)
Batch Operating System - Batch processing is the
most primitive type of operating system.
Multiprogramming Operating System - A
multiprogramming system permits multiple
programs to be loaded into memory & execute the
programs concurrently.
Multitasking Operating System - An instance of a
program in execution is called a process or a task.
Multi-user Operating System - Multiprogramming
operating systems usually support multiple users,
in which case they are also called multi-user
Multithreading - Allows different parts of a single
program to run concurrently.
Time-sharing system - Time-sharing is a popular
representative of multi-programmed, multi-user
Real-time systems - Real time systems are used in
time critical environments where data must be
processed extremely quickly because the output
influences immediate decisions.
Distributed Operating Systems - A distributed
computer system is a collection of autonomous
computer systems capable of communication &
cooperation via their hardware & software
4. Generalization
From your group again look at the
picture that you solved earlier and
identify what type of OS is that. A
representative will discuss it and I will
give you 5 mins. Okay Start!
5. Application
This activity is called the What Can I
Remember? (show the example in the
slide) Copy the Chart in the Slide and
write in on the manila paper.
6. Evaluation
Answer the following question and
write it on a ½ crosswise.
1. What is an Operating System?
2. What are the major functions
performed by an operating
system? Explain.
3. Enumerate the types of OS.
7. Agreement
Make a research about the Different
System Calls.
Write it on a whole sheet of paper.