Vibrations SETO

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The document discusses concepts related to mechanical vibrations including natural frequencies of single-degree-of-freedom systems and multi-degree-of-freedom systems.

The main topics covered include natural frequencies of basic mechanical systems like plates, rods, cylinders using concepts of energy and Newton's laws. It also discusses multi-degree-of-freedom systems, principal coordinates, Lagrange's equations.

The natural frequency of vibration is √(EI/mL4) radians/second, where E is the Young's modulus, I is the area moment of inertia, m is the mass and L is the side length of the square plate.



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50. Á homogeneous square plate of side .L ft and mass zr is suspended from the midpoint of one of the
sides as shown in Fig. 1-50 below. Find ils frequency of vibration.
Arr:'. o. = {egEL radlsec

51. The rigid weightless rod is restrained to oscillate in a vertical plane as shown in Fig. 1-51 below.
Determine the natural frequency of the mass rn. Ans. u. = t/E/Sn rad/sec

Fir. 1-50 Fir. l-51 Fi.r. l-52

52. A homogeneous cylinder oÍ mass m is suspended by a spring of constant /r I b / i n a n d a n i n e x t e n s i b l e

cord as shou'n in Fig. 7-52 above. Find the natural frequency of vibration o f t h e c y i i n d e r .
Ane- a^ - \/ík./3^ radlsec

53. Solvr: Problenr 5 by the Energy method.

rl soli<]c;'lind''r oí n:.s. rri is )i;i}:tii by i'

Á h,)ll1oi'ti]P.,tls
spring of constsnt k lb/in and is resting'on an inclined
plane as shown in Fig. 1-53. If it rolls wilhout siipping,
show that the frequency of oscillation is t[Zk/Sn rad/sec.

55- Solve Problcm 14 by the Er.ergy method.

bb. Solve Problem 20 by the Energy method.

Fis. l-53
f,t. Solve Problem 23 by Newtrn's seeond law of motion.

53. A homogeneous sphere of radius r and mass rn is free to roll without slipping on a spherical surface
of radius l?. If the motion of the sphere is restrictpd to a veÉica! plane as shown in Fig- 1-54 below,
determine the natural frequency of oscillation of the sphere. Ans. o. = rEgn(R-") rad/sec

Fir. l-51 rr& l'55


59. For small angles of ogcillation, find the frequency of oscillation of the system ghown in Fig. 1-65 above.
Ans. o, = t/@E-{-ak,l^ rad/gec

60. Solve Problem 24 by the Energy method.

61. Use Newton's law of motion to solve Problem 25.

62. Solve Problem 26 by the Energy method.

6it. The simple pendulum is pivoted at point O as shown in Fig. 1-56 below. If the mass of the rod is
negligible, and for small oscilletions, find the damped natural frequency of the pendulum.

A - - .r, = W - ^ A t - ^ ^ ' r-, ' ) , rao/sec
,l--r- Lnn )

Fig. l-56 Fig.l-57

64. The 50 lb mass is resting on a spring of 25 lb/in and dashpot of 0.75 lb-sec/in as shown in Fig. 1-57
above. If a velocity of 4 in/sec is applied to the mass at the rest position, what will be its displace-
ment at the end of the first second? Áns. 0.0013 in.

65. Show that the mass of an overdamped system will never pass through the static equilibrium position
(o) if it is given an initial displacement only.
(ö) if it is given an initial velocity only.

66. A simply-supported beam has a concentrated mass M acting on the midspan. Find the natural
frequency of the system if the mass of the beam is zr.

Ana. u, =
67. Determine the natural frequency of vibration of the mass M, attached to the end of a cantilever beam
of length .L and mass nr, when the mass of the beam is not negligible.

Ans. o, :

68. Fig. 1-58 shows a rectangular block of mass rrr resting on top
of a semi-cylindrical surface. If the block,is slightly tipped at
one end, find its frequency of oscillation.

Ans. o. = s.47^l k:
dl?\g rad/sec

69. The block of mass nr is supported by a spring of constant /c

which is mounted on a weightless base having up and down
harmonic motion áo sin oú as shown in Fis. 1-59 below' De.
termine the motion of the block. Fis. l-5E
Ans' x = Á sin o.t * B coso.Ú + - r t"EJ

Fig. r-59 Fig.l-6ll

If the system shown in Fig. 1-60 above is dropped from an elevation h to a hard surface, what will
be the resulting motion of the mass nl?

Ans. - x = {Ííh sin oaú

71. A simple one-degree-of-freedom spring-mass system is having steady state forced vibration. Show
that the principle of linear superposition holds, i.e. the solutions for components of the forcing function
can be added together to form a solution for the complete forcing function.

72. \{het will be the steady state response of the mass in Fig. 1-61 below if the forcing function is
Í(t) = 10 sin 0.6ú* 10 cos L.őt + 20 sin ú * 20 coa2t
end lc = 10 |b/in, m = 1 lb.s€ c '/in.
Ant. r = 1.03 sin0.6ú + 2.22 sin ú * 1.29 cos 1.6Ü * 3.33 cos2ú

73. The static deflection of the spring due to the mass m in Fig. 1-61 below is 1.2 in, end the amplitude
of vibration due to a harmonic excitation 10 cos 20Ú is 0.02 in. What is the weight of the mass?
Án-e. 16.12 lb

7 1 . The piston shown in FiBi. 1-62 below oscillates with a harmonic motion r = A cos ort in a cylindcr
óf mass nr supported by a spring of constant &. If there is viscous damping between the piston and
the cylinder wall of magnitude c, find the amplítude of motion of the eylinder and its phase relation-
ship with the piston.

Ans. Iol = -===-4lL-, i = *rr-,(k-rnott)

/iI_''t"Tí+ 1'"F

Fig.l-Gl Fig.l-62 Fig.l-6lt

Find the ffrst four terms of the Fourier series representation of the square wave or meander function
as shown in FiS. 1-63 above.
Ans. Í(t\=
* ( " ' " ' + } s i n 3 ú + + s i n 5 Ú * tsl i n ? ú + . . . )

76' Find the first four terms of the Fourier series representgtion of the triangular wave as shown in
Fig. 1-64 below.
Ans, Í(t) = -'9(.o"t + c o s 3 ú+ +,,1cos7t +
} #cos5Ú )

Fig. l-64 Fig. r-65

77. Á periodic excitation as given in Problem 75 is acting on the simple vibrating spring-mass syst€ m
as shown in Fig. 1-65 above. Determine the steady state vibration of the system if the magnitude
of k is 20 and m=5. o=L.
A n s , x p = 1 . 6 9s i n ú- 0 . 3 4s i n 3 ' + 0 . 0 4 8 s i n 5 ü_ . . .

78. A motor weighs 200 lb and is running at a constant speed 1800 rpm. If the transmissibility of force
between the motor and the floor should be 0.1 or 70ok, what should be the spring constant for such
mounting of the motor? Ans. k = 1700 lb/in

T9- If a loaded automobile weighing 2000 lb is running at 60 mi/hr over a rough road whose surface
varies sinusoidally with 16 ftlcycle and amplitude of { ft, determine the amplitude ratio of the
automobile when it is loaded and empty. It weighs 500 lb when it is empty, and the damping factor f
is 0.5 when it is loaded. Ázs. Ámplitude ratio = 0.68

80. A vibrometer having a natural frequency of 81.4 rad/sec is employed to meagure the amplitude of
vibration of a machine part. If it gives a reading of 0.06 in, what is the amplitude of vibration of
the machine part? Á z s . 0 . 0 4 5i n '

and so the first equation of motion is

rnt.űt* @,* c,)&, + (&l + kz)xl _ cz&z_ kzxz = o
d ó(K.E.) =
.. _ó ( K . E . ) = ^ ó(P.E.) = _Itz\It_
Similarly, íu*U. - . . - In,rz, U, xz) t Ksxz
Örz a;- a*

a ( P . E ' )= _ c , ( ű , _ i " 1+ c " i ,


and m z . ú z* ( c , * c " ) i , + ( k " + k ) x z * c z í t _ k l x t = o

2.8,.Fig. 2-33 shqws a damped spring-mass system having forced

vibration. Find the equations of motion by the use of
Lagrange's equation.

Lagrange's equation for systems with damping and excitation can

be written as
d a(K.E.) _ a(K.E.) J ó(P.E.) J d(D.E.) n.
where Qr is the excitation. Ánd for this syst,em,

Qr=0 and Q:=Foebt

I<.8. = $mii
P.E. = $hxi* $kz(rz-r)2 Fig.2-33
9.B, = $cí:i
dó(K:E.) - ó(K.E.) -
_-di|- ^ ó(P.E.)= q.}Q
Now 0,, u' * Otl ktÍt_kz(ra_r), =
aÚ ö"t t:r1 ";,

and so the first equation of motion is

cű,+1k,*kz)u_kcÍz = o
d ó(K.E.) -rn.ú,,us}=o,
dt öi, #=k,(r,_rt), T=o
and m.ú" * kzrz _ kzrt = Fo ab|

29. Two masses ITh and ÍLz &t8 attached to a rigid

weightless bar which is supported by springs 3
&r and kz and dashpot c as shown in FiS. 2-84. @
If the motion of the bar is restricted to the
plane of the páper' determine the equations
of motion of the system by the use of La-
grange's equation.
K.E. = \m,&l + $rn ii
P.E. = tk,rl * \k,(2xz-r),
D.E. = {cái
= .Po cos olÚ and Qr = 0
Lagraíge's equation for this system can be ex-
pressed as
d ó(K.E.) .- a(K.E.) ó(D.E.) = Q r
dt Oit |xr dir
d a(K.E.) _ a(K.E.) -' a(P.E') -' ó(D.E.) =Q, Fig.2.34
ai_ aí_ ar, a',, da'

d a--:;-
(K.E.) : -ó(D.E.)
-,it m.út,# = o, {P = ktÍt_kz(2xz_rt), -=u
dXr őrt
d_a$(4J _ 7fuÍ2,
.. a(K.E.) =
_i;- a ( D . E . )=
= 2 k t ( z r z - r , ) , *--
o, cxl
dt öi,,, # őrz
and so the equations of motion are
m.út * (kt * kz)n - Zkzxz = l/o cos oÚ
mőz * c&z * Akzxz _ 2kzrt = 0

30. A rigid steel frame of mass M is connected by a taut wire of length 2L as shown in
Fig. 2-35. A small mass ?tLis attached to the inside of the frame by two springs of
constant /r. Determine the equivalent spring-mass system.


For small angles of oscillation, sint = tan0: r/L. Thus the restoring force
on the steel frame due to the high tension in the wire is given by
F" = ZTI/L
where f is the tension in the wire, and remains constant for small angles of
oscillation. The equivalent spring constant is therefore
keq = zTlL

Thus the elastic action of the wire can be replaced by a spring of constant
k.r= 2T/L, and the equivalent system is then as shown in Fig. 2-36. The equations
of motion of the two systems are identical and are
Mii+QT/L+2k\rr-2ku = o Fig.2-36
mií,*Zk(rz_r) = o

31. A weightless stiff rod of length 2L is

pivoted at its center and is restrained to
move in the vertical plane by springs
and masses at each end as shown in Fig.
2-37. Determine the equivalent system.
The equations of motion of the given sys-
tem are
2rnL'T + zkL,e _ kLx = To sinroü
m,ű+zku_kLe = 0
where d denotes the angular dÍsplacement of the
rod and o the rectilinear displacement of the
mass n, as shown.
For the two-degree-of-freedom spring-mass
system as shown in Fig. 2-38 below, the equa-
tions of motion are
zmüt * 2kgt _ krz = tr'osin oÚ
m.ú"*2ku_ku = 0
The two sets of equations of motion are not
exactly the same but of the same form. Since
equiValent systems must have the-same natural
frequencies, a comparison of the natural fre-
quencies or the írequency equations of the two
Bystems is required.

53. In Fig, 2-62 below assume the tension in the wire remains constant for small angles of pscillation.
Derive expressions foi the natural frequencies.
Ais. ,,st= 1/T/űE, ,, = |.42l/T7I'rtt radlsec

Fig.2-62 Fig.2-63

54. Mass tn is suspended inside a rigid frame by four springs as shown in Fig. 2-63
above. Determine the natural frequencies of vibration.
Ans. ul = 1/@,TTj7Á' o' = \/G;+TiIn rad/sec

DO. Calculate the natural frequencies of the general two-degree-of-freedom spring-

mass system as showri in Fig.2-64. h=3, kz=5, and ks=2lb/in, and the
weights of rr.i and rnz are 6 and 4 lb respectively.
Ans, oz =2.59, or = 0.49 rad/sec

to. Two identical circular cylinders are linked together as shown in Fig. 2-65 below. Fig.2-61
Determine the natural frequencies of the system.
Ans. ot: 0, o: : t/lUS* rad/sec

Fig.2.65 Fig.2-66

57. Assuming the connecting rod is weightless, determine the frequencies of

oscillation of the system shown in Fig. 2-66 above.
Anl.' lot - 1ffrű, ," - vfTIű, rad/sec

58. Calculate the natural frequencies of the system shown in Fig. 2-67.
Ans, ,,:t= t,96{ÉiÁ,, ,, = 2.16l/klÁ rad./sec

59. A bar of mass M is supported by two springs of modulus k and, 2k as shown

in Fig. 2-68 below. If the motion of the bar is restrained to the plane of the
paper, find the natural frequencies.
Ans. or = t.64t/EIM, o" = 3.08t[E]fu rad/sec t Fis.2-67

Fig.2-68 Fig.2-69

60. For the system shown in Fig. 2-64 above, the weight of each of the two masses rnt=rnz is 10 lb, and
each spring stiffness is equal to /c = 1000 lb/in. calculate the frequencies.
Ans. ot = 10.00, o: = 1?.3 rad/sec

61. Restraining motion of the rod in the vertical plane, find the frequencies of the system as shown in
Fig.2-69 above.
Ans. ut: O.ASI/Z\/@+fA) and ,, = 1-BIl/2k/(nt.+M) rad/sec, where M is the mass of the rod.

62. lf t4 = ?tu2: 1 lb-sec,/ip, &r : 200 and, kz =

400 lb/in, find the frequencies of the system
shown in Fig. 2-70.
Ans. ot * 9,37, az = 30,2 rad/sec


63. If mt = 'trl2= 10/386 lb-sec2/in and kr = kz = ks = 1000 lb/in, determine the general motion of the
system shown in Fig. 2-64 above"
Ans. x{t) = ár sin (1oÚ + 'r'l) * ,4.zsin (I?t + ,,,)
r2(t) = Á r sin (10Ú* p,) _ Az sin (l7t * ,2")

64. For the system shown in Fig. 2-64 above, m1 = 1 and rrlz = 2lb-secr/ft, kr=20, kr = 10 a1d lc5=
BO lb/ft,
and an inítial velocity of 10 ftlsec ís imparted to mass rnt Wbat ís the resulting motion of the masses!
Ans. r,(t) = 7.97 sin (4'05ú)* 0.35 sin (5.81ú)
tz(t) = 1.42 sin (4.05') * 0'97 sin (5.81ú)

65. For Problem 62, calculate rr(Ú) and rl(Ú) for the initial conditions:
(o) cr(o) = o.3, ;l(o) = o, ,'(0) = 0, ár(0) = 0
(ö) ar(o) = o.e, ;l(o) = o, '!(o) _ 0, ál(0) = 5.0
Ans. (a) r{t) = 0.114 cos (9.37') + 0.186 cos (30.2Ú)
rz(t) = 0.145 cos (9.37D _ 0.145 cos (30.2ú)
(b) uít) = -0.117 cos (9.37ú+ 16?0) _ 0'186 cos (30.2ú_ I7,t")
r:(t) = _0.149 cos (9.37ú+ 1670) + 0'145 cos (30.2ú _t77o)

66. Determine the appropriate initial conditíons for the first and second modes of vibration of the system
discussed in Problem 66.
Ans. First mode: (1) ;'(O) = ir(o) = O, or(O) = 1.28rr(O)
(2) or(0) = r,(0) = 0, i,(0) = 1.28ir(0)
(3) ol(o) = 1.28'l(o), á1o1 = 1.28ir(o)

Second mode: (1) ;r(O) = i"(O) = 0, oz(0) = -0.78cr(0)

(2) or(o) = o,(0) = 0, ól(0) = -0.?8i,(0)
(s) c:(0) = _o.?8'1(o), ól(0) = -!.?$l(o)

67. A stiff uniform bar of length 4L and mass M is suspended by

two spiings of equal stiffness /r as shown in Fig. 2-71. De-
termine the appropriate initial conditions for the first and
second principal modes of vibration.
.Áns. First mode: (1) i1(0) = í,(0) = o, fl(o) = _2.8ILü,(o)
(2) nt(o) = rz(0) = o, i,(0) _ _2,81Lő,@:)
(3) rr(0) = -2.81Ln2(0), ,i'(O) = -2.81L&z@')

Second mode: (1) ,it1O;= i"(0) = O, rr(O) = O.47Lrz(O)

(2) rr(0) = r'(0) = 0, ir(q) = 0.47Lűz(0)
(3) rl(0) - o.47Lt2(o\, ó'1o; = o.47Lű2@) Fis.2-71

68. Two equal masses rLt and TLz a.te attached to a wire with high initial tension as shown in Fig. 2-72
below. Determine the principal coordinates of the system.
Ans, pt : yt* Vz, pt = At-Az


69. Determine the coupling terms in Problem 19.

Ans. a2k(ez- or), static coupling term.

70. Determine the coupling.terms in Problem 24,

Ans. mza,2L0r, rnzazL a:; both are dynamic coupling terms.

71. A double pendulum is connected by Íour springs of equal stiffness as shown in Fig. 2-73 below. For
small angles of oscillation, find its frequencies by the use of Lagrang:e's equetion.
Ans, uz = {frfőTE.tzj|í, ,, = 1/ú1may$ffiTadlsec

Fig.2-73 Fig.2-71

72- A small mass zn is free to slide on a hornogeneous uniform rod of mass M and length L which is
pivoted at one end as shown Ín Fig. 2-?4 above. Derive the equations of motion by tüe use of
Lagrange's equation.
rnt')'i + anrit - @t * ML)g cos, = o
Ans. (It!!,i^*
^i'' *á.r * mg(I _ sin a) = g

?3. A circular homogeneous cylinder of mass M and radius B rolls without slipping inside a circular
surface of radius 3R. A small mass nr, connected by two equal springs of modulus &, is initially at the
center of the cylinder at the equilibrium position as shown in Fig. 2-?5 below. Derive expressions for
the equations of motion of the system by tbe use of Lagrange's equation.
_ 2mgr = 0
Arc. 4(ME, + Jo + mB,).i + 2(M * m)gao * ZmB.í
m7+zkr*2mRT-zmge: o
where Jo is the moment of inertia of the cylinder'

Fig.2-75 Fis.2-76

7 4 . A particle of mass nr. is moving on a horizontal plane under the action of an attractive force which
is a function of the displac"*",.i, i.e. r'(t) = Í(I/f). Determine the equations of motion of the particle
by the use of Lagrange's equation.
Arx, rő * 2ió = 0
*i+rle-^rö, = o
pendulum of
lo- The block of mass M meves along a smoottr horizontal plane, and carries a simple
length L and mass zn as shown in Éis. 2-?6 above. Two equal springs of modulus k are connected to
the pendulum at point Á. Determine the equations oÍ motion describing small oscillation of the
about the equilibrium position by the us: of the Lagrange's. $qlation'
Ans. (M + rn),i * 2kx * mr'.í + zateÍ9lr_--- '. ---
+ mfi + 2a,ku= 0-<
tnL,i + (ntgL* zlko,z)e

lc as shown
26. A simple pendulum of length L and mass m is suspended by two equal springs of constant
pendulum in the plane of the paper, show that the
in Fig. 2-i? below. Restraining the motion of the
system is equivalent to a mathematical pendulum of length (L * mglk)'

Fis.2-?1 Fis.2-78

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