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cold regions

and technology
ELSEVIER Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322

Application of damage mechanics to ice failure in compression

J. Xiao, I.J. Jordaan
Facult3"of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial UniL,ersiD" of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada
Received 16 June 1994; accepted 19 July 1995


In this work some principles of viscoelastic theory as applicable to ice are reviewed. A muitiaxial ice model,
incorporating nonlinear damage, is presented based on the Burgers viscoelastic body with nonlinear dashpots in both the
Kelvin and the Maxwell units. This mechanical ice model is found to be very efficient and accurate, especially for short
loading periods. It includes the effects of microcracks and damage on the reduction in elastic modulus and the enhancement
in creep deformation. Damage evolution is based on Schapery's approach using the generalized J integral theory.
Volumetric deformation under compression is included which is mostly dilatation due to microcracking and other
microstructural changes. Triaxial tests on laboratory-produced granular ice have been conducted to investigate the
deformation of ice and the influence of cracks and damage. These tests have also been used to verify and calibrate the
constitutive modelling. The damage model has been developed in FORTRAN code and implemented as a user subroutine in
the ABAQUS finite element analysis program. The theoretical model provides good agreement with test results.

1. Introduction ter, respectively. The pressure gradient in these zones,

which are typically 2 0 - 5 0 cm wide, is extremely
Research of recent years has emphasized that ice
steep, resulting in high shear stresses. A distinct
failure during the interaction with structures and
layer of damaged and microstructurally modified
vessels is dominated, except at exceedingly small
material is observed between the structure interface
strain rates, by fracture o f the ice at both micro- and
and the relatively undamaged ice in the ice mass.
macro-scales. This results in spalls near the contact
The characterization of this damaged material is the
zone, reducing the area of " h a r d " contact, and in
objective of this paper. This is most important for
the scale effect, in which the contact pressure re-
obtaining the distribution of local pressures.
duces with the nominal contact area (which includes
the spalled area). In extreme cases, the ice feature
might split into two. There is a zone of actual contact
(this includes high and low pressure zones), and this
2. Viscoelastic theory
transmits the load to the structure.
This contact zone is characterized by extremely
high pressure, up to 70 MPa in field measurements Because of the central role of viscoelasticity in
(Frederking, 1990; Frederking et al., 1990), and 53 the present study, some basic theories will be re-
MPa in ship ramming trials with multiyear ice (Glen viewed briefly. In general, creep strain can be ex-
and Blount, 1984). These measurements were made pressed as a function of stress or, temperature T and
on small pressure gauges of 13 and 8 m m in diame- time t, • = F ( c r , T , t ) . Based on Boltzmann superpo-

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306 ,I. Xiao, I.J. Jordaan / Cold Regions Scie~u'e and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322

E2 E3 EN
sition principle, creep expressions of uniaxial stress
cr and strain • can be expressed in integral forms for
linear viscoelastic materials:

~(t): f'o(t-'~)d°(T)d'~ (1) "q2 'r]3 "qN

,~(t) : £'E(t - -~) dv
d~ (2) Ei 7}'1

where "r is a point in time in the interval [0,t]; D ( t )

and E ( t ) are the creep and relaxation functions, and
they are memory functions that describe the history
dependence of strain and stress respectively. This
integral form was suggested by Volterra (1909). A
simple example of the creep function D ( t ) expressed El, ,71~
in the memory form is given by: L-~VVV~ I

D(t) = D,, + D,t + D2," (3) Co)

Fig. 1. Canonic forms of viscoelastic models.
where D o , D~, D 2 and b ( 0 < b < l ) are material
constants. This equation can be very useful in practi-
cal applications under certain conditions, i.e., for a
given set of constants, D o, D~, D 2 and b, the
expression may represent a certain period of time
springs and dashpots are needed for proper represen-
history better than others.
Based on the thermodynamics of irreversible pro- tation of material creep behaviour.
cesses (Biot, 1954), the creep compliance and relax- Nonlinearity can also be included in Eqs. 1 and 2
ation modulus can also be expressed in the form of by substituting cr('r) and e('r) with F and G respec-
equation of state (or hidden state variables) as: tively, where F and G are nonlinear functions of
stress or strain, time, and other state variables such
as temperature and damage. This method is called
D(t)= E--+--+ ~ l-exp ---t the modified superposition principle (Schapery,
]J'l i=2 ~i
(4) 1981).
For the state variable approach, a simple creep
expression with stress nonlinearity can be written as:
=E, + E;exp (5) e ( t ) = Acr"t m, assuming T = constant, and A, n and
i=2 m are constants. This is called the Bailey-Norton
where E,, ~i, E'; and ~', are material constants. In law. This expression can produce a possible transient
this form the stress (or strain) of the material de- component of permanent strain. Here, "transient"
pends on the present state of strain (or stress), and refers to the fact that this creep strain develops for a
often a set of internal state variables, explicitly. Eqs. certain time only. For constant stress, it can also be
1, 2, 4 and 5 represent the classical formulation of expressed as: e(t) = A~ynmt m- 1. This is the so-called
viscoelastic theory. time hardening formulation.
All viscoelastic models can be represented by a In the present study creep equations are all ex-
series of springs and viscous dashpots. Fig. 1 shows pressed in the form of equation of state, since this
two types of combinations of springs and viscous method is appropriate from a theoretical standpoint
dashpots, named (a) Kelvin chain; (b) Maxwell chain. and is also especially efficient for numerical analy-
It is found in practice that chains of Maxwell or sis. The approach taken is based on viscoelastic
Kelvin units with a spectrum of values for those theory. In addition to hidden state variables, damage
J. Xiao, LJ. Jordaan / Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322 307

will be represented explicitly by a state variable. The for delayed elastic strain under constant stress was
main effect of damage is to enhance the elastic and, given as
particularly, the creep strains.
C1dl ,~
'd(t) = -"-~(E)[1-exp{-(art)h}] (7)

3. Ice mechanical model where c 1, s, b and a T are all constants, the latter
depending on the temperature; the grain size is d;
3.1. Uniaxial ice behaviour and where E = 9.5 GPa; c I = 9, is a constant corre-
sponding to the unit grain size d 1 ( d 1 = 0.001);
s = 1; b = 0.34; a t = 2 . 5 × 10 -4 s - l ( T = 263 K).
A constant stress creep test on polycrystalline ice
Eq. 7 above does not correspond to a viscoelastic
gives a conventional creep curve as shown in Fig. 2.
model. The power " b " in the exponent of the
The idealized creep curve can be divided into three
natural logarithm ensures rapid development of this
phases: primary, secondary and tertiary creep. Sinha
strain component. The model requires storage of past
(1978) developed a viscoelastic constitutive equation
history in numerical (time-stepping) analyses. In the
for columnar ice under uniaxial compression. The
present work, a Kelvin unit is used, which includes a
total strain e is considered as the sum of three
dashpot with stress-dependent strain rate. This
components as shown in Fig. 2, i.e.
achieves the same effect of development of delayed
e = ~ + ~d + ec (6) elastic strain. History effects can therefore be in-
cluded by considering the current stress in the dash-
where ee is the instantaneous elastic component; ed pot (hidden variable). The secondary creep strain
is the delayed elastic component, or recoverable describes the effect of the viscous flow and disloca-
primary creep, and ~c is the permanent viscous tion movement within the grains, and appears to be
component, or secondary creep strain. The elastic independent of the grain size (Cole, 1986). For poly-
component in Sinha's equation was defined by e e = crystalline ice under uniaxial compression or tension,
{r/E, where E is the elastic modulus. An expression a power-law relation of strain rate and stress was
suggested by Glen (1955) of the form

4c = A c t " (8)

where n is a constant and A is a function of

temperature in the form

where R = 8.314 J mol -I K - l , is the universal gas

constant; T is the temperature in degrees Kelvin; Q
is the activation energy and B is a material constant,
both Q and B are dependent on the ice type. In
Sinha's expression for columnar ice, the creep strain
rate was given by a similar relationship:

4 c = 4; (9)
I ffe ........................
'lime where n = 3 , and 4 ~ = 1 . 7 6 × 1 0 -7 s -~ ( T = 2 6 3
Fig. 2. The stress-strain history and three phases of constant K), is the viscous strain rate for unit stress % ,
stress creep test: (I) primary; (II) secondary; (III) tertiary. (or0 = 1 MPa). In the present work, the form embod-
308 J. Xiao, l.J. Jordaan / Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322

led in Eqs. 8 and 9 was adopted as a stress-depen- where E is elastic modulus; v is Poisson's ratio and
dent dashpot element. ~,i is the Kronecker delta function.
The tertiary creep was considered due to the Both delayed elastic strain and secondary creep
effect of microcracking (Gold, 1970), but it was strain can be expressed in terms of a strain deviator
found that cracking is not essential for the occur- component egi and a volumetric component e,, (e,,
rence of tertiary creep in polycrystalline ice, even will be discussed later), i.e.
during the transition from primary to tertiary creep
%d/ = e~i + e,,~i
(Mellor and Cole, 1982). The real process is not well
understood. In this study, secondary creep includes and
enhancement associated with the current level of
damage. This damage-enhanced creep is used to
model the permanent creep strain. A Kelvin unit with a power-law stress-dependent
creep compliance, as proposed by Jordaan and
3.2. Multiaxial ice model McKenna (1988b, Jordaan and McKenna (1989) and
Jordaan et al. (1990a, Jordaan et al. (1990b), has
As noted in the previous section, the delayed been shown to be appropriate for describing the
elastic strain can be represented by a Kelvin unit initial primary creep under rapid loading. This also
with nonlinear time-dependent properties. The objec- provides an expedient computational solution for the
tive of the present paper is to model ice stress-strain primary creep strain. With this model, at the begin-
behaviour in the short term, i.e. for times less than ning of each time increment, the program only needs
100 s. Therefore a Burgers' model is adopted for to read the stresses, strains and other model parame-
polycrystalline ice (see Fig. 3). The delayed elastic ters which are stored as state variables from the
strain corresponds to the deformation of the Kelvin previous state, instead of requiring access to the
unit, and the secondary creep strain corresponds to whole storage of past history. All of the state vari-
the deformation in the dashpot of the Maxwell unit. ables will be updated at the end of each increment.
An ice mechanical model for multiaxial stress With some modification, the deviatoric strain rate of
state was developed in Xiao (1991), Xiao et al. delayed elastic component, assumed to be propor-
(1991) based on Jordaan and McKenna (1989) and tional to the deviatoric stress, is defined in the form
Jordaan et al. (1990a, Jordaan et al. (1990b), in of (Xiao, 1991)
which the deformation of ice is written in the form
of el', = 2s, Jl~k (14)
e d + ~ (10)
Eli = ~-ij -F E~i ~-ti
where si# = ~ri;- ~rii is the overall stress deviator
as given in Eq. 6. If the elastic properties of ice are and i~k is the viscosity coefficient of the Kelvin unit.
assumed to be isotropic, the elastic strain compo- This definition assumes that ice creep behaviour is
nents e~i can be presented by isotropic. In studies of ice-structure interaction, it is
v l+v important to study zones of high pressure (Jordaan
(11) and Xiao, 1992; Meaney et al., 1996 for example). In
'" - E (rkk~ii E (Yi i
these, there is a complex state of damage, varying
from microcracking near the edge of the zone, to
recrystallization of the ice in the central zone. The
latter effect appears to dominate, and appears to be
essentially isotropic in character. Therefore we make
the assumption of isotropic behaviour, but it should
be noted that a variety of damage states exist, partic-
ularly near the edges of the high-pressure zones.
Fig. 3. Burgers Body: E and /,z are elastic modulus and viscosity Further work, taking into account the anisotropy, is
coefficient, respectively. desirable. According to the previous discussion, the
J. Xiao, l.J. Jordaan / Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322 309

modelling of ice damage in the present paper has where

been based on damage results for triaxially confined
specimens. ix m = ( S/Uo ) ( % / s ) m (24)
Assuming that the strain of the dashpot in the
and m is a constant.
Kelvin unit follows the power-law relation with
Reference can be made to Xiao (1991) for more
stress, the equivalent strain rate of delayed elastic
details on the definition of equivalent strain and its
can be expressed as (Xiao, 1991)
relationship with the von Mises stress.
e" = S"/ffo)" (is) Substituting Eq. 22, Eq. 16 into Eq. 14, and Eq.
24 into Eq. 23, it is found that
where ~ is a creep reference rate; % = 1 MPa, is a
constant with unit stress; and the internal stress s d
(the von Mises stress in the dashpot in the Kelvin
unit) is calculated by k~i= ~{ s 2% % T

s d = s- Eke d (16) and

where s is the overall von Mises stress, E~ is elastic
stiffness in the Kelvin unit and e d is the equivalent •c 3 .c[ s ]"si___Lj (26)
e i j = ~o~--~o ) s
(or effective) delayed strain which is calculated by
These two expressions are consistent with the case of
e d = fokddt=fo'ddo( s d/ o ' 0 ) d, (17)
uniaxial load condition.
The definition of von Mises stress is given as When rapid loading is applied, the dashpot in the
Kelvin unit carries most of the load at the beginning
1/2 (18) for a very short time, i.e. s d = s. Since s d cc kd and
S= 3 Slj Sij )
the stress in the spring is proportional to the strain
e d, the influence of the elastic effect on eij .d is
the definition of equivalent strain is given by
reduced, and the delayed elastic strain can then be
[2 ~1/2
modelled as a viscous element in the same way as
e = { 7e,je,,] (19) <j.
and the relationship between the deviatoric and
equivalent strain is defined by 3.3. D a m a g e mechanics
3 sij
eij = - e - - (20) Most of the early work in the area of damage
2 s
mechanics was based on the original idea that the
This elastic solution can be transformed to viscoelas-
damage of a structure can be measured by a scalar
tic solution rigorously by means of correspondence
factor (Kachanov, 1958), which is equal to the ratio
principles (Schapery, 1984) in the form of
of the area of voids to that of the whole cross
3 . sij section, or by the density of microcracks and voids
• = -e-- (21)
eij 2 s which would permanently affect either the elastic
Comparing Eq. 14, Eq. 21 and Eq. 15, the viscosity modulus, E or shear modulus, G. This was the
coefficient, txk, can be derived as guideline for the early work of the present group.
The importance of this kind of damage model is the
Ixk=(S/i:dO)(%/sd)" (22) establishment of a rational damage law which de-
The deviatoric strain rate of secondary creep com- fines the rate of damage accumulation in terms of the
ponent can also be defined in a similar way current values of state variables and internal vari-
3 Based on Kachanov's model (1986), a solid body
eiCj ~- 7Sijl[.Lm (23)
has an overall section area ofA 0 and a fractured
310 J. Xiao. I.,I..Iordaan / Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322

(damaged) area of A. In the case of uniaxial loading cracks on the elastic properties will be reduced in
P without damage, the stress in the body is given as compression due to the crack closure and difficulty
in crack nucleation. Closed cracks can still transfer
cr = - - (27) tractions and shear stress; therefore, in compression,
A0 the existence of cracks will not reduce the strength
With isotropic damage, the damage variable D can of the solid body as much as in tension. Horii and
be defined as Nemat-Nasser (1983) developed a general solution
for the case of two dimensional, plane strain, com-
A pressive state of stress.
D=--: 0_<D_< 1 (28)
Ao The approach taken by Kachanov (1993) also
deals with some basic problems in analysis of solids
and the effective stress % is introduced as
with multiple cracks or other structural defects. His
P P (r approach is applicable to both two and three dimen-
% - - - - (29) sional configurations. Assuming an elastic solid with
A0 - A A0(1-D) 1 -D
N cracks (per unit volume and each crack has a
It is assumed that the strain response of the body is normal hi), and given applied stress a0 at the re-
modified by damage only through the effective stress, mote boundary, this configuration can be represented
so the stress-strain relation of the damaged material by the problem with crack surfaces loaded by trac-
is tions of f0 = nkr0 and stresses vanishing at infinity.
% (r ~r A 3-D solution was proposed by Kachanov (1993) to
e- E0 - E o ( l - O ) =E (30) approximate the effective elastic modulus of nonin-
teracting cracks with isotropic random distribution.
where E 0 is the elastic modulus of virgin material The effective moduli were given as:
and E = E 0 ( l - D ) can be called the "effective"
modulus. The behaviour of damaged material can, -(I + C , N ) ' (32)
therefore, be considered to be equivalent to the /;'!1
behaviour of undamaged material, provided that the v E
original elastic modulus E o is replaced by - (1 +C~N) (33)
v~ E0
E = Eo(1 -D) (31)
The "effective" modulus will be reduced from the
original value due to the accumulation of damage.
Budiansky and O'Connell (1976) discussed the C~ = (34)
9( I - vo/2 )
reduction of elastic moduli due to the presence of
microcracks of a given shape for the three dimen- 8(1 -
sional case. Their solution gives change of elastic c< (35)
45(1 - vo/2 )
properties from the strain energy loss during the
nucleation of individual cracks in an elastic brittle These lbrms can provide accurate results at both low
body. Their results include interaction between cracks and high crack densities.
but do not account for traction across crack surfaces; Damage mechanics has been introduced to ice by
all cracks remain open. Assuming an isotropic array Jordaan and McKenna (1988a, Jordaan and McKenna
of similarly shaped flat circular cracks, the isotropic (1989), Karr and Choi (1989) and others. An isotropic
damage parameter is simply related to the crack damage model with a single scalar damage measure
density by D = a3N, where a is the radius of crack has been developed. These studies have focused on
surface and N is the crack density. the relation of the extent of damage and the growing
Under compression, the effect of traction across network of microcracks which is often assumed to be
cracks can not be ignored and the above approach uniformly (isotropically) distributed and randomly
needs to be modified. It is clear that the influence of oriented. A rate expression of crack formation was
J. Xiao, LJ. Jordaan / Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322 311

proposed, based on rate theory by Jordaan and It has been noticed that the measurement of dam-
McKenna (1989) in the form of age only as a function of crack density may not be
appropriate for some practical situations, for exam-
ple, the crushed ice in the center of contact face. In
N= J this case, the crystal structure of intact ice has been
where N = 0, if tr < tr c, tr c is the threshold stress, broken down to fine grains, or particles. Fig. 4
% is a constant (units of stress) and g~0 is a refer- shows the appearance of the crushed layer obtained
ence rate. after a medium scale field indentation experiment.

Fig. 4. Contact face at end of the test, (a) general view of vertical face and horizontal cross section cut into the ice face, (b) thin section of
area indicated in (a) (after Frederking et al., 1990).
312 J. Xiao, LJ. Jordaan / Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322

The boundary is very distinct for most of the layer of the crack-tip material and is a function of stress.
and the ice in the layer is fine-grained, contains Schapery's damage measure offers a possible method
bubbles and is of lower density than the parent ice. for including several damage processes in one mea-
Under high confining pressure, the crushed ice may sure (Jordaan and Xiao. 1992).
be sintered into a solid that may nevertheless be a It should also be mentioned that the confining
microstructurally modified ice mass due to pressure pressure will also affect the development of damage,
melting or recrystallization. It will not be appropriate since the nucleation and growth of microcracks would
to use crack density as the measurement of damage be suppressed under confinement. The pressure de-
for this type of ice. The ice behind the layer main- pendence has been investigated by Singh (1993)
tains, to a large extent, its original structure, al- based on the data of triaxial tests in laboratory. A
though some microcracks can be observed in thin expression for damage measure was proposed as
sections made from the ice samples (Meaney et al., S = f~Fl(pX(r/~ro)qd'r, where Fl(p) =.fl/P; fl is
1996). This may suggest that two or more types of a constant and p is the hydrostatic pressure.
damage measure are needed to characterize the be- In the present study, two damage measures, one
haviour of damaged ice. In fact, many micropro- for the Kelvin unit, Sa, and the other for the Maxwell
cesses, such as grain boundary sliding and elastic unit, Sc, are proposed as
anisotropy at triple junctions, can cause stress con-
centration at grain boundaries, and lead to microc-
racking (both intergranular and intragranular) there- So= f 0 / ~ ( p ) d'r (37)
fore damaging the solid. Other processes, such as
pressure melting between grains and dynamic recrys-
tallization can also result in changes in the mi- Sd = fjoF~(p) d'r (38)
crostructure of the material. Each of these processes
could correspond to a damage measure Si,(i= where Fro(p) =fm/P; Fk(P)=f~/P; f,,, Jk are con-
1,2,3 . . . . n). One individual process may play a more stant; Eq. 32 and Eq. 33 are adopted to measure the
significant role than the others, under certain loading effective modulus of the springs in both Maxwell
conditions at a given point in time. For instance, in and Kelvin units by using the relation between crack
those critical zones with high confining pressure, density N and Sc (Jordaan and Xiao, 1992). It should
pressure melting and recrystallization may be more be pointed out that the effect of damage on the
significant and cracking will be suppressed, while at elastic modulus is much less significant under triax-
the edges of interface with high shear and low ial compression than that of uniaxial loading based
confinement cracking would be the main source of on experimental observations (Stone et al.. 1996:
damage. Xiao, 1991; and Stone et al., 1989). The elastic
A continuum damage theory has been developed modulus has been reduced by less than 10% for a
by Schapery (1981, Schapery (1984, Schapery (1988, triaxial damage to a total strain of 4% under constant
Schapery (1989) using the generalized J-integral. strain rate loading condition and 10 MPa confine-
His approach offers a rigorous solution to a class of ment, compared to a reduction of 25% under uniaxial
problems involving cracking and damaging of vis- damage to a total strain of only 2%. Therefore the
coelastic materials. It includes a proper treatment of evaluation of elastic modulus of damaged material
energy flux into the crack tip zone, and of the thin must take into account of the effect of confining
layer of damaged material outside the crack tip zone pressure and consequent sintering and healing of
along the crack surface. The damage measure given damage in grains (Singh, 1993). Since the elastic

by Schapery is defined as

S=fjof~ - - d'r (36)

strain is less than 10% of the total strain for damaged
ice in compression (Xiao, 1991), the specification of
the elastic modulus is not critical to the overall
O" 0
model output. In this work the effect of damage on
where cr is overall stress, cro is a unit stress and q is the elastic properties of ice is, therefore, ignored
a constant. The parameter f~ reflects the properties under high triaxial confinement.
J. Xiao, LJ. Jordaan / Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322 313

3.4. Creep enhancement Eq. 26, respectively. The parameters [34, [3c are
creep enhancement factors.
The effect of cracks on the steady-state creep rate
for the two dimensional case was examined by
Weertman (1969) using dislocation theory. Approxi- 3.5. Dilatation o f ice
mate solutions were given for materials obeying the
power law creep equation. His result for low crack
Only in recent years has more attention been paid
density was used by Sinha (1988, Sinha (1989). The
to the dilatation of ice on loading, especially when
enhancement of cracks on creep was given as
cracking and damage is induced. The density of ice
i: ~ = ?:~o(1 + 2 ~ r N a Z n t / Z ) ( ( r / ~ r o ) ' ; a2N<< 1 in the crushed layer adjacent to the indenter
(Frederking, 1990; Frederking et al., 1990) was less
than that of parent ice, indicating that dilatation due
where N is the number of cracks per unit area and a to the cracking and pulverizing of the ice had oc-
is half of the crack length. The creep strain is curred during the interaction process. Dilatation was
enhanced by a factor of 27rNa2n ~/2. For high crack also observed and measured in small scale compres-
density (a2N>> 1), Weertman noted that the creep sive experiments at constant strain rates by Wang
rates must be on the order of (1981) and Dorris (1989), and at constant stress by
Sinha (1989).
~.c ~ ao.n( a2 N ) n+ l (40) Triaxial compressive tests on freshwater ice were
conducted at Memorial University. Singh (1993) pre-
where a is half of the crack size and N is the crack
sented an expression to estimate inelastic dilatation,
density, which means that the creep enhancement is
based on the method of complementary strain energy
on the order of ( a 2 N ) "+ 1.
and calibrated with the measurements of volumetric
An exponential form was proposed by Jordaan
strains for both intact and damaged ice under differ-
and McKenna (1989) to estimate the effect of cracks
ent confinements. The proposed function was given
on the creep rate by introducing
= ~0exp(lgU) (41)
where [3 is a constant. Schapery (1981) gives a Ev=----s(e--ee), O'u~O (44)
theoretical basis of this form. The equation models P
the creep enhancement on inelastic strain. Function
where f2 is a constant, and e and e e are the
exp(13N) is actually equal to the series

equivalent total and elastic strain respectively.
Note that the volumetric strain here is not the
bkN k
result of elastic deformation (elastic compaction or
expansion depending on the stress state). Assuming
where bk are constants, so it will approximate the the material to be incompressible for creep deforma-
linear solution for small N and covers all orders of n tion, the dilatation is due to microcracking and void
for N "+t at large N. This expression was redefined formation. In Eq. 12 and Eq. 13, there are two
as ~ = ~0exp(13D) in McKenna et al. (1990). The volumetric strain components %d and %, c which are
creep strain rates of damaged ice are defined here as related to delayed elastic and secondary creep strain,
respectively. They are, again, not the results of elas-
eij.d, = k/djexp ( 13d Sd ) (42)
tic bulk deformation, rather due to inelastic deforma-
and tion. In this study the two volumetric strain compo-
nents are defined as
ei~ = ~jexp([3¢ S~) (43)

where the primes refer to the parameters for the ~d=_f2sOd ' try<0 (45)
cracked ice; and ~dj and ~icj are given in Eq. 25 and P
314 J. Xiao, I.J. Jordaan / Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322

and w h e r e e• iej is t h e t e n s o r o f e l a s t i c s t r a i n rate; eij

-dr and
b~i are the t e n s o r s o f d e v i a t o r i c d e l a y e d e l a s t i c a n d
• c= -
% si, c , or._<0 (46) s e c o n d a r y c r e e p s t r a i n rate, r e s p e c t i v e l y .
F o r p r a c t i c a l i t y , in t h e p r e s e n t s t u d y t h e s e c o m p o -
n e n t s h a v e b e e n c o m b i n e d as ~ = ~ + ~ , .
4. Multiaxial compressive tests
F i n a l l y , the t e n s o r o f total s t r a i n rate is e x p r e s s e d
T r i a x i a l tests, u t i l i z i n g a v a r i e t y o f c o n f i n i n g p r e s -
. .= . ~'-ij ~- ella,+ O;I + ~ i i ( ~ , )
. (47) sures, h a v e b e e n c o n d u c t e d at M e m o r i a l U n i v e r s i t y

1ol Jl,oMP.
/ ~7MPa i1~
5 ........ i ......................... 5MP~ ................................. i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

r l MPRn I1 ,MPall 'MP II 'MP.II , MPR

0/.. fl II i II n ill fl II fl II ~, I1
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Time (see)

0.6 ...................... ,.................................. i....................... ~................................... ~...................................

.=_ o.4 ............... ...................... .......................... ........................ ! ................................

o.2 ............... ..................... ................ .........................................................

0 " o. i ~
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Time (see)

ii ...........................


:: U 1MPal[
s M P a . . . .

1 MPatl
tJ .................................................

Oo n ,56o11 n 10~1, r] ]1
1500 fl 2ooo 2500
Time (see)

0.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :................................. i. . . . . . . . . . . ~........................... : ........................

o.2 .......................................... ~ ..................................

500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Time (sec)
Fig. 5. Applied stress history and strain responses of: intact ice (top diagrams), and damaged ice (bottom diagrams), for creep tests.
Confining pressure of 10 MPa in both cases. Detailed examination of strain development with time shows that creep strains are significantly
increased by damage, as compared to elastic strains', see, for example, Figs. 7 and 8.
J. Xiao, LJ. Jordaan / Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322 315

Fig. 6. Thin section photos of intact and damaged ice samples: (a) intact ice; (b) damaged ice (after Stone et al., 1996).
316 .1. Xiao. I.d. Jordaan / Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322

0.2~ 1 !

Intact Ice i
o.21-.................... ...................
i ..................... ............
i ....................

] : i I
: : : !"'ii
0.15 ..................... : ...................... : .....................~ .....................~ .....................t ........................................................

! • i i if

: i/ i iA ~.. : I
i., ,I i 7/I " ........ . /
0.05 i: 1 :~ it .............~:1
: It.. i ........
..,..~ i ~
'-' .... ~"" "..... t

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Fig. 7. Strain responses of intact and d a m a g e d ice for creep tests under stress differences from I to 3 M P a and c o n f i n e m e n t of 10 MPa.

(Stone et al.. 1996). These tests were designed to appropriate in considering the short duration of load
investigate the deformation of ice, the influence of cycles in field experiments (Frederking et al., 1990).
cracks and level of damage on the creep response, In some cases, this initial sequence was followed by
and to obtain the relevant material constants for higher pulse loads, up to l0 MPa, for a longer
constitutive modelling. The test results were also duration, 100 seconds, and a longer relaxation pe-
used to verify the theoretical model. riod, 800 seconds.
All tests were conducted using laboratory pre- Some typical test results are now presented. The
pared granular ice following the procedure detailed upper two boxes of Fig. 5 show the applied stress
by Stone et al. (1989). The ice produced is transpar- history and strain response of a constant stress creep
ent with minimal bubble content. Density measure- test, conducted on an intact ice sample and with a
ments of 0 . 9 1 7 + 0 . 0 0 0 5 g c m - 3 at - 4 ° C were
obtained. An adequate quantitative indication of the
low bubble content achieved (Stone et al., 1989) is
difficult to obtain. Test specimens used measured
70 + 0 . 0 5 mm diameter by 1 7 5 _ 1.0 mm length O2 .7i
with a mean grain diameter of 3.5 mm. Compression 4"b

tests were conducted on both intact and damaged • o.ls i/ i

specimens. A variety of levels of damage were cre-
ated by compressing otherwise intact samples at a I
strain rate of 10 4 s - I to a total strain of 2 or 4 ~ 0.1
percent under either uniaxial or triaxial confinement
of 5, l0 or 20 MPa. This resulted in a variety of
damage states. Both intact and damaged ice samples
were then subjected to a sequence of 1, 2 and 3 MPa
load " p u l s e s " (~rj - ~r3, instant load and unload) for
a period of 20 seconds followed by either a 200 or 6oo .1o 62o 63o
400 second relaxation period. The reason for loading Time (~c.)
only 20 seconds is that these tests were designed to Fig. 8. Strain responses o f intact and d a m a g e d ice for creep tests
investigate the short-term response of ice, such as, under same stress difference o f 3 M P a and confinement of 10
elastic and delayed elastic strain components. This is MPa.
J. Xiao, LJ. Jordaan / Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322 317

0.2 ................a0Mea..+i.................i................................................................................................................




00 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Time (lec.)

Fig. 9. Strain response of damaged ice under same stress difference of 3 MPa but with differentconfinementof 10 and 20 MPa.

confinement of 10 MPa. This test sequence is, in tO a total strain of 4%, and to a number of 20 :and
fact, a series of creep tests, in which each creep test 100 second load pulses. It can be seen that the grain
consists of a 20 second load pulse. The lower two structure of intact ice has been broken down due to
boxes of Fig. 5 show a creep test conducted on a damage. The average grain size of damaged ice is
damaged sample with the same confinement of 10 smaller than that of its original dimension.
MPa. The sample was damaged by subjecting it to a These creep tests provide information on the vis-
constant strain rate loading of 10 -+ s -1 to a total cosity of the ice. Fig. 7 shows the strain responses of
strain of 2% under uniaxial loading prior to the test intact and damaged ice at stress differences of 1, 2
sequence of Fig. 5. Fig. 6 shows thin sections of and 3 MPa, where the damaged sample had been
intact and damaged ice samples, the latter having prepared at a constant strain rate of I0 -+ s - t to a
been damaged under triaxial confinement of 20 MPa total strain of 4% under 10 MPa confinement. Com-

O.5 .............................................. ~............... ~ .................................... ~.................. "......................................................

i. i ! ~ Teat R.~ult i
o.4 ....I .M~L ........ if' ................ ! .................. ! .................. + ................. + .................. 1.................

i ~ .... ~ m°deliReault i

............... 4 .................. i .................. ÷ ................. ~ .................. i .................

t i
.} | z : : :

0.2 " "~-................:~................":i.................

5 MP. i i i i i

" 2 + M P , , ................... +:................. +.................. +.................

0 I I .....
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Fig. 10. Comparisonof creep test results with model results on intact ice under stress differencesfrom 1 to 10 MPa and confinementof 1O
318 J. X i a o , l.J. J o r d a a n / C o l d R e g i o n s S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y 2 4 ( 1 9 9 6 ) 3 0 5 - 3 2 2

paring the creep response (delayed elastic strain plus elastic components in intact ice dominate for short
secondary creep strain, ed + ~c) of the tests of intact loading period. The strain response of damaged ice
and damaged ice in Fig. 8, it is seen that the has a significant percentage of secondary creep, and
presence of damage significantly influences the creep the creep strain rate, ~d + ~ (which is the slope of
strain. The creep strain of damaged ice is more than the strain versus time curve in Figs. 7 and 8) is much
3 times that of intact ice. It should be emphasized higher than that of intact ice. This implies that
that detailed examination of the development with cracking and damage significantly enhances the creep
time of the strain components shows that the elastic response of ice (see also Stone et al., 1989; Jordaan
strains are relatively unaffected by damage in all et al., 1990a, Jordaan et al., 1990b). Fig. 9 shows the
cases, as compared to the creep strains. In Fig. 7, it strain responses of damaged ice under the same
is seen that the strain of the intact ice is largely stress difference (~1 - or3) of 3 MPa, but with differ-
recovered, especially under lower stresses. This sup- ent confinement, 10 MPa and 20 MPa. It shows
ports the conclusion that the elastic and delayed clearly that the high confinement will suppress the

i i [ i !~, i i ....+- Modeti~sult !

i ! '~ i i i - i ::

........ p .................. !. . . . . . . ,,;..! .................. ! .................. ,~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! .................. ! .................

0.05 ....... " ................... . . ~ . . i . ,~_. ._" . ..................

. . i..................
~ . ". .................
. i ' .................. i.....~2;.-..;.2

0 i I ": I '~--- . . . .
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
T',~. (see.)

" ! ....
0.9 ............................................................................. ~................................. i.................................................................
i ]

07 i.. i ZSI]I... !

~ 0.5 ........ i ....................... ,,:......i ................................. i .................................. ! .................................. i ................................

/" i
7 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! .................................
i i
~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

...... i ....... " ..................... i .............................. i ............................... L.............................

0.3 ! / x. i i

0.2 ........ i +,....... . .---~ ': "" •

0 50 100 150 200 250

Time (~)

Fig. 11. C o m p a r i s o n o f c r e e p test results w i t h m o d e l results on d a m a g e d ice, u n d e r stress d i f f e r e n c e s f r o m 1 to 5 M P a a n d c o n f i n e m e n t o f

10 M P a , f o r a l o a d i n g p e r i o d of: 2 0 s e c o n d s (top d i a g r a m ) , a n d 100 s e c o n d s ( b o t t o m d i a g r a m ) .
J. Xiao, LJ. Jordaan / Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322 319

,$, 16
24 Table 1
Parameters used in the damage model
Elastic modulus
Parameter Value
E 9500 MPa
o_ Elastic stiffness in Kelvin unit E~ 3800 MPa
" /// I~/rEsr Poisson's ratio u 0.3
Primary creep reference rate ~d0 1.0 × 10"-5 s - i
at - 10°C
~m 8 EL Creep exponent for Kelvin unit n 1.5
TEST ~ ~ ~ . Secondary creep ref. rate •c
% 1.76X10-Ts-i
4 at - 10°C
Creep exponent for Maxwell unit m 2.7
°o ,b z'o 3~ ,'o 5o Damage constant fm 30
Damage constant fk 5000
TIME (see)
Volumetric constant f2 0.11
Fig. 12. Comparison of test and model results on the strain Reference stress tr0 1 MPa
response of damaged ice under same stress difference of 3 MPa Damage exponent qm 6
but with different confinement of 10 and 20 MPa. Damage exponent qk 3
Creep enhancement parameter 13d 2
Creep enhancement parameter 13c 4
c r a c k s a n d c l o s e t h e m so that t h e ice w o u l d b e c o m e
stiffer a n d less c r e e p strain w o u l d b e d e v e l o p e d .

s p e c i f i c a t i o n in the A B A Q U S finite e l e m e n t struc-

5. Model implementation and verification tural a n a l y s i s p r o g r a m f o r n u m e r i c a l c o m p u t a t i o n .
T h e p a r a m e t e r s o f the d a m a g e m o d e l are all cali-
T h e m u l t i a x i a l m o d e l h a s b e e n d e v e l o p e d in b r a t e d f r o m the triaxial test results. B y fitting the
F O R T R A N c o d e a n d i m p l e m e n t e d as a u s e r m a t e r i a l t i m e strain r e c o r d o f c r e e p test o n i n t a c t ice (see Fig,




_¢ -0.'

~ -0.,

~i --0.5



-0.8 ................................................................................................

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
T'.~e (~c.)
Fig. 13. Comparison of test and model results on the volumetric strain response of constant strain rate test under 5 MPa confinement.
320 J. Xiao, 1.J. Jordaan / Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322


9 .... i • !

~ 5
~ 4

0~ 50 100 li0 200 250 300 350 4{")

Time (sec.)

Fig. 14. Comparison of constant strain rate test results with model results (under 5 MPa triaxial confinement).

10), the primary and secondary creep reference rates, constant stress and constant strain rate tests show
e~ and ~ can be estimated. Then, by fitting creep good agreement with the measured results.
test on damaged ice (see Fig. l la, b for example), The present study is an initial one, aimed at
the damage constants, f,~, fk, and the creep enhance- representing the main features of the experimental
ment parameters, [~d and [3c can be obtained. Fig. 12 results. The correlation between theory and experi-
shows the predictions of strain response of damaged ment is reasonable, but could be improved by con-
ice under 3 MPa load pulse and 10 MPa confine- sidering (for example) more state variables for dam-
ment. The test results for volumetric strain are com- age, and more units in the viscoelastic representa-
pared with the model prediction in Fig. 13. The tion. The emphasis has been on strain developed in
stress-strain relation predicted by the model is then the first 100 s after application of load to intact and
compared with the result of constant strain rate test damaged specimens. This is in response to the need
under 5 MPa confinement, as shown in Fig. 14. All to analyze load cycles observed in ice-structure
parameters used in the model are listed in Table 1. interaction (e.g. Frederking et al., 1990).
Based on the analysis of the experimental results
and the model simulations detailed in this work,
6. Discussion and conclusions some general conclusions can be made as follows:
1, Damage consists of microcracking, recrystalliza-
The present study represents an examination of tion and possible pressure melting. The presence
the role of the damage process in ice. The develop- of cracks and damage significantly enhances the
ment and implementation of an ice damage model creep responses (delayed elastic strain plus sec-
have been documented in the above sections. Triax- ondary strain). The creep strain of damaged ice
ial compression tests on both intact and damaged ice can be several times larger than that of intact ice.
have been described. Investigations on the test re- The nonlinearity of creep strain with stress re-
sults have shown clear evidence of the enhancement sulted in a response that is often dominated by
of the creep strain due to cracks and damage, as also viscous strains, for the higher stresses.
influenced by the triaxial confinement. 2. The idealized ice damage model, consisting of a
The influence of damage on mechanical proper- combination of Maxwell and Kelvin units with a
ties of ice has been included by modelling the creep nonlinear dashpot in each, has been shown to be
tests on both intact and damaged ice. The model appropriate for describing the ice behaviour under
predictions of the strain-stress relations for both compressive stress and short durations.
J. Xiao, LJ. Jordaan / Cold Regions Science and Technology 24 (1996) 305-322 321

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Acknowledgements Proceedings of the 43rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference,
Quebec, Vol. 1, pp. 387-393.
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