Test 1 Coulomb and Electric Field

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TEST 12th Physics

Coulombs Law and Electric Field MM 25

Q:1 How many electrons are present in 1 coulomb of charge?(1)

Q:2 Give the SI unit of electrical permittivity of free space. (1)

Q:3 Name the physical quantity whose SI unit is newton coulomb-1. (1)

Q: 4 An ebonite rod is rubbed with wool or fur. What type of charges do they acquire? (1)

Q: 5 A glass rod is rubbed with silk. What type of charges do they acquire? (1)

Q:6 In an electric field an electron kept freely. If the electron is replaced by a proton, what will be the
relationship between the forces experienced by them? (2)

Q:7 Two equal balls having equal positive charge ‘q’ coulombs are suspended by two insulating strings
of equal length. What would be the effect on the force when a plastic sheet is inserted between the two?

Q:8 Two identical metallic spheres of exactly equal masses are taken. One is given positive charge q
coulombs and other an equal negative charge. Are their masses equal after charging? (2)

Q:9 A glass rod, when rubbed with silk cloth, acquires a charge of 1.6 x 10-13C. What is the charge on the
silk cloth?(2)

Q:10 The two spheres A and B have identical sizes having charge 6.5 x10-7 C. A third sphere of the same
size but uncharged is brought in contact with the first, then brought in contact with the second, and finally
removed from both. What is the new force of repulsion between A and B if they are separated by distance
50 cm. (2)

Q:11 Write Coulomb’s Law in vector form . What is the importance of expressing it in vector form and
express its limitations. (3)

Q: 12 Define electric field intensity. What are its SI units? What is relation between electric field and
Q:13 Plot a graph showing the variation of coulomb force (f) versus( 𝑟2 ), where r is the distance between
the two charges of each pair of charges: (1µC, 2 µC) and (2 µC, -3 µC), Interpret the graphs obtained. (3)



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