G12 Cat1 2023-2024

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SRV Senior Secondary Public School,


Class: 12 Physics CAT – 2023 – 2024 Marks: 25

Chapter 1: Electric charges and field (Upto Coulomb’s law – Vector form) Time: 1 Hr.

Section – A

1. What is electric charge? Is it a scalar quantity or a vector? (1)

2. Mention the magnitude of charge carried by single electron. (1)

3. Mention the applications of electrostatics. (1)

4. What do you mean by electrostatic induction? (1)

5. Define one coloumb. (1)

Section – B

6. Two insulated charges copper spheres A and B have their centres separated by a distance of 50
cm. What is the mutual electrostatic force of repulsion if the charge on each is 6.5 x 10-7 C.


7. Calculate the number of electrons present in one coulomb of charge. (2)

Section – C

8. How will you show experimentally that there are only two types of charges and (i) like charges
repel each other and unlike charges attract each other? (3)

9. Describe how two metal spheres can be oppositely charged by induction. (3)


State principle of superposition of electric forces, hence to find the expression of net force
acting on the distribution of point charges interms of their position vectors.

Section – D

10. Describe basic properties of electric charges, (i) Quantization of electric charges, (ii) additive
nature of electric charges and conservation of electric charges. (5)

11. State and explain coulomb’s law hence to derive its vector form. (5)


Consider three charges q1, q2 and q3 each equal to q at the vertices of equilateral triangle of side
l. What is the force on the charge Q (with the same sign as q) placed at the centroid of the triangle.


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