Santa Claus

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Santa Claus has become the most popular and well-known image of Christmas around the world.

During the holiday season in December, he appears on TV and in newspapers and magazines
everywhere. His image is used to sell all kinds of merchandise. And in many shopping malls and
department stores, children wait in line to tell him all their Christmas wishes. But how much do you
really know about Santa? Do you know his other names, for example? Or do you know where he lives?
Is Santa married?

Santa Claus has several other names, such as Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, and Saint Nicolas. The
modern idea of a man who gives presents to children began with a real person. In the 4th century,
there was a Christian bishop named Nicolas. He lived in Turkey, and was very generous. He often gave
gifts to poor people. He later became a saint, and is the inspiration for the Santa Claus of today.

Of course, there have been many changes to Santa's history and image since then. For example, the
modern Santa Claus comes from the North Pole, not the warm Mediterranean shores in Turkey! Many
folk stories in Europe have influenced the story of Santa. An old god in Germany named Odin has the
most influence. Odin often appeared as an old man with a long, white beard, and he gave gifts to
children too. Then there are other influences, especially from the 19th century. The popular writers
Charles Dickens and Washington Irving took these old stories and traditions, made a few changes, and
more or less created Santa Claus of today.

Santa now almost always appears as a fat, happy man with a big, bushy beard the color of snow. He
dresses in red. When he laughs, his belly shakes like a bowl full of jelly. Each year on December 24th,
he flies around the world with a magical sleigh and reindeer. He slides down the chimney with gifts for
children, placing the presents under the Christmas tree or in stockings. But only children who behaved
during the year get presents. The naughty, or bad, children don't receive any gifts, but they may
sometimes get a lump of coal. Santa Claus keeps a list of naughty and nice children, which he updates
throughout the year.

It's a difficult task to get all the presents ready. So he has elves to help him, and together they work all
year to prepare for Christmas. The factory is located at the North Pole.

So now that you know more about Santa Claus, there is only one more question to answer: Yes, Santa
Claus is married.
1. Listening. Answer the questions to check your comprehension. If you
don't know an answer, don't worry. Skip it, then try to answer it
when after you listen again.

1: What are some other names that Santa Claus has?

2: How did the idea of a man who gives gifts to people begin?
3: What folk story in particular has influenced the idea of Santa Claus?
4: Which writers influenced Santa's image in the 19th century?
5: What does Santa do on December 24th each year? How does he do it?
6: What do naughty children receive?
7: Who helps Santa during the year?

2. Listen and write the sentences:

And in many shopping malls and department stores… (paragraph 1)



The popular writers Charles Dickens and Washington Irving took...

(paragraph 3)


So he has elves to help him, and...(paragraph 5)



3. Discuss:

 Now what do you know about Santa Claus?

 Did you believe in Santa when you were a child?
 Do you remember when you found out that Santa Claus wasn't real/ or when
your children found out? What was your/their reaction like?
 What do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas?
1. What does Santa put in naughty people's stockings?

A. Candy
B. Candles
C. Coil
D. Rocks

2. What color is Santa's suit?

A. Black and red

B. Red and white
C. Brown and white
D. Purple and pink

3. Why is Santa fat?

A. He eats cookies and milk.

B. He wears a suit that makes him look fat.
C. He was born that way.

4. What thing do you put out on Christmas or Christmas eve?

A. Decorations
B. Stockings
C. A tree
D. All of the above

5. From where does Santa enter the house? _______________________

Listen to the main article (without reading) and write the appropriate words.

1. The Ministry of Fun Santa School trains about ________ Santa Clauses a year.

2. They perform in and around ________.

3. The Santa School was established in the year ________.

4. It was founded by James Lovell, who is an ________.

5. It’s particularly important for students to perfect their expression and ________.

6. In other seasons, the Ministry of Fun also provides comedians, ________, human statues, contortionists,
burlesque performers, face ________ and more.

Read the main article and answer the questions.

1. What kind of places do the Father Christmases perform at?

2. Besides Father Christmas, what other Christmas character has James Lovell played?

3. How did James Lovell first start acting the part of Father Christmas?

4. What do candidates have to do to be admitted to the school?

5. Why isn’t it important for them to be physically similar to Father Christmas?

6. Why do Father Christmases have to know about the latest toys and video games?

Every Christmas, up to forty professionally-trained Santa Clauses graduate from the Ministry of
Fun Santa School and are sent out to perform the role in around 700 shopping centres,
department stores and private functions in London and beyond.
The Santa School is the longest running training school for substitute Father Christmases in
Britain. Established in 1998 by the Ministry of Fun, an entertainment production company
located near Elephant and Castle in South London, it was founded by the actor and former elf
James Lovell.
Lovell decided to set up the School after being asked to step in the role of Father Christmas at
the very last minute to replace someone who had fallen ill. He quickly realised that the job
required much more than a costume and a beard. While having the right look is important, says
Lovell, not everyone is right to be Santa, and even enrolment at the School requires an audition
and an interview.
Training is rigorous and covers all aspects of the part, including its history. Physical aspects
such as the big belly, beard and costume can be faked, but the expression and voice must also
be perfected. An extensive knowledge of all the things that children like is vital: from the names
of the nine reindeer, to the latest toys, video games and music that could come up as requested
Fun is not just for Christmas, of course, and outside the festive season the Ministry is also very
busy providing comedians, acrobats, human statues, contortionists, burlesque performers, face
painters and more to entertain the UK.
Read these statements. Then read the interview with James Lovell, and write T (true) or F (false).

1. The Father Christmas beard is more expensive than the costume.

2. James Lovell says Father Christmas has a big tummy because he eats a lot of chocolates.

3. A good actor can play Father Christmas even if he’s young.

4. Lovell says Father Christmas should always ask children their name.

5. He should never ask what they want for Christmas.

6. Children often ask Father Christmas for a dog or a cat.

7. James Lovell says it’s wrong for Father Christmas to make promises.

8. He thinks the conversation with Father Christmas is the most important part of the experience for a child.



James Lovell is the founder and director of The Ministry of Fun Santa School in London. Each
year, around 40 Father Christmases receive the training required to perform the role of Santa
in shopping centres and department stores across the UK. We met with Lovell in London. He
began by clarifying one very important point.

The real Santa does exist. We are only helping him out on those very rare occasions that he
can’t be in two places at once.


So what does it take to be Santa?

James Lovell: The charachter is important. The costume is important. The beards need to
look good. Our costumes cost about a thousand pounds and our beards cost about 800
pounds. So we invest a lot of money into making Santa magical. Father Christmas goes to 840
million houses on Christmas Eve. He eats a lot of mince pies, so he does have a tummy. So we
need to ensure that our actors have a tummy as well. So we have a lot of very good fake
tummies. You need to have a great voice, that’s important, because Father Christmas is a
great man, you know. He’s two thousand years old. He’s very famous, probably one of the
most famous people in the world. And being an international megastar, of course, Father
Christmas needs to be able to speak in different languages.


And, Lovell says, filling the boots of such a dynamic elderly man can be gruelling.

James Lovell: The older guys with real beards are brilliant, but it is tough being Father
Christmas, physically it is demanding, some of the shifts are at least eight or ten hours long.
(But) when people wear our costume and our beards, they look brilliant. The beards look like
real beards. And if you are a good actor, or a good performer, or you have a magical quality
about you, you will still be able to portray the role if you are younger.

The ability to converse with different children is also vital to the role.

James Lovell: You need to be able to communicate and improvise. That’s very important
because children are all very different, some come along and are very chatty, but if they are
very shy or nervous, you really have to do a performance.
As Father Christmas you know every child. So you never ask a child what their name is: you
know! You might have forgotten. Likewise, don’t ask them what they want for Christmas: you
know! If you ask them, that’s saying you haven’t read the letter!


Then there is the tricky matter of the gifts that children ask for.

James Lovell: Often children ask for a pet. They might ask for a puppy or a kitten. You’ve
got to be very careful there! Do not promise anything, is the standard rule. I’ve seen parents
standing behind their children go white with terror as their child says they want something
really expensive. But yes, we’ve been asked for horses, badgers... children have asked for
funny things, quite often they ask for very simple things. The most difficult question is when a
child might say: “I want mummy and daddy back together again.” Or if a child says, “I want to
get better,” or “Can I have my little brother back out of hospital?” So you’ve just got to be
very encouraging and say, “I’m sorry you’ve had troubles, but whatever Santa brings it will be
something wonderful, brought with all the love in the world.”


But beyond the details and complexities of the role, there is one simple rule, says Lovell:

James Lovell: As long as you give a child a great experience, they’re happy. If you have a
nice jolly conversation, make a child feel happy, and make them feel like they’re going to have
a good Christmas, and make them feel like they’re loved, that’s all you need to do.

Complete these sentences with words from the text. (You may have to adapt the
expression in some way; e.g. change the verb tense.)

1. Father Christmas rides on a sleigh pulled by ________.

2. I see you’ve got a lot of work to do. Can I _______ you _______ with anything?

3. The student was expelled for ________ his teacher’s signature on his school report.

4. My sister is going to take part in a ________ 30-mile walk for charity.

5. Children should save some of their pocket money. They shouldn’t spend it all _______

6. I’m sorry you’re not well. I hope you _______ _______ soon.
Complete the second sentence with 1 to 3 words so that it means the same as the
first. (They are constructions used in the article.)

1. James Lovell founded the Santa School in 1998.

The Santa School __________________________ James Lovell in 1998.
2. Just wearing a costume and a beard is not enough for the job.
The job requires much ________________________ a costume and a beard.
3. Lovell says some people aren’t right for the role of Santa.
Lovell says ________________________ is right for the role of Santa.
4. Children have asked us for horses or badgers!
We ________________________ for horses or badgers!
5. Children are happy if you give them a great experience.
As ________________________ you give children a great experience, they are happy.

Write about the best Christmas (or other festivity) you’ve ever had. Write
between 120-150 words.

- When was it?

- Where did you spend it?

- Who did you spend it with?

- What happened?

- Why was it special?


Listen and answer

1. 40 2. London 3. 1998 4. actor 5. voice 6. acrobats - painters

Read and answer

1. They perform at shopping centres, department stores and private functions. 2.
He’s played an elf. 3. He replaced someone who was ill. 4. They have to do an
audition and go to an interview. 5. Because they can wear a false bear and a false
belly. 6. Because children may request them, so they have to be prepared.

Read and check your answers

1. F – The costume costs more than the beard. 2. F – He says it’s because he eats
a lot of mince pies. 3. T 4. F – He says he should never do so, as Father
Christmas knows every child. 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. T

Words from the text

1. reindeer 2. help (you) out 3. faking 4. gruelling 5. at once 6. get


Grammar Test

1. was founded by 2. more than (wearing) 3. not everybody/everyone 4.

have been asked 5. long as

1:Santa Claus has several other names, such as Father Christmas, Kris Kringle,
and Saint Nicolas.
2:In the 4th century, there was a Christian bishop named Nicolas who gave gifts
to poor people.
3:An old god in Germany named Odin has the most influence. He often appeared
as an old man with a long, white beard, and he gave gifts to children too.
4:The popular writers Charles Dickens and Washington Irving took these old
stories and traditions, and made a few changes.
5:On December 24th, he flies around the world with a magical sleigh and
6:The naughty, or bad, children don't receive any gifts, but may sometimes get a
lump of coal.
7:Santa has elves to help him, and together they work all year to prepare for
Listen and write the sentences.
...children wait in line to tell him all their Christmas wishes.
...these old stories and traditions, made a few changes, and more or less created
Santa Claus of today...
.together they work all year to prepare for Christmas

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