VPA Recon File Specs

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Visa Payables Automation Reconciliation File Specification

(XLS or CSV Format)

1. Overview of the Reconciliation File

The reconciliation file provides comprehensive information about payment instructions and
settlement transactions and indicates which settlements have been matched to which payment

2. Format
The following formats are available:
 Excel (XLS)
 CSV (Comma Separated Value)

3. File Naming Convention

The file naming convention is as follows:
VPA_Reconciliation_000000000Processor ID_Financial Institution ID_Company ID_DateTime
file was generated in GMT.

5. Frequency
Reconciliation files are automatically delivered based on the selected frequency:
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

6. Match Types
Please see below for a description of the match types:
 Gross Match –The gross amount of an active payment instruction to a supplier exactly
equals the settlement amount for a specified account number. Once a payment
instruction has been labeled G, it will not appear on future reconciliation files.
 Invoice Match – An individual line item invoice amount of an active payment instruction
to a supplier exactly equals a settlement amount for a specified account number. Once a
payment instruction has been labeled I, it will not appear on future reconciliation files.
 Gross Partial Match – An active payment instruction that is partially matched with one
or more settlement transactions via the Manual Online Reconciliation process will be
labeled as GP
 Invoice Partial Match – An invoice pertaining to an active payment instruction that is
partially matched with one or more settlement transactions via the Manual Online
Reconciliation process will be labeled as IP
 Unmatched Payment Instruction – A payment instruction that is active and has not
been matched with settlements will be labeled as UP.
 Expired Payment Instruction – A payment instruction that has passed its expiration
date, has not been fully matched, and is no longer active will be labeled as EP.
 Unmatched Transaction – A settlement amount that cannot be matched exactly to the
gross amount or line item invoice amount of a payment instruction will be labeled as UT.

7. Header

The file header consists of the following three rows:

1. Row 1 “Accounts Payable Automation Reconciliation File”

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Visa Payables Automation Reconciliation File Specification
(XLS or CSV Format)

2. Row 2 “Buyer/Company ID: [buyer id]”

3. Row 4 – Consists of column headers

8. Payment Reconciliation File Specification Version 2

 Fields 1 through 13 represents the buyer’s payment instructions / invoices submitted to
 One row will be populated per invoice
 Field 14 represents the match type
 Fields 15 through 22 will be populated if a transaction has posted and settled on the Visa

Field Field Format Contents Description

No. Length
1 16 N Card Account # Card account number used in the payment instruction
2 20 AN Supplier ID Supplier identified in payment instruction
3 50 AN Supplier Name Supplier identified in payment instruction
4 100 AN Supplier Address Supplier identified in payment instruction
5 10 AN Payment Date Date of payment instruction in date format ‘YYYY-MM-
6 20 AN Purchase Order # Purchase order number from payment instruction (May
not be present in all cases)
7 30 AN Invoice # Invoice number from payment instruction
8 18 N Invoice Amount Invoice amount from payment instruction; Value reflects
decimal point followed by two values
9 3 A Payment Currency from payment instruction
10 1,000 AN Trans Ref 1 Buyer Reference number provided in the payment
instruction file (Optional field to pass client information)
11 1,000 AN Trans Ref 2 Buyer Reference number provided in the payment
instruction file (Optional field to pass client information)
12 1,000 AN Trans Ref 3 Buyer Reference number provided in the payment
instruction file (Optional field to pass client information)
13 1,000 AN Trans Ref 4 Buyer Reference number provided in the payment
instruction file (Optional field to pass client information)
14 1,000 AN Trans Ref 5 Buyer Reference number provided in the payment
instruction file (Optional Place to pass client information)
15 75 AN Supplier GL Code Supplier GL Code provided through either the Supplier
Bulk Upload File or the Add/Edit supplier screen within
VPA Online. Supplier GL Code is part of the supplier
profile and will be passed to the reconciliation file for all
payments submitted to the supplier. This field can also
be used as a flexible field.
16 2 AN Match Type Match Types
G=Gross Amount Match
I = Invoice Line Item Amount Match
GP = Gross Partial Match
IP = Invoice Partial Match
UP = Unmatched Payment Instruction
EP = Expired Payment Instruction

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Visa Payables Automation Reconciliation File Specification
(XLS or CSV Format)

Field Field Format Contents Description

No. Length
UT = Unmatched Transaction
17 50 AN Supplier City Base II value for posted and settled transaction
18 50 AN Supplier Country Base II value for posted and settled transaction
19 10 N Settlement Date Base II value for posted and settled transaction. The
date format will match the date format configured at the
buyer level.
20 18 N Transaction Base II value for posted and settled transaction; Value
Amount reflects decimal point followed by two values; dash or “ -
“ sign indicates negative value or credit
21 3 A Source Currency Base II value for posted and settled transaction
22 18 N Billing Amount Billing Amount of the transaction
23 3 A Billing Currency Billing Currency of the transaction
24 20 AN Purch ID Base II value for posted and settled transaction
(May not be present in all cases)
25 24 N Transaction Base II value for posted and settled transaction
26 6 AN Approval/ Base II value for posted and settled transaction
27 18 N Matched Amount The dollar amount which has been matched during the
manual matching process.
28 250 AN Matching Notes Any notes that the user entered as part of the manual
matching process.
(Only present if the user provided matching notes)
29 1 1 Forced Indicates whether or not a transaction was force
Reconciliation matched during the manual matching process. Valid
Status Values are:

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