Worked Examples H. Exchangers

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Problem 1

A hot fluid at 100ºC enters a double-pipe heat exchanger and is cooled to 75ºC.
A cooler fluid at 5ºC enters the exchanger and is warmed to 50ºC. Determine the LMTD for
both counter-flow and parallel flow configurations.

Counter-flow Parallel-flow

100 100

75 75


5 5

q q

Counter-flow: ΔT1 = 100 - 50 = 50ºC ΔT2 = 75 - 5 = 70ºC

50 - 70
DTm = = 59.4ºC
log e (50 70)

Parallel-flow: ΔT1 = 100 - 5 = 95ºC ΔT2 = 75 - 50 = 25ºC

95 - 25
DTm = = 52.4ºC
log e (95 25)

Problem 2
A hot fluid at 120ºC enters a double-pipe heat exchanger and is cooled to 65ºC.
A cooler fluid enters the exchanger at 38ºC and is to be warmed to 65ºC. Determine the
LMTD for both counter-flow and parallel flow configurations.

Counter-flow: ΔT1 = 120 - 65 = 55ºC ΔT2 = 65 - 38 = 27ºC

55 - 27
DTm = = 39.4ºC
log e (55 27)

Parallel-flow: ΔT1 = 120 - 38 = 82ºC ΔT2 = 65 - 38 = 27ºC

82 - 0
DTm = = 0ºC
log e (82 0)
Counter-flow Parallel-flow

120 120

65 65



A parallel-flow heat exchanger would have to have an infinite area in order that both fluids
leave at the same temperature. This, of course, is not physically possible.

Problem 3
Water at a mass flow rate of 68 kg/min is heated from 35ºC to 75ºC by an oil
having a heat capacity of 1.9 kJ/kg K. The fluids are used in a counter-flow, double-pipe heat
exchanger and the oil enters the exchanger at 110ºC and leaves at 75ºC. If the overall heat
transfer coefficient is 320 W/m2 K, calculate the heat exchanger area.

Data: Heat capacity of water = 4.18 J/kg K.

q = mcCc (Tco - Tci ) = (68/60)(4180)(75-35)

= 189.5 kW
ΔT1 = 110-75 = 35 ΔT2 = 75-35 = 40

DT1 - DT2 35 - 40
35 DTm = = = 37.44 K
log e (DT1 DT2 ) log e (35 40)

But q = UADTm

q 189.5 �103
\A= = = 15.82 m2
U DTm (320)(37.44)

Problem 4
Steam passes through a turbine into a condenser. Liquid water from the
condensed steam is used to heat ethylene glycol. The water is available at 90ºC, with a mass
flow rate of 2300 kg/h. The ethylene glycol has a temperature of 30ºC and a mass flow rate of
5500 kg/h. It is proposed to use a double-pipe heat exchanger, made of 2x1¼ inch standard
type-M copper tubing with soldered fittings, which is 6 m long. Determine the outlet
temperature of the ethylene glycol under counter-flow conditions.

Assumptions and simplifications:

 Steady-state conditions exist.

 Fluid properties are constant and evaluated at the average of the inlet temperatures
(90+30)/2 = 60ºC.
 Neglect heat loss to the surroundings.
 Neglect resistance to heat transfer due to conduction through the wall.

Fluid properties:

From tables of properties:

For water ρ = 0.985 x 103 kg/m3 k = 0.651 W/m K

at 60ºC: C = 4.184 x 103 kJ/kg K α = 1.554 x 10-7 m2/s
ν = 0.478 x 10-6 m2/s Pr = 3.02

For ethylene- ρ = 1.087 x 103 kg/m3 k = 0.260 W/m K

glycol at 60ºC: C = 2.562 x 103 kJ/kg K α = 0.932 x 10-7 m2/s
ν = 4.75 x 10-6 m2/s Pr = 51
Tube sizes:
Annulus (a)

Pipe (p)
Aa = Π(0.0512 - 0.0352)/4 = 10.8 x 10-4 m2
5.1 cm 3.5 cm 3.3 cm
Api = Π(0.0332)/4 = 8.55 x 10-4 m2

Arrangement of Heat Exchanger:

We choose to route the ethylene glycol through the annular passage, which has the greater
area, as this stream has the higher mass flow rate.

Annulus (a)
Annulus equivalent diameters:
Pipe (p)
De or Dh = 4 x (Flow Area)/(Perimeter)
3.1 Da Dpo

P ( Da2 - Dpo
) (0.0512 - 0.0352 )
For heat transfer: De = = = 0.039 m
PD po 0.035
P ( Da2 - Dpo
For fluid friction: Dh = = (0.051 - 0.035) = 0.016 m
P ( Da + D po )

Velocities and Reynolds numbers: V = m/ρA and Re = VD/ν

(2300 / 3600) (0.76)(0.033)

Vp = = 0.76 m/s Re p = = 5.2 × 104 [water]
(0.985 �103 )(8.55 �10 -4 ) (0.478 �10-6 )

(5500 / 3600) (1.3)(0.039)

Va = = 1.30 m/s Rea = = 1.07 × 104 [e.g.]
(1.087 �103 )(10.8 �10 -4 ) (4.75 �10-6 )

Nusselt Numbers: Nu = 0.023 (Re)0.8(Pr)n where n = 0.3 (cooling)

n = 0.4 (heating)
Water: Nu = 0.023(5.2×104)0.8(3.02) = 190

E.G.: Nu = 0.023(1.07×104)0.8(51) = 185

Local coefficients of heat transfer: Nu = hD/k so h = Nu(k/D)

Water: hpi = (190)(0.651)/(0.033) = 3748 W/m2 K

E.G.: hpo = (185)(0.260)/(0.035) = 1233 W/m2 K

Overall coefficient of heat transfer:

1 1 D 1 0.035
= + 0 = + so U0 = 914 W/m2 K
U 0 hpo hpi Di 1233 (3748)(0.033)

mc Cc (5500)(2562)
LMTD method - Parameter R R= = = 1.46
mhCh (2300)(4184)

Area: A = ΠDL = Π(0.035)(6) = 0.66 m2

Inlet temperatures: Thi = 90ºC Tci = 30ºC

Thi ( R - 1) - RTci [ 1 - exp(U 0 A0 ( R - 1) / mcCc ) ]

Outlet temperatures: Tho =
Rexp [ U 0 A0 ( R - 1) / mcCc ]

90(1.46 - 1) - (1.46)(30) [ 1 - exp(914(0.66)(1.46 - 1) /(5500)(2562) /(3600) ]

Tho = = 78.7ºC
1.46exp [ 914(0.66)(1.46 - 1) /(5500)(2562) /(3600)]

Thi - Tho (T - T (90 - 78.7)

But also, R= \Tco = Tci + hi ho ) = 30 + = 37.7ºC
Tco - Tci R 1.46
Use heat balance to check calculation:

Water: qh = (2300)(4184)(90-78.7)/3600 = 30206 W

E.G. qc = (5500)(2562)(37.7-30)/3600 = 30139 W

To increase the outlet temperature of ethylene glycol:

 Use bigger tube diameters to increase the surface area - but this will decrease velocity
 Increase the mass flow rates - this will increase velocity
 Use several exchangers in series.

Calculation of pressure drops and pumping costs is necessary to complete the design.

NTU method: Using the above data

U o Ao (914)(0.66) (mC ) min (2300)(4184)

NTU = = = 0.225 CR = = = 0.683
(mC ) min (2300)(4184) /(3600) ( mC ) max (5500)(2562)

For a counter-flow heat exchanger:

1 - exp [ - N (1 - CR ) ] 1 - exp [ -0.225(1 - 0.683) ]

e= = = 0.189
1 - CR exp [ - N (1 - CR ) ] 1 - 0.683exp [ -0.225(1 - 0.683) ]

Thi - Tho 90 - Tho

but since mhCh < mcCc then e = = = 0.189
Thi - Tci 90 - 30

so Tho = 90-(0.189)(60) = 78.7ºC

Tco - Tci T - 30
but also CR = = co = 0.683
Thi - Tho 90 - 78.7

so Tco = 30+(0.683)(90-78.7) = 37.7ºC

good luck
good luck
\thank you

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