Innovation Plan

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Working with Short Stories Videos is one of the best ways for kids to have fun and
learn at the same time.


EDUARDO SANTOS is an educational institution contextualized in primary

and secondary public education. The innovation plan will be implemented in ninth

Each course has more or less 30 students from 15 to 17 years old. These are
active groups and they are interested to learn English.

It is expected that students have some deficiencies in English language due

to EDUARDOS SANTOS SCHOOL schedule; students only have English two
hours per week. It just a short time for them to learn a second language in this
case English. During my practicum I could notice that students’ background
knowledge is very poor according to the level that is required in this grade, and one
of the main problems of students is motivation, students want to learn a second
language, they are interesting to know new things, they want to go beyond the
knowledge that they have but the teacher does not give them the opportunity to
show themselves and others that they are capable to do whatever they want;
teachers only care about give students information and some vocabulary about a
topic and that is it; that is why students lost interest in almost all of subjects, the
fact that they do not care about losing a test or lose even a school period , this
behavior has worried all teachers of different subjects. Teachers have been talking
with parents to motivate students to perform the homework’s but this is not

All students have many different abilities such a singing, dancing, drawing,
playing etc. We can use those benefits to help them to development their skills and
motivated them to learn, in my case to learn English through Short Stories Videos.

The use of Short Stories in English language teaching:

Language learning is a hard task which can sometimes be frustrating to

some students; we as teachers have to maintained students attention, they have to
be motivated all the time and we can make it through games, videos, role plays
and more; Short Stories Videos help and encourage many learners to sustain their
interest and work.
Through Short Stories Videos students have the opportunity to interact with
their classmate and use the language for your own necessities. So it is very
important take into account some theories in order to achieve our purpose as
English teachers:
Communicative approach: according to Richards and Rodgers, this approach
offers some principles to be applied when teaching English as a Second Foreign
● Students learn a language through using it to communicate.
● Authentic and meaningful communication should be the goal of classroom
● Fluency is an important dimension of communication.

Communication involves the integration of different language skills.

Learning is a process of creative construction and involves trial and error.

These approaches will involve the students in using actively the English
language in order to communicate in a large number of real contexts. The most
important thing to consider in this communicative approach is the real interaction
between the students in the target language. Those tasks get immersed the
students in meaningful activities related with their real context also those are
focused on meaning rather than form.
The Acquisition Theory: proposed by Krashen and Terrel deals with the
dichotomy of natural acquisition of a mother tongue and the conscious learning of a
second language. So, EFL teachers deal with the fact that teaching and learning
how to communicate in a foreign language is an act of will, a conscious decision
made by students, since they have to make a considerable effort for understanding
and practicing these skills.

Cooperative learning: Olsen and Kagan define cooperative learning as a “group

learning activity organized so that learning is dependent on the socially structured
exchange of information between learners in groups and in which each learner is
held accountable for his or her own learning and is motivated to increase the
learning of others”.

Theory of learning: This aspect of the Cooperative Language Learning (CLL)

approach, in accordance with Richards and Rodgers, is based on the theories of
Jean Peaget and Lev Vigotsky who place emphasis on the central role of social
interaction in learning. It looks at the development of communicative competence
in socially structured situations in which the learners takes part.

Learner roles: According to Richards and Rogers the following are the
characteristics of a learner:
● Have to be a member of a group who must work collaboratively on tasks
with the other group members.
● They are directors of their own learning, which is viewed as a compilation of
lifelong learning skills.
● Have to participate and be direct and actively involved in the learning
● When developing pair tasks, learners play the role of tutors, checkers,
recorders and information sharers.
Teacher roles: According to Richards and Rodgers the teacher:
● Has to create a highly structured and well organized learning environment in
the classroom, establishing its physical arrangement.
● Has to set goals, plan and structure tasks.
● Has to assign students to groups, their roles and selecting materials and
managing time.
● Has to provide broad questions to challenge thinking.
● Has to prepare students for the tasks they will carry out.

Integrated instruction: Krashen’s theory of second language acquisition

influenced the development of integrated instruction at all levels; because his
suggestions have a greater impact on the learner when he is exposed to conditions
that are similar to those of L1; namely, that the focus of instruction must be
meaningful and not focused on merely of the learner.


 The main goal is motivate students to learn a second language through

Short Stories Videos.


 Improving language skills.

 Reinforce vocabulary
 To give the opportunity to each student to share their knowledge with the


The classes are designed to be developed during six weeks with students from
ninth grade in the EDUARDO SANTOS School, with the assistance of Cooperator
Yicela Polania Castro, The University supervisor Milton Edmundo Fonseca Silva
and the Student teacher Sandra Milena Perez Urueña.


 1st. section: Give to students the

vocabulary about the Short Story
and show the Short Story’ video
 2st. section: Give to students the
material (worksheets about the
story) read the story and make the
first activity of the worksheet.
 3st. Make the second and the third
activity of the worksheet.
 4st. Make the fourth activity of the worksheet.
 5st. Start making the frieze.
 6st. Frieze’s correction.


The innovation project is going to be developed inside the classroom and at the

During the development of this innovation project I will have six interventions one a
week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday with a time of 55 minutes every class.
The project will be starting on October 1 until November 1, 2013.


The main goal of this innovation project is motivate students to improve different
skills involving them in the use of English language in order to communicate in a
large number of real contexts; on the one hand the majority of materials used in
this project will be delivered by the teacher:

 Photocopies
 cardboard
 Computer
 Video Beam
 Speakers

On the other hand the other materials that students needs are:

 Colors
 Glue
 Pencil, sharpener, eraser
 Recyclable materials

5.7.1 Qualitative:

The interventions of the Innovation project are going to be evaluated qualitatively.

The idea is to do an oral presentation by students where they are going to talk
about their experiences making the friezes, their likes and dislikes and give some
suggestions to the Students teacher for their future.

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