World Culture Report
World Culture Report
World Culture Report
Hydrogen is the lightest element and also the lightest gas in the periodic table.
It is the lightest non-metal. It is the simplest element in periodic table having only 1e – ,
1p & no neutron.
Electronic configuration of H is 1s1
Number of e– = 1 Number of orbital = 1
Number of shells = 1 Number of subshell =1
It is discovered by Henry Cavendish & it was called inflammable element.
The name hydrogen was given by Lavoisier
H2 O2 H2O
Order of Abundance of H :
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe (70% of the total mass of the universe.)
Order of abundance of H :
Universe > Sun atm > Earth
The planet Jupiter & Saturn consist mainly of H2. Similarly about half the mass of the sun & some other stars is
made up of hydrogen.
In Sun's atomsphere & in universe, It is found in atomic form. While in earth it is generally found in molecular
form. At Sun, the stratosphere is made up of H (atomic hydrogen) & they undergoes fusion & converted into He
nuclei & this reaction is exothermic so lot of amount of energy is liberated.
It is the ninth element on earth in order of abundance.
Earth does not posses enough gravitational force to retain live hydrogen molecule i.e. why it is not found in earth
atomosphere in atomic form.
Hydrogen is the most reactive elements in atomic form but it is less reactive in molecular form because of very
high bond dissociation energy due to 1s -1s overlapping.
Hydrogen is the first element of Periodic table but still it could not be assigned a proper position either in
Mendeleef periodic table or in Modern periodic table because of following reasons.
It may kept in 1st/IA or 17th/VIIA group due to following reason.
Resembeles with 1 st /IA Alkali metals.
(i) Electronic configuration : Like alkali metals hydrogen also has only one electron in outer most shell.
H = 1s1 K = 4s1
Li = 2s1 Rb = 5s1 ns1
Na = 3s 1
(ii) Electropositive characters : Like alkali metals hydrogen also have the tendency to loose one electron
to form cation.
e.g. Na Na+ + e–
H H + e–
(i i i ) Oxidation numbers : Like alkali metals hydrogen can also exhibit the oxidation number of +1 in most
of its compound.
e.g. Na + Cl – K + Cl
H+ Cl– = +1
(iv) Reaction with electronegative elements (non-metals) : Like alkali metals H also reacts with Oxygen,
Sulphur, Halogens to form oxides, sulphides and halides respectively.
O H2O, like Na2O, K2O
S H2S, like Na2S, K2S
with halogen HX, like NaX, KX
(v) Liberation at Cathode :
2Na + Cl electrolysis 2Na + Cl 2
(liberated at cathode) (liberated at anode)
2H + Cl – electrolysis (H 2 + Cl 2 )
like alkali metals H also get liberated at cathode on electrolysis.
(vi) Reducing nature : Like alkali metals H 2 also have reducing nature.
CuO + H2 Cu + H2O
Due to resembling of these properties with alkali metals H can be placed in IA/group
/alkali metals group.
Resembles with halogen/ VIIA/17 t h
(i) Electronic configuration :
Electronic configuration of halogen H 1s1
both these requires one electron to attain the stable configuration of their nearest inert gas.
H 1s1 1e
less than 2
He (1s )
F 2p5 1e
less than 6
Ne (2p )
Cl 3p5 1e
less than 6
Ar (3p )
(ii) Electronegative character : Both halogen & Hydrogen has the tendency to gain one e –.
F + e– F—
H + e– H–
i.e. why both will act as electronegative species.
(i i i ) Ionization potential : Ionization potential of hydrogen is almost similar to halogen.
(iv) Oxidation number : Both halogen & hydrogen can exahibit –1 oxidation number.
Hydrogen in metal hydride shows –1 oxidation state.
NaH Na+ + H–
NaCl Na+ + Cl–
(v) Diatomic molecule : Both halogen & hydrogen have the tendency to exist as diatomic molecule.
eg. F2, Cl2 Br2, I2 & H2.
(vi) Liberation at anode : Whenever Alkali metals halides & hydrides undergoes electrolysis, both
halogen and hydrogen will liberate at anode.
2Na+ Cl– 2Na + Cl2 (anode)
2Na+ H– 2Na + H2 (anode)
(vii) Reaction with highly electropositive metals : Hydrogen reacts with highly electropositive
element (i.e. s-block elements) & forms their hydrides like their halides.
2Na + H2 2NaH
2Na + Cl2 2NaCl
This reaction shows oxidising character of hydrogen.
( vi i i ) Formation of covalent compound : Both Hydrogen & halogen on reaction with non metals to
form covalent compounds like.
CH 4 , NH 3 , H 2 O
CCl 4 , NCl 3 , Cl 2 O
Conclusion : The position of hydrogen is still in controversy & no proper position is assigned to H in periodic
table i.e. why it is also called notorious or rogue elements.
Protium or Deuterium/ Tr i t i u m
ordinary hydrogen Heavy hydrogen
Symbol 1
H1 1
H 2/ 1D 2 1
H 3/ 1 T 3
H2 D2 T2
Atomic number 1 1 1
Mass number 1 2 3
Exact atomic mass 1.008123 2.0142 3.0170
| 2
Symbol | H 1 H or 21 D 3
1 H or 31 T
Molecular formula H2 D2 T2
No. of protons in
the nucleus 1 1 1
No. of neutrons in
the nucelus Nil 1 2
No. of electron 1 1 1
Electronic configu. 1s 1 1s 1 1s 1
Relative abundance 99.9 84% 0 .0 16 % 10 –15 %
Stability Stable Stable Unstable(Radioactive)
Properties H2 D2 T2
M.P. – 259 0 C – 254.3 0 C – 252.4 0 C
B.P. – 252.6 0 C – 249.3 0 C – 248.0 0 C
Bond length (H– H) 74 pm 74 pm 74 pm
–1 –1
Bond energy (H—H) 436.0 KJ mol 443.3 KJ mol 446.9 KJ mol–1
Heat of fusion & vaporisation Minimum H < D < T Maximum
The effect which can change the physical & chemical properties of isotopes is called isotopic effect.
It is because of difference in mass.
In isotopic effect maximum changes occurs in physical properties like melting point, boiling point, bond energy,
while minimum changes occurs in chemical properties like state of chemical reaction etc.
Im p. Isotopic effect is found only in hydrogen isotopes. Because there is large difference in mass.
While in other isotopes like 7N14 7N15 only a fractional mass is increased.
C 14 6
C 13 6
C 12 Here also only a fraction is increased
But in case of hydrogen mass increased to 2 to 3 times in their isotopes.
Q. Isotopic effect is found in :
(1) H (2) N (3) C (4) All
A n s . (1)
Q. Which of the following reaction is fast & why ?
(i) CH4 + Cl2 CH3Cl + HCl
(ii) CD4 + Cl2 CD3Cl + DCl
A n s . (i) because C–H bond energy is less in comparison to C–D bond energy.
Different forms of Hydrogen :
(a) Based on oxidat ion Number.
There are three types of hydrogen
H+ H– H
Proton Hydride Atomic hydrogen
Number of electron 0 2 1
Oxidation number +1 –1 0
Formation H H+ + e– H + e– H– H2 2H
Note : In the aqueous state proton (H+) exist as H+ (H2O)n
Where n is a large number.
If n = 1 H 3 O +
n = 2 H +(H 2 O) 2
Q. In the equeous solution hydrogen ion exist as
(1) H3O + (2) H+(H2O) 2 (3) H+(H2O)n (4) All
Ans. (4)
(b) Based on reactivity :
Atomic hydrogen :
(i) Simple atomic hydrogen – It is formed by simple dissociation of hydrogen.
Favourable comdition – Favourable condition are high temp & low pressure.
(ii) Nascent hydrogen – Hydrogen at the moment of its birth it called nascent hydrogen means which forms
at the instant is known as Nascent hydrogen.
It is formed only by some specific chemical reaction.
(a) Acid + Metals
Zn + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + 2H
Adsorbed H is hydrogen present at the outer surface of metal.
Occlusion – The property of metal to adsorb any gas is called occlusion.
Reactivity order
Atomic hydrogen > Nascent hydrogen > Molecular hydrogen
(a) Ortho hydrogen – The molecular form of hydrogen having same spin of proton is called ortho hydrogen.
(b) Para hydrogen – The molecular form of hydrogen having opposite spin of proton is called para hydrgen.
In ortho hydrogen spin of proton is same, so they will repel each other & because of this repulsion,
internal energy of ortho hydrogen increases. So ortho hydrogen has more internal energy.
Stability of ortho & para hydrogen
Stability of ortho & para hydrogen depends upon temperature condition.
At low temp : para hydrogen is more stable than ortho hydrogen while at high temp ortho hydrogen is
more stable than para hydrogen.
Ortho Para
At 25°C 75% 25%
At –253°C/20K 0 100%
Imp. Note : (i) We can obtain 100% pure para hydrogen at low temp but can't ortho because at high temp
parahydrogen will dissociate into atomic hydrogen.
(ii) Ortho & Para hydrogen differs only in physical properties but have same chemical properites.
Method of preparation :
(A) From acids : The metal which are placed about H2 in electrochemical series react with dil acids they
liberate H 2.
e.g. Fe + H2SO4 FeSO4 + H2
Cu + H2SO4 × (No reaction)
Lab preparation : When impure Zn reacts with dil H2SO4 it forms H2
Zn + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2
(impure) (dil)
2. By alkalies : Only (Be, Zn, Al, Sn, Pb, Si) (Amphoteric metal) react with boiling NaOH or KOH they evolve H2.
Zn + 2NaOH Na2ZnO2 + H2
(sodium zincate)
2Al + 2NaOH + 2H2O NaAlO2 + 3H2
(sodium meta aluminate)
Sn + 2NaOH + H2O Na2SnO3 + 2H2
(sodium stannate)
Pb + 2NaOH + H2O Na2PbO3 + 2H2
(sodium plumbate)
Si + 2NaOH + H2O Na2SiO3 + 2H2
(sodium silicate)
Be + 2NaOH Na2BeO2 + H2
(sodium beryliate)
3. From water :
All the metals which are placed above than H2 when react with water the evolve H2.
Zn + H2O ZnO + H2
Three type of water is used
(i) Cold water : The temperature of cold water is 7 to 25°C this water is used for highly reactive metals.
Such as Li, K, Ba, Sr, Ca, Na, means alkali metals of alkalic earth metals.
The reaction with alkali metals are vigorous to minimum the rate of reaction these metals are used in the
form of amalgam.
2Na(Hg) + H2O 2NaOH + H2
(ii) Hot water : The temperature of hot water is 25°C to 90°C. This water is used for reactive metals, such
as Mg, Al, Mn, Zn, Cr.
(i i i ) Steam : The temperature of steam is more than 100°C. This form of water is used for very less reactive
metals like Fe, Cd, Co, Ni, Sn, Pb.
Condition for best yield of H 2 .
(i) Cold water With highly reactive metals.
(ii) Hot water With reactive metals
(iii) Steam With less reactive metals.
4. On Ionic hydride :
Whenever ionic hydride reacts with water then form H2.
CaH2 + 2H2O Ca(OH)2 + H2
NaBH4 + H2O NaBO2 + 4H2
Method to prepare pure hydrogen :
1. Electrolysis of water : To prepare pure hydrogen we use impure water (i.e. having 15-20% solution of alkali
or acid)
4H2O 4H+ + 4OH–
at cathode 4H+ + 4e– 2H2
at anode 4OH– 2H2O + O2 + 4e–
The SO4–2 or K+ ion present in acid or alkali does not move towards anode or cathode as their discharge
potential is higher than of OH– ions or H+ ions rescpectively.
2. By reaction of Magnesium with dil. H 2 SO 4 :
Mg + H2SO4 MgSO4 + H2
3. B reaction of NaH with water :
NaH + H2O NaOH + H2
4. Uyeno method : This method is used for military purpose
2Al + 2KOH + 2H2O 2KAlO2 + 3H2
(Potassium meta aluminate)
Because by this reaction we can prepare H2 in a rapid nanner.
H2 + O H2O
2 2
(iv) Reaction with highly electropositive metals :
IA & IIA group elements are called highly electrpositive metal. Whenever H reacts with these metals they form
ionic hydrides.
2Na + H2 2NaH
CO + H2 CaH2
(v) Reaction with non-metal :
(a) Reaction with halogen
H2 + X2 2HX
[F2, Cl2, Br2, I2]
order of reactivity of halogen with hydrogen
F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2
(b) Reaction with sulphur
H2 + S H2S
(c) With nitrogen – (Haber process)
N2 + 3H2 2NH3
Fe, Mo, 200atm
(vi) Reducing nature :
CuO + H2 Cu + H2O
(vii) Reaction with carbon mono oxide :
ZnO / Cr O
2H2 + CO 2 3 CH OH (Methanol)
(viii) Hydrogenation of unsaturated hydrocarbon :
C2H2 + 2H2 C2H6
Ni / Pb / Pt
C2H4 + H2 C H
2 6
When unsaturated hydrocarbon having C = C or C C reacts with hydrogens in the presence of Ni/Pd/Pt forms
saturated hydrocarbons.
Im p. Hydrogenation of vegetable oil.
Vegetable oils are also called polyunsaturated oils because they contain many C = C bond. When these oil
are exposed to air for a long time then double bond will get oxidized and the oil becomes. Rancid (having fowl.
smell or unpleasant test) in nature. So to avoid this vegetable oil are converted into edible fats (Vanaspati Ghee)
Vegetable oils + H2
edible fats solid
This whole process is known as hydrogenation or hardening of oil.
1. Hydrogenation of vegetable oil to form solid fats i.e. vanaspati ghee.
2. In liquid form as a rocket fuel. (Liquid H2 + Liquid O2)
3. In a air ship of balloons as a mixture of Hydrogen & Helium [15% H2 + 85% He]
4. Formation of different compounds.
Like NH3, (Haber process) alkane, alcohol and other hydrocarbon
Hydrides : The compounds of hydrogen with different elements are called hydrides.
These are of three types :
(1) Ionic/Salt like/Saline hydrides :
Compounds of hydrogen with s-block elements except berylium & magnesium are called ionic hydrides.
LiH, NaH, KH, RbH, CsH, CaH2, SrH2, BaH 2
BeH2, MgH2 are covalent polymeric hydride.
u Structure of these hydrides are similar to rock salt, so they are also called salt like/saline hydrides.
u Down the group size Lattice energy stability Melting point Boiling point
u On electrolysis of these hydrides, hydrogen is liberated at anode.
u On reaction with water these hydrides will form hydrogen
NaH + H2O NaOH + H2
u These hydrides forms complex hydrides which are very good reducing agents.
4LiH + AlCl3 LiAlH4 + 3LiCl
NaBH4 Sodium borohydride
LiAlH4 Lithium aluminium hydride.
(2) Mettalic / Interstitial hydrides :
They are the compounds of d & f-block elements.
In these hydrides hydrogen occupies interstitial sites present in
metallic lattice, so they are called interstitial hydrides.
u Properties of these hydrides are similar to parent metals, so they are also known as metallic hydrides.
u These hydrides are non. stochiometric in nature (i.e. having variable composition)
ZrHx (x = 1.3 – 1.75)
TiHx (x = 1.8 – 2)
u Metals of group 7,8,9 donot form any hydrides so this particular part of periodic table is known as
hydride gap.
(3) Covalent/Molecules hydrides
u They are the compounds of hydrogen with p-block elements CH4, NH3, H2O, HF, etc.
u These hydrides exist as molecules, so they are also known as molecular hydrides. There hydrides are non-
conductor of electricity.
Nomenclature – element + Suffix (ane)
PH3 Phosphane
NH3 Azane
H2O Oxidane
These hydrides are again divides into 3 categories.
(a) Electron deficient hydrides :
u They are the hydrides of group 13 elements.
BH3, AlH3, GaH3 – In these hydrides central element does not have complete octet. i.e. why they
are called electron deficient compounds.
(b) Electron precise hydrides – They are the hydrides of group 14 element.
e.g. CH4, SiH4, GeH4
In these type of hydrides central elements has 8e– in their outer most shell.
(c) Electron rich hydrides : These are the hydrides of group 15, 16, 17
e.g. etc.
In these hydrides lone pair are present on central dement which can be given to others. So they
are called electron rich hydrides.
Water (H 2 O )
Properties of pure water :
(a) Physical properties :
(i) Pure water is colourless, tasteless and odourless. It gives bluish tinge in thick layers. (ii) It freezes at 0°C and
boils at 100°C. (iii) Its maximum density is 1.00 at 4°C. (iv) It is a polar molecule and has V-shaped structure. The
bond angle is 104.5°. (v) It has a high dielectric constant. The polar character of water makes it an excellent
solvent for polar and ionic substances. (vi) It is a poor conductor of electricity. (vii) It has the tendency to associate.
It exists in the liquid state not as a single H2O molecule but as associated molecules through hydrogen bonding.
The existence of hydrogen bonding is responsible for high values of specific heat, the latent heat of fusion and
latent heat of vaporisation.
(b) Chemical properties :
(i) Water is neutral in nature. pH of the pure water is 7. It is a weak electrolyte and feebly ionises into H+ and
OH– ions.
H2O H+ + OH–
When steam is passed over red hot coke (1000°C), water gas is formed.
C H 2 O CO H 2
Water gas
(iv) Action on nonmetalic oxides : Acidic oxides combine with water to form acids.
CO2 + H2O H2CO3 (Carbonic acid)
Soap will not produce lather with water until all the calcium and magnesium ions have been precipitated. Hard
water thus wastes soap. Hardness of water is of two types :
(a) Temporary hardness
(b) Permanent hardness
(a) Temporary hardness : This is due to the presence of bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium.
Temporary hardness in water is easily removed by boiling, as the bicarbonates decompose readily and
the insoluble carbonates are precipitated.
Ca(HCO 3 )2 CaCO 3 H 2 O CO 2
( Inso lub le )
Mg(HCO 3 )2 MgCO 3 H 2 O CO 2
( Inso lub le )
Temporary hardness can also be removed by Clark's process which involves the addition of slaked lime
[Ca(OH) 2].
It is essential to add only the calculated amount of Ca(OH)2 because excess will cause artificial hardness.
(b) Permanent hardness : Permanent hardness is introduced when water passes over rocks containing the
sulphates or chlorides of both of calcium and magnesium. This type of hardness cannot be removed by
boiling or by the addition of slaked lime.
The various water softeners are :
(i) Washing soda : It removes both the temporary and permanent hardness by converting soluble
calcium and magnesium compounds into insoluble carbonates.
CaCl 2 + NaCO 3 = CaCO 3 + 2NaCl
CaSO 4 + Na 2CO 3 = CaCO 3 + Na 2SO 4
In place of sodium carbonate, caustic soda or sodium phosphate can also be used.
(ii) Calgon : The complex salt of metaphosphoric acid, sodium hexametaphosphate (NaPO 3) 6, is
known as calgon. It is represented as Na 2[Na 4(PO 3) 6]. Calcium and magnesium salts present in
hard water react with calgon to give complex salts.
2CaSO 4 + Na 2[Na 4(PO 3) 6] Na 2[Ca 2(PO 3) 6] + 2Na 2SO 4
2MgSO 4 + Na 2[Na 4(PO 3) 6] Na 2[Mg 2(PO 3) 6] + 2Na 2SO 4
(iii) Permutit process : Permutit is hydrated sodium alumino silicate
[Na 2Al 2Si 2O 8. xH 2O] Hard water
+ – 2–
Impure water H , Cl , SO4
Ca2+, Na+, SO42–,Cl–
Dilute acid for
Alkali for
Cation Anion
exchanger exchanger
Waste Waste
Pure water
This water becomes soften but not used for drinking purpose because this water contain the
impurity of acid. To remove anion of hardness this acidic water then passed through another bed
containing anion exchanger. This exchanger removes anion like Cl–, SO4–2 & HCO3–.
R–NH3+OH – + H+ + Cl– R–NH3+Cl– + H+OH
This water is free from impurities & can be used for drinking purpose.
After some times when both resin gets exhausted process is stopped.
Regenration of resin :
(i) Cation exchange resin : We use dil acid.
2H+Cl– + (R–COO)2Ca 2R–COO–H+ + CaCl2
(ii) Anion exchange resin : We use dil NaOH solution
R–NH 3+Cl – + Na +OH – Na +Cl – + R–NH 3+OH –
Heavy water (D 2 O)
Method of preparation :
Repeated electrolysis of H 2 O : On electrolysis of water (impure) H 2O dissociate into H + & OH – while a
fractional part of D2O will dissociate into D+ & OD–
H2O H+ + OH–
(a) Action of metals : D 2O reacts with alkali and alkaline earth metals liberates heavy hydrogen.
(b) Action with metallic oxides : D 2O reacts slowly with basic oxides to form heavy alkalies.
(c) Action with nonmetallic oxides : D 2O reacts slowly with acidic oxides to form deutero acids.
(d) Action with metallic carbides, phosphides, nitrides, arsenides, etc. : Like H 2 O heavy water
reacts with carbides, phosphide nitrides, arsenides, etc. to form corresponding deutero compounds.
(e) Electrolysis : A solution of heavy water containing Na2CO3 when electrolysed evolve heavy hydrogen at
2D 2 O 2D 2 O 2
( Cathode ) ( Anode )
Uses : As a neutron moderator : Fission in uranium-235 is brought by slow speed neutrons. The substances
which are used for slowing down the speed of neutrons are called moderators. Heavy water is used for this
purpose in nuclear reactors.
H 2 O 2 (Hydrogen Peroxide)
Laboratory method :
In laboratory, H 2O 2 is prepared by adding calculated amounts of sodium peroxide to ice cod dilute (20%)
solution of H2SO4.
Na2O 2 + H2SO 4 Na 2SO4 + H2O 2
By the action of sulphuric acid or phosphoric acid on hydrated barium peroxide BaO 2.8H2O (Merck process)
(a) BaO2.8H2O + H2SO4 BaSO4 +H2O2 + 8H2O
Anhydrous barium peroxide does not react readity with sulphuric acid (because a coating of insoluble barium
sulphate is formed on its surface which stops further action of the acid). Therefore, hydrated barium peroxide,
BaO2.8H2O must be used.
(b) 3BaO2 + 2H3PO4 Ba3(PO4)2 + 3H2O
Ba 3(PO 4) 2 + 3H 2SO 4 3BaSO 4 + 2H 3PO 4
Phosphoric acid is preferred over H 2 SO 4 because soluble impurities like barium persulphate
(BaO2.8H2O –H2SO4) tends to decompose H2O2 while H3PO4 acts as preservative (negative catalyst) for H2O2.
I n d u s t r ia l M e t h o d
(i) Auto oxidation of 2 butyl anthraquinol ( cyclic process) :
O C4H9
H2O2 +
H 2
(ii) Oxidation of isopropyl alcohol :
(ii) It has more Hydrogen bonding then H2O, So order of boiling point. H 2 O 2 > D 2 O > H 2 O
Decomposition of H2O2 ; 2H2O2 2H2O + O2
Thuse H2O2 is more powerful oxidant in acidic medium. The simple interpretation of H2O2 as oxidant can be
shown by the equation.
H2O2 H2O + O
Following are some important examples of oxidant action of H2O2 :
(a) H2O2 oxidises black lead sulphide (PbS) to white lead sulphate (PbSO4). This reaction is used in restoring
the white colour of old paintings which have blackened due to the formation of lead sulphide by the action
of H2S present in air.
4[H 2 O 2 H2O + O]
PbS + 4O PbSO4
PbS + 4H2O2 PbSO4 + 4H2O
(b) H2O2 oxidises sulphites into sulphates.
H2O2 H2O + O
Na2SO3 + O Na2SO4
Na2SO3 + H2O2 Na2SO4 + H2O
(c) H2O2 oxidises nitrites to nitrates.
H2O2 H2O + O
Na2NO2 + O NaNO3
Na2NO 2 + H2O2 Na2NO3 + H2O
(d) H2O2 oxidises H2S into sulphur.
H 2 O 2 H2O + O
H2S + O H2O + S
H2S + H2O2 2H2O + S
3. Reducing nature : It can also act as a reducing agent towards powerful oxidising agents.
H2O2 2H+ + O2 + 2e–
(a) It reduces Ag2O to silver.
Ag2O + H2O2 2Ag + H2O + O2
(b) It reduces ozone to oxygen.
H2O2 + O3 H2O + 2O2
1.46 + 0.03Å. The value of dipole moment of H2O2 O
O 94°
is 2.1 D. This suggests that all the four atoms do 94° O
not lie in the same plane. The molecule can be H
pictured as lying on the spine of a book open to an
angle of 111°. The hydrogen atoms are present
one on each cover and H–O bonds making angles 7 Å
1.48Å 0.9
of 94° with the O–O bond as shown in fig. The bond 7Å 111°
H 0.9
distance between O–H is 0.97Å. (A) (B)
Precautions :
(i) H2O2 can not be stored in simple glass bottles since rough surface of glass [alkali oxides present in it] excited by
light and decomposed H2O2.
So the H2O2 usually stored in coloured, paraffin wax coated, plastic bottle.
(ii) Always with H2O2 add small quantity of inhibitor or negative catalyst to stay decomposition of H2O2.
(iii) H2O2 + N 2H 4 as Rocket propellent (iv) H2O2 as oxidant and reductant
(v) Antiseptic
Dihydrogen releases large quantities of heat on combustion. The data on energy released by combustion of fuels like
dihydrogen, methane, LPG etc. are compared in terms of the same amounts in mole, mass and volume, are shown
in Table
1. H 2 O 2 and heavy water was discovered by 6. When H2O2 is added to ice cold solution of acidified
respectively :- potassium dichromate in ether and the contents are
(1) Thenard, Urey (2) Urey, Rutherford shaken and allowed to stand :
(3) Aston, Urey (4) Aston, Chadwick (1) A blue colour is obtained in ether due to
Sol. (1) formation of Cr2(SO4)3
H2O2 was discovered by Thenard where was Urey (2) A blue colour is obtained in ether due to
discovered heavy water. formation of CrO5
red hot (3) A blue colour is obtained in ether due to
2. 4D2O + 3Fe Fe3O4 + gas.
formation of CrO3
The gas produced in the above reaction is :-
(4) Chromyl chloride is formed
(1) O2 (2) H2 (3) D2 (4) None
Sol. (2)
Sol. (3)
The gas produced in the reaction is deuterium. Cr2 O 7 + 2H+ + 4H2O2 2CrO 5 + 5H2O
Blue colour
3. Which of the following compound affects mercury in ether