English Geography Set 3

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Practice Question Paper- 3 Class X - Geography

Time - 2 Hours Total Marks - 40

Note -
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Draw neat diagrams/graphs wherever necessary.
3) Amswers should be written in blue or black ink.
4) Use pencil. Don’t use color pencils.

Q.1) Identify the correct correlation and make a chain. 4

1) Ganga river i) Pau Brasil a) trees shed their leaves
2) Amazon river ii) sediments deposit b) there are islands
at its mouth at its mouth
3) Brazil iii) Teak trees c) country named after it
4) Deciduous forests iv) no sediments d) distributaries at the
at the mouth mouth

Q.2) Identify the wrong pair. 4

1) Rivers and tributaries
a) Sindhu-Satluj
b) Amazon- Uruguay
c) Paraguay –Parana
d) Ganga-Yamuna
2) Mountain ranges and peaks
a) Karakoram- K2
b) Guyana Highlands – Pico de Neblina
c) Mahadeo Ranges – Kalsubai
d) Eastern Ghats – Mahendragiri
3) State and population density
i) Sao Paulo – Dense
ii) Himachal Pradesh – dense
iii) Amazonas – Sparse
iv) West Bengal – Dense
Practice Question Paper - Geography (English Medium) ¨¨ 1
4) Forests and trees
i) Evergreen Forests Mahogany
ii) Deciduous forests – Teak
iii) Thorny and bushy forests- khejri
iv) Coastal forests (mangroves) – Rubber

Q.3) Identify the correct option with the help of the given statement (Any 4) 4
1) It is famous as Marusthali .
a) Highlands b) Thar desert
c) Pantanal d) Delta region
2) It is a rain shadow region in Brazil
a) Pantanal b) Pampas
c) Amazon river basin d) Northern part of the highlands
3) The leaves of the trees are broad and green
a) Evergreen forests b) Deciduous forests
c) Thorny forests d) Himalayan forests
4) This region is suitable for coffee production
a) Rio Grande do Sul b) Ceara
c) Sao Paulo d) Amazonas
5) In India, the rivers here are short in length but are more swift.
a) Western Ghats
b) Eastern Ghats
c) Plains
d) Rann of Kachchh

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Q.4 A) Fill the following in the given outline map and also prepare an index.
(Any 4) 4

i) West Bengal
ii) Tropic of Cancer
iii) Karaikal
iv) Delhi
v) Indira Point
vi) Himachal Pradesh
Q.4 B) Read the following map and answer the given questions.(Any 4) 4

Practice Question Paper - Geography (English Medium) ¨¨ 3

1) Which is the largest river basin in Brazil?
2) In which direction does Paraguay River flow?
3) River Sao Francisco meets at which ocean?
4) Marajo Island is located near the mouth of which river?
5) Write the names of any two north flowing rivers.
6) Name the short-flowing river meeting the South Atlantic Ocean.
Q.5) Give geographical reasons. (Any 2) 6
1) In north-eastern India, sparse distribution of population is found.
2) International tourists are attracted towards Brazil
3) It is necessary to take items required for field visit and the
questionnaires along with us
4) The largest variety of flora is found in Brazil.
Q.6 A) Draw a suitable Line graph with help of following statistical
information and answer the following questions. 6

Number of international tourists (in lakhs)

International 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

tourists (in lakhs)

Brazil 20 50 45 40 50

India 20 21 30 50 140

1) In which year is the number of tourists maximum in India ?

2) In year 2000, how many tourists visited Brazil?
3) In which year India and Brazil have the same number of international tourists?

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Q.6 B) Read the following graph and answer the questions :

i) In which country is the contribution of tertiary sector higher ?

ii) In India, most people are engaged in which occupational sector?
iii) Which country has only 10% of the population engaged in primary sector?
iv) How much does tertiary sector contribute to the national income of India?
v) Which sector contributes the least in the Brazilian national income?
vi) What is the percentage of people engaged in the secondary sector in Brazil?

Q.7) Answer in detail: (Any 2) 8

1) Explain in detail about urbanization in India .
2) Explain about India and Brazil in terms of location, extent and their
3) Explain the impact of Indian Ocean and the Himalayas on the origin of
4) Write a note on the water transport in Brazil.

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