Geography 29-12-23

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2hrs Meenaz Ma’am’s Classes 10th

29 Dec. 2023 Geography 40 marks

 All ques on and ac vi es are compulsory.
1. Complete the following sentences by choosing the appropriate alterna ves from those given and
rewrite the sentences in your answer . 4m
1) Both the countries have __________ type of government.
a) military b) communist c) republic d) presiden al
2) In north eastern part of Brazil ________ type of se lements are found.
a) nucleated b) dispersed c) linear d) star shaped
3) India ranks _________ in popula on in the world.
a) first b) fi h c) seventh d) second
4) Teak is mainly found in the ………. type of forest.
a) Coastal b) Thorny and bush c) Deciduous d) Coniferous
2. Find the odd man out: 4m
1) States in India :
a) Madhya Pradesh b) Maharashtra c) Meghalaya d) Maranhao
2) With reference to flora of India:
a) Deodar b) Anjan c) Orchid d) Banyan
3) Wild animal of Brazil:
a) Anaconda b) Tamiarin c) Red Panda d) Lion
4) Major crops of Brazil:
a) Cocoa b) Coffee c) Soyabean d) Jowar
3. Write answer in one sentence: (Any 4) 4m
1) Loca on of Brazil is in which hemisphere?
2) What are rainforests in Brazil called?
3) Which type of se lements are found in the desert of Rajasthan?
4) Write any one tourist city of Brazil.
5) Which is the most urbanized state in Brazil
4. A. Show the following in the outline map of India with index (any 4) 4m
1) Marajo Island
2) Golden Lion – Tamarin
3) Pico – De – Neblina
4) Highest peak in Brazil
5) Capital of Brazil
6) Pampas grassland
B. Read the following map and answer the ques ons given below (any 4) 4m
1) What does the map show?
2) Name any two airports from Eastern coast.
3) In which states, railway routes are not exist?
4) Name the Southernmost railway sta on of India.
5) Which is the important railway sta on on the route of MumbaiôMangalore? 6. Name the
Northernmost airport of India.
5. Give geographical reasons for the following (any two): 6m
1) There are fewer natural ports on the eastern coast of India.
2) Wildlife in India is decreasing day by day.
3) Popula on density is high in the Ganga plains.
6. (A) With the help of given sta s cal data prepare a simple bar graph and answer the following ques ons: 6m
1)What is the interval of years in the data?
2) During which year did rapid urbaniza on start?
3) Write five sentences about the analysis of graph.
(B) Observe the following graphs and answer the ques ons given below them : 6m

1) What do the above graphs show?

2) Which country has highest male popula on?
3) Which country has highest female popula on?
4) Which country has rapid increase in female popula on a er 2001?
5) What was the female popula on in India in 1961?
6) Which country has more than 1000 female popula on?
7. Answer the following ques ons in detail (any two): 8m
1) Compare the climates of Brazil and India.
2) Write a compara ve note on urbaniza on in Brazil and India.
3) Explain the similari es and differences between the popula on distribu on in Brazil and India.
4) What are the similari es and differences between the fishing ac vi es that are carried out in
India and Brazil?
All The Best ®

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