Juicing PDF
Juicing PDF
Juicing PDF
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in your web browser for a personal (and funny) message from Drew right
He’s been featured on NBC, CTN, and ABC. His passion is helping people
heal, and he is inspiring hundreds of thousands of fans to strengthen their
ties to health and nutrition.
Revealing a simple, step-by-step method that anyone can use, to finally flip
the switch and love the food that loves you back!
This is the follow up book to “Juicing Recipes” that you’re reading right
Inspiration Strikes
1) Kick A Virus
2) The Arouser
5) The Einstein
6) Pimp Juice
7) R.E.L.A.X.
8) Cantaloupe Apple
5) Body Purifier
6) Bone Builder
7) Capri Kiddie Juice
9) Cukeapple Zippy
19) C2L
20) Apple and Cauliflower Juice
Parting Thoughts
A Juice-fueled Journey
My sincerest hope is that this book changes your life. No matter what
your overall health goal is, juicing has the potential to reshape not only your
physical landscape but also your internal workings as well. Ever hear of the
expression, “Green on the inside, clean on the inside?”
Simply drinking just a few glasses a day will supply the essential
vitamins and minerals your body needs.
They are made in your own kitchen, so you know exactly what’s in them.
They supply you with massive amounts of nutrients that your body needs.
You will feel the power of raw energy once the juice hits your blood stream.
One of the foremost reasons I was able to go from 17 percent body fat
down to sub-7 percent was because of juicing. Not that kind of juicing—I’m
talking straight-up, 100 percent pure “green” veggie juice. And maybe an
occasional apple or other fruit for taste.
Within a moment she pulled out a juicer from her small pantry and
gathered veggies from the fridge. As she washed the vegetables, Mr. Ripley
started to chuckle.
FACT: Most people in America are now getting two or less servings of
vegetables a day when they should be getting seven to ten.
Mr. Ripley’s friend’s response was simple. “We are going to juice them.”
Mr. Ripley was unfamiliar with the concept of juicing vegetables, but he
was desperate and ready to do whatever it would take. Simply put: he was
running out of time. Every heartbeat was another gift from God. Each
thump reminded him of all the abuse he had laid on it, including years of
poor sleeping habits and a highly toxic diet. Mr. Ripley was open for a
change that day.
The juice his friend made for him consisted of a couple of carrots, a
cucumber, and some ginger. She handed the cup to him and he grimaced. He
had always had a disdain for the taste of carrots and had never even tasted
raw ginger. But he put the glass up to his lips and took his first sip.
She smiled and reflected on how often she had seen this expression from
newbie juicers.
After Mr. Ripley’s first juice, and with the hope of losing weight and
gaining health, he became a juicing addict. Not only did he start juicing
three times a day, he convinced all of his neighbors to juice. They were
hesitant to take him up on his invitations but they decided to out of respect
and support, since they wanted to keep their friend around.
His doctor wanted to increase the dosage of the medicine, but Mr. Ripley
knew that he no longer needed it and knew that it wasn’t the medicine that
was improving his health and keeping him alive. It was the juice!
After his eldest son William shared his father’s heart-wrenching story, I
realized that I had to get a juicer—ASAP! This would end up being the best
investment for my health that I’d ever make.
At the time, I had lots of energy but was constantly searching for the
nearest coffee shop for my caffeine fix. I was in good physical shape but
nowhere near where I wanted to be. I would often work out twice a day,
sometimes for more than three hours a day. Regardless, I just couldn’t lose
what looked like baby fat surrounding my abdominal region and my little
chipmunk face.
Sound familiar?
Like many people, I was severely dehydrated and didn’t even know it.
Often I would mistake my dehydration for hunger, which forced me into
overeating. For years this went on, and instead of drinking nourishing
liquids I would overeat pizza and other life-draining foods. This is the story
of most of the population. We are “the dehydrated nation” and also the most
overweight. Do you think there is a connection?
More energy
More testosterone
Overall glow
Would you like to have any of these things in your life? If you answered
“yes,” then it is time to learn about one of the greatest discoveries I’ve made
up until this point.
And by “kids” I mean—when you juice, you feel younger, like a kid again.
You just have to experience it for yourself; no one can fully capture what
juicing can do for you until you have savored your first cup.
Since you probably don’t have a glass of fresh vegetable juice in front of
you now, let me explain the multitude of health benefits, regardless of your
age, race, or current physical condition.
It has been said that we are what we eat, and it has been proven that a diet
of fresh juice, legumes, organic fruits, and vegetables will aid you in
obtaining great health. I consider myself living proof!
I believe by adding fresh vegetable juice to your life you will contribute
greatly to your cardiovascular health. As I sit here typing this, my resting
heart rate is anywhere from 45 to 50 beats a minute. If you apply the
principles in this book to your own life, you will enhance your physical
performance, help your blood pressure, gain restful sleep, and increase your
energy—more than you have ever imagined!
I’ve had many friends join me on various social media networks asking for
juice recipes, and then going out and buying juicers. I receive a steady flow
of emails from people who have joined the revolution and who have freed
themselves from destructive habits and failing health.
Every day my friends and I are nourishing trillions of cells in our bodies
with the best form of food we could ever take in. I’m not advocating that you
stop eating food and drink only juice. What I am suggesting, however, is to
plan out five to eight small meals a day and fresh juice in between. My small
meals are basically snacks. This keeps my insulin from spiking and my
metabolism revved up to the max. When your metabolism is working for
you and not against you, you can stop worrying about working out so much
and counting calories.
My body was laden with pounds of excessive fat and I thought the only
way to rid myself of this was to work out—excessively. Boy, was I wrong.
Now, I work out half as much and my body takes care of itself. Once all the
toxins were removed from my system, it was much easier to lose the fat in
those seemingly impossible-to-lose places.
The Benefits of Live Juice
As we all know, we are what we eat. The body needs live food to build live
cells. When I say “live foods,” I’m talking about foods that come directly out
of the soil and are still alive. Raw foods— not cooked or processed—like
beans, nuts, legumes, fruits, and my favorite . . . VEGETABLES!
When we eat live foods, our bodies consume the liquid immediately and
then pass on to the lower digestive tract all of the excess. Imagine an IV of
super, powerful, energy-rich foods pumped immediately into the organ of
your choice, supplying all the quintessential nutrients you need for the day.
The juicer does all of the work for you, so that when you drink that glass of
fresh “heaven in your mouth” (that’s what I call it), you feel it instantly!
The juice from the juicer is much better for you than any juice you can
buy from the store, or even at the local farmer’s market. When juice sits on
a counter or in the fridge, it oxidizes and loses the lion’s share of nutrients.
Plus, juice from a juicer is not pasteurized, meaning it isn’t cooked or boiled
to help it stay on the shelf longer. The fresh juice is literally bursting with
live energy ready to heal, pump, and energize you all day.
Many of my friends first asked me, “Why a juicer? Can’t I do the same
thing with a blender?” The answer, simply, is, “No.” Using a blender puts
pulp into your juice, which is the same thing as eating the whole thing. Your
body still has to expend energy to break it down. While your body does need
fiber—and I do advocate eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables—the
juicer provides you with a cup of pure, unadulterated vitamins and minerals.
FACT: One cup of raw carrot juice contains the same amount of
nutrients as four cups of diced carrots. Carrot juice tastes like a sweet
dessert—without the guilt—and leaves you with energy instead of crashing
from a sugar rush.
You see, vegetables are the building blocks of life! They are responsible
for providing you with strong healthy bones, tissues, muscles, and nerve
support. When you consume vegetables, you can rest assured that you are
getting all—or most—of the nutrients, minerals, and vitamins you need for
that day.
Whole fruits are much easier to digest than vegetables and always should
be taken separately. If I’m going to indulge in a fruit juice, I’ll leave a
window of 30 minutes to an hour before I eat or drink anything else. Most
fruits—like apples, pears, and plums—contain a lot of digestive enzymes that
will keep your digestive system regular. Fruits have the lion’s share of the
antioxidants your body requires as well.
Fruits give me radical amounts of energy before I make my way into the
gym at 6:00 every morning. On occasion, I’ll have a cheat day where I skip
the gym and eat a bunch of not-so-good carbs, like rice or potatoes. On these
days, I’ll prepare by drinking fresh grapefruit juice. This helps control my
insulin levels, keeping me a lean machine—even on cheat days.
Vegetable juicing is always best when you're trying to lose weight. The
minerals and high-potassium content hydrate your cells and force out the
sodium that causes water retention. Regularly drinking vegetable juice helps
super-boost your health and remove toxins in your body.
Many of the green drinks are effective at pushing out excess water and
toxins that could be causing your cells to retain fat. For example, the Mega
Man Green Drink will get rid of the excess water from your cells. The Mega
Man consists of kale, spinach, celery, lemon, dandelion greens, cucumber,
and ginger; it’s also one of my favorites. This combination is a potassium
powerhouse. For taste, you might add half a carrot and a green apple, or
maybe a quarter of a lemon. If you don't do anything else to lose weight, at
least drink one glass (8 to 10 ounces) of this juice every day and see the
Eating enough fruits and vegetables can sometimes be difficult given the
current demanding workloads and fast-paced lifestyles that we all live. Many
of the people who have sat down with me ask me how I have enough time to
meditate, juice, eat healthy, and work out. It’s like I’m some kind of freak
they found at a circus show. My response to them is simple.
Lose the old mentality of eating animal protein, dairy, and pasta at every
meal. Eating a sensible diet loaded in fruits and vegetables is a much
healthier option. When you begin juicing, it does so much more for you than
you could ever imagine.
Eating an abundance of uncooked live foods flushes your body of all the
unwanted toxic chemicals that are in your body. It leaves you feeling
refreshed, rejuvenated, and with a much greater sense of peace and well-
being. If you have ever done yoga or gotten a back massage, the rejuvenated
feeling you have after is similar to the effects of consuming a cup of juice.
The pure foods give your skin a healthy glow. Radiant, some say. The
pure, live food also makes you smell cleaner, leaving you with naturally
fresh breath. Sickly people with low immune systems usually report back to
me with greater immune function and are in better shape after making
juicing a regular part of their life. Getting sick is a thing of the past. One of
the great things that I’ve found while juicing is that my mind is now in
control of my body, and feeds it only what is necessary for the life of the
trillions of cells in my body.
Sometimes, if my joints are sore from lifting, I’ll have a certain juice (that
can be found in this book) and my pains will go away. If my nose is plugged
up from allergies and sinus pressure, I am now the holder of a secret juice
recipe that will knock that symptom’s socks off, getting my sinuses back in
working order. If I feel like I’m coming down with a cold there are several
juices that will give me all the immunity I need to push it out, making the
illness powerless.
There is so much more your juice can do for you. Research points to
certain types of vitamins and minerals in vegetables to be a great
preventative measure for many deadly diseases. I’m therefore convinced
that fresh vegetable juice is the answer to many of America’s health
problems. If you’re overweight, juice. If you’re tired, juice. Lost your shine,
juice. You get my point.
Fruit Juice AND Veggie Juice
The recipes are the “juice” of this book. They are all meant to be mixed
and matched. The way I like my juice may be completely different than the
way you might like your juice. Plus, I’ve been juicing for a while now, so I’ll
double up on a lot of the recipes. My advice for you is to experiment with
what you like.
There are some fundamental base mixtures that you can add to any veggie
juice. There are also some things with which you want to proceed with
caution (which are discussed later). Also, just because you are missing one
ingredient doesn’t mean you should run to the store or not drink the juice
with whatever ingredients you have on hand. Juice it up anyway; you might
surprise yourself.
Green Juices
Green juices are my go-to; my body just loves green drinks. You want to
be careful in the beginning though. If you are not used to the greens, you
could experience some gastric pain. Try mixing your green drinks with
apple, cucumber, celery, or carrots at first.
You can juice (almost) anything green. Cucumbers and celery naturally
give more juice than a lot of the leafy or coniferous vegetables—like
broccoli, for example. It’s always a good idea to make three-quarters of the
cup a watery base by using cucumber or celery, and then the rest could be
spinach, collard greens, cabbage, or beets. This will be the easier for your
digestion at first. Eventually your body will become used to the veggies and
you will be able to drink an entire glass of spinach juice with no problems.
With a few exceptions like apples, lemons, and the occasional orange, it’s
best not to mix your fruits and veggies too much. The fruit will ferment and
become much more difficult to break down. For example, what would
normally take 30 minutes to process in your body will take up to three
hours to process. It’s even worse when you have fruit along with meat. This
expands digestion time from three hours to eight, which is not good on
anybody’s system.
Fruit Juices – Recipe Time
1) Kick a Virus
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. There is truth to this in that the
nutrients found in apples have been known to boost immune function. This
is one of my favorite juices to have in the morning, and it will keep you from
getting ill.
2 apples
1 orange
Peel the orange and cut the seeds out of the apple; they are not good for
you. If the apples are not organic, don’t even bother; they are loaded with
chemicals. Get organic; it will cost you a little more, but the benefits are
entirely worth it.
2) The Arouser
Skip the pills for erectile dysfunction and start juicing this. You will notice
a BIG difference. Try adding a little apple juice for more of a complex taste.
4 strawberries (hulled)
Many of the fruits and vegetables in these recipes will assist you in the
bedroom because they enhance your circulatory system. If the blood is
pumping, your sexual organs should be working as well. Some fruits and
vegetables assist more than others, and this happens to be a combination
that tastes great—and works great too!
3) Aches, Pains, and Sinus Drains
Simple, but amazing. Pineapple juice will cure aches and pains in your
body. Sometimes I’ll come back from the gym and rock out some APSD
juice. If it’s not organic, get rid of the skin. Cut the pineapple into long strips
and juice it up. Make sure you wash the outside of the pineapple before you
begin. Sometimes, when cutting, you can drag the nasty toxins inside to the
meat of the pineapple.
4) Cantaloupe Juice
1/4 of a cantaloupe
Cut the skin off and make the pieces small enough to pop in the juicer.
Make sure when cutting the melon that you wash the skin first; again, you
don’t want to drag the nasties inside to the melon.
5) The Einstein
Grapefruit juice is great for controlling insulin levels on cheat days. It will
give you energy as well as massive amounts of focus. This is a great pre-
workout drink in the morning. I personally love grapefruit; it’s my favorite
fruit. It’s low in carbs and calories, and can speed up your metabolism.
1 grapefruit
4 apricots
1 pear
Take the pits out of the apricots and cut the pear in half. Throw it in the
juicer and turn on the music. It’s about to go down.
7) R.E.L.A.X.
This juice always seems to bring me peace after a long day at work. It’s
also great for hydration, aches, and pains.
2 stalks of celery
1 apple
9) Immunity Plus (Plus)
This drink will raise your immune system faster than you can say “I have
immunity.” Cranberries are great for your GI tract and for ridding your body
of unwanted bacteria.
3 apples
1 cup cranberries
Cut the seeds out of the apple. (Organic apples only.) Put the rest of the
fruit in the juicer.
10) Holistic Holiday Ginger Blast
This is a great juice to make for your guests and visitors around the
holidays. Want to make sure your kids come home to visit you every year?
Apples have a lot of great natural sugar and they aid in digestion. Make this
juice and seal the deal.
3 apples
2 bunches of grapes
1 lemon
Peel the lemon and apples if they are not organic and get rid of the grape
stems if not organic. Wash well.
11) Laugh Attack Juice
I was sitting at the kitchen table with a dear friend and this juice forced us
to go into a fit of laughter for no reason. Try it and LYAO.
1 cup cranberries
If the grapes are not organic, remove the stems. If the pineapple is not
organic, same deal; remove the rind.
I don’t know what it is about this juice, but when I drink it I feel like my
mental acuity spikes instantly. It’s probably the B6 in the broccoli that gets
my mind revved up.
1 cucumber
1 lemon
1/2 of a carrot
Dice the broccoli up so that it fits in the juicer. Peel the lemon if it is not
13) Attack The Day
3 oranges
If they are not organic, make sure you peel them. If they are organic, just
throw them in the juicer. Eating a whole orange can provide you with an
abundance of fiber. Sometimes I eat the orange as I would an apple.
One orange has over 170 phytonutrients and more than 60 flavonoids,
many of which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and
blood clot–inhibiting properties, as well as strong antioxidant effects.
14) Spartacus Juice
This is a great juice to drink before going into battle—or going to the gym.
Whichever. With all of the vitamins of the orange and the insulin controls of
the grapefruit, you can’t go wrong drinking this pre-workout. It gives me
loads of energy for battling against the evil bench press descending from
1 orange
1/4 grapefruit
1 lemon
If all your fruit is organic, leave the skin. If not, cut it off and process in
the juicer.
15) Love Juice
If love had a flavor, this would be it. This has an unimaginable contrast
between the apple, mango, and the pear. It’s great for a dessert juice or in
the morning after a little sleep-in time. You owe it to yourself to try it.
2 apples
1 pear
1/4 of a mango
3 strawberries
Drink it slowly and offer gratitude for the day. Peel the mango, and
anything else that is not organic. Juice the mango first and the strawberries
last to turn this into a tasty sunrise of love and adoration for the day.
16) Purple Passion Juice
This one is fun to make because of the pomegranate. It’s perfect for a
warm summer day. Put it on ice and give a glass to your neighbor. Who
knows, maybe they will start mowing your lawn for you.
1 apple
Dice the pomegranate into pieces. If the juice is a little too bitter, take the
seeds out.
This is a great-tasting juice that is great for cookouts and family get-
togethers. If it’s a hot summer day, you could always throw the fruit in a
blender with some ice. Amazing!
1 orange
Peel the orange to rid the drink of the bitterness, and cut the lime in
half so the juicer can handle it. If it is not organic, peel it. Pour the juice and
add the sparkling water. Add lime or orange to garnish it.
18) Real Gatorade
This is a great drink to quench thirst during a long workout or run. Water
is always the best, but most fruit is up to 60% water.
1 orange
1 lime
1 cup of water
This drink will hydrate you and give you some much-needed Vitamin C to
ward off colds and keep you healthy. Put this on ice if it is hot outside.
I was talking to one of the vendors at a local farmers market and they
told me it is best to eat the fruits that are in-season if you are trying to stay
hydrated. The fruit in-season will have less packaging time and will offer the
best hydrating benefits. Makes sense.
19) Miss Georgia Juice
1 orange
1 peach
Pit the peach. Add the orange. Once you have your juice, add the mineral
water and smile. I don’t know why but this drink makes me smile, probably
because it’s also good for your teeth.
20) Ginger Ginger Ginger (or Ginger3)
Let me introduce you to my good friend Ginger. You have to start slow
with her or she will bite you. She is great for pressing out toxins from your
body and adding a little flair.
2 apples
1 orange
1 knob of ginger
Start this juice out with the apple and end with the apple. This will press
the rest of the ginger out of the juicer. Peel the orange and apple if they are
not organic.
21) Grapple Punch
1 pineapple rind
This is a great juice for you and the whole family. Remove the skin from
the pineapple and the lemon if they are not organic. Put mineral water in.
Why mineral water? Most water has to be processed, and during this
processing it loses minerals. Mineral water, conversely, is usually found in a
mineral-rich water source and has many health benefits.
22) Mountain “Drew”
This won’t make you crash like the other green stuff. Sweet and sour, it’s
like drinking candy.
Cut the honeydew into strips. Slice up the lime. Process the fruit all
23) California Love
Nothing can describe the flavor of California better than the lusciously
passionate pineapple and the sexy succulent strawberries. Put these two
together and you have California in a cup. Don’t believe me? Try it. I dare
1 pineapple round
8 to 10 strawberries
If the pineapple is not organic, remove the skin. Process the fruit in the
juicer. Enjoy the taste of California. If you don’t live in California and would
like to, imagine yourself on the beach while sipping on this cup of California
heaven in hand.
24) Kiwi Kick Myself Silly
This one is like a karate convention in your mouth. The flavors jump-kick
you in the tongue as you slurp down this bad boy.
3 kiwis
1 orange
3 strawberries
Mmmmm. What more can I say? Make sure you peel your fruit if it is not
organic (excluding the strawberries).
This drink will make you happy beyond measure. There is something
about a mango that brings a sense of well-being into your life. Imagine for a
moment the taste of the mango. Smiling yet?
1 mango
3 strawberries
1 apple
Remove the skin from the mango, peel it in half, and remove the pit.
Remove the skin on the apple if it is not organic. When you drink this, think
back to a memory or a time where you felt really good about your life.
Maybe there was a certain someone or something. Remember it.
26) Tenacious Titillating Tampa Juice
When I first moved from Michigan to Florida, I thought I died and went to
heaven. Nothing against Michigan, it’s a great place. It just didn’t have fields
upon fields of tropical fruit, unlike Tampa.
2 oranges
Make sure to peel the orange and the pineapple, if they are not organic.
Cut the orange so it can fit in your juicer.
27) Sweet and Sour Patch Morning
Mmmm. Enjoy the sweet flavor of the pineapple and the sour of the
1 pineapple round
1 grapefruit
This drink will help kick-start your day and give you massive amounts of
energy for a morning workout. Try it and let me know how it works.
28) Zen Zinger
This is the juice of peace and tranquility. If you are experiencing any
problems in your relationships, drink this juice and know that it will work
out how it’s supposed to.
1 piece of ginger
3 kiwis
Peel the fruit if any of it isn’t organic. Start with an apple and end with an
apple. When you drink this juice really center on that person who brings you
a great deal of love in your life. Shift your awareness to someone who you
are having trouble with and see that same type of love in that other person.
Blanket them with love.
29) Fist Pumpin’ Party Time!
Turn the music up and start dancing! This juice is guaranteed to put a
little toot in your booty. (I don’t really know what that means, but run with
it anyway.)
1 pineapple round
1 orange
If the pineapple is not organic, remove and discard the skin. Same goes for
the orange and lemon, or wash it really well.
30) Passion Juice
Whether you want to impress your significant other, or just love yourself,
try this juice on for size. It will make your taste buds stand up and start
hugging each other like crazed hippies.
1 pineapple round
1 bunch of grapes
8 strawberries (hulled)
1/2 of a lemon
Peel the pineapple if it is not organic. Remove the stems from the grapes
and cut the lemon in half.
31) Papple Juice
2 apples
1 pear
Peel both if they are not organic and cut the seeds out of the apple. Enjoy
this over ice on a warm summer day.
32) Pink Panther Flush
This is another sweet and sour classic of mine. Great before the gym or if
you just want a little hop in your step. This juice will help control your
insulin levels while getting your sugar from the apples and using the ginger
to press out toxins. Classic!
2 apples
1/2 grapefruit
1 ginger
Make sure you peel the apples if they are not organic. Put an apple in first
and last.
33) San Francisco Fog Basher
Great drink in the morning to get your heart pumping and your mind
awake. If you are experiencing lack of focus, this is a great drink. The lemon
will help alkalize your body as well.
2 apples
8 strawberries
1 lemon
Peel the apples if they are not organic. Cut the seeds out from the apple
core as well. Wash your lemon with some veggie wash or soak it in
grapefruit juice and water.
34) Drew Juice
This is my favorite fruit juice. First of all, I love the flavor of apple juice,
and when the ginger is added it gives it an amazing kick. Of course, I’m the
guy who would chew on ginger if it were laying around. This is a great one
for cold prevention, as well.
4 apples
1 ginger piece
Try this juice out and you will know what I’m talking about. Make sure
you peel your apple if it is not organic, and get rid of the seeds in the core.
35) Lucy Juice
I have a friend and this is her absolute all-time favorite. It’s a simple mix
and can be mixed with champagne. (That’s the way she likes it.)
8 strawberries
Get rid of the stems if the grapes are not organic. Pour a little champagne
on top to turn this into a party drink or if you need a little hair-o’-the-dog.
36) Sunrise Juice
2 apples
4 strawberries
1 lemon
Cut the skin off the apple if it is not organic and wash the rest of your
fruit. If you are fortunate enough to have a good view of the sun in the
morning, drink this to salute it and give thanks to the sun for providing you
with light and warmth throughout the day.
37) Watermelon Kidney Flush
This is a great juice to detoxify your kidneys and leave you feeling
refreshed and rejuvenated. Very sugar-based, so you might want to do one
part water to one part juice.
Dice up the watermelon to fit in the juicer. Make sure you wash the skin
well. This is where the majority of the nutrients are held.
38) Lemmy the Apple
2 apples
1 lemon
If the apples are organic, juice them with their skins on. The skin is the
most abundant area of the apple for flavonoid content. This will produce
cloudy but more nutritious (and still delicious) apple juicer recipes. This
healthy juicer recipe also makes a great remedy for colds. Peel the lemon if
it is not organic.
39) Berry Medley
2 cups of strawberries
2 cups of blueberries
Berries are among the quickest and easiest of fruits to juice. The only
prepping they need is a quick rinse. Strawberries are a small exception, as
they will need to be topped before juicing.
40) Breakfast Bounce
3 oranges
1 grapefruit
Make sure you peel the oranges and the grapefruit. Place fruit in the juicer
and enjoy.
41) Kiwi Blue
3 kiwis
2 cups of blueberries
I f this were sold on the street corner by the neighbor’s kid, it would be
worth more than a quarter. You really can’t beat this recipe.
2 or 3 large lemons
Peel lemons and cut stem of apple. (Swap out 1 lemon for 1 lime and
bingo, you’ve got limeade). Add ice on those hot days.
43) The Silent Strawberry
1 cup of blueberries
2 apples
2 kiwis
2 pears
Peel kiwis and remove pear stems. People will really enjoy this juice.
45) Melon Medley
Like melons on a hot summer day, you will enjoy this even more.
Tantalize your taste buds with this juice. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
1/2 of a watermelon
1/2 of a cantaloupe
Remove rinds and seeds (except for watermelon seeds). Put contents
in the juicer and enjoy.
46) Tropical Fruit Juice Recipes
My mother loves this one. She is up in Michigan most of the year but
when she visits me in Florida I serve this juice.
1 orange
1 kiwi
1/2 mango
Peel all the fruits, and also pit the mango. Pour the juice in a large glass,
fill to the top with sparkling water, and serve.
47) Kidney Cleanse
This juice has been proven to clean your kidneys out. Careful on the
watermelon; it is really sweet.
2 apples
Wash your fruit. Even slicing a melon that is nonorganic can pull the
toxins from the outside in. Cut the apples into narrow wedges and juice with
the watermelon pieces. Juice, and enjoy healthy kidneys.
48) The Pain Reducer
This juice will help relieve you from aches and pains.
1 lemon
1 orange
2 hard pears
2 apples
Peel orange and lemon, remove pear and apple stems, and juice.
49) S2 (Supreme Splendid)
Once this juice hits your lips the word “splendid” will come out of your
mouth. Promise.
5 strawberries
Peel orange and pineapple, and top the strawberries. Process the fruit in a
juicer and serve. You are going to love this juice.
50) Five-star Tropical Lineup
Nothing says the tropics like this juice. The combination of guava and
mango is amazing. Remember, I’m not neglecting anything from the rest of
this all-star cast. You are going to become addicted to this juice.
1 mango
1 large orange
1 pineapple slice
1 papaya
1 guava
Peel and remove all pits and seeds. This is another favorite juicer recipe of
mine. Awesome on a hot day with ice!
Vegetable Juices – Recipe Time
This is where the start of lifelong health and anti-aging begins. I hope you
are as excited as I am. Fruit juices are great for overall health and well-
being, but nothing says, “I’m going to live to be 200!” like a good green
Vegetables are the building blocks to life. They supply your body with all
of the necessary vitamins and minerals. Did you know that there is actually
more protein in most leafy greens—like spinach and collard greens—than
there is in a steak? These greens are 45% protein. However, you have to eat
a lot of spinach to get the same amount that is in that piece of animal flesh.
Why not juice it instead? Plus, the juice actually tastes better!
Some of these recipes will require a little bit of fruit for taste, although
it’s not necessary. These are my recipes after many wins, and an occasional
loss here or there. I remember a few juices that no one would drink!
Do you have gas in your pants? Feel tired or acidic? Maybe you’ve had one
too many coffees today? This juice will help you bounce back quickly.
1 cucumber
handful of spinach
1 lemon
Cut the skin off the cucumber if it is not organic; it’s good to get rid of the
wax they put on it. If you have the option, buy plastic-wrapped, pesticide-
free cucumbers. Juice the rest of the veggies as normal.
2) Anti-Ulcer / Probiotic Juice
Looking to balance your system out? This juice will do it. When the going
gets tough, the tough get juicing. There are all kinds of probiotics in this
glass of greens. Great drink for clearing free radicals and disease prevention.
2 handfuls of spinach
4 stalks of celery
This juice has been used to clear the skin from within. It is great for
anyone who spends hundreds of dollars per year on late-night infomercial
pimple creams.
6 carrots
Cut the tops off the carrots and bell pepper, rinse, and drink. When
drinking this juice, visualize the nutrients furnishing enough nutrients and
energy to rid your body of the toxins causing these blemishes. See them
going away.
4) Life Regenerator Blood Boost
Drink this juice to purify and give your blood the iron it needs. A 180-
gram serving of boiled spinach contains 6.43 milligrams of iron, whereas
one 170-gram ground hamburger patty contains at most 4.42 milligrams.
5 carrots
1 handful of parsley
2 radishes
6 spinach leaves
4 lettuce leaves
1 piece of ginger
Trim the tops of the carrots off and wash all your vegetables. Put them in
the juicer and enjoy. Drink this juice slowly. I usually spend 15 minutes
drinking a juice like this. You’ve heard the saying, “chew your juice.”
Ever wonder why Popeye was so strong? Iron is the main ingredient in
hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells and is responsible for carrying
oxygen throughout the body. Without enough iron, the body is unable to
produce enough hemoglobin and, as a result, muscles get less oxygen, which
reduces the body’s energy.
5) Body Purifier
I drink this juice to flush out the necessary toxins and give my heart a
2 carrots
1 cucumber
1/2 cauliflower
1/2 of a beet
Cut the top off the carrots and peel the skin off of the cucumber if it is not
organic. Many times, if the beet is not organic, the chemicals will be at the
base where the beet and the stems connect. Make sure it is clean or cut it off
6) Bone Builder
8 stalks of celery
2 carrots
1 bunch of parsley
1 lemon
Dice the celery up small enough to fit in the blender, and trim the tops off
the carrot. Peel them if they are not organic and wash your vegetables.
When kids won’t eat their veggies, it’s because they like sweet stuff. So
this is your “healthy” key to sweeten up the green goodness of the broccoli
and cucumber.
1 broccoli floret
1 cucumber
2 apples
Just be careful not to give them too much apple juice because they could
start running around the house at an accelerated rate. Trim all of the
vegetables so they fit in the juicer. Peel them if they are not organic.
8) Simply Green Machine
Green drinks are my favorite, and more often I go to this type of juice.
Enjoy this one. The parsley is great for eliminating bad breath and body
1 cup of spinach
2 cups of kale
2 cups of parsley
1 cucumber
3 celery stalks
Add a little garlic and/or ginger if you like. Wash thoroughly and juice.
2-1/2 apples
1/2 cucumber
You know anything with the word “heaven” in the title has to be amazing.
Just try it and tell me what you think.
1 cup of spinach
1/2 cucumber
3 carrots
1/2 apple
1/2 cucumber
2 apples
Remove the stems from the apples, cut the cucumber in half, and
juice. The nice thing about both apples and cucumbers is that you get a lot
of juice out of them. This is great when you just need something quick.
12) Parsley Pump Up
1 cup of parsley
1/2 apple
2 carrots
3 celery stalks
Wash all thoroughly, remove apple stem, top the carrots, juice, and enjoy!
13) Bless My Eyes, For Now I Can See!
Carrots and kale, what more can I say? Did Bugs Bunny ever wear glasses?
No. Did he have X-ray vision like Superman? No. Will you have X-ray
vision? Probably not.
6 carrots
1 cup of kale
That’s right; carrots are great for your eyes! Okay, it’s not the actual
carrot; it is the beta-carotene that is in the carrot. When it is converted to
Vitamin A in the liver, it is then transformed to rhodopsin, a purple-colored
pigment that is used at night to see. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant
that aids against macular degeneration, which happens to be the leading
cause of blindness in the elderly.
14) Liver Life
3 apples
Wash all thoroughly, remove apple stems, and put the half- beet in.
15) Green Juice Recipes Energizer
This one is a real blast, brimming with goodness. It’s one of my favorite
weight-loss juices as well.
2 apples
1/2 cucumber
This juice will activate your brain to help recall memories from the past.
This is great for students who are about to take an exam. The mint is the
1 cucumber
1 carrot
1 green apple
1 stalk of celery
Wash and peel all of your nonorganic vegetables. Cut up to fit in the juicer
and enjoy.
17) Energizer Bunny
If you are in an energy slump, this is the juice for you. Get ready to turn
your 9-volt back on. This juice will get you revved up and ready to face the
2 carrots
1 broccoli floret
2 handfuls of spinach
1/2 of a beet
1 lemon
You will love this juice. It’s one of my personal favorites. Trim up the
carrots so they fit in the juicer. If the lemon is not organic, trim the skin off
that as well.
18) Sleep Better Sally
I sometimes drink this juice if I’m having trouble sleeping. It not only
helps you sleep, it cleans your system out while you drift off into la-la land.
Magnesium and zinc are vitamins that help you slumber. Both spinach and
kale are high in magnesium and zinc.
2 handfuls of spinach
4 stalks of celery
3 kale leafs
1 lemon
Great natural detox, I make sure to brush my teeth after this drink and
before bed because the lemon has acid in it that is bad for your teeth
enamel, so you don’t want it sitting on your teeth while sleeping.
19) C2L
This juice calms me and gives me focused energy throughout the night. If
you’ve had a long day at the office, but still have a busy night ahead of you
and need to get lots of stuff done, this is the juice for you.
2 carrots
1 lemon
Drink this juice slowly so your body absorbs the nutrients. Trim the tops
off the carrots and dice them up to fit them in the juicer. I drink this after a
long workout and it eliminates a lot of the fatigue I’m experiencing.
Normally I’m not fond of the way cauliflower tastes, but when you release
a few magical golden delicious apples into the center of it, you will be very
3 apples
Peel the apple if it is not organic, and make sure you wash the cauliflower
21) Carrot and Celery Juice
Celery is a great base juice for any of your mixes. It doesn’t hold a lot of
flavor but it is amazing for your bones. When you add the carrot to the
celery juice, it gives you the flavor you are looking for.
6 celery stalks
3 carrots
Trim up your veggies so they fit in the juicer; remember to cut the top off
of the carrots and wash thoroughly.
22) The Orange and Green Mohawk
This brightly colored drink is amazing for your digestive tract, and it tastes
great too!
4 carrots
1/2 beet
1 handful of parsley
Trim the tops off of the carrots and beet. Wash your veggies.
23) Cauliflower Broccoli Monster
This is a drink that will leave you feeling strong. There is no wonder in it
either; there is a ton of phosphorus in both cauliflower and broccoli.
3 carrots
Trim the top off the carrot and dice your veggies up enough to fit in
your juicer. Bookend your juice with the carrots to maximize your juice
efforts. When drinking this juice, really feel the protein from the broccoli go
into your cells.
24) The Ripley (Believe It or Not)
This is the juice that could have saved Mr. Ripley’s life, and has been one
of his all-time favorites since he started. It also helps that it doesn’t cost an
arm and a leg to make.
3 apples
3 carrots
Peel your apples if they are not organic, and remove the seeds. Trim the
tops from the carrots and, “Voilà!”
25) Lake City Winter Bluice
This is a drink that will warm you up and get your blood boiling. It’s
especially great in my hometown, Lake City, Michigan. What better way to
warm up your body functions than by heating them up with some
nutritious, bold and tasty juice. This juice will chase away the winter blues.
2 carrots
1/2 beet
1 handful of parsley
1 handful of cilantro
1 tomato
1 cup tonic
Wash all of your vegetables thoroughly. Trim the tops off of the carrots
and the beat. Put the parsley and cilantro in toward the middle. Once the
juice is complete, add the tonic and you are off. Garnish with a pickle, if you
26) Cholesterol Cruncher
2 bok choy
8 asparagus
1 apple
2 handfuls of spinach
Wash all your veggies thoroughly. Dice your apple into pieces, remove the
seeds, and peel it if it is not organic. When you drink this juice, imagine
your blood cleaning out and getting healthier. This visualization technique
will be helpful in the healing process.
27) Blood Infusion
This is a power-packed drink for your blood and heart. It opens up your
circulatory system and both beetroot and greens are powerful cleansers and
builders of the blood.
1/2 beet
2 carrots
1/2 cucumber
dash of cayenne
Wash the beets and trim the tops off, clean the red chard, and cut the tops
off the carrots. Enjoy the sweet spice of this drink.
28) Carrot Spinach Juice (GI Tract Special)
This juice helps with digestion and is packed with vitamins. Powerful
stuff! It goes well with your meal.
4 or 5 carrots
3 handfuls of spinach
1 broccoli floret
Trim the tops off of the carrots and wash the spinach.
29) Stomach Soother
1/2 of a cabbage
4 carrots
2 apples
Trim the cabbage and carrots so that they can fit in the juicer. Remove the
apple seeds.
30) White Eye Juice
Ever wonder why people who eat only raw food have white eyes? This is
one of my secret juices that will clean your eyes. Normally when a person’s
eyes are red, it’s due to stress or a stressed out liver. This will detox your
liver and get it working for you again.
Start by avoiding alcohol, refined sugar, and trans fat. You want to clean
your liver as much as possible.
4 carrots
2 leaves of kale
1 lemon
Wash all your vegetables thoroughly. Trim the tops of the carrots. Peel the
lemon if it is not organic.
The liver is the largest gland in the body. It eliminates toxic chemicals
in your blood. It also aids in the absorption of your vitamins and minerals.
Look at the liver like your body’s internal filter, keeping the good and
eliminating the bad. Detoxify by metabolizing and/or secreting drugs,
alcohol, and environmental toxins.
31) House Salad Juice
This is a great juice to drink on a day when you want to feel lean. Maybe
you are going to the beach tomorrow and want to look good in that new
3 carrots
Wash all of your veggies. Trim the tops off the carrots. Dice up the lettuce
and cabbage to fit in your juicer.
32) Got Gray Hair?
This juice will you keep the gray away to come out another day!
2 carrots
Wash all your veggies. Trim the cabbage and the lettuce to fit inside the
33) Super Green Machine
This juice will get you cut up. When you are done drinking this juice, you
will look like you dunked your abs in a bucket of knives. Not really, but you
get my point.
1 cucumber
2 handfuls of spinach
1 broccoli floret
2 leafs of kale
1 lemon
Trim the skin off of your cucumber if it is not organic. Dice up the rest of
your veggies so they fit in the juicer. Peel the skin off of the lemon if it is not
34) Hair Rejuvenator
Worried about losing your hair? Ever notice how alfalfa sprouts look
surprisingly like hair follicles? There are all types of people out there
promising to re-grow your hair, so why not try this organic, chemical-free
4 lettuce leaves
1 lemon
1 cucumber
Trim the tops off your carrots, and wash all the lettuce leaves and sprouts.
Put the sprouts inside the lettuce leaf and juice.
35) Muscle Cramp Stopper
When cramping starts to happen, potassium can help aid you in muscle
2 carrots
6 asparagus
6 celery stalks
Trim the tops off the carrots and wash your vegetables.
36) Infection Fighting and Virus Beater
Garlic is a natural antibiotic; it will help ward off any unwanted colds. Be
careful not to add too much garlic, especially if you are going out on a hot
1 garlic clove
2 apples
2 carrots
1/2 beet
1 lemon
Skin the garlic and trim the tops off the carrots. Cut off the top of the
beets and peel the lemon.
37) Jicima Juice
Are you afraid to admit that you don't know what jicama (pronounced
“hik-a-muh”) is? Well, fear not, I had no clue either. But it is very refreshing
in juice!
1 slice of jicama
3 carrots
1/2 beet
1 handful of parsley
Jicama is great for an upset stomach. Make sure you wash all your
vegetables, and slice the tops off of your carrots.
38) Hopeful Heart
Great detoxifier juice and amazing for your heart and liver!
3 apples
1/2 beet
Wash all your vegetables. Peel the apple if it is not organic. Cut the top off
of the beet and let the juicing begin.
39) L.A. Lung Juice
This is a great juice for detoxifying your lungs. If you are a little
congested, this could free up some of the mucus that is clogging you up.
1 handful of parsley
4 celery stalks
4 sprigs of watercress
The calcium content in these vegetables will strengthen your bones and
1/2 cucumber
2 kale leaves
1 lemon
Wash and trim your vegetables. Make sure you peel the lemon and
cucumber if they are not organic.
41) Stamina Boost
1/2 cucumber
2 bok choy
4 carrots
Trim the tops off the carrots and peel your cucumber if it is not organic.
42) Pancreases Pump
Pump up the pancreas with this juice. The pancreas is in charge of insulin
production. Insulin is responsible for breaking down glucose in your body.
Pump up your insulin and burn body fat effectively and efficiently. What is
good for the pancreas is good for the entire body.
2 apple
4 carrots
2 lettuce leaves
4 string beans
2 Brussels sprouts
1 handful of sprouts
Make sure you wash all your vegetables. Put the sprouts inside the lettuce
leaf and juice.
43) Go-Go Juice
This is a great juice to have in the morning before or after a workout. This
is one of my favorite juices, getting me revved up and ready for the day.
Simple to make but the rewards you get from the nutrients are incredible.
1/2 cucumber
1 lemon
1 ginger piece
2 apples
4 celery stalks
If you are in an energy slump, this is the juice for you, getting you revved
up and ready to slay the day.
2 carrots
1 broccoli floret
1 ginger knuckle
2 handfuls of spinach
1/4 beet
1 lemon
This juice is one of my personal favorites. Trim up the carrots so they fit
in the juicer. If the lemon is not organic, trim the skin off that as well. Wash
the rest of the vegetables with "veggie wash" and get ready to dominate life.
45) Hot Stuff
1 jalapeno
1 cucumber
1/2 beet
Wash your vegetables, and peel the cucumber if it is not organic. Place the
vegetables in the juicer.
46) Red Devil
Like spicy food? This juice is for you. Imagine your favorite Mexican dish
in a glass. This one is great for headaches and congestion. I also love this
one due to the fast-acting metabolism boost in the jalapeno and cayenne.
1 jalapeno
1 beet
1 lemon
1 dash of cayenne
Wash your vegetables. Cut the top off of the beet. Juice your vegetables
and put a little cayenne pepper when stirring this juice up. (Stir up the juice
with the pepper when done.)
Spicy foods can kick the metabolism into high gear. Juicing a
tablespoon of chopped red or green chili pepper can temporarily boost your
metabolic rate by 23 percent. This lasts for 30 to 45 minutes after eating.
Capsaicin (the chemical that puts the spice in your life and melts away
body fat) also helps to inhibit inflammation and is beneficial in the
treatment of arthritis and nerve disorders.
47) Hellatios Habanero
This one is at a Level 10 on the hot gauge. If you like a burning sensation
in your mouth, then this one is it. Habanero peppers contain amino acids
that help regulate body functions. They contain Vitamin A and C.
1 lemon
1 habanera
1/2 cucumber
4 carrots
1 handful of parsley
Granted it’s a little spicy, but it’s an amazing juice to clean out your liver.
Peel the lemon and trim the tops off of the carrots. Enjoy.
48) Sexy Skin Sap
This juice is great for colds and nausea. It is also great for smoother, age-
defying skin.
1 lemon
1/2 cucumber
1 bunch of watercress
2 carrots
1 ginger root
Wash all your vegetables and peel the cucumber and lemon if they are not
49) Skin Revival
Are you ready to help diminish those fine lines and wrinkles? Have you
been spending countless dollars on high-end beauty products and facials?
Well get ready to feast your face on this.
2 leaves of chard
1 lemon
2 carrots
2 leaves of kale
Wash your vegetables. Cut the tops off of the carrots and peel the lemon if
it is not organic. Process in the juicer.
50) Beet the Street Juice
This is a juice I like to drink before a long run. This gives me sustainable
energy and it tastes delicious. Be careful at first, though, if you are not used
to beets.
1 beet
4 celery stalks
1 lemon
Cut the tops off of the lemon and beet. Peel the lemon if it is not organic
and process your vegetables in the juicer.
51) Zip Zap Zing Juice
This a powerful juice to drink before a meeting and when you need extra
brainpower. This will give your brain the zip-zing that it needs to focus on
the task at hand and get stuff done.
1/2 cucumber
1/2 beet
2 stalks of celery
1/2 lemon
1 ginger root
1 handful cilantro
1 handful of chard
Wash your vegetables. Place the herbs in the juicer halfway through to get
the maximum benefit of the nutrients. Peel the lemon and cucumber if they
are not organic. Cut the tops off of the cucumber and the beet. Process in
the juicer.
52) Nite Nite Sleep Tight Juice
Having trouble sleeping? This will have you falling to sleep faster than
you can count five sheep.
2 bok choy
1 cucumber
2 handfuls of spinach
1 lemon
Wash your vegetables. Peel the cucumber and lemon if they are not
organic. Put the rest of the vegetables in the juicer and say good night. Z-z-z-
z-z . . .
53) The Situation Six-Pack
Get ready to pop out that sexy six-pack when chugging this alkaline goody.
2 carrots
1 cucumber
3 handfuls of spinach
1/2 lemon
Cut the tops off the carrots and peel the cucumber and lemon if they are
not organic.
54) Extreme Juice
This juice is extreme! Coming out of the gates, we have the jalapeño that
will open up your circulatory system and get you ready for the day—or
anything else!
1 jalapeño
1 cucumber
2 handfuls of spinach
1 lemon
3 mustard leaves
Make sure to peel the lemon if it is not organic, and the cucumber. This
should make an 8-ounce glass of juice.
—Drew Canole
Maybe having a low body fat percentage is not your ideal goal, but
optimum health is. If this is the case, the juice will help. However, exercise
is a must! Even if it’s just walking at first, you must take action. The hardest
part for most people in the beginning of a regimen is to build up
sustainability in doing so. The following five actions have helped me
tremendously with my discipline and in my ability to take action.
It’s a hard pill to swallow when you realize you’re the creator of
everything that comes into your experience. Once you take ownership of it,
you will begin to free yourself from all of the restrictions you’ve come up
with in the past.
You must take ownership and responsibility of the time you have in the
present moment. Stop procrastinating. Once you master this discipline, you
can get outside of your physical body and move this discipline to higher
realms. Until then, you will be stuck on the island of blame with no escape.
Don’t let yourself be a victim. Far too many people have the victim
mentality. Don’t try to rationalize why you are where you are right now by
blaming other people and ill circumstances. Admit to yourself that you are
in the situation you are in it because of what YOU’VE done and no one else.
Take control of your life. You can’t go back to the past, but today you can
start to create a new, healthy, enduring, and vigorous life.
5:30: Wake up! (Ten minutes of gratitude. Drink 1 liter of water and
grapefruit juice, equal parts. All of my gym clothes are laid out ready to go.
The easier I make it, the less I will fail.)
6:00: Gym time. I have a timer set to give me 1 hour in the gym.
Set a Goal
If you really want to take your game to the next level, create urgency in
your situation. Set a goal to run a race or some other type of competition.
Far too often, we have no goals or plan, and we fail. Winston Churchill said
it best: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Create a plan and
stick with it. Write out what you would like to accomplish—even if it is
walking to the mailbox in two weeks, write it out.
Every cell in your body craves homeostasis, or balance. When you start to
do something that is outside of the norm, some of the people in your life
may not approve. Let’s face it, not many of my friends crave broccoli and
carrot juice at 6 a.m. before a workout on a Saturday morning.
This is the best part—you make new friends. You don’t have to get rid of
your current friends; you just supplement them with these new individuals.
In doing so, make sure they are the type of people who love broccoli and
carrot juice, or at least accept you for you.
Once the habit is formed it becomes part of your overall lifestyle and, in
turn, your habits transcend into your values. If you can set your standards
up to this level then you’ve got it. Having sustainability once you cherish
and value this new routine should make it next to impossible for you to fail.
There will be times when you just can’t make it to the gym, or go for a walk,
run, jog, yoga, etc.
DO NOT beat yourself up for it. Always honor yourself for your
courageous discipline and enjoy the day off. The great news is, once you
manage to master your physical body, you can use this same process in all
other facets of your life: spiritual, financial, relationships, communication,
and so forth.
We can sit here and debate calories vs. carbs, or circuit training vs. long,
slow running all day. But decidedly, if you don’t have the mindset of the
person you want to be, then you will never change. Real long-term change
comes from within. Change your mind, change your body, change your life.
I Live To Give . . .
And the way I know I’ve delivered value to you is through your honest
Amazon Reviews.
Revealing a simple, step-by-step method that anyone can use, to finally flip
the switch and love the food that loves you back!
This is the follow up book to “Juicing Recipes” that you’re reading right
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Limits of Liability: This book is a general educational health-related information product. Drew
Canole is not a certified health professional and the claims in this book are based upon already existing
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encourage all readers to seek the advice of a physician before beginning any new health regime. Y ou
agree to hold the author of this book harmless from any and all liability for all claims and damages.
(Not that there should be any, you’re drinking juice for goodness sake.)
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