S4VHL Pump: Hydraflow

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S4VHL Pump
990 mm

380 mm
840 mm

500 mm

Pump Weight 79 Kg Aluminium or 140 Kg Cast iron

SPP Pumps Limited. Telephone: Document No: W79-003E

Revision No: 4
Crucible Close ++44(0)1594 832 701 Revision Note No: Windchill
Mushet Industrial Park
Coleford Fax: Date Issued. August 2012
Gloucestershire Produced at SPP Pumps
GL16 8PS
++44(0)1594 836 300 Limited, Coleford, England

We SPP Pumps Limited

Of Crucible Close
Mushet Industrial Park
GL16 8PS

Declare that:


Serial Number: As shown on the Pump Nameplate

In accordance with the following Directive:

2006/42/EC Machinery Directive
have been designed and manufactured to the following specifications:
EN 809:1998+A1:2009 Pumps and Pump Units for Liquids - Safety Requirements
EN 12100:2003 Parts 1 and 2 - Safety of Machinery

We hereby declare that the equipment named above has been designed to comply with the
relevant sections of the above referenced specifications. The units comply with all essential
requirements of the Directive.

Name: John Hollins
Position: Engineering Manager - Authorised to sign on behalf of SPP Pumps Limited
Mushet Industrial Park, Coleford, Gloucestershire, England, GL16 8PS
Date: 19 February 2010

Our policy is one of continuous improvement and we reserve the right to alter specifications at any time
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Operators Instructions for Manual No/Rev
HYDRAFLOW S4VHL Hydraulic Submersible Pump W79-003E / 4


1.1 Power Unit 4
1.2 Hydraulic Hoses 5
1.3 Submersible Pumps 5

2.1 Safety Symbols 5
2.2 Submersible Pump Safety Precautions 6


3.1 Transport 6
3.2 Storage 6

5.1 Pump Installation 6
5.2 Operation 6

6.1 Oil Specifications: 7
6.1.1 Hydraulic Oil: 7
6.1.2 Lubricating Oil: 7
6.2 Maintenance Chart 7
6.3 Pump Disassembly: 7
6.4 Pump Assembly: 8
6.5 Pump Hose Connection: 8

7.1 Preliminary Check List 9
7.2 Troubleshooting Guide 9


8.1 Pump Section Drawing 10
8.2 Parts List 11


Our policy is one of continuous improvement and we reserve the right to alter specifications at any time
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Manual No/Rev Operators Instructions for
W79-002E / 4 HYDRAFLOW S6TC Hydraulic Submersible Pump

The purpose of this handbook is to lay down circuit will cause damage to the unit and will
operating guidelines and routine void the warranty!
maintenance for the HYDRAFLOW S4VHL
hydraulic drive submersible pump. The pump Is capable of a wide range of
applications as it is not subject to normal
Instructions and statements contained suction lift limitations.
within this handbook are given with our best
intentions and are correct at the time of
compilation. They are subject to alteration 1.1 Power Unit
at any time The power unit should be selected to meet
the power requirements of the pump for the
The S4VHL pump is designed to operate pump duty.
with hydraulic input flows to 95 l/m (5.7
m3/h) and a maximum pressure of 200bar Hydraulic circuits must be open centre,
(2900psi). single direction and have an unrestricted
return flow from the hydraulic motor to the
Operating this unit at pressures or flows in oil reservoir. Please review the hydraulic
excess of those listed above or connecting schematic.
this unit to a closed centre or reversing

Return Filter Return Filter with Pilot Controlled Pressure

Wear Indicator By-Pass Valve System Relief Gauge
Hydraulic Pump

(On/Off) Suction
Oli Cooler
Oil Reservoir

Valved Quick Oil Reservoir

Release Hose

Fixed Displacement
Hydraulic Motor

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Operators Instructions for Manual No/Rev
HYDRAFLOW S4VHL Hydraulic Submersible Pump W79-003E / 4

If you are not sure if the hydraulic power hoses are fitted incorrectly, damage or
source being used to drive this pump is danger may result.
properly sized or connected, call Sterling
Fluid Systems Limited. The hoses are supplied with quick release
couplings that must be correctly fitted
The power unit should be located as near to before starting the pump. Due to these self-
the pump location as possible. The sealing couplings, the hoses will remain
maximum length of hydraulic hose that may filled with oil when not in use.
be used without a significant reduction in
pump performance is 40m. However, by Damaged hoses should not be used, due to
increasing the hose diameter, performance the high pressure of the oil, a burst or leak
can be restored. Consult Sterling Fluid is hazardous, any damaged hose must be
Systems for more details. replaced and returned to the supplier for
testing and repair before reuse.
The power unit is usually driven by a diesel
engine that may be mounted inside a noise- 1.3 Submersible Pumps
reducing canopy for use in noise sensitive The S4VHL has a vortex impeller with 4”
areas to comply with local noise regulations. discharge. This pump is from a wide range
of submersible pumps to suit a variety of
The fuel tank should be sized to give pump applications.
extended running time. The running time
will depend upon the pumping load. For borehole applications use slim-line
pumps, for compact high volume
The power unit should be provided with requirements use axial flow pumps, for
automatic shutdown to prevent damage in open water pumping use a conventional
the event of low levels of engine or pump with a vertical side discharge port.
hydraulic oil and high engine or hydraulic oil
temperature. To pump sewage or similar liquids with
solids or sludge content use pumps with
The speed of the engine should be vortex impeller and for maximum
adjustable to suit the load on the pump, performance with clean water use pumps
reducing the speed for reduced demand will with a channel impeller.
increase fuel efficiency and reduce wear.
All pumps are driven by simple and reliable,
To minimise the potential harmful effects on compact hydraulic motors and are fitted with
the environment in the event of an oil leak mechanical seals.
or spillage, Sterling Fluid Systems
recommend the use of Biodegradable
Hydraulic 46 Oil. However, the pump will
run satisfactorily on good quality hydraulic 2. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
oils of viscosity below 150SSU @ 38°C
(100°F) or equivalent specification. 2.1 Safety Symbols
Note: When using vegetable (Rape Seed) based Safety instructions within this manual are
biodegradable oil it is important to check marked with the following symbols:
the condition of the oil frequently as it tends
to breakdown more quickly than the more This symbol refers to general
expensive mineral or synthetic mechanical aspects of safety.
biodegradable oils.
NOTE – DO NOT MIX OILS This symbol refers to electrical
To minimise wear and maintain pump
performance, the hydraulic oil must be This symbol gives warning of a
replaced regularly and the hydraulic circuit ATTENTION hazard to the pump itself, which in
must be fitted with a 10micron filter. turn could cause a risk to personal
1.2 Hydraulic Hoses
The hydraulic hoses supplied for use with
this equipment are designed to prevent
incorrect connection, but if non-approved

Our policy is one of continuous improvement and we reserve the right to alter specifications at any time
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Manual No/Rev Operators Instructions for
W79-002E / 4 HYDRAFLOW S6TC Hydraulic Submersible Pump

2.2 Submersible Pump Safety Precautions

2.3.1 Ensure that the hydraulic power supply is 5.1.2 Check that the power unit has been
turned OFF and disconnect the hydraulic installed correctly by reference to the
hoses from the pump before working on the operating instructions.
5.1.3 Check the hydraulic hoses visually for
2.3.2 Check the type of liquid being pumped damage that may have occurred since the
before working on the pump. Residues pump was last run, any damage noted
could be hazardous to your health. If in should be reported and the hoses replaced
doubt flush out with clean water before work before the pump is run.
5.1.4 Ensure that the hydraulic couplings are
2.3.3 Personnel working on the pump unit must clean and free from grit or dust that may
always wear clean correctly fitting clothing prevent a leak-proof connection or
and safety footwear. Clothing impregnated contaminate the oil. Connect the hydraulic
with oil or fuel can constitute a health suction and delivery hoses making sure that
hazard through prolonged contact with the the hydraulic couplings are properly and
skin and may also constitute a fire hazard. securely connected.

NOTE – Due to the pressure of the oil retained in

3. TRANSPORT & STORAGE the hoses when disconnected, it is easier to
connect hoses to the RETURN circuit first.
3.1 Transport This will allow the pressure to decay before
connecting to the pressure circuit. Always
The pump is suitable for all normal forms of
connect the ‘Male’ hose end connection
transport. When lifting use the lifting point
provided. Ensure that the unit is strapped
down securely for vehicle transport.
5.1.5 Lay out the hoses to the pump, ensuring
that each hose is fully uncoiled and is free
3.2 Storage from kinks. The minimum bend radius of
The pump should be stored upright in a well the hose is 300mm.
ventilated, dry location. For extended
storage refer to Sterling Fluid Systems for 5.1.6 If these hoses pass over roadways, ensure
guidance on additional protection. that they are protected by suitable means to
prevent damage by crushing.
5.1.7 Connect the hydraulic hoses to the pump
A serial number plate is attached to the unit, ensuring that the hydraulic couplings
pump unit on the top plate over the volute are properly and securely connected.
5.1.8 Connect a suitable pump delivery hose to
This serial number must be quoted in any the pump outlet connection and direct the
enquiry for spares or service. hose to the required discharge point.

5.1.9 Lower the pump unit into the liquid to be

pumped, ensuring that the pump remains
upright for best performance.
Serial No.
Model NOTE – Do not lower or raise the pump using the
Max. Oil Flow L/m hydraulic hoses, a lifting point is provided on
the pump for attachment of a shackle and
Max. Oil Press. Bar
lifting chain or rope.
Weight Kg
5.2 Operation
5. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Refer to the operating instructions for the
power unit for starting and stopping the
5.1 Pump Installation pump.
5.1.1 BEFORE attempting to operate this pump,
read the safety and operating instructions
on the power unit and in its’ handbook and
this handbook carefully.

Our policy is one of continuous improvement and we reserve the right to alter specifications at any time
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Operators Instructions for Manual No/Rev
HYDRAFLOW S4VHL Hydraulic Submersible Pump W79-003E / 4

6. PUMP MAINTENANCE to breakdown more quickly than the more

expensive mineral or synthetic bio-
degradable oils.
6.1 Oil Specifications: NOTE – DO NOT MIX OILS

6.1.1 Hydraulic Oil: Look especially for a darkening in colour as

Sterling Fluid Systems recommend the use an indicator of reduced lubrication
of Bio-degradable Hydraulic 46 Oil. performance or contamination and arrange
However, the pump will run satisfactorily on to drain the system, clean the tank and
good quality hydraulic oils of viscosity below replace with new oil.
150SSU @ 38°C (100°F) or equivalent
6.1.2 Lubricating Oil:
Note: When using vegetable (Rape Seed) based Use clean Bio-degradable Hydraulic 46 Oil
bio-degradable oil it is important to check or 20W Hydraulic Oil or Mobil 10W30
the condition of the oil frequently as it tends Synthetic Oil.

6.2 Maintenance Chart

Period Maintenance Items Required
Daily Check hydraulic hoses for damage and replace as required. Spare hydraulic hoses
Check Diesel fuel level, top-up as required. Diesel Fuel
Check Hydraulic oil level, top-up as required. Hydraulic Oil
250 hours Check the oil level in the pump bearing housing: Lubricating Oil
The level should be at the spill point of the fill plug (#18).
The pump holds about 1440ml do NOT overfill.
500 hours Replace the oil in the pump bearing housing Lubricating Oil (1440ml)
Replace hydraulic oil filter element. (10 micron filter) Oil Filter Element.
1000 hours Drain hydraulic oil, clean the reservoir tank and replace with Hydraulic Oil (100 l)
new oil. Cleaning Solvent

6.3 Pump Disassembly: 6.4.7 Secure the shaft from turning by locking
it with shaft retaining tool (part #
6.4.1 Remove (6) bolts (#19) from lifting bracket (#3). HT0609001) or suitable alternative tool.

6.4.8 Remove impeller locking screw (#30)

6.4.2 Remove the remaining (2) bolts holding the
and retaining washer (#29) and unscrew
bearing housing (#22) to the volute. Use
jacking bolts to separate if necessary. The impeller (#26) counter-clockwise.
bolts holding the volute and bearing housing
6.4.9 Inspect impeller for wear and inspect
together are the same thread as the jacking
bolts. wear plate (#23) for excessive wear.
Replace if severely worn.
6.4.3 Check the volute wear ring (#27) for wear. If
worn excessively (deeply grooved), remove ring 6.4.10 Remove shaft seal cartridge (#25) and
by using a puller or by tapping ring upward from inspect for wear. Seal should be replaced
whenever disassembling for repair.
inside the volute. Replace the ring if required.

6.4.4 Check condition of "O" rings (#24 and #28) and 6.4.11 Remove snap ring (#11) and remove
shaft (#13) and bearings (#12 and #14)
replace if necessary.
as in assembly. Applying heat evenly
6.4.5 Remove (4) bolts (#9) from hydraulic motor over the bearing housing will facilitate
(#5). Because of it's extremely long life, close easy removal of shaft and bearing
tolerances, high efficiency and the relatively low
cost of a new motor, it is more economical to
replace the hydraulic motor than to rebuild if 6.4.12 Visually inspect shaft, bearings and
inside of bearing housing. Replace if any
worn. Inspect "O" ring (#10).
of these show signs of wear.
6.4.6 Place a drain pan on flat surface and turn
6.4.13 If bearing replacement is necessary, use
bearing housing upside down to drain oil from
adequate bearing puller or press to
Our policy is one of continuous improvement and we reserve the right to alter specifications at any time
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Manual No/Rev Operators Instructions for
W79-003E / 4 HYDRAFLOW S4VHL Hydraulic Submersible Pump

remove bearings from shaft. Do NOT use heat

to remove bearing from shaft. 6.4.2 Shaft seal (#25) is kept extremely clean
at all times. Be careful not to scratch
sealing surfaces. Install ceramic seal
6.4 Pump Assembly: seat into rubber boot carefully to be sure
rubber is seated properly. Install seal
cartridge onto shaft carefully using oil to
Assembly is performed in the reverse order
lubricate the carbon face and the rubber
of disassembly with care taken to be sure
bellows. Install the impeller slowly to be
sure it contacts the seal evenly and
applies pressure properly to seat the seal
6.4.1 After shaft and bearing assembly are installed assembly. Be sure carbon face of
in housing, snap-ring (#11) is secured and shaft rotating cartridge contacts smooth side of
rotates freely. stationary ceramic seat.


Rubber cap

Spring Polished
Ceramic Face
Retainer Carbon Face
Rubber Bellows

Mechanical Seal Arrangement


Mechanical Seal Arrangement


6.4.3 "O" ring are properly installed in grooves. The pump will run backwards and pump
water though at noticeably lower volumes.
6.4.4 Impeller locking screw (#30) is secured
properly to XX NM torque (40 ft. lbs.)(58 6.5 Pump Hose Connection:
NOTE – When the pump hose connections have
6.4.5 Drive assembly rotates freely before
been disconnected from the hydraulic motor
installing into volute. The hydraulic motor
it is IMPORTANT to ensure that they are
and seal will cause some drag. Be sure
refitted correctly. Refer to the Figure for the
hose ports are open on the motor so as not
correct position of each hose connection.
to get hydraulic binding.

6.4.6 Anti-seize lubricant should be used on all

fasteners when re-assembling pump.

6.4.7 Bearing housing is refilled with oil to the

bottom of the fill plug (#15) spill point.

6.4.8 Before submersing pump, test run on dry

Check for proper rotation of impeller.
(Counter-clockwise looking into volute inlet)

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Operators Instructions for Manual No/Rev
HYDRAFLOW S4VHL Hydraulic Submersible Pump W79-003E / 4

hydraulic motor and/or pump components

due to over speeding.
7.1.2. Be sure the submersible pump is connected
to a single direction open centre power
INLET OUTLET source. The submersible pump is not bi-
‘FEMALE’ ‘MALE’ directional and operating in reverse rotation
HOSE HOSE can cause seal failure in the hydraulic
CONNECTION CONNECTION motor. The system must be open centre
at all times (return flow from the
submersible pump motor must be allowed
OVERHUNG to flow freely to the system oil reservoir).
Do not use hydraulic directional valves that
SIDE OF block the return flow when in the centre
MOTOR position of the valve. This type of valve is
for hydraulic cylinder operation only and will
cause the submersible pump to stop
INLET OUTLET abruptly when moved to the centre position
PRESSURE RETURN of the valve. This will cause excessive
pressure on the return side of the motor
PORT PORT causing seal failure and possible shaft
OVERHUNG 7.1.3. Be sure that the hydraulic hose connections
SIDE OF MOTOR are clean and properly connected. When
Hose Connections using quick released hose couplers, you
muse be sure that they are completely
connected. A partly connected coupler will
7. TROUBLESHOOTING result in seal damage to the hydraulic motor
and pump seal.
7.1 Preliminary Check List
7.1.4. Be sure that the pump is submerged
7.1.1. Check the hydraulic power source to be adequately. This is especially important for
sure the oil flow volume and available vortex impeller pumps since the impeller is
pressure is within the range of the recessed up into the top of the volute.
submersible pump. If the power source is
capable of supplying oil in excess of the
required flow, damage will result to the

7.2 Troubleshooting Guide


Hydraulic Pressure High Hydraulic Pressure Low Air Trapped in Volute

(above 70 BAR - 1000PSI) (below 70 BAR - 1000PSI)

Check Hydraulic Power Check Vent Screw

Unit with Submersible (on some models) to
Pump disconnected to be be sure it is not plugged
Submersible Pump Submersible Pump
sure it is functioning
NOT Spinning Spins
properly Lower Pump into liquid
while operating
Hydraulic Motor or Discharge Head Too
Lack of Water in Pump
Pump Bearings Seized High for Pump Lay Pump on it’s side with
the discharge in 12 o’clock
position to allow air
Replace Hydraulic Motor to escape
Pump Inlet Obstructed
or Pump Bearings
Remove Layflat discharge
hose that may trap air
Impeller Discharge Hose Clear debris from
Jammed Kinked or Plugged Inlet or Strainer

Hydraulic Motor Worn

Remove Top Cover Clear Hose of obstruction Pump not Properly
and free Impeller Submerged
Replace Motor

Replace Layflat Be sure Pump is

Discharge Hose with submerged initially to Excessive Wear
Rigid Hose or Pipe Oil Filler Plug on on Impeller
Bearing Housing

Replace Worn Parts

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Manual No/Rev Operators Instructions for
W79-003E / 4 HYDRAFLOW S4VHL Hydraulic Submersible Pump


8.1 Pump Section Drawing


24 31,32

14 33


29 26 27 28
25 30




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Operators Instructions for Manual No/Rev
HYDRAFLOW S4VHL Hydraulic Submersible Pump W79-003E / 4

8.2 Parts List

Always mention serial # when ordering parts
Item Part # Description
1. HT9300313 Pigtail Hose Assembly 1" x 3/4”
HT9300146 Pigtail Hose Assembly 1"
2. -------- (Not used on this model)
3. HT9300290 Lifting Bracket
4. HT0000153 Lock Washer, 1/2", stainless (2 req.)
5. HT9300412 Hydraulic motor
6. 19394/M Quick Release Flat Face Hydraulic Connector: 1"NPT Male
7. 19394/F Quick Release Flat Face Hydraulic Connector: 1"NPT Female
8. --------- (Not used on this model)
9. HT0000154 Hex Bolt, 1/2" x 1", stainless (4 req.)
10. HT0700156 O Ring
11. HT0100157 Snap-ring
12. HT9300158 Bearing, upper
13. HT9300159 Shaft
14. HT9300158 Bearing, lower
15. HT0200161 Hex Plug
16. --------- (Not used on this model)
17. --------- (Not used on this model)
18. --------- (Not used on this model)
19. HT0009119 Hex Bolt, 1/2" x 1-1/2", stainless (8 req.)
20. HT0000166 Hex Bolt, 1/2" x 3/4", stainless (3 req.)
20a. HT9300287 Vent Bolt , stainless
21. HT0600153 Lock Washer, 1/2", stainless (4 req.)
22. HT9300151 Bearing housing (Aluminium)
HT9300227 Bearing housing (Ductile Iron)
23. HT9300167 Wear plate
24. HT0700168 O Ring
25. HT9300169 Seal Assembly (Standard Carbon/Ceramic)
HT9303169 Seal Assembly (Optional Silicon Carbide)
26. HT9300160 Impeller
27. HT9300171 Wear ring
28. HT0700168 O Ring
29. HT9300173 Cone Washer
30. HT0000174 Socket head bolt, 1/2" x 1-1/4", stainless
31. HT0003508 Hex Head Bolt (1/2" x 2" SS) (4 req.)
32. HT0000153 Lock Washer, 1/2", stainless (4 req.)
33. HT9300310A Discharge Adaptor 4" NPT(F) aluminium
HT9300310 Discharge Adaptor 4" NPT(F) ductile Iron
34. HT9300314 O Ring (for 0310 )
35. HT9300308A Volute (Aluminium)
HT9300308 Volute (Ductile Iron)
36. HT9300294 Strainer Base
37. HT0000176 Lock Washer, 5/8", stainless (4 req.)
38. HT0000179 Hex Bolt, 5/8 x 1", stainless (4 req.)
Part Not Illustrated
19428 Bauer 4"Male/4NPT Male

Our policy is one of continuous improvement and we reserve the right to alter specifications at any time
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Manual No/Rev Operators Instructions for
W79-003E / 4 HYDRAFLOW S4VHL Hydraulic Submersible Pump


SPP Pumps operate a comprehensive Spares and Service support network throughout the world, and can be
contacted as follows:

SPARES & SERVICE Telephone: +44 (0)118 932 3123

For spare parts, supply only. ask for - Spares Dept.

For breakdowns, spare parts and on-site fitting, pump installation and
commissioning, and service contracts. ask for - Service Dept.

For breakdowns outside office hours. Telephone : + 44 (0)118 930 3259

Spares & Service Office

SPP Pumps Limited General Fax line: + 44 (0)118 930 3259
1420 Lakeview
Arlington Business Park
Reading, Berkshire, RG7 4SA Direct Fax line: +44 (0)118 932 3123

Copies of this manual are available from the SPP Pumps Spares & Service Department by quoting reference
number W79-003E and the relevant issue number.

Our policy is one of continuous improvement and we reserve the right to alter specifications at any time
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