Looking at Airplanes: To Explore The Science of Flight

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Looking at


National Air and Space Museum
Exhibits and Public Services Department
Public Services Division
Looking at Airplanes
How to Use This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Quick Reference to How Airplanes Fly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Let’s Explore the Basic Principles of Flight

1903 Wright Flyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

A Wing that Lifts More than 2 Tons

Spirit of St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Streamlining Pays Off

Lockheed Vega . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Why Does It Look Modern?

Douglas DC-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Jet Power!
Bell XP-59A Airacomet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Speed Faster than Sound

Bell X-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Dual Controls — for Air and Space

North American X-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Looking at Airplanes
Welcome to the
National Air and Space Museum
This guide is for visitors to use before or after they have visited the How
Things Fly gallery.You will compare wings, engines, streamlining, and controls
on seven airplanes in the Museum.Through your observations you will discov-
er how airplanes fly and how the science of flight makes these and other
aircraft look the way they do.
The map below will appear throughout the booklet. Each of the seven airplanes
will be highlighted as you move from one to the next.The orange timeline
along the top right of each page places each of the airplanes in history.

Take one of the escalators from the main first-floor lobby to the
second floor balcony, overlooking the Milestones of Flight gallery.
To begin, position yourself in the middle of the balcony so you are facing the
Wright Flyer (highlighted below).
All seven aircraft explored in this booklet can be seen from this general area.


that orients
visitors to
the galleries
containing the
Stand here to view airplanes X seven airplanes.

Quick Reference to
How Airplanes Fly
Lift Four forces affect things that fly: weight, lift,
Drag thrust, and drag. When an airplane flies, the
wing is designed to provide enough lift for the
airplane’s weight. The engine provides enough
thrust to overcome drag and move the airplane
forward. The forces are interconnected, so a
Weight change in one affects the others. For example,
increasing the weight increases the amount of lift
needed. A larger wing provides more lift, but that in turn increases how much drag
must be overcome, and that increases the thrust required to maintain speed.


Air flowing over the top surface of a curved wing Faster, Lower Pressure Air
flows faster and has lower pressure than the less
obstructed air flowing beneath the wing.The
pressure differences between the top and bottom
surfaces push the wing up, lifting the airplane.
Increasing the curvature of a wing or expanding the
Slower, Higher Pressure Air
surface area increases its lifting ability.


Elevators are the movable surface on an airplane that control the airplane’s nose in
an up and down or pitch axis. Rudders are used to control the airplane’s nose in a
left to right or yaw axis. Ailerons (pronounced ay-Lĕr-ahns) are used to control
the airplane’s movement in a roll axis—moving one wing higher than the other.

Pitch Yaw Roll


Vertical Tail

Horizontal Tail

Increasing the speed of an airplane increases the lift its wing provides. At slow
speeds, airplane wings need more surface area and a thicker curved cross section
to provide enough lift. At faster speeds, airplane wings need less surface area, so
they can be smaller and still provide enough lift.
Increasing an airplane’s speed also increases drag or resistance to oncoming air. The
overall performance of faster airplanes is improved with streamlining, which helps
reduce drag.


As an airplane moves through the air, it makes pressure waves that radiate from it at
the speed of sound, about 1,120 kilometers (700 miles) per hour. When an airplane
travels at the speed of sound (Mach 1), it catches up with its own pressure waves,
which bunch together into a shock wave.When an airplane travels faster than Mach 1,
it flies ahead of its pressure waves, creating an oblique shock wave at its nose.

Let’s Explore the Basic
Principles of Flight
COMPARE the large FIND the engine, drive
surface area of the Flyer’s chains, and propellers that
two wings with other move the Flyer forward.
airplanes in the gallery. The 12-horsepower engine is just
Why such big wings? (After all, they to the right of the pilot.The engine
don’t have as much weight to lift as drives the two propellers in the
the other airplanes.) The Flyer is rear of the airplane with chains and
lighter, but it is also much slower. A sprockets.The propellers generate
slow airplane needs more surface thrust, which pushes the airplane
area on its wings to provide forward.The Flyer’s airspeed was
enough lift.That’s why the bicyclist- around 48 kilometers (30 miles)
powered Gossamer Condor above per hour.
you has such long wings.
FIND the movable surfaces
that control the airplane.
 The elevator, located in front of the
airplane, controls the up-and-down
movement, called pitch.
 The rudder, located in the rear,
MILESTONES OF FLIGHT controls the side-to-side movement,
You can
called yaw.
view this
 The wing tips twist in opposite
airplane directions, causing one wing to dip
from this lower than the other and the airplane
location to rotate, a movement called roll.
on the The Wright brothers realized the
need to control an airplane in
three dimensions or “axes,” and
floor. they were the first to figure out
X Stand here to view airplane how to do it.


1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960

This Airplane
in Time





THINK further. 1903 Wright

 In how many dimensions or axes can
a car be controlled? (one—yaw) Flyer
 How about a bicycle? (two—yaw The 1903 Wright
and roll) Flyer made its
inaugural flight
TRY this: Show how a pilot on December 17,
turns an airplane. 1903, near Kitty
Hawk, North Carolina. The flight
Stretch out your arms and “fly” in a
was a turning point in human
circle. Did you fly with one “wing”
history, the moment when a pilot-
lower than the other and your
controlled, powered airplane took
nose pointed up? That is how an
to the sky for the first time.
airplane turns. Pilots bank it, yawing The 1903 flight was not simply
toward one side, rolling one wing about being the first. With this
lower than the other, and then airplane Orville and Wilbur
raising the pitch of the nose so the Wright demonstrated the basic
airplane stays level. Moving into a solutions for powered, controlled
turn, the pilot controls an airplane flight. Today, a Boeing 747 flies by
in three axes at once. the same principles as the 1903
Flyer: Wings lift the airplane’s
FIND the controls weight, engines thrust the
the pilot uses. airplane forward, and movable
surfaces control the airplane in
The pilot activated the elevator by
three-dimensional space.
moving the stick located just to his
left. He operated the rudder and
twisted the wings simultaneously by
using his hips to move the cradle that
he was lying in from side to side.
A Wing That Lifts
More Than 2 Tons
NOTICE the primary fuel
tanks—the large gray area Rudder
of the fuselage in front of
the door.
Charles Lindbergh and the Ryan
engineers had a dilemma: where to Elevator
store the 1,710 liters (450 gallons)
of fuel needed for the ocean cross- the side window or used the
ing. Even though it meant the loss periscope. (It is visible near the
of his front window, Lindbergh window on the other side.)
decided it was safest to position
the engine and fuel next to each LOOK at the Spirit’s
other and for him to sit behind wing tip.
them.To look forward, Lindbergh That thickly curved top and flat
turned the airplane and looked out underside provide lift at the Spirit’s
relatively slow speed of 137 to171
kilometers (86 to 107 miles) per
hour.This speed and wing shape
were typical of the time period.
MILESTONES OF FLIGHT The wing is often called a “high-lift
You can
wing.” With its large fuel load,
view this however, the Spirit needed extra
airplane lift, so the wing was made 3
from this meters (10 feet) longer than other
Ryan models of the time.
on the READ about how the Spirit
second lost weight.
floor. Even with the extra lifting ability of
the Spirit’s wing, Lindbergh still had
X Stand here to view airplane
to justify every ounce of weight.
PIONEERS OF FLIGHT One by one he eliminated pieces
of equipment and supplies: his
parachute, radio, a 1.35-kilogram

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960

This Airplane
in Time
Curved Top

Flat Underside


Carburetor Heater

Main Fuel Tank

(3-pound) carburetor heater, all

food except five ham sandwiches
Spirit of
and all but a small ration of water. St. Louis
He did change his mind on one
item (and it wasn’t the sandwiches!). Charles Lindbergh
He nearly had engine failure over left New York in
the Rocky Mountains during an the Spirit of St.
earlier transcontinental flight when Louis on May 20,
his carburetor iced up. Begrudgingly, 1927. He arrived in
Paris 33 hours, 30 minutes later.
he had the carburetor heater
He was the first person to fly
reinstalled for the Paris flight.You
nonstop from New York to Paris.
can see it just behind the engine.
When Lindbergh first
contacted Ryan Airlines in early
TEST YOURSELF! 1927 to purchase this airplane,

he knew customized design

FIND the Spirit’s control features would be necessary for a
surfaces and compare them
6,400-kilometer (4,000-mile)
with the Flyer’s.
nonstop flight. He worked closely
The elevator is part of the hori- with the engineers at each step.
zontal tail, and the rudder is part of They calculated that 1,710 liters
the vertical tail.The “wing twisting” (450 gallons) of fuel were needed,
has been replaced by ailerons including emergency fuel for 800
located on both sides of the wing’s extra kilometers (500 miles).
trailing edge. Extra fuel tanks were added, and
a wing was designed to provide
enough lift for the additional
1,215 kilograms (2,700 pounds)
of fuel.

Pays Off
NOTICE the Vega’s added 32 kilometers (20 miles) per
smooth, rounded fuselage. hour to the airplane’s maximum
The exterior skin is molded speed.The Vega’s wing—braced
plywood glued to an internal inside and stronger than the
frame.This construction strength- Spirit’s—does not have external
ened the fuselage, because both supports or “struts.” And the Vega’s
the skin and the internal frame rounded fuselage reduces wind
provided structural support. resistance (drag) too.
Compare the Vega’s fuselage with
the boxy shape of the Spirit’s.
THINK further:Why was
streamlining important for
Which looks more streamlined? the Vega?
LOOK for other stream- An important clue lies in the Vega’s
lining features on the Vega. 450-horsepower engine. It was
twice as powerful as the Spirit’s, yet
The Vega has a “cowling” or cover
its maximum speed is only 96
on the engine and “wheel pants”
kilometers (60 miles) per hour
on the landing gear.These alone
more than the Spirit’s. Additional
speed means an airplane can lift
MILESTONES OF FLIGHT more weight, but extra speed also
You can increases wind resistance, or drag.
Increased drag slows the airplane
view this
down and uses up fuel.Think of
athletes who wear streamlined
from this clothing to reduce drag.
on the
READ about a man
ahead of his time.
Jack Northrop always had his sights
floor. set on the future. As he developed
X Stand here to view airplane designs to solve problems for a
wood-framed Vega, he was
PIONEERS OF FLIGHT exploring techniques for building
aluminum airplanes. Perhaps most

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960

This Airplane
in Time



Wheel Pants

revolutionary was his design in the

late 1920s for a “flying wing.”
Lockheed Vega
Northrop presented his ideas to
Amelia Earhart
the U.S. Army Air Corps, but the owned this Vega
airplane wasn’t developed because between 1930
it had a seemingly unsolvable and 1933. She
problem with pitch control. With flew it solo across
the United States and then across
the Atlantic. It is one of 130 that
were built, establishing the Vega as
one of the first commercial
successes in aviation.
During the late 1920s and early
‘30s, Vegas had a reputation for
being reliable and efficient.
Adventurers used them to set speed
and distance records and to explore
the globe. Many transportation
the advent of computer-controlled companies used them because the
flight, the Air Force again became airplane could carry up to four
interested in his plans. Before he passengers as well as heavy bulky
died in 1987, Northrop was invited cargo. Much of the Vega’s success is
to the unveiling of the B-2 stealth due to designer Jack Northrop. He
bomber—a “flying wing” based devised construction techniques
upon his designs. Pictured above is that strengthened the fuselage for
the Northorp NM-1 that was carrying more weight and opened
developed in 1940 and is in the up its interior for better use of the
Museum’s collection. space. He also streamlined the
Vega, which contributed to its
overall performance.

Why Does It
Look Modern?

IDENTIFY the features

that make this airplane Aileron
look like modern passenger
It has a large fuselage with win-
dows, large wings, and large twin Spirit and the wood construction of
engines.The shape of the fuselage the Vega) could have a larger fuse-
and other surfaces are streamlined. lage and larger wings and therefore
And it is made of aluminum! could carry more weight.

THINK further:What’s so NOTICE the rivets on the

great about aluminum? fuselage and the wings.
It is stronger and lighter than The aluminum skin was attached
wood. An aluminum airplane with rivets to an internal aluminum
(unlike the mainly wood and fabric frame. Just like the Vega, the exter-
construction of the Flyer and the nal skin and the internal frame
both provide support and add to
the airplane’s strength.



DC-3 looks the way it does?
 Why are the wings so large? They
provide lift for the heavy cargo, pas-
sengers and fuel the DC-3 typically
Escalator carried on long-distance flights.
 Why are all the surfaces rounded?
The 1,200-horsepower engines pro-
vided a cruising speed from 248 to
X Stand here to view airplane
304 kilometers (155 to 190 miles)
You can view this airplane
PIONEERS per hour, so drag reduction was
from this location on the
OF FLIGHT important.The DC-3 has a rounded
second floor.
fuselage, a smooth, curved area
where the wing is attached to the

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960

This Airplane
in Time



fuselage, cowlings surrounding the

engines, and retractable landing gear.
Douglas DC-3
 Find the control surfaces used on the The DC-3 became
DC-3.The rudder, elevator, and a legend in its
ailerons are located similarly to the own time. The
Spirit and the Vega.The ailerons airplane’s
extend across a large portion of the strength and reliable
wing.This gives extra control in the twin engines made it an industry
roll axis. favorite. By 1938 the DC-3 han-
dled most of the nation’s airline
traffic and assured the commer-
IMAGINE taking a flight cial success of passenger service.
on the first DC-3.
The DC-3, or “Gooney Bird”
It is June 1936.This first model is as it was affectionately nicknamed
outfitted as a luxury sleeper.There during World War II, typically
are seven upper and seven lower carried up to 21 passengers. It was
berths.You board in New York at known for providing a smooth,
6 p.m. with a friend, comfortable quiet ride over long distances at
clothes, a toothbrush, and your an impressive speed of 288
favorite pillow. After dinner, you set- kilometers (180 miles) per hour.
Thousands of DC-3s were built,
tle into your berth and close your
and the resulting growth in pas-
eyes. Before you know it (unless
senger travel created profits for
you were awakened by the three
the airlines for the first time.
or four refueling stops), it is 10 a.m., There are still 400 DC-3s in
and you are landing in Los Angeles. service today.
How far can you travel today in 19
hours on a large jetliner?

Jet Power!

FIND the engines SEE how a typical

on the XP-59A. jet engine works.
There aren’t any propellers. A jet
engine works on a different principle
than a piston engine. A piston engine
and propellers generate thrust by
creating differences in air pressure
around the propellers. A jet engine’s
burning fuel sends gases out the
back of the engine with such force
that the airplane is thrust forward.
The same principle explains the Air is drawn into the front of the
movement of a balloon if it is filled engine, compressed by spinning
with air and then let go.Try it when blades, and forced into a combus-
you get home! tion chamber. In the chamber, the
air mixes with fuel and ignites in a
continuous burn.The gases blast
out of the back of the engine with
tremendous force.The equal and
MILESTONES OF FLIGHT opposite reaction thrusts the
You can airplane forward.
view this

from this COMPARE the wings of

location the Spirit,Vega, and DC-3
with those of the XP-59A.
on the
Why does the XP-59A have
second a thinner wing?
floor. A main benefit of the jet engine is
X Stand here to view airplane increased speed.The XP-59A’s
560 kilometers (350 miles) per
PIONEERS OF FLIGHT hour increased the lifting ability of
the wing, so less wing area was

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960

This Airplane
in Time

Air Intake

needed.The increased speed also

increased drag. A thinner wing
Bell XP-59A
helps reduce drag. Airacomet
LEARN more. The XP-59A is the
Try to find the combustion cham- direct ancestor
bers on the piston, jet, and rocket of American
engines in the How Things Fly gallery.
airplanes. It was
commissioned in 1941 by the
Chief of the Army Air Forces. The
airplane never entered combat,
but it provided training for Army
Air Forces personnel and valuable
data for the development of
higher-performance jet airplanes,
including contemporary jetliners,
which can carry 400 passengers at
800 kilometers (500 miles) per hour.
The XP-59A was constructed in great The “X” in its name means it
secrecy. The United States was unaware is an experimental airplane. When
that Germany had jet airplanes ready the Army Air Forces ordered its
development, there was hope that
for combat, so elaborate precautions
jet technology would evolve fast
were taken to avoid spying. While the
enough to support U.S. efforts in
airplane was being tested in Muroc Dry
World War II. That did not hap-
Lake, California, officials disguised the pen. Even so, the XP-59A reveals
XP-59A’s jet technology by attaching a basic features of a jet airplane.
fake propeller to its nose.

Speed Faster
Than Sound

NOTICE the sleek oxygen. Unlike a jet, a rocket

fuselage, skinny nose, and carries its own oxygen, usually in
short, thin wings. liquid form.The exhaust gases that
At the speed of sound, a second rush out the back of the rocket
kind of drag—caused by shock exert pressure on the internal sur-
waves—affects how the airplane faces of the rocket engine, which
must be designed.These are three pushes the rocket forward. It is
major features on the Bell X-1 that easy to tell the difference between
help diffuse shock-wave drag. a jet and a rocket engine: a jet
engine has an opening for air intake
FIND the engine: Do you but a rocket engine does not.
see openings for drawing in
air like a jet engine? SEPARATE the rockets
There are no openings for air.The
from the jets.
Bell X-1 is powered by a rocket From the middle of the second
engine. Like a jet engine, a rocket floor balcony, identify two other
engine burns a mixture of fuel and rocket-propelled airplanes and two
jet airplanes.The rocket-driven air-
planes, in addition to the Bell X-1,
MILESTONES OF FLIGHT are the black North American
You can X-15, hanging in the Milestones of
view this Flight gallery, and the white Douglas
D-558-2 Skyrocket, to the right of
the X-15 and hanging above the
from this escalator.The jet airplanes you can
location see are the XP-59A, which we’ve
on the already discussed, and the Lockheed
F-104A Starfighter, which is hanging
to your left by the Planetarium.
X Stand here to view airplane READ what the pilot said.
You can find the control surfaces for
PIONEERS OF FLIGHT all three axes on the Bell X-1. But
during the time Chuck Yeager
was its test pilot, the engineers

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960

This Airplane
in Time

were still uncertain

about controlling the
Bell X-1
airplane at high
The Bell X-1 was
speeds.They weren’t modeled after a
sure what would hap- .50 caliber bullet.
pen to an airplane Engineers used
that attempted to go that shape because
through shock waves. bullets were known to maintain
Some believed that stability at supersonic speeds. The
the whole airplane would vibrate and success of the X-1 proved that
break apart from the pressure. airplanes could be designed for
Others thought there was no “sound faster-than-sound flight. It also
barrier.” As Yeager approached the dispelled the notion of an actual
physical barrier at the speed of
speed of sound, the airplane began
sound. Streamlined design and a
to buffet, but once Yeager passed
rocket engine were critical factors
Mach 1, the airplane smoothed out.
in reaching Mach 1.
He remarked later,“Grandma could On October 14, 1947, Capt.
be sitting up there sipping lemonade.” Charles “Chuck” Yeager flew the
Bell X-1 at an altitude of 13,106
TEST YOURSELF! meters (43,000 ft) at a speed of

more than 1,120 kilometers (700

THINK about the lift miles) per hour, faster than the
wings like these provide at speed of sound (Mach 1).
slow speeds.
Not enough! The Bell X-1 landed at
high speeds on a 4.8-kilometer
(3-mile) runway. (It could take off
under its own power, but was air
launched to save fuel.)


Dual Controls—
for Air and Space

FIND the controls used in

Earth’s atmosphere.
The movable surfaces on the wings
that look like ailerons are actually Flaps
flaps, which provide additional lift
as the airplane lands. What look to
be elevators on the rear horizontal
Combination Elevators
tail function as both elevators and Ailerons
and ailerons.They can move up
and down together to control THINK further:Why
pitch, or they can move in oppos- wouldn’t these controls
ing directions to control the roll. work in near-space?
The rudder on the vertical tail These controls work by changing
controls yaw. the pressure of the air that flows
over the control surfaces of the
airplane.There is no air above the
Earth’s atmosphere, and therefore
no air pressure to change.

MILESTONES OF FLIGHT FIND the controls used in

You can near-space.
view this Find the two holes on the side of
airplane the airplane’s nose, the two on top,
from this and the two on the wing. When
you return to the first floor and
look up at the X-15, you’ll see
on the another six—two under the nose
second and two each on the wing. Rocket
floor. thrusters control the airplane while
it is high in the Earth’s atmosphere.
X Stand here to view airplane
Gases blast from the holes with
PIONEERS OF FLIGHT such force that they push the air-
plane in the opposite direction.
(This is the same principle by which
jet and rocket engines work).

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960

This Airplane
in Time

MATCH the rocket North

thrusters with the three axes
of control. American X-15
Twelve rocket thrusters control the
airplane in three axes.Two on each The X-15 is a
side of the nose control yaw, two rocket-powered
research air-
each on the top and bottom of the
plane. It was
nose control pitch, and one each
built to fly in both
on the top and bottom of each wing
air and space and to
control roll. Just over 50 years after gather information for future
the Wright brothers realized the space exploration. In 1959 the
need for control in three axes, their X-15 became the first winged
insight was applied to travel in space! aircraft to reach the fringes of
Earth’s atmosphere, flying to an
READ what the pilot said. altitude over 107 kilometers (67
When X-15 test pilot Scott miles), and the first to attain
Crossfield was asked how he knew speeds of Mach 4, 5, and 6—up to
7,200 kilometers (4,500 miles) per
when it was time to use one set of
hour. That is fast enough to fly
controls rather than the other, he
across the United States from coast
replied, “When one didn’t work, I
to coast in 40 minutes!
simply used the other.” Three X-15s flew 199 research
missions. During the formative
TEST YOURSELF! days of Project Mercury, America’s

first attempt to put a person in

COMPARE the X-15 orbit, NASA engineers gave serious
with the Bell X-1. Identify
consideration to building a larger
three key features on both
version of the X-15 for the
airplanes that reduce
Mercury missions. But they deter-
shock-wave drag.
mined that a blunt-body reentry
They have skinny noses; sleek, nar- vehicle, such as Friendship 7,
row fuselages; and short, thin wings. exhibited in the Milestones of Flight
gallery, better deflected the heat
and buffeting from shock waves.

Flying Further
 FLIGHT by Don Lopez
A richly illustrated and fun-to-read introduction to the history
and science of flight.The perfect book for beginning aviation
enthusiasts of all ages.

 “Bookmarks” with recommended reading lists for

families or preschoolers or budding curators are available in
the How Things Fly gallery Resource Center.You can also
preview recommended books while visiting the Center.

 Visit the National Air and Space Museum online at

http://www.nasm.si.edu.To go directly to the How Things Fly
gallery: http://www.nasm.si.edu/GALLERIES/GAL109

Special thanks to Bill Tinkler for his inspiring and patient instruction in
aeronautics, the staff and Docents at the National Air and Space Museum
for their good ideas, and Museum visitors for their suggestions; also to
David Gant and his colleagues in the Museum’s Exhibits Division for
their support.

Author Clare Cuddy
Photographers Carolyn Russo (color photos on pages 6, 8, 10, 14, 18)
and Mark Avino (color photos on pages 12, 16)
Additional photo credits B&W photo on page 10, Smithsonian
Institution Negative 83-2946 and B&W photo on page 14,
History Office, Edwards Air Force Base, CA
Cover photo Cessna 172, courtesy of the Cessna Aircraft Company. You
can sit in the pilot’s seat of a similar model, a Cessna 150, in the How
Things Fly gallery.
Design Groff Creative, Inc.

Major support for the How Things Fly gallery and the “Looking at
Airplanes” visitors guide was generously provided by The Boeing
Company and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

National Air and Space Museum
Educational Services
Public Services Division
Exhibits and Public Services Department

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