Sat Consti Fajardo V People To Harris V US

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Fajardo v People GR No.

190889, January 10, 2011


In the evening of August 27, 2002, members of the Provincial Intelligence Special Operations Group (PISOG)
were instructed by P/Supt. Mendoza to respond to the complaint of concerned citizens residing on Ilang-Ilang and
Sampaguita Roads, Park Homes III Subdivision, Barangay Andagao, Kalibo, Aklan, that armed men drinking liquor at the
residence of petitioner were indiscriminately firing guns.
Along with the members of the Aklan Police Provincial Office, the elements of the PISOG proceeded to the area.
Upon arrival thereat, they noticed that several persons scampered and ran in different directions. The responding team
saw Valerio holding two .45 caliber pistols. He fired shots at the policemen before entering the house of petitioner.
Petitioner Fajardo was seen tucking a .45 caliber handgun between her waist and the waistband of her shorts,
after which, she entered the house and locked the main door. To prevent any violent commotion, the policemen
desisted from entering petitioner’s house but, in order to deter Valerio from evading apprehension, they cordoned the
perimeter of the house as they waited for further instructions. At around 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. of August 28, 2002,
Senior Police Officer 2 Clemencio Nava (SPO2 Nava), who was posted at the back portion of the house, saw Valerio
emerge twice on top of the house and throw something. He recovered the discarded objects, which turned out to be
two (2) receivers of .45 caliber pistol.
The warrant was served on petitioner at 9:30 a.m. Together with a barangay captain, barangay kagawad, and
members of the media, as witnesses, the police team proceeded to search petitioner’s house. Since petitioner and
Valerio failed to present any documents showing their authority to possess the confiscated firearms and the two
recovered receivers, they were convicted by RTC of illegal possession of firearms and explosives.
With regard to petitioner’s defense that the items allegedly belonged to her brother, Benito Fajardo, a staff
sergeant of the Philippine Army. RTC ruled that ownership is not an essential element of illegal possession of firearms
and ammunition. What the law requires is merely possession which includes not only actual physical possession but also
constructive possession or the subjection of the thing to ones control and management.
The CA concurred with the factual findings of the RTC, but disagreed with its conclusions of law, and held that
the search warrant was void based on the following observations:
[A]t the time of applying for a search warrant, SPO1 Nathaniel A. Tan did not have personal knowledge
of the fact that appellants had no license to possess firearms as required by law. For one, he failed to make a
categorical statement on that point during the application. Also, he failed to attach to the application a
certification to that effect from the Firearms and Explosives Office of the Philippine National Police. x x x, this
certification is the best evidence obtainable to prove that appellant indeed has no license or permit to possess a
firearm. There was also no explanation given why said certification was not presented, or even deemed no
longer necessary, during the application for the warrant. Such vital evidence was simply ignored.
Resultantly, all firearms and explosives seized inside petitioner’s residence were declared inadmissible in
evidence. However, the 2 receivers recovered by the policemen outside the house of petitioner before the warrant was
served were admitted as evidence, pursuant to the plain view doctrine.

(Contention of Fajardo) - She argues that no valid intrusion was attendant and that no evidence was adduced to
prove that she was with Valerio when he threw the receivers. Likewise absent is a positive showing that any of the two
receivers recovered by the policemen matched the .45 caliber pistol allegedly seen tucked in the waistband of her shorts
when the police elements arrived.

The seizure of the two receivers of the .45 caliber pistol outside petitioner’s house falls within the purview of the
plain view doctrine:
First, the presence of SPO2 Nava at the back of the house and of the other law enforcers around the premises
was justified by the fact that petitioner and Valerio were earlier seen respectively holding .45 caliber pistols before they
ran inside the structure and sought refuge. The attendant circumstances and the evasive actions of petitioner and
Valerio when the law enforcers arrived engendered a reasonable ground for the latter to believe that a crime was being
committed. There was thus sufficient probable cause for the policemen to cordon off the house as they waited for
daybreak to apply for a search warrant.
Secondly, from where he was situated, SPO2 Nava clearly saw, on two different instances, Valerio emerge on
top of the subject dwelling and throw suspicious objects. Lastly, considering the earlier sighting of Valerio holding a
pistol, SPO2 Nava had reasonable ground to believe that the things thrown might be contraband items, or evidence of
the offense they were then suspected of committing. Indeed, when subsequently recovered, they turned out to be two
(2) receivers of .45 caliber pistol
In this case, petitioner Fajardo was neither in physical nor constructive possession of the subject receivers. The
testimony of SPO2 Nava clearly showed that he only saw Valerio on top of the house when the receivers were thrown.
None of the witnesses saw petitioner holding the receivers, before or during their disposal. At the very least, petitioner’s
possession of the receivers was merely incidental because Valerio, the one in actual physical possession, was seen at the
rooftop of petitioner’s house. Absent any evidence pointing to petitioner’s participation, knowledge or consent in
Valerio’s actions, she cannot be held liable for illegal possession of the receivers. Petitioner’s apparent liability for illegal
possession of part of a firearm can only proceed from the assumption that one of the thrown receivers matches the gun
seen tucked in the waistband of her shorts earlier that night. Unfortunately, the prosecution failed to convert such
assumption into concrete evidence. Mere speculations and probabilities cannot substitute for proof required to
establish the guilt of an accused beyond reasonable doubt. The rule is the same whether the offenses are punishable
under the Revised Penal Code, which are mala in se, or in crimes, which are malum prohibitum by virtue of special law.
The quantum of proof required by law was not adequately met in this case in so far as petitioner is concerned.

Harris v. United States, 390 U.S. 234 (1968)


Pursuant to a departmental regulation, a police officer searched a impounded car held as evidence of a robbery. The
search completed, the officer opened the car door for the purpose of rolling up a window and thus protecting the car
and its contents. On opening the door, the officer saw, exposed to plain view, the automobile registration card
belonging to the victim of the robbery. This card was used as evidence in petitioner's trial. Petitioner's conviction was
affirmed by the Court of Appeals over his contention that the card had been illegally seized following a warrantless

Issue: The sole question for our consideration is whether the officer discovered the registration card by means of an
illegal search.


The discovery of the card was not the result of a search of the car, but of a measure taken to protect the car while it was
in police custody. Nothing in the Fourth Amendment requires the police to obtain a warrant in these narrow
Once the door had lawfully been opened, the registration card, with the name of the robbery victim on it, was plainly
visible. It has long been settled that objects falling in the plain view of an officer who has a right to be in the position to
have that view are subject to seizure and may be introduced in evidence.

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