22 Cable Statistics PDF

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The document discusses statistics, technical considerations, cost factors, and case studies of underground cable projects in power networks.

Some of the technical considerations discussed include electrical insulation, heat transfer, construction and installation methods, electrical design, and operation of underground cables.

One of the major cable projects mentioned is the network upgrading around the city of Tunis, Tunisia which included installing nearly 500km of 90kV and 200km of 220kV underground cables between 1998-2006.

Athygliverðir punktar:

Bls 5, 31, 39, 147, D3




Working Group

December 2007
WG B1.07

Statistics of AC underground cables

Power networks

Working Group B1.07 Members

Steve Swingler - UK (Convenor)

John Daly - Ireland (Secretary)
Ken Barber - Australia
Rudolf Woschitz - Austria
Alain Gille - Belgium
Ray Awad - Canada
Josip Antic - Croatia
Christian Jensen - Denmark
Anne Chauvancy* - France
Matthias Kirchner - Germany
Ernesto Zaccone* - Italy
Masao Matsumura - Japan
Gert Aanhaanen - Netherlands
Christer Akerwall* - Sweden
Walter Zenger - USA

*The original members of the working group were Monique Le Stum, Marcello Del Brenna and
Johan Karlstrand

Copyright © 2007
“Ownership of a CIGRE publication, whether in paper form or on electronic support only
infers right of use for personal purposes. Are prohibited, except if explicitly agreed by
CIGRE, total or partial reproduction of the publication for use other than personal and
transfer to a third party; hence circulation on any intranet or other company network is

Disclaimer notice
“CIGRE gives no warranty or assurance about the contents of this publication, nor does it
accept any responsibility, as to the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the information. All
implied warranties and conditions are excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law”.

ISBN 978-2-85873-026-1




3.1 Electrical Insulation 11

3.2 Heat transfer 14

3.3 Construction and Installation 18

3.4 Electrical Design 27

3.5 Operation 29

3.6 Reducing the cost of undergrounding 32

4.1 Cost Ratios 35

4.2 Components of cost for cable systems 36

4.3 Comparing underground and overhead options 36





A.1 Collection of Data
A.2 Data received
A.3 Comparison with the 1996 study
B.1 Load and Ratings
B.2 Nominal Ratings
B.3 Short-term Ratings
B.4 Real-time Ratings
B.5 Prediction of Ratings
B.6 Ratings of hybrid overhead/underground networks

C.1 Protection
C.2 Special Bonding
C.3 Parallel lines
C.4 Reactive Compensation


D.1 Laying Techniques
D.2 Installation Methods
D.3 Environmental Considerations

E.1 Uprating
E.2 Monitoring

F.1 Components of cost for underground cable systems
F.2 Components of cost for overhead line systems


Executive Summary

In the mid 1990s CIGRE Study Committees 21 (HV insulated Cables) and 22 (Overhead
lines) set up a Joint Working Group to compare high voltage overhead transmission lines
and underground cables. The report (Technical Brochure 110) examined the extent to
which the two systems were used worldwide and the cost implications. In 2003 CIGRE
Study Committee B1decided that a new Working Group (WG B1.07) should be set up to
update the work done in the 1990s.

The terms of reference of WG B1.07 were:

• To collect statistics for the lengths of underground and overhead circuits at a

range of transmission voltages. Only existing lines and projects planned for
implementation by 2006 should be included,
• To describe significant underground cable projects realised in the period 1996-
2006 giving the reasons why undergrounding was selected,
• To describe the factors which must be considered when evaluating the cost of
overhead or underground connections,
• To describe the other factors which must be taken into account in order to make
a balanced choice between overhead and underground technology.

Submarine cables are excluded from the scope of work. DC cables are also excluded
since these are predominantly submarine. The voltage range is restricted to system
voltages from 50 kV, which limits the scope to transmission systems and the high end of
the distribution voltage range.

Chapter 1 of this Technical Brochure (TB) sets out the background to the present work
and details the scope and Terms of Reference of WG B1.07.

Some significant changes have taken place since the 1996 report was published. A
number of weather-related incidents on overhead lines have led some utilities to revise
their meteorological design parameters leading to increased costs. Technical changes and
strong competition in the cable sector have reduced prices. Increased urbanisation and
public concerns have increased the difficulty and time taken to obtain consents for
overhead lines. There have been broad changes in the structure of electricity supply and
in the nature of demand, for example the load peak in some regions is shifting from
winter to summer. In view of these changes WG B1.07 has updated the statistics on
circuit lengths and produced guidance on the technical and cost factors influencing the
choice between underground cable and overhead line.

The Brochure also looks at some of the main technical factors which influence the cost
and complexity of underground cable systems.

Some significant cable projects undertaken in the last 10 years are described. The
definition of a significant cable project is difficult. The WG decided that it is a cable
project at 50 kV or above, which is likely to be of broad international interest and
containing some element of innovation. The project can be significant in engineering,
commercial, environmental or social terms.

The brief project descriptions give basic details of the cable type, installation methods
and the reasons for their choice. Details of the power carrying capability (rating) are
generally included together with information on why underground cable was selected
rather than overhead line.

Statistics of installed lengths

Data on the lengths of ac underground cable and overhead line currently installed were
collected by a questionnaire sent to Study Committee members. The statistics were
divided into five voltage ranges chosen in order to group together similar design and
operational principles. The voltage ranges are: 50-109 kV, 110-219 kV, 220-314 kV,
315-500 kV and 501-764 kV.

In some cases, data capture proved difficult, particularly for countries with a multitude of
small independent utilities (for example the USA and Germany). In addition, the national
systems for maintaining such data have been discontinued in some countries, as utilities
have been released from state control and experienced reorganisation, merger and

Chapter 2 reports the circuit lengths of ac overhead line and underground cable currently
installed not the increase in length since the 1996 report. The total length of underground
cable circuit expressed as a percentage of the total circuit length is shown in Figure 1.
The results show that the large majority of circuits are overhead. The proportion of
circuits that are underground falls from 6.6% for the 50 to 109 kV range down to 0.5%
for the 315-500 kV range.

7.0% 6.6%





2.0% 1.7%

50-109 kV 110-219 kV 220-314 kV 315-500 kV 501-764 kV

Figure 1: Percentage of the total circuit length that is underground for each of the 5 voltage levels








































Figure 2: Percentage of the total ac circuit length underground in the 220 – 314 kV voltage range

The TB gives the circuit lengths installed in each country. As an example, Figure 2
shows the proportion of circuits that are underground in the 220 to 314 kV voltage level.

In order to simplify data collection, little technical detail was included in the
questionnaire. However, where possible, respondents were asked to split the lengths of
underground cable into those using lapped paper technologies and those using extruded
polymeric insulation. The results are shown in Figure 3.



50% 47%


30% 27%



50-109 kV 110-219 kV 220-314 kV 315-500 kV

Figure 3: Percentage of the ac underground cable which has extruded polymeric insulation

The decreasing proportion of extruded insulation used at the higher voltages reflects the
incremental development of these cables. Lower voltage, low stress cables were
developed first and as the technology improved extruded insulation was applied to higher
voltages and used at higher stress. 50 kV extruded cable has been in use since the early
1960s, whereas 400 kV and 500 kV transmission circuits using extruded insulation were
not introduced until around 2000.

The data on installed lengths clearly show that utilities have a strong preference for
overhead lines rather than underground cables. For the 50 kV to 109 kV range, 93% of
the network is overhead. This value increases to 100% overhead at the 501-764 kV level.

Technical Considerations
The factors which cause underground circuits to be technically more complex and hence
generally more expensive than overhead lines are considered in Chapter 3, together with
the reasons why this situation becomes worse at higher voltages.

Underground cables in transmission networks have generally been used in areas where it
is not possible to use overhead lines. This is often because of space constraints (e.g. in

densely populated urban areas or within substations) or for technical reasons (e.g. for
wide river and sea crossings). The preference for overhead lines is mainly on the grounds
of cost and this driver becomes stronger as the voltage level increases.

The brochure describes the main technical differences between the underground and
overhead transmission of bulk electric power under 3 inter-related headings:
x Electrical insulation of the conductor
x Heat transfer to prevent overheating
x Construction work necessary to install the circuit

Recent developments to reduce the cost differential between underground cables and
overhead lines are also reviewed.

Electrical Insulation

The overhead conductors of the transmission network are operated at a very high voltage
with respect to earth or ground. These bare conductors are strung between steel towers
which are usually set in concrete foundations. The surrounding air provides the
necessary electrical insulation to earth.

When conductors are buried in the ground, insulating material must be applied to the
conductors to allow them to operate safely at high voltage. Traditionally cables were
insulated with oil impregnated paper, kept under pressure to maintain the integrity of
insulation. More recently solid insulated cables have been developed predominantly
using cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation. These became commonly used at
voltages up to 60 kV in the 1960s and 70s. Development has continued steadily and this
type of cable is now widely used, even at 400 and 500 kV.

Heat transfer

A significant proportion of the additional cost and complexity of placing circuits

underground results from the problem of removing waste heat from the cable.

For an overhead line conductor, energy is lost due mainly to the resistance of the
conductor. The lost energy is converted to heat and is proportional to the square of the
current flowing in the conductor.

An underground cable has this conductor loss, but also has additional losses due to
currents induced in the sheath and to losses in the insulation. This loss is proportional to
the square of the voltage on the cable and is present even if the cable is carrying no useful

For an overhead line, the surrounding air not only provides the necessary electrical
insulation to earth but it also cools the conductors. In an underground cable, the electrical
insulation will act as thermal insulation and impede the transfer of heat away from the
conductor. The soil can present a significant thermal barrier, particularly if it is dry. It is

common practice to surround the cable with a specially selected backfill to enhance the
dissipation of heat

An underground cable not only has additional sources of loss compared with an overhead
line, but also has less effective heat dissipation. It is therefore important to keep the cable
losses as low as possible, particularly for very high power circuits. This is often done by
using a conductor of larger cross section than the equivalent overhead line, in order to
reduce the electrical resistance. A further reduction can be obtained by using low
resistivity copper for the conductor. (Overhead lines generally use aluminium alloy
conductors to reduce the weight). Whilst the resulting underground cable has
significantly lower resistance than its overhead counterpart, the use of a large copper
conductor results in a cable conductor that is substantially heavier than that of the
equivalent overhead line.

It is more efficient to transmit large quantities of electric power at higher voltages. A

single 400 kV overhead line can replace a large number of lower voltage lines. Thus the
use of the 400 kV line offers significant advantages (both economic and visual).
However, the concentration of power down a single route has two important
consequences for very high voltage circuits. Firstly, they must be extremely reliable.
Interruption to the supply would affect either a large number of domestic customers or
some very large industrial users of electricity. Secondly, the large power transfer is
accompanied by the production of a significant amount of ‘waste’ heat confined to a
single route.

The combined requirements of extremely high reliability and good heat dissipation mean
that as the power and voltage of a cable increase, so does its size and the complexity of
construction works.

Construction and Installation

Putting the cables underground is a significant part of the cost of a project. The cost
varies widely depending on the ease of access along the route and the amount of power to
be transmitted. The TB describes how the need for adequate heat dissipation determines
the size and spacing of trenches and the overall extent of construction work.

In urban areas, the costs of cable installation tend to be significantly higher than in the
countryside. In the city, there are likely to be a large number of crossing services, for
example gas, water and telecommunications. This restricts the use of mechanical diggers
and parts of the trench have to be dug by hand. The trench walls usually have to be
supported in order to work safely. Additional costs arise from the need to manage the
traffic flow and from the restrictions often paced on the hours of working in order to
reduce inconvenience to local residents. For minimum disruption, cables can be installed
in deep bored tunnels. This is an expensive method, but in major cities it is sometimes
the only practical option.

In rural or open areas, the costs of cable installation are likely to be reduced. A
mechanical excavator can often be used to dig the trench and there may be sufficient
space and suitable soil conditions to dig a trench with unsupported sloping walls.

There may be significant additional costs with large-scale rural undergrounding in order
to preserve the natural environment (for example watercourses, hedgerows and
woodlands). Special techniques such as directional drilling may be used for crossings
under roads, railways and waterways.

Electrical Design

The electrical design of underground systems is briefly described. Aspects covered

include: fault clearance and protection, special bonding, and reactive compensation.


There are significant differences in the way in which underground cables and overhead
lines affect the operation of the power system in areas such as: security of supply, fault
repairs, routine maintenance and safety.

Reducing the cost of undergrounding

A number of techniques are being used in an attempt to reduce the cost differential
between underground cables and overhead lines.

Improvements in cable design are leading to lighter cable and hence longer drum lengths,
leading to reduced cost and shorter installation times. The cost of installation can be
reduced by the use of mechanised laying techniques, particularly for low power cables in
rural environments.

There may be circumstances in which a cable has to be connected to an overhead line

whose rating is far greater than the present day need. It may be economic to install a
cable that meets the present day requirements and then install a second cable per phase
once the load has grown sufficiently. For a ducted cable system it may be more
economic to install spare ducts during civil work for the initial installation

Temperature measurement and real-time rating techniques also provide an option for
deferring expenditure by extending the time for which the existing cable meets the need.

Cost Factors
Chapter 4 examines how to evaluate the cost of underground transmission circuits and
how to compare these with overhead systems

Cost Ratios

Cost ratios are often thought of as simple way of comparing costs, for example saying an
underground cable is 10 times as expensive as overhead line. In reality there can be a
wide range of values quoted for apparently similar circuits and this leads to confusion and
mistrust between the various stakeholders.

Small changes in the design of the circuit can produce large changes in cost ratios and, in
financial terms, the ratios have little meaning. It is the added cost of undergrounding that
is important and must be weighed against the benefits (largely visual) that it brings.

In the 1996 study, the Joint Working Group tried to gather international values for cost
ratios, but as might be expected the results were of limited use. For circuits operating at
voltages between 220 kV and 362 kV, cost ratios ranged between 5 and 21. The quoted
ratios vary widely, because they are highly dependent on local circumstances (including
terrain, land costs and power flows).

The present WG considered the option of collecting international costs for a well-defined
‘typical’ cable circuit, but it is even difficult to obtain international consensus on what
might constitute a ‘typical’ cable circuit. We concluded that it is not possible to collect a
consistent set of data for overhead and underground costs that would give more reliable
cost ratios than those obtained in 1996.

The only reliable method of comparing overhead and underground costs is on a case by
case basis. Generic values of cost ratio are of very limited use and should be avoided.
Estimates for the costs of underground and overhead options for a specific project must
be calculated and then weighed against the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Components of cost for cable systems

Costs can be estimated for the various stages of the cable’s lifecycle:

x Planning/Design
x Procurement
x Construction
x Operation
x End of Life

In general the early capital costs, particularly procurement and construction, are usually
found to be the most significant. They are immediate and tend to be larger than later
costs such as repair and maintenance and hence have most effect on the financing of

Later costs can be very difficult to estimate. It is particularly difficult to estimate both
the magnitude and the cost of future electrical losses. The magnitude of losses are highly
dependent on how heavily the line will be loaded and the cost of the losses depends on

factors such as the cost of fuel and the availability of surplus generation capacity. None
of these factors are easy to estimate even in the short-term. Estimating their likely values
in 40 years’ time is extremely difficult, particularly in a deregulated environment

By analysing the underground cable costs for each stage of the cable’s life, it is easier to
assess which costs are important and which estimates are least reliable. A similar
methodology can be used to estimate the cost of the equivalent overhead line.

Comparing underground and overhead options

The only reliable way of comparing the costs of underground and overhead options is on
a case by case basis. There is no general answer to how the costs compare. In Chapter 3,
technical options for reducing the cost of undergrounding were discussed. These often
involve a willingness to be flexible in the design of installations rather than just accepting
a standard design solution. This in itself makes the concept of a standard cost for a
circuit untenable.

Historic values of underground and overhead costs are often a poor guide to present day
costs. The price of underground cable is strongly influenced by fluctuations in the
commodity price of raw materials such as copper. It is also expensive to manufacture
and store large stocks of cable, particularly for the very high voltages. In consequence
the price of underground cable is very sensitive to the balance between demand and
manufacturing capacity.

The other problem with using historic values of underground and overhead costs is that
underground cable has traditionally been used mainly in the centres of towns and cities
with overhead lines being used for rural transmission circuits. There has therefore been a
tendency to compare the cost of urban underground cable with that of rural overhead line,
which may give an inaccurate comparison.

For each project, the costs of underground and overhead options must be calculated and
these can then be compared. Once the cost difference has been calculated, this can be
compared with those benefits and threats which are more difficult to express in monetary
terms. These include factors such as visual intrusion, threats to sensitive habitat and
damage to archaeological heritage.

There are also land-use issues which need to be considered, where the installation of an
overhead or underground line might restrict future options for either agriculture or
suburban building development.

Factors such as visual intrusion and threats to sensitive habitat are not generally the same
along the whole route. In some cases partial undergrounding is an opportunity for
compromise. However, the transition from overhead to underground can have significant
impact on the local environment and adjacent short sections of undergrounding are
unlikely to be desirable.

However even that generalisation may be unwise without considering the details of a
specific case. Only by calculating the cost differential between underground and
overhead options for a particular circuit can this be weighed against the other benefits and
threats to give a rational basis for a decision.

Chapter 5 summarises the WG’s conclusions.

The data on installed lengths clearly show that utilities have a strong preference for
overhead lines rather than underground cables. For the 50 kV to 109 kV range, 93% of
the ac network is overhead, increasing to 100% overhead at the 501-764 kV level.

Cost ratios are volatile; in particular, they are highly sensitive to small changes in
overhead line cost and as a result they must be used with extreme caution.
Small changes in the design of the circuit can produce large changes in cost ratios and, in
financial terms, the ratios have little meaning. It is the added cost of undergrounding that
is important and must be weighed against the benefits (largely visual) that it brings.

In the 1996 study cost ratios ranging between 5 and 21were quoted for circuits operating
at voltages between 220 kV and 362 kV. The quoted ratios vary widely, because they are
highly dependent on local circumstances (including terrain, land costs and power flows).
The present WG concluded that it is not possible to collect more reliable cost ratios than
those obtained in 1996.

The only reliable method of comparing overhead and underground costs is on a case by
case basis and generic values of cost ratio are of very limited use and should be avoided.
Estimates for the costs of underground and overhead options for a specific project must
be calculated and then weighed against the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Once the cost difference has been calculated, this can be compared with those benefits
and threats which are more difficult to express in monetary terms. These include factors
such as visual intrusion, threats to sensitive habitat and damage to archaeological heritage.
There are also land-use issues which need to be considered, where the installation of an
overhead or underground line might restrict future options for either agriculture or
suburban building development.

Factors such as visual intrusion, threats to sensitive habitat, etc. are not generally the
same along the whole route. In some cases partial undergrounding is an opportunity for
compromise, but the transition from overhead to underground can have significant impact
on the local environment and adjacent short sections of undergrounding are unlikely to be

Underground cable systems are often tailored to meet specific local conditions, but the
same solution may not be applicable elsewhere. Hence, even for the same voltage and

power, the costs of an underground cable system can vary widely. This makes it difficult
to generalise the cost of a typical underground cable system.

Only by calculating the cost differential between underground and overhead options for a
particular circuit can this be weighed against the other benefits and threats giving a
rational basis for a choice between overhead and underground transmission.

1 Introduction
In the mid 1990s CIGRE Study Committees 21 (HV Cables) and 22 (Overhead lines) set
up a Joint Working Group to compare high voltage overhead transmission lines and
underground cables. The report [1,2] examined the extent to which the two systems were
used worldwide and the cost implications. In 2003 CIGRE Study Committee B1decided
that a new working Group (WG B1-07) be set up to update the work done in the 1990s.

The terms of reference of WG B1-07 are:

• To collect statistics for the lengths of underground and overhead circuits at a

range of transmission voltages. Only existing lines and projects planned for
implementation by 2006 should be included,
• To describe significant underground cable projects realised in the period 1996-
2006 giving the reasons why undergrounding was selected,
• To describe the factors which must be considered when evaluating the cost of
overhead or underground connections,
• To describe the other factors which must be taken into account in order to make
a balanced choice between overhead and underground technology.

Submarine cables are excluded from the scope of work. DC cables are also excluded
since these are predominantly submarine. The voltage range is restricted to system
voltages from 50 kV, which limits the scope to transmission systems and the high end of
the distribution voltage range.

Some significant changes have taken place since the 1996 report was published. A
number of weather-related incidents on overhead lines have led some utilities to revise
their meteorological design parameters leading to increased costs. Technical changes and
strong competition in the cable sector have reduced prices. Increased urbanisation and
public concerns have increased the difficulty and time taken to obtain consents for
overhead lines. There have been broad changes in the structure of electricity supply and
in the nature of demand, for example the load peak in some countries or regions is
shifting from winter to summer. In view of these changes WG B1-07 has updated the
statistics on circuit lengths and produced guidance on the technical and cost factors
influencing the choice between underground cable and overhead line.

Chapter 2 of this Brochure describes collection and analysis of data on the lengths of
underground cable and overhead line currently installed.

Chapter 3 looks at some of the main technical factors which influence the cost and
complexity of underground transmission systems.

Chapter 4 examines how to evaluate the cost of underground transmission circuits and
how to compare these with overhead systems

Chapter 5 summarises the Working Group’s conclusions.

Chapter 2 to 4 represent a high level overview of information on the topics considered.

Further technical details are included in the Appendices A to F.

Appendix G describes some significant cable projects that have been undertaken in the
last 10 years. Table G1 gives an overview of significant underground cable projects
constructed since 1996, arranged in order of decreasing voltage and conductor size. The
table summarises where and when the cables were installed and gives brief details of the
cable design and the installation method. Table G2 shows the projects arranged in order
of country and geographical location

Some of the most significant projects are then described in more detail. Table G3 serves
as an index to these brief project descriptions.

The definition of a significant cable project is difficult. The Working Group decided that
it is a cable project at 50 kV or above, which is likely to be of broad international interest
and containing some element of innovation. The project can be significant in engineering,
commercial, environmental or social terms.

The brief project descriptions give basic details of the cable type, installation methods
and the reasons for their choice. Details of the power carrying capability (rating) are
generally included together with information on why underground cable was selected
rather than overhead line.

In this Brochure the term ‘cable’ is used exclusively to refer to an underground cable and
the term ‘line’ always means an overhead line.

2 Statistics of installed lengths
Data on the lengths of ac underground cable and overhead line currently installed were
collected by means of a questionnaire sent to Study Committee members. The statistics
were divided in to five voltage ranges:
x 50-109 kV
x 110-219 kV
x 220-314 kV
x 315-500 kV
x 501-764 kV
These voltage ranges were chosen in order to group together similar design and
operational principles as far as possible.

The data were collated and wherever possible, checked for consistency. Full details on
data collection and analysis are given in Appendix A.

In some cases, data capture proved difficult, particularly for countries which have a
multitude of small independent utilities (for example the USA and Germany). In addition,
the national systems for maintaining such data have been discontinued in some countries,
as utilities have been released from state control and experienced reorganisation, merger
and acquisition. Where it was not possible to collect data from all utilities in a country
this is noted in Appendix A and care was taken to ensure that data were collected from a
representative sample of utilities and to include data for the largest utilities.

The data were collected in 2005 and 2006, but utilities were asked to include any circuits
that were under construction and would be completed by December 2006. All values
reported here are the total lengths of ac overhead line or cable circuits installed on the
network and not the increase in length since the 1996 report.

Table 2.1 shows the lengths of ac overhead line installed in some large networks
(countries reporting greater than 20000 km of overhead line). Table 2.2 shows the
lengths of ac underground cable installed by major users (countries reporting greater than
1000 km of underground cable). The results for all countries surveyed are given in
Appendix A.

The length of underground cable circuit expressed as a percentage of the total circuit
length is given in Table 2.3 for each country. The international totals for each voltage
range are shown in Figure 2.1. The results show that the large majority of circuits are
overhead. The proportion of circuits that are underground falls from 6.6% for the 50 to
109 kV range down to 0.5% for the 315-500 kV range.

Table 2.1: Total length of ac overhead line (circuit km) currently installed on large
networks (countries reporting greater than 20000 km of overhead line)

Country 50-109 kV 110-219 kV 220-314 kV 315-500 kV 501-764 kV

Australia 2153 13188 7151 6734
Brazil 2735 9103 1405 6799
Canada 6849 24342 19786 12847 11422
Finland 15300 2400 4000
France 48835 1064 25416 21007
Germany 13156 76630 26790 18200
Italy 40 38278 10924 10651
Japan 67989 34732 20594 15879
Korea 993 16813 7563 662
Mexico 3450 44323 26500 19000
Poland 32227 8119 4830 114
Romania 25909 5550 4389 86
Spain 10697 12220 18757 18806
Sweden 4265 14356 4417 10620
United Kingdom 3073 23192 6321 11122
USA 165830 315309 116890 122176 4406

Table 2.2: Total length of ac underground cable (circuit km) currently installed on the
networks of major users (countries reporting greater than 1000 km of underground cable)

Country 50-109 kV 110-219 kV 220-314 kV 315-500 kV

Denmark 1930 515 52
France 2316 1 903 2
Germany 857 4972 45 65
Italy 0 907 197 34
Japan 11760 1769 1440 123
Korea 2 2144 221
Netherlands 2558 1068 6 7
Singapore 1185 651 111
Spain 509 181 479 80
United Kingdom 1457 2967 496 166
USA 946 2904 663 536

Table 2.3: Length of ac underground cable circuit expressed as a percentage of the total
ac circuit length installed.

50-109 kV 110-219 kV 220-314 kV 315-500 kV 501-764 kV

Australia 4.2 1.5 0.2 0.9
Austria 6.9 0.1 2.2
Belgium 8.0 7.6 0.0 0.0
Brazil 0.2 0.0 1.5 0.8
Canada 0.9 1.6 0.8 0.1 0.0
China 27.0 8.6 0.0
Croatia 1.1 0.0 0.0
Denmark 24.3 12.4 0.0 3.8
Finland 1.8 0.0 0.0
France 4.5 0.1 3.4 0.0
Germany 6.1 6.1 0.2 0.4
Ireland 3.6 5.8 0.0
Israel 2.2 0.0
Italy 0.0 2.3 1.8 0.3
Japan 14.7 4.8 6.5 0.8
Korea 0.2 11.3 2.8 0.0
Mexico 3.6 1.3 0.6 0.0
Netherlands 89.9 16.3 0.9 0.3
New Zealand 0.7 2.0 0.0
Poland 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
Portugal 5.0 0.1 0.6 0.0
Romania 1.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
Singapore 100 100 100
Spain 4.5 1.5 2.5 0.4
Sweden 2.6 2.3 0.6 0.1
Switzerland 13.5 25.3 0.9 0.0
United Kingdom 32.2 11.3 7.3 1.5
USA 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.0






2.0% 1.7%


50-109 kV 110-219 kV 220-314 kV 315-500 kV 501-764 kV

Figure 2.1: Percentage of the total ac circuit length that is underground for each of the
five voltage levels

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ed ex
en o
U en
Au an
ra N ad
lia Ze
G al
er an
m d

Figure 2.3: Percentage of the total ac circuit length underground at the 110 – 219 kV
Figure 2.2: Percentage of the total ac circuit length underground at the 50 – 109 kV

Figure 2.2 shows the national percentages of total circuit length underground at the 50 kV
to 109 kV voltage level. The data for the 110 kV to 219 kV range is shown in Figure 2.3.

Certain geographical areas have such high population density and such high land values
that it is difficult to find suitable overhead line routes, for example central Paris and Hong
Kong island. Singapore is another example, which covers an entire country. Data for
Singapore is omitted from Figure 2.3 as it does not have a network voltage in the 110 kV
to 219 kV range and from Figures 2.4 and 2.5 where the Singapore data (100% cable)
would mask other features.

Figures 2.4 and 2.5 show the national percentages of circuit length underground at the
220 – 314 kV and 315 – 500 kV voltage levels respectively. There is no significant
length of underground transmission at the 501-764 kV level.






































Figure 2.4: Percentage of the total ac circuit length underground at the 220 – 314 kV
voltage level
































Figure 2.5: Percentage of the total ac circuit length underground at the 315 – 500 kV
voltage levels

In order to simplify data collection, very little technical detail was included in the
questionnaire. However, where possible, respondents were asked to split the lengths of
underground cable into those using lapped paper technologies and those using extruded
polymeric insulation. The results are shown in Figure 2.6.




50% 47%


30% 27%



50-109 kV 110-219 kV 220-314 kV 315-500 kV

Figure 2.6: Percentage of the ac underground cable having extruded polymeric insulation

The decreasing proportion of extruded insulation used at the higher voltages reflects the
incremental development of these cables. Lower voltage, low stress cables were
developed first and as the technology improved extruded insulation was applied to higher
voltages and used at higher stress. 50 kV extruded cable has been in use since the early
1960s, whereas 400 kV and 500 kV transmission circuits using extruded insulation were
not introduced until around 2000.

The data on installed lengths clearly show that utilities have a strong preference for
overhead lines rather than underground cables. For the 50 kV to 109 kV range, 93% of
the network is overhead. This value increases to 100% overhead at the 501-764 kV level.

The factors which cause underground circuits to be technically more complex and hence
generally more expensive than overhead lines are considered in Chapter 3, together with
the reasons why this situation becomes worse at higher voltages.

- 10 -
3 Technical Considerations
Underground cables in transmission networks have generally been used in areas where it
is not possible to use overhead lines. This is often because of space constraints (e.g. in
densely populated urban areas or within substations) or for technical reasons (e.g. for
wide river and sea crossings). The preference for overhead lines is mainly on the grounds
of cost and this driver becomes stronger as the voltage level increases. This Chapter
examines the technical reasons for the higher cost of underground circuits.

The main technical differences between the underground and overhead transmission of
bulk electric power can be considered under 3 inter-related headings:
x Electrical insulation of the conductor
x Heat transfer to prevent overheating
x Construction work necessary to install the circuit

This Chapter also considers the main differences in electrical design and system
operation between underground cables and overhead lines. Recent developments to
reduce the cost differential between underground cables and overhead lines are also

3.1 Electrical Insulation

The overhead conductors of the transmission network are operated at a very high voltage
with respect to earth or ground. These bare conductors are strung between steel towers
which are usually set in concrete foundations. If the tower forms part of a straight portion
of line, the conductors are attached to insulators suspended from the tower crossarm.
Where the overhead line deviates from a straight line, strengthened angle towers are used
and the conductors are tensioned to insulators in a horizontal formation. The component
parts of a 400 kV overhead line system are shown in figure 3.1. The surrounding air
provides the necessary electrical insulation to earth. Figure 3.2 shows a single circuit
supported on a double wood pole, which can be used at the lower transmission voltages
such as 110 kV

When conductors are buried in the ground, insulating material must be applied to the
conductors to allow them to operate safely at high voltage. Traditionally underground
cables were insulated with oil impregnated paper (figure 3.3). The oil, carried into the
cable by a central oil duct, must be kept under pressure to maintain the high level of
insulation. Other types of paper cable are high pressure fluid filled cables known also as
Pipe Type cables, where the three phases of the cable are contained in a steel pipe that is
pressurized with either nitrogen or oil to improve the dielectric properties.

- 11 -
(1) Insulator
(2) Phase conductor
low-power lines often have
a single conductor; higher
power lines may use
multiple sub-conductors.
(3) Spacer to hold the two
sub-conductors apart
(4) Earth wire at the top of the
tower or pylon
(5) The three phase conductors
on one side of the tower
make up one electrical
circuit. Most lines have two
circuits, one on each side.

Figure 3.1: Components of a 400 kV overhead line on a steel lattice tower

Figure 3.2: Single circuit overhead line supported on double wood poles

- 12 -
More recently solid insulated cables have been developed using polyethylene-based
insulation, now mainly cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) cable. These became
commonly used at voltages up to 60 kV in the 1960s and 70s. Development has
continued steadily and this type of cable is now widely used, even at 400 and 500 kV.
The conductor and its electrical insulation must be protected against damage, moisture
and deterioration. This is provided by an outer metallic sheath (usually of aluminium,
copper or lead).

The sheath system also serves as part of the electrical screen of the cable and often
includes wires to assist in conducting current safely to earth should a fault develop in the
cable system. This sheath is further protected against mechanical damage and corrosion
by a final covering of tough plastic. Figure 3.4 shows the structure of a cross-linked
polyethylene cable.

Oil duct


Paper tape

Metallic (aluminium)


Figure 3.3: Structure of an oil-filled cable

- 13 -


Metallic (aluminium)


Figure 3.4: Structure of a cross-linked polyethylene cable.

3.2 Heat transfer

A significant proportion of the additional cost and complexity of placing circuits

underground results from the problem of removing waste heat from the cable.

For an overhead line conductor, energy is lost due mainly the resistance of the conductor.
The lost energy is converted to heat and is proportional to the square of the current
flowing in the conductor.

An underground cable also has this conductor loss, but also has additional losses due to
currents induced in the sheath and to losses in the insulation (or dielectric). The dielectric
loss is proportional to the square of the voltage on the cable. This loss is present even if
the cable is carrying no useful current (or load). For this reason the dielectric loss is
sometimes referred to as the no-load loss.

In order to prevent degradation of the cable insulation, it is designed to operate at

temperatures up to 90°C. Overhead line conductors generally operate to similar
temperatures, but in this case the limit is defined by the need to restrict the extent to
which the conductor sags (due to thermal expansion) in order to prevent safety clearances
being infringed. At 400 kV a typical minimum clearance to a road surface is about 8 m.

For an overhead line, the surrounding air not only provides the necessary electrical
insulation to earth but it also cools the conductors. In an underground cable, the electrical

- 14 -
insulation also acts as thermal insulation and impedes the transfer of heat away from the
conductor. The heat generated by the various losses in the cable has to pass through the
cable structure (figure 3.5) into the soil and out to the atmosphere. The soil can present a
significant thermal barrier, particularly if it is dry. It is common practice to surround the
cable with a specially selected backfill to enhance the dissipation of heat (see Section 3.3).

An underground cable not only has additional sources of loss compared with an overhead
line, but also has less effective heat dissipation. It is therefore important to keep the cable
losses as low as possible, particularly for very high power circuits. This is often done by
using a conductor of larger cross section than the equivalent overhead line, in order to
reduce the electrical resistance. A further reduction can be obtained by using low
resistivity copper for the conductor. Overhead lines generally use aluminium conductors
to reduce the weight. Whilst the resulting underground cable has significantly lower
resistance than its overhead counterpart, the use of a large copper conductor results in a
cable conductor that is substantially heavier than that of the equivalent overhead line.
Table 3.1 compares the weight, diameter and electrical resistance of overhead conductor
and underground cable of similar capacity. To obtain a similar transmission capacity
(rating) it is necessary to use a 2500 mm2 copper underground cable conductor to match
an 800 mm2 aluminium alloy overhead line. The relative sizes of the two systems are
shown in Figure 3.6. Further technical details on the thermal ratings of cable and
overhead lines are given in Appendix B.

Table 3.1 Characteristics of overhead conductor and underground cable of similar rating.
(The details of the conductor used in the underground cable are included for comparison)

Area Diameter Mass per unit Resistance

(mm2) (mm) length (kg/m) (ȍ/km)

Overhead conductor 821 37.3 2.3 0.039

Underground conductor only Copper 2500 64 22 0.007

Complete underground cable 149 39

- 15 -
Conductor loss

Dielectric loss
Sheath loss

Figure 3.5: Losses produced by an underground cable

- 16 -
15 cm 4 cm

Figure 3.6: Relative size of a 400 kV XLPE cable and an overhead line conductor of
similar rating

In general the higher the voltage at which an electrical circuit operates, the larger is the
power that it can transmit. Figure 3.7 shows the average rating of circuits reported by
utilities responding to our questionnaire.

It is more efficient to transmit large quantities of electric power at higher voltages. A

single 400 kV overhead line can replace a large number of lower voltage lines. Thus the
use of the 400 kV line offers significant advantages (both economic and visual).
However, the concentration of power down a single route has two important
consequences for very high voltage circuits. Firstly, they must be extremely reliable.
Interruption to the supply would affect either a large number of domestic customers or
some very large industrial users of electricity. Secondly, the large power transfer is
accompanied by the production of a significant amount of ‘waste’ heat confined to single

The following section shows how the combined requirements of extremely high
reliability and good heat dissipation mean that as the power and voltage of a cable
increase, so does its size and the complexity of construction works.

- 17 -



Mean power - MVA







50-109 110-219 220-314 315-500
Voltage Range - kV

Figure 3.7: Average rating of circuits in the voltage ranges used in the questionnaire

3.3 Construction and Installation


Putting the cables underground is a significant part of the cost of a project. The cost
varies widely depending on the ease of access along the route and the amount of power to
be transmitted.

In urban areas, the costs of cable installation tend to be significantly higher than in the
countryside. In the city, there are likely to be a large number of crossing services, for
example gas, water, telecommunications (figure 3.8). This restricts the use of mechanical
diggers and parts of the trench have to be dug by hand. The trench walls usually have to
be supported in order to work safely (figure 3.9). Additional costs arise from the need to
manage the traffic flow and from the restrictions often paced on the hours of working in
order to reduce inconvenience to local residents.

- 18 -
Figure 3.8: 110 kV cable trench in an urban street

Figure 3.9: Trenches with shuttered (supported) walls

- 19 -
The length of time that a trench needs to remain open can be reduced by first installing
ducts (often plastic or steel pipes). These can be buried in short sections and then the
cable subsequently pulled in (figure 3.10). This is most effective for smaller, lighter
cables with modest thermal ratings.

For minimum disruption, cables can be installed in deep bored tunnels. This is an
expensive method, but in major cities it is sometimes the only practical option.

Figure 3.10: Cable being pulled through a pre-installed plastic duct

In rural or open areas, the costs of cable installation are likely to be reduced. A
mechanical excavator can often be used to dig the trench and there may be sufficient
space and suitable soil conditions to dig a trench with unsupported sloping walls (figure

There may be significant additional costs with large-scale rural undergrounding in order
to preserve the natural environment (for example watercourses, hedgerows and

Special techniques such as directional drilling are also used for crossings under roads,
railways and waterways. Further details on construction works and the installation of
underground cable are given in Appendix D.

- 20 -
Figure 3.11: Cable trench on open land

The size and spacing of trenches is largely dictated by the rating of the cable. It was noted
in Section 3.1 above that, as a general rule, the higher the voltage at which an electric
circuit operates, the larger power it can transmit and the higher the losses. In
consequence higher voltage cables tend to be spaced further apart and more attention has
to be paid to the dissipation of heat.

Ease of installation and the electrical design of cable systems favours placing the three
phase cables as close together as possible. Hence low and medium voltage cables tend to
be buried in touching trefoil formation (see figure 3.12). For very high power
transmission, the need for better heat dissipation means that the cables should

Figure 3.12: Cables installed in trefoil (left) and flat formation (right)

- 21 -
be spaced further apart, generally in flat formation. This represents a compromise
between thermal and electrical requirements. Where two circuits are installed, for
example to connect to a double circuit overhead line, the most efficient cooling is
obtained by placing the two cable circuits as far apart as practically possible.

The spacing between overhead line conductors is so large that heat dissipation from each
conductor is unaffected by the presence of the other current carrying conductors.

The trench cross-section and construction work on a high voltage (66-90 kV) cable are
shown in Figure 3.13. The extent of the work is considerable less than that required to
install a very high power extra-high voltage link. Figure 3.14 shows the trench cross-
section for a 400 kV double circuit cable. The high rating (up to 4800 MVA) requires
two cables per phase. Figure 3.15 shows construction work on such a link in the UK. In
order to make the circuits thermally independent they are installed at a wide spacing. The
gap between the circuits is useful during construction as it allows a temporary access road
to be laid between the circuits. This improves safety and minimises damage to the land.
Taking care to reduce land compaction and carefully reinstating land drains plays an
important role in promoting the future growth of crops.
To the left of the circuits the topsoil is stored. Storing topsoil on-site reduces the number
of truck movements and helps ensure that the original topsoil is replaced after the cables
are buried. The disadvantage is that a wider swath of land is required during construction.
In addition to the space required for safe working and access requirements for the
underground cables themselves, extra land may also be needed at the joint positions.

After construction it must still be possible to access the cable quickly if a repair is needed.
In addition, buildings on top of the cable route are not permitted due to the need for good
heat transfer.

Figure 3.13 Trench cross-section and construction activity for a high voltage (66-90 kV)

- 22 -
3m 1.6m 3m

Figure 3.14 Trench cross-sections for an extra-high voltage (400 kV) cable system

Figure 3.15 Construction swath for the Nunthorpe-Newby 400 kV cables in the UK.
Further details on this installation are given in Appendix G.

- 23 -

The technology required to joint cables tends to becomes increasingly complex (and
costly) with increasing voltage. The electric field (stress) in the insulation of a 60 kV
cable is a few kV/mm. In order to reduce the size and weight of 400 kV XLPE cables,
these operate at a much higher stress (about 12 kV/mm). The increased stress results in a
cable that is more expensive to manufacture, requires a more sophisticated joint design
and much greater care during installation. Details of the designs of joints used with
underground cables can be found in CIGRE Technical Brochure 177 [3]

Joints are more complex than the cable itself and are made on-site rather than in the
factory. In consequence the joints tend to be less reliable than the cable. The higher
voltage cables tend to be heavier and less flexible than lower voltage cables. This leads
to shorter drum lengths (delivery lengths) for the higher voltage cables and hence more
joints per kilometre. To maintain reliability extreme care is required in the installation
and testing of 400 and 500 kV cable joints.

After jointing, the cable is usually subjected to a high voltage test to prove the quality of
the joint. At 400 and 500 kV the equipment required for this test is very large and special
provisions are often required to get the test equipment to site.

For an overhead line only the conductor needs to be jointed and this is usually achieved
with a simple compression fitting.


At the end of an underground cable a termination is applied to control the electric field.
Factors influencing the design, installation and testing of terminations are very similar to
those of joints (above).

When a section of underground cable is incorporated in an overhead transmission line,

the connection from a fully insulated cable to a bare overhead conductor is by means of a
termination, but how this is implemented depends on the voltage of the circuit.
At lower voltages the terminations can normally be located and supported within the
overhead line tower structure (see figure 3.16)

At intermediate voltages (220/275 kV) the terminations can be mounted on the tower by
installing a platform on the tower (figure 3.17).

- 24 -
Figure 3.16 Tower-mounted terminations on a 90 kV line

- 25 -
Figure 3.17 Terminations mounted on a platform on a 110 kV overhead line tower

At 400 and 500 kV, the size and weight of terminations and the necessary clearances
dictate the use of a separate, high security transition compound on the ground (Figure
3.18). The compound can require an area of 2,500 m2 depending on the power level and
the amount of equipment installed. The overhead line tower at this location is more
substantial because the line terminates at this point and hence the mechanical forces on
the tower are unbalanced.

For further details on transitions between overhead and underground circuits see CIGRE
Technical Brochure 250 [4].

- 26 -
Figure 3.18: 400 kV transition compound

3.4 Electrical Design

The above sections (3.1 to 3.3) show that not only are there major differences between
the thermal and construction aspects of overhead and underground circuits, but there are
also significant differences between low power high voltage underground cables and very
high power extra-high voltage cables. A similar situation exists for the electrical design
of these systems.

The electrical design of long AC cable links and their integration into overhead networks
has already been considered in detail by CIGRE Working Groups 21-13 [5] and B1.19
[4,6] so it will only be considered very briefly here.

Fault Clearance and Protection

When a fault occurs in an overhead line circuit it is often a transient fault caused, for
example, by a lightning strike. It is common practice to attempt to re-energise the circuit
by automatically reclosing the circuit-breaker. This may be done immediately or after a
delay of between 1 and 20 seconds (delayed auto reclose).

- 27 -
When a fault occurs in an underground cable circuit it is almost exclusively a permanent
fault [7] and reclosure is not attempted.

The automatic reclosure of a hybrid overhead/underground circuit may be possible, but

the attendant risks (injury, explosion and fire) have to be evaluated. Automatic reclosure
is facilitated by fitting extra equipment to detect if the fault is in the overhead or
underground part of the circuit. Reclosure can then be attempted if it is indicated that the
fault is in the overhead part. (See Appendix C.1).

Special Bonding

It was noted in Section 3.2 that current flowing in the cable conductors induces current in
the metallic sheaths of the cables, which produces heat (sheath loss). If the cable sheath is
solidly bonded to earth at both ends of the circuit large currents will flow in the sheath
leading to high sheath losses. This will reduce the current rating of the cable. For highly
rated cables special bonding techniques can be used to minimise the sheath losses. These
arrangements are described in Appendix C.2.

Parallel Connections

The impedance of an underground cable is usually lower than that of an overhead line. If
the two are run in parallel, it is likely that most of the current will flow in the cable. This
situation must be analysed at the design stage and measures to control the current flow
have to be considered. (See Appendix C.3).

Reactive Compensation

An underground cable acts as a capacitor. When subjected to alternating voltage, the

cable is repeatedly charged and discharged. This charging (or reactive) current flows
between the central conductor and the metal sheath, making no useful contribution to the
flow of power along the cable.

For a 400 kV cable the charging current is 10-40 times greater than for an equivalent
overhead line conductor. For long cable routes it is necessary to install reactive
compensation equipment (usually inductance in the form of shunt reactors). This
equipment and associated switchgear and connections add to the cost of long
underground circuits. For practical reasons it is preferred to install shunt reactors at the
substation or at the overhead/underground transition compound. Further details of
reactive compensation are given in Appendix C.4.

- 28 -
3.5 Operation

There are significant differences in the operational aspects of overhead and underground
circuits and once again differences between low power high voltage underground cables
and very high power extra-high voltage cables.

Security of Supply

The question of whether an overhead line or an underground cable provides a better

security of supply is not a simple matter. Both systems are intrinsically very reliable if
well designed, constructed and maintained. However, there is considerable variation in
operation, environment and maintenance practices throughout the industry, making direct
comparison difficult.

In temperate countries, an overhead line can provide a more secure electricity supply than
an underground cable, as an overhead line is not subject to damage from digging
activities by third parties, which may be considerable (often due to the non observance of
the permits and laws).

However, in extreme weather conditions, this is not necessarily the case. Wind, snow and
ice storms can cause extensive damage to overhead systems, while underground systems
are immune from them. Damage from falling trees can also be a problem for overhead
lines, particularly for lower voltages lines. This is less of a problem for very high voltage
lines with their taller towers.

Where overhead lines cross areas of poor soil stability the foundations of towers must be
strengthened accordingly. Similar approaches can be used with underground cable, for
example installing the cable in piled troughs or reinforced concrete duct banks. The cost
is correspondingly higher because the strengthening is required along the entire route
rather than being restricted to the tower positions.

In earthquake zones, it might be thought that underground cables would be likely to

suffer severe damage due to vibration and lateral spreading. In the past two decades there
have been three major earthquakes in which damage to underground cables might have
been expected. In California (USA) there were the Loma Prieta quake (1989), affecting
the San Francisco Bay Area and the Northridge quake (1994) affecting the Los Angeles
area. In neither case were transmission cables damaged.

In 1995 a major earthquake (the Hyogoken-Nanbu quake) severely affected the area
around Kobe, Japan. One major cable fault occurred, when oil leaked from an oil-filled
cable installed in a duct. In addition, there were two faults affecting minor installations
(a gas-filled cable and a submarine cable were both severed). These cases suggest that
investing in cable systems designed to withstand seismic forces can minimize the damage
suffered. The cost depends on what kind of seismic phenomenon is expected (for
example liquefaction or dislocation) and the inherent resistance of the cable system to

- 29 -
mechanical forces. In cases where an underground cable does suffer damage it is likely
to require a longer outage for repair than the equivalent overhead line.

Fault Repairs

In the case of an overhead line, a fault can be quickly found by visual means using either
a manual line patrol or, in urgent cases, by helicopter patrol. Repair to overhead lines is
relatively simple in most cases and the line can usually be put back into service within a
few days. However, major catastrophic failures do occur involving multiple circuits and
can take many months to repair. In some cases the use of temporary support structures
allows rapid restoration of the overhead circuit.

Underground cable failures tend to affect only a single circuit. An underground cable
fault can be difficult to locate by electrical means, if obvious excavation damage is not
present, and typically takes one to several weeks to repair.

Routine Maintenance

The annual maintenance costs and outage times required vary considerably from country
to country, as utilities have different maintenance practices.

For instance, some countries annually test all cable sheaths to confirm their integrity;
other countries do not. Such testing is costly in outage terms, but can pay dividends in the
long run. In addition, the additional complexity of fluid-filled cable systems requires
more intensive routine and corrective maintenance than extruded dielectric systems.

On the other hand, much of the annual inspection work on overhead lines can be
performed with the lines in service, by ground-based observers or from helicopter patrols.
The major cost is incurred when corrective maintenance identified by these patrols is
carried out. In addition, climbing patrols are also carried out (typically every 5 years or so)
to check out in detail the condition of all the hardware on the towers. To prevent
corrosion, it is common practice to paint the towers at regular intervals.


Overhead lines are highly visible structures and are rarely damaged unintentionally by
third parties. However, if people get too close to high voltage overhead conductors
fatalities can occur. Falling conductors and masts also are a danger in extreme conditions.

As underground cables are not readily visible, it is not uncommon for these to be
damaged by excavators, drilling operations and suchlike. This can cause major damage
and injury. The incidence of such events is rather low, as cable protection systems
operate extremely quickly, and the underground locations tend to limit the spread of fire
and hazardous materials. In most countries, contractors are encouraged to contact the

- 30 -
relevant utilities before commencement of excavations; this is mandatory in certain


Uprating is a way to transfer more power over an existing overhead line or cable system.
This can be done with or without hardware changes.

Changing the hardware of an overhead line is generally much easier than an underground
cable. (See Appendix E.1 for further details).

Uprating a circuit by using temperature monitoring and real time thermal rating is useful
for short term operations. This is particularly effective for underground cables. The time
taken for a cable and the surrounding soil to heat up is significant. It is therefore often
possible to pass additional current down a cable for some hours without the cable
overheating. The time constant for heating an overhead line is much shorter, generally
minutes rather than hours.

Further details on the short-term ratings are given in Appendix B.


Details of systems for monitoring the health and temperature of underground cable are
given in Appendix E.2. Routine monitoring of overhead lines has rarely been used in the
past, but with increasing pressure to maximise the power flows down existing lines, such
systems are being evaluated and introduced.

For the safe operation of oil-filled and gas pressure cables it is necessary to monitor oil or
gas pressure. This may be done using simple pressure gauges fitted with low pressure
alarm contacts or, for more recent installations, using pressure transducers.

For modern XLPE cable systems partial discharge (PD) monitoring is being introduced,
particularly for joints and terminations. The sensors are relatively simple but the
detection and evaluation of the signals is very complex. Monitoring PD in XLPE cable
systems can improve their reliability by giving early warning of degradation.

Temperature measurements can be obtained simply from discrete sensors such as

thermocouples, which can be placed in the ground and on the cable sheath at specific
More comprehensive measurements can be done using a distributed temperature sensing
(DTS) system where an optical fibre cable is used to continuously monitor the
temperature profile along the cable route. Temperature measurements can be used with
real-time rating software to give enhanced short-term ratings for underground cable.

- 31 -
3.6 Reducing the cost of undergrounding

In addition to using monitoring to increase the cost effectiveness of cable assets, utilities
are using a range of other techniques to reduce the cost differential between underground
cables and overhead lines.

Improvements in cable design are leading to lighter cable and hence longer drum lengths.
The most significant changes are the use of laminated foil sheaths rather than the thicker
seamless metallic sheaths. The use of higher electrical stresses reduces the thickness of
cable insulation. In addition to using less material this reduces the number of joints,
leading to reduced cost and shorter installation times.

The cost of installation can also be reduced by the use of mechanised laying techniques.
The cable trench can be excavated, the cable laid and the trench backfilled in a single
pass. Figure 3.19 shows the mechanised laying of a 20 kV cable bundle. For larger
cables mechanised laying techniques can be used to bury plastic ducts [8]. The cables
can subsequently be pulled into the ducts. Figure 3.20 shows the mechanised laying of
63 kV cable ducts. A novel method for pulling the cables has been trialled [9]. As the
cable is winched, water is pumped through the duct providing both buoyancy to the cable
and forward momentum to assist the cable pulling. The use of pre-lubricated ducts can
also reduce friction and hence the pulling force required.

Mechanised laying techniques are mainly applicable to light, low power cables in rural
environments. They are less useful if there are other (crossing) underground services or
if the use of a special backfill is required to assist heat dissipation from the cable. There
is also a practical limit to the weight of cable that can be laid and laying may not be
possible during wet seasons.

- 32 -
Figure 3.19: Mechanised laying of a 20 kV cable bundle

Figure 3.20: Mechanised laying of 63 kV cable ducts

- 33 -
Deferring Expenditure

There may be circumstances in which a cable has to be connected to an overhead line

whose rating is far greater than the present day need. It may be economic to install a
cable that meets the present day requirements and then install a second cable per phase
once the load has grown sufficiently [10]. For a ducted cable system it may be more
economic to install spare ducts during civil work for the initial installation

For a cable installed in a tunnel provision can be made for future network expansion by
leaving space in the tunnel for additional circuits.

Where it is anticipated that forced cooling will be needed to meet the future rating, it may
be possible to defer expenditure by not installing the full cooling system until a later date.
For a water-cooled cable, water pipes could be installed without the water cooling
stations and heat exchangers or refrigeration. Similarly, where a high pressure oil-filled
(pipe type) cable system is installed the cooling system (oil radiators and fans) could be
added later.

Temperature measurement and real-time rating techniques also provide an option for
deferring expenditure by extending the time for which the existing cable meets the need.

Tailored Solutions

Overhead lines provide an off-the-shelf solution to the provision of transmission circuits.

They generally utilise a standardised range of designs for conductor, insulators strings
and towers. The relatively low cost of overhead transmission means that there is little
benefit from applying novel or bespoke solutions to each line. The converse is true for
underground transmission. It is relatively expensive and hence despite the additional cost
of one-off designs, it is still possible to make significant savings from tailored solutions.
This is particularly true of novel installation designs and techniques.

One consequence of this approach is that an underground cable system can be tailored to
meet local conditions, but the same solution may not be applicable elsewhere. Hence,
even for the same voltage and power, the costs of an underground cable system can vary
widely. This makes it difficult to generalise the cost of a typical underground cable
system or even to get a consensus on what a typical underground cable system looks like.
Each installation must be taken individually and the relevant costs calculated.

4 Cost Factors
The statistics of installed lengths reported in Chapter 2 show that utilities generally prefer
to use overhead lines rather than underground cables. This is primarily on the grounds of
cost, although as shown in Chapter 3, there are also a number of technical factors which
favour overhead lines.

- 34 -
Before considering in detail the components which go to make up the cost of an
underground cable circuit, we shall first consider how best to compare the cost of
underground cables with the equivalent overhead line.

4.1 Cost Ratios

Cost ratios are often thought of as simple way of comparing costs, for example saying an
underground cable is 10 times as expensive as overhead line. In reality there can be a
wide range of values quoted for apparently similar circuits and this leads to confusion and
mistrust between the various stakeholders.

Cost ratios are volatile, in particular, they are highly sensitive to small changes in
overhead line cost and as a result they must be used with extreme caution. Table 4.1
shows some hypothetical cost ratios for underground to overhead costs. In both cases the
underground cable costs €10 million (€10M). In Case 1 the overhead line costs
€500 thousand (€500k). In the second case, small changes in the overhead line design or
the local ground conditions result in the overhead line costing €1M. The cost ratio for
Case 1 is 20, whilst for Case 2 it is 10. The important factor is the additional cost of
placing the link underground, which is similar in both cases (€9.5M in Case 1 against
€9.0M in Case 2.)

Table 4.1: Hypothetical cost ratios for underground to overhead costs

Case Cost of Cost of overhead Cost Additional cost of

underground cable line ratio undergrounding
1 €10 million €500 thousand 20 €9.5 million
2 €10 million €1 million 10 €9.0 million

Small changes in the design of the circuit can produce large changes in cost ratios and, in
financial terms, the ratios have little meaning. It is the added cost of undergrounding that
is important and must be weighed against the benefits (largely visual) that it brings.

In their 1996 study [1,2], CIGRE Joint Working Group 21/22-01 tried to gather
international values for cost ratios, but as might be expected the results were of limited
use. For circuits operating at voltages between 220 kV and 362 kV, JWG 21/22-01 found
cost ratios ranging between 5 and 21.
The quoted ratios vary widely, because they are highly dependent on local circumstances
(including terrain, land costs and power flows).

The present Working Group considered the option of collecting international costs for a
well-defined ‘typical’ cable circuit, but it is even difficult to obtain international
consensus on what might constitute a ‘typical’ cable circuit.

- 35 -
The Working Group has concluded that it is not possible to collect a consistent set of data
for overhead and underground costs that would give more reliable cost ratios than those
obtained in 1996.

The only reliable method of comparing overhead and underground costs is on a case by
case basis. Generic values of cost ratio are of very limited use and should be avoided.
Estimates for the costs of underground and overhead options for a specific project must
be calculated and then weighed against the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

4.2 Components of cost for cable systems

Costs can be estimated for the various stages of the cable’s lifecycle:

x Planning/Design
x Procurement
x Construction
x Operation
x End of Life

Each stage of life can be subdivided further and the costs estimated. See Appendix F for
further details.

In general the early capital costs, particularly procurement and construction, are usually
found to be the most significant. They are immediate and tend to be larger than later
costs such as repair and maintenance and hence have most effect on the financing of

Later costs can be very difficult to estimate. It is particularly difficult to estimate both
the magnitude and the cost of future electrical losses. The magnitude of losses are highly
dependent on how heavily the line will be loaded and the cost of the losses depends on
factors such as the cost of fuel and the availability of surplus generation capacity. None
of these factors are easy to estimate even in the short-term. Estimating their likely values
in 40 years’ time is extremely difficult, particularly in a deregulated environment.

By analysing the underground cable costs for each stage of the cable’s life, it is easier to
assess which costs are important and which estimates are least reliable. A similar
methodology can be used to estimate the cost of the equivalent overhead line.

4.3 Comparing underground and overhead options

The only reliable way of comparing the costs of underground and overhead options is on
a case by case basis. There is no general answer to how the costs compare. In Chapter 3,

- 36 -
technical options for reducing the cost of undergrounding were discussed. These often
involve a willingness to be flexible in the design of installations rather than just accepting
a standard design solution. This in itself makes the concept of a standard cost for a
circuit untenable.

Historic values of underground and overhead costs are often a poor guide to present day
costs. The price of underground cable is strongly influenced by fluctuations in the
commodity price of raw materials such as copper. It is also expensive to manufacture
and store large stocks of cable, particularly for the very high voltages. In consequence
the price of underground cable is very sensitive to the balance between demand and
manufacturing capacity.

The other problem with using historic values of underground and overhead costs is that
underground cable has traditionally been used mainly in the centres of towns and cities
with overhead lines being used for rural transmission circuits. There has therefore been a
tendency to compare the cost of urban underground cable with that of rural overhead line,
which may give an inaccurate comparison.

For each individual project, the costs of underground and overhead options must be
calculated and these can then be compared. Once the cost difference has been calculated,
this can be compared with those benefits and threats which are more difficult to express
in monetary terms. These include factors such as visual intrusion, threats to sensitive
habitat and damage to archaeological heritage.

There are also land-use issues which need to be considered, where the installation of an
overhead line or underground cable might restrict future options for either agriculture or
suburban building development.

Factors such as visual intrusion and threats to sensitive habitat are not generally the same
along the whole route. In some cases partial undergrounding is an opportunity for
compromise. As shown in Chapter 3, however, the transition from overhead to
underground can have significant impact on the local environment and adjacent short
sections of undergrounding are unlikely to be desirable.

However even that generalisation may be unwise without considering the details of a
specific case. Only by calculating the cost differential between underground and
overhead options for a particular circuit can this be weighed against the other benefits and
threats to give a rational basis for a decision.

- 37 -
5 Conclusions
The large majority of circuits are overhead. The proportion of ac circuits that are
underground falls from 6.6% for the 50 to 109 kV range down to 0.5% for the
315 to 500 kV range. There is no significant length of underground transmission at the
501 to 764 kV level.

The percentage of underground cable which has extruded polymeric insulation falls from
72% for the 50 kV - 109 kV range to 27% for 315 - 500 kV range. The decreasing
proportion of extruded insulation used at the higher voltages reflects the relatively recent
introduction of this technology.

The data on installed lengths clearly show that utilities have a strong preference for
overhead lines rather than underground cables. For the 50 kV to 109 kV range, 93% of
the ac network is overhead. This value increases to 100% overhead at the 501-764 kV

The preference for overhead lines is mainly on the grounds of cost and some technical
issues. The cost driver becomes stronger as the voltage level increases. The main
technical differences between the underground and overhead transmission of bulk electric
power relate to electrical insulation of the conductor, heat transfer to prevent overheating
and the construction work necessary to install the circuit. These combine and result in
the additional cost and complexity of placing circuits underground. This situation
becomes worse at higher power and voltages.

There are also significant differences in electrical design and system operation between
underground cables and overhead lines.

Cost ratios are often thought of as simple way of comparing costs, but there can be a wide
range of values quoted for apparently similar circuits and this leads to confusion and
mistrust between the various stakeholders.

Cost ratios are volatile; in particular, they are highly sensitive to small changes in
overhead line cost and as a result they must be used with extreme caution.
Small changes in the design of a circuit can produce large changes in cost ratios and, in
financial terms, the ratios have little meaning. It is the added cost of undergrounding that
is important and must be weighed against the benefits (largely visual) that it brings.

In the 1996 study cost ratios ranging between 5 and 21were quoted for circuits operating
at voltages between 220 kV and 362 kV. The quoted ratios vary widely, because they are
highly dependent on local circumstances (including terrain, land costs and power flows).

- 38 -
The present Working Group concluded that it is not possible to collect a consistent set of
data for overhead and underground costs that would give more reliable cost ratios than
those obtained in 1996.

The only reliable method of comparing overhead and underground costs is on a case by
case basis and generic values of cost ratio are of very limited use and should be avoided.
Estimates for the costs of underground and overhead options for a specific project must
be calculated and then weighed against the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Technical options for reducing the cost of undergrounding have been considered. These
often involve a willingness to be flexible in the design of installations rather than just
accepting a standard design solution. This in itself makes the concept of a standard cost
for a circuit untenable.

Historic values of underground and overhead costs are often a poor guide to present day
costs. Underground cable has traditionally been used mainly in the centres of towns and
cities with overhead lines being used for rural transmission circuits. There has therefore
been a tendency to compare the cost of urban underground cable with that of rural
overhead line, which may give an inaccurate comparison.

For each project, the costs of underground and overhead options must be calculated and
these can then be compared. Once the cost difference has been calculated, this can be
compared with those benefits and threats which are more difficult to express in monetary
terms. These include factors such as visual intrusion, threats to sensitive habitat and
damage to archaeological heritage.

There are also land-use issues which need to be considered, where the installation of an
overhead line or underground cable might restrict future options for either agriculture or
suburban building development.

Factors such as visual intrusion, threats to sensitive habitat, etc. are not generally the
same along the whole route. In some cases partial undergrounding is an opportunity for
compromise, but the transition from overhead to underground can have significant impact
on the local environment and adjacent short sections of undergrounding are unlikely to be

Underground cable systems can be tailored to meet local conditions, but the same
solution may not be applicable elsewhere. Hence, even for the same voltage and power,
the costs of an underground cable system can vary widely. This makes it difficult to
generalise the cost of a typical underground cable system.

Only by calculating the cost differential between underground and overhead options for a
particular circuit can this be weighed against the other benefits and threats giving a
rational basis for a choice between overhead and underground transmission.

- 39 -
6 References
1. Comparison of overhead lines and underground cables, CIGRE Technical Brochure
110, December 1996

2. Comparison of overhead lines and underground cables for electricity transmission,

CIGRE Session Paper 21/22-01, Paris, 1996

3. Accessories for HV Cables with Extruded Insulation, CIGRE Technical

Brochure 177, February 2001

4. General guidelines for the integration of a new underground cable system in the
Network, CIGRE Technical Brochure 250, August 2004.

5. Operating characteristics of long links of AC high voltage insulated cables, CIGRE

Session Paper 21-13, Paris, 1986

6. Technical issues regarding the integration of HVAC underground cable systems in

the Network, CIGRE Session Paper 21-108, Paris, 2002.

7. Reliable fault clearance and back-up protection, CIGRE Technical Brochure 140,
April 1999

8. Marty L. and Le Corguille J.L., Mechanical laying of HDPE ducts in rural area,
Jicable Conference 2003, Paris, Paper A.10.2, pp333-337

9. Trichard C., et al., Innovative installation method using water as a carrying fluid to
install power cables in-pre-lubricated ducts in trenches of reduced dimensions,
Jicable Conference 2003, Paris, Paper A.10.5, pp349-352

10. Goulty GA, Visual Aspects of High Voltage Transmission, John Wiley & Sons,
1989, p166

11. Thermal behaviour of overhead conductors, CIGRE Technical Brochure 207,

August 2002.

12. Guide for selection of weather parameters for bare overhead conductor ratings,
CIGRE Technical Brochure 299, August 2006

13. The design of specially bonded systems, Electra 28, 1973

14. The design of specially bonded cable circuits, Part II, Electra 47, 1976

- 40 -
15. Guide to the protection of specially bonded cable systems against sheath
overvoltages, Electra 128, 1990, pp46-62

16. Special bonding of high voltage power cables, CIGRE Technical Brochure 283,
October 2005

17. Construction, laying and installation techniques for extruded and self contained
fluid filled cable systems, CIGRE Technical Brochure 190, August 2001.

18. High voltage overhead line environmental concerns, procedures, impacts and
mitigations, CIGRE Technical Brochure 147, October 1999

19. Life cycle assessment (LCA) for overhead lines, CIGRE Technical Brochure 265,
December 2004

20. Environmental management plans for activities associated with overhead lines,
CIGRE Electra 212, February 2004, p57

21. Consultation models for overhead line projects, CIGRE Technical Brochure 274,
June 2005

22. Upgrading and uprating of existing cable systems, Working Group B1.11, CIGRE
Technical Brochure, to be published.

23. Magnetic field in HV cable systems: 1 - systems without ferromagnetic component,

CIGRE Technical Brochure 104, June 1996.

24. Magnetic field calculation in underground cable systems with ferromagnetic

component, Electra 174, October 1997, pp78-89

25. How OH lines are re-designed for uprating/upgrading. Analysis of the answers to
the questionnaire, CIGRE Technical Brochure 294, June 2006

26. Guidelines for increased utilization existing overhead lines, Working Group B2.13,
CIGRE Technical Brochure, to be published.

27. Optimization of power transmission capability of underground cable systems using

thermal monitoring, CIGRE Technical Brochure 247, April 2004

28. The influence of line configuration on environment impacts of electrical origin,

CIGRE Electra 221, August 2005, p53

29. The influence of line configuration on environment impacts of electrical origin,

CIGRE Technical Brochure 278, August 2005

- 41 -
Draft 7.00


A.1 Collection of Data

The 1996 report from the Joint Working Group 21/22 examined the worldwide usage of high
voltage overhead transmission lines and underground cables [1,2]. It also examined a number of
regulatory, technical and environmental issues. As a consequence, the questionnaire was 22 pages
long and some of the data collected were difficult to interpret. Our working group reviewed the
information obtained by JWG 21/22 and considered the resources necessary to gather that data
from utilities in current circumstances. It was decided to concentrate our effort on updating the
statistics of installed lengths. We were aware of the considerable time and effort that is needed to
fill in a long questionnaire. The information that we requested was the minimum needed to
complete our update.

We prepared a short questionnaire dealing only with the lengths of circuits that are currently
installed. The Excel spreadsheet used to gather this information is shown in Figure A.1.

The data requested were lengths of underground and overhead circuits in five voltage ranges.

x 50-109 kV
x 110-219 kV
x 220-314 kV
x 315-500 kV
x 501-764 kV
The voltages referred to are the nominal phase-to-phase system voltage. The voltage ranges were
chosen to group together similar design and operational principles as far as possible.

The data following guidance was offered to respondents:

Rating Range (MVA)

The complexity (and cost) of transmission circuits is significantly higher for large power flows.
We would like some information on the typical design circuit ratings for your system at each
voltage level. For simplicity we are asking for the ratings (transmission capacity) of OHL only.
This is obviously difficult as you may have many different types of conductor and installation at
each voltage, but please give the continuous rating or range of continuous ratings for typical OHL
at each voltage. If there are significant differences between cable and OHL ratings on your system
please indicate this.

Draft 7.00

This is the total number of circuit km of ac OHL installed on your system. This includes circuits
that were in use when the 1996 survey was carried out. Please include any lines that are approved
or under construction and will be completed by December 2006.
The circuit km reported should be the lengths of circuit installed, ignoring the number of
subconductors used for each phase. So a 5 km long double-circuit line with three conductors per
phase should be reported as 10 circuit km.

Cable - Extruded and Lapped

We are only interested in AC land cables. Since we are collecting data on transmission circuit
lengths please do not include short lengths of cable installed across substations, power stations, etc.
We would like an indication of the insulation used. To keep this simple, we have restricted the
insulation to only two types: extruded (XLPE, LDPE, EPR, etc) and lapped paper (oil-filled, pipe-
type, mass impregnated, etc)

To simplify the collection of data, in the category 50-109kV, no distinction will be made between
extruded cables and lapped cables (unless data is readily available)
The circuit km reported should be the lengths of circuit installed, ignoring the number of cables
used for each phase. So a 5 km long double-circuit connection with 3 phases and two cables per
phase should be reported as 10 circuit km even though it has 60 km of cable core.
As with the lengths of OHL, we need the total length currently installed, so this includes the cables
reported in 1996. Please include any circuits that are approved or under construction and will be
completed by December 2006.

Draft 7.00

Figure A.1: Format of the questionnaire sent to members of CIGRE Study Committee B1

Utility name or geographical area reported:
Contact name
Contact's email address

Voltage Range Rating range OHL Cable Cable

(MVA) (Circuit km) Extruded Lapped
(Circuit km) (Circuit km)
50 - 109
110 - 219
220 - 314
315 - 500
501 - 764

A.2 Data received

Responses were received from utilities in 28 countries. The majority of respondents were able to
divide their cable data by insulation type. The proportion of cable for which it was possible to
separate extruded cables and lapped cables varied from 89% for the 50 to 109 kV range up to
100% for the 315-500 kV range.
The responses were sorted by country and the data checked for any obvious typographical errors or
misunderstandings. The data were then checked against alternative sources of data where
available. These included utility web sites, company’s annual reports, regulatory information, etc.
The results were also compared with those from the 1996 study, although this is not a
straightforward task and is considered further in section A.3.

Table A.1 is a summary of the basic data received. It shows the installed lengths of underground
cable and overhead line at the voltage levels. No underground cable was recorded at the 501-
764 kV level.

Table A.2 shows the installed lengths of underground cable and overhead line and the percentage
of total circuit length which is underground at the 50-109 kV level

The equivalent data for the voltage ranges 110-219 kV, 220-314 kV, 315-500 kV and 501-764 kV
are shown in Table A.3 to A.6 respectively.

Data on percentages of networks underground presented in the main body of the report (Figure 2.2
to 2.5) are for each country in decreasing order. Figure A.2 compares the results from Western
Europe, Asia/Pacific and the Americas in the voltage range 110 kV to 219 kV.

Draft 7.00

Table A.1: Installed lengths of ac underground cable and overhead line at the voltage levels up to
500 kV.

50-109 kV 110-219 kV 220-314 kV 315-500 kV

Cable OHL Cable OHL Cable OHL Cable OHL
(km) (km) (km) (km) (km) (km) (km) (km)
Australia 95 2153 201 13188 15 7151 58 6734
Austria 757 10282 5 3759 54 2453
Belgium 262 3007 311 3780 0 388 0 1481
Brazil 6 2735 0 9103 22 1405 55 6799
Canada 65 6849 398 24342 153 19786 16 12847
China 748 2017 156 1658 0 985
Croatia 53 4861 0 1248 0 1208
Denmark 1930 6000 515 3650 0 55 52 1300
Finland 280 15300 0 2400 0 4000
France 2316 48835 1 1064 903 25416 2 21007
Germany 857 13156 4972 76630 45 26790 65 18200
Ireland 171 4643 106 1723 0 438
Israel 100 4400 0 300
Italy 0 40 907 38278 197 10924 34 10651
Japan 11760 67989 1769 34732 1440 20594 123 15879
Korea 2 993 2144 16813 0 0 221 7563
Mexico 129 3450 595 44323 170 26500 3 19000
Netherlands 2558 289 1068 5495 6 677 7 1997
New Zealand 9 1339 127 6098 0 8376
Poland 74 32227 0 8119 0 4830
Portugal 433 8253 2 2431 20 3080 0 1507
Romania 283 25909 8 5550 0 4389
Singapore 1185 0 651 0 111 0
Spain 509 10697 181 12220 479 18757 80 18806
Sweden 113 4265 334 14356 27 4417 8 10620
Switzerland 255 1634 547 1615 14 1539 0 1304
United Kingdom 1457 3073 2967 23192 496 6321 166 11122
USA 946 165830 2904 315309 663 116890 536 122176

Total 24886 350587 22408 746257 5575 323522 1589 307596

Draft 7.00

Table A.2: Installed lengths of ac underground cable and overhead line and the percentage of total
circuit length which is underground at 50-109 kV

Cable (km) OHL (km) Total (km) % Cable

Australia 95 2153 2248 4.2
Belgium 262 3007 3269 8.0
Brazil 6 2735 2740 0.2
Canada 65 6849 6914 0.9
Denmark 1930 6000 7930 24.3
France 2316 48835 51151 4.5
Germany 857 13156 14013 6.1
Italy 0 40 40 0.0
Japan 11760 67989 79749 14.7
Korea 2 993 995 0.2
Mexico 129 3450 3579 3.6
Netherlands 2558 289 2846 89.9
New Zealand 9 1339 1348 0.7
Portugal 433 8253 8686 5.0
Singapore 1185 0 1185 100.0
Spain 509 10697 11206 4.5
Sweden 113 4265 4378 2.6
Switzerland 255 1634 1890 13.5
United Kingdom 1457 3073 4530 32.2
USA 946 165830 166776 0.6

Total 24886 350587 375473 6.6

Draft 7.00

Table A.3: Installed lengths of ac underground cable and overhead line and the percentage of total
circuit length which is underground at 110 - 219 kV

Cable (km) OHL (km) Total (km) % Cable

Australia 201 13188 13389 1.5
Austria 757 10282 11039 6.9
Belgium 311 3780 4091 7.6
Brazil 0 9103 9103 0.0
Canada 398 24342 24740 1.6
China 748 2017 2765 27.0
Croatia 53 4861 4914 1.1
Denmark 515 3650 4165 12.4
Finland 280 15300 15580 1.8
France 1 1064 1065 0.1
Germany 4972 76630 81602 6.1
Ireland 171 4643 4814 3.6
Israel 100 4400 4500 2.2
Italy 907 38278 39185 2.3
Japan 1769 34732 36501 4.8
Korea 2144 16813 18957 11.3
Mexico 595 44323 44918 1.3
Netherlands 1068 5495 6563 16.3
New Zealand 127 6098 6225 2.0
Poland 74 32227 32301 0.2
Portugal 2 2431 2433 0.1
Romania 283 25909 26192 1.1
Spain 181 12220 12401 1.5
Sweden 334 14356 14690 2.3
Switzerland 547 1615 2162 25.3
United Kingdom 2967 23192 26159 11.3
USA 2904 315309 318212 0.9

Total 22408 746257 768665 2.9

Draft 7.00

Table A.4: Installed lengths of ac underground cable and overhead line and the percentage of total
circuit length which is underground at 220 - 314 kV

Cable (km) OHL (km) Total (km) % Cable

Australia 15 7151 7166 0.2
Austria 5 3759 3764 0.1
Belgium 0 388 388 0.0
Brazil 22 1405 1427 1.5
Canada 153 19786 19939 0.8
China 156 1658 1814 8.6
Croatia 0 1248 1248 0.0
Denmark 0 55 55 0.0
Finland 0 2400 2400 0.0
France 903 25416 26319 3.4
Germany 45 26790 26835 0.2
Ireland 106 1723 1829 5.8
Italy 197 10924 11121 1.8
Japan 1440 20594 22034 6.5
Mexico 170 26500 26670 0.6
Netherlands 6 677 683 0.9
New Zealand 0 8376 8376 0.0
Poland 0 8119 8119 0.0
Portugal 20 3080 3100 0.6
Romania 8 5550 5558 0.1
Singapore 651 0 651 100.0
Spain 479 18757 19235 2.5
Sweden 27 4417 4444 0.6
Switzerland 14 1539 1553 0.9
United Kingdom 496 6321 6817 7.3
USA 663 116890 117552 0.6

Total 5575 323522 329097 1.7

Draft 7.00

Table A.5: Installed lengths of ac underground cable and overhead line and the percentage of total
circuit length which is underground at 315 - 500 kV

Cable (km) OHL (km) Total (km) % Cable

Australia 58 6734 6792 0.9
Austria 54 2453 2507 2.2
Belgium 0 1481 1481 0.0
Brazil 55 6799 6854 0.8
Canada 16 12847 12863 0.1
China 0 985 985 0.0
Croatia 0 1208 1208 0.0
Denmark 52 1300 1352 3.8
Finland 0 4000 4000 0.0
France 2 21007 21009 0.0
Germany 65 18200 18265 0.4
Ireland 0 438 438 0.0
Israel 0 300 300 0.0
Italy 34 10651 10685 0.3
Japan 123 15879 16002 0.8
Korea 221 7563 7784 2.8
Mexico 3 19000 19003 0.0
Netherlands 7 1997 2004 0.3
Poland 0 4830 4830 0.0
Portugal 0 1507 1507 0.0
Romania 0 4389 4389 0.0
Singapore 111 0 111 100.0
Spain 80 18806 18886 0.4
Sweden 8 10620 10628 0.1
Switzerland 0 1304 1304 0.0
United Kingdom 166 11122 11288 1.5
USA 536 122176 122712 0.4

Total 1589 306287 307876 0.5

Draft 7.00

Table A.6: Installed lengths of ac underground cable and overhead line and the percentage of total
circuit length which is underground at 501 - 764 kV

Cable (km) OHL (km) Total (km) % Cable

Canada 0 11422 11422 0.0
Korea 0 662 662 0.0
Poland 0 114 114 0.0
Romania 0 86 86 0.0
USA 0 4406 4406 0.0

Total 0 16690 16690 0.0










th ta ly

C a z il
S in


ic o
B e r ia

G and

M a
Ki en
D e iu m

F i rk

I re y

Ja a
Sp s









s tr

i te w e






Figure A.2: Percentage of the total ac circuit length which is underground in the voltage range
110 kV to 219 kV; Comparison of results from Western Europe, Asia/Pacific and the Americas

Draft 7.00

A.3 Comparison with the 1996 study

Data for the 1996 study were collected in three voltage ranges:

x 110-219 kV
x 220-362 kV
x 363-764 kV
The main differences with our ranges are:
x In 1996, no data were collected for the 50-109 kV range
x The second and third ranges are split at 362 kV. This means that 345 kV and 400 kV
networks are sorted into different ranges, even though they use similar design and
operational principles.
x The upper level includes voltages above 500 kV where there is no significant use of
underground cable.
Although the 1996 and 2006 studies use different voltage ranges, it is still possible to compare the
cable data by combining results as follows:
1996 2006
110-219 kV 110-219 kV
220-362 kV 220-314 kV
and 363-764 kV* and 315-500 kV
* Note that there are no underground transmission cables at voltages above 500 kV.

Using this method it was possible to look for errors in our data, but this must be applied with great
caution. The two data sets are not directly comparable. We obtained responses from utilities in 28
countries. (For details of the geographical coverage of the 2006 study see Table A.1). The 1996
study collected data from 18 countries. Not all countries in the 1996 study were able to respond to
the 2006 questionnaire. In countries with a large number of utilities, those that responded in 2006
are not necessarily the same utilities that responded in 1996. Indeed, given the scale of
deregulation and structural change over the last 10 years, many of the utilities that existed in 1996
no longer exist in the same form. Hence extreme caution must be used when comparing the 1996
and 2006 results. Any inconsistencies between the data sets are less of a problem when comparing
overhead line data, where many thousands of kilometres of circuit are involved, but differences
can appear large when comparing the much smaller lengths of underground cable.

Draft 7.00

Table A.7 and Figure A.3 compare the 1996 and 2006 data for lengths of underground cable in the
range 220 kV to 500 kV. Table A.8 compares the 1996 and 2006 data for lengths of underground
cable in the range 110 kV to 219 kV.


1600 1996
Underground cable - km








r ia












I re





it z



Figure A.3: Total length of ac underground cable installed in the voltage range 220 kV to 500 kV;
Comparison of results from the 1996 and 2006 studies.

Draft 7.00

It can be seen that most countries have reported an increase in the amount of underground cable
since 1996, but some of the changes (for example the decreases in cable in Canada and
Switzerland and the 20000% increase in cable in the USA) reflect changes in the efficiency of data
capture rather than changes in the amount of cable installed.

Areas where there are known limitations to the data are:

Canada – data only from British Columbia, Quebec and Ontario
China - Beijing City only
Germany - based on 2003 data from the German Utility Organisation VDN updated with
information from some major utilities
Switzerland –Data from 9 major utilities
Sweden - Data from 5 major utilities
USA - Data from 24 utilities, but these include the largest cable users

Since the data from China only represents the city of Beijing, it is likely to contain a higher
proportion of underground cable than would be seen in more rural areas. For the 110-219 kV
voltage range Beijing reports 27% undergrounding compared with an international average of
2.9%. For the 220-314 kV voltage range the figure is 8.6% compared with an international
average of 1.7%. Although the data for Beijing have been reported in the tables it is not shown in
the charts as the Working Group does not consider the data to be representative of all circuits in
China. Since the absolute values of the circuit lengths are relatively low they have little effect on
the international averages. For example, at 220-314 kV, the international average is 1.66%
without the Beijing data and 1.69% if they are included.

Table A.7: Comparison of 1996 and 2006 data for lengths (km) of underground cable in the range
220 kV to 500 kV

1996 2006 Change

Australia 42 73 75%
Austria 48 59 23%
Canada 250 151.5 -39%
Denmark 31 52 68%
France 600 914 52%
Germany 99 110 11%
Ireland 64 106 66%
Italy 130 231 78%
Japan 873 1563 79%
Netherlands 6 12.5 108%
Spain 31 558 1700%
Sweden 11 35 218%
Switzerland 25 13 -48%
UK 553 662 20%
USA 6 1198.2 19871%

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Table A.8: Comparison of 1996 and 2006 data for lengths (km) of underground cable in the range
110 kV to 219 kV

1996 2006 Change

Australia 679 201 -70%
Austria 485 757 56%
Belgium 140 311 122%
Canada 550 398 -28%
Denmark 210 515 145%
Finland 47 280 496%
Germany 4400 4972 13%
Ireland 84 171 104%
Italy 280 907 224%
Japan 1532 1769 15%
Netherlands 747 1068 43%
Spain 186 181 -3%
Sweden 100 334 234%
Switzerland 400 547 37%
UK 2431 2967 22%
USA 448 2904 548%

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B.1 Load and Ratings

The rating of a circuit (overhead and underground) is largely determined by the heat produced by
the current flowing in the conductor (electrical losses) and the ability of the surroundings to
transport the heat away from the conductor. The rating of a circuit is the maximum load
(ampacity) that is permitted for the circuit without exceeding the maximum temperature of the
conductor. A reduction in losses will increase the rating, and better cooling of the conductor will
also increase the rating.

Since the rating is determined by heat production and dissipation it is often referred to as the
thermal rating for the circuit. There are a number of different commonly-used thermal ratings
depending on how the circuit is operated. These are discussed below.

Nominal rating:
The nominal or continuous rating is the most commonly used thermal rating. It assumes that the
load is constant (or continuous) and the properties of the conductor and the surroundings are
known (or are assigned specific values). The nominal rating is the maximum continuous
ampacity under specific steady state circumstances.

Cyclic rating:
Many circuits do not experience a constant load, but one that varies on a regular basis. For
example a cable supplying the central business district of a city may experience a high load
during the working day, but very little load at night. The maximum current that can be carried in
these circumstances is called the cyclic rating.

If the load is varying on a daily cycle it is common to calculate a daily load factor, which
expresses the effective load as a ‘proportion’ of the maximum load.

The daily load factor LF is defined by:

LF = [1/(T˜Imax)] ˜ ³ I(t)dt, (t = 0 to t = T)

T is the time for the cyclic period (e.g. T = 24 hours), Imax is the maximum actual load current
during the time T, I(t) is the load current at the time t.

A constant load has a load factor equal to 1.

Short-term rating:
A circuit operating below its continuous rating will be cooler than its design temperature. It
therefore has the potential to carry a relatively high load for a short period without exceeding its
design temperature. The low load during the initial period is called the preload. This is usually
assumed to be continuous (or at least to have occurred for a sufficiently long period for the cable
to have cooled down). The subsequent short period of high load is the short-term rating, which

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depends on the historical load (preload) and the parameter values of the surroundings. The short-
term rating utilizes the non-steady-state situation.

Real-time rating:
Real-time rating is the maximum load under present conditions. The real-time rating is the
maximum load right now, where we take into account the historical data, the actual weather
conditions and the thermal resistivities and time constants. Real-time rating can be either a short-
term rating or a steady state calculation based on the present situation.

B.2 Nominal Ratings

If we are going to compare different conductors/cables and different surroundings, it is necessary

to define some nominal values of the parameters involved in the calculations. Examples of
nominal values of the parameters are shown in the following sections for overhead lines and
underground cables.

B.2.1 Overhead lines

Overhead lines are surrounded by air, which is used as insulation and to dissipate heat. Its ability
to transfer heat away from the conductor depends very much on the wind speed. The temperature
of the surroundings is important, too, but the most important factor is the wind speed.

Factors that influence the ratings of overhead conductors [11,12] are:

- wind speed
- air temperature
- solar radiation
- absorption/emission coefficient
- conductor resistance.

Example of values for calculation of nominal rating:

- wind speed: 0.6 m/s
- air temperature: 20 °C
- solar radiation: 900 W/m2
- absorption/emission coefficient: 0.6

The conductor resistance is related to the material used and the dimensions of the conductor.

In the rating calculations we are only interested in the resistive losses. Corona losses are of minor

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B.2.2 Underground cables

Underground cables have resistive losses in the conductor and the sheath and dielectric losses in
the insulation. All these losses appear as heat in the cables. Heat has to be transported away from
the cable, so the cable will not exceed its design temperature and suffer permanent damage.

The surroundings of a cable system are not uniform and will often change along the cable route.
Even in soil with well-defined properties the thermal resistivity will change depending on the
moisture of the soil.

In special backfill materials around the cables the thermal properties are well-known, but outside
the backfill it is still possible to have material with high thermal resistivity.

In situations with more than one cable system, heat produced by one cable system may influence
the rating of the adjacent circuits. Similarly, other external heat sources (e.g. district heating
steam pipes) will influence the rating of the cable system.

In cables with very high ampacity forced cooling is sometimes used. For example fans may be
used to ventilate cables in tunnels or cooling water pipes can be buried alongside cables in the
ground. The rating of these cables depends heavily on the characteristics of the forced cooling
system used.

The rating of cables also depends on how the cables are placed (flat configuration, trefoil) and
the bonding of the cables (cross-bonded, single-point bonded, solid bonded). See Appendix C.2
for information on bonding.

The rating is also determined by the daily load factor – i.e. if the load is constant or cyclic.

A nominal rating of a cable system can be calculated under well-defined circumstances. Even
though a given size of cable does not have the same rating in every installation, it is possible to
calculate a nominal rating, which means a rating for a specific cable under specific installation

Example of typical values used in rating calculations:

- thermal resistivity: 1.0 Wm/K
- direct buried, maximum depth: 1 m
- maximum conductor temperature: 90 °C
- solid bonded
- trefoil formation
- constant load, load factor: 1.

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B.3 Short-term Ratings

The short-term rating is the maximum current/load the circuit can carry for a certain time without
exceeding its design parameters. The short-term rating is not constant, but depends on the
thermal history and the present situation.

B.3.1 Overhead lines

The short-term rating of an overhead line can be used for about 15-30 minutes. It is also called
the transient load for the line. In the event of a fault on the network, which causes a line to be
switched out, another line can be overloaded by a certain percentage (typically 25 %) for some
minutes. During this post-fault period the personnel in the control centre have a relatively short
time to change the flow in the grid to remove the overload.

For overhead lines designed to a maximum sag it is not possible to make use of the short-term
load for a longer time, because the sag of the overhead line will be too great. The design
temperature of a conventional ACSR (Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced) conductor is
typically 50-90 °C.

If the towers are sufficiently tall, the sag of the conductors will cause no problem, the limit of the
short-term load is determined by the maximum temperature of the conductor. The maximum
long-term temperature for a conventional ACSR conductor is 75-90 °C. For shorter periods the
temperature is limited to about 120 °C. Higher temperatures will anneal the aluminium which
will lose much of its strength. High-temperature conductors can operate at temperatures up to for
example 150 °C or 250 °C.

Overhead lines can be designed for different temperatures, and each line has its own limits.
Under normal conditions the load is much lower than this load limit (for example 50 %). In a
situation where the load rises above the long-term load limit, there is only 15-30 minutes to
correct the situation.

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B.3.2 Underground cables

Underground cables are normal limited by the conductor temperature. In paper-insulated cables
the maximum conductor temperature is typically 60-90 °C (depending on cable type) and in
XLPE-insulated cables the maximum conductor temperature is 90 °C.

If the continuous load results in a steady state situation with conductor temperature equal to the
maximum conductor temperature, this load is called the rated load, Irat, of the cable system.
Under normal grid conditions the actual load, Iact, will be much lower.

For example, if Iact = 0.5 * Irat, the actual conductor temperature is below the temperature limit.
In this situation a parallel line may be switched off and the actual load rises to for example 25 %
over the steady state limit. This means Iact = 1.25 * Irat.

Because of the long thermal time constants of the cable and the backfill etc. it will take some
hours before the temperature limit of the conductor will be reached. This means that the short-
term load of the cable is large and that it can be used for several hours – and sometimes for a few
days. The magnitude and duration of the short-term load is determined by the historical data (the
preload) and the thermal time constants of the system.

The principle of the short-term load is shown in Figure B.1. In this example the preload is below
50 % of the nominal (continuous) rating. A fault in the transmission network results in a sudden
rise of the load to about 4 times the preload for a short period. This short-term load, which is
almost the double of the rated load, can last for some time - until it ‘hits’ the short-term load
capacity curve in the figure. It can be seen that the magnitude of the short-term rating is highly
dependent on the duration of the overload period.

Because of the relatively long duration of the short-term load it is possible to make use of the
short-term load in a daily planning situation in the control centre. In the case of system security
calculations (e.g. N-1 calculations, where no line in the grid may be overloaded when another
line is switched off), the maximum load of a cable system can be the short-term load for some
hours – perhaps 24 hours. The preload can be the expected load or a conservative assumption.

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Short-term load
Short-term load capacity

Nominal rating
Actual load


Duration of short- Time

term load

Figure B.1: Utilisation of short-term load under operating conditions.

It is not possible to make recommendations regarding short-term ratings that can be used
generally. The grid and the way it is operated differ from country to country, so the utilisation of
the short-term load will not be the same. Nevertheless there is generally a high amount of reserve
built into the cable and the surroundings that can be utilized.

B.4 Real-time Ratings

Real-time rating is the maximum load under actual conditions, taking into account the historical
data, the actual weather conditions and the thermal resistivities and time constants.

The real-time rating cannot be used in predictions or for day-to-day planning purposes, but it
gives the operator a real-time calculation of the capacity of the line. This will help him in an
operation situation, where the reserves in the grid will be used. It is also possible to get closer to
the limits when he is planning for the next day, because the circuit is monitored.

For overhead lines, real-time ratings can be produced by measuring the conductor stress, the
conductor temperature or the sag.

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Real-time rating on underground cables can be assisted by measuring the temperature along the
cable (see Appendix E2.3). The real-time rating calculation must be based on thermal models,
where the input is the historical load and perhaps the temperature of the surroundings.

B.5 Prediction of Ratings

For planning and operational purposes, it is important to know the rating of all circuits. In order
to ensure that the capacity is there when it is needed, conservative estimates are often used. This
means that there is a risk that the full capacity of the grid is not utilized. If it is possible to
predict the rating of a line in such a way that the security is still available, the grid can be utilized
in a more optimised manner.

B.5.1 Overhead lines

The rating of overhead lines is heavily dependent on the weather conditions. At night there may
be no wind, but some hours later in the morning the wind is blowing. The rating difference
between the two situations can be a factor of 2.

It is possible to predict the (average) wind speed some hours or even days before. But it is
impossible to predict precisely when the wind speed for example rises from 1 to 6 m/s. This is a
problem in the prediction of rating for overhead lines. If the weather conditions are known in
detail the day before, it is possible to use this in a day-to-day planning situation in the control

B.5.2 Underground cables

It can be easier to predict the rating for underground cables. Especially for new cable systems it
is possible to collect information about the surroundings, so it will be possible to make better
calculations of the ratings.

The surroundings of new cable systems are generally well-known and they will only change
slowly with time. It is therefore possible to predict the rating of an underground cable system.
This can be used in the day-to-day planning, so the cable system in fact can be better utilized.

B.6 Ratings of hybrid overhead/underground networks

Overhead lines and underground cables must be able to cooperate in the grid. There are
inequalities between overhead lines and underground cables, which at first may cause problems,
but these differences may result in different ways of dimensioning lines.

Overhead lines normally have a high nominal rating, but they have a short-term rating that can
only be used for 15-30 minutes. It is difficult to predict the maximum rating for an overhead line,
because it so much depends on the weather conditions.

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Underground cables often have a smaller nominal rating, but they have a relatively high short-
term rating, which can be utilized for hours. It is relatively easy to predict the maximum rating
for an underground cable system, because the conditions of the surroundings only change slowly.

It is possible to make use of the short-term rating of cable systems in the day-to-day planning.
This can also be taken into account in the long term planning of the grid.

The situation with a mix of underground cables and overhead lines is discussed in more detail in
Technical Brochure 250 [4].

Where part of a circuit is underground, we have overhead lines and cables in connected in series.
This means that the same current has to flow through both the overhead line and the underground
cable, and that the rating of the cable circuit should match the overhead line.

If the cable system has the same nominal rating as the overhead line, it will be the overhead line
that is the bottleneck in the circuit, because the cable in real life has a short-term load for hours
that exceeds the rating of the overhead line. The cable also has an emergency load that will not
be used in this case.

To match the cable and the overhead line it is recommended to take into account the daily load
factor. Theoretically it can be 1, but in practice it is likely to be between 0.7 and 0.9 depending
on the nature of the line (transmission or distribution line).

The operator of the grid will not run a circuit with maximum load under normal circumstances,
because a fault in the grid will then cause an overload of this circuit. Instead the circuit might be
loaded by for example only 50 %. This preload situation means that there is a high short-term
load available for a cable.

The overhead line can be built with a high intrinsic rating, which is perhaps not utilized in the
early stages of its life. The extra cost of achieving a high rating for an underground cable
generally means that these are designed to meet the demands of the present and the near future,
not necessarily those in 40 years time. If there is space available to install an extra cable circuit
later, it may be cost effective to install a low power cable now and add another circuit when it is

For every cable installation in the grid the daily load factor and the preload conditions must be
analysed. It is not possible to give any guidance that will cover all situations. The owner of the
line or the Transmission System Operator has to make its own assumptions to match the rating of
the cable to the overhead line.

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C.1 Protection

An automatic re-closure system is used on an overhead line to re-energize the line in the case of
transient faults, such as lightning strikes. Re-closing is not used on underground cable systems
because transient faults on cables are extremely rare. Automatic re-closing on cables, particularly
on oil-filled cables, can cause an explosion or fire with attendant risk to the public and the
environment. In addition, unnecessary short circuits on the grid should be avoided.

In the case of hybrid circuits, with both overhead and underground sections, it is possible to
provide unit protection devices (differential/zone) to ascertain which section has failed. If the
cable section fails, re-closure is inhibited. The technique is simple but needs a lot of equipment
including telecommunication channels towards both ends. This makes the protection expensive
and it can be an option to accept re-closure on the cable if the risk is deemed acceptable.

C.2 Special Bonding

Different methods of bonding the metallic screens or sheaths to earth may be chosen when
designing a cable system. The usual bonding methods are described below:

Solid bonding

A solidly bonded cable system has both ends of the sheath connected to earth (figure C1). In this
arrangement the metallic screens or sheaths provide a path for circulating currents under normal
operating conditions. This will cause losses in the metallic screen, which reduces the cable’s
current-carrying capacity. These losses are smaller for cables in trefoil formation than for cables
in flat formation with separation. In principle solid bonding is the simplest form of earth
connection, resulting in low maintenance requirements, but is generally used for cable
connections having a relatively low load current.

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Figure C.1: Solid bonding of metallic screens or sheaths

Single-point bonding

A system is single point bonded if the arrangements are such that the cable metallic screens or
sheaths provide no path for the flow of circulating currents or external fault currents (figure C2).
In such case, a voltage will be induced between screens of adjacent phases of the cable circuit
and between screen and earth, but no current will flow. This induced voltage is proportional to
the cable length and current. Single-point bonding is preferred for short terminal-to-terminal runs
and line taps and in principle for those circuits with not more than one joint. A parallel earth
continuity conductor (ECC) is installed to ensure a well defined path for the return of fault
currents to the system neutral.

Figure C.2: Single point bonding of metallic screens or sheaths

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A system is cross-bonded if the arrangements are such that the circuit provides electrically
continuous sheath runs from earthed termination to earthed termination but with the metallic
screens or sheaths so sectionalized and cross-connected in order to eliminate the sheath
circulating currents. See figure C.3. In this case, a voltage will be induced in between screen and
earth, but no significant current will flow. The maximum induced voltage will appear at the link
boxes for cross-bonding. This method provides a cable with the high current-carrying capacity of
a single-point bonded cable, but offers longer route lengths. It requires screen separation and
additional link boxes.

Figure C.3: Cross bonding of metallic screens or sheaths

Further information on special bonding systems is given in three Electra papers [13-15] and a
Technical Brochure [16].

C.3 Parallel lines

When an overhead line and an underground cable of the same transmission capacity operate in
parallel, most of the load will flow in the cable due to its much lower impedance. Because of this,
the cable reaches its current limit much earlier than the overhead line.

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This problem can be solved by using a cable system with a larger transmission capacity or by
increasing the impedance by the use of a series reactance. At the planning stage, the load
distribution between the underground cable and the parallel overhead line must be analysed.

C.4 Reactive Compensation

Overhead lines are largely used in transmission networks due to their technological simplicity,
low costs and suitability to transmit bulk power for long distances (100 to 300 km). Their main
intrinsic feature is a high ratio between inductive and capacitive reactance, physically
represented by the characteristic impedance of the line.

The characteristic impedance of underground cable systems is much lower, due to differences in
both inductance and capacitance. At first glance, the insulated cable capacitance is at least 15-20
times while the inductance ranges between 0.25-1 times those of overhead lines. As a
consequence, the capacitive reactive power of a cable system becomes a sensitive factor to be
taken into consideration particularly for the highest voltages, see table C1.

Table C1. Indicative figures for the reactive power produced by transmission circuits under no

Transmission Conductor
[kV] [ȝF/km] [mH/km] [Mvar/km]
66 Overhead 524 Al 0.010 1.440 0.01
66 Underground 300 Cu 0.178 0.768 0.2
150 Overhead 0.011 1.115 0.1
150 Underground 1200 Al 0.191 0.592 1.3
400 Overhead 0.015 0.800 0.7
400 Underground 2000 Cu 0.200 0.756 10.0
400 Underground 2500 Cu 0.240 0.724 12.1

In consideration of the length of the cable circuit and the transmission system characteristics, it
may be possible that a shunt inductive reactance needs to be applied in order to compensate for
the high capacitive reactance of the cable system.

Case studies conducted on some 400 kV transmission grids show that the characteristics of
cables may be in many cases beneficial to the general behaviour of the network. For example, the
high electrical capacitance of cables contributes to increased voltage collapse margins of
substations. However, when the ratio of underground to overhead become too high,
compensation becomes necessary, especially during periods of low load. At that moment, both
overhead lines and cable systems show a predominantly capacitive character.

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The application of shunt reactors may be necessary for three main reasons:
• Compensation for high capacitive current (optimization of efficient transmission capacity)
• Voltage control of the network
• Black start (for power stations with long cable connections)

Moreover shunt reactors improve the energy transmission efficiency and flexibility. They should
preferably be installed at the extremities of the connection. In some cases for very long cables
connected to overhead lines, it may be necessary to install shunt reactors at the
overhead/underground transition point. The installation of shunt reactors in the middle of very
long cable circuits is in principle not recommended. Figure C.4 shows a three phase 400 kV
shunt reactor. It weighs 160 tonnes and its dimensions are approximately 9 m x 6 m x 9 m.

Figure C.4: Three phase 400 kV shunt reactor (rated 160 MVAr)

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D.1 Laying Techniques

There are 3 main functions to be considered for the design of a cable laying technique:
• Thermal design: the heat produced by the cable must be dissipated
• Mechanical protection from and against third parties
• Ensure the safety of the public and of those working near HV circuits.

In the event of a short circuit of the cables, mechanical stresses are very high and the cables have
to be restrained. Buried cables must be installed at such depth that any resulting disturbance is
not noticeable at the ground surface. It may also be necessary to install protection around the

In addition, external environmental requirements, for example limits on the duration of civil
works (opening of the trench) must also be considered. Many countries have legal requirements
regarding the dimensions of the trench and safety considerations.

In August 2001 CIGRE WG 21.17 published a Technical Brochure [17] on construction, laying
and installation techniques for cable systems. Twelve cable laying techniques were listed as
being used to varying degrees by different companies around the world. Among those twelve
techniques, three are commonly used world-wide: laying in ducts, direct burial, and laying in
troughs. They have been successfully used for many decades due to their simplicity, relatively
low cost, the availability of materials and equipment as well as qualified contractors to execute
the necessary work. Consequently those techniques are the most suitable to be compared with
overhead lines. The other techniques are used in specific situations for example drilling under
local obstacles (roads, rivers and railways) or tunnelling relatively long links in congested urban

D.1.1 Laying in Ducts

Ducts are normally used with manholes in a system

that is favoured in urban areas of major cities for its

They offer the possibility of carrying out the civil

work independently from the electrical work. In
addition, the flexibility of cable installation,
maintenance or replacement with minimum
disturbance to local traffic and economic activities
are considered advantageous.
Three or more ducts having the required diameter

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and wall thickness are placed in a trench at the pre-determined depth and configuration. A layer
of special bedding material having low thermal resistivity is placed on the bottom of the trench
prior to laying the ducts. Ducts can also be stacked in two or more layers to accommodate the
required number of cables. Special spacers are used to ensure the exact configuration and to
allow concrete to flow between ducts.

In some cable sections, the space between the cable and the duct is filled with special materials
to enhance cable current carrying capacity or restrict its movement. This is recommended in
excessively deep installation or when difference in elevation between manholes is substantial.

Laying cables in ducts is considered one of the safest types of installation regarding safety in
case of a short circuit. It should be noted that a good earth cover over the duct bank is necessary
to ensure public safety.

D.1.2 Direct Burial

This method consists of digging a trench and directly placing the cables in it. This solution is
particularly interesting economically, since apart from digging and backfilling the trench no
other heavy works are necessary. This is why the technique is used in urban as well as in rural

In some areas it is necessary to support the

trench with shuttering (side walls) for safety or
environmental reasons.

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Where soil characteristics and safety concerns permit, civil works contractors are increasingly
suggesting the use of a U- or V-shape trench (without side walls). This can result in a significant
reduction in the costs and the duration of the civil works.

An advantage of this method is that the route of the link can easily be deflected to avoid
unforeseen obstacles during construction. The depth of the trench is such that in most cases the
cables have an earth cover at least one metre thick. (This often is a legal requirement and can
also depend on short-circuit levels).

Trench width obviously varies according to the type of formation and the voltage level of the
60 to 170 kV 220 to 500 kV
Trefoil formation < 0.8 m close to 1.0 m
Flat formation close to 1.0 m > 1.0 m

Cable-protective slabs are placed over the backfilling material.

D.1.3 Troughs

A trough is generally a prefabricated U-shaped covered housing which is used to protect the
installed cable from mechanical damage.

The trough can be constructed from pre-cast sections, approximately one metre long, installed
end to end or can be cast in-situ by means of a continuous concrete casting process. In both
cases the tops of the sides are rebated permitting a structural cover (typically of concrete, steel or
fibre reinforced plastic) to be used to protect the cable.

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Once the trough path has been assembled, the cables may be installed as in an open trench, either
by a pulling or a laying process from joint to joint or from joint to termination.

The troughs are sometimes filled with sand or weak-mix concrete to aid heat dissipation. If the
cables are in air they may need to be fixed with steel cleats to restrain the cable during short-
circuit faults.

Finally the trough covers are fitted.

Presently, this type of laying technique is mostly used inside substations or other closed and
protected sites.

D.1.4 Bridges

It is common to use existing bridges where the cable route crosses rivers, railways, road
junctions etc. Some bridges have a natural space for placing cables, either inside the bridge or in
the sidewalk.

The photograph shows cable ducts

suspended beneath a bridge.

Before deciding to use an existing bridge

as a crossing, a careful study should be
made. The designer has to take into
consideration the dynamic mechanical
stress caused by its vibrations,
elongation and bending at junctions and
the environmental stress such as wind
pressure and heat from solar radiation

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D.1.5 Shafts

Shafts are generally used in hydro-electric generating plants

where the power generated by underground equipment has to
be brought up to the beginning of the overhead lines.

Shafts may also be part of cable routes in cities where the

cables are running in deep tunnels and must be connected to
lines or substations

D.1.6 Horizontal Drilling

Guided horizontal drilling, sometimes referred to as guided boring, is a construction technique

that may provide faster cable installation with less disruption to the surrounding urban and
suburban neighbourhood.

Drilling can be initiated from a rig either placed into a pre-dug launching pit, or mounted on the
road or soil surface. The following drawing outlines the procedure commonly followed to install
a duct bundle:

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Depending on the
underground environment,
the required hole diameter
(number of pipes to be
installed) and the depth of
installation, the maximum
practical length of the
horizontal drilling can vary
from 20 m up to 900 m.

D.1.7 Pipe Jacking

There are three different pipe jacking techniques:

i) Jacking by beating or pneumatic rocket
ii) Jacking by rotation
iii) Jacking by thrust

The last technique is the most

commonly used.

Pipe jacking can be considered as an

environmental balanced installation
technique, as it does not affect the
The surplus soil (equal to the volume
of the pipe) is removed from the
ground implying that displacement
of the in situ and settled soil can be

The nature and composition of the soil must be investigated before the pipe jacking method is
selected. Pipe jacking is not applicable in hard soil such as limestone, sandy shale or granite.
Pipe jacking is not recommended in heterogeneous soil with large inclusions (clay with flint or
alluvium containing boulders).

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Pipe jacking is possible up to a length of 100 m without intermediary stations. With intermediary
stations lengths up to 500-600 m may be installed, but the work is limited by the time required to
transporting backwards in the pipeline.

D.1.8 Microtunnels

Similar to the pipe jacking method this

technique also consists of pushing prefabricated
tubes in the subsoil. The earth works at the
front of the tubes, however, are systematically
mechanised using a so-called microtunneller,
i.e. a steerable drilling device, which will
penetrate harder subsoils than is possible with
simple pipe jacking.

Microtunnel diameters are typically between

300 and 1200 mm and their lengths a maximum
of 200 m.

In contrast to larger tunnels they are not

accessible by man and mostly contain only one
3-phase power cable system.

D.1.9 Embedding

This technique consists of excavating a riverbed from a barge or with an amphibious machine,
burying a duct or cables and filling up the trench.
The depth of cable burying and the type of protection are defined by considering the potential
mechanical damage (for example from anchors).

D.1.10 Tunnels

For relatively long links in urban areas, the use of tunnels is sometimes considered. A cable
tunnel can be used where a number of circuits must be installed along one particular route, when
it is difficult to secure the required transmission capacity using direct burial or ducts.

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A tunnel can be constructed using the open-cut method, shield method, or pipe jacking method.
The pipe jacking method was described in Section D.1.7 above.

In an open cut tunnel, the ground surface is excavated first, then the tunnel is constructed at the
required location, and finally ground surface is restored using backfill. Although a relatively low
cost tunnelling technique, the open cut method cannot be used where traffic is heavy, or where
there are many underground services such as telephone cables, gas pipes, water pipes, sewage
pipes, subways, etc.

The most commonly used method of tunnel boring uses a full face boring machine. This is a
cylindrical machine with teeth on the front face. Waste is removed from the rear.
The shield method can be used when the subsoil is poor. A shield tunnel is excavated by a tunnel
driving machine known as a "shield machine" and tunnel walls are constructed by fixing pre-
fabricated circular pre-cast members called ‘segments’ against each other using bolts. Circular
tunnels with diameters from 1.80 m up to 14 m have been constructed in Japan.

Generally, shafts have to be built between the different sections of tunnels. Ventilation is
generally used in tunnels for human safety. Ventilation also dissipates the heat generated by the
cables, thus increasing the transmission capacity compared to direct burial or ducts. When larger
transmission capacity is required, a cooling system may be applied.

D.1.11 Use of Existing Pipes

Finding new routes for HV cable circuits is becoming increasingly difficult, especially in urban
or conservation areas. The use of existing pipes is very attractive to solve integration problems in
the landscape and may lead to drastic reductions in cost and start-up delays.
This mode of installation offers several advantages including the use of short and narrow
roadway openings, which minimising traffic disturbances. Generally, we can consider that this
technique offers the same advantages as installation in ducts.

Draft 7.00

D.1.12 Mechanical Laying

This technique, developed from the traditional trench technique, is suitable for buried cables. It
consists of opening the excavation and simultaneously laying the three phases, (and possibly
earthing cable and telecommunication cable as well) and backfilling.

When combined with the use of weak-mix mortar it offers:

• good cable protection from external damage
• good control of the direct heat environment of the cable
• good protection of the environment in case of short-circuit
• reduction of the size of the trench compared with conventional technique
• reduction of work duration.

A few conditions are necessary to allow the use of this technique:

• rural land with few obstacles
• routes more than a few hundred meters long
• inclines of less than 25%.

The use of this technique is consequently limited. Trial installations have been undertaken with
90 kV cable circuits.

D.2 Installation Methods

The most commonly used methods are nose pulling followed by power rollers, caterpillars, bond
pulling and finally mechanical laying. A brief description of each of the four techniques is given
below. Mechanical laying, being simultaneous installation and laying was covered in D1.12

Draft 7.00

Nose pulling
With this technique the cable is installed by using winch with a pulling hawser directly
connected to the cable end, or ‘nose’. The tension required to install the cable is taken by the
cable itself and hence it is important that the pulling tensions are calculated beforehand to ensure
the design limits are not exceeded.

Bond Pulling
With this technique the pulling tension
applied by the winch is taken by a wire bond
to which the cable is tied at regular intervals.

At bends the bond is passed through a snatch

block and the ties attaching the cable are
removed before the bend and reapplied after
the bend in a continuous operation.

The tension required to install the cable is

therefore distributed along its full length and
sidewall pressure at bends is reduced to a

Synchronised power drive rollers

This technique relies on the use of multiple powered rollers positioned at regular intervals along
the cable route to install the cable. The frequency of the rollers is dependent upon the cable
construction and the route itself.

Since each roller has to provide an equal force they have to be synchronised to operate
effectively and to avoid any damage to the cable due to compressive forces.
Normally a winch and hawser are used to supplement the rollers by nose pulling but the tension
on the cable end is very low due to the driving effect of the powered rollers.

Draft 7.00

Caterpillar or hauling machine

Caterpillars apply a pushing force directly onto the cable outer sheath and can be used to install
the cable directly or in conjunction with power rollers or winches.

A laying method has recently been trialed in France (for more information, see Appendix G:
Locmalo – Plouay Link). The technique was inspired by the use of compressed air to blow fibre
or telecommunication cable into pre-
installed ducts.

Power cables were laid in HDPE ducts

directly buried in the soil. The innovative
pushing-floating technique using
pressurised water in place of compressed

In addition to providing a degree of

buoyancy, the fluid injected into the ducts
avoids the sticking effect caused by the
electrostatic field (PE cable outer sheath
on PE duct) and friction heating.

Draft 7.00

Friction is considerably reduced. The floating effect (cable pushed by water flow) is combined
with a mechanical pushing effect (caterpillars at the duct entry point) and may be improved by a
classical pulling shuttle head. The stresses on cables are greatly lowered. Cable lengths between
joints can be increased. This may be possible on more complex routes.

The results of this experiment were as follows:

• the number of joints was decreased by a factor 3. (Some sections of cable are as long
as 3.3 km).
• the cables were modified in order to produce such long sections: the aluminium
screen was transversely welded and tests were carried out in order to qualify this
specific feature.
• the duration of the cable pulling was decreased (on average 19 m/min).

These results highlight an interesting alternative to conventional methods, and further studies are
being considered to confirm whether the technique would be effective and economical on more
complex cable routes.

D.3 Environmental Considerations

Overhead lines and underground cables have different impacts on the environment. The impact
of underground cables is most significant during the construction phase as can be seen above.
Environmental impacts are only considered briefly here as they have been reported extensively
elsewhere (for overhead lines [18-21] and underground cables [4,22].

Length of routing
In urban areas, cables are usually laid in the public domain by running them along existing roads.
In rural areas, where the road network is sparse, retaining this practice leads to underground links
that are generally longer than the equivalent overhead lines.

Cable laying and obstacles

Unlike overhead lines, the installation of underground links is greatly influenced by the ground
in which the trench must be dug (for example, rocky soil makes cable installation difficult) as
well as any obstacles that have to be crossed.

The impact of an overhead line on the landscape is immediately perceptible and, despite the
efforts devoted to optimising line design and routing, an overhead line will always remain an
artificial part of the landscape that is sometimes visible from great distances away. Obviously,
the same is not true for an underground cable except during laying. Where an underground
section is included in an overhead route, the transition site may have a significant visual impact.

Land use
The works related to overhead lines only have significant impact around the location of towers,
whilst those concerning underground cables have a greater influence on the total route of the link,
although work is not necessarily carried out at the same time along the entire route).

Draft 7.00

After installation work is complete, cultivation of the ground is allowed in both cases.
For the overhead line it is only the towers that hinder cultivation. However the presence of an
underground cable can be a problem along the route. For example it is not possible to plant trees,
which develop extensive root systems.

Although it is entirely possible to build underneath lines, people are becoming more reluctant to
live beneath overhead lines. On the other hand, the presence of a buried cable is incompatible
with any permanent construction above it.

Electromagnetic fields

It is important to note that an electric field is present around overhead lines, whereas for
underground cables, the electric field is almost completely confined inside the earthed metallic

High electric fields can produce radio interference and audible noise, which may be unpleasant
for those who live near an overhead power line. These effects are generally only significant at
220 kV and above. The impact can be reduced by selecting appropriate design parameters

The magnetic field produced by overhead lines and buried cables are of the same order on the
axis (that is directly below the overhead line and directly above the cable, the difference being
that the magnetic field of the overhead line diminishes much more slowly than that of the buried
link as you move away from the circuit. With a buried cable the magnetic field becomes very
low at only a few metres away from the axis of the cable system.

Take the example of a single 150 kV circuit carrying a current of 1000 A. The magnetic field
calculated at a height of 1 metre above the ground is shown in figure D1 for a range of overhead
and underground configurations. For the underground cable three configurations are considered:
trefoil, flat (i.e. horizontal) and vertical. The cables are buried at a depth of 1 metre (to the axis
of the upper cable) with a separation of 0.12 m between the cables. To show the strong influence
of cable separation the field due to cables in flat formation 0.3 m apart is also shown. Magnetic
fields from the overhead line are calculated assuming the conductors are 10 m above ground
level in either vertical or flat formation.

The magnetic field from overhead lines calculated at a height of 1 metre above the ground will
be highest where the cables are nearest to the ground (usually about midway between towers)
and will decrease towards the towers. Underground cables are generally installed at a more
uniform distance from the ground surface, resulting in a more uniform magnetic field along the
cable route.

Draft 7.00

Cable - trefoil
Cable - vertical
Cable - flat
25 Cable - flat 0.3m spacing
line - vertical
Magnetic flux density (Brms) (10e-6T/kA)

line - flat



10 Overhead

-10 -5 0 5 10
Distance from centre line (m)

Figure D.1: Magnetic flux density profiles for underground cables in trefoil, flat and vertical
formations and overhead lines in flat and vertical formations

The values given in Figure D.1 cannot be applied directly to other situations, because magnetic
fields are known to be sensitive to many parameters (order of the phases, number of circuits,
current in the screens or groundwire(s), configuration of the cables, etc., all of which may
significantly affect the values. Further guidance on the calculation of magnetic fields from
cables has been published by CIGRE Joint Task Force 36.01/21 [23,24].

Draft 7.00


E.1 Uprating

Uprating is term used for a range of techniques which allows more power to be transmitted
through an existing overhead line (OHL) or cable system. This can be done with or without
hardware changes. Uprating without hardware changes is mainly based on probabilistic
calculations or changed assumptions (re-assessing). CIGRE Working Groups have carried out
extensive reviews of techniques for uprating overhead lines [25,26] and underground cables [22].

E.1.1 Uprating Overhead Lines

Maximum conductor temperature

The ampacity of an overhead line is determined by the maximum conductor temperature. This
depends on the heat production in the conductor, the ambient temperature, the wind speed and
solar radiation and absorption factor. OHL are not always used with the maximum allowable
conductor temperature, because of the risk of annealing or due to legal limitations. In cases
where the conductor temperature is not limited by considerations of electrical clearance, there is
a possibility for uprating.

Use of probabilistic ampacity calculations

The maximum ambient temperature in the ampacity calculations is a probabilistic value. When
there is enough distinction between the temperatures during the seasons, this can be used for
temporary uprating during a part of the year.

Another method is uprating by increasing the maximum conductor temperature above the long
term allowable temperature for a short period of time. For some conductors (especially ACSR)
this hardly causes any permanent conductor sag. (Indicative values: ACSR long term operation:
90°C and short term, 15-30 minutes: 105°C).

Real time monitoring and thermal rating

By measuring the actual conductor temperature and taking the weather-forecast into account it is
possible to predict the ampacity for the coming hours. The same can be done by measuring the
tension of the conductor. This method of uprating is only useful for short and medium-term

This is the most common way to obtain a large increase of the power carrying capacity
(indicative value: 30% up to more than 100%). There is a wide range of conductor types
available, but depending on the type of conductor chosen the towers may have to be reinforced.

Draft 7.00

Some conductor systems have been specially developed to facilitate uprating:

Compact conductors have been developed to increase the reliability of OHL with weak towers,
but can also be used for more ampacity when the towers are strong enough. Compact conductors
have more conducting material at the same diameter, this means a greater ampacity and lower
losses. Compact conductors are widely applied.

High temperature conductors can be used to achieve a much higher operating temperature than
conventional conductors, with almost the same sag. The higher allowable temperature gives
more ampacity with the same tension at the towers. The disadvantages are higher price and much
higher losses.

Uprating can also be done by installing more conductors per phase. More conductors cause more
wind drag and normally require reinforcement of the towers.

Sag compensators
The ampacity of an OHL is often restricted by a thermal limit reached when the expansion of the
conductor increases the conductor sag so that it reaches the limit for electrical clearance.
Mechanical sag compensators can solve this problem. At the same time the tension at the towers
become lower. By pulling up the conductor an opportunity arises for a higher allowable current.

Increasing tower height

The same effect as sag compensators can be reached by increasing the tower height.

Voltage uprating
This is a very effective method of increasing power capacity (indicative: 100 to 300%), but is
not commonly used. In some cases it is possible to modify the towers and make them appropriate
for a higher voltage level. Issues to be addressed are distances (phase to phase, phase to earth,
phase to object), creepage distance, protection against lightning, corona and the width of the
safety strip.

Voltage uprating without a complete replacement of the tower leads in general to a lower Basic
Insulation Level (BIL) and protection level against lightning.

E.1.2 Uprating underground cables

Maximum cable temperature

The ampacity of a cable system is limited by the maximum allowable insulation temperature
(normally at the interface between conductor and insulation) or the maximum outer sheath
temperature in relation to the dry-out temperature of the surrounding soil. In a similar way to
OHL, if there is enough distinction between the temperatures during the year this can be used for
a temporary uprating during part of the year.

Draft 7.00

Dynamic loading
This is the most common way to increase the power capacity (indicative 10 to 50%).
Cables have a high thermal capacity due to the cable materials, but this is even greater for
directly buried cables due to their environment. This means that as the load is increased the cable
temperature will rise very slowly (thermal inertia). This phenomenon can be used to allow a
short-term rating higher than the continuous rating. See Appendix B3.2 for further details.

Real time monitoring and thermal rating

By measuring the conductor or sheath temperature and the temperature of the cable environment
it is possible to determine the ampacity and for the next time period. This is only useful for short-
term operations.

Voltage uprating
Voltage uprating mainly consists of exchanging the cable for one of a higher voltage range at
places where digging is not necessary, e.g. where it is installed in pipes, ducts or tunnels. In such
installations, it is sometimes an option to install more cables per phase or cables with a greater
cross section at the same voltage level.

Cross bonding instead of solid bonding

A solidly bonded cable systems can be uprated by converting it to a cross bonding system. This
is only applicable to single core cable systems with insulated outer sheaths. It is most effective
for cables installed in flat formation. For further details on bonding systems see Appendix C.

Removing bottlenecks
The ratings of cable circuits are sometimes limited by a few places where thermal conditions are
worse than the rest. Removing these bottlenecks is possible by the use of special back-fill sand
(low thermal resistance) or bentonite in the case of horizontal drilling, increasing the spacing
between the cables or the local use of a cable with a greater conductor cross section.

Indirect cooling of the cable surface

By adding cooling pipes it is possible to carry away the heat produced by the cable system. This
method can be used locally to solve a bottle neck, mainly at places where many cable meet each
other or over the full length. The last is economically less attractive due to the cost of civil works.

E.2 Monitoring

To ensure safe operation and to check the condition of the insulation some cables are fitted with
monitoring systems. The type of monitoring systems mainly depends on the type of cable and
particularly the nature of the insulation systems.

For many years the pressure in oil-filled and gas pressure cables has been monitored. For oil-
filled cables with insulation consisting of oil and lapped paper, it is necessary to ensure that the
insulation is completely filled with oil in order to eliminate any voids. For gas pressure cables
with insulation consisting of gas and impregnated papers, it is necessary to ensure that the
pressure is high enough to suppress ionisation.

Draft 7.00

Distributed temperature monitoring is increasingly being used to increase the transmission

capacity of cable systems [27].

For modern XLPE cable systems the condition of the insulation can be monitoring by detecting
partial discharge (PD) activity. Monitoring systems currently in use tend to concentrate on PD in
the vicinity of joints and terminations. The PD sensor itself is usually fairly simple but the
detection and evaluation of the signals is very complex.
Monitoring of the PD in XLPE cable systems can improve their reliability by giving early
warning of electrical degradation.

E.2.1 Oil Pressure measurements

It is very important that the oil pressure in oil-filled cables is monitored. Pressure tanks are
installed, mainly at the terminations (sealing ends) but also in separate hydraulic sections along
the routes, for long land cables, in order to maintain an over-pressure to ensure that no voids
occur in the insulation. Oil pressures in the cables and oil tank levels normally vary with the
cable temperature due to thermal expansion of the oil. Pressure gauges are installed fitted with
low pressure alarm contacts initiating remote indications of abnormally low pressure. By
checking the gauge readings it can be assured that the sheath is intact and consequently the
insulation system is not damaged.

E.2.2 Gas Pressure measurements

For gas pressure cables it is necessary that the pressure is monitored. The gas pressure is
maintained through cubicles located at the cable ends. The cubicle contains typically two or three
cylinders of nitrogen connected into a manifold. The gas is fed into the cable at the sealing ends
or into the joint of a three core cable. The gas feed is controlled by a two-stage regulator and the
pressure is monitored by pressure gauges which are equipped with electrical alarm contacts
initiating remote indications if the gas pressure falls below a specified limit.

E.2.3 Temperature measurements

The simplest way to provide temperature measurements is by use of discrete sensors such as
thermocouples which can be placed in the ground and on cable sheath at specific points. It needs
only basic instruments to record the results.

More comprehensive measurements can be done by use of a distributed temperature sensing

(DTS) system where an optical fibre cable is used to continuously monitor the temperature
profile along the cable route.

DTS systems basically utilize the losses in optical fibres for the measurement of temperature. A
small proportion of the light transmitted through a fibre is scattered back along the fibre. This
back-scattered light can be analysed to measure the temperature of the fibre.

Draft 7.00

Double ended measurements (measurements from both ends of a loop of fibre) allow higher
precision and, in case of a fibre break, the possibility to continue measuring in a single ended
manner on the remaining fibre.


0 L 0

Figure E.1: Double-ended temperature monitoring. The temperature profile is symmetrical about
the centre of the fibre loop.

As an example of the sensitivity of commercially available systems, the following data refers to
the Sensa DTS 800 ´M´ and ´S´ series:
Multi-mode fibres can handle double-ended temperature measurements for a fibre loop length up
to 12 km with high accuracy and spatial resolution, e.g. r 1 qC and 1 - 2 m.
Single mode fibres can handle single-ended temperature measurements for a fibre length of
approximate 15-30 km but with a lower accuracy and spatial resolution, e.g., r 2 qC and 10 m.
The monitoring fibre can be integrated into the cable’s copper wire screen. This solution gives
the most sensitive measurement when single core cables are installed separately. In this case a
fibre in metallic tube (FIMT) may be used to replace one copper wire in the cable screen.

I=0.9 mm
I=0.7 mm


Plastic protection
Metallic Tube 250 Pm

Figure E.2: An example of a FIMT (Fibre in Metallic Tube)

For cable installed in trefoil formation the most sensitive monitoring is achieved by installing an
optical fibre cable in the centre of the trefoil.

If the DTS system is being used to infer the conductor temperature by measuring the screen
temperature the accuracy of the measurement is only slightly reduced if the fibre is placed just
outside the sheath in a small PVC tube or even better in a metallic tube. In this case there is an

Draft 7.00

opportunity to change the fibre in the future and also longer fibre lengths can be installed without

E.2.4 Partial Discharge Measurements

Partial discharge can be used as an indicator of aged or damaged insulation, before a breakdown
occurs. Sensors are designed to detect either the electric displacement field (for a capacitive field
sensor) or the magnetic field of the transient PD current (for an inductive sensor). The inductive
field coupling is usually done with a high-frequency current transformer or a magnetic field
antenna, but the latter is not really suitable for use in cable systems.

PD measurement with a capacitive sensor picks up the electric field energy of the PD pulses with
a metallic electrode structure or additional metallic foil layers placed in the electric field. This is
mostly realized as a dual capacitive sensor working in differential mode to discriminate PD from
external noise.

For cable system accessories the partial discharge level can be measured by capacitive signal
coupling. The stress relief cone in the joint or the termination can act as an electrode for
measurement of PD.

Measurements on-site are often affected by electromagnetic noise. Therefore powerful noise
suppression is necessary. The expected partial discharge detection sensitivity varies widely from
a few pC to 50 pC or even more, depending on the presence and severity of external noise
sources at the location of the cable route.

The PD signal is evaluated by decoupled signals from the sensors and is evaluated in a data
acquisition unit. Considering a known model of PD phenomena the analysis and diagnosis can be
carried out in an expert system. Consequently there are two output requirements. The basic one
is a continuous data logger to record the full PD history. The other important demand is an alarm

Evaluating the PD signal is very complex and demands experience in order to judge the recorded
signals. In the future we can expect instruments to have more sophisticated learning and analysis
systems, which could trigger autonomously a service or maintenance action before a fault



F.1 Components of cost for underground cable systems

In order to estimate the costs of an underground cable system it is convenient to break these
down into the costs incurred during the various stages of the cable’s lifecycle:

x Planning/Design
x Procurement
x Construction
x Operation
x End of Life

Each stage of the life can be subdivided further and the costs estimated. These more detailed
headings are specific to the individual circumstances of each job. For example, if a cable were to
be installed in tunnel, the construction costs could include:
x build the tunnel
x install the ventilation system
x install supporting steelwork for the cable
x pull in the cable
x joint the cable

Assuming that the need for a circuit has been identified and hence basic design parameters (kV,
MVA, time scale etc) are available, it is then possible to make an estimate of the likely cost

Broad headings for guidance are given below:

Route selection
Environmental impact assessment
Obtaining consent (this may include the cost of any delay)

Buy land or the right to access in order to build, maintain and repair the cable
Develop purchase and testing specifications
Procurement costs
Prequalification & type testing costs


Purchase cable system (including accessories, bonding system etc)

Purchase monitoring and ancillary systems
Purchase Reactive compensation
Purchase protection/reclosure equipment

Removal/relocation/undergrounding of other (often lower voltage) circuits
Relocation of other services e.g. water, telecommunications and gas
Trenching and ducting civil costs
Civil engineering costs at cable ends
Install cable
Fit joints and terminations
Install ancillary equipment (e.g. protection, alarms, monitoring, etc.)
Cost of tests after installation
Cost of protecting the public from the cable (e.g. in the event of a fault)
Cost of protecting the cable from the public
Cost of protecting the environment during construction
Cost of other mitigation measures
Cost of reinstatement
Advanced costs of any future expansion/upgrading

Compensation for restricting land use and other on-going land costs
Likely cost of future expansion/upgrading
Cost of maintenance
Cost of planned outage for maintenance
Cost of spares holdings
Cost of losses
Cost of repair
Cost of outage for repair


Dig up and recover cable
Disposal costs minus scrap value

F.2 Components of cost for overhead line systems

In the same way as underground cables, it is possible to subdivide the costs of building an
overhead line into various stages:

x Planning/Design
x Procurement
x Construction
x Operation
x End of life

In contrast with cables, the distribution of the costs between supply and installation is completely
disproportionate. Indeed the supplies (insulators, fittings, etc) represent only a few percent of the
total budget, the main activity being the installation (with possible major costs of civil works
according to the type of soil.

Route selection and line design in view of visual impact
Environmental impact assessment
Obtaining consent (this may include the cost of any delay)
Tests to acquire knowledge of soil and terrain conditions as well as access to the individual tower
sites for selecting the type of foundation

Buy land (location of the towers) or the right to access in order to build, maintain and repair the
Develop purchase and testing specifications
Procurement costs
Prequalification and type testing costs
Purchase insulators, fittings, conductors, towers
Purchase ancillary equipment (spacers, warning spheres, night warning devices, etc)


Purchase monitoring equipment

Purchase protection/reclosure equipment

Foundations (separate footing foundations, bored piles, etc)
Assembly and erection of towers
Install insulator sets (suspension string, tension strings) and hardware
Install conductors
Install ancillary equipment (e.g. spacers, warning spheres, night warning device, real time
monitoring, GSM antennas)
Cost of tests after installation (earthing resistance)
Cost of protecting the environment during construction
Cost of other mitigation measures
Cost of reinstatement
Advanced costs of any future uprating/upgrading/refurbishment

Compensation for restricting land use and other on-going land costs
Likely cost of future uprating/upgrading/refurbishment
Cost of maintenance
Cost of planned outage for maintenance
Cost of losses
Cost of repair
Cost of outage for repair

Remove towers and above-ground equipment
Disposal costs minus scrap value


Table G1: Overview of significant underground cable projects constructed since 1996. Projects are arranged in order of decreasing
voltage and conductor size

Voltage Conductor Insulation Number of Route length

Country Project name 2 Installation Date
kV mm material material Circuits km

Japan Shinkeiyo-Toyosu 500 2500 Cu XLPE Double 39.8 Tunnel, Bridge 2000
Spain Barajas Airport 400 2500 Cu XLPE Double 12.8 Tunnel 2004
UK Elstree-St Johns Wood 400 2500 Cu XLPE Single 20 Tunnel 2005
UK Nunthorpe-Newby 400 2000 Cu PPL/DDB Double 5.7 Direct buried 2004
Denmark Metropolitan Power Project 400 1600 Cu XLPE Single 12.0, 9.0 Direct buried 1997
Denmark Metropolitan Power Project 400 1600 Cu XLPE Single 12.0 Direct buried 1999
2.5, 4.5 &
Denmark Aarhus-Aalborg 400 1200 Al XLPE Single 7.5 Direct buried or duct 2004
Italy Turbigo-Rho 380 2000 Cu XLPE Double 8.4 Direct buried
Germany Berlin Diagonal 380 1600 CU XLPE Double 6,3 and 5,2 Tunnel 1998/2000
Nieuwe Waterweg and
Netherlands Calandkanaal crossing 380 1600 Cu XLPE Double 2.25 Direct buried or duct 2005
Direct buried &
Austria Wienstrom 380 1200 Cu XLPE Double 5.2 tunnels 2005
Germany Goldisthal Pumped Storage 380 630 CU XLPE Four 0.4 Tunnel 2002
Korea Sinbupoung-Seoinchon 345 2000 Cu PPL Three 17 Tunnel 2002
Korea Nampusan-Bukpusan 345 2000 Cu PPL Single 22 Tunnel 1998
Korea Nampusan-Bukpusan 345 2000 Cu PPL Single 22 Tunnel 1998
Korea Nampusan-Bukpusan 345 2000 Cu PPL Single 22 Tunnel 2003
Korea Mikeum-Soungdong 345 2000 Cu PPL Single 16.7 Tunnel 1997
Korea Mikeum-Soungdong 345 2000 Cu PPL Single 16.7 Tunnel 1997
Korea Mikeum-Soungdong 345 2000 Cu PPL Single 16.7 Tunnel 2002
Korea Shinyangjai-Shinsoungnam 345 2000 Cu PPL Double 9 Tunnel 2001
Korea Shinyangjai-Shinsoungnam 345 2000 Cu PPL Double 9 Tunnel 2001
Korea Youngseo-Youngdeungpo 345 2000 Cu XLPE Double 9.8 Tunnel 2003
USA Bethel to Norwalk 345/115 Cu HPFF/XLPE Ducts, direct buried 2006

-1 -
Voltage Conductor Insulation Number of Route length
Country Project name 2 Installation Date
kV mm material material Circuits km
Sydney South to Sydney Direct buried, ducts,
Australia Central 330 1600 Cu PPL/DDB Single 28 tunnel 2004
Japan Shinmeika-Tokai 275 9400 Al GIL Double 3.3 Tunnel 1998
Japan Kawagoe-Nishinagoya 275 2500 Cu XLPE Double 14.4 Tunnel 2002
USA Jefferson - Martin 230 1267 Cu XLPE Single 19 & 19 Ducts, direct buried 2006
Duct bank, trough
France Biançon - Mougins 225 1600 Cu XLPE Single 8.3 and tunnel 2002
Duct bank, trough
France Biançon - Plan de Grasse 225 1600 Cu XLPE Single 7.4 and tunnel 2002
France Antibes - Mougins 225 1200 Cu HDPE Double 11.3 Duct bank 1997
Duct bank, trough
France Nîmes - Talabot 225 1200 Cu XLPE Single 4.6 and tunnel 2001
Duct bank, trough
France Avenir - Sausset 225 1200 Cu XLPE Single 17.9 and tunnel 2001
Duct bank and
France Mouguerre - Tarnos 225 1000 Al HDPE Single 9.4 trough 1996
Mexico Agua Azul - Alamo 225 1000 Cu XLPE Double 5 Duct 2002
Tunisia Rades - Grombalia 2 225 1000 Cu XLPE Single 24.7 Duct 2005
Duct bank and
France Pont 7 - Sainneville 225 800 Al XLPE Single 4.4 trough 2002
Oman Sohar 220 2500 Cu XLPE Single 3.3 Direct buried 2005
Direct buried, river
Ireland Shellybanks 220 1600 Cu XLPE Single 14 crossing 1997
Italy Pioltello 220 1600 Al XLPE Double 3+3 Direct buried 2005
Vietnam Tao Dan 220 1600 Cu XLPE Double 6.2 Direct buried 2002
Germany Lubeck - Siems 220 1200 CU XLPE Double 10.2 Pipes,direct buried 2004
Sweden Bergshamra 220 1200 Al XLPE Single/Double 10.3 Tunnel 1998
Belgium Koksijde - Slijkens 150 2000 Al XLPE Single 30 Direct buried 2006
Belgium Tihange - Avernas 150 2000 Al XLPE Double 30 Direct buried 2005
Denmark Karlsgårde-Blåvand 150 1200 AL XLPE Single 35.0 Direct buried 2001
Denmark Tinghøj - Haverslev 150 1200 AL XLPE Single 21.0 Direct buried
Denmark Mesballe-Aastrup 150 800 Al XLPE Single 27.6 Direct buried or duct 2000
Denmark Trige-Aastrup 150 800 Al XLPE Single 27.7 Direct buried or duct 2000
Italy &
France SARCO 150 400 Cu XLPE Single 5 & 11 Direct buried

-2 -
Voltage Conductor Insulation Number of Route length
Country Project name 2 Installation Date
kV mm material material Circuits km

Direct buried +
Denmark Radsted - Vantore Str. 132 1200 Al XLPE Single 18.0 ducts 2002
Sri Lanka CEB 132 1000 Cu XLPE Single 11.5 Ducts, direct buried 2006
Sri Lanka CEB 132 800 Cu XLPE Single 14.5 Ducts, direct buried 2006
Direct buried +
Denmark Radsted-Rødby 132 630 Al XLPE Single 25.0 ducts 1999
Zealand Penrose-Liverpool 110 1000 Al XLPE Double 8.1 Tunnel 1999
Zealand Roskill-Liverpool 110 1000 Al XLPE Single 9 Direct buried 1998
France Locmalo-Plouay 63 800 Al XLPE 19 Ducts in soil
France Chabossière - Montluc 63 400 Al XLPE Single 10.1 Duct bank 2003

-3 -
Table G2: Overview of significant underground cable projects constructed since 1996. Projects are arranged in order of country and
geographical location

Voltage Conductor Insulation route length

Country Location Project name 2 Installation Date
kV mm material material km
Sydney South to Sydney
Australia Sydney Central 330 1600 Cu PPL/DDB 28 Direct buried, ducts, tunnel 2004
Austria Wienstrom Wienstrom 380 1200 Cu XLPE 5.2 Direct buried & tunnels 2005
Belgium Belgian coast Koksijde - Slijkens 150 2000 Al XLPE 30 Direct buried 2006
Belgium East of Tihange - Avernas 150 2000 Al XLPE 30 Direct buried
Brussels 2005
Denmark Copenhagen Metropolitan Power Project 400 1600 Cu XLPE 12.0, 9.0 Direct buried 1997
Denmark Copenhagen Metropolitan Power Project 400 1600 Cu XLPE 12.0 Direct buried 1999
2.5, 4.5 &
Denmark Jutland Aarhus-Aalborg 400 1200 Al XLPE 7.5 Direct buried or duct 2004
Denmark Jutland Karlsgårde-Blåvand 150 1200 AL XLPE 35.0 Direct buried 2001
Denmark Jutland Mesballe-Aastrup 150 800 Al XLPE 27.6 Direct buried or duct 2000
Denmark Jutland Tinghøj - Haverslev 150 1200 AL XLPE 21.0 Direct buried
Denmark Jutland Trige-Aastrup 150 800 Al XLPE 27.7 Direct buried or duct 2000
Denmark Lolland Radsted - Vantore Str. 132 1200 Al XLPE 18.0 Direct buried + ducts 2002
Denmark Lolland Radsted-Rødby 132 630 Al XLPE 25.0 Direct buried + ducts 1999
France Alpes-Maritimes Antibes - Mougins 225 1200 Cu HDPE 11.3 Duct bank 1997
Duct bank, trough and
France Alpes-Maritimes Biançon - Mougins 225 1600 Cu XLPE 8.3 tunnel 2002
Duct bank, trough and
France Alpes-Maritimes Biançon - Plan de Grasse 225 1600 Cu XLPE 7.4 tunnel 2002
France Brittany Locmalo-Plouay 63 800 Al XLPE 19 Ducts in soil
Duct bank, trough and
France Gard Nîmes - Talabot 225 1200 Cu XLPE 4.6 tunnel 2001
Duct bank, trough and
France Ile de France Avenir - Sausset 225 1200 Cu XLPE 17.9 tunnel 2001
France Loire-Atlantique Chabossière - Montluc 63 400 Al XLPE 10.1 Duct bank 2003
France Atlantiques Mouguerre - Tarnos 225 1000 Al HDPE 9.4 Duct bank and trough 1996
France Seine-Maritime Pont 7 - Sainneville 225 800 Al XLPE 4.4 Duct bank and trough 2002

-4 -
Voltage Conductor Insulation route length
Country Location Project name 2 Installation Date
kV mm material material km
1998 /
Germany Berlin Berlin Diagonal 380 1600 CU XLPE 6,3 and 5,2 Tunnel 2000
Germany Holstein Lubeck - Siems 220 1200 CU XLPE 10.2 Pipes,direct buried 2004
Germany Goldisthal Pumped Storage 380 630 CU XLPE 0.4 Tunnel 2002
Direct buried, river
Ireland Dublin Shellybanks 220 1600 Cu XLPE 14 crossing 1997
Italy Milan Pioltello 220 1600 Al XLPE 3+3 Direct buried 2005
Italy Milan Turbigo-Rho 380 2000 Cu XLPE 8.4 Direct buried
Italy &
France Sardinia-Corsica SARCO 150 400 Cu XLPE 5 & 11 Direct buried
Japan Chubu Kawagoe-Nishinagoya 275 2500 Cu XLPE 14.4 Tunnel 2002
Japan Chubu Shinmeika-Tokai 275 9400 Al GIL 3.3 Tunnel 1998
Japan Tokyo Shinkeiyo-Toyosu 500 2500 Cu XLPE 39.8 Tunnel, Bridge 2000
Korea Inchon Sinbupoung-Seoinchon 345 2000 Cu PPL 17 Tunnel 2002
Korea Pusan Nampusan-Bukpusan 345 2000 Cu PPL 22 Tunnel 1998
Korea Pusan Nampusan-Bukpusan 345 2000 Cu PPL 22 Tunnel 1998
Korea Pusan Nampusan-Bukpusan 345 2000 Cu PPL 22 Tunnel 2003
Korea Seoul Mikeum-Soungdong 345 2000 Cu PPL 16.7 Tunnel 1997
Korea Seoul Mikeum-Soungdong 345 2000 Cu PPL 16.7 Tunnel 1997
Korea Seoul Mikeum-Soungdong 345 2000 Cu PPL 16.7 Tunnel 2002
Korea Seoul Shinyangjai-Shinsoungnam 345 2000 Cu PPL 9 Tunnel 2001
Korea Seoul Shinyangjai-Shinsoungnam 345 2000 Cu PPL 9 Tunnel 2001
Korea Seoul Youngseo-Youngdeungpo 345 2000 Cu XLPE 9.8 Tunnel 2003
Mexico Guadalajara Agua Azul - Alamo 225 1000 Cu XLPE 5 Duct 2002
Nieuwe Waterweg and
Netherlands Rotterdam Calandkanaal crossing 380 1600 Cu XLPE 2.25 Direct buried or duct 2005
Zealand Auckland Penrose-Liverpool 110 1000 Al XLPE 8.1 Tunnel 1999
Zealand Auckland Roskill-Liverpool 110 1000 Al XLPE 9 Direct buried 1998
Oman Sohar Sohar 220 2500 Cu XLPE 3.3 Direct buried 2005

-5 -
Voltage Conductor Insulation route length
Country Location Project name 2 Installation Date
kV mm material material km
Spain Madrid Barajas Airport 400 2500 Cu XLPE 12.8 Tunnel 2004
Sri Lanka Colombo CEB 132 1000 Cu XLPE 11.5 Ducts, direct buried 2006
Sri Lanka Colombo CEB 132 800 Cu XLPE 14.5 Ducts, direct buried 2006
Sweden Stockholm Bergshamra 220 1200 Al XLPE 10.3 Tunnel 1998
Tunisia Tunis Rades - Grombalia 2 225 1000 Cu XLPE 24.7 Duct 2005
UK London Elstree-St Johns Wood 400 2500 Cu XLPE 20 Tunnel 2005
UK Teesside Nunthorpe-Newby 400 2000 Cu PPL/DDB 5.7 Direct buried 2004
USA New England Bethel to Norwalk 345/115 Cu HPFFXLPE Ducts, direct buried 2006
USA San Francisco Jefferson - Martin 230 1267 Cu XLPE 19 & 19 Ducts, direct buried 2006
Vietnam HoChiMinh City Tao Dan 220 1600 Cu XLPE 6.2 Direct buried 2002

-6 -
Table G3: Index to brief project descriptions
Voltage Conductor Insulation Hybrid
Index Country Project name Installation cable & Date
kV (mm ) material material OHL route
SP 01 Denmark Aarhus-Aalborg 400 1200 Al XLPE Direct buried or duct Yes 2004
SP 02 UK Nunthorpe-Newby 400 2000 Cu PPL/DDB Direct buried Yes 2004
SP 03 France Locmalo-Plouay 63 800 Al XLPE Ducts in soil No
SP 04 Italy Turbigo-Rho 380 2000 Cu XLPE Direct buried Yes
SP 05 Netherlands Nieuwe Waterweg & Calandkanaal 380 1600 Cu XLPE Direct buried or duct Yes 2005
SP 06 Belgium Tihange - Avernas 150 2000 Al XLPE Direct buried Yes 2003
SP 07 Denmark Metropolitan Power Project 400 1600 Cu XLPE Direct buried No 1997
SP 07 Denmark Metropolitan Power Project 400 1600 Cu XLPE Direct buried yes 1999
Direct buried &
SP 08 Austria Wienstrom 380 1200 Cu XLPE tunnels Yes 2005
SP 09 Korea Youngseo-Youngdeungpo 345 2000 Cu XLPE Tunnel No 2003
SP 09 Korea Youngseo-Youngdeungpo 345 2000 Cu XLPE Tunnel No 2003
SP 10 Germany Lubeck - Siems 220 1200 CU XLPE Pipes, direct buried No 2004
1998 /
SP 11 Germany Berlin Diagonal 380 1600 CU XLPE Tunnel No 2000
SP 12 Germany Goldisthal Pumped Storage 380 630 CU XLPE Tunnel No 2002
SP 13 Japan Shinkeiyo-Toyosu 500 2500 Cu XLPE Tunnel, Bridge No 2000
SP 14 Japan Kawagoe-Nishinagoya 275 2500 Cu XLPE Tunnel No 2002
SP 15 Japan Shinmeika-Tokai 275 9400 Al GIL Tunnel No 1998
SP 16 Belgium Koksijde - Slijkens 150 2000 Al XLPE Direct buried No 2006
SP 17 Italy Pioltello 220 1600 Al XLPE Direct buried Yes 2005
SP 18 Spain Barajas Airport 400 2500 Cu XLPE Tunnel Yes 2004
SP 19 France Chabossière - Montluc 63 400 Al XLPE Duct bank 2003
SP 20 Italy/ France SARCO 150 400 Cu XLPE Direct buried No
SP 21 USA Bethel to Norwalk 345/115 Cu HPFF/XLPE Ducts, direct buried Yes 2006
SP 22 USA Jefferson - Martin 230 1267 Cu XLPE Ducts, direct buried Yes 2006
SP 23 Tunisia Rades - Grombalia 2 225 1000 Cu XLPE Duct 2005

-7 -
SP 01: Underground cables in the Aarhus-Aalborg 400 kV transmission line (Denmark)

Existing 400 kV transmission line Overview

New 400 kV transmission line
In 2004, three extruded 400 kV double cable circuits
Existing 220 kV transmission line
Existing HVDC connection were commissioned in the transmission grid in
Planned HVDC connection Denmark. The three double circuits are made as siphons
for an overall route length of 14.7 km in a new 400 kV
line from Aarhus to Aalborg (140 km). It was a political
decision to build part of the line with underground
New 400 kV line
Inclusive underground
Fe rslev
Circuit details
For the first time part of a 400 kV line was
undergrounded in the open countryside in a very simple
way. The three siphons were built on grounds of nature.
The first siphon is 4.5 km long and crosses a valley with
a river (Gudenaaen). The next is 2.8 km long and
crosses a fiord (Mariager Fjord). The third is 7.4 km
long and goes along a valley (Indkildedalen).
Horns Rev
offshore Technical details
win dfarm
The three cables in each circuit are laid in flat formation
with a distance between the phases equal to 300 mm.
The distance between the two circuits is 6 m.
Crossing of rivers, streams, roads and other cables or pipes are made by directional drilling or by
buried pipes. Crossing of a 700 m wide fjord is done by pulling the cables through ducts previously
lowered to the sea bottom.

The 400 kV cables generate about 10 Mvar per circuit km. This means a total generation of 2 * 14.7
km * 10 Mvar/km = 295 Mvar.
The generation is compensated mainly in two reactors (100 and 140 Mvar), which are directly linked
to the line itself. A third reactor (70 Mvar) can be switched on and off.

The nominal rating of the cables is 2 * 825 A. Because of deep drillings the actual possible continuous
load is only 700-750 A, when we demand a maximum temperature of the outer surface of only 50 °C
to prevent from thermal run-away.
If the continuous rating is 700 A per circuit, the total rating will be 1400 A (1000 MVA). The overhead
line connected to the underground cables has a nominal rating equal to 2000 MVA per circuit. Under
conservative considerations the cable
transmission capacity is only half of the
overhead line's capacity.

Because of the large thermal time

constant in the cable surroundings it is
possible to load the cables harder for
some hours without overloading them.
In the project it was calculated that
when the total preload was equal to 500
MVA it would be possible to load the
double cable systems up to 2000 MVA
for almost 30 hours without having the
conductor temperature raised to more
than 90 °C.
SP02: A high capacity 400 kV transmission cable between Nunthorpe and Newby (UK)

National Grid, as owner and operator of the high voltage transmission system in England and Wales, is
legally required to provide connections to new power stations and demand points wherever they are
situated. Increasing demand for transmission capacity in the North East of England led National Grid
to strengthen the 400 kV transmission system in Teesside and through the Vale of York. This required
the building of a 75 km long double circuit transmission line from Lackenby on Teesside, via Picton,
to Shipton in North Yorkshire.

In 1991 National Grid applied for consent to construct an overhead line. The proposal was the subject
of lengthy public inquiries. In March 1998 after a number of alternative proposals and further
hearings, National Grid had effectively gained consent for the overhead line with the exception of a
1.33 km section at Nunthorpe and a 4.5 km section near Newby, which were to be undergrounded.
Since these two sections were only 1 km apart it
was decided to underground all of the 5.7 km of
route between Nunthorpe and Newby as a single
section. This avoided the cost and visual impact
of an additional two transition compounds.

The section of underground route passes through a

Special Landscape Area, lying between the N.
York Moors National Park and Middlesborough, a
conurbation of 150,000 people. Undergrounding
this section helped preserve panoramic views of
local landmarks (Roseberry Topping and the
Cleveland Hills).

View of cable swath towards Roseberry ToppingCircuit details

The cables are designed to carry a continuous
current of 3490 A (2418 MVA) in winter and
2930 A (2030 MVA) in summer. This needed two cables per phase with 2000 mm2 copper conductors
and PPL insulation, impregnated with DDB cable oil. The cables have corrugated aluminium sheaths
and polyethylene oversheaths.

The cables were mainly directly buried in four trenches, two either side of a temporary haul road. The
cables are surrounded by cement-bound sand to guarantee their thermal environment. Over short
sections of the route the cables are installed
in 200 mm diameter directionally drilled
ducts, for example under woodland to save
felling trees and to preserve hedgerows. To
maintain the required rating, the cables fan
out from the trench to pass through ducts
spaced 2 metres apart. Another section of
the route had to pass under a busy road,
close to a roundabout. To minimise
disruption, the cables were installed in ducts
accurately positioned using laser-guided
auger boring.
Cable spacing increased as cables enter ducts
Technical Details
The project required 12 parallel cables over
the 5.7 km route and the construction corridor is up to 40m wide in places. Consequently,
considerable care was necessary during design and construction to minimise the impact of the cables
on the environment. During topsoil stripping on one section of the route, an Iron Age round house was
discovered, excavated and recorded by an archaeologist, in line with a mitigation strategy that was
drawn up at the project planning stages. Other measures included the safeguarding of topsoil for later
reinstatement and the use of dedicated and sealed enclosures to house the oil feeding tanks

It has been National Grid's policy not to reinstate hedgerows over the cable swath. This avoids the
risk of the cables overheating. The carefully designed thermal environment around the cables can be
disrupted by both root growth and by the removal of moisture from the backfill by roots. Recent
developments in distributed temperature monitoring mean that it is now feasible to monitor the
temperature of the cables. Around half of the twelve sections of hedgerow affected cable route have
been replanted. DTS monitoring equipment has been installed, to record cable temperature. If, after a
sufficient monitoring period, the replanted hedgerows are found not to pose a significant threat to the
cable, then the remaining hedgerows may be reinstated.
SP03: An innovative installation technique – Locmalo to Plouay (France)

General situation
There was an old overhead line between two substations, 19 km long, which had to be rebuilt. The
alternative solution of an underground 63 kV line was proposed because it seemed possible to choose
a direct route crossing fields, which allows to reduce the delay of the construction and to maintain an
acceptable cost for the project.

This alternative has been chosen, with all the local players during the specific consultation process,
and it was decided to erect it as a turn key project.

A turn key project

Turn key projects are not a common practice for RTE, which generally studies the general design of
the links, and to ensure coordination between works, providing on one hand cables and accessories,
and on the other hand civil works and installation (the list of qualified companies is previously
established). Since 2002, turnkey projects have been launched, as experiments, in order to promote
new technologies or methods and reduce the total cost of underground links.

The project included:

contacts with the owners of the land, to obtain their agreement on the layout of the link where it
crossed private property,
detailed studies: research into installations owned by other utilities which could cross or run along the
future link, determining the thermal and electrical design,
civil engineering works,
on-site sheath tests.

Technical design
The underground line is:
63 kV, 19 km long
5 joints
Cable : 800 mm² Aluminium conductor, aluminium screen
48 optical fibres, laid in a separate duct
HDPE ducts, d=125 mm, directly buried in soil

With the following ampacity:

Summer Winter
Continuous 660 A 780 A
3 weeks 730 A 860 A
1 hour 915 A 1050 A

The innovative feature was the use of pushing-floating techniques, inspired by the installation of
telecommunication cables in pre-lubricated polyethylene ducts (using pressurised water instead of
compressed air).
In addition to the effects of gravity, the fluid injected into the ducts avoids the sticking effect caused
by the electrostatic field (PE cable oversheath on the PE duct) and friction heating.
Friction is considerably reduced. The floating effect (according to Archimedes’ principle) is combined
with a mechanical pushing effect (caterpillars at the duct entry point) and may be improved by a
classical pulling shuttle head. The stresses on cables are greatly reduced. It should be possible to
increase cable lengths between joints even on complex routes.

The results of this experiment are as follows:

the number of joints was decreased, from 15
for a conventional installation technique, down
to 5 for the total 19 km length of the link. Some
sections are as long as 3,300 m.
the cables were modified in order to produce
such long sections: the aluminium screen was
transversally welded and tests were carried out
in order to qualify this specific feature.
the duration of the cable pulling in ducts was

These results highlight an interesting alternative to conventional methods, and further studies are being
considered to confirm whether the technique would be effective and economical on more complex
cable routes.
SP04: Turbigo – Rho 380 kV Transmission Line (Italy)
The need to reinforce the congested 380 kV transmission grid in a very densely populated and
industrialized area in the proximity of Milano (North Italy) required the construction of a new 28 km
long single overhead line between the Turbigo Power Plant and the Rho station.
Technical details
In order to make it possible to cross some villages and an area having important natural reserves and to
obtain quick permission, the undergrounding of the last 8.4 km of the total 28 km long line was
necessary. To fulfill the thermal power rating of the overhead line, it was necessary to install two
underground 380 kV cables per phase having a 2000 mm² copper conductor.
The two cable circuits were directly buried in trench at a depth of 1.5 m, one circuit per trench with
cables laid flat spaced 350 mm and a distance between trenches of 6 m, to provide a continuous rating
of each circuit of 1600 A. Each circuit was composed of 12 cable spans and 4 cross bonding sections.
Outdoor terminations were installed in the overhead/underground transition compound.
Continuous temperature monitoring with a DTS system and continuous partial discharge monitoring at
joints was also applied.
Special magnetic field shielding has been provided where necessary for some part of the route in order
to comply with Italian legal requirements.

Figure 1 – 380 kV cable design

8- 2000 mm² copper conductor sealed
9- Semiconductor
10- XLPE insulation
11- Semiconductor Figure 2: 380 kV cable joint bay
12- Waterblocking
13- Welded aluminium
14- PE outersheath

Figure 3: Turbigo Rho 400 kV connection layout

Reference: R. Rendina et al., “The new Turbigo-Rho 380 kV transmission line: an example of the use of
underground XLPE cables in a meshed transmission grid” CIGRE 2006 paper B1-302
SP05: An underwater 380 kV crossing in the Netherlands
Part of the 380 kV grid reinforcement project in the Netherlands is to complete the double circuit loop
in the province of Zuid-Holland. This meant crossing the river Nieuwe Waterweg and the adjacent
Calandkanaal. Both waterways connect the Rotterdam harbours with the open sea. Between the
Nieuwe Waterweg and the Calandkanaal there is a finger of land approximately 70 m wide.

Because the vertical clearance for the entry to

Rotterdam harbour will be approximately 200 m,
an overhead crossing of the waterways was not
considered suitable. In that case three Eiffel towers
in a row would have been constructed. So the grid
owner decided to use a double circuit underwater
crossing using horizontal directional drilling.

The cables will be joined into the existing 380 kV

overhead line which is in operation at 150 kV. The
capacity of the overhead line is 4000 A (2635
MVA). To match this continuous rating, three
cables per phase would be necessary. The question
was to find a solution that is economically more attractive.

Circuit details
The entire crossing of the two Transition
waterways is too long compound
(approximately 1500 m) to
cover with one directional
drilling and the use of PE tubes.
Transition al na
ndk a

Therefore the drillings will have

to be carried out in 2 stages;
Ca la

northwards from the finger of

Wa te we

land across Nieuwe Waterweg

Nie u

(811 m) and southwards under

the Calandkanaal (693 m). On
the finger of land, joints will be
placed and there will be a cable route in a trench connecting the two landing points of the drillings.
After careful evaluation of the possible solutions it was decided to install a forced water circulation
system to equalize local hot spots in the directional drilling with cooler sections of the directional
drilling. Normally the ground layer with the highest thermal resistance determines the necessary
conductor size.

A small layer of ground with a high thermal resistance (1.05 Km/W) could have caused a hot-spot, but
water circulation (without active heat exchanger) allowed the desired ratings with a copper conductor
size of 1600 mm2 rather than over 2500 mm2 .

The land part of the cable connection (to the transition compounds on both banks), is approximately
700 m. The cable is direct buried in a trench, which is filled with a special back-fill material.
Technical Details

The requirements for the final stage of the project are shown in Table 1. Introduction of an overload
factor and carrying out the project in stages over a number of years (as the load grows) all ows a more
economical solution (Table 2).

Table 1: Final requirements

Requirements final stage
Ampacity [A ] Rating [MVA] Circuits in use Duration
4000 2645 1 1 week
3250 2140 1 Repair time of side circuit
2500 1645 2 Continuous

Table 2. Staged requirements as the load grows.

Project stages
Stage [year] Voltage Ampacity Load factor Cable/phase Remarks
[kV] [MVA]
-2005 150 280 1.0 1x 800 Cu 150 kV Oil-filled cable from 1971
2005-2009 150 500 0.86 1x 1600 Cu 380 kV * In operation under 150 kV
2009-200x 380 1000 1 1x 1600 Cu 380 kV * Depends on load growth
200x- 380 1645 1 2x 1600 Cu 380 kV * 2635 MVA for one week
* Include forced water circulation.

The forced water circulation system is an economically attractive solution because of the lower initial
investment cost, even allowing for the higher joule losses, extra costs of maintenance and electricity
for the pumps.

To meet the final requirements 2 cables per phase are required, but the second set can be postponed
until necessary. Extra tubes for these cables are already installed in the first run.

To avoid extra joints (12 in the final state) and because it was not possible to create a balanced cross-
bonding system, the system now has a single bonded earth system and two separate earth cables of 240
mm2 Cu.
SP06: The Tihange – Avernas 150 kV Link (Belgium)

The connection between the Tihange nuclear power plant and the new transformer station in Avernas
has marked a major enhancement to the grid in the region between Brussels and Liège (with the
contribution of three other new links: Avernas – Tienen, two 21 km links and Avernas – Landen –
Brustem, one 24 km link). It was also needed in order to provide power for the high-speed train
running between Brussels and the German border. Featuring a high short-circuit power, the new
transformer station was needed to prevent disrupting the power supply to other consumers.

The initial project of a 380 kV overhead line

between Tihange and Landen had been
included in Belgium’s 1985-1995 national
development plan for power generation and
transmission facilities, and the project was
started accordingly in 1989. After a series of
modifications, the federal government finally
accepted in 1999 a mixed overhead-
underground design for the link, which would
start overhead for 4.5 km (380 kV) and would
continue underground for some 27 km with a
bundle of 150 kV cable. Due to the advice of
the regional government and some opposition
from the public, the project was further modified and resulted in the present project: the exit from the
nuclear power plant site and the crossing of the river Meuse where the plant is situated (2 km) is
overhead and includes a new 380/150 kV substation; via a transition compound the remainder of the
link is underground (30 km). The Tihange – Avernas project is one of the largest underground 150 kV
connection projects in Europe. The project was launched in August 2002 and the official inauguration
took place on 20 November 2003.
Circuit details
Elia (Belgian Transmission System Operator) has imposed
particularly stringent conditions on the carrying capacity,
which resulted in considering a 150 kV underground link
with 3 cables per phase, the third cable being installed only
to face the situation in which one circuit failed. To avoid
the cost of a third cable, a system with 2 cables per phase
was finally chosen, based on a number of assumptions, one
of these was the taking into account of a thermal resistivity
value of 0.7 K.m/W for the controlled backfill (generalised
in Belgium) instead of the usually adopted value of
1 K.m/W. The present underground connection consists
thus of 2 parallel circuits composed of 2000 mm 2
aluminium XLPE cables (one of which incorporates optical
fibres for tracing hot spots) laid in flat configuration. The
cables are mainly directly buried in two trenches (also
installed in ducts for the crossings of obstacles). In addition
to the connection, there is also a telecommunication cable
consisting of 48 optical fibres.
The use of cross-bonding makes it possible to suppress the circulating currents in the metallic screens
that would otherwise reduce the ampacity of the link. The direct cross -bonding technique (without
Screen Voltage Limiters) has been used systematically in Belgium on 150 kV underground links since
2000. Transposition of the phases is also performed at the same locations where the cross-bonding of
the metallic screens is applied.

Technical details
Overhead Length: 2 sets of 2 conductors 707 mm² Ampacity: 2 x 1161 A
2 km linked per phase AMS-2Z
Underground Length: 2 parallel links in flat 2000 mm² Ampacity: 2 x 1100 A with the
30 km configuration Alu XLPE possibility to have one link with
1900 A for one week

Environmental concerns
Elia was especially conscious of the environmental ramifications of this project. For the underground
connection, major efforts were made to restore the landscape after the work was completed. For
instance, a disused railway line was converted into a path for hikers and cyclists. Aluminium screens
were set up in some areas near dwellings and schools to reduce the magnetic field.
SP07: 400 kV underground cables in Copenhagen (Denmark)

In the early 1990s it was decided to renew the power supply to the Copenhagen area. The power
supply consisted, among other lines, of several 132 kV overhead lines which where situated in densely
populated areas. It was decided to remove these lines. To make this possible it was necessary to build
two new 400 kV links and new 400 kV stations in the southern and northern part of the Copenhagen
area. These new 400 kV links would, together with the Energy production from power stations in the
Copenhagen area, give a secure power supply.

Circuit details
The southern 400 kV link between
the 400 kV station in Ishoej and a
new 400 kV station at H. C.
Oersted Vaerket has a total length
of 21 km. This link consists of
two cable systems with lengths of
12 and 9 km respectively.
Between the two cable systems a
400 kV coupling station in
Avedoere is constructed (for later
connection to a new power
station). The southern link was
installed in the period from Copenhagen

October 1995 to September 1997. 0 2

400 kV UG cable

The northern link consists of a

7 km combined 132 and 400 kV overhead line and a 12 km 400 kV cable.

Technical details
The 400 kV XLPE cables have 1600 mm2 Cu conductors. They
are buried at a depth of 1.5 m.
In the southern link the 12 km long cable system is installed as 4
cross bonded major sections and three single bonded sections.
The 9 km system is installed as 3 major cross bonded sections
and 2 single bonded sections. The theoretical maximum
transmission capacity of the system is 995 MVA, but the total
system is designed for a transmission capacity of 975 MVA.
A thermally stable backfill, weak concrete (weak-mix), has been
used around the cables

The installation of the cables is carried out in an open trench.

The trench has a width of 1.1 m. At the bottom of the trench a
layer of 20 cm concrete is placed. This layer will enable other
lines to pass under the cable system in a later state and it gives a
solid base for the equipment necessary for pulling in the cables. When the cable was placed on the
concrete base a layer of 0.3 m of weak-mix was put over the cables. Normal soil was back filled into
the trench and the top layer was re-established. This procedure has been used in a major part of the
Wherever use of an open trench was impossible either directional drilling or pipe jacking was used.
SP08: 380 kV interconnection for Wienstrom (Austria)

To reinforce the supply system of the Austrian utility Wienstrom a new 380 kV interconnection from
Bisamberg (Austrian Power Grid), located in the northern part of Vienna, to the northern substation of
Wienstrom was started in 2004 and finished at the end of 2005. This 380 kV line has 2 sections. The
first section with a length of 4.2 km is routed as an OHL with two circuits and the second section
which leads through urban area is routed underground as a 380 kV XLPE cable (2 circuits) with a
length of 5.2 km. The cable is directly connected
to the northern substation by means of the newly
OHL installed 380 kV GIS. The ampacity at a rated
voltage of 380kV and natural cooling is 2 x 640
MVA, however, it can be increased to 2 x 1040
MVA by forced cooling through the jointly
cable installed water pipes. The two cable circuits lead
through city area and are situated 2.6 m below the
pavement (both left and right of the street) in
order to limit the magnetic field strength to 15 µT
at 1040 MVA. In the area of the joint bays
additional magnetic shielding is set up. In order
to cross under a water channel, which became
necessary in the course of construction, the two
circuits were laid 24 m below the ground in 2
tunnels of a length of 130 m each.

Table 1: Circuit parameters and technical details

Circuit parameters of the 380 kV interconnection WIENSTROM
Ampacity: Ampacity: Route:
[MVA]/circuit [MVA]/circuit
length: 5.2 km, 2 circuits
natural cooled forced cooled
2 tunnels
burial (pavement)
620 1040 length: 2 x 0.13 km
depth: 2.6 m
depth: 24 m
Technical details (both circuits)
380 kV XLPE Cable 24 bonding joints 6 outdoor terminations
10 joint bays with
1200 mm² miliken 6 straight joints 6 GIS terminations
magnetic field.
open trefoil laying, shielding 2 temperature
magn. field: 15 µT 10 link boxes monitoring systems
(copper plates)

Fig.1: Bonding sections (representation of 1 circuit)


Fig.2: Arrangement of the cables (red) with Fig. 3: Picture of the open trench under the
cooling pipes (blue) pavement

Fig. 4: Picture of the tunnel laying with cable Fig. 5: Picture after completion, covering of
protected by covers (removed after completion) bolted concrete blocks
SP09: Youngseo-Youngdeungpo (Korea)
Project overview
KEPCO was required to reinforce the electricity supply network in the South-western area of Seoul
and Youngdeungpo area due to increasing demand for transmission capacity. The area is very densely
populated and industrialized, so KEPCO decided to install 345 kV underground power transmission
cables from Youngseo substation to the new Youngdeungpo substation.

Project summary
345kV XLPE cables were selected because of
their higher capacity and lower power loss
compared with existing 345kV oil-filled cables.
A 2000 mm2 copper conductor was selected
giving a rating of 955 MVA compared with
575 MVA for an oil-filled cable installed in a
fireproof trough. The cable has a 27 mm
insulation thickness and the cable and
accessories had passed a long-term (one-year)
prequalification test. Two circuits, 9.8 km long,
were installed in a cable tunnel in trefoil
arrangement with horizontal snaking. The tunnel
was constructed by either the cut and cover
technique or using a tunnel boring machine.
12 GIS terminations and 150 straight joints were required. It was the first use of prefabricated joints
on 345kV XLPE cable in Korea.


Stress Relief Cone

Straight joint GIS terminations

Jointing was carried out inside a clean booth to ensure high quality. The controlled environment in the
booth was monitored for particulate matter, temperature and humidity.
Installation work began in November 2002 and the cable began commercial operation in June 2003.
After-laying tests included a dielectric withstand test and partial discharge test.
SP10: 220 kV XLPE cable Lübeck-Siems (Germany)

When the HVDC Baltic cable between Germany and Sweden came into operation it was necessary to
reinforce the high voltage network in Northern Germany. Originally planned was a concept that
included beside Baltic Cable an interconnection to the TSO in former Eastern Germany (VEAG), a
new power plant in Lübeck (to improve the reliability of supply in the Lübeck area) as well as the
construction of a 380-kV overhead line between Krümmel and Hamburg.
With the dynamic changes in the European energy market since its liberalisation these projects were
not realised.

To utilize the entire Baltic Cable capacity of 600 MW, a 220-kV-XLPE-cable between Siems and
Lübeck was constructed in 2004. The route length is 10.2 km.

The reason for using a cable was the closeness to urban areas.

The main data are given in the table below:

Nr. Data Material Dimension

1 Conductor Copper, Milliken 1200 mm²
2 Inner semiconductor Extruded thermosetting
3 Insulation XLPE (EHV) 21 mm
4 Outer semiconductor Extruded thermosetting
5 Pad Conducting tapes
6 Screen Copper wire 70 mm²
7 Longitudinal water Water blocking tape
8 Pad Conducting tapes
9 Radial water sealing PE-laminated AL-Tape
10 Outer sheath PE 5 mm
11 LWL-Element 4 Fibres

In rural area the cable system was laid in trefoil section by open trench. The laying depth is 1.20 m.

In urban area it was laid in plastic pipes that are surrounded by steel tubes.
The laying depth is up to 5 m.

The maximum current is 850 Amperes. For a short time (up to 5 days) the maximum current can be
increased up to 900 Amperes.
SP11: 380 kV diagonal connection through the load centres in Berlin (Germany)

In 1994, Bewag's insular existence came to an end when it was connected to the supraregional inter-
connected grid (VEAG Wolmirstedt). Part of this connection consists of a new 380 kV overhead
power transmission line and a new 380 kV oil-filled cable system which was used to provide an inner-
city link-up with the Reuter substation in Spandau district. A 380 kV connection (overhead line and
oil-filled cable) between the Reuter and Mitte substations, which had come into operation as early as
1978, enabled power to be supplied from the grid to the city centre of Berlin.

The entire 380 kV diagonal link


Teufelsbruch Reuter Mitte Friedrichshain Marzahn


1994 1978 1998 2000 1997

Havel Schloßpark Spree

overhead line oil-filled cable overhead line oil-filled cable XLPE-cable XLPE-cable overhead line

380 kV connection between Mitte and Friedrichshain substations

The extension of the 380 kV cable network to connect Mitte and Friedrichshain substations
was originally to be carried out by analogy with conventional cut-and-cover methods, as had
been the case with the 380 kV grid link-up.
The envisaged extension route ran mostly along public highways and cuts across various major
construction sites (Potsdamer Platz, new government precinct, Friedrichstraße) and urban development
areas at several points.
For all these reasons a feasibility study was carried out to establish whether it would be possible to
have the planned 380 kV cable system installed in a tunnel linking the two substations. The position of
the tunnel was then determined on the basis of geological reports, existing test drills and realized depth
The tunnel runs at a depth of approx. 25 to 30 metres beneath the land surface. Its outside diameter is
3.6 metres and the inside width 3 metres. The tunnel is approx. 6.3 km long. The run is approx. 1.1 km
shorter than it would have been if conventional construction methods had been used.

380 kV connection between Friedrichshain and Marzahn substations

The fourth section of the 380 kV diagonal connection between the 380 kV substation in Friedrichshain
and the new substation in Marzahn stretches over a distance of approx. 5.2 km.
The new connection, which completed the diagonal link-up, went into operation in autumn of the year
Partial discharge measurement during the start-up phase

The accessories now in use on the 380 kV

side consist largely of prefabricated and pre-
testable slip-on control fixtures. Ultimately,
however, the quality of the accessories
depends on their proper installation on the
construction site. On-site testing is,
therefore, absolutely essential. The
measuring system consists of a sensor which
can be fitted into the accessories. A special
feature of this system is that the high-
frequency partial discharge signals can be
decoupled without the cable's insulation
system or the accessory being impaired in
any way. In view of the success of these
tests, Bewag has decided to include partial discharge measurements in the start-up checks on the 380
kV XLPE cable connection .

380 kV overhead power transmission line

A new overhead power transmission line of approximately 12 km was to be used for the final section
of the connection which extends to the substation at Neuenhagen to the east of Berlin.

The Diagonal Link of Berlin

Sction 1 2 3a 3b 4 5 6
Type of Overhead Buried Overhead Buried Tunnel laid Tunnel laid Overhead
transmission Line oilfilled Line oilfilled XLPE XLPE Line
technology cable cable Cable Cable
Type of Natural Watercooled Natural Water- Air Air Natural
Cooling cooled ventilated ventilated
Length 1.1 km 7.6 km 2.6 km 8.1 km 6.3 km 5.2 km 12 km
Transmission 1800 1120 MVA 1800 MVA 1120 1100 MVA 1100 MVA 1800
Capacity per MVA MVA MVA
Number of 3 towers 18 bunkers 8 towers 21 5 shafts 3 shafts 25 towers
sites bunkers
Space size 10x 10 8x4x4 mts 10x 10 mts 8x4x4 Tube outer Tube outer 10x10 mts
mts mts diameter diameter
3.6 m, 3.6 m,
2000 sqm 2000 sqm
per shaft per shaft
Year 1994 1994 1978 1978 1998 2000 1997
Type and ACSR 4x Al ACSR 4x Al 1200 Cu 1600 Cu 1600 ACSR 4x
number of 265/35 1200 sqmm 265/3 sqmm sqmm sqmm 265/3
SP12: 400 kV XLPE Cables for the biggest Pump Storage Power Plant in Germany

Vattenfall Europe Generation AG has built a pump storage power plant at Goldisthal in the Thuringian
mountains. The power plant is the most modern pump storage power plant in Germany with its 1060
MW capacity and will be amongst the largest of its kind in Europe.
Pump storage power plants are used for the economic operation of the grid by providing electrical
peak energy, improving of the grid control, by providing instant -reserve in case of shut-down of large
power plants and by synchronous condenser operation for the reduction of the transmission losses in
the grid. During periods of low demand, surplus energy from the grid will be used for pumping the
stored water of the river Schwarza from the lower water reservoir into the upper reservoir. To cover
peak load the gates of the upper water reservoir will be opened and the water drives the four 265-MW-
turbines with the coupled generators. The 12 million cubic metres of water, stored in the upper
reservoir, are enough to produce electrical energy with the four turbine generators for eight hours.

The task was to deliver and to install the 400-kV-XLPE-cables and accessories for the energy outlet
including the earthing system. The energy outlet consists of 4 circuits 400-kV-XLPE-cables installed
in a tunnel for the connection between the GIS in the transformer cavern and the GIS in the transition
area to the overhead line.

The cablemaker was responsible for the design, supply and installation of 4 cable systems each
approximately 400 m long, 24 metal enclosed GIS terminations and associated clamping systems and
the earthing systems.
The cable has a 630 mm² conductor and120 mm²
screen. It is designed for a nominal rating of
400 MVA and a short circuit current of 90 kA for
1 second.

The cable is longitudinally and radially watertight

with a laminated sheath. The outer diameter of the
cable is 117 mm and it weighs approximately.
16.5 kg/m. It was delivered on 3.8 m diameter
drums. The weight of each delivery length
(approximately. 400m) was about 9000 kg
(including the cable drum).

The metal enclosed GIS terminations have a cast

resin insulator and a deflector cone of EPDM. The
point of intersection to the GIS is according to
IEC 60859. All terminations are equipped with
sensors for partial discharge measurements.

The 4 cable systems run from GIS in the transformer cavern through a slant tunnel in the mountain
(cross section 4 m x 4 m, slope 23%) upwards to the GIS in the transition area to the overhead line.

Laying and mounting of one cable system requires approximately 2 months.

Type and routine tests for the cables and terminations were requested to DIN VDE 0276-632 and
IEC 62067. After installation of the 4 cable systems on-site tests were made with 450 kV ac for 1 hour
and in addition partial discharge tests at 450 kV. The on-site tests for the first two cable systems took
place in July 2002. The third and the fourth system were tested on-site successfully in October 2002.
Since July 2002 the systems 1 and 2 are in service providing electrical energy for testing the large
motor-generators of the power plant. All four systems were in service from 2004.

GIS terminations in the transition area

SP13: The World’s First Long-Distance 500 kV XLPE Cable (Japan)

A plan has been developed to supply the growing power needs of central Tokyo directly with 500 kV
underground circuits using XLPE cable, which has a number of advantages over oil-filled cable. In
this project, extending over a period of several years, a compact cable for long-distance circuits with
an insulation thickness of 27mm (no larger in diameter than oil-filled cable of comparable rating) has
been developed, together with associated extrusion-molded joints (EMJs). Tokyo Electric Power Co.
decided to use the cable and joints in the Shin-Toyosu Line (39.8km, 2circuit).

Design and structure of cable

Based on various design parameters and the insulation characteristics of the treated portion of the
insulation shield for EMJs, it was determined that the insulation thickness required for the cable would
be 27mm, the conductor size was 2500 mm 2 and the metal sheath was of corrugated aluminum.
Technical Details
The Shin-Toyosu Line is a 39.8 km underground transmission SHIN -NODA

route connecting the Shinkeiyo Substation on the 500kV SHIN -TOKOROZAWA

overhead grid line system surrounding Tokyo, to the SHIN-KEIYO S/S


Shintoyosu Underground Substation newly constructed in

central Tokyo. This is the first time that 500kV XLPE cable
has been used on a long-distance circuit anywhere in the world
and it is the longest underground transmission link in Japan. Tokyo Bay BOSO

Virtually the entire route, wth the exception of ducts under 500kV Shin-Toyosu
Underground Line
bridges and elevated expressways, is enclosed in a tunnel. Part 500kV Overhead Line

of the route runs along the shore of Tokyo Bay and advantage 275kV Underground Line

275kV Overhead Line

was taken of this fact by transporting long-length cables from
the factory by sea, and laying them from a base yard situated at Fig.1 Cable route
the landing point, thereby minimizing the number of joints.
The specifications are as follows
x Number of circuits 2 ( 3 in future)
x Transmission capacity 900MW/cct
x (1200MW/cct in future)
x Laying configuration : Trefoil formation in
tunnel troughs, and in ducts under bridges
and elevated expressways.
x Number of intermediate joints per phase 40
x Type of joints EMJ
x SF6 gas-immersed sealing ends : Silicon oil
For the part of the route along the shore of the Fig.2 Laying Cable
bay, where both duct and tunnel existed, the use
of the base yard was impracticable. Thus long-length
cables delivered by sea were reloaded onto a special
trailer equipped with a pay-out machine and transported for the very short distance overland to the pay
out point. In order to allow laying operations on roads even when using large drums, a traverse method
was developed and implemented whereby the space occupied on roads during installation was reduced
and cable of about 1200-m in length could be laid.
The world’s first 500kV long-distance underground transmission link using XLPE cable has operated
since 2000.
SP14: Construction of a 275kV underground transmission link composed of
continuous 2,500m long cable (Japan)

Kawagoe-Nishinagoya Line is a 275 kV underground transmission link consisting of 2 circuits 14.4km
in length. The whole link is installed in a tunnel, in order to achieve a high reliability of power
transmission from Kawagoe power station to Nishi-
Nagoya substation, in the Chubu area, Japan.
Cable design
Kawagoe-Nishinagoya Line was installed in a
tunnel, which is composed of Chubu Electric's
Tunnel (Diameter: 4.2m, Length: 9.8km) and
common-use tunnel (Diameter: 4.9m, Length:
4.6km). Its transmission capacity is 810 MW per
circuit. Ultra long XLPE cable, which has 2,500mm 2
copper conductor and stainless steel sheath and is
2,500m long, was developed to reduce cable joints.

Technical Details
Some state-of-the-art technologies containing the
“Ultra Long Cable”, which is the longest in the Fig.1 Laying Cable
world for this kind of cable, was developed and
contributed a lot to reduce our construction cost.
x To absorb the cable thermal expansion and
contraction vertical snaking was adopted. A
S Stru
cturere S h ea th in su la to r
combined cable bracket and cleat was developed,
2 6 0 0 ±1 0 0 (Ǿ2 0 0 )
leading to a weight saving and a decrease in the Ǿ2 4 0
numbers of parts.
x The cable container whose total weight was
about 140 ton including a cable was transported
to the pier of Kawagoe Power Station by the Application of 500kV EMJ technologies
ship. It was unloaded onto the pier by the floating Downsizing the joints by welding the conductor
crane of 300 ton. and it was transported to the
installation base in the power station by the
x The installation base provided a cable slacking
area to absorb the speed difference between the 'LDPHWHUijPPĺij240mm
speed of the container rotation and the speed of
the construction equipment in the tunnel, which Fig.2 F-EMJ
saved space. As a result, the construction period
was reduced from about 12 months to about 10
x F-EMJ (Flexible-Extruded Mold Joint) and O-EMJ (One-processed Extruded Mold Joint) were
developed and installed to improve the reliability of the joint, which is constructed by extruding a
polyethylene material into the mold, forming an insulation layer, and reinforcing the insulation
layer by cross linking.
x To make the cable length longer, manufacturing process of stainless steel sheath was improved.
Ultra long cables helped to reduce the number of the joints from 16 sets, which are required when
cable length is 1,800m, to 10 sets, to shorten the construction period by 2 months, and to save the
cost by about 10%
SP15: Installation of a 275 kV 3.3km gas-insulated transmission line
for underground large capacity transmission (Japan)
The SF 6 gas-insulated transmission line (GIL) was applied to the 275kV Shinmeika-Tokai Line, which
can transport 2,850 MW per circuit with cooling in a 3.3km tunnel. To transport this large capacity,
only two circuits are needed for GIL. GIL has four times greater current capacity than a cross-linked
polyethylene(XLPE) cable line, while adoption of XLPE cables requires five circuits.

GIL design
An underground transmission system was adopted
due to the difficulty in finding a route for an overhead
transmission line and environmental coordination
around a power station. The tunnel was constructed at
a depth of about 30m under public roads. The GIL's
conductor is an aluminum alloy pipe and 20mm thick.
Suitable design and structure were developed to
install GIL along the three-dimensional curves of the
tunnel and to absorb the displacement due to the
thermal expansion, contraction and possible
Fig.1 Cable route and section

Technical Details
Installation techniques were developed to fix and joint GIL units in the narrow space and the dusty
The joint was designed to absorb the unavoidable small dimensional errors that are caused during
tunnel construction and angle errors of curved GIL unit which could be caused by manufacturing
The maximum unit length was limited to 14m due to the manufacturing process of extruded
aluminum pipes for the enclosure and due to their transportation restrictions.
The length of one section for expansion absorption was determined so that the thermal expansion
and contraction of the enclosure and the conductor, and the displacement due to an earthquake can be
The 56m unit section for expansion absorption is identical to a gas compartment for gas treatment
and for gas sampling in case of accidents.
The enclosure was bonded solidly at the both ends of line to prevent electromagnetic induction
problems on adjacent control cables, iron losses in the supporting structure, and enclosure induced
Features of installation are as follows.
A full automatic welder was developed to maintain constant quality at various welding points.
A compact clean room, which moves on rails to every jointing site, was developed to secure the
same clean environment as in a factory when each unit is jointed in a tunnel.
A bogie which can move on rails was developed to mount GIL units onto supporting structures and
which can fit the unit to the adjacent one by adjusting the position of the unit within the order of
millimeter to save manpower and improve precision during the mounting and fitting procedure.
A cart that could travel on
rails in a tunnel was developed
for loading equipment to make
dry air needed for a gas pressure
test at every 56m gas
compartment and vacuum
equipment to evacuate the gas
compartment before filling SF 6
gas. Fig.2 Gas compartment and structure for absorbing due
to thermal expansion and an earthquake displacement
SP16: Koksijde – Slijkens 150 kV Link (Belgium)


The connection between Koksijde and Slijkens by a 150 kV underground cable is part of a group of
projects aimed at reinforcing the coastal region of Belgium. This region faces a number of different
x A lot of new generating sites have been announced (several wind farms will be built in the North
Sea in the coming years);
x The transmission capacity of the existing 150 kV overhead lines is becoming saturated, making it
difficult to ensure the power supply of the coastal region;
x The 70 kV-grid has to deal with voltage problems due to saturation;
x Both Koksijde and Slijkens are substations in antenna on one 150kV overhead line; so, the
reliability becomes endangered.

Several projects have started up to solve these problems:

x Reinforcement of the region (important 400 and 150 kV substations) by upgrading and uprating a
70 kV line up to 150 kV;
x Reinforcement of several substations by upgrading HV transformers and installing new 150 kV
x A new 150 kV underground cable connection between Koksijde and Slijkens with a total length of
33 km.

The project was launched in the year 2000 but was surrounded by uncertainties over the amount of
power likely to be produced by the wind farms (at the time of writing, none of the planned wind farms
have been constructed) and difficult negotiations with the administrations to agree upon a route. As a
consequence, the project only really got launched in 2003. After obtaining the building permits in the
early days of 2005, the contractors started work in February 2005 and pulled the last cable one year
later. The energizing of the link is foreseen in May 2006.

Circuit details
Thermal environment
A special study of the underground thermal behaviour at several points was performed to optimise as
much as possible the ampacity (340 MVA), taking into account the defined conductor cross-section of
the 150 kV cables (2000 mm² Aluminium conductor XLPE), one with integrated optical fibres:
x Use of special controlled backfill;
x Replacement of a bad 50 cm thickness ground layer on a length of 3.5 km;
x Filling of all the ducts for crossings with a bentonite-sand-water mixture;
x Direct cross bonding of the screens.

Tunnel laying: snaking

The link crosses the Ostende-Brugge channel through an existing
technical tunnel before reaching the substation of Slijkens. This
concrete tunnel has a horizontal part of 120 m length with 25 m-
depth shafts at each side.
For the horizontal part, the cables are suspended every 5 m, in
trefoil formation, with a controlled sag (offset) equal to one cable
For the vertical parts, the cables are attached in flat formation
following a sinusoidal path of which the inflection points are
A special fire retardant coating has also been sprayed onto the cables.
The accessories used on the link are the following:
x The terminations at the Koksijde side are composite outdoor type
x The terminations at the Slijkens side are new dry type GIS terminations
x The joints are cross-bonded (direct cross-bonding, i.e. without SVLs).

AC - test conditions for the 33 km link: 2Uo 15 min

The link has been divided in 3 parts of about 11 km
length, which have been tested with two injection
points: one at the Koksijde substation and the other at
2/3 of the link, at a specially equipped joint bay.
Tests were carried out on part 1 from the 150 kV
outdoor terminations at the Koksijde substation, up to
the “stop” joints bay and, on part 2 and 3, from the
joint bay equipped with temporary (water)

Environmental concerns

Taking into account the characteristics of the region (Belgian coast), the option of installing an
overhead line has not been considered.

Inventory and biological evaluation of the verges

The route of the link follows several roads in a rural area and crosses some agriculture parcels. The
proposed route was submitted to AMINAL, the environmental department of the Flemish government.
This authority ordered an inventory and a biological evaluation of the verges of the roads where the
link would be installed in order to find an agreement on the way to limit the possible damage to
vulnerable vegetation.

Soil handling
In order to control the propagation of soil pollution, the Flemish government has formulated
instructions for soil handling. All actions have to follow a specific process (digging up of the soil,
transportation, storage in the final destination). The “chain care system” is aimed at preventing the
spread of polluted soils to clean (or less polluted) areas.
SP17: Pioltello - AEM Milano (Italy)
For the 220 kV “Aem Trasmissione S.p.A“ transmission grid it was decided to underground part of the
overhead lines between Cassano and the “Milano Ricevitrice Nord” stations. This required the
installation of two cable systems each of them approximately 3 km long. This connection is the
undergrounding (siphoning) of the part crossing the most dense populated area of a 20 km long line in
the area of Pioltello (a suburb of Milan). The transition between the overhead line and the underground
cable was mounted directly on the terminal pole by using terminations with composite polymeric
Technical details
The cables were designed to carry a continuous current of 950A for each circuit. This needed a single
core 1600 mm² cable, aluminium conductor, XLPE insulation type, welded aluminium sheath and
extruded polyethylene outer sheath, graphite coated. Metallic sheaths were connected in a cross
bonding system (three minor cable sections) and a single point bonding system (two cable sections)
for a total of five cable lengths for each circuit.
The cables were mainly directly buried in a single trench, surrounded by appropriate materials to
guarantee their thermal environment.
Special magnetic field shielding has been provided where necessary for some part of the route in order
to respect the requirements of Italian Law.

1 Compacted aluminium
2 Semiconductor
3 XLPE insulation
4 Semiconductor
5 Waterblocking
6 Welded aluminium sheath
7 PE outer sheath

The overhead to underground transition has been realised on

both sides of the circuit directly from the last pole without
the application of surge diverters as the cable is self
protected against the lightning and transient overvoltages.
SP18: The Madrid “Barajas” Airport Project (Spain)
Madrid Barajas airport is being re-developed with the construction of two new runways and terminal
and satellite areas. Intrusion of a nearby double circuit 400 kV overhead line on airport operations and
possible radio interference with automatic navigation systems has led to part of the line being
undergrounded. The underground cables are laid in a 12.8 km long prefabricated tunnel. Cable and
GIL solutions were compared and XLPE cable selected as the most competitive solution. The
overhead line rating (1390 MVA summer /1720 MVA winter) can be met using one cable per phase,
with two circuits inside a tunnel, equipped with forced cooling.

Thermal requirements
The high rating of the circuits requires a
2500 mm2 copper conductor and a forced
cooling system, which includes 5 fan stations,
distributed temperature sensing (DTS) to
measure circuit and tunnel temperatures and a
real-time thermal rating (RTTR) system that
commands and integrates all subsystems. The
forced cooling system is designed for a
summer air intake temperature of 35 ºC,
maximum tunnel air temperature of 50 ºC and
maximum air speed of 5 m/s. The limiting
parameter is the temperature of the 400 kV
cable joints. The tunnel temperatures (air at
Tunnel under construction the top of the tunnel and hottest cable) are
continuously monitored by the fibre optic DTS
system. The RTTR interfaces with the DTS and controls the cooling fan speeds. Circuit parameters,
such as load, temperatures, surrounding environmental conditions, etc. are continuously monitored by
the RTTR system to calculate in real time the maximum loads (steady state and short term overload)
that could safely be applied to the circuits.
Cable sheath bonding consists of a combination of 5 x 3 cross-bonded sections 810 m long and two
single point bonded lengths at the ends (300 m at one end and 400 m at the
other). This configuration ensured the manufacturing of 90 drums of
identical length and eventual route changes adopted during civil works
construction have been absorbed by these cable ends.

Installation details
The technical solution that meets project electrical and thermal
requirements consists of a 2 m x 2.25 m tunnel buried at an average depth
of 2 m. The cable circuits, supplied by two manufacturers, are laid in a
vertical configuration, one at each tunnel side with a phase separation of
0.5 m. Due to high mechanical stresses present in the cables with load Layout of cables
variations, a flexible cable laying (snaking system) was chosen to minimize
longitudinal and radial stresses on cable and accessories. Cables are fixed on metallic supports fixed to
tunnel walls every 6 m. The cables rest on saddles and brackets and are tied together by means of
three phase spacers at the 3 m intermediate point between two supports. Spacers are used to reduce
electrodynamic forces generated during a short circuit. Sag applied to cables after laying is equal to
0.25 m. All metallic supports used for cable laying have been designed to resist maximum
electrodynamic forces during a short circuit.
SP19: Mechanical laying of HDPE ducts in a rural area (France)
In order to develop the laying of cables in the private land (essentially in rural area), to reduce the
constraints of traffic during the works, and finally to reduce the cost of the underground lines, RTE
has used for the CHABOSSIERE - MONTLUC link an innovative technique which allows to get the
acceptance of the route by the public more easily: the mechanical laying of HDPE ducts.

General presentation of the project

The 63 kV underground link is 10 km long and composed of three 400 mm 2 Al XLPE aluminium
sheathed cables. About 8 km are constructed in rural area and about 2 km in urban area.

The laying techniques are:

x in urban area : PVC ducts covered with concrete. In this area, traditional techniques are used.
x In rural area: HDPE ducts directly buried. In this area, the mechanical laying of the ducts is used.

Substation Rural area: mechanical laying of HDPE ducts

About 8 km
1.00 m

Urban area Warning grid

About 2 km
Traditional laying 3 HDPE ducts for power cables
3 HDPE ducts
1 HDPE ductfor power
for cables
the earth wire
1 HDPE duct
1 HDPE duct for thefor
earth wire
1 HDPE duct for a
telecommunication cable cable
0,40 m

Description of the mechanical laying technique

The technique, directly inspired from the laying of the telecommunication cables, is based on the use
of a laying “train” which allows the mechanisation of the main phases of the works:
ƒ trench opening with a trenchdigger,
ƒ laying of the three ducts for power cables (beforehand strapped) with the drum-carrier and the
cubicle tray,
ƒ backfilling of the trench with the excavated earth.

The high quality of the HDPE ducts will contain the energy released by a short-circuit. The joints for
HDPE ducts coming from two different drums are made with couplers which are electrically welded
on site.
Ducts are wound round drums that can contain lengths up to 600 m for ‡ 125 mm ducts. Logistics for
their delivery must be carefully managed. Drum-carriers transport the drums to the laying site and
unwind the ducts a few metres in front of the trenchdigger.
The trenchdigger is the main element of the technique. The machine equipped with a big wheel that
“crumbles” the ground. Extracted materials are laid on both sides of the trench. Then, the extracted
earth is either used to backfill the trench, or levelled around.
Advantages of the technique
ƒ the length of the opened trenches and the duration of the trench opening are reduced,
ƒ no human operation in the trenches is necessary. It leads to the following advantages :
- the width of the trenches is reduced, as well as the volume of extracted earth,
- avoiding the need for trench sheeting.
ƒ reduction of tracks as the excavated earth is re-used to backfill trenches and as no materials
are taken away or brought to the working site,
ƒ significant cost reduction.

Limits of the technique

In spite of all the advantages this technique can offer, the use of the mechanical laying has to meet
several requirements :
ƒ the length must be over to 3 km to become profitable,
ƒ crossing of underground networks must be avoided, or at least, this technique needs a very
precise study of existing networks in order to avoid accidents.
ƒ the linear continuity of works is necessary in order to avoid machine immobilisation
(preliminary agreements of all land owners are necessary),
ƒ the technique cannot be used with some specific cultures (vineyards, fruit-trees,…), works are
forbidden during the wet seasons, and clay soils are forbidden because of the bad quality of


Laying in rural area was made according to the mechanical laying principles described above.
The duration of works for the total length in rural area (7.9 km) was three weeks and two days, which
leads to an average rate of 500 m/day. As a comparison, the rate is between 50 and 300 m/day with a
traditional technique.
The only problems met were to replace broken teeth on the wheel.
Except for these minor problems, RTE is generally satisfied with the use of this technique because of
the reduction of the duration of works and the good relations with the land owners.
SP20: Land cable connecting to the SARCO submarine link (Sardinia-Corsica)
The islands of Sardinia and Corsica are partly connected through the old 200 kV DC cable installed in
the early sixties. The need to improve power interchange between the two islands requires a new
connection to satisfy the highly increased energy demands of these two tourist sites.

Technical details
The choice for the connection is a 150 kV XLPE AC cable having a 400 mm² copper conductor The
total length of the connection is 31 km and is composed of 11 km of land cable on Corsica, 15 km of
submarine cable and 5 km on land in Sardinia. The nominal continuous rating is 150 MVA. For the
submarine part a three core armoured cable has been selected, while for the land part single core cable
was chosen.
The maximum sea depth is 75 m. The submarine cable was buried in the sea bed in order to prevent
mechanical damage. Near the coast of Sardinia, additional cast iron shell protection has been applied.
The land cable was laid flat (at 200 mm spacing) and directly buried in trench at a depth of 1.4 m. The
metallic screen was cross bonded.

Submarine cable Land cable

An additional fibre optic cable, for data and signal transmission, has been placed in the interstice
between three cores of the submarine cable. The external overall diameter of the three core submarine
cable was 207 mm, the weight in air 75 kg/m and the weight in water 48 kg/m
The Corsica and Sardinia 50 Hz AC grids needed to be synchronised before switching on the system.

150 kV land single core cable design

1- 400 mm² copper conductor sealed

2- Semiconductor
3- XLPE insulation
4- Semiconductor
5- Waterblocking
6- Welded aluminium
7- Pe outersheath

The design of the land and the submarine cable core is similar, this facilitates the transition jointing
between the single core land cable and the three core submarine cable.
SP21 : Bethel – Norwalk 345 kV Transmission Project (USA)
Project Description
The Connecticut Light and Power Company (CL&P) proposed this project to enhance electric
reliability and service to southwestern Connecticut by extending its 345 kV transmission system from
Plumtree Substation, located in the Town of Bethel, to Norwalk Substation, located in the City of
Southwest Connecticut is a robust economic area. It has been growing faster than the rest of the state,
and its residents consume relatively more power, on average and at peak times, than those elsewhere in
the state. Yet this area is geographically isolated from the region’s 345 kV electric transmission grid
and generation sources; and the southwest corner of the state – the Stamford/Norwalk/Greenwich sub-
area – has limited generation. CL&P along with state and federal regulators have recognized this
geographic isolation, and regional needs for reliable electric power supplies to support both existing
and projected load growth.
The Bethel/Norwalk project addresses part of this isolation, integrating southwestern Connecticut with
the New England bulk power grid CL&P is constructing the second leg to this loop from the north
with a line from Middletown to Norwalk.
The Bethel to Norwalk 345 kV transmission project provides added capacity to serve the growing
demands for electricity in the southwestern portion of the state, and will provide better opportunities
for moving power to customers within the state for access to power from other Northeastern states.
Specifically, the project will achieve the following:
x Improve reliability by providing a new path for bulk power to flow into the area,
x Increase capacity to a
transmission-constrained area,
responding to southwestern
Connecticut’s demands for
electric power,
x Reduce existing transmission
congestion and related costs
which exceeded $300 million
last year in the Connecticut
sub-region of the New England
Power Pool (NEPOOL), and
which are expected to grow
significantly in the next few
years, in the absence of new
power supply to the area,
x Provide greater access to
competitively priced
generation, and
x Accomplish these objectives
by a means that strikes the
appropriate balance between
the lowest reasonable cost to
consumers and the lowest
reasonable environmental
Construction began in March, 2005,
and the line will be handed over to
Operations in October, 2006.
Project Considerations
CL&P has an existing transmission corridor between the Plumtree Substation in Bethel and Norwalk
Substation in Norwalk which is approximately 20 miles (32 km) long and varies in width between 80
and 150 feet (24-45 m). An existing 115 kV transmission line occupies the entire length of the right-
of-way between Plumtree and Norwalk substations; for 3.7 miles (6 km)between Norwalk Junction
and Norwalk Substation this circuit shares the right-of-way and support towers with one or more of
two 115 kV circuits and a 27.6 kV circuit. Leaving the existing lines in place and constructing a new
345 kV line alongside was rejected over most of this route because too much additional right-of-way
width – up to an additional 45-110 feet (14–34 m) was needed. Its cost and potential home takings
were strong considerations. To minimize the necessary right -of-way expansion, the project initially
proposed removing a 115 kV circuit and rebuilding it on common steel poles with the new 345 kV
line, each in a vertical configuration. This proposal would require much taller poles, and that was a
cause for significant public objection during the siting process. Building underground lines over the
entire route was not technically feasible or practical.
Numerous configurations of the new 345 kV and modified 115 kV lines were evaluated during an
extensive state siting process. The final configuration approved by the Connecticut Siting Council was
called “X prime”. This final configuration employs two separate segments of underground and two
segments of overhead.
Project Components
The 115 kV cable system as part of the Bethel to Norwalk 345 kV transmission upgrade project
comprises approximately ten circuit-miles (16 cct-km)of 3000 kcmil (1520 mm2) copper conductor,
XLPE cable buried in three different sections under local and state roads in the towns of Bethel,
Redding, Wilton and Norwalk. Work on this underground installation began in March, 2005 and
completed in June, 2006. There are 26 vaults, each of which is 9 feet wide by 25 feet long (2.7x7.6m).

HPFF Cable Installation

The 345 kV cable system as part of the Bethel to Norwalk 345 kV transmission upgrade project
includes both high-pressure, fluid-filled (HPFF) cable and XLPE cable. Both of the 345 kV cable
portions are double circuit. The HPFF segment is 9.7 circuit-miles (15.5 cct-km) of 2500 kcmil
(1267 mm2) copper, and the XLPE segment is 2.1 circuit-miles(3.4 cct-km) of 1750 kcmil (887 mm2)
copper. Both are installed under local and state roads in the towns of Bethel (XLPE), and Redding and
Wilton (HPFF). The HPFF system includes 20 vaults total, each of which is 6 feet wide by 18 feet
long. The XLPE system includes 6 vaults per line (or 12 vaults total), each of which is 8 feet wide by
30 feet long (2.4 x 9 m). Work on the HPFF-portion of the project began in March, 2005, and work on
the 345 kV XLPE portion began in March, 2006. Both installations were completed in October, 2006.
SP22 :Jefferson – Martin 230 kV Single Circuit Transmission Project (USA)

Project Description
The objective of the Pacific Gas & Electric Jefferson – Martin Project were fourfold:
(1) to meet future demand and reliably serve the San Francisco and north San Mateo County areas
under normal and reduced generation scenarios; (2) to comply with industry planning criteria of the
California Independent System Operator (ISO) and the North American Electric Reliability Council
(NERC); (3) to create a more diverse transmission system in the area by providing a second
independent major transmission line pathway in the area; and (4) to implement the ISO Board of
Governors’ April 2002 Resolution that approved the Jefferson – Martin Project for addition to the
ISO-controlled grid.

The new transmission line is approximately

27 miles (43 km) long. The cable sections comprise
a total length of 24 miles with 3 miles of overhead
line between the cable sections. The transition from
overhead to underground is by use of single pole
shaft riser transition structures. The transmission line
is operated at a nominal voltage of 230 kV, and
designed to carry a minimum load of 420 MVA with
a continuous emergency rating of 478 MVA.

The new Jefferson – Martin 230 kV transmission line

is located on the San Francisco Peninsula. It begins
near the Town of Woodside in unincorporated
Redwood City and crosses the Town of Hillsborough
and Cities of Burlingame, Millbrae, San Bruno,
Colma, South San Francisco, Daly City and
Brisbane. The underground line is located within
city streets nearly the full alignment.
Construction began on January 25, 2005 and the
project was released to operations on April 29, 2006.

Project Components
The 230 kV transmission line is comprised of two underground segments seperated by one overhead
segment. The southern 12 miles (19 km) of line, beginning at the Jefferson Substation, is an
underground circuit, with one 790’ (240 m) overhead span about 6.8 miles (10.9 km) from Jefferson
Substation. This overhead span crosses an historic
dam and is designed to be replaced by a cable
system in the future after construction of a new
bridge at this location. The middle 3 miles (5 km)
of transmission line is an overhead circuit installed
on new tubular steel poles which also support a
rebuilt 60 kV circuit along the corridor. The
northern 12 miles (19 km), terminating at Martin
Substation, is an underground cable system.

The underground cable system is comprised of

2500 kcmil (1267 mm2 ) copper solid dielectric XLPE cables and cable accessories (splices,
terminations, grounding, etc.) appropriate for installation in a buried concrete-encased PVC conduit
duct-bank system. The cable design is made of a five or six segment copper conductor, 23.4 mm of
XLPE insulation, 2.8 mm of lead alloy sheath and an overall MDPE jacket. The outer diameter of the
cable is 117 mm and it weighs 30 kg/m. Single-mode fiber optic fibers are embedded in the power
cable to allow continuous temperature monitoring via a distributed temperature sensing (DTS) system
to obtain real time thermal rating of the cable system. Cable splices are located in single circuit splice
vaults along the route. One separate communication fiber optic line is installed the entire length of the
transmission line and contains 144 individual single-mode fibers.

The project included 80 underground splice vaults, each 6.7 m x 2.4 m x 2.1 m in size. A total of 234
joints and 18 terminations were installed. The cable sheath was grounded using cross-bonding for the
majority of the circuit, and single-point bonding in some instances.

The overhead transmision line segment consists of tubular steel poles. Conductors are high
temperature ACSS type conductors. The overhead transmission line required rebuilding portions of an
existing PG&E 60 kV circuit.
The typical duct bank consists of four 6-inch (15 cm)
PVC ducts and two 4-inch (10 cm) PVC ducts encased
in concrete. The concrete encasement and fluidized
thermal backfill were specially designed utilizing
locally available materials to provide a good thermal
environment for the cables. In addition to open trench
installation of the underground duct-bank system, the
transmission line includes installation of cables on an
existing bridge, two locations where the circuit is
installed in casing pipe using jack-and-bore installation
techniques, and one location where the circuit was
installed using horizontal directional drilling techniques.

Due to the long length of this AC cable circuit,

reactive support was installed at both ends of
the transmission line within the substations.

The California Public Utilities Commission
(CPUC) was the sole and exclusive authority
for the project. Permits from local
jurisdictions were also required. As part of the
CPUC permit (CPCN), specific mitigation
measures were required that affected the
design and construction of the transmission
line. For example, special construction methods were required to protect special animal species, such
as the installation of wildlife exclusion fencing adjacent to work areas. Overhead transmission line
pole structures were painted to reduce the visual impact of the new line. Additional engineering
evaluations were also required to ascertain the potential of increasing corrosion to adjacent utilities as
a result of the new transmission line. All mitigation measures required as part of the CPCN were
complied with and documented per CPUC requirements.
SP23: Network upgrading around the city of Tunis (Tunisia)

In order to develop the expansion of the economic
activity of Tunis, S.T.E.G. (Société Tunisienne de
l’Electricité et du gaz), the national Tunisian
utility, has decided to launch one of the most
important network upgrades realized during the
last 10 years with underground cable connections.

Details of circuits
The map shows the circuits installed around Tunis
between 1998 and 2006.
The total cable lengths installed is nearly 500 km
at 90 kV and nearly 200 km at 220 kV.

The following table gives details on every circuit.

With the Rades II – Seltene circuits there is a
special feature to be noted, which is that it is one
of the longest 225 kV underground cable
connection installed in the world with over 31
joint bays.

Map of the network around Tunis

Information on Circuits
Number of circuits km Links
1 x 1200 mm² Al 90 kV 1 x 130
7 Tunis Sud Naassen
2 x 1600 mm² Al 90 kV 2 x 150
1 x 1200 mm² Al 90 kV 11,6 1 x 130 Tunis Ouest Zahrouni via Kasbah
1 x 1200 mm² Al 90 kV 12,4 1 x 130 El Kram C.U. nord
1 x 1000 mm² Cu 90 kV
6,3 2 x 130 El Kram Goulette
1 x 1200 mm² Al 90 kV
1 x 1000 mm² Cu 90 kV
7,2 2 x 130 El Kram Gamarth
1 x 1200 mm² Al 90 kV
1 x 1200 mm² Al 90 kV 9 1 x 130 Tunis Sud Mghira
1 x 1000 mm² Cu 90 kV 5,8 1 x 130 Tunis Nord Tunis Ouest
1 x 1000 mm² Cu 90 kV 8 1 x 130 Naassen Mghira
1 x 1000 mm² Cu 90 kV 9,1 1 x 130 Goulette Tunis Centre
1 x 1600 mm² Al 90 kV 14 1 x 150 Tunis ouest M’nihla
2 x 1200 mm² Cu 90 kV 13,3 2 x 150 Tunis Sud Rades II
2 x 1200 mm² Cu 90 kV * 2,5 2 x 130 Goulette Rades II
1 x 1600 mm² Al 90 kV 1 1 x 150 E/S El Kram/C.U.Nord Lac Ouest
1 x 1600 mm² Al 90 kV * 15,5 1 x 150 Bizerte Menzel Jmil
2 x 1000 mm² Cu 225 kV * 2,5 2 x 235 Goulette Rades II
2 x 1000 mm² Cu 225 kV * 2,5 2 x 235 Goulette Rades I
1 x 1000 mm² Cu 225 kV 1 1 x 235 Radès I Rades II
2 x 1000 mm² Cu 225 kV 23,5 2 x 250 Rades II Seltene
2 x 1000 mm² Cu 225 kV 2,5 2 x 250 E/S Rades II/ Seltene SNCFT

* : water canal crossing by using the directional drilling technique

Technical key points
Two of the most critical points were:
x The connection between Rades I & II Power Stations and La Goulette old generating site by
crossing 2 inlet channels near Tunis,
x Crossing the Bizerte inlet channel
These crossings were realised by using directional drilling with steel and HDPE tubes.

2 x 1200 mm² Cu 90 kV
4 x 1000 mm² Cu 225 kV

Rades I & II – La Goulette connections

Drilling profile for "Canal de Rades" crossing

Steel tube ĭ 24"
15 Drilling profile
Water level Exit angle : 15°
Ground level Length : 560 m
Entrance angle : 13° Limits Road
Level (m)

-5 line
-20 Depth ~ 18 m
0 100 200 300 400 500
Length (m)
Drilling profile for "Canal d'amenée" crossing
Steel tube ĭ 22"
Drilling profile
15 Water level
Ground level Exit angle : 12°
Limits Length : 292 m
5 Railway
L evel (m)

Entrance angle : 12°
Depth > 5 m


0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Length (m)

Drilling profile for Bizerte inlet channel crossing

Steel tube ĭ 22"
Drilling profile
Water level
10 Exit angle : 10°
Ground level
5 Length : 980 m
Entrance angle : 13°
L evel (m)

-15 Depth ~ 12 m
Directional drilling -35
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Length (m)

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