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Joint Working Group B5/C6.


Protection of Distribution Systems with Dis-

tributed Energy Resources

Final Report


Copyright © 2015

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“CIGRE and CIRED give no warranty or assurance about the contents of this publication, nor does it accept any responsibility,
as to the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the information. All implied warranties and conditions are excluded to the maximum
extent permitted by law”.
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Members of the Working Group


Paul Myrda, Electric Power Research Institute, USA

CIRED Co-Chair

Wolfgang Gawlik, Vienna University of Technology, Austria


Birgitte Bak-Jensen, Aalborg University, Denmark

Matthew Browne, Endeavour Energy, Australia
Roberto Calone, Enel Distribuzione, Italy
Roberto Cimadevilla González, ZIV, Spain
Andrew Craib, Eskom, South Africa
Gwénaël Donnart, SCLE SFE, France
Daniel Dumitrascu, EnergoBit, Romania
Marcel Engel, Netze BW GmbH, Germany
Radek Hanuš, PRE Distribuce, Czech Republic
Hans Hoidalen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Laurent Karsenti, ErDF, France
Andreas Kubis, TU Dortmund University, Germany
Hannu Laaksonen, ABB, Finland
Mika Loukkalahti, Helen Electricity Networks Ltd, Finland
Miguel Louro, EDP, Portugal
Hongfei Ma, DEIF A/S, Denmark
Pukar Mahat, Aalborg University, Denmark
Patrick McMullan, Ausgrid, Australia
Tamiru Shire, Netherlands
Manfred Wurm, Netz Niederösterreich GmbH, Austria
Xicai Zhao, Nari-relays Electric Co.,LTD, China

Copyright notice
Figures presented in this report have been collected from the referenced documents

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Table of Contents
Members of the Working Group ............................................................................................ 2
Table of Contents.................................................................................................................. 3
1 Preface .......................................................................................................................... 6
2 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 7
3 Glossary and Definitions ................................................................................................ 8
4 Background on Distributed Energy Resources and current practices ............................. 9
4.1 Analysis of CIGRE TB421 ....................................................................................... 9
4.1.1 Content and scope ........................................................................................... 9
4.1.2 Network structure ........................................................................................... 10
4.1.3 Islanding ........................................................................................................ 10
4.1.4 Standardized communication and adaptive protection ................................... 11
4.1.5 Interface protection ........................................................................................ 11
4.1.6 Connection schemes and protection concepts ............................................... 14
4.1.7 Future trends ................................................................................................. 15
4.2 Protection characteristics of Distributed Energy Resources .................................. 16
4.2.1 Basic considerations ...................................................................................... 16
4.2.2 Blinding and sympathetic tripping................................................................... 16
4.2.3 Inverter based short circuit contribution.......................................................... 18
4.2.4 Fault ride through capability ........................................................................... 19
4.2.5 Island capability ............................................................................................. 20
4.3 Review of current practices for distribution system protection ............................... 21
4.4 Country Specific Approaches ................................................................................ 25
5 Protection of Distribution System with Distributed Energy Resources .......................... 29
5.1 Impact of Distributed Energy Resources on distribution system protection ........... 29
5.1.1 Definition of Situation ..................................................................................... 29
5.1.2 Check of fault scenario for several fault locations .......................................... 31
5.1.3 Future Aspects............................................................................................... 32
5.1.4 Summary ....................................................................................................... 34
5.2 Recommended best practices for reliable island detection .................................... 35
5.2.1 Passive local based measurement schemes.................................................. 37
5.2.2 Active detection ............................................................................................. 38
5.2.3 Protection based on a communication network (Communication based transfer
trip schemes) ............................................................................................................... 39
5.2.4 Future trend and recommendations ............................................................... 40

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6 Proactive approach to technology trends ..................................................................... 41
6.1 New applications of teleprotection, use of communication .................................... 41
6.2 Protection schemes for future distribution networks with DER............................... 45
6.2.1 New Challenges for Protection ....................................................................... 45
6.2.2 Example Case of CIGRE / CIRED JWG – Protection Needed for Successful
Transition to Intended Island Operation ....................................................................... 53
6.2.3 Protection Schemes for Intentional Island Operation...................................... 59
6.2.4 Protection During Island Operation - Options ................................................. 66
7 Summary and outlook .................................................................................................. 67
8 Bibliography ................................................................................................................. 71
8.1 Standards ............................................................................................................. 71
8.2 References and scientific publications .................................................................. 71
Appendix A Country specific protection approaches ...................................................... 76
A.1 Australia................................................................................................................ 76
A.1.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = overcurrent protection ..................... 76
A.1.2 Description ..................................................................................................... 77
A.2 Austria .................................................................................................................. 78
A.2.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = distance protection .......................... 78
A.2.2 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = over current / time -protection ......... 79
A.3 China .................................................................................................................... 80
A.3.1 Protection Scheme for MV Distribution Networks ........................................... 80
A.3.2 Description of protection scheme ................................................................... 81
A.4 Denmark ............................................................................................................... 85
A.4.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder ........................................................... 85
A.4.2 Protection Scheme for MV Distribution Networks ........................................... 86
A.5 Finland .................................................................................................................. 87
A.5.1 Protection Practices and Settings for MV Networks in Finland [65] ................ 87
A.5.2 Protection Scheme for DG Units .................................................................... 90
A.6 France .................................................................................................................. 95
A.6.1 Protection Scheme Device of Typical Outgoing Feeder MV ........................... 95
A.6.2 Textual description ......................................................................................... 96
A.6.3 FRT – Requirements...................................................................................... 97
A.6.4 MV decoupling protection synthesis ............................................................... 98
A.6.5 LV decoupling protection synthesis ................................................................ 99
A.7 Germany ............................................................................................................. 100
A.7.1 DER at substation busbar - (apparent) power >=1MVA ............................... 100

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A.7.2 DER at MV grid - (apparent) power >=1MVA ............................................... 101
A.7.3 DER at MV grid - (apparent) power <1MVA ................................................. 102
A.7.4 Description of the protection schemes ......................................................... 103
A.8 Italy ..................................................................................................................... 105
A.8.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder ......................................................... 105
A.8.2 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder ......................................................... 106
A.8.3 Notes ........................................................................................................... 107
A.9 Netherlands ........................................................................................................ 111
A.9.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder ......................................................... 111
A.10 Norway ............................................................................................................ 113
A.10.1 Description of protection schemes .......................................................... 113
A.10.2 Protection schemes ..................................................................................... 115
A.10.3 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = distance protection ........................ 116
A.11 Portugal ........................................................................................................... 117
A.11.1 Protection Device of Outgoing DG dedicated Feeder = Overcurrent protection
A.11.2 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = Overcurrent protection .................. 120
A.12 Romania .......................................................................................................... 121
A.12.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = overcurrent protection1 .................. 121
A.13 South Africa..................................................................................................... 124
A.13.1 Protection Devices for a MV Network ........................................................... 124
A.13.2 Utility Interconnection Standard ................................................................... 125
A.13.3 Requirements .............................................................................................. 125
A.14 Spain ............................................................................................................... 129
A.14.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = overcurrent protection ................... 129
A.15 USA................................................................................................................. 132
A.15.1 Interconnection Configuration ...................................................................... 133
A.15.2 Requirements .............................................................................................. 133
A.15.3 Highlighted Protective Relaying Functions ................................................... 133
A.15.4 Protective Device Numbering ....................................................................... 134
A.15.5 Additional notes pertaining to each device type ........................................... 134

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1 Preface
The usage of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in utilities around the world is expected to
increase significantly. The existing distribution systems have been generally designed for
unidirectional power flow, and feeders are opened and locked out for any fault within. How-
ever, in the future this practice may lead to a loss of significant generation where each feed-
er may have significant DER penetration. Also, utilities have started to investigate islanding
operation of distribution systems with DER as a way to improve the reliability of the power
supply to customers.

This report is the result of 17 months of work of the Joint Working Group B5/C6.26/CIRED
“Protection of Distribution Systems with Distributed Energy Resources”. The working group
used the CIGRE report TB421 “The impact of Renewable Energy Sources and Distributed
Generation on Substation Protection and Automation”, published by WG B5.34 as the entry
document for the work on this report. In doing so, the group aligned the content and the
scope of this report, the network structures considered, possible islanding, standardized
communication and adaptive protection, interface protection, connection schemes and pro-
tection concepts and future trends accordingly.

The report is structured as follows:

After this preface (chapter 1), the scope of the technical brochure according to the Terms of
Reference (TOR) is stated (chapter 2). Then, in the glossary, symbols and abbreviations
used throughout the technical brochure are listed (chapter 3).

The first main part of the report starts with a summary of the backgrounds on DER and cur-
rent practices in protection at the distribution level (chapter 4). This chapter contains an
analysis of CIGRE TB421, protection relevant characteristics of DER, a review of current
practices for distribution system protection and a summary of country specific approaches
for protection in distribution systems. These country specific protection approaches are given
in more detail in the Annex in an aligned format.

The second main part of the report describes issues of protection of distribution schemes
that include DER (chapter 5). It features the impact of DER on distribution system protection
and sums up recommended best practices for reliable island detection.

The third main part offers a proactive approach to technology trends (chapter 6), under con-
sideration of new applications of teleprotection and the use of communication (e.g. IP, PLC,
BPL…). Moreover, protection schemes for future distribution networks that include DER are

The report closes with a summary and an outlook (chapter 7), as well as a bibliography
(chapter 8).

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2 Scope
The scope of this technical brochure is to study the impact of DER on distribution system
protection taking into account DER characteristics and the possibility of islanding operation,
and to provide the guidelines to protect distribution systems with DER. The following topics
are presented within the technical brochure.

1) Brief review of the current practice for distribution system protection

2) Listing of the protection relevant characteristics of DER (short-circuit current contribu-
tion, fault-ride-through capability, reactive power absorption during and after fault)
3) Review of the impact of DER on distribution system protection, including specific as-
pects of inverter-coupled DER units
4) Review of the protection of distribution systems during islanded conditions
5) Recommendations on protection for distribution systems with DER
6) Recommendations on protection for islanded distribution systems

The review and the recommendations are applied to the different types of existing medium
voltage and low voltage distribution systems.

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3 Glossary and Definitions

The following symbols and abbreviations are used throughout the technical brochure:

AD Active Demand
AMR Automatic Meters Reading
BPL Broadband Power Line
COROCOF Comparison of rate of change of frequency protection
DA Distribution Automation
DER Distributed energy resources
df/dt frequency change rate protection
DG Distributed generation/ distributed generators
DNO Distribution network operator
DSO Distribution system operator
FDIR Fault Detection, Isolation and network Recovery
FRT Fault ride through
GOOSE Generic Object Oriented Substation Events
HAN Home Area Network
HV High voltage
IDMT Inverse Definite Minimum Time
IED Intelligent electronic devices
IP Internet Protocol
ITA Inverse Time Admittance
LoM Loss of mains detection
LV Low voltage
MV Medium voltage
NAN Neutral Access Network
NDZ Non detection zones
OC Over-current
PCCN Protections et Contrôle-Commande Numérique
PLC Power Line Communication
PSTN Public switched telephone network
RAN Regional Action Network
RES Renewable energy sources
ROCOF Rate of change of frequency
SV Sampled values
THD total harmonic distortion
TOR Terms of reference
U/I Under-impedance
WAN Wide Area Network

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4 Background on Distributed Energy Resources and current prac-

As a general practice all over the world, protection concepts for electrical networks are de-
signed and implemented to provide protection of people against electrical hazards, prevent
damage to installations and limit stress on equipment, and uphold stability and supply relia-
bility in the power system. Specific requirements for protection systems are selectivity, speed
and sensitivity.

With an increasing number of distributed energy resources, basic assumptions for the design
and implementation of protection systems are complicated, and protection concepts need to
be adapted accordingly. Both CIGRE and CIRED are looking into these developments, and
as one example of the outcome of these activities CIGRE report TB421 “The impact of Re-
newable Energy Sources and Distributed Generation on Substation Protection and Automa-
tion” was generated. This report is aimed to provide further insight into the matter.

4.1 Analysis of CIGRE TB421

The usage of DER in utilities around the world has increased and is expected to increase
further especially with the realization of the move to smart grids. Distribution systems are
generally designed for unidirectional power flow and feeders are opened and locked out for
any fault within. However, this practice may lead to loss of significant generation in future
where each feeder may have significant DER infeed. Additionally, utilities have started to
look into islanding operation of distribution systems with DER as a way to improve the relia-
bility of the power supply to customers. However, the difference between short circuit levels
for cases where the distribution system is connected to the grid and while it is islanded, can
be significant. This may result in malfunctioning of overcurrent (OC) protection or other pro-
tection schemes. In addition, the “plug and play” DER will continuously change the short
circuit level and thus may impact today’s overall protection schemes. Furthermore, the short
circuit power contribution varies with the DER technology applied. Wind turbines contribute
less current when their internal protection (crowbar protection) is activated and power elec-
tronic interfaced DER do not contribute as much fault current as conventional synchronous

The working group used the CIGRE report TB421 “The impact of Renewable Energy
Sources and Distributed Generation on Substation Protection and Automation”, published by
WG B5.34 as the entry document and coordinated their outputs with ongoing B5.43 activities
“Coordination of protection and control of future networks”.

4.1.1 Content and scope

The technical bulletin 421 (TB421) “The impact of Renewable Energy Sources and Distribut-
ed Generation on Substation Protection and Automation” covers guidelines, codes, regula-
tions and practices with protection of DER in different countries. Future trends in islanding
detection, intelligent power systems, wide area protection applications, substation communi-
cations & automation and wind farms for network stability are considered.

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The scope of TB421 details the connection of large renewable generation (excluding nucle-
ar) associated with the sub-transmission and transmission (above 35 kV) power networks,
although producers connected to local MV networks (35 kV and below) are also considered
in TB421 as reference because of the unclear limits in regulation and practices in some
countries and due to the possible impact of their increasing penetration and effect on the
transmission system performance1. Thus, this technical brochure specifically focusses on
distribution networks and voltage levels below 35 kV.

Though distribution level DER connections are beyond the scope of TB421, the impacts on
the HV system must always be assessed2. This technical brochure thus focuses on distribu-
tion level DER connections (and, to some extent, their possible impact on the HV system).

4.1.2 Network structure

TB421 states that it is commonly acceptable to establish different DER connection criteria for
distribution networks generally radial up to 69 kV, and for (sub-) transmission meshed net-
works of voltage levels 100kV and above3. Thus, this technical brochure primarily focusses
on radial networks.

However, as TB421 also states, in order to further increase the security of supply, DER units
could be allowed to operate in an islanded mode in a meshed distribution network4. This is a
reason that ring operation and protection issues related to ring operation should be consid-
ered. If more active network management schemes are used in future distribution networks,
it will also possibly mean increased topology variations (including for example radial or ring
operation of MV feeders) in which protection principles and settings adaptation may be re-
quired. In Denmark (and in South Africa at 11kV and 22kV in some cases), even though the
distribution system can operate in ring configurations, they are almost always operated in
radial configurations. Ring operation is not currently allowed by the French DSO ERDF.

ERDF, as well as the DSO in Romania, where island detection and trip is mandatory, do not
consider operating in an islanded mode as a possible evolution of the protection scheme.

4.1.3 Islanding
With reference to the topic of islanding, TB421 mentions that there is an increased need for
high performance anti-islanding protection5. The greater capability to withstand external
faults without nuisance tripping should not affect the sensitivity for the islanding detection, so
a compromise between sensitivity for islanding detection and stability under external disturb-
ances is required6. Growing DER penetration levels of all sizes and connection voltages
causes an increased need for high performance anti-islanding protection7. This technical
brochure thus proposes recommended (best) practices for reliable islanding detection, e.g.
communication based transfer trip schemes and passive local measurements based

Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 12
Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 24
Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 14
Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 109
Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 14
Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 25
Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 108

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TB421 briefly mentions that some DER related applications of synchrophasors include is-
landing detection8. This subject is extended to islanding detection based on synchrophasors
in chapter 5.1. Since PMU functions are included in many digital relays including those in-
stalled in DER units there is already the possibility to transmit information to the dispatching
center, thus having all the data of synchrophasor based applications available.

4.1.4 Standardized communication and adaptive protection

TB421 states there is a trend for more standardized communications between protection
relays of different manufacturers and refers to the recent IEC 61850 communications stand-
ard9. Furthermore, it suggests that intelligent protection schemes which can adapt their pro-
tection settings will play an important role in enabling stable operation and protection of is-
lands10. Currently protection settings are seen to be very rigid for the changing conditions in
the network so new adaptive solutions will be required in the future11.

In chapter of TB421, various protection considerations in relation to intentional is-

landing have also been discussed together with the possible need for adaptive protection
when transition to islanded operation takes place. It has also been mentioned that the tech-
nology currently used in anti-islanding protection may be used to activate the appropriate
change of protection settings12.Moreover, in chapter 6.3.2 of TB421 protection adaptation
has been considered as one of the future trends in protection systems13.

This technical brochure thus considers both usage of IEC61850 in protection circuits as well
as adaptive protection schemes, because in the future both short-circuit and earth-fault pro-
tection settings of MV feeder Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED) may need to adapt to
changes in network topology resulting from increased utilization of active distribution network
management schemes (depending on the utilized protection scheme). To support improved
supply reliability, to deal with topology changes and to disconnect faulted sections rapidly,
directional OC, distance and differential protection with high-speed communication based
blocking schemes will be utilized increasingly in the short-circuit protection of future Smart
Grids. The required future performance for transmitting blocking signals and voltage and
current data from sensors could be achieved by utilization of IEC 61850 GOOSE and sam-
pled value (SV) services, with increased usage of wireless 4G technologies in addition to
fiber-optic based communication. However, the problem related to synchronization of SV
data and the cost of SV usage and 4G technologies needs to be considered.

4.1.5 Interface protection

TB421 mentions that the interface protection relays must be provided with settings that en-
sure correct tripping for genuine disturbance conditions but prevent tripping under transient
conditions from which the overall system will recover to stable operation14.

This is very difficult to achieve for smaller DER and possibly not essential. Stability during
faults can be of less a concern (or not at all) for distributed generation of relatively smaller

Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 96
Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 15
Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 16
Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 47
Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, pp. 73 & 74
Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 93
Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 18

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sizes (<5MVA) as there is no real impact on supply, and only a minor inconvenient impact to
the generator (nuisance tripping). Often the other concerns associated with unintentional
islanding outweigh this inconvenience at distribution level.

Another important issue identified in TB421 is that the interface protection must be coordi-
nated with the remote utility protection15. This technical brochure thus considers selectivity
and co-ordination of DER unit protection (islanding detection vs. FRT requirements) with MV
network (feeder) protection. This aspect is related to reclosing co-ordination which has also
been reported in chapter 5.5 of TB42116.

Concerning chapter 5.4 of TB421 “Interface protection requirements and settings”, there has
been some modification of the French legislation regarding FRT requirements for producers
with maximum power above 5 MW (Figure 4-1).

Figure 4-1: Modification of the French legislation regarding FRT requirements for producers with maxi-
mal power above 5 MW

There is therefore a correct coordination between undervoltage and FRT requirements.

Wind and photovoltaic generation over 1 MW are required in Romania to adapt to FRT con-
ditions according to the following diagram (Figure 4-2).

Figure 4-2: Requirements for FRT capability of wind and photovoltaic generation over 1 MW in Romania

Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 27
Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 89

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RES less than 100 kVA and connected to the LV voltage are required to adapt to FRT condi-
tions according to the following diagram (Figure 4-3) in South Africa.

Figure 4-3: Requirements for FRT capability of RES < 100kVA and connected to LV in South Africa

RES greater or equal to 100 kVA are required to adapt to FRT conditions according to the
following diagram (Figure 4-4) in South Africa.

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Figure 4-4: Requirements for FRT capability of RES ≥ 100kVA in South Africa

4.1.6 Connection schemes and protection concepts

With reference to the impact of renewable energy sources (RES) and short circuit contribu-
tion on distribution protection systems, TB421 states that to overcome problems like sympa-
thetic tripping, a future trend may include the use of directional OC relays or even distance
relays in distribution networks. Alternatively, current-differential protection may be used
which eliminates any co-ordination problems but this protection application requires tele-
communication links which are more costly17.

Directional OC protection will most likely not work correctly in the future due to insufficient
starting currents. Distance protection with under-impedance starting (U/I starting) might
solve the problem, or most likely under-impedance starting. This would require the network
topology and short circuit capacity at the relay to be known in advance. Differential protec-
tion could solve many problems, but will have other limitations (incl. cost).

A detailed comparison (with benefits and drawbacks) of possibly different applicable protec-
tion schemes in chosen example configurations (e.g. those presented in chapter 5.3 of
TB421) could be interesting. These protection methods could be for example:

• Directional OC protection with adaptive settings (change of pre-calculated setting

group when network topology changes e.g. from normal to island or real-time settings
• Distance protection, with regard to whether adaptation of settings is needed in some
cases due to connection / disconnection of DER units
• Differential protection
• Zero sequence voltage protection

Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 97

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Also the applicability of different (directional) earth-fault protection schemes to changing to-
pologies including e.g. adaptation when the normally compensated (MV neutral grounding)
network section becomes isolated (MV neutral grounding) during island operation etc., could
be studied. In a first step, a review of current practices for distribution system protection is
given in chapter 4.3 of this technical brochure.

Table 5-2 of TB421 also mentions “dedicated lines” and “non dedicated lines” as the most
typical arrangements of DER connection. This technical brochure uses these configurations
as the basis for recommendations.

4.1.7 Future trends

TB421 provides a list of protection and automation challenges for the integration of large
scale DER in the power network especially for the distribution network as:

• Operation and protection of distribution networks might become more similar to

transmission systems, which would solve many of the problems encountered in the
distribution networks having greater integration of DER.
• New protection schemes able of coping with the lower short circuit due to an increas-
ing usage of inverter based generators.
• More automation applications of DER connected to the distribution network; control
capabilities, reconfiguration, synchronization and reclosing and advanced adaptive
setting techniques.
• Development of powerful communication networks in the distribution system with da-
ta integration based on the standard IEC 61850. This could help to make adaptive
protection schemes and intertripping based anti-islanding schemes more widely used
in the distribution system.
• Reliable islanding detection and intentional islanding capability18.

This technical brochure thus also deals with how the distribution networks become more
similar to transmission networks, especially with regard to protection.

One of the most important changes to the distribution network due to the massive integration
of DER is the bi-directional nature of fault currents. This implies the need to develop more
complex protection schemes for the distribution network, which are able to deal with several
contributions to the fault current similar to the situation in transmission networks. Neverthe-
less, it is not obvious that future distribution system protection should be the same as in the
transmission system. The power contributions from different ends (sources) will usually be
different compared to transmission networks, so distribution networks will have some specif-
ic features when compared to transmission networks. The future distribution network might
still require a different protection scheme to that of a transmission network

Cigre working group B5.34 TB421, p. 92

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4.2 Protection characteristics of Distributed Energy Resources

This section summarizes a number of differences in protection characteristics of DER com-

pared to “conventional” energy resources and the possible impact on current and future pro-
tection schemes. While there is no ideal behavior under short circuit and other protection
conditions, the steady state, transient and sub-transient behavior of induction machines (i.e.
synchronous and asynchronous generators and motors) directly connected to the grid is well
known and is thus considered in the state of the art protection schemes.

4.2.1 Basic considerations

Generally, the short circuit current contribution of DER differs from these “conventional” en-
ergy resources in three ways:

• Firstly, the location of DER is different, i.e. distributed rather than central. Thus, short
circuit contributions from DER originate from directions not necessarily considered in
conventional protection schemes. This issue is similar to unexpected load flows un-
der normal conditions and can result in phenomena such as “blinding” or “sympathet-
ic tripping”.
• Secondly, many DER are not directly connected synchronous or asynchronous ma-
chines, but coupled to the network via inverters. The magnitude of the short circuit
current of these inverters is usually limited to values not much higher than the nomi-
nal current to protect the inverter itself. Accordingly, the short circuit capacity of grids
dominated by inverter short circuit current sources is significantly lower than that of
grids with rotating machines of the same rating.
• Thirdly, this lower short circuit contribution is also connected to a different time char-
acteristic of the short circuit current. While rotating machines behave like a voltage
source under short circuit conditions, inverters act more like a current source limited
to nominal current, and the time characteristic of the current determined by the con-
trol scheme of the inverter.

Additionally, the capability to operate during and after faults in the system has not been a
strong requirement for decentralized generation – on the contrary, it was and is often re-
quired that DER immediately disconnect under faulty grid conditions so that the well-
established protection schemes can be maintained.

However, with a growing number of DER and an increasing importance of DER to provide
short circuit capacity both during and after the fault, the Fault Ride Through (FRT) capability
is of major concern.

Finally, some distributed generation connected to low voltage level may be hidden to the
network operator, i.e. not officially declared and announced by the users. If the amount of
hidden LV DER is high, its impact to LV level protection and safety may be critical.

4.2.2 Blinding and sympathetic tripping

In conventional passive distribution networks, the fault current is only provided by the con-
nection point to the transmission network, which is a strong source. If the network is radial,
the fault current has a unique path, is unidirectional and is generally much greater than the
load current. Therefore, in these conventional networks protection schemes based on local

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measurements such as coordinated over-current relays provide good network protection
(Blackburn, 1979) [13].

However, with DER connected to the system, the short circuit current contributions may orig-
inate from different paths than the central connection point and may result in “blinding” and
“sympathetic tripping”.

Blinding is caused by the fact that DER fault currents have an impact on the voltage at their
connection point. Thus, while the overall fault current at the fault location increases due to
the DER fault current contribution, the fault current provided via the central connection point

Figure 4-5: Fault currents without (left) and with (right) distributed generation (Index “D”), only positive
sequence system shown.

In Figure 4-5, “blinding” is the phenomenon that while

I FL (1) =
c ⋅ E (1)
c ⋅ E (1) ⋅ Z N (1) + Z D (1) ] > I F 'L(1) ,
Z L (1) + Z N (1) || Z D (1) Z L (1) Z N (1) + Z N (1) Z D (1) + Z D (1) Z L (1)

i.e. the overall fault current with DER contribution is higher, the fault current provided from
the central connection point is lower according to

Z D (1) c ⋅ E (1)
I FN (1) = I FL (1) ⋅ = < I F 'N (1) .
Z N (1) + Z D (1) Z L (1) + Z N (1) + Z L (1) Z N (1) Z D (1)

Blinding may result in delayed or unselective tripping, especially of overcurrent protection,

and may also negatively affect distance protection as it can cause underreaching due to the

In addition to the effect of “blinding”, with a significant increase of DER, the short-circuit ca-
pacity of the transmission system will probably decrease because the number of large con-
ventional power stations that provide the high fault levels will be reduced [56]. This would
negatively impact the protection coordination in distribution networks with high DER penetra-
tion. [13]

In Figure 4-5, “sympathetic tripping” would be caused by the fact that the DER fault current

Z N (1)
I FD (1) = I FN (1) ⋅
Z N (1) + Z D (1)

may initiate a relay trip when the relay is placed in the connection path of the DER, even if
the fault is not downstream to the path. Sympathetic tripping may be overcome by the appli-
cation of directional relays.

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4.2.3 Inverter based short circuit contribution
DC networks or increased use of convertors and invertors in the distribution grid will become
a trend in DER related networks.

The fault current contribution of DER is strongly technology dependent [55]. Distributed gen-
erators based on rotating generators (synchronous or induction machine) will produce a rela-
tively high current during a fault (a current level of about 200 to 400% of nominal current in a
few cycles after the fault inception); while generators interfaced through power electronics
will limit the DER current magnitude to a maximum of 1 to 2 p.u. during the fault [57]. There-
fore coordination problems during normal operation are less likely with DER interfaced
through inverters and with a strong main substation [13].

Voltage support by converter-coupled generation for unbalanced faults (single-phase-to-

ground, phase-to-phase, and two-phase-to-ground) differs from the “expected” voltage sup-
port of directly-coupled synchronous generators in terms of magnitude and unbalance. This
is because the converters involved are often current-controlled voltage sources whose con-
tribution is, in most cases, balanced by control design and as required by current grid codes,
resulting in positive-sequence contributions only [58].

DER units coupled by full converters allow injecting negative-sequence current if required
[75]. This behavior would make the fault detection easier. Negative-sequence control of the
DER as described in [58] allows for reduction of the overvoltages in the healthy phases and
increase of the unbalanced current for easier fault detection. It can be expected that the fu-
ture grid codes will specify asymmetrical current injection.

Furthermore, strict over-current limits are applied in order to protect the converters. Accord-
ing to [59] these limits can reach 1,3 p.u. for stator reactive current and 0,4 p.u. for the line-
side converter reactive current. State-of-the-art balanced fast voltage control of converter-
coupled generation for unbalanced faults might impact network protection, either by hinder-
ing fault detection/clearance (impact on sensitivity of the protective system) or by triggering
undesired disconnection of the generation (impact on security of the protective system) due

• small resulting short-circuit phase currents, and thus

• reduced short-circuit power of the network which leads to deeper voltage dips in
faulted phases at DER terminals, or
• overvoltage in healthy (non-faulted) phases.

As a result of the need for secure operation of the power system, provided by protection
based on three-phase over- and under-voltage, over-current, distance (impedance, angle),
and differential protection relays or any combination of those, then state-of-the-art balanced
fast voltage control of converter-coupled generation for unbalanced faults requires further
investigation [58].

A further difference between conventional networks and DER connected networks is the
behavior of the fault transient. For instance, different transients generated by inverter con-
trollers could affect some relays, e.g. the direction determination [13].

Short circuit calculation programs normally use traditional generator models, with a voltage
source behind an impedance. These programs may not be able to give reliable results for

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converter-based generators. It might be very difficult to model inverter control in this type of
programs, especially if they do not include the functionalities of electromagnetic transient
calculation programs. Moreover, the control algorithms, including operation and control of
the crowbar in certain wind generator units [74], will significantly differ between different con-
verter manufacturers and these algorithms will not always be available for modelling due to
intellectual property rights.

Moreover, DC networks or more and more use of convertors and invertors in the distribution
grid will become a trend in DER related networks

4.2.4 Fault ride through capability

Recent Grid codes require increased network supporting functionalities during normal (paral-
lel with utility network) operation from connected DER units to prevent unnecessary discon-
nection of DER units and to ensure for example the stability of the network. The most com-
mon network stability supporting functionalities are fault-ride-through(FRT) / low-voltage-
ride-through (LVRT) and differing requirements for reactive fault current feed during up-
stream faults.

Traditionally, DER protection has been set to automatically disconnect whenever faults in the
network are detected. With increasing importance of DER with regards to supporting the grid
operation this approach is no longer feasible. Moreover, DER protection settings that auto-
matically disconnect units whenever frequencies above 50,2 Hz (or 49,8 Hz) are detected in
European grids, pose a serious threat to system stability in European grids as the total
amount of installed DER versus base load increased significantly.

Figure 4-6: Typical fault ride through capability curve

New requirements for FRT capability have already been described in chapter 4.1.5.

Figure 4-6 shows a typical fault ride through capability curve. It is obvious that DER following
this requirement will have an impact on protection scheme applications and settings.

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4.2.5 Island capability
Both intended and unintended islanding situations must be detected by a loss of mains pro-
tection / reliable islanding detection method of the DER units. The most onerous situation is
during an island operation (i.e. in microgrid mode), where the fault current could assimilate
the load current. In these circumstances, overcurrent protection could become insufficient. In
islanded microgrids, load current and inverter current capabilities cannot be neglected in the
design of the protection system. The change of fault levels introduces a change in protection
philosophy where the faults are less likely to damage network components but are still a
danger to individuals.

Moreover, the fault behavior of the network will change over time if the distributed generators
are switched or if the topology is altered to minimize the losses or prevent voltage problems.
In a microgrid, the change of fault behavior is very large when the microgrid switches from
the grid-connected mode to the islanded mode of operation. The inertia and short-circuit
capacity of these islanded systems is much lower. [13]. Permanent relay settings will be-
come less effective in some situations and methods for adaptive resetting of protection char-
acteristics may be needed.

In a microgrid, most of the sources are connected via power electronic converters. These
converters do not supply sufficient currents to operate current based protective devices in
islanded mode because they have been designed to limit the fault current. Therefore protect-
ing a converter dominated microgrid is a challenging technical issue under the current limited
environment [60].

As mentioned above, due to the low thermal inertia of semiconductor switches, inverters are
actively current limited and, because of their small fault current contribution, they lead una-
voidably to various problems that have to be considered by the protection system [61]:

• Characteristics of the inverters under fault conditions may not be consistent with the
existing protection devices;
• Throughout the whole microgrid, there may be different inverters with different char-
• Even in the case of an individual inverter, its basic characteristics may differ depend-
ing on its design or application;
• There may be difficulties in characterizing inverter behavior for short-circuit studies,
since this depends on the control strategy applied;
• There may be a significantly reduced fault current level when changed from grid-
connected to islanded mode of operation.

Based on the above, one of the most important issues is to ensure that the behavior required
from DER units, including fault-ride-through needs, is compatible with the developed LV mi-
crogrid protection system during faults in microgrid. In other words this means that when the
protection of a microgrid operated in island mode is designed, one of the most important
questions to answer is how converter based DER units will contribute to the fault current

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4.3 Review of current practices for distribution system protection

This chapter gives a short overview of the similarities and differences of the current practices
for distribution system protection. An overview of the individual protection functions is pro-
vided by Table 4-1. In addition the country-specific protection schemes are shown in Appen-
dix A - Country specific protection approaches.

Despite a general common protection scheme, which can be extrapolated from most of the
contributions from countries, some general differences can be noticed. Here are the main
themes which can be source of disparities between each country’s practices:

• The functions developed within the protection scheme: for instance, some countries
allow operating under a certain level of fault current whereas others prefer to elimi-
nate every fault on the distribution network.
• The neutral treatment (isolated, low impedance, compensated).
• The network structure (meshed or non-meshed network).
• National regulatory legislation.
• The voltage level operated by the DSO.
• The kind of protection functions used in each protection scheme, distributed different-
ly on the network.
• Telecommunication facilities at the utilities disposal.
• Protection functions’ configurations (thresholds, temporization…), which depend on
many factors (quality commitments of each DSO / DNO, penetration rate of DER…)

Basically the protection function can be classified into two categories. Firstly there is short
circuit protection, which is supposed to prevent thermal and mechanical asset stress and
damage caused by short circuit currents. Second, there is system protection, which protects
power grid from inadmissible operating conditions.

In most cases short circuit protection against faults on the MV busbar is taken care of by an
over-current protection function within the transformer protection system. Usually over-
current protection is sufficient to protect feeders in radial networks, but some countries use
distance protection due to meshed networks (e.g. Austria, Germany, Spain and Denmark).

As a special feature some DSOs also use reverse interlocking. This works by the feeder
protection operating in a quicker tripping time for busbar faults, in case they do not detect a
network fault in the respective feeder.

Depending on the neutral treatment line-to-earth-faults (phase-to-ground faults) can cause

short circuit-like currents. In this case an extra earth fault protection (le>), which measures
the zero sequence current or earth current, is required. At some DSOs (e.g. Finland) earth
faults will also cause a trip of the feeder in compensated or isolated networks.

With long MV lines with low short circuit current at the end of the line (typical for rural areas)
the transformer protection is not able to support backup protection for the feeders. This is
why in some countries a local backup protection with circuit breaker failure detection at each
affected feeder is used (e.g. Germany).

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As an additional specialty countries such as France do not only use zero sequence current
le> for earth fault protection but rather a zero sequence wattmetric protection function (P0>)
for compensated networks.

The short circuit protection of the DER is comprehensively taken care by over-current pro-
tection (in some countries directional because of meshed operation). Alternatively fuses
might be in place for low-power generators.

To realize the system protection, all countries have implemented different levels of over- and
under frequency protection as well as voltage protection. These protection functions discon-
nect the DER from the distribution network once a deviation from the operational parameters
is detected. However there are differences in the specific use of df/dt protection and ROCOF
respectively. While some countries make these an integral part of their system protection
(e.g. South Africa, Romania, Denmark and Australia), other countries do not use them be-
cause they have concerns of negative influence at future black-starts.

Another unique feature of some countries such as Austria and Germany is that an additional
undervoltage/reactive power protection disconnects DER that receive inductive reactive
power during faults in the transmission grid (e.g. wind power plants with induction ma-

Moreover, Italy makes use of further levels of frequency protection, which evaluate the zero,
positive and negative sequence voltage as an extra criterion.

A (automatically) detected islanded network is treated very differently. In some countries one
can find loss of mains (LoM) as additional protection functions (e.g. with impedance meas-
urement or voltage vector shift protection ) or a tele decoupling signal that trips the circuit
breakers of large DER at the decoupled MV feeder (e.g. France).

Yet in some countries such islanded networks do not cause the DER to be disconnected
provided that the frequency and voltage remain in the allowed bandwidth.

Legend for Table 4-1:

I> overcurrent protection*
Ie> earth fault protection
Z< distance protection
U> overvoltage protection*
U0> zero sequence system - overvoltage protection
Ud> positive sequence system - overvoltage protection
Ui> negative sequence system - overvoltage protection
U< undervoltage protection*
f> overfrequency protection
f< underfrequency protection
P> direct power protection
P0> homopolar system - direct power protection
df/dt frequency change rate protection
Q-U reactive power - undervoltage protection

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Table 4-1: Overview of Country specific approaches (special features in inverse)

LV DER de-
neutral treat- grid op- MV busbar pro- MV feeder protec- MV DER overcur- MV DER decoupling treatment of islanded
Country coupling pro-
ment eration tection tion rent protection protection grid
Transfer trip where load
U>, U<, f>, f<, ROCOF,
non- I> with reverse I>, Ie> matching is possible and
Australia solid earthed I>, Ie> voltage vector shift,
meshed interlocking AR other LoM protections
neutral displacement
may be unreliable.
Z< with reverse
Austria comp. or non- Z< I> U>, U<, f>, f<, Q-U
isolated / com- I>,
non- U>, U<, f>, f<,
China pensated / low Ie> I>>, I>, Ie> I> U>, U<, f>, f<, ROCOF transfer trip
meshed ROCOF
impedance arc protection
non- U>>, U>, U<, f>, f<,
Denmark comp. I>directional I>directional I>
meshed ROCOF
I> with reverse
non- U>>, U>, U<<, U<, f>, U>, U<, f>, f<,
Finland comp./isolated interlocking, Ie>, I>, Ie>directional I>, Ie>, fuse
meshed f<, LoM LoM
arc protection
U0>, U>, U<, f>, f<, U< U>, U<, f>, f<, tele decoupling (MV),
low imp. or non- I>, Ie>, P0>,
France I>, Ie> I>, Ie> + FRT requirements + LoM (DIN VDE impedance measurement
comp. meshed I>directional
teleprotection 0126-1-1/A1) (LV)
meshed Z<, I> (backup) or
low imp. or Z<, f< & P> direc-
Germany or non- I>directional, I> I>directional U>, U<, Q-U U>, U<, f>, f<
comp. tional
meshed (backup)
U>, U<, Uen>, f>*, f<*,
Italy comp. I>, U> I>, I>directional, I>, Ie> f>, f< *with voltmetric transfer trip
release: U0>, Ud>, Ui>
I>> I>, Ie> , some
Nether- Low imp./ iso- non-
cases with reverse I>>, I>, Ie> I>, Ie> U>, U<, f>, f<
lands lated meshed
non- I> with reverse
Norway comp. /isolated Z< or I> I> U>, U<, f>, f<,
meshed interlocking
I>, I>>, I>>>, Ie>, U>, U<, U<<,
non- I>, I>>, I>>>, Ie>, Ie>>
Portugal low imp. Ie>> and Ie> direc- I>, I>> U<<<, U0>, U0>>, U>, U<, f>, f<
meshed and Ie> directional
tional f>, f>>, f<, f<<
I>, sometimes
low imp., comp. non- earth fault reverse I> or I>directional,
Romania I>, Ie> U>, U<, f>, f<, df/dt
or isolated meshed interlocking and arc Ie> or I>directional
South solid/resistively meshed or I>, Ie>, arc protec- I>, Ie> (dir/non-dir) I>, Ie> or pilot wire transfer trip for specific
U>, U<, U0>, f>, f<, df/dt
Africa grounded non- tion or pilot wire relay- relaying network criteria

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LV DER de-
neutral treat- grid op- MV busbar pro- MV feeder protec- MV DER overcur- MV DER decoupling treatment of islanded
Country coupling pro-
ment eration tection tion rent protection protection grid
meshed ing
Solid earthed,
low imp., iso- meshed I>, Ie> or busbar I>>, I>, Ie>>, Ie>,
Spain lated, comp. or non- differential Z< (for meshed I>, Ie> U>, U<, U0> f>, f<, U>, U<, f>, f< Transfer trip
(very few instal- meshed (meshed MV) MV), 67
*with several levels and delay times

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4.4 Country Specific Approaches

This chapter gives an overview of the relay protection settings used by the listed coun-
tries/companies in medium voltage distribution networks with DER. Many of the protection
schemes are examples and the intention of the list is to provide a state of the art overview of
relay protection. In practical situations adaptations of the settings are necessary. Detailed
description of the country specific protection practices are given in the Appendix “Country
specific protection approaches”.

In general relay protection of DER today is based on standard non-directional over-current

protection in most countries. The majority of the assembled relay schemes are based on
dedicated DER feeders where selectivity against other feeders is not adequately addressed.
Under-voltage and/or under/over frequency protection is used to decouple DER in case of
feeder faults. Directional over-current relays are generally not used for phase-faults, but are
used for ground faults.

The over-current protections schemes of the feeders with DER have starting currents in the
range 1,2- 1,67 of rated feeder currents. Coordination times of 0,3 seconds are typical. Dis-
tance protection (with over-current start) is used in Germany, Spain and Austria, and rec-
ommended in Norway. Directional over-current relays are used in Denmark and Romania as
alternative solutions.

The DER decoupling protection is primarily composed of under/over voltage and under/over
frequency relays. The settings here vary significantly and also depend on the DER ratings
and fault-ride-through requirements. Instantaneous under-voltage protection (U/t<<) in the
range of 0,4-0,8 pu referred to voltage at point of common coupling is reported.

Legend for Table 4-2:

Code according to ANSI/IEEE C37.2-2008
Irt rated current of main transformer
Irf rated current of feeder
IrCT rated current of current transformer
ImDG maximum current in the line with DG/DER functioning at its nominal power
I line current
If2 two-phase fault current (minimum)
Z1 positive sequence impedance of feeder
In Neutral overcurrent (neutral current calculated or measured from the phase currents)
Ig Ground overcurrent (ground current measured with a ground CT installed in the connection between
the neutral of the power transformer and ground)
Ins Sensible neutral overcurrent (neutral overcurrent measured with a toroidal CT embracing the three
td coordination time delay added referred to sub-sequent/downstream protection
tdf time delay feeder (=t) protection added to some MV decoupling protection
t absolute operating time, incl. response time (applies to most MV decoupling)
tdir, tnon absolute time with directional and non-directional configuration
pu per unit of rated voltage at point of common coupling
frt fault ride through requirements/capabilities.
MV Decoupling syntax:
U>> 1,2pu/ 0,16 s Fast disconnection (with a maximum of 0,16 s time delay) when the voltage at the
point of common coupling goes above 1,2 pu referred to the nominal voltage at this

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Table 4-2: Overview of the relay protection settings used by the listed countries/companies

Country Main transformer protection Feeder protection MV decoupling

U/t (PCC) f/t
Australia Code 51 Code 51 U> 1,15pu/5s f> 52 Hz/5s
I>> ≈1,5*Irt I> ≈1,2*Irf/ td=0,3-0,4s U< 0,8pu/5s f< 49,5Hz/2s
∆I Range: new-old installation
Austria Code 21 Code 21 U> 1,15pu/0,1s f> 51,5Hz/0,1s
Z<≈0,85*Z1/ t=0,4s Z<≈0,85*Z1/ t=0,05 +0,3-0,4 s U< 0,7pu/0,7s f< 47,5Hz/0,1s
I>> ≈1,4*Irt/ t=0,4 s Range: new-old installation
I>> ≈1,4*Irf/ t=0,05 s
China Code 51 Code 51 Inverter type DG: f>> 50,2Hz/0,2s
I>, / t=0,3s I>>, / t=0s U>> 1,30pu/ 0,2s f<< 48,75Hz/0,2s
I>, / t=0,6s I>, / t=0,3s U< 0,8pu/ 2,0s
I>, / t=0,6s U<< 0,4pu/ 0,2s;
Or coordinate with fault ride-
through capability.
Synchronous generator:
U>> 1,30pu/ 0,2s
U<< 0,8pu/0,2s;
Asynchronous generator:
U< 0,2Upu/2s
U>> 1,30pu/0,2s
Denmark I> ≈1,4*Irt/ t=1,5s, (Inside) Code 67 Grid code section 4B
I>> ≈2-3*Irt/ t=0,1s, (MV side, blocks I>=1,2*Irf/ t=0,4-0,8 s (rural-urban)
downstream relays) I>>=2,5-4*Irf/ t=0,05 s
I>> ≈10*Irt/ t=0,05s, (HV side) Alt. Code 51
∆I>30% of Irt / t=0,2s I>=2,5-4*Irf/ t=0,5s
Finland HV: Code 51 U>> 1,15pu/ 0,15s; f> 51 Hz/0,2s;
I>> 6*IrCT/ t=0,1s I>=1200-1800A/ t=0,65-0,8 s; typical U> 1,10pu/ 1,5 s; f< 48 Hz/0,5s;
I> 1,2*IrCT/ t=1,4 s (backup) U0>5% cos (isol.), U< 0,85/ 5 s; LoM/0,15s;
MV: I0>4-12 A U<< 0,5pu/ 0,15 s;
I>> 3* IrCT/ t=0,1s U0>15% sin (comp.), Micro (<50kVA): Micro (<50kVA):
I> 1,5*IrCT/ t=1,2s (backup) I0>6 A U> 1,1pu/0,2s; f> 51 Hz/0,2s;
Alarms or t>=0,3-0,5s. U< 0,85/0,2-1,0s; f< 48 Hz/0,2s;
∆I>30% of Irt / t=0,1 s Gridcode 0,5-100 MVA: LoM, tLom < 5s;
Uo> 5-15 % (MV measurement bays) 0,25pu/0,25s
France I> 1,6*Irt/ t=1,3s Code 51 U> 1,15pu/0,2s f> 50,5-52Hz/tdf+0,5s
I> 1,3*ImDG and I< 0,8*If2 / t≈0,5 s U< 0,8-0,85/1,2s f< 47-49,5Hz/tdf+0,5s
>5MW tdf added Applies to >5MW more strict
@LV instantaneous below
Germany Code 21/50 Code 21 U>> 1,15pu/ ≤0,1s f> 51,5Hz/0,1s

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Country Main transformer protection Feeder protection MV decoupling

U/t (PCC) f/t
Z<; I>> 1,5 Irt/ tdir=1,2, tnon=1,2; Z<; I>> 1,2*Irf; tdir=0,9s, tnon=1,2s; U> 1,08pu/ 60s (MV) f< 47,5Hz/0,1s
directional- non-directional U< 0,8pu/ 1,5s
f/t<49-48 (& power forward); I>> / t=0,1 s U<< 0,45pu / 0,3 s
U< (& ind. Q) 0,85pu/0,5s
∆I>30% of Irt
Italy Code 51 Code 51 U>> 1,2pu/ 0,2 s f>> 51,5 Hz/ 0,15 s
I> ≈1,4*Irt/ t=1,5s (ONAN) I>=1,2*Irf or 0,85*If2 / t=1,0 s U> 1,1pu/ 3,0 s f> 50,2 Hz/ 1,0 s
I> ≈1,6*Irt/ t=1,5s (ONAF) I>>800A/ t=0,25s U< 0,85pu/ 1,5 s f< 49,8 Hz/ 4,0 s
U>>1,15pu/ t=10s (alarm) I>>>1400/ t=0,05s U<< 0,4pu/ 0,2 s f<< 47,5 Hz/ 0,15 s
U>>1,2pu/ t=60s (trip)
Nether- Code 51 Code 51 For U<1 kV & In>16 A:
lands I> 1,5*Irt/ td=0,3s I>=1,5*Irf/ td=0,3s U< 0,8pu/ 2,0 s
td=0,1s used in case of upward block- I>> 0,7*If2 U<< 0,7pu/ 0,2 s
ing Continues for subsequent CBs <5MW no requirements
I>> 0,7*If2 5-60 MW (U<110 kV):
∆I U< 0,8pu/ 0,3 s
U< 0,7/min(0,3,0,9*KKT)
Norway Code 51 Code 51 U>> 1,15pu/ 0,2s f>> 51 Hz/0,2s
I> / td=0,2s I>=1,2*Irf/td=0,2-0,3s (new-old). U> 1,1pu/ 1,5s f<< 48 Hz/0,2s
∆I Multiple feeders, add td for feeder with U< 0,85pu/ 1,5s
DER. U<< 0,5 /0,2
Alternatively Code 21
Z1A:Z<0,8*Z1/ t=0,2 s *to be negotiated
Z1B:t=0,0 sec. (breaker close)
Z2: Z<1,2*Z1/ t=0,3 s
Backup: U/t, f/t
Portugal Code 51 Code 51 U> 1,15/<0,1s f>> 51,5Hz/ <0,1s
I> 1,3*Irt/ t=1,4s I>=1,4*Irf/ t=1,0s U< 0,85/1,5s f> 50,5Hz/ 1,5s
∆I I>>=2,0*Irf/ t=0,5s U< 0,8/1,6s (frt) f< 49,5Hz/ 1,5s
I>>> 4|2|1,5 kA (10|15|30kV)/ t=0,1s U<< 0,21/0s f<< 47,5/ <0,1s
U<<< 0,25/0,6s (frt)
Romania Code 51 Code 51 U> 1,1pu/ f> 52Hz/
I>> ≈1,4*Irt I> 1,4*Irf/ td=0,4-0,5s (new-old) U< 0,9pu/ f< 47-47,5Hz/
Alternatively Code 67 Individual time Individual time
Directional if DER contributes more df/dt
than 10% to the total fault current.

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Country Main transformer protection Feeder protection MV decoupling

U/t (PCC) f/t
South- Code 51 Code 51 <100 kVA: >0 kVA:
Africa I>≈1,5-1,7*Irt/ t=1,3s@Zs=0 I>≈1,2Irf U>> 1,2pu/ 0,16 s f> 52Hz/ 4,0 s
I>1,0*Ir for devices along feeder U> 1,1pu/ 2,0 s f< 47Hz/ 0,2 s
U< 0,85pu/ 2,0 s df/dt >1,5Hz/s
U<< 0,5pu/ 0,2 s
>100 kVA:
U> 1,1pu/ <2,0 s
U< 0,85pu/ <2,0 s
Spain Code 51 Code 51 U>/t 1,1*Ur / 1,5 s or 0,6 s f>/t 50,5 Hz or 51 Hz / 0,5 s
I>1,3*Irt I> ≈1,3*Irf (51) U>/t 1,15*Ur / 0,2 s or 0,2 s
I>> ≈0,8*If2 (50) / 6* Irf (50 - unground- U</t 0,85·Ur / 1,5 s or 0,6 s f</t 48 Hz / 3 s
Solidly grounded ed) Un>/t 0,35*Vr / 0,6 s or 1,2 s
In> ≈ 75 – 120 A primary (51N) Solidly grounded:
Ig>≈ 85 – 150 A primary (51G) In> ≈ 20 – 40 A primary (51N)
In>>300 A (50N)
Low impedance grounded Ins>4 – 10 A primary; t=50 s (51Ns)
In> ≈ 75 – 120 A primary or 0.1*IrCT Low impedance grounded:
(51N) In> ≈ 30 A primary or 0,06*IrCT (51N)
Ig>≈ 18 – 200 A primary (51G) In>>300 A primary or 8*Ir> (50N)
Ins>2 – 10 A primary; t=7 - 50 s
Ungrounded: Z<0,8*Z1L (for meshed MV networks)
Un>≈ 58 V (Ur=110/√3) or 30 V 67N: back-up of 21G for meshed MV
(Ur=110/3) (59N) networks
t≈1,5 - 4 s 87L for some underground feeders
Ins>≈ 0,12 – 1 A primary
Un>≈ 58 V (Ur=110/√3) or 30 V
(Ur=110/3) (67Ns)
t≈ 0,25 – 0,4 s
USA Determined on a case by case basis Determined on a case by case basis U>> 1,2pu/ 0,16 s f> 60,5Hz/ 0,16 s
U> 1,1pu/ 1,0 s f< 58,0Hz/ 1,0 s
U< 0,73pu/ 2,0 s Note: 60Hz is nominal fre-
U<< 0,42pu/ 0,16 s quency in the USA

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5 Protection of Distribution System with Distributed Energy Re-


5.1 Impact of Distributed Energy Resources on distribution system pro-


Due to current regulatory frameworks in countries and technical developments, the penetra-
tion of DER in distribution networks has increased continuously and it can be expected that
this growth will continue in the future. This huge increase has an important impact on the
protection schemes of the distribution networks.

5.1.1 Definition of Situation

In accordance with the title of this CIGRE / CIRED-JWG report “Protection of Distribution
Systems with Distributed Energy Resources”, initially it is necessary to define a principle
structure of the “distribution system” which is covered by this working group.

Based on this principle structure, all questions regarding the protection – both the current
practice as well as any future recommendations – must relate to it.

Figure 5-1 shows an outgoing feeder of a typical MV distribution grid supplied from the bus-
bar of a HV/MV-substation. It can be a ring (loop) which is usually operated radially. This
single feeder (which can be subdivided by one or more switching stations) supplies a num-
ber of MV/0,4-kV-transformer stations for customers (public supply). It is also

• the grid connection to and the in-feed from DER-plants (e.g. small co-generation
plants, small windmills, …)


• the grid connection of private grids.

Larger wind farms (green) are usually directly connected to the busbar. It should be noted
that substations used exclusively for the infeed of wind farms are expressively not covered
by this CIGRE/CIRED-JWG report.

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transformer station
MV / 0,4 kV G
for consumers

B wind farm
with direct connection
to substation
transfer station
with DG input G
(owner )


D Legend:
HV … High Voltage level (typically > 35 … 150 kV)
MV … Medium Voltage level (usually 10 / 20 / 30 kV)
transfer station DG … Distributed Energy Resources
with DG input G …. Circuit breaker (CB) with protection
(owner )

transfer station
for private grid
private grid
(micro grid)
(micro grid)
incl. DG
transformer station
MV / 0,4 kV
for consumers

Figure 5-1: Principle structure of the “distribution system” covered by this working group

Assuming that the wind farm (green) as well as DER  and  have sufficient FRT capabili-
ties, with respect to chapters 4.3 “Review of current practices for distribution system protec-

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tion” and 4.4 “Country Specific Approaches” the classical phase and earth fault protection
usually contains:

• feeder protection, consisting of

o an over current protection (ANSI 50/51),
o a directional earth fault protection (ANSI 67N) or a sensitive earth fault protec-
tion (ANSI 67Ns) or a zero sequence current protection (ANSI 50N/51N) –
according to the neutral treatment of the grid


• as backup for MV feeder protection

o a neutral displacement voltage protection.

5.1.2 Check of fault scenario for several fault locations

According to Figure 5-1 the following table results:

Table 5-1: fault scenario for several fault locations (common practice / future aspects)

Fault Fault scenario:

location common practice

1. short-circuit current contribution predominant from HV/MV-transformer

2. trip of CB A in switching station by its I>/t-protection
3. DER  must trip, too – by means of its I>/t-protection (if short-circuit current
contribution is able to start it) or U<-criterion of decoupling protection
A 4. OPEN QUESTIONS concerning the private (micro) grid
→ what trips the private (micro) grid in case of weak infeed?
→ islanding of the private (micro) grid
→ protection scheme in case of island operation?
5. wind farm (green) and DER  should remain connected to the grid (if their FRT
capability is sufficient)
B 1. short-circuit current contribution predominant from HV/MV-transformer
2. trip of CB B in substation by its I>/t-protection
3. DER  must trip, too – by means of its I>/t-protection (if short-circuit current
contribution is able to start it) or U<-criterion of decoupling protection
4. CB A in switching station remains closed if pick-up value of I/t-protection is less
than short-circuit current contribution of DER  and private (micro) grid  DER
 and private (micro) grid must decouple with U<-criterion.

4. CB A in switching station trips if short-circuit current contribution of DER  and

private (micro) grid is sufficient
→ islanding of the remaining grid area (DER  and private (micro) grid and trans-
former station)
→ Note, that the remaining grid area will lose its neutral treatment which usu-
ally is realized in the substation (in transformer star-point or by means of
separate star-point transformer)!
5. wind farm (green) should remain connected to the grid (if its FRT capability is

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Fault Fault scenario:
location common practice


C Generally: a fault in the HV-grid should not cause a trip of the substation.

1. Fault C (e.g. fault location is within the transformer differential protection zone)
will be tripped by the transformer protection.
2. A) If the remaining grid is not able to keep in island mode, e.g. too less genera-
tion: f<- and/or U<-criterion will trip the DERs
B) If the remaining grid remains in stable condition  unwanted islanding.

D 1. short-circuit current contribution predominant from HV/MV-transformer

2. trip of CB D in switching station by its I>/t-protection
3. CB A in switching station remains closed if pick-up value of I/t-protection is less
than short-circuit current contribution of DER  and private (micro) grid  DER
 and private (micro) grid must decouple with U<-criterion.

3. CB A in switching station trips if short-circuit current contribution of DER  and

private (micro) grid is sufficient
4. islanding of the remaining grid area (DER  and private (micro) grid and trans-
former station)
5. Note, that the remaining grid area will lose its neutral treatment which usu-
ally is realized in the substation (in transformer star-point or my means of
separate star-point transformer)!
6. wind farm (green) should remain connected to the grid (if its FRT capability is

Remark: If the sample grid given in Figure 5-1 consists only of radial outgoing feeders (i.e.
without it being meshed) then the fault scenario of fault location A is equivalent to fault loca-
tion B.

5.1.3 Future Aspects

One of the most important changes caused by the massive integration of DER into the distri-
bution network is the bi-directionality of fault currents. This implies the need to develop more
complex protection systems on the distribution network, which are able to deal with several
contributions to fault current.

All protection schemes where DERs are involved must be checked: There must be a large
enough fault current to start the relevant protective devices:

• in all situations, e.g. low wind or sun,

• otherwise, other methods for starting must be considered (e.g. U-I-starting, un-
derimpedance or similar) and must be available.

Specific additional protection:

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To deal with these specificities, DSOs need to develop specific protection approaches, in
addition to the usual ones described above. The following points list several new protection
approaches required with reference to the above context (in addition, refer to Figure 5-2):

• HV neutral displacement voltage protection:

additional decoupling protection in order to avoid the risk of islanding in case of
phase faults at HV level
• islanding detection (tele-decoupling):
detection of the opening of the MV feeder and communication to the DER facility de-
coupling protection
• directional phase protection:
protection which detects the sense of the fault current, in order to locate the fault and
avoid unintentional tripping (i.e. when the fault occurs on another MV feeder)
• DER facility protection:
protection against faults occurring within the installation
• DER facility decoupling protection:
disconnection of the DER facility from the network when a MV network fault occurs

HV neutral displacement voltage


HV/MV Transformer

Islanding detection - teleprotection

Directional phase protection

MV Feeders

DER Decoupling protection

DER facility protection

DER facility

Figure 5-2: Specific additional protection in case of DER infeed

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5.1.4 Summary
The sequences of the fault scenarios described in Table 5-1 can be summarized as follows:

1. In case of a fault in the supply grid all DER will decouple because of their U/f-protection.
2. The borders of the remaining grid are given due to its neutral treatment:
a. The neutral impedance ZN is directly connected to the neutral of the supplying
In case of a transformer fault (fault location C) the remaining grid (brown dotted)
will lose its neutral treatment. A continuation of the operation is only possible if
the earth fault protection of the remaining grid is adapted to the new situation.

transformer ZN


Figure 5-3: neutral treatment of the grid with neutral impedance directly connected to the star point of the

b. The neutral impedance ZN is connected to a grounding (earthing) transformer

(“Zig/Zag transformer”):
In the case of a transformer fault (fault location C) the remaining grid (brown dot-
ted) keeps its neutral treatment. Thus a continuation of the operation is possible.


busbar ZN

Figure 5-4: neutral treatment of the grid with neutral impedance connected to a grounding transformer

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5.2 Recommended best practices for reliable island detection

A serious issue introduced by the current high penetration of DER is the so called “uninten-
tional islanding” phenomenon. “Unintentional islanding” happens when a portion of the distri-
bution network with installed DER is disconnected from the rest of the network. In such cas-
es, voltage problems may arise and the localized frequency may not be in synch with the
frequency of the main transmission network.

The probability of having an unintentional island is related to the amount of power generation
connected to the distribution network and to the local loads. If there is a balance between
dispersed production and load, the risk of unwanted islanding exists in cases where the
feeder breaker is opened.

The basic problem with unwanted islanding after system disconnection is that parts of the
network are energized whereas de-energisation is expected.

In general, instead of the term “unwanted islanding”, it’s more appropriate to talk about “un-
controlled islanding”. In fact, during the islanding operation the main electric parameters are
not under direct control of the DSO (voltage) or the TSO (frequency).

For safety reasons, European standard EN 50110-1 clause 6.2 Dead working summarized
below has five essential rules and does not allow operation of the network under such condi-
tions. For this reason no distinctions are usually drawn between detection of or protection
against the islanding.

The actual rules require clear identification of the work location. After the respective electri-
cal installations have been identified the following five essential requirements shall be under-
taken in the specified order unless there are essential reasons for doing otherwise:

1. disconnect completely;
2. secure against re-connection;
3. verify that the installation is dead;
4. carry out earthing and short-circuiting;
5. provide protection against adjacent live parts

Depending on the power flow conditions, there are two different levels for the uncontrolled
islanding: the first level is at the MV feeder level, the second level is at the HV/MV substation
level. Depending on these levels, different approaches are possible in order to detect uncon-
trolled islanding condition. For instance, in the HV/MV substation level, in case of a grid op-
erated in open ring, uncontrolled islanding detection is possible through the voltage signal
presence on the network side of the feeder with the open breaker condition.

In order to avoid the unintentional islanding and out of sync reconnection which can cause
large damages to the DG and the grid, the protection system must operate in a very short
time by disconnecting the generators in a time that is shorter than the time of the first auto-
matic reclosure.

For many reasons some portions of the network may be subjected to the risk of islanding: for
example a network portion can be disconnected due to a fault protection intervention. Each
country has a defined set of rules in order to achieve an adequate level of safety and reliabil-

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ity of the power system. In general the system must provide protection that avoids unwanted
islands by disconnecting the generation units connected to the network portion of an island
in as short as a time possible.

The common requirements are:

• The DER must be disconnected if the voltage or the frequency are out of a contrac-
tual range;
• The DER must be disconnected if one or more phases of the prevailing network
(transmission network) are missing;
• In case of an automatic reclosure, the DER must be disconnected before the first re-

The anti-islanding protection assures all of these requirements.

Up to now, according to the state of the art, there is no islanding detection system which is
recognized as really efficient and shared by all the countries. Nevertheless, here is the state
of the art.

There are three techniques to detect an unintentional island:

• Passive protection;
• Active protection
• Network communication based protection

Figure 5-5: Techniques to detect an unintentional island

Another possibility is to detect the islanding with some synchrophasor measurements by

comparing the phase of the DER voltage to the one of the substation.

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5.2.1 Passive local based measurement schemes
The passive protection is a technique that use a stand-alone digital relay installed in the
generation plant. The relay is equipped by a set of standard protection functions that are:

• Under and over frequency protection function (ANSI/IEEE C37.2 code 81);
• Under and over voltage protection function (ANSI/IEEE C37.2 code 27 and 59);

To assure the anti-islanding protection, in addition to these classical protection functions,

other types of functions have emerged:

• Rate of Change of Frequency (ROCOF);

• Vector shift (jump);
• Inverse reactive power flux;
• Inverse active power flux;
• Rate of change of the active power. Under/over voltage/frequency protections

When there is a change in the network (a portion of the network with distributed generation
is cut off), the generation sees it as a load change and it results in a change of the electrical
parameters (voltage and frequency). This possibility depends on the unbalance between the
load and the generation before the fault. If there is a load unbalance, the under/over voltage
or under/over frequency protections can operate. However, it should be noticed that active
voltage and frequency control by the DER can sometimes delay the islanding detection. For
that reason, the time response of these active regulations must be strongly studied before

Frequency measurement is usually performed by phasor vector change, [62], which makes it
very susceptible to voltage variations like those arising from faults. Therefore, it is usual to
use the line-to-line voltage measurement instead of single phase voltage measurement. The
aim is to feed the algorithm with voltage with low transient component (there are more single
phase faults than phase to phase faults). The ideal way should be frequency measurement
for positive sequence voltage. Some manufacturers have a minimum operating time of about
80ms to prevent unwanted trips. This has proven to be a good practice according to the Por-
tuguese experience.

The problems presented above also occur with other frequency measurement algorithms like
“zero-crossing”. Rate of Change of Frequency (ROCOF)

The deviation of the frequency from the rated system frequency indicates unbalance be-
tween the generated power and the load demand. If the available generation is large com-
pared to the consumption by the load connected to the power system, then the system fre-
quency is above the rated value. If the unbalance is large, then the frequency changes rapid-
ly. In order to speed up the islanding decision, rate of change of frequency relay is used.

This type of relay has been known to have some issues which arise from each individual
manufacturers implementations, [63]. The performance of ROCOF relays is related to the
chosen algorithm for frequency measurement (“zero crossing” or Fourier Transform), the
length of the measuring window (longer measuring windows have a better response to volt-

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age disturbances but have higher operating times) and the algorithm used for the Rate Of
Change calculation (ex.: linear fitting, polynomial fitting). The reader is advised to consult
[63] for further information. Voltage Vector shift

Due to the loss of the network contribution, the generator is called to vary its output to satisfy
the energy balance.

The change in power output from the generator causes a shift of the voltage vector. This
protection is based on measuring the period of the voltage, which is compared with the pre-
vious measure. In island operation, the duration of the period, which is proportional to the
phase, changes due to the unbalance between generation and load at the first opening. The
relay phase shift is sensitive to disturbances such as faults on other feeders or transmission
network transients and therefore it is difficult to coordinate with other protections. Reverse reactive power flux

In the case where the power factor of the generation plant is equal to one (e.g. photovoltaic
power generation), when a network portion with DER is disconnected, there is a transient
while the generator provides reactive power to the network.

The reverse reactive power flux protection is installed in the connection point between the
distribution network and the generator. Reverse active power flux

In some applications, the power generated is less than the load connected to the producer
network. In this case a transient of active power that flows through the connection point be-
tween the producer network and the distribution network indicates a loss of network.

The reverse active power flux protection is installed in the connection point between the dis-
tribution network and the producer network. Rate of change of active power

The monitoring of active power can be used to detect unwanted islanding. Indeed, a quick
change of active power might be a signal of loss of the upstream network.

The rate of change of the active power protection is used in addition to the under/over volt-
age and under/over frequency protection.

5.2.2 Active detection

The active methods interact directly and continuously with the electrical system. Perturba-
tions on the network are due to small variations of some electrical parameters set by appro-
priate DER controls. If the DER operates in parallel with the network, the method generates
small changes that are not sufficient to trigger the relay, whereas in case of loss of the net-
work the changes become significant and the DER is disconnected. The most common ac-
tive protection functions to avoid the islanding are:

• Reactive power export error;

• Fault level measurement;
• System impedance monitoring

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ici. Reactive power export error
This relay interacts with the regulation system forcing the generator to provide a level of re-
active power that can be maintained only if the transmission network is connected.

The operation occurs when there is a difference between the exported reactive power and
the reference value for longer than a settable time. To avoid unwanted tripping in case of
fluctuations of the source, the set interval is chosen greater than the duration of possible
fluctuations. Fault level measurement

The fault level in a certain point of the grid can be measured using a point-on-wave switched
thyristor. The thyristors are controlled to be activated close to the voltage zero crossing, and
the current through a shunt inductor is measured. The system impedance and the fault level
can be quickly calculated (every half cycle) with the disadvantage of having the voltage
shape slightly changed near the zero crossover. System impedance monitoring

It is a method that detects the system impedance with active monitoring. A high frequency
source (a few volts at few kHz frequency) is connected via a coupling capacitor to the inter-
connection point. The capacitor is in series with the equivalent network impedance. When
the systems are synchronized, the parallel impedance ZDG and ZNetwork is low, therefore the
HF-ripple at the coupling point is negligible. After islanding, the impedance increases dra-
matically to ZDG and the divided HF-signal is clearly detectable.

5.2.3 Protection based on a communication network (Communication based transfer

trip schemes)
Recently a new approach has been used to manage the system protection on Smart Grids.

The major nodes are connected by a communication link. Via this link the devices interact in
order, for example, to disconnect a DER from the HV/MV substation. Comparison of rate of change of frequency protection (COROCOF)

If there is a communication network, the technique called COROCOF can be used.

The method is based on the comparison of frequency change rates in two or more point of
the network.

The method is able to discriminate the frequency variations due to loss of network from other
changes due to other causes.

A lock signal is transmitted by the transmitter relay to all relays located near the DER. The
transmitter relay transmits this signal if the frequency change is generated by events not
related to the loss of network. Direct Transfer Trip

Another anti-islanding protection method which can be applied to prevent unintended island-
ing is Direct Transfer Trip (DTT). A signal to disconnect the generator is initiated by the utility
line protection or circuit breaker open status. A typical arrangement is illustrated schemati-
cally in Figure 5-6.

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Figure 5-6: Typical arrangement for direct transfer trip (DTT)

The DTT is more reliable compared to the previously described local measurement based
methods (passive methods) because it is not affected by the local power balance and it is
also immune to the remote system events. However, it needs to be noted that the cost of
providing adequate communication media may be prohibitive in some cases. Additionally,
the network topology may require the transfer trip to be supplied from more than one location
which adds to the cost and complexity of the scheme.

5.2.4 Future trend and recommendations

As already stated, in grids with distributed generation, uncontrolled islanding becomes pos-

In the past this problem was dealt with by intertripping of the distributed generators. With an
increasing number of generators involved, this is not practical in modern MV and LV grids
due to the need for low latency, redundant and highly available communication lines.

The preferred solution to prevent islanding networks is a reliable detection system at the
DER connection point. As showed, there are several approaches developed to achieve this
objective. To implement a really reliable detection, some sort of information about the net-
work topology and/or the switching condition has to be provided. One way is to use separate
communications with additional complexity. Another example could be a “grid alive signal”
modulated on the voltage at the MV busbar and detected by the DER.

Another option is using the communication links which are a part of future smart grid and
advanced meter scenarios: ping the meters and ask for a voltage reading.

Yet another option is to minimize the need for communication by measuring voltage at the
place where the switching is done and expand the logic in the protection device of the MV

Today MV islands are typically unwanted, whereas larger HV islands may be used in grid-
restoration scenarios after system blackouts.

With the increasing frequency of natural disasters these days, and the growing energy de-
mand in developing countries with poor infrastructure, the need to retain microgrids in the
system (as opposed to unwanted islanding), can get stronger. To follow this approach, it
would be necessary to change rules such as redefining the DSO’s responsibility; and rede-
sign of technologies mainly for the generators that uses static converters (inverters).

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6 Proactive approach to technology trends

As far as distribution network protection schemes are concerned, apart from the many evolu-
tions described in the previous chapter due to the growing connection of DER, the quick evo-
lution of technology in this sector and the use of new techniques can also have a huge im-
pact on the way DSOs protect the network.

Future European Grid Codes (especially ENTSO-E Network Codes – Requirement for Gen-
erators), currently in committee consideration within the European Union, can also have
huge impacts on protection schemes. Enlargement of the frequency range, ability to provide
static power regulation depending on the frequency, definition of specific Fault Ride Through
requirements for different kind of generation and fast reactive current injection during fault
are among the most important ramifications of these network codes.

6.1 New applications of teleprotection, use of communication

The new communication technologies are providing new opportunities for the development
of the Smart Grids. In order to define the requirements for these technologies it’s important
to notice that protection schemes are also designed in order to protect the network from un-
solicited islanding (like in France, Romania, Spain and Italy).
In general it’s possible to distinguish between wired technologies and radio technologies.
• Wired technologies:
o Copper Pair communications technologies
o Power Line communications technologies
o Fibre Optic communications technologies
• Radio technologies:
o ZigBee
o Cellular data services and Satellite

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Table 6-1: Summary of advantages-disadvantages of wired technologies

Wired technology Pro’s Con’s

PLC Existent infrastructure Possible interference
Full coverage (massive deployment) Hostile communication channel (attenu-
Shared channel for multicast ation, fading, noise)
Multiple services Repeaters needed
Possible coupling problems
No generalized open standards so far
Copper communication Good transmission characteristics No full coverage
(xDSL) Efficient bandwidth use Connection availability not guaranteed
IP technologies well extended and test- no point-to-multi-point protocols
High residential penetration
Multiple services
Open standards
Fibre optic Good transmission specifications Point-to-point links (demanding for
(bandwidth, attenuation, …) communication with LV consumers)
Mature technology Gateways required for medium change
Open standards If not available, costly deployment
Multiple services
xDSL: High bit rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL), Single-Pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line (SHDSL),
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), Very high bit rate DSL (VDSL).

Table 6-2: Communication technologies – comparative evaluation

operator/ own- Area Net-

Technology cost frequency band Data rate Appli-cations
er work
150 MHz / 400 Voice,
VHF/UHF radio Utility low narrowband RAN
PMR (TETRA) Utility high 400 MHz narrowband RAN
consumer, low (only AMR, Home
WiFi 2,4 GHz broadband (NAN) HAN
utility HAN) Automation
consumer, low (only AMR, Home
ZigBee 2,4 GHz narrowband HAN
utility HAN) Automation
utility or
WiMAX rd low 5 – 60 GHz broadband RAN DA, AD, AMR
3 party
public cellular rd 900/ 1800 MHz narrowband/ Voice; DA,
3 party medium WAN, NAN
data services (GSM) broadband AD, AMR
satellite commu- rd low/ me-
3 party 2, 6, 12 GHz narrowband WAN AD, AMR
nication dium

With the assumption that, in case of islanding, the protection system has to act in the mini-
mum possible time, the table below shows the appropriate technology to use in MV network.

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Table 6-3: Appropriate technology to use in MV networks

PLC VHF/ Public

Data Copper Fiber optic
Delay tech- UHF TETRA WiFi ZigBee Wimax data Satellite
rate Pair technology
nology radio service
> 1
- yes no yes yes* no * no yes yes no
* VHF/UHF can be a viable solution for installations close to the substation.

With the assumption that, in case of islanding, the protection system have to act in a time up
to 100ms, the table below show the appropriate technology to use in LV network.

Table 6-4: Appropriate technology to use in LV networks

PLC VHF/ Public

Data Copper Fiber optic
Delay tech- UHF TETRA WiFi ZigBee Wimax data Satellite
rate Pair technology
nology radio service
1 yes/
100ms no yes no no no no yes yes yes
Mbps no**
** yes only if the system is cyber secured and technically achievable (with high developed telecommunication
networks). no if these conditions are not met.

WiFi does not apply to long range links between DSO to HV/MV Substation (MV/LV Substa-
tion) and between HV/MV substations and MV/LV substations since for these links, very high
power is used, compared to other wireless technologies such as VHF/UHF radios. WiFi is
applicable in the scenario NAN of the architecture, especially in those areas where there are
high concentrations of nodes. In areas like cities where there are a moderate concentration
of nodes, deployment of a wireless mesh network based on WiFi can be a great solution.
WiFi is also applicable in the scenario HAN architecture.

Situation in Italy:

In Italy, pilot tests are underway using PLC technology on LV network. In MV/LV substation
a PLC transmitter is installed. The islanding condition is detected by the voltage presence
with a circuit breaker opening condition. In case of islanding of the LV network an alarm
message is sent to all LV producers that are connected to the line via a broadcast signal.
The producers are provided with a PLC receiver that is connected to the interface protection.
In case of an alarm being received, the protection switches the frequency thresholds to the
narrower band. Currently there are several issues concerning interference with smart me-
ters, and these will be fixed with an appropriate choice of PLC carrier frequency.

Situation in France:

Concerning the generators’ decoupling protectionns in France, ERDF is experimenting with

some new ways of communication for tele-action (called H4) which is to replace copper
communications currently used in the MV network. The new communication technologies
and protocols experimented with are:

• Optical Fibre, which seems to be the best solution concerning the transmission time
but has some issues from the administrative point of view,
• Microwave Transmission, which could be a cheap and simple solution for installation
close to the substation,
• Internet Protocol (IP), which is currently field tested.

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A new CIGRE WG B5.50 has been created recently to deal with “IEC 61850 Based Substa-
tion Automation Systems – Users Expectations and Stakeholders Interactions”. IT is sug-
gested that they could also consider the subject of using the standard for enhancing adap-
tive protection as well.

Concerning the IEC 61850 Protocol, along with the development of Digital Protection and
Control Systems of substations ("PCCN"), more and more protection equipment are compat-
ible with IEC 61850. Along with its adaptive strategy to the market, ERDF allows this equip-
ment to communicate with each other using the IEC 61850 protocol. Indeed, both feeder
protections and transformer protections are used by ERDF with IEC 61850 protocol (in
around 100 substations), via gateways connecting each to the supervising network of the

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6.2 Protection schemes for future distribution networks with DER

The purpose of this section is to highlight in a few words the new challenges of distribution
network protection related to new grid code requirements, active network management
schemes and island operation. Both medium-voltage (MV) and low-voltage (LV) distribution
networks as well as both directly connected rotating generator based DER units and con-
verter interfaced DG units are covered. Also, some of the proposed protection schemes for
smart grids, found in current literature, for island operated distribution networks are re-

6.2.1 New Challenges for Protection

One of the key protection functionalities in the Smart Grids will be reliable detection of is-
landing. Although the trend in new grid codes is to require fault-ride-through (FRT) capability
from DER units and possibly also to allow island operation, there is still a need to reliably
detect the islanding situation in order for the operator to make the correct decisions, e.g.
change the setting group of DER interconnection IED or change the control principles and
parameters of DER unit [1].

In the forthcoming ENTSO-E network code (NC) for generators (RfG) [2], it has been stated
that islanding detection should not be based only on the network operator’s switchgear
opening/ closing position signals. Moreover, if high-speed communication is used as a pri-
mary islanding detection method, the passive local islanding detection method is still needed
as a back-up [1].

Larger non-detection zone (NDZ) and unwanted DER trips due to other network events (nui-
sance tripping) have been the major challenges with traditional, passive local islanding de-
tection methods based on frequency (f), df/dt, vector shift (VS) or voltage (U). [1]

If the number of DER units in distribution networks increases, as expected, in the future, the
possibility of achieving power balance in the distribution network will also increase. There-
fore, the risk of distribution system segments operating in the NDZ of the traditional passive
islanding detection methods will increase, too. In addition, the use of f, U and rate-of-
change-of-frequency (ROCOF) for defining DER units’ FRT requirements in the new grid
codes (as in [2]), to enable utility grid stability supporting functionalities from DER units, will
increase. [1]

Recent and forthcoming grid code requirements, such as the active power/frequency (P/f)
regulation during over-frequency for all DER units and during under-frequency for larger
DER units [2], [3] will enable DER units connected to MV and LV networks to control their
active power even after islanding. This means that frequency deviations are instantly cor-
rected and islanding may not be detected with the traditional, passive islanding detection
methods. Therefore, the use of the traditional parameters for reliable and selective islanding
detection may become even more difficult in the future than it is today. [1]

Due to the above-mentioned reasons, a new, future-proof, passive islanding detection algo-
rithm and scheme has been proposed in [4] and [5], which is able to detect very fast and
selectively islanding situations even in a perfect power balance without NDZ, and is also
applicable to different type of DER units. [1]

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In the future, it is possible that different active network management functionalities, like volt-
age control, island operation coordination, minimization of losses, etc. will be realized
through centralized solutions at primary (HV/MV) and secondary (MV/LV) substations. Active
network management may simultaneously affect to protection settings if for instance network
topology is changed. Therefore, adaptive protection may be required. [1]

Traditionally, active network management and adaptive protection functionalities have been
developed and operated independently [6]. However, in the future increasing attention
should be paid to understand the level of active network management and protection func-
tions coupling to be able to create future-proof solutions for the Smart Grids [7]. [1] New Grid Code Requirements

In the future, ENTSO-E NC RfG [2] will provide a legal framework for DER units (> 0,8 kW)
grid code requirements in Europe, but it will not replace local national grid codes. ENTSO-E
NC RfG [2] divides the requirements for four type/size of DER units (power generating mod-
ules) i.e. Type A (DER units > 0,8 kW connected to voltage levels below 110 kV) and B, C
and D, which have different maximum capacity thresholds for the five different synchronous
areas. [1]

In NC RfG [2] for DER units (Type A and larger), it has been stated that with regard to fre-
quency ranges, a DER unit shall be capable of staying connected to the network and operat-
ing within the frequency ranges (some difference between synchronous areas) and time pe-
riods specified in Figure 6-1Figure 5-6. [1]

Figure 6-1. Frequency FRT (Nordic area) and support requirements for DER units (Type A and larger). [1],

Frequency support – Active power control

In NC RfG [2] it is also stated that the DER unit (Type A and larger) shall be capable of re-
ducing active power during over-frequencies (P/f -droop) starting from a point between 50.2
Hz and 50,5 Hz with a droop in a range of 2–12% (Fig. 1). In [3], similar requirements for the
active power response of DER units to over-frequencies have been set as in [2]. The range
of intentional delay is 0-2 seconds and the default setting is 0 s. [1]

In NC RfG [2], it is stated for DER units (Type A and larger) that, with regard to the ROCOF
or df/dt withstanding capability, a DER unit shall be capable of staying connected to the net-

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work and operating at rates of change of frequency up to a value defined by the TSO. Possi-
ble ROCOF-based passive islanding detection should be coordinated with required ROCOF
withstand capability [5], which may also be coordinated or prioritized with the voltage FRT
curve. In [3], the required ROCOF withstand capability has been set up to 2,5 Hz/s. [1]

In NC RfG [5] for Type B and larger DER units it has been stated that with regard to FRT
capability of DER units, each TSO should define a voltage-against-time-profile (low-voltage-
ride-through, LVRT, curve) as shown in Figure 6-2. [2], [1]

Voltage in [2] refers to the root-mean-square (rms) value of the positive sequence of the
phase-to-phase voltages at fundamental frequency in per units (p.u.). [2]

Figure 6-2. Voltage FRT requirements for DG units (Type B and larger). [1], [2]

Reactive power exchange and control between distribution and transmission net-
In ENTSO-E NC for demand connection (DC) [8], it has been stated that all transmission
connected distribution networks shall fulfill the requirements related to reactive power ex-
change and control. These include requirements like 1) the actual reactive power range
specified by the DSO shall not be wider than 0,9 power factor of the larger of their maximum
import capability, 2) DSOs shall have the capability at the connection point to not export re-
active power (at nominal voltage) at an active power flow of less than 25% of the maximum
import capability, and 3) TSO shall have the right to require DSOs to actively control the ex-
change of reactive power at the connection point as part of a wider common concept for the
management of reactive power capabilities for the benefit of the entire network. [8], [1] Active Network Management – Need for Protection Adaptation

To fulfil increasing energy efficiency and reliability requirements, active control and man-
agement of distribution networks, including control of DER, will be in key role in future Smart

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For instance, ERDF is currently studying and testing a local voltage regulation system based
on reactive power management for two DER plants. It sets a target value for the reactive
power, that is determined from a reactive power/voltage characteristic Q=f(U), and provides
injection / absorption of reactive power to the production facility in certain situations (those
where the network is constrained by low or high voltage). However, it should be noticed that
active voltage and frequency control by the DER can sometimes delay the islanding detec-
tion. For that reason, the time response of these active regulations must be strongly studied
before implementation. As for the local voltage regulation currently studied by ERDF, simula-
tions and tests show that using a “dead band” in the Q=f(U) characteristic and an average
voltage measure allow not to delay the islanding detection.

A centralized voltage management is also currently tested in ERDF’s network on a pilot

scheme where the substation is equipped to test several Advanced Network Functions. It
consists of state estimators calculating optimized voltage target values at the primary sub-
station. Such regulation systems could allow a decrease in the voltage rise in the network
due to high production and avoid unintentional decoupling of production facilities.

Advanced automatic functions are also implemented in closed loop in ERDF control centers:
Automatic Fault Detection, Isolation and network Recovery (FDIR) help the operator to effi-
ciently handle faults on the network, minimize duration of outages and improve customers’
quality of service.

With active network management, the capacity utilization of lines can be improved, large
voltage deviations can be avoided, system losses and interruptions can be minimized. Active
network management requires more information (measurements) from different points in the
distribution network (Figures 6-3 and 6-4) as well as utilization of fast and cost-efficient
communication technologies and further development of standardization (IEC 61850 related
standards). Real-time information about distribution network status (voltage, frequency etc.)
is required for example during voltage and frequency deviations to create network supporting
active and reactive power commands for DER units. Information about distribution network
status for control and monitoring purposes will be obtained in the future increasingly from
sensors across the network through high-speed wireless 4G networks and optical fibers. [9],

Active network management may simultaneously affect the protection settings if for instance
network topology is changed. On the other hand, e.g. due to earth-faults in some network
location, topology may be changed and this may have an effect on active network manage-
ment functionalities such as voltage control or loss minimization. Therefore, dependencies
between active network management and protection functionalities require careful planning
and development to create future-proof solutions for future Smart Grids. In future, it is likely
that these different active network management functionalities like voltage control, island
operation coordination, minimization of losses etc. will be realized through centralized solu-
tions at HV/MV (MV level management by DMS/SCADA or grid automation controller or IED)
and MV/LV (LV level management by IED, RTU or MicroSCADA) substations (Figure 6-3).
Also an intelligent coordination hierarchy between management of MV and LV level active
zones will be essential from a total concept point of view. Centralized monitoring (including
proactive protection) and earth-fault locating as well as different events or measurement
reporting functionalities are becoming more and more important from an asset management

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point of view (Figure 6-3). For example, with real-time cable temperature monitoring the net-
work capacity utilization could be maximized without exceeding thermal limits. [9], [10]

Figure 6-3. An example about some possible centralized functionalities at HV/MV and MV/LV substations.
[9], [10]

Figure 6-4. Smart Grid compatible IEDs with appropriate communication capabilities and new functionali-
ties will play key role in enabling future active network management and protection concepts. [9], [10]

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In the future, both short-circuit and earth-fault protection settings of MV feeder IEDs must
adapt to the changes in the network topology resulting from increased utilization of active
distribution network management schemes. From the MV feeder IEDs’ short-circuit protec-
tion settings point of view, the most challenging issue is the change in the short-circuit level
due to topology changes like for example

• large DER unit connected or disconnected,

• radial MV feeders or meshed MV feeders,
• utility grid connected or island operated

or due to automatic load restoration when the normally open point (NOP) in a meshed distri-
bution feeder is automatically moved for load restoration purposes following a fault. To sup-
port improved supply reliability, to be able to deal with topology changes and disconnect
faulted section very rapidly, distance and differential protection with high-speed communica-
tion based blocking schemes will be utilized increasingly in the short-circuit protection of fu-
ture Smart Grids [11], [12]. In reality, the required future performance for transmitting block-
ings and voltage and current samples from sensors could be achieved by utilization of 61850
GOOSE and SV services and possibly with wireless 4G technologies. From MV feeder IEDs’
earth-fault protection point of view, it is essential that their settings and protection principles
can also adapt to changes in MV network earthing method e.g. when changing from centrally
compensated utility grid connected operation to isolated island operation. [9], [10]

Adaptation of MV feeder IED protection settings can be done by changing pre-defined set-
ting groups or by changing settings in real-time by central controller (e.g. grid automation
controller). In the case of islanding protection adaption of MV feeder IEDs could also be
based on local detection of CB status change or multi-criteria based islanding detection etc.
On the other hand, if the size of the intended island could also be adaptive i.e. dependent on
current power balance situation, then the MV feeder IED could also be “locally aware” of the
transition possibility to island operation, in that point, and thereby activate those protection
functions in IED which are needed for successful transition to island operation (e.g. high-
speed operation in large voltage dips, fault current through IED or not, detection of healthy or
faulty island). They could also be predefined as different setting groups which are activated
centrally by grid automation controller when needed. Therefore, it needs to be defined as
part of the proposed adaptive protection scheme how the logic related to it will be centralized
or de-centralized. [9], [10] Island Operation

During island operation, for example LV microgrid, high fault currents from the utility grid are
not present. Also, most of the DER units that are connected to LV microgrids will likely be
converter interfaced and have limited fault current feeding capabilities. Due to that, during
microgrid island operation, conventional distribution system protection schemes which as-
sume a single path for the fault current and a high fault current level when compared to the
load current, could be less efficient and may have slower fault clearing time, be less sensi-
tive as well as perform a less selective operation. This means that the system reliability is
expected to decrease if the current protections are not adapted. [13] Therefore, traditional
fuse based over-current protection with a single setting group will not be able to guarantee
selective tripping for all type of faults that can occur. Due to that, the traditional protection of
LV network will not be applicable for LV microgrids and therefore new adaptive protection

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system must be developed. However, the adaptive LV microgrid protection system must be
economically feasible and therefore cannot be too complex [14]. [15]

Microgrid protection must respond to both utility grid and microgrid faults. During utility grid
faults, protection isolates the microgrid from the utility grid as rapidly as necessary to protect
the microgrid loads (Figure 6-5). For faults during island operation, the protection isolates the
smallest possible section of the radial feeder to eliminate the fault. After isolation from the
utility grid (Figure 6-5), local generators are the only fault current sources in the electric is-
land and the fault current level depends on the types, sizes and locations of DER; but it is
generally lower than the fault current from the utility grid. [16]

Figure 6-5. Microgrid protection isolates the microgrid from the utility grid as rapidly as necessary to
protect the microgrid loads. [16]

In the development of the new protection scheme for microgrids, several issues must be
considered, for example

• The number of protection zones in microgrid,

• Speed requirements for microgrid protection in different operational states and con-
figurations and
• Protection principles for parallel and island operation of the microgrid. [15]

In addition, the developed protection scheme for microgrid must be supported by the tech-
nical choices made in the microgrid operation and control issues. Some of the key issues
related to the LV microgrid protection are briefly reviewed based in [17] from which more
detailed information can be found. The size and number of microgrid protection zones will
define the needed amount of protective devices (PDs) for microgrid protection. The size of
microgrid protection zone must be such that it fulfils the requirements of customers and at
the same time is economically feasible. [15]

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There are some fundamental structural choices that will determine the speed requirements
and operation principles of LV microgrid protection and conversely these speed require-
ments will define certain structural choices needed to fulfill the speed requirements. There
are two main reasons for speed requirements of LV microgrid protection: stability and cus-
tomer sensitivity. Stability needs to be maintained after sudden changes i.e. after islanding
due to fault in MV network during parallel operation with utility grid or after fault in LV mi-
crogrid during island operation. One essential issue related to operation principles of LV mi-
crogrid protection is control of converter based DER units during faults. It should be compat-
ible with the proposed microgrid protection system. [15]

As stated by [18], the protection issues for microgrids cannot be properly resolved without a
thorough understanding of microgrid dynamics before, during and after islanding. Specifically
directly connected rotating machines are very sensitive to lose stability in voltage dips
caused by faults in island operated microgrid and so they may jeopardize the stability of the
whole microgrid. For that reason, if there are directly connected rotating machines connect-
ed, protection should operate in islanded microgrid rapidly for every kind of fault and e.g. if
microgrid customers have fuses with high rated currents, there is a risk that customer protec-
tion may operate too slowly in island operation due to low fault currents, which in turn may
cause instability in island operated microgrid after fault clearance. [15]

In cases where overcurrent based protection is utilized during island operation, protection
and control functions of IEDs in microgrid may need real-time information about network
topology, the status of DER units (on or off), state of charge of storage systems, and also
number and size of loads connected to the microgrid. These conditions have to be updated
and checked continuously in order to guarantee that protection settings are suitable for cur-
rent configuration [14]. [15]

Based on the above and as mentioned in [18], the high-speed operation of the protection
devices is very crucial for reliable operation of the microgrid protection system. Utilization of
high-speed telecommunication is expected to be an essential part of future smart grid pro-
tection system to achieve fast and selective protection both in grid connected and islanded
modes of operation. The same communication protocols and standards used in HV / MV
network can be applied directly to the LV microgrids. However, due to the smaller scale of
LV microgrid‘s, the costs of protection devices must also be lower than the cost of devices
used in the HV/MV network. [15]

One important issue, which is required to enable stable transition from normal grid connect-
ed operation to island operation, is coordination of IED protection settings with DER unit FRT
requirements (especially low-voltage-ride-through, LVRT). To prevent unnecessary tripping,
faulty lines should be disconnected first by the protection system and only after that should
the DER units be disconnected according to their FRT / LVRT profile. Fast operation of pro-
tection is required and emphasized if there are several protection zones. To achieve this
communication based protection methods and schemes are often required to ensure selec-
tive operation [19]. Some further discussion about issues related to protection of microgrids
can be also found in [13], [15], [20]-[24].

Neutral Earthing in MV microgrids

While protecting MV microgrids, issues related to earthing / neutral grounding method must
also be considered. For example, from the MV feeder IEDs earth-fault protection perspective

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it is essential that their settings and protection principles can also adapt to changes in MV
network earthing method e.g. when changing from centrally compensated utility grid con-
nected operation to isolated island operation. [9], [10]

DER Unit Fault Behavior and Effect on Protection Scheme during Island Operation
It is also important to ensure that the behavior required from DER units, including fault-ride-
through needs, during faults in microgrid is compatible with the developed LV microgrid pro-
tection system. In other words this means that when protection of island operated microgrid
is designed one of the most important questions to be resolved is how converter based DER
units will contribute to the fault current feeding. [15], [25]

Usually control mode change of one or more DER units connected to the distribution network
is required after changing from normal to island operation. Traditionally this means that un-
der normal operation DER unit is in active(P)/reactive(Q) power control and after islanding
the control mode is change to voltage(U)/frequency(f) control (or voltage/speed control).
However, control schemes which do not require changing after transition to / from island
operation have also been proposed. For example in [24], an enhanced control strategy was
proposed which improves the performance of a DER unit under network faults and transient
disturbances, in a multi-unit microgrid setting. The proposed control strategy does not re-
quire the detection of the mode of operation and switching between different controllers (for
grid-connected and islanded) modes, and it enables the adopted DER units to ride through
network faults, irrespective of whether they take place within the host microgrid or impact the
upstream grid. [24]

From the island operated LV microgrid protection point of view, it is essential to know how
converter based DER units will contribute to the fault current. Grid codes and standards for
smart grids with island operation capability are necessary for the development of future
smart grids protection solutions to reduce complexity and to avoid the need for too many
case specific alternatives. [15], [25]

6.2.2 Example Case of CIGRE / CIRED JWG – Protection Needed for Successful
Transition to Intended Island Operation
In following, the same example case of this CIGRE/CIRED JWG presented in Chapter 5
(Figure 5-1) has been used to define the protection needs (functions, time selectivity) when
intentional island operation and especially successful transition to island operation is consid-

From island operation perspective (in addition to grid code FRT requirements from DG units
during normal grid connected operation) it is required that the wind farm (green) as well as
DER  and  have sufficient FRT capabilities. Figure 6-6 shows possible intended islands
and MV feeder short-circuit protection at CB1-CB4 (Figure 6-6) which is assumed to be di-
rectional like the earth-fault protection. In the following, the time selectivity issues (Figure 6-
7) are discussed, with different fault scenarios (faults A-E in Figure 6-6), regarding success-
ful transition to island operation.

In Figure 6-7 protection time selectivity issues, general time delay setting principles and the
role of high-speed communication when a) islanding is not allowed and b) islanding is possi-
ble are shown. Figure 6-7 also illustrates the role of high-speed communication based inter-
lockings/blockings (as well as transfer trip based islanding detection) in reliable and selective

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operation of future distribution networks with multiple consecutive protection zones and the
possibility for intended island operation.

In Figures 6-6 and 6-7 the idea is that the possible operation principles of directional short-
circuit protection in forward direction can be

1) Directional overcurrent protection with fixed time delay (and high-stage / low-stage
2) Distance protection with fixed time delay (in forward direction)

Similarly in Figures 6-6 and 6-7 the possible operation principles of directional protection in
reverse direction (for intentional islanding) can be

1) Undervoltage with fixed time delay (and high-stage / low-stage settings) AND current
direction detection in reverse direction. Function pick-up/start is only based on un-
dervoltage (i.e. not in overcurrent, because fault current levels of inverter-based DER
units can be fairly low as discussed in previous chapters)
2) Distance protection with fixed time delay (in reverse direction)

From Figures 6-6 and 6-7 it can be seen that selectivity problems can be possible if commu-
nication based interlockings/blocking for example are NOT used (Figure 6-7a)), because
coordination between LVRT curve of DER units (defined by grid codes) and required time
differences between CB2 and CB3 in forward direction may be hard to be achieve. This nat-
urally depends from the number of consecutive protection zones and the allowed time differ-
ence between operation time delays of CB2 and CB3.

Transition to intentional island operation IS only possible (Figure 6-7b)) if active and reactive
power unbalance at CB1, CB2, CB3 or CB4 is small enough (or enough, rapidly controllable
active and reactive power units exist in the possible island (1.-4.b in Figure 6-6). before pro-
tection start/operation of CB1-CB4 in reverse direction). If this is not the case transition to
island operation should not be allowed. Here it is worth mentioning that the new grid codes
(like forthcoming ENTSO-E Network Code RfG) enable / support transition to intentional is-
land operation because of P/f-droop control requirements of DER units during overfrequency
situations (underfrequency based load shedding schemes could have similar kind of effect)
and possibly also due to voltage control (Q/U-control) requirements.

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Figure 6-6. Possible intended islands 1.-4.b (see also Figure 6-7).

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Figure 6-7. Protection time selectivity issues, setting principles and the role of high-speed communica-
tion when a) islanding is NOT allowed and b) islanding IS possible (see also Figure 6-6).

In the above discussion and in Figure 6-7, only short-circuit protection has been considered,
but naturally also earth-fault protection principles and settings have to be proper during both
normal and island operation. Therefore it should be noted here that after opening CB 2, CB 3

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or CB 4, the MV network neutral earthing method may change e.g. from compensated to
isolated and MV feeder IEDs earth-fault protection settings and protection principles also
needs to adapt to these changes.

In the following, the protection operation principles during different faults A-E in the example
network shown in Figure 6-6 are described. It is also assumed that high-speed communica-
tion is assumed to be available/possible and islanding IS possible (Figure 6-7b) 2. Time se-
lectivity (with communication) if power generation / consumption are close to each other be-
hind the possible island connection point CB.

In case of fault A in Figure 6-6 (see also Figure 6-7):

- CB1 will operate in reverse direction and disconnect the LV microgrid intentionally
from the utility network
o If active and reactive power unbalance at CB1 is small enough (i.e. stable
transition to island operation is possible) as stated above
o CB1 could also sent signal to LV microgrid DER units to change their control
mode etc. after operation
- CB 2 will operate in forward direction
o CB 2 sends simultaneously interlocking signal to CB 3 (and CB4) to prevent
their false operation and
o CB2 can also send communication based transfer trip (faulty island) discon-
nection signal to DER unit 
Wind farm and DER unit  will remain connected according to LVRT curve of DER units
(Figure 6-7).

In case of fault B in Figure 6-6 (see also Figure 6-7):

- CB1 will operate in reverse direction and disconnect the LV microgrid intentionally
from the utility network
o If active and reactive power unbalance at CB1 is small enough
o CB1 could also sent signal to LV microgrid DER units to change their control
mode etc. after operation
- CB2 may also operate in reverse direction and disconnect part of the MV feeder in-
tentionally from the utility network to island operation
o If active and reactive power unbalance at CB2 is small enough
o CB2 could also sent signal to DER unit  to change control mode etc. after
- CB 3 will operate in forward direction
o CB 3 sends simultaneously interlocking signal to CB 4 to prevent false opera-
tion and
o CB3 can also send communication based transfer trip (faulty island) discon-
nection signal to DER unit 
Wind farm will remain connected according to LVRT curve (Figure 6-7).

In case of fault C in Figure 6-6 (see also Figure 6-7):

- MV busbar fault
- CB1 will operate in reverse direction and disconnect the LV microgrid intentionally
from the utility network
o If active and reactive power unbalance at CB1 is small enough

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o CB1 could also sent signal to LV microgrid DER units to change their control
mode etc. after operation
- CB2 may also operate in reverse direction and disconnect part of the MV feeder in-
tentionally from the utility network to island operation
o If active and reactive power unbalance at CB2 is small enough
o CB2 could also sent signal to DER unit  to change control mode etc. after
- CB3 may also operate in reverse direction and disconnect either part of the MV feed-
er (beginning of the feeder, 3. in Figure 6-6) OR whole MV feeder (2.&3. in Figure 6-
6) to island operation
o Depending on the active and reactive power unbalance at CB3 and CB2
o Co-ordination with islanding of part of MV feeder by opening CB2 may be
o CB3 could also sent signal to DER unit  (AND/OR DER unit  depending
on the power balance situation) to change control mode etc. or to disconnect
- CB 4 will operate in forward direction
Wind farm will be disconnected according to LVRT curve (Figure 6-7). Also directional short-
circuit protection in reverse direction could be included in CB 3c in order to disconnect the
wind farm more rapidly in case of busbar faults like fault C (Figure 6-6). However, in case of
upstream faults (like fault E and F in Figure 6-6) this reverse direction protection at CB 3c
should be blocked by communication to enable fault-ride-trough support from wind farm ac-
cording to grid codes (e.g. LVRT curve).

In case of fault D in Figure 6-6 (see also Figure 6-7):

- Parallel MV feeder fault

- CB3b will operate in forward direction (Figure 6-6) and simultaneously send interlock-
ing signal to other CBs (e.g. ) to avoid unnecessary islandings and to ensure selectiv-
DER units  and  as well as wind farm will remain connected according to LVRT curve
(Figure 6-7).

In case of fault E in Figure 6-6 (see also Figure 6-7):

- HV/MV transformer fault => intentional islanding can take place

o Possible indication about intentional islanding possibility from HV/MV trans-
former protection IED to MV feeder IEDs
- CB1 will operate in reverse direction and disconnect the LV microgrid intentionally
from the utility network
o If active and reactive power unbalance at CB1 is small enough
o CB1 could also sent signal to LV microgrid DER units to change their control
mode etc. after operation
- CB2 may also operate in reverse direction and disconnect part of the MV feeder in-
tentionally from the utility network to island operation
o If active and reactive power unbalance at CB2 is small enough
o CB2 could also sent signal to DER unit  to change control mode etc.
- CB3 may also operate in reverse direction and disconnect either part of the MV feed-
er (beginning of the feeder, 3. in Figure 6-6) OR whole MV feeder (2.&3. in Figure 6-
6) to island operation
o Depending on the active and reactive power unbalance at CB3 and CB2
o Co-ordination with islanding of part of MV feeder by opening CB2 may be
o CB3 could also sent signal to DG unit  (AND/OR DER unit  depending on
the power balance situation) to change control mode etc. or to disconnect

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- Alternatively CB4 may also operate in reverse direction and disconnect
1) All MV feeders (4.b in Figure 6-6) to island operation
2) Some of the MV feeders (e.g. (4.a in Figure 6-6)) to island operation
 Simultaneously disconnection signal from CB4 is sent to MV feeder
CBs (e.g. (CB3c in Figure 6-6)) which cannot be included into int. is-
 Wind farm remains connected according to LVRT curve (Figure 6-7)
unless disconnection signal to CB3c (Figure 6-6) is sent by CB4
o This intentional island scheme is a bit more complex due to increased number
of possible island sizes
o Size of the island depends on the active and reactive power unbalance at
CB4, CB3 and CB2 and
 Needs (central) co-ordination with islanding of part of or whole MV
feeder by opening CB3 or CB2
 Signals to DER unit  and  to change control mode etc. after opera-
tion or to disconnect will be sent based on the planned island size
(which depends from the power balance situation before fault C)

In case of fault F in Figure 6-6 (see also Figure 6-7):

- HV network fault => intentional islanding should not take place, MV and LV network
connected DER units should ride-through HV network faults and possibly also sup-
port HV network according to grid code requirements (for example by reactive power
o Possible indication about HV network fault could be sent from HV/MV trans-
former protection IED to MV feeder IEDs to indicate that in this case inten-
tional islanding is not possible/allowed
 Instead FRT and HV network support of DER units is preferred
o However, if very sensitive customers (sensitive to voltage dips) are connected
to MV or LV network then similar actions could take place as described above
for fault

6.2.3 Protection Schemes for Intentional Island Operation

Several solutions have been proposed for the protection of intentional island operated mi-
crogrids in current literature. Some of the solutions are discussed in the following sections. Directional Overcurrent or Symmetrical Components based Schemes

Directional overcurrent protection can be used to protect the distribution system with bi-
directional current flow. One problem with the overcurrent protection is that faults closer to
the source might take a longer time to clear. However, this problem can be overcome with
the modern microprocessor-based devices, by having shorter coordination margin, and in-
stantaneous over-current protection. Still, there could be protection co-ordination issues be-
cause of changing fault current due to DER or change in network configuration. An advance
solution could be adaptive directional over-current protection based on the status of the gen-
erators and networks’ topology.

Adaptive Directional Overcurrent Protection

In adaptive protection, relays still carry out the protection function using local measurements.
However, their settings are updated locally or remotely via communication links. Apart from
the additional voltage transformer (VT) and microprocessor based relays, this scheme may
also require a central controller and a communication link to the relays; but this communica-
tion doesn’t need to be very fast nor very reliable.

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In the solution of [26], relays detect the islanding condition themselves and reconfigure their
neighbors if they detect a topology change [13]. Paper [26] proposes the use of adaptive
protection, using local information, to overcome the challenges of the overcurrent protection
in distribution systems with distributed generation. The trip characteristics of the relays are
updated by detecting operating states (grid connected or island) and the faulted section. The
paper also proposes faulted section detection using time overcurrent characteristics of the
protective relays. [26]

The adaptive feature was also proposed in [14] for the protection of microgrids; where direc-
tional overcurrent relays are reconfigured by a remote central unit in case of grid separation
(islanding) or grid reconnection to consider for the change of short-circuit level. The central
unit is constantly aware of the network topology and the connected generators. [13]

Paper [27] has also presented an adaptive protection scheme for distribution networks that
include large number of DER and are able to dynamically change configuration. Based on
the real-time analysis of the current state of the distribution system, it adjusts the active set-
ting groups of the field protection devices according to the changes in the network topology.
A centralized controller installed at the substation with IEC 61850 based communications is
used for data integration from the medium voltage feeder and DER IEDs and performs the
control function. The decision to modify the settings is made based on the logic programmed
into this controller (substation computer or RTU) with IEC 61131-3 compatible programming
languages. [27]

The adaptive protection scheme presented in paper [27] together with microgrid control sys-
tem has also been developed and adapted for a real demonstration at Hailuoto island in Fin-
land. [28]

As a result of the different proposals, it has been concluded in [29] that the main challenges
with regard to a possible implementation of an adaptive protection system may be:

- The need for communication infrastructure

- The need for prior knowledge of all possible microgrid configurations
- The possible necessity to update or upgrade many protection devices (fuses, etc.)
that are currently used in the existing power system (especially on LV network)

Current Symmetrical Components

Protection scheme proposals based on current symmetrical components try to enhance the
performance of traditional overcurrent protection [29].

For example, in [30], a possible solution for fault detection in islanded microgrids based on
current symmetrical components has been presented. It proposes to use zero-sequence
current detection in the event of an upstream phase-to-earth fault (coordinated with unbal-
anced loads) and negative sequence current for phase-to-phase faults. [29]

In [31], a pilot instantaneous overcurrent protection scheme has been briefly described,
based on two routines, which can perform instantaneous protection for local line and remote
bus-bar, regardless of the DER location. In [32], a communication assisted protection selec-
tivity strategy with three structural levels has been proposed, to be applied with voltage-
restrained directional overcurrent protection [29].

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Paper [33] has proposed a strategy for protection in LV microgrids based on microprocessor-
based overcurrent relays and directional elements, which is stated to be adequate for both
modes of operation (grid-connected and islanded) and it should not require communications
and it is independent of the fault current magnitude. [29] Distance Protection

Distance protection uses admittance or impedance measurements in order to detect the fault
and trip adequately. In reference [34], it has been stated that distance protection seems to
be a potential protection scheme for island operated MV networks. On the other hand, pa-
pers [35] and [36] as well as reference [37] have proposed using an admittance relay with
inverse time tripping characteristics (Inverse Time Admittance, ITA), capable of detecting
faults in both grid-connected and islanded operation modes. Apart from adding inverse time
characteristics to each zone of protection, it also has the ability to isolate the faults occurring
at either side of the protected circuit, since it can also operate for reverse faults. However,
the reach settings should be different for forward and reverse faults. [29], [34]

In paper [19], comparison between directional overcurrent and distance protection has been
simulated considering 3-phase short-circuit faults only. The simulations showed that distance
protection is able to selectively distinguish between faults in the MV and LV networks. Fur-
ther, based on the simulations and the analysis, it was stated that overcurrent protection
cannot be used if fault current levels within the island are close to the maximum load current.
Therefore, distance protection may be suitable to be used in island operation. However,
when the scope is expanded to cover also two phase and possibly also earth faults the via-
bility of distance protection must be further studied [19] Voltage based Protection Schemes

Due to lack of high fault currents, it has been proposed by [38] and [39] that voltages could
be used for protection of an islanded microgrid. For example paper [39] proposed a method
which was based on a voltage measurement comparison: the location where the lowest volt-
age level is measured is tripped [13]. However, it is difficult to realize selective microgrid
protection during island operation with voltage or current relays alone [40]. [15]

In [41] the same authors as in [39] also proposed to utilize the total harmonic distortion
(THD) of voltage to improve the protection system in microgrids with inverter-interfaced DER
units, for ground faults. After identifying the type of fault by monitoring the variation of the
fundamental frequency (50 Hz), the voltage THD of different feeder relays was analyzed in
order to determine the faulted zone. [29]

In order to avoid the difficulty of the previous methods associated with detecting the oscilla-
tion waveform of the voltage variation, instead of using the voltage magnitude, [42] propose
to use only voltage positive sequence. In [43], it has been claimed that a distinction among
the three fault types can be made only considering the positive/direct and negative/inverse
sequence voltage components, without using the zero sequence / homopolar information.
Reference [44] proposed a very similar approach by determining the fault occurrence and
the fault zone, based on a busbar voltage measurement and its subsequent transformation
from abc coordinates to dq coordinates. [29]

In [45], the reduction in system voltage has been also used to implement the under-voltage
back-up protection scheme for current differential protection.

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Main problems with voltage-based methodologies during island operation, based on [29],

- Minor differences in voltage drop among the relays located at both ends of short lines
lead to protection operation failures, due to reduction of the voltage gradient
- Problems with practical application of some of these methodologies, as well as with
possibly needed communication infrastructure, when high number of DER units are
- Methods may be strongly dependent on the network architecture and on the defini-
tion of “protection zone” for the relay associated with each generator
- Problems in detection of high impedance faults. Current Differential

In [45], it was stated that the current differential protection was chosen for the microgrid
(Figure 6-8). It is not sensitive to bi-directional power flow, changing fault current level and
the number of DER connections. It was also stated that current differential protection pro-
vides the required protection for both grid connected and islanded modes of operation and
the protection is not affected by a weak infeed where it can detect internal faults even with-
out having any DER connected [45].

The use of differential protection for microgrids with low fault current level has been sug-
gested also in [23], [46], [47], [48] and [49] to protect inverter-dominated microgrids. Howev-
er, differential protection might be expensive since protective devices must be placed on
every line segment of the network. Therefore [49] proposes to form protection zones consist-
ing of several line segments [13].

Figure 6-8. Schematic diagram of the microgrid from [45]

In addition, here it is worth mentioning that the topology of the sample network i.e. schematic
diagram in [45] (Figure 6-8) is chosen to be very well suited for differential protection also
during island operation. In general, current differential protection is not very well suitable for
protection of islanded part of distribution network having radial topology and many protection
zones (i.e. for protection of ‘last’ protection zones with open end / CB).

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ici. Protection Schemes based on Combination of both Voltage and Directional
Overcurrent Functions
In [43], a microgrid protection strategy based on voltage and current measurements was
proposed in addition to a voltage based protection scheme. Also in [50] as well as in [51], the
use of voltage measurement based fault detection has been considered and a potential solu-
tion for small micro-grids is presented in the form of voltage controlled overcurrent devices to
enable the use of lower current threshold settings.

In addition, in references [15], [17], [20], [21] and [34] microgrid protection schemes based
on use of both voltage and directional overcurrent are analyzed. However, these schemes
are based on utilization of high-speed communication for interlocking / blocking purposes to
ensure selective operation of protection during island operation. In the following these pro-
posed schemes for LV and MV microgrids are presented.

LV microgrids
Different kind of protection methods and principles for microgrids has been proposed. One
problem in some of the proposed solutions for LV microgrid protection is that their applicabil-
ity is limited to microgrids with only converter connected DG units. Therefore, these solutions
may overlook others e.g. requirements on operational speed of protection to maintain stabil-
ity of LV microgrid with directly connected rotating machines after fault clearance.

According to [15] key fundamental properties required from the future LV microgrid protec-
tion systems include,

i) Adaptivity,
ii) Utilization of fast standard based communication (IEC 61850),
iii) Fast operation in deep voltage dips due to faults to maintain stability in healthy
part of LV microgrid,
iv) Fast operation to fulfill needs of very sensitive customers,
v) Selective operation in every kind of faults and
vi) Unnecessary operation of PDs and disconnection of DER units must be avoided.

In the following, two different proposed protection schemes for LV microgrids based on utili-
zation of both voltage and current (with direction detection) are shortly presented and more
details can be found from the references. The main difference of the proposed protection
schemes is that the first one (Proposed Scheme 1) relies on extensive use of high-speed
communication and the other (Proposed Scheme 2) is not based on use of communication.

Proposed Scheme 1
In references [15], [17], [20] and [21] the following scheme for protection of LV microgrids
has been proposed.

The main structural choices of the proposed LV microgrid protection system are summarized
in Figure 6-9. In Figure 6-9, type of protection devices (PD 1-4) chosen are presented. Here
it should be mentioned that when measurements from active and reactive power flow be-
tween utility grid and LV microgrid are needed during normal operation, also current meas-
urements needs to be included in PD 1 (Figure 6-9). However, from the proposed protection
system point of view the current measurements at PD 1 were not necessarily needed. Prop-
erties of the examined LV microgrid e.g. type, number and location of fault current feeding

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DER units made it difficult to realize selective protection for PD 2s during island operation
which is only based on current or voltage relays. Therefore, protection algorithm of PD 2s
during island operation of LV microgrid was chosen to be multi-criteria based where both
voltage and current measurements has been utilized (Figure 6-9). In addition, the protection
algorithm of PD 2s should be able to adapt to the current network configuration as well as to
the states of the DER units during island operation (Figure 6-9). In practice a microgrid man-
agement system (MMS) could be used to change settings and pick up limits of protection
devices (PD 2s) when microgrid configuration changes.

Figure 6-9. Number of protection zones and type of protection devices (PD 1-4) needed in normal and
island operation of LV microgrid. [15], [17], [20] and [21]

After LV microgrid transition from normal to island operation, MMS will send state changed
signal from normal to island operation to different PDs of the microgrid to adapt to the
changed microgrid configuration (Figure 6-9). PD 1 is changed to be ready for future syn-
chronized re-connection back to utility grid and the re-synchronization requires that phase
voltages are measured from both sides of PD 1. Protection settings of PD 2s are changed to
the ones needed in island operation. To avoid malfunction of PD 2s, the protection settings
of PD 2s are not changed from normal to island operation settings before all possible transi-
ents and oscillations in voltages, currents and frequency are stabilized after transition to is-

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land operation. MMS will also send state changed from island to normal operation signals to
PD 2s and PD 4s after successful re-connection back to utility grid (Figure 6-9).

Role of MMS is also important in power balance management of island operated microgrid
e.g. after fault F2 at LV feeder, MMS must immediately send, after operation of LV feeder
protection (PD 2), new set point values for those DER units that are still connected at the
healthy part of the microgrid or disconnection signal to some less critical customer loads.

During islanded operation of a microgrid, possible oscillations due to sudden changes in the
microgrid configuration need to be taken into account for the protection concept to achieve
selective protection and to avoid unnecessary tripping of protection. This could be done by
using communication based interlocking signals.

Fast real-time communication is needed for microgrid protection purposes between protec-
tion devices (PD 1 and 2) and also with master unit and DER units during microgrid island
operation. In addition MMS needs to be able to communicate in real-time with all these mi-
crogrid components as well as with customer loads. Communication should be based on
common standard like IEC 61850. Active microgrid components in the PCC of microgrid (PD
1, master unit and MMS) are also responsible for synchronized re-connection of the mi-
crogrid back to utility grid (Figure 6-9).

More information for example about the functions needed for LV microgrid protection in the
proposed scheme as well as details about the operation curves of PDs in the proposed LV
microgrid protection system during normal and island operation can be found from [15], [17].

Proposed Scheme 2
In [24] and [52], strategies for the coordination of protective devices, in typical radial distribu-
tion networks with DER, were proposed. Expanding on the idea presented in [24], in [33] and
[52] protection strategies based on microprocessor based relays for low-voltage microgrids
has been proposed. One of the salient features of this protection scheme is that it does not
require communications or adaptive protective devices. In addition, it is stated in [33] that the
proposed scheme is to a large extent independent of the fault current magnitude, the mi-
crogrid operational mode, and the type and size of the DER, subject to the modified relay
setting for the grid-connected mode of operation. [24]

MV microgrids
In [24] and [53], communication-assisted protection strategies have been proposed, which
should be implementable by commercially available microprocessor-based relays, for protec-
tion of inverter-based medium-voltage microgrids. Proposed scheme also includes a backup
protection strategy to manage communication network failures. In [24] it is also stated that
the proposed protection strategy is independent of the fault current levels; type, size, and
location of the DERs; and the operational mode of the microgrid. [24] Protection of Meshed Microgrids

In [54], another protection strategy has been considered to provide the appropriate protec-
tion for meshed microgrids. An inverse time admittance relay is presented to detect and iso-
late faults in both grid connected and islanded operation of a meshed microgrid. These re-
lays do not require any communication overlay in the microgrid. Moreover, current differen-
tial protection scheme is proposed for a meshed microgrid using communication channels. It

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has been shown that the current differential protection can provide selectivity and high level
of sensitivity for internal faults while discriminating from the external faults effectively. The
speed of the communication and the data synchronization between the local and remote
relay are very important in current differential applications. However, with the use of modern
digital communication systems, a reliable and a secure protection scheme can be provided
for a meshed microgrid. [54]

6.2.4 Protection During Island Operation - Options

Based on above

- Selectivity with LV network faults must be ensured during MV network island opera-
tion and therefore (in addition to selection of pick-up limit different from high load cur-
rent) traditional directional overcurrent based schemes are more difficult to apply dur-
ing island operation with more than one / multiple protection zones in the island op-
erated MV network
- Probably the most suitable protection schemes during island operation, especially
with inverter-based DER units having low short-circuit current contribution, are im-
pedance/admittance based schemes or schemes based on both voltage and current

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7 Summary and outlook

Penetration of DER in utilities around the world has steadily increased and is expected to
increase further. Existing distribution systems have generally been designed for unidirec-
tional power flow, and feeders are opened and locked out for any fault within. However, this
practice may lead to loss of significant generation in the future where each feeder in the sys-
tem may have significant DER penetration. Also, utilities have started looking into islanding
operation of distribution systems with DER as a way to improve the reliability of the power
supply. However, the difference between short circuit levels when the distribution system is
connected to the grid and while it is islanded, can be substantial. This may result in malfunc-
tion of the overcurrent protection or other protection schemes. In addition, the plug and play
DER will continuously change the short circuit level and may also have an impact on the
protection schemes. Furthermore, the short circuit power contribution varies with DER tech-
nology. Wind turbines contribute less current when their internal protection (crowbar protec-
tion) is activated and power electronic interfaced DER do not contribute as much fault cur-
rent as conventional synchronous generation.

CIGRE TB421 “The impact of Renewable Energy Sources and Distributed Generation on
Substation Protection and Automation”, established by WG B5.34 served as entry document
for the work on this report. The joint working group aligned content and scope, the network
structures to be considered, possible islanding, standardized communication and adaptive
protection, interface protection, connection schemes and protection concepts and future
trends accordingly, even if the scope was quite different (distribution networks instead of
transmission networks in WG B5.34).

There are some differences in protection relevant characteristics of DER compared to “con-
ventional” energy resources and the possible impact on current and future protection

Generally, the short circuit current contribution of distributed energy resources differs from
“conventional” energy resources in three ways: First, the location of DER is different, i.e.
distributed rather than central. Short circuit contribution of DER comes from directions not
necessarily considered in conventional protection schemes. Second, many DER are not
synchronous or asynchronous machines directly connected to the grid, but coupled via in-
verters. The magnitude of the short circuit current of these inverters is usually limited to val-
ues not much higher than the nominal current to protect the inverter itself. Accordingly, the
short circuit capacity of grids dominated by inverter short circuit current sources is signifi-
cantly lower than from rotating machines. Third, this lower short circuit contribution is also
connected to a different time characteristic of the short circuit current. While rotating ma-
chines behave like a voltage source under short circuit conditions, inverters act more like a
current source limited to nominal current, and the time characteristic of the current deter-
mined by the control scheme of the inverter.

Additionally, the capability to operate during and after faults in the system has been less of a
requirement for DG – to the contrary, it was and is often required from DER to disconnect
under faulty grid conditions so that the well-established protection schemes can be main-
tained. However, with a growing number of DER and an increasing importance of DER to

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provide short circuit capacity both during and after the fault, the FRT capability is of major
concern, and fault contribution of DER may not be neglected any more.

There are various similarities and differences of the current practices of distribution system
protection. This report focused on the main reasons for disparities (e.g. network structure,
national legislation or neutral treatment) and typical protection function for busbar, feeder or
DER protection. Moreover an overview of the individual protection function of different coun-
tries is given in a tabular listing.

Relay protection of DER today is based on standard non-directional over-current protection

in most countries. Under-voltage and/or under/over frequency protection is used to decouple
DER in case of feeder faults. Directional over-current relays are sometimes used for phase-
faults, but are mainly used for ground faults.

The over-current protections schemes of the feeders with DER have starting currents in the
range 1,2- 1,67 of rated feeder currents. Coordination times of 0,3 seconds are typical. Dis-
tance protection (with over-current start) is used in Germany, Spain and Austria, and rec-
ommended in Norway. Directional over-current relays are used in Denmark and Romania as
alternative solutions.

The DER decoupling protection is primarily composed of under/over voltage and under/over
frequency relays. The settings vary significantly and depend also on the DER ratings and
fault-ride-through requirements. Instantaneous under-voltage protection (U/t<<) in the range
of 0,2-0,8 pu referred to the voltage at the point of common coupling is reported.

The principle structure of the “distribution system” which is covered by this working group
has been defined as follows: private grids are connected in different ways to a typical medi-
um voltage outgoing feeder of a substation for public supply.

By means of this defined structure the current practice in case of a fault is discussed. The
interaction between overcurrent/time-protection and the decoupling protection (consisting of
over-/under-voltage and over-/under-frequency-protection) is shown for different fault loca-

An important question is the source of the short circuit current in such structures: it can be
assumed that its main part, which is able to start the protection devices, is coming from the
grid. Depending on the contribution of the short circuit current of the DER it can be possible
that a micro grid with DER will disconnect selectively because of the overcurrent/time-
protection. However, in any case it is common usage that the disconnection of DER will ap-
pear by means of the decoupling protection.

One further aspect is the neutral treatment of the grid. Under normal operation the grid
works with its designated neutral treatment. Depending of the fault location it can happen
that remaining parts of the grid will lose their original neutral treatment. In these cases it is
necessary to adapt the setting of the protection devices according to the “new” neutral
treatment. In other words: the borders of the remaining grid are determined because of its
neutral treatment.

One of the most important changes caused by the massive integration of DER into the Dis-
tribution network is the bi-directionality of fault current (if existing sufficiently). This implies

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the need to develop more complex protection schemes on the Distribution Network, able to
deal with the different fault current situations.

The high penetration of DER is also changing the design paradigm of the Medium Voltage
networks. Initially the direction of the active power was from the high to the low voltage level,
but due to the increasing generation connected to the medium voltage (low voltage) network,
this assumption is no longer true.

New issues are arising concerning the new scenarios. One of them is that of “unintentional
islanding”. “Unintentional (or uncontrolled) islanding” happens when a portion of the distribu-
tion network with a relevant DER is disconnected from the rest of the network. In such case,
voltage problems arise and frequency is no more synchronous with the frequency in the
transmission network.

Depending on the power flow conditions, there are two different levels for the uncontrolled
islanding: the first level is at the MV feeder level, the second level is at the HV/MV substation

Different approaches are possible in order to detect a non-controlled islanding. To avoid the
unintentional islanding the protection system must operate very quickly by disconnecting the
generators in a time shorter than the time of the first automatic reclosure.

Each country has defined a set of rules in order to achieve an adequate level of safety and
reliability of the power system. In general the system must provide protections that avoid
unwanted islands by disconnecting the generation units connected to the network portion of
an island as quickly as possible.

Up to now, there is no islanding detection system, especially for low voltage networks, which
is recognized as really efficient and used by all the countries. There are passive and active
techniques to detect an unintentional island; furthermore a communication network can be
used if present.

Future European Grid Codes can have huge impacts on protection schemes, in particular:
enlargement of the frequency range, ability to provide static power regulation depending on
the frequency, definition of specific Fault Ride Through requirements for different kinds of
generation and fast reactive current injection during fault.

The new communication technologies are providing new opportunities for the development
of the Smart Grids. Two technologies are being considered: wired technologies and radio

With the assumption that, in case of islanding, the protection system has to act in the mini-
mum possible time, the appropriate technologies to use on MV networks are Fiber Optic
(currently field tested in France), Copper Pair, VHF/UHF radio (cheap and simple solution for
installation close to the substation) and Public Data service. For LV networks, PLC technolo-
gy (currently field tested in Italy and also used in Spain), Wifi (if the system is cyber secured)
and Public Data service seem to be the most appropriate technologies. However, it is highly
required to use reliable communication media for protection.

Concerning Substation Automation Systems, more and more protection equipment is com-
patible with the new protocol IEC 61850. For instance, both feeder protection and transform-

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er protection are sometimes used by ERDF with IEC 61850 protocol, via gateways connect-
ing each to the supervising network of the substation.

Future distribution network protection, both in MV and LV networks, will meet increasing
amount of challenges due to new grid code requirements, active network management
schemes and intended island operation.

The trend in new grid codes is to require FRT capability from DER units and possibly also
allow island operation. Therefore, reliable islanding detection will be increasingly important in
the future, to be able to make the correct decisions, like for example change the setting
group of IEDs or change the control principles and parameters of DER unit.

Active network management may simultaneously affect the protection settings if for instance
network topology is changed and protection adaptation may be required. On the other hand,
e.g. due to earth-fault in some network location, topology may be changed and it may have
an effect on active network management functionalities such as voltage control or loss mini-
mization. Therefore, dependencies between active network management and protection
functionalities require careful planning and development to create future-proof solutions for
future Smart Grids.

During intended island operation high fault currents from the utility grid are not present. Be-
sides, most of the DER units connected to microgrids will be converter interfaced and have
limited fault current feeding capabilities. Due to that, during intended island operation, con-
ventional distribution network protection schemes cannot guarantee correct operation of pro-
tection in terms of detection time, sensitivity and selectivity.

It is also important to ensure that the behavior required from DER units during faults in island
operated microgrid is compatible with the applied microgrid protection scheme. From the
protection scheme perspective, it is essential to know how the converter based DER units
will contribute to the fault current.

Several schemes have been proposed for protection of intentional island operated mi-
crogrids in current literature. For example schemes that are based on directional overcurrent
or symmetrical components, distance protection, voltage, current differential or combination
of both voltage and directional overcurrent functions.

In general, it can be stated that selectivity with LV network faults must be ensured during MV
network island operation and therefore (in addition to selection of pick-up limit different from
high load current) traditional non-directional overcurrent based schemes are more difficult to
apply during island operation with more than one / multiple protection zones in the island
operated MV network. Probably most suitable protection schemes for intended island opera-
tion, especially with inverter-based DER units having low short-circuit current contribution,
are impedance/admittance based schemes or schemes based on both voltage and current

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8 Bibliography

8.1 Standards

• BDEW - Technical Guideline: Generating Plants Connected to the Medium-Voltage Network

(June 2008)
kVA. ET, 28.2.2012. Available at:
kVA. ET, 16.12.2011. Available at:
• Fingrid: Technical requirements for power plants - VJV2013 (in Finnish, not finally accepted).
Fingrid, 29.4.2013. Available at:
• ENTSO-E: ENTSO-E Network Code for Requirements for Grid Connection Applicable to all
Generators. 8 March 2013, Available at:
• REN 0303 Tekniske funksjonskrav til tilknytnings- og nettleieavtale for innmatingskunder i dis-
tribusjonsnettet, 2011,
• REN 3008 Kraftproduksjon - Krav til vern i nettet ved tilknytning av produksjon, 2010,
• Statnett SF “Funksjonskrav i kraftsystemet (FIKS) - Veileder”, 2012
• P.O. 12.3 Requisitos de respuesta frente a huecos de tensión de las instalaciones eólicas e
instalaciones fotovoltaicas de potencia superior a 2 MW

• R.D. 1699/2011 Conexión a red de instalaciones de producción de energía eléctrica de

pequeña potencia
• R.D. 661/2007 Regulación de la actividad de producción eléctrica en régimen especial

8.2 References and scientific publications

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[6] F. Coffele, M. Dolan, C. Booth, G. Ault, G. Burt, 2012, "Coordination of Protection and Active
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chronous generators”, Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2009, PES ’09, IEEE, pp. 1-
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[60] Dewadasa, M.; Ghosh, A; Ledwich, G., "Protection of microgrids using differential relays,"
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[61] G. Buigues, A. Dyśko, V. Valverde, I. Zamora, and E. Fernández, “Microgrid Protection:
Technical challenges and existing techniques”, International Conference on Renewable Ener-

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gies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’13), Bilbao (Spain), 20-22 March, 2013:'13/262-buigues.pdf .
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voltage phasors,» IEEE Transactions in Power Apparatus and Systems, Local System Fre-
quency, and Rate of Change of Frequency, vol. 102, n° %15, pp. 1025-1038, 1983.
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for Offshore Wind Farms, Lisbon, November 2012.

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Appendix A Country specific protection approaches

A.1 Australia

A.1.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = overcurrent protection

Neutral treatment: Solidly earthed star winding at source substation.

Transformer protection (33/11kV,

main Transformer: 33/11kV, 25MVA
transformer I>> ≈ 1,5·Ir,transformer
33/11kV Differential

Uen Transformer
VT UxE Protection
ILx Device

OFF cmd
substation Busbar protection:
MV Zone interlocked bus blocking
busbar Ifeeder scheme.
OFF cmd
Feeder protection:
ILx I>> ≈ 400A
CT IE>> ≈ 240A
UxE Feeder ISEF>> ≈ 4A (sensitive earth)
VT Uen Protection Normal load: 240A
Device Emergency load: 360A
(tdiscr ≈ 0,4 s for old prot. and CBs,
tdiscr ≈ 0,3 s for new prot. and CBs)

MV / 0.4 kV
for Generator protection:
Generator: 415V/11kV, 1.25MVA
Transformer: Y/Y/D. 11kV star point
unearthed for parallel operation, and
earthed for islanded operation
U>/t 1,15·Uc / 5,0 s
U</t 0,80·Uc / 5,0 s
transfer f>/t 52,0 Hz / 5,0 s
DG Grid
station VT f</t 49,5 Hz / 2,0 s
Device VVS 10deg
for OFF cmd
DG ROCOF 0,2Hz/s, 0,5s
NVD 15%, 7,0s
I>> ≈ 80A
t>> = IEC SI, TMS 0,15
G IE>> ≈ 20A
CT tE>> = IEC SI, TMS 0,20
ISEF>> ≈ 4A
t>> < 10s

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A.1.2 Description
Endeavour Energy operates a 3 wire system sourced from a solidly earthed star winding.
The distribution system voltages are 11kV and 22kV. The transformers are normally in the
range 15MVA to 45MVA and have a primary voltage of 33kV, 66kV or 132kV. There are
normally 2 or 3 transformers, and these are often operated in parallel and result in a busbar
fault level in the range 2kA to 14kA.

At new sites, the busbar is most often protected by a zone interlocked busbar blocking
scheme. At some sites, high impedance or low impedance busbar differential protection is

The distribution feeders are protected by Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) overcurrent,
IDMT earthfault (residual overcurrent) and fixed time sensitive earthfault (residual overcur-
rent) protection systems. At new sites the former 2 are duplicated. Auto reclose is enabled
on all feeders with any overhead component, and is set to single shot at 10 seconds. Many
feeders have line reclosers installed and the recloser utilises the same functions as on the
feeder, but with more recloses (up to 3 shots), and sometimes with an attempt at fuse sav-

Where a feeder has embedded generation which can exceed the zone interlocked busbar
blocking scheme pickup, a directional overcurrent relay needs to be installed to prevent the
generator fault contribution from blocking high speed operation of the busbar blocking
scheme for a busbar fault. Distribution substations are generally protected by fuses on the
HV side which range from 3,15 A to 100 A. Larger 1 MVA or 1,5 MVA distribution substa-
tions are protected by HV side circuit breakers.

Embedded generation is normally connected via a delta winding (on the distribution feeder)
side to ensure that sensitive earthfault protections will not operate spuriously. Embedded
generators which are not capable of matching/supporting the minimum load on the segment
of the feeder (any segmentation following protection device operation) are generally required
to have most of the following protections installed:

• Overcurrent
• Neutral displacement
• Rate of change of frequency
• Voltage vector shift
• Underfrequency
• Overfrequency
• Undervoltage
• Overvoltage

Embedded generators which are capable of matching/supporting the minimum load on the
segment of the feeder (any segmentation following protection device operation) are general-
ly required to have communication systems to the supply substation to ensure that the gen-
erator or generator infeed connection is disconnected from the network whenever the supply
substation circuit breaker opens.

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A.2 Austria

A.2.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = distance protection

Neutral treatment: Petersen Coil earthed, WITHOUT turn-off in case of an earth fault

MV protection of main transformer

main I>> ≈ 1,4·Ir,transformer
transformer Z1: ≈ 0,85·Z1 of smallest outgoing
HV / MV feeder
t1 = 0,4 s
t→ = highest t→ of outgoing feeder +
Itransformer 0,4 s
VT UxE Protection reverse interlocking for busbar protec-
ILx Device tion: t = 0,15 s
Distance protection:
OFF cmd I>> ≈ 1,4·Ir,feeder
substation Z1: ≈ 0,85·Z of next I>/t-prot.
MV t1 = 0,05 s
busbar Ifeeder t→ = t>> of transfer station + tdiscr
OFF cmd (tdiscr ≥ 0,4 s for old prot. and CBs,
tdiscr ≤ 0,3 s for new prot. and CBs)
UxE Protection
VT Uen Device:
core IΣ
U/t- and f/t-protection:
CT U>/t 1,15·Uc / < 0,1 s
U</t 0,70·Uc / 0,7 s
transformer f>/t 51,5 Hz / < 0,1 s
station f</t 47,5 Hz / < 0,1 s
(Uc = voltage at PCC)
MV / 0,4 kV
for I>> ≈ 1,4·Ir,DG
consumers t>> = “0”

station VT
U/t & f/t
OFF cmd
OFF cmd Device

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A.2.2 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = over current / time -protection
Neutral treatment: Petersen Coil earthed, WITHOUT turn-off in case of an earth fault

MV protection of main transformer

main I>> ≈ 1,4·Ir,transformer
transformer Z1: ≈ 0,85·Z1 of smallest outgoing
t1 = 0,4 s
t→ = highest t>> of outgoing feeder +
Itransformer 0,4 s
Uen reverse interlocking for busbar protec-
VT UxE Protection tion: t = 0,15 s
ILx Device
I>> ≈ 1,4·Ir,feeder
OFF cmd
t>> = t>> of transfer station + tdiscr
substation (tdiscr ≥ 0,4 s for old prot. and CBs,
MV tdiscr ≤ 0,3 s for new prot. and CBs)
busbar Ifeeder
OFF cmd

UxE Protection
VT Uen Device:
core IΣ U/t- and f/t-protection:
balance U>/t 1,15·Uc / < 0,1 s
CT U</t 0,70·Uc / 0,7 s
f>/t 51,5 Hz / < 0,1 s
f</t 47,5 Hz / < 0,1 s
transformer (Uc = voltage at PCC)
station I>/t-protection:
MV / 0,4 kV I>> ≈ 1,4·Ir,DG
for t>> = “0”

station VT
MV UxE Device
U/t & f/t
for OFF cmd
OFF cmd

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A.3 China

A.3.1 Protection Scheme for MV Distribution Networks

Neutral treatment: isolated / compensated / low impedance.


MV protection of main trans-
Itransformer Device former:
VT UxE TP I>, 0,3s
ILx I>, 0,6s

OFF cmd
busbar Ifeeder
OFF cmd

CT MV protection of Feeder
UxE Protection (FP):
VT Uen Device: I>>, 0s
FP I>, 0,3s
core IΣ I>, 0,6s
CT IDIFF> or Z<(optional)

MV / 0,4 kV

station VT
Device Interface protection:
IP U>/t 1,15·Uc / < 0,1 s
DG U</t 0,80·UN / 2,0 s
OFF cmd ILx U</t 0,40·UN / 0,2 s
CT f>/t 50,2 Hz / < 0,2 s
G f</t 48,75 Hz / < 0,2 s
Anti-islanding, less than 2s

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A.3.2 Description of protection scheme

A.3.2.1 General
In China, DG is defined as a generation located in the vicinity of the user, which power can
be locally consumed on 10 kV (distribution system voltage) and below (220V/380V) system
that connect to the main grid, and the total installed capacity at individual POINT OF DG
CONNECTION is not more than 6 MW.

A.3.2.2 MV protection of main transformer

Protection functions for a typical transformer (31,5MVA, 38,5±2×2,5% /11KV, Y/ -11)

- Buchholz protection;
- differential protection;
- instantaneous overcurrent protection;
- (voltage controlled) time-delayed overcurrent protection.

For transformer with capacity less than 10MVA, differential protection may not be applied
under the assumption that the sensitivity of overcurrent protection is good enough.

Undervoltage and negative sequence overvoltage control element may be applied on over-
current protection for sensitivity purpose. Typical settings for voltage control element are:
Upp<0,7UN, U2>0,06UN.

MV (10KV) protection of main transformer include two stages (voltage controlled) time-
delayed overcurrent protection, with time delay of 0,3s and 0,6s respectively.

A.3.2.3 MV protection of Feeder

Typically instantaneous overcurrent and time-delayed (directional) overcurrent protection are
equipped on feeder.

Distance or differential protection may be applied for system stability purpose.

A.3.2.4 Interface protection

An interface protection relay shall be installed at the POINT OF DG CONNECTION with the
following functions:

- two stages (directional) overcurrent protection;

- zero sequence overcurrent protection;
- undervoltage and overvoltage protection;
- underfrequency and overfrequency protection;
- anti-islanding protection;
- decoupling.

Anti-islanding protection
For inverter type DG, which operating character determines that they can run continuously
under islanding, anti-islanding protection is essential to prevent islanding and protect the
maintenance staff and primary equipment. Anti-islanding protection shall be able to detect
the islanding state and disconnect DG from main grid quickly when islanding happens. Anti-

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islanding protection shall coordinate with interconnection line protection at main grid side.
The operate time of anti-islanding protection shall not be longer than 2s.

For synchronous or asynchronous generator type DG, which operating character determines
that they cannot run continuously under islanding, anti-islanding protection is not necessary.
While the clearance time of DG shall coordinate with interconnection line protection in order
to prevent asynchronous reclosing. The power system security and stability can be guaran-
teed suppose the fault clearance time coordinates with interconnection line protection.

Voltage protection
The settings of voltage protection for DG shall meet the requirements described in the fol-
lowing table.

Requirements on DG voltage
Voltage on POINT OF DG
U < 50% U N Maximum clearance time shall not exceed 0,2s (0,1s)
50% U N ≤ U < 85% U N Maximum clearance time shall not exceed 2,0s
85% U N ≤ U < 110% U N Run continuously.
110% U N ≤ U < 135% U N Maximum clearance time shall not exceed 2,0s
135% U N ≤ U Maximum clearance time shall not exceed 0,2s (0,05s)
1. UN is the rated voltage point of interconnection
2. Maximum clearance time is the duration from the instant that abnormal condition occurs to
the instant that DG stop outputting.

Typical settings for voltage protection are:

DG type Voltage Level Settings

Inverter type 10kV <0,8UN, 2,0s;
<0,4UN, 0,2s;
>1,30UN, 0,2s
Or coordinate with fault ride-through capabil-
ity of inverter.
Inverter type 220V/380V <0,2UN, 10s; >1,30UN, 0,2s
Synchronous generator type <0,8UN, 0,2s; >1,30UN, 0,2s
Asynchronous generator type <0,2UN, 0,2s; >1,30UN, 0,2s

Frequency protection
The settings of frequency protection for DG shall meet the requirements described in the
following table.

Requirements on DG frequency
Frequency Requirements on fault-through ability
Inverter type DG: according to the lowest frequency permitted by inverter itself,
or requirement of control center.
Synchronous or asynchronous generator type DG: not less than 60s, or shorter
when necessary provided that the power grid stability is ensured.
48Hz-49,5Hz Not less than 10 min

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Run continuously
DG can run at least 2 min and has the capability to reduce active power output
following the command from control center, or stop supplying in 0,2s.
Re-connecting of DG in outage is not permitted.
Stop supplying to main grid in less than 0,2s.
Re-connecting of DG in outage is not permitted.

Typical settings for frequency protection are: >50,2Hz, 0,2s; <48,75Hz, 0,2s.

Reverse power protection

For DG which is not permitted to output electricity to main grid, reverse power protection is
installed. When reverse current is larger than 5% of DG rated output, DG shall reduce its
output in 2s until full stop.

Auto-reclosing function is equipped in the interface protection relay:

- for inverter type DG: live-check scheme, 0,85UN.

- for asynchronous (induction) generator type DG: live-check scheme, 0,85UN.

- for synchronous generator type DG: synchronism-check scheme.

A.3.2.5 DG protection

Power transformer, inverter, synchronous or asynchronous generator of DG shall be
equipped with reliable relaying protection.

In addition, relaying protection for DG shall be able to detect short-circuit fault (including sin-
gle phase to ground fault) and phase open fault that occurs at main grid side, and disconnect
DG from main grid in this case.

Synchronous or asynchronous generator type DG

Step-up transformer of DG shall be equipped with differential protection or instantaneous
overcurrent protection as main protection and time-delayed (voltage controlled) overcurrent
protection as backup protection.

Generator shall be equipped with differential protection or (voltage controlled) instantaneous

overcurrent protection as main protection, and time-delayed overcurrent protection as back-
up protection.

Inverter type DG
At DG side of POINT OF DG CONNECTION, the following protection functions are neces-
- (directional) overcurrent protection;
- undervoltage / overvoltage protection;
- underfrequency / overfrequency protection;
- anti-islanding protection;

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- live-check paralleling.

There are two types of anti-islanding protection for inverter type DG – active one and pas-
sive one. Schemes of active anti-islanding protection include frequency offset, active power
variation, reactive power variation, impedance change caused by pulse current injection, etc.
Schemes of passive anti-islanding protection include voltage phase angle jitter, 3rd harmonic
voltage variation, rate of change of frequency, etc.

Residual overcurrent protection for DG connected to 220V/380V system

Residual overcurrent protection for DG connected to 220V/380V system is essential for per-
sonnel safety and apparatus security.

After disconnection caused by a disturbance, re-connecting of DG is not permitted until the
grid voltage and frequency return to normal limit. When the grid voltage and frequency return
to normal limit, DG which outputs at 380V can be re-connected automatically after a certain
intended delay, which is not less than 20s and shall be specified by control center; DG which
outputs at 10kV (6kV) - 35kV level shall be re-connected only if it is commanded by control

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A.4 Denmark

A.4.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder

Neutral treatment: Petersen coil

MV protection of main transformer:

Protection (TP):
Differential Protection – CODE 87
More than 30% I difference
tdiscr = 0,2 s
Over Current Protection – CODE 51
Fault inside transformer
I>> ≈ 1,4·Ir,transformer
tdiscr = 1,5 s
Fault in LV side
I>> ≈ 2-3·Ir,transformer
tdiscr = 0,1 s
Block downstream relay19
Fault in HV side
I>> ≈ 10·Ir,transformer
tdiscr = 0,05 s

Bus-bar protection (BP)20:

Directional Over Current Protection
– CODE 67
I> = 1,2·Ir (in forward direction)
tdiscr = 1 s
I>> = 2,5-4·Ir (in forward direction)
tdiscr = 0,05 s
CODE 51 – if VT is out of service
I> = 2,5-4·Ir (in any direction)
tdiscr = 0,5 s
Bus-bar protection (FP):
I> = 1,2·Ir (in forward direction)
tdiscr = 0,4 s (countryside)
tdiscr = 0,4 s (city are)
I>> = 20·IFuse (in forward direction)
tdiscr = 0,02-0,03 s
CODE 51 – if VT is out of service
I> = 1,2·Ir (in any direction)
tdiscr = 1 s

DG Protection (DGP):
According to grid code – See sec-
tion 4B

Protection up to 60A via Fuses

Communication between relays via 200V DC wires
Communication between the breakers if there is problem with upstream breaker

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A.4.2 Protection Scheme for MV Distribution Networks

A.4.2.1 Transformer Protection

• Differential protection
o Trips circuit breaker (CB) for 30% difference in current reading in current
transformers for 200ms
• Digital overcurrent relay
o Trips CB for 10·I for 50 ms in HV side of the transformer
o Trips CB for 1,4·I for 1-1,5 s inside the transformer
o Trips CB for 2-3·I for 100 ms in the LV side of transformer
o Blocks downstream relays when it trips

A.4.2.2 Bus-Bar Protection

• Communication between relays via 220V DC wires
• Overcurrent protection
o Trips CB for 1,2·I for 1 s in forward direction
o Trips CB for 2,5-4·I for 50 ms in forward direction
o Trips CB for 2,5-4·I for 500 ms in backward direction
o Relays are blocked when the voltage transformer (VT) malfunctions and fault
is cleared by other relays
o Breakers notify adjacent breakers if there is the problem

A.4.2.3 Line/Feeder
• 2 step directional relay
o Trips CB for 1,2·I for 0,4s (in country side) and 0,8s (in city area) in forward
o Trips CB for 20·I for 20-30ms in forward direction
o Trips CB for 1,2·I for 1s in any direction when VT malfunctions

A.4.2.4 DG protection
• Generation unit protection
o Refer to grid code in section 4B
• Lines and cable protection
o Trips CB for 1,4·cable rating for 20 ms towards the DG side from PCC
o Trips CB for 1,4·cable rating for 0,5 s towards the utility side from PCC

A.4.2.5 Others
• Single phase faults need to be located within 2 hours
• Petersen coil is used to ground the system and it is short circuited to locate the fault

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A.5 Finland

A.5.1 Protection Practices and Settings for MV Networks in Finland [65]

In following table summary from typical MV network topology and protection practices which
have been used in Finland are summarized.


HV level range (kV) HV short circuit power range (GVA) Number of transformers
GENERAL Urban 110 1,5-10 2 (1-3)
INFORMATION Rural 110 0,5-2,5 1 (1-2)
Power range (MVA) Vector group Number of MV feeders
PRIMARY DISTRIBU- Urban 25 (20–40) YNd11 10
TION TRANSFORMER Rural 16 (10–25) YNd11 7
Isolated Compensated (reactance grounding)
MV NEUTRAL Urban 70 30
GROUNDING (%) Rural 80 20
Over current protec- Back-up O/C Transformer
Earth fault protection
tion and E/F differential
Rural Yes Yes Yes
Coordination with
Coordination with
Feeder by Arc protection
BUS PROTECTION Urban/Rural Yes Yes Yes


Urban 20 (10-20) kV
Rural 20 (20-30) kV
Overhead network Underground cable
(%) Rural 90 10
Link ar-
Radial (Fig. 2a) Open loop (Fig. 2b) rangement
(Fig. 2d)
(Fig. 2c)
MV NETWORK TOPOL- Urban 5 20 55 10
OGY (%) Rural 20 30 50
Number of MV/LV
Total feeder conduc- Feeder cross section secondary transformer
Load (MVA)
tor length (km) area (mm2) substations power
OUTGOING FEEDER Urban 7(-30) 185(-240) 3(-8) 10 1 (0,2-2,5)
PROFILE Rural 30(-100) 40-150 2(-5) 21 0,1 (-0,5)
Earth-fault current range (A)
CURRENTS Rural 10-60
Definite practice:
directional Earth Directional
time Reclosers at Typical relay –dead time
over fault earth fault
current substation settings –time be-
current relays relays
relays tween two
I>1200 A
Urban Yes Yes Yes Yes
t>0,8 s
PROTECTION t>0,6 s - 0,2–0,4 s
Rural Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I>>1500 A - 30–120 s
t>>0,15 s

A.5.1.1 Typical Protection Scheme for Primary Substation and MV Network (Urban)
MV Neutral Grounding: Isolated

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Primary (HV/MV) Transformer Pro-
110 kV tection:
Overcurrent protection
Earth-fault protection
Differential transformer protection
Primary Bus protection:
Transformer Coordination with MV feeder
110 / 20 kV Coordination with MV feeder by block-
Arc protection
Outgoing MV feeder protection:
I>1200 A
t>0,8 s
(Directional) earth fault protection
MV bus 20 kV LV feeder protection:
Overcurrent protection with fuses
MV feeder

substation LV feeders

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A.5.1.2 Typical Protection Scheme for Primary Substation and MV Network (Rural)
MV Neutral Grounding: Isolated

Primary (HV/MV) Transformer Pro-

110 kV tection:
Overcurrent protection
Earth-fault protection

Primary Bus protection:

Transformer Coordination with MV feeder
110 / 20 kV Coordination with MV feeder by block-
Arc protection
Outgoing MV feeder protection:
I>250 A
t>0,6 s
I>>1500 A
t>>0,15 s
MV bus 20 kV Reclosing practice:
(Dead time – time between two re-
Outgoing closings)
MV feeder 0,2–0,4 s
30–120 s
(Directional) earth fault protection

LV feeder protection:
Overcurrent protection with fuses

substation LV feeders

A.5.1.3 Trends in protection of MV networks in Finland

• Rural old over-headlines are replaced by cables
• MV neutral grounding practice is changing more and more from isolated to compen-
sated (reactance grounding)
• Usage of directional over-current protection (without and with communication based
interlockings/blockings) and reclosers are coming also more common in the near fu-
• In addition, at the moment very few DG units connected to the network but in the
near future for example the amount of wind power is expected to increase (However,
it will probably be mainly connected to 110 kV and above voltage levels)

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A.5.2 Protection Scheme for DG Units

A.5.2.1 Finnish grid code requirements for DG units

The Finnish distribution system is operated mostly as a 20 kV network, although some net-
works with 10 kV or 45 kV “sub-transmission” levels exist as well. At the moment there are
around 100 distribution network operators (DNOs) ranging from some major companies to
very small local operators. The Finnish transmission system is operated by Fingrid mostly on
voltage levels greater or equal to 110 kV.

DG units up to 50 kVA [2] and over 50 kVA [3]

Requirements for connection and protection of DG units <50 kVA [66] and >50 kVA [67]
have been published for DNOs by the Finnish Electricity Association “Energiateollisuus”
(Electric Networks).

Generation installations of up to 50 kVA must be equipped with protection devices that dis-
connect the generation installation or isolated generation fed by the generation installation
from the public network if the feed to the network is cut off or if the voltage or frequency at
the equipment connection point deviates from the normal reported values. The set values of
protection are presented in following table, in which Ur means the normal nominal rated volt-
age of the distribution network. The system operator in Finland may deviate from the values
case by case. Before connection of the DG unit to network information concerning the instal-
lation must be delivered to the system operator e.g. information about the implementation of
protection to prevent isolated/island operation (method and operating time of Loss of mains
protection). [66]

If the generation installation disconnects from the network due to the functioning of the pro-
tection device, it can reconnect to the network only after the network voltage and frequency
have returned back to the limits permitted by the set values for protection and have re-
mained within these limits for a certain minimum period. This minimum period is 20 seconds
for installations connected to the network with an inverter and 3 minutes for other generation
installations. In addition to the equipment that fulfil the requirements set in [66], also equip-
ment < 50 kVA that fulfil the technical requirements set in German application guide VDE-
AR-N-4105, are accepted to be connected to the distribution network. [66]

Protection settings for DG units [66]

Function <50 kVA
U>> -
U> 1,10·Ur / ≤ 0,2 s
U< 0,85·Ur / ≤ 0,2 s
U<< -
f> 51,0 Hz / ≤ 0,2 s
f< 48,0 Hz / ≤ 0,2 s
loss of
The set values for the protection of DG units with a nominal rated capacity of over 50 kVA
are determined separately in each case. The set limits for the under- and overvoltage and
the under- and overfrequency protection of the DG units > 50 kVA must be in line with the
permissible limits of the frequency and/or voltage deviation lasting for 30 minutes or longer,
as presented in [68] and below [67]:

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The operating delays must be based on the generation installation’s ability to operate at un-
der- and overfrequency and at under- and overvoltage conditions. The operating delays of
protection must be agreed separately with the system operator of the connection point. In-
formation about the protection settings of the generation installation must be delivered to the
system operator of the generation installation as part of the documentation delivered on the
installation. The generation installation must be equipped with protection that prevents island
operation. A description of protection that prevents island operation must be delivered to the
system operator of the connection point, and the protection settings must be agreed on sep-
arately with the system operator of the connection point. [67]

DG units 500 kVA – 100 MVA [4]

Fingrid has also recently defined their own initial (not finally accepted) grid code (Technical
requirements for power plants - VJV2013) requirements for 500 kVA – 100 MVA generator
units [68] including for example different fault-ride-through (FRT) requirements regarding to
frequency, voltage and rate-of-change-of-frequency df/dt. These FRT requirements should
be taken into account in the future when the corresponding protection settings for DG units
are determined. In these some of the requirements of the possible forthcoming ENTSO-E
grid code [69] has been tried to take into account. Also in [68] it has been stated that before
connection of the DG unit to network information concerning the installation must be deliv-
ered to the system operator e.g. about the protection principle to prevent island operation.

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No different recommendations are given for DG units connected via dedicated lines or con-
nected directly to the substation.

Future views about Finnish grid code requirements for DG units

In Europe the ENTSO-E grid code RfG [69] is envisaged to go through the European Com-
mission’s Comitology procedure later this year 2013 or in the beginning of 2014. It provides
legal framework for DG grid code requirements and if it is approved, new national grid code
must be defined according to ENTSO-E grid code RfG 3 years after approval. This means in
Finland that the not finally accepted Technical requirements for power plants – VJV 2013
[68] has to be again fully updated based on ENTSO-E grid code RfG [69] until 2017(?).
However, it should be noted that ENTSO-E grid code RfG [69] will not replace local national
grid codes in Europe.

ENTSO-E grid code RfG [69] divides requirements for four type/size of DG units (Power
Generating Modules) i.e. Type A (DG units > 0,8 kW connected to voltage levels below 110
kV) and B, C and D:

In addition, ENTSO-E grid code RfG [69] further divides the requirements into the two cate-
gories. Category-1-requirements (exhaustively described by RfG) include: frequency ranges
(including limited frequency sensitive mode) and voltage ranges. Category-2-requirements
(not exhaustively described by RfG, specified in national level) include among others: reac-
tive power and FRT. Based on ENTSO-E grid code RfG [69] voltage related FRT voltage

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curves may also be different for synchronous generators (Synchronous Power Generating
Modules) and inverter connected DGs (Power Park Modules).

One interesting issue in the future is to see that what impact CENELEC (EUROPEAN

1. CLC/FprTS 50549-1 “Requirements for generating plants larger than 16 A per phase
to be connected in parallel with a low-voltage distribution network” and
2. CLC/FprTS 50549-2 “Requirements for generating plants to be connected in parallel
with a medium-voltage distribution network”

may have on national grid codes in Europe when compared to the requirements set by the
forthcoming ENTSO-E grid code RfG [69].

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Protection of DG units <50 kVA [2]:
U>/t 1,10·Ur / < 0,2 s
U</t 0,85·Ur / 0,2 s
f>/t 51,0 Hz / < 0,2 s
f</t 48,0 Hz / < 0,2 s
Loss of mains up to 5 s
(Ur = nominal rated voltage)

Protection of DG units 500 kVA –

100 MVA [4]:

DG unit
(<50 kVA)
connection to
LV network

DG unit (500 kVA-100 MVA)

connection to MV network

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A.6 France

A.6.1 Protection Scheme Device of Typical Outgoing Feeder MV

Neutral treatment: Low impedance grounding (12, 40, 80 or (40+j40)Ω) or compensated

Transformer Protection Device :

20/36/40/70 MVA
main 225-90-63kV / 20-15 kV
transformer Overcurrent Protection
HV / MV I > 1,6·In Transformer
t < 1,3s
Homopolar Current Protection (PAH)
Itransformer Transformer I0 = 1,2·I0 max Feeder
Uen t > 1,2 s
VT UxE (+ Homopolar Voltage Protection (PVH) for
Device compensated neutral transformer :V0 =
CT 40%Vn)

OFF cmd Feeder Protection Device :

substation Overcurrent Protection (OC) (directional or
not, depending on the network and the DG
MV Recloser Device maximal Power)
busbar Ifeeder (for overhead feeders) 1,3·Imax DG < I < 0,8·Isc min
t ≈ 0,5 s
Homopolar Wattmetric Prot. (PWH)
OFF cmd (For networks with compensated neutral)
ILx ≈
CT P0 8kW
UxE Feeder t≈1s
Homopolar Current Protection (PAH)
Uen Protection I0 = 1,2·I0 max Feeder
Device t > 0,5 s
core IΣ Decoupling Protection for MV DG
balance U/t- and f/t-protection:
CT V0 > 0,1·Un ; t = feeder trip delay + 0,5 s
U < 0,8~0,85·Un ; t = 1,2 s
U >1,15·Un ; t = 0,2 s
transformer f < 47~49,5 Hz ; t = feeder trip delay + 0,5 s
station or instantaneous
f > 50,5~52 Hz ; t = feeder trip delay + 0,5 s
MV / 0,4 kV
or instantaneous
for For DG with maximal Power > 5 MW:
consumers (U</t 0,45·Un / 0,2 s -> on Producer’s re-
+ FRT requirements (see document thereaf-
DG + Anti-islanding Teleprotection
transfer Protection Decoupling Protection for LV DG
station VT Device U/t- and f/t-protection:
MV UxE U/t & f/t U</t 0,8~0,85·Un / instantaneous
for U>/t 1,15·Un / instantaneous
OFF cmd f</t 47,5~49,8 Hz / instantaneous
or f>/t 50,2~50,6 Hz / instantaneous
CT DG General Protection (C 13-100)
G OC protection: PAH:
ILx 8· Imax DG < I < 12% In < Io <
0,8·Isc min IomaxFeeder
DG t ≈ 0,2 s t ≈ 0,2 s
OFF cmd (+PWH 40kW/0,5s for compensated

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A.6.2 Textual description
The following graphic explains the different kinds of protections used on the distribution net-
work at MV level in addition to classical network protection (Overcurrent Protection (OC),
Homopolar Wattmetric Protection (PWH), Homopolar Voltage and Current protection (PVH
and PAH) :

• HV homopolar voltage protection : Additional decoupling protection to protect in

case of phase fault at HV level
• Islanding detection (tele-decoupling): Detects the opening of the MV feeder and
send the information to the DG installation decoupling protection
• Directional phase protection : Protection in order to know the location of the fault
and avoid unintentional tripping (i.e. : when the fault occurs on another MV feeder)
• NF C-13-100 Protection : To trip when faults occur within the installation
• Decoupling protection : Disconnects the DG installation from the network when a
MV network fault occurs

In addition to classical phase and earth faults protections (OC, PWH, PAH, PVH).

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A.6.3 FRT – Requirements
Since December 23, 2010 (French legislation), installations with Power above 5 MW must
stay connected to the network in the normal frequency range [47Hz – 52Hz], during the fol-
lowing fault:



There is therefore a correct coordination between Undervoltage and Fault Ride Through

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A.6.4 MV decoupling protection synthesis
The following table describes the different “Hx-protections” used on ERDF MV network as
decoupling protection for Distributed Generators. Each “Hx protection” is a multi-function
protection, with different thresholds and temporization depending on the kind of detected

MV decoupling
Type H.1 Type H.2 Type H.3 Type H.4 Type H.5

250 kVA < G < G > 25% of

G , Power of genera- G > 25% of feed-
25% of feeder feeder average G > 5MW G > 5MW
tors er average load
average load load

Underground Dedicated Un-

Underground or overhead feeder Underground or
Type of the feeder feeder without derground feeder
overhead feeder with reclosing overhead feeder
reclosing without reclosing


V0 > 10% Vn V0 > 10% Vn

Detection of the sin-
gle-phase MV faults 60 ms < Time <
Time = feeder trip delay + 0,5 s
100 ms
U < 85% Um U < 85% Um U < 80% Um
Detection of the
phase to phase MV
Time = feeder
faults 60 ms < Time < 100 ms Time = 1.2 s
trip delay + 0,5 s


U < 85% Um U < 85% Um U < 80% Um

Time = feeder
60 ms < Time < 100 ms Time = 1.2 s
trip delay + 0,5 s

U > 115% Um U > 115% Um

Detection of islanding
60 ms < Time < 100 ms Time = 0,2 s

F < 47,5 Hz F < 49,5 Hz F < 47 Hz

60 ms < Time <
60 ms < Time < 180 ms Time = feeder trip delay + 0,5 s
180 ms
F < 51 Hz F < 50,5 Hz F > 52 Hz
60 ms < Time <
60 ms < Time < 180 ms Time = feeder trip delay + 0,5 s
180 ms
Detection of voltage
U < 85% Um U < 25% Um U < 45% Um

( loss of synchronisa- 60 ms <Time <

60 ms < Time < 100 ms Time = 0,2 s
tion) 100 ms

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A.6.5 LV decoupling protection synthesis
The following table describes the different decoupling protections used on ERDF LV network
for Distributed Generators. This decoupling protection can be intern (B.1) or extern (DIN
VDE) to the installation.

decoupling protections ENS DIN VDE ENS DIN VDE 0126-1-1 and DIN VDE
0126 0126-1-1/A1 VFR 2013-VFR 2014

Detection of the single- Non-existing

phase MV faults
V < 85% VN U < 80 % VN V < 80% VN
Detection of the phase to 60 ms < Time < 100 ms Time < 0,2 sec Time < 0,2 sec
phase faults and phase to
neutral LV faults
V < 85% VN V < 80% VN V < 80% VN
60 ms < Time < 100 ms Time < 0,2 sec Time < 0,2 sec

V > 115% VN V > 115% VN V > 115% VN

60 ms <Time < 100 ms Time < 0,2 sec Time < 0,2 sec

F < 49,5 Hz F < 49,8 Hz F < 47,5 Hz

Detection of islanding 60 ms <Time < 180 ms Time < 0,2 sec Time < 0,2 sec

F > 50,5 Hz F > 50,2 Hz Until 30.08.2013 :

F > 50,2 Hz
60 ms < Time < 180 ms Time < 0,2 sec From 01.07.2013 to 30.06.2014 :
F > 50,4 Hz
From 01.05.2014 :
F > 50,6 Hz
Time < 0,2 sec
Two possibilities
Z rac < 1,25 then
Loss of main 1,75Ω
∆Z rac > + 0,5 Ω
Non-existing Time < 5 s Z rac < 1,25 then Oscillating circuit
∆Z rac > + 1 Ω Time < 5 s
Time < 5 s

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A.7 Germany

A.7.1 DER at substation busbar - (apparent) power >=1MVA

MV protection of main transformer
main Z< protection:
transformer I>> ≈ 1,5·Ir,transformer
HV / MV tend,directional = 1,2 s
tend,nondirectional = 1,2 s
Protection Protection f/t-protection:
Itransformer Device: Device: f<=49..48 Hz (& power flow fwd)
Z< ∆I> ∆I> protection:
& f/t ∆I>= 0,3·Ir,transformer

OFF cmd

main bus
busbar Ifeeder MV protection of feeder:
OFF cmd Z< protection:
tend,directional = 0,9 s
ILx tend,nondirectional = 1,2 s
CBF I>> ≈ 1,2·Ir,feeder max 80% Ifault,2p
UxE Protection Back-up I>/t-protection:
VT Uen Device MV: & tBack-up I>/t=0,9 s
Z< or I>/t
core IΣ & Back - up I>/t MV decoupling protection:
balance & & U/t & (f/t) U/t- and f/t-protection:
CT & UQ→&U< U>>/t 1,15·Uc / ≤ 0,1 s
U>/t 1,08·Uc / 1 min
U</t 0,8·Uc / 2,7 s
(Uc = voltage at PCC)
Reactive power low voltage pro-
Q&U< 0,85 Uc / 1,5s (MV CB)
signal line

Q&U< 0,85 Uc / 0,5s (LV CB)

LV decoupling protection:
Protection U/t- and f/t-protection:
Device LV: U>>/t 1,15·ULV / ≤ 0,1 s
G & U/t & f/t U</t 0,8·ULV / 1,5 s
U<</t 0,45·ULV / 0,3 s
f>/t 51,5 Hz / ≤ 0,1 s
f</t 47,5 Hz / ≤ 0,1 s
(ULV = Lowvoltage)

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A.7.2 DER at MV grid - (apparent) power >=1MVA
MV protection of main transformer
Z< protection:
I>> ≈ 1,5·Ir,transformer
transformer tend,directional = 1,2 s
HV / MV tend,nondirectional = 1,2 s
Protection Protection f/t-protection:
f<=49..48 Hz (& power flow fwd)
Itransformer Device: Device: ∆I> protection:
Z< ∆I> ∆I>= 0,3·Ir,transformer
& f/t

OFF cmd

main bus
busbar Ifeeder
OFF cmd
MV protection of feeder:
Z< protection:
CT tend,directional = 0,9 s
CBF tend,nondirectional = 1,2 s
UxE Protection
VT Uen & I>> ≈ 1,2·Ir,feeder max 80% Ifault,2p
Device: Back-up I>/t-protection:
Z< or I>/t tBack-up I>/t=0,9 s
core IΣ & Back - up I>/t

transformer I>/t-protection:
station I>> = various
MV / 0,4 kV t>> = 0,1s
consumers MV decoupling protection:
U/t- and f/t-protection:
U>>/t 1,15·Uc / ≤ 0,1 s
U>/t 1,08·Uc / 1 min
U</t 0,8·Uc / 2,7 s
(Uc = voltage at PCC)
transfer Reactive power low voltage protec-
Protection tion:
station VT Device MV:
MV UxE & U/t & (f/t) Q&U< 0,85 Uc / 1,5s (MV CB)
signal line

Q&U< 0,85 Uc / 0,5s (LV CB)

for & UQ→&U<
DG OFF cmd & I>/t LV decoupling protection:
ILx U/t- and f/t-protection:
U>>/t 1,15·ULV / ≤ 0,1 s
G U</t
0,8·ULV / 1,5 s
0,45·ULV / 0,3 s
CT f>/t 51,5 Hz / ≤ 0,1 s
f</t 47,5 Hz / ≤ 0,1 s
Protection (ULV = Lowvoltage)
Device LV:
& U/t & f/t

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A.7.3 DER at MV grid - (apparent) power <1MVA
MV protection of main transformer
Z< protection:
I>> ≈ 1,5·Ir,transformer
transformer tend,directional = 1,2 s
HV / MV tend,nondirectional = 1,2 s
Protection Protection f/t-protection:
f<=49..48 Hz (& power flow fwd)
Itransformer Device: Device: ∆I> protection:
Uen Z< ∆I>
VT UxE ∆I>= 0,3·Ir,transformer
& f/t

OFF cmd

main bus
busbar Ifeeder
OFF cmd
MV protection of feeder:
Z< protection:
CT tend,directional = 0,9 s
CBF tend,nondirectional = 1,2 s
UxE Protection
VT I>> ≈ 1,2·Ir,feeder max 80% Ifault,2p
Uen Device: &
Back-up I>/t-protection:
Z< or I>/t tBack-up I>/t=0,9 s
core IΣ & Back - up I>/t

transformer I>/t-protection:
station fuse
MV / 0,4 kV
for MV decoupling protection:
consumers U/t- and f/t-protection:
U>>/t 1,15·Uc / ≤ 0,1 s
U>/t 1,08·Uc / 1 min
U</t 0,8·Uc / 2,7 s
(Uc = voltage at PCC)

transfer LV decoupling protection:

station VT U/t- and f/t-protection:
Protection U>>/t 1,15·ULV / ≤ 0,1 s
MV UxE Device MV:
signal line

U</t 0,8·ULV / 1,5 s

for & U/t & (f/t) U<</t 0,45·ULV / 0,3 s
DG f>/t 51,5 Hz / ≤ 0,1 s
f</t 47,5 Hz / ≤ 0,1 s
(ULV = Low voltage)
Device LV:
& U/t & f/t

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A.7.4 Description of the protection schemes

A.7.4.1 MV-feeders protection scheme

Directional over-current protection or distance protection is used as the main function to pro-
tect MV feeders. In case of CB-failure or failure of a protection system, the distance protec-
tion at the transformer is used as back-up.

In MV grids with less short-circuit power, a second over-current protection relay and a CB-
failure protection may be needed at the feeders.

A.7.4.2 Dynamic voltage support

Dynamic voltage support means voltage control in the event of sudden voltage drops within
the high and extra-high voltage grids with the aim to avoid unintentional disconnections of
large infeeds and thus voltage collapse.

That means that generating plants must be able in technical terms:

• not to disconnect from the grid in the event of grid faults,

• to support the voltage during a short-circuit fault by feeding a reactive current into the
• not to consume reactive power after fault occurrence than before. [1]

A.7.4.3 DER protection scheme

There are different needs for protection functions depending of the maximum power of the
DER and the connection concept (see A.7.1 to A.7.3).

Protection scheme at the DER transfer station can be divided into three categories:

• short-circuit protection device at the transfer point

• primary protective disconnection device at the transfer point
• protective disconnection devices at the different generators

Short-circuit protection

Short-circuit protection of the generating plant is required for clearing of short-circuits near
the connection point. In addition, it serves as back-up protection in the event of faults within
the generating units and in the power grid. The minimum requirements to support short-
circuit protection is a directional (definite time-delay) over-current protection relay – a dis-
tance relay is recommended.

Primary protective disconnection device

The following devices are required as primary protective disconnection equipment at the
connection point:

• reactive power plus under-voltage protection Q->& U<: The generating plant is dis-
connected from the network after 0,5 s, if all three line-to-line voltages at the network
point of connection are below 0,85 Uc (logical AND connection) and if the generating
plant simultaneously consumes reactive power. Optional the time delay can be ex-
tended to 1,5s if there is a trip command transfer to the generator’s CBs with a max-
imum time delay of 0.5s.

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• rise-in-voltage protection U>> and U>: Three phase voltages between conductors,
logical OR
• under-voltage protection U<: Three phase voltages between conductors, logical OR

Protective disconnection devices at the generators

The following protection equipment is required at the generating units:

• rise-in-voltage protection U>>: Three phase voltages between conductors ,logical OR

• under-voltage protection U< and U<<: Three phase voltages between conductors,
logical OR
• rise-in-frequency protection f>
• under-frequency protection f<

Note: Lines with automatic reclosure (AR)

Generally: In the case of automatic reclosure, the plant operator must be prepared for the
recovery voltage at the network connection point may be asynchronous to the voltage of the
generating plant. [64]

During dead time of AR the DER must be able:

• to stay at the medium-voltage grid with no feeding of any power (zero power mode)
• or if zero power mode isn’t available: to disconnect with U<< in less than 100ms

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A.8 Italy

A.8.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder

Neutral treatment: Earthed impedance (Petersen coil)

MV protection of main transformer:

TRAFO Protection (TP):
main CODE* 51
transformer I>> ≈ 1,4·Ir,transformer (if ONAN)
HV / MV tdiscr = 1,5 s
I>> ≈ 1,6·Ir,transformer (if ONAF)
tdiscr = 1,5 s
I transf ormer CODE 59
Ue n Protection
VT UxE Device: U>> = 1,15·Ur
tdiscr = 10 s (Alarm)
CT U>> = 1,2·Ur
tdiscr = 60 s (Trip)
OFF cmd CODE 59
substation Uen >> (5 ÷ 15)%·Ur (PH-E)
MV tdiscr: depending from the MV network
Ifeeder automation rules
Feeder protection (FP):
OFF cmd
I> = min (1,2·Ir; 0,85·Isc(ph-ph))
ILx tdiscr = 1 s
UxE Protection I>> = 800 A
VT Ue n Device: tdiscr = 0,25 s
I>>> = 1400 A
FP tdiscr = 0,05 s (CODE 50)
core IΣ CODE 67N
balance See A.8.3.1

MV / 0,4 kV

transfer DG Protection: Interface Protection

Protection Relay (IPR)
station VT See A.8.3.2
MV UxE User Protection: General protec-
for tion (GP)
OFF cmd
DG See A.8.3.3
OFF cmd
* ANSI/IEEE C37.2-2008

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A.8.2 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder
Neutral treatment: Earthed impedance (Petersen coil)

A.8.2.1 MV protection of main transformer (TP)

The breaker on the MV side of the transformer is connected to the following protections:

• Buchholz transformer
• Buchholz on load tap changer
• Oil overtemperature
• Overcurrent
• Zero-sequence overvoltage;
• MV overvoltage

A.8.2.2 Feeder Protection (FP)

There is one protection panel for each MV feeder, performing the following functions:

• directional earth fault protection;

• special protection against re-striking and evolving earth faults;
• no directional over-current protection;
• programmable recloser;

The protection system to be adopted on MV feeders against the phase to earth faults, de-
pends on the neutral point condition. In case of neutral earthed impedance the system is
more complex than in insulated neutral point condition.

A.8.2.3 DG Protection: Interface Protection Relay (IPR)

The IPR realizes the following functions:

• maximum voltage (59, with two thresholds);

• minimum voltage (27, with two thresholds);
• maximum homopolar voltage (Uen) MV side (59.N, delayed);
• maximum frequency (81 >.S1 with voltmetric release);
• minimum frequency (81<.S1 with voltmetric release);
• maximum frequency (81>.S2);
• minimum frequency (81<.S2);
• voltmeter release function based on the following functions:
o maximum residual voltage (59 Uen, voltmetric release to activate restrictive
thresholds 81>.S1 and 81<.S1);
o maximum inverse sequence voltage (59Ui, voltmetric release to activate re-
strictive thresholds 81>.S1 and 81<.S1);
o maximum direct sequence voltage (27Ud, voltmetric release to activate re-
strictive thresholds 81>.S1 and 81<.S1).
o User Protection: General protection (GP)

The GP consist of a relay that performs:

• maximum phase current protection, double-pole version at least, with three thresh-
olds, one dependent-time and the other two, independent-time; since the first thresh-
old is used to prevent overload, the second is used to effect delayed tripping and the

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third to effect rapid tripping. For simplicity's sake, these thresholds will be referred to
using symbols:
o first threshold (overload), used for the detection of minor overload events
which originated on the user plant, indicated below as threshold I>;
o second threshold (threshold 51, with intentional time delay), used for the de-
tection of polyphase short-circuit impedance faults (i.e., major overload) in the
User plant, indicated below as threshold I>>;
o third threshold (threshold 50, instantaneous), used for the detection of bolted
polyphase short short-circuit events in the User plant, indicated below as
threshold I>>>
• maximum zero-sequence current protection with two thresholds, or (when the contri-
bution to the capacitive single-phase to earth fault current of the User's MV network
exceeds 80% of the control current established by the Distributor for 51N protection)
directional earth fault protection with two thresholds and maximum zero-sequence
current protection with one threshold.
• For maximum zero-sequence current protection:
o first threshold, used for the detection of single-phase to earth faults (bolted or
impedance) in the User plant, indicated below as threshold I0>;
o second threshold, used for the detection of cross-country faults, with one of
the fault points on the User plant, indicated below as threshold I0>>
• For directional protection of maximum zero-sequence current:
o first threshold, used for the detection of single-phase to earth faults during
compensated neutral operation, indicated below as threshold 67N.S1;
o second threshold, used for the detection of single-phase to earth faults during
isolated neutral operation, indicated below as threshold 67N.S2;

A.8.3 Notes

A.8.3.1 67N
Fault with a single phase to ground: neutral point compensated (Petersen coil)
Uen = (5 ÷ 6)% ∙Ur (PH-E)
IΣ = 2 A
tdiscr ≥ 1 s (depending from the MV network automation

Fault with a single phase to ground: neutral point: insulated

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Uen = (2 ÷ 15)% ∙Ur (PH-E) (depending from the network ex-
IΣ = (1÷2) A (depending from the network extension)
tdiscr ≥ 0,4 s

Fault with two phases to ground (cross-country-fault, no depending from neutral state)
Uen = 2% ∙Ur (PH-E)
IΣ = 150 A
tdiscr ≥ 0,1 s

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A.8.3.2 Italian Standard CEI 0-16
Protection function Default threshold Default relay operate time Maximum opening time of
value the output-break circuit
(interface CB with tripping
command operated from a
voltage absence coil)

Maximum voltage U>.S1 (ANSI 1,10 Ur Start time ≤ 3 s, not adjusta- Depending on voltage
CODE 59.S1), 10 minutes ble. values during the moving
mean function (according to Delay time setting = 0 ms window. Maximum 603,70
EN 61000-4-30, Class S, but Depending on voltage values s.
adopting a moving window with during the moving window.
refresh time ≤ 3 s) Maximum value 603 s.

Maximum voltage U>.S2 (ANSI 1,20 Ur 200 ms 270 ms

CODE 59.S2)

Minimum voltage U<.S1 (ANSI 0,85 Ur 1500 ms 1570 ms

CODE 27.S1)

Minimum voltage U<.S2 (ANSI 0,4 Ur 200 ms 270 ms

CODE 27.S2)

Maximum frequency f>.S2 50,2 Hz 150 ms 170 ms


Minimum frequency f<.S2 49,8Hz 150 ms 170 ms


Maximum frequency f>.S1 51,5 Hz 1,0 s 1,07 s


Minimum frequency f<.S1 47,5 Hz 4,0 s 4,07 s

Maximum residual voltage U0> 5 % Ur (PH-E) For protection use: 25 s For protection use: 25,07s
(ANSI CODE 59V0) For voltmetric unlock use For voltmetric unlock use:
(ANSI CODE 81V): 0 ms equal to start time
(equal to start time:70 ms)

Maximum inverse sequence 15% Ur/Ur (PH-E) For voltmetric unlock use Equal to start time
voltage Ui > (ANSI CODE 59 Vi) (ANSI CODE 81V): 0 ms
(indicative, de- (equal to start time: 70 ms)
pending on the

Minimum direct sequence 70% Ur/Ur (PH-E) For voltmetric unlock use Equal to start time
voltage Ud< (ANSI CODE 27 (ANSI CODE 81V): 0 ms
Vd ) (indicative, de- (equal to start time:70 ms)
pending on the

Transfer trip <150 ms <220 ms

Threshold active only for inverters and rotating generators connected to distribution network with AC/AC converters.
For rotating generators directly connected U<.S2: operate time 70 ms, threshold value 70%, U<.S1: excluded .
For voltage values below 0,2 Ur, f>.S1, f>.S2 & f<.S1, f<.S2 protections shall be disabled.
Function used both for tripping and for voltmetric unlock function.
Regulation in % of nominal residual voltage Ur (PH-E) in case of a phase to earth fault with 0 Ω fault resistance derived
directly from an open delta winding or calculated internally the IPR from phase to earth voltages derived from non iron
core voltage transducers.
Regulation in % of nominal phase to earth or phase to phase voltage, according to voltage measurements methods.

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A.8.3.3 Italian Standard CEI 0-16

General Protection
(CODE 51)
I >, tdiscr : value and suppression time to be agreed
with the Distributor.
51.S2 I>> 250 A / tdiscr = 0,5 s
51.S3 I>>> 600 A / tdiscr = 0,120 s
(CODE 51N)
51N.S1 (used only if 67N.S2 is not present)
IΣ > 2 A / tdiscr = 0,17 s
51N.S2 (used only if 67N is present. S2. Fault with
two phases to ground, no depending from neutral
IΣ >> 140 % of the single-phase to earth fault cur-
rent specified by the Distributor
tdiscr = 0,17 s
(CODE 67N)
67N.S1 (selection of earth faults in compensated
neutral systems)
IΣ = 2 A / Uen = 5% ·Ur (PH-E)/ tdiscr = 0,450 s
trip area: 60° ÷ 250°
67N.S2 (selection of earth faults in isolated neutral
IΣ = 2 A / Uen = 2% ·Ur (PH-E) / tdiscr = 0,17 s
trip area: 60° ÷ 120°
The minimum settings given here refer to most
widely used voltage levels (15 kV and 20 kV); simi-
lar settings are required for the other voltage levels.

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A.9 Netherlands

A.9.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder

Protection device 1
25/50/150 kV 23 kV en 25 kV net impedance
grounded net and 13 kV via zigzag
main transformer grounded
25 /23 kV via 50/51/51N/63/87T/84T
transformer 51N (Ie>) –>120 A
HV / MV 51 (I>) -> 1,5 Ir,trafo
50 (I>>) -> 0,7 * I”k (phase – phase)
Ie>, I> and I>> time setting depending on
the setting of the underlying net with tdiscr =
Itransformer 0,3 s . In case where quasi-rail protection
with upward blocking is used t>> 0,1 s
Protection 10 kV net is ungrounded
CT Device 1 50/51/63/87T/84T
51 (I>) -> 1,5 Ir,trafo
50 (I>>) -> 0,7 * I”k (phase – phase)
I> and I>> time setting depending on the
10/13/23 kV setting of the underlying net with tdiscr = 0,3

VT Ifeeder
Protection device 2:
I> 1,5·Ir,feeder
I>> 0,7 * I”k (phase – phase)
ILx Protection Ie > 120 A for impedance grounded net
CT Device 2 tdiscr = 0,3 s

Protection device 3:
I> 1,5·Ir,feeder
Protection I>> 0,7 * I”k (phase – phase) – 0 s
Device 3 Ie > 120 A – 0 s for impedance grounded
tdiscr = 0,3 s
Device 4 Protection device 4:
In the 10 kV and 13 kV net mostly direc-
tional overcurrent relays for the feeder
In the 25 kV net line differential protection
MV / 0,4 kV In the 23 kV net a mix of directional over-
current and line differential protection

U/t- and f/t-protection:

Generators (wind generator, synchronous
G and all sort of generators ) with a rating
less than 5 MW
There are no requirements in the Dutch
G grid code for voltage and frequency pro-
tection, fault ride through for generators
Protection less than 5 MW
Device I>/t The developer or the generator owner
decide the U/t & f/t settings
Protection Generators with a rating 5 MW – 60 MW
Device except wind generators
VT U/t & f/t U</t 0,8 ·Uc / 0,3 s
U</t 0,7 ·Uc/ min( 0,3 ; 0,9* KKT)



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• There are no fault ride through requirements in the Dutch grid code for all generator
types with a rated capacity less or equal to 5 MW.
• There are no fault ride through requirements in the Dutch grid codes for wind genera-
tors and parks independent of the rated capacity of the wind park or wind generator
• So far, in practice most of the wind generators under voltage protection are set at
U</t 0,8 p.u , t=100 msec. So far such fast isolation of wind generators during a fault
enabled us to use overcurrent protection in its simplest form.
• For relatively big generators inter-locking is used to avoid island operations. This is
typical in our 25 kV net

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A.10 Norway

A.10.1 Description of protection schemes

Protection of distribution systems in Norway can be said to be in a transition period, depend-
ing on the penetration level of distributed sources. The classical protection scheme is to use
over-current protection and rely on disconnection of all distributed sources based on local
under-voltage/frequency protection. Alternatively by increased time delay settings for feeders
with distributed sources. A research project called Energy 2020 at SINTEF Energy Research
[70], a REN recommendation [71] and best practice from nearly 30 years of relay protection
application planning at Jacobsen Elektro resulted in a REN recommendation [72] that in-
creasingly is being followed.

A.10.1.1 MV Protection of Main Transformer (TP)

• Recent TSO demands [73] require differential protection on main transformer, whereas
traditional protection schemes (for smaller units) may consist of only overcurrent pro-
tection. Buchholz relay for gassing protection is also used.
• Over-current protection on both sides. The MV over-current protection functions as
simplified bus-bar protection with a typical time delay of 0,2 sec and blocked by the
over-current or distance relays on the feeders. As well as back-up of feeder protection.
The functional requirements from the TSO [73] give maximum allowed disconnection
times of 0,4 sec for short-circuit faults in the high voltage network, whereas for faults in
the low voltage network the maximum disconnection time is 1,0 sec.
• With increasing fault contribution from distributed sources distance protection are used
on the transformer secondary instead of overcurrent protection.
• Ground fault protection based on 3U0.

A.10.1.2 Outgoing feeder protection (FP)

• Short circuit protection, alternative 1: Over-current protection. Coordination time typi-
cally 0,3 sec. (or 0,2 sec. for new installations). Starting current set to typically 1.2*In
of the current transformers (or the component with the lowest rated current or 30% be-
low 2-phase SC at line end). Fore several feeders the one with distributed sources are
given an extra coordination time delay.
• Short circuit protection, alternative 2: Directional over-current protection.
• Short circuit protection, alternative 3: Distance protection with impedance pick-up.
Zone 1A; 80% reach time delay 0,2 sec., zone 2; 120% reach and time delay 0,4-0,5
sec. [72]. A zone 1B with zero time delay could be used in case of short circuit during
connection. The delay of zone 1A is in order to coordinate with fuses on the distribu-
tion transformers. Over-current back-up/overload protection delayed according to Alt.
1, and at least faster than overcurrent protection on main transformer.
• Over/under voltage/frequency protection on the bus bar as back-up for DG relays.
• Ground fault protection in isolated systems based on directional over-current relays
based on I0 and U0. In resonance grounded system U0 is used as a ground fault crite-
rion and a parallel resistance is connected during fault to increase the wattmetric I0.
Time delays set typically to 0,5 sec for insulated neutral and up to 5 sec for resonance
earthed. Setting of U0 and I0 start has to be analyzed in each case and depends on
natural asymmetry and conductive line charging. Required disconnection time is 10
sec. for fault resistance of 1000 Ω in cable networks and 3000 Ω in overhead line net-
• Distribution transformers are typically protected by MV fuses.
• Automatic/Routine reconnections are not used in pure cable systems. On feeder with
distributed sources, synchronization check must be used for closing the circuit breaker.

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A.10.1.3 DG-protection: U/t and f/t protection
The setting is proposed in [70,72] and is followed in most cases with separate source and
network owners.
Function Limits Maximum disconnection time*
U>> 1,15 pu 0,2 sec
U> 1,10 pu 1,5 sec
U< 0,85 pu 1,5 sec
U<< 0,5 pu ** 0,2 sec
f> 51 Hz 0,2 sec
f< 48 Hz 0,2 sec
* including breaker operation time
** In [70, 72] the voltage limit is said to be set by the utility company. 0,5 pu is given
in [71] and said to be common practice in [72]. Reference [72] discusses the se-
lectivity problem with this setting and also the frequency settings.

A.10.1.4 DG-protection: Over-current protection

A Norwegian court decision gave the control of the connection point to the utility companies
adding an extra MV circuit breaker. Over-current protection is normally installed to handle
and disconnect internal faults in the DG-unit. The over-current relay is coordinated with the
feeder over-current or distance protection.

A.10.1.5 DG-protection: Other internal protection

The table below shows which electrical protection functionality may be considered for use in
the power plant. The table sets out the options for micro, mini and small power stations.

Abbreviations: o: The protection must be used

s: The protection is used for synchronous generators
v: Use of the protection is to be assessed
vs: Use of the protection is to be assessed for synchronous generators

Electrical protective functions Micro Mini Small

< 100kW 100-1000kW 1000-10000kW

Differential protection, unit v o

Earth fault protection, generator voltage level o o o
Earth fault protection, grid voltage level o o o
Earth fault protection, rotor vs
Over-current/under-voltage protection o o o
Over-voltage protection o o o
Under-voltage protection o o o
Over-frequency protection o o o
Under-frequency protection o o o
Loss of grid (ROCOF or Vector Shift) v v v
Reverse power protection v v v
Overload protection o o o
Over-excitation protection v
Under-excitation protection s
Asymmetry protection o

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A.10.2 Protection schemes

A.10.2.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = over-current protection

Neutral treatment: Petersen Coil earthed, Resistance added in case of an earth fault

MV protection of main transformer TP:

Main transformer
HV:MV I> reverse interlocking for busbar pro-
tection: t = 0,2 s

Petersen coil
or isolated Idiff
Feeder protection FP:

x I>: Constant time

FP1: I>1,2 In,min
t=0,2 sec
FP2: I>1,2 In,min
x x t=0,3 sec.
I> U/t and f/t back-up
IΣ IΣ DG-Protection:

U/t and f/t protection see A.10.1.3

fuse MV:LV U>> 1,15 pu/ 0,2 sec
U> 1,10 pu/ 1,5 sec
U< 0,85 pu/ 1,5 sec
U<< 0,5 pu **/ 0,2 sec
f> 51 Hz/ 0,2 sec
f< 48 Hz/ 0,2 sec
**To be negotiated
MV:0,69 kV
I> protection see A.10.1.4 and A.10.1.5
x x Normally used as overload protection with
time delay above regulator response time.
Differential protection used for units larger
than 1-2 MVA.
I> U/t & f/t

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A.10.3 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = distance protection
Neutral treatment: Petersen Coil earthed, Resistance added in case of an earth fault

MV protection of main transformer

Main transformer TP
I> reverse interlocking for busbar
protection: t = 0,2 s
Petersen coil DIFF
or isolated Idiff
Feeder protection FP
DIST: Impedance start Z<

Z1A: Z<0,8*Zfeeder
x x t= 0,2 sec
FP FP Z1B: t=0,0 sec. (breaker close)
Z< Z< Z2: Z<1,2*Zfeeder
t= 0,3 sec.

IΣ U/t and f/t back-up

fuse MV:LV DG-Protection:

U/t and f/t protection see A.10.1.3

U>> 1,15 pu/ 0,2 sec
U> 1,10 pu/ 1,5 sec
U< 0,85 pu/ 1,5 sec
U<< 0,5 pu **/ 0,2 sec
DG f> 51 Hz/ 0,2 sec
MV:0.69 kV
f< 48 Hz/ 0,2 sec
x x
I> protection see A.10.1.4 and
Normally used as overload protection
DG DG with time delay above regulator re-
sponse time.
I> U/t & f/t
Differential protection used for units
larger than 1-2 MVA.

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A.11 Portugal

A.11.1 Protection Device of Outgoing DG dedicated Feeder = Overcurrent protection

Neutral treatment: Low Impedance Grounding (300A and 1000A)

Transformer Protection Device:

I> = 1,3·Ir,transformer
main t(I>) = 1,4s
transform er Differential
HV / MV Feeder Protection Device:
I> = 1,4·Ir,feeder
t(I>) = 1,0s
Itransformer I>> = 2,0·Ir,feeder
Uen Transformer t(I>>) = 0,5s
VT UxE Protection I>>> = 4|2|1,5kA (10|15|30 kV)
IL x Device t(I>>>) = 0,1s
I0> = 2A
TM(I0>) = 0,4 (IEC LTI)
OFF cmd I0d> = 40A
substation t(I0d>) = 0,5s
MV I0>> = 90A
busbar Ifeeder t(I0>>) = 0,15s
OFF cmd Slow automatic reclosures only

IL x
UxE Feeder
VT Uen Protection
core IΣ
DG Grid Protection Device:
U>/t 1,15UC / <0,1s
U</t 0,85|0,80UC / 1,5|1,6s†
U<</t 0,21|0,25UC / 0,0|0,6s†
U<</t N.U.|0,18UC / N.U.|<0,1s†
U0>/t 0,1UC / 1,0s
U0>>/t 0,7UC / <0,1s
F>/t N.U.|50,5Hz / N.U.|1,5s†
F>>/t 51,5Hz/ <0,1s
F</t N.U.|49,5Hz / N.U.|1,5s†
F<</t 47,5Hz/ <0,1s
I>/t 1,3·Ir,DG / 1,5s
DG Grid I>>/t 4,0·Ir,DG / <0,1s
station VT
for OFF cmd



1. † - without/ with Fault Ride Through capability

2. N.U. – Not used

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The protection system of the MV network in Portugal has 3 levels: Transformer protection;
Feeder protection; and DG protection.

Transformer MV overcurrent protection is the first level and is mainly intended as a backup
to the feeders phase overcurrent protection. Starting current is set 30% above the rated cur-
rent to allow transformer overloading. There is a SCADA alarm when the current is above
110%IRated and the Dispatch centre will divert loads without the need for tripping.

There is also a backup protection for the feeder’s zero sequence overcurrent protection
which is not represented in the figures. The zero sequence overcurrent backup will trip the
transformer in 3s, for non-resistive faults, and in 180s, for resistive faults.

Feeder protection is performed by 6 protection functions: 3 phase overcurrent; and 3 zero

sequence overcurrent. The goal of the 3 phase overcurrent functions is to insure the feeder’s
protection while minimizing fault duration times, and subsequently the voltage dips duration.
I>> is made to coordinate with the transformer’s I> in order to prevent transformer unwanted
trips with simultaneous faults in two or more feeders.

Earth fault protection for non-resistive faults is insured by the I0>> function which provides a
fast trip to minimize fault damage. Resistive faults are cleared by the I0d> with a higher time
setting to improve correct direction location probability. Detection of broken conductors and
extremely resistive faults are the objectives of function I0>, this leads to large fault clearing

Automatic reclosing in rural (manly aerial) feeders has 3 cycles (one fast and two slow) and
is not used in urban (cable) feeders.

DG protection‘s main goal is to prevent unintentional islanding and the protection functions
associated are chosen and set accordingly. There are factors which may alter the protection
settings such as: Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) capability; direct link to the substation;
Direct tripping from the substation feeder through a communication link. DG units connected
to networks, which are also feeding other clients, must be tripped with low time settings. DG
units connected through a dedicated line and with fault ride through capability don’t need
such strict time settings which makes them more unlikely to suffer unwanted trips. In this
case the DG protection is coordinated with the feeder protection to allow a slower tripping. It
is assumed that no fast reclosing cycles are present in the DG feeder.

If the DG has LVRT then interconnection protection is coordinated with the LVRT curve and
is set not to trip with voltage dips within the curve. If the DG is placed in a network with other
clients then there may be the need for a direct trip through a communication channel.

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Figure A-1: Fault Ride Trough curve in the Portuguese grid code

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A.11.2 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = Overcurrent protection
Neutral treatment: Low Impedance Grounding (300A and 1000A)

Transformer Protection Device:

I> = 1,3·Ir,transformer
main t(I>) = 1,4s
transformer Differential

Feeder Protection Device:

Uen Transformer I> = 1,4·Ir,feeder
VT UxE Protection t(I>) = 1,0s
ILx Device I>> = 2,0·Ir,feeder
CT t(I>>) = 0,5s
I>>> = 4|2|1,5kA (10|15|30 kV)
OFF cmd t(I>>>) = 0,1s
substation I0> = 2A
MV TM(I0>) = 0,4 (IEC LTI)
busbar Ifeeder I0d> = 40A
OFF cmd t(I0d>) = 0,5s
I0>> = 90A
ILx t(I0>>) = 0,15s
CT Fast and slow automatic reclosures if
UxE Feeder aerial line
VT Uen Protection
core IΣ
DG Grid Protection Device:
transformer U>/t 1,15UC / <0,1s
Comm. link U</t 0,85|0,85|0,80UC /
station for Direct <0,1|1,5|1,6s‡
MV / 0,4 kV Trip U<</t N.U.|0,21|0,25UC /
for N.U.|<0,1|0,6s‡
consumers U<</t N.U.|N.U.|0,18UC /
U0>/t 0,1UC / <0,1|1,0|1,0s‡
U0>>/t N.U.| 0,7UC|0,7UC / N.U.|
<0,1s |<0,1s‡
transfer F>/t 50,5Hz / N.U.|N.U.|1,5s‡
DG Grid F>>/t N.U.|N.U.|51,5Hz /
station VT
Protection N.U.|N.U.|<0,1s‡
Device F</t 49,5Hz / N.U.|N.U.|1,5s‡
for OFF cmd F<</t N.U.|N.U.|51,5Hz /
DG N.U.|N.U.|<0,1s‡
I>/t 1,3·Ir,DG / 1,5s
I>>/t 4,0·Ir,DG / <0,1s


1. ‡ - without Direct Tripping | with Direct Tripping | with fault ride through capability
2. N.U. – Not used

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A.12 Romania

A.12.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = overcurrent protection1

Neutral treatment: Petersen coil, Resistor or Unearthed

MV protection of main transformer

main I>> ≈ 1,4·Ir,transformer
Feeder protection:
I>> ≈ 1,4·Ir,feeder
Itransformer (tdiscr ≥ 0,5 s for old prot. and CBs,
Uen tdiscr ≤ 0,4 s for new prot. and CBs)
VT UxE Protection 50P or 67P (67 if the contribution to
ILx Device fault current from DG is over 10% of
total fault current)
Earth fault protection depending on
OFF cmd neutral treatment and accordingly to
substation the ground fault current level (50N,
MV 67N or 67NS). Network is sized to
busbar Ifeeder work with 1ph-gnd for Petersen coil.
OFF cmd

ILx U/t- and f/t-protection:

CT U>/t 1,1·Uc / < t
UxE Protection U</t 0,9·Uc / t
VT Uen Device: f>/t 52 Hz / <t
… f</t 47 or 47,5 Hz / < t
core IΣ df/dt
balance (Uc = voltage at PCC)
I>> ≈ 1,4·Ir,DG
transformer t>> = “0”
MV / 0,4 kV

station VT
MV UxE Device
U/t & f/t
for OFF cmd
OFF cmd


1. In most of the cases the required protection is the overcurrent one. Other protection
requirements could be imposed if the selectivity of the protection scheme is not

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achieved using overcurrent protection. Directional overcurrent protection is required if
the contribution from the DG end to the fault current on the MV busbar is indicative
above 10% of the total fault current.
2. The voltage requirements for connecting DG (> 1MW) to the utility grid are asking to
provide the possibility to operate between 0,9 – 1,1 Uc continuously. There is no
Romanian grid code condition to impose certain settings for U>/t or U</t, so in the ta-
ble have been considered the limit values of the range required for continuous opera-
tion. Since there is no requirement imposed by the grid code for the time settings,
these should be set according to each particular case (considering also the FRT re-
quirements below).
3. The frequency requirements for connecting DG to the utility grid are asking to provide
the possibility to operate between 47,5 Hz – 52 Hz continuously. There is no Roma-
nian grid code condition to impose certain settings for f>/t or f</t, so in the table have
been considered the limit values of the range required for continuous operation.
Since there is no requirement imposed by the grid code for the time setting related to
f>/t, these should be set according to each particular case. In the case of f</t, for
wind generators there is a requirement to allow the operation in the 47,5Hz – 47 Hz
range for at least 20s, while for photovoltaic generation there is no such requirement.
This means, for wind generators two steps of f</t might be used, one set just over 47
Hz and with 20 s time set, while the other could be set just below 47 Hz with the time
setting according to each particular case. For photovoltaic generation the f</t could
be set at 47 Hz with the time setting according to each particular case.
The requirements of the grid code and specific conditions to connect wind generators
or photovoltaic generation to the grid also impose to accept frequency variations with
a rate of change of frequency of 0,5 Hz/s for wind generators and 1 Hz/s for inverters
of photovoltaic generation.
Depending on the power, wind generation and photovoltaic generation have to be
monitored from a dispatching centre (> 5 MW monitored) or not and also should con-
tribute or not to the power-frequency regulation (>5 MW have to provide P-f regula-
tion according to specific requirements).
Wind and photovoltaic generation over 1 MW are required to adapt to FRT conditions
according to the following diagram:

During the voltage sags the DG has to supply active power according to the voltage
level and to maximize the injected reactive current without violating its operating lim-
its. It has to generate the maximum reactive current for at least 3s.


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The requirements mentioned are not particular to one distribution operator (DO) – these are
requirements imposed in Romania by ANRE (The National Regulatory Agency for Energy)
and are mandatory to comply with for any DO and DG supplier. There is also a mandatory
requirement in the conditions to connect to grid for DG suppliers, to detect islanding and not
allow islanding operation.

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A.13 South Africa

A.13.1 Protection Devices for a MV Network

Typical protection devices for a substation and MV network with DG coupled in rural envi-
Neutral Treatment: Grounded via NEC/NER /AT or directly grounded (OHS Act does not allow an ungrounded network)
Protection Device 1: HV/MV Trfr
Transformer differential protection 87T
HV/MV REF (internal low or external
high impedance)
51 (I>) ≈ 1,5-1,7·Ir,transformer
(asymptote: 1,3s at 0 source impedance)
50 (I>>) ≈ 1,3·I3phase max
(maximum 3phase through fault)
51N (Ie>) ≈ 360A limit
(NER rated 360A 10s, cont.10A)
SEF = 10A, 120s DEF
Tdiscr = 500ms
Protection Device 2: Feeder
Ring fed feeders = directional pro-
51 (I>) ≈ 1,2·Ir,feeder
51N (Ie>) ≈ 60-80A
(graded with downstream)
SEF = 3-6A, 3-15s DEF
Tdiscr ≥ 300ms
Protection Device 3: Recloser
51 (I>) ≥ Load
(100% kVA installed)
51N (Ie>) ≈ value to grade at fault level
(graded with downstream/upstream)
SEF = 3-6A, 3-15s DEF
Tdiscr ≥ 300ms
Protection Device 4: Fuses
Grade with load
Transfer Station:
Different Standards & Codes de-
pendant on type & MVA size are
Category A(i) & A(ii) RPPs
U/t- and f/t-protection:
U>/t 1,10 < Uc < 1,20 / 2,0s
U>/t 1,20 ≤ Uc / 0,16s
U</t 0,50·> Uc / 0,2s
U</t 0,50·< Uc < 0,85 / 2,0s
U/t 0,85 ≤ Uc ≤ 1,10 / cont.
Category A(iii), B & C RPPs
U/t- and f/t-protection:
U>/t 1,10 < Uc < 1.20 / 2,0s
U</t 0·= Uc / 0,15s (fault ride
U</t 0 ·< Uc ≤ 0,85 linear curve with
max 2.0s
U/t 0,9 ≤ Uc ≤ 1,10 / cont

f>/t 52,0 Hz / = 4,0 s

f</t 47,0 Hz / < 0,2 s
df/dt > 1,5 Hz/s disconnect
(Uc = voltage at PCC)

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1. The gazetted RSA Electricity Regulation Act makes provision for the Regulator to
publish compliance ‘Codes’ which are referred to below.
2. Embedded Generation(EG) > 0MVA connected to MV or HV networks & EG >
10MVA connected at any voltage level to the Distribution network shall in addition to
the Distribution Code also comply with the protection & control requirements of the
Transmission Grid Code. This code is detailed and is applied to all historic large gen-
eration. EG > 50MVA excluding Renewable Power Plants (RPPs), shall comply with
the governor requirements of the Transmission Grid Code. Note that the MVA rating
above refers to the total connected plant rating.
3. All RPPs shall comply with the RPP Grid Code. This code takes precedence.
4. All EG (which includes RPPs) connected to the Utility’s (Eskom) MV or HV networks
shall conform to its interconnection standard for embedded generation.

A.13.2 Utility Interconnection Standard

The most pertinent requirements of the standard at MV and HV levels are:

1. All EG shall connect via an isolating transformer.

2. There shall be a minimum of two EG circuit breakers in series.
3. The Utility shall always own, at a minimum, one circuit breaker per feeder.
4. Synch check, live line/dead line block are a requirement where EG cannot prove they
do not have an islanding capability.
5. Where the backbone has unit protection applied, the EG and link shall also have unit
protection applied.
6. In cases where there is a radial feed to the EG and local independent loads are con-
nected at MV/HV voltages on the same feeder (non-dedicated), transfer trips (TT) to
the weak in-feed have been used (from the remote ‘distance’ protection to allow for
auto-reclose). The EG in these instances have been small hydro.
For RPPs currently being connected at MV or HV levels, there are a number of crite-
ria which govern the protection interconnection requirements, with the most stringent
being applied to those that are connecting to non-dedicated feeders.
Inclusive in these protection requirements is transfer trip which is used in some cases
(with fibre/microwave based communication used for HV networks and alternative
communication based methods used for MV networks). Transfer trips where applied,
are used in addition to the anti-islanding localised protection and do not replace it. In
these cases the localised anti-islanding protection may be set less sensitively, there-
by reducing nuisance tripping.
* RSA: Republic of South Africa

A.13.3 Requirements
The RPP Grid Code is divided into the following categories:

a) Category A: 0 - x < 1 MVA (only LV connected)

(i) Cat A1: 0 - x – 13,8kVA (ii) Cat A2: 13,8 < x < 100 kVA (iii) Cat A3: 100 – x < 1 MVA

b) Category B: 1 MVA – x < 20 MVA, also includes RPPs with rated power < 1 MVA con-
nected to MV.

c) Category C: 20 MVA ≤ x

The code is presently under review.

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The frequency, the voltage and the reactive requirements of the code are presented in the
following diagrams (extracted from Code version 2.6 Date November 2012):


(49.0 Hz to %51.0 Hz)




46 200ms 4 6 60
0.1 1 10 100 1000
Duration of the incident, Seconds

Minimum frequency operating range of a RPP during a system frequency disturbance

With reference to the above diagram, when the frequency is less than 47.0Hz for longer than
200ms, the RPP may be disconnected and when the frequency is greater than 52Hz for
longer than 4s, the RPP shall be disconnected from the grid.

The voltage ride through capabilities and maximum disconnection times for RPPs of Catego-
ry A1 and A2 are given by the following:

V range (%) Max Trip time (s)

V< 50 0.2

50 ≤ V < 85 2

85 ≤ V ≤ 110 Continuous

110 < V < 120 2

120 ≤ V 0.16

VRT capability for Category A1 and A2

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The voltage ride through capabilities and maximum disconnection times for RPPs of Catego-
ry A3, B and C is given by the following diagram with the bold line representing the minimum
voltage of all the phases (for symmetrical and asymmetrical faults):

VRT capability for Category A3, B and C

In connection with symmetrical fault sequences in areas B and D above, the RPP shall have
the capability of controlling the reactive power with the following compliance:

Requirements for reactive power support during volt drops or peaks at the POC

Area A: Stay connected and support normal production.

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Area B: Stay connected and provides maximum voltage support by supplying a con-
trolled amount of reactive current.
Area C: Disconnection is allowed.
Area D: Stay connected and provides maximum voltage support by absorbing a con-
trolled amount of reactive current within the designed capability of the RPP.
Area E: Once the voltage at the POC is below 20%, the RPP shall continue to supply
reactive current within its technical design limitations. Disconnection is al-
lowed after the VRT capabilities depicted in the above diagram have been

The supply of reactive power has the first priority in area B, while the supply of active power
has second priority. If possible, active power shall be maintained during voltage drops, but a
reduction in active power within the RPP’s design specifications is acceptable.

The power-frequency response curve for Category A RPP’s includes mandatory active pow-
er reduction and is given by the following figure:

The power-frequency response curve for Categories B and C is given by the following figure:

Parameter Hz

fmin 47

fmax 52

f1 SO

f2 SO

f3 SO

f4 50.5

f5 52

f6 50.2

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A.14 Spain

A.14.1 Protection Device of Outgoing Feeder = overcurrent protection

Neutral treatment: solidly grounded (solid or limiting reactance of 4 ohms); low impedance grounded
(zig-zag transformer grounding which limits the current to 300, 500,575 or 1000 A or resistance
grounding of 6 ohms which limits the current to 1000 A); Ungrounded; Petersen coil (very few installa-

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MV protection of main transformer (…):

Solidly grounded:
main Iph>1,4*Ir,transformer (51)
transformer In> ≈ 75 – 120 A primary (51N)
Ig>≈ 85 – 150 A primary (51G: note 1)
Low impedance grounded (zig-zag and resistance):
Iph>1,4*Ir,transformer (51)
Itransformer In> ≈ 75 – 120 A primary or 0,1*Ir,CT (51N)
Uen Ig>≈ 18 – 200 A primary (51G: note1)
VT UxE Protection Thermal image: in the ground CT (49)
ILx Device Un>≈set to detect 15 A ground current. Gives an alarm
after 30 s
OFF cmd Iph>≈ 1,3*Ir,transformer (51)
substation Un>≈ 58 V (Ur=110/√3) or 30 V (Ur=110/3) (59N) (note
MV 2)
busbar Ifeeder t≈1,5 - 4 s
OFF cmd Feeder protection:
Solidly grounded:
ILx Iph>≈1,3*Ir,feeder (51)
CT Iph>>≈0,8*Icc0%phph (50)
UxE Protection In> ≈ 20 – 40 A primary (51N)
VT Uen Device: In>>300 A or function of line length (50N)
… Ins>4 – 10 A primary; t=50 s (51Ns)
core IΣ Low impedance grounded (zig-zag and resistance):
balance Iph>≈1,3*Ir,feeder (51)
CT Iph>>≈0,8*Icc0%phph (50)
In> ≈ 30 A primary or 0,06*Ir,CT (51N)
In>>300 A primary or 8*In> (50N)
transformer Ins>2 – 10 A primary; t=7 - 50 s (51Ns)
station Z< for meshed 30 kV networks: Z=0,8*Z1L
MV / 0,4 kV 67N as back-up of 21G for 30 kV meshed networks
for 87L for some underground feeders
consumers Ungrounded:
Iph>≈1,3*Ir,feeder (51)
Iph>>≈6* Ir,feeder (50)
Ins>≈ 0,12 – 1 A primary
Vn>≈ 58 V (Ur=110/√3) or 30 V (Ur=110/3) (67Ns) (note
transfer t≈ 0,25 – 0,4 s
station VT
MV UxE Device
U/t & f/t
for OFF cmd DER Protection:
DG U>/t 1,1*Ur / 1,5 s or 0,6 s (depending on the DER
U>/t 1,15*Ur / 0,2 s
U</t 0,85·Ur / 1,5 s or 0,6 s (depending on the DER
ILx power)
Un>/t 0,35*Vr / 0,6 s or 1,2 s
Protection f>/t 50,5 Hz or 51 Hz (depending on the DER
Device power) / 0,5 s or 0,2 s
OFF cmd
I>/t f</t 48 Hz / 3 s
Ur: rated phase-phase voltage at connection point
Vr: rated phase-ground voltage at connection point
I> ≈ 1,2·Ir,DG
I>> =8*Ir,DG
Transfer trip

Note 1: toroid current transformer on connection from neutral to ground

Note 2: The directional unit for ungrounded networks use the following characteristic:

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In this characteristic the values for Il and for Vh are the ones given for Ins> and Vn>. The
typical values for Ih and Vl are: Ih = 3*Il y Vl = 2,2 V (Ur=110/3).

The Spanish distribution network can be briefly described as follows and divided in:

- Meshed: with voltages of 132, 110, 66, 50, 45 and 30 kV. The 30 kV network is con-
nected to the 132 kV / 220 kV network by means of a Y-D transformer and an artificial
ground connection is created with a zig-zag transformer. All the transformer generating
lower voltages are Dy. The 30 kV network is three-wire only grounded with the zig-zag,
connected in the substation,
- Radial:
 - 45 kV solidly grounded: connected to the 132 kV / 220 kV network by means of
Yyn transformers with neutral solidly grounded. The transformers generating lower
voltages are Dyn or Dz.
 - Solidly grounded below 30 kV (20, 15, 13 and 11 kV): the network is supplied
with a Dyn transformer solidly grounded or with a limiting reactance of 4 ohms.
Load transformers are Dyn or Dz.
 - Zig-zag grounded below 30 kV (25, 20, 15, 11 kV): this network is supplied by a
Yd transformer. A zig-zag transformer is connected directly to ground or via a re-
sistor. The fault current is limited to 300, 500, 575 or 1000 A. Load transformers
are Dyn or Dz.
 - Resistance grounded (25-20 kV): supplied by Yyn transformer grounded with a 6
ohm limiting resistor (1000 A limitation).
 - Ungrounded (25, 20, 15 and 10 kV): supplied by Yyd, Yd or Yy transformers.
Load transformers are Dyn or Dz.

Fault ride through capability

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A.15 USA

Published Protection requirements for greater than 2500 KVA to 10 MVA Generators con-
nected to the Distributions System

This design is for Generation Facilities with the following characteristics:

Generation is not to be intentionally exported on to the utility T&D system.


a. Total generation is greater than or equal to 50% of the minimum line section


b. Total generation is greater than 2000 KVA and less than 10 MVA.


c. Special system constraints warrant using this design.

Transformer Protection
Utility Station Utility Line Device:

Feeder Protection Device:
19 27
1 7 17 18 6. Device Type: Breaker
Failure Backup Tripping
59G 8 81 27/59
4 (i.e. LBB)
8. Device Type: Over or
Undervoltage Relays
16 Device #:59G or 27
25 27 9. Device Type: Impedance
9 12 13 11 Relay Plus Timer Device
3 2
21-2 51 32 51G #: 21-2/2
TR Connection to DG Grid Protection Device:
be specified by 2. Device Type: Undervolt-
utility engineer age Relay Device #: 27
15 14 3. Device Type: Syn-
chrocheck Relay Device
#: 25
SCADA RTU 6 14 11. Device Type: Ground
Overcurrent Relay Device
#: 51G
12. Device Type: Overcurrent
Relay Device #: 51
6 14 15 16 13. Device Type: Directional
15 Power Relay Device #: 32
14. Device Type: Synchroniz-
ing Relay Device #: 25
Other Load 17. Device Type: Under/over
Frequency Relay Device
#: 81U/O
G 25-1 81
18. Device Type: Under/over
14 17 18 voltage relay Device #:
1- These numbers refer to the device type notes

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A.15.1 Interconnection Configuration
Utility will determine the bus and line configurations and protection requirements that are
necessary to interconnect the generation to the T&D System, as requested by the Genera-
tion Interconnection Customers. In order to perform such an analysis, utility will require tech-
nical information on the Generation Interconnection Customers generator(s) and proposed
interconnection location to the system. In the case where the customer wishes to participate
in the energy market, the market operator will also be involved in the interconnection study.
These interconnection configurations are site dependent. Examples of typical interconnec-
tion configurations and general relay requirements for these configurations are discussed in
the sections below. Once the appropriate configuration is determined, utility will provide the
Generation Interconnection Customers with the scope, schedule and cost of the interconnec-
tion facility.

A.15.2 Requirements
Medium-sized generators (2000 -10,000 KVA) can supply relatively large amounts of energy
to the point of fault; therefore, additional protective functions are required. A generator con-
nected to a utility supply line section with a minimum load less than twice the rating of the
generator also stands a very good chance of islanding after the line protective equipment
opens with or without the fault remaining on the line. There are also instances where special
system constraints may require using this design. If there are multiple generators on a single
utility supply line section a different scheme may be required.

A.15.3 Highlighted Protective Relaying Functions

A point of fault electrical arc will not be extinguished until the line protective equipment and
generator is tripped, totally de-energizing the line section. Automatic reclosing of the source
circuit breaker will not be able to restore service unless the arc is extinguished. For these
reasons, phase and ground fault detecting relays, in addition to voltage and frequency re-
lays, are required at the generator point of interconnection. Voltage supervision of automatic
reclosing and synchronism check supervision of manual closing is required for the utility cir-
cuit breaker or re-closer at the line section source to minimize the risks of equipment dam-
age and personal injury should an attempt be made to close the source circuit breaker or re-
closer with the generator still on line. If the power transformer at the interconnection is delta-
connected on the utility supply, then a single phase-to-ground fault will not draw fault current
once the line section protective equipment opens; however, the system will be over-
voltaged. To prevent this from happening, voltage sensing on the utility supply side of the
power transformer is required.

This design is for Generation Facilities with the following characteristics:

Generation is not to be intentionally exported on to the utility T&D system.


a. Total generation is greater than or equal to 50% of the minimum line section


b. Total generation is greater than 2000 kVA and less than 10 MVA.

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c. Special system constraints warrant using this design.

Relay requirement/recommendation and installer are dependent upon utility/Generation In-

terconnection Customers property line location. Required relays are to be approved by utility.

A.15.4 Protective Device Numbering

The following requirements and examples, the nomenclature and numbering of protective
devices will follow the standards set forth in ANSI C37.2. This standard numbering should
also be used by the customer on information provided to utility showing customer equipment.
All relays are to be utility grade relay and to be approved for use on the utility system.

A few of the more commonly used devices are shown in the following list:

Device Numbers
2 Timer
4 Master Contactor
21 Distance Relay
25 Synchronizing or Synchronism Check
27 Under-voltage
32 Power Direction
40 Loss of Field Detection
46 Current Balance
47 Voltage Phase Sequence
50FD Phase Instantaneous Over-current Fault Detector
51 Time Over-current
51G Ground Time Over-current
51N Neutral Time Over-current
51V Voltage Restrained/Controlled Time Overcurrent
59 Overvoltage
59G Overvoltage Type Ground Detector
67V Voltage Restrained/Controlled Directional Time Overcurrent
79 Reclosing Relay
81O Over-frequency
81U Under-frequency
87 Current Differential

A.15.5 Additional notes pertaining to each device type

1. Device Type: Voltage Transformer

Number Required: 3 connected grounded-wye/grounded-wye

Purpose: Provide voltage for manual and automatic closing of source station breaker.

2. Device Type: Undervoltage Relay Device #: 27

Number Required: 3 (may be part of auto-reclosing relay-device type 79)

Purpose: Provide voltage supervision for closing of source station breaker. Breaker may
be closed if all 3 phases are dead.

3. Device Type: Synchrocheck Relay Device #: 25

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Number Required: As required (depends on type)

Purpose: Provide voltage and phase angle supervision for manual and supervisory clos-
ing of source station breaker. Breaker will be manually closed for any of the following
indicated conditions, as requested by:

___Live Bus - Live Line Synchronized

___Live bus - Dead Line
___Dead Bus - Live Line
___Dead Bus - Dead Line
___Not Required

4. Device Type: Voltage Transformer

Number Required: Depends on type of synchrocheck relay

Purpose: Provide bus voltage for synchrocheck relay

5. Device Type: Power Transformer

Number Required: As needed

Winding configuration is to be specified by utility engr.

6. Device Type: Breaker Failure Backup Tripping (i.e. LBB)

Number Required: 1 (may consist of several relays)

Purpose: Provide for tripping of Generation Interconnection Customers generator

breaker (or other designated back-up breaker) in the event that the Primary interface
breaker fails to trip. This relay ito be initiated by any customer line fault relay.

7. Device Type: Voltage Transformer

Number Required: 3 connected grounded-wye line side and either broken-delta or

grounded-wye on secondary side. This is required when a delta primary or secondary
interconnection transformer is present.

Purpose: Provide voltage to 59G or 27 relays for faults involving ground on the utility
system. Preferred connection is broken-delta; but if feeder loading is unbalanced to the
point that three times zero sequence voltage is normally significant, then the secondary
side should be connected grounded-wye. If this VT is to provide voltage also for imped-
ance relays or directional relays and is to be used for a 59G relay, then the VT may be a
three winding type with the third winding connected grounded-wye or the broken-delta
connection may be provided by using an aux. VT (grounded-wye/broken-delta) if the
main VT is grounded-wye/grounded-wye. The 27 relay could be part of the 27/59 relay-
ing (specified in note 21) if the 27/59 VT’s are located on the primary side of the inter-
connection transformer. This relaying is to provide a relay failure output to trip a select-

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ed customer breaker between the utility system and the customers generator or a back-
up relay is to be installed.

8. Device Type: Over or Undervoltage Relays Device #:59G or 27

Number Required: 1 if 59G or 3 if 27 relay

Purpose: Provide tripping of customer breaker(s) in the event of a fault on the utility sys-
tem involving ground. If the VT's are connected broken-delta, then the relay used is the
59G overvoltage type. If the VT's are connected grounded-wye on the secondary, then
the relays used are the 27 undervoltage relays.

9. Device Type: Impedance Relay Plus Timer Device #: 21-2/2

Number Required: 1 Impedance relay plus 1 timer

Purpose: Provide for tripping of customer breaker in the event of a phase fault on the
utility system. This relay is used in a Zone 2 mode. The timer should be capable of
providing a trip time in the 0,5 second to 2 seconds range.

10. Device Type: Voltage Transformer

Number Required: 3 connected grounded-wye/grounded-wye

Purpose: Provide voltage for impedance relays and power directional relays.

11. Device Type: Ground Overcurrent Relay Device #: 51G

Number Required: 1

Purpose: Provide for tripping of customer breaker in the event of a fault involving ground
on the customer system. This relay may be in the transformer neutral.

12. Device Type: Overcurrent Relay Device #: 51

Number Required: 3 or 1 3-phase

Purpose: Provide for tripping of customer breaker in the event of a phase fault on the
customer system.

13. Device Type: Directional Power Relay Device #: 32

Number Required: 1 or 3 depending on type

Purpose: Provide for tripping of customer breaker if the transformer size is smaller than
generator, to limit power out if necessary to prevent damage to other customers, or to
limit power out because of utility system constraints. This relay is not used for fault de-

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14. Device Type: Synchronizing Relay Device #: 25

Number Required: As required by the number of generator and transformer breakers

needing synchrochecking. Additional synchronizing relays or interlocks may be required
at other circuit breakers that could initiate paralleling of the generator to the utility sys-
tem. Not needed for most induction-type machines.

Purpose: Provide for proper closing of breakers when the customer generator(s) are to
be paralleled to the utility system.

15. Device Type: Voltage Transformer

Purpose: Provide voltage for synchronizing relays. May be one connected phase-to-
phase or may be a part of a 3-phase voltage transformer package.

16. Device Type: Voltage Transformer

Number Required: 3 connected grounded-wye/grounded-wye

Purpose: Provide voltage for under/over voltage and under/over frequency relays.
These voltage transformers are to be connected on the primary or secondary side of
power Transformer. One location only as specified by the utility engineer.

17. Device Type: Under/over Frequency Relay Device #: 81U/O

Number Required: 1

Purpose: Provide tripping of customer breaker in the event the frequency fails to be
maintained. This relay would be expected to operate if the customer should become iso-
lated on the utility line and not be able to maintain the load. The relay is to have a mini-
mum of one over-frequency and two under-frequency elements with a definite time type
characteristic capable of providing a trip time in the 0,1 second to 2 second range. The
setting is to conform to IEEE 1547 section 4.2.4 (Note utility reclosing exception in this
document), unless dictated by other utility system constraints. Frequency relays are to
be connected to VT’s on the primary or secondary side of power Transformer. One loca-
tion only as specified by the utility engineer.

18. Device Type: Under/over voltage relay Device #: 27/59

Number Required: Depends on type

Purpose: Provide tripping of customer breaker in the event the feeder or line voltage
cannot be maintained within acceptable limits. This relay should be a definite-time char-
acteristic or an instantaneous type with a timer. The relay is to have a minimum of two
over-voltage and two under-voltage elements with capable of providing a trip time in the
0,1 second to 2 second range. The setting is to conform to IEEE 1547 section 4.2.3
(Note utility reclosing exception in this document), unless dictated by other utility system
constraints. Voltage relays are to be connected to VT’s on the primary or secondary
side of power Transformer. One location only as specified by the utility engineer.

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International Conference on Electricity Distribution
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19. Device Type: Interrupting Device

Number Required: As needed

Purpose: May be a fuse or circuit breaker. Circuit breaker must not be dependent upon
A.C. power for tripping.

20. Device Type: Relay Failure Protection

Number Required: As needed

Purpose: To provide back-up relay protection should the primary relays fail. The relay
fail contact of microprocessor relays set up to trip the generator breaker of other desig-
nated breaker can fulfil this requirement. If a PLC is installed at the site that performs
critical generator functions, a back-up PLC is to be installed or a health check output is
to be wired in to trip the generator breaker for the failure of the PLC.

21. Device Type: Automatic Transfer Inhibit Scheme

Number Required: 1

Purpose: Where the Generation Interconnection Customers is fed from two or more utili-
ty primary lines through a primary selective transfer scheme (ATO), the scheme must
be inhibited from operating until the generator is isolated from the utility line.

22. Device Type: Circuit Breaker Trip Coil Monitor

Number required: As needed per the number of generators

Purpose: Where possible the interconnect circuit breaker trip coil is to be monitored to
detect a failed trip coil and alarm the condition

23. Device Type: Relay Setting Note (Line Impedance)

Purpose: to assist the Generation Interconnection Customers in setting protective relays

at their site

Impedance of interconnect transformer:

Line Impedance between the Generation Interconnection Customers and the utility

Line impedance for which the DR must see and clear faults:

24. Device Type: Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)

Number Required: 1 for utility & (1 for market operator as required)

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Purpose: To monitor and control the transfer trip equipment, to monitor Generation In-
terconnection Customers circuit breaker status’s, to monitor generator analogues and to
monitor interconnection point analogues. The Generation Interconnection Customers is
to supply an acceptable lockable space for the installation of the RTU equipment. Gen-
eration Interconnection Customers is to provide a dedicated circuit from his DC battery
to power the RTU.

Congrès International des Réseaux Electriques de Distribution

International Conference on Electricity Distribution

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