The Bhawanipur Education Society College
The Bhawanipur Education Society College
Each of the students has to undertake a Project individually under the supervision of a teacher and to
submit the same following the guidelines stated below.
Language of Project Report and Viva-Voce Examination may be English or Bengali. The
Project Report must be typed and spirally bounded.
Failure to submit the Project Report or failure to appear at the Viva-voce Examination will be
treated as “Absent” in the Examination. He /she has to submit the Project Report and appear at
the Viva-Voce Examination in the subsequent years (within the time period as per University
No marks will be allotted on the Project Report unless a candidate appears at the Viva-Voce
Examination. Similarly, no marks will be allotted on Viva-Voce Examination unless a candidate
submits his/her Project Report.
Evaluation of the Project Work to be done jointly by one internal expert and one external expert
with equal weightage, i.e., average marks of the internal and external experts will be allotted to
the candidate.
A candidate has to qualify in the Project Work separately, obtaining a minimum marks of 40
(Project Report and Viva-Voce taken together) in paper 3.5.
Marking Scheme for Project Report and Viva-Voce Examination:
The outcome of Project Work is the Project Report. A project report should have the following
1) Cover Page: This should contain the title of the project proposal, to whom it is submitted,
for which degree, the name of the author, name of the supervisor, year of submission of the
project work, name of the University.
2) Acknowledgement: Various organizations and individuals who might have provided assistance
/co-operation during the process of carrying out the study.
3) Table of Content: Page-wise listing of the main contents in the report, i.e., different Chapters
and its main Sections along with their page numbers.
4) Body of the Report: The body of the report should have these four logical divisions
a) Introduction: This will cover the background, rationale/ need / justification, brief review of
literature, objectives, methodology (the area of the study, sample, type of study, tools for data
collection, and method of analysis), Limitations of the Study, and Chapter Planning.
b) Conceptual Framework / National and International Scenario: (relating to the topic of the
c) Presentation of Data, Analysis and Findings: (using the tools and techniques mentioned in the
d) Conclusion and Recommendations: In this section, the concluding observations based on the
main findings and suggestions are to be provided.
5) Bibliography or References: This section will include the list of books and articles which
have been used in the project work, and in writing a project report.
(The main text of the Project should normally be in the range of 5000 words. However, there
may be annexure in addition to the main text)
STEP I : Selection of the topic for the project by taking following points into consideration:
1) Suitability of the topic.
2) Relevance of the topic
3) Time available at the disposal.
4) Feasibility of data collection within the given time limit.
5) Challenges involved in the data collection (time & cost involved in the data collection,
possibility of getting responses, etc.)
B. COM PART III (HONS) 2014-15
STEP II : Finalization of the Topic and preparation of Project Proposal in consultation with the
STEP III : Collection of information and data relating to the topic and analysis of the same.
STEP V : The following documents are to be attached with the Final Project Report.
1) Approval letter from the supervisor
2) Student’s declaration
3) Certificate from the Competent Authority of the Organisation / Institution, if the
student undertakes the Project Work in any Organisation / Institution.
B. COM PART III (HONS) 2014-15
Project Report
(Submitted for the Degree of B.Com. Honours in Accounting & Finance / Marketing/ under
the University of Calcutta)
Submitted by
Name of the Candidate : ................................................
Registration No. : ..................................................
Name of the College : ........................................................
College Roll No. : .................................
Supervised by
Name of the Supervisor : .................................
Name of the College : .................................
Supervisor's Certificate
Place: Name:
Date: Designation:
Name of the College
B. COM PART III (HONS) 2014-15
Student's Declaration
I hereby declare that the Project Work with the title (in block letters) .............................
submitted by me for the partial fulfilment of the degree of B.Com. Honours in Accounting &
Finance / Marketing / Taxation / Computer Applications in Business under the University of
Calcutta is my original work and has not been submitted earlier to any other University
/Institution for the fulfilment of the requirement for any course of study.
I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in part has been incorporated in this
report from any earlier work done by others or by me. However, extracts of any literature which
has been used for this report has been duly acknowledged providing details of such literature in
the references.
Signature :
Registration No.
B. COM PART III (HONS) 2014-15
Examples of a few broad areas of Project (List is indicative, not exhaustive)
Any topic concerning local economic /entrepreneurial issues / New Business Proposal
IFRS and Indian Accounting Standard – Opportunities & Challenges
Revised Schedule VI
Credit Rating
Risk Management
Credit Risk Management in Banks: Opportunities & Challenges.
Subprime Meltdown and its after effect with case study from Indian Industry.
Corporate Frauds/ White Collar Frauds
Financial Inclusion
Micro-finance Institutions in India.
Carbon Credit
Direct Tax Code (DTC)
Goods and Service Tax (GST)
Role of MSMEs in the Indian Economic Development
Public Sector Undertakings and Indian Economic Development
Business & Government
Corporate Social Responsibilities
Corporate Governance
Financial Sector Reforms
On-line Banking
NPA Management
Business Process Outsourcing
Capital Market
Environmental Accounting
Environmental Management
Financial Statement Analysis
Performance Analysis
Working Capital Management
Cash Management
Debtors Management
Inventory Management
Mergers & Acquisitions
Study on Aviation Sector in India.
Venture Capital
Equity Linked Savings Scheme
Insurance Industry in India
Analysis of Mutual Funds
Study of Non-Performing Assets
Risk and Return Analysis
Commercialization of Sports in India.
B. COM PART III (HONS) 2014-15
The Sub-Prime Crisis.
Rural and Agricultural Banking
Marketing Strategy of different companies for their different products
Marketing and Promotional Strategies
Market Research
Study on the Market Awareness of Intellectual Property
Preservation & Storage of Agricultural Products
Marketing Strategy of Ball/ Gel Pens
Brand Repositioning
Customer Relationship Management
Sales & Distribution Management
Customer Awareness
Industrial Marketing Vs. Consumer
Study of Consumer Behaviour
“Is attractive packaging really a necessity or eyewash?” A study on packaging of some
selected companies-
Consumer Behaviour
After Sales Service and Customer Satisfaction
Effectiveness of Advertising
Direct Marketing & Networking