Project Guidelines
Project Guidelines
2. Meaning of a Project
A project can be defined as a temporary endeavor undertaken to achieve a particular aim or it is a
study of factual information for comprehending and applying the various concepts of the course into
practice. In simple words, a project can be understood as mentioned under:
4. Citation-
Students need to follow the below given link for how to give citation.
ii) Centre: Full name of the student in Capital letters and Registration Number.
iii) Bottom: Name of the Institute (i.e. SCDL), in Block Capitals, and the Academic year.
Please Note: Duly signed scanned copies of all the applicable certificate to be
attached with the project report.
7. No Objection Certificate
If the project is carried out in an organization/firm/company, a certificate of the CEO or any other
authorized person of the organization/firm/company is necessary, mentioning that it has no objection
in publishing the findings of the project study.
The certificate should bear the name of the authority with signature and company stamp.
Alternatively, the certificate should be given on the company/firm/organization’s letterhead, signed
by the company’s authorized person.
8 (a) For Employed Learners
This is to certify that ……….. (Learner’s name) is an employee of this institute/organization for the
past …………month / years.
We have no objection for him / her to carry out a project work titled
“………………………………………………………………………” in our organization and for
submitting the same to the Director, SCDL as a part of fulfillment of the….....................Program.
We wish him / her all the success.
Seal of the company
Signature of the competent authority of the Institute / Organization
No Objection Certificate ii
List of Abbreviations iv
Introduction 1
Literature Review
Research Questions
I) Bibliography
II) List of Cases referred
III) List of Statutes referred
IV) List of Figures, Charts, Diagrams, if any
V) List of Tables, if any
2. Need of the project topic and statement of objectives of the project work
10. Overall impression about the project work and presentation (typing formatting and
get-up of the report)
If the project has any relevance to the existing job profile, a learner has to furnish a feedback from
his/her immediate superior as to why/how the particular topic has been chosen by the concerned
learner and what value it would add in general or in particular.
11. Selection of Project Topic
The project can be selected in various ways like
Discuss with your faculty concerned, before making a choice of your subject/topic.
Consult experts in the field to make a right choice of the topic.
Study various articles / news items etc. published in dailies, weekly, monthly magazines to
select the topic.
Watch current developments in the area on electronic media.
Discussions with the relevant firm may help select a proper topic.
A critical eye can help you spot the right topic for your project.
The Institute has formulated a set pattern of footnoting, which is followed in The Journal of Indian
Law Institute, Annual Survey of Indian Law and various other publications of the Institute.
Contributors of articles, notes and comments and essays are required to follow this pattern.
Part I
Name of the author, Title of the book (if referring to specific page or pages) (Publisher, Place
of publication, edition/year of publication).
E.g. M.P. Jain, Indian Constitutional Law 98 (Kamal Law House, Calcutta, 5th edn., 1998).
Name of the authors, Title of the book (if referring to specific page or pages) (Publisher, Place
of publication, edition/year of publication).
E.g. M.P.Jain and S.N. Jain, Principles of Administrative Law 38 (Wadhawa, Nagpur, 2001)
Name of the first two authors,, Title of the book (if referring to specific page or pages)
(Publisher, Place of publication, edition/year of publication).
E.g. Jerry L. Mashaw, Richard A. Merrill,, The American Public Law System – Cases and
Materials 50 (West Group, St. Paul, MN, 1992).
Name of the editor (ed.), Title of the book (if referring to specific page or pages) (Publisher,
Place of publication, edn/year).
E.g. Nilendra Kumar (ed.), Nana Palkhivala: A Tribute (Universal Publishers, Delhi, 2004).
Name of the editors (eds.), Title of the book (if referring to specific page or pages) (Publisher,
Place of publication, edn/year).
E.g. S.K. Verma and Raman Mittal (eds.), Intellectual Property Rights: A Global Vision 38-42 (ILI,
Delhi, 2004).
Name of the editors, the first two only, (eds.), Title of the book (if referring to specific
page or pages) (Publisher, Place of publication, edn/year).
E.g. Chatrapati Singh, P.K. Coudhary, (eds.), Towards Energy Conservation Law 78 (ILI,
Delhi, 1989).
Indian Law Institute, Index to Indian Legal Periodicals (ILI, Delhi, 2002)
Part II
Name of author of the article, title of the essay within inverted commas, volume number of journal,
Name of the journal in abbreviation & page number (year).
E.g. K. Madhusudhana Rao, “Authority to Recommend President’s Rule under Article 356 of the
Constitution” 46 JILI 125 (2004).
Name of author of the essay, title of the essay within inverted commas, in Name of the editor(s), title
of the edited book page number (publisher, edition/year).
E.g. R.K. Nayak, “Evolving Global Drugs Law for the 21 st Century” in D.C. Jayasuriya, R.K.
Nayak, Global Drugs Law 70 (1997).
Annual Survey of Indian Law – [an annual publication of the Indian Law Institute, New
Name of author of the essay, title of the essay within inverted commas, volume number name of the
survey, page number (year).
Name of the writer, Title of the write-up within inverted commas, Name of the newspape,r date.
Robert I. Freidman, “India’s Shame: Sexual Slavery and Political Corruption are Leading to an AIDS
Catastrophe” The Nation, Apr. 8, 1996.
Editorial, Title of the Editorial within inverted commas Name of the newspaper, date.
Edwin R.A. Seligman (ed.), XV Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (The Macmillan Co., NY,
Part III
If the websites gives information as to when it was last modified, the must be cited, if not one must
cite the date of visiting the website.
(i) Information Technology Act 2000, India, available at:
Part IV
Name of the Researcher, Title of the dissertation/thesis (Year) (Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Name of
the University/organization). Raman Mittal, xyz (2004) (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Punjab
ii. Interviews:
Interview with M. Veerappa Moily, Law Minister, The Hindu, July 25, 2004.
Shabistan Aquil,, “Classification of Human Rights””, in S.K. Verma, Shabistan Aquill, et. al. (eds.),
Human Rights: Cases and Material (In Press, 2004).
Part V
(i) If the case name and citation together are to be written in the text of the article itself [Note: This
format is not allowed in JILI):
(ii) If the name and citation are to be written in the footnote itself:
(i) If the case name and citation together are to be written in the text of the article itself [Note: This
format is not allowed in JILI]:
(ii) If the name and citation are to be written in the footnote itself:
(iii) If the case title is to be written in the body of the research paper, only the name of the case shall
be written e.g., Jassa Singh v. State of Haryana then the citation would be written in the footnote as
(2002) 2 SCC 481.
Lakhwinder Singh & Ors. v. State of Punjab, 2003 Cri LJ 3058 (SC).
Part VI
Part VII
(i) Law Commission of India, 144 th Report on Conflicting Judicial Decisions Pertaining to the Code
of Civil Procedure, 1908 (April, 1992).
Important instructions
Any queries pertaining to Evaluation of Project Report:-
The students are requested to contact SCDL within 8 -10 working days after the project report marks are
reflected in performance sheet. The queries on Project report evaluation received after above said
timeline will not take into consideration.
Students are encouraged to submit the project online (in soft copy) through login
Students must retain one copy of the Project for future reference.
Please note Plagiarism check is mandatory for following chapters (as per section 09) before submitting
the final soft copy of project to SCDL for evaluation.
Analysis of Data
Limitations, Findings, Inferences and Recommendations
Conclusion and your suggestions for improvement in the organisation
In simple terms, plagiarism is copy-paste. Students can use the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)
available online for checking the same (For e.g. as per the UGC guidelines,
similarity index should be less than 10%. The plagiarism report should be attached with the project
Please note that, the plagiarism report is mandatory and the project will be considered for evaluation
only after the specific criteria of less than 10% is met by the learner.
Students are required to submit the Project Report online with applicable Project Submission Fee. The
fees can be paid online through Project online payment link or by Demand Draft. The D/D should be in
favor of “The Director SCDL, Pune” payable at Pune and attached the D/D with duly filled Service
Request Form on following address.
Project report is to be typed and should not be handwritten. Handwritten Project Report will not be
considered for evaluation.
The student are required to submit individual Project Report as per the guidelines given. The
preparation of Project Report as Group activity or copied shall be avoided and found if any will not be
considered for further evaluation which please may be noted
Important instructions:
Please note Plagiarism check is mandatory before submitting the final soft copy of project to SCDL
for evaluation. In simple terms, plagiarism is copy-paste. Students can use the Free and Open Source
Software (FOSS) available online for checking the same (For e.g. As per the
UGC guidelines, similarity index should be less than 10%. The plagiarism report should be attached
with the project report without which the project report will not be evaluated.
Student has to submit the soft copy of the complete project online i.e. using Project
Submission Link available in Student Centre.
compress the multiple project and other relevant files, if any, in .zip or .rar folder and
upload the single folder in your student’s login
The students are requested to contact SCDL within 8 -10 working days after the submissions marks
are reflected in performance sheet. The queries on submissions evaluation received after above said
timeline will not take into consideration.
The Project Report once submitted at SCDL will not be mailed back to the student. Students must
retain a copy of the Report for future reference.
Students are required to submit the Softcopy of Project Report with applicable Project Fee. The
fees can be paid through online payment or by Demand Draft. The D/D should be in favor of
“The Director SCDL, Pune” payable at Pune and attached the D/D with duly filled Service
Request Form on following address.
The online payment link is available under the project option in your student centre.
If the student fails to obtain minimum passing marks in the submission, the student needs to
resubmit the relevant copy of the project only after payment of the applicable resubmission fees,
within program registration validity period.
It is required that student must complete the enrolled Course/Program and applicable Project
Report with fees, within Course/Program registration validity period.
Handwritten Project Report will not be considered for evaluation.
The student are required to upload individual Project Report as per the guidelines given. The
preparation of Project Report as Group activity or copied shall be avoided and found if any will
not be considered for further evaluation which please may be noted