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Prairie Catholic Weekly

March 21, 2019

Staff vs 8th graders

Basketball Ball Game
From the Principal
Dear families,
We are now approaching our final quarter of
school! As we move forward into this last
quarter of the school year, our MS staff will be
adjusting the master schedule to accommodate
7th and 8th grade students curriculum needs
before leaving on their Washington DC trip. As
you know, we have missed a great deal of
school this year and how to best meet their Friday, March 22, 2019
learning needs and covering curriculum
expectations. 2:00pm – 3:00pm

We will continue to develop our emphasis on Popcorn will be available for 50 cents
learning, self-improvement, spiritual well-being,
and interpersonal relationships. Our Catholic When to Keep Your Child Home From School
School will focus on equipping students with the 1. Illness that prevents the child from
skills needed to become respectful, participating in activities.
responsible, safe and contributing Christian 2. Fever (100° or higher). Students may not
members of society. return to school until free of fever without
fever medication for 24 hours.
3. Diarrhea or vomiting during the previous 24
Our Little Saints Learning Center has openings
hours. Student may not return to school until
for summer daycare. Our center will be closed
appetite has returned to normal.
the week of July 1-5 for cleaning and holiday 4. Rash with a fever.
break. More information to come in the near 5. Other conditions deemed appropriate after
future in early April. We will begin taking names assessment by the certified school nurse
for 3K and 4K waiting lists for next year’s and/or the staff nurse.
program April 1- April 12.
If your child is sick, please keep him or her
Please return volunteer slips into Karen when home. Please remind your child to always
completed. We’re fastly approaching the end of remember to wash his or her hands. Studies have
the year. Check our volunteer for proven that hand washing (next to the flu shot) is
opportunities. the BEST way to avoid colds and flu. A healthy diet
and sleep also keep your immune system going, so
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a be sure that your child gets plenty of rest!
new and right spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10)
Let God enable our inner goodness and light to First Communion Retreat – The 2nd grade
shine through in all we are and do! students will be participating in the First
Communion Retreat on Saturday, April 13th in
With peace~ the school cafeteria. The students will be
Mary Henry, Principal participating in different stations preparing them
for the sacrament.
Spring Pictures – Lifetouch will be here on
Thursday, April 4th to take spring pictures for any
students who would be interested. Coming home
today is a flyer with information regarding online Coming Home Today
orders. Next week, paper order forms will be sent Below is the information coming home this
home. week. If you have any questions, please
contact the school office.
Fundraising Meeting – There will be a
fundraising meeting for 5th & 6th grade Parents at  Newsletter
5:00pm in the school cafeteria  Weekly Church Bulletin
 Permission Slip - grades 3rd-8th –
Washington DC Pack it up meeting – On April Viterbo Play
15th Amy Hameister from Legacy Tours will be  Fish Fry Flyer
here. She will then host the “Pack it up Meeting”  Farm to School Flyer
for all 7th & 8th graders and parents. This is a  April Server Schedule
mandatory meeting for anyone going on the trip.  April Script Schedule
(Students & Parents) We will meet at 5:30pm in
the school cafeteria. Upcoming Events
Fish Fry – Come join us on Friday, March 22nd in March 21st - Regional MS Forensics at PCS at
the Fellowship Hall. Serving Deep-Fried or March 21st – Report Cards going home
Broiled Cod, baked potato, or French fries, March 22nd – Staff vs 8th grade Basketball
coleslaw, beverages, and bars. Price $10.00 Game – 50 cent popcorn will be available
March 22th - Holy Family Fish Fry
Adults, $5.00 kids ages 6-12, under age 6 free.
March 27th - School Day – makeup snow day
Grilled cheese & fries only $1.00 for kids 12 and March 28th – Opera for the Young 1:30pm @
under. We are asking each family to help with PCS
this event by making a pan of bars to be used March 28th - Break the Code Day – Team
colors – will change after mass.
for dessert. These can be brought to the
March 29th - No School – Teacher In-Service
Fellowship Hall between 1:00pm - 2:00pm on April 3rd – 5th & 6th grade Parent Meeting –
Friday March 22. Fundraising @ 5:00pm – School Cafeteria
April 4th - Spring Pictures – LifeTouch
April 9th – Honor Roll Mass
April 9th - Grades 3rd – 8th - Play at Viterbo
April 13th – First Communion Retreat
April 15th – Pack it up meeting – Washington
DC trip
April 17th – Mid Term 4
April 17th – Live Stations of the Cross
April 18th-19th – No School
April 22nd – School Day – Makeup Snow day
April15th – Pack it up meeting – Washington
Reminder – The school will ask that students are DC trip-6:30pm
not dropped off until 7:45 am. We do not have a April 28th – First Communion
staff member on duty until that time. The daycare
opens at 7:00 am if families are in need of that

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