Newsletter 03 2 2017

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515 N Beaumont Rd

Prairie Catholic 608-326-8624

Weekly Newsletter
March 2, 2017

From the Principal Mark Your Calendars

Holy Family Parish is offering a 2017 Cash Raffle with drawing being held on March 3rd - Math Counts
Sunday, May 21st, 2017. The proceeds of this raffle will support the school. Students to Movie, 11:30am
The Grand Prize is $7,500.00; there are two 1st Place Prizes of $2,500.00 March 6th - Grades 3-5 to
each; and ten 2nd Place Prizes of $250.00 each. Tickets are $10 each or 11 Viterbo for play
for $100. Need not be present to win. Tickets are available in the school March 8th - Education Com-
office, both rectories and around town at different locations. mission, Cafeteria, 5:30pm
Please help support the school through advertising this raffle and purchasing March 8th - Kindergarten
tickets. Who knows, maybe youll be our Grand Winner! Screening, times scheduled
March 10th - Student Coun-
cil sponsored Popcorn Day
Around Prairie Catholic March 14th - Multi School
Prairie Catholic will host Kindergarten Screening on Wednesday, March 8th. Forensics Competition, Sen-
Please call the school office to set a time for your child to participate. Please eca School, PM
feel free to share this date with anyone that you believe would be interest- March 15th - Crawford
ed. County Fair Queen, Grade 2
-8 cafeteria, 2:45pm
The school would like to thank all the grandparents that attended on Tues- March 16th - 7th/8th Grade
day. The room was full of people and it was very good to see everyone. I Field trip to Madison, all day
would also like to thank Mrs. Kirschbaum for the extra work and Mrs. March 17th - End of Term 3
Stiemke for adding the entertainment. March 24th - No School,
Teacher In-service
The school will ask that anyone dropping off their kids each morning to wait March 25th - First Commun-
until 7:45am or look into using the daycare. We do not have someone on
ion Retreat, Cafeteria
duty until the bus students arrive at 7:40am. The school is afraid that any
students hanging out before supervision could get hurt. March 27th - No Public
School, Parent Transporta-
The 3rd through 5th grade will travel to Viterbo to see the play Jackie Rob- tion Day
inson on Monday, March 6th.

The First Communion Retreat will be Saturday, March 25th in the school
cafeteria. The students will be participating in different stations preparing
them for the sacrament.

Parents please remember that even though we are experiencing moderately

warm temperatures right now the students need to bring cold weather gear.
The morning recess is at 10:00am and it can still be very cool outside.
Page 2 Prairie Catholic Weekly Newsletter

Around Prairie Catholic

The Prairie Catholic 8th Grade completed the National Assessment of Educa-
tional Progress Testing today. Thank you for having your students ready for
Prayer: Almighty
the assessment.
God, your prophets
point the way to our The Math Counts participants received a special offer from the 3M Corpora-
caring for others, tion. The company will pay half of the students tickets to the movie Hidden
especially those who Figures on Friday, March 3rd at 11:30am at the Prairie Cinema.
hunger, need shelter, The students will again read through the Stations of the Cross on Fridays dur-
or who are sick. May ing Lent. These events are open to the public so if you would like to attend
we be charitable you are welcomed to join us at 2:45pm in St. Gabriels Church starting on
with our brothers Friday, March 10th.
and sisters to reveal
I was made aware of another opportunity for Prairie Catholic to receive funds
your plan for hope from another company. If you are a frequent user of Amazon there is feature:
and comfort in the that will give back a portion to the organization
midst of trials and that you choose. Prairie Catholic School is an option for that kick back. If you
trouble. We ask this use Amazon please try Amazon Smile.
through Christ our The school would also like to utilize online SCRIP. Online orders have many
Lord. Amen. benefits including more vendors options and denominations. You can register
at Just follow the instructions for registra-
tion and you can order from home. The school code is: 315114L45414. Feb-
ruary winner to be announced in next weeks newsletter.

Well Done! The

schools Iowa Tests
are back and the re-
sults were very posi-
tive. The 7th Grades
Vocabulary national
percentile rank was
in the 77th percen-
tile. Great job stu-

Grandparents Day/Mardi Gras fun!

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