Handout Gas Law Prob Set

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Gas Laws Problem Set

1 atm = 760 mm Hg = 760 torr = 101.3 kPa = 1.013 bar

PV = nRT
R = 0.0821 L•atm / mol•K

1. A sample of carbon dioxide has a volume of 2.5 L at a temperature of –10°C. What volume will this
sample have when the temperature is increased to 110°C? (assume pressure is constant)

2. What is the volume occupied by 10.0 L of gas at 1.2 atm after it has been compressed (at a constant
temperature) to 3.5 atm?

3. A sample of nitrogen gas having a volume of 2.55 L is collected at a pressure of 0.67 atm. What
volume will the gas occupy when its pressure is changed to 1.45 atm if the temperature is held constant?

4. A gas has a pressure of 5.7 atm at 100.0°C. What is its pressure at 20.0°C? (assume volume is

5. If a scuba diver is to remain submerged for 1 hour, what pressure must be applied to force sufficient
air into the tank to be used? Assume 0.500 L of air per breath at STP, a respiration rate of 38 breaths
per minute, and a tank capacity of 30.0 L.
6. Freon-12, dichlorodifluoromethane (CCl2F2), was a widely-used refrigerant. Consider a 2.23 L sample of
gaseous Freon at a pressure of 0.05 atm and a temperature of –1.36°C. Calculate the volume of the gas at
a pressure of 0.01 atm and a temperature of 5.5°C.

7. If a sample of gas occupies 4.4 L at 19°C and 0.9 atm, what volume will the same gas occupy at STP?

8. What volume will 64.0 g of oxygen gas (O2) occupy at STP?

9. A 28.02 g sample of nitrogen (N2) is sealed in a 6.00 L container and heated to a temperature of
327°C. What is the pressure of the gas?

10. A helium-filled weather balloon has a volume of 7,775 L. How many grams of helium would be required
to inflate this balloon to a pressure of 745 mm Hg at 21.0°C

11. Analysis of a gas shows that it contains 85.7% carbon and 14.3% hydrogen by mass. At standard
conditions, 100.0 mL of the compound has a mass of 0.188 gram. What is its molecular weight (molar
mass)? What is its molecular formula?

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