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Date: 2016/03/29

Audemat® is a registered trademark.

WorldCast Systems
web: www.worldcastsystems.com - e-mail: [email protected]
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

Established following the EMC 2004/108/CE and 2006/95/CE Directive

We, hereby, certify that the AUDEMAT AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR complies with the dispositions of the European
Community Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States related to electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC 2004/108/CE Directive) and low voltage (2006/95/CE Directive) legislation of the different

This conformity statement results from respecting EMC and low impedance requirements and from an analysis
carried out by WorldCast Systems Quality Department, complying with European standards EN 50081-1, EN 50082-
1 and EN 60215.

Julien Chomat
Quality Manager

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Head Office : Parc d’activites Kennedy - 20, avenue Neil Armstrong – 33700 Bordeaux-Merignac (France)
Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016


1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 6
1.1. General information...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.1. About WorldCast Systems ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.2. About DVB .............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.1.3. About the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR ................................................................................................. 7
1.2. Options .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1. Software options .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.2. Hardware options .................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3. Safety warning .............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.3.1. Operating recommendations ................................................................................................................. 9
2. PRODUCT PRESENTATION .......................................................................................................................... 10
2.1. List of included accessories .........................................................................................................................10
2.2. General specifications .................................................................................................................................10
2.2.1. Product features ..................................................................................................................................10
2.2.2. Technical specifications .......................................................................................................................11
2.3. Network configuration ................................................................................................................................12
2.4. Front panel ..................................................................................................................................................13
2.5. Rear panel ...................................................................................................................................................14
3. QUICK START UP FOR AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR .................................................................................... 15
3.1. Network configuration using the front panel .............................................................................................15
3.2. Connecting to the network .........................................................................................................................16
3.3. Installing the AUDEMAT DVB-T Monitor applications ................................................................................16
4. USING THE FRONT PANEL APPLICATION ..................................................................................................... 18
4.1. Presentation ................................................................................................................................................18
4.2. Application screens .....................................................................................................................................18
4.2.1. Management menu .............................................................................................................................18
4.2.2. Configuration menu .............................................................................................................................19
4.2.3. Status menu .........................................................................................................................................20
5. WEB SITE .................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.1. Product Id’s .................................................................................................................................................21
5.2. Network ......................................................................................................................................................22
5.3. Download ....................................................................................................................................................23
6. PRESENTATION OF THE REMOTE APPLICATION .......................................................................................... 24
6.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................24
6.1.1. Working principle .................................................................................................................................24
6.1.2. Multiplex monitoring ...........................................................................................................................24
6.1.3. Monitoring hierarchy detail .................................................................................................................24
6.1.4. Triggering alarms: ................................................................................................................................24
6.2. Installing the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR application ...............................................................................26
6.3. Connect to the unit .....................................................................................................................................27
6.4. Application presentation ............................................................................................................................28
6.5. Set preferences ...........................................................................................................................................29
6.6. View the unit settings and versions ............................................................................................................30

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Head Office : Parc d’activites Kennedy - 20, avenue Neil Armstrong – 33700 Bordeaux-Merignac (France)
Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016
7. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................................... 31
7.1. Product Identifiers ......................................................................................................................................31
7.2. Date/Time ...................................................................................................................................................32
7.3. Status ..........................................................................................................................................................33
7.4. Users ...........................................................................................................................................................34
7.5. Network ......................................................................................................................................................35
7.6. PPP Dialout ..................................................................................................................................................37
7.7. PPP Dial-in ...................................................................................................................................................39
7.8. IP Router and Port translation ....................................................................................................................41
7.9. Support .......................................................................................................................................................43
7.10. SMTP Client mail .......................................................................................................................................44
7.11. SNMP Agent ..............................................................................................................................................46
7.11.1. Supported SNMP versions .................................................................................................................46
7.11.2. Notification mode ..............................................................................................................................46
7.12. Notifications ..............................................................................................................................................47
7.13. I/O Layout .................................................................................................................................................49
7.14. I/O Log .......................................................................................................................................................50
7.15. I/O State ....................................................................................................................................................50
7.16. Receiver configuration ..............................................................................................................................51
7.17. Equipment information .............................................................................................................................53
8. MONITORING CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................. 54
8.1. Creating a new channel ...............................................................................................................................55
8.2. RF channel configuration ............................................................................................................................56
8.2.1. Basic configuration...............................................................................................................................56
8.2.2. RF Signal level ......................................................................................................................................57
8.2.3. C/N level...............................................................................................................................................59
8.2.4. MER level .............................................................................................................................................60
8.2.5. Error rate..............................................................................................................................................61
8.2.6. SFN Monitoring ....................................................................................................................................62
8.2.7. MPEG-TS configuration ........................................................................................................................64
8.2.8. MPEG-TS Services ................................................................................................................................69
8.2.9. TS Rate .................................................................................................................................................72
8.3. MPEG configuration ....................................................................................................................................74
8.3.1. Basic configuration...............................................................................................................................74
8.4. The Monitoring Scan ...................................................................................................................................75
8.4.1. Scan configuration ...............................................................................................................................76
8.4.2. Scan information ..................................................................................................................................77
8.5. MPEG Settings .............................................................................................................................................78
9. VIEWING THE STATUS ................................................................................................................................ 80
9.1. Channel Supervision ....................................................................................................................................80
9.2. Event log .....................................................................................................................................................84
10. ACCESSING MEASUREMENTS ................................................................................................................... 86
10.1. RF average Measure readings ...................................................................................................................86
10.2. MPEG-TS Error ..........................................................................................................................................87
10.3. Bit Rates Services ......................................................................................................................................88
10.4. Cumulated bit rate services ......................................................................................................................89
10.5. SFN readings .............................................................................................................................................90

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Head Office : Parc d’activites Kennedy - 20, avenue Neil Armstrong – 33700 Bordeaux-Merignac (France)
Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016
11. REALTIME MONITORING .......................................................................................................................... 91
11.1. Realtime RF ...............................................................................................................................................91
11.2. MPEG Realtime .........................................................................................................................................94
11.2.1. Services ..............................................................................................................................................95
11.2.2. MPEG data .........................................................................................................................................98
11.2.3. MPEG tables .......................................................................................................................................99
11.2.4. MPEG error ........................................................................................................................................99
11.2.5. MPEG Error counter .........................................................................................................................100
11.2.6. MIP information and errors .............................................................................................................101
11.2.7. PCR Jitter ..........................................................................................................................................101
12. EXPORTING RESULTS ...............................................................................................................................102
13. MANAGING BACKUP FILES ......................................................................................................................103
13.1. Backing up ...............................................................................................................................................103
13.2. Restoring a file ........................................................................................................................................104
14. ACTIVATING SOFTWARE OPTIONS ..........................................................................................................105
14.1. About the software options ....................................................................................................................105
14.2. Activating an option ................................................................................................................................105
15. OPTIONAL INPUT / OUTPUT CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................106
15.1. Status module - Digital inputs .................................................................................................................106
15.2. Commands module - Relay outputs ........................................................................................................108
15.3. Metering module - Analog inputs ...........................................................................................................110
APPENDIX A: PROCEDURE FOR RETRIEVING THE IP ADDRESS .......................................................................111
A.1. Connection via the front panel serial port ................................................................................................111
A.2. Connection with a keyboard and monitor ................................................................................................113
APPENDIX B: TRAP DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................115
APPENDIX C: DESCRIPTION OF SNMP MONITORING TABLES.........................................................................122
APPENDIX D: GLOSSARY ...............................................................................................................................126
APPENDIX E: MONITORING PARAMETERS ....................................................................................................128
APPENDIX F: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ..................................................................................................131

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Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016


1.1. General information

1.1.1. About WorldCast Systems

WorldCast Systems is a highly respected provider of professional, reliable and innovative solutions to the Radio &
TV industry worldwide.
Encompassing the industry-leading brands of APT, Ecreso & Audemat, WorldCast Systems offers high-performing
broadcast systems including audio codecs, FM transmitters and RF signal monitoring designed to meet the needs
of both large international broadcast networks and small private stations alike. WorldCast Systems’ products are
deployed throughout the networks of many major public and commercial broadcasters such as the BBC, ARD, the
EBU, RTE, TDF, RNE, Teracom, RAI, ORF and Clear Channel Radio.
• APT codecs deliver audio over IP, T1, ISDN & Leased Lines. Our award-winning SureStream technology
enables high quality audio transport over cost-effective IP links.
• Ecreso offers highly efficient FM transmitters with extensive inbuilt functionality, highly competitive Total
Cost of Ownership and an industry-leading 10 year warranty.
• Audemat provides a range of professional monitoring and measurement tools for Radio & TV,
complemented by an extensive range of remote control systems for management, configuration and
monitoring of broadcast networks.
Three core values have shaped the growth and direction of WorldCast Systems
1) Product innovation:
WorldCast Systems places a key emphasis on Research & Development and its innovative approach has
been repeatedly recognized by the industry. Our products have been selected to receive awards for
innovation at consecutive NAB Shows for over 13 years.
2) Customer satisfaction:
WorldCast Systems is dedicated to ensuring the best quality, value and service for its customers and has
achieved IS0 9001 certification.
3) Sustainable Development:
WorldCast Systems is committed to sustainable development and demonstrates this commitment in
several ways: all new products are developed in keeping with an eco-design philosophy and built within a
low energy consumption factory and the company has also established Proximité Carbone, a foundation
to enable reforestation.
Headquartered in Bordeaux-Merignac, France, WorldCast Systems employs nearly 100 people worldwide with an
R&D center in Northern Ireland and sales offices in the UK, Germany, India and the US. A global distributor
network works together with our international sales and support staff to offer local assistance to our international
customer base.

1.1.2. About DVB

DVB is the name for the European project associating more than 180 structures (industrials, broadcasters and
regulating bodies) from more than 20 countries in Europe, which has defined standards in digital Satellite (DVB-S),
Cable (DVB-C), DVB-H and terrestrial Hertzian (DVB-T) broadcasting.

It has also defined an encryption system for controlling access. Other DVB standards have also been defined, such
as the DVB-TXT (teletext), DVB-ISC (interactive services) and DVB-MHP (interactivity engine).

The DVB-T was approved by ETSI in February 1997. Like the DVB-S and the DVB-C, information is encoded,
according to MPEG2 and H.264 (MPEG4) standards, DVB defining the transport mode and error protection

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Head Office : Parc d’activites Kennedy - 20, avenue Neil Armstrong – 33700 Bordeaux-Merignac (France)
Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016
The COFDM modulation has been chosen, in 2K (1705 carriers) and 8k (6817 carriers) form. Each of these carriers
has been modulated in 16/64 QAM or QPSK (see Glossary for definitions).

1.1.3. About the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR

AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR (formerly GOLDENEAGLE DVB-T) completes Audemat’s monitoring range: it is a device
for monitoring vital broadcasting parameters for one or several DVB channels.
It also has remote control and automation capabilities with its modular inputs-outputs, and ScriptEasy.
The MPEG analysis uses a proprietary algorithm to count errors, inform a shared memory area with this data and
supply analysis data for an acquisition period set by the user.
As standard, the unit is fitted with one RF input and one ASI input. Three software applications are supplied with it:
 AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR/H: remote application, to configure monitoring, setup alarms and display
 ScriptEasy: application to create scripts to automate and control inputs/outputs.
 MasterView: application to view and control your site via custom views.
 The VLC video player v. 1.1.09 or newer is required for video streaming.

1.2. Options

1.2.1. Software options

 SFN Option: includes SFN CIR (Channel Impulse Response) monitoring and real-time analysis.
 TS Structure Option: includes in-depth Transport Stream monitoring and real-time analysis.
 Picture Control Option: includes video streaming and display of thumbnails. The TS Structure option is
needed to implement this option.
 Spectrum Analyzer Option: includes band scan monitoring and real-time channel spectrum display.
See chapter 13 for software option activation.

1.2.2. Hardware options

Five slots are available in which GPIO boards can be installed.
Status board: module with 16 digital inputs on a female SUB-D 25.
Commands board: module with 8 relay outputs on a male SUB-D 25.
Metering board: module with 8 analog inputs on a female SUB-D 25.

Interface Type Analog Digital Relay

Max number of boards 1 5 5
Number of GPIO’s per board 8 16 8
Max number of GPIO’s per unit 8 80 40

See chapter 14 for configuration information.

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Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

1.3. Safety warning

This equipment complies with international mechanical and electrical standards. To maintain this compliance, as
well as to ensure proper and safe working conditions and avoid electrical shocks and fire hazards, you must comply
with the following recommendations:

 The device should only be utilized in the conditions described in the user manual.
 The device is designed for industrial usage and must only be operated by qualified personnel.
 The device may be heavy; it must be lifted and handled with care, specifically during unpacking and set

Electrical precautions
 Unplug from mains outlet before any intervention.
 Any maintenance, adjustment or repair must be carried out by personnel specifically trained by WorldCast
 Before switching on the device, make sure the nominal voltage specified on the device matches the mains
nominal voltage.
 The device should only be operated on a stable electrical network. If the electrical network is not stable, a
power conditioner, such as a UPS, must be used
 The device must only be used with a plug that incorporates a protective ground contact.
 To avoid any risk of electrocution, the protection conductor must not be cut, intentionally or accidentally,
either on the device or on the power cord.
 High quality shielded cables are mandatory.

Environmental precautions
 It is necessary to verify that environmental conditions comply with those recommended in the manual.
 Nothing must obstruct the ventilation.
 To avoid any electromagnetic interference, the device must only be used when it is closed, installed in a
cabinet and connected to the earth as per the instructions.
 The device should not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no objects filled with liquids, such as coffee
cups, should be placed on the equipment.
 Connectors may be hot on high power units.

Precautions regarding the lithium battery

This device includes a lithium battery.
If the battery is not correctly replaced, there is a risk of explosion.
Only replace it with a battery of the same type. Contact us before attempting to use another type
 Do not puncture the battery
 Do not throw the battery in fire
 Do not immerse the battery in water
 Do not throw away the used battery, recycle it instead. You may send it back to us if needed.

If these precautions are not followed, the guarantee will be void.

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Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

1.3.1. Operating recommendations

So as to guarantee acquisition performance, stability of supplied information and reliability, we recommend you
follow the conditions below:
 The unit must be installed in a location with steady air flow, either forced or natural. If several units are
stacked up, they should be spaced by at least 1 U to allow air flow and prevent overheating.
 It is strongly recommended that the location is not subject to a high humidity level (>70%), and to avoid
high salinity or chlorinated environments.
 It is strongly recommended that the location is not exposed to a high volume of dust.
 Connection to the mains should be done according to applicable installation codes:
outlets in good working conditions to insure a reliable contact,
correct voltage, without fluctuation and stable over time (power conditioner recommended),
sufficient power.
 The quality of the communication network (modem, ADSL, WIFI, WIMAX) is very important. Modem
correctly installed, proper antenna installation in case of WiFi and WiMax,
 Specific attention must be given to the connection with the signal to be monitored (antenna or in case of
installation on the transmitter site, connection to the transmitter’s probe).
Selectivity must warrant that out-of-band or parasite signals are not present. Otherwise, it is mandatory to use an
adequate rejection filter.
The C/N level must greater than 15 dB,
The average and nominal level must be greater than -50 dBm, otherwise it is recommended to use a professional
and specific amplifier,

Note: the auto-configuration scan is described in section 7.5; this function makes it possible to view all carriers
present in the band.

These prerequisites should be taken into account so as to give the essential components (CPU and receiver) the
best operating conditions. These components are sensitive, and extreme conditions greatly decrease their
reliability and the consistency of their performance over the operational lifetime of the AUDEMAT DVB-T

This document contains proprietary information subject to change without notice. Pictures contained within are

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Head Office : Parc d’activites Kennedy - 20, avenue Neil Armstrong – 33700 Bordeaux-Merignac (France)
Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016


2.1. List of included accessories

Check that all these accessories are included:
 1 power supply cable
 1 Ethernet straight cable (A)
 1 2x splitter
 3 BNC cables (N)
 1 IEC(TV)/BNC adapter
 1 box including 1 documentation CD-Rom, 1 quick start notice , 1 quality control and 1 I/O configuration
2.2. General specifications

2.2.1. Product features

Main Characteristics
External dimensions (WxDxH) 48 cm (19”) x 32.5 cm (12” ¾) x 2U
Weight ≈ 6.70 kg – 14.77 lbs
Main power supply 100-250 VAC – 50-60 Hz
Power consumption  60 W @ 230 VAC
 Optimal performance temperatures +5°C - +45°C
 Guaranteed working temperatures 0°C - +50°C
 Storage -20°C - +70°C
Humidity 10-95% non-condensing relative humidity
RF input 1 - BNC type
ASI input 1 - BNC type
LAN ports 2- 10/100/1000M Base-T RJ45 port
USB ports 4 - A type
Serial port 1 - RS232, configurable for console mode or
serial communication
Power button 1
LED indicators 3 - RUN, HDD, Power + 4 alarm LEDs
Metering (analog inputs) Up to 8 (option)
Status (digital inputs) Up to 80 (option)
Commands (relay outputs) Up to 40 (option)
I/O specifications
Metering (analog inputs) 12-bit -0 V/+50 V (4 ranges)
Status (digital inputs) 5-25 VDC external or contact closure
Commands (relay outputs) 1 A @ 50 VDC per relay

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Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

2.2.2. Technical specifications

RF characteristics

RF Input impedance 50 Ω

UHF Frequency Band 470 to 860 MHz

VHF Frequency Band 170 to 234 MHz

Channel bandwidth 7 and 8 MHz

FFT Modes 8k

DVB-T Signals supported QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM

Guard Int. 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4
Code Rate 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8

Sensitivity range (given for QEF criteria) -20 to -80 dBm

Min Value for QPSK 1/2 8K -70 dBm
Min Value for 64QAM 2/3 8K -60 dBm

Positive and negative offset 0 or +/- 166 kHz

Adjacent digital channel rejection * < 25 dB

Monitoring performances

MER in normal operation (for RF input -40 dBm) 0 to 35 dB (resolution of 1 dB)

C/N in normal operation 0 to 40 dB (resolution of 1 dB)

BER Accuracy ** 10-8 (before RS and after Viterbi)

Impulse response

Input Signal Strength Accuracy *

- ≥ 50 dBm +/- 3 dB
- < -50 dBm +/- 2 dB

ASI characteristics

ASI Input impedance 75 Ω

Standard Compatibility ETSI EN300 744

ASI Physical Layer EN50083-9

ASI Bit Rate 0 to 60 Mbps

 Specifications marked with (*) are non-guaranteed; parameters marked with (**) are not available.

For all information concerning monitoring parameters: see Appendix E.

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

2.3. Network configuration

! This unit does not deal with network related security issues. It is up to the user to set it in a secured
environment such as a private network, VPN, behind a firewall…
To successfully communicate with clients and various services, the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR uses the following

Port 21 FTP - file transfer and video recording

Port 22 SSH - maintenance
Port 80 HTTP - communication with the client PC
Port 161 SNMP - SNMP commands (to read variables)
Port 5570 ScriptEasy - visualization of the script in real time
Port 8080 Video streaming
Port 8999 Real time measurements
Port 25 SMTP - sending of emails
Port 123 NTP - date/time synchronization
Port 162 SNMP - sending of traps and reception of acknowledgment

You may need to open or redirect these ports on the router or firewall for the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR to work
properly (server ports only).

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Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

2.4. Front panel

With display screen:

Status LEDs Screen application controls

RUN and HDD LEDs LED and POWER button

Without display screen:

RUN and HDD LEDs LED and POWER button

N° ID: 3695
Trade Mark of the DVB Digital Video Broadcasting Project (1991 to 1996)

LEDs on the front panel:

RUN: normal operation
HDD: hard drive activity
POWER: power indicator of the AUDEMAT DVB-T Monitor

Alarm LEDs:
Only one alarm LED can be on at once and it shows the alarm with the highest severity level:
No alarm: no current alarms
Minor: at least one minor alarm, neither major nor critical alarm.
Major: at least one major alarm, maybe minor alarms, no critical alarm.
Critical: at least one critical alarm, maybe minor and/or major alarms.

The level of severity is user set in the Configuration / Notification page (see section 7.11).

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Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

2.5. Rear panel

ASI input: BNC cable to connect to

equipment generating ASI (not provided)
COM1: RS 232 crossover cable for console
(default configuration), scriptlet or optional 5 slots available for optional
modem (not provided) I/O boards (slots 0 to 4)

Power supply RF input: BNC cables + splitter + adapter to

connect to TV antenna (not provided)

Ethernet port: RJ45 Ethernet cable (A) for network ASI output: copy of the input stream, to
connection or for direct connection to PC connect if the AUDEMAT DVB-T Monitor is
in a loop

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Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016


3.1. Network configuration using the front panel

Units with front screen display only.
1. Connect the unit to the power using the power supply cable (see cable connection diagram at the end of
this notice).
2. Press the “power” button.
Once the unit is ready, you will see the following screen:

==== MAIN MENU =====

► Management █
Configuration █
Status █

3. Use the keypad on the right of the screen to navigate the front screen

4. Use the down arrow key until the white arrow is pointing to the
“Management” menu, press the ‘’ key to select it.

5. Select the “Network” menu in the same way.

===== NETWORK =====

IP 10. 0. 10. 1
MASK 255.255. 0. 0
GATW 10. 15. 0.254

6. Adjust network parameters one character at a time:

 Select the character you wish to modify using the arrow keys.
 Press the ‘’ key to switch to edit mode.
 Once in edit mode, use the arrow keys to adjust the value.
 Press the ‘’ key to confirm the value before modifying the next character.
7. Once network configuration is done, press the ‘X’ key to return to the previous screen; you will see a
confirmation screen: confirm your new configuration with the ‘’ key.

You can now use the network cable to connect your AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR2 to connect your unit to the

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Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

3.2. Connecting to the network

Connect the Ethernet cable (A) from the unit’s primary
interface to your PC *, or to a router or a switch.

* With a direct connection, you will need to set an IP address

on your PC in the same range as the IP address you just set using the front panel application, so both are
compatible. Example: if the AUDEMAT DVB-T Monitor’s IP address is, the PC IP address must be in the
192.168.0.xx range. The procedure varies depending on your operating system.
For units without front display, the default IP address is: The PC address must therefore be in the
192.16.12.xx range.
 With Windows 2000 or Windows XP, go to:
 Control panel / Network connection.
 Local Area Connection / Properties
 Click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the list then
on Properties.
 Add the IP address and the sub-net mask. (for
example / Netmask
 With Windows Vista or Windows 7, go to:
 Control panel / Network and Internet / Network
and Sharing Center.
 Click on “View Status” for your local area
connection, and on Properties
 Click on Internet Protocol 4, then on Properties.
 Add the IP address and the sub-net mask (for
example / Netmask

3.3. Installing the AUDEMAT DVB-T Monitor applications

You will now be able to access the embedded web site via Ethernet or Internet to download the remote
Open a Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla…) and enter the IP address you just set via the front panel.
Default Login and Password: “Admin” / “admin”.

1. Click on “Download” in the menu to install the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR applications on your PC.

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016
2. Three applications are available:

 AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR: configure the unit, set up monitoring, monitor parameters and view
readings in real time.
 ScriptEasy: create scripts to automate and control inputs/outputs and to manage alarms.
 MasterView: view and control your unit via custom views.

! Do not install ScriptEasy or MasterView if more recent versions are already installed on your PC and remove
older versions if needed (‘Start’ menu, Programs/Audemat/ScriptEasy/Uninstall and

3. To install them, click on each link and follow on-screen instructions.

4. To use any of the applications, click the Start button and Programs/WorldCast Systems you will then find
three subfolders: AUDEMAT DVB-T Monitor, ScriptEasy and MasterView.

 If a Windows Firewall is activated, add the application to the list of approved applications.

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Units with front display only.

4.1. Presentation
‘Management’, ‘Configuration’ and ‘Status’ parameters may be viewed or set using the front screen application.
The AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR front screen is on from the moment you plug in the equipment. It can go into
sleep mode, pressing any of the buttons will re-activate it.
 How to use the application :

Use the keypad on the right of the screen to navigate the front screen
 Use the arrow keys to navigate through a menu or to a value,
and to change values.

 Use the central green checkmark key ‘’ to confirm/enter and

to switch to edit mode.
 Use the red ‘X’ key to cancel or return to the previous screen.

4.2. Application screens

This is the home screen, the first you will see:

==== MAIN MENU =====

► Management █
Configuration █
Status █

4.2.1. Management menu

==== MANAGEMENT ====

System █
Network █
Version █

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016 System Menu

====== SYSTEM ======

► Reboot █
Shutdown █
Reset config █
From this screen, you can reset, restart or shutdown the equipment.

‘Restart’ will close and re-launch the embedded operating system.

‘Shutdown’ will stop the embedded system and shut down the device. It is always better when shutting down
the equipment to use the shutdown command before unplugging the equipment.
‘Reset config’ will reset the whole configuration. All changes will be lost; only factory configurations will remain.
With any of these commands, a confirmation will allow you to either confirm using the central green checkmark
key ‘’ or cancel using the red ‘X’ key Network Menu

===== NETWORK =====

IP 10. 0. 10. 1
MASK 255.255. 0. 0
GATW 10. 15. 0.254
After modification of network settings, press the ‘X’ key. The confirmation screen appears:

===== NETWORK =====

Save this network
=YES X=NO Version Menu

==== VERSIONS =====

SN 00002
RX1 1.0.1
RX2 1.0.1
Displays the serial number and the receivers’ versions.

4.2.2. Configuration menu

Language █
Brightness █
Contrast █

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016 Languages sub-menu

===== LANGUAGE ====

 English █
 French █

Set front screen application language.

 This language can be selected by pressing the green check mark key
 Current language Brightness sub-menu

==== BRIGHTNESS ====

[█---------] 10%
Use the left and right arrows to set the screen brightness level. Contrast sub-menu

===== CONTRAST =====

[█████-----] 50%
Use the left and right arrows to set the screen contrast level.

4.2.3. Status menu

===== STATUS ======

CPU: 38C/100F █
HDD: 22C/72F █

The read only menu gives the CPU, HDD and the DVB-T2 receiver temperatures.
Use the down arrow to access the remaining readings: fan speed, up time, date and time.

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Links on the left side of the page enable easy navigation to the various pages of the site.

5.1. Product Id’s


o Product name: this name can be used when connecting with the remote application. It is
therefore recommended to use a unique and easily identifiable name.
o Product description
Both of these settings are optional and at the user’s discretion, but useful to better identify the unit
on the network.


o AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR serial number

o Software version
o Hardware version

 Avoid particular characters for the product name; only alphanumerical characters, dashes, underscores and
spaces are allowed.

 When making changes you must click on the “Update” button before leaving the page to lock in your changes.

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

5.2. Network

 IP configuration definition:
 Ethernet configuration mode
The application can be configured for use with a static or dynamic IP address (DHCP).

 DHCP mode is only recommended if the IP address given by the server is know (for instance if the server gives
an IP address to the MAC address).
 Static Ethernet configuration
Enter the static IP parameters. IP address and mask are essential, gateway is important if the unit is
to communicate outside its own subnet. The secondary interface can be used as a backup interface if
the Ethernet fail-over function is enabled.

 Both gateways cannot be enabled at once!

 DNS Servers: DNS configuration, to be able to use domain names rather than numerical IP
addresses. Mandatory if before using DNS addresses on other configuration pages.
 Current network status: current network parameters.

 When making changes you must click on the “Update” button before leaving the page to lock in your changes.

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

5.3. Download

This page enables you to download the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR applications, including:

 The remote application dedicated to DVB monitoring: system configuration, monitoring configuration
and access to measurements.
 ScriptEasy: configuration of remote control functions.
 MasterView: visualization and control of your site in custom views.

Click on the line of the application you wish to install and select ‘Open’ to install the application, or "Save" to install
from the hard drive (recommended option). Follow the wizard’s instructions.

 Please refer to the ScriptEasy manual for information on ScriptEasy and MasterView.

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016


6.1. Introduction

6.1.1. Working principle

The unit is designed to automatically monitor a programmed list (multiplex) by comparing measurements from an
internal tuner to user-defined reference settings. In case of failure, alarms are generated and sent by SNMP Traps
or mail. The unit communicates with the outside world via IP network (Ethernet or modem). It comes with a client-
server application serving as graphic user interface that makes it possible to remotely configure the unit, view
measurements and event logs as well as view real time measurements and listen to the audio.

6.1.2. Multiplex monitoring

Monitoring is done by setting the tuner successively on each set multiplex for acquisition of measurements and by
then comparing the programmed reference values with the newly acquired data. Each monitoring element is
successively tested according to the hierarchical test order. With this order; lower level tests will stop when a
higher level error has been detected. As an example, it is pointless to test the BER level if no DVB-T presence has
been detected. This method also prevents useless alarms from being sent.
 The higher the number of monitored multiplex is, the longer the monitoring cycle will be: measurements for
each multiplex become therefore less frequent.

6.1.3. Monitoring hierarchy detail

* PER is not available in the current version.

6.1.4. Triggering alarms:

As monitoring starts, each test is set to ‘NO_ERROR’ status.
This status is then reevaluated with each monitoring cycle as the tests are performed again. When a measured
value is out-of-tolerance, the state switches to ‘ERROR’, but the alarm is not triggered immediately. For each
parameter, the “timeout before alarm” parameter can be configured: it represents a delay during which an error
state is tolerated before the alarm is triggered. Once this length of time has been reached, the state switches to
‘ALARM’, and corresponding actions are then taken (notification, placement of the event in the event log…)
Switching from ‘ERROR’ to ‘NO_ERROR’ is immediate; however, it takes 2 confirmations to go from ‘ALARM’ to
‘NO_ERROR’, the test must be error free for 2 consecutive cycles.
The hysteresis is an additional factor to be taken into account before the unit returns to normal state after a ‘level’
type threshold violation. This value adjusts the triggering threshold after an alarm begins so that fluctuations near
the threshold level will not continuously trigger alarms. For instance, if we set the lower level threshold at 40, and
the hysteresis at 5, the alarm activates at a level lower than 40 and stays on until the level rises above 45.

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Detected error Error duration <

guard time

2 consecutive cycles Error duration >

with no error guard time

Triggering and end of a high threshold alarm

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Multi-channel monitoring

Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3
time in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 seconds
monitoring time
error before the alarm is triggered
no issue on the channel
When dealing with a series of channels, each channel is monitored for a set time (5 seconds on the example above,
with a 2 second delay before alarm).
Recorded start and end times depend in part on the monitoring cycle.
Channel 1: the error starts second 2 while the channel is monitored and ends second 16 while the channel is also
monitored. Alarm start and end times match actual times.
Channel 2: the error starts second 6 while the channel is monitored and ends second 11 when the channel is no
longer monitored. An error starts again second 18 and ends second 23. The monitoring unit cannot detect the
absence of error between second 11 and second 18. It is seen as a single error. Alarm start time: second 8; alarm
end time second 23.
Channel 3: the error starts second 12 while the channel is monitored and ends second 20 when the channel is no
longer monitored. The monitoring unit detects the absence of error when starting to monitor the channel again.
Alarm start time: second 14; alarm end time: second 25.
It is also important to note that when a channel is not monitored, no measurements can be compiled on that
specific channel, leaving ‘blanks’ in the recorded measurement curves.
As a rule, be aware that the higher the number of monitored channels, the lesser monitoring time is spent on
 The monitoring time depends for each channel on the number and type of monitored parameters. The
estimated cycle time is calculated by the application and displayed on the ‘Basic configuration’ page.

Case of alarms ‘closed by hierarchy’

When an alarm with a high hierarchical level is triggered, the state for each lower hierarchical level alarm changes
to ‘CLOSED’ and a notification for ‘closed by hierarchy’ is sent. As an example, if a Cell ID alarm is active and the
DVB-T presence alarm gets triggered, the Cell ID trap is sent with an alarmStatus value of 3 (closed by hierarchy).
Inversely, when the high level alarm ends, the lower level tests that were ‘CLOSED’ return to ‘ALARM’ status and
traps are sent with alarmStatus values of 4 (alarm reopened).

6.2. Installing the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR application

A remote application called “AUDEMAT DVB-T Monitor" is included in the unit and is available for downloading on
the embedded web site in the “Download" tab.
To use this application, you must previously have established TCP/IP communication with the AUDEMAT DVB-T
On the embedded web site, display the Download page and click the AUDEMAT DVB-T Monitor Monitoring
application link to install the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR application (see section 4.3). The default install directory
is C:\Program Files\WorldCast Systems\AUDEMAT DVB T Monitor version number.

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6.3. Connect to the unit

Launch the application from the desktop shortcut or from the Start button then, Programs/WorldCast
Systems/AUDEMAT DVB T Monitor version number/AUDEMAT DVB-T Monitor.
The login window pops up.

1 previously
2 saved data

Enter the equipment’s IP address (2) and the HTTP port (3) (port 80 by default), as well as the login and
password (4).

 The IP address can be set and modified from the embedded web site (see section 4.2) or from the
“Network” configuration page (see section 6.5).
 The login and password can be modified on the “Users” configuration page (see section 6.4). Default
values are “Admin”/ “admin” for the administrator and “Guest”/ “guest” for a basic user.
Or: click on the magnifying glass (5) to display a list of AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR connected to the
subnet. All units will be listed. The green indicators show units whose embedded version is
compatible with the remote application version; the red indicators show units that are not
compatible with the application.

Double-click on the line for the desired equipment: its IP address and port will appear in (2) and (3). Just
enter the login and password as described above.
If the application has previously connected successfully, a scroll-down menu will be available (1) to select
the equipment by name (as set from the embedded web site, see section 4.1) from a list of previous

Enter the login and password if the "Save password" box had not been checked.
Click on the "OK" button. The application may take a few seconds to establish the connection.

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Once connected, the software will access data from the unit.

 A simpler user will be able to view most system configuration and monitoring settings but will not be able to
modify them.

6.4. Application presentation

Once connected, you may add new multiplex right away. If the application has already been used and multiplex
have already been configured, the “Status” page will be displayed.

From this application, the user will be able to:

 Configure the system.
 Set up channels for monitoring.
 Display monitored channel status.
 Visualize cumulated measurements.
 Visualize Real time measurements.

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

6.5. Set preferences

Reserved for administrator.
Display the options using the FileOptions menu to set application parameters.
Select the application language (English or French; default language is English unless the computer OS language is
Set the path for the VLC media player. It is necessary to view videos.
 If VLC media player is not on your PC, you may download for free on the site http://www.videolan.org/.

 Restart the application for changes to be taken into account.

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6.6. View the unit settings and versions

In order to view the unit settings, go the ‘Help’’About…’ menu.

The unit version numbers are available (Summay tab) as well as

the optional licenses (Licenses tab).
Optional licenses can be added using a software key supplied by
the sales department. See chapter 13 for more information option

Go to the “Help”"Card Status” and “Help””Software versions” for a list of the various components and their

In case your AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR stops working properly, check this information before contacting the
support department.

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Only an administrator can access and modify every system configuration page. A guest will be able to view most of
them but not change anything.

Click or navigate to ‘Views’’System configuration’.

Links on the left of the widow allow the user easy access to the various settings.

7.1. Product Identifiers

The ‘Product ID’ page lists the build versions of the various pieces of software and firmware that make the AUDEMAT
DVB-T MONITOR function. It also allows you to give your unit a unique name and description, for your own internal

 Avoid particular characters for the product name; only alphanumerical characters, dashes, underscores and
spaces are allowed.
 Click the “Update” button to lock in your changes (this is true for every page of the system configuration).

 These settings can also be managed on the “Product ID” page of the embedded web site.

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7.2. Date/Time

 Set system date:

The user may update both date (year/month/day) and time (hour/minute/second).

 Set system time zone:

The user selects the geographical zone from the list. Important to have this set correctly when using an NTP server.

 Network Time Protocol: NTP update

The user can enter a time server address to update the equipment’s internal clock automatically. Enter either an IP
address or a DNS address the unit can reach; make sure to properly set the Gateway or DNS servers on the
‘Network’ page (see section 6.5).

 Set the time zone first! Changes in the time zone affect the time that is displayed in the system time window,
so setting the zone first will eliminate the need to set the system time twice!

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7.3. Status
The ‘Status’ page gives a summary of the unit’s vital parameters: temperature, available memory, CPU load and
available disk space. This information may be requested to establish a diagnosis in case of malfunction.

User-defined alarm thresholds make it possible to monitor critical parameters. An ‘Equipment default’ type SNMT
trap is sent in case of overshoot.

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

7.4. Users
The “Users” link opens up a page from which to set user access to the different sections of the AUDEMAT DVB-T

 Web & Software accounts: there are 2 user levels to access the website and software application,
Administrator and Guest.

 An Administrator has the rights to change any of the system parameters.

 A Guest will be able to view measurements and alarms but will not be able to change any
configuration or settings or trigger any actions.

 Several remote users may connect simultaneously; however, some actions lead to synchronization between
the unit and the application to specifically prevent 2 users to change the same parameter at the same time. It
may be necessary to reconnect to the unit.

 FTP account configuration:

 Administrator account: access to the entire directory of the equipment. It is used in

particular with receiver configuration files (see section 6.16).
 Update Manager account: used internally to manage updates.
 Recording account: access to audio/video recordings. See chapter 8.

 You may change login names but make sure each is unique!

 Only use alphanumerical characters for user names and passwords.

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7.5. Network

IP Configuration:
 Ethernet configuration mode
Both interfaces (primary and secondary) can be configured with a static or dynamic IP address (DHCP).
 DHCP mode is only recommended if the IP address given by the server is known (for instance if the server gives
an IP address to the MAC address).

 Static Ethernet configuration

Enter the static IP parameters. IP address and mask are essential, gateway is important if the unit is to
communicate outside its own subnet. The secondary interface can be used as a backup interface if the
Ethernet fail-over function is enabled.

 Both gateways cannot be enabled at once!

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 DNS Servers:
DNS configuration, to be able to use domain names rather than numerical IP addresses. Mandatory if
before using DNS addresses on other configuration pages.

 Current network status: summary of current network parameters.

 Ethernet fail-over:
The Ethernet fail-over function enables the unit to send alarms using the back-up Ethernet interface in
case of issues with the primary interface. The unit pings the reference address (Always-on IP) at regular
intervals (Time between pings). If there is no answer, the switch takes place. The unit keeps pinging the
reference address and switches back to the primary interface when there is an answer.

 When changing the “Time between ping”, the previous time will be applied a last time after update.

! The Ethernet fail-over function and PPP Dialout are mutually exclusive.
 When updating network parameters, the application automatically shuts down and restarts. This process may
take up to 1 minute.

 IP configuration is also available on the “Network” page of the embedded web site.

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7.6. PPP Dialout

The AUDEMAT DVB-T Monitor has the capability to make a network connection over a standard dial-up telephone
line. This protocol is known as PPP. The unit can make the connection autonomously to send alerts via e-mail, or it
can accept incoming PPP connections as well.

 To configure outgoing calls: activation of outgoing calls

 PPP as Ethernet backup:

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016
This function makes it possible for the unit to switch to the PPP interface to send alarms if the
primary Ethernet interface (eth0) doesn’t function anymore (i.e. if a reference address doesn’t
answer to a ping).
This verification is done regularly and can be changed by the user. It may happen that the network
cable is unplugged or damaged, or that the equipment associated with the reference IP address is off
or not on the network.
To activate the PPP backup, in the "Dial out enabled" section, select "yes only if Ethernet goes
 Enter a reference IP address in the field "Ping this address to test Ethernet connection"
 Configure a PPP account to dial when alarms are issued.

 Calling quotas: number of calls

 The user can limit the number of daily outgoing calls. He/she should put 0 if this
limitation is not required.
 The user can limit the number of hourly outgoing calls. He/she should put 0 if this
limitation is not required.
 The user can click Reset to put the call counter back to zero.

 Dialout accounts: the user can create a new customer account. Enter settings for the new customer
account (name, number, login, password…) and click on “New account”. The unit can manage
multiple accounts.

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7.7. PPP Dial-in

To configure incoming calls from a PPP server:

 Dial-in configuration: activation of “incoming calls" function.
 Account: account and access settings.
 Modem configuration: the user selects the modem (if necessary) and its features.
 For a GSM modem, the initialization string is ATQ0V1H0.

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 Dial-in accounts:
The “filtering enabled" function enables incoming calls to be filtered using Caller ID (the incoming
telephone line must have this service activated).
To add a new account, enter the relevant information and click on “New Account”. This enables
authorized and non authorized incoming calls to be managed.
Select ‘Customer’ in the “Callback” pull-down menu to activate an automatic PPP call back feature.
When an incoming call displays a ‘Callback Customer’ number, the modem does not answer; instead,
it waits for the ringing to end and then generates an outgoing call to that number. This allows PPP
connection from the unit without phone charges to the user.

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7.8. IP Router and Port translation

 Local port redirection:

The port redirection allows the user to set specific, non-standard IP Ports to be used by various functions of the
AUDEMAT DVB-T Monitor. This is useful when the default ports are not desirable or available (for example:
forbidden by the ISP, blocked by a firewall...).
For each port used in the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR, select the interface of the port (for example PPP in the case
of a modem connection) and the new port to use in the “duplicate to” field.
Each redirection line can be activated or disabled independently.
Once the configuration is done, lock it in by clicking on “update”. Then click the “Activate new configuration”
button at the top of the page.

 The redirection does not deactivate or turn off the default ports. It only ‘clones’ or duplicates their functions
on the ports designated. External methods must be used to block any undesired ports from the network.

 To configure the unit as a router on a local network:

This function allows a user to communicate with all of the equipment on the local network shared by the
AUDEMAT DVB-T Monitor (Ethernet) from a PC connected to the AUDEMAT DVB-T Monitor by modem (PPP).
To configure this function, select “Enabled” on the “Router mode” line.

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The input and output interfaces of the router can be configured by the options « Public interface » (Input) and
« Private Interface » (output).
Once the configuration is done, lock it in by clicking on “update”. Then click the “Activate new configuration”
button at the top of the page.

 Click on the “Activate new configuration” button every time a section is modified.

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7.9. Support

 Stop / Restart:
 ‘Restart’ enables the user to restart the application to reinitialize the parameters.
 “Reboot equipment”: restarts the entire unit.
 “Power off equipment”: enables the unit to be switched off remotely.

 The unit cannot be turned on remotely.

 Default configuration:
This function will allow the user to delete the present configuration and to reset the default configuration.
Caution: all parameters as well as scripts and log files will be deleted.
 Resetting will not erase your current IP address.

 Event Log:
You may clear the event logs, which can be viewed from the application (‘Status’ button, ‘Event log’ tab, see
section 9.2). Otherwise, data is kept until 30 000 events have been recorded.

 Switch to version:
This function is only available when the unit has been upgraded. It makes it possible to downgrade it
back to its previous version. After clicking “Switch”, the user will need to close and restart the

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7.10. SMTP Client mail

 Configuration des e-mails:

 Enter the SMTP server address, account information (“From”), and destination e-mail addresses (“To”,
“CC 1” and “CC 2”) to enable sending of e-mail alerts. Ask your network administrator for the SMTP
parameters: server address, authentication, login and password.
 The “send mail every” section enables the user to send messages in a batch every “X” minutes if desired.
When waiting for the time chosen by the user, the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR stores the messages.
 Two sections are available that allow the user to configure the contents of the subject line and the first
line of the body of the alarm e-mail. Any text entered in these windows will be included, and there is a list
of variables (in brackets) that can be included as well. This feature allows the user to customize the first
parts of the alarm e-mails to be more compatible with portable devices.

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List of available keywords:

Can be inserted in the Can be inserted in the

Name Description
subject of the mail 1st line of the mail
{NAME} Product name  
{DESCRIPTION} Product description  
{LOCALADDRESS} Product IP address  
{SERIALNUMBER} Product serial number  
Name of the 1 alarm 

 The ‘Test settings’ button checks your e-mail settings without having to trigger an alarm.
 The ‘Delete pending mails’ button deletes all of the pending e-mails, either test or alarm generated.

 If a text address is set, the DNS must be configured so as to allow name resolution.
Make sure the gateway can be reached by the server (“Network” page).

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7.11. SNMP Agent

 SNMP configuration
 The equipment supports multiple destination addresses for notifications. However, only the Main
Manager has the authority to acknowledge notifications. With “INFORM” type messages, automatic
answers from secondary managers are ignored by the unit.
 The user can download the MIB. Simply click on the button to save the .mib file locally or on the network.
In the MIB, you will find specific and unique tables such as the ScriptEasy alarm table, the Notifications
pending acknowledgement table and the I/O table.
 SNMP Traps configuration
 SNMP Notification Type / Trap Community / System Description: trap settings, ask your network
 Life Sign Trap / Minutes between Life Signs: sends life signs every X minutes to check the unit works
correctly even when no traps are sent.

Trap sending test: sends a ‘Warm start’ trap to the destination(s) according to the trap settings.

7.11.1. Supported SNMP versions

The Unit SNMP agent is compatible with SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c versions. GET and SET commands are
supported, as well as GETBULK in SNMPv2c. Notifications can be transmitted in TRAP V1 or V2c form or
with an INFORM V2c type.

7.11.2. Notification mode

To make sure traps reach their target via the protocol, the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR offers 2 methods, with both
methods, traps are sent until acknowledgment is received by the manager.
 Automatic acknowledgement for sending with INFORM. These notifications are only available with the
version 2c of the protocol. This protocol checks that the manager responds to the notification sent by the

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SNMP transmitter. This process is simple and reliable, no specific configuration is required for the
 Manual acknowledgement for Traps V1 and Traps V2c. A specific OID (“alarmPendingAlarmsalarmAck”) is
extracted and its variables are sent with the trap. The manager must then execute a SET command. This
method is more complex but is the only one that can work with the version 1 of the protocol.
The acknowledgment mode (Trap V1, Trap V2c or Inform) is identical for all alarms. See the next section
“Notifications” for additional settings.
 With “SNMPv2c traps” notifications, it not possible to acknowledge traps.
In the same way, traps which do not require acknowledgment cannot be sent with the “Inform SNMPv2c”
format, even when this format is selected. This is the case with the ‘test’ trap as well as with equipment
information traps such as the ‘Equipment On’ trap.

7.12. Notifications

 SNMP Actions
The user may replay traps that have not been acknowledged yet.
The user may also delete pending traps that have not been acknowledged yet.

 Configuration depending on notification type

In the "Mode" column:
 “Do not send”: used for temporarily suspending sending certain types of alerts
 “Send and Forget”: standard SNMP mode, no acknowledgement awaited, notifications are
deleted immediately after sending.
 “Resend until acknowledged”: standard alarm mode. Notifications are re-transmitted until
acknowledgement is received. The acknowledgement mode depends on the sending mode:

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 automatic acknowledgement for sending with INFORM
 manual acknowledgement for Traps V1 and Traps V2c

 Principles of Re-transmission / Acknowledgment

In the “Resend until acknowledged” mode, it is possible to set the maximum number of tries and the
acknowledgment timeout.
As long as an acknowledgement has not been received, the notification is re-transmitted at the rate of once every
<d> seconds, for a maximum of <n> times; where <d> and <n> are the <Ack Timeout> and <Max Retries> fields
If acknowledgement does not arrive after <n> attempts, the notification will be “frozen”, that is to say, it is put on
standby until a new notification of the same type is generated. It can also be manually unblocked by using the
“Replay Traps" button.
It is important to note that untransmitted notifications are not lost. They are kept to be retransmitted as soon as
the right conditions are met. When a new notification appears, the “frozen" notification is reactivated and a cycle
of sending attempts begins again.
The alarm severity level can also be set: a specific manager action is associated with each severity level.
See Appendix B for the list of traps.

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7.13. I/O Layout

 Motherboard: the user can view the type of boards (relay, digital) and their location on the

 COM ports: the console is part of the default configuration.

 Console: configuration of the serial port for console (terminal) access.
 Unset: non-attributed serial port (inactive).
 Modem: configuration of the serial port in modem port.
 Support: support port. Only used by WorldCast Systems.
 Tunneling: serial port configuration for tunneling.
 Scriptlet: to use an API (Advanced Programming Interface to communicate with
external equipment (contact the sales and support department for more
 Scriptlet debug: do not use.

Before adding serial ports, please check with WorldCast Systems for compatibility.

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7.14. I/O Log

Set parameters for the I/O log that the user can view from the application (‘Status’ button, ‘Event log’ tab, see
section 9.2).
 Settings: set recording frequency and length of time event logs are kept.
 Actions: clear the logs.

7.15. I/O State

On this page, view the state of inputs/outputs present in the system.

It is refreshed automatically every 60 seconds, though you may use the “Refresh” button to do it as needed.

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7.16. Receiver configuration

 Set Channel zone:

RF Only version: to choose the configuration file, usually associated with a geographical area, which defines the
bandwidth according to frequency range and which allows the calculation of the correlation between channel and
 0: Western Europe
 1: Eastern Europe
 2: France
 3: Australia 1
 4: Australia 2
 5: North America
 This list might change depending on the version.
The frequency calculation by the selected channel is done with:
Starting frequency + (selected channel – starting channel) * bandwidth + (bandwidth/2)
Conversion files including:
Starting channel; ending channel; starting frequency; bandwidth
 Western Europe
 Eastern Europe
 France

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 Australia1

 Australia2
 North America

 It is possible to create a custom configuration file and add it via FTP.

The file name must be: freqrange.xxx, where xxx is a number whose value is the last freqrange file’s number + 1.
The first line in the text file is the name of the configuration as it will be displayed in the ‘Channel Zone selection’
pull-down menu. This file must be then placed in the directory: /var/gt/etc. Access this directory via an FTP
connection (with an FTP client such as Filezilla for instance) using the FTP administrator account as described in
section 6.4. The root directory is ‘var’. Open ‘gt/etc’ and copy the newly created file there.

 Streaming time-out:
Give the maximum time in minutes for streaming.

 Receiver configuration:
Enter a positive or negative value to compensate external attenuation or gain if needed.

 RF data record configuration:

By default, the AUDEMAT DVB-T continuously and successively reads each channel (see section 6.1.2). Readings
thus obtained are averaged over one minute. These averaged readings (both RF and MPEG) will be kept for one
When the box is checked, all raw RF data is kept, no average is computed. Depending on the number of
configured channels and monitored parameters, there could be one reading per second. In this case, readings are
only kept for sever days.
This option is not applicable to MPEG readings.

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7.17. Equipment information

 Hardware status details: information about boards installed in the AUDEMAT DVB-T Monitor.
 Software versions: information about versions for each of the software components.
In case of problem with the unit, consult the card status on this page. If one of the cards is not "OK", contact
technical support.

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Monitoring configuration is reserved for administrators though a guest may view most settings.

Click on or go to the ‘View’’Setup’ menu.

From the left panel on every set-up page, the user will be able to:
 Access configuration pages for various elements (1).
 Visualize and manage the list of multiplex (2).

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8.1. Creating a new channel

When in Set-up mode, click in the RF Multiplex section or below the last multiplex in the list.

Click on the bar that represents the multiplex of your choice (1), “parameters" fields (3) automatically fill in.
If the bargraph is blank, first click “Scan” (2).
 If monitoring is in progress, scanning can take a long time. We recommend you temporally pause monitoring
by setting the monitoring status to ‘Standby’ in the ‘Basic Configuration’ page.
To scan a single channel, enter its number of its frequency and click “Scan channel” (4). Specific information for
this channel will then be retrieved.
Information may also be set manually.
Note: if configuring manually, first enter the channel number.
Click “Create multiplex” to save the new channel (5).
The unit starts measuring right away on the new channel so as to quickly have average values to set it up.

To delete a multiplex, simply select it from the list and click in the RF Multiplex section.

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8.2. RF channel configuration

Access RF set-up by clicking .
In addition to basic parameters, the following can be configured:
 RF signal level,
 C/N level,
 MER level,
 SFN,
 Error rate.

After changes, remember to click .

8.2.1. Basic configuration

After activating the set-up mode or after creating a new channel, the RF mode “Basic Configuration” page appears.
It can also be selected using the corresponding tab (1).

2 4

From this page, the user can set, depending on version and options:
Channel configuration (2): to update some of the information entered when the channel was created and to
activate or put on stand-by this channel’s monitoring.
DVB Parameters (3): summary of parameters set when created and enable DVB presence monitoring.

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Monitoring configuration (4): to set the monitoring status and cycle. If the monitoring cycle is set in auto mode, its
duration will vary depending on the specific parameters to be monitored. Switch to manual mode to adjust the
cycle time. Since multiplex are monitored sequentially, the time spent to monitor each can vary.

8.2.2. RF Signal level

To display this page, select the corresponding tab (1).

4 5 6

Three alarm triggering thresholds can be set for the RF signal:

 High level (4),
 Low1 level (5),
 Low2 level (6).

These levels can be adjusted in different ways:

Graphically by moving the cursors (2)

To change a threshold, move the mouse on the threshold until you see the hand , and click and drag.
To change the hysteresis, move the mouse on the threshold’s edge (lower edge for the high level, upper edge for a
low level) until you see the arrow , and click and drag.
Automatically: in which case the nominal will be positioned on the measured average value (in blue) (3).
Manually by value (3 for the nominal value, 4, 5 and 6). If the value for the hysteresis is too high, the text zone
turns red.

Important: the three levels are given in relative value according to the nominal.

For each level (4, 5 and 6), trigger if you wish an alarm on threshold overshoots,

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The green line represents the latest values acquired by the unit. You may want to zoom on the graph to better
read actual values:
To zoom, press CTRL while clicking and dragging towards the bottom.
To unzoom, press CTRL while clicking and dragging towards the top.
To see the actual level value, press SHIFT: the thresholds disappear and 2 thin lines appear. The level value at the
vertical line gets updated as you move right or left.
The horizontal line follows the curve. If you want to read a value that is not on the curve, press SHIFT and ALT at
the same time, then move your mouse.
A grey section on the graph indicates a period during which no measurements were made.

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8.2.3. C/N level

To display this page, select the corresponding tab (1).

3 4

Two alarm triggering thresholds can be set for the C/N level:
 Low level (3),
 Low2 level (4).

They can be adjusted in the same way as the RF level signal thresholds including hysteresis management (see
section 7.3.2 RF signal level).

Important: the two levels are given in absolute value.

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8.2.4. MER level

To select this page, click the corresponding tab (1).

3 4

Two alarm triggering thresholds can be set for the MER level:
 Low level (3),
 Low2 level (4).

They can be adjusted in the same way as the RF level signal thresholds including hysteresis management (see
section 7.3.2 RF signal level).

Important: the two levels are given in absolute value.

It is then possible to trigger off an alarm on threshold overshoot.

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8.2.5. Error rate

Set BER monitoring from this page.

The BER triggering value is a multiple of 10-6. Ex: 200 x 10-6  2 x 10-4
The “Disappearance BER" field corresponds to an “absolute" Hysteresis (threshold of alarm disappearance).

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8.2.6. SFN Monitoring

 This page is only available when the SFN option is present.

To display this page, select the corresponding tab (1).

3 4

5 6

In an MFN or SFN network, impulse response monitoring will allow: detection of echo or another transmitter
appearance or disappearance, or echo or another transmitter shunt that could disturb the main signal.
When monitoring in multiplex, AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR records one per minute and constantly analyses the
impulse response so as to detect potential peaks
 Graph (2):
A graph displays detected peaks and curves, giving min, max and current values so as to evaluate level and time
ranges within which echoes evolve and/or if a detected peak is significant.
Out-of-bound peaks appear in red.

You may zoom by clicking and dragging with your mouse over the area on which to zoom. Unzoom with a right
mouse click.
 The graph will only be visible if the Monitor SFN box is checked (3).
 Alarms (3):
Monitoring compares the current measure with the reference, and sends three types of alarm:
 A peak out of zone alarm: a peak is detected out of the monitoring zone.

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 A peak appearance alarm: the number of actual peaks is higher than the number of referenced
 A peak disappearance alarm: the number of actual peaks is lower than the number of referenced
For each alarm, the user can configure the delay before triggering the alarm.
Note: a peak disappearing from a deactivated monitoring zone will nonetheless send a peak appearance alarm.
 Monitoring settings (4):
In order to compensate for measurement fluctuations, the application allows for parameter configuration. The
level of peak threshold can be set as well.
A pink rectangle around each peak represents the acceptable values according to SFN level and time thresholds.
 List of out of guard interval peaks, with their reference position (5):
The list is created from the reference curve. In order to list the peaks, first set your SFN capture
threshold, save, refresh the curve until black lines appear which identify the peaks, then set “set
current as reference” (buttons in section 6).
The identified peaks and their recorded reference positions are listed. A specific peak monitoring
can be deactivated if no longer of interest.
 Controls (6):
Three buttons make it possible to manage the SFN monitoring graphically.

To sum it up, if you wish to monitor SFN, you should:

 Check the Monitor SFN box (3),
 Wait for a few minutes,
 Click "Set current as reference » (6),
 Select the peaks you wish to monitor (5),
 If needed, adjust SFN thresholds (4)
 Save (icon in the tool bar).

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8.2.7. MPEG-TS configuration

To display this page, select the corresponding tab (1).

Error monitoring is conform to TR 290 101 standard. Default triggering delays are as set by the ETR 101 290
standard (in ms), but can be user-modified (see section 7.5)
For each error, set if it should be monitored and trigger an alarm and with which delay.
First priority error description:
TS sync loss: loss of synchronization
Each TS (Transport stream) consists of 188 or 204 Bytes, 4 of which are “Headers”. The first Byte of this
Header always has value 47 in Hexa. It enables frame beginning to be defined.
 No error if: at least 5 successive “sync bytes" have been received.
 Error if: 3 successive “sync bytes" are not equal to 47hex.

Sync byte error: occasional error in synchronization

Each TS (Transport stream) consists of 188 or 204 Bytes, 4 of which are “Headers”. The first Byte of this
Header always has value 47 in Hexa. It enables frame beginning to be defined.
 Error if: 1 “sync byte” is not equal to 47hex.

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PAT error
Reminder: TS frame composition can be variable (1 or several video or audio programs, services…). It is
therefore indispensable to define the contents using tables. The most important is PAT (Program
Association Table): transmitted with the PID (packet identifier) 0, its role is to define the TS organization
(number of programs, identifier …
Error if:
 The PAT is not present.
 Repetition is not done every 500 ms.
 The ID table is not zero.
 ‘Scrambling control field’ is not equal to 0.

Continuity error
Contained in the TS MPEG’s header, it enables remultiplexing errors to be detected.
Error if:
 the same TS packet is transmitted twice and discontinuity is not indicated.
 a packet is forgotten and continuity is not indicated.

PMT error: PMT (Program Map program) are in the PAT.

There is one per program in the multiplex. They contain all respective PID of each video/audio content.
Error if:
 A PMT listed in the PAT is not present.
 A section of PMT is not repeated after 500 ms.
 ‘Scrambling control field’ is not equal to 0.
 The table ID is not equal to 2.

PID error:
Reminder: the PID is the identifier of each table.
Error if:
 A packet of transport stream with a PID referenced in a PMT is not contained in the TS.
 Repetition is not done every 500 ms.

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Second priority error description:
Transport Error
Contained in the Header of TS.
 Error if: protection error (reed solomon or viterbi) which does not enable all packets to be

CRC Error
Contained in the Header of TS.
 Error if: a table (PMT, PAT, CAT, NIT…) in a section has a checksum which does not correspond to
the contents.

PCR Error (Program Clock Reference)

Error if:
 The difference between two successive values is above 100 ms.
 The time interval between two packets with PCR values is above 40 ms.

PCR Discontinuity
 Error if: the difference between two consecutive PCR values is out of the 0-100 ms range without
discontinuity indicator set.

PCR Accuracy Error (Program Clock Reference with MPEG FULL)

 Error if: deviation between two PCR values is > 500 ns (PCR jitter).

Time Stamp Error (PTS_error)

Audio/video synchronization element of a program (MPEG FULL).
 Error if: time between two PTS values is above 700 ms.

CAT Error
Error if:
 PID appearance with a transport scrambling control set, but no CAT.
 Section with table ID other than 0x01 (therefore no CAT) detected on PID 0x0001.

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Third priority error description:
NIT actual error
Error if:
 Two sections occur within 25 ms.
 Repetition of section with table ID 0x40 is not done every 10 s.
 Section with wrong table ID found on PID 0x0010.

NIT other error

 Error if: Repetition of section with table ID 0x41 is not done every 10 s.

SI repetition error
Error if:
 Repetition rate of SI tables are under low limit.
 Repetition rate of SI tables are over high limit.

Unreferenced PID error

 Error if: PID not referred to by a PMT or a CAT within 500 ms.

SDT actual error

Error if:
 Two sections occur within 25 ms.
 Repetition is not done every 500 ms.
 Section with wrong table ID found on PID 0x0010.

SDT other error

 Error if: repetition is not done every 2 s.

EIT actual error

Error if:
 Two sections occur within 25 ms.
 Repetition of section 0 or 1 with table ID 0x4E is not done every 2 s.
 Section with wrong table ID found on PID 0x0012.

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EIT other error
 Error if: Repetition of section 0 or 1 with table ID 0x4F is not done every 2 s.

EIT PF error
 Error if: section (0 or 1) not exist both.

RST error
Error if:
 Two sections with table ID 0x71occur on PID 0x0013 within 25 ms.
 Section with wrong table ID found on PID 0x0013.

TDT error
Error if:
 Two sections with table ID 0x70 occur on PID 0x0014 within 25 ms.
 Repetition is not done every 500 ms.
 Section with wrong table ID found on PID 0x0014.

MIP error description:

MIP Timing Error:
The Synchronization Time Stamp (STS) values inserted in the Mega-frame Initialization Packet (MIP)
must be correct. This test checks that successive STS values are self-consistent.
MIP Structure Error:
This test verifies that the syntax of the MIP complies with the specification.
MIP Presence Error:
This test verifies that the MIP is inserted into the transport stream only once per megaframe.
MIP Pointer Error:
The MIP insertion can be at any location in the mega-frame. If the insertion is periodic as defined in the
MIP, the MIP location in the mega-frame is constant over time. The MIP can be used to determine the
mega-frame size and where each mega-frame starts and ends in the transport stream thanks to the
pointer field verified by this test.
MIP Periodicity Error:
In the case of a periodic MIP insertion, the pointer value shall remain constant, as well as the number of
packets between each MIP.
MIP TS Rate Error:
In a SFN network the modulator settings are transmitted by the tps mip. These settings determine the
transmission mode and in this way the bit rate of the Transport Stream. This test verifies that the actual
Transport Stream data rate is consistent with the DVB-T mode defined by the tps mip. The maximum
rate deviation can be set in the MPEG settings page (see section 7.5).

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8.2.8. MPEG-TS Services

 This page is only available when the TS Structure option is present.
To display this page, select the corresponding tab (1).

Services’ structure monitoring

The DVB stream is considered like a tree structure whose parameters are listed below:

Transport Component
Service characteristics
characteristics characteristics
• TS stream ID • Service ID • PID
• Network ID • Program number • Type (audio, video, etc.)
S_ID PID • Service name • Language

S_ID PID • Supplier’s name • Scrambled (CA)

• Current status
• Scrambled (CA)
• EIT Sched
• EIT p/f
• Type (audio, video, etc.)

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Definition of expressions used hereafter:
 TS: transport parameters
 service: TS service parameters identified by a service ID
 component: data stream parameters making up the service identified by a PID
 element: either TS, service or component

Notion of alternative services:

The system makes it possible to set alternative reference services so as not to trigger alarms when the service
structure is modified on purpose (switch to/from national from/to local program, from/to encrypted format…)
When monitoring, the system compares the current structure with the alternative reference structures. There is
no error if the current structure matches at least one of the reference structures.
If no structure matches, the closest match is used as a reference. When 2 reference structures are equivalent, the
system will take into account the position in the creation hierarchy to determine the structure used as a reference.

The system will not generate an error in the following alternative cases:


100 100 100 102

200 200 202


202 201 203


101 101
101 101

300 300
300 300

301 301
301 301

Reference Modification of one or Modification of a service’s Appearance/Disappearance of

structure more component in a or component’s settings services

Reference service creation interface:

With , the system captures current services so as to recognize them as reference

Monitoring configuration for each element in the structure can be modified by double-clicking on that element in
one of the reference trees.

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Service monitoring window:

Component monitoring window:

Right-click on an element in the tree to display a menu that will allow you to manually change the tree structure
and/or activate or deactivate monitoring.

Right-click on a TS to add a service and manage

monitoring on all the services.
When adding a new service, first set the service
ID to enable all fields.

Right-click on a service to add a component and

manage monitoring on this service.

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Right-click on a component to delete it and

manage monitoring on this component.

If monitoring is disabled, an error will not trigger an alarm and the event will not be recorded in the log.
Various symbols indicate the monitoring state:
: events are recorded in the log.

: an alarm is sent in case of event.

: the element is not monitored (grey symbol and text).

8.2.9. TS Rate
 This page is only available when the TS Structure option is present.
To display this page, select the corresponding tab (1).

When streams associated with each PID are analyzed, 2 types of alarms are available: one high threshold and one
low threshold. The time window of the analysis can be set and the user can configure a periodic alarm analysis
similar to that applied to other monitored parameters.
For each service, click on the arrow (2) to display associated components (3). Monitoring can either be managed at
the service level or individually for each component.

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On each graph, the red line represents the service current value, and after a few minutes of monitoring, the blue
section represents all observed values, from the minimum to the maximum value. Place the cursor in the graphic
zone to display a tool tip indicating current, min and max service values as well as the maximum TS rate. Markers
represent high and low thresholds.
Set for each service or component:
The monitoring type (“Not monitored”, “Log” or “Log + Alarm”). Note that SNMP alarms will be sent regardless of
the selected mode
The timeout before alarm
High and low thresholds:
 By entering values.
 By sliding markers .

 By automatically adjusting them with .

Use buttons in section (4) to manage all the channels at once:

Min and max values can be reset using .

Rates are only updated when clicking on the “TS Rate” tab or the button.
To apply the same type of monitoring on all channels and all components, select "Not monitored", "Log" or "Log +
Alarm" and click .

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8.3. MPEG configuration

It is possible to access MPEG configuration by clicking .
In addition to basic configuration and depending on options, the following can be set:
 MPEG-TS Configuration (MPEG-TS first Priority, MPEG-TS second Priority, MPEG-TS third Priority, MPEG-TS
 MPEG-TS Services
 MPEG-TS Rates

After changes, remember to click .

MPEG-TS, TS services and TS rates configuration is done as described above (please refer to sections 7.2.7, 7.2.8
and 7.2.9).

8.3.1. Basic configuration

After activating the ASI mode, the “Basic Configuration” page appears. It can also be selected using the
corresponding tab (1).

Summary of the channel’s settings are on this page. This is also where the user sets the monitoring status (2).

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8.4. The Monitoring Scan

 This page is only available when the Spectrum Analyzer option is present.

Click on the left of the screen to access it.

Monitoring can be conducted using 2 types of scans:

 1 reference scan on the whole band.
 1 current scan that can be based on a portion of the band. This scan keeps min and max values from the
various preceding scan.

When the number of channels is high, reading the scan can be difficult. You may zoom by clicking and dragging
with your mouse over the area on which to zoom. Unzoom with a right mouse click.

Hover over a scan bar to display information about the associated channel.

Two tabs give access to scan configuration and to multiplex information.

 On an RF AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR with a 2nd RF input, scanning is performed on both cards; however, scan
monitoring is only available on the first input.

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8.4.1. Scan configuration

To display this page, select the corresponding sub-tab (1).

2 4

Display Scan Bar (2): the user can select which bargraph to display. Several graphs can be selected at the same
 Maximum scan
 Reference scan
 Current scan
 Minimum scan

Three actions one the scan are possible(3):

 "Clear Min/Max Scan" values.
 Launch a "New current Scan".
 Launch a new scan so it becomes the "New reference Scan".
 Export LCN information (Logical Channel Number) for all channels in .xls format.

Managing the scan (4)

Monitoring compares the reference scan with the current one and sends four types of alarms, each can be
activated individually:
 Send alarm on channel appearance: an appearing channel alarm with the new channel’s number
and possibly the list of associated programs (the software will carry out a TS analysis for any
newly detected channel).
 Send alarm on channel disappearance: a disappearing channel alarm with the missing channel’s
 Send alarm on DVB parameters modified: a changing feature alarm for an existing channel. It
does not include the details of the modification.
 Send alarm on Triggering difference x dB: an alarm should the current level be outside a
configurable range (reference level +/- an offset in dB and set by the user).
The alarms are delivered as information for each difference encountered during the scan. There is, therefore, no
alarm beginning or end, but information is sent again each time difference is encountered during a scan.
The scanning range (1st and last channel) and the scanning interval or launching time are also set here.

Click to lock in your changes.

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8.4.2. Scan information

To display this page, select the corresponding sub-tab (1).

2 4 5

Access the scan bar display management as on the Scan configuration tab (2).

Current and reference scan features appear when clicking on one of the channels (3).

A modifiable program list also appears with buttons for adding, saving and reinitializing with original values (4).
The modifiable program list is associated with the reference scan and only appears if the user clicks on a channel
appearing in the current scan and not in the reference scan (pirate appearance).
However if the new channel’s SDT is correct, the program names will appear when pointing on the channel on the

The LCN list associated with the selected channel is displayed (5).

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8.5. MPEG Settings

Click on the left of the screen to access this page.

Modify MPEG settings if necessary so as to fine-tune monitoring.

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Default triggering delays are as set by the ETR 101 290 standard (in ms):

PAT 25 500
PMT 25 500
PID 500
PCR Repetition 0 40
PCR Discontinuity 100
PTS 700
CAT 25 500
NIT 25 10000
NIT Other 25 10000
PID Unreferenced 500
SDT Actual 25 2000
SDT Other 25 10000
EIT Actual 25 2000
EIT Other 25 10000
RST 25
TDT 25 30000

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This is what you see when the application has just been open.

To go back to it, click , or navigate to the ‘View’  ‘Status’ menu.

The user gets an overview of the monitored channels on the ‘Supervision’ tab, and can view the logs on the ‘Event
log’ tab.
 Without the Picture Control option, the status overview and the logs are on a single tab.

9.1. Channel Supervision

To display this page, select the corresponding tab (1).

3 4 5

This tab displays the status of the channels being monitored (2), and for the selected channel:
 Monitored parameters followed by a colored indicator and the current value (3).
 MPEG2-TS services details (4) (only with the TS Structure option).
 Snapshot of each PID video (5) (only with the Picture Control option).
 If the channel is in error, list of current alarms (6).

The list of available multiplexes comes from the monitored channel list. The information is refreshed according to
the monitoring pace.

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List of monitored channels (2):
The color of the multiplex and ASI input buttons indicates the status:

Channel not monitored.

Channel monitored and OK.

Channel monitored with alarm.

When monitoring several channels, a symblol indicates which channe lis being

Parameter list and error status (3):

When a multiplex or the ASI input is selected, a list of parameters with their status is available. The status is
represented by the following color indicators:

Parameter not monitored

Parameter monitored and OK
Parameter onitored with error but without alarm *
Parameter monitored with alarm

* A parameter is never in error for long: either the error disappears quickly, or it lasts and the status turns into an

Note that 2 cases can lead to a value not being monitored :

 Monitoring is not enabled for this parameter in the configuration pages.
 Monitoring is enabled, but a parameter of higher level is in alarm, therefore this parameter is
temporarily not monitored (see hierarchy section 6.1.3).

 For the ASI channel:

Status of the ETR 290101 First priority, Second

priority and Third priority parameters

MPEG Services status

MPEG bit rate status

 Depending on options, some parameters may not be displayed.

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 For RF Multiplex:

Overview of DVB parameters

RF parameters with
 values
 status: no error, error, alarm or not

Status of the ETR 290101 First priority, Second

priority and Third priority parameters

MPEG Services status

MPEG bit rate status

 Depending on options, some parameters may not be displayed.

Affichage des services (4) :

 This display is only available when the TS Structure option is present.
When a multiplex or the ASI input is selected, details of
services and their status will be displayed. The status is
represented by the following color indicators:

Service not monitored

Service monitored and OK
Service monitored with alarm

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Snapshot display (5):
 This display is only available when the Picture Control option is present.
The user will find a snapshot of channels for each multiplex. These snapshots are updated approximately once per
second when the channel is being monitored.

Hover over a snapshot to get the following information:

 Program name
 Program ID
 Video PID
 Audio PID


1- If the channel is scrambled, the following picture is displayed:

2- If the capture is not possible, when for instance the monitoring cycle is on another channel, the following

picture is displayed:

3- If the user double-clicks on one of the snapshots, the real-time page is displayed for the channel.

Liste of current alarms (6):

They are displayed with the starting time.

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9.2. Event log

To display this page, select the corresponding tab (1).

Three logs are available (2):

 Realtime log: list of current events. The following information is listed: sub-system, start and end time,
severity, event type and description. The list is refreshed automatically; it is however possible to pause
using .
 History Log: historical event list. Display the “Support” page to clear this log (see section 6.9).
 I/O Log: input or output event list. Date, sub-system, I/O name, value and unit are displayed. Recording
frequency, time during which records are kept and the ability to clear the log are set in the ‘I/O log’ page of
the system configuration section (see section 6.14).

Three colors allow you to quickly view the events’ status:

 In green: closed events
 In red: current events
 In white or yellow: information

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Searching data:
When selecting the history log or the I/O log, the filter configuration window is available:

It allows the user to select events for a limited time frame and to select the number of events to display. Warning:
If the Max line count is 30, only the 30 first events will be listed (this number is not a ‘per page’ number).

For date criteria, enter the start and end dates and click on to display the events.

Use the button for additional

search parameters. It opens a dialog box that
makes it possible to filter by source, event
type, TSID, network ID, service ID, service
name, provider name, PID, current value AND
reference value.
Click on ‘Apply filter’.
The criteria appear in the filter section.

To deactivate the filter, click on a

2nd time, filtering criteria disappear, and click
on ‘Apply filter’ again.

‘Auto’ filters are also available for most


Data export (4):

With all logs, data can be exported in csv format by clicking . A filtered list will be exported as is.

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Measurement pages display recorded values in graphic form. These values can then be compiled into a report.

Click or navigate to the ‘View’  ‘Measures’ menu.

10.1. RF average Measure readings

To select this page, click the corresponding tab (1).

4 3

To display RF measurements:
 Select the channel (2).
 Select the curves (3): check or uncheck boxes depending on what you need to see.

The curve displays values for the current day (4).

To zoom on a minute* or an hour, or display the week or the month, click on the magnifying glasses ; the
words Minute*, Hour, Day, Week or Month indicate the level of zoom. To display the previous or following
periods, click on the arrows . (5)
* The minute display is only available if the receiver is set to record all raw RF data (see section 7.16).

 As the cursor travels along the curve, values for each curve are display in section (3). These values are average
values for each hour for the “day display” or for each minute for the “hour display”. The date and time at the
cursor are displayed right above the graph.

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10.2. MPEG-TS Error

To display this page, select the corresponding tab.

To select the dates, the channel and the curves, proceed as with the "RF Average Measure” tab, section 10.1.

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10.3. Bit Rates Services

 This page is only available when the TS Structure option is present.
To display this page, select the corresponding tab.

The AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR records every stream on every PID detected in the multiplex. Only the reference
service streams are displayed here.
Be aware that, if at any moment, a PID cannot be present, there will be no associated measurement.
To select the dates, the channel and the curves, proceed as with the "RF Average Measure” tab, section 10.1.

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10.4. Cumulated bit rate services

 This page is only available when the TS Structure option is present.
To display this page, select the corresponding tab.

As with the previous tab, bit rates services are presented here, but this time as cumulative graphs.

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10.5. SFN readings

 This page is only available when the SFN option is present.
To display this page, select the corresponding tab (1).

5 2


When the page is displayed:

 Select the channel
 Set the period giving a beginning and end date
 Click the button (2)
 Click the ‘Import’ button to display SFN data which was previously exported in a csv file (3).
Reading times are displayed in (5). Their graphical representation is in (6).
Select the chart parameters: curves to display, graphic type and display of empty data (4).
 Select (Max-Min) to display the difference between the min and max.
 The 2D view makes it easier to visualize offsets.
 Values represented on the graph are for times displayed on screen. It may be necessary to use the scrollbar or
maximize the window to see all the values of the selected time frame on the chart. .
On a 3D graph, click and drag to change the perspective and use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in or out.
Select a time in the list: it is represented by a black line on the general chart (6) and by a specific chart showing the
selected time only. On this second chart, the max level is represented by a red line and the min level by a blue line

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In realtime mode, follow the evolution of RF or MPEG parameters in real time, and view multiplex programs in

Click or navigate to the ‘View’’Realtime’.

 If the user does not stop RF or MPEG real time functions, they will stop automatically after 4 hours.

11.1. Realtime RF
To display this page, select the corresponding tab (1).

Select the channel you want to analyze, the receiver you want to use and click (2)
General information and RF values become then available (3).
Four types of graphs are available: Spectrum, Impulse response, Constellation and RF level (depending on options).
To display any of them in the full window, click the arrow on the top right of the desired graph; click on the arrow
again to return to the overall display. See description for each below.

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 Spectrum: the selected frequency is centered on the graph.
 This display is only available when the Spectrum Analyzer option is present.

 Click and drag from one point of the graph to another to display the level and frequency delta between the 2
 Impulse response: the beginning of the guard interval is always positioned with the method of the
“strongest echo”.
 This page is only available when the SFN option is present.

 Click and drag from left to right to zoom on the graph. Right click and drag to move along the graph. Click and
drag from right to left to return to the main zoom level.

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 Constellation: representation of modulation constellations giving indications regarding possible
modulation errors (phase, quadrature), as well as “pilot carriers” positions

 RF level: the user chooses whether to display lines for RF levels, SNR and MER (5).

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11.2. MPEG Realtime

To display this page, select the corresponding tab (1) and view in real time a variety of MPEG-TS information.

Select the channel or multiplex and the receiver you wish to use, and click the start button (2).
Seven views are available; they are described hereafter (3).
Detected errors are easy to spot with the color indicators (4).

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11.2.1. Services
 This page is only available when the Picture Control option or the TS Structure are present. Services details are
only available when the TS Structure is present; the buttons enabling viewing the programs are only displayed
when the Picture Control option is present.

This screen displays multiplex services:

LCN and channel name (+ LCN-HD if applicable)

 PID number
 Service type: video, teletext, sub-title, associated metadata ...

 In the case of sub-tittles and audio, language is specified.
 What the red padlocks mean:
o The number of padlocks corresponds to the number of used ECM (Entitlement Control
Message). ECM is a function of the control word and the services key (used to decode the
control word) are transmitted every 2 seconds.

 Instantaneous rate
 Percentage of the global rate

Service ID

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Type: corresponds to "service descriptor" defined in the EN 300 468 standard like "Service type coding".

Service_Type Description
0x00 reserved for future use
0x01 digital television service (see note 1)
0x02 digital radio sound service (see note 2)
0x03 Teletext service
0x04 NVOD reference service (see note 1)
0x05 NVOD time-shifted service (see note 1)
0x06 mosaic service
0x07 reserved for future use
0x08 reserved for future use
0x09 reserved for future use
0x0A advanced codec digital radio sound service
0x0B advanced codec mosaic service
0x0C data broadcast service
0x0D reserved for Common Interface Usage (EN 50221 [39])
0x0E RCS Map (see EN 301 790 [7])
0x0F RCS FLS (see EN 301 790 [7])
0x10 DVB MHP service
0x11 MPEG-2 HD digital television service
0x12 to 0x15 reserved for future use
0x16 advanced codec SD digital television service
0x17 advanced codec SD NVOD time-shifted service
0x18 advanced codec SD NVOD reference service
0x19 advanced codec HD digital television service
0x1A advanced codec HD NVOD time-shifted service
0x1B advanced codec HD NVOD reference service
0x1C to 0x7F reserved for future use
0x80 to 0xFE user defined
0xFF reserved for future use
NOTE 1: MPEG-2 SD material should use this type.
NOTE 2: MPEG-1 Layer 2 audio material should use this type.

Provider name: name of the provider.

Running state: corresponds to the services state as defined in the EN 300 468 standard:
Value Meaning
0 Undefined
1 Not running
2 Starts in a few seconds (e.g. for video recording)
3 Pausing
4 Running
5-7 Reserved for future use

On this page, you may also view a program in real time.

The button on top of the window displays a slide show for all the channels of the multiplex.
This solution is recommended if the bandwidth is low. It will show about 2 slides per second (depending on the
available bandwidth). The slide show for a specific channel uses the same principle (see below).

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Mosaic for all channels of a selected multiplex

For a specific channel, the button starts streaming in a VLC window.

Streaming on a specific channel

For a specific channel, the button starts the slide show.

Slide show on a specific channel

 If the path for the VLC media player is missing, the Preference window will open.
 The AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR does not currently support the HE-AC3 audio format. If a channel uses this
format, it will be possible to view the video in streaming but there will be no sound.
 Videos are not re-encoded; therefore, the bandwidth must be sufficient for streaming to work properly.

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11.2.2. MPEG data
 This page is only available when the TS Structure option is present.

4 representations:
 List of PIDs with: ID, type, ratio, rate instant, information (1)
 Global PID repartition representation: SI/PSI, null packet and other PID (2)
 SI/PSI table repartition representation (3)
 Other PID repartition representation (4)
View either average or instant measures (5)

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11.2.3. MPEG tables

In the left pane, the table repetition tables’ average, min and max rate are indicated.
In the right pane, tables are displayed as they are defined in the standard.

11.2.4. MPEG error

This screen displays TS errors. A red dot appears in case there is at least one error within the last second.
It does not give any indication regarding the number of errors.
 Errors triggering thresholds used are those defined by the ETR 101 290 standard.

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11.2.5. MPEG Error counter

Real time MPEG error list (error number and name).

For each error, the counter is updated in real time.
The PID and/or the associated table ID are indicated when applicable.
The time of the last error is indicated.

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11.2.6. MIP information and errors

Based on the same principle as previously described (see section 10.2.2), the screen displays MIP errors.
The content of the MIP table is displayed in a tree form.

11.2.7. PCR Jitter

 This page is only available when the TS Structure option is present.

Each jitter is displaying its percentage repartition of the time value of the PCR. If this value is > 500 ns, the color
becomes red.

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This function enables export of data in .xls format.

Click the button in the tool bar.

Enter the start and end dates for the measurements you wish to export.
Select either one measurement per hour, one
per minute or one per second (if the receiver is
set for recording all raw RF data, see section
7.16). The exported value is an average of
recorded values.
Select from the list of configured multiplex and
click the “Add” button; you may also double-
click on a name to add the multiplex. You may
select one or several multiplex.
Check the type(s) of report you need:
 RF report
 MPEG error report
 MPEG service bitrate report
Click the “Generate” button.
Select the name and the directory of the new file.
Open the result file with Microsoft Excel or other compatible spreadsheet application.

Date RFLevel dBµV Mer dB Ber Per % C/N dB AGC % Carrier % TPS % Viterbi % MPEGSync % MPEGData % UncorrectMPEG %
09 déc 2010 00:59:00 47,1 23,2 0,00E+00 0 23,5 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
09 déc 2010 01:58:00 47,2 23,3 0,00E+00 0 23,5 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
09 déc 2010 02:59:00 47,2 23,3 0,00E+00 0 23,5 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
09 déc 2010 03:58:00 47,8 23,3 0,00E+00 0 23,5 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
09 déc 2010 04:59:00 46,7 23,2 0,00E+00 0 23,4 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
09 déc 2010 05:58:00 46,4 23,1 0,00E+00 0 23,3 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
09 déc 2010 06:58:00 46,3 23,2 0,00E+00 0 23,3 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
09 déc 2010 07:59:00 46,4 23,1 0,00E+00 0 23,3 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
09 déc 2010 08:58:00 46,2 23,1 0,00E+00 0 23,2 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
09 déc 2010 09:59:00 46,5 23,2 0,00E+00 0 23,2 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
09 déc 2010 10:59:00 46,8 23,2 0,00E+00 0 23,2 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
09 déc 2010 11:59:00 46,7 23,1 0,00E+00 0 23,2 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
09 déc 2010 12:59:00 46,5 23,4 0,00E+00 0 23,3 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
09 déc 2010 13:58:00 46,6 23,3 0,00E+00 0 23,3 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
09 déc 2010 14:59:00 45,5 22,3 6,45E-04 3,9 21,9 100 100 100 96,1 98,7 96,1 6,4
09 déc 2010 15:59:00 46 22,3 0,00E+00 0 22,2 100 100 100 100 100 100 0

RF Measurement export

In the .xls file, you will find one sheet per multiplex and type of report:

 If the selected number of measurements is “One measurement for one second”, the number of reading may be
too large for the .xls format. RF data is therefore saved in a .csv file. If MPEG data is saved at the same time, it
will be in a .xls file.

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Station configuration, system configuration and ScriptEasy scripts can be

backed up, for instance to be able to use them with another unit. Please
note that backup files are specific to a given version.
Click on ‘File’’Backup/Restore’

13.1. Backing up
Click ‘Backup’ on the top part of the window.

Select the backup folder and the name of the backup file, add a comment if needed, it will allow you to find it
more easily at a later date.
Default folder is C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Audemat\DVBMonitoring\backups.
Select also what should be backed up: configuration and/or scripts.
Click the ‘Backup’ button on the lower right corner of the window.
The backup file’s extension is .aud.

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13.2. Restoring a file

Click ‘Restore’ on the top part of the window.

Select the file you wish to restore and click the ‘Restore’ button of the lower right corner of the window.
New configurations and scripts will then be available in the unit.

 The user name and password are encrypted in the backup file. It is therefore necessary for the current unit’s
name and password to be identical to those of the backed up unit at the time of restoration.

 After restoring a file the unit will automatically reboot. After launching the restoration process, wait a few
minutes for the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR to restart before reconnecting.

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14.1. About the software options

Each version of the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR comes standard with a specific set of functionalities, while others
may only be available as options. See section 1.2 for details.

14.2. Activating an option

Regardless of the desired option, first contact your sales representative in order to obtain the software key that
will allow you to activate the option. Then, follow the procedure.
1. Insert the CD sent by WorldCast Systems upon purchase of the option, the option window will open up.

2. Click on the link and

copy the product key.

3. Go to the ‘Help’ menu of the

application and click on ‘About’
and select the ‘Licenses’ tab.

5. Paste or copy the

product key in the
text box.

4. Click the “Activate

license” button.

6. Click on “Activate” to
update the
equipment with the

7. Close and restart the application

8. Once an option has been activated, a new line appears in the list of available licenses.

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15.1. Status module - Digital inputs

 Please refer to the ScriptEasy manual for more information on I/O management.
This module provides 16 digital inputs and can work in 2 different modes depending on jumper configuration:
Schematic diagram:
 ‘Internal power supply’ mode (default mode):
With this mode, all common pins are internally linked to the ground.



When a digital input is connected with the common, this input’s value switches to ‘1’; otherwise it stays on ‘0’.
 ‘External power supply’ mode:
With this mode, all ‘common’ pins are linked together but they are no longer connected to the ground. Now, an
external power supply is necessary.



- +

An external power supply between 5 and 25 V is applied to the common. If a digital input is connected to the
ground, this input’s value switches to ‘1’; otherwise it stays on ‘0’.
Select internal or external power supply mode:
 ‘Internal power supply’ mode (default mode):
Two jumpers shall be installed on the selected pins
2 jumpers

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 ‘External power supply’ mode:
Install one jumper only on the middle pins.
1 jumper in the middle

Digital input module external connection diagram:

External connections on SUB-D 25pts female connector located at the end of the board.


SUB-D 25pts FEMALE CONNECTOR 1 Digital input 1
2 Digital input 3
3 Digital input 5
4 Digital input 7
5 Digital input 9
6 Digital input 11
7 Digital input 13
(internally connected)
8 Digital input 15
IN16 9 Common
IN14 10 Common
IN12 11 Common
IN10 12 Common
13 Not used
IN05 14 Digital input 2
IN03 15 Digital input 4
IN01 16 Digital input 6
17 Digital input 8
18 Digital input 10
19 Digital input 12
20 Digital input 14
21 Digital input 16
22 Common
23 Common
24 Common
25 Common

 When the ‘internal power supply’ mode is selected, the common ground is also the unit’s ground.

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15.2. Commands module - Relay outputs

 Please refer to the ScriptEasy manual for more information on I/O management.
This module provides 8 SPDT relays. Each relay has one com input (common) and two outputs: NC (normally
closed) and NO (normally opened).

Schematic diagram:

RELAY (x8)

NC (Normaly open)
NO (Normaly closed)
 When the relay is not in use, com is linked to the NC output.
 When the relay is activated, com is linked to the NO output.

 If your unit reboots, com is then linked to the NC output.

Practical examples:

1. The relay can be used like an on-off switch to make a contact between the common and one of the
outputs (NC or NO).
2. It is also possible to connect a power supply to the common (for example the +12 V power supply
available on pin 13) and to switch this power supply between the NC and the NO output.

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Relay output module external connection diagram:
External connections on SUB-D 25pts male connector located at the end of the board.

 Each circuit can support 5 A between -60 V and +60 V.

 A +12 V power supply with a max current of 250 mA is available on pin 13.


1 COM1
2 NO1
3 NC2
5 NO3
N02 6 NC4
NC3 7 COM5
COM4 8 NO5
NO4 9 NC6
10 COM7
NC6 11 NO7
COM7 12 NC8
NO7 13 +12V
NC8 14 NC1
15 COM2
16 NO2
17 NC3
18 COM4
19 NO4
20 NC5
21 COM6
22 NO6
23 NC7
24 COM8
25 NO8

 Ground for the 12 V power supply is available on the ground of the unit.

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15.3. Metering module - Analog inputs

 Please refer to the ScriptEasy manual for more information on I/O management.
This module provides 8 analog inputs designed to measure voltages up to 50 V. It is possible to select the
measurement range for a better accuracy while converting.
Schematic diagram:
This module converts analog voltage into a digital signal used by the unit.
Voltage (+V) must be applied between one of the analog inputs and the ground.



+ -

Analog input module external connection diagram:

External connections on SUB-D 25pts female connector
COMMON situated at the end of the board.

 Input impedance: 100 KΩ. (GROUND)

 Measurement range: 0-5 V, 0-10 V, 0-25 V & 0-50 V.

 ADC resolution (Analog to digital converter): 12 bits for each measurement range.
1 IN1
2 IN2
3 IN3
4 IN4
5 IN5
6 IN6
7 IN7
8 IN8
9 Not used
10 Not used
11 Not used
(internaly connected)

IN 08 12 Not used
IN 07 13 Not used
IN 06 14 GND
IN 05 15 GND
IN 04
16 GND
17 GND
IN 03
18 GND
IN 02
19 GND
IN 01
20 GND
21 GND
22 GND
23 GND
24 GND
25 GND
 The ground is the same as the ground of the unit.

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If you cannot connect to the embedded web site nor to the remote application, use one of the following methods
to retrieve and update the AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR’s IP address.

A.1. Connection via the front panel serial port

Connect the unit to the power supply

Connect to a PC using a female/female serial cable with the following pin-out: 23

Open a terminal session (HyperTerminal, for instance) with the following settings on the COM1 port:

Start the unit (switch on front panel).

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Wait for 1 minute for the following screen.

Press Enter.
The configuration screen appears.

Press Enter.

Default password is “admin”.

You may now update the IP configuration and change the passwords.

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A.2. Connection with a keyboard and monitor

Start the unit (switch on front panel).

The following screen appears:

dtuZxx: already loaded

* Running ide.rc…
* Running scsi.rc…
Starting periodic command scheduler: cron.
usb 1-4: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4

Audemat-Aztec GEDVB tty1

GEDVB login: Dtu2xx: Found a DTU-225 (IS 2x5: 0°

DTU-225: Programmed DTU-225 PLD firmware: v5

usb 1-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5
DTU-225: Found DTU-225 (Is 2x5: 1)
DTU-225: Programmed DTU-225 PLD firmware: v7
DTU-225: Found DTU-225 device, minor nb: 176
DTU-225: DTU-225 driver (v2.2.0.19) started successfully

Press ALT + F3
The configuration screen appears:

Static IP configuration
IP Address:

< OK >

Press OK to confirm.

Page 113
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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016
Enter the password:

Please enter current Administrator password.
If this is the initial configuration, use the
default password as given in your

< OK > <Cancel>

Default password is “admin”.

Use directional arrows to access “Display current IP configuration”:

Select an option

1 Change administrator account settings

2 Display current IP configuration
3 Enable Static IP settings
4 Enable DHCP

< OK > <Cancel>

You may now view and update the IP configuration.

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016


 Some traps are not enabled in the current version.

Trap Binding List of variables contained in the trap

Trap Name Trap Description
Number s OID Name Type Description
1 equipmentOn Equipment On #1 sysSystemType String “GoldenEagleDVB”
#2 sysSerialNumber String Unit’s serial number
#3 sysVersionSoftware String Embedded software version
Unique identifier, automatically incremented each time it is
#4 trapsSequenceNumber Integer sent
#5 trapsEventId Integer Event identifier
#6 trapsequipmentOndateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
Depending on the settings of notifications in the system
#7 trapsequipmentOnseverity Integer configuration *
#8 trapsequipmentOndowntime Integer Downtime duration in seconds
8 heartBeat Heartbeat #1 sysSystemType String “GoldenEagleDVB”
#2 sysSerialNumber String Unit’s serial number
#3 sysVersionSoftware String Embedded software version
Unique identifier, automatically incremented each time it is
#4 trapsSequenceNumber Integer sent
#5 trapsEventId Integer Event identifier
#6 trapsheartBeatdateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
Depending on the settings of notifications in the system trapsheartBeatseverity Integer configuration *
9 configChanged Configuration changed #1 sysSystemType String “GoldenEagleDVB”
#2 sysSerialNumber String Unit’s serial number
#3 sysVersionSoftware String Embedded software version
Unique identifier, automatically incremented each time it is
#4 trapsSequenceNumber Integer sent
#5 trapsEventId Integer Event identifier
#6 trapsconfigChangeddateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
#7 trapsconfigChangedrootTree String Reserved for future use
Depending on the settings of notifications in the system
#8 trapsconfigChangedseverity Integer configuration *
10 equipmentFault Equipment fault #1 sysSystemType String “GoldenEagleDVB”
#2 sysSerialNumber String Unit’s serial number
#3 sysVersionSoftware String Embedded software version
Unique identifier, automatically incremented each time it is
#4 trapsSequenceNumber Integer sent
#5 trapsEventId Integer Event identifier
#6 trapsequipmentFaultdateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
8 trapsequipmentFaulterror String error message
Depending on the settings of notifications in the system
#7 trapsequipmentFaultseverity Integer configuration *
11 equipmentInfo Equipment information See trap #10 Time the trap was sent

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

12 rFLevelLow2 * RF level 2 low #1 sysSystemType String “GoldenEagleDVB”

#2 sysSerialNumber String Unit’s serial number
#3 sysVersionSoftware String Embedded software version
Unique identifier, automatically incremented each time it is
#4 trapsSequenceNumber Integer sent
#5 trapsEventId
#6 trapsDVBAlarmdateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
#7 trapsDVBAlarmidMultiplex Integer Multiplex ID
#8 trapsDVBAlarmalarmID Integer Alarm ID
#9 trapsDVBAlarmalarmStatus Integer Alarm Status
#10 trapsDVBAlarmalarmDescription String Alarm description
#11 trapsDVBAlarmeffectiveDateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
#12 trapsDVBAlarmidReceiver Integer Receiver id, 0 for the 1st or 1 for the 2nd receiver
#13 trapsDVBAlarmchannel Integer channel number
#14 trapsDVBAlarmfrequency Integer RF tuner frequency
#15 trapsDVBAlarmmultiplexName Integer Multiplex name
#16 trapsDVBAlarmtransmitterName Integer Transmitter name
#17 trapsDVBAlarmnetworkName Integer Network name
#18 trapsDVBAlarmcurrentValue String Value measured causing the alarm (in dBuV)
#19 trapsDVBAlarmreferenceValue String Reference value threshold for alarm (in dBuV)
Depending on the settings of notifications in the system
#20 trapsDVBAlarmseverity String configuration *
13 rFLevelLow * RF level 1 low See trap #12 Values in dBuV
14 rFLevelHigh * RF level high See trap #12 Values in dBuV
15 dVBPresence * DVB-T Lock Status Error See trap #12
16 dVBParam * DVB-T Param Change See trap #12
17 cellId * Cell Id Change See trap #12
18 cNLevelLow2 * C/N Level 2 low See trap #12 Values in dB
19 cNLevelLow * C/N Level 1 low See trap #12 Values in dB
20 mERLevelLow * MER Level low See trap #12 Values in dB
21 bERLevelHigh * BER Level high See trap #12 Values in dB
22 pERLevelHigh * PER Level high See trap #12 Values in %
23 rFTSSyncLoss * 1.1 TS Sync Loss (RF) See trap #12
24 rFSyncByteError * 1.2 Sync Byte Error (RF) See trap #12
25 scanStart Scan start #1 sysSystemType String “GoldenEagleDVB”
#2 sysSerialNumber String Unit’s serial number
#3 sysVersionSoftware String Embedded software version
Unique identifier, automatically incremented each time it is
#4 trapsSequenceNumber Integer sent
#5 trapsEventId Integer Event identifier
#6 trapsDVBScanInfodateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
26 scanStop Scan end #1 See trap #25 sysUpTime Time the trap was sent
27 mERLevelLow2* MER Level low2 See trap #12

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

30 scanAppear Scan new channel appeared #1 sysSystemType String “GoldenEagleDVB”

#2 sysSerialNumber String Unit’s serial number
#3 sysVersionSoftware String Embedded software version
Unique identifier, automatically incremented each time it is
#4 trapsSequenceNumber Integer sent
#5 trapsEventId Integer Event identifier
#6 trapsDVBScanAlarmdateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
#7 trapsDVBScanAlarmID Integer Alarm ID
#8 trapsDVBScanAlarmalarmStatus Integer Alarm Status
#9 trapsDVBScanAlarmalarmDescription Integer Alarm description
#10 trapsDVBScanAlarmeffectiveDateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
#11 trapsDVBScanAlarmidReceiver String Receiver id, 0 for the 1st or 1 for the 2nd receiver
#12 trapsDVBScanAlarmchannel Integer Channel number
#13 trapsDVBScanAlarmfrequency Integer RF tuner frequency
#14 trapsDVBScanAlarmcurrentValue Integer Value measured causing the alarm (in dBµV)
#15 trapsDVBScanAlarmreferenceValue Integer Reference value threshold for alarm (in dBµV)
Depending on the settings of notifications in the system
#16 trapsDVBScanAlarmseverity Integer configuration *
31 scanDisappear Scan channel disappeared See trap #30
32 scanConfChange Scan channel config changed See trap #30
33 scanLevelAlarm Scan level alarm See trap #30
61 paddingColumnerror Padding Column error #1 sysSystemType String “GoldenEagleDVB”
#2 sysSerialNumber String Unit’s serial number
#3 sysVersionSoftware String Embedded software version
Unique identifier, automatically incremented each time it is
#4 trapsSequenceNumber Integer sent
#5 trapsEventId Integer Event identifier
#6 trapsDVBAlarmdateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
#7 trapsDVBAlarmidMultiplex Integer Multiplex ID
#8 trapsDVBAlarmalarmID Integer Alarm ID
#9 trapsDVBAlarmalarmStatus Integer Alarm Status
#10 trapsDVBAlarmalarmDescription String Alarm description
#11 trapsDVBAlarmeffectiveDateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
#12 trapsDVBAlarmidReceiver Integer Receiver id, 0 for the 1st or 1 for the 2nd receiver
#13 trapsDVBAlarmchannel Integer channel number
#14 trapsDVBAlarmfrequency Integer RF tuner frequency
#15 trapsDVBAlarmmultiplexName String Multiplex name
#16 trapsDVBAlarmtransmitterName String Transmitter name
#17 trapsDVBAlarmnetworkName String Network name
#18 trapsDVBAlarmcurrentValue Integer Value measured causing the alarm
#19 trapsDVBAlarmreferenceValue Integer Reference value threshold for alarm
Depending on the settings of notifications in the system
#20 trapsDVBAlarmseverity Integer configuration *
62 burstTimingLate Burst too late timing see trap #61
63 burstTimingEarly Burst too early timing see trap #61
64 tableBoundMissing Table bound missing see trap #61
65 frameBoundMissing Frame bound missing see trap #61
66 tableBoundOver Table bound overflow see trap #61
67 frameBoundOver Frame bound overflow see trap #61
68 burstAddressError Burst address coherence error see trap #61
69 burstMaxDurationExceed Burst max duration exceeded see trap #61

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

70 fERLevelHigh FER Level high see trap #61

71 mFERLevelHigh MFER Level high see trap #61
72 mIPTimingError MIP Timing Error see trap #61
73 mIPStructureError MIP Structure Error see trap #61
74 mIPPresenceError MIP Presence Error see trap #61
75 mIPPointerError MIP Pointer Error see trap #61
76 mIPPeriodicityError MIP Periodicity Error see trap #61
77 mIPTsRateError MIP TS Rate Error see trap #61
78 sFNAppear SFN echo appear see trap #61
79 sFNDisappear SFN echo disappear see trap #61
80 sFNOutOfZone SFN out of zone see trap #61
103 tSSyncloss 1.1 TS Sync loss #1 sysSystemType String “GoldenEagleDVB”
#2 sysSerialNumber String Unit’s serial number
#3 sysVersionSoftware String Embedded software version
Unique identifier, automatically incremented each time it is
#4 trapsSequenceNumber Integer sent
#5 trapsEventId Integer Event identifier
#6 trapsDVBMpegAlarmdateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
#7 trapsDVBMpegAlarmidMultiplex Integer Multiplex ID
#8 trapsDVBMpegAlarmpid Integer PID
#9 trapsDVBMpegAlarmtableID Integer Table ID
#10 trapsDVBMpegAlarmerrorCounter Integer Error Counter
#11 trapsDVBMpegAlarmalarmID Integer Alarm ID
#12 trapsDVBMpegAlarmalarmStatus Integer Alarm Status
#13 trapsDVBMpegAlarmalarmDescription String Alarm description
#14 trapsDVBMpegAlarmeffectiveDateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
#15 trapsDVBMpegAlarmidReceiver Integer Receiver id, 0 for the 1st or 1 for the 2nd receiver
#16 trapsDVBMpegAlarmchannel Integer channel number
#17 trapsDVBMpegAlarmfrequency Integer RF tuner frequency
#18 trapsDVBMpegAlarmmultiplexName String Multiplex name
#19 trapsDVBMpegAlarmtransmitterName String Transmitter name
#20 trapsDVBMpegAlarmnetworkName String Network name
Depending on the settings of notifications in the system
#21 trapsDVBMpegAlarmseverity Integer configuration *
104 syncByteError 1.2 Sync Byte error see trap #103
105 pATTimeMaxError 1.3 PAT missing error see trap #103
106 pATTableIDError 1.3 PAT table ID error see trap #103
107 pATScramblingError 1.3 PAT scrambling error see trap #103
108 continuityCountOrderError 1.4 Continuity Count order error see trap #103
109 continuityCountTwiceError 1.4 Continuity Count twice error see trap #103
110 continuityCountLostError 1.4 Continuity Count lost error see trap #103
111 pMTimeMaxError 1.5 PMT missing error see trap #103
112 pMTTableIDError 1.5 PMT table ID error see trap #103
113 pMTScramblingError 1.5 PMT scrambling error see trap #103
114 pIDError 1.6 PID error see trap #103
115 transportError 2.1 Transport error see trap #103
116 cRCError 2.2 CRC error see trap #103
117 pCRRepetitionError 2.3a PCR repetition error see trap #103
118 pCRDiscontinuityError 2.3b PCR discontinuity error see trap #103
119 pCRAccuracyError 2.4 PCR accuracy error see trap #103
120 pTSError 2.5 PTS error see trap #103
121 cATTableError 2.6 CAT table ID error see trap #103

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

122 cATReferenceError 2.6 CAT reference error see trap #103

123 nITActualTimeMinError 3.1a NIT actual overload error see trap #103
124 nITActualTimeMaxError 3.1a NIT actual missing error see trap #103
125 nITActualTableIDError 3.1a NIT actual table ID error see trap #103
126 nITOtherError 3.1b NIT other error see trap #103
127 sIRepetitionTimeMinError 3.2 SI repetition overload error see trap #103
128 sIRepetitionTimeMaxError 3.2 SI repetition missing error see trap #103
129 unreferencedPID 3.4 Unreferenced PID see trap #103
130 sDTActualTimeMinError 3.5a SDT actual overload error see trap #103
131 sDTActualTimeMaxError 3.5a SDT actual missing error see trap #103
132 sDTActualTableIDError 3.5a SDT actual table ID error see trap #103
133 sDTOtherError 3.5b SDT other error see trap #103
134 eITActualTimeMinError 3.6a EIT actual overload error see trap #103
135 eITActualTimeMaxError 3.6a EIT actual missing error see trap #103
136 eITActualTableIDError 3.6a EIT actual table ID error see trap #103
137 eITOtherError 3.6b EIT other error see trap #103
138 eITPFError 3.6c EIT PF error see trap #103
139 rSTTimeMinError 3.7 RST overload error see trap #103
140 rSTTimeMaxError 3.7 RST missing error see trap #103
141 tDTTimeMinError 3.8 TDT overload error see trap #103
142 tDTTimeMaxError 3.8 TDT missing error see trap #103
143 tDTTableIDError 3.8 TDT table IDerror see trap #103
200 tsReferenceSwitch TS service reference switch #1 sysSystemType String “GoldenEagleDVB”
#2 sysSerialNumber String Unit’s serial number
#3 sysVersionSoftware String Embedded software version
Unique identifier, automatically incremented each time it is
#4 trapsSequenceNumber Integer sent
#5 trapsEventId Integer Event identifier
#6 trapsDVBServicesAlarmdateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
#7 trapsDVBServicesAlarmidMultiplex Integer Multiplex ID
#8 trapsDVBServicesAlarmidProgram Integer Obsolete
#9 trapsDVBServicesAlarmServiceID Integer Service ID
#10 trapsDVBServicesAlarmalarmID Integer Alarm ID
#11 trapsDVBServicesAlarmalarmStatus Integer Alarm Status
#12 trapsDVBServicesAlarmalarmDescription String Alarm description
#13 trapsDVBServicesAlarmeffectiveDateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
#14 trapsDVBServicesAlarmidReceiver Integer Receiver id, 0 for the 1st or 1 for the 2nd receiver
#15 trapsDVBServicesAlarmchannel Integer channel number
#16 trapsDVBServicesAlarmfrequency Integer RF tuner frequency
#17 trapsDVBServicesAlarmmultiplexName String Multiplex name
#18 trapsDVBServicesAlarmtransmitterName String Transmitter name
#19 trapsDVBServicesAlarmnetworkName String Network name
#20 trapsDVBServicesAlarmcurrentValue Integer Value measured causing the alarm
#21 trapsDVBServicesAlarmreferenceValue Integer Reference value threshold for alarm
Depending on the settings of notifications in the system
#22 trapsDVBServicesAlarmseverity Integer configuration *
#23 trapsDVBServicesAlarmserviceName String service name
#24 trapsDVBServicesAlarmproviderName String provider name
#25 trapsDVBServicesAlarmTSID Integer TS ID
#26 trapsDVBServicesAlarmNetworkID Integer Network ID
#27 trapsDVBServicesAlarmPID Integer PMT PID
201 tsIdChange TS ID change see trap #200

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

202 tsNetworkIdChange Network ID change see trap #200

203 tsServiceMissing Service missing see trap #200
204 tsUnexpectedService Unexpected service see trap #200
205 serviceNameChange Service name change see trap #200
206 serviceProviderChange Service provider change see trap #200
207 serviceTypeChange Service type change see trap #200
208 serviceCAChange Service CA flag change see trap #200
209 servicePFChange Service EIT p/f flag change see trap #200
210 serviceScheduleChange Service EIT schedule flag change see trap #200
211 serviceComponentMissing Component missing see trap #200
212 serviceUnexpectedComponent Unexpected component see trap #200
213 componentTypeChange Component type change see trap #200
214 componentLanguageChange Component language change see trap #200
215 caComponentMissing Component missing see trap #200
216 caComponentUnexpected Component unexpected see trap #200
217 caComponentTypeChange CA Component type change see trap #200
218 bitRateServiceLow Service rate low see trap #200
219 bitRateServiceHigh Service rate high see trap #200
220 bitRatePidLow PID rate low see trap #200
221 bitRatePidHigh PID rate high see trap #200
10000 scriptEasyInfo ScriptEasy Info #1 sysSystemType String “GoldenEagleDVB”
#2 sysSerialNumber String Unit’s serial number
#3 sysVersionSoftware String Embedded software version
Unique identifier, automatically incremented each time it is
#4 trapsSequenceNumber Integer sent
#5 trapsEventId Integer Event identifier
#6 trapsScriptEasyInfodateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
#7 trapsScriptEasyInfoseverity Integer ScriptEasy alarm object severity as defined in script *
#8 trapsScriptEasyInfoscriptObjectId Integer ScriptEasy alarm object identifier
#9 trapsScriptEasyInfoscriptObjectStatus Integer ScriptEasy alarm object state (O = off/ 1 = on)

#10 trapsScriptEasyInfoscriptObjectName String ScriptEasy alarm object name

#11 trapsScriptEasyInfoscriptObjectDescription String ScriptEasy alarm object description
#12 trapsScriptEasyInfoeventDescription String event description
#13 trapsScriptEasyInfochannel String ScriptEasy channel name
#14 trapsScriptEasyInfotransmitter String ScriptEasy transmitter name
#15 trapsScriptEasyInfonetwork String ScriptEasy network name

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016

10001 scriptEasyOnOff ScriptEasy On/Off #1 sysSystemType String “GoldenEagleDVB”

#2 sysSerialNumber String Unit’s serial number
#3 sysVersionSoftware String Embedded software version
Unique identifier, automatically incremented each time it is
#4 trapsSequenceNumber Integer sent
#5 trapsEventId Integer Event identifier
#6 trapsScriptEasyOnOffdateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
#7 trapsScriptEasyOnOffseverity Integer ScriptEasy alarm object severity as defined in script *
#8 trapsScriptEasyOnOffscriptObjectId Integer ScriptEasy alarm object identifier
#9 trapsScriptEasyOnOffscriptObjectStatus Integer ScriptEasy alarm object state (O = off/ 1 = on)
#10 trapsScriptEasyOnOffscriptObjectName String ScriptEasy alarm object name
#11 trapsScriptEasyOnOffscriptObjectDescription String ScriptEasy alarm object description
#12 trapsScriptEasyOnOffeventDescription String ScriptEasy event description
#13 trapsScriptEasyOnOffchannel String ScriptEasy channel name
#14 trapsScriptEasyOnOfftransmitter String ScriptEasy transmitter name
#15 trapsScriptEasyOnOffnetwork String ScriptEasy network name
1610002 scriptEasyManagerAlarm Manager Alarm #1 sysSystemType String “GoldenEagleDVB”
#2 sysSerialNumber String Unit’s serial number
#3 sysVersionSoftware String Embedded software version
Unique identifier, automatically incremented each time it is
#4 trapsSequenceNumber Integer sent
#5 trapsEventId Integer Event identifier
#6 trapsScriptEasyManagerAlarmalarmType ScriptEasy alarm type for Broadcast Manager
#7 trapsScriptEasyManagerAlarmdateTime String YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
#8 trapsScriptEasyManagerAlarmseverity Integer ScriptEasy alarm object severity as defined in script *
#9 trapsScriptEasyManagerAlarmscriptObjectId Integer ScriptEasy alarm object identifier
#11 trapsScriptEasyManagerAlarmscriptObjectName String ScriptEasy alarm object name for Broadcast Manager
#12 trapsScriptEasyManagerAlarmeventDescription String ScriptEasy event description for Broadcast Manager
#13 trapsScriptEasyManagerAlarmchannelId String ScriptEasy channel id for Broadcast Manager

* Alarm’s severity level:

0: Emergency
1: Alert
2: Critical
3: Error
4: Warning
5: Notice
6: Information

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016


 Preliminary version: some measurements and some alarms are not available.

Monitored value table: .sys.applications.dVBMonitoring.status.readings.readingsvaluesTable

OID Name Type Description idRow INTEGER Channel number (1) idColumn INTEGER Measurement number (2) value INTEGER Current value

(1) The channel number corresponds to its creation index (visible on the Status page or on the Basic
configuration page), starting from zero: the first channel’s ID number is 0 and the 40th channel’s ID
number is 39.

(2) Measurements are as follows:

 0 : RF level (in dBuV*10)
 1 : Mode COFDM (0: 2K, 1: 8K)
 2 : AGC (1 if agc lock, else 0)
 3 : Carrier (1 if carrier lock, else 0)
 4 : Tps (1 if TPS lock, else 0)
 5 : Viterbi (1 if viterbi lock, else 0)
 6 : MPEG sync (1 if MPEG sync lock, else 0)
 7 : MPEG data (1 if MPEG data lock, else 0)
 8 : Uncorrect MPEG (1 if uncorrect MPEG, else 0)
 9 : Guard Interval (0: 1/32, 1: 1/16, 2: 1/8, 3: 1/4)
 10 : Constellation (0: QPSK, 1: 16 QAM, 2: 64 QAM)
 11 : Hierachical mode (0: Non hierachical, 1: hierachical with α=1, 1: hierachical with α=2, 1:
hierachical with α=4)
 12 : Code rate (0: 1/2, 1: 2/3, 2: 3/4, 3: 5/6, 4: 7/8)
 13 : CellId (decimal value of cellId)
 14 : MER (in dB)
 15 : BER (in dB)
 16 : PER (in %)
 17 : C/N (in dB)
 18 : LP code rate (0: 1/2, 1: 2/3, 2: 3/4, 3: 5/6, 4: 7/8)
 20 : Interleaver mode (0: Native inner interleaver, 1: IN-depth inner interleaver)
 21 : HP Time Slicing (1 if HP time slicing, else 0)
 22 : LP Time Slicing (1 if LP time slicing, else 0)
 23 : HP MPE FEC (1 if HP MPE FEC, else 0)
 24 : LP MPE FEC (1 if HP MPE FEC, else 0)
 25 : DVB Cell ID
For instance, to read the RF level for channel 5, use a GET SNMP command on the OID:

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016
Where .4 is the identifier of the 5th channel and 0 is the identifier of the RF measurement.
 This table includes all multiplex and not only configured multiplex; expect long loading time.

 Deleting a multiplex does not reset table values.

Alarm table: .sys.applications.dVBMonitoring.status.alarms.alarmsvaluesTable

OID Name Type Description idRow INTEGER Channel number (1) idColumn INTEGER Measurement number (2) value INTEGER Alarm status (3)

(1) The channel number corresponds to its creation index (visible on the Status page or on the Basic
configuration page), starting from zero: the first channel’s ID number is 0 and the 40 th channel’s ID
number is 39.

(2) Alarm numbers are as follows:

• 0 : RF level 2 low
• 1 : RF level 1 low
• 2 : RF level high
• 3 : DVB-T Lock Status Error
• 4 : DVB-T Param Change
• 5 : Cell Id Change
• 6 : C/N Level 2 low
• 7 : C/N Level 1 low
• 8 : MER Level low
• 9 : BER Level high
• 10 : PER Level high
• 11 : 1.1 TS Sync Loss (RF)
• 12 : 1.2 Sync Byte Error (RF)
• 13 : Padding Column error
• 14 : Burst too late timing
• 15 : Burst too early timing
• 16 : Table bound missing
• 17 : Frame bound missing
• 18 : Table bound overflow
• 19 : Frame bound overflow
• 20 : Burst address coherence error
• 21 : Burst max duration exceeded
• 22 : FER Level high
• 23 : MFER Level high
• 24 : MIP Timing Error
• 25 : MIP Structure Error
• 26 : MIP Presence Error

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AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016
• 27 : MIP Pointer Error
• 28 : MIP Periodicity Error
• 29 : MIP TS Rate Error
• 30 : SFN echo appear
• 31 : SFN echo disappear
• 32 : SFN out of zone
• 33 : 1.1 TS Sync loss
• 34 : 1.2 Sync Byte error
• 35 : 1.3 PAT missing error
• 36 : 1.3 PAT table ID error
• 37 : 1.3 PAT scrambling error
• 38 : 1.4 Continuity Count order error
• 39 : 1.4 Continuity Count twice error
• 40 : 1.4 Continuity Count lost error
• 41 : 1.5 PMT missing error
• 42 : 1.5 PMT table ID error
• 43 : 1.5 PMT scrambling error
• 44 : 1.6 PID error
• 45 : 2.1 Transport error
• 46 : 2.2 CRC error
• 47 : 2.3a PCR repetition error
• 48 : 2.3b PCR discontinuity error
• 49 : 2.4 PCR accuracy error
• 50 : 2.5 PTS error
• 51 : 2.6 CAT table ID error
• 52 : 2.6 CAT reference error
• 53 : 3.1a NIT actual overload error
• 54 : 3.1a NIT actual missing error
• 55 : 3.1a NIT actual table ID error
• 56 : 3.1b NIT other error
• 57 : 3.2 SI repetition overload error
• 58 : 3.2 SI repetition missing error
• 59 : 3.4 Unreferenced PID
• 60 : 3.5a SDT actual overload error
• 61 : 3.5a SDT actual missing error
• 62 : 3.5a SDT actual table ID error
• 63 : 3.5b SDT other error
• 64 : 3.6a EIT actual overload error
• 65 : 3.6a EIT actual missing error
• 66 : 3.6a EIT actual table ID error
• 67 : 3.6b EIT other error
• 68 : 3.6c EIT PF error
• 69 : 3.7 RST overload error
• 70 : 3.7 RST missing error
• 71 : 3.8 TDT overload error

Page 124
Head Office : Parc d’activites Kennedy - 20, avenue Neil Armstrong – 33700 Bordeaux-Merignac (France)
Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016
• 72 : 3.8 TDT missing error
• 73 : 3.8 TDT table IDerror
• 74 : TS service reference switch
• 75 : TS ID change
• 76 : Network ID change
• 77 : Service missing
• 78 : Unexpected service
• 79 : Service name change
• 80 : Service provider change
• 81 : Service type change
• 82 : Service CA flag change
• 83 : Service EIT p/f flag change
• 84 : Service EIT schedule flag change
• 85 : Component missing
• 86 : Unexpected component
• 87 : Component type change
• 88 : Component language change
• 89 : Service rate low
• 90 : Service rate high
• 91 : PID rate low
• 92 : PID rate high

(3) The alarm status can be:

Alarm value Description
0 No current alarm
1 Current alarm

For instance, to read the status of the “RF low error” alarm on channel 5, use a GET SNMP command on the OID:

Where .4 is the identifier of the 5th channel and 0 is the identifier of the RF low Error.
 The value of an alarm “closed by hierarchy” will be 1 until the alarm with a greater level is closed and the
current alarm is actually over as well.

Page 125
Head Office : Parc d’activites Kennedy - 20, avenue Neil Armstrong – 33700 Bordeaux-Merignac (France)
Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016


AC-3: Audio code using the AC-3 Dolby method

ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AGC - Automatic Gain Control
ASI - Asynchronous Serial Interface
ATSC - Advanced Television Standard Committee
ATSC - Australian Telecommunication Standardization Committee
BER - Bit Error Rate or Bit Error Ratio
BIT: 'binary digit' – smallest unit in the binary system.
BNC - Bayonet Neil-Concelman
C/N - Carrier to Noise ratio
CA - Conditional Access
CHAP - Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
COFDM - Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex
CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check
DNS - Domain Name Server
DVB - Digital Video Broadcasting
DVB-T – Terrestrial DVB
EBU - European Broadcasting Union
EPG - Electronic Program Guide
ES - Elementary Stream
ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute
FEC - Forward Error Correction
FTP – File Transfer Protocol
GPRS - General Packet Radio Service
GSM - Global System for Mobile communications
HDTV - High Definition Television
HTML - Hyper Text Mark-up Language
HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
IP - Internet Protocol
IQ - In-phase and Quadrature Components
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
JAVA: Java is a platform-independent high-level programming language from Sun Microsystems
JPEG - Joint Photographics Experts Group
LAN - Local Area Network.
MER - Modulation Error Ratio
MFN - Multi-Frequency Network

Page 126
Head Office : Parc d’activites Kennedy - 20, avenue Neil Armstrong – 33700 Bordeaux-Merignac (France)
Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016
MPEG - Motion Pictures Experts Group
OFDM - Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
PAP - Password Authentication Protocol
PER - Packet Error Ratio
PES - Packetized Elementary Stream (sometimes called Program Elementary Stream)
PID - Packet Identifier
POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3
PPP - Point-to-Point Protocol
PS - Program Stream
PSK - Phase Shift Keying
QAM - Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QPSK - Quaternary Phase Shift Keying
RF - Radio Frequency
RS - Reed Solomon
SFN - Single Frequency Network
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP - System Networking Management Protocol
SNR - Signal to Noise Ratio
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
TPS - Transport Packet Stream
TS - Transport Stream
TV – Television
UDP - User Datagram Protocol
UHF - Ultra High Frequency: de 300 MHz à 3 000 MHz
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
VHF - Very High Frequency: de 30 MHz à 300 MHz
VPN - Virtual Private Network

Page 127
Head Office : Parc d’activites Kennedy - 20, avenue Neil Armstrong – 33700 Bordeaux-Merignac (France)
Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016


Parameters Type Range

int RF+ASI

Multiplex type int RF / ASI

Monitoring Multiplex name string

control Channel monitoring control int Active monitoring / Measure without alarm / Standby

Monitoring priority int Low / Normal / High

Paramètres RF
Channel number int 4 – 69
Channel zone int
Channel bandwith int auto / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 MHz
Transmitter name string
Network name string
RF Input int

Reference value int

Cell Id Cell Id monitoring int Y/N
Send alarm int Y/N
COFDM mode int 8k
Guard interval int 1/4 / 1/8 / 1/16 / 1/32
Constellation int QPSK / 16QAM / 64QAM
Code rate int 1/2 / 2/3 / 3/4 / 5/6 / 7/8
Hierarchical mode int None / alpha1 / alpha2 / alpha4

DVB-T parameter monitoring int Y/N

Send Alarm int Y/N

AGC Monitoring int Y/N
Carrier Monitoring int Y/N
TPS Monitoring int Y/N

DVB-T Viterbi Monitoring int Y/N

presence DVB-T presence processing time int 00:00 – 59:59 (mm:ss)
DVB-T presence time interval int 00:00 – 59:59 (mm:ss)
Number of events allowed in the interval int 1 – 99
Send alarm int Y/N
RF signal nominal level int 30 – 90 dBµV
High RF relative threshold int 0 – 20 dB
Low 1 RF relative threshold int 0 – 20 dB
Low 2 RF relative threshold int 0 – 20 dB
RF relative hysteresis int 0 – 10 dB
RF RF processing time int 00:00 – 59:59 (mm:ss)
RF time interval int 00:00 – 59:59 (mm:ss)
Number of events allowed in the interval int 1 - 99
Send alarm on high threshold int Y/N
Send alarm on low1 threshold int Y/N
Send alarm on low2 threshold int Y/N

Page 128
Head Office : Parc d’activites Kennedy - 20, avenue Neil Armstrong – 33700 Bordeaux-Merignac (France)
Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016
C/N low_1 absolute threshold int 0 – 40 dB
C/N low_2 absolute threshold int 0– 40 dB
C/N relative hysteresis int 0 – 15 dB
C/N processing time int 00:00 – 59:59 (mm:ss)
Send alarm on low1 threshold int Y/N
Send alarm on low2 threshold int Y/N

MER absolute threshold int 20 – 30 dB

MER relative hysteresis int 0 – 5 dB
MER processing time int 00:00 – 59:59 (mm:ss)
Send alarm on low threshold int Y/N

Triggering BER int 1 - 9999 *10-6

Disappearance BER int 1 - 9999 *10-6
BER BER processing time int 00:00 – 59:59 (mm:ss)
Monitoring by average error rate int Y/N
Send alarm on trigger int Y/N

PER absolute threshold int 0 – 100% (ratio packet error/total packet)

PER time interval int 00:00 – 59:59 (mm:ss)
Number of events allowed in the interval int 1 – 99
Send alarm on high threshold int Y/N
Paramètres MPEG TS
TS_sync_loss monitoring int Y/N
Sync_byte_error monitoring int Y/N
PAT_error monitoring int Y/N
Continuity_count_error monitoring int Y/N
PMT_error monitoring int Y/N
PID_error monitoring int Y/N
First priority time interval int 00:00 – 59:59 (mm:ss)
First priority
Number of events allowed in the interval int 1 - 99
Send alarm on TS_sync_loss int Y/N
Send alarm on Sync_byte_error int Y/N
Send alarm on PAT_error int Y/N
Send alarm on Continuity_count_error int Y/N
Send alarm on PMT_error int Y/N
Send alarm on PID_error int Y/N
Transport_error monitoring int Y/N
CRC_error monitoring int Y/N
PCR_error monitoring int Y/N
PCR_repetition_error monitoring int Y/N
PCR_accuracy error monitoring int Y/N
PTS_error monitoring int Y/N
Second priority CAT_error monitoring int Y/N
Second priority time interval int 00:00 – 59:59 (mm:ss)
Number of events allowed in the interval int 1 - 99
Send alarm on Transport_error int Y/N
Send alarm on CRC_error int Y/N
Send alarm on PCR_error int Y/N
Send alarm on PCR_repetition_error int Y/N

Page 129
Head Office : Parc d’activites Kennedy - 20, avenue Neil Armstrong – 33700 Bordeaux-Merignac (France)
Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016
Send alarm on PCR_accuracy error int Y/N
Send alarm on PTS_error int Y/N
Send alarm on CAT_error int Y/N

NIT_error monitoring int Y/N

NIT_actual_error monitoring int Y/N
NIT_other_error monitoring int Y/N
SI_repetition error monitoring int Y/N
Unreferenced_PID monitoring int Y/N
Unreferenced_PID1 ignore int
Unreferenced_PID2 ignore int
Unreferenced_PID3 ignore int
Unreferenced_PID4 ignore int
Unreferenced_PID5 ignore int
SDT_error monitoring int Y/N
SDT_actual_error monitoring int Y/N
SDT_other_error monitoring int Y/N
EIT_error monitoring int Y/N
EIT_actual_error monitoring int Y/N
EIT_other_error monitoring int Y/N
EIT_PF_error monitoring int Y/N
Third priority RST_error monitoring int Y/N
TDT_error monitoring int Y/N
Third priority time interval int 00:00 – 59:59 (mm:ss)
Number of events allowed in the interval int 1 – 99
Send alarm on NIT_error int Y/N
Send alarm on NIT_actual_error int Y/N
Send alarm on NIT_other_error int Y/N
Send alarm on SI_repetition error int Y/N
Send alarm on Unreferenced_PID int Y/N
Send alarm on SDT_error int Y/N
Send alarm on SDT_actual_error int Y/N
Send alarm on SDT_other_error int Y/N
Send alarm on EIT_error int Y/N
Send alarm on EIT_actual_error int Y/N
Send alarm on EIT_other_error int Y/N
Send alarm on EIT_PF_error int Y/N
Send alarm on RST_error int Y/N
Send alarm on TDT_error int Y/N

Transmission Transmission starting time int 00:00:00 – 23:59:59 (hh:mm:ss)

time Transmission ending time int 00:00:00 – 23:59:59 (hh:mm:ss)
Recording on alarm int Y/N
Cyclic recording int Y/N

 Parameters marked with an asterisk * are not monitored in the current version.

Page 130
Head Office : Parc d’activites Kennedy - 20, avenue Neil Armstrong – 33700 Bordeaux-Merignac (France)
Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com
AUDEMAT DVB-T MONITOR 4.3.x User Manual – 03/2016


Please contact:

Head office: WorldCast Systems

20, avenue Neil Armstrong - Parc d'Activités J.F. Kennedy
Tel: +33 (0) 557 928 928 | Fax: +33 (0) 557 928 929
Hotline: [email protected]

USA: WorldCast Systems Inc

19595 NE 10th Ave, Suite A
Miami FL 33179
Tel: +1 (305) 249 31 10 | Fax: +1 (305) 249 31 13
Hotline: [email protected]

Page 131
Head Office : Parc d’activites Kennedy - 20, avenue Neil Armstrong – 33700 Bordeaux-Merignac (France)
Tel +33 (0)5 57 928 928 – Fax +33 (0)5 57 928 929 – [email protected] – www.worldcastsystems.com

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