Effectiveness of High-Dose Glucocorticoids On Hemolysis, Elevating Liver Enzymes, and Reducing Platelets Syndrome

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Clinical Research Report

Journal of International Medical Research

2019, Vol. 47(2) 738–747
Effectiveness of high-dose ! The Author(s) 2018
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DOI: 10.1177/0300060518809783
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reducing platelets syndrome

Suya Kang, Liping Zhou, Xiaoyan Wang,

Yongmei Li and Yun Wang

Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of high-dose glucocorticoids on hemolysis, elevating
liver enzymes, and reducing platelets (HELLP) syndrome.
Methods: A total of 151 patients with HELLP syndrome were analyzed and divided into two
groups. Six subgroups of treatment and control groups were divided into three grades in accor-
dance with the American Mississippi Diagnostic Criteria.
Results: There were no differences in general characteristics of the patients, primipara rate,
minimum platelet recovery time, postpartum hemorrhage volume, postpartum hemorrhage rate,
cumulative average of maternal damage, intensive care unit admission rate, perinatal mortality
rate, and overall incidence rate of adverse outcomes in fetuses among the groups. The primipara
rate in the control group of the third grade was significantly higher than that in the treatment
group of the third grade. The treatment group of the second grade (88.7%) had a significantly
higher preterm delivery rate than that in the control group of the second grade (66.7%). There
were no differences in minimum hemoglobin, and maximum lactate dehydrogenase, alanine ami-
notransferase, and aspartate aminotransferase levels among the groups and subgroups.
Conclusion: High-dose glucocorticoids cannot significantly improve maternal and fetal progno-
ses and laboratory indices. However, our results might offer some clinical evidence for HELLP
syndrome therapy.

Glucocorticoid, HELLP syndrome, fetus, primipara, preterm delivery, blood product, dexameth-
asone, methylprednisolone
Date received: 17 July 2018; accepted: 8 October 2018
Corresponding author:
Yun Wang, Department of Obstetrics, Suzhou Affiliated
Department of Obstetrics, Suzhou Affiliated Hospital of Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, 26 Daoqian Road,
Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou Municipal Suzhou 215002, Jiangsu Province, China.
Hospital, China Email: [email protected]

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Kang et al. 739

Introduction In this study, we aimed to investigate the

effectiveness of high-dose glucocorticoids on
Hemolysis, elevating liver enzymes, and
HELLP syndrome to provide clinical evidence
reducing platelets (HELLP) syndrome is a
for hormone therapy in HELLP syndrome.
severe obstetric problem. HELLP syn-
drome has the main characteristics of
hemolysis and increased hepatic enzymes Materials and methods
and thrombocytopenia, and is often compli-
cated by gestational hypertension, which Patients
poses a threat to the gravida and fetus. Patients with HELLP syndrome who were
The incidence rate of HELLP syndrome is admitted to our hospital (Affiliated Suzhou
0.17% to 0.85% during delivery and the Hospital, Nanking Medical University) from
mortality rates of gravidas and fetuses/neo- December 2013 to August 2018 were selected.
nates reach up to 23.1% and 56.9%, respec- The selection and grading standards that were
tively.1 There are no effective protective used were in accordance with the American
measures for HELLP syndrome because Mississippi Diagnostic Criteria.6 Exclusion
of the unknown precise pathogenesis. criteria were as follows: patients who were
Currently, the main treatment for HELLP using steroid hormones for a long time;
syndrome is symptomatic treatment. This patients with other hepatic dysfunction-
treatment includes regular spasmolysis and induced complications; and patients with
lowering blood pressure, use of glucocorti- other thrombocytopenia-induced complica-
coids to treat the patient’s condition and tions. For high-dose glucocorticoid treatment,
promote fetal lung maturation, proper methylprednisolone was administered intrave-
addition of blood products, rectification of nously by an infusion of 80 to 120 mg/day for
coagulation disorders, and close monitoring a total of 3 to 7 days. The patients were divid-
of the patient’s condition. Furthermore, ed into two groups as follows: the treatment
group (89 patients) and the control group
evaluation of the fetus’s condition in the
(62 patients). Six subgroups were classified
uterus and timely termination of pregnancy
in accordance with the American Mississippi
are performed in HELLP syndrome.2,3
Diagnostic Criteria:7 treatment group of first
Among them, glucocorticoids play a vital
grade (22 patients), control group of first
role in treating HELLP syndrome, but
grade (13 patients), treatment group of
this treatment has been controversial in
second grade (61 patients), control group of
the past 20 years. Some studies have second grade (45 patients), treatment group
shown that high-dose hormonotherapy is of third grade (5 patients), and control
effective for alleviating the maternal and group of third grade (4 patients). Patients
fetal prognoses and accelerating postnatal who had premature birth and used normal-
recovery.4 However, other random clinical dose dexamethasone to promote fetal lung
experiments have not found that high-dose maturation were not excluded. However,
hormonotherapy is effective in maternal these patients needed to have an interval
and fetal prognoses and accelerating post- exceeding 24 hours between dexamethasone
natal recovery.5 Furthermore, the long- to promote fetal lung maturation and the
term treatment effectiveness of high-dose first dose of high-dose glucocorticoid in the
hormonotherapy is unknown. Therefore, early period of treatment.
control studies are required to further Ethical approval was obtained from the
ensure the effectiveness and safety of hor- Ethics Committee of Suzhou Affiliated
mones in HELLP syndrome. Hospital of Nanjing Medical University.
740 Journal of International Medical Research 47(2)

All participants signed a consent form age, primipara rate, cesarean section rate,
before the study. gestational weeks of admission, gestational
weeks of termination, and hospitalization
Treatment time, were recorded. 2) Maternal and fetal
prognoses included the minimum platelet
All of the patients were admitted to high-risk
recovery time, postpartum hemorrhage
wards. Their vital signs and fetal intrauterine
volume, postpartum hemorrhage rate, cumu-
conditions were monitored, their laboratory
lative average of maternal damage (including
indices were dynamically observed, and their
vital organ failure, eclampsia, placental
treatment plan was adjusted according to
abruption, disseminated intravascular coagu-
their conditions. Magnesium sulfate was pro-
lation, and subhyaloid hemorrhage), ICU
vided for spamolysis until 48 hours postna-
admission rate, preterm delivery rate, perina-
tally. Labetalol or nifedipine was used for
tal mortality rate, and overall incidence rate
lowering blood pressure when blood pressure
of adverse outcomes in fetuses (including
was 140 to 150/90 to 100 mmHg.
fetal distress, asphyxia neonatorum, and peri-
Glutathione was used for hepatoprotection
natal death). 3) Use of blood products was
when transaminase levels were too high and
recorded, including suspended red blood
albumin was used to rectify hypoproteine-
cells, where these cells were suspended in iso-
mia. An erythrocyte suspension or fresh
tonic saline to obtain a mixture of 2% (v/v)
frozen plasma was transfused when necessary
red blood cell suspension, plasma, albumin,
to complement blood volume and improve
and platelets. 4) Main laboratory indices at
coagulation function. Diuresis was properly the disease peak included the minimum
managed and pregnancy was terminated in hemoglobin value, minimum blood platelet
accordance with the maternal and fetal con- count (BPC) value, and maximum lactate
ditions. Dexamethasone 10 mg/day for dehydrogenase (LDH), alanine aminotrans-
2 days was intravenously injected into the ferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase
preterm patient before delivery to promote (AST) values. 5) Improvement of laboratory
fetal lung maturation. Methylprednisolone indices included increased BPC values and
80 to 120 mg/day for 3 to 7 days was intra- decreased LDH, ALT, and AST values.
venously provided to patients in the treat-
ment group and its dose was gradually
Statistical analysis
decreased after postnatal indicators
improved. Measures were taken to prevent SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 17.0
all types of complications. Consultation of (Chicago, IL, USA) was used for statistical
doctors in the Neonatal Department was analysis. Measurement data are shown as
established before terminating pregnancy. mean  standard deviation. The t-test was
The neonate was immediately transferred to used to compare measurement data. The
the neonatal intensive care unit (ICU) after v2 test was used to compare enumeration
birth to continue treatment. data. Values of P < 0.05 indicate statisti-
cal significance.
Observed indices
Differences in relative indices between the Results
two groups were recorded and compared,
and differences among different subgroups
General characteristics
were further compared. Indices included the We studied a total of 151 patients with
following. 1) General characteristics, such as HELLP syndrome. There were no
Kang et al. 741

significant differences in the mean age, not significantly different among the sub-
cesarean section rate, gestational weeks of groups (Table 3).
admission, and gestational weeks of termi-
nation among the groups and subgroups Comparison of main laboratory indices at
(Table 1). The primipara rate in the control the disease peak
group of third grade (four primiparas) was
significantly higher than that in the treat- Minimum hemoglobin and maximum
ment group of third grade (P < 0.05). LDH, ALT, and AST levels were not sig-
The primipara rate was not significantly dif- nificantly different between the two groups
ferent between the treatment and control and among all subgroups. The severity of
groups, as well as between first and second illness between the two groups and among
grade subgroups. General characteristics all subgroups was comparable (Figure 1).
between both groups and among all sub-
groups were mostly similar. Comparison of recovery of main
laboratory indices
Comparison of maternal and fetal BPC values and LDH, ALT, and AST
prognoses in different groups values in the recovery period were not sig-
The mean hospitalization time was not sig- nificantly different between the two groups
nificantly different between the treatment and among all subgroups (Table 4).
and control groups, and among the sub-
groups (Table 1). The minimum platelet Discussion
recovery time, postpartum hemorrhage
HELLP syndrome is a serious complication
volume, postpartum hemorrhage rate,
in the gestational period. This can lead to
cumulative average of maternal damage,
severe maternal complications, such as pla-
ICU admission rate, perinatal mortality
cental abruption, disseminated intravascu-
rate, and overall incidence rate of adverse
lar coagulation, acute kidney failure,
outcomes in fetuses were not significantly
pulmonary edema, and subcapsular hemor-
different between the treatment and control
rhage of the liver. HELLP syndrome can
groups. The preterm delivery rate was sig-
also can lead to fetal complications of
nificantly higher in the treatment group of
fetal growth restriction and premature
second grade than in the control group of
birth, affecting maternal and fetal progno-
second grade (P < 0.05). There were no sig-
ses. This syndrome can ultimately lead to
nificant differences in the preterm delivery
maternal and fetal death.8 Many scholars
rate between the treatment and control
believe that HELLP syndrome is a compli-
groups, and among the other subgroups
cation of preeclampsia, but some argue that
(Table 2).
it is a dependent disease. Researchers have
found that heredity, immunity, inflamma-
Comparison of blood product use tion, metabolism, and blood coagulation
Use of MAP and albumin was not signifi- have close relations with HELLP syn-
cantly different between both groups and drome.8,9 Many factors are intertwined
among all subgroups. None of the 151 and interact with each other, causing
patients had transfusion of platelets. Mean HELLP syndrome. The actual cause of
plasma use in the treatment group was sig- HELLP syndrome is unknown and there
nificantly higher than that in the control is no targeted intervention for its pathogen-
group (P < 0.05). Mean plasma use was esis. Once this syndrome occurs, it is fatal.

Table 1. Comparison of general characteristics of the patients.

Gestational Gestational
Cesarean weeks of weeks of
Mean age Primipara section rate, admission termination Hospitalization
Group n (years) rate, n (%) n (%) (weeks) (weeks) time (days)

Treatment group 89 29.70  4.45 46 (51.7) 81 (91.0) 31.96  3.55 32.55  3.45 11.16  6.81
First grade‹ 22 29.45  4.18 12 (54.5) 20 (90.9) 31.91  4.57 32.32  4.55 12.55  8.44
Second grade› 62 29.79  4.72 33 (53.2) 56 (90.3) 31.97  3.51 32.69  3.07 10.68  6.21
Third gradefi 5 29.60  1.81 1 (20.0) 5 (100.0) 30.80  3.56 31.40  3.58 11.00  6.48
Control group 62 29.95  3.58 13 (59.1) 19 (86.4) 32.86  4.26 33.76  4.15 8.77  4.85
First gradefl 13 30.00  1.73 1 (33.3) 2 (66.7) 31.33  7.37 31.67  7.57 5.67  1.15
Second grade 45 30.07  4.10 8 (53.3) 13 (86.7) 33.40  4.12 33.87  4.21 8.40  4.93
Third grade– 4 29.50  3.00 4 (100.0) 4 (100.0) 32.25  2.75 33.25  3.10 12.50  4.65
t or v2 group comparison (P)
Treatment group: control group 0.252 (0.801) 0.388 (0.533) 0.427 (0.514) 1.033 (0.304) 1.392 (0.167) 1.547 (0.125)
‹:fl 0.220 (0.828) 0.476 (0.490) 1.469 (0.225) 0.192 (0.849) 0.217 (0.830) 1.385 (0.179)
›: 0.209 (0.835) 0.000 (0.994) 0.173 (0.677) 1.370 (0.175) 1.231 (0.222) 1.320 (0.191)
fi:– 0.062 (0.952) 5.760 (0.016)* – 0.667 (0.526) 0.816 (0.441) 0.388 (0.710)
*P < 0.05.
Journal of International Medical Research 47(2)
Kang et al.

Table 2. Comparison of maternal and fetal prognoses.

Overall incidence
Minimum Cumulative rate of adverse
platelet Postpartum Postpartum average of Preterm Perinatal outcomes in
recovery hemorrhage hemorrhage maternal ICU admission delivery mortality fetuses,
Group n time (days) volume (mL) rate, n (%) damage (%) rate, n (%) rate, n (%) rate, n (%) n (%)

Treatment group 89 3.49  1.84 373.71  274.86 4 (4.5) 0.97  1.01 12 (13.5) 77 (86.5) 4 (4.5) 22 (24.7)
First grade‹ 22 3.96  2.42 372.73  204.55 2 (9.1) 1.09  1.07 8 (36.4) 17 (77.3) 1 (4.5) 10 (45.5)
Second grade› 62 3.32  1.62 381.94  306.01 2 (3.2) 0.89  0.98 4 (6.5) 55 (88.7) 3 (4.8) 12 (19.4)
Third gradefi 5 3.20  1.30 276.00  37.15 0 (0) 1.40  1.14 0 (0) 5 (100.0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Control group 62 3.23  1.90 496.36  466.84 2 (9.1) 1.14  1.25 2 (9.1) 16 (72.7) 0 (0) 5 (22.7)
First gradefl 13 4.00  3.46 1226.67  892.54 1 (33.3) 1.67  1.53 0 (0) 2 (66.7) 0 (0) 2 (66.7)
Second grade 45 2.87  1.55 406.00  277.69 1 (6.7) 0.93  1.10 1 (6.7) 10 (66.7) 0 (0) 2 (13.3)
Third grade– 4 4.00  2.00 287.50  47.87 0 (0) 1.50  1.73 1 (25.0) 4 (100.0) 0 (0) 1 (25.0)
t or v2 group
comparison (P)
Treatment group: 0.593 (0.555) 1.605 (0.111) 0.729 (0.393) 0.594 (0.557) 0.309 (0.578) 2.469 (0.116) 1.026 (0.311) 0.038 (0.845)
control group
‹:fl 0.029 (0.977) 1.651 (0.239) 1.469 (0.225) 0.841 (0.409) 1.604 (0.578) 0.163 (0.205) 0.142 (0.706) 0.476 (0.490)
›: 0.987 (0.327) 0.278 (0.782) 0.382 (0.537) 0.161 (0.873) 0.001 (0.976) 4.461 (0.035)* 0.755 (0.385) 0.294 (0.587)
fi:– 0.728 (0.490) 0.407 (0.696) – 0.105 (0.920) 1.406 (0.236) – – 1.406 (0.236)
*P < 0.05. ICU: intensive care unit.
744 Journal of International Medical Research 47(2)

Table 3. Comparison of blood product use.

red blood Platelets
Group n cells (U) Plasma (mL) Albumin (g) (U)

Treatment group 89 0.65  1.37 988.76  928.90 33.48  44.67 –

First grade‹ 23 1.16  1.70 1693.18  1198.64 32.73  64.89 –
Second grade› 62 0.47  1.19 783.06  702.70 33.87  37.34 –
Third gradefi 5 0.70  1.57 440.00  384.71 32.00  22.80 –
Control grade 62 0.57  1.38 493.18  509.04 25.45  46.88 –
First gradefl 13 2.17  2.57 933.33  1006.65 33.33  41.63 –
Second grade 45 0.40  1.12 456.67  398.60 29.33  53.78
Third grade– 4 0.00  0.00 300.00  382.97 5.00  5.77 –
t or v2 group comparison (P) –
Treatment group: control group 0.256 (0.799) 2.409 (0.018)* 0.748 (0.456) –
‹:fl 0.914 (0.370) 1.043 (0.308) 0.016 (0.988) –
›: 0.722 (0.842) 1.727 (0.088) 0.385 (0.701) –
fi:– 0.882 (0.407) 0.544 (0.604) 2.281 (0.057) –
*P < 0.05.

Figure 1. Comparison of main laboratory indices at the disease peak.

Therefore, timely diagnosis and qualified is finally diagnosed, qualified obstetric man-
treatment are important. agement should be provided and more atten-
There is no specificity of HELLP syn- tion should be paid to monitoring of
drome, and thus its diagnosis mainly laboratory indices. Common evaluations
depends on laboratory examinations. There are performed in the fields of obstetrics, crit-
are two diagnostic standards for HELLP ical care medicine, anesthesiology, neonatol-
syndrome, as follows: the Tennessee diag- ogy, general medicine, neurology, and
nostic standard10 and Mississippi diagnostic nephrology.4,11 The treatments of spasmoly-
standard.6 Treatment of HELLP syndrome sis, lowering blood pressure, glucocorticoids,
includes many aspects. Once this syndrome and blood products (including plasma
Kang et al. 745

Table 4. Comparison of recovery of the main laboratory indicators.

Maximum platelet Minimum LDH Minimum ALT Minimum AST

Group value (109/L) value (U/L) value (U/L) value (U/L)

Treatment group 85.90  68.45 1269.84  1915.37 35.63  113.87 85.62  152.99
First grade‹ 130.68  106.51 2912.82  2605.36 48.00  101.44 119.64  148.50
Second grade› 72.42  42.84 763.47  1252.75 36.81  115.15 76.85  157.40
Third gradefi 56.00  24.43 319.80  1091.60 33.40  148.97 44.60  108.00
Control group 63.23  56.04 797.32  1208.81 47.59  97.27 67.82  129.61
First gradefl 20.33  46.31 1584.33  1515.99 59.00  52.51 37.33  34.21
Second grade 71.67  61.87 586.20  609.19 46.13  106.04 73.13  152.32
Third grade– 63.75  22.08 998.75  2463.38 44.50  108.49 70.75  86.38
t or v2 group comparison (P)
Treatment group: control group 1.437 (0.153) 1.102 (0.273) 0.453 (0.651) 0.503 (0.616)
‹:fl 1.746 (0.094) 0.853 (0.402) 0.182 (0.857) 0.940 (0.357)
›: 0.056 (0.956) 0.531 (0.597) 0.286 (0.776) 0.083 (0.934)
fi:– 0.493 (0.637) 0.559 (0.594) 0.872 (0.412) 0.393 (0.706)
LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase.

exchange) are flexibly used, and termination with glucocorticoid treatment. Additionally,
of pregnancy is used to prevent progress of the long-term effectiveness of glucocorticoid
this disease. treatment is unknown. Fetal growth and
Glucocorticoids have an important role in development indicators are unknown and
treating HELLP syndrome. Glucocorticoids high-dose glucocorticoids may lead to inhi-
not only can promote fetal lung maturation bition of the adrenal axis and postpartum
and prevent hyaline membrane disease, but depression.12,13 To date, there have been
they also can improve maternal laboratory insufficient large-sample, randomized, con-
indices, especially BPC values. However, in trolled studies to support regular glucocorti-
the past 20 years, glucocorticoid treatment, coids to treat HELLP syndrome. Because
especially high-dose glucocorticoids, has glucocorticoid treatment can increase BPC
been controversial. The main mechanism levels, there is the belief that that it can be
of glucocorticoid treatment is alleviating clinically applied.
dropsy, inhibiting endothelial activation, This study was a retrospective analysis of
reducing vascular endothelial injury, increas- high-dose glucocorticoid treatment for
ing hepatic blood flow, preventing throm- treating HELLP syndrome. Clinical infor-
botic microvascular hemolysis, and mation of 151 patients with HELLP syn-
reducing platelet consumption. Some studies drome was compared to analyze the role
have shown that glucocorticoids can signifi- of high-dose glucocorticoid in improving
cantly improve BPC, LDH, ALT, and AST maternal and fetal prognoses and laborato-
levels, blood pressure, and urinary volume. ry indices. We found that general character-
The lower primary BPC is, the more signif- istics and disease progress, postpartum
icant improvement is after glucocorticoid hemorrhage volume, postpartum hemor-
treatment.2 However, some scholars argue rhage rate, cumulative average of maternal
that glucocorticoids do not change maternal damage, ICU admission rate, perinatal
and fetal prognoses, and the mortality and mortality rate, and overall incidence rate
complication incidence rates do not change of adverse outcomes in fetuses were similar
746 Journal of International Medical Research 47(2)

in the treatment and control groups. Clinical Center Project, China (grant number:
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