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To Adah Strand Sutherland
William Garner Sutherland, D.O., D.Sc.(hon.)


Edited by Anne L. Wales, D.O.

Rudra Press
ICl 1990 Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any fonn or by any
mcans, without permission in wricing from the publisher.

Book Design: \OVilIiam Stamon

Illustrations: Alarcia Williams

Grateful acknowledgement is made to the American Academy of Osreopath}' for per·

mission to reprint in the appendix the article by Iloward Lippincott, D.O., "The
Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O." from the 1949 }'t>or Book of the
Academy of Applied Osteopath}"

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Sutherland, \Villiam G. (William Garner), 1872-1954.

Teachings in the science of osteopathy / \OVilJiam Garner Sutherland; edited by
Anne L. \Valcs.
p. cm.
Consists primarily of lectures given by the author in 1949·1950.
Includes bibliographical references.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-915801-26-4
I. Osteopathy. I. Wales, Anne L., 1904· II. -licle.
(DNL\I: I. Osteopathic Medicine-essays. IVB 940 S966tJ
RZJ45.587 1991
DNUVDLC 91-7622
for Library of Congress CIP

List of Illustrations Vlll

Foreword - Rollin E. Becker, D.O. IX

Preface XIll

Introduction XIX

1. Obtaining Knowledge versus Information 3

2. The Primary Respiratory Mechanism 13

3. The Fluctuation of the Cerebrospinal Fluid 31

4. The Reciprocal Tension Membrane 39

5. The Motility of the Neural Tube 51

6. The Articular Mobility of the Cranial Bones and

the Involuntary Mobility of the Sacrum 65

7. The Applied Anatomy of the Human Face 81

8. "Bent Twigs": Compression of the Condylar

Parts of the Occiput 107

9. Membranous Articular Strains 119

10. Dysfunction of the Vascular System 127

11. Entrapment Neuropathy 139

12. Trauma 145

13. Diagnosis and Treatment 151

14. Clinical Experience in the Practice of Osteopathy 183

15. Osteopathy in General Practice:

Some General Techniques 191

16. Problems of Infancy and Childhood 217

17. A Tour of the Minnow 227

Appendix: "The Osteopathic Technique of

Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O." by H. A. Lippincott, D.O. 233
Glossary 285
Bibliography 291
About the Editor 293
About the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, Inc. 295
Index 297


1. Occiput pictured as a wheel 26

2. Sphenoid pictured as a wheel 29

3. Coaxial cable 34

4. Reciprocal tension membrane - cranial component 40

5. Cranial base in flexion 43

6. Cerebrum - medial view 54

7. Third ventricle and surrounding structures 59

8. Articular features of the sphenoid bone 70

9. Articular features of the palatine bones and

pterygoid processes 94

10. Sphenopalatine ganglion

A. Lateral view 96

B. Medial view 97

11. Skull showing the palatomaxillary suture 102

12. Occiput at birth 111

13. Sphenoid at birth 116

14. Dr. Sutherland's lymphatic treatment showing

the course of the thoracic duct 137

15. Relationship of the costovertebral junction

and sympathetic ganglion

A. Anteroposterior view 142

B. Transverse view 143

16. Side-bending/rotation and torsion patterns 154

17. Vertical and lateral strains 163

18. The diaphragm and related structures 211

A.1 - A.46. Dr. Sutherland demonstrating

"general techniques" 237


Osteopathy in th'e Cranial Field

As ENVISAGED BY ITS founder, Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, the science

of osteopathy includes a knowledge of philosophy, anatomy, and
physiology for the whole body, together with their clinical
application in both diagnosis and treatment.! Osteopathy in the
cranial field is a part of this concept of total health care for all of
the body physiology. Dr. Still, who was a frontier doctor, intro­
duced the science of osteopathy in 1874 after long years of ardu­
ous study. The first school of osteopathy opened in 1892 in
Kirksville, Missouri.
William Gamer Sutherland was a student at this first school,
the American School of Osteopathy. One day in 1899, during his
senior year, he viewed a specially prepared and mounted skull.
The intricate beveling displayed in the articular surfaces of the
greater wings of the sphenoid and the squamous portions of the
temporal bones, at the sphenosquamous suture, caught his atten­
tion. The thought struck him, "Beveled, like the gills of a fish,
and indicating an articular mobile mechanism for respiration."
Dr. Sutherland spent the next thirty years working out the
detailed anatomicophysiologic relationships of the craniosacral
mechanism as he came to view it. Again, this view lay within the

1 For a general description of osteopathy and the life of Dr. Still (1828-1917)
see: George W. Northup, Osteopathic Medicine: An American Reformation
(American Osteopathic Association, 1979).


whole of the science of osteopathy as envisaged by Dr. A. T.

Still. Dr. Still states in his writings, "All parts in the whole body
obey the one eternal law of life and motion."
The cranial concept, as developed and taught by Dr. Sutherland,
includes the following set of principles:
1. The fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid, or the potency
of the Tide
2. The function of the reciprocal tension membrane
3. The motility of the neural tube
4. The articular mobility of the cranial bones
5. The involuntary mobility of the sacrum between the ilia
Dr. Sutherland named the integrated structure and function
of these five components the primary respiratory mechanism. The
presence of physiologic centers essential to life processes, espe­
cially the respiratory center, in the floor of the fourth ventricle
accounts for his view of the whole mechanism as of primary
importance. Dr. Sutherland considered the fluctuation of the
cerebrospinal fluid to be the first and most fundamental feature
in the primary respiratory mechanism.
The primary respiratory mechanism maintains an inherent,
rhythmic, automatic, involuntary "life and motion" cycle of
mobility and motility ten to twelve times per minute in health.
This produces rhythmic flexion of all midline structures in the
body with external rotation of all paired lateral structures,
alternating with extension of all midline structures in the body
with internal rotation of all paired lateral structures. Every cell
and all the fluids of the body express this rhythmic, involun­
tary "life and motion" throughout life. This mobility and
motility are important factors in maintaining health in the vital
homeostasis of structure and function for the central nervous
system, the endocrine system, and other units of function within
body physiology.
Clinically, there are two basic types of mobility and motility
in the total functioning of body physiology: voluntary and


involuntary. The voluntary is that which we project through our

sensory and motor input and output. The involuntary is even
more remarkable in that it is strictly an activity of this flexion
and extension for midline structures, and external and internal
rotation for bilateral structures. It includes everything from flu­
ids to soft tissues to the bony skeleton; in fact, it includes each
and every cell in body physiology. Thus it is necessary to study
the interrelationships of all these elements. Each individual por­
tion of the anatomy and physiology is so designed and coordi­
nated by its individual shape and contours that it manifests this
rhythmic, alternating movement. The rhythmic movement of
the involuntary mechanism is the same whether the body is at
rest or in voluntary motion.
It is necessary for the physician to develop a thinking, feel­
ing, knowing touch with which it becomes possible to restore
the involuntary mobility and motility, and thus bring it to its
full potential of function in the basic anatomicophysiology of
health. As involuntary function restores itself, so does volun­
tary function.
Structural and functional problems within any part of the
body can influence the primary respiratory mechanism. It is
equally true that structural and functional problems in the pri­
mary respiratory mechanism can influence the rest of the body.
It is a matter of the whole body in structure and function.
Osteopathy in the cranial field is applicable to all ages, from
the newborn baby through to the aged. It can be involved in all
the disciplines of medical science. It may be the primary health
care needed for a specific trauma or disease, or it may be supple­
mental health care in a specific case that requires additional
medical or surgical intervention. Problems that involve the cra­
nial field itself obviously require a solution in that mechanism.
In addition, there are problems arising elsewhere in the body
physiology that are solved more easily when the cranial mecha­
nisms are coordinated with other treatment.


There are many sets of principles involved in treatment pro­

grams for limitations of "life and motion" in trauma and dis­
ease. One of these principles was stated by Dr. Sutherland in
1947 when he said, "Allow physiological function within to
manifest its own unerring potency rather than apply a blind
force from without." His thought was specifically oriented for
use in the craniosacral mechanism's patterns of health and dis­
ease, but it is also a principle that can be applied to the whole
body physiology.
A physician or dentist interested in studying osteopathy in
the cranial field would need to know the integrated philosophy,
anatomy, and physiology of the primary respiratory mechanism
as a background for developing palpatory and manual skills nec­
essary for "reading" the rhythmic, involuntary mobility and
motility of "life in motion" within the craniosacral mechanism
and for their application in diagnosis and treatment potentials.

Rollin E. Becker, D.O.


THIS BOOK IS A compilation of lectures that were given by William

Garner Sutherland, D.O., D.Sc.(hon.), to classes of instruction in
Providence, Rhode Island. These classes were held in May 1949,
May 1950, and June 1950, and included two introductory courses
that were two weeks in duration and an additional study course
on the occiput that was one week in duration.
At these courses, Dr. Sutherland presented at least one lec­
ture each day. The remaining lectures were presented by mem­
bers of his associate faculty, who also conducted the practice
sessions that Dr. Sutherland arranged. He felt that it was neces­
sary to transfer knowledge in the manual operations of osteopa­
thy from "hand to hand." In order to provide this hand-to-hand
instruction, each faculty member was assigned to coach four
members of the class at the practice tables. During the practice
sessions, each member of the class had the experience of being
both the patient and the operator. The director of these classes
in Providence was Chester L. Handy, D.O.
Over the years Dr. Sutherland held many classes at other
locations. Although the directors of the classes and the mem­
bers of the associate faculty present varied, the format was
essentially the same. Dr. Sutherland also provided some teach­
ing at his home and office in St. Peter, Minnesota, where he
taught smaller groups under his own direction.
The members of Dr. Sutherland's associate faculty at the
Providence courses were the following:
Chester L. Handy, D.O., Director
(1911-1963) Philadelphia College of Osteopathy, 1935.
Howard A. Lippincott, D.O.
(1893-1983) American School of Osteopathy, 1916.


Rebecca C. Lippincott, D.O.

(1894-1986) Philadelphia College of Osteopathy, 192 3.
Anne L. Wales, D.O.
(1904- ) Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery,
Ward C. Bryant, D.O.
(1885-1975) Still College of Osteopathy, 1907.
Elsie W Weeks, D.O.
(1891- ?) Massachusetts College of Osteopathy, 1922.
Edith Tordoff, D.O.
( ?-1978) American School of Osteopathy, 1924.
Anna L. Slocum, D.O.
(1903-1988) Des Moines Still College of Osteopathy, 1938.
In 1939 Dr. Sutherland published a small book, The Cranial
Bowl, which he wrote with the intention of stimulating inquiry
from his colleagues. In due time it had its intended effect, and
he was asked to present his thought at numerous meetings. An
especially important presentation that opened a number of
doors was the twenty-minute talk he gave at the meeting of the
International Society of Sacro-Iliac Technicians in St. Louis,
Missouri, in July 1940.1 The title of that talk was "The Core­
Link Between the Cranial Bowl and the Pelvic Bowl." After that
there were many requests for instruction.
As Dr. Sutherland first introduced his teaching, he began
with subject matter he believed would be most familiar to his
professional colleagues. He then gradually introduced features
of his thinking that he knew would be new to them.
Because so much of his writing and speaking was focused on
introducing people to his ideas, Dr. Sutherland never wrote a
formal, comprehensive statement of his cranial concept in the

1 T he International Society of Sacro-I1iac Technicians was an informal

organization of osteopathic phy sicians who met annually to explore new view­
points and concepts in the field of osteopathy. In 1940 George W Goode,
D.O., was the president.


science of osteopathy. Many articles were written by his stu­

dents as a result of the experiences they had using his teaching
in their practices. Harold Ives Magoun, Sr., D.O., compiled and
edited a text, Osteopathy in the Cranial Field. The text was a valu­
able addition to the teaching program because it permitted a
change in the format of the classes, with a reduction in their
length from two weeks to five days. A booklet, Compression of
the Condylar Parts of the Occiput, was written by Howard A.
Lippincott, D.O., and Rebecca C. Lippincott, D.O., in 1945.
(Lectures by Drs. Howard and Rebecca Lippincott on this sub­
ject appear in this text.) While these works have been most
helpful, they still do not constitute his own full statement.
The publication of these lectures by Dr. Sutherland is the
nearest it is possible to come to a full statement of his concept
and teaching. It does not contain everything that he thought or
taught, but it is the most comprehensive presentation we have
available to us.
In working with transcripts of lectures, it is clear that there is
a difference between the spoken word and the written page that
requires a kind of translation. In the process of making readable
sentences, his spoken thoughts have been used carefully to be
certain their meaning was retained. In addition, I have tried to
retain the quality of Dr. Sutherland's way of expressing his
thought in his teaching.
The editorial process also required the development of a for­
mat for the book. The subject matter from the transcripts was
organized into chapters. In some instances, because of the
nature of the material, there is some overlap and repetition. In
other instances, it happened that he did not lecture on certain
subjects, and in these cases I have used his written words
instead. Where a lack exists it is because members of the associ­
ate faculty were assigned to present those subjects. The chief
source of his written words is Contributions of Thought, which is
a collection of Dr. Sutherland's writings from 1914 to 1954.


Also, in a few places in this current work, where background

information was lacking, I have supplied it from various text­
books. In some cases anatomical terminology and spelling has
been changed into modern form.
To elaborate on the description of many of the techniques
mentioned in the text, an article entitled "The Osteopathic
Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland" is included as an appendix.
This article, written by Dr. Howard Lippincott, is reprinted
with the permission of the American Academy of Osteopathy. I
have also prepared a glossary to define unfamiliar terms and
terms which Dr. Sutherland used in special ways. The illustra­
tions for the text were conceived of by Rachel Brooks, M.D.,
and drawn by Marcia Williams of Newton, Massachusetts.
There are many fortunate events that have led to the publica­
tion of these lectures by Dr. Sutherland. First, there were two
tape recorders running in the classroom in 1949 and 1950.
Second, the recorded tapes were preserved and subsequently
transferred onto cassettes. And third, friends transcribed his
words from the cassettes and made the written transcriptions
available to me.
In the fall of 198 3 Dr. Rachel Brooks offered to transcribe
several tapes on equipment that was available to her. The condi­
tion of the tapes made the work difficult, but her efforts result­
ed in transcripts with which to work. Then, in 1984, the Rev.
Elyn Macinnis offered to transcribe more tapes, and finally her
husband, the Rev. Peter Macinnis, added his efforts. In the end
these friends provided me with all of this skillful assistance and
transcribed all twenty-two cassettes.
Without this assistance the project could never have begun,
and without considerable assistance it could never have been
completed. Rollin E. Becker, D.O., and John H. Harakal, D.O.,
EA.A.O., provided needed guidance and feedback about the
project as a whole. Support for a variety of different technical
aspects was given by James Gronemeyer, D.O., Duncan Soule,


M.D., and Edgar Miller, D.O., EA.A.O. A number of people

contributed financially to the project based on their apprecia­
tion for the work of Dr. Sutherland. In particular, Swami
Chetanananda generously made available significant publishing
As the project moved along and each draft of the manuscript
was completed, Dr. Harakal and Dr. Brooks provided thought­
ful, critical comment. Finally, after my third draft, Dr. Rachel
Brooks undertook the substantial task of getting the manuscript
ready for the publisher. This included arranging for the book to
be illustrated and helping to identify and correct the awkward
and ambiguous passages. I wish to thank all these people who so
freely gave so much of their time.
These lectures are for the work of the Sutherland Cranial
Teaching Foundation, Inc. They do not constitute a textbook.
Osteopathy in the Cranial Field by Harold I. Magoun, Sr., D.O.,
EA.A.O., is the text used in the classes today. It is hoped, how­
ever, that this book in Dr. Sutherland's own words will be help­
ful in teaching, and useful to the reader in understanding, his
cranial concept in the science of osteopathy.

Anne L. Wales, D.O.



IT IS POSSIBLE TO follow the course of Dr. Sutherland's thinking

in the science and practice of osteopathy from his days as a stu­
dent at the American School of Osteopathy in Kirksville,
Missouri to the last lectures he gave at a seminar, again in
Kirksville, in January 1953. This is so because Mrs. Sutherland
wrote a biography of her husband, With Thinking Fingers, and
collected his writings in another book which she entitled Con­
tributions of Thought.
From this well-documented background it can be seen that
Dr. Sutherland practiced as a physician and osteopath with what
he had been taught. His understanding of what Dr. Still's teach­
ing was, was sufficient to convince him that Dr. Andrew Taylor
Still understood the living human body as a whole entity, a
whole organism. He also realized that Dr. Still limited his
teaching to what he thought the students of the first decade of
the teaching of osteopathy could grasp and use intelligently. At
the same time, he saw that Dr. Still planted the seed of the
larger view in his teaching and writing. Naturally, Dr. Still
expressed his understanding of the anatomy of the skeletal sys­
tem and the concept of osteopathy in the language of his day.
Dr. Sutherland often said that the cranial concept was not
his, but Dr. Still's. Dr. Still had stated that there are no synar­
throses in a healthy living human body. At the time it was
believed by most that the sacroiliac joint was a synarthrosis and
therefore had no movement. In his teaching Dr. Still only
emphasized the analysis of the sacroiliac joints, however Dr.
Sutherland later realized that this applied to the bony cranium
as well.


Dr. Still spoke often of the design for motion in the articula­
tions of the bones. Because of this emphasis, anatomical speci­
mens were on view at the college where the students could
study them. Had this not been so, Dr. Sutherland would not
have come to that moment in his life when he experienced a
flash of insight which saw the articulation of the sphenosqua­
mous suture as a design for motion that implied a respiratory
mechanism, "like the gills of a fish." Given the statements in
anatomical texts that the sutures and other articulations of the
cranium and face fuse, or ossify, in the adult, he had much skep­
ticism and reservation about his own insight for years.
Eventually, in an effort to resolve the uncertainty by getting
the facts clear in his mind, Dr. Sutherland undertook a study of
the articular surfaces of the individual bones to prove to himself
that mobility between the bones of the cranium at the sutures
was impossible. He was unable to do this and therefore had to
confront the fact of a mobility that has no muscular agencies to
account for the motion.
He says in his lectures that anyone else undertaking the same
study will probably have the same shocks of understanding the
reality that he had. This kind of study of the mechanics of artic­
ular mechanisms in the living human body led him to recognize
powers within his patients which could resolve problems and
heal strains. The nature of articular mechanisms in the endo­
skeleton, the mechanical principles related to their problems,
and self-correction of such problems led to the invention of
ways to diagnose and treat patients.
From this growth in his understanding of the science of
osteopathy as it had been taught and envisaged by Dr. Still, came
his invention and development of his skills as a physician. Based
on what he learned from his patients, Dr. Sutherland developed
many ways of practicing osteopathy. When he found that at the
least his patients benefited from his treatments and at best got


well, he considered that he was utilizing a profound science

which just kept unfolding its truths. He had the skill as a physi­
cian to find the correct problem. He said in lectures that it is
the diagnosis that is difficult. Once you understand that, the
treatment is easy.
Many of his colleagues undertook to study with him because
they wanted to learn to practice osteopathy as he did. That
desire accounts for the classes which he taught during the
1940s and 1950s. It also accounts for .:he associate faculty which
he trained.
Almost everyone who undertook this study felt the need to
review their knowledge of anatomy and physiology. They found
it easier and more interesting to study together. In consequence
many study groups appeared around the country, and some of
them decided to concentrate their attention on the cranium and
Dr. Sutherland's teaching.
Most of the members of the classes studying with Dr.
Sutherland were members of the Academy of Applied Oste­
opathy and this organization was a source of support for his
teachings. InJuly 1946, a group of those interested assembled at
the convention and scientific seminar of the American Osteo­
pathic Association in New York City. Out of this meeting came
the impetus to create the Osteopathic Cranial Association as an
affiliate of the Academy of Applied Osteopathy.! The organiza­
tion process was completed at the annual meeting in Chicago,
inJuly 1947.
The Osteopathic Cranial Association's work included the
organization of conferences and the development of materials
for publications and the Cranial Study Groups. Throughout
this time, Dr. Sutherland's teaching program was on-going and

1 At the time Perrin T. Wilson, D.O. and T homasL.

officers in the Academy of Applied Osteopathy, and they were able to help to
create this opportunity for Dr.


included the use of the facilities at the Des Moines Still College
of Osteopathy and at the Chicago College of Osteopathy.2 In
addition, Dr. Sutherland traveled to regions that were conve­
nient for those who wished to study his cranial concept. The
classes held in Providence, Rhode Island in 1948, 1949, and
1950 were among those regional courses.
As time went on, Dr. Sutherland realized the need for some
arrangement that would allow his teaching program to continue
under his associate faculty. The arrangement he made was the in­
corporation of the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation in
Denver, Colorado in September 1953.
The Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, Inc. is an
educational organization whose purpose is the continuation of
Dr. Sutherland's organized teaching program. In 1960 the
Academy of Applied Osteopathy reorganized and changed its
name to the American Academy of Osteopathy. At the same
time the Osteopathic Cranial Association changed its relation to
the Academy from affiliate to component and changed its name
to the Cranial Academy.
The membership in all of these organizations has one thing
in common: the continuing study of the science of osteopathy,
and the development of further skills in its practice. There are
publications, study groups, seminars, and conferences as well as
programs that provide for visiting clinicians at the colleges of
osteopathic medicine and at osteopathic hospitals.
The Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation teaches and
trains members of the medical and dental professions in the

2 Beginning in 1944, PaulE. Kimberly, D.O ., professor of anatomy at the

Des MoinesStill College of Osteopathy, arranged for the college facilities to
be available for Dr. Sutherland to conduct classes in "Osteopathy in the
Cranial Field." At the courses Dr. Kimberly reviewed the anatomy of the
human head. The first members �f the associate faculty were Raleigh S.
McVicker, D.O. of The Dalles, Oregon and Beryl E. Arbuckle, D.O. of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After that beginning the associate faculty that Dr.
Sutherland trained to assist in the teaching was gradually increased.


details of the philosophy, anatomy, and physiology of the primary

respiratory mechanism. The teaching also trains members of
the classes in palpatory and other manual skills used in clinical
application of the cranial concept t� health, as well as to prob­
lems of disease and trauma which affect the primary respiratory
mechanism. Coordination with the anatomy and physiology of
the whole body is emphasized.

Anne L. Wales, D.O.


* * *

William Garner Sutherland


William Garner Sutherland, D.O., D.Sc. (hon) (187 3 - 1954)

was born in Portage County, Wisconsin. He lived with his
family in Minnesota, and later moved with them to South
Dakota. While in Blunt, South Dakota he became a "printer's
devil" for the local newspaper, the Blunt Advocate. By 1890 he
had worked his way up to being the foreman. In September
189 3 he went to Fayette, Iowa to attend Upper Iowa University.
After this he returned to newspaper work and eventually
became the editor of the Daily Herald in Austin, Minnesota.
While in this position, in 1898, he heard of Dr. Still and his
teaching of osteopathy in Kirksville, Missouri. That year he
entered the American School of Osteopathy and graduated with
the class of 1900.


Obtaining Knowledge
versus Information

HAVE YOU EVER HAD a thought strike you? I have told many times
of the thought that struck me before I graduated from the
American School of Osteopathy with the class of 1900. As I
looked at a disarticulated mounted skull that belonged to Dr.
Still, the detail in the articular surfaces of the sphenosquamous
sutures caught my attention. I became impressed with the idea
that tfiis suture was a display of a design for motion.
The squama of the temporal bones looked so much like the
gills of a fish that the next thought seemed only logical. It
struck me that this design for motion must represent a function.
Thus I came to the thought that this function must be a respira­
tory mechanism. If you read the writings of Dr. Andrew Taylor
Still carefully, even between the lines, you will find that his
thinking was along these same lines. You will find that the cra­
nial concept in the science of osteopathy was his, not mine.
The science of osteopathy came to Dr. Still in one of the sad­
dest periods of his life. A prayer went out to his Maker for
Guidance. That is where osteopathy came from, the Master
Mechanic. That is the point of reference in all of his writings.
He asked, "How old is osteopathy?" He answered, "As old as
the cranium itself." He said that the science of osteopathy came,
as have other truths, to benefit mankind.
The thought that came to me, "beveled like the gills of a fish
and indicating a primary respiratory mechanism," not only struck


me, it stayed with me. That is how I came to undertake a study

intending to prove to myself that mobility between the cranial
bones in the adult is impossible. Although it was recognized
that there are no established joints at birth other than the occip­
itoatlantal joint, all the anatomical texts of the day said that the
sutures fuse or ossify once the adult body is grown. There are
many in the profession who are skeptical about this mobility.
They are no more skeptical than I was in the beginning.
I began my study with the skull of a human skeleton I had in
my possession. Fortunately, it was a more normal head than
many now available. I became like a watchmaker in developing
a delicate technique. I learned to take things apart from the
articulated skull and put them together again after I came to
understand the mechanism.
The day came when I sent a paper I had written to a profes­
sor at the college in Kirksville for review. His reaction was
prompt. He said that the bones of the skull cannot be pried
apart with a crowbar. That certainly does say that the human
cranium is stable in its protective service. However, at the time
when I received that reply I already had in my possession two
little temporal bones, including the petrous portions, that I had
been able to remove from an articulated skull specimen with the
small blade of a penknife.
I agree, they couldn't have been pried out with a crowbar.
That would have been too big an instrument for the delicate
mechanism. If you understand the mechanism there are won­
derful possibilities in store for you. Those who have yet to
investigate it are missing out. If I had not had to stick my own
nose down and dig, I would probably be skeptical today.
I had to perform many serious experiments on my own cra­
nium because of my skepticism about the mobility of the cranial
bones. I could not perform these experiments upon the heads of
other people. However, I did need to perform them on a living
head because it was necessary to have the knowledge that is

Obtaining Knowledge versus Information

unobtainable from the study of a dead specimen in an anatomi­

cal laboratory. I had to gain knowledge of many things in order
to prove that motion between the cranial bones in the living
adult is impossible. Had I tried theID: on another person I would
only have h a d information; t h e y w o u l d h a v e h a d the
knowledge. I
My mission has been applied anatomy. The information that I
found in books gave me direction and many clues. It was impor­
tant to find the statement that all the physiologic centers are
located within the floor of the fourth ventricle, including that of
respiration.2 I realized that this floor was the medulla oblongata
and also that the ventricle has a roof as well as a floor. I had a
clue and information to start with in the phrase, "including that
of respiration." So, that is where I went to find something sim­
ple regarding a primary respiratory mechanism of the living
human body.
I gained the knowledge that included the Tide and some­
thing within that I call the "Breath of Life," not the breath of
air. I failed to prove that there is no mobility between the bones
of the living human cranium at the sutures in the adult, but I
had to dig for knowledge of articular mobility in the skull and
for knowledge of the primary respiratory mechanism.
I went back to the prenatal period in my studies to learn about
the formation of bones. Osseous tissue is held together by
membrane and cartilage and so arranged that the infant head
can adapt to the maternal passageway. The parietal bones can
fold over the frontal and occiput and between the temporals for
an easier passage into the world. Can anyone doubt that there is
movement at that period? The bones do not have articular

1 The experiments are related in detail in Dr. Sutherland's biography:

Adah Strand Sutherland, With Thinking Fingers, The Story of William Garner
Sutherland, D.O. The Cranial Academy, 1962.
2 "In the floor of the fourth ventricle ... are situated certain important
centres, i.e. cardiac, vasomotor, respiratory, vomiting, and deglutition cen­
tres." Samsom Wright, Applied Physiology (London: Oxford University Press,
1928), p. 108.


mobility but they do have movement. The normal cranium in

infants and children provides for growth but you do not find
significant articular gears forming until the age of ten, except
a little here and there. After ten and through adolescence the
articular gears form along with growth up to the mature anat­
omy in the adult.
When you begin to search later on in life you begin to read
something about the different types of gears that have appeared.
There is beveling, both internal and external, with opposite
articular contact, signifying gliding mobility. There are also
corrugations running transversely, diagonally, and so forth.
Sutural arrangements display worm gears, cone gears, compen­
sating gears, cryptic gears, friction gears, and screw gears. You
find articular arrangements such as ball and socket, ball bearing,
ball crank, box coupling, pit or pulley, counter shaft, and even a
cradle. Equalizing bars, escapements, flexible shafts, force
pumps, governors, jiggers, and the fulcrum are also found.
Then you wonder at what you see when you look at some of
these anatomical specimens, articulated and disarticulated, of
any age after the gears have begun to form. The variables in
detail when the skull has grown with an unsymmetrical warp are
amazing. These pathological specimens provide a background
for understanding what you find in some of your patients.
Some "bent twigs," as I call them, began in a malalignment
shortly after birth, even perhaps prenatally, and grew as they
could. It is not the ideal picture of the normal human head,
mechanically speaking, but it has functional capacity and it is
functioning - that is, until growth meets resistance and finally
results in dysfunctions somewhere. It will be necessary to
stretch your imagination many times in order to understand
the normal for your patient.
The perfect anatomical picture is a necessary background for
understanding what you see in many living heads. It is a pro­
cess, and it is simple if you look and feel with an understanding

Obtaining Knowledge versus Information

of what adaptations are possible. The goal with your patients is

to find the way to healthy function within the mechanism that
they bring to you. You need the perfect mental picture to guide
you, but it is not beneficial to undertake to impose the ideal
upon the head as you find it.
When you study the sacrum suspended beneath the ilia by
ligaments, you find indications for an articular mobility that is
different from the postural mobility of the ilia upon the sacrum.
Then you think of the sphenoid suspended beneath the frontal
bone, and you begin to experiment. I found that placing a little
pad under the apex of the sacrum when I was supine would
throw the sacrum into its flexion position.) Then, I could move
the pad up to the base and throw it into its extension position.
Next, I found that if I left that pad down there I would find
something occurring up in the head that showed the connection
between the sacrum and the normal fluctuation of the Tide.
Knowledge gained; it was not just information.
Learn to carefully scrutinize the information about the cra­
nial field, and the cerebrospinal fluid in particular, so as to criti­
cize scientifically. Do not base your thinking on matters that
have been passed down through the ages without critical scru­
tiny. Study the animate human body as well as the cadaver.
Study the life principle and come closer to understanding what
I mean by the "Breath of Life." Dr. Still did his very best to
introduce us to this phenomenon, but we were not ready for it.
Can you see the physiologic functioning in the posterior cra­
nial fossa? Can you visualize the primary respiratory mechanism
in conditions around those centers in the medulla oblongata?
Here is a demonstration. The patient is supine on the table. My
hands are under the occiput and temporal bones. My fingers are
interlaced under the pons. If I am standing, my arms represent

3 In this concept, Dr. Sutherland references the position of the sacrum

between the ilia to the position at the sphenobasilar junction in the cranial


the cerebellum. I bring my arms up together so that the fourth

ventricle will be reduced in size, thus modifying dilation. Do
you see a contracting motility in the cerebellum, the brachium
pontis, the pons, and the fourth ventricle? I learned of that by
performing many experiments upon my own human frame. Can
you see that the motility in the brain stem in this way is the
operation of the primary respiratory mechanism?
I found out how to spring the edges of my own supraocciput
medially by using a catcher's mitt. I took two mitts, one left­
handed and the other right-handed, laced them together at the
ends, and placed a buckle on one and a strap on the other. I put
them together in a sort of V-shape so that the supraocciput, at
the outer edges, merely rested on the V. Then I drew up the
strap through the buckle so that I could gradually increase the
tension. Below the change of beveling in the lambdoidal sutures,
the edges are beveled externally. The cerebellum is located in
front of the supraocciput. What is happening to the cerebel­
lum when you spring the edges of the occipital squama toward
each other? What is happening to the pons, the medulla, and
the fourth ventricle when the cerebellum changes its shape
because the edges of the supraocciput are sprung? I gained
some knowledge one day when I did that experiment on my
own head.
On that day I went so far that I didn't know whether I would
get back again. In answer to a question about that I will read a
little saying that was sent to me on my seventy:-seventh birth­
day. "The great secret, you see, is not to think of yourself, of
your courage or despair, of your strength or your weakness, but
of Him for whom you journey." I have told you that this is my
mission. I had to be doing this. Then you will understand that
He cannot show you a task without making you capable of ful­
filling it.
There I was, pretty far out, trying to get some knowledge of
what this mechanism is. I found out, but how was I to get out of

Obtaining Knowledge versus Information

it? I managed to get that device released, in some unknown

manner. W hen it released there was a sudden sensation of
warmth throughout my supraocciput. I also became aware of
the movement of my cranium, the movement of the sacrum,
and the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid, the fluctuation of
the Tide.
I could go on and on telling of the experiences I have had,
what they might be called, and what can be learned from them.
After learning of the primary respiratory mechanism, I under­
took to devise experiments duplicating the effects of traumatic
events as precisely as I could. One left me ready for a stay in a
mental hospital. I found a way out of that condition, too.
Before I tell of one early experiment, let us consider the cra­
nial bowl. In one anatomical text it says that the bones of the
base of the skull are formed in cartilage and the bones of the
vault are formed in membrane. When you look at the base of
the cranium that ossifies in a cartilaginous matrix, you reason that
if there is mobility between the bones of the base, there must be
mobility between the bones of the vault. If you put a cap on
there that ossifies in membrane, there must be some compensa­
tion to the mobility of the base or there would be interference
in the action. The particular dovetailing in the sagittal suture of
the vault shows the evidence of such compensation.
Look at the parietal bones, for example. There are two walls
in the adult with diploe between them as well as the dovetailing
in the sagittal suture between the two bones. The diploe within
the vault bones is part of the blood vascular system and the
parietals themselves are flexible in addition to their mobility in
relation to each other at the suture between them. I realized
that I could not physically touch the cranial base in the same
sense that I could not touch the bodies of the vertebrae. It is
possible, however, to have knowledge of the vertebral body
based on the vertebral contacts that are accessible. Therefore, it
seemed reasonable to suppose that I could feel the position of


the bones of the base of the skull through the use of experi­
ments on the vault.
I sought some kind of mechanism through which I might
perform what I call the inhalation position of the sphenobasilar
junction. I found a football helmet in a sporting-goods store. I
took off the appendages - cut them right off. Then I hunted
for a choice piece of chamois skin, something that would not
stretch or pinch. When I had the helmet fitted on top of my
head, I put a bandage about two inches wide around it, leaving
two extensions that could be run up over the helmet. I fastened
the ends with hemostats so that I could roll the bandages and
clamp it. Visualize the bandage around and beneath with the
extensions coming up and over. As I turned the hemostats, the
helmet would lift the parietals laterally and upward. Then I
would release the tension. I would turn the cranium into the
inhalation position. I did not need to do anything to prove the
extension position in exhalation because it simply went back of
its own accord.
How was I to study the side-bending/rotation position? I
could not do it with that helmet. So I looked for some other
tools. I wandered around and found an old-fashioned wooden
butter bowl that some farmer's wife had used to mix the butter
after churning. I cut that down to the same size as the helmet,
but I left the convex portion of the bowl on one side and made
the other concave.
Then, with a flexible curved ruler such as draftsmen use, I
made an upward convexity like the clivus in the cranial base.
When I undertook to bend it to one side it would not do that
without rotation. Therefore I had the picture of side-bending/
rotation in the cranial base to guide me. Because of the rotation,
the side of the convexity is lower than the side of the concavity.
I named this position for the side of the convexity. I was ready
to use the butter bowl.

Obtaining Knowledge versus Information

I fastened the butter bowl to the skull this time with the ban­
dage and brought the bandage around to the side of the concav­
ity. By fastening the bandage I formed a concavity on one side
and a convexity on the other. I felt the side-bending/rotation of
the sphenobasilar junction to the right and to the left. I felt it. I
knew it. I had to have the knowledge.
Then I wanted to see a twist. I went back to the helmet and
arranged the bandages so that there would be a pull up on one
side in front and up on the other side in back. I wound them up
and clamped them with a hemostat. When I tested the arrange­
ment, the greater wing of the sphenoid moved up on the right
as the basilar process of the occiput moved up on the left. So, I
had the pattern of torsion with the greater wing high on the
right. That is how I learned to move the base from the vault.
Some time ago, Dr. Howard Lippincott and I were permitted
to use an old skeleton that had been in a trunk at the college for
a long time. We cut a couple of windows in the vault so that we
could st.e the movement of the reciprocal tension membrane. I
put my fingers on the greater wings of the sphenoid and turned
them into the flexion position. Dr. Lippincott put his fingers on
the temporal bones so as to throw them into external rotation.
We saw that membrane - the reciprocal tension membrane of
the cranium in that old dried-up specimen - move. In the ani­
mate specimen all you have to do is contact the sphenoid wings
and turn the sphenoid forward, into flexion, and it will move.
Turn it back and it will move unless there is something actually
preventing movement. You know when it is moving properly,
do you not?


Primary Respiratory

I WOULD LIKE YOU to consider the primary respiratory mechanism.

To analyze what I mean by the primary respiratory mechanism let
us examine its features. The first feature is the fluctuation of the
cerebrospinal fluid - the potency of the Tide. The next feature,
the second principle, is the function of the reciprocal tension
membrane. The third principle is the motility of the neural tube
- that is, the inherent motility of the brain and spinal cord.
Finally, the fourth principle is the articular mobility of the cra­
nial bones and the involuntary mobility of the sacrum between
the ilia. This involuntary mobility of the sacrum is not to be
confused with the postural mobility of the ilia upon the sacrum.



The definition of the word fluctuation in my concept is that

which is in Webster's dictionary, "the movement of a fluid con­
tained within a natural or artificial cavity and observed by pal­
pation or percussion." The fluctuation that is the first feature in
the primary respiratory mechanism is the movement of the
cerebrospinal fluid within its natural cavity. I call attention to
the statement in The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Oste­
opathy by Dr. Still that says:
A thought strikes him that the cerebro-spinal fluid is one of the
highest known elements that are contained in the body, and


unless the brain furnishes this fluid in abundance, a disabled

condition of the body will remain. I
Within that cerebrospinal fluid there is an invisible element
that I refer to as the "Breath of Life." I want you to visualize
this Breath of Life as a fluid within this fluid, something that
does not mix, something that has potency as the thing that
makes it move. Is it really necessary to know what makes the
fluid move? Visualize a potency, an intelligent potency, that is
more intelligent than your own human mentality.
You know from your experience as the patient that the Tide
fluctuates; it ebbs and flows, comes in and goes out, like the tide
of the ocean. You will have observed its potency and also its
Intelligence, spelled with a capital 1. It is something that you
can depend upon to do the work for you. In other words, don't
try to drive the mechanism through any external force. Rely
upon the Tide.
You, as an intelligent technician, or engineer, of the human
body, can detect the tone, the rhythmic tone, in the reciprocal
tension membrane that is operated through the fluctuation of
the Tide through your thinking, feeling, seeing, knowing
touch. You can also use the Tide to detect the accent when
reading the rhythm of the balance in this membrane, so neces­
sary in the reduction of strain. In working with the Tide all you
have to do is give it a little "kick-off" to establish motion in a
given direction.
If you were out on the ocean in a little barque and the waves
were rolling high upon the shore, you would bring in the ten­
sion on the fulcrum in accordance with the balance point. In a
spiritual intelligence, a spiritual fulcrum, you would be carried
by the Tide in your little barque. You can depend on the
Intelligence of the Tide and the potency of this fluid, the fluctu­
ation of this fluid.

1 Still, Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy, p. 44.

Primary Respiratory Mechanism

Now, in your imagination, take the frame of a house to rep­

resent the walls of the brain and then suspend that house in
mid-ocean. Notice that, like the house, the walls of the brain
have rooms within. Then notice that there are open doorways
as well as a little extension that might be called the walls of a
garage connected with the house that can represent the spinal
canal. The rooms represent the ventricles within the walls of
the brain: the two lateral ventricles, the third ventricle, and the
fourth ventricle. There are passageways: the cerebral aqueduct
and the central canal of the spinal cord. There are also open
doorways out from the fourth ventricle, open doorways in the
wall of the brain.
Where is the brain? It is encased in what? An osseous tissue.
Here there is motion of a fluid contained within a natural cavity.
The cavity is within the cranial articular mechanism and also
within the chambers of the brain, with open doorways. The
fluid has the same constancy within the ventricles as it does
without. There is the same body of fluid all around the brain
as within the chambers of the brain. The cerebrospinal fluid
surrounds the neural tube, the brain, and spinal cord, within
and without.
Now, notice the fluctuation of the Tide - a movement
coming in during inhalation and ebbing out during exhalation.
Is it the waves that come rolling along the shore - is that the
tide? No. The movement of the tide is the movement of that
body of water, the ocean, that constant body of water. See that
potency in the tide; more power, more potency in that tide
than there is in the waves that come dashing upon the shore.
See the water going out from that wide river down at Fort
Myers, Florida during a hurricane, it went way out and left the
river bed dry. Then, it came back - not the waves but the tide.
And this potency? That is what I want you to see: the potency
in the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid. Most of all, the


Breath of Life that was breathed into this form of clay and man
became a living soul. 2
If you were to take a glass of water, place it on a table, and
shake the table, the water would spill therefrom. However, if I
took my hand and gave a transmitted vibration from my shoul­
der to the table, you would see that water come up to the center
of the glass in a little quiver. That is what I want you to see in
the potency of the Tide in the cerebrospinal fluid. Not this up
and down fluctuation during inhalation and exhalation, but the
condition where you get the movement down to a balance point
between inhalation and exhalation, a midway point. This mid­
way point is where you have a brief period where you observe
that the diaphragm is moving gently at a fulcrum point. Then
you get this vibration to the center of the Tide, the point where
you might say that you have come to what was known in a
hymn as "The Still Small Voice." You have heard the hymn, "Be
Still and Know that I Am."l Do you get the point? It is the still­
ness of the Tide, not the stormy waves that bounce upon the
shore, that has the potency, the power. As a mechanic of the
human body you can bring the fluctuation down to that short
rhythmic period, that stillness, if you understand the mechani­
cal principle of this fluctuation of the Tide.
Then you begin to understand something about the ground­
swell of the ocean and differentiation of the tide, of the waves
and so forth. There is a sort of spiral movement. You have
heard of the different movements of the brain. Let us explore
another - a spiral movement of the Tide. Make a diagram with
a pencil on a piece of paper. Make a dot at a given point. Starting
with the dot, draw a line around in a curve and then around and

2 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7,
King James Version.
3 "And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and
after the fire a still small voice." 1 Kings 19:12, "Be still, and know that I am
God." Psalms 46:10, King James Version.

Primary Respiratory Mechanism

around. Then, make a dotted line around the other way back to
the original dot. Let these illustrate a spiral movement.
If you want to use this diagram to represent a material mani­
festation, designate a positive pole :,lnd a negative pole. Then we
get something in between the positive and the negative poles to
see in that slow movement of the Tide, that coil, a moving out
and a coming together. How many spiral movements can you
visualize in the Tide? How many little coils?
Go with me along a shore where there is a lot of seaweed
growing. Watch this seaweed moving rhythmically in a coiling
form, one going clockwise, another counterclockwise, spiralling
with the groundswell. Look at the hurricane. See the potency
in the eye of the hurricane, not the destruction around the out­
side. See the potency of the eye, the stillness of the Tide, the
spiral movement.


My next assignment is in two parts. The first is the reciprocal

tension membrane, with emphasis upon the tension. The second
is the fulcrum. The function of these is the second principle in
the primary respiratory mechanism. Because there are no mus­
cular agencies to account for mobility between the cranial bones
at the sutures, it is necessary to account for it in some other
way. The structure that does connect the bones is the intracra­
nial dural membrane and the intraspinal dural membrane.
The late Ray G. Hulburt, D.O.,4 editor of the Journal of the
American Osteopathic Association, was kind enough to read the
early chapters of The Cranial Bowl before they appeared in print.
He made valuable suggestions, and after some discussion he
came to see how simple the terminology is in describing the
function. We took the example of a tug of war with a team at
each end of the rope. The rope would be the reciprocal tension

4 (1884-1947) American School of Osteopathy, 1920.


membrane. They would pull it this way, they would pull it that
way, the rope would be under constant tension. Then, perhaps,
they would get a balance point, a still point, that would serve
like the fulcrum in a pair of scales. Not a lever. A lever operates
over a fulcrum, back and forth.
The fulcrum in the action of the reciprocal tension mem­
brane in the membranous articular mechanism of the living
human cranium is a still point around which or over which the
constantly tense membrane operates the poles of articular
You will note that I arranged a schematic way for describing
the attachments of the reciprocal tension membrane - the
attachments of the falx cerebri and the tentorium cerebelli. I
named a posterior pole (the occiput), two lateral poles (the
petrous ridges), an anterior superior pole (the crista galli), and
an anterior inferior pole (the clinoid processes). (See Figure 4.)
Note another articular pole at the sacrum, operated through the
mechanism. I have emphasized the tension, the pull, in the
reciprocal tension membrane between the poles of articular
attachment in the cranial mechanism. These schematic names
are simply to show that all the bones of the neurocranium are
attached to the mechanism that moves them. You can feel the
action when reducing cranial membranous articular strains. It is
the same mechanical principle that functions when you are
reducing a ligamentous articular strain in the vertebral column.
You can feel the action of the ligaments that hold an interverte­
bral joint together and allow its range of motion.


The third principle in the primary respiratory mechanism

concerns the brain and spinal cord - the central nervous sys­
tem. This system forms as a tube in early embryonic life and
remains a tube throughout. That statement in itself shows that
it is simple. It is not so difficult to understand the brain if you

Primary Respiratory Mechanism

look at it as a mere neural tube. When the cerebral hemispheres

get up on top of the head they are just bottom side up. That is
all. However, there is something else - motility. Physiologic
activity manifests movements of th� cells and of the brain that
have mechanical features, motility. This motility has a mechani­
cal function in the operation of the primary respiratory
mechanism. Therefore, the neural tube has mechanical action
as well as the neurophysiology that is the function of carrying
messages. The mobility of the bones of the skull is accommoda­
tive to that motility within the brain and spinal cord and to the
fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid.
Every detailed feature in the articular surfaces of the cranial
bones is an indication that points to articular mobility. There
are no articular surfaces in the development of these bones
before the third, fourth, and fifth years of life. At birth the one
established joint in the head is the occipitoatlantal. It seems that
the Master Mechanic provided for a molding of the osseous
mechanism so that a safe passage through the birth canal could
be achieved in a normal delivery.
Later on, the motility of this neural tube begins to form osse­
ous articular gears in the mechanism. This motility of the brain
and spinal cord is the third principle in our analysis of the pri­
mary respiratory mechanism. Motility. What happens in the
spine? The spinal cord moves upward, like a tadpole's tail, during
inhalation and drops downward during exhalation. At the same
time the brain does something that affords what? Dilation and
contraction of the ventricles which contain this body of cerebro­
spinal fluid. Not only that, there are tracts which have motility
as well as the function of carrying nerve impulses. Otherwise the
fluid would be restricted in the pathway from the fourth to the
third or from the third to the fourth ventricles. These walls
allow a widening and a narrowing of the cerebral aqueduct.
Now consider the interior of the brain. See this cast of the
ventricles. I see the third and fourth ventricles forming the


body of a bird. The central canal of the spinal cord can be the
tail of the bird. The two lateral ventricles look like the wings of
a bird. Where are they attached? Up where any wings are
attached on a bird: off the anterior superior angle of the body.
The third ventricle, as the front part of the body, is a chamber
for fluid. Now, during inhalation, I want you to see those ven­
tricles moving the same as a bird does when it goes into flight.
As the wings spread they glide up a little more posteriorly than
they do in front. What does the bird wing do when the bird
lights on a twig? It folds down in exhalation.

"A Tour of the Minnow"

Editor's Note: From time to time Dr. Sutherland was prevailed upon
to give an extemporaneous talk about the brain which he called a
"Tour of the Minnow." Another one is presented in Chapter 17. No
two were alike.

The little minnow in my imagination sees the formation

called the cerebellum. He looks at the two hemispheres and
considers the construction of that mechanism. It seems to be
working something like the blacksmith's bellows. That is, the
convolutions of the cerebellar hemispheres look like bellows.
Then there are the tracts, nerve tracts, running from the cere­
bellum around in front of the medulla oblongata and the bridge
that is called the pons.
He begins to think about additional functions, physiologic
functions other than carrying the nerve impulses. These are
indicated by the living, active body, by the motility of the walls.
He comes to the top of a chasm through this little aqueduct that
leads to the top. He sees narrow walls and the next thing he
knows those walls move so as to make a V-shape of the chasm.
They move again so as to dose it. The V-shape occurs with
inhalation and the narrowing with exhalation. He wants to see

Primary Respiratory Mechanism

the bottom so he dives down through the fluid and meets the
hypothalamus. Let us leave him there. No. Let us have him do
something else.
We will have him go up to the reciprocal tension membrane,
to the falx cerebri, and ring the ethmoid bell. He can use it by
way of the crista galli to move the ethmoid like the bell on a
locomotive. With the rocking motion we can see what happens
to the olfactory bulbs as they rest on the cribriform plates with
the olfactory nerves hanging down. You know of the cerebro­
spinal fluid in those bulbs, along those tracts that are said to
belong to the brain. That is a different formation than the usual
arrangement for the cranial nerves. You can read about the
experiments that Speransky did in this region.5 I call your atten­
tion to this system that protects the nasal mucosa.
Let us go back to the third ventricle, that narrow chasm that
widens with inhalation. I want you to see the real stretch of the
roof during inhalation. See that choroid plexus upon the roof,
not in the ventricle. I want you to see that choroid plexus alter­
nately stretching out and bunching up during inhalation and
exhalation. There is your mechanical principle for interchange
between the blood and the cerebrospinal fluid. Realize the
motility of the brain and the motility of the choroid plexus,
which is pia mater and a part of the blood vascular system, not
the nervous system. Go out into the walls of the lateral ventri­
cles and find the same arrangement, a curtain between the
choroid plexus and the ventricle. Go back to the fourth ventri­
cle and see the same mechanical picture.

5 Speransky was a Russian scientist who described experiments using ink

tracers that confirmed the existence of a direct connection between the lym­
phatic system of the neck and the corresponding network of the nasal cavity.
He had already said that outflow from the cranial base takes place through the
perineural spaces around the "fila olfactoria." He found that the ink passed
from the cerebrospinal fluid into the nasal cavity and was then immediately
found in the lymphatic glands of the neck. A. D. Speransky, A Basis for the
Theory of Medicine, ed. and trans. C. P. Dutt (New York: International Pub­
lishers, 1943), p. 111.



I have been giving you a description of the material mecha­

nism, that mechanism man utilizes in his walk about on earth. I
call your attention to the location of the physiologic centers in
the floor of the fourth ventricle that regulate the secondary
mechanisms of the living body. The location of these vital pri­
mary centers points out my reason for naming the primary
respiratory mechanism primary. That great battery, the Tide,
functions through that region. Realize that the "highest known
element" is transmuted to these physiologic centers. The cranial
nerve nuclei also receive the transmutation from that "highest
known element," from the battery that contains the "juice."



The fourth principle in the analysis of the primary respira­

tory mechanism is the articular mobility of the bones of the cra­
nium at the sutures and the involuntary mobility of the sacrum
between the ilia (the pelvic bones). Note that here I am not
speaking of the postural mobility of the ilia upon the sacrum.
There is a movement that operates through the reciprocal ten­
sion membrane. See how the dural membrane connects up all
the parts, including the sacrum, as an interosseous membrane.
After the "gears" in the articular surfaces of the cranial bones
begin to form, the mobility of the whole is present. You might
say that the brain does not require a muscular agency for mobi­
lizing this mechanism. You can prove that to the satisfaction of
any skeptic. When they make a criticism of your cranial mecha­
nism, as they did of mine, and ask, "Where are the muscular
agencies to propel this articular mobility? " all you have to do is
to point down to the sacrum.
Dr. Still proved articular mobility at the sacroiliac joints,
even at a time when the textbooks called them synarthroses.

Primary Respiratory Mechanism

Ask your critics if they can find any muscular tissue running
from the sacrum to the ilia. Let them search for it. There are
no muscular agencies for articular mobility between the ilia and
the sacrum.
What they will find is that the sacrum is suspended beneath
the ilia by ligaments. The articular surfaces are L-shaped. In
two papers in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association,
Walford A. Schwab, D.O., a professor at the Chicago College
of Osteopathy, called attention to the shape of these articular
surfaces. He noted not only the L-shape but also the little niche
in one surface and the little ridge in the other, all for a purpose
in its function.6
Consider the description of the osseous cranial bowl in stan­
dard texts. You meet a statement pointing out that the bones of
the base of the skull are formed in cartilage and the bones of
the cranial vault are formed in membrane. When you look
down upon the bones that are formed in cartilage, your bump
of reasoning says, "articular mobility in the cranial bowl."
Then, you put a cap on the bowl. That cap (the vault), that
membranous cap, would interfere with the articular mobility of
the bones of the base of the skull unless it provided some com­
pensation through the sutures. The peculiar dovetailed inter­
lacing between the parietal bones in the sagittal suture, for
example, show features that can accommodate the mobility
between the bones of the base, which form in a cartilaginous
matrix. In the adult, the bones of the cranial vault have two
walls with diploe between them. They are flexible as well as
accommodative at the sutures.
This living human body is a mechanism. It includes the
osseous articulations, the flow of blood in the arteries and veins,
the intricate mechanism of the lymphatic system, and that great

6 The papers first appeared in 1928 and 1932 and were then reprinted:
Walford A. Schwab, "Anatomical Mechanics, Year Book, Academy of Applied
Osteopathy, 1952, pp.141-142.


hydraulic system, the cerebrospinal fluid. You must continually

hold before you the intracranial pictures for diagnosis and
treatment. Through the science of osteopathy as envisaged by
Dr. Still, the cranial concept provides a picture that must be
carried in the mind of the operator in order to diagnose and
treat the correct problem.
Then I look further and find a venous channel that is different
from the usual. A picture of the membranous tissues that form
the venous channels suggests that restriction here could lead to
pathology in the brain. I think this way: Unless there is some
mobility in the skull mechanism that will move that venous
blood along, there will be a stasis in the circulation. There has
to be some compensation for movement in the cranial base, so I
began to look at the mechanism in the vault. I found that the
dural membrane has two walls, an inner and an outer, and the
venous sinuses are formed between them. There is provision for
articular mobility in the sutures of the vault and that same com­
pensatory movement moves the venous blood along.
When I came to study the posterior inferior angle of the
parietal bones, the mastoid angle, I found that the lateral sinuses
pass right over the inside of that angle before they become the
sigmoid sinuses which carry venous blood to the jugular foram­
ina. Then I noted the corrugations in the parietomastoid articu­
lations that show the direction of the movement of the parietal
bones, in and out. I could see that movement of the mastoid
angles of the parietal bones, in conjunction with the movement
of the temporal bones, moving the walls of the lateral sinuses -
those membranous sinuses.
What moves the blood along the petrosal sinuses, also located
in membrane? I reasoned that the petrous portion of the tem­
poral bones rotates inward and outward, a roly-poly movement.
Then there is the cavernous sinus, also having membranous
walls. What moves the blood along there? I began to reason
that the sphenoid bone circumrotates forward and backward,

Primary Respiratory Mechanism

and those walls are moved as it does SO.7 You can see the sort of
mechanism that carries venous blood along as the reciprocal
tension membrane, which is attached to the bones, is shifting in
its regulation of the movement of one bone and another.

* **

The next subject for this study is the occiput. The first thing
to consider is the circumference of the occiput, which includes
appendages such as the basilar process, the condyles, and the
squama that displays a bend. The occiput forms most of the
back of the head and a large part of the cranial base. The fora­
men magnum is located on the bottom in human beings. Look
at the bone as a wheel. Consider particular locations as spokes
of the wheel or points on the circumference. As the occiput cir­
cumrotates during inhalation, it moves forward and up a little
so that the sphenobasilar junction in the clivus is carried for­
ward and up. The foramen magnum does not remain at the
lower level. (See Figure 1.)
I am emphasizing the foramen magnum especially because
the dura mater is firmly attached to its rim. This is the upper
attachment of the intraspinal dura mater, which is a continua­
tion of the inner layer of the cranial dura mater. The intraspinal
dura mater is not attached to the atlas. It is attached to the axis
and sometimes to the third cervical vertebra. From this upper
area it hangs somewhat loosely, like a hollow tube, until it
reaches the sacrum where it has another firm attachment to
bone. As the occiput moves forward in inhalation you can see
that the foramen magnum moves upward to a higher level. You
see the intraspinal dural membrane rising and taking the sacrum
along with it. Do you get the point? There is a movement of

7 Circumrotate is defined in Webster's dictionary as "to turn like a wheel."

The movement of the sphenoid and the occiput is a rotation about a trans­
verse axis. Dr. Sutherland used the term circumduction.


Figure 1. The occipital bone pictured as a wheel, showing how various loca­
tions change their position as the occiput circumrotates on its axis.

the reciprocal tension membrane of the spinal canal that lifts

the sacrum into a position with the base upward and the apex
forward (flexion).

Editor's Note: Recent anatomic studies have demonstrated that the

dura mater is attached to the vertebral canal in the lumbar region.
The anterior attachments are short and strong while the posterior
attachments are weaker and longer. The anterior and anterolateral
connective tissue bands attach to the posterior longitudinal ligament.
The bands are strongest at the LS-Sl level and less strong in the
upper lumbar region. The dural nerve root sheaths are also attached

Primary Respiratory Mechanism

to the posterior longitudinal ligament anteriorly and to the perios­

teum of the inferior pedicle laterally.8

Consider the greater wings of the sphenoid as spokes of

another wheel. See the little ethmoid spine as yet another
spoke, together with the pterygoid processes and the sella tur­
cica on the sphenoid wheel. These bones, the occiput and the
sphenoid, circumrotate. The spokes of the wheels move to dif­
ferent levels as �e wheels turn to and fro. This mental picture
may help you in your understanding of the mechanism.
The next topic is the temporal bone. I often describe this
bone as the "wobbling wheel." You can probably picture a wob­
bling wheel from your memory. The temporal bone moves in
that fashion. Consider the petrous portion of the temporal
bone as an axle. In this concept I refer to the petrous portion
when I speak of the internal or external rotation of the tempo­
ral bone. I do this because the petrous portions of the temporal
bones are down in the cranial base articulating with the basilar
process of the occiput in a tongue-and-groove type of articula­
tion. The basilar process of the occiput is inaccessible to the
operator, just like the bodies of the vertebrae. You cannot touch
them. You cannot see them. Therefore, you must visualize the
situation just as you visualize the body of a vertebra and the
heads of two ribs.
I speak of the petrous portions as being in either external or
internal rotation. The physiologic movement during inhalation,
when the occiput moves into its flexion position, turns the
petrous portions into external rotation in relation to the basilar

8 I. G. Parkin and G. R. Harrison, "The Topographical Anatomy of the

Lwnbar Epidural Space," Journal of Anatomy 141 (1985): 211-217, and David
L. Spencer, George S. Irwin and J. A A Miller, "Anatomy and Significance of
Fixation of the Lwnbosacral Nerve Roots in Sciatica," Spine 8, no. 6 (1983):


process. That is why I call the petrous portion the axle upon
which the temporal bone moves. Do not forget that the petrous
portions converge anteriorly and diverge posteriorly, thus fol­
lowing the physiologic functional design in all of the articula­
tions of the spine as well as the cranium.
This axle, the petrous portion of the temporal bone, turns
upon the jugular process of the occiput as on a pivot. The squa­
mous portion of the temporal bone is set off so that when the
petrous portion rotates externally, it moves outward while the
mastoid process moves inward. Visualize the wheel, the disc of
the wheel, wobbling. In the other direction, in internal rotation,
the squamous portion moves inward and the mastoid process
moves outward. That is the picture of the wobbling wheel in
the internal and external rotation of the petrous portion as the
axle of the temporal bone.
I call the temporal bone the "mischief maker" or the "clown"
in the cranial articular mechanism. This comment points to
the fact that I have found more trouble originating from prob­
lems with that little temporal bone than from any other in the
As you think osteopathy with Dr. Still, think of the origins and
insertions of soft tissues, muscles, and fascias, not only bony tis­
sues. Consider drags on the fascia and crowding of muscular tis­
sue in certain positions of the petrous portions. Remember that
whenever the basilar process of the occiput is tipped up on its
side, the petrous portion on that side is always carried into
internal rotation. It then follows that the petrous portion on the
other side, the low side, is always carried into external rotation.
If the basilar process is in an extreme flexion position at the
sphenobasilar junction, both temporal bones will be in marked
external rotation.

Editor's Note: This law applies to the fact that the occiput carries the
temporal bones on the jugular processes. Therefore, if the occiput is

Primary Respiratory Mechanism

turned on its anteroposterior axis, the temporal bones are automatic­

ally carried into a position as stated. In this case there is no motion
between the two bones, the temporal and the occiput, to consider.

Visualize the bunching up, the crowding, under these condi­

tions of all the soft tissues between the sphenoid, the basilar
process of the occiput, and the petrous portions of the temporal
bones on the outside of the cranial base, underneath these
bones. There is no end to the depth of this picture, either on
the inside or the outside.
Look at the pterygoid processes of the sphenoid, the greater
wings and the lesser wings. See the different levels of the spokes
of the wheel, including the ethmoid spine, as the sphenoid

Figure 2. The sphenoid bone pictured as a wheel, showing how the landmarks
and processes change their position as the sphenoid circumrotates on its axis.


wheel turns to and fro. Note that the promontory of the sphe­
noid does not move at its level. It does not move forward or
backward. It is a suspended wheel, circumrotating so that the
little spokes, or projections, are moved from place to place.
Follow them around. It will help you to visualize the point of
lesion in your technique.
You can study the cranial mechanism all the way through in
this way. You will find problems and the answers to problems.
Prove to any who may be skeptical, perhaps more skeptical
than I was in the beginning, that the living human head has
articular mobility, as well as protective stability. When they try
to prove that the bones of the human adult cranium cannot
move, they will get a shock, as I did, the more they study it.
They will find indications for mobility in every articular sur­
face in that mechanism.


The Fluctuation of the

Cerebrospinal Fluid

WE HAVE NOW COME to a further study of the cerebrospinal fluid

in the cranium and in relation to the whole body. There are sev­
eral mental pictures we can use. For me, the Breath of Life, not
the breath of air, is the main one. The breath of air is merely
one of the material elements that the soul of living man utilizes
in his walk about on earth.
The first principle in the primary respiratory mechanism, the
fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid, has a potency with an
Intelligence, as I found out. This potency is an invisible "fluid"
within the cerebrospinal fluid. The potency of the Tide is what
we have to consider - something with more power in the
reduction of membranous articular strains of the cranium than
any force you can safely apply from the outside. It will function
intelligently. Carry this in your mind and along with it carry the
mental picture that comes in answer to the question, "How do
these membranous tissues restrict the fluctuation of the Tide?"
What are bones but fluid, a different form of fluid? What is
that little hailstone that comes down from heaven but fluid?
What is this earth out here, this world that we walk on, but
fluid? It is all material manifestation and, back of that, fluid,
when we learn to think with Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. He lived
closer to his Maker than mere material breathing. Do you get
the thought?


The tide. You watch the tide of the ocean, and you watch that
ferry boat going across San Francisco Bay from Oakland. As the
ferry gets near Treasure Island it bumps up against something.
Time or tide? You will find that the pilot controls the wheel so
that the boat is on a balance point and is turned right around by
the potency of the incoming tide. Then, on the next trip, why
does the pilot steer another course a little further out from
Treasure Island? It is a different time of the tide. Or, maybe,
there is a meeting with a groundswell, with an undulating, up and
down. There are so many things to study in the tide of the ocean.
Compare it with this fluid in the living body, this Tide in the
body with its potency. That is what we have in this first princi­
ple. The Intelligence in the power in the Tide. We refer to the
potent fluctuation of this Tide and to something that is intelli­
gent, something invisible. We are referring to the Breath of Life
in that Tide.
You can visualize an X-ray that jumps from a positive to a
negative pole. You see the equipment, but you cannot see the
ray that exposes the film and makes the picture, the shadow pic­
ture. There is a potency in something invisible. This is like the
fundamental principle in the primary respiratory mechanism,
that "highest known element" to which Dr. Still called your
attention. He didn't mean this material fluid that you can see,
but that element in the Tide, in that fluid.
I call your attention to the water, the clear water, in the bat­
tery of your car. You have chemicals in that water, material
chemicals. But you cannot see the invisible element, the electri­
cal "juice" that comes from that water, that passes along the
wire that runs to the motor of your car. That is the potency, the
power, that comes from the battery. From time to time you
have to replace the water in the battery.
There are interesting questions and remarks in the little text
entitled Dr. Still in the Living by Robert E. Truhlar, D.O.l One

1 Privately published in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1953.

The Fluctuation of the Cerebrospinal Fluid

says this: "The Grand Architect of the Universe builds without

the sound of hammers, Nature is silent in her work." Another:
"Electricity is a form that is naturally required to contract mus­
cles and force gases from the body." Do you see the Tide as a
battery with waters within which a�e chemicals? What do you
have in that combination? The "juice," that invisible potency,
the battery of the human body.
For another mental picture to think with, consider all the
fibers in a nerve trunk. Did you ever see a cable, or an illustra­
tion of a cable like the transatlantic cable, and learn how it func­
tions? Lots of little copper tubes enclose a potential wire.
Between that potential wire and the copper tube there is infor­
mation, little bits of information. You can push a button here or
there along the copper tube, as on a radio, to get whatever pro­
gram you want. All the programs come over that copper tube.
The "finer nerves dwelling with the lymphatics" could be similar
to these kinds of operations and not to the usual way messages
are carried by nerve fibers.2 In this picture there is also a trans­
mutation from the cerebrospinal fluid, that "highest known
element" formed in the "copper tube." Then there are the
"push-buttons," if you want to call them that, that connect to
this station and that station in the tube. It is a beautiful process.
Visualize that "something" in the cerebrospinal fluid that has
a transmutation in the nerve cells or tracts, or in a "copper
tube." It doesn't flow along the nerve fibers as though they were
wires. It is a change in form, if you wish. It doesn't run some­
thing. That something is in the tubes. Something like a unit
from one radio station to another.
What does Dr. Still mean when he speaks of "finer nerves
dwelling with the lymphatics than even with the eye?" Do you
find lymphatics in the nerves? No. He is pointing to something

2 "Possibly less is known of the lymphatics than any other division of the
life-sustaining machinery of man. . . . Finer nerves dwell with the lymphatics
than even with the eye." Still, Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopa­
thy, p. 66.



Copper tube


Coaxial cable

Figure 3. A coaxial cable is a device for the simultaneous transmission and

strengthening of multiple radio, television, or telephone signals. The cable
may house twenty or more coaxials, each consisting of an outer tubular con­
ductor surrounding a central conductor held in place by electrically insulating
material. The tube shields the signal from outside electrical interference and
prevents the signal from losing its strength.

else. He wants us to see this "copper tube" and the wire within,
the potential. The principle is used in the material cable that
carries messages across the Atlantic Ocean. Messages, many dif­
ferent messages, are runni�g over that copper tube.
Do you know anything about sheet lightning? You see its
manifestation all through the cloud, but it doesn't touch the
cloud. I want you to see this invisible "liquid light," or the
Breath of Life as sheet lightning and a transmutation; the sheet
lightning all through the nerves, not touching the "copper
tube." The transmutation is what Dr. Still pointed to in the
early days as "nerve force." He was trying to put across this
understanding using the example of the electrical force, or the
electrical "juice," that runs along the wire. That signal that runs
along has to have a tract to run on.
It is a push-button mechanism, an attunement within the
human body. Tuned to what? To that "highest known element,"

The Fluctuation of the Cerebrospinal Fluid

the Breath of Life, not the breath of air. Quoting another text:
in the creation of man, the Breath of Life was breathed into the
nasals of a form of clay, and man became a living soul.3

Editor's Note: Dr. Sutherland is pointing to possibilities; he is present­

ing the idea that more than the simple transmission of electrical
impulses is occurring within the nervous system.

I am beginning to see what he means by a finer element

dwelling with the lymphatics. Consider the lymphatic vessels
and their nodes carrying tissue fluid and lymph back to the
venous system before venous blood enters the heart. When
infection is present and lymph nodes enlarge, they are swelling
up because they are holding something. They hold firm until a
message comes along and electrolysis takes place that affects the
lymph node so that the lymph is changed before it is moved
into the bloodstream. You can understand how the lymphatic
systerr.. works, and even more, how the viscera work.
You will be able to disseminate the contents of enlarged lym­
phatic tissue without the development of spontaneous eruptions
or abscess formation. It will disappear as it has in instances
when the fluctuations of the cerebrospinal fluid has been under
the control of a cranial technician. This is not an idle statement.
The possibilities you have in the science of osteopathy apply to
the quotation, "Finer nerves dwell with the lymphatics than
even with the eye." Can you believe that?
Look into the infundibulum that connects the hypothalamus
with the pituitary body in the sella turcica. Think of the
infundibulum as a copper tube with a potential within, a cur­
rent, and an insulation around it - that is, between it and the
copper tube. Then, think of a transformation from the potential
and the power in the battery that runs out in the copper tube.

3 Adapted from Genesis 2:7. For the full quotation, see the footnote on


When you send messages over that tube you have push-buttons
that function like the many radio stations that can be tuned in.
Only one "copper tube" with many wires within. Perhaps this
will help you understand the infundibulum.

* * *

Let me tell you about an experience that I had with the

Breath of Life.4 It happened on the shore of Lake Erie where
the depth of the water, out for half a mile or more, is hardly
above the knees. A man and his companion went out on the
shore to go bathing. They had been imbibing some bad liquor
- what was available in those days of Prohibition.
This man became ill; he collapsed in a state of meningeal
shock and his companion carried him to shore. He had not
drowned for there was no water in his lungs. People there
worked on him with the proper methods of resuscitation with­
out success. I heard the commotion and went down there.
I found a specimen, a cadaver, as stiff as a rod and as blue as a
whetstone. There was no sign of respiration. I grabbed the tem­
poral bones and rotated the petrous portions into external rota­
tion as I turned the occiput into flexion. (You will learn later to
understand these positions.) What did that do?
The tentorium cerebelli is attached to the superior borders of
the petrous portions of the temporal bones and to the inside of
the occipital squama. The ante rior reaches of the tentorium
cerebelli are attached to the clinoid processes of the sella turcica
of the sphenoid bone. As I turned the bones with my hands the
tentorium was moved.
Beneath the tentorium cerebelli is a body of cerebrospinal
fluid that surrounds the brain stem and cerebellum, as well as

4 This story is also told in a footnote in The Cranial Bowl. Dr. Sutherland
describes it as a case that" .. , appeared like that of shell-shock to the
meningeal area .. ," Sutherland, The Cranial Bowl, p. 54.

The Fluctuation of the Cerebrospinal Fluid

being within the brain stem. Within this body of fluid is that
"highest known element" to which Dr. Still pointed; and within
the brain stem, within the medulla oblongata, are the primary
centers controlling the physiology ?f the body, especially the
center for respiration.
After I had turned those bones, a sensation of warmth
occurred in my hands. Respiration began. I released the mecha­
nism and it ceased. Someone kindly said, "Why don't you send
for a doctor?" I tried the experiment again and the same sensa­
tion of warmth came back. His head gave a sudden jerk and he
spoke to his sister.
The man's physical mechanism had been dead, stalled. It was
locked in meningeal shock; the arachnoid membrane was locked
down upon the brain. Fortunately, however, the Breath of Life
was in this body of fluid. All I did was "crank the car." I have
known of two other cranial technicians who have been able to
perform a similar experiment under critical conditions.
You will understand, when you consider such critical condi­
tions, why I have said from time to time, "When you do not
know what else to do, compress the fourth ventricle." Keep in
mind the Tide with its Intelligent potency, spelled with a capital
1. It is something you can depend upon. Something that knows
how. When you are somewhat doubtful of the diagnosis in some
conditions, consider the Tide and compress the fourth ventricle.


The Reciprocal
Tension Membrane

LOOK AT THE VERTEBRAL column to see the ligaments that hold the
spinal articulations together and also allow a certain range of
movement at these joints. Then look inside the skull to find
what does the very same thing as those spinal ligaments. There
is an interosseous membrane that holds the bones of the neuro­
cranium together and allows a certain range of normal move­
ment at the joints.
The interosseous membrane inside the skull is called the
dura mater. It is a tough, nonextensible, fibrous membrane that
has an outer and an inner wall. The outer wall serves as perios­
teum. The inner wall has specializations that drop down in
folds between parts of the brain. The fold that drops down in
the sagittal plane between the cerebral hemispheres is called
the falx cerebri. The fold that is spread out over the cerebellum
is called the tentorium cerebelli. This whole membrane with its
folds is attached to all the bones of the neurocranium. The
name falx refers to the sickle shape of the falx cerebri. If you
look at one side of the tentorium cerebelli you see another
sickle shape. The other side looks the same. When you see it
this way, you see three sickles that meet in the back part of the
inside of the head.
The falx cerebri is fastened to the crista galli of the ethmoid
bone, to the frontal bone, the two parietal bones, and to the
interparietal occiput. It is tough, firm, and tense. I used to say


Falx cerebri

Crista galli


Figure 4. The cranial component of the reciprocal tension membrane, show­

ing the schematic representation of the poles of attachment.

that if you could get in there, you could pull on the falx and
ring the ethmoid bell. That is, swing it back and forth like the
bell on a locomotive. That is the anterior superior pole of
attachment for the falx cerebri.
When I look at the tentorium cerebelli, I am struck by the
shape of two sickles. That inclines me to call it the "falx tento­
rium." You could say "falx cerebelli" because it rides above the
cerebellum, but I prefer "tentorium" as I have used the term. The

The Reciprocal Tension Membrane

two sickles make the "tent." The "tent" is attached all along the
inside of the occipital squama, in the middle. The lateral sinuses
are formed by this attachment. [Dr. Sutherland regularly
referred to the tentorium cerebelli as the "tent." -ED.]
Then the "falx tentorium" passes over the inside of the poste­
rior inferior angles of the parietal bones. These are the mastoid
angles just above the parietomastoid sutures. After that, the
"tent" runs along on the superior borders of the petrous por­
tions of the temporal bones. These attached borders of the
petrous portions are called, schematically, the lateral poles of
attachment of the tentorium cerebelli. They go forward to fas­
ten to the posterior clinoid processes of the sella turcica of the
sphenoid bone. Because of the sickle shape, the "tent" has a free
border that forms the tentorial notch. This inner border makes
a turn before extending on to the anterior clinoid processes of
the sella turcica of the sphenoid.
This area, where the anterior reaches of the tentorium cere­
belli attach to the four clinoid processes of the sella turcica, is
the area of the anterior inferior pole of attachment. The
diaphragma sella covers the sella turcica where the pituitary
body is located. The infundibulum from the hypothalamus
passes through to the posterior part of the pituitary. This situa­
tion is one of the little things that may be a big thing in the sci­
ence of osteopathy.
When we look at the two sickle-shaped halves of the "tent"
together with the falx cerebri, we see three sickles that meet at
the area of the straight sinus, where the falx adjoins the "tent."
On the two halv:es of the "tent," see that the curve has been cut
off, as it were, where the "tent" is attached to the superior bor­
ders of the petrous portions of the temporal bones. Both sides
are the same and these lateral poles of attachment are an impor­
tant part of the whole inside of the neurocranium. Note that the
petrous portions converge anteriorly and diverge posteriorly.
That is, they run diagonally forward.


Look at the inside of the skull and see that the falx cerebri
and the "falx tentorium" (tentorium cerebelli) are attached to all
the bones of the neurocranium. The falx cerebri in the sagittal
plane carries the superior sagittal sinus; the tentorium cerebelli
carries the lateral sinuses across the middle where the conflu­
ence of sinuses is located. At the internal occipital protuberance
the straight sinus brings venous blood from the inferior sagittal
sinus and the great cerebral vein of Galen to flow into the lateral
sinuses. This area is the posterior pole of attachment of both
the falx and the "tent" in this schematic description.
Note that the three sickles on the inside of the cranium, spe­
cializations of the inner layer of the dura mater, constitute one
structure that holds all the bones together. I call this the recipro­
cal tension membrane of the human cranium. It allows a normal
range of movement of the bones at the sutures. The tension in
this membrane is emphasized because you could not have a
reciprocal mechanism unless it were continually tense. This
applies not only to normal positions but also to strains. The
tension holds constantly just as the neural tube remains a tube
throughout life.
Consider a model that shows the three sickles fastened
together. Such a model can illustrate the schematic idea. But
what does this structure inside the cranium mean to you? What
does the sickle shape imply? If you have a scythe, which is noth­
ing more than a big sickle, how do you use it? You don't use it
to chop the grass down. You use it as intended, as a tool to
swing around in a large circle close to the ground. You move
posteriorly as the whole comes forward. When you get around
to the anterior tips of the falx and the "tent," you see that they
move posteriorly. That is the advantage of the sickle shape for
these interior structures.
The falx cerebri draws the ethmoid backward as the crista
galli goes up. The clinoid processes of the sphenoid go back­
ward as the "falx tentorium" goes forward. This shows how the

The Reciprocal Tension Membrane

Occipital axis

Sphenoidal axis

Ethmoidal axis

Axis of Vomer

Figure 5. The cranial base in flexion, showing the rotation that takes pl ace
about paral l el transverse axes. Note that the ethmoid and the occiput rotate
in the same direction whil e the sphenoid rotates in the opposite arc, as woul d
be the case with three intermeshed cog wheel s. T he dotted l ine represents
the vector of force transmitted from the movement of the sphenoid through
the vomer.

reciprocal tension membrane pulls these areas. At the lateral

poles of attachment the petrous portions of the temporal bones
are lifted and turned into their position of external rotation.
The posterior pole of attachment at the occipital squama comes
forward. The total effect on the neurocranium is the change in
shape that I call flexion because the sphenobasilar junction in
the clivus is increased in its upward convexity. You can see the
effect on the whole in this schematic description. The distance
from front to back is shortened, the distance from top to bottom
is shortened, and the distance from side to side is lengthened.
When the change in shape that I call extension occurs, move­
ment is in the opposite direction: the distance from front to back
is lengthened, the distance from top to bottom is lengthened,


and the distance from side to side is shortened. In the extension

position the sphenobasilar junction in the clivus is decreased in
its upward convexity. This alternating change in shape is a regu­
lar physiologic action moved and controlled by the reciprocal
tension membrane.
How does this work? I have used the words automatic shifting
fulcrum. To illustrate what these words refer to, consider the
mechanism of this little balance scale that I am holding up.
Where is the fulcrum over which the balance operates? Right
here, at the point where the beam is suspended. At present, as I
hold it, the balance is working automatically in response to the
convection currents in the room. Now, as I shift my hold and
alter the position of the beam, the balance shifts to another place;
every point is in another place and the whole is working over the
fulcrum just the same. Yet the fulcrum is a still point around
which the balance continues to respond to the air currents.
When the occasion permits, try a little experiment with a
balance by placing your finger under the fulcrum. We found a
big balance hanging from the ceiling in the Aptuxet Trading
Post down on Cape Cod. When everyone took a turn at placing
a finger under the fulcrum in that mechanism they felt the
vibration; they read the accent of the to-and-fro movement. We
all felt the rhythm as the balance swung in the air currents.
Then the meaning of a suspension fulcrum became more clear.
Edith Dovesmith, D.O.,l from Niagara Falls, New York,
likened the action of the to-and-fro movement to a square
dance. This picture brings in the rhythm around the necessary
balance point in the reciprocal tension membrane. That balance
point is the fulcrum around which the action occurs, that shifts
automatically from point to point. Even so, the fulcrum remains
still - the fulcrum wherein you get the balanced vision.

1 (1895-1970) American School of Osteopathy, 1918.

The Reciprocal Tension Membrane

"What do I mean by suspension? I do not mean that the ful­

crum is suspended from its attachments. No. The fulcrum is at
the point where the falx adjoins the "tent." Notice I didn't say
joins. It is in between, in the area of the straight sinus. Visualize
the suspension when you stand on your head and your falx cere­
bri is suspended from your tentorium cerebelli. "When you turn
onto your side, one half of the tentorium is suspended from the
other half and from the falx cerebri. The same situation exists
whe� you turn onto the other side. "When you stand upright,
the tentorium cerebelli is suspended from the falx cerebri. In
my view, the two "falx tentoria" are suspended from the falx
cerebri. See the three falces where they adjoin, and realize the
automatic shifting in the balance.
These three "sickles" are formed by a reduplication of the
inner wall of the dura mater, the dural membrane. See how they
are spread out over the cerebellum and between the hemi­
spheres. Note the state of tension in the membrane. It is always
tense. Then note the diversion to form a venous sinus along the
superior sagittal suture. See the channel for the straight sinus
where the sickles adjoin one another. This venous channel is the
most important because it carries the deep venous drainage
from the brain. This place naturally, automatically, shifts its
position. If it did not there would be an injury where the great
cerebral vein of Galen enters the straight sinus.
Harold I. Magoun, Sr., D.O.,z was moved to call this impor­
tant functional point the "Sutherland Fulcrum" when he came
to understand the automatic shifting suspended fulcrum in the
mechanics of the reciprocal tension membrane. I did not con­
sent to that idea for a long time. Now that I have, I expect to
emphasize its significance.

2 (1898-1981) Andrew Taylor Stil l Coll ege of Osteopathy and Surgery,

1924. Dr. Harold Magoun, Sr. was one of the founders of the Sutherl and
Cranial Teaching Foundation and the author of the textbook Osteopathy in the
Cranial Field.


* * *

My next talk considers further the relationship between the

mobility of the bones and the reciprocal tension membrane. We
have noted the reduplication of the inner wall of the dura mater
in folds and how they separate to form venous channels. Think
of the fact that between these channels, where the walls come
together, the membrane is very tense.
What is a reciprocal tension membrane? Suppose I put up two
poles and connect them at the top with a wire, a tense wire.
When I pull one pole it pulls the other with it. Then, I reverse
the situation. I pull the poles back to the perpendicular, where I
started. This is a reciprocal action, back and forth. The tension
in the wire is the pull in the system. That is why I emphasize
tension - a reciprocal tension membrane between poles of
articular attachment - of articular movement in the cranial

Editor's Note: The dictionary defines tension as a mechanical stress by

which a bar or cord is pulled when it is part of a system in equilibrium
or motion.

In a schematic view we have an anterior superior pole, an

anterior inferior pole, a posterior pole, and two lateral poles of
attachment to the bones of the neurocranium. The schematic
idea of a tripod in structure and three sickles in action is to help
you visualize the whole. The sickle shape snits the mechanism
as it goes forward and swings in an arc; the tips move posteri­
orly and vice versa. The movement in the cranium is seen as
follows: during inhalation the reciprocal tension membrane
moves forward in an anterior direction; during exhalation it
moves backward in a posterior direction. It is a complicated
mechanism when you undertake to visualize it in all three
dimensions within the cranium.
Do you see that a fulcrum in this action is necessary? A ful­
crum is the still point from which you get the power to lift
The Reciprocal Tension Membrane

something heavy. If you want to use a crowbar as a lever to lift

something heavy you put it over a still point, a fulcrum, to get
the power and the mechanical advantage that you do not have
without it. You can shift that fulcrt;Im from place to place and
change your operation.
You have a suspension fulcrum in the cranium where the falx
adjoins the "tent." Get the intracranial picture so that you
understand the necessity of shifting that still point, the fulcrum,
in order to move the bones. We have an automatic shifting of
the suspension fulcrum during inhalation, exhalation, side­
bending/rotation, and torsion. Keep that intracranial picture in
your mind so that you can feel it in your technique.
Aim to feel the balance point, the still point, when reducing
membranous articular strains of the cranial mechanism. I want
you to experience that shifting, changing position. When you do
feel the balance point, then see what occurs with the levers over
the fulcrum, the tripod. This is a floating thing. Get this impor­
tant mental picture of the fulcrum automatically shifting. This
accommodates the various patterns of the articular mechanism.
Feel. Recognize what you are feeling in the cranium just as
you do the tension in the ligamentous tissue in relation to the
synovial joints. Know your mechanism by having your fingers
constantly feeling, seeing, knowing, and thinking. You need
that thinking, feeling touch to know what you feel when you
are making a diagnosis of internal or external rotation of the
humerus. Then your treatment is not a mere jerk here or a
thrust there. The ligaments will do the adjusting for you in
either an external or an internal rotation of the humerus if you
get the mechanism to the balance point.
How could you know when you get the joint to the balance
point if your fingers are not there to feel the ligaments that hold
the joint together and allow a range of motion? It is the same
when you are diagnosing and treating ligamentous articular
strains in the spinal column. It is an art. It is a science that came
from Dr. Still.

Now see what you have in this automatic shifting suspension

fulcrum in the reciprocal tension membrane. You have the cere­
brospinal fluid and the neural tube. You have the Tide. You can­
not only reach the physiologic centers in the medulla oblongata,
you can also control, to a certain extent, the movement of the
fulcrum where so many strains of the mechanism dwell.
By simply controlling the Tide in the fourth ventricle or with
the sacrum, you provide action in the reduction of some condi­
tions in the osseous tissues of this mechanism. By bringing the
fluctuation down to the short rhythmic period, the Tide, with
its Intelligent potency, shows that it is something you can
depend upon, something that knows how.
Your technique is somewhat different when you are dealing
with conditions in early life. The mechanism in people farther
along in life is operating with the "gears" that have formed in
the articular surfaces. You must realize that before these fea­
tures are formed you have a fluctuation of the cerebrospinal
fluid and then the membranes go to work and pull the bones
into position.
Consider again those two poles, perhaps telephone poles, with
the wire stretching from pole to pole. Think of what happens in
a sleet storm. The wires, loaded with sleet and ice, pull the poles
out of position. See the same situation when some traumatic
force, intracranially during birth or during falls later on, pulls
the wire of mother dura and the bones are pulled out of position.
It is necessary to utilize the membranes, the wires, in the
reduction of thosr, lesions so as to bring those little bones back
into position and relationship. Even following a normal delivery
when they have folded to allow a safe passage, you get the baby
crying and inhaling so as to fluctuate the cerebrospinal fluid up
into the cranium. Then the membranes go to work to pull the
bones into position. The power is in the fulcrum, the rhythmic
balance. The terminology, reciprocal tension membrane, tells you
something. That terminology required a depth of study before

The Reciprocal Tension Membrane

it could be utilized. It doesn't necessarily have to be applied

only to the membranes of the skull. There is a reciprocal ten­
sion membrane of the spinal canal.
Where is the reciprocal tension membrane of the spinal
canal? It is a continuation of the inner layer of cranial dura
mater. It is firmly attached to the rim of the foramen magnum
in the occiput, and it goes to the sacrum. The little babes and
the children led me to the use of this. All I had to do in treating
an infant old enough to crawl on the bed was to hold the sacrum.
Do you see that reciprocal tension membrane in the spinal
canal connecting the sacrum and the occiput? As the babe
walked along, the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid was
influenced. The same principle is useful with adults when we
have the patient sit on our knees, bend forward to put their
arms on the table, and walk away on their elbows while the
operator holds the pelvis back. (For a description of the lap
technique, see p. 194.)
See what is going on there. The fluctuation of the cere­
brospinal fluid is active, the intraspinal reciprocal tension
membrane is engaged in changing the position of the sacrum
and the occiput. The firm attachment of the membrane around
the foramen magnum of the occiput and the attachment to the
sacrum in the sacral canal make two connected bones.
When the occipital wheel turns in circumrotation into the
flexion position, the foramen magnum is carried to a higher
level. (See Figure 1.) This is because of the turning in the direc­
tion that produces the flexion position at the sphenobasilar
junction. See how that tension lifts the sacrum at the other end.
Then, when the occipital wheel circumrotates into the exten­
sion position the foramen magnum moves back and drops the
sacrum into its extension position. Visualize spokes on the
wheel all the way along - the basilar process, the jugular pro­
cesses, and so forth. Notice the different levels in the inhalation
position and the exhalation position.


The function of this reciprocal tension membrane is another

principle in the primary respiratory mechanism. The attach­
ments to the bones are not the point. That is the same as the
attachment of ligaments to the bones in a synovial joint. The
tension is in between, as I have explained in describing the ful­
crum, the automatic shifting suspension fulcrum.


The Motility of the

Neural Tube

WHEN YOU COME TO the third principle in analyzing the primary

respiratory mechanism you come to a subject that cannot be
fully explored in a single lecture. Yet, the motility of the neural
tube, that is, the motility of the brain and spinal cord, is an
important activity of the living body. It is convenient to start a
study of this subject by considering embryology. The formation
of the neural tube begins very early in the embryo.
Once there is an embryonic plate with an ectoderm, a meso­
derm, and an endoderm, the ectoderm becomes the field of
development for the nervous system and the skin. First, along
the middle a thickened band appears that is flat. This band then
becomes stratified, and the lateral margins grow faster than the
central region. The result of this unequal growth is the forma­
tion of the neural groove. The groove itself is bounded on each
side by an elevated neural fold. As the groove deepens, the neu­
ral folds meet and fuse dorsally. This stage establishes the neu­
ral tube. At the completion of this process the tube lies below
the surface of the ectoderm and is detached from it. The neural
crest divides and comes to lie in a dorsolateral position. The
ganglion cells of both cranial and spinal ganglia are derived
from the neural crest.
The primitive neural tube is formed by the folding of the
neural groove into an epithelial tube. The groove begins to


close near the middle of the body very early and closure
advances progressively in both directions. The caudal end closes
off just after the rostral end, and at that stage the formation of
the neural tube is complete. The three primary brain vesicles
(the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain) are formed by the clo­
sure and enlargement of the rostral end. The neural tube below
these vesicles is smaller in diameter and becomes the spinal cord.
At this early stage, the entire neural tube can be analyzed
both by concentric rings and longitudinal strips. The primitive
dorsal and ventral walls are primarily ependymal in structure
and do not participate in the thickening of the lateral walls.
They become the floor plate and the roof plate. The sulcus lim­
itans marks the subdivision into the sensory dorsal plate and the
motor ventral or basal plate.
As the neural tube is forming into these basic arrangements
of the central nervous system, the surrounding mesenchyme is
becoming condensed and arranged into the outer coverings of
the brain and spinal cord. These are the meninges and the osse­
ous neurocramum.
The dura is a hard fibrous enclosing membrane just beneath the
bony skull. The arachnoid bridges the brain's many crevices.
The pia mater is molded firmly and tightly to dip into every
irregularity on the surface of the brain.
There are ridges and valleys on the surface of the brain that
are called gyri and sulci. The cerebrospinal fluid is distributed
on the outside of the neural tube beneath the arachnoid mem­
brane in the subarachnoid spaces. It is distributed inside the neu­
ral tube in the lumen of the tube, the ventricles.
By the time the neural tube is developed and arranged within
the skull there are two hemispheres and four lobes of each hemi­
sphere. These are like separate continents bounded by three fis­
sures. It is useful to think of this cerebral geography as long as
one remembers that this map is not the territory.'

1 Adapted from: Richard Restak, The Brain (New York: Bantam Books,
1984), pp. 8-14.

The Motility ofthe Neural Tube



Figure 6. A medial view of the cerebrum.


Below the cerebral hemispheres there is the brain stem and

spinal cord. The cerebellum lies over that part of the brain stem
that is named the pons and the medulla oblongata. The medulla
is just inside the skull at the foramen magnum where the spinal
cord expands as it enters. [Dr. Restak refers to this area as the
"magic inch." -ED.] It is where the control centers are located
that regulate blood pressure, heart rate, swallowing, vomiting,
breathing, talking, and singing. The smallest division of the
brain stem is the midbrain, above the pons and connecting to
the diencephalon, the first part of the forebrain.
With this brief survey, attention is given to the significance of
the physiologic centers in the floor of the fourth ventricle, in
that key area (the "magic inch") of the medulla oblongata. The
respiratory center here is primary to the diaphragm and the
physiology of the heart and lungs. I proved this to my own sat­
isfaction on my own body. It was clear that the centers in the
floor of the fourth ventricle are primary and that the function of
the diaphragm, heart, and lungs is secondary.
Inside the brain stem the third and fourth ventricles are con­
nected by the cerebral aqueduct in the midbrain. The central
canal of the spinal cord lies beyond the fourth ventricle. The
fourth ventricle is quite a capacious little ventricle with open
doors in the walls. There is quite a bit of cerebrospinal fluid in
there. Along the floor and beside it are the nuclei of all the cra­
nial nerves from the third to the twelfth. These provide func­
tions we could not well live without. The medulla oblongata
and the pons are the floor of the fourth ventricle.
The fourth ventricle has a roof, and the cerebellum lies above
it. All these parts occupy the posterior cranial fossa below the
tentorium cerebelli. The midbrain lies in the tentorial notch
and just above the sphenobasilar junction on the clivus of the
osseous cranial base.
The open doors in the walls of the fourth ventricle allow for
the connection between the inside distribution of the cere­
brospinal fluid - the ventricular - and the outside distribution

The Motility ofthe Neural Tube

- the subarachnoid. The collection of fluid in the subarach­

noid spaces underneath the brain is called the cisterna basalis.
That around the brain stem is called the cisterna magna. John
Hilton called these cisternae the "water-bed" upon which the
brain rests.
In fact, the central parts of the base of the brain, instead of rest­
ing upon the bones of the skull at its base, rest upon this collec­
tion of cerebrospinal fluid, which forms for it a most beautiful,
efficient, and perfectly adapted water-bed . . . 2

The brain and spinal cord are of the consistency of soft cus­
tard. The whole neural tube is in the protective surround of the
cerebrospinal fluid, inside and outside. This whole, wrapped in
the leptomeninges (the arachnoid-pia), lives within the osseous
neurocranium formed of bones held together by the dura mater
and its specializations, the falx cerebri and the tentorium cere­
belli. At birth, the whole cranium resembles a soft-shelled egg
for there are no joints established between the bones except that
between the atlas and the occiput.
Through the functions of the primary respiratory mecha­
nism, the physiologic centers in the medulla relate to the sec­
ondary physiology of the living human body. Through this
great battery, the Tide, you find the "highest known element" is
transmuted to those physiologic centers. The nuclei of the cra­
nial nerves also receive the transmutation from this Tide, from
the battery that contains the "juice," distilled from material ele­
ments that man utilizes. Do you see all these things just lying
there static, as they are found in the cadaver? No. You watch
them in inhalation and exhalation, in mechanical functioning.
The living human body is a mechanism that includes not
only the osseous articulations but also the flow of the blood in
the arteries and veins, the intricate mechanism known as the
lymphatic system, the soft tissues, the viscera, and that great
hydraulic system, the cerebrospinal fluid.

2 Hilton's book first appeared in London in 1863. A more recent edition

was published in 1950: John Hilton, Rest and Pain, ed. E.W Walls, Elliot E.
Philipp, H.].B. Atkins (London: ].B. Lippincott Company, 1950), p. 24.


The central nervous system is a network that not only carries

nerve impulses but also has a structure that manifests the physio­
logic functioning of motility.3 There are tracts running through
the floor of the fourth ventricle. There is movement inside,
outside, and in the walls - those walls at the bend and those
peduncles and tracts that run up into the cerebellum. Visual­
ize the side walls of the neural tube as having motility as well as
the function of carrying motor impulses.
Visualize the changes in shape of the neural tube within the
neurocranium and spinal canal that I see as inhalation and exha­
lation. For example, consider the spinal cord drawing up, like a
tadpole's tail, during inhalation and dropping down during
exhalation. See a mechanism operating all the way through
along with the articular mobility of the osseous mechanism.
Next, I want you to know the construction of the cerebellum
as contrasted with the cerebrum. Look at the cerebellar cortex,
far from nerve tracts, with cells sticking up there like antennae,
like the antennae that some bugs have sticking out in front of
them. There are no nerve nuclei up there in the cerebellar cor­
tex. W hen seen under the microscope the cells up there are not
the same as the cells in the nuclei. You can see them move and
wiggle like cilia, not like mechanisms made by man.
I begin to see something - a radio station up there, maybe?
We know of the long waves that carry messages and of the send­
ing antennae, the receiving antennae on top of your house or
bam, and the tuning sets for selecting the station broadcasts you
want. Do we have here a pattern for this man-made equipment?

3 "What gives a cell form may also control its genes. At first glance the
cytoskeleton of a mammalian cell would not appear to be closely related to
gene expression. The cytoskeleton, a complex network of proteins and other
molecules, endows the cell with form and enables it to move. Genes, on the
other hand, embody the information needed for making proteins. Contrary to
expectation, however, the cytoskeleton appears to be a crucial intervening
actor in the control of gene expression." John Benditt, "The Genetic
Skeleton," Scientific American 259 no. 1, Guly 1988), pAD.

The Motility ofthe Neural Tube

I want you to visualize the motility in that cerebellum, some­

what like the bellows used in the blacksmith's shop to blow on
the fire. They are one shape in inhalation and another shape in
exhalation. Motility, not mobility, accounts for this. Follow
those little layered tracts called the peduncles. Note how they
run down the spinal cord, beneath and around the pons, around
the fourth ventricle, and up along the midbrain to the connec­
tions to the pineal body.
Imagine my outstretched arms as one of the cerebellar ped­
uncles (brachium pontis). The pons is in my fingers; my elbows
can cause contraction of the fourth ventricle; then I can release
them, and it dilates. Here is a contracting motility, the primary
respiratory mechanism. Become aware of the motility, which is
separate from the movement related to the inflow and outflow of
blood. That is also a physiologic movement. Surgeons see the
movements of the living brain related to blood flow; I am not
talking about that.
I dm talking about a physiologic motility - the tracts moving
in there as well as the movements of the convolutions. The
tracts have motility in addition to their function of carrying
nerve impulses. Take the cerebral aqueduct, for instance; see
that it is not a hollow stationary tube. Note the action of its
walls so that it can change to allow the cerebrospinal fluid to
go through it. Look at other tracts and at the convolutions in
their local connections. You can reason with the mechanism
and see no limit.
At the roof of the third ventricle at the junction of the mid­
brain with the diencephalon is a little thing called the pineal
body. Various names and functions have been assigned to it, but
the view of it as a material thing in a particular location where it
can have a mechanical function is not mentioned. When I look
at it that way I see a little cone with a stem. It has a recess that
opens to the third ventricle. If you were inside the third ventricle
you would see it up on the roof. It is the same as the situation


down at the bottom where the infundibulum goes through the

diaphragma sella to the inside of the posterior lobe of the pitu­
itary body (the neurohypophysis).
There is an outside as well as an inside of the pituitary body
and of the pineal body. The inside of these bodies is the inside
of the neural tube, directly connected to the third ventricle.
The outside of the pineal body is in the subarachnoid cistern
located in the great transverse fissure of the brain. This is
called the superior cistern. The great cerebral vein of Galen
is also there before it enters the straight sinus. The little cone
is just above the superior colliculi on the roof of the midbrain.
It can move as the third ventricle widens into its V-shape with
inhalation and back into the narrow slit with exhalation. That
is, with the motility of the neural tube the pineal body can flip­
flop up and down. It is a different picture in the living than in
the cadaver.
I want you to realize how that cone, the whole outside of the
pineal body, flops over onto the superior colliculi so that the
position in the cadaver is not the same as the position in the liv­
ing brain when the roof of the third ventricle spreads out in
inhalation. In the "Tour of the Minnow" I note that the little
fish, when swimming in the third ventricle, can find the pineal
recess and blow into it. (See Chapter 17.)
There is a choroid plexus on the roof of the third ventricle
with tela choroidea. This is on the outside of the neural tube.
There is a curtain between that and the inside of the third ven­
tricle. Some say the cerebrospinal fluid is produced there.
When seen in the cadaver, however, that choroid plexus is all
bunched up.
I found out when I went through certain experiments that
during inhalation a change occurs in the walls and roof of the
third ventricle. That change is the roof stretching out as the ven­
tricle becomes V-shaped. There the process of interchange may
be a little mechanism similar to the one in the kidneys where an

The Motility ofthe Neural Tube

Interventricu lar Choroid plexus of

foramen the third ventricle


Pineal body

Lamina Superior
terminalis --M!ITr--i/jJ, 4£"4:;::;�t- (quadrigeminal)

Optic chiasm -,......1IIL1 "__�..,,


Pituitary body


Interpeduncular Choroid plexus of

cistern the fourth ventricle

Figure 7. A cross-section of the region of the third ventricle.


interchange occurs between the fluids of the body. In the

choroid plexuses the interchange is between the blood and the
cerebrospinal fluid, not a manufacturing of the fluid. You would
have a hard time replenishing the waters of the brain through
such a process. It is a mechanism for the interchange between
all the fluids of the body. Put something into the cerebrospinal
fluid and you will find it in the blood later.
The roof of the diencephalon is largely formed by a layer of
ependyma which is continuous with that lining the remainder of
the third ventricle. This ependyma is in close association with the
overlying vascular pia mater. In the caudal part of the roof and in
the adjoining lateral walls of the diencephalon are the habenular
nuclei and their commissure, the epiphysis cerebri or pineal body,
and the posterior commissure. Together they constitute the epi­
thalamus. The habenular and posterior commissures cross the
midline in the cranial and caudal laminae of the pineal stalk.
The pineal body is a small, piriform, reddish-gray organ that
occupies the depression between the superior colliculi. The
pineal body measures about 8 mm in length, and its base, directed
anteriorly, is attached by a peduncle, or stalk, that divides anter­
iorly into two laminae, superior and inferior, that are separated
from each other by the pineal recess of the third ventricle. The
inferior lamina contains the posterior commissure and the supe­
rior, the habenular commissure. Nerve fibers enter the dorsal or
dorsolateral aspects of the body from the region of the tentor­
ium cerebelli where they form a single or paired nervus conarii.
This runs in a subendothelial position in the wall of the straight
sinus and its fibers are derived from the cells of the superior
cervical ganglion. The nerve fibers are adrenergic sympathetic
e l e m e n t s a n d r u n in a s s o c i a t i o n w i t h blood vessels a n d
parenchymal cells.4
Do you see the roots of the pineal structure interlaced with
the walls of the cerebral aqueduct, fibers in the wall that travel
back and forth in the roots of the anterior lobe, the old area, of

4 Adapted from: Henry Gray, Anatomy of the Human Body, 26th ed., ed.
Charles Mayo Goss (Philadelphia: Lea and Fabiger, 1954), pp. 891-898.

The Motility ofthe Neural Tube

the cerebellum? This is a mechanical "gear-shift," if you want to

call it that. I mean a strategic shifting of the mechanics of the
brain stem, including the cerebellum, working in correlation
with the motility of the cerebellum, widening the aqueduct. See
this working in conjunction with the 'third ventricle.
Consider the bottom of the third ventricle and the infun­
dibulum. The infundibulum connects the hypothalamus with
the pituitary body. The pituitary body is strapped down in the
sella turcica by the diaphragma sella. fhat is on top of the body
of the sphenoid bone, which circumrotates to and fro on its
transverse axis.
When the bottom of the third ventricle moves upward, like
the tadpole's tail, as the inhalation phase makes the V-shape of
the ventricle, the infundibulum moves upward in an arc with
the sella turcica as the sphenoid circumrotates into its flexion
position. This is another area of many important nuclei. There
are both functional and structural connections. There is an
inter1:1.cing of fibers that go along the wall of the aqueduct and
even run back to the cerebellum. Realize how the motility in
the brain stem and cerebellum includes the areas where the
physiologic centers and cranial nerves are located.

Editor's Note: Dr. Sutherland is emphasizing the importance of consid­

ering the mechanical action. He taught that the mobility of the pitu­
itary body within the sella turcica was essential to its function.

Now, stretch your imagination. I won't say that you can do it

immediately, but you can recognize that this area is the material
mechanism for your walk about on earth. Do you think it possi­
ble to shift that "gear" mentally? Is it possible to flip-flop that
pineal body merely as a mechanism? If you want to, you can go
up there and lock it so that fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid
is stalled and motility in the body is stalled. In such a case the
condition that Dr. Still called a "withering field" would result.


He who is able to reason will see that this great river of life [the
cerebrospinal fluid] must be tapped and the withering field irri­
gated at once, or the harvest of health be forever lost.5
Think of the distribution of the cerebrospinal fluid on the
outside of the brain stem and cerebellum. It is all around, peep­
ing into every recess; it curls up and around and out, all the
time in the subarachnoid space on the outside of the brain.
Consider the cisterna basalis, the cisterna chiasmaticus, the cis­
terna interpeduncularis, and the cisterna magna.
Think of the motility of the cerebellum in those little layered
tracts called the peduncles, in the roof of the midbrain, and the
pineal body. Think of the motility in the tracts running down
the spinal cord and going around the fourth ventricle and
beneath the pons. Can you now see the mechanical physiology
in the functioning of the primary respiratory mechanism?
Next, think of the picture of the membranous tissues that
form the venous channels. Think about restriction in these
channels that might lead to pathology in the brain. This think­
ing indicates many of the possibilities offered through the prac­
tice of the science of osteopathy as envisaged by Dr. Andrew
Taylor Still. Carry this picture in your professional mind as an
aid in the diagnosis and treatment of the problems that your
patients bring to you.

* * *

Another place where you can control the Tide is in the lateral
ventricles. The two ventricles are in the cerebral hemispheres.
They go beyond the lamina terminalis through the interven­
tricular foramina. The motility of the brain stem and spinal
cord ends at lamina terminalis. These foramina are located high
in the end wall of the third ventricle. The lateral ventricles
extend out from the third ventricle along the neural tubes of the

S Still, Philosophy and Mechanical Principles o/Osteopathy, pAS.

The Motility ofthe Neural Tube

hemispheres. Note the spiral form that the cerebral cortex, the
telencephalon, makes on each side as it fits into the cranium
above the tentorium cerebelli. Remember that the falx cerebri is
placed in the middle between the cerebral hemispheres.
What is the mechanical significance of the spiral form? Do
you see the changes that coiling and uncoiling can produce?
Realize that the ventricular distribution of the cerebrospinal
fluid is inside the neural tube and that the subarachnoid distribu­
tion is outside the neural tube. All of this is just under the cranial
vault that is easily accessible to manual contact. You can hold the
vault in the exhalation phase by holding the posterior inferior
angles of the parietal bones medially and having your patient
exhale. The principle is the same as the operation for compres­
sion of the fourth ventricle. It is most practical, usually, to com­
press the fourth ventricle because there you have :m influence on
all the physiologic centers, including that of respiration.
Now, think of that drug store that Dr. Still wrote of in his
[I] further proclaimed that the body of man was God's drug
store and had in it all liquids, drugs, lubricating oils, opiates,
acids, and antacids, and every sort of drug that the wisdom of
God thought necessary for human happiness and health.6
Consider the choroid plexuses where you have that inter-
change between all the chemicals, between the cerebrospinal
fluid and the arterial blood stream. See what you are getting: an
interchange between the chemicals in the cerebrospinal fluid
and those in the blood, if you can look at it in that manner. You
become the pharmacist in the drug store mixing the chemicals
in the cerebrospinal fluid and in the blood, all at the same time.
Then, don't forget that "highest kno�n element," that "fluid
within a fluid" that nourishes what? The nerve cells that carry
impulses along the nerve fibers by a transmutation. Also, don't

6 Still, Autobiography ofA. T Stilt, p. 182.


forget that "finer nerves dwell with the lymphatics." When you
tap the waters of the brain by compressing the fourth ventricle,
see what happens in the lymphatic system. Visualize the lymph
node that is holding some poison that has gathered there,
changing the constituency before the lymph is moved along
into the venous system.
Once more, think of the brain and spinal cord, the central
nervous system, as part of the primary respiratory mechanism.
Recognize the motility of the whole neural tube, the tracts as
well as the convolutions, in the living context of all the move­
ments of the brain. See the change in the spinal cord, cerebel­
lum, and brain stem up to the lamina terminalis. See the coiling
and uncoiling of the spirals of the cerebral hemispheres based at
the interventricular foramina.
Consider the cerebral aqueduct, for instance, and see that it
is not a hollow stationary tube, but the ventricle of the mid­
brain, and that there is motion in its walls so that as it changes
its shape, fluid may move through it. As I have said, you can
reason with this mechanism and see no limit.
A cast of the ventricular system of the human brain looks like
a bird to me. It reflects the interior of the brain. The third and
fourth ventricles can be the body of the bird, and the central
canal of the spinal cord, the tail. The lateral ventricles look like
the wings of a bird and are attached up where the wings of a
bird would be, off the anterior superior angle of the body. Put a
hemisphere on each ventricle and you have two wings for this
bird. These are attached at the top of the lamina terminalis., the
front wall of the third ventricle, which is a chamber for fluid.
I want you to see those things in the inhalation phase, doing
the same as a bird does when it goes into flight. At that
moment, the wings glide up a little more posteriorly than they
do in front. What does the bird do when it lights on a twig but
fold down in exhalation?


The Articular Mobility of the

Cranial Bones and the Involuntary
Mobility of the Sacrum

Editor's Note: This chapter concerns the subject Dr. Sutherland

expressed first in his cranial concept in the science of osteopathy. In
the later years of his teaching he often assigned it to members of his
associate faculty. Because of that policy there is little of his own
speaking on this subject on the tapes that were recorded in 1 949 and
1 950. In consequence I have used his written words I where his
speaking was lacking.

My ACTIVITIES IN CRANIAL articular mobility date back to 1899

while I was a student at the American School of Osteopathy in
Kirksville, Missouri. The idea originated while I was viewing
the disarticulated bones of a skull belonging to Dr. Andrew
Taylor Still on exhibition in North Hall of the A. T. Still
Infirmary building. The articular surfaces of those bones
seemed to me to indicate that they were designed for articular
mobility. I found that anatomical texts, while describing bones
thoroughly as to shape, as well as to their external and internal
surfaces, had very little to tell concerning the surfaces, which to
the student of osteopathy were the most important of all - the
articular surfaces.
The study of the animate skull and of applied anatomy indi­
cates a great difference in the texture of tissues in the living as

1 Adapted from Sutherland, The Cranial Bowl and Contributions of Thought.


compared with the same anatomical tissues in the cadaver. I

view the cranial articular structure and the involuntary mobility
of the sacrum between the ilia as a functioning mechanism of
the living human body.

Editor's Note: The anatomists' study of the cadaver led to a view dif­
ferent from Dr. Sutherland's study of a living mechanism:
It is, generally speaking, much more important to be familiar
with the skull as a whole than with the individual bones that
comprise it, because (except in the cases of the mandible and the
ossicles of the ear) the bones are united to each other by either
suture or synchondrosis and there is no movement between
them. Muscle attachments, bony fossae, bony lines and ridges,
blood sinuses, fasciae, and so on extend from bone to bone with­
out respect to such joints, so the locations of the immovable
joints that outline the individual bones are of little account.2

Articular mobility occurs in the basilar area, as well as in

the facial bones; the basilar mobility being accommodated
through compensatory expansile and contractile service at the
vault sutures. I view the cranial articular structure as part of a
primary respiratory mechanism, and see that it functions in
conjunction with the brain, the ventricles, and the intracranial
The total bone area of the cranial articular surfaces is greater
than that of the sacroiliac joints. There are many separate artic­
ular surfaces in the cranial field, while at the sacroiliac joints
there are two. The separate articular surfaces must be consid­
ered as a whole in the mental picture of the cranial articular
mechanism. This knowledge can be obtained only through
intensive study of the articular surfaces as they are found on the
separate bones of a disarticulated skull. Anatomical texts are
lacking in this information.

2 J.e. Boileau Grant, A Method of Anatomy, 4th ed. (Baltimore: The

Williams and Wilkins Company, 1948), p. 785.

The Mobility ofthe Cranial Bones and Sacrum

It is convenient to describe cranial articular mobility in three

divisions, but it is necessary to remember that the whole
includes the parts and that the action occurs simultaneously in
all parts.

1. The cranial base includes the occiput, the sphenoid, the

ethmoid, and the two temporal bones.
2. The cranial vault includes the interparietal occiput, the
frontal bone(s), the two parietal bones, part of the squa­
mous portions of the temporal bones, and the tips of the
greater wings of the sphenoid.
3. The bones of the human face are the vomer, the man­
dible, the two zygomatic bones, the two palatine bones,
the two lacrimal bones, the two nasal bones, the two
maxillae, and the two inferior turbinates.

Editor's Note: The following excerpts from several texts cover the
basic anatomical information that Dr. Sutherland usually referred to
before lecturing on the subject of mobility between the cranial bones
at the sutures.

The chondrocranium, as it is termed, is thus confined chiefly to

the base of the skull, whereas the bones of the sides, roof, and
the face will be of membranous origin. . . . Ossification of the
chondrocranium begins early in the third [fetal] month but some
membrane bones are even more precocious.l
It is evident that although the bones of the base arise chiefly in
cartilage, they receive substantial contributions from membrane.
The remainder of the sides and the entire roof of the skull are
wholly of membranous origin. 4
In general the older portion is preformed in cartilage whereas
the newer facial and roofing bones are formed intramembra­

3 Leslie Brainerd Arey, Developmental Anatomy (Philadelphia: W. B.

Saunders, 1931) , p. 317.
4 Ibid. , p. 319.
5 Bradley M. Patten, Human Embryology (Philadelphia: Blakiston Co.,
1946), p. 277.


The Sphenoid Bone

The sphenoid bone is situated at the base of the skull in front of

the temporals and the basilar part of the occipital. It somewhat
resembles a bat with its wings extended, and is divided into a
median portion or body, two great and two small wings extend­
ing outward from the sides of the body, and two pterygoid pro­
cesses which project from it below. . . . The sphenoid articulates
with twelve bones: vomer, ethmoid, frontal, occipital, two pari­
etals, two temporals, two zygomatics, and two palatines. 6

The sphenoid bone is important in the articular mobility of

the cranial membranous articular mechanism. When properly
disarticulated, the junction of the back of the sphenoid body
with the front of the basilar process of the occiput, the spheno­
basilar junction, displays a joint of significance. It seems to me
to be a modification of the typical joint between the bodies of
vertebrae. I have a valuable specimen that I have used in
demonstrating cranial technique in which there is clear evi­
dence of an intervertebral disc. This specimen is probably that
of an adult between twenty-five and thirty years old.

Editor's Note: The junction between the sphenoid and the occiput in
the clivus is a synchondrosis. That is, initially there is an intervening
hyaline cartilage that later in life is converted into cancellous bone.
This conversion is generally not completed until 25 to 30 years of age.
Dr. Sutherland believed that the cancellous bone that was formed
maintained a degree of flexibility throughout life.

This sphenobasilar junction, this articular area, is in the

clivus, which has an upward convexity. The motions provided
here are flexion, extension, side-bending/rotation, and torsion. I
have found several adult articulated skulls in which I was able to
secure movement between the sphenoid and the basilar process
of the occiput by a mere manual compression. At the same time

6 Gray, Anatomy of the Human Body, pp. 213- 2 14.

The Mobility of the Cranial Bones and Sacrnm

I noted a gliding movement of the squamous portions of the

temporal bones upon the parietal bones and a widening of the
sphenomaxillary fissure in the floor of the orbital cavities.
I have also demonstrated the movements of flexion, exten­
sion, side-bending/rotation, and torsion between the sphenoid
and the basilar process of the occiput in living people late in
life. I visualize an intervertebral disc at the sphenobasilar junc­
tion as present in young adults and thereafter a mere moveable
articulation that functions in the same patterns.
The superior articular surface on the greater wings of the
sphenoid contact a small L-shaped articular surface on the
under surface of the frontal bone(s). These two frontosphe­
noidal articulations, though much smaller, resemble the two
sacroiliac articulations. It seems that the sphenoid is suspended
beneath two frontal bones in a like manner to the suspension of
the sacrum beneath the two ilia.

Editor� Note: Dr. Sutherland found it useful to distinguish between the

frontal bone as one structure and the two halves that function as two,
mechanically. Just as the two greater wing-pterygoid units of the sphe­
noid bone may function in mobility in relation to the body of the
sphenoid, it is clear that the relation with two frontal bones is compar­
able to paired lateral structures. A review of frontal bone anatomy may
be useful in making this distinction:
Ossification is in membrane and begins in the 7th fetal week at
the eminences. At birth the frontal bone is in two halves; these
fuse at about the fifth year at the interfrontal or metopic suture.
Remnants of this suture persist at the glabella.7

The two L-shaped frontosphenoidal articulations probably

serve as a fulcrum that accommodates mobility at the various
articulations of the sphenoid. Posterior to these L-form areas
there is a change in the bevel of the surfaces that articulate the
frontal and parietal bones. This indicates gliding mobility.

7 Adapted from: Grant, A Method ofAnatomy, p. 786.


Articular surface
for the frontal bone

Articular surface for

the temporal squama Foramen spinosum

Figure 8. The sphenoid bone, showing the L-shaped surface for articulation
with the frontal bone and the change in bevel in the sphenosquamal articu­
lar surface.

The posterior articular surfaces of the greater wings of the

sphenoid begin in a sharp angle where the superior surfaces end.
In your study of the disarticulated skull bones, notice the places
where a change occurs in the bevel. This posterior articular sur­
face continues until a change occurs midway. Beyond that the
bevel of the lower half continues. At the midway point there is a
small niche. The posterior articular surface of the greater wings
of the sphenoid bone articulates with the anterior articular sur­
face of the squamous portions of the temporal bones. The angle
niche on the sphenoid is connected to an angle projection on
the squamous portion of the temporal bones.

The Mobility of the Cranial Bones and Sacrum

Above the midway point the greater wings are beveled at the
expense of the outer surface, and the squamous portions are
beveled at the expense of the inner surface. Below the midway
point the opposite form of beveling ?ccurs. The significance of
this characteristic of the sphenosquamal articulations should be
studied minutely.
This articular contact between the sphenoid and the tempo­
ral bones presents a mechanical principle that, in itself, without
reference to other features, portrays the design for articular
mobility between the bones of the cranial base. This interesting
articular surface generated the initial thought that implied the
possibility of cranial articular mobility for me. The study of
minute characteristics is necessary for forming a mental picture
that will lead to the diagnosis of membranous articular strains
of the cranium and to their treatment.

The Temporal Bones

Because the two temporal bones are of singular importance

in the articular mobility of the cranial base, they come next in
our study. Consideration of one will serve for both. The
squamosal suture attracts attention first. It is beveled at the
expense of the inner table continuously from the midway point
in the sphenosquamous suture and along the side of the head
where it overlaps the parietal bone in the squamosal suture.
This arrangement indicates a gliding mobility between the side
of the parietal and the squama of the temporal bone, extending
back as far as the parietal notch and the parietomastoid suture.
As the temporal bone moves, the superior articular surface of
the mastoid portion carries the posterior inferior angle, the
mastoid angle, of the parietal. This parietomastoid articulation
presents corrugations, or grooves, that show the action occur­
ring here, and also indicates the direction of the movement. It is
a kind of rocking movement.


Moving further posteriorly around the temporal bone, the

superior articular surface changes at a sharp angle to become
the posterior articular surface with the occiput. The contact of
the posterior articular surface with the occiput is an internal
bevel on the mastoid portion of the temporal bone and an exter­
nal bevel surface on the jugular process of the occiput. It presents
grooves and serrations that provide a fulcrum arrangement for
accommodation to the rocking movement of the temporal bone.
The facing on the articular surface of the mastoid portion of
the temporal bone and on the articular surface of the occiput in
the occipitomastoid suture is an important point to be studied
carefully. On the lateral part of the occiput the bone is concave
and presents a lateral facing on its articular surface. On the
mastoid portion of the temporal bone the shape is elliptical and
the facing is medial.
At the terminus of the elliptical area there is a groove imme­
diately posterior to the jugular notch. On the basilar process of
the occiput there is a fulcrum contact with this groove. I call it a
fulcrum because of the mechanical service the crosswise place­
ment of the groove and fulcrum offer to the rocking of the tem­
poral bone. In my early writing I called this area and the
lambdoidal suture area a "combined rockshaft and pivot-bear­
ing mechanical arrangement" for the action in the articular
mobility of the cranial base.

Editor's Note: Mechanically speaking, a rockshaft is an oscillating rod

used to transmit motion, as in the connection between an engi ne and a
wheel. The end of the shaft rests and turns in a bearing that functions
as a pivot - the area around which the rod rotates or oscillates. Dr.
Sutherland viewed the occiput as the pivot-bearing part and the tem­
poroparietal mechanism as the rockshaft.

The Vault Bones

The study of the skull cap begins with noting the sutures
around the parietal bones. The squamosal and parietomastoid

The Mobility of the Cranial Bones and Sacrum

connection with the temporal bones has been considered. Now

look at the lambdoidal sutures between the occiput and the two
parietal bones. The lambdoidal sutures curve outward and
downward from the superior angle of the occipital squama at
the lambda. Together they resemble a wishbone. The articular
surface in the upper part of each lambdoidal suture is beveled at
the expense of the internal table so that in this medial region
the squama of the occiput overlaps the two parietal bones. In
the lower part of the lambdoidal suture, the opposite situation
exists. Observe carefully how these changes in beveling serve to
accommodate articular mobility between the bones of the cra­
nial base. There are variations in the bones of this area. Some­
times the interparietal occiput is a separate bone and often there
are numerous sutural bones. These variations seem to only add
to flexibility.
The study of the sagittal suture common to both parietals is
especially revealing of an indication for motion between them.
Beginning at the bregma, where the sagittal meets the coronal
suture, the serrations are fine and close together for about a
third of the way. Then the serrations become marked by wider
and fewer indentations. As the lambda is approached in the pos­
terior third, the serrations are even further apart. This variation
indicates to me a provision for a wider expansile area in the pos­
terior third of the sagittal suture in cooperation with expansion
at the lambda.
The serrated articular surfaces of the coronal suture between
the frontal squama and the two parietal bones shows the same
changes in beveling noted in the lambdoidal suture. The result
is that the frontal overlaps the parietals medially and the pari­
etals overlap the frontal laterally, to the anterior inferior angles
of the parietals. You might view the frontal bone(s) as being
hung on the parietals at the bregma and then hinged so as to
have the function of swinging forward or backward at its own
lower area. This fact may be of great importance in situations


where an external force upon the forehead has wedged the

frontal into the coronal between the parietals. In such a case,
the frontal causes articular fixation of the greater wings of the
sphenoid. That condition limits the normal range of motion in
the cranial base.
Here, we are looking at the frontal squama as one bone, as it
anatomically is in most adults. In the infant the anterior fon­
tanelle is located here, and the aspect of the two halves of the
frontal is predominant.
Remember Dr. Still's dictum, "An Osteopath reasons from
his knowledge of Anatomy. He compares the work of the
abnormal body with that of the normal body."8 He also said that
we must know the position and purpose of each bone and be
thoroughly acquainted with each of its articulations. We must
have a perfect image of the normal articulations that we wish to
adjust. The cranium is an intricate mechanism and requires
detailed study of its complicated articular surfaces.
Observe the L-shape of the frontosphenoidal articulations,
one for each greater wing. At birth there are no established
articulations in the head other than the occipitoatlantal, and
there are, in effect, two frontal bones. Occasionally there are
two in the adult when the metopic suture persists. In this con­
nection with the greater wings of the sphenoid the distinction
of the two halves of the frontal is functionally important. We
may reason on the basis of two frontal bones.
We may consider the midline action of both the sphenoid
and the sacrum by noting certain similarities in their relations.
The sphenoid is suspended beneath the two frontal bones in the
L-shaped articulations. The sacrum is suspended beneath two
ilia in the L-shaped sacroiliac articulations. Both these midline
bones move to and fro and also have a turning movement in
their articular mobility.

8 Still, Osteopathy: Research and Practice, Paragraph 10.

The Mobility of the Cranial Bones and Sacrum

Editor's Note: It is sometimes helpful to consider the architecture of

the cranium in terms of essential support. The atlas supports the
whole head at the top of the vertebral column where the condyles of
the occiput fit into the facets of the atlas. The design here, for stability
and balance that permits a normal range of motion between the atlas
and occiput, is the commonly-found architecture of anterior conver­
gence/posterior divergence. Because the facets of the atlas are also
converging inferiorly and diverging superiorly, the motion permitted
is the simple nodding motion that says, "yes."
So, the atlas supports the occiput, and the occiput supports the
temporal bones. Thus, if the occiput is turned on its anteroposterior
axis so that the basilar process is up on one side and down on the
other, the temporal bones are carried with it automatically. This is not
the same event as the articular motion between them. The temporal
bones support the parietal bones at the parietomastoid suture, and the
frontal bone(s) from which the sphenoid, ethmoid, and facial bones
are suspended is supported by the parietals at the bregma.

The Fada! Mechanism

Observe the little flat process on the middle of the anterior

superior area of the body of the sphenoid, the ethmoid spine.
This fits into a small groove upon the middle of the posterior
superior area of the ethmoid. It provides the mechanical arrange­
ment for movement of the ethmoid when the sphenoid moves
downward in front. Immediately lateral to the ethmoid spine, on
the superior articular surface of the lesser wings of the sphenoid,
the sphenoid articulates with the posterior articular surfaces of
the orbital plates of the frontal bone(s). The ethmoid notch of
the frontals is between the two halves of the orbital plates. This
articulation between the lesser wings of the sphenoid and the
frontal bone(s) shows evidence that indicates lateral movement
during inhalation and medial movement during exhalation. The
tips of the lesser wings are not articular.
The sphenoidal crest in the midline on the anterior surface of
the body of the sphenoid articulates with the perpendicular


plate of the ethmoid which forms part of the septum of the

nose. The vomer articulates with the rostrum of the undersur­
face of the sphenoid body. The vomer forms another part of
the septum of the nose and articulates with the perpendicular
plate of the ethmoid. The rostrum is a beak-like process that
receives the cup-like surface formed by the alae of the vomer.
The movement of the vomer and the rostrum resembles a uni­
versal joint.
The vomer and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid
extend forward over the palate, which is formed by the horizon­
tal plates of the palatine bones and the maxillae. The nasal car­
tilage completes the formation of the nasal septum. These
structures complete the midline in the cranial base and face.
The sphenoid bone supplies the movement that occurs
between the bones of the facial mechanism. It does not, as a
rule, articulate with the maxillae. Neither do the temporal
bones articulate with the maxillae. The zygomatic bones and
the palatine bones serve as intermediaries in this area.
The zygomatic bones hang from the lateral ends of the supra­
orbital ridge of the frontal and so form a third of the rims of
the orbits. The maxillae hang by their frontal processes from
the frontal bone(s) in the nasal notch and articulate with the
nasal bones, which are situated between them. The zygomatic
processes of the temporal bones articulate with the temporal
processes of the zygomatic bones in the zygomatic arches on
the sides of the head. The greater wings of the sphenoid articu­
late with the zygomatic bones in the lateral walls of the orbits.
The zygomatic bones articulate with the top of the bodies of
the maxillae.
As the sphenoid turns forward, downward, and outward in
its flexion motion, the greater wings swing the zygomatic bones
outward into their position of external rotation, thus widening
the orbital cavities. As the front of the sphenoid rises in its
extension motion, the greater wings draw the zygomatics inward,

The Mobility of the Cranial Bones and Sacrum

narrowing and deepening the orbital cavities. As intermediaries

between the maxillae and the temporal bones, the articulation
between the zygomatics and the temporals serves variously in
accommodation. The composite action between the zygomatic
bones and the bones of the cranial 'base can be realized in the
changes in the sphenomaxillary fissures in the floor of the
orbital cavities.
The palatine bones are situated at the back part of the nasal
cavity between the maxillae and the pterygoid processes of the
sphenoid. They contribute to the walls of three cavities: the
floor and lateral wall of the nasal cavities, the roof of the mouth,
and the floor of the orbits. They enter into these three fossae
and one fissure - the inferior orbital fissure. On the posterior
surface two furrows articulate with the tips of the pterygoid
processes. The pyramidal processes complete the lower part
of the pterygoid fossae. The vertical part presents the orbital
process, which is located at the very back of the floor of the
orbits. The horizontal part, together with the horizontal part
of the maxillae, forms the floor of the nose and the roof of the
The pterygoid plates, medial and lateral, on both sides are
convex in shape and hang down from the bottom of the body of
the sphenoid. When the sphenoid turns forward and down at
the greater wing area, these processes move backward. On each
side the tips of the pterygoid processes move like rockers in the
furrows on the back of the palatine bones. When the sphenoid
turns backward and up at the greater wing area, the tips of the
pterygoid processes move forward in the furrows on the back of
the palatine bones. (See Figure 9.) Study the anatomical detail
of this articular area including the surfaces between the palatine
bones and the maxillae.
The sphenopalatine ganglia are located in the pterygopala­
tine fossae. (See Figure 10.) They hang by two roots from the
maxillary nerves that pass across the top of the fossae to go


around the orbital processes of the palatines before they enter

the maxillae as the infraorbital nerves. Think in terms of motion
and study the mechanics of these parts. With some understand­
ing of the normal you will see that articular fixation can crowd
the sphenopalatine ganglion and disturb its function.
A mechanical service of the palatine bones follows from the
fact that they fit in between the sphenoid and the maxillae. All
three bones are located in echelon at the back of the face. The
sphenoid is higher than the palatines, and the palatines are
higher than the maxillae. The to-and-fro turning of the sphe­
noid has a greater excursion than the movement of the palatines,
and the palatines have more motion than the maxillae. Thus, the
service provided is that of a "speed-reducer." We have already
studied the other intermediary, the zygomatic bones.
The orbital cavities are not like the acetabulae of the innomi­
nate (pelvic) bones. They have a design for mobility. Four of the
extrinsic muscles of the eyeball, the recti, are attached to a cuff
at the roots of the lesser wings of the sphenoid around the optic
foramina. As the sphenoid moves forward, the eyeballs move for­
ward also. As the sphenoid moves backward, the eyeballs move
backward also. Observe the superior orbital fissure between the
greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid and then the inferior
orbital fissure between the sphenoid and the maxillae. Note
that the ophthalmic veins lead into the cavernous sinuses that
form at the superior orbital fissures. Consider the function of
mobility in the walls of the orbital cavities in relation to venous
Recall that the auditory tubes have an osseous part leading
out of the middle ear, a cartilaginous part formed next by the
petrous portions of the temporal bones and the posterior bor­
ders of the greater wings of the sphenoid, and a membranous
p ar t in the walls of the pharynx leading to the fossae of
Rosenmuller. It is my belief that the internal and external rota­
tion of the petrous portions of the temporal bones function to

The Mobility of the Cranial Bones and Sacrum

open and close the mouths of the auditory tubes. In the case of
a lesion fixation that limits the movement of the petrous por­
tions of the temporals and the greater wings of the sphenoid,
the effect on the cartilaginous portion of the tubes may hold the
mouth of the auditory tubes open or dosed.


The Applied Anatomy of the

Human Face

THE HUMAN FACE IS an especially delicate and intricate mecha­

nism. I am reminded of a saying by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, "It
is the little things that are the big things in the science of
osteopathy." Study the delicate, intricate, little things in the
facial mechanism and begin to apply the mechanical physiology
of the region. This is applied anatomy. It is the subject that we
studied under Dr. William Smith in the early days at the
American School of Osteopathy in Kirksville, Missouri. If you
didn't apply that osteopathic physiologic reasoning, Dr. Still
was often there, with his walking staff, to see that the members
of the faculty regularly brought in the osteopathic point of view.

Editor's Note: In the courses that were recorded, Dr. Sutherland gave
two separate lectures on the subject of the facial mechanism. There is
some overlap in the two; however, both lectures are incorporated in
order to give the fullest picture.

The Ethmoid Region

There is a little thing behind the face that is a big thing,

namely, the ethmoid spine on the anterior superior surface of
the body of the sphenoid. That little "jigger" fits a groove in
the middle of the back part of the superior surface of the eth­
moid bone. This mechanism is operated by the sphenoid


bone. You understand that the ethmoid is a bone of the cranial

base. This arrangement in itself portrays a mechanical princi­
ple that indicates articular mobility of the cranial bones, to say
nothing of the multitude of other articular surfaces with the
same indication.
Look at the cribriform plate of the ethmoid and see that
when the front of the sphenoid body goes down, the back of the
ethmoid also goes down, and the little ethmoid spine signifies
the action. (See Figure 5.) When this plate goes down in back,
it goes up in front. What is situated on this cribriform plate?
The olfactory bulbs, which are an extension of the brain. The
name cribriform means sieve, and the olfactory nerves come
through the sieve from the upper mucosa of the nose. What
does this rocking motion of the cribriform plate contribute to
the physiologic functioning of those structures?
The perpendicular plate of the ethmoid is articulated with
the sphenoidal crest on the front of the sphenoid body. The
crista galli of the ethmoid is the upward extension of the per­
pendicular plate, and this is the anterior superior pole of attach­
ment of the reciprocal tension membrane, the anterior
attachment of the falx cerebri. When the falx pulls on the crista
galli, the posterior end of that plate drops down during inhala­
tion and goes up during exhalation. If it were not for that
motion there would not be normal function in the mechanism
of the olfactory bulbs, which are themselves a mechanism. The
meninges of the brain extend over the olfactory bulbs and
include the cerebrospinal fluid. When you hear someone
sneeze, do not tell him that he is catching cold. He is, instead,
protecting his nasal mucosa with cerebrospinal fluid. This ser­
vice is one of the physiologic functions of the olfactory bulbs.
Although the ethmoid bone belongs to the cranial base, its
turbinates function in the' face. The turbinates are often in
expansion in sinus complaints. In that case the frontoethmoidal
articulations might be said to be in expansion as well.

The Applied Anatomy of the Human Face

The Orbital and Sinus Regions

Study the parts of the walls of the orbits. Note the articula­
tion of the greater wings of the sphenoid with the zygomatic
bones. Here is another mechanism to consider when observing
the face. When a little child gets a bump on the zygoma, please
correct it. Otherwise it might lead to pathology in the eye. The
zygomatic bone is frequently found in malalignment and as it
functions in the mechanics of the orbit, injuries to it may well
affect the eyes.
Think of the widening and narrowing of the sphenomaxillary
fissure. Then think of that other fissure, the sphenoidal fissure,
the superior fissure formed by the lesser and the greater wings
of the sphenoid. That will also demonstrate a widening and nar­
rowing during inhalation and exhalation. Then think back to
what is attached to them: the walls of the cavernous sinuses. A
restriction of the flow of venous blood from that vascular organ,
the eyeball, could result from a little blow, a small traumatic
force upon the zygoma. Some of the most serious conditions of
the eye have followed from such events.
Let us look at the cavity in the body of the maxillary bone.
This will show more applied anatomy of the face. As the maxil­
lae are formed in membrane, the walls of the maxillary sinuses
are an osseous membrane. There are conchae, or turbinates, on
the walls of the nose that curl and uncurl. The superior and
middle turbinates belong to the ethmoid. The sphenoidal con­
chae and the inferior conchae are separate bones. The nasal
accessory sinus system consists of the cavity in the body of the
sphenoid, the frontal sinuses, the ethmoid air cells, the maxil­
lary sinuses, the middle ears, and the mastoid air cells. All are
air sinuses, and the mucosa lining them is continuous. It seems
that there must be some process for changing the air in this sys­
tem during inhalation and exhalation, otherwise there would be
a stasis of air and the organisms would be free to multiply.
What mechanism would accomplish such a process?


Look at the articulation of the zygomatic bone with the max­

illa. It sits right on top of the zygomatic process at the apex of
the maxillary pyramid. This framework presents an L-shaped
area on the zygoma that articulates with another L-shaped area
on the maxilla. The zygoma functions as an interosseous
mechanical arrangement between the sphenoid and the maxillae
and also between the temporal bones and the maxillae.
Look at the vomer. Its walls that form the alae fit right over
the rostrum of the sphenoid. From there it extends out over the
horizontal plates of the palatines and the maxillae (the roof of
the mouth), and forms part of the septum of the nose. During
inhalation the zygomatic bones and the vomer function some­
what like a plumber's plunger on the sphenoidal sinus and the
maxillary sinuses. This function looks like a mechanism for the
interchange of air to me.

The Eyeball
Little things like the origin and insertion of the extrinsic
muscles of the eyeball will challenge your skill as an osteopath.
One of them originates in the roof of the orbit and another in
the floor. The other four originate in a cuff around the optic
foramen with attachments between the roots of the lesser wings
of the sphenoid and the greater wings of the sphenoid. The
optic nerves and the ophthalmic arteries come through this canal
into the apex of the orbits. The nerves that supply these four
muscles, the third and the sixth cranial nerves, emerge through
the superior orbital fissure. The shape of this fissure changes as
the relationship between the greater and the lesser wings of the
sphenoid changes during inhalation and exhalation.
If the orbit were a cavity with solid osseous walls, where in
the name of common sense would you find accommodation for
the circulatory physiology of the eyeball, a vascular organ?
Look into the cone-shaped space and see the two outstanding
fissures - the superior and inferior orbital fissures - and ask if

The Applied Anatomy of the Human Face

there is not evidence of the provision for mechanical changes

resulting from motion.
I remember the day a call came from out in the country that
said, "Our boy is down with spinal meningitis." I was told that
the family doctor had said that he was not certain of the diagno­
sis because the patient had no fever. The only thing was that his
eyeballs were rolled backward and upward. I was given this his­
tory: One of those old-fashioned doors that swing from hinges
at the top had come down and hit the boy directly over his fore­
head. I found that the frontal bone was driven back bilaterally
upon the lesser and greater wings of the sphenoid.
The result was mechanical restriction in the area. It was a lit­
tle thing in this delicate, intricate mechanism that was easily
corrected. The eyeballs returned to their normal position and
movement. It looks simple and it is if you see clearly what hap­
pened when the blow struck. For the correction of the problem
I used the technique that I call the "cant hook."l When you
have grasped the frontal bone in that procedure, be sure to first
lift the frontal bone up and offboth the lesser and greater wings
of the sphenoid before carrying it back where it came from.

The Vasculature
There are many things to think about in the facial mecha­
nism and its relation to the cranial base. Review your knowl­
edge of the anatomy of the region. Note what nerves pass
through certain foramina and certain canals. Follow the course
of the nerves to the extrinsic muscles of the eyeball and consider
the advantage of their passage through the cavernous sinus.
Then, note that the carotid artery has walls like all arteries and
also a course in the cavernous sinus. Think about the protection
of the arterial supply to the brain and the difference in the
course of the venous blood on the way out of the cranium.

1 The frontosphenoidal technique using the "cant hook" is detailed in

Magoun, Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, pp. 170- 171.


It is said that ninety-five percent of the venous blood in the

cranium leaves through the jugular foramina. Each jugular fora­
men is formed by the anatomy and articulation of the petrous
portion of the temporal bone with the basilar process of the
occiput. Thus you have a foramen that is formed by the articula­
tion of two bones. A luxation here could restrict the venous flow
from the entire head. That would include the choroid plexuses.
The significance of a foramen formed by the articulation of two
bones is profound.
Think about the petrosal sinuses, the superior and the in­
ferior. Think about the relation of these to the cavernous
sinuses that are the main venous channels from the eyes. A
restriction in that channel, anywhere between the orbits and
the jugular foramina, could produce a condition favorable to
the development of glaucoma. Consider this point in your next
case of glaucoma.

The Oropharynx and Auditory Tube

I was asked the other day about stuttering. In response, I told

the doctor about my experience working in a stuttering clinic.
They taught an exercise there that required furling of the
tongue, and some people were unable to furl their tongue. After
I worked with that little palatine bone so as to change the rela­
tion between the origin and insertion of the anterior pillar, they
had no further trouble with the exercise of furling the tongue.
Beneath the petrous portions of the temporal bone and the
sphenoid there is much anatomical detail to think about. The
origin of two little muscles, the levator palati and the tensor
palati, is on bone. The insertion is in the soft palate, in muscu­
lar tissue. From that soft palate there is another muscle, the
anterior pillar, running to the tongue. The posterior pillar,
which is muscular tissue, runs to the pharynx. Consider what a
strain might do to the origin and insertion of those muscles
related to the soft palate, the pharynx, and the tonsil.

The Applied Anatomy of the Human Face

Consider the anatomy underlying the area of the sphenobasi­

lar junction. Note especially how it would be when the spheno­
basilar junction has moved into an extreme position of flexion
and both temporal bones are in marked external rotation. See
the bunched-up condition, the crowding, of all the soft tissues
that are located under the cranial base.
There is also the picture of how the basilar process of the
occiput carries the petrous portions of the temporal bones when
it is turned on its anteroposterior axis. That is, when it is up on
one side and down on the other. Remember that whenever the
basilar process of the occiput is tipped up on its side, the
petrous portion on that side is always found in internal rotation.
The petrous portion on the low side, obviously, will be found in
external rotation. Therefore, it is possible to understand the
position of the basilar process by the position of the temporal
bones. There is no end to the depth of this picture, either from
the inside or the outside.
The formation of the cartilaginous portion of the auditory
tube occurs at the distal end of the osseous portion. Both the
front of the petrous portion of the temporal bone and the back
of the greater wing of the sphenoid participate in this forma­
tion. Therefore, the relations between the temporal bone and
the sphenoid have mechanical significance. The membranous
part of the auditory tube is located in the pharyngeal wall and
ends in the fossa of Rosenmuller where its mouth is located just
above the soft palate.
When the petrous portion of the temporal bone rotates
externally, the tube follows and the mouth of the tube opens.
Then, you find that it closes when the petrous portion rotates
in internal rotation. Realize that the middle ear is an air sinus.
When the petrous portion is held abnormally in external rota­
tion and the mouth of the auditory tube is held open, you can
hear the roar. You may hear it as well as the patient. Then,
when it is turned partially, like a flute, there may be a


whistling noise. When the petrous portion is held in internal

rotation and the mouth of the auditory tube is held closed, the
patient complains of a feeling like cotton stuffed in his ear.
Swimmers and divers often bring this complaint to you. You
can specialize, as an osteopath, in problems of the eye, ear,
nose, and throat by understanding that petrous portion of the
temporal bone.
At the meeting of the International Society of Sacro-Iliac
Technicians, I was asked to treat a young man who had dived off
a board in the dark and landed in water that was not as deep as
he expected. He struck something. His main complaint was the
feeling of stuffed cotton in his ear. The demonstration that I
made before the group was successful. The petrous portion of
the temporal bone that was holding the mouth of the auditory
tube closed was corrected and the release resulted in the disap­
pearance of the feeling in his ear.
Thinking osteopathy with Dr. Still involves nothing less than a
full view and study of the whole body. This includes the origin
and insertion of muscles, soft tissues, and fascia, not only the
bony tissue. Dr. Still said that he named his thought osteopathy
because you start with the bones. When you think of the fascia,
think of it from all views: the inside, the outside, both ends of
bones, muscles, or any structure. Remember that the art of
knowing includes not only the fascia but also what comes of drags
on the fascia. Can you see that there is crowding of muscle tis­
sue in certain positions of the petrous portions of the tem­
poral bones?

The Facial Nerve

Let me tell you about the facial nerve. Where does it start?
Where is its nucleus? What course does it take? Where does it
go? Have you ever treated it through the temporal bones? Do
you recall its connections with other nerves? You know that it
supplies the muscles of facial expression in the face. In cases of

The Applied Anatomy of the Human Face

Bell's palsy you understand that the seventh nerve is not doing
its job or is sufficiently irritated to cause spasm. Entrapment
neuropathy explains either problem. Let us study osteopathy
along with Dr. Still and put our attention on the facial nerve.
The facial nerve is efferent from its motor nucleus in the
pons. The fibers pass laterally and leave the brain just medial
to the acoustic ganglion. From there they continue caudally
and are lost in the tissue of the hyoid branchial arch. The sen­
sory. fibers of the facial nerve grow from the cells of the genic­
ulate ganglion.
The facial nerve supplies derivatives of the second branchial
arch. In mammals these are muscles that move the skin and car­
tilages of the eyelids, nostrils, mouth, and ear. The stylohyoid,
the posterior belly of the digastric, and the stapedius muscles of
the middle ear are also supplied by the facial nerve. The nerve is
in company with the acoustic nerve at the internal acoustic
meatus. Leaving the acoustic nerve it makes a sharp bend back­
wards in the substance of the temporal bone to enter the facial
canal, which curves over the superior and dorsal aspect of the
middle ear. It quits the temporal bone at the stylomastoid fora­
men on its lower surface.
Wit.�in the facial canal the facial nerve gives off a tiny branch
to the stapedius muscle, which tenses the oval window of the
middle ear to adapt for loud sounds. The main trunk curves for­
ward and laterally over the mandible and in the substance of the
parotid gland. It breaks up into a number of twigs for the
frontalis, the buccinator, and those muscles around the eye,
nostril, and mouth. It is liable to injury resulting in Bell's palsy.
In that case the corner of the mouth droops, the nasolabial fur­
row is smoothed out, and the palpebral fissure is widened.
Facial spasm is the reciprocal of Bell's palsy and may result from
irritation to the facial nerve somewhere on its course. It begins
with involuntary winking and spreads to other muscles, express­
ing itself in rapid twitches.


The Trigeminal Nerve

There is an important ganglion, the trigeminal, lying in a lit­

tle depression on the front of the apex of the petrous portions
of the temporal bones. I call the trigeminal ganglion a "roly­
poly" because it is rolled this way and that way as the petrous
portion rotates in external and internal rotation during inhala­
tion and exhalation. It belongs to the fifth cranial nerve and is
the same as a dorsal root ganglion on a spinal nerve.
The fifth cranial nerve is called the trigeminal because it has
three branches. All the branches include sensory nerves for gen­
eral sensation from the face, scalp, and mucous membranes of
the oral and nasal pharynx. The motor nerve that supplies the
muscles of mastication joins the mandibular branch as it
descends through the foramen ovale. Restriction of internal and
external rotation mobility of the petrous portions of the tempo­
ral bones results in several problems that appear in the face.
Consider the circumrotation of the sphenoid bone. The
promontory does not move forward or backward. The whole is
like a suspended wheel. (See Figure 2.) Follow around the wheel
and see the various locations on it as spokes. It will help you to
visualize the point of lesion in your technique if you think in
terms of the location of any part on the wheel. See the different
levels of the sella turcica, the ethmoid spine, the lesser wings,
the tips of the greater wings, the roots of the pterygoid process­
es, the rostrum, and the spina angularis on the under surface of
the greater wings. Remember that little things are the big
things in the science of osteopathy.
One of the little things on that little palatine bone is the
orbital surface, a small triangular surface that is smooth. That
surface sticks right out at the very back of the floor of the orbit.
You begin to wonder why it is there. Then you think back along
the maxillary nerve to the trigeminal ganglion. As you follow
the middle branch of the fifth cranial nerve straight out through
the foramen rotundum in the sphenoid bone you find it passing

The Applied Anatomy of the Human Face

right around that smooth surface on the orbital process of the

palatine bone. It then enters a groove in the maxilla as the
infraorbital nerve to emerge on the front of the maxilla through
the infraorbital foramen.
Look at the course of this nerve from the apex of the anterior
aspect of the petrous portion of the temporal bone to the fora­
men rotundum, to the orbital process of the palatine bone, into
and through the body of the maxilla - four bones lined up in
the action, and each moving in its own way. Then look at the
inferior orbital fissure, formed by the sphenoid, the palatine, and
the maxilla. There is no articulation here, only the space that is
changed as the bones move in their course. See that this nerve,
coming out of the sphenoid, is crossing the fossa and passing
around that little surface on the palatine bone to enter the
groove in the maxilla. Then, when we tell you of the mobility in
the orbits, a widening and narrowing during inhalation and
exhalation, what are you to think of the effect on this nerve?
If it were not for that little arrangement with the orbital pro­
cess of the palatine bone, there would be a wearing tension on
the maxillary nerve. Have you seen the machinery of a threshing
machine, how there is a belt running along and a little tension
regulator running along the belt? This little orbital process of
the palatine bone serves as a tension regulator that prevents the
nerve from being worn in two during inhalation and exhalation.

The Palatine Region

Another little thing in the applied anatomy of the face is the

little palatine bone. This delicate little bone is an intermediary
between the sphenoid and the maxillae. There are two furrows
on the back of the vertical part that are peculiarly concave.
There is a medial one and a lateral one. The pyramidal process
of the palatines fits in between the pterygoid plates of the sphe­
noid. Its function may be compared to the "frog" in railroad
switching yards - that is, the "frog" keeps the rails aligned


when there is a switching from one track to another. The

mechanics of the action between the convex tips of the ptery­
goid processes and the concave grooves on the back of the pala­
tine bones is like a shuttle that goes back and forth.

--- --

�_- Orbital process

-t..--- Perpendicular

Horizontal plate Articular surface for

the pterygoid plates

Figure 9. The posterior articular surface of the palatine bones and their
relationship to the pterygoid processes, showing the "ruts" on the posterior
palatine where the pterygoid plates glide. Note the orbital process of the
palatine bone.

The Applied Anatomy of the Human Face

The two furrows on the back of the palatine bone are not the
entire mechanism. The entire mechanism resembles that of a
sewing machine. There is a little shuttle in the mechanics of a
sewing machine that runs in a concavity and shuttles back and
forth. The pterygoid processes act iike shuttles in the concave
furrows on the palatine bones. The pterygoid processes, two of
them, hang down from the body of the sphenoid. Each has a
medial and a lateral plate. The tips of these are smooth and fit
into the medial and lateral grooves on the palatine bones. These
tips converge anteriorly and diverge posteriorly.
This delicate little shuttling movement between the tips of
the pterygoid plates on the sphenoid and the furrows on the
pala tine bones is one of the big things in the science of
osteopathy. It is one of the important mechanical principles
that you must understand and include in your knowledge of the
cranial mechanism.
Look at the human head as a whole and see that it converges
anteriorly and diverges posteriorly. Think of all the little places
within it where this design operates as a mechanical principle.
From the articular facets on the atlas and the occipital condyles
to the greater wings of the sphenoid, from the ethmoid notch in
the frontal bone(s) to the mandible, the anterior convergence/
posterior divergence is conspicuous. Consider the structural
and mechanical advantages of this design in terms of stability
and mobility.


Next, I want you to go with me to the area of that little pala­

tine bone beneath the nasal fossae and in line with the roof of
the mouth. On the back of the vertical part you see two little
ruts, or grooves, that follow the mechanical principle of con­
verging anteriorly and diverging posteriorly. There are two
palatine bones and each has double grooves. Visualize a truck
with double tires. If the truck was in a muddy street the two
tires on each wheel would form such grooves in their track. If


you wanted to back up, the wheels would back up in the ruts.
One tire would be in its rut and the other in its own rut. The
ruts would be something that the wheels would rotate in.
Look at the tips of the medial and lateral pterygoid processes
on the sphenoid. Here is one bone that has two pterygoid pro­
cesses, and on each there are two plates. These pterygoid pro­
cesses converge in front and diverge in back. They are like the
tires on the wheels of that truck. The palatine mechanism is
where the tips of the pterygoid processes move in the ruts on
the back of the little palatine bones. That palatine bone articu­
lates with the maxilla on each side of the face.
As the sphenoid bone makes its circumrotation, see these
pterygoids as spokes on the sphenoid wheel. As the wheel
rotates to a different level, they do the same thing to those little
palatine bones that the greater wings do to the ethmoid and
frontal bone(s): the movement of the sphenoid spreads them. As
the pterygoid processes ride in the ruts on the palatine bones,
they turn them outward into external rotation. The palatine
bones, in turn, turn the maxillae, which hang from the nasal
notch of the frontal bone(s), into external rotation.
Then, as the sphenoid circumrotates into its extension posi­
tion, the pterygoid processes are backing up in the ruts of the
palatines and draw the palatine bones and the maxillae into
internal rotation. Do you see the picture? Do you see the mech­
anism? It is a mechanism that is subject to mechanical strain
frequently. If you disturb the mechanism at the bottom of the
palatines, you are going to disturb the mechanism at the top.
The other relations there become affected and the physiologic
functioning of the sphenopalatine ganglion is most apt to be
disturbed. The place where the disturbance is most probable is
where the maxillary nerve goes around the little orbital pro­
cess of the palatine bone at the back of the floor of the orbit.
This is the picture when you tackle some of the mechanical
strains in the mechanism of the facial bones.

The Applied Anatomy of the Human Face

I have made the statement that if you did nothing more than
diagnose and treat appropriately the problems of the palatine
bones you could establish a successful specialty practice. Do you
see why? You, as a mechanic in the. art of knowing the mecha­
nism and of applying the technical work through the rule of
the artery and nutrition, would be influencing the sphenopala­
tine ganglion.
Most infections get into the system by passing through the
material breathing apparatus. That includes the throat, the lar­
ynx, and so forth. What is fastened to these little palatine bones
but what we call the soft palate, a muscular tissue? From that we
have muscular tissue running to the pillars that surround the
tonsil, that little mischief maker that may be full of infection.
There is the anterior pillar running to the tongue and the
posterior pillar running to the pharynx - muscular tissue.
Entering the same soft palate are the levators and tensors of the
palate, muscles which have their origin back on and beneath the
cartilaginous portions of the auditory tubes. That is, on and
beneath the petrous portions of the temporal bones and the
greater wings of the sphenoid. You understand that you can dis­
tort the origins and insertions of muscles. That particular prob­
lem occurs with fracture of the arm, for instance. What does it
mean to the functioning of this mechanism to have a distortion
of the origins and insertions of related muscles?
Consider the situation in tonsillitis when infection has settled
there. This may be the case in influenza, the beginning of pneu­
monia, or any acute respiratory infection when the little "bugs"
are multiplying. See the mechanical principle in the location of
that tonsil, lying between those pillars, that muscular tissue.
Then is the time to apply your art of knowing to that little pala­
tine bone and see how the mechanism can arrest the process
and eliminate those little "bugs" in the area. I want you to try it
out. I am speaking from experience. It is not an idle statement.


The Sphenopalatine Ganglion

The middle branch of the trigeminal nerve, the maxillary

nerve, leaves the interior of the cranium through the foramen
rotundum. It emerges to cross the top of the pterygopalatine

Maxillary nerve


Figure lOA. Lateral view of the sphenopalatine (pterygopalatine) ganglion,

showing it suspended from the maxillary nerve within the pterygopalatine

The Applied Anatomy of the Human Face

Lacrimal gland ganglion

Figure lOB. Medial view of the sphenopalatine (pterygopalatine) ganglion,

showing its relation to the bony landmarks and its innervation of structures in
the oral and nasal pharynx. Note the branch that ascends to contribute inner­
vation to the lacrimal gland.

fossa. As it passes across, two roots drop to suspend the

sphenopalatine ganglion in the fossa. It then runs around the
orbital process of the palatine bone at the back of the floor of
the orbit to enter the infraorbital sulcus and becomes the
infraorbital nerve.
The two roots that suspend the sphenopalatine ganglion in
the pterygopalatine fossa hang like those that suspend the big
lights at street crossings for the control of traffic. Like the traf­
fic light, the ganglion swings back and forth in its space. It


sends branches to the mucosa that lines the entire upper respi­
ratory system, including the mouth of the auditory tubes, the
tonsils, and elsewhere.
Suppose you get a blow over the frontal bone(s) or on the
zygomatic bones: see how that blow drives that little palatine
bone back onto the sphenopalatine ganglion and affects it in
the same way that contact on the ganglion of impar, the coc­
cygeal ganglion, stimulates functions. Try a little experiment on
yourself. Place an index finger inside your cheek and move it
around the body of the maxilla so as to contact the lateral ptery­
goid plate. Then tip your head down over the tip of your finger.
This brings your contact close to the root of the pterygoid pro­
cess. Let your head rest there while your breathing produces
movement. Note the prompt response to the stimulation from
the lacrimal glands particularly. I call this copious supply of
tears "onion tears" because they are a response to an irritant.
This experimental response to a mechanical stimulation
demonstrates the effect caused by trauma to the sphenopalatine
ganglion. It is also an effect that is available for clinical use.
Realize that the cranial concept is not a specialty. It is working
in the science of osteopathy for the benefit of your patients. If
you master the mechanical problems in the facial mechanism,
you can do wonderful work.
Malalignments of the maxillae can be considered as etiologi­
cal factors in nasal, postnasal, and pharyngeal affections. The
frontal process may be twisted so as to crowd the superior and
middle turbinates of the ethmoid as well as the inferior
turbinates. The malposition narrows the sphenomaxillary fis­
sure in the orbital cavity and in extreme situations may crowd
the palatine bone and disturb the function of the sphenopala­
tine ganglion.
The palatine bones are usually involved in injuries to the
maxillae. Also, as they form part of the articular portions of the
orbits, they need to be considered in eye complaints.

The Applied Anatomy of the Human Face


The sphenopalatine ganglion is one of the little things in the

facial mechanism. Lying between the little palatine bone and
the body of the sphenoid, it hangs, like one of those traffic
lights at a street intersection, from two wires. You see it swing­
ing back and forth in the pterygopalatine fossa. Compare this
swinging, the rocking of the olfactory bulbs, and the roly-poly
movement of the trigeminal ganglion. Do you see the differ­
ence of movement? Think of the depth of what all these little
things indicate: motility.
That is the point I would like to bring out. Everything is in
motion. The cribriform plate of the ethmoid rocks the olfactory
bulbs, the rotation of the petrous portions of the temporal
bones rolls the trigeminal ganglia, and the relation between the
sphenoid and the palatines allows the sphenopalatine ganglia to
swing. These ganglia are relay stations on the great petrosal
nerves. They connect up with vasomotor roots, sensory roots,
and most important, supply nutrition to the mucosa of the
upper respiratory tract.
You can make a contact that influences the sphenopalatine
ganglion.2 You can get a finger close to the root of the pterygoid
plates and ask the patient to drop his head upon your finger.
The efficacy of the influence is demonstrated by a flow of tears
from the lacrimal gland. The lacrimal gland secretes one of the
best antiseptics, or eyewashes, for the eyes and also nutrition.
The copious flow is almost as much as the flow that accompa­
nies the peeling of onions. That is why I call this response
"onion tears."
Visualize what is going on when you get this response.
Branches from the ganglion run out to the nasal turbinates and
down to the pharynx. The magnitude of the influence of that

2 Dr. Sutherland compares the contact that can be made on the spheno­
palatine ganglion with "the contact you can make on the ganglion of impar
that changes circulation in the head."


little sphenopalatine ganglion keeps growing on you as you

think of applied physiology, the subject that Dr. Still insisted upon.
Consider the situation when the maxilla is in malposition,
pushing back on that little palatine bone and reducing the space
in which the little ganglion is located. Such pressure can do
something more emphatic than the little light pressure beyond
your finger, which does not actually touch it. Such pressure can
change its normal physiologic functioning.
Look from another angle and visualize the body of the sphe­
noid. There could be a malposition with crowding forward onto
the fossa within which this little gangliop lies. The influences
and possibilities related to that sphenopalatine ganglion con­
tinue to grow as you study this mechanism. Applied physiology
has been a living part of my professional life. The depth of
these little things as seen in the science of osteopathy leads to a
view of possibilities as great as the magnitude of the heavens.

Considerations in Treatment

Treating the Palatines

The art of applying that technique to the sphenopalatine
ganglion is like the art of the watchmaker in dealing with a
small lady's watch as compared with the skills of a mechanic
who repairs automobiles. It is a little thing to be handled with
delicacy, not a determined thrust. In the art of knowing your
mechanism you use the application of that light gentle contact
that you see when a bird lights on a twig without injuring the
bark. Then you allow natural forces to make a reduction. Do
you see? How many in the osteopathic profession know that?
Why did I call your attention to the divergence of those little
ruts that articulate with the tips of the pterygoid processes,
which also diverge posteriorly and converge anteriorly? You, as
the watchmaker, must take this mechanical principle into con­
sideration. If you took the track in which a truck is running and

1 00
The Applied Anatomy of the Human Face

turned it at either end, you would have trouble in getting

through that rut. That is the principle. See the mechanical situ­
ation when this rut is turned, either in external rotation or
internal rotation. See the interference with the movement of
the pterygoids, or the truck tires that should ride in the ruts.
Next, you must understand how to get that palatine bone
turned in the right direction so as to conform to the pterygoids.
Remember that they diverge posteriorly. So your effort must be
to turn the posterior edge of the palatine bone laterally in order
to conform with the divergence of the pterygoid processes. Do
you get the point? If you turned the palatine medially you
would be turning it in the wrong direction. You would lock the
movement of the pterygoid in the rut, and that would lock the
movement of the sphenoid.
I want you to apply the art, the osteopathic art, of solving the
problem with this little palatine bone in relation to the ptery­
goid process of the sphenoid. I want you to think and practice
until you have mastered the art of solving the mechanical prob­
lems of the palatine bones. It will save you a lot of work and
benefit your patients. The first thing you know, patients will be
seeking you from near and far.
I am going to direct you in what I consider the proper tech­
nique for reduction of malposition of the palatine bone:
• First, take a skull and look at the bottom to visualize the junc­
tion of the palatine with the maxilla and with the tips of the
pterygoid process of the sphenoid. (See Figure 1 1 .)
• Second, study the palatine bone on each side to note the thin
curve of the posterior surface of the horizontal plate. What
you cannot see or feel is right behind that thin part. This is
where the double ruts go, diverging posteriorly out in the lat­
eral direction. That is the same direction in which the ptery­
goid processes go.
• Third, you need a gentle technique that is able to turn the
palatine bone laterally. Not backward, nor forward, nor

1 01

upward, but laterally. That is so that the runner and the

groove in the rut will conform, so that the furrow on the back
of the palatine will conform to the tip of the pterygoid pro­
cess that runs back and forth in it, like a shuttle.

"--+-+-- Lateral
pterygoid plate

pterygoid plate

Pterygoid hamulus

Horizontal plate
of the palatine

Palatomaxillary suture

Figure 11. A view of the skull, showing the palatomaxillary suture. Note the
location of the hamulus on the medial pterygoid plate.

As you turn the palatine laterally, you are turning it in the

same direction that the pterygoid hangs. The sphenoid is one
bone. The palatine is a separate bone, one on each side. So you

1 02
The Applied Anatomy of the Human Face

turn the groove, not the pterygoid, in order to have a smooth

articulation. How are you going to do that?
When you look at the undersurface of the skull at the back of
the choanae you see something hanging down. That is the hamu­
lus on the medial plate of the pterygoid process. Be careful. Do
not go in there. There was an instance when someone broke it
off. It is a guide, however. You do not look into the mouth. Take
your index finger, when you are standing on the same side of
the patient as you are working, and run it right along on the
undersurface of the upper teeth until your finger strikes the
hamulus, the guide that you have gone far enough.
Patients usually do not mind your contact on the under
surface of the teeth. All you have to do next is to turn your fin­
ger on that fulcrum of the teeth and drop the tip into the free
border of the horizontal plate, into the curve. It is a convenient
contact for the distal tip of your finger. The soft palate is
attached to that curve. As you have dropped into it you have
folded up the soft tissue so that you are a little on top of the
arch. Now, you turn your finger over using the fulcrum to reach
that arch. All that remains to do is to turn your finger so that it
turns the palatine bone laterally.
If you understand your mechanism you do not have to look
into the mouth since you know where you are and what you aim
to do. As you pass your index finger along on the teeth the prox­
imal part of your finger rests on the teeth to serve as a fulcrum.
If the patient has no teeth you can run right along the gums.
Use the fulcrum created by your index finger balanced on the
teeth. As you turn your finger on the fulcrum, drop it over into
that arch on the back edge of the palate. You can feel the arch.
You can also feel the strain in the sinuses and the change that
has come from that kind of strain. Then all you have to do is
turn your finger. Do not push anything, don't thrust anything
- it is not scientific. Just turn your finger gently, and you will
know when the bone is turning laterally. You will also know

1 03

when and if you have turned your finger in the wrong direc­
tion. You are experienced technicians in this art, and you will
know how to turn that bone laterally by turning your finger. It
does not matter whether the lesion is in internal rotation or
external rotation; you will have to turn the bone laterally to
conform with the posterior divergence of the pterygoid pro­
cess. That is the point. You can use respiratory cooperation or
the Tide. Be simple, gentle, and expeditious. Use the frontal
bone(s) to turn the sphenoid into flexion with your other hand
at the same time.
When you use this procedure clinically and find out what a
help it is in the total plan of your operations, you will have a
reliable method for solving promptly the problems involving
the relations of the palatine bones. In any of your cranial lesions
there is no change in the factor of anterior convergence/poste­
rior divergence. The palatine bone is subject to distortions and
misplacements. The hidden problem that needs help requires
realignment and adjustment. When you are turning the greater
wings with contact on the frontal bone(s) you can feel the
movement or the lack of movement of the pterygoid processes
in the furrows on the back of the palatine bones. You can know
when you have the right position.
Examine and study whether the beginning of a problem with
the palatine bone may not have been a problem with the maxil­
la. Then consider the zygomatic bone in relation to the maxilla.
Visualize the mechanism between the zygomatic and the maxilla
that aerates the maxillary sinus. Recall that an L-shaped area on
each constitutes the articular function. Have you noticed how
many L-shaped areas enter into these several mechanisms? Not
only in the face, but also in the sacroiliac joints.

Treating the Vomer

Thinking of the pumping action of the zygomatic on the max­
illary sinus brings to mind the relation of the vomer to the sphe­
noid sinus. The vomer is shaped somewhat like a plowshare. It is

1 04
The Applied Anatomy of the Human Face

thin, but it has two layers, and they spread to form alae that fit
smoothly over the rostrum of the sphenoid. This connection is
under the body of the sphenoid that holds the sphenoidal sinus,
an air sinus that must have movement for the interchange of air,
otherwise, there would be a stasis of air. See that the vomer is
another plunger on the center line of the two chambers in the
body of the sphenoid, drawing air in and forcing it out.
Now, see the turbinates on the side of the nose as they are in
the living body, curling and uncurling during inhalation and
exhalation. Understand their function of warming and moistening
the air before it goes to the lungs. Consider the mechanical action
of the frontal bone(s) in its relation to the ethmoid. Realize the
conditions that occur during inhalation and exhalation.
Then, begin to think of the various problems that your
patients bring to you. The problems involve congestion in the
nasal accessory sinus system with excess secretions, inflamma­
tion, stasis, and polyps. Think of the physiologic action of the
sphenoid in relation to the whole facial mechanism. What
would a malposition of the sphenoid mean to the facial physiol­
ogy? Look at the nasal septum and think about deviations and
bulges of the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and vomer. If
the "wagon-tongue" is forming a bulge, why not change the
"wagon" and see how the "tongue" moves back into line?
There is a treatment for the palatines and the vomer that I
call the "wagon-tongue." This is illustrated by the picture of a
wagon with wheels and a tongue. If you get a wooden horse and
put it under the tongue you have a fulcrum. Then, you get on
the end of the tongue, and up go the wheels of the wagon. Let
us call the pterygoid processes the wheels, the vomer the tongue,
and the finger of the operator the wooden horse, or fulcrum.
Place a finger on the roof of the mouth at the cruciate suture.
Ask the patient to gently drop his head down upon your finger.
When he does, the fulcrum operates to lift the pterygoids
upward into their extension position. (See Figure 5.) You can
instruct the patient to do that for himself. You can also get out at

1 05

the end of the "wagon-tongue," in the roof of the mouth anteri­

orly and gently lift so as to effect an action at the other end.
While we are thinking in this area, visualize something else.
If the sphenoid moves in exhalation so as to draw the angles of
the frontal bone(s) inward, the metopic suture is coming for­
ward. At the same time, the orbital cavities are narrowing and
becoming elongated. This changes their shape toward that
characteristic of nearsightedness. The ethmoid notch is nar­
rowed at this time, and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid
is rising along with the ethmoid spine of the sphenoid. Now, as
that narrowing goes on, what are the turbinates doing? What
are the olfactory bulbs doing? What is going on with all of the
air sinuses? When you have visualized all of this you can see
what you can teach your patients to do for themselves. You will
be surprised to learn all that these simple techniques can offer
your patients.

1 06

"Bent Twigs:" Compression of the

Condylar Parts of the Occiput

THE SUBJECT OF "BENT TWIGS" arises from Dr. Still's phrase "the
hole in the tree." 1 I suppose the foramen magnum to be that
"hole in the tree," and the reference is to the fact that the
occiput is in four parts at birth - namely, the two lateral or
condylar parts, the squama, and the basilar process. These parts
are located around the foramen and contribute directly to the
shape of the "hole." At birth the sphenoid is in three parts -
the body and the two greater wing-pterygoid units. The tempo­
ral bones are also in three parts at birth. These parts are the
petromastoid, the squama, and the tympanic ring.
The living human head is a remarkable structure at birth,
when you come to think about it. At this age it is easy to see it
as a soft-shelled egg, or a modified sphere, while later in life it is
harder to visualize it as such. All these parts of bones are held
together by the dura mater, "mother dura," functioning as an
interosseous membrane. Because of this the newborn head can
hold together and adapt so as to allow a safe passage through
the birth canal. Think of it!

1 Dr. Still considered that part of the science of osteopathy which he pre­
sented as simply a partial view. He put forth those concepts that people of his
day were most likely to apprehend. He emphasized that the science of
osteopathy had not been fully delivered, and likened it to a squirrel partially
seen within a hole in the tree.


The articulation between the condyles of the occiput and the

facets of the atlas is the one established joint at birth. Other­
wise, there are no articular surfaces because there are no joints
with "gears" at birth. In fact, the different parts of the individual
bones of the cranial base grow until the bones are ossified and
their parts fused. As part of the growth process, the different
bones meet, with the result that joints form gradually and artic­
ular surfaces begin to develop. The formation of articular gears
for articular movement between the bones, at the sutures, of the
human cranium becomes more established around the seventh
to ninth years of life, or even later.
These facts require an analysis of the conditions that exist in
the skeletal system, especially in the head, during infancy and
early childhood. The mechanism that is operated by the dura
mater is like the illustration of the two telephone poles with
wire stretched from pole to pole. When a sleet storm occurs,
the wires become loaded with sleet so that the poles may lean
out of the vertical yet remain connected so that they lean at the
same angle.
I want you to see that picture applied to the infant cranium
when external forces influence its shape. Consider some trauma,
either from adaptation to the birth canal or from falls later on
in life. Visualize a pull on "mother dura" that pulls the bones
out of their normal position or relations. It is necessary to uti­
lize the membranes in order to bring these little bones back to
their normal. The membranes would function like the wires
between the poles in recovering the normal alignment.
Even following a normal delivery, there is a situation that
calls for attention. The baby's head has adapted mechanically to
the passageway during birth. When the baby cries and inhales
air, aided by atmospheric pressure, the cry is usually vigorous, a
special cry, with or without a spank on the sacrum. The process
fluctuates the cerebrospinal fluid. Then the membranes go to
work and pull the bones into position.

"Bent Twigs:" The Condylar Parts of the Occiput

The characteristics of the occipitoatlantal joints enter into

this process in an important way. The facets of the atlas are con­
cave. They converge anteriorly and diverge posteriorly. They
also converge inferiorly and diverg� superiorly. The transverse
ligament of the atlas keeps them so. The little condyles on the
under surface of the condylar parts of the occiput are convex
and fit into the facets of the atlas. The condyles also converge
anteriorly and diverge posteriorly, converge inferiorly and
diverge superiorly. Remember that these articulations between
the condyles of the occiput and the facets of the atlas are the
only established joints in the cranium at this period of life.
Superficially resembling bicondylar joints are those that possess
two separate articular cavities functionally behaving as one. The
atlanto-occipital joints, for example, are paired but are best
regarded as constituting a single ovoid joint with a large central
deficiency in its articular surfaces. "2
The concave facets of the atlas receive the condyles of the
occiput. These joints, on each side, extend forward onto the basi­
lar process of the occiput from the anterior end of the condylar
parts. The squama of the occiput abuts the posterior ends of the
condylar parts. These occipitoatlantal joints are ligamentous
articular mechanisms.

Editor's Note: The following information was presented at the course

by Howard A. Lippincott, D.O.) Dr. Sutherland described this lec­
ture as providing "...information that goes with understanding
some of the problems that may be found in this mechanism under
various conditions."

This meeting between the anterior ends of the condyles and the
posterior end of the basilar process is not a transverse articula­
tion. The joint on the basilar process faces laterally; the one on
the condyles faces medially. In many cases the union here is

2 C. H. Barnett, D. V Davies, and M. A. MacConaill, Synovial Joints: Their

Structure and Mechanics (Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1961), p. 170.
3 ( 1893-1983) American School of Osteopathy, 1916.


almost in the sagittal plane. The basilar part is fairly well formed
at birth; it is ossified, but there is cartilage between the three
parts. When the lateral parts come together, forced together by
the convergence of the pits of the atlas, the condyles are going to
squeeze in against the intervening cartilage between the basilar
process and the condylar parts.They tend to slide together.As
the pits of the atlas do not yield because of the transverse atlantal
ligament, a degree of compression results.
Distortions of the foramen magnum frequently appear as a
narrowing of the anterior part. Sometimes the distortion is mini­
mal; at other times the contours show variations with consider­
able warp.These are directly influenced by the position taken by
the basilar process when it was squeezed. There are rare occa­
sions of developmental anomalies and deficiencies in this region.
Except for these there is hardly anything that can make the
condyles diverge when they have been compressed into the con­
vergence of the atlas.
Compression or angulation can also occur at the posterior
end of the condylar parts, at the condylosquamal junction. The
shape of the squama of the occiput is circular with the inion at
the center. The landmark at the center of the posterior rim of the
foramen magnum is located at the end of a radius from the inion.
It is named the opisthion. The squama may turn clockwise or
counterclockwise around the inion. That action carries the opis­
thion to the right or left. This information should be part of a
structural examination.
Depending upon how the squama has turned, the pressure on
the posterior end of the condylar parts can be analyzed. There is
anteroposterior pressure on one side and mediolateral pressure
on the other. The condylosquamal junction may also be angu­
lated in relation to the condylar parts. That is, the angle between
the squama and the condylar parts may be more acute or more
obtuse than the usual normal curvature.
The various conditions that may arise in the relations
between the four parts of the occiput are sufficient to account
for the various shapes of the foramen magnum. Should these

"Bent Twigs:" The Condylar Parts of the Occiput

-----,,"""""---::>"-:--1It-- Interparietal




��I"'---- Basilar process

Figure 12. The occiput at birth, showing it to be in four parts within a carti­
laginous matrix. Note that the articular condyles receive contributions from
both the condylar and basilar parts of the occiput.

distortions persist during growth in infancy and childhood, they

manifest the principle described by the saying, "as the twig is
bent so is the tree inclined. "
There is great importance, therefore, in examining newborn
babies with care and precision. At that time it is easy to assist the
powers in the primary respiratory mechanism, already in action,
so as to establish normal positions and relations among the cra­
nial bones, especially among the four parts of the occiput.


The techniques that you can use for resolving problems cre­
ated by such distortions of the infant cranium as Dr. Lippincott
has described are many. However, they all depend upon a cor­
rect understanding of the mechanism, especially the reciprocal
tension membrane, for that is what moves the bones.
I have called attention to the similarity of the tentorium cere­
belli to the falx cerebri, pointing out the three sickles that move
around a fulcrum. That is what you will utilize in reducing
compression of these condylar parts before the "gears" are
formed. It is also utilized as one of the agencies in reducing
compression in the adult skull.
I want you to see that if you put a little tension on the frontal
bone(s) in a certain direction on one side - say on the right -
there will be action at the back on the squama of the occiput
that will swing it around on the left so that the anterior end of
the condylar portion moves out. It is useful to study the picture
of the membranes in an anatomical specimen of an infant skull.
You can see the posterior pole of attachment of the reciprocal
tension membrane is located on the inside of the occipital
squama. The use of the membranes in conjunction with the
fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid provides a way for decom­
pression and moving these parts away from the basilar process
so that it can assume its normal place and relations.
When the condyles have been driven downward or anteriorly
into the pits of the atlas, the relation between the condyles and
the atlas have been disturbed. An occipitoatlantal ligamentous
articular strain has been produced. It is first necessary to correct
this lesion. The ligaments are used to make the correction.
Because it is not possible to make a manual contact with the
atlas, the procedure for doing this aims to bring the atlas to
the operator. The operator slips his middle finger down along
the occiput from the inion towards opisthion. The patient's
head is thus cradled in the operator's hand and the operator's
hand remains still with the tip of the middle finger simply down
near the rim of the foramen magnum.

"Bent Twigs:" The Condylar Parts of the Occiput

The patient who is able cooperates by nodding his head with­

out flexing his neck. As he nods, the opisthion moves back and
the posterior tubercle on the posterior arch of the atlas comes to
meet the operator's finger. This stabi�izes the atlas and allows the
occipital condyles to move into the divergences of the atlas, thus
releasing the strain. The occipitoatlantal ligaments rebalance the
joint mechanism. The operator can then proceed with the tech­
nique for decompressing the condylar parts according to the
diagnosis. This operation for the occipitoatlantal mechanism
can be repeated if necessary, for another rebalancing following
the rest of the treatment.

Editor's Note: In the case of the newborn or infant who cannot cooper­
ate by nodding, the operator may tip their head slightly forward using
a gentle contact on the frontal region.

It is useful to have a mental picture of the area where the

condyJ.es of the occiput meet the posterior end of the basilar
process because it is not possible to know directly how the basi­
lar process has responded to the compression. A small part of
the joint is actually on the basilar process and included in its
synovial membrane. (See Figure 12.) There is no way of know­
ing how the compressive forces have been distributed; there­
fore, the goal of any technique is simply a carrying away of the
parts. In the infant head the posterior ends of the condylar parts
are accessible to the operator.
When the anterior ends of both condylar parts of the occiput
are symmetrically compressed on the posterior ends of the basi­
lar process, it is possible to decompress bilaterally. That may
happen with the correction of the occipitoatlantal strain, but it
may be easier to address one side at a time.
Contact one side and hold it steady. Then, with your contact
on the other side, turn it away while directing the Tide from
the opposite side of the vault. This is a delicate operation guided
by the operator's sense, from his contact, of tension at the other


end of the condylar part. This can be repeated on the other side
if indicated. Respiratory cooperation from the patient is often
precisely provided by lusty crying. A rebalancing of the occipi­
toatlantal mechanism should follow.
The principle of the "bent twig" manifests most clearly in the
adult. Such distortion of the foramen magnum as may have
occurred in infancy or childhood is magnified by growth and
perhaps complicated by falls or other injuries along the way.
This problem in an adult patient often indicates the need for
a solution. The procedure for decompression is the same except
that the cooperation is postural as well as respiratory. Dorsi­
flexion of both feet for bilateral or midline effect is a good way
to stabilize the field of operation. When working on a unilateral
problem, ask the patient to dorsiflex the diagonally opposite
foot. Build up the tension in your contact gradually and release
it gradually. It is even more important to rebalance the atlas
after the treatment of adults than of infants.
The management of distortions between the squama and the pos­
terior ends of the condylar parts of the occiput follows the same
general principles of using the dural membranes, the Tide, res­
piratory cooperation, and postural cooperation from the
patient. Precise manual design for each step of the way is neces­
sary for successful manual operations. Many of the distortions
in the relations of the parts of the bones of the cranial base at
birth have been recognized in medical literature. However, the
full implications for the future of a child have not been appreci­
ated and neither have procedures for restoring normal relations
been developed or described. The basic understanding of the
problems lies in the science of osteopathy.
Mothers are often distressed by the shape of their baby's head
immediately after birth. They are often reassured by nurses and
doctors with remarks to the effect that distortions will change
within a few days. It often happens that they do change toward
the normal shape that parents like to see. It is instructive to
consider what is at work in accomplishing such a change.

"Bent Twigs:" The Condylar Parts of the Occiput

The baby's crying and suckling function in many ways to

realign the bones and the parts of bones. Then there is the reg­
ular breathing that contributes to the fluctuation of the cere­
brospinal fluid. The hydraulic lift �at the cerebrospinal fluid
gives in the infant head from within is smooth and powerful. Its
service is enhanced by the baby's crying. The problems that are
prevented by these natural processes are understood only when
conditions limit their effectiveness.

Editor's Note: The remaining text of this chapter is adapted from Dr.
Sutherland's writings in Contributions ofThought.4

Often, through trauma over the top of the head or at the

back of the head, prenatally, postnatally, and sometimes during
normal passage of the baby through the birth canal, adaptations
occur. In the normal passage with the usual mechanics of deliv­
ery, the parietal bones mold over the frontal bone(s), the pari­
etal bones mold over the interparietal occiput, and the head as a
whole molds so that it can pass normally through the maternal
pelvis. After passage the adaptations may neglect to return to
normal positions.

Other Intraosseous Relations

In addition to intermembranous and intercartilaginous

unions during the prenatal and childhood periods, the occiput
and sphenoid possess intraosseous epiphyseal units that I con­
sider vitally important in the study of the cranial concept.
These intraosseous epiphyseal units are subject to frequent lux­
ation and are likely to become predisposing factors leading to
grave disturbance throughout the central nervous system when
they do not have skillful and intelligent reduction.
There are two intraosseous unions or connections in the
sphenoid: one between the superior area of the body and the

4 " BentTwigs - Infants and Children," pp. 144-146 and "The Hole in the
Tree," pp. 228-232.


Lesser wing Greater wing

Pterygoid plates

Figure 13. The sphenoid at birth, showing it to be in three parts. There is

intervening cartilage between the body-lesser wing unit and the greater wing­
pterygoid units.

lesser wings, and the other between the body and the greater
wing-pterygoid units. When the lesser wing union allows a
shifting of the lesser wings in relation to the orbital plates of
the frontal bone(s), the "bent twig" effect may influence the
appearance of the eyes or result in malalignments in the walls
of the orbits that are common to strabismus. In the various
types of strabismus the cranial diagnostician considers the ori­
gins of the extrinsic muscles of the eyeball, around the optic
foramen and on the floor and roof of the orbits. The mechani­
cal factors in the structure of the orbits, as they relate to the
muscles of the eyeball, should be considered in conjunction
with other aspects of the problems related to strabismus.
During prenatal and early childhood periods, the intra­
osseous union between the lower area of the sphenoid body
and the greater wing-pterygoid units is said to be a gomphosis,
or tooth-and-socket mechanical connection. This connection
is later surrounded by an osseous formation that leaves the

"Bent Twigs:" The Condylar Parts of the Occiput

pintle-oval arrangement as a mechanical accommodation fea­

ture for normal rotative movement of the unit in relation to
the body. This union is also subject to shifting through trau­
matic, especially compressive, forces. If this has occurred, look
to effects on the palatine bones arid irritation of the spheno­
palatine ganglion. Compressive forces affecting the intra­
osseous unions in the sphenoid seriously affect the sphenoidal,
maxillary, and ethmoidal sinuses, and the auditory tubes.
The temporal bone presents problems of an intraosseous
nature stemming from situations at or before birth and in child­
hood growth. These may explain developmental anomalies of
the ears associated with congenital deafness and susceptibility to
otitis media. Abnormal twists in the petrous portions may result
in pathology in the inner ear. The temporal bones need to be
included in our study of traumatic and compressive forces upon
intraosseous parts.
The cranial vault is subject to various distortions in accom­
modation to the distortions or deformations of the cranial base.
Anomalies, deficiencies, injuries, and mechanical strains in the
sacrum and innominate bones may present problems as an
infant sits, stands, and walks about. Intraosseous luxations and
epiphyseal distortions may produce functional imbalances.
Thus it is that events that are tolerated when small result in
major problems after they become bigger with growth.


Membranous Articular Strains

Editor's Note: Dr. Sutherland expressed his understanding of the

strains that may occur in membranous articular mechanisms and liga­
mentous articular mechanisms in several places. This chapter consists,
in part, of excerpts adapted from his written work.' This is because the
teaching of this subject was mainly done by other faculty members at
the courses that form the basis of this book.

THE PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT OF Dr. Sutherland's lectures at the

convention of the American Osteopathic Association meeting in
Detroit, Michigan in 1932 read as follows:
Dr. W. G. Sutherland describes the anatomy and physiology
underlying the principle of joint lesions in the cranium which he
says closely resemble osteopathic lesions elsewhere and are
equally amenable to treatment.l
In describing spinal lesions, I prefer the term ligamentous
articular strains; for lesions in the cranium, membranous articular
strains. The spinal lesion includes the ligaments as well as the
joints. The cranial lesion includes the intracranial membranes
as well as the articulations.
The ligaments in their tension regulate the movement in the
spinal articulations, as check agents to voluntary muscular

1 Sutherland, Contributiom of Thought an d The Cranial Bowl.

2 Sutherland, Contributions of Thought, pg. 47.


action. They might be called reciprocal tension ligaments. The

cranial articulations are involuntary in their mobility and have
no muscular agency for operation. They possess a special
intracranial membranous tissue, however, that acts not only as
an intermediate agency, but functions also as a reciprocal ten­
sion agent that limits the normal range of articular mobility.
This tension tissue agent functions somewhat like the balance
wheel of a watch, regulating or limiting the to-and-fro move­
ment of the mechanism. Hence, the term reciprocal tension mem­
brane is chosen for the function of the intracranial membranes in
the human cranium together with the spinal dura mater.
Attention is called to the specific poles of attachment of the
falx cerebri and the tentorium cerebelli. (See Figure 4.) In my
schematic description there is an anterior superior pole of
attachment upon the crista galli of the ethmoid bone, and an
anterior inferior pole of attachment upon the clinoid processes
of the body of the sphenoid bone. The lateral poles of attach­
ment are upon the superior borders of the petrous portions of
the temporal bones. The posterior pole of attachment is upon
the inside of the occipital squama.
During the period of inhalation these poles of attachment
move in a certain way. During the period of exhalation a reverse
movement occurs at the various poles of attachment. This is the
normal excursion of the to-and-fro movement in the cranial
membranous articular mechanism. It is an anatomicophysio­
logic mechanism going on throughout life.
In the living skull, normal mobility occurs throughout the
articulations of the basilar area and in the facial bones. This
mobility is compensated for by accommodation in the articulative
service provided in the vault sutures through their serrated, or
dovetail, arrangement. These sutures do not completely ossify
while life remains.
The falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli lack elastic and mus­
cular fibers. They are tough fibrous connective tissue. They are

Membranous Articular Strains

taut and tense. They form a balance that moves alternately for­
ward and backward between the various articular poles. In their
reciprocating action we recognize a rhythm that is an important
characteristic of life's material manifestation.
The dural membrane of the cranium is that part of the total
mechanism that serves the same purpose as the ligaments in lig­
amentous articular mechanisms. The membranes and the liga­
ments move bones at joints.
Osteopathy recognizes vertebral ligamentous articular strains.
Likewise, we have cranial membranous articular strains. These
cause restriction of the normal membranous articular function­
ing. Such restrictions alter cerebrospinal fluid fluctuation, the
physiology of arterial and venous blood activity in the cranium,
and also the physiology of lymph in the neck and head. At the
moment of restriction in functions, intracranial pathology
Because the sacrum is connected to the occiput by the
intraspinal reciprocal tension membrane (the core-link between
the cranial bowl and the pelvic bowl), traumatic events in the pel­
vic mechanism, from falls and situations involving momentum­
inertia, may manifest an injury more obviously in the cranium
than in the pelvis. This is particularly the case in postpartum
depression or psychosis. In fact, it is impossible for a physician
and osteopath to find the correct problem for his patients with­
out considering and analyzing all the joints of the human body.


To clarify the movement of the sphenoid and the occiput, let

us picture wheels with spokes. Visualize them as turning back
and forth in place - that is, as circumrotating. As the sphenoid
turns, the various locations on the wheel move as suggested by
the spokes. The occiput also turns, and locations on it are
moved in space. The two wheels turn at the same time. Thus,


the sella turcica and the anterior end of the basilar process of
the occiput both move upward as they flex, or increase the
upward convexity of the clivus; and in extension both move
downward, or decrease the upward convexity of the clivus.
Extension is just the opposite of flexion.
The junction of the sphenoid and occiput in the clivus has
the shape of an arch. It is somewhat like the kind of bridge over
the Chicago River that opens up and closes down on both sides
simultaneously. Although it closes down, the bridge remains an
arch as it lowers. This point is important when visualizing the
action at the sphenobasilar junction in technique. This junction
is an area in the cranial mechanism that you cannot feel directly.
You must visualize it. It is like the vertebral bodies in the spine:
you cannot palpate the body of a vertebra, but you have a men­
tal picture of it. You can touch the spinous and transverse pro­
cesses and make an observation that tells you the position of the
body. You can learn to tell the position at the junction between
the body of the sphenoid and the basilar process of the occiput
by the senses of touch and proprioception. This is not difficult,
although it may seem so at first.
We might picture the falx cerebri and the tentorium cerebelli
as cooperating with cranial articulations in physiologic move­
ments rhythmic with those of the diaphragm. In this movement
one might see the mastoid processes of the temporal bones
rotating outward while exhaling and then returning inward
while inhaling, with other cranial articulations cooperating. All
of this action is in accommodation to the flow of blood and
lymph in the body. The dovetail sutures in the cranium in some
instances and the beveled articulations in others, coupled with
experience, lead one further and further into the possibility of
discovering more about the Old Doctor's science of osteopathy.3
By digging on and on into the "holes" and the articulations in

3 In his later years, Dr. Still was respectfully referred to as the Old Doctor.

Membranous Articular Strains

the cranial bowl, we may come to grasp the tail of the Old
Doctor's "squirrel in the hole in the tree."
When we come to study the two temporal bones as they join
in the movement of the cranial base, we first consider their form
and their location between the sphe�oid and occiput. Next, we
note what the study of their articular surfaces tells us about the
mechanics of their motion when the sphenoid and occiput cir­
cumrotate into flexion and extension at the sphenobasilar junc­
tion. This mental picture will give us the understanding of
normal motion going on all the time in the cranial bowl.
From our understanding of the normal, we will be able to
observe and mechanically interpret variations and abnormalities
when they are present in our patients. For we need a working
diagnosis before we come to consider lesions of this area and
techniques for correcting them.
The temporal bones move like wobbling wheels. Note that
the petrous portions are located on a diagonal that points for­
ward into the head. When you study a disarticulated skull, place
the temporal bones in the cranial base between the occiput and
the sphenoid. Fit the grooves on the petrous portions onto the
tongues on the sides of the basilar process of the occiput. This
is the picture for motion - that is, the sliding pattern of
motion that a tongue and groove articulation permits.
When the sphenoid and occiput move into flexion, the
petrous portions rotate externally. When the sphenoid and
occiput turn into extension, the petrous portions rotate inter­
nally. There is evidence on the outside of the skull of the com­
parative rotations of the petrous portions on the inside of the
skull. This evidence can be palpated and used in the construction
of a mental picture of the positions in the sphenobasilar area.
We can interpret the position of the basilar process of the occi­
put from the temporal bone because of the tongue and groove
articulations between the basilar process and the petrous por­
tions of the temporal bones. The mechanism of the movement


between the occiput and the temporal bones is intricate. It

needs detailed study. In some degree the temporal bones move
with the occiput because they are carried by it on the jugular
processes. The strange part lies in realizing that when the basi­
lar process, as a spoke in the occipital wheel, turns, the petrous
portions of the temporals turn along with it. Yet, at the same
time, there is a motion between the two bones that resembles
the motion between a fruit jar and its cap.


What is a cranial lesion? What is a membranous articular

strain? In answer, suppose we use flexion as an example. If the
sphenobasilar junction has moved a little beyond its normal
range of movement in the direction of flexion and becomes
fixed in that position, there will be a limitation of movement in
the direction of extension. For diagnosis you will have all the
appearances that go with the flexion position. When you test
for motion you find that the area can move in the direction of
flexion and you find that the area does not move in the direc­
tion of extension. You call this situation a flexion lesion. The
opposite occurs with an extension lesion.
Then we have the possibility of other patterns that occur in
the movements of the cranial base. The movement of side-bend­
ing/rotation at the sphenobasilar junction involves a pattern that
brings the sphenoid and occiput high on one side and low on the
other. On the high side they approximate, and on the low side
they spread. Thus there is a comparative concavity on the high
side and a comparative convexity on the low side. In the
schematic design I call these positions for the side of the convex­
ity. Thus, there is a pattern named side-bending/rotation with the
convexity to the right, and there is a pattern named side-bending/
rotation with the convexity to the left. When using the diagnostic
tests for motion, follow the example given for flexion.

Membranous Articular Strains

The pattern called torsion is simply a twist at the sphenobasi­

lar junction. That is, the sphenoid turns one way on an antero­
posterior axis, and the occiput turns the other way. Therefore
there are two torsion patterns that a�e named for the position of
the higher greater wing of the sphenoid. There is torsion with
the greater wing high on the right and torsion with the greater wing
high on the left. The same principle as described in the example
of flexion is used in the diagnostic tests for motion. (For a more
complete discussion of these patterns see p. 153 and Figure 16.)
These are the basic patterns of position and movement that you
work with in recognizing membranous articular strains of the
cranium. The names are flexion, extension, side-bending/rotation
with the convexity to the right or left, and torsion with the greater
wing high on the right or left.

Editor's Note: Each person who is examined will be found to present

one or another of these strain patterns. This usually represents the
pattern the person has carried since infancy and is probably related to
the mechanics of birth. Subsequent traumatic forces may have super­
imposed another strain pattern upon the original or even have caused
the whole pattern to shift.
Dr. Sutherland always emphasized that these patterns of membra­
nous articular strain are schematic. They serve as a framework for mak­
ing observations that can be recorded and followed over the course of
a treatment program.

While it is the membranous part that is strained, the total

effect is manifested by the relations between the bones. Various
types of lesions or strains are found in the cranium in clinical
practice. The common findings are those at the sphenobasilar
junction together with the implications for all the articulations
in the total mechanism.
The impact of an external force entering the living cranial
mechanism must be analyzed according to the particulars. It is


well to remember that in such incidents there is likely to be

more than one effect. These lesions are called the traumatic
type. Analysis of the forces involved and the inertia in the situa­
tion provides a wide field for study. Particular strains may have
occurred within the patient's body incidental to operations by
surgeons and dentists, or when the patient was unconscious.
Strains may have occurred when the patient was in a strained
posture or when making an extreme exertion.


The mechanism is simple, as is common to all physiologic

laws "not framed by human hand."
I do not claim to be the author of this science of Osteopathy. No
human hand framed its laws; I ask no greater honor than to have
discovered it.4
When properly understood, the mechanism is the key to
simple reduction of cranial membranous articular strains. I like
the thought of rhythm in the membranes. It brings forth the
necessity of recognizing tone quality with tactile sense rather
than a mere manipulation of tissue. It is an expression of non­
incisive surgical skill to secure balance in the laws attributed to
the mechanism.
I draw on Dr. Still's teaching again: We must know the posi­
tion and purpose of each bone and be thoroughly acquainted
with each of its articulations. We must have a perfect image of
the normal articulations that we wish to adjust.5
We, as mechanics of the human body, are mechanics of the
science of knowing if we understand the fundamental principles
of the primary respiratory mechanism. This is the importance of
realizing the basics of this part of the living human body - the
membranous articular strains in the cranium and their influence
upon the rest of the body as seen in the science of osteopathy.

4 Still, Autobiography ofA. T Still, p. 302.

5 Ibid., p. 277. (Adapted.)


Dysfunction in the
Vascular System

THE SCIENCE OF OSTEOPATHY is simple. You realize that you are a

mechanic of the fluids of the body, as well as of the skeletal sys­
tem. The osseous tissues are also fluid. You can be the pharma­
cist because you are mixing the chemicals in "God's drug store,"
as Dr. Still called it. He said the body is God's drug store
wherein you have all the drugs, lubricating oils, opiates, acids,
and every quality of drug that the Wisdom of God thought nec­
essary for human health and happiness.' He saw those things,
and he had much difficulty, as I have said in the past, in trying
to get others to see. That is, to see Dr. Still's vision, not mine.
Somehow or other, the ground has to be prepared in order to
get back to the science ofosteopathy.
Learn not to swallow all the information that meets your eye.
Study the human body - the animated human body as well as
the cadaver. Study the life principle and come closer to under­
standing what we mean by the Breath of Life which Dr. Still did
his very best to present, to point out, but which we were not
ready for.
Think of that drug store, the choroid plexus, where you have
an interchange between all the chemicals, between the cere­
brospinal fluid and the arterial stream. See what you are getting:

1 Still, Autobiography ofA. T Still, p. 182.


an interchange between the chemicals in the cerebrospinal fluid

and those in the blood, if you can think of it in that manner.
I want you to look into that third ventricle, up on the roof,
and visualize that choroid plexus. On the anatomical specimen
you find it all bunched up. Why? The patient died in exhalation
and the mechanism drew back. The third ventricle came
What do the ventricular wings do during inhalation? They
swing out and the third ventricle comes into a V-shape. During
inhalation that choroid plexus that is on the roof of the third
ventricle, not in it, stretches out. The roof is an apron between
the inside and the outside, and the choroid plexus is on the out­
side of the brain. It is this roof that stretches out during inhala­
tion and bunches up during exhalation when the walls of the
third ventricle come together.
Do you see the mechanism - a mechanism all the way
through? Then, follow the little arterial stream that runs up to
that choroid plexus to feed it with arterial blood. Follow that
stream of cerebrospinal fluid - where does it go? Follow the
artery right out to that choroid plexus on the outside of the
brain above the third ventricle and begin to think about what
the experts say. They say that it is here that you find chemical
interchange between the cerebrospinal fluid and the blood.
"Aha!" you say. Would it be possible for a cranial technician
to change the movement of this mechanism? Could he thereby
get a physiologic interchange here? If the mechanism was locked,
could you restore the action of that mechanism so that there
would be normal physiologic functioning to secure a normal
interchange between the cerebrospinal fluid and the blood at all
the choroid plexuses?
This possibility is what Dr. Still was directing you to in all of
his writings. Where did the science of osteopathy come from to
Dr. Still but from his Maker who understands the mechanism.
That is why we have so many possibilities that are way beyond

Dysfunction in the Vascular System

any other science claiming to do anything for this human mech­

anism in the way of repair. We may understand why we are
mechanics. We are treating a mechanism. We are not applying
grease or something of that kind as a therapy.
It is a "drug store" where we restore that mechanism so we
have normal functioning or chemical interchange at the choroid
plexus; we become the pharmacist within the brain, filling the
prescription. Do you see it?
Then I look along and I find a venous channel that is differ­
ent from the usual venous channels within the living body. I
find that it is formed by a membrane in the cranium that has
two walls, an inner and an outer. I think this way: Unless there
is some mobility in the skull mechanism to move that venous
blood along, there will be a stasis in the circulation of blood.
In the skull there is the outer membrane in which the bones
are formed. It is rough on the outside and smooth on the inside.
In the adult there is blood between the walls of the vault, which
is formed in membrane. The walls of the dura mater separate to
form venous channels in the folds created by the reduplications
of the inner layer. The outermost wall (the bony vault) has little
dovetail sutures that fit so as to provide expansion in compen­
sating for articular mobility between the bones of the base,
which are formed in cartilage. That same compensation move­
ment moves the venous blood along.
My attention then turns to the grooves that go laterally along
the inside of the occipital squama. I am stumped at first. Those
grooves belong to the lateral, or transverse, sinuses. There is no
compensation in this area for carrying venous blood along in
that membranous wall.
A little further along I come to the posterior inferior angle
of the parietal bone and I find a groove on the inside of that.
The lateral sinus passes right across that angle of the parietal
bone before it goes down to the jugular foramen. When I look
at the articular surface on the posterior inferior angles of the


parietal bones, I find corrugations and matching ones on the

mastoid portions of the temporal bones. This arrangement
shows that the parietals move in and out here in conjunction
with the temporal bones. This movement moves the walls of
the lateral sinuses, those membranous channels that carry
venous blood.
Where does the blood in the lateral sinuses come from? The
confluence of sinuses on the inside of the occipital squama
receives venous blood from the superior sagittal sinus. This
sinus begins to form at the front end of the falx cerebri and gets
larger as it comes across the top of the head and down to the
internal occipital protuberance. The lateral sinus also receives
the blood from the straight sinus. The straight sinus forms
where the falx cerebri and the tentorium cerebelli adjoin.
Where does the blood that enters the straight sinus come
from? It comes from the inferior sagittal sinus in the free
border of the falx cerebri and from the great cerebral vein of
Galen. This vein has walls that are like the walls of veins out­
side the cranium. Therefore, there is a distinctly different tissue
between the walls of the great cerebral vein and the walls of the
straight sinus, which are taut fibrous walls of the dura mater.
The great cerebral vein receives the venous blood from the
deep cerebral veins, from the cerebellar veins, and from the
choroid plexuses we have been telling you about. You begin to
wonder if this area where the great cerebral vein of Galen
enters the straight sinus is not vulnerable to mechanical strains,
especially when the infant head is adapting to the maternal
pelvis during the mechanics of delivery at birth. Is this where
tears may result in subdural hemorrhage? Is this one place
where events may occur that result in a form of cerebral palsy?
Because of such possibilities, I must caution you about
undertaking to change the position of the basilar process of the
occiput by a contact on its undersurface through the mouth
and nasopharynx. For one thing, you cannot do what you aim

Dysfunction in the Vascular System

at because you can only push it back as a whole. You have no

control in this situation over the consequences of such a tech­
nique. For another, there is a risk of a tear that would result in a
subdural hemorrhage. I know of two instances where that hap­
pened. Furthermore, it is not necessary. You can use the tension
in the fulcrum of the reciprocal tension membrane in this tri­
pod arrangement much more easily and scientifically and with
intelligence. Then the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid, the
natural agency of reduction, accomplishes the correction. Avoid
pushing the mechanism further back and risking the possibility
of causing an injury.
This system of carrying venous blood within the cranium to
the exits at the jugular foramina is not the only system working
to that end. There are the cavernous sinuses, which also have
membranous walls, that begin at the superior orbital fissures
where the ophthalmic veins enter. They move back along the
sides of the body of the sphenoid and carry blood to the petrosal
sinuses. What moves the blood along these large channels? We
begin to reason that circumrotation of the sphenoid bone, tak­
ing a nosedive in inhalation, together with the roly-poly rota­
tion of the petro us portions of the temporal bones, inward and
outward, would move those walls. See how the mechanism of
the reciprocal tension membrane, which moves and regulates
the movement of the cranial bones, also serves as a mechanism
that carries venous blood along the falx cerebri and the tentor­
ium cerebelli.

* * *

Here is an exercise that will be beneficial in affording clean

arterial refreshment to the brain cells, if nothing more.
Get out into the open air and exhale deeply and slowly. A5 the dia­
phragm rises upward, draw the head downward and turn the mas­
toid processes of the temporal bones laterally, simultaneously.
Pause a moment or two. Then inhale slowly. A5 the diaphragm

13 1

sinks downward elongate the neck and draw the mastoid pro­
cesses simultaneously inward.2
According to my viewpoint, tensity in the falx cerebri and the
tentorium cerebelli with restriction of the physiologic movement
at the jugular foramina and in the postnasal tissues signifies
incomplete drainage of the brain and facial regions. Complete
drainage is as essential as complete drainage of old oil from the
crankcase of an automobile motor before adding pure oil.
Therefore, the importance of a pause after exhaling to allow the
venous blood to drain thoroughly before filling up the "think
tank." The pause holds the jugular foramina wide open and the
postnasal tissues in relaxation, which allows complete drainage.3
As the formation of the jugular canal is half and half between
the temporal bone and the occiput, it is likely that this provides
for the physiologic expansion service that separates through a
rotation movement of their articulations. The jugular foramen
can be seen as resembling the intervertebral foramina in artic­
ular formation. Apparently, restriction in the rotation-articular­
expansion service at the jugular foramina deserves an osteopathic
consideration equal to that given to the occipitoatlantal osse­
ous luxation. In my view, the restriction at the jugular foramen
is of greater importance than the occipitoatlantal in relation to
restriction of venous drainage from the internal cranial region.4

* * *

Lateral to the sphenobasilar junction we note the foramina

lacerata and see the internal carotid arteries passing into the
cranium through individual canals in the petrous portions of the
temporal bones. As I have said, I believe the venous blood is
carried along by membranous activity to the exits at the jugular

2 Adapted from: Sutherland; "Bedside Technique," Contributions of

Thought, p. 28.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid., p. 29.

Dysfunction in the Vascular System

foramina. Keep in mind that the main venous channels have

walls decidedly different within the cranium from those with­
out. The venous blood finds its way out of the cranium through
exits formed by the articulation of two bones; the jugular
foramina are examples. On the othe'r hand, the arterial walls are
the same within and without the cranium and have the same
nerve supply. In addition, the arterial walls are protected on
their way into the cranium by passing through individual canals
in individual bones.
Thus, we may reason that membranous restriction disturbs
the venous flow and the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid.
While cranial lesions may be primary, the intracranial mem­
branes, including the dura and the arachnoid, are the real dis­
turbing causation factors leading to disease or disturbed
function in the brain.
Along comes the heavy vibration of the battlefield and you
find the mechanism locked, just as sometimes there is a lock in
the hydraulic brake system of your car. In some sudden emer­
gency they lock right down. In the concussions of the battle­
field a membranous shock may occur that locks down over all
the fissures and sulci of the brain. This is followed by a distur­
bance in the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid in the area,
in the cortical area.
I saw many young soldiers returning from the battlefields land
in San Francisco. They were young men with graying hair. I
interpret this as a locking of that arachnoid membrane over the
outside fissures of the neural tube. What would that do to the
pia mater that carries blood supply to the perivascular spaces?
Study the effects of "sacral sag" and "fascial drag" on the en­
tire vascular system, including the return of lymph to the heart.
Have you heard Dr. Still's parable of the goat and the boulder?
The goat comes down a mountain path and runs into a boul­
der, head on. His tail flops up. He backs up and starts over.


When he butts into the boulder this time his hind heels flop
up. He backs up again, way up, and comes charging down the
mountain path and slams into the boulder so that "the whole
damn works flop up." (For a fuller discussion of this parable,
see p. 214.)
In this parable the mountain path is the aorta. The boulder is
the crura of the diaphragm where they cross above the aorta
and the receptaculum chyli. The goat represents the valves of
the heart behind the blood descending in the aorta. There is so
much in the study of the crura: a drag on the fascia, on the cen­
tral tendon of the diaphragm, on the mediastinal fascia that
goes between the heart and lungs and then folds around back of
the muscles of the neck. Did you ever stop to think that the pre­
vertebral fascia goes up around the same muscles? That same
fascia is in the area of the sympathetic ganglia that are the vaso­
motor regulators. That same fascia is attached to the outside of
the basilar process of the occiput. You see that we are engineers
of the human mechanical body, engineers of the highest quality.
When we slap on the sphygmomanometer to measure the
blood pressure, we pump up the apparatus and back up the arte­
rial stream. What have you up there in the instance of a cere­
bral hemorrhage but an arterial stream? The only occasions
when I have used that apparatus have been to satisfy a life insur­
ance company with figures for their records.

The Lymphatic System

See another protective system in the fundamental principle

of the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid taking care through
the functioning of transmutation at the lymph nodes. That is,
taking care of poison that has been gathered up by the lym­
phatic system. See how you can control that Tide with your ten
fingers and intelligence. In the art of knowing your mechanism,
you can bring this fundamental principle of the primary respira­
tory mechanism with its Intelligence, with its potency, to that

Dysfunction in the Vascular System

short rhythmic period of its fluctuation. W hen you have

brought the fluctuation to the still, quiet point you have an
immediate interchange between all the fluids of the body. This
includes the electrolysis in the lymph nodes that prepares the
lymph for its return to the blood stream. It is like the demon­
stration that I gave with the glass of water through a transmit­
ted vibration. (See p. 16.) Use this principle in your next case of
inflammatory rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis.
You will not see many cases of Hodgkin's disease, but the sit­
uation gives you something to think about with seeing, think­
ing, knowing fingers. You may have forgotten the information
you have learned about the pathology involved. If the Old
Doctor's "Ram of Reason" begins to bump your frontal lobes,
you think about some of those streams that back up because
there is a block somewhere in the exit of the river.
Here we have a vascular disturbance. I would say a backing
up of something - a backing up of the lymphatics. There is a
pretty big back-up and that makes for a pretty big causative fac­
tor in that pathology. At some time or other there has been a
drag on the fascia - not only a pull on the fascia, but a drag on
that important reciprocal tension membrane.
Where would we look for an obstruction in the main lym­
phatic drainage? The drainage of the entire body, excepting the
right upper quadrant? Think of the thoracic duct leading from
the receptaculum chyli, into which the lymph drainage from
below is dumped. The lymph is then carried up the duct and
emptied into the left subclavian vein. You think again of the Old
Doctor's goat on the mountain path butting up against the
boulder where the crura of the diaphragm cross above the aorta
and the receptaculum chyli. Do you get the picture?
Now let us talk about the application of the science of
osteopathy in securing regulation of the normal flow of the
lymph stream. I hope to illustrate the application as a demon­
stration of non-incisive surgery. It is necessary in all applications


to form a mental picture of the mechanism as the first step in

the procedure. Note that the physical emptying of the lymph
stream into the venous system occurs where the thoracic duct
enters the left subclavian vein. The physiologic emptying
requires a gentle and rather unique siphoning process in the
thoracic duct.
This process can be assisted or facilitated by the use of feel­
ing, seeing, thinking, knowing fingers. This guidance differs
specifically from manual manipulation. During the application,
fingers of one hand establish a contact over lymph nodes while
a transmitted vibration is initiated through the other hand,
which is placed on top of it. A quiet pause-rest should occur
between applications.
The first application is to the upper left thorax near the axilla.
The second is done with a lift to the area above the receptacu­
lum chyli. The third application is at the great omentum, with
a lift.
The transmitted vibration initiates the siphoning process.
The first siphoning process occurs at the upper left thoracic
area at the level of the axilla where you find nodes. If you don't
find them, look for Chapman's Reflexes (see Glossary). Then go
down to the epigastrium; the nodes are there. You will find
them. Next, it is the same when you go down to the omentum
and lift it. The object in lifting the great omentum is to tip it
over, flop it over.
The nodes are there; those little things through which "finer
nerves dwell than even with the eye."5 That was meant to apply
to the entire lymphatic system of the body. I can remember a
patient, a veteran, with a bad case of lymph blockage with its
resultant effects. When the blockage was released it was one of
the most surprising results that ever occurred in the eyes of a

5 See footnote on p. 33 for the full quotation.

Dysfunction in the Vascular System

Left internal jugular vein


"""",�_....�,L-II...-+---+ Sternum


Figure 14. The areas of application for Dr. Sutherland's lymphatic treatment,
showing the location of the junction between the thoracic duct and subclavian
vein, the course of the thoracic duct, and the omentum.


physician. All that is involved is the goal of keeping things

moving in their normal channels and through all the little
nodes. The system is continually gathering up. It is the sewer
system of the body, carrying off the metabolic wastes, the poi­
sons, and the molecules that are closed to the capillaries. It is a
beautiful system.
You have heard of Miller's Lymphatic Pump. It does the same
thing through the secondary respiratory system.

Editor's Note: C. Earl Miller, D.O., taught a method in about 1920 for
gently springing the upper rib cage with the intent of facilitating the
movement of lymph.

With the method I described of facilitating the movement of

lymph and controlling the Tide by bringing the fluctuation
down to the short rhythmic period, you have the interchange
between all the fluids of the body. Using the primary respira­
tory mechanism you don't have to go through that mechanical
effort. By holding the walls of the fourth ventricle you have a
transmutation. You deal with the motor that does the work
through the primary respiratory centers in the floor of the
fourth ventricle. You can reach the entire system through those
physiologic centers.
You will hear me say from time to time that the arterial
stream is supreme, but the cerebrospinal fluid is in command. I
hope that you may understand how the cranial concept became
a contribution of thought directing attention to a hitherto unex­
plored area or channel in the science of osteopathy. It is a
thought that is in no way apart from the science of osteopathy.
Get that. Nothing apart. It is not a specialty in itself; it is not
simply a therapy. We are dealing with a science.6

6 Adapted from: Sutherland, Contributions of Thought, p. 132.


Entrapment Neuropathy

IT IS IMPORTANT TO visualize the nerve fibers and ganglia in rela­

tion to the motion of the bones for a full diagnostic picture of
the problems that your patients bring to you. I will call your
attention to some of my experiences with particular situations.
Realize, however, that the possibilities are endless. Learn to
look with your knowledge of the pathways taken by the nerves
from their nuclei to their destinations. Above all, consider the
picture of an infinitely small type of cranial strain.
Look at the sleeves of dura mater on the branches of the fifth
cranial nerve as they leave the trigeminal ganglion. Focus atten­
tion on an infinitely small strain of the dural sleeve on the mid­
dle branch, the maxillary nerve, when a rotation of the petrous
portion of the temporal bone has increased tension in the area.
This is often the situation that exists in cases of tic douloureux.
Imagine a man's discomfort when wearing a tight-fitting sleeve
cuff. This is an appropriate illustration for comparison with the
facial discomfort experienced in tic douloureux.
There is another very small situation to be recognized in tic
douloureux. It is a specific, stretching strain on the maxillary­
infraorbital nerve pathway. The tight-fitting dural sleeve may
be affected by the course of the nerve around the small groove
in the orbital process of the palatine bone and on around the
groove in the maxilla to its exit at the infraorbital foramen
below the zygoma.


I advise thorough investigation of infinitely small strains in

the mechanics of the relationships between the palatine bones
a n d t h e m a x i l lae. T h e n, always consider effects on the
sphenopalatine ganglion. This type of stretching strain may also
be illustrated in the course of the sciatic nerve. There are spe­
cific places in these pathways where this problem of entrapment
may appear.
Picture the effects of motion in the physiologic functioning
of the trigeminal ganglion itself. It is located near the tip of the
petrous portion of the temporal bone where the roly-poly
action during rotation is regular all the time. See the rocking
movement of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid in relation to
the olfactory bulbs. Then see the "motion-vision" in the sus­
pension of the ciliary ganglion in the orbits.
Note the possibilities for strain, in this way; in the area of the
brain stem between the cerebral aqueduct and the central canal of
the spinal cord - that is, along the floor of the fourth ventricle.

Editor's Note: This area is liable to torsional strain and strain by elon­
gation or bending, thereby narrowing the lumen.

Recall the nuclei themselves and think of the pathways taken

by the cranial nerves. WIth the exception of the first two, all the
cranial nerves exit from the cranium, so think of the exits them­
selves. Realize the mechanics of the living brain in a mobile cra­
nium in terms of possible strains under various conditions.
Look to the exits of all the cranial nerves to see if there is
enough room for them to pass.
Think especially of the jugular foramina. They resemble
intervertebral foramina, and the petrous portions of the tempo­
ral bones resemble the necks of ribs. What is there at the jugu­
lar foramen besides the internal jugular vein? The ninth, tenth,
and eleventh cranial nerves on their way out of the cranium.
Could changes in the size and shape of that foramen, formed by
two bones, result in entrapment neuropathy? It is possible.

Entrapment Neuropathy

Let us look at ribs and their vertebrae. Consider the effect of a

minute strain in the normal articular movement of the heads of
the ribs that could disturb the nearby sympathetic ganglia. At
the same time, look at strains between related vertebrae and the
effect on intercostal nerves, reme�bering the distribution of
those nerves. View the entire nerve pathway of a pain signal to
the dorsal root ganglion in terms of mechanical factors that could
disturb function and comfort. This is clearly indicated in cases of
intercostal neuralgia, neuritis, and shingles (herpes zoster).
A rib rotates externally and internally in inhalation and exha­
lation, just as all paired lateral structures elsewhere, in relation
to the midline structures. Visualize the neck of the rib. Does it
remind you of the movement of a Venetian blind? When the
blinds are closed there is quite a space between them and the
windowpane. Look at the necks of all the ribs on both sides of
the posterior wall of the thorax. Turn the ribs in your mind's
eye as Venetian blinds turn, and see the change in the space
between the rib and the tissue in front of it - namely, the lungs.
Visualize the prevertebral fascia that runs in close approxima­
tion to the sympathetic ganglia and blood vessels. What occurs
when the blinds, the necks of the ribs, go into internal rotation
or external rotation? The action changes the space, the prever­
tebral space between the ribs and the lungs. Suppose one of
those blinds (ribs) becomes luxated in either external or inter­
nal rotation in connection with a disturbance to the functional
physiology of the lateral chain ganglia - the sympathetic gan­
glia. What occurs in the close approximation of that ganglia to
the head of a rib if the rib is held in one position? You have the
same sort of disturbance that you have when that little thing
called the sphenopalatine ganglion is not functioning well.
Suppose you have a patient with hyperextension in an area of
the upper or middle thoracic spine. You have worked to effect a
change but have made no progress. Why don't you get the result
you have worked for? The head of a rib is holding the related
vertebrae in that position.


Cut edge
of fascia

tffl'fft--- longitudinal




Figure 15A. The anterior surfacl; of the posterior thoracic wall, showing the
relationship of the sympathetic (lateral chain) ganglia to the costovertebral

Entrapment Neuropathy

Fascia --..2�N'f:
( costal pleura)

Lung "'--
.. ... -Vertebral body

'NofR,.-."....,.- Splanchnic

Azygos vein Hemiazygos vein

Anterior longitudinal


Figure 15B. A transverse cross-section of the costovertebral junction, showing

its relationship to a sympathetic (lateral chain) ganglion.

To treat this condition, all you have to do is to hold the bolt

- that is the rib - in a position. It makes no difference
whether you hold it in internal or external rotation. You hold
the bolt and ask the patient to turn the nut - that is, the facet,
or facets, of the related vertebrae. The patient does this by
turning the opposite shoulder, or perhaps just his head, away.
With respiratory cooperation added to this postural coopera­
tion, the ligaments related to the joints involved that have held
the head of the rib in the facet will bring it back into normal


relationship. Use the same postural cooperation and respiratory

cooperation with the corresponding rib on the other side. (For
a discussion of the nut and bolt principle, see p. 189.)
What happens to this so-called chronic lesion in extension in
the thoracic area when the normal freedom of movement is
restored? The same results that you found when releasing
strains in the cranium. Entrapment neuropathy is removed.



Editor's Note: There are three considerations when thinking about the
living human body, including the head. The first is the view of the
involuntary physiology that is going on all the time, including its
mechanical aspects. In this view we see the flexion and extension of
midline structures together with the external rotation and internal
rotation of paired lateral structures.
The second is the adaptation that this living structure makes to var­
ious postural stresses and strains, thus creating patterns that are
observed in an osteopathic structural examination. Such patterns are
the expression in the adult of the small strains that occurred in infancy
and became larger with growth, the "bent twig" phenomenon.
The third consideration is trauma, in the sense of injury from the
impact of an external force upon the living head. If the head as a
whole can move with such a force in translation, the impact upon the
mechanism is minimized. However, the effects of momentum-inertia
(when a moving object meets with a stationary one) present a spec­
trum of severity and also an infinite variety of extended consequences.
This short lecture by Dr. Sutherland does not exhaust what he had to
say on this subject over the years of his teaching.

THE CONSEQUENCES OF TRAUMA to the head are frequently

encountered in osteopathic practice. Cranial membranous artic­
ular strains often result from operations done for some other
problem. A simple procedure such as extraction of a tooth can
incidentally create a strain in the facial mechanism or even in the


posterior cranial fossa. The great improvement in the manner of

transporting injured people has prevented many secondary
injuries that were formerly found. It has been recognized that
an injured or unconscious human body is vulnerable to inciden­
tal strains because the muscular tonus that protects the joints is
not working. The ligaments permit a wider range of motion
under these circumstances, which leads to stresses and strains
that develop subsequently.
In the emergencies that require primary attention to another
area, there often are lesser injuries that should not be forgot­
ten. It is possible for many injuries to occur in a single inci­
dent. Physicians must first attend to those requiring urgent
attention. However, many injuries do not manifest until some
time has passed. If these are not addressed at some point, they
provide the background for later troubles. An exhaustive exaIni­
nation that attends to all the small injuries related to the inci­
dent should be made at an appropriate time for the long term
benefit of the patient.
There are numerous traumatic effects created by inc�dents
involving momentum-inertia. In addition, there are various
types of cranial membranous articular strains that follow the
direct impact of an external force. These local events are to be
analyzed in terms of the local anatomy. Should mental and
emotional stress be added to these conditions, the effects
become intensified. Shell shock and concussion in the environ­
ment also constitute external forces that make an impact upon
the cranial mechanism.
When the facts of a traumatic incident are known, the lesion
is named for the bone that received the impact, first, and its
neighbors, second. For instance, a blow on the forehead may
drive the frontal bone(s) into the coronal suture beneath the
parietals. This is named a frontoparietal lesion. Should the
impact have been upon the parietal, the name would be a pari­
etofrontal lesion.


When I was very young I had a brother, Steve, who got me

into trouble. He would climb aloft some high tree and jump off.
He landed on nimble feet. I bumped down upon my tuberosi­
ties. When you jump off a height and land on straight legs, or
fall off and land on your tuberosities, you are experiencing
momentum-inertia in the landing - and not just in one place.
Consider the cisterna magna, the body of cerebrospinal fluid
in the subarachnoid space of the posterior cranial fossa. When
momentum-inertia arrives there, the medulla oblongata may set­
tle into the foramen magnum as the cerebellum flops downward
over it and the cerebrospinal fluid gets pushed out. This picture
is simply offered to point out what can occur in this type of cra­
nial membranous articular strain. You might say that the cerebel­
lum has flopped down upon the fourth ventricle, compressing it,
or maybe an occipitomastoid lesion has been produced.
Turn the name around to call it a mastoid-occipital lesion. It
is a possibility because a force can come on the temporal bone
rather than on the occiput. You get the same effect. You get a
pinch on that important area. What a dull feeling it is that fol­
lows. You will also find that problem (an occipitomastoid lesion)
in many patients with psychiatric problems.
There is another cistern, one called the cisterna interpedun­
cularis. It is right over the sella turcica where a blow on the top
of the head may force a similar type of compression that pushes
the fluid out. Here it would crowd the optic chiasm. Sometimes
it affects the retina of the eyeball and there is papilledema.
The arachnoid membrane does not go into the fissures and
sulci of the cerebral cortex as does the pia mater. These lep­
tomeninges contain the distribution of the cerebrospinal fluid
on the outside of the neural tube. The arachnoid membrane
stretches across the fissures. Along come the heavy vibrations of
the battlefield or some such concussion, and lock that mem­
brane down on the cerebral cortex, which has the consistency of
soft custard. A disturbance in the fluctuation of the fluid in the


cortical area results. In accidents involving momentum together

with a collision with a stationary object, creating a "whiplash­
ing" effect, there is apt to be a concussion within the cranium
and a contrecoup effect. Attention to the management of the
fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid with a restoration of nor­
mal conditions soon after such a traumatic event can prevent
the development of a postconcussion syndrome. It is possible to
improve the conditions of this syndrome long after the acci­
dent, but it is better to prevent it.
Suppose you receive a blow on the frontal bone near the
frontozygomatic angle. Do you see how that might drive the lit­
tle palatine bone onto the sphenopalatine ganglion? Depending
on the direction of such a force you might find a locking of the
sphenozygomatic articulation in the lateral wall of the orbit.
Under sufficiently severe conditions there might be a fracture
in the lateral wall of the orbit. Such factors in this area can also
lock up the motion of the sphenoid.
It is well to consider the fact that the petrous portion of the
temporal bone not only rotates internally and externally in rela­
tion to the basilar process of the occiput, it also glides medially
and laterally. A golf ball speeding through the air and landing
on the mastoid portion of the temporal bone just behind the
auricle has been known to drive the petrous portion medially
into the cranial base, with complex clinical problems for the
patient resulting. On the other hand, a fall with the occipital
squama landing on the sidewalk can produce conditions which
occasion the temporal bone to glide straight out of the side of
the head. Careful use of the principle of balanced membranous
tension will aid the prompt return to normal. The patient is
amazed by the sudden difference.


* * *

The following are anatomical conditions tending to minimize

the effects of violence inflicted upon the skull:

1. The density and mobility of the scalp.

2. The domelike shape of the skull, which will bear relatively
hard blows and also allow them to glide off.
3. The number of bones, which tends to break up the force of a
4. The sutures, which interrupt the transmission of violence.
S. The intersutural membrane, which acts, in early life, as a lin­
ear buffer.
6. The elasticity of the outer layer.
7. The overlapping of some bones (e.g. the parietal by the tem­
poral squama), and the alternate beveling of adjacent bones
(e.g. at the coronal suture).
8. The presence of ribs, or groins (e.g. from the crista galli to
the internal occipital protuberance, from the root of the nose
to the zygoma, the temporal ridge from orbit to mastoid,
from mastoid to mastoid, from the external occipital protu­
berance to the foramen magnum) .
9. Buttresses (e.g. zygomatic process and greater wing of the
10. Mobility of the head upon the spine. I

1 Adapted from: Sir Henry Morris, Human Anatomy, 10th ed.

(Philadelphia, 1942), p. 120.


Diagnosis and Treatment

THERE ARE SEVERAL PRINCIPLES that I have used in the process of
making a diagnosis of the situation in the living head. The first
consideration in this process is the use of your hands for palpa­
tion and the tests for motion. You may use your sense of touch
as well as your sight to make observations of the shape of the
head and face as a whole and in detail. You may feel numerous
landmarks, the size and shape of individual bones, and outline
the sutures. This initial study is relatively superficial, but it is
the background within which you place further findings.
When palpating let your fingers light gently on the skull, on
the abdomen, or anywhere on the patient's body. Let your hands
be like the bird lighting on the branch of a tree, quietly touching
and then settling down over the area. While your fingers are
there feeling, seeing, thinking, and knowing, they can tell you
more in one minute than a firm grasp can gain in an hour's
observation. You will train them to observe without interfering.
If you try to grasp the vault firmly you are not going to learn
much because you will be mixing the sense of touch, the propri­
oceptive sense, and the motive power of the hand.
Now, I will tell you about the use of contacts on the vault for
finding and understanding what is going on in the articular
mechanism of the cranial base. I must mention first that you


cannot feel the articulations of the bones in the base directly.

Therefore your vault contacts will tell you two things: facts
about the vault itself and facts about the base that you learn
through the vault.
The manual contact that I have found most useful in the
management of the cranial vault for the diagnosis of motion in
the cranial base can be thought of as a pair of pliers. That is,
both the hands and arms together function like that tool. This
is a modification of the contact that Dr. Still taught in his "wrist
technique." For the vault contact, the operator is seated at the
end of the table with the patient supine on the table. The oper­
ator places the palmar surface of his hands on the parietal
bones, the vault, of his patient. His thumbs are crossed above the
vertex and his arms are relaxed from the shoulders. This arrange­
ment forms the pair of pliers. The palmar surface of the digits is
to be adapted to the patient's head so that they can be used. The
crossing of the thumbs makes a little fulcrum, like the fulcrum
in a pair of pliers. The forearms of the operator become the
handles of the pliers.

Editor's Note: Dr. Still's "wrist technique" is described and illustrated in

the Appendix, Figure A. 27 . In this technique the operator can use the
muscles of his forearms for a very short leverage on the field of opera­
tion. It is not possible to strain the joints of the wrist with this control
of the field and it is possible to move the bones within his grasp.

Then you learn to use the muscles of the forearm, the flex­
ors, to control your contacts on the patient. The operator uses
the flexor digitorum profundus and the flexor pollicis longus in
the development of his manual skills. Notice in my demonstra­
tion of this vault contact that my fingers are not sticking out
way down on the sides of the patient's head. I cannot manage
the cranial base that way. My contact on the parietal bones is
with the palmar surface of the proximal parts of my digits up on

DiaIJIZosis and Treatment

top and back of the parietal eminences. The contact is plastic,

not gripping, and permits me to lift slightly as the parietals
move out laterally. They move anterolaterally at the posterior
inferior angles. The movement at this angle is also upward and
is more than the movement of the anterior inferior angles. The
articular gears simply carry the movement right along once it is
started in the direction of external rotation. This direction is
the movement that occurs when the sphenobasilar junction
moves into its flexion position.
All you do is start the vault moving toward its flexion posi­
tion - that is, give it a little "kick-off. " The fluid, the Tide,
carries it on to its range of flexion movement. You do not force
the movement beyond the range that occurs when the fluid car­
ries on what you have started. The same procedure is used to
start the movement into extension. All you have to do is to
change the fulcrum, the crossed thumbs, through the handles,
the forearms. Use a little compression, followed by turning the
parietal bones in the direction of internal rotation. This starts
the movement at the sphenobasilar junction into extension. In
this way you can diagnose whether the cranial base moves fur­
ther into flexion than into extension or vice versa . You will
know because you have not forced anything. You have only
allowed the Tide to carry the vault to its normal range of move­
ment in flexion and extension.

The Side-BendinglRotation and Torsion Patterns

The next diagnostic procedure to demonstrate is the pattern

of side-bending/rotation at the sphenobasilar junction. The
hands are on the vault just as they were when testing for flexion
and extension. The thumbs are crossed above the vertex so that
my arms can serve as handles. Then place an index finger on the
squama of the frontal bone(s), and place another finger - per­
haps the ring finger - on the posterior inferior angle of the
parietal bones.



Axis of rotation

Axes of rotation

Figure 16. Schematic patterns of the sphenobasilar junction.

side-bending/rotation and torsion the sphenoid and occiput rotate in opposite
directions about the axes indicated.
wing of the sphenoid and the occiput are lower on the side of the
on the side of the high great wing.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Approximate the two fingers on the side of the concavity and

spread the two fingers on the side of the convexity to make a
bend. Note the contact of the thumbs where they cross. See
that the fulcrum shifts when the fing:ers that are spreading move
downward as rotation occurs with the side-bending.
Again you just start the action and the Tide carries it into
side-bending/rotation. With this pattern the greater wing of the
sphenoid on the side where you approximated your fingers
moves upward. The greater wing on the side where you spread
your fingers, the side of the convexity, lowers. At the sphe­
nobasilar junction, the body of the sphenoid and the basilar pro­
cess of the occiput rise together on one side and lower together
on the other side. This rotation occurs because of that arch of
the clivus. Side-bending cannot occur without some rotation.
What do the temporal bones do when the sphenobasilar
junction moves into the pattern of side-bending/rotation, con­
vex to the right or to the left? You can feel the temporal bones
with your fingers at the mastoid angles of the parietals, as the
mastoid portion of the temporal bones articulate with the pos­
terior inferior angle of the parietal bones. You can feel them
move in and out at the parietomastoid articulation. Because you
know the mechanism, you can understand the internal and
external rotation of the petrous portions through what you feel
happening at the parietomastoid articulation.
When you want to test for the torsion pattern, you keep your
index finger on the frontal squama and make a contact with your
little finger on the occipital squama, the interpafietal occiput.
Only the index finger on one side and the little finger on the
opposite side are going to do any work. The other fingers are at
rest .as they lay on the head and the thumbs are crossed. The tor­
sion pattern involves a twist at the sphenobasilar junction. It is
named for the higher greater wing of the sphenoid; for the sphe­
noid has turned on its anteroposterior axis, and one greater wing
is higher than the other. It follows that the occiput has turned to
become higher on the side where the greater wing has lowered.


In this case you just start the movement and observe that the
mechanism carries along to its full excursion in the direction
started. With one index finger lift the greater wing of the sphe­
noid on one side, and with the little finger of the other hand lift
the occiput on the other side. [The direction of the lift is cepha­
lad. -ED.] When this torsion pattern responds to your action,
you feel the response at the sphenobasilar junction right away.
Then you allow the mechanism to return to neutral and test for
torsion in the other direction. The response is observed in the
same way.
When these responses are back to neutral you make compar­
isons of promptness, freedom, and range of excursion to draw
your diagnostic conclusions. The conclusions are determined by
the directions in which the bones move most promptly, freely,
and fully. When strains exist there is more movement in one
direction and limitation in the other. The strain pattern is
named for the direction of the freer, more extreme movement. I
have used this schematic routine so that my records tell me of
the diagnostic facts for each patient visit. It is also a scheme that
is useful in teaching. It is not an absolute way for the mecha­
nism to work.
Observation of movement as well as of position and shape is
possible when you become familiar with the normal landmarks.
You can look at the living human head and see the bones mov­
ing. In the flexion position you see the parietals moving exter­
nally. With extension you see them coming into internal
rotation. If you are looking at the face, you see the orbits
widening and narrowing and the eyeballs coming forward when
the cranial base is in flexion and receding when the base moves
into extension.
When there is a side-bending/rotation pattern in the cranial
base, watch the zygoma on the side of the higher greater wing
move externally. Then see the zygoma on the other side,
where the greater wing is lower, coming into internal rotation.

Diagnosis and Treatment

[When the zygoma externally rotates, the cheek bone is flat­

tened and appears less prominent. With internal rotation it
appears sharper and more prominent. -ED.] You can see it
move, and you can see the change �ccurring along the metopic
suture. You can also feel these movements and the changes that
follow from them. Observation by sight and palpation provides
information about position and movement. Make a diagnosis of
pattern by simply putting your hands on the vault.
At the same time that you are studying flexion, extension, side­
bending/rotation, and torsion patterns in this way, you can also
observe the fluctuations of the cerebrospinal fluid Tide. You can
make a diagnosis of the Tide. Where there is a limitation of some
sort you can feel a thump-thump. It is not a pulse beat. You can
amplify this effect in several ways using postural cooperation and
respiratory cooperation by the patient. All this and more is
accessible through the management of the vault contacts. (A
fuller discussion of diagnosis using the Tide is on p. 166.)

Editor's Note: At the courses that were recorded, Dr. Sutherland gave a
second lecture on the subject of diagnosis. It is included here for the
further elaboration of some key concepts.

What is the principle that I have found so useful in diagnosis

and treatment that resembles the "wrist-technique" that Dr.
Still taught? It is the principle of letting the hands light gently
on the vault, wrist, foot, or any other region and settle into the
contacts so as to be aware of the action within, so as to feel what
is going on. The living action is perceptible if your hands are
quiet and your attention is on what is there to be felt. If you
grasp your contacts vigorously, you stop the motion that you
want to feel. You have interfered with it. If you do not interfere,
the motion within carries your hands enough to register in your
proprioceptive sensory pathway. You know the motion because
you have felt it.


What have I been pointing to in considering and using the

tendons of your fingers and the one muscle that moves them?
The belly of the flexor digitorum profundus lies on the flexor
surface of the radioulnar interosseous membrane and the ten­
dons go across the wrist and palm, then cross the palmar surface
of the proximal phalangeal joints of the hand to insert into the
distal phalanges. One muscle moves the fingers. The joints that
are passed over are therefore controlled in their movement by
the one muscle. The application to strains in the wrist is clear. I
have modified it in applying the principle to the cranial vault
when managing the movement of the joints of the cranial base.
It is a precise scientific operation. It is not a vague manipulation.

Editor's Note: In comparing the mechanism of the forearm to the cra­

nium, Dr. Sutherland notes that in both cases there are joints that are
moved without direct attachment to the agency of that movement. In
the forearm there is one muscle with four tendons that cross and
move many joints. In the cranium there are the three sickles of the
reciprocal tension membrane that pass over the cranial base and
move those articulations.

What do you do when you want to start a pattern of side­

bending/rotation in the cranial base with the vault contact? Let
us say that you want the greater wing of the sphenoid to go up
on the right side and the basilar process of the occiput to tip up
on the same side. [The base of the sphenoid rises concomitantly
with the greater wing -ED.] Suppose that you have already
learned that the patient's base moves more freely in the direc­
tion of extension. Using the vault contact you simply spring the
parietals inward and approximate your fingers on the right side
of the head.
You can see the parietal "eaves" move in as the sagittal suture
rises to form a slight ridge. You see the zygomatic angles of the
frontal squama moving inward and the metopic suture moving

Diagnosis and Treatment

forward. The zygomatic bones move toward internal rotation,

and you may observe the frontal processes of the maxillae turn
more into the sagittal plane. Then you feel the right side of the
head rise and the left side lower as the sphenobasilar junction
side-bends and rotates with the convexity to the left. As this
response is completed, you allow the mechanism to return to its
neutral position.
What do you do when you want to test for motion in the
sphenobasilar junction in the pattern of torsion with the greater
wing high on the left? Again, you consider whether the base is
more free in flexion or extension because the other patterns
occur more clearly according to the fact of that finding. The
movement of the sphenoid and occiput in their regular physio­
logic excursion is around a transverse axis. The movement in
the torsion pattern is around an anteroposterior axis through
the body of the sphenoid and the basilar process of the occiput.
Therefore, when one greater wing rises, the other lowers. In
torsion, which is a twist at the sphenobasilar junction, the basi­
lar process turns at the same time so that it is tipped up on the
side of the lower greater wing. It follows that the occiput is
lower on the side of the high greater wing.
In the torsion pattern, because of the occiput's rotation on its
anteroposterior axis, the basilar process turns so as to be up on
one side and down on the other. The temporal bones, as is the
general rule, move with the occiput. Whenever the basilar pro­
cess of the occiput is tipped up on its side, the temporal bone is
carried into its internal rotation position. On the side where the
basilar process tips downward, the petrous portion rolls into its
position of external rotation.
Likewise, you will see in the torsion pattern that where the
greater wing moves upward, the zygomatic bone is carried into
external rotation. On the side where the greater wing goes
downward, you see the zygomatic bone being carried into
internal rotation. You see something else too: you can see that


eyeball narrowing and becoming elongated, the shape associated

with nearsightedness. On the other side, the side of the higher
greater wing, that eyeball comes forward as the orbit widens.
Thus, there are difficulties for the optometrist who engages to
help in the fitting of lenses for better vision.
When the normal physiologic patterns of flexion and exten­
sion are dominant, the diagnosis is easier. This is when the
sphenoid and occiput are turning on their parallel transverse
axes. With the flexion pattern, the orbits widen and the eyeballs
come forward to favor farsightedness. When the extension pat­
tern is dominant, the orbital cavities become elongated and
more narrow, molding that vascular organ, the eyeball, into the
shape that favors nearsightedness.
You have seen that the sphenoid and occiput turn on a verti­
cal axis when moving into the side-bending pattern and that
they must also turn on the anteroposterior axis, which causes
them to rotate. The manifestation of the side-bending/rotation
pattern is a concavity on the high side and a convexity on the low
side. Therefore, the operator converges his fingers on the high
side and spreads them on the low side to "kick-off" the mecha­
nism for testing in this pattern. This is named for the side of the
convexity in my schematic design.
You can feel the temporal bone on the high side, the side of
the concavity, moving into internal rotation. You can feel the
one on the side of the convexity moving into external rotation.
You will also feel the rotation when the sphenoid and the basilar
process move downward on the side of the convexity.
If you watch closely, you can see the zygomatic bone on the
side of the higher greater wing move into external rotation. The
zygomatic bone on the low side then will go into internal rota­
tion. Watch the eyeballs in this situation. See the angle of the
frontal bone on the side of the higher greater wing moving for­
ward and out as the angle on the lower wing moves inward and
back. I never watched the frontal eminences, but I have seen the

Diagnosis and Treatment

frontal processes of the maxillae turning. They turn more into

the coronal plane with external rotation and more into the
sagittal plane with internal rotation.
Application of these tests for mo�on in these several patterns
through vault control is easy. As with flexion and extension, all
you have to do is to start the mechanism in the direction under
study. That is why we want you to practice it, so that you will
become precise and perfect in the art of knowing, the art in the
science of osteopathy.

Lateral and Vertical Strain Patterns

We now come to the study of patterns that are the result of

external force or forces upon the mechanism from without.
These forces may have been active in the process of birth
between the passenger and the passageway, or they may have
been active only recently in the experience of an adult patient.
In any case, the head as well as any other part of the body
responds to external force according to the intensity of the force;

the mechanics of the place of impact; and whether the force is

translated, and thereby dissipated, or absorbed into the mecha­
nism, thereby causing strain.
There are certain possibilities for motion in response to an
external force in the cranial base. These patterns are not physi­
ologic, but within limits they can be tolerated without disturb­
ing vital functions. I have named them for what happens at the
sphenobasilar junction, but what you see in the shape of the
head as a whole is often a puzzle in diagnosis.
One of the puzzles you will encounter in diagnosis once in a
while is conflicting evidence. You may see an extension type
head below and a flexion type vault above. Or, you may find
just the opposite, a flexion base with an extension vault. What
happened? The answer lies in an understanding of the condy­
lar parts of the occiput and their influence upon the whole


The anatomic specimens, the skulls, give you a variety of

cues. The prominent cue is the shape of the foramen magnum.
Analyze the conditions that enter into the formation of the
foramen magnum in all the specimens that come to your atten­
tion. See the changes in the shape of the "hole in the tree" (the
foramen magnum). Visualize the implications of your observa­
tions and analysis of the outside of the skulls for the spaces on
the inside of each skull. In your mental pictures, locate the falx
cerebri and the tentorium cere belli as they enter into the for­
mation of the spaces that contain the brain stem, the cerebel­
lum, and the lobes of the cerebral hemispheres.
For instance, a misshapen skull may show a crowded hemi­
sphere on one side and an expanded one on the other. The situ­
a tions can be analyzed so that the functional effects are
diagnosed. The science of osteopathy points the way to visualiz­
ing changes in the shape of spaces so that improvements in the
related functions may be devised.
When you are puzzled about the meaning of conflicting evi­
dence, you can reason that a special pattern is present in the
sphenobasilar junction. That may be a "bent twig" situation or a
response to an external force. For, in addition to the patterns of
side-bending/rotation and torsion, strains in other directions
are possible. I call these possible patterns lateral strains and ver­
tical strains. This means that the body of the sphenoid and the
basilar process of the occiput have been moved so that they
have glided either up or down or from side to side in relation to
each other.
There may be a vertical strain with the base of the sphenoid
high and the base of the occiput low or with the sphenoid low
and the occiput high. There may be a lateral strain with the
base of the sphenoid to the left and the base of the occiput to
the right or with the sphenoid to the right and the occiput to
the left. It is convenient to name these patterns for the position
of the sphenoid body, the position of the basilar process of the
occiput being implied.

Diagnosis and Treatment



Axes of rotation

Figure 17. Schematic patterns of the sphenobasilarjunction.

tical and lateral strain patterns the sphenoid and occiput rotate in the same
direction around parallel axes.
the sphenoid is relatively elevated with the base of the occiput rela­
tively depressed.
sphenoid is relatively displaced to the right with the base of the
occiput relatively displaced to the left.


Under some circumstances the cranial base may be com­

pressed by traumatic forces. These forces upon the adult head
manifest as compression at the articulations. In infants and
children trauma can also produce compression, and in addition,
the forces that simply accrue with growth can cause a pre­
existing pattern to become compressed. Some have called these
patients "children with tight heads. " When your diagnostic
procedures reveal this condition, it is called simply compression
of the cranial base.
I use the vault contact for systematic diagnosis of conditions
and patterns of the cranial base. This includes the full use of all
the tests for motion in all the patterns I have described. You
may use other contacts and create your own diagnostic routine
and arrive at the same understanding of your patient's mecha­
nism at any given visit. The visual and palpatory observation
routine provides you with much detail that increases your under­
standing of what can be realized about the shape of spaces on
the inside from your diagnosis of the outside.
I want to emphasize again the value of visualizing the sphe­
noid and occiput as wheels. In that picture you can locate a par­
ticular place along a spoke of the wheel or on its circumference.
Locate the foramen magnum on the occipital wheel. See that
when the occiput turns into the direction of flexion, the fora­
men magnum moves forward and up a little. The same is true
when the sphenoid turns in circumrotation. All the spokes on
the wheel are turned to a different place in space. This fact may
help you in your understanding.

The Sacrum in Relation to the Cranial Base

Focus your attention now on the foramen magnum of the

occiput. The intraspinal dura mater, a continuation of the inner
layer of the cranial dura mater and its reduplications, has a firm
a ttachment to the rim of the foramen magnum. It is not
attached to the atlas but to the bodies of the second and third

Diagnosis and Treatment

cervical vertebrae - that is, to the posterior longitudinal spinal

ligament at that level. From there, it hangs like a hollow tube
down the spinal canal until it reaches the sacrum. (For a descrip­
tion of dural sac anatomy based on more recent anatomic stud­
ies, see the editor's note on p. 26.)
In the sacral canal the intraspinal dura mater is attached to
the posterior longitudinal spinal ligament at the level of the sec­
ond sacral segment. As the membrane is nonextensible, you can
understand that when the occiput moves a little forward and up
in inhalation, the foramen magnum and the membrane attached
to it are carried forward and up a little, too. See the membrane
rising and taking the sacrum along with it. This is the reciprocal
tension membrane of the spinal canal, the intraspinal reciprocal
tension membrane.
What effect does this action have on the sacrum? The
sacrum is suspended beneath the ilia by two L-shaped articula­
tions. In inhalation the base of the sacrum is lifted into a poste­
rior position, and the apex is moved forward. Then, during
exhalation the spoke, the foramen magnum, drops back in the
lower level, and the sacral base drops forward into its extension
position. In that position the apex of the sacrum moves posteri­
orly. This is a discussion of the principle of the reciprocal ten­
sion membrane of the spinal canal that connects the foramen
magnum of the occiput with the second sacral segment. You are
going to need this information.
Because of the direct connection of the occiput with the
sacrum, you can see that there is an involuntary participation
of the sacrum in the physiologic action of the cranial mecha­
nism. A study of the sacrum, suspended beneath the ilia, shows
the resemblance to the sphenoid, suspended beneath two
frontal bones. (Regarding two frontal bones, see the editor's
note on p. 69.) The sacrum reveals in its mechanism a unity
between its involuntary movement between the ilia and the
movement of the sphenoid . A deeper study of the anatomy


relating the ilia to the sacrum shows transverse ligaments,

oblique ligaments, and no muscles. This information indicates
an articular mobility that is different from the postural mobility
of the ilia upon the sacrum.
The experiments that contributed to the conclusion that the cra­
nium and the sacrum function as a unit in a primary respiratory
mechanism were not outwardly dramatic, but they were con­
vincing and clinically valuable.l
I found in my experiments that I could place a little pad
under the apex of the sacrum that would throw the sacrum into
its flexion position (sacral base posterior and apex anterior). I
could move the pad up to the sacral base and throw it into its
extension position. Then, I found that if I left that pad down
there I would find something occurring in the cranium that
showed a connection between the sacrum and the normal fluc­
tuation of the cerebrospinal fluid Tide. That gave me more
than information. It was knowledge gained.


The next subject is the diagnosis and treatment of the cranium
by way of the cerebrospinal fluid Tide. I had hesitated in men­
tioning this phenomenon to my associate faculty because it
seemed to me to be the most uncanny thing you ever thought
of. I have been calling your attention to the potency of the
Tide. It has more intelligence and potency in it than any blind
force that can be safely applied from the outside. The cere­
brospinal fluid with that "highest known element" can work for
you. When you are in doubt about the correct diagnosis, let it
work for you. You can direct that Tide to an area of the skull
and feel the effect against your receiving hand. If you find that
it rebounds, it is bumping up against something that obstructs

1 AdahStrandSutherland,

1 66
Diagnosis and Treatment

its fluctuation. It may rebound and rebound when there is an

obstruction in a particular place. When there is no obstruction,
you feel only a gentle yielding with motion. This is something
that you can depend on to tell you the truth. You can use this
phenomenon in treatment as well as in diagnosis. Furthermore,
someone else can touch the soles of the feet while you are
directing the Tide, and feel that same rebound. Interpreting the
rebound of the Tide tells you something.
Suppose, for example, that you are directing the Tide from
the right foot to the opposite side of the head, say to the left
occipitomastoid suture. Ask the patient to dorsiflex the right
foot. If the patient has a membranous articular strain in the
left occipitomastoid articulation and you are in contact with the
foot, you will feel a pounding like the stormy waves on a rocky
shore. The Tide has backed up and you can feel it clear down
on that right foot, not the left one. Do you get the point?
For another example, suppose the membranous articular
strain to be in the frontosphenoidal area involving the lesser
wing as well as the greater wing of the sphenoid. If the strain is
located on the right, you direct the Tide from the lower side of
the occiput on the left, the diagonal opposite, or perhaps from
the left foot in dorsiflexion. The diagnostic rebound is specific.
You do not even have to test for the pattern of mobility at the
sphenobasilar junction. The Tide will tell you. It is uncanny,
and that is why I have hesitated to speak of it. However, "the
proof is in the pudding." Such surprises came to me. They have
to come to you to manifest their reality. It is a case of learning
about what you don't know. When you consider the potency of
the tide out there on a rocky shore, you can ask what it is doing.
It is washing away the rocky shore. You can utilize that Tide in
the reduction of strains as well as in the diagnosis.
There is an illustration of working with the Tide in the case
of a fifteen-year-old boy who had had six treatments from
skilled physicians. When I examined him using the Tide for

1 67

diagnosis, there was no rebound. Instead, there was a nice soft

movement of the Tide coming into the area of strain with no
rebound. It was a puzzle at first. Then it was clear that you can
use this principle to tell whether your treatment is getting bene­
ficial results. The change in the quality of response shows that
change is occurring in the area of strain.
How do I direct the Tide? This is even more uncanny. You
would expect that flow to go directly to some point, but it
doesn't. I am not going to tell you how it gets there because I
don't know, but it gets there. It seems to go right through the
brain and through anything else. In other words, you direct the
Tide from one point on the skull and it goes straight over to
another point. How does it get there?
This Tide is directed gently by the touch of a finger. From a
location on the forehead you direct it over to the occipital area,
from the left frontal area to the right side of the occipital
squama. You can send it from two directions down to the sphe­
nobasilar area. You can direct the Tide from the left parietal
eminence down to the right occipitomastoid suture; or, you can
direct from the right parietal area, near the posterior part of the
SQgittal suture, down to the left petrobasilar articulation.
Another uncanny event has happened. While balancing the
cranial membranous articular mechanism, another person can
sit back a ways and direct the Tide to a foot without touching
the foot. I know that this sounds fantastic, but I am telling you
these facts from experience. Also, I have heard reports from
others who have tried it out.
Compression of the fourth ventricle is directing the Tide, is
it not? Bringing the fluctuation down to that short rhythmic
period is the point. I have been saying something about that
fluid, that Intelligent fluid, spelled with a capital 1. Think of it.
Something that nourishes nerve cells with the Breath of Life.
A transmutation from that Breath of Life that runs in the
nerve fiber, down to those "finer elements that dwell with the

1 68
Diagnosis and Treatment

lymphatics." There is the change in the poison in the lymph

nodes before the lymph is dumped back into the blood vascular
system, into the subclavian vein. That is the effect when you
compress the fourth ventricle. Try this procedure in cases with
enlarged lymph nodes. See that change that occurs in the nodes.
That is directing the Tide also.
Where is that cerebrospinal fluid? Is it only in my body? No.
It is in each and every one of your bodies. There is an ocean of
cerebrospinal fluid in this room. Here is a fluid within a fluid.
There is a fluid within a fluid. The Breath of Life is within
each. You know something about shortwave, don't you? It goes
from one pole to another. It passes right through an individual.
You may have tried it out with shortwave instruments by stand­
ing right between them. You don't touch a thing. You can just
feel that current going right through you, can't you? Shortwave?
There is shortwave between two contacts, directing the Tide.
As you go about your daily life there is something that Tide is
moving from - that is, moving from one individual to another.
Say, from the positive pole to the negative, and so forth.
Possibilities, where are they? In Dr. Still's science of osteopa­
thy. There were some things that Dr. Still knew but hesitated to
talk about because the ground had to be prepared before the
seed could be sown. Yet, he had planted the seed for the cranial
concept, and it had even begun to sprout before he departed
from active earth life.
You have had a little experience, perhaps, in "kicking-off" the
Tide while testing for mobility. You have followed along with
the Tide. Someday you will have hold o f a head that will
respond differently. It will turn right away from you. You can
feel that sphenobasilar junction turning into another position,
such as side-bending/rotation. You will not be able to hold it
back. The mechanism as a whole is turning right away from
you. What is doing it? The Tide.



Editor's Note: The subjects of diagnosis and treatment are considered

together in this chapter because Dr. Sutherland viewed the two as
inseparable. In this method of treatment, a preoperative diagnosis is
made and the process of treatment begins. As the patient's mechanism
responds to the treatment contact and begins to change, a new diag­
nosis may be established.

Osteopathic technique is an intelligent application of the tac­

tile sense and the proprioceptive sense to the search for the cor­
rect problem in the patient's body. It is not possible to acquire
the diagnostic skills or the operational skills necessary for suc­
cessful practice in this field through watching the other fellow's
The osteopath is a physician who is a thinker, not a tinker.
Therefore, the technique cannot be taught by the demonstra­
tion of a series of manipulations. The student can acquire such
skills by working a l ongside an instructor. Hand-to-hand
instruction is then possible as the living tissues are being studied
and guided carefully, gently but firmly, and scientifically into
normal relationships. Tactility is essential in treatment as well as
in diagnosis. It is used in connection with the physician's com­
parison of the patient's mechanisms with his understanding of
the normal.
There have been many ways of administering technical care
by osteopaths over the years since it was first taught by Dr. Still.
Some practices have crept in that are not as carefully thought
out as other practices. The name for some of these ways has
become manipulation rather than technique. There is a differ­
ence. What is it? Some physicians place a patient on the table,
grab hold of the head with the frontal-occipital contact, turn it
around, and give a yank. I s there any science in that? Dr. Still
said that he was teaching his students to think before they act. If

Diagnosis and Treatment

you do not know the mechanism before you make a diagnosis

and plan a treatment procedure, you are not practicing osteopa­
thy. Stop to think of the possible strain you may be putting on
ligamentous tissues that hold articulations together and allow a
normal range of movement.
I am trying to bring out the importance of the application of
the manual contact, especially in the techniques related to the
living human cranium. If you try to push with your thumb in
temporal technique, or if you push with your fingers on the
vault you are not going to know what those thinking, feeling,
seeing, knowing muscles can do. Always be aware of the possi­
ble forces you may be introducing into the patient's mecha­
nisms. Know what you intend to do and know what you have
done. Keep track of your own weight. Use your weight pre­
cisely. Do not allow your weight or any other force to enter the
patient's body accidently. Recognize what is going on in the
patient when the operator pushes, pulls, or manipulates. How is
the operator aware of the patient's tissues? Ask the scientific
question, "What is going on here?"
The mechanism of the forearm, wrist, and hand is a good
example when considering the principles of the better way of
practicing that Dr. Still taught. The muscle that moves the ten­
dons that are attached to the distal phalanges of the fingers is the
flexor digitorum profundus, which lies on the flexor surface of
the radioulnar interosseous membrane. If there is a membranous
articular strain of that interosseous membrane, the mechanism
that operates that muscle - the tendons, wrist, and hand - will
have a problem. The operator who understands that mechanism
is in a position to find the correct problem. Then he can devise
an appropriate technique for helping the patient's mechanism
solve its problem. This principle is reliable for addressing the
particular problems that different patients bring to you.
You can also use your knowledge of the flexor digitorum pro­
fundus in developing your skill in managing the diagnosis and

17 1

treatment of the temporal bones. Using this muscle together

with the flexor pollicis longus in the management of your man­
ual contacts enables you to feel the delicate mechanisms of the
cranial structures and to sense the state of balanced ligamentous
tension in the synovial joints of the spine.

Management of the Cerebrospinal Fluid Fluctuation

As you place your thumbs and thenar eminences along the

mastoid portions and processes of the temporal bones, take
care to avoid compressing either the occipitomastoid sutures or
the temporal bones as a whole by balancing your hands on your
crossed fingers beneath the neck. As you observe positions and
test for motions, you will gain information about the petrous
portions and the occiput. In that state of manual balance you
allow the bones to move your hands or to manifest a limitation
of movement. Your information is reliable because you have not
interfered with the actual state of conditions.
Starting from this contact with the temporal bones, the
operator is able to develop several skills for special purposes.
One frequently uses the temporal bones for techniques that
manage the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid.2 When man­
aging the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid you are seeking
a rhythmic balance. Picture the rotation of the petrous portions
of the temporal bones. See that tentorium cerebelli attached to
their superior borders. That is what I have called the lateral
poles of attachment of the reciprocal tension membrane of the
cranium in my schematic description of that part of the primary
respiratory mechanism.
You all know that tool the carpenters use, the level. The level
has places where fluid is enclosed that changes when the tool is
moved. The fluid moves back and forth as the carpenter moves

2 For a general discussion of these techniques see "Altering the Pattern of

FluidFluctuation" in:

Diagnosis and Treatment

the level. When you know your mechanism, you, as an opera­

tor, can move the fluid within the cranium by your contacts on
the outside of the temporal bones or on the occipital squama. It
moves like the Tide in the ocean. This fluctuation of the cere­
brospinal fluid is a fundamental principle in the primary respi­
ratory mechanism that you can use to control that Tide. That is
why I have said that the cerebrospinal fluid is in command.
When you read and interpret what your hands tell you
through your contacts on the bones, you can perceive the
movement of the Tide and the punctuation, the accent, of the
movement. You can feel the strains at the bones and j oints.
When there is resistance you can feel the waves pounding upon
the "rocky shore." It is not a stretch of the membrane there. It
is an automatic shifting of the fulcrum of the mechanism. It is
the fulcrum point that you must visualize in your technique.
You read the accents, the punctuation, through the fulcrum
area. Recall what I have said about the fluctuation of the cere­
brospinal fluid. This is a motion contained within a natural cav­
ity - that is, the cranial articular mechanism, and also within
the chambers of the brain, with open doorways. The fluid is
surrounding the brain within and without, and all within the
osseous walls, which have the external layer of dura mater as
I want you to see the situation in which you have established
a lateral fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid and brought it
down to a balance point, a midway point, between inhalation
and exhalation. Then you have the brief period where the
patient's diaphragm is merely moving gently about a fulcrum
point. That is when you get this fine vibration at the center of
the Tide. It is the stillness of the Tide, not the stormy waves
that bound upon the shore, that is the aim of the technique. As
a mechanic of the human body in understanding the mechanical
principle in this fluctuation of the Tide, you are in contact with
the potency, the power, to treat and resolve problems.


Consider the different movements of the tides: the ground­

swell of the ocean on the continental shelves, the different wave
and current forms, and the way the tide behaves in different tidal
basins. See a sort of spiral movement in connection with the
movements of the brain. See the spiral coil moving out one way
and then coming together. How many spiral movements can you
visualize in that Tide? How many little coils can you see?
I have walked along a quiet shore with lots of seaweed float­
ing out in the water. I have watched this seaweed moving in
rhyth mic patterns with the groundswell, with the tide. Some
were spiralling in one direction and some were spiralling in the
other. For a large pattern, see the hurricane; see the potency in
the eye of the hurricane, not the destruction around the outside.
See the stillness at the center and the spiral movement. Like the
pilot on the ferry that crosses San Francisco Bay, you can get on
the balance point and let the potency carry you along. (For the
description of the ferry's operation, see p. 3 2 .)

* * *

There are a variety of ways in which the management of the

cerebrospinal fluid can be approached. I have used the terms
"eat's paw" and "pussyfoot" to make the point of different
degrees of excursion and different rates in turning the petrous
portions of the temporal bones for controlling the fluctuations.
When you want to incite an alternate lateral fluctuation of the
cerebrospinal fluid, you may think of "Father Tom," a cat who
gets excited up on a fence with another tomcat nearby. When I
think of "Mother Puss" gently purring to her kittens, I visualize
a smaller, more rapid excursion that approaches a still point.
These allusions consider the difference between an excitative
treatment and a palliative treatment. With the incitation from
"Father Tom" you urge to action the fluctuation, and with the
palliation of "Mother Puss" you manage that fluctuation so as
to bring it to the still point.

Diagnosis and Treatment

A variation of activating the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal

fluid from side to side with alternating control on the temporal
bones is to turn them differently at the same time. That is, you
turn one temporal bone into externa� rotation at the same time
that you turn the other into internal rotation. The aim of acti­
vating or inciting techniques is the establishment of a fluctua­
tion within the cranium from side to side. When you can
observe this effect you can then control the action so as to bring
it down to a still point.
When you are using this result for palliation or quieting, you
allow your hands to move so gently that the turning is barely
perceptible. In fact, you may think that you are not doing any­
thing. As the patient's head rests in your hands, the temporal
bones move simply because they are cradled within your grasp
and the patient is breathing. You are using your motive power
on your hands, not on the patient's head. Your hands move
around the fulcrum of your crossed fingers in a very short
excursion. This is why it is called a palliative application.
The physiologic response is to be the same as when you
compress the fourth ventricle by springing the occipital squama,
the supraocciput, medially and holding it so that the shape of
the posterior cranial fossa has changed. This change brings the
cerebellum down upon the roof of the fourth ventricle and the
pons up, reducing the size of the ventricle. As the cerebrospinal
fluid is not compressible, the operation moves the fluid, that is,
displaces it.
I want you to think about what is happening when you per­
form these operations for managing the fluctuation of the cere­
brospinal fluid. When that short period is vibrating, sense it as a
rhythmic balance in the fluid. This is the point of change. It
seems like a state close to suspended animation. That is why the
work of the operator is completed when this aim is accom­
plished. After the still point, the patient's body carries on the
work. You may watch how it does so, but your treatment is over.


You have brought the body of cerebrospinal fluid to a condition

where the whole - all around the brain, within the brain, all
around the spinal cord, and within the spinal cord - is simply
quivering or vibrating. In the still point that arises from the
application of these techniques, the motor is idling and there is
an interchange between all the fluids of the body.
Something goes out from that quiver; a change, or transmu­
tation, occurs in that fluid, an invisible something. It is not an
outflow over the nerves, although the change follows along to
the area where the terminals of the peripheral nervous system
dwell with the lymphatics. The change is in the constituents, or
elements, through transmutation. This is quite different from
transmission, or outflow.
I want you to see that "highest known element" in the human
body going out in that transmutation from the nerve cell along
the fibers to the terminals. Then, perhaps, you will grasp more
clearly what Dr. Still meant when he said that the lymphatics
consume more of the waters of the brain than the entire viscera.
The lymphatics are closely and universally connected with the
spinal cord and all other nerves, and all drink from the waters of
the brain.)
I am making a special effort to stress the point that I consider
the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid to be the fundamental
principle inthe cranial concept. The "sap in the tree" is some­
thing that contains the Breath of Life, not the breath of air -
something invisible. Dr. Still referred to it as one of the highest
known elements in the human body, replenished from time to
time. Do you think we will ever know from whence it cometh?
Probably not. But it is there. That is all we need to know.
In using the direction of the Tide for correction, for treat­
ment, you use the same direction process that you used for
diagnosis. You direct the Tide from the diagonally opposite area

3 Sti l
l, Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy, p. 66.

1 76
Diagnosis and Treatment

that you are examining. If you did nothing other than direct
that Tide, there would be, in time, a correction of the lesion.

* * *

Here is another thing you can do for treatment. Take the tem­
poral bone, for example, and the occipital bone; visualizing the
movement at the occipitomastoid articulation, turn the temporal
bone very gently in one direction and the occiput in the other.
Hold this situation gently while you direct the Tide from the
diagonally opposite frontal area. There will be some surprising
experiences to observe under your gentle, feeling, seeing, think­
ing, knowing fingers. You are going to be dealing with many
varieties of trauma in your practice. That is why I am stressing
this direction of the potency of the fluctuation of the cere­
brospinal fluid in diagnosis and in the techniques of treatment.

* * *

You are to learn to perform what I call activation or incitation

of the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid. This deliberate
operation is appropriate only in an emergency situation. Such
situations do not arise often, but when they have and a skilled
osteopath has been present, this operation has been successful in
starting the physiologic fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid
within its natural cavity. I have received several reports to that
effect. This operation is performed by turning the petrous por­
tions of the temporal bones in the same direction - that is, into
external rotation, at the same time that you turn the occiput into
flexion. This is a difficult manual effort, and under emergency
conditions it is awkward. It is another way of using the tentor­
ium cerebelli to control the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal
fluid. (For another description of this technique see p. 36).
Place the thumbs and thenar eminences along the mastoid
portions and processes of the temporal bones. Interlace the


fingers loosely beneath the neck. The crossed fingers serve as a

fulcrum for the action of the thenar eminences and the thumbs.
Then, while turning the occiput into flexion with the sides of
the hands, tum both petrous portions into external rotation
using the thumbs and thenar eminences. This throws the cra­
nial base into its flexion position. Allow the mechanism to
return to neutral for a bit and then repeat the operation of
inducing flexion.

Treabnent of the Occipitoatlantal Joint

In instances of a ligamentous articular strain at the occipi­

toatlantal joint, a mere extension or flexion of the occiput on
the atlas will not accomplish results. This is because in the
habitual lesion we find that the facets of the atlas move forward
with the occipital condyles. It is necessary to hold the atlas while
the occiput turns - that is, to hold the bolt while the nut is
turned. A method of drawing the tissues together, of approxi­
mation with tactility, is preferable to trying to pull them apart.
You will not be able to feel the condyles directly, for, like the
surgeon with his probe, the movement o f the condyles is
detected through the trained tactile sense. The difference in the
movement of the joint when it is back to normal is particularly
noteworthy. Feeling and seeing the tissue as you move it is that
skillful act known as osteopathic technique when applied to
osseous malalignments.
This important joint is a ligamentous articular mechanism, a
synovial joint. Understand that joint when the patient inhales
and exhales. Note the swivel joint that comes into play. The
occiput moves on the atlas when nodding. Otherwise the
occiput and atlas move together on the axis in a wide range of
rotation. The atlantoaxial ligaments, the tectorial membrane,
and the intraspinal dura mater all come into play.
It is a simple matter to place your index or middle finger
beneath the occipital bone, near the opisthion, not on the arch

Diagnosis and Treatment

of the atlas. It is convenient to start at the inion and follow the

midline on the supraocciput toward this point on the posterior
rim of the foramen magnum. That is as near as you can get to
the posterior tubercle on the posterior arch of the atlas with­
out going too far. Then, ask the patient to nod his head with­
out flexing his neck, as the occipitoatlantal joint is a nodding
The easy part of this technique is simply holding the atlas
when .the posterior tubercle comes up to your finger tip as the
patient nods his head. As the atlas is stabilized, the condyles on
the occiput can move into the divergences of the facets of the
atlas. The respiratory cooperation automatically assists in lifting
the condyles and thus realigning the relationship. The operator
then notes the change in the motion of the articulation. There
is no contraindication to repeating this technique when com­
pression of the condylar parts of the occiput occurs, even during
the course of a single treatment. (For another description of this
technique see p. 1 1 2 .)

Treatment at the Bedside

Those patients confined to bed for any reason should be

treated with delicacy in the application of an anatomicophysio­
logic touch. With the patient lying on a side in the flexion posi­
tion, as though in a hammock, the force of gravity can be
focused to draw the vertebral column posteriorly. This is to
relax the ventral tissues of the spine. This posture of general
flexion is a benefit in countering the drags that occur in the ver­
tical posture during a day's work. When applied to the patient
in bed, the relaxation of tissues ventral to the spinal axis also
relaxes those dorsal to it. It is therefore unnecessary to use
methods aimed to "break up" contractions and rigidities.
Administering osteopathic services to patients confined to
bed with acute ailments requires specific skill in feeling the tis­
sues and interpreting the information. The special goal o f

1 79

relaxing the anterior spinal ligaments and other tissues ventral

to the vertebral column so as to insure a normal blood supply
and functional lymph channels in relation to the spinal cord
should be kept in mind as one proceeds. It is important to pre­
vent the disturbing reflex influences through the sympathetic
gangl i a . T h i s p r o c e d u r e is a l s o u s e fu l i n r e l e asing the
diaphragm to a free excursion.
It is especially important to address problems that may limit
the excursion of the diaphragm when there are secondary com­
plications in the original illness. Respiratory illness is often sus­
ceptible to complications. The key to a drag on the diaphragm
may be in the posterior abdominal wall. Increased tensity of the
lumbocostal arches, or arcuate ligaments, may require treatment.
The crura of the diaphragm are attached to the anterior lon­
gitudinal spinal ligament at the level of the first and second
lumbar vertebrae and also to the third lumbar vertebra on the
right. (See Figure 1 8.) They cross over the aorta and the recep­
taculum chyli in the midline. From the side there are two fascial
structures, called ligaments, that pass over the quadratus muscle
and the psoas major muscle. These lumbocostal arches are fas­
tened to the twelfth ribs, the transverse processes, and blend
into the crura of the diaphragm. This area of the posterior
abdominal wall is usually taken for granted, but the normal
action here has work to do. If it is not working, there are bene­
fits to the patient in releasing the increased tensity.
One way of doing this, with the patient supine, is to use the
twelfth rib as a contact. Carry this rib into a state of lateral trac­
tion and hold. The patient may provide postural cooperation as
well as the natural respiratory cooperation. This may take the
form of positioning or of moving as circumstances indicate.
I have had occasion to note that riding horseback in a saddle
may accomplish the reduction of sacroiliac strains to the nor­
mal. (This story is told on p. 204.) On occasions I have found it
useful to imitate the mechanics of that action. As analyzed, I

1 80
Diagnosis and Treatment

see that the sacrum may be balanced and reseated between the
ilia if the ilia are moved laterally. In the saddle the sides of the
horse hold the femurs laterally as the saddle rhythmically moves
the sacrum between them. At the bedside the operator can carry
or turn the ilia laterally but he may need to have a nurse turn
the sacrum.
The charter of the American School of Osteopathy, the first
osteopathic school, stated that its purpose was to teach methods
for improving the practice of surgery, obstetrics, and the treat­
ment of diseases generally. Do you realize the full meaning of
that? You have that improvement because your skill is non­
incisive through the use of thinking, seeing, feeling, knowing
fingers. You are nonincisive surgeons.


Clinical Experience in the

Practice of Osteopathy

WHEN I WENT OUT into the field to practice, I had nothing. When
I met up with some of those old dried-up chronic cases, all I
had to work with was the science of osteopathy. All I had to com­
pete with the medical profession and their equipment then in
use was what I had been taught at the American School of Oste­
opathy. I did succeed and began to find improvement in some of
those old chronic cases. That is why I have said, "If one can
think osteopathy one will find much in it. Don't twiddle away
with something else. Keep on digging and digging until you
have found the correct problem." If you do keep on digging you
will find the Old Doctor's "squirrel in the hole in the tree." I
think of this cranial concept as merely a "breech presentation"
of that squirrel.
The word osteopathy has been ridiculed as a misnomer. Those
who take that view lack perception of Dr. Still's thinking and are
not informed of the truths in his teaching. When Dr. Still
named the concept that he had decided to practice "osteopathy,"
he said that he chose the name because "you begin with the
bones." He considered this decision the birthday of osteopathy.
That was June 22, 1874.

Experience with Managing the Fluid Mechanisms

Consider the soft tissues and the fluids of the body. For
instance, in cases of fractured bones the use of the principle of


management of the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid is

important in the care of the case. I use the lateral fluctuation of
the cerebrospinal fluid to reduce edema before immobilization,
such as a cast, is applied. It helps in the chemistry of clearing
out the debris around the fracture and in promoting the forma­
tion of a callus. If you reduce the edema after the cast is applied,
you may find that the cast is ready to drop off in a day or two.
All ways of bringing the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid to
a still point can be used for promoting muscular relaxation and
reducing acidosis in the muscles. Normal body chemistry tends
to become restored.
Management of the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid is
useful in problem conditions in the viscera. It has a definite
effect on the liver, spleen, and pancreas. It helps to increase the
efficiency of the immune response of the body. The patient
immunizes himself against an infection already in the body. In
acute conditions, in circulatory conditions, edema is reduced,
congestion subsides, and the blood supply to places where it is
needed is improved. If a person has a deficiency in circulation to
some part and you want to improve it, use compression of the
fourth ventricle. That procedure acts on those vasomotor cen­
ters. With respiratory illnesses in the past I have used Miller's
lymphatic pump. (See the editor's note on p. 138.) However,
with compression of the fourth ventricle I have a method that is
more simple and effective because I am working on the funda­
mental control mechanism. I am letting the patient's body do its
own regulating as needed.
Just think of the value of a method for affecting the function
of the parturition center in the medulla. It is a simple technique
for accomplishing a great purpose - that is, for overcoming
uterine inertia and smoothing the process of delivery. Some of
the other physiologic centers in the floor of the fourth ventricle
are a cardiac inhibitor and a cardiac accelerator for the manage­
ment of the balance in the action of the heart. The inhibitory

Clinical Experience in the Practice of Osteopathy

control is carried out by the parasympathetic pathway: the vagus

nerve. The acceleration is carried out by the sympathetic ner­
vous system. Note that the vagus nerves leave the cranium
through the jugular foramina along with the ninth and the
eleventh nerves and the internal ju'gular veins. Recall that the
jugular foramina are formed by the relations between the two
temporal bones and the occiput. If these are strained, there will
obviously be changes in the size and shape of the jugular
foramina. Entrapment neuropathy could result.
Additional physiologic centers in the floor of the fourth
ventricle are a sweating center; a heat control center; the
respiratory center; controls for the functions of sneezing and
coughing; and centers for regulating salivation, vomiting, blood
glucose, and the digestive tract. Note that the nuclei of the
eighth nerves lie in the brain stem and that the cerebellum lies
above the roof of the fourth ventricle. Thus, the functions of
hearing and control of equilibrium and posture are centered in
this region.
What more can an osteopath ask for when he can make con­
tacts on the outside of a region with as much regulating power
located on the inside? When there is a clinical problem to be
treated, he has only to use his knowledge of the functions related
to the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the cerebellum. With
his operating skills for managing the fluctuation of the cere­
brospinal fluid in the posterior cranial fossa he has the reins
right there in his hands.
I want to call your attention to the benefits of managing the
fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid when treating chronic
lesions in the spinal column. I call it "penetrating oil" for use on
old rusty joints. The mechanic who is dealing with an old rusty
nut and bolt will not take a wrench and turn it. He first applies
a drop or two of penetrating oil, which spreads out along the
threads. When it has had time to work, he takes only his fingers
to turn the nut and the bolt and does not injure either the


threads of the nut or the bolt. By bringing the Tide down to

that short rhythmic period and to that important interchange
between all the fluids of the body, you can lubricate those
chronic situations gradually so that they return to normal func­
tional conditions. Fibrosis also fades out, and normal muscle
tissue reappears in due time.
You can study the Tide from the sacrum when you have a
case suggesting an impending stroke, or an acute head injury, or
a possible skull fracture. [These are instances where it is not
considered safe to directly treat the cranium. -ED.] Using the
sacrum, bring the fluctuation of the Tide down to that short
rhythmic period and provide a chance for rest. In Rest and Pain,
Hilton writes:
I venture to think that the considerations applicable to external
injury ought to indicate the principles of treatment to be
adopted in case of concussion of the brain. No doubt our duty
should lie in this: to give the brain absolute rest; to rely on ...
Nature's power to repair the injury or disturbance; to avoid
stimulants, which excite quick reaction and have a great ten­
dency to do mischief ...'

Experience with Ligamentous Articular Mechanisms

When I was a member of the first House of Delegates to the
American Osteopathic Association in 1920, I had little time out­
side the meeting room, but I took every opportunity to visit the
room of H. Virgil Halladay, D.O., who was a professor of
anatomy at the American School of Osteopathy in Kirksville,
Missouri. He had written a little book entitled The Applied
Anatomy of the Spine based on the special anatomical model that

1 This work originally appeared in 1863. John Hilton, Rest and Pain, ed.
E.W Walls, Elliot E. Philipp, 'and H.].B. Atkins (London: ].B. Lippincott
Company, 1950), p. 52.
2 Virgil Halladay, The Applied Anatomy of the Spine (Kirksville, MO:
Journal Printing Company, 1920).

Clinical Experience in the Practice of Osteopathy

he brought to the convention.2 The model consisted of all the

bones of the pelvis, spine, and rib cage, which were held to­
gether by ligaments that had been treated to remain resilient
and functional. All the musculature had been removed.
While I studied the model I would spring the ischia and study
the way in which the sacroiliac joints operated. When I brought
the tuberosities together, the ilia moved out at the upper area.
When I spread the tuberosities, the ilia came together at the
upper area. I saw that the ligaments held the pelvis together and
also regulated the range of motion in the area.
From the study of the ligamentous articular mechanism of the
pelvis I learned enough so that I could compete with the needle
and with the methods of ambulant proctology in my own pro­
fession. What happens when you crowd the tissues in the true
pelvis? What happens when people have sit-down falls and the
ascending colon or the sigmoid colon get locked down into
the pelvis? Do you see a drag on the fascia? Or a difficulty
with venous return from the pelvic veins? Or a strain in the
pelvic diaphragm with a background developing for hemor­
rhoids, a sagging uterus, or an enlarging prostate? Thinking
osteopathy with Dr. Still and with this view of anatomy, I devel­
oped several methods that I called "lap technique." I would sit
down by the table and have the patient sit on my knees. All I had
to do was to draw the ischia together or spread them apart
according to the type of situation in the pelvis. It is simple, but
in order to be a good mechanic you must know something about
the mechanism.
It was about this time that the osteopathic profession became
interested in problems of the feet. Many devised techniques for
the foot mechanism. If you can successfully diagnose and treat
the problems of painful feet, you have come to some under­
standing of the mechanism of the living human foot.
I have seen operators attacking the external cuneiform bone,
trying to jerk it into place when it had dropped or trying to pull


it out with the toes. If, instead, you understand the mechanism
and the location of that external cuneiform in the mechanism,
you can just go right into the area and feel when you get the
balance point. All you have to do is to remember that the liga­
ments allow a certain range of movement. It is easy to let them
realign the relations of the bones. You can also realize the func­
tion of that little talocalcaneal interosseous ligament and see
that you can use it for realigning the relations between the talus
and the calcaneus.
The leg is a membranous articular mechanism. So is the fore­
arm. There is the tibiofibular interosseous membrane and the
radioulnar interosseous membrane. You can use these mem­
branes as you use ligaments to realign the relations between the
bones. This is because they function like ligaments in the
regional mechanisms.
Dr. Still gave me a lesson one day along with the rest of our
class. A member of the class had stepped on a rusty nail. All the
appropriate surgical management and cleansing had been used,
but the wound would not heal. It began to look an angry red, so
we called in the Old Doctor. He said, "You damn fools!" And
we were. We had not stopped to consider that when the patient
stepped on that nail he drew his leg up away from it. What
happened? The little fibular joint at the proximal end went pos­
terior and the joint at the distal end went the other way. Thus
the blood supply down in the foot was disturbed, and that was
where the rusty nail had done its mischief. The lasting problem
was not the nail or the original wound; it was what occurred in
that sudden jerk of the patient that caused a membranous artic­
ular strain between the fibula and the tibia. It was a strain at
both ends that also strained the interosseous membrane
between them.
You can take both ends of the fibula and balance the two
bones through the action of the tibiofibular interosseous mem­
brane. The radioulnar interosseous membrane will also work

Clinical Experience in the Practice of Osteopathy

for you when you balance the mechanism with two contacts.
You can do the same with the clavicle, which has two articular
points. The clavicle may be tipped in at the sternal end and out
at the acromial end or vice versa. With the patient sitting, all
you have to do is to get a thumb under each end of the clavicle,
ask the patient to bend forward and thus lift both ends. The lig­
aments do the balancing. This is why I treat fibular lesions with
a contact at both ends. It is a double lesion that may also hap­
pen in the forearm. The radius and the ulna together make a
double swivel. When both ends are strained the interosseous
membrane is not only also strained but it is the agent that will
resolve the strain with two contacts. (For descriptions and illus­
trations of these techniques, see the Appendix.)
When a patient complains of discomfort where the deltoid
muscle inserts, look to the origin of the muscle both on the
clavicle and on the scapula. See that type of lesion twisting the
tendon of the muscle rather than an irritation to the circumflex
nerve. See the twist in the muscle itself and a change in the dis­
tance from the origin to the insertion.

Nut and Bolt Principle

There is a mechanical principle that I have found especially
useful when dealing with the articular relations between the
vertebrae and the heads of the ribs. It is the principle of the nut
and the bolt. What is more simple than fitting the nut upon the
bolt or turning the bolt into the nut? Often, the patient himself
is the nut. That is, when the patient gives you his postural
cooperation you, the operator, can hold the bolt while the
patient turns the nut. Ribs, for instance, are bones which are
easy to contact, and they can be held.
On some vertebrae there are two facets for ribs. What are we
looking at when we consider the ribs? Do we look at the angles?
If so, that is not helpful. The articular action of rotation is at
the head of the rib in the facet of the vertebra. The head of the


rib is often forward in association with a so-called anterior

spinal lesion. When you try to get it back you may find that you
cannot move that rib.
If you hold the spine and ask the patient to turn away, you are
holding the nut and the patient is turning the bolt, the head of
the rib. Or, you can hold the rib and have the patient turn the
vertebrae. Either way, you and the patient engage the ligaments
in moving the bones so that they go into their normal relation­
ship of their own accord. (For a fuller description of this treat­
ment, see the Appendix.)
With the influence of the sympathetic nervous system,
through the lateral chain ganglia, responsive to correction of
strains between the vertebrae and the ribs, the osteopath has no
lack of things to do to help the patient's body restore normal
living processes.


Osteopathy in General Practice:

Some General Techniques

DIRECT VISUALIZATION OF INANIMATE specimens in the anatomical

laboratory can teach us a great deal. However, when it comes to
considering the animate specimen in our work, it is necessary to
stretch the imagination. We work as osteopaths with the tradi­
tional principle in mind that the tendency in the patient's body
is always toward the normal. The self-regulating, self-correcting,
self-healing processes are usually going to be successful. That is
why we want to get our perfect, precise knowledge based on the
perfect, animate specimen into our thinking. We need that to
provide ourselves with a clear picture of the normal, especially
the picture of the intracranial and intraspinal mechanisms.
What usually goes wrong is either too much or too little of
what is going on in the normal. Many patients have knowledge
of the human body and its mechanical principles. They know
whether you understand the mechanism or not, especially when
they have a problem that hurts. They come to you when they
have a problem and they cannot get at it and it does not go
away with rest and time. There is much to discover in the sci­
ence of osteopathy by working with the forces within that bring
out the healing processes. It is better to work with these forces
than to apply something from the outside.
The patient's breathing is always going on and will cooperate
with you when you establish a state of balance in the function of


ligaments, membranes, and fascias. You can add postural coop­

eration and let the patient do the work of making the correc­
tions for you.
Do not pass over the old chronic areas that have been static
and immobilized in fibrosis. Feel the story that the tissues can
tell you and get the relevant history as you can. Patients tend
to remember the pertinent events after you have been working
with an old problem. Organize and understand the details in the
story as the patient tells it in relation to your findings in the
structural examination so that you have an interpretation that
gives you a working diagnosis. Then you have a scientific basis
for your plan of treatment. With this you also have a basis for
a prognoSIS.
At each visit you can evaluate what has been going on in the
patient's problem area and what has not been going on. You real­
ize that you are a mechanic of the fluids of the body as well as of
the osseous tissues, which are also fluid. You have become the
pharmacist because your procedures have been mixing the
chemicals in "God's drug store," as Dr. Still called it. We need to
get back to the science of osteopathy. We can't go anywhere else.
We have great possibilities in our work for suffering humanity. I
say possibilities because we are not performing miracles.
You can be surgeons, bloodless surgeons, in your approach to
certain problems. It is an art, the art of practicing with Dr.
Still's science of osteopathy. When you find a fascial mechanism
dragging when it should be lifting, study what has happened
above as well as below. The ventral fascias are attached to the
spine above the area where they function. If you find a lesion
between the heads of the ribs and their vertebral facets, you
may find a very old lock. It is often found in the upper thorax.
The most effective program for change is a series of treatments
with patient cooperation and the use of "penetrating oil." Such
a series of visits is not to be compared with repetitive soft tissue
mauling that attacks only an effect, the effect of chronic muscle

Osteopathy in General Practice

contraction or contracture. A forceful "breaking up" of the

protective muscle contraction and fibrosis is not going to be of
lasting benefit because it does not allow time for the reversal of
the process.
Take the anterior and posterior longitudinal spinal ligaments
that run from the basilar process of the occiput to the sacrum
and connect the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs into a
segmented flexible rod. Then see the articulations in the neural
arch�s that limit the excursion of the movement between the
bodies. See the muscular agencies of the back, which move the
spine and regulate its range of motion. See also that these mus­
cles protect the joints.
Note the functions of the rib cage in bracing the spine, in
forming the thoracic cavity for the heart and lungs. See the
crura of the diaphragm attached to the anterior longitudinal
spinal ligament, moving the vertebral column with every breath
when you are asleep and when you are awake. I am trying to get
you an to think osteopathy and see that part that is the postural
and voluntary secondary mobility, as well as the part that is
involuntary and primary.
We have found in our thinking osteopathy that there is invol­
untary mobility in the pelvis that connects up with the involun­
tary mobility in the cranium. In the pelvis we find that there are
no muscular attachments running from the sacrum to the ilia.
We do find the muscular attachment from the sacrum to the
trochanter of the femur, and beneath that the sciatic nerve. We
also have postural mobility through the muscular system.


Editor's Note: Dr. Sutherland's approach to the treatment of areas other

than the cranium was referred to as "general technique." Dr. Howard
Lippincott wrote an article describing some of these techniques and
illustrated it with photographs he took of Dr. Sutherland demonstrating


them. This article is included as an appendix to this book. Many of the

techniques described in the remainder of this chapter are referenced
to the Appendix.

The Pelvis: Lap Technique

I have found the ischia too close together in all cases of

enlarged prostate glands when I have examined the pelvis. I
have used the procedures that I call lap technique for treatment
under these conditions. What you do is to have the patient sit
down on a lap pad across your knees. Then you spread your
knees. If you wish to do more in balancing the ligamentous
articular mechanism of the pelvic bowl using the lap technique
you can simply raise the heel of the side on which you decide to
control the innominate (pelvic) bone. You can, in fact, control
both innominate bones that way combined with the spreading
or approximating of your knees. You can raise both heels, only a
bit, and tilt the pelvis. Your hands are free for use in making
other contacts. (See Appendix and Figures A.12-14.)
When the patient is seated on the lap pad over your knees,
you ask for cooperation. The patient puts his hands on the table
while you manage the pelvis with your knees and hands. By
raising a heel a bit you move that side of the pelvis up, and by
moving a knee laterally or medially you can control positions.
Your hands are free to guide in addition to this influence from
below. When you ask the patient to place his elbows on the
table you can observe the contours of his spine and further ask
him to walk away from you with his elbows. This combination
of the patient walking across the table on his elbows as the
operator holds the innominate bones back is one way to lift the
sacrum cephalad. It is helpful in cases of psoas spasm in adults
and with children. With infants the principle can be used right
on the table. In fact, there are many combinations that are prac­
tical in the use of the lap technique for establishing balanced

Osteopathy in General Practice

ligamentous tension. Corrections are made with the guidance of

the operator and active cooperation of the patient.

The Lower Extremity

You can use the principle of the fulcrum and postural cooper­
ation in treating tibial or fibular lesions at the knee. (See
Appendix and Figures A.34-35.) The patient places the problem
leg over the opposite knee. The fulcrum is located where the
leg is placed. The operator is seated in front of the patient at a
slightly lower level. He can grasp the proximal end of the fibula
with one hand and the distal end with the other. Then, the
patient places his hands, one over the other, upon the knee and
pushes it toward the floor as he dorsiflexes the foot. The com­
bined maneuver in action operates over the fulcrum so as to
rebalance the tibial, fibular, and femoral relations.
In a similar way, you can combine the cooperation of the
patient with the creation of a fulcrum in treating a ligamentous
articular strain at the hip joint. (See Appendix and Figures A.32-
33.) The patient is seated on the table with the operator seated
in front of him. The operator creates the fulcrum by placing his
opened hand as near as possible to the joint on the medial side
of the patient's thigh. The patient places his leg upon the other
thigh and his hands on the top of that knee. Then he leans for­
ward, and falls to the side and backward in a circular motion,
coming forward again as the operator leans his weight into his
contact on the inner thigh near to the hip joint. Or the patient
may move around his femur in the other direction, depending
upon whether the strain was in internal or external rotation.
This is another use of the principle of the bolt and the nut. You
are holding the bolt (the femur) and the patient is turning the
nut (the acetabulum). I learned this procedure from the Old
Doctor. He knew the anatomicophysiologic mechanics so well
that he could put a patient up against a tree or anywhere he met

1 95

him and skillfully correct the particular problem because he

knew the mechanism.

The Upper Extremity

The forearm is a membranous articular mechanism with two

swivel joints. The proximal radioulnar articulation allows the
proximal head of the radius to turn at the same time that the
distal joint turns in pronation and supination. When there is a
membranous articular strain of this mechanism, you sit down
and have your patient sit down in front of you. Take a hold with
the thumb and forefingers on the head of the radius at the prox­
imal joint. Take another hold on the radius at the distal end.
Then suspend the forearm by these two holds and allow the
radioulnar interosseous membrane to restore normal relations.
Alternatively, take a hold on the radius proximally and a hold on
the ulna distally so that you can establish a state of balance
between them. (See Appendix and Figure A.24.) Then have the
patient bend the elbow up and down while you hold the bal­
ance. Let the patient do it. It is much more scientific than tin­
kering with a yank.
Have your patient turn the elbow into pronation and supina­
tion, back and forth, and see how easy it is to correct some of
these radial lesions. Tenosynovitis, or tennis elbow, is a case in
point. It is not one lesion, it is a double lesion clear down to the
distal articulation. You can recognize a lesion at the elbow
between the olecranon process of the ulna and the humerus.
When the elbow is flexed the coronoid process fits into the
coronoid fossa. When the arm is extended the olecranon pro­
cess fits into the olecranon fossa. Therefore, if the ulna is to be
released in relation to the humerus, it should be placed at a
right angle at the elbow.
The next time you find one of those troublesome situations
where the patient cannot flex or extend the elbow very far, try
finding that point where you can just pull the ulna down and let

Osteopathy in General Practice

the ligaments draw the ulna back into place. (See Appendix and
Figure A.23.) The ligaments will do that for you. You need to
understand the mechanism in order to understand the problem
and operate on it with its own mechanical possibilities. If you
bring the ulna up to a right angle, you can contact the process
at a place where, at a certain point, you simply pull it out into
position. With the olecranon process in its fossa you cannot
realign the parts.
Use the same principle for a problem at the other end of the
humerus, in the action of the shoulder joint. All you have to do
is understand the mechanism of using a fulcrum under the
humerus. Make a fulcrum by placing your hand close to the joint
between the inner arm and the side of the chest. Have your
patient place his hand on the other shoulder, which draws the
arm over the fulcrum. He can raise or lower his elbow slowly.
This will permit you to find a position of balanced ligamentous
tension in the shoulder joint, and the ligaments will do the work.

The Clavicle

As mentioned previously, the clavicle is a bone that has an

articulation at both ends. There is one at the sternal end and
another at the acromial end. The coracoclavicular ligament
serves as a fulcrum when you place a thumb under the clavicle
at each end and push up by leaning your weight into your
thumbs as the patient leans forward from the seated position.
Thus the weight of both patient and operator is balanced with
the clavicle around the fulcrum. The patient moves the opposite
shoulder backward, thus drawing the sternum away. The natural
breathing provides sufficient respiratory cooperation. Shortly,
the clavicle is released and realigned with the sternum and the
scapula. (See Appendix and Figure A.IS.)
The operator makes a preoperative and a postoperative diag­
nosis by observing the landmarks at the sternal ends of both
clavicles for comparison. Correction of malpositions of the


clavicle in terms of all three dimensions occurs with this opera­

tion. In cases of greenstick fractures of the clavicle in young
people, the bone may straighten out as the operator's weight
leans into his thumbs located at both ends. Obviously, the
proper orthopedic procedures for maintaining the reduction
should be carried out.

The Thorax: Ribs

Upper ribs often become strained when a person is lifting or

overreaching while in a posture with their arms raised above
shoulder height. This occurs when standing or stooping. The
strain is commonly found with the ribs in an upward and back­
ward position. This causes traction on the serratus anterior mus­
cle that acts on the rib or ribs. The muscle may need attention
before the problem of the rib is addressed. There is apt to be a
muscular contraction beneath the scapula, which tends to hold
the rib or ribs in malposition. (See Appendix and Figures A.7-10.)
The operator can use a sitting or standing posture technique
here to advantage. Approaching from the front, the operator
places the fingers of one hand carefully and gently beneath the
scapula below the shoulder. His fingers go as far back as possible
and fixate the rib or ribs involved. His other hand is placed over
the acromioclavicular articulation. The patient is then instructed
to lean toward the operator and turn the opposite shoulder for­
ward and then backward while the operator guides the action
with attention to what is happening at the vertebral facets.
The contraction in the fibers of the serratus anterior is usually
encountered by the operator as his subscapular contact travels
backward beneath the scapula. This condition should be
released by springing the scapula outward before making the rib
reduction. Lower rib lesions may be handled nicely with the
patient standing or sitting in the vertical posture.
To avoid this type of strain, instruct people to avoid over­
extending by working with their arms no higher than the level

Osteopathy in General Practice

of the shoulders. The elbows can be bent to allow work to be

done overhead. If this position does not allow for the task to be
done, then they should change the place where they stand.

Standing Posture Technique: Pelvis, Spine, Viscera

Editor's Note: This section is adapted from the writings of Dr.

Sutherland. I

Many low-back, mid-back, and high-back strains occur while

in the standing or stooping position. A technique for reduction
of these with a minimum of energy and a maximum effect is
indicated. Such a technique can be arranged with the patient
standing. Low-back lesions sustained while standing or stoop­
ing are not true sacroiliac lesions or spinal strains. The patient
in this predicament usually hobbles into the office with the help
of a cane. His posture is an exaggerated stoop with side-bend­
ing/rotation of the trunk. He points to the low-back and speaks
of pain in the lumbar region and the sacroiliac joint.
These are secondary indications of a primary femoroacetabu­
lar lesion, or twist of the hip capsule, produced by the psoas and
iliacus muscles. The tendon of the iliopsoas crosses over the rim
of the pelvis to insert into the lesser trochanter of the femur.
Reduction of the sacroiliac and lumbar lesions, which are simply
effects, seldom secures return to normal posture. The patient
often hobbles out the way he came in. The twist in the ligamen­
tous capsule of the hip joint persists and continues the traction
on the psoas major and iliacus muscles causing rotation of the
lumbar vertebrae. To avoid such strains, instruct your patient to
avoid bending while turned and turning while bent. They
should return to neutral before assuming another posture.

1 Adapted from: Sutherland, "Standing Posture Technique" and "Standing

Posture Technique in Relation to the Sacroiliac," Contributions of Thought,
pp. 88-90 and 92-95.


As the lesion in the hip joint mechanism was sustained during

a standing or stooping position, it responds easily to a technique
applied in the same posture. I arrange a chair back or some
other piece of furniture so that the patient may rest his arm on
it while standing. The operator sits on a chair or stool by the
side of the hip in lesion.
The operator fixates the trochanter with one hand, and the
fingers of the other hand grasp the tendon of the iliopsoas near
its insertion. The patient is then instructed to turn forward and
backward. This utilizes the principle of turning a nut on a bolt
- that is, turning the acetabulum on the head of the femur.
Then the patient furnishes the maximum effort and the physi­
cian the minimum in fixating the bone and tendon while the
physician is guiding with trained tactile skill.
The secondary sacroiliac lesion is treated in the standing pos­
ture with the operator seated by fixating the innominate (pelvic
bone) and holding as the patient turns or side-bends while
bending the knee on the opposite side and then straightening.
[The innominate can be fixated with one hand on the iliac crest
and one hand on the ischial tuberosity -Eo.] The iliosacral
lesions are treated with the operator still seated. One hand is
passed around in front of the pelvis to the crest of the ilium.
The patient is then instructed to keep the feet firmly on the
floor, supporting his weight with his arms, and to push the
pelvis backward and rotate it from side to side while the opera­
tor guides the parts into postural alignment.
Mid-back and high-back lesions can be reduced using the
standing posture also. This posture provides normal relaxing
movement throughout the joints of the vertebral column. The
operator fixes his manual contacts on the lesion site with his fin­
gers. The patient is instructed to flex, extend, or side-bend
according to the features of the problem.

Osteopathy in General Practice

Postural cooperation between patient and operator can assist

in lifting prolapsed viscera during the standing posture. The
operator places his hands below the organ and the patient is
instructed to stand on tiptoe pushing the pelvis back and forth,
finally lowering the heels to the floor.
I have mentioned that there are no muscular agencies to
account for the involuntary mobility of the cranial bones at the
sutures. I said that the motion at the sacroiliac joints is also
involuntary, for there are no muscular agencies between the
sacrum and the ilia. The motion between the sacrum and the
ilia is accounted for by the action of the intracranial and
intraspinal membranes. The other motion occurring at the
sacroiliac joints is a postural mobility of the ilia upon the
sacrum. Gravity and indirect leverage through the sacroiliac and
sacrosciatic ligaments function to produce accommodation to
postural demands.
The muscular attachments between the pelvic bones and the
femurs have little to do with articular mobility at the sacroiliac
joints. H. V Halladay, D.O., presents a similar thought in his
Applied Anatomy of the Spine.2 The sacroiliac ligament and the
greater and lesser sacrosciatic ligaments, in their arrangement,
act as check ligaments in accommodation to postural demands.
Many sacroiliac lesions occur during the standing posture or
when stooped and turned. It often happens that the legs are
abducted when the strain pattern occurs. For instance, people
usually spread their legs wide apart when pushing a stalled auto­
mobile out of a snowbank. While pushing, a person is inclined
to inhale and hold the breath. In consequence there is extreme
tension placed upon the intraspinal membrane as well as upon
the pelvic bones and ligaments, which are moved beyond their
normal range of mobility. The same forces may operate when

2 Virgil Halladay, The Applied Anatomy of the Spine, Kirksville, MO:

Journal Printing Company, 1920), p. 1 38.


one is in a stooping position, or even when in a sitting position.

For instance, a farmer sits on a milking stool with his femurs in
abduction. I know of one farmer who sat on the ground around
a hill of corn with his femurs in abduction for weeding. He had
to call for help to get up onto his feet and later came to my
office on crutches.
While experimenting with Dr. Halladay's prepared model in
Chicago in 1919, I discovered that abduction of the femurs
causes the ilia to rotate so that the sacrum drops forward, thus
narrowing the pelvis. Adduction of the femurs rotates the ilia to
widen the lateral diameter of the pelvis. This experimentation
changed my earlier ideas about diagnosis and correction at the
sacroiliac joints.
Diagnosis is best made with the patient in the standing posi­
tion while testing for motion at the articulation. The patient is
provided with a support for his arms at the proper height. The
physician sits comfortably immediately in back of the patient.
The test is first made with the patient's legs close together. He
is instructed to push his hips backward and forward as well as
laterally while the physician studies the tension and mobility of
the joints. Then the patient abducts both legs for further diag­
nostic study. These are tests for postural mobility of the ilia
upon the sacrum.
The patient is next instructed to inhale deeply while standing
in a normal posture. He is asked to think of inhaling in his head
more than with his diaphragm. If an ilium or the ilia are immo­
bilized they will move upward along with the sacrum.
The principle used and taught by Dr. Still exercises the natu­
ral forces within the patient rather than in the operator. There
are no thrusts, no jerks, nor the use of a long lever from a dis­
tant part of the body, as a principle. Dr. Still taught the princi­
ple of exaggeration of the lesion, or strain, to the degree of
release and then of allowing the ligaments to draw the bones
back into normal relations.

Osteopathy in General Practice

The patient stands as he did for diagnosis, with his arms or

hands supporting him. The operator sits at the patient's back. In
case of a fixation on the right side with an anterior or forward
rotation of the ilium, the patient abducts his legs and the opera­
tor places his left hand on the sacrum at its lower area. He places
his right hand on the crest of the right ilium. The patient is then
instructed to push forward with the right hip and backward with
the left. This exaggerates the lesion to the degree of release. At
that point the patient is instructed to move in the opposite way,
push forward on the left and backward on the right. The opera­
tor's hands guide in the direction of the desired movement.
Another method has the patient bend his knees while the
femurs are in abduction. In this position the ilia merely hang in
suspension upon the sacrum. In this situation it is as easy to
turn the bones at the joints as it is on a skeletal specimen. In
some cases the patient may drop the pelvis down on the opera­
tor's knees. The knee would then function like the Old Doctor's
sacroil�ac chair. The pubic arches are shifted from side to side
or forward and back. It is as easy to accomplish as trotting a
baby on one's knee. The technique can be done with the femurs
in adduction, if so indicated. The patient may stand with one
leg crossed over the other so as to remove weight bearing from
the side of operation. (See Appendix and Figure A.15-16.)
When dealing with problems in this area always check to see
whether the head of the femur is twisted in the acetabulum. Iftt
is, external rotation or internal rotation of the leg will cause
leverage through the acetabulum that will affect the sacroiliac
articulation as well as the psoas major and iliacus muscles. The
lumbar spine will then be rotated or bent.

Chronic Spinal Lesions

All the tissues of the body are fluid. The very bone itself is
fluid. When there is that interchange between all the fluids of
the body, I want you to see a "penetrating oil" working through


all the bony articulations. You can establish such a state through
compression of the fourth ventricle, lateral fluctuation of the
cerebrospinal fluid by contacts on the temporal bones, or con­
tacts on the parietal bones, the greater wings of the sphenoid,
or' through a contact on the sacrum.
That is what I do in trying to correct old chronic spinal
lesions, primary spinal lesions. With the management of the
fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid you may observe many
secondary and compensatory spinal lesions resolving out to
their normal relations. That leaves the primary lesions on clear
display. Then you can treat them with "penetrating oil." I want
to impress upon you that bony tissue is fluid.
The late E. Tracy Parker, D. O., was an early student. He
experimented with various ways of using the Tide. He wrote
me frequently about the response of old chronic spinal lesions
to his endeavors. His patients were as happy as he was with
their improvements. He also noted a beneficial effect upon the
entire circulatory system with the reduction of congestion,
edema, and ischemia.

Anterior Approach to the Sacrum

There are several ways of resolving problems in the postural

relation between the ilia and the sacrum. An important problem
here is an anterior or ventral sag (bilateral anterior displace­
ment) of the sacrum between the ilia. Remember that any cranial
strain will affect a sacral strain, and any sacral strairi will affect a
cranial strain. Therefore, when there is a sacral strain you
should think of the effect on the cranium. It isn't always a cra­
nial lesion that causes your patient to be upset, or disoriented,
or distraught.
I had an experience in the days when I drove out into the
country with a little team "af horses and a buggy. Automobiles
could not travel on those roads in mud season because the blue
clay would roll up onto the wheels. The horses and the buggy

Osteopathy in General Practice

were more reliable. One day, however, the axle on the buggy
broke when I was on the way to a house call. It was only twenty­
five miles, but it took me quite a while to get there, riding one
horse and leading the other.
Along the way I found my patient coming to meet me. I found
her in a mentally-strained, distraught state following the birth
of her child. After helping her onto the horse I was leading, we
finally reached her house. By the time we did arrive, her dis­
turbed state had disappeared, and she was her usual calm self.
After examining her and thinking about her history, I con­
cluded that her sacrum had sagged following delivery and thus
created a membranous articular strain in the cranium that
especially locked the cerebellum down upon the brain stem,
the fourth ventricle, and the cisterna magna in the posterior
cranial fossa. But what accounted for the change after riding
It seemed that the sides of the horse held the femurs laterally
so as to provide a traction on the pelvic ligamentous articular
mechanism. Then, with the movement of the walking horse, the
sacroiliac ligaments could allow the sacrum to become reseated
and functional, thus fluctuating the cerebrospinal fluid in the
primary respiratory mechanism and relieving the reciprocal ten­
sion membrane so that the fulcrum could shift.
Analysis of this experience led me to suggest that "sacral sag"
could be corrected from the front. Therefore, the anterior
approach to the alae of the sacrum, in an operation that would
hold the ilia or turn them laterally while the operator pushed,
was devised. It is another example of postural cooperation from
the patient combined with a specific and precise procedure
from the osteopath.
The framework of the technique is established by having the
patient seated on the table. The operator is seated on a stool in
front of the patient. The operator places his thumbs on the
inside of the crests of the ilia. The fascia provides a place right


along there, medial to the crest, where the thumbs can advance
toward the alae of the sacrum. The patient places his arms
across your shoulders and leans forward as you also lean for­
ward, while advancing your thumbs. When the tension has built
up and balanced and the patient's respiratory cooperation is
working, the direction of your thumbs tends to move the sacral
base up and back. The patient is then asked to sit up and rock
the pelvis back in the process. While the patient does this the
operator draws the patient's knees medially with his knees so as
to keep the ilia from being drawn together in back of the sacral
base. The operator does not change the tension in his
approach; he maintains it as the patient sits up, for this is the
effective point in this operation. It sounds difficult, doesn't it?
But it is easy when you know how to have the patient put "the
glove on the finger," or thumb, in this instance, rather than
advance with force.
When you have advanced your thumb in the direction of the
sacral alae a ways, what do you meet? The iliacus muscle and
the psoas muscle merge to form a tendon that inserts into the
lesser trochanter of the femur. When you have your patient tip
forward and put those tissues on your thumbs gradually, where
are you? Down near the alae of the sacrum. When your patient
rises up, what happens? Can you visualize the action? The oper­
ator must keep his contact intact at this step.

Editor's Note: Allowing the patient to put the "glove on the finger"
demonstrates a general principle that Dr. Sutherland applied consis­
tently in all of his techniques. That principle was to have the greatest
respect for the tissues. Whenever possible in a technique, he would
position his finger(s) and then ask the patient to settle the tissue to be
treated down onto the finger.

This type of approach to the sacrum is quite different from

the old strap technique: strapping the sacrum down and then
getting way up at the shoulders to twist the whole trunk around.

Osteopathy in General Practice

I fail to see any intelligence of the mechanism in that. That

technique would put you in the sod if you kept it up very long.
Some big strong men can handle a long leverage that is aimed
to correct, from the top of the trun
bottom, at the lumbosacral junction. It can be corrected just as
simply by the patient doing the work. Consider the art of know­
ing and thinking versus tinkering.


Remember that ribs rotate externally when the thorax inhales
and internally when it exhales. This is the general pattern of the
action in the involuntary mechanics of the skeletal system. That
is, when the midline structures flex, the paired lateral structures
move into their external rotation positions, and when the mid­
line structures extend, they move into their positions of internal
rotation. Remember also that the diaphragm moves downward
with inhalation and upward with exhalation. Thus, the shapes of
the internal spaces in the thorax change alternately and rhyth­
mically with the respiratory excursions of motion. This is the
fundamental living process of breathing.
Considering the picture of the trunk as a whole region, see
the resemblance of the movement of the diaphragm to the
movement of a piston in the cylinder of an internal combustion
engine. The diaphragm is a transverse fascial septum with mus­
cles in it. It is served by the phrenic nerves and some intercostal
nerves. It responds regularly to the involuntary control from
the respiratory center in the floor of the fourth ventricle, and it
may also be controlled voluntarily. The connections to the
diaphragm are not limited to the attachment of the crura to the
anterior longitudinal spinal ligament. There are attachments
from below, as with the suspension of the liver, and attach­
ments from above where the central tendon of the diaphragm
blends into the mediastinal fascia of the thorax, which continues


into the anterior cervical fascia to fasten to the undersurface of

the head. The diaphragm is not only the roof of the abdomen,
but is also the floor of the thorax.

Editor's Note: The viscera of the cervical region are enveloped in a fas­
cial unit composed of the pretracheal fascia anteriorly and the buc­
copharyngeal fascia posteriorly. The pretracheal fascia is suspended
from the hyoid bone, while the buccopharyngeal fascia is suspended
from the cranial base. This fascial unit extends into the thorax and blends
into the pericardial fascia, which, in turn, merges into the diaphragm.
Embryologically, this occurs because the cardiac bud develops at the
cephalad end of the embryo and subsequently migrates caudally to its
thoracic position. Traveling along with the cardiac bud is the mes­
enchyme of the oropharyngeal plate and the septum transversum. The
mesenchyme develops into the liver and pancreas, which retain attach­
ment to the septum transversum. The septum transversum receives
muscular elements from the somites of T6 through L2-3, and together
they form the diaphragm.

When picturing the changes in the shapes of the internal

spaces of the thorax, note the location of the lateral chain gan­
glia of the sympathetic nervous system just in front of the heads
of the ribs. (See Figure 15.) Also visualize the arterial stream
and the venous drainage of the spinal cord in this region. Then
locate the lymph stream, the thoracic duct leading from the
receptaculum chyli up beside the vertebral column to empty
into the left subclavian vein. Consider the significance of the
location of the receptaculum chyli upon the aorta and the crura
of the diaphragm just over them. (See Figure 18.) What occurs
with the alternating changes of the internal spaces within the
thorax to influence all of these structures and functions? See the
mechanism from the viewpoint of the science of osteopathy.

The Liver Tum

Dr. Still frequently called attention to the fascia, especially

the prevertebral fascia. He was a mechanic of the fascia as well

Osteopathy in General Practice

as of the skeletal articulations. There was one thing I liked about

Dr. Still - he made you think. One topic that required some
thinking is the matter of "turning the liver over." He did not tell
you how to do it; therefore, you had to think about the liver and
what he meant.
Now, how in the name of common sense do you turn the
liver over? (See Appendix and Figure A.43.) There is one ideal
spot for a careful contact. It is right out at the end of the costal
arch on the right, where the lowest rib cartilage attaches to the
ribs. Place your finger tips under the edge where the lower ribs
join the cartilaginous arch. The anterior border of the liver is
just under your fingernails. You are not under the liver; you are
above its edge and your fingernails are on the outside of that
edge. You can reinforce your hand with the other hand for sta­
bility and control. Gently push diagonally toward the midline
and hold. Now, let the patient cooperate with controlled respi­
ration. Where does the diaphragm go with inhalation? Down.
So you have the patient inhale and hold his breath as long as he
can. Then, with the involuntary exhalation, where does the
diaphragm go? Up. That is the action that turns the liver over
the fulcrum of your fingers. Following the release, the liver can
swing freely in its elastic capsule under the diaphragm.
This technique is helpful whenever you find a static drag that
prevents the normal mechanical physiology. One clinical condi­
tion that usually responds well to this operation is associated
with hyperemesis gravidarum. There may be circumstances in
which it is practical to do it the other way - that is, ask the
patient to exhale and hold the breath out until involuntary
inhalation occurs, and note the liver turn when the diaphragm
comes down on the fulcrum of your fingers.

The Diaphragm

Let us study the area of the posterior abdominal wall where

the crura of the diaphragm are located. Take particular note of
the prevertebral fascia, especially that part that is attached to


the anterior longitudinal spinal ligament at the level of the sec­

ond thoracic vertebra. See that it goes up to the undersurface of
the basilar process of the occiput, just in front of the cervical
spine. Consider drags on the fascia and limitations in the excur­
sion of the diaphragm, not only the crura clamping down onto
the receptaculum chyli and the aorta, but also affecting the
aperture for the esophagus and the one for the inferior vena
cava where the venous return from below passes on its way to
the right side of the heart. Can you undo the effects resulting
from these drags and limitations? You can.
You can lift the fascias, with the art of postural and respira­
tory cooperation, from your patient. The pelvic lift is a funda­
mental place to begin. (The pelvic lift is described on p. 212.)
Then follow with lifting the diaphragm and the anterior cervi­
cal fascia. (See Appendix and Figures A.39-41.) The pelvic lift
utilizes the power of the diaphragm to do the lifting. To get the
diaphragm into a lift in the middle of the trunk, have the
patient fix his fingers underneath the costal arch on each side.
Then place your hands over his. The point is to find the most
comfortable controllable grasp on the bottom of the rib cage.
Gently lift straight up, cephalad, as the patient breathes in and
the sides of the lower rib cage move laterally. Hold the position
while the patient exhales. As the diaphragm moves upward in
exhalation, you and the patient shift the anterior ribs upward
with it and hold. This operation can be repeated several times,
slowly and gently for the lifting action upon all the viscera that
are dependent on the diaphragm from below.

The Kidney

Did you realize that the kidney floats physiologically on the

fascia of the psoas muscle? It can be held down instead of
floating, and consequently these conditions may lead to kinks
in the ureter. Sometimes there are stones or gravel that form
in the pelvis of the kidney that become arrested in the ureter on

21 0
Osteopathy in General Practice

the way to the urinary bladder. It is always painful when a con­

cretion tries to pass through a hollow organ or potential space
and does not succeed. The smooth muscles in the walls are apt

Cisterna (receptaculum) chyli



Figure 1 8. The diaphragm and related structures, particularly showing the

relationship of the cisterna (receptaculum) chyli to the crura.

21 1

to be powerfully contracted around the predicament. There are

ways, including surgery, for searching for the diagnosis and the
correct location of the problem. Sometimes the problem is a
kink rather than a concretion. In such a case there is nothing to
remove, only the spasm to release. If the liver is held down or
the kidney is not floating, all you have to do is to lift and see the
kidney return to its normal physiologic function. Investigate
and consider these mechanical possibilities and their relief by
use of the pelvic lift, the lift of the thoracic diaphragm, the
anterior cervical fascial lift, and the reciprocal tension mem­
brane of the cranium.
When you want to observe the abdominal viscera that may
be in ptosis, with the patient supine gently place one hand over
or just below the area of interest. This hand is passive; it does
nothing. Then place your other hand over it. You use the
upper hand for gentle lifts and observation. That gentle appli­
cation will tell you a great deal about where you are so that you
can feel what the tissues can reveal. The lower hand can be
permitted to sink into the tissues below, but the upper hand
does the lifting in cooperation with the exhalation excursion of
the diaphragm.

The Pelvic Lift

The pelvic lift is a technique for lifting viscera off the pelvic
diaphragm. (See Appendix and Figure A.4S.) When the pelvis
is crowded due to ptosis the levator ani muscle becomes taut,
and discomfort, if not dysfunction, follows. As I have said, you
use the power of the diaphragm to do the lifting once the
operator's contact in the ischiorectal fossa is located so as to
hold the lift that goes with exhalation against the fall that
accompanies inhalation.
The operator arranges himself and the patient as circum­
stances permit so that he can insert two fingers into the
ischiorectal fossa and advance them with exhalation of the

Osteopathy in General Practice

thorax. When the patient lies on his left side the work is done
through the right ischiorectal fossa. When the patient lies on
his right side the work is done through the left ischiorectal
fossa. As the operator leans forw�rd his weight stabilizes the
procedure of holding his advance in the fossa when the patient
inhales. The lift occurs as the operator advances his contact as
the patient exhales and the diaphragm ascends into the thorax.
Once this action becomes effective the abdominal viscera are
lifted out of the pelvis by the thoracic diaphragm. At that time
the patient is asked to hold his breath out, which is then fol­
lowed by a deep involuntary inhalation. Then the maximum lift
has occurred. The benefits of this technique are many. They
include rellef of discomfort in cases of hiatal hernia, spastic
sphincters, unrelieved vomiting, coughing, and some diarrhea
that persists beyond usefulness.

The Acute Abdomen

You can use the same intelligent, seeing, feeling, thinking,

knowing fingers in diagnosing the acute abdomen, even to the
point of clearing up a suspicion of acute appendicitis. You do
not go digging in there. I have seen some surgeons do that
when they want to find out whether there is a surgical problem.
Let your fingers light gently as they do on the skull, like the
bird lighting gently on a little limb on a tree. Alight gently over
the area and avoid making careless, pointless motions. While
your fingers are there they will tell you more in one minute
than you can learn by digging in. Why? You have been trained
in this gentle way of palpating and perceiving the fine distinc­
tions that are there to be felt.
Then go around the back to the thoracic spine and note
whether there is a viscerosomatic reflex in the splanchnic area.
Interpretation of such findings tell you so much immediately
that you do not have to wait for a blood count to evaluate the
problem. You are there, Johnny-on-the-spot.

21 3

All of this is an example of the training we were given in the

early days of osteopathic education. Thinking, not tinkering.
That is why I am trying to bring out the kind of application that
is necessary for osteopathic diagnosis and treatment. It is essen­
tial to work this way in the cranial field. Certain of the thrust
methods often applied to the cervical spine may create cranial
lesions. Did you know that sometimes a corrective reduction of
a problem in the cervical spine may correct a cranial lesion?
Believe it.

Parable of the Goat and the Boulder

In our consideration of the thorax and abdomen, I would

relate to you Dr. Still's parable of the goat and the boulder:
Coming down a familiar mountain path a little goat found a
boulder in the way. In goat fashion he gave it a little bump; the
boulder did not move and his tail flopped up. He was an ener­
getic little goat so he backed up the mountain and came down
the path a little harder, with more energy. Still the boulder
remained in the path. Not only his tail but also his hind heels
flopped up. He got mad and went way up to the top of the
mountain and came down "hell-bent" along the path and hit the
boulder. The boulder did not move but the "whole damn works"
flopped up.
Then he left you with that story to figure out. The goat rep­
resents the valves of the heart. The mountain path is that big
arterial stream known as the aorta. The boulder in the path is
nothing more than the crura of the diaphragm. When there has
been a drag on the fascia, a visceroptosis of the liver, or, per­
haps, an impacted colon hanging way down in the pelvis, there
has been a problem accumulating that is analogous to the
boulder in the path.
A drag on the entire area by way of the crura of the dia­
phragm puts a drag on the central tendon of the diaphragm and
the fascia that surrounds the muscles of the neck. The drag goes
all the way up, ventral to the vertebral column. In the story the

21 4
Osteopathy in General Practice

area of the boulder is the crura of the diaphragm, which are the
attachment of the diaphragm to the anterior longitudinal spinal
ligament at the level of the upper lumbar vertebrae.
Let us study further this area of the posterior abdominal wall.
(See Figure 1 8.) The crura of th e diaphragm cross over the
midline. On either side there are two fascial structures called
the lumbocostal arches or the arcuate ligaments. The medial
lumbocostal arches pass over the psoas major muscles from the
transverse processes of the twelfth thoracic vertebra to blend
into the crura of the diaphragm. The lateral lumbocostal arches
pass over the quadratus lumborum muscles from the tips of the
twelfth ribs to the transverse processes of the vertebra.
Practically speaking, these structures are interlaced and stabilize
the whole back wall of the abdomen at this level. There are two
directions in the action here: the crura are lifting up, and the
psoas muscles, which go from the lowest vertebrae of the tho­
racic spine to the lesser trochanters of the femurs, are working
down. When there is a strained situation here, as with a twist in
the capsule of the hip joint, it is difficult to release a lock at the
thoracolumbar junction. When you try to correct a strained
position of the mid-lumbar spine, you find it difficult. There is
much to be gained from Dr. Still's study of the fascia.
One way to release the "boulder" in the posterior abdominal
wall is to use the twelfth ribs as contacts, or handles, for the lat­
eral lumbocostal arches. With the patient supine it is easy to use
his weight as a counterforce to your grasp, your plastic contact
on the outside of the twelfth rib. Then, all you have to do is
lean backward for a controlled lateral traction on the rib and
therefore on the lateral lumbocostal arch. This traction gradu­
ally extends to the medial lumbocostal arch, and when the strain
releases, the diaphragm is released and rises into the rib cage,
and the lumbar spine springs free. The "boulder" has disap­
peared. Then you can use balanced ligamentous tension for the
correction of the other strains that you find.

21 5

When you carry the floating ribs, the eleventh and the twelfth,
laterally you may succeed in relaxing spasm in the pyloric
sphincter and the sphincter of Oddi so that the digestive tract in
this area will function better. Hiccoughs may fade out with
work on strains in the splanchnic area of the thoracic spine as
well as on strains in the cervical spine.
Treatment of the ribs can be approached with the patient
lying on the side. You can make a sort of hammock of your
clasped hands below the rib cage. Standing straight above your
hands, you can supply a gentle lift of those ribs. This action
moves the heads of the ribs in relation to the vertebrae as the
breathing goes on and would be expected to smooth out dis­
turbed function in the splanchnic area. It may be useful in some
instances to use fascial lifts of the abdominal viscera in this
combination of contacts and respiratory cooperation instead of
the pelvic lifts.


Problems of Infancy
and Childhood

WHEN YOU SEE A child with a misshapen skull, you wonder what
happened. Sometimes you can recognize a flexion base with an
extension vault, or the opposite, a flexion vault with an exten­
sion base. I want to tell you some of the things to think about.
As you observe the outer landmarks and the evidence they
provide, consider the inside of the skull and the effect of the
warped spaces upon the brain and spinal cord. What has hap­
pened to the reciprocal tension membrane and the fluctuation
of the cerebrospinal fluid? Do you see that there may be crowd­
ing of the cerebral hemisphere on one side and an expanded area
on the other? What might happen to the pyramidal tracts with
growth, or to the cerebellum? Again, visualize the inside from the
analysis of the outside. It is comparatively easy to see the land­
marks on a child, even if you can't clarify the evidence with
palpation. Remember that the pattern you see may not yet have
produced functional problems. There is more room in the
heads of infants and children for variations, but as the child
grows the lack of symmetry may begin to manifest stresses and
strains. It would be a matter of the particular facts and their
history to draw a connection with a current problem. This is
the "bent twig" phenomenon that is to be thought about. (See
Chapter 8.)


Recall that the bones in the cranial base form in a cartilagi­

nous matrix and are in parts at birth. The four parts of the
occiput surround the foramen magnum. The sphenoid is in
three parts at birth, and the temporal bones are in three parts.
(See Figure 12-13.) Consider the possibility of disarrangement
among the parts as well as between the bones themselves under
the various mechanical events of birth. Then visualize the
growth of the cranial base during infancy. Do you see that the
slow motion of growth may be a factor that is active in the prob­
lems resulting from the early patterns that persist?
A good example of the value of an osteopathic structural
examination, including the head, soon after birth has been
demonstrated for us by Anna L. Slocum, D.O.I In her demon­
stration, after making the diagnosis of the baby, she treated her.
The malformation had occurred during a normal delivery. The
bones had failed to realign themselves as usually happens; there­
fore, the treatment was timely. It is one of the great thrills of
your professional life to see the expression of joy and gratitude
come over the faces of the parents when they see the change in
their child.
Even now we have the possibility of offering encouragement
to parents who have been told that their unfortunate child
should be placed in an institution. Sometimes we are able to
offer more than encouragement. Dr. Slocum is accustomed to
providing an osteopathic structural examination to newborn
infants in the hospital in Des Moines, Iowa, where every baby
born gets that service. The hospital in Kirksville, Missouri, is
served by an obstetrician who orders James Keller, D.O./ to
examine every newborn infant. As more cranial technicians
become experienced in practice, I hope that more can be done
to diagnose these problems of malposition and resolve them
before they become complicated and arrest the child's growth
and development.

1 (1903-1988) Des Moines Still College of Osteopathy, 1939.

2 Dr. Keller was a professor at the Kirksville College of Osteopathy.

2 18
Problems of Infancy and Childhood

Editor's Note: Following this introduction by Dr. Sutherland,

Rebecca Lippincott, D.O./ gave a lecture telling how she deals with
problems of infants and children as she had experienced them in her
practice. The remainder of this chapter are her words.

When you accept an infant or child as a patient, take the time to

explain your diagnosis and plan for treatment to the parents. It
will help them understand their situation as you see it and learn
what you mean when you give them progress reports later. It
will also help them explain their understanding to their family
and friends.
Children are wonderful patients, generally speaking. They
respond to osteopathic care promptly. It will, however, take a
few visits for your study of some problems, particularly those
involving the cranium. Wait until your study has yielded a clear
diagnostic picture before you say more than simply getting
acquainted involves. It may take a few months for your evaluation
of the patient's response to treatment to provide a basis for prog­
nosis. I take care to promise nothing, for I cannot make a prog­
nosis until I have a progress record for my own understanding.
In my plan for treatment I usually begin at the sacrum. The
sacrum is small in infants, but it can be contacted with a couple
of fingers without complaint from the patient. If it is crowded by
the ilia, just take an innominate (pelvic) bone in each hand and
carefully carry each laterally at the same time. Hope that the
baby will cry and in crying lift the sacrum out of the crowded
condition. Infants and small children seem to be inclined to do
just the action that you want when you have the stage set for a
technique. Vigorous crying uses the diaphragm and fluctuates
the cerebrospinal fluid. You can teach the mother to contact the
sacrum and hold it gently whenever the child is restless, upset,
or sick. Many times the child will kick as well as cry. I use this as
true patient cooperation in making the treatment more success­
ful. The distinction between this cooperation and other types of
signaling should be explained to the parents.

3 (1894-1986) Philadelphia College of Osteopathy, 1923.


When examining a sacrum, ask yourself whether it is free to

move, whether it is in a position of exaggerated flexion or exten­
sion, whether it is twisted between the ilia, and whether it is reg­
istering the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid Tide. Babies
and children often drop off to sleep when a release of tension has
occurred and the mechanism is moving freely. Then you pro­
ceed quietly with your examination and treatment without the
active help.
It is advisable to have the parents close to the table when
examining an infant or young child. They can guard against
unexpected movements and thus reassure you and their child by
their nearby presence. You may ask them to help in specific ways
after everyone has become familiar with the treatment program.
You can also instruct the parents in ways to teach their child how
to use the benefits of the responses.
The management of the cranial base by using contacts on the
vault is the easiest and most comprehensive approach in my
experience with examining and treating the cranium in children.
It seems that there is much less objection to this contact of the
operator's hands. It is also a contact with which you can do many
things without having to change. However, I follow the individ­
ual's willingness to accept my hands if they clearly indicate a
preference. Patients must permit you to examine and treat them,
for any patient can completely defeat your efforts if they wish.
The first step with the vault contact is the study of the vault
itself. The landmarks on the vault to examine are first the
fontanelles and the sutures. The significance of these is self-evi­
dent. The characteristics of the frontal eminences, the parietal
eminences, and the posterior occipital protuberance are directly
related to the situation in the sutures and fontanelles.
The comprehensive diagnostic study of the cranial base
through the vault contacts is easily made with your gentle place­
ment of the palmar surface of your fingers on the parietals in
back of the parietal eminences. It is easy to visualize the cranium
as a "soft-shelled egg" in infants and children. When William
Rankin, Sr., D.O., first used that descriptive term, it seemed

Problems of Infancy and Childhood

more significant than thinking of a "modified sphere." The point

to consider with either term is the whole head, especially as it is
shaped in relation to the pattern at the sphenobasilar junction.
There are particular shapes to think about due to the fact that
the bones are in parts at birth and' do not form articular gears
until growth has required them. Take the four parts of the
occiput, for instance, that surround the foramen magnum
together with the parts of the atlas. (See Figure 12.) A problem
here at the craniovertebral junction is reflected in the contours
of the vault, especially the shape of the occipital squama, and
sometimes in the infant face, depending upon the effect on the
sphenoid. The notes of your careful examination at the first visit
will be an invaluable foundation for your progress record.
It is enlightening to watch Dr. Sutherland treat a baby. No
matter which contact he uses, he maintains it and goes along
with the patient's movements. He may or may not ask the mother
to hold the sacrum. He just seems to flow along with the mem­
branes and brings about a state of balanced membranous tension.
At that time the baby tends to relax and perhaps go to sleep.
I thought that I could not work with a child crying and
squirming when I first started to treat the heads of infants and
small children. I learned, however, to keep my attention on what
my hands were telling me and what I was doing with my hands.
In due time I was able to relax and perceive more even while the
child was cooperating vigorously. There is an interesting experi­
ment that you can try with the help of a colleague. One of you
takes the part of the infant patient, the other the part of an oper­
ator with a hand on the sacrum. The "patient" then behaves like
a baby. It isn't quite the same as with a very small patient, but it
is interesting to observe how the sacrum feels when the patient is
squirming, kicking, and crying. It is good background informa­
tion for your instructions to parents or others who help when
you are working on the head. Or when you are teaching them
how to hold the baby's sacrum as a home treatment.
The craniovertebral junction includes the occiput, the atlas, the
axis, and all the ligaments that bind this region into a functional


part of the whole. This part is a ligamentous articular mecha­

nism, and the joints are synovial joints. The occiput nods in flex­
ion and extension in the facets on the atlas. In other motions the
occiput and atlas move together. The movement of the atlas on
the axis is a wide range of rotation. Dr. Sutherland has pointed
out many times how we should be constantly aware of the
mechanical significance of the anterior convergence and
posterior divergence of the facets of the atlas and the condyles of
the occiput. The facets of the atlas also converge inferiorly and
diverge superiorly, and the occipital condyles fit neatly into
them. Whenever the condyles have been compressed into these
convergences, the direction of release from compression is obvi­
ously toward the divergences. (For descriptions of how to release
the compression, see pp. 112 and 179.)
Because this region involves these three bones and their liga­
ments, you can see that the functional junction between the neck
and the head is actually at the articulation between the axis and
the third cervical vertebra. It is often difficult to make a specific
contact with your fingers at this junction in a baby's neck. It is
necessary to explore the area, however, because of the possibility
of strains connected with delivery that have not yet resolved into
the normal action. A wry neck, or torticollis, is not uncommon
in very young infants and in itself puts further strain on the
neck. Although you must examine the whole neck and the upper
chest and shoulder girdle, you will probably find the source of
the torticollis to be entrapment neuropathy of the eleventh cra­
nial nerve at the jugular foramen.
You may be busy observing the shape and size of the
fontanelles, the vault bones, and the junctions between them while
you are allowing your vault contact to become familiar to the
patient. Then you can make a gentle contact on the mastoid por­
tions of the temporal bones for an indication of the position of the
petrous portions in relation to the basilar process of the occiput.
You want to know whether tfIey have glided medially or laterally
as well as whether they are rotated internally or externally. You
can reason from these observations about the position of the basi­
lar process of the occiput and the body of the sphenoid.

Problems of Infancy and Childhood

When you are ready to study and diagnose the cranial base,
you will want to know all that you can learn about the pattern at
the sphenobasilar junction. The systematic process of tests for
motion is challenging because of the delicate response in your
small patient. The usual routine is the same as in larger patients
- that is, flexion, extension, side-bending/rotation, torsion, ver­
tical strain, and lateral strain. In addition to compression, either
of the whole base or of some particular area, you recognize the
complex combinations of the parts as they may have occurred at
this age.
It takes time for all of these observations to be made and
noted in an unhurried manner on the first visit. You are estab­
lishing the general experience for your professional service, for
the patient, for the parents, and as a foundation for future visits.
Note your findings and impressions at the first visit precisely as
well as any operations that you may have performed together
with the response. You may not be satisfied with any accomplish­
ment at this time, but the manner in which you work has signifi­
cance for the patient and the parents. There is no substitute for
getting all the facts that are obtainable as clearly as possible. At
the next visit all concerned are prepared to start out according to
the manner established. The sequence of findings in your
records provides you with facts that are not otherwise available.
When you have a concept of the patient's cranium as a whole,
you will be ready to investigate the intraosseous situation, espe­
cially in the occiput. The occipital squama is accessible. It will fit
right in the palm of your hand. Note the condylosquamal junc­
tion on both sides; note whether it is a smooth contour or angu­
lated. If angulated, note whether the angle is acute or obtuse.
Also note whether the opisthion is centered or positioned to the
right or left of center. It is easy to derotate the occipital squama
in early life, whether it is rotated clockwise or counterclockwise.
As this is done any compression of the condylar parts that may
be associated with it is released.
The occipital squama can have bent at the superior nuchal
line as well as at the condylosquamal junction. It may have
turned on its vertical axis so that one side is more anterior than


the other. Sometimes the squama overrides the posterior ends of

the condylar parts, or it may be tucked inside them. Any of these
possibilities of disarrangement affects the reciprocal tension
membrane, because the posterior pole of its attachment is located
on the inside of the occipital squama; therefore, you have a con­
tact on that mechanism right in the palm of your hand.
The area at the anterior ends of the condylar parts and the
posterior end of the basilar process is not accessible to direct
contact. The junction of the anterior end of the basilar process
with the posterior of the body of the sphenoid (the sphenobasilar
junction), and the articulations of the petrous portions of the
temporal bones with the basilar process constitute the rest of the
inaccessible area of the cranial base. This area is understood
through visualization and reasoning from your accessible con­
tacts on the outside.
The study of the occipitoatlantal joints is led by your reason­
ing through the understanding of the mechanical significance of
the anterior convergence/posterior divergence in the facets of
the atlas and the condyles of the occiput. The capsule of these
joints includes the basilar process of the occiput with the
condyles. This is the place where the shape of the foramen
magnum is determined; therefore, this is the place where the
four parts of the occiput are relatively free early in life to
arrange themselves in their cartilaginous matrix. It is also rela­
tively easy for them to rearrange themselves, especially with
osteopathic assistance.
Correction and adjustment of problems between the bones of
the cranial base should precede any intraosseous molding. Once
the field is prepared you can mold the parts of the temporal
bones, the parts of the sphenoid, the occipital squama, the
frontal bones, the facial bones, and the parietal bones. Needless
to say, molding procedures are carried out gradually in an
extended program that allows for the growth that is going on in
infancy and early childhood.
Dr. Sutherland likens one of the molding techniques he has
taught to pushing the center of a rubber saucer so as to spread

Problems of Infancy and Childhood

the circumference. This is especially applicable to the bones of

the vault that have eminences. It is valuable when combined
with directing the Tide to free the periphery of a bone. As you
direct the Tide, place the palm of a hand over the eminence or
ossification center that has become bunched up. This bunching
up has been a consequence of resistance at the periphery.
Unless that resistance is removed, the molding will not occur.
The area of resistance at an edge need not be extensive to result
in these "horns."

Editor's Note: This molding technique suggests a vault that is flexi­

ble. This is true to some extent even in the adult, where the osseous
vault has two tables of bone with diploe between, and both tables are
flexible. To emphasize their membranous origin and flexibility, Dr.
Sutherland sometimes called the osseous vault "father dura."

I have frequently found a recurrence of a strain pattern to fol­

Iow an initially excellent response to treatment. This has
prompted me to plan for visits at six month intervals so that I
can address these developments related to growth. It takes only a
couple of timely visits to correct these recurrences. Sometimes
they have been related to the inevitable falls that go along with
learning to walk, rather than to growth.
Some strain patterns seem to be more productive of clinical
problems than others. The lateral strain pattern that results in
the so-called parallelogram deformity of the head seems to affect
the interior spaces of the cranium with more dysfunctions of the
central nervous system than others.
The principles that I use in the osteopathic treatment of
problems in infants and children are:
1. balanced membranous tension
2. management of the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid
3. directing the Tide


A Tour of the Minnow

lNTHISTOUROF the living human brain we are like a little minnow

on a sightseeing tour. We are taking a swim in the cerebrospinal
fluid with a little minnow who can crawl into crevices such as the
entrances to the fourth ventricle from the subarachnoid space.
As we look, we will try to reason out some of the functions in
this neural tube. We are taking a flight of the imagination.
In this little swim I hope to gain some understanding of the
mechanical features of the motion of the pituitary body in the
sella turcica of the sphenoid bone. I am also seeking to under­
stand the motion of the pineal body up at the back of the roof
of the third ventricle. Philosophers have historically searched
for the seat of the soul in this area.
The little minnow plunges through the door into the fluid
within the fourth ventricle. These doors (the foramen of
Magendie and the foramina of Luschka) that open between the
body of cerebrospinal fluid in the subarachnoid space outside
the neural tube and the body of fluid within the ventricles in­
side the neural tube are the only open doors between the two
bodies of fluid. What the minnow finds in the fourth ventricle is
a corridor under a roof. The cerebellum lies above the roof.
The corridor extends down into the central canal of the spinal
cord and upward into the cerebral aqueduct.


He feels aware of the fluid; he feels that it is doing some­

thing. Out of the darkness he sees a light. It is like sunlight in a
cloud or a reflection in a cloud. There is a lot of light, but it
does not touch the cloud. It reflects all through it. It also
reflects some Intelligence to the little minnow, coming from
something invisible. The "liquid light" seems to lead him on.
So he swims on along with that knowledge, that information
from his first dive into the clouds within the fourth ventricle. He
dives down to the very bottom and becomes aware of a transmu­
tation from the light to all the physiologic centers within the
medulla oblongata. Then he swims around and drifts sideways
until he finds a little narrow channel known as the cerebral aque­
duct. It is hard to find his way in this narrow channel.
Suddenly, he feels a little push behind him, and it pushes him
through as he sees that the undulations of the walls permit it.
Right under him is another undulation that must be the sphe­
nobasilar junction arching up and down, an undulation that fol­
lows the tide and sets him on course to the top of a big cavern
known as the third ventricle. This cavern is full to the top with
cerebrospinal fluid.
He turns a bit and sees that this cavern is very narrow and
just above there is a little tube (the pineal stalk and recess) that
runs to a connection with something called the pineal body. He
sticks his nose into that tube and gets stuck. Suddenly, that body,
that cone, begins to move up, and then it lets him go as it has
now flopped down. He feels the up and down action in that lit­
tle pineal body. What accounts for this mechanical action, this
flipping up and flopping down?
The roots and tracts in this area and in the roof of the mid­
brain connect up with the roots of the anterior lobe of the cere­
bellum, the oldest part. This is the part of the neural tube that
has neural tissue as its root. There must be a mechanical princi­
ple in the area for the flip-flop of the pineal body to occur
during inhalation and exhalation of the primary respiratory

A Tour of the Minnow

mechanism, in a definite rhythm. When the little cone goes

down in exhalation, it rests on top of the superior colliculi.
While the minnow is still on the roof of the third ventricle,
on the inside, he sees a curtain that separates the chamber from
the outside of the brain. He stretches his imagination so as to
see the choroid plexus above it, stretched out in inhalation.
Then exhalation begins, and the walls come together to make a
narrow chasm again. In exhalation that choroid plexus bunches
up the way it is found in the cadaver. He feels the difference
between inhalation and exhalation while in the third ventricle.
It changes its shape from a V-shape that is wider at the top, thus
lifting up the bottom, to a narrow chasm that drops it. So he
dives down to the bottom and meets the floor of the third ven­
tricle, the hypothalamus. It seems to have a hole in the bottom
and he feels the movement, up and down.
This hole leads down and he slips through to find himself in
the pituitary body, in the neurohypophysis. Now inside the
pituitary body he is also in the sella turcica of the sphenoid
bone. He is tired, so he falls asleep when he settles down, and is
rocked as in a cradle.
When he awakens he discovers that he cannot get out of
there. The pituitary body is strapped down by a diaphragm. He
must find that infundibulum in order to slip back up into the
hypothalamus - that is, into the third ventricle. This must be a
special area with the infundibulum connecting the pituitary
body with the hypothalamus. It seems to be a center of some
sort with many nuclei in such a small area. There is a lot of
action here with all the rocking up and down and the motility.
Ah! It is the sphenoid bone turning regularly that does the rock­
ing. The motion must be important to all these working parts.
As the little minnow swims up in the third ventricle he hears
a hum and feels that he should be careful as he goes by the tha­
lami and the basal ganglia, because there is such a charge in
these walls. He moves along and finds the end wall, the lamina


terminalis. There are two open doors in this wall, the interven­
tricular foramina. He pushes into the right one and finds him­
self in the right lateral ventricle. As he goes forward in this he
bumps into the frontal lobe, so he has to turn around. This
whole anterior area seems to have become a superior area. It is
where the neural tube folded up and back over along the top of
the head. The next part of his swim is where the motor cortex
of the brain surrounds the ventricle, where the orders go forth
to tell something to move. At the back of the cranium he finds
that the occipital lobe turns again, downward and forward. The
visual cortex is here, the part that does the seeing, close to the
falx cerebri and the tentorium cerebelli. The temporal lobes of
the brain are tucked forward into the inside of the greater wings
of the sphenoid. All of this lies above the "tent" (tentorium
cerebelli). What would happen if this angle between the falx
and the "tent" became acute and squeezed the visual cortex?
Once more he is in a place where he has to turn around. So
he swims back along the right lateral ventricle to enter the third
ventricle again. This whole swim has been a spiral path. The
left lateral ventricle must have one like it. The cerebral hemi­
spheres folded up and over and back and forward from the front
end of the brain stem. So where is the outside found in the mid­
dle? It must be the great transverse fissure of the brain. The
tentorium cerebelli is between the contents of the posterior cra­
nial fossa and the occipital and temporal lobes. This place in the
middle is where the pineal body lies upon the superior colliculi
of the midbrain, on the outside of the neural tube.
But our minnow is inside, back in the third ventricle where
he has some fluid to swim in. He gets back to the fourth ventri­
cle through the cerebral aqueduct and finds his way out of the
door into the subarachnoid space - into the cisterna magna.
There is room to swim in this lake, too. He can swim around
the medulla oblongata on the outside and see the cerebellum
like the bellows that blacksmiths use to blow air on their fire.
He can feel the tide coming in.

A Tour of the Minnow

The little minnow swims next under the brain stem and into
the water beds that the brain rests upon: the cisterna basalis. He
comes up around the pons to go above the cerebellum into the
superior cistern and there he is agaiJ.? right on the outside and in
the great transverse fissure. He can see not only the pineal body,
that little cone, but also the deep cerebral veins, the choroidal
veins, and the cerebellar veins, all converging and entering the
great vein of Galen just before it enters the straight sinus.
Then the little minnow wanders around the outside of the
hemispheres of the brain in the subarachnoid distribution of
the cerebrospinal fluid, beneath the arachnoid membrane and
outside the pia mater. He notes how closely the pia mater fits
to the surface of the neural tube carrying arterial blood. The
arachnoid membrane spans across the tops of the sulci and fis­
sures. This arrangement provides him with the fluid in which
to swim.
He thinks, however, that it is not much in some places and
wonders what would happen if that arachnoid membrane
became locked down upon him while in one of these spaces.
The space would get smaller and he might not be able to get
into all that fluid around the outside of the brain or into the
fluid on the outside of the spinal cord. Could he get around the
medulla if it were jammed down into the foramen magnum?
What would have to happen to produce that situation?
He can see that if the occiput and the temporal bones were
not working right, the tentorium cerebelli could become locked,
and the shape of the posterior cranial fossa would be changed.
The shape of the jugular fossa would also be changed. Would
these changes affect the movement of the venous blood
toward and out of the jugular foramina? If the outflow of
venous blood from the cranium were restricted, would you
feel good? Would you have a headache? What events might
happen that would put a strain on the relations between the
occiput and the temporal bones?


Suppose a person were hit on the top of the head. Would that
blow jam down on the fluid there in front of the pituitary body
and around it? It seems that there are many spaces around the
outside of the brain where the fluid should not be disturbed.
What if the head became warped into a side-bending/rotation
shape so that one chamber of fluid became smaller and its like
on the other side became larger? Would there be more fluid
where there was more room and less fluid where there was less
room? Could that situation be straightened out?
This tour is long enough. He has been inside the cranium all
the time while touring on the inside and on the outside of the
living human brain. The little minnow has seen enough to pro­
vide thought for a long time.


T he Osteopathic Technique of
Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O.l
H. A. Lippincott, D.O.

AT THE TIME THAT Dr. Sutherland received his osteopathic training at

Kirksville, Dr. Andrew Taylor Still was carefully supervising all the
instruction given at the college. The principles that were taught had
to conform exactly to his concept. Dr. Sutherland made good use of
every opportunity to learn and understand them and has adhered
closely in his thinking and practice to Dr. Still's principles throughout
his professional career. In consequence, the technique which he has
presented to us is a reflection of the clear vision of our founder. In
these days of rapid changes in medicine, older methods are constantly
being replaced by new, and there is scoffing at the procedures that
were used in the day of our grandfathers. On the other hand, the
changes in the human structure, due to environment, are such that it is
now even more susceptible to the strains that were considered by Dr.
Still to be the most important cause of disease. Physical response to
various types of osteopathic treatment is essentially the same now as in
the nineteenth century. The technique presented here is of more than
historical interest; it is of real practical value in our everyday work.


Ligamentous Articular Strains

Osteopathic lesions are strains of the tissues of the body. When
they involve joints, it is the ligaments that are primarily affected, so

1 This article was originally published in the 1949 Year Book of the
Academy of Applied Osteopathy.


the term "ligamentous articular strain" is the one preferred by Dr.

Sutherland. The ligaments of a joint are normally on a balanced,
reciprocal tension, and seldom if ever are they completely relaxed
throughout the normal range of movement. When the motion is car­
ried beyond that range, the tension is unbalanced, and the elements of
the ligamentous structure which limit motion in that direction are
strained and weakened. The lesion is maintained by the overbalance of
the reciprocal tension by the elements which have not been strained.
This locks the articular mechanism or prevents its free and normal
movement. The unbalanced tension causes the bones to assume a
position that is nearer that in which the strain was produced than
would be the case if the tension were normal, and the weakened part
of the ligaments permits motion in the direction of the lesion in excess
of normal. The range of movement in the opposite direction is limited
by the more firm and unopposed tension of the elements which had
not been strained.

Principles of Corrective Technique

Since it is the ligaments that are primarily involved in the mainte­
nance of the lesion, it is they, not muscular leverage, that are used as
the main agency for reduction. The articulation is carried in the direc­
tion of the lesion, exaggerating the lesion position as far as is necessary
to cause the tension of the weakened elements of the ligamentous
structure to be equal to, or slightly in excess of, the tension of those
that were not strained.
This is the point of balanced tension. Forcing the joint to move
beyond that point adds to the strain which is already present. Forcing
the articulation back and away from the direction of lesion strains the
ligaments that are normal and unopposed, and if it is done with
thrusts or jerks there is a definite possibility of separating fibers of the
ligaments from their bony attachments. When the tension is properly
balanced, the respiratory or muscular cooperation of the patient is
employed to overcome the resistance of the defense mechanism of the
body to the release of the lesion. If the patient holds the breath in or
out as long as possible, there is a period during his involuntary efforts
to resume breathing when the release takes place. In appendicular

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. C. Sutherland, D. O.

lesions the patient holds the articulation in the position of exaggera­

tion, and the release occurs through the agency of the ligaments when,
or just before, the muscles are relaxed.
There are exceptions to the general principle of correction by exag­
gerating the lesion position. The disengagement method, with the rib
technique as an example, uses a fulcrum upon which a leverage tends
to separate the bony surfaces and tense the ligamentous connections.
This method is combined with exaggeration of the lesion position in
treatment of the long bones of the extremities. Under some circum­
stances it is unwise to add tension to the involved ligaments, as in the
case of a severe strain of recent production. In that event the pain will
be increased under exaggeration, and the correction is made by hold­
ing the more distal bone in the direction of the normal position while
the patient participates by gently and slowly moving the proximal
bone toward its proper relationship. This is known as the "direct
action" technique. It is used in the postural sacroiliac or iliosacral
lesion in which the irregularity of the auricular surfaces prevents a
wide range of motion, especially on the axis through the second
sacral segment.
The participation of the patient in the technique is a matter of
importance. If the operator holds the bone which is in lesion and the
patient moves the one upon which it is lesioned, there is less likely to
be undue strain placed upon the ligaments than if the operator exerts
the force necessary to accomplish a reduction. Considering the
lesioned bone as the "bolt" and the one proximal to it as the "nut," it
is a better mechanical principle for the operator to hold the bolt and
allow the patient to turn the nut than for the operator to turn the bolt.
The physical equipment needed for this technique is simple. An
osteopathic table, a stool, and a chair are the main items. Mention is
made of use of the Ritter stool in some of the procedures. It is a stool
that tilts from the base; the seat turns and is adjustable for height.
The stool is made with a minimum height of twenty-one inches for
use in this work. Of greatest importance, however, is the mental
equipment of the operator, his ability to visualize the structures con­
cerned in the lesion, and the keen tactile sense common to osteopathic



From the axis to the seventh cervical vertebra the articular surfaces
lie in a plane that is tipped anteriorly from the coronal, SO, in flexion,
the articular processes of one vertebra move upward and forward in
relation to the one below, and in rotation sidebending, the movement
is in that direction on the side that is anterior and convex. In extension
the articular processes move relatively downward and posteriorly as
does the one on the posterior and concave side in rotation sidebend­
ing. The anterior convexity of the cervical curve is reduced or
straightened when the neck is bent forward in flexion, increasing the
distance from the occiput to the shoulders. That distance is also
increased on the anterior side in rotation sidebending and is reduced
in extension, as well as on the posterior side in rotation sidebending.
The technique for correction of cervical ligamentous articular strains
makes use of those principles. The articular processes that are rela­
tively anterior or that move anterosuperiorly more easily, are held
anterosuperiorly to balance the tension of the capsular ligaments,
and the shoulders of the patient are placed so that the lesion position
is exaggerated.
The manner in which the patient holds the neck, especially in acute
lesions, and the altered bony relationships and soft tissue pathology
noted under palpation give evidence of the location and type of lesion.
The determining factor, however, is the freedom or restriction of
motion. The articulation moves more freely and usually with less dis­
comfort to the patient in the direction of the lesion than in the oppo­
site direction.
The technique is best applied with the patient supine and relaxed,
but when circumstances do not permit this, the physician can use his
ingenuity in adapting the technique to the position that can be
assumed. It is said that Dr. Still, meeting a patient on the street,
would even stand him against a tree to reduce a sacroiliac lesion.
There is considerable latitude in applying Dr. Sutherland's technique
providing the underlying principles are not violated. The position of
the shoulders is taken withou't appreciable strain or tension of the
muscles, the purpose being only to affect the ligamentous tension by
altering the relative position of the attachments of the ligaments.

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O.

Figure A.!, Cervical Technique: In this case the fingers are crossed to contact the
articular processes on the opposite side.

Flexion Lesions
The articular processes of the upper of the two vertebrae involved
are held anterosuperiorly by the tips of the operator's fingers, the
direction being in the plane of the articular surfaces. The patient low­
ers both shoulders toward the hips avoiding any abduction of the
arms. The point of balanced tension is found by the operator and held
during respiratory cooperation in inhalation, which also tends to
reduce the anterior convexity of the cervical spine.

Extension Lesions
These are corrected with the processes of the lower of the two ver­
tebrae held anterosuperiorly, the patient's shoulders moved cranial­
ward, and respiration cooperation in exhalation.

Rotation Sidebending Lesions

The articular process of the upper vertebra on the side of convexity is
relatively anterosuperior, and it is held in that direction by the operator.


The one on the opposite side of the vertebra below is held anterosu­
periorly under the inferior facet of the upper one, which is relatively
posterior and downward. The shoulder is lowered on the side of con­
vexity to increase the separation of the facets and the opposite one is
elevated to carry the superior process of the lower vertebra anteriorly
and upward. The patient holds the breath either in or out, sometimes
depending on whether the strain is greater where the articular pro­
cesses are separated or approximated. Respiratory cooperation follows
the general rule that inhalation is associated with flexion and external
rotation, exhalation with extension and internal rotation. The point of
balanced ligamentous tension may be rather elusive, making it neces­
sary to slightly alter the degree of pressure on the articular processes
or the height of the shoulders. The greater strain may be in the liga­
ments of either one side or the other, so the tension may have to be
varied to attain balance.

Condyloatlantal Lesions
The articular pits of the atlas converge anteriorly and inferiorly,
and they curve cranialward to a position anterior to the occipital
condyles. The motion permitted is a nodding of the head as the
condyles rock forward and back in the cup-shaped pits of the atlas.
Correction of the condyloatlantal lesion is made with the patient
supine as the position of choice. The operator places the tip of a fin­
ger against the posterior tubercle of the atlas and holds that bone
anteriorly to prevent it from moving dorsally with the condyles as the
patient nods or tips his head forward, avoiding flexion of the cervical
spine. This rocks the occiput posteriorly in the pits, releasing the
condyles from the atlas, and tenses the ligaments. The right and left
articulations will find a point of balance between them, perceptible to
the operator as a slight springing or elastic resistance of the ligaments.
This position is held while the patient holds the breath in either
inhalation or exhalation. Release of the fixation is frequently percepti­
ble to both the patient and the operator, usually during the respiratory
efforts just before the patient must resume breathing. This technique

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D. O.

Figure A.2. Condyloatlantal

is effective whether the lesion be unilateral or bilateral, or the

condyles be held in the anterior, posterior, or lateral position.

Atlanto-Axial Lesions
Dr. Sutherland finds that ligamentous strains of the atlanto-axial
articulation frequently become apparent following the successful
reduction of those of the condyloatlantal articulation, indicating that
they are of a compensatory nature. It occurs to him that the ligamen­
tous agencies of that region function somewhat in the manner of the
hairspring of the balance wheel of a watch, causing motion of the
occiput to be reciprocated between the atlas and axis.
Although the articular structure and the motion are quite different
from those of the typical cervical vertebrae, the technique is similar. In
arriving at a ligamentous balance between the atlas and axis, it is to be
remembered that the motion is almost entirely rotation with little
sidebending, and that the superior facets of the axis face cranialward
and laterally. The shoulder and respiratory cooperation are employed
as in the technique for lesions of the typical cervical articulations.



The facets of the superior articular processes face dorsally, cranially,

and laterally, those of the inferior processes facing ventrally, caudally,
and medially. Consequently in flexion the transverse processes of one
vertebra move anteriorly and superiorly in relation to those of the
one below, and in extension, posteroinferiorly. In sidebending rota­
tion the transverse process on the side of convexity moves cranially,
anteriorly, and slightly medially away from the one below, and on the
side of concavity the two processes approximate and the upper one
moves dorsally. Elevation of the shoulders tends to separate the trans­
verse processes and move the inferior articular facets anterosuperiorly
on the superior articular surfaces of the vertebra below, approximately
the relationship which exists during flexion. When the shoulders are
lowered the articular processes assume the relationship present in
extension. Elevating one shoulder separates the transverse processes
on that side, and the upper one moves anteriorly, as on the side of
convexity in sidebending rotation, while lowering of the shoulder pro­
duces the relationship which is present on the side of the concavity.
Technique for the correction of thoracic vertebral lesions employs
cooperation by the patient based on these principles.

Palpation for Motion

With the patient seated or supine, the operator places a finger on
each transverse process of the vertebra in question. The patient ele­
vates the shoulders slowly, then lowers them toward the hips, then raises
one and lowers the other alternately while the operator palpates for
freedom of motion. The location and direction of the strain having been
ascertained, the transverse processes of the involved vertebrae, which
(processes) are in the relatively anterior position, are held anteriorly in
the plane of the articular facets to exaggerate the lesion position.

Flexion Lesions
The processes of the upper ,Of the two vertebrae are held anterosu­
periorly while the patient elevates both shoulders to balance the
ligamentous tension as determined by the operator. This position is
held while the patient inhales and holds the breath.

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O.

Figure A. 3 . Thoracic Vertebra: The transverse process on only one side may be held
anterosuperiorly for exaggeration of the lesion position.

Extension Lesions
Extension lesions are corrected with the transverse processes of the
lower of the two vertebrae being held anterosuperiorly, and the
patient's shoulders lowered. Respiratory cooperation is in exhalation.

Sidebending Rotation Lesions

On the side of convexity the transverse process of the upper verte­
bra, and on the concavity that of the lower one, are held anterosuperi­
orly. The patient elevates the shoulder on the side of convexity, lowers
the other one and carries it slightly posteriorly. The point of balanced
tension is found, and the respiratory cooperation may be in either
inhalation or exhalation - inhalation if the ligamentous imbalance is
on the side of convexity, and exhalation if on the concavity.

Patient on Knees of Operator

In another method of correcting thoracic vertebral lesions, the
patient is seated on the knees of the operator, or on a Ritter stool,
facing the table. The forearm of the operator holds the patient's pelvis


Figure A.4. Thoracic Vertebra: Convexity to the left.

posteriorly. The patient rests his elbows on the table and walks, or
inches, forward with them to carry the inferior articular processes cra­
niad in relation to the superior ones of the vertebra below. The opera­
tor palpates at the transverse process for limitation of motion and for
the point of balanced ligamentous tension.

If the lesion is of the flexion type, a finger on each transverse pro­
cess of the upper of the two vertebrae lightly encourages their
anterosuperior movement while palpating for the proper degree of
separation from the vertebra below as the patient steps forward with
his elbows on the table. When that point is reached the correction is
accomplished with the patient holding the breath in inhalation.

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D. O.

The operator's fingers are placed on the transverse processes of the
lower of the two vertebrae involved, the patient steps forward with his
elbows until that vertebra is felt to move upward. The transverse pro­
cesses are then held gently in an anterosuperior direction while the
patient steps backward with his elbows for an inch or two. This carries
the articular processes of the upper of the two vertebrae back to exag­
gerate the extension position at the point of lesion. The correction is
made during exhalation.

Sidebending Rotation
In correcting these lesions, the forearm of the operator which is on
the side of the convexity holds the pelvis posteriorly. A finger of the
other hand is placed on the transverse process of the upper of the ver­
tebrae involved, on the side of convexity. That finger gently holds the
process in an anterosuperior direction as the patient steps forward on
his elbows until tension is palpated with the finger. Then the patient
moves forward the elbow on the side of convexity, lowering the shoul­
der on that side toward the table, as directed by the operator. The res­
piratory cooperation may be in either inhalation or exhalation.


The two inferior articular processes of each lumbar vertebra are

cupped anteriorly and laterally between the superior articular processes
of the vertebra below. This pattern is usually present at the dorsolum­
bar and lumbosacral junctions. It permits one or both facets of one ver­
tebra to glide up and down in the trough made by the facets of the next
lower vertebra. The arrangement of the joint surfaces and of the capsu­
lar ligaments is kept in mind as the corrective technique is applied.
The patient is seated on the operator's knees or on a Ritter stool
facing the table. The operator holds the patient's pelvis with his fore­
arm anterior to the ilia, and the patient moves his elbows alternately
forward on the table. This increases the tension on the capsular liga­
ments and separates the spinous processes. Tilting the patient's pelvis
laterally with the knees produces sidebending of the lumbar spine
which can be localized by the palpating finger of the operator, placed
on the spinous process of the vertebra in lesion.


Figure A.S. Lumbar: Palpation of motion as the hips are elevated alternately.

The patient moves forward with his elbows until the increase of
ligamentous tension is noted by the operator, the spinous process of
the upper of the two vertebrae is held in a cranial direction to exag­
gerate the lesion position, and the patient then holds the breath in
inhalation for correction.

In the extension lesion the pelvis is steadied, the ligaments are
tensed as above, the operator holds the spinous process of the lower of
the two vertebrae anterosuperiorly, and the patient moves back on his
elbows to balance the tension in extension at the point of lesion. Then
the respiratory cooperation is in the exhalation phase.

The sidebending lesion position is exaggerated to the proper extent
by elevating the pelvis on the side of concavity. The arm of the opera­
tor on the side of convexity holds the pelvis posteriorly as the patient

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O.

Figure A.6. Lumbar Correction: Convexity to the left. The ilia are held posteriorly by
the fingers.

steps forward with his elbows to tense the ligaments. The operator
holds the spinous process of the lesioned vertebra toward the convexity
and the patient comes back with his elbows until the finger on the
spinous process notes a balancing of the ligamentous tension. Then
the patient inhales and holds the breath for correction which usually
occurs at the beginning of exhalation.


The rib lesion is considered as an articular strain of the capsular,

radiate, and interarticular ligaments connecting the head of the rib to
the bodies of the vertebrae. In the corrective technique the ligaments
are tensed by using first degree leverage of the rib to lift its head
anterolaterally from the facets on the vertebral bodies. The rib is
shaped somewhat like a horseshoe with a long arm from the angle to
the anterior end and a short arm from the angle to the head of the rib.
The costotransverse articulation acts as the fulcrum as the operator
holds the shaft of the rib to prevent it from moving forward when the
patient rotates the bodies of the vertebrae away from the head of the


rib. The technique is usually applied with the patient seated and the
operator on the side of lesion holding the rib. However, it may be
done with the patient lying on the back or on the side opposite the
lesion. The patient is instructed to keep his head erect and not twist
the neck as he turns the body slowly, carrying posteriorly the shoulder
on the side opposite the lesion. In other words, the operator holds the
"bolt" while the patient turns the "nut" to release the fixation. Sensing
the point at which the ligaments are tensed but not unduly stretched,
the operator instructs the patient to hold that position while he
inhales and holds the breath for correction of the lesion.
Diagnosis is made in the usual manner, considering history of trauma,
pain and tenderness, tissue tensity and induration, possible abnormal­
ity of position, and restricted motion. If the first and the last two diag­
nostic points indicate a rotation of the rib in a particular direction,
that position may be held in exaggeration for the correction; otherwise
simple disengagement of the costocentral articulation alone is used.

Fourth to Tenth
For lesions of the fourth to tenth ribs, inclusive, the middle finger
of one hand of the operator is on the angle, and the middle finger of
the other hand is on the anterior end of the shaft of the rib, and the
thumbs are placed laterally on the shaft. Firm contact is obtained by
the patient's leaning toward the operator. The rib is held to prevent
it from moving anteriorly, and the patient slowly rotates the upper
part of the body, carrying the opposite shoulder posteriorly, to the
point of balanced tension of the ligaments. He then inhales and
holds the breath.

Second and Third

These ribs are covered posteriorly by the scapula, and the first rib,
by heavy muscles, necessitating a different approach in holding those
ribs posteriorly. The patient raises the shoulder, and the operator's
thumb, of the hand which is toward the front of the patient, follows
upward and backward from the axilla, close to the scapula, to contact
the rib as near the angle as possible. The thumb maintains that con­
tact while the patient gently lowers the shoulder, like slipping a glove
down over the thumb, thereby causing a minimum of discomfort to

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D. O.

Figure .\.7. Rib Technique

the patient. A finger of the same hand holds the anterior end of the
shaft, and a finger of the other hand holds the posterior part of the rib
near the point where it meets the transverse process. The thumb of
this hand is placed at the inferior part of the lateral border of the
scapula and holds that bone medially, posteriorly, and upward away
from the other thumb. The patient's elbow is allowed to drop close to
the body. Leaning toward the operator, the direction in which the rib
is held, rotation of the trunk and respiratory cooperation are similar to
the technique described above.

First Rib
When contact with the first rib cannot be made comfortably by
way of the axilla, it may be accomplished with the thumb starting lat­
eral to the trapezius and following the rib medially under the muscle,
advancing as the patient inhales, and holding during exhalation to
arrive at the posterior surface of the rib. If necessary, the hold may be
through the muscle itself, but this is not as specific or effective. The
rest of the technique is as above.


Figure A.S. First Rib: Thumb under the trapezius.

Bedside Technique For Upper Ribs

A simple procedure for the reduction of upper rib lesions that can
be used at the bedside is to have the patient seated with his hands or
forearms resting on the shoulders of the operator, who is seated facing
him. The operator holds the sternal end of the rib posteriorly with the
fingers while the patient rotates the body, carrying posteriorly the
shoulder opposite the lesion. This disengages the head of the rib for
correction with respiratory cooperation.

Floating Ribs
There is no costotransverse articulation to serve as a fulcrum for
the eleventh and twelfth ribs. Consequently in correcting lesions of
the eleventh and twelfth, the rib is held as are the other middle or
lower ribs, but the finger which is placed posteriorly is held firmly
forward against the rib near the vertebra to act as a fulcrum. The
shaft is held posterolaterally while the patient rotates the trunk and
holds the breath.

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O.

Figure A.9. Rib Technique at the Bedside: Thumb holds the shaft of the rib in a poste­
rior direction.

Figure A.lO. Eleventh and Twelfth Ribs: Middle finger acts as a fulcrum.


Rib Lesions Associated with Hyperextension of the Vertebrae

A distressing type of rib lesion is the one associated etiologically
and pathologically with rather extreme extension of the spine.
Produced during extension and perhaps sidebending with the convex­
ity on the side of the lesion, the head of the rib is caught in a depres­
sion between the bodies of the vertebrae caused by a separation of the
demifacets while in that position. This interferes with flexion and
bending toward the side of lesion, which motions are painful. The
involvement may be bilateral due to the rib being traumatically forced
posteriorly or pulled by the pectoral muscles when the spine is hyper­
extended. Correction is made on one side at a time, and it sometimes
is difficult of accomplishment. With the patient lying on the side
opposite the lesion and in partial flexion, the operator stands in back
of him. One hand draws the sternal end of the rib posteriorly, and the
other lifts toward the lesioned side the spinous processes of the two
vertebrae forming the costal pit. This rotates the bodies of the verte­
brae away from the head of the rib, and the costotransverse articula­
tion moves forward, the leverage lifting the head of the rib out of the

Figure A.ii. Rib Lesions with Spinal Hyperextension: Two assistants elevate the

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Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O.

depression between the demifacets. The ligaments are tensed to the

proper degree and held for respiratory cooperation.
There is another method that is frequently successful in correcting
rib lesions that are associated with hyperextension of the spine. The
patient is seated, and his shoulders are lifted by two assistants, one on
each side with a hand under the axilla, the patient's elbows remaining
at his sides. This tends to open a gap between the demifacets and
release the head of the rib. The lift should be just sufficient to tense
slightly the intervertebral ligaments, and it is maintained while the
operator proceeds with the respiratory technique for the rib involved.


The auricular surfaces of the sacrum and the ilium, covered by car­
tilage, lie more or less in sagittal planes, but flaring anteriorly and
inferiorly. Their shape is that of a broad letter "L," the long arm being
directed dorsoventrally, and from its anterior end the short arm
extends cranially. Roughly following the line of this "L," there is usu­
ally a curved ridge on the auricular surface of the ilium which fits into
a groove on the sacrum. They describe an arc around a transverse line
running approximately through the spinous process of the first or sec­
ond sacral segment. The arrangement of the ligaments is such that the
sacrum can swing within limits between the ilia along the line of those
ridges without materially changing the tension. Meanwhile the liga­
ments are limiting the tilt of the sacrum, downward and forward at the
base and backward and upward at the apex, caused by the weight of
the trunk through the lumbar spine when in the erect position. There
is a notable absence of muscles between the sacrum and ilia which
would control the motion of one upon the other.
Doctor Sutherland has called attention to an involuntary movement
of the sacrum between the ilia in contradistinction to the postural
mobility of the ilia upon the sacrum. This involuntary motion is associ­
ated with what is termed in his cranial concept as the "primary respira­
tory mechanism" which concerns a motility of the neural axis. The
dural membranes, the cerebrospinal fluid, and the cranial bones and
sacrum participate in this movement. The primary respiratory mecha­
nism is fundamental to the pulmonary respiratory, the cardiovascular,


and the various other systems of the body, so is not to be confused

with diaphragmatic breathing. In the involuntary movement of the
sacrum, its base alternately moves cranialward and recedes downward
as a part of the primary respiratory mechanism. The inhalation or
flexion phase of the movement causes the base to draw upward and the
apex to move anteriorly, the sacrum swinging on the arc of the L­
shaped auricular surface or the ridge and groove described above.
Since this movement reduces the anterior convexity of the lum­
bosacral junction and since it bears no relationship to the movement
of the sacrum as the trunk bends forward in the standing position, the
term "respiratory flexion" is applied to it. "Respiratory extension" of
the sacrum takes place when the base is lowered, the lumbosacral con­
vexity is increased, the sacrum swings posteriorly in its arc and the
apex moves posteriorly.
Postural or voluntary movement of the ilium upon the sacrum is
faIniliar as the rotation of the innominate bone anteriorly or poster­
iorly on a transverse axis through the body of the second sacral segment.

Respiratory Lesions of the Sacrum

Diagnosis of sacral "respiratory" lesions is made with the patient in
any position, usually seated. The thumbs or fingers of the operator
bridge from the posterior superior spines of the ilia to the dorsum of
the sacrum near the base, or from the posterior inferior spines to the
contiguous part of the sacrum. The respiratory motion is accentuated
by having the patient breathe deeply, and the freedom or limitation in
the movement of the sacrum in its arc is palpated. The lesion may be
either in the flexion position with limited movement of the sacral base
forward and downward toward the extension position, or, vice versa, it
may be unilateral or bilateral, or it may be in flexion on one side and
extension on the other.
For the technique of correction, the patient is seated on the opera­
tor's knees or on a Ritter stool, facing the table. The patient's knees
should be together and feet forward. The operator stabilizes the pelvis
with a for�arm against the ahterior superior spines, and the patient
bends forward to "walk" on the table with his elbows, or hands if nec­
essary, away from his pelvic bones. This draws the sacrum anteriorly,

2 52
Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O.

Figure A.12. Respiratory Flexion Lesion of the Sacrum

tending to disengage it from its wedged position between the ilia,

causing it to be virtually suspended. It also releases the tension of the
iliopsoas muscle.

Respiratory Flexion
If the lesion be of the "respiratory flexion" type, with the sacral
base drawn upward and slightly posterior and the apex forward, the
operator steadies the pelvis with the forearm on the side of lesion,
avoiding a posterior pull upon it. The thumb of the other hand holds
the apex forward, swinging the base upward and posteriorly for exag­
geration of the lesion position. The patient then steps forward with
his elbows or hands on the table, drawing the sacrum forward and,
because of the flexed position of the lumbar spine, slightly downward
from between the ilia. When the disengagement is palpated, the
patient is instructed to walk back a short distance with his elbows to
allow the sacral base to move posterosuperiorly and exaggerate the
lesion position. The operator, with his knees, changes the position of
the tuberosities of the ischia to find the point of balanced ligamen­
tous tension, and holds for correction while the patient holds the
breath in inhalation.

Figure A.13. Respiratory Extension Lesion of the Sacrum

Respiratory Extension
For "respiratory extension" lesions the operator holds the base of
the sacrum forward and downward on the side of the lesion with his
finger, and the apex posteriorly with his thumb under one side of the
apex. The forearm on the side of lesion holds the pelvis posteriorly
while the patient steps forward on the table with his elbows or hands.
The proper point of balanced tension depends upon the amount of
pull as the patient's shoulders move forward, the degree to which the
lesion position is exaggerated by the operator's thumb and finger, and
the relative position of the ischial tuberosities as they are moved by
the operator's knees. Correction occurs with the patient holding his
breath out as long as possible.

Bilateral flexion or extension lesions of the sacrum may be reduced
with one procedure or on one side at a time. If the sacrum be rotated so
that the ligamentous imbalance is toward flexion on one side and
extension on the other, it is simpler to correct each side separately.

2 54
Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O.

Postural Lesions
Postural sacroiliac or iliosacral lesions are diagnosed with the patient
seated on the operator's knees. The tuberischia are alternately elevated
and the motion between the sacrum and the posterior superior iliac
spines is palpated. If the motion is free as the tuberosity is elevated
and moved posteriorly and limited when moved the opposite direc­
tion, the ligamentous articular strain denotes anterior rotation of the
innominate bone. Restricted motion when the tuberosity is moved
backward and upward indicates a posterior rotation lesion. The diag­
nosis may be made with the patient seated on a Ritter stool, lowering
the pelvis on one side or the other. The diagnostic motion or its limi­
tation is elicited as the patient abducts the knees alternately.
Correction of the postural lesions is made with the patient stand­
ing, his hands on a stool which is placed on the table. The leg on the
side of lesion is crossed in front of the other one and the foot rests on
its outer edge, lateral to the one on which he stands. In this position
the weight is transmitted from the spine through the sacrum to the
innominate bone which is not directly concerned in the technique. The

Figure A.14. Postural Sacroiliac, Diagnosis


F i gure A. IS. Correction of An ter i o r Figure A . 1 6 . Correction of Posterior

Rotation of the Innominate: Operator Rotation.
r o tates the i l i u m p o s teri orl y on the

sacrum is thus stabilized and the lesioned innominate is left suspended.

The operator, sitting at the side of the patient, holds the tuberischium
in the palm of one hand and the crest of the ilium in the other. The
innominate bone is rotated with the hands, anteriorly or posteriorly
toward the position of correction. (This is "direct action" technique, so
if it is an anterior rotation lesion, the bone is held in posterior rotation,
and vice versa.) The patient then flexes the knee which bears his weight
to about 1 3 5 degrees, keeping the other leg relaxed, and returns to the
erect position while the operator maintains the rotation of the innomi­
nate in the direction of correction.

Pubic Symphysis
The symphysis pubis is subject to ligamentous strain, frequently in
association with sacroiliac lesio'ns. There is an intervening cartilage
between the pubes denoting motion. The bones are bound together

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D. O.

by strong ligaments, some of whose fibres are diagonally placed, mak­

ing them especially susceptible to strain or imbalance. An unevenness
of the superior borders of the pubic bones may be palpated. The infe­
rior ligament, extending between the inferior rami, is pierced by the
urogenital ducts and by a branch of'the internal pudendal nerve in
close proximity to the symphysis, which is an indication of some of the
symptoms that may be present.
A spreading or disengagement of the articulation is accomplished
with the patient lying on the side with his thighs flexed. The operator
stands in back of him. The tips of the index and middle fingers of the
hand which is toward the foot of the table are placed between the infe­
rior rami near the symphysis with a finger of the other hand between
the proximal phalanges to act as a fulcrum or wedge to spread the tips
of the fingers apart. This tenses the interpubic ligaments, and the ten­
sion may be balanced by advancing one or the other finger anterosu­
periorly. The patient cooperates by pressing his knees together. A
thick pillow between the knees is helpful. In the female patient, the
thumb of one hand and fingers of the other are used to spread the

Figure A.17. Pubic Spread


Figure A.l8. Clavicle


The object of the technique for correction of lesions of the clavicle
is to hold it cranial ward and laterally while the patient lowers his
shoulders and rotates the trunk, disengaging the sternal, costal, cora­
coid, and acromial articulations to tense their ligaments. The patient
sits on the table, and the operator sits facing him, a thumb under each
extremity of the clavicle. The fingers of one hand rest over the
acromioclavicular junction for the purpose of palpation, and a finger
of the other hand is placed medial to the sternal end of the clavicle to
hold it laterally. The patient, with his arm on the involved side lateral
to the operator's arm, rests his hand on the latter's shoulder. The
patient drops his weight forward on the thumbs of the operator, who
balances the ligamentous tension at the acromial end of the clavicle
by carrying his shoulder and the hand resting on it backward away
from the patient. Under direction, the patient draws his opposite
shoulder posteriorly to move the sternum away from the clavicle and

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O.

tense the ligaments at that articulation. The clavicle is balanced over

the costoclavicular ligament, and the patient inhales and holds the
breath for correction.

Freedom of rotation of the humerus in the glenoid cavity is tested
with the arm at an angle of 45 to 90 degrees laterally from the body,
and the elbow flexed. Comparison of the motion on the two sides is
made by carrying the hand laterally and upward to test external rota­
tion of the humerus, and medially and downward for internal rota­
tion. Restricted motion in one direction indicates lesion in the
opposite position.
Correction is made with the patient seated, the operator standing
on the side of lesion, facing him and with the hand which is toward
the back of the patient palpating the shoulder joint. The other hand
under the axilla, against the ribs and as close to the head of the
humerus as possible, acts as a fulcrum for disengagement. The patient
places the hand of the involved side over the distal third of the oppo­
site clavicle and holds that shoulder. The internal rotation lesion is
exaggerated by the patient elevating the elbow, external rotation by
lowering it, the operator directing to the degree necessary to arrive at
the point of balanced tension. The patient is instructed to move his
uninvolved shoulder posteriorly, carrying with it the hand of the

Figure A.19. Testing External Rotation Figure A.20. Testing Internal Rotation of
of the Humerus the Humerus

2 59

lesioned side. This draws the lower end of the humerus across the
chest in order that the leverage over the fulcrum provided by the
operator's hand disengages the head of the humerus. Respiratory
cooperation is then employed to correct the lesion.

Foreann, Wrist, and Hand

The bones of the forearm move in relation to each other on a dou­
ble swivel. The proximal head of the radius rotates in the annular liga­
ment, and the distal head around the end of the ulna. Little motion is
possible between the humerus and ulna except flexion and extension.
The capsular ligament of the elbow is composed of interlaced and
confluent fibers that operate as a unit, and unbalanced tension may be
caused by strain of the elbow joint or result from rotation lesions of
the humerus. Strains which disturb the position of the olecranon pro­
cess prevent complete extension of the arm, and those which affect the
coronoid process prevent complete flexion. The semilunar notch
between these two processes, which receives the trochlea of the
humerus, opens anteriorly at about a right angle to the shaft of the
ulna, but is frequently at an angle of more nearly 1 3 5 degrees.

Figure A.21. Corrective Technique, External Rotation of the Humerus

2 60
Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O.

Figure A.22. Corrective Technique, Internal Rotation of the Humerus

The corrective technique for ulnar lesions is applied with the patient
seated facing the table, elbow flexed to about 90 degrees, and his hand,
palm down, on the table. The fingers are spread as widely as possible to
release the metacarpals and the distal row and possibly all of the carpal
bones. The operator sits on the side of lesion and rests his fingers over
the dorsum of the carpus and proximal ends of the metacarpals, and the
thumb on the styloid process of the ulna for palpation. The fingers of
the other hand grasp the olecranon process. The patient inverts and
everts the humerus, raising and lowering the elbow, while the operator
finds the direction in which the motion is limited and determines the
point of balanced ligamentous tension. The operator then holds the
proximal end of the ulna away from the humerus by means of the ole­
cranon process, or the patient may steady the wrist with his other hand
while the operator holds both the olecranon and coronoid processes,
tending toward rotation of the ulna to the proper degree. The patient
then raises his shoulder to draw the humerus out of the semilunar
notch of the ulna for release and correction. The direction of the pull

2 61

Figure A.23. Ulna

on the humerus may need to be at an angle greater than 90 degrees to

prevent binding on the olecranon process, the operator's sense of
touch deciding that point.

Lesions of the head of the radius prevent free supination or prona­
tion of the forearm. For correction the position is similar to that for
ulnar lesions, except that the patient's elbow is only slightly flexed.
The operator holds both ends of the radius with his fingers, palpating
for the ligamentous imbalance as the patient circum ducts his elbow
upward and downward and medially to rotate the humerus in relation
to the radius. When the point of balanced tension is found, the radius
is held firmly by the operator for stabilization, and the patient cir­
cumducts the elbow a little farther for exaggeration and correction.

Wrist and Hand

In dealing with lesions of the wrist and hand it is well to remember
the intercommunicating articular cavity of the joints and the dorsal
convexity of the arch formed by the wedge-shaped proximal heads of

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D. O.

the metacarpal bones, narrowed on their volar aspect. The patient sits
with his hand on the table, palm down and fingers spread. Facing him,
the operator holds downward the dorsum of the distal end of the
metacarpal with his thumb, and he lifts and separates the proximal
heads of that and the metacarpal on either side of it with the ball of his
middle finger, placed under the palm between the proximal ends of
the shafts of the bone being held by the thumb and of the one on
either side. When the metacarpals are lifted dorsally and separated
they are also rolled on their long axes. The operator's other hand on
the dorsum of the wrist stabilizes the carpal bones. With this proce­
dure the restriction is found and the ligamentous tension is brought
into balance and held. Then the patient spreads his fingers more wide­
ly to disengage the lesioned articulation for correction. Lesions of the
carpal as well as the metacarpal bones may be reduced by this tech­
nique. The procedure is completed by the operator holding and rotat­
ing on their long axes the involved fingers, one at a time, while the
patient, keeping his fingers widely spread, slowly withdraws his hand,
raising and lowering his elbow.

Figure A.24. Radius


Figure A.2 5 . Wrist Figure A.26. Hand

Dr. A. T. Still used his flexor profundus digitorum muscles in cor­

recting lesions of the wrist and hand. He interlaced his fingers with
the patient's wrists between his palms. The patient spread and extended
his fingers, making the back of the hand as nearly concave as possible.
Varying the pressure by means of the flexor profundus digitorum

Figure A.2 7. A. T. Still's Wrist Technique

2 64
Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D. O.

muscles , Dr. Still found the point of balance at the exact location of
the lesion and allowed the bones to spring back into normal relation­
ship as the patient relaxed his hand.


Hip Joint
The capsular ligament of the hip joint is strong , comparatively lax,
permits a wide range of motion , and is frequently subject to strain.
Diagnosis of lesions of this articulation is made with the patient stand­
ing, the weight on one foot. Without turning the pelvis , he rotates
the leg that is not bearing his weight, pointing the foot laterally and
medially to determine the degree of external and internal rotation of
the head of the femur in the acetabulum. Comparison of the motion
in either direction on the right and left sides designates the lesion. In
another method of diagnosis, the patient is seated on the table with
one leg resting over the other knee. The operator, facing him , holds
the leg at the knee and ankle and rotates the femur in question by tilt­
ing the leg in either direction over the knee on which it rests. Restric­
tions caused by exostosis or other bony abnormalities are usually
indicated by a less resilient limit of motion than is present in ligamen­
tous articular strains.
For the corrective technique , the patient sits across the table with
the uninvolved hip next to the end. The leg of the lesioned side is
crossed over the other knee , resting midway of the shaft of the fibula.
The operator sits at the end of the table , one hand medial to the shaft
of the involved femur near its head, holding it laterally. The other
hand reaches around in back of the pelvis to palpate the motion at the
greater trochanter.
In the case of an external rotation lesion , the patient holds his knee
laterally and downward with his hand for exaggeration , sidebends and
rotates his body away from the lesioned side and leans backward. The
operator firmly maintains his fulcrum against the shaft of the femur
and determines the point of ligamentous balance. The correction
occurs with exaggeration of the lesion position and disengagement of
the articulation.


Figure A.28. Testing External Rotation of Figure A.29. Testing Internal Rotation of
the Femur the Femur

Internal rotation lesions are corrected with the operator holding

the fulcrum on the femur more proximally than in the former tech­
nique and palpating for ligamentous balance with the other hand at
the greater trochanter as above. The patient draws his knee medially
and upward with his hand, leans forward and sidebends and rotates the
body toward the side of lesion for exaggeration to the proper degree.
Dr. A. T. Still used a similar technique in which he sat on the
patient's uninvolved thigh and the leg on the side of lesion crossed
over Dr. Still's knee. The principle of exaggeration and fulcrum disen­
gagement was used for correction.

Tibiofemoral lesions, sometimes referred to as dislocated semilunar
cartilage, are caused by a sudden or forcible rotation of the tibia in
relation to the femur, usually in conjunction with a sidebending strain
upon the knee. In a majority of instances, the medial condyle of the
tibia has been rotated anteriorly when the foot was turned laterally

2 66
Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D. O.

and the knee bent medially, the lateral articulation of the knee joint
having acted as a fulcrum. History of the injury, location of the ten­
derness, inability to fully extend the knee in most cases, pain and
restriction on attempting to reverse the lesion position, and palpation,
establish the diagnosis.
For correction, the patient is seated with the involved leg balanced
over the opposite knee. Facing him, the operator places one hand on
the knee and grasps the foot, just below the ankle, with the other
hand. If the lesion be of the medial condyles, the operator provides a
fulcrum on the lateral condyle of the tibia with his thumb, one or two
fingers are on the medial condyle of the femur for palpation, and the
knee is carried medially and upward, tipping the foot laterally and
downward, to disengage the lesioned joint surfaces and tense the
ligaments. The tibia is rotated externally or internally by the other
hand at the foot to exaggerate the lesion position to the point of bal­
ance. The patient is then instructed to resist the turning of his foot and
the result of that effort is to glide the medial condyle of the femur into
its proper position on the tibia. When the lateral condyles of the knee
joint are involved, the fulcrum is on the medial condyle of the tibia, the
articulation is disengaged by tipping the leg over the knee on which it
rests so the knee moves downward and the foot upward. Exaggeration
of the lesion position by rotation of the foot and the correction by the
cooperation of the patient in resisting that movement follow the same
principle as is used in lesions of the medial condyles.

Figure A.3D. Testing External Rotation Figure A. 3 1. Testing Internal Rotation of

of the Femur the Femur


Figure A.32. Corrective Technique, External Rotation of the Femur, Variation from
the text.

Figure A. 3 3 . Corrective Technique, Internal Rotation of the Femur, Variation

2 68
Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D. O.

Figure A.34. Tibiofemoral

Most lesions of the fibula affect both its proximal and distal articu­
lations and cause added tension through the interosseous membrane
which is in close proximity to the vessels of the leg. Tenderness, dis­
turbances of the ankle joint and circulation of the foot, and limited
motion of the fibula in relation to the tibia give evidence of the lesion.
For correction the patient sits with his leg, near the ankle, over the
other knee. The operator holds both ends of the fibula anteriorly with
his fingers to the point of balanced tension of the ligaments. The
patient dorsiflexes and externally rotates the foot and presses down­
ward on the knee or lifts it upward and medially with his hand. This
rotates the fibula and releases it at both ends from the tibia and from
the astragalus. Further disengagement and correction are accom­
plished by the patient drawing the leg backward away from the opera­
tor and moving it lengthwise of the fibula as the operator holds that
bone anteriorly with his fingers.

2 69

Figure A.3S. Fibula

Tarsal Arch
Following the fibular correction, an effective technique for lifting
the tarsal arch is performed with the operator at the foot of the
patient. The fingers are interlaced over the dorsum of the foot, and
the crossed thumbs on the plantar surface hold the internal cune­
iform and cuboid apart to spread the arch and exaggerate the trans­
verse flattening to the point of balanced tension. For correction the
patient, with his foot in plantar inversion, dorsiflexes and then plantar
flexes it against the resistance of the operator's thumbs.

Lesions of the complex articular structure of the foot are corrected
by a method contrived by Dr. Sutherland based on the beneficial effects
of removing a tight boot by means of the old-fashioned bootjack. Each
time the device was used, the user gave himself a foot treatment.
Characteristic of the fallen arch are the anterior position of the
astragalus between the malleoli and in relation to the calcaneus, and

2 70
Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O.

Figure A.36. Tarsal Arch

Figure A.3 7 . Preparatory to "Bootjack" Technique


Figure A.38. Tibio-Calcaneo-Astragalus

the lowering of the calcaneus anteriorly, of the medial part of the

cuboid, and of the longitudinal and transverse arches. The technique,
like the operation of pulling the foot out of the boot, lifts and moves
the structures back into their normal relationship.
In preparation for the corrective technique, the patient or the
operator holds the tuberosity of the calcaneus and the metatarsals
medially with the fingers. The thumbs on the inner side of the foot at
the junctions of the calcaneus with the talus and the navicular with the
internal cuneiform lift those structures laterally and upward, bending
and stretching the foot around the thumbs. Following that procedure,
the patient drops the foot and ankle into plantar flexion, and the oper­
ator places between two of the toes the web of the thumb of the hand
that is toward the lateral side of the foot. The thumb holds the dor­
sum of the distal heads of the metatarsals downward, and the middle
finger of that hand under the shafts of the metatarsals rolls them on
their long axes and lifts and separates the proximal heads, which are
wedge-shaped and narrowed inferiorly. This releases the metatarsal
and the distal row of the tarsal bones. The fingers of the other hand

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D. O.

grasp the posterior part of the calcaneus and hold it medially and
downward while the thumb lifts laterally and upward on the inferom­
dial aspect of the cuboid. The operator rotates the anterior part of the
foot internally and externally to balance the ligamentous and fascial
tension, and continues to hold medially and downward on the
tuberosity of the calcaneus while the patient draws on the achilles ten­
don for exaggeration and correction.

Astragalus, Calcaneus, Tarsal Arch

Another useful procedure in the release and correction of tarsal
lesions, especially the astragalus, makes use of the fact that strong dor­
siflexion of the foot elevates the arch. The operator interlaces his fin­
gers in back of the heel and with his palms holds the astragalus and
calcaneus firmly in the position they would take in extension of the
ankle joint. The patient dorsiflexes and inverts and everts the forepart
of the foot against the resistance provided by the operator.


Soft tissue treatment in osteopathy has been frowned upon since

the early days when Dr. A. T. Still referred to some types of it as
"engine wiping." It has been associated in the minds of many of us with
rubbing or massage, yet intelligent and scientific adjustment of non­
osseous structures is as truly osteopathic as correction of bony lesions.
Dr. Still regarded the body as a complex unit composed of interrelated
parts working in harmony, each endowed with the inherent desire,
intelligence, and ability to perform its function according to the plan
of a Master Mechanic. When circumstances prevent any part of the
body, whether bony or soft tissue, from doing so, the effects are far­
reaching. Perfect health ensues when each part is in perfect adjust­
ment and free to do its work. Dr. Still had the greatest respect for the
humours and the fasciae, the nerves, vessels, viscera, and all the other
elements that compose the body. He had a remarkable faculty of being
able to locate maladjusted tissue, of associating cause with effect, and
tracing effects back to cause. That quality is reflected in Dr. Sutherland's


Figure A.39. Cervical Fascia, First Position

The fasciae envelop, separate, protect, and support the various

structures. Not the least important of their functions is to encourage
and direct the movement of tissue fluids and to promote the flow of
lymph through its channels. The various layers of fascia interconnect
and present a continuity from head to foot. Dr. Still recognized
"drags" on the fasciae which are caused by hypotonicity, the weight of
viscera, strains, and posture. Treatment to restore the normal tension,
hence function, of the fascial system is extremely effective.

Anterior Cervical Fascia

The anterior cervical fascia is attached to the base of the skull, the
mandible, hyoid, scapula, clavicle, and sternum. Through the pretra­
cheal, it is connected with the fibrous pericardium, and thence with
the diaphragm. It surrounds the pharynx, larynx, and thyroid gland; it
forms the carotid sheath; and by way of the prevertebral fascia is con­
nected with that which surrounds the trachea and esophagus.
Therefore, the cervical fascia is concerned quite directly with lym­
phatic drainage of the head, neck, thorax, and upper extremities. Not

2 74
Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D. O.

Figure A.40. To Lift the Cervical Fascia

only voluntary movements, but respiratory activity, is a factor in this

vital function of the fascia, moving it forward in exhalation and back­
ward in approximation to the spine during inhalation. Restoration of
free movement of the deep cervical fascia renders unnecessary much
of the soft tissue treatment of the neck and helps in overcoming
intrathoracic congestions.
The "drag" on the cervical fascia is eliminated by having the patient
seated on the table or side of the bed facing the operator. His body is
flexed, and his head hangs forward. The operator directs his thumbs
posteriorly and downward over the clavicle just lateral to the attach­
ment of the sternomastoid muscles. With the arms lateral to those of
the operator, the patient rests his hands on the shoulders of the opera­
tor and slowly drops his weight forward. This advances the thumbs
down into the mediastinum just anterior and to either side of the tra­
chea. The operator approximates his thumbs enough to gently hold
the pretracheal fascia while the patient slowly assumes the erect pos­
ture, but with the neck remaining in flexion. It is unnecessary to go so
deep into the mediastinum as to be uncomfortable to the patient. This
technique lifts the fascia and reduces the "drag" from below.


Because of its relationships, the diaphragm deserves consideration
other than as a muscle of respiration. The pericardium is firmly
attached to it above, the peritoneum below, and the great vessels and
the esophagus pass through it. Being rather closely associated with the
organs of respiration, circulation, and digestion, it is important that
the full excursion of the diaphragm be unimpeded. This is prevented
by a "drag" on the abdominal fascia and may be restored by a tech­
nique known as the diaphragmatic lift. The object of the treatment is
to draw the diaphragm cranially, elevating the floor of the thorax,
drawing upward on the abdominal contents, and promoting venous
and lymphatic drainage from the lower half of the body. Visceroptosis
and even internal hemorrhoids respond to it.
With the patient supine, the operator introduces his fingertips
under the costochondral junctions. If that area is particularly sensitive,
the patient hooks his own fingers under them, and the operator lifts
on his hands. As the patient exhales, the operator lifts the lower rim of
the thorax in a cranial and slightly lateral direction. The advancement
that is made is held during inspiration and is increased on exhalation.

Figure A.41. Diaphragmatic Lift

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O.

The patient is instructed not to hold the breath in, but to exhale
immediately after inhalation. After several respiratory cycles there is
no further upward progress and the patient is told to breathe out,
close the throat and attempt to expand the chest.

Arcuate Ligaments
In a technique utilized for relaxation of the external arcuate liga­
ments, the tension affecting the important structures passing through

Figure A.42. Arcuate Ligaments


the arches of the diaphragm is relieved. The patient seated, the opera­
tor facing him from the front or at his side, starts his thumb under the
twelfth rib just lateral to the erector spinae mass. The right thumb is
used for the left side of the patient and vice versa. The patient bends
his trunk over the operator's thumb, which gently and gradually
advances upward and posteriorly as the patient exhales, and holds its
position as he inhales. When the thumb arrives at a point against or
under the ligament, it is drawn laterally with a rolling motion which
relaxes the external and often influences the internal arcuate ligament.

Liver Tum
A treatment to stimulate the liver to increase activity is given with
the patient lying on his back. The operator inserts the ends of the fin­
gers of the right hand between the inferior border of the right costal
cartilages and the liver. The fingers of this hand should be slightly
flexed with the dorsum resting against the anterior border of the liver.
The left hand placed over them presses them downward, holding the
anterior border of the liver in a medial and caudal direction, while the
patient inhales and holds the breath. The diaphragm holds the body of
the liver caudally until, on the sudden exhalation, it elevates. Since the
anterior border is still held downward by the fingers, the liver makes a
turning movement probably attended by suction within its substance.

Biliary Drainage
In another treatment for sluggish liver, the patient is seated and the
operator holds his thumb firmly in the right hypochondrium. The
patient leans slightly forward and rotates the body to the left, causing
the thumb to advance further toward the inferior surface of the liver.
Closing his throat, he attempts to inhale after the manner of the mili­
tary order, indelicately expressed as "suck in your guts." This drains
the bile passages and the pancreatic duct.

Abdominal Treatment
Treatment directly over the abdomen should be administered care­
fully and with due respect for the viscera within. To lift and hold the
sigmoid flexure or raise the cecum from the pelvic bowl, the fingers of

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D. O.

Figure A.43. Liver Turn

one hand are introduced close to the ilium and are supported and
slowly lifted by the other hand. This permits use of a keen, tactile sense
and the ability to employ the various fingers as needed to restore proper
peristalsis, circulation, or drainage. Intestinal activity may be increased
by holding the left eleventh rib downward and medially to limit its
excursion during two or three respirations. The false ribs may be
treated similarly: Dr. Sutherland reported the passage of gall stones
without pain when the tenth rib on the left was held in that manner.
The effects are produced by way of the sympathetic chain lying in
close proximity to the heads of the ribs.

Psoas Muscle
Contractures of the psoas muscles exist in varying degrees, from
acute spasm to the mild cases which escape recognition. Usually the pa­
tient is more comfortable with the thighs and the lumbar spine flexed
upon the pelvis, there is difficulty in arising directly from the supine
to the sitting position, and pain is referred down the leg because of
irritation of the nerves of the lumbar plexus passing through the belly


Figure A.44. Psoas Muscle

of the muscle. The psoas fascia has a connection with the diaphragm
by way of the internal crus, indicating a restricting influence upon the
excursion of the diaphragm. The course of the ureter is on the medial
side of the psoas major, and the technique for relaxation is an aid to
the passage of renal stones since the hand of the operator almost
reaches the ureter. The kidney, cecum, descending colon, and small
intestines rest upon the psoas and are affected by the technique which
lifts the muscle out and free from the underlying nerve ganglia and
vascular channels.
With the patient seated, the operator places his thumb along the
crest of the ilium, pointed posteromedially, and rolls it over the crest
into the iliac fossa. The thumb is held firmly in a medial, posterior and
slightly caudal direction, following the internal surface of the ilium
while the patient bends his body to bring the psoas muscle in approxi­
mation with it. The operator is seated in front of the patient who bends
and leans laterally and forward to "put the glove on the thumb." The
patient may rest his arms on the operator's shoulders in which case he
leans forward, causing the thumb to advance to its position against and

2 80
Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D. O.

posterior to the psoas major, lifting the muscle forward. The patient
then inhales deeply, holds the breath, and on exhalation straightens
the trunk as the operator releases his pressure on the muscle. If the
patient is bedfast, he lies on his side with a pillow under the shoulder
to produce the sidebending, the rest of the technique following the
principles of that described above. When the treatment is given for its
influence upon the cecum, a chronic appendix, colon, small intestine,
kidney, or ureter, the psoas is held forward while the patient rotates
his thigh alternately internally and externally. In the bedside technique
this is done with the patient more or less in the Sims's position, lifting
the knee laterally and lowering it to the bed.

lliopsoas Tendon
The iliopsoas tendon may be lifted or stretched by holding it for­
ward at a point just proximal to the lesser trochanter, the patient lying
on the back. This treatment relieves the anterior tension upon the
spine in lordosis, gives relief in the passage of renal calculi, and is an
effective measure for sciatica.

Pelvic Lift
The fascial connections from the neck to the diaphragm have been
mentioned. The direct attachment of the diaphragm to the liver and
the connections to the stomach, duodenum, psoas, and peritoneum
complete a chain embracing the viscera all the way down into the
pelvis. Fascial "drag" has an adverse influence on the support and
function of the organs and on the circulation and drainage of the
lower half of the body. The aorta lies against the bodies of the verte­
brae and is crossed anteriorly by the crura of the diaphragm. Thus the
"drag" on the crura has a constricting effect upon the aorta, throwing
an extra load upon the heart and predisposing to cardiac insufficiency.
Dr. Still described this phenomenon with the parable of the goat and
the boulder. The boulder represented the crura, the path was the
aorta, and the valves of the heart were the tail, the heels, and the
whole goat. "The goat, finding the boulder in its path, backed up and
gave it a butt and his tail went up. Not to be outdone he backed up


Figure A.45. Pelvic Lift

further, came a-running and gave it another butt and his tail and heels
went up. Then he backed up further and with a supreme effort gave it
another butt and the whole d- works went up."
An effective technique for reducing the "drag" on the fasciae is
applied with the patient lying on the left side. His thighs are straight
and slightly flexed to the position in which the floor of the pelvis is
most relaxed. The operator stands in back of him and starts the tips of
the fingers medial to the right tuberischium and advances them
upward between the obturator membrane and the rectum while the
patient exhales. During inhalation the position of the fingers is held
gently, but firmly, not allowing them to recede. This hand may be
supported by the other hand to allow the fingers to hold more steadily
and to note more carefully the resistance of the tissues. After several
cycles of deep respiration, the resistance will be felt to diminish sud­
denly and the tissues spring upward in advance of the fingers.
This technique is adaptable to the various pelvic prolapses that are
bound to cause a drag on the fascia and that persist partially because

Osteopathic Technique of Wm. G. Sutherland, D.O.

the support of that agency has been reduced. The fingers may be
directed cranially and medially or anteriorly toward the cecum,
uterus, bladder, or prostate for specific effect upon those organs. It
will be found easier and less uncomfortable to the patient than local
treatment. If indicated, the technique may be applied to the left side
of the pelvis.

Popliteal Drainage
Movement of fluids from the popliteal space and below may be
accelerated by drawing apart the tendons of the biceps and semi­
tendinosus muscles, just above the knee. The patient is supine with his
knee slightly flexed, and he alternately presses against the table with
the heel and relaxes. The effort to flex the knee tends to compress the
tissues of the popliteal space, and it expands when the patient relaxes
the leg and the operator separates the tendons. The effect is that of a
booster pump in the return of the fluids toward the heart.

Figure A.46. Popliteal Drainage



The osteopathic articular lesion, being primarily an unbalanced

tension of the ligaments with strain as the usual cause, is corrected
mainly through the agency of the ligaments themselves. The natural
tendency of the body is to revert to normal when the balance is
restored and the factors preventing the return are removed. It will be
noted that as a rule gliding separation of the joint surfaces is used to
tense the ligaments in vertebral, sacroiliac, carpal, and tarsal lesions.
Fulcrum leverage for disengagement is employed in lesions of the
long bones, combined with exaggeration of the lesion position in
those of the extremities. The principle of the fascial treatment is to lift
the fascia at its more dependent part, the patient cooperating.
Dr. Sutherland's technique seems a radical departure to most of us.
It avoids the faIniliar thrusting and popping of joints. However, it is
based upon the fundamental principles of osteopathy as conceived by
Dr. Still and accords with his admonition that osteopathic technique
should be gentle, easy, and scientific.

2 84

The definitions and descriptions of these selected words are for

the convenience of the reader. The selections were made so as to
convey the sense in which Dr. Sutherland used them. The definitions
were taken from standard dictionaries, medical dictionaries, and med­
ical texts.


lished by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still in 1892 in Kirksville, Missouri. It was
merged with the Andrew T Still College of Osteopathy and Surgery in
1924 to become the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine.


given by Dr. Sutherland to a functional area in the straight sinus
around which the reciprocal tension membrane operates.
Automatic - operating by itself; functioning mechanically
Shifting - changing or moving from one place to another
Suspension - the state of being suspended, as in a suspension
bridge in which a roadway is hung across a stream
Fulcrum - Mech. point on which a lever turns; means by which
influence is brought to bear

BALANCE: a) The normal state of action and reaction between two

or more parts or organs of the body. b) Scales - A weighing apparatus
with central pivot, beam, and two trays. c) The regulating gear of a
clock or watch.

"BE STILL AND KNOW': Biblical quotation from Psalm 46:10 to

point to the need for the operator's stillness before an action.

"BENT TWIGS": A phrase used by Dr. Sutherland to refer to the

saying, "As the twig is bent so is the tree inclined." This saying implies


a profound truth that applies to the human infant as well. Because the
bones of the cranium are in parts at birth, degrees of disarrangement
among them may occur. Such modest strains may become large with
growth to maturity.

BEVEL: The incline that one surface or line makes with another
when not at right angles.

BRACHIUM PONTIS: Also named the middle cerebellar peduncle.

In relation to the functioning of the primary respiratory mechanism,
Dr. Sutherland envisioned these brachia as arms extending out from
the cerebellum to the pons lifting the brain stem, causing the shape of
the fourth ventricle to rhythmically change.

B REATH OF LIFE: Dr. Sutherland's quotation from the Bible that

he used frequently to point out that he was not speaking of the breath
of air. ("And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living
soul." Genesis 2: 7, King James Version)

BREECH PRESENTATION: When the lower part of the body of

the fetus (buttock or leg) is in advance during birth. The presentation
may be incomplete. The after-coming head and the sacrum are vul­
nerable during this course of events.

CANT HOOK: a) A tool with a hook for moving things. b) A tech­

nique using the principle of such a tool for turning or tilting over

CIRCUMROTATE: To turn like a wheel. Dr. Sutherland used the

term circumduction.

CLIVUS: A downward sloping surface; the sloping surface from the

dorsum sellae to the foramen magnum composed of part of the body
of the sphenoid and part of the pars basilaris of the occipital bone.


CONCHAE: In anatomy a structure comparable to a shell in shape, as

the auricle or pinna of the ear; or a turbinated bone in the nose.
Sphenoidal Conchae - A thin curved plate of bone at either side
of the anterior inferior part of the body of the sphenoid, forming
part of the roof of the nasal cavity.

CRANIAL BOWL: Dr. Sutherland's term to describe the inside of

the cranial base.

DIPLOE: The central layer of spongy bone between the two tables of
compact bone which comprise the flat cranial bones.

DIRECT: a) Control or govern the movements of. b) Straight to

something. Dr. Sutherland describes a method of directing the Tide.

DOVETA IL: a) Something shaped like a dove's tail; a projecting,

wedge-shaped part that fits into a corresponding cut-out space to form
an interlocking joint. b) Such a joint.

ELECTROLY SIS: Breaking up of tumors or calculi by electric agency.

ENTRAPMENT NEUROPATHY: Classically, a peripheral nerve

that is injured by compression in its course through a fibrous or osseo­
fibrous tunnel or at a point where it abruptly changes its course
through deep fascia over a fibrous or muscular band.

FIBROSIS: The formation of fibrous tissue as a reparative or reactive

process, as opposed to the formation of fibrous tissue that is a normal
constituent of an organ or tissue.

FLUCTUATION: The movement of a body of fluid contained with­

in a natural or artificial cavity; observed by palpation or percussion.

FULCRUM: See "automatic, shifting suspension fulcrum."


GANGLION OF IMPA R: The ganglion commonly found in front of

the coccyx, where the sympathetic trunks of the two sides unite.

LAMINA TERMINALIS CEREBRI: Terminal plate; velum termi­

nale; a thin plate passing upward from the optic chiasma and forming
the anterior wall of the third ventricle, it is the location of the anterior
neural tube closure.


MECHANISM: See primary respiratory mechanism.


MOTILITY: Motile; capable of motion or exhibiting spontaneous


OPI STHION: The midpoint of the lower border of the foramen


PALATE: a) The bony and muscular partition between the oral cavity
and the nasal cavity. b) Bony palate - horizontal plates of the palatine
bones and the maxillae; the roof of the mouth.

PA LPATE: Handle, as in a medical examination. Palpable; that which

can be touched or felt, readily perceived by senses or mind.

PARABLE: Fictitious narrative used as allegory.

PEDUNCLE: In neuroanatomy a term applied to a variety of stalk­

like connecting structures in the brain composed either of white mat­
ter (cerebellum) or of white and gray matter (cerebrum).

P H Y SIOLOGIC CENTERS: A group of nerve cells in the brain

stem governing various normal vital processes. See respiratory center.

PINTLE: A pin or bolt upon which some other part pivots or turns.


POTENTIAL: Capable of coming into being or action; energy -

existing in potential form, not as motion.


Sutherland to describe his concept of a physiologic action.
Primary - earliest; of first importance; of first rank in a series;
not derived.
Respiratory - breathe; inhale and exhale air; also the exchange of
gases across the cell membrane.
Mechanism - structure; system of interrelated parts; system of
mutually adapted parts working together as in a machine.


Sutherland to describe the mechanical function of the specializations
of the inner layer of dura mater seen as an interosseous membrane.
Reciprocal - in return; inversely correspondent; expressing
mutual action or relation. Reciprocate - Mech. to move alter­
nately backward and forward motion with work done.
1."'ension - a mechanical stress by which a part is moved or pulled
when it is part of a system in equilibrium or motion.
Membrane - sheet-like connective tissue.

RESPIRATO RY CENTER: The region in the medulla oblongata

concerned with integrating afferent information to determine the sig­
nals to the respiratory muscles.

SACRAL SAG: A description used by Dr. Sutherland pointing to the

drag or pull on the fascial tissues caused by abnormal mechanics in the
pelvis; fascial drag.

SCYTHE: Sickle; a mowing and reaping tool with a long, slightly

curved blade that is swung over the ground. As the scythe as a whole
moves forward the curved end sweeps backward, this being analogous
to how the sickles of the reciprocal tension membrane operate.

SHELL-SHOCK: Combat fatigue; disabling physical and emotional

fatigue occurring in association with military combat.


SPHENOBASILAR JUNCTION: The junction between the sphe­

noid and the occiput in the clivus is a synchondrosis. That is, initially
there is an intervening hyaline cartilage that later in life is converted
into cancellous bone. This conversion is generally not completed until
25 to 30 years of age. Dr. Sutherland believed that the cancellous bone
that was formed maintained a degree of flexibility throughout life.

STRAIN: An injury or change of structure resulting from difficult

exertion or force. Dr. Sutherland emphasized that any strain that
involved a joint also involved the associated connective tissue. He
referred to strains involving the bony cranium and dural membrane as
membranous articular strains, and those involving joints surrounded by
ligaments as ligamentous articular strains.

STRETCH: Make taut, tighten; extensible. The dura mater and liga­
ments do not stretch.

SUPRAOCCIPUT: The part of the squama of the occiput below the

superior nuchal line. The bone here is thin and translucent, and it is
protected externally by nuchal muscles.

SYNARTHROSIS: A form of articulation in which the bony elements

are united by continuous intervening fibrous tissue. The implication is
that these type of joints are immovable.

SYNCHONDROSIS: A type of cartilaginous joint that is usually

temporary, the intervening hyaline cartilage ordinarily being converted
into bone before adult life.

TRANSLATION: Mech. Motion in which every point of the moving

object has simultaneously the same velocity and direction of motion.

TRANSMUTATION: To have changed from one form, nature, sub­

stance, etc. into another.


Magoun, Harold Ives, Sr. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field. 3rd ed.
Kirksville, MO: The Journal Printing Company, 1976.

Still, Andrew Taylor. Autobiography of Andrew T. Still. 1905. Reprint.

American Academy of Osteopathy.
___ . Osteopathy: Research and Practice. 1910.
___ . The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy. 1902.
Reprint. Kirksville, MO: Osteopathic Enterprise.
___ . Philosophy of Osteopathy. 1899. Reprint. American Academy
of Osteopathy.

Sutherland, Adah Strand. With Thinking Fingers: The Story of William

Garner Sutherland, D. O. The Cranial Academy, 1962.

Sutherland, William Garner. Contributions of Thought: Collected

Writings of William Garner Sutherland, D. O. Edited by Adah
Strand Sutherland and Anne L. Wales. Sutherland Cranial
Teaching Foundation, 1967.
___ . The Cranial Bowl. Mankato, MN: The Free Press, 1939.


Anne L. Wales, D .O ., began her studies at the American

School of Osteopathy before transferring to the Kansas City
College of Osteopathy and Surgery. Following her graduation
in 1926, she served an internship at the Lakeside Hospital in
Kansas City, Missouri and then returned to her native New
England. She practiced in Rhode Island for fifty years before
retiring to live in North Attleboro, Massachusetts.
In 1943, she and her husband, Chester Handy, D .O ., first
heard Dr. Sutherland lecture at the meeting of the Eastern
States Osteopathic Association in New York City. T he follow­
ing year they attended the course that Dr. Sutherland presented
in New York. Based on their experience at that course, they
were moved to learn to practice osteopathy as Dr. Sutherland
had practiced it and as he taught it. As part of their study, they
began attending the meetings of the Lippincott Study Group in
Moorestown, New Jersey. From 1945 to 1956, the New
England Cranial Study Group met at their office in Providence.
From the time of their first course, Drs. Wales and Handy
dedicated their professional lives to the study, practice, and
teaching of Dr. Sutherland's work. Over the years they were ac­
tive in Dr. Sutherland's teaching program and in the work of the
Osteopathic Cranial Association. Dr. Handy was one of the in­
corporators of the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, Inc.
In recent years, Dr. Wales has continued meeting with study
groups in New England and teaching in both formal and infor­
mal settings.



T he Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, Inc. is a not­

for-profit organization which was established in 1953 by Dr.
Sutherland and senior members of his teaching faculty. Dr.
Sutherland conceived of the foundation as a way of providing a
continuity for his teaching.
Dr. Sutherland was the first president of the Sutherland
Cranial Teaching Foundation and since his death in 1954 there
have been just three subsequent presidents, which has contribut­
ed to the continuity in the organization's teaching program.
T he presidents that followed Dr. Sutherland were Howard
Lippincott, D.O., Rollin E. Becker, D.O., and John H. Harakal,
D.O., EA.A.O., who has served as president since 1980.
T he charter of the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation
calls for the organization to dedicate itself to purely educational
activities. It specifically states its objective as using its resources
to establish the principles of osteopathy in the cranial field as
conceived and developed by William Garner Sutherland, to dis­
seminate a general knowledge of these principles and the thera­
peutic indication for this approach to treatment, to encourage
and assist physicians in osteopathy, and to stimulate continued
study and greater proficiency on the part of those practicing
osteopathy in the cranial field.
In its endeavor to carry out these objectives the Sutherland
Cranial Teaching Foundation supports research, produces pub­
lications, and offers both basic and continuing studies courses.
As a not-for-profit educational foundation it accepts charitable
contribution to support its work of perpetuating and dissemi­
nating the teachings in the science of osteopathy as expanded by
William Garner Sutherland, D.O. T he current address of the
SCT F is 4204 Bilglade Rd., Fort Worth, Texas 76109.


Abdomen. See also Diaphragm Articulation or articulations,6,66

acute,213 cervical,treatment,236
kidney,210 condyles of occiput and facets of
liver,208,278 atlas,108,238
posterior wall,215 cranial
treatment,207ff, 278 formation of,108
Academy of Applied Osteopathy,xxi, mobility of,65ff
XXlI frontal,70ff
American Academy of Osteopathy, frontoethmoidal,82
xxii,233,285 frontosphenoidal,69,74,85,112
American Osteopathic Association, ligamentous, 186,222,233
XXl occipitoatlantal, 109,178,222
American School of Osteopathy,3, palatines,94 illus.
65,81,181,183 parietomastoid,24,71
Arbuckle, Beryl E., xxii pterygoid process, 94 illus.
Arey,Leslje Brainerd, 67 sphenoid, 70 illus.
Arm, mechanism and treatment, 158, sphenobasilar,see Sphenobasilar
171,188,189,196,258ffillus. junction
clavicle,258 illus. sphenoid with zygomae,83
forearm,wrist,and hand,260 sphenosquamous,3,69,70 illus.,
humerus,259-261 illus. 71
radius,262-263 illus. vault,72
ulna,261-262 illus. Astragalus,270,273
wrist and hand, 262-265 illus. Atlas,treatment,112,178
Artery or arteries,132 Attachments
aorta,134,208,214,281 falx cerebri,39,120
carotid,internal,132 tentorium cerebelli,40,120
Arthritis,rheumatoid,135 Auditory tube,86
Articular surfaces ("gears ") Automatic shifting suspension ful­
formation of,6,19 crum,285
types of,6


Back, treatment of,199 Cerebellum

Balance,cranial,285 motility,8,57,62
Balanced ligamentous tension,193, relationships, 54
215,234 structure,20,56,57,228,286
Barnett, CH.,et at., 109 Cerebral aqueduct, 54
Becker,Rollin E.,ix (foreword),xvi, Cerebral palsy, 130
295 Cerebrospinal fluid
Bell's palsy,89 distribution,54-55,63
Benditt,John,56 fluctuation, 13ff, 31 (chapter),
"Bent twigs," 6,107 (chapter),116, 166ff
162,217,285ff after injury,147
"Be Still and Know," 16,285 at birth,108
Bevel, sutural, 6,286 diagnosis,166
"like gills of fish," 3 incitative,174
sphenosquamal articulation,69ff lateral, 174
illus. management,172,183
vault,73 treatment using,131,135,166
Bone or bones. See individual bones as "penetrating oil," 185,192,203
as fluid,31 potency of,13,16,31,166
formation,5 primary respiratory mechanism
fractured, CSF management in, and,13ff, 54
183 Cerebrum
Bowl,cranial,9,121,123,287 anatomy,52ff
articular mobility in,23,65ff medial view,53 illus.
three divisions,67 Cervical vertebrae. See Vertebrae,
pelvic,121 Spine
Brachium pontis,8,57,286 Chapman's reflexes,136
"Breath of Life," 5,7,14,34-35,127, Children. See Infants and children
168,286 Choroid plexus,58,63,127,130,
Breech presentation,183,286 229
Brooks, Rachel,xvi,xvii Circurnrotation,25,49,121,286
Bryant,Ward C, xiv Cistern or cisterna
basalis, 55,231
Calcaneus,270,273 interpenduncularis,147
"Cant hook," 85,286 magna,55,147,230
Cavity or cavities,orbital,78 receptaculum chyli,208,211 illus.
Center or centers,control,7,54 superior, 58, 231
partuition,184 Clavicle,treatment of,197,258 illus.
physiologic, 5,7, 184-85 Clivus, 25,286
respiratory,5 Coaxial cable,33,34 illus.


Compression Diagnosis,151 (chapter)

condylar parts of the occiput, 107 cervical area,236
cranial,38,164 general considerations, 124,145
fourth ventricle,37,204 lesions,124
release,112,179,222 ligamentous articular strain,186,
Conchae,287 233
Condylar parts of the occiput lumbar area,243
anatomy,107ff, 161 membranous articular strain,
basilar process and,109-110 119ff, 145
diagnosis,161 newborn exam,217
occipitoatlantal joint,109,112, observation,see Palpation
178,222,238 principles, 151ff
treatment,178 spenobasilar junction patterns,
Contacts. See also Palpation 163 iI/us.
in infants and children,219ff thoracic area,240
Cooperation viscera,212
importance,235 Diaphragm. See also Abdomen
infants and children,48,219 crura of,134,180,214,281
respiratory,104,114,143,157, cooperation with cranial articula­
179,191 tions,122
postural,113,143,157,191,195, description and relationships,
200 207,211 iI/us., 215,276
"Copper tube," 33 drag on,180,209,210,276,281
Coughing,213 fulcrum and,173
Cranial Academy,xxii lift,210,276 iI/us.
Cranial concept,principles,x,65 lumbocostal arch (arcuate liga-
(chapter) ment),180,277 iI/us.
Cranium. See also Bowl,cranial Digestive disorders,216
articular mobility,9,13,23,65ff Diploe,225,287
three divisions,67 Diarrhea,213
base,compression, 164 Direct. See Cerebrospinal fluid,
flexion,43 iI/us. "T ide," Treatment
management in children,220 Dovesmith,Edith,44
support for,75 Dovetail,9,287
epiphyseal units,in children,115 "Drug store," 63,127
essential support for,75 Duct,thoracic,137 iI/us.
infant,5 Dura mater
reciprocal tension membrane in, attachments,25,26
40 iI/us. function at birth,107
sacrum and,7


Dura mater (continued) Eye(s) (continued)

interosseous membrane inside the papilledema, 147
skull, 39, 52 shape of eyeballs, in torsion pat-
mechanical properties, 121 tern, 160
venous channels in, 129
Ear(s), 78, 86 applied anatomy, 75, 81 (chapter)
"Electrolysis " in lymph nodes, 135, ethmoid region, 81
287 orbital and sinus regions, 83
Embryology, neural tube, 51 Falx cerebri, 21, 39, 82, 112, 122,
Entrapment neuropathy, 89, 139 130, 230
(chapter), 185, 287 sickle shape, 39
Epiphysis or epiphyses, cranial, 115 Fascia, 273
Ethmoid cervical region, 208, 274 illus.
cribiform plate of, 21, 82 anterior, 274
notch, 75 lift, 210, 275 illus.
region, 81 mediastinal, 134, 207
rotation, 43 illus. prevertebral, 134, 208
spine, 75, 81 "Fascial drag, " 133, 209, 210, 214
Exercise, for refreshment, 131 Femur, 266ffillus.
Exhalation phase, holding, 63 Fibula, 269ffillus.
movement during, 20, 120 "Finer nerves dwelL. ", 64, 136, 168
Extension Fissure(s), orbital, 78
cranium, 43 Flexion
infants and children, 223 cranium, 43 illus.
lesion, 124 infants and children, 223
cervical, treatment, 237 lesion, 124
lumbar, 244 cervical, treatment, 237
pelvic, sacral, 254 illus. lumbar, treatment, 244
thoracic, treatment, 241, 243 pelvic, sacral, 253 illus.
sphenobasilar junction, 69 thoracic, treatment, 240, 242
Extremities occiput, 36, 123
lower, 187, 195, 265 sacrum, 7
upper, 158, 171, 188, 189, 196, sphenobasilar junction, 69, 87
258 sphenoid, 76, 123
Eye(s) spinal, 179
attachments, 84 Fluctuation of cerebrospinal fluid, 31
movement of, 78 (chapter). See Cerebro-spinal
palatines in complaints of, 98 fluid


Fluid,cerebrospinal. See Cerebro­ Fulcrum (continued)

spinal fluid tension in a balance point,14,47,
interchange,60-61,63,127 131
"within a fluid," 63,169 treaonent of extremities,195
T ide palpated in,167,168 Ganglion or ganglia
treaonent of,187,270 basal,229
Foramen or foramina ciliary,140
infraorbital of maxilla,139 lateral chain,141ffillus.
jugular,24,86,129,132,140, of impar,288
185,222,231 sphenopalatine,77,78,96ffillus.,
lacerum, 132 140,141
magnum of occiput,25,49,54, sympathetic,141,142 illus.,208
110,164 trigeminal,140
rotundum of sphenoid, 90 Gears. See Articular surfaces
vertebral, 132 "Goat and boulder " parable,133,
Fossa or fossae 214,281
cranial,7,231 Grant,].c. Boileau,66,69
jugular,231 Gray,lienry,60,68
nasal,93 Gronemeyer,James,xvi
pterygoid, Groove or grooves,129
pterygopalatine, 77,99 neural,51
Forearm. See Arm,mechanism and lialladay,Virgil,186,201
treaonent liand,262
Fourth ventricle. See Ventricle liandy,Chester L.,xiii,293
Fractures,management of CSF in, liarakal,John R, xvi, 295
184 lieart
Frontal bones,5,69,75 inhibitor or accelerator,184
Fulcrum valves,214
"automatic shifting," 44ff, 285 liemorrhage,subdural,130,131
frontosphenoidal articulations as, liernia,hiatal,213
69 lierpes zoster ("shingles "),141
point,45 liiccoughs,216
shifting the fulcrum,44,47,153 "liighest known element," 32,55,
"still point," 18,46,135 63,166,176
Sutherland,45 liilton,John,55,186 (lIilton et at.)
teeth as,in treaonent,103 liip,199,265


Hodgkin's disease,135 Kidney,treatment of,210

"Hole in the tree," 107, 162, 183 Kimberly,Paul E.,xxii
Hulburt, Ray G. ,17
Humerus,259 illus. Lamina terminalis cerebri,62, 64,
Hyperemesis gravidarum,209 288
"Lap technique," 49, 187, 194
Ilia and sacrum,7, 165, 202, 251 Leg, mechanism and treatment, 187,
iliopsoas tendon,281 195, 265ff
lliosacral treatment,202, 235 astragalus, calcaneus,tarsal arch,
Infants and children,217 (chapter). 273
See also "Bent twigs " femur,266-269 illus.
birth,5-6, 107, 218 fibula,269-270 illus.
cranial motility,19 hip joint,265
diagnosis,217, 218 tarsal arch, 270-271 illus.
management,219 tibio-calcaneo-astragalus lesions,
occiput at birth, 111 illus. 270-273 illus.
sphenoid at birth, 116 illus. tibiofemoral lesions, 266-269
Infection,respiratory,95, 98 illus.
Infundibulum,61 Lesion(s)
Inhalation atlanto-axial,239
movement during,20, 120 cervical,236
position, 10 condyloatlantal,238, 239 illus.
"Intelligence," 14, 134, 168, 228 cranial, 124, 214
Interchange, fluid,60-61, 63, 128 definition, 124
treatment,138 exaggeration,for treatment,202
Intraosseous unions frontoparietal or parietofrontal,
infants and children,223 146
sphenoidal,115, 116 lumbar,243
naming,119, 124, 125
Joint or joints,occipitoatlantal,4, 19, occipitomastoid or mastoid-
178,224 occipital,147
Junction patterns,125
condylobasilar, 110 pelvic,251
condylosquamous,110 rib,245
costovertebral,142-143 illus. thoracic,240
sphenobasilar,See Sphenobasilar Ligament or ligaments
junction arcuate,277 illus.
ligamentous articular mechanism,
Keller,James,218 222


Ligament or ligaments (continued) Mechanics of physiological motion

ligamentous articular strain,233, (continued)
288,290 occiput,68
reciprocal tension,120,193 palatines,78
sacroiliac,23,201 parietals,130
strains,ligamentous articular, sacrum,121
233,290 sphenobasilar junction,68
treatment,234 sphenoid,68
Lippincott,Howard A.,xiii,xv, xvi, temporals,69,124,134
11,109,193,233 (appendix), Mechanism,compressive forces, 117
295 craniosacral,121
Lippincott,Rebecca c., xiv,xv, 219 fascial, 192
(chapter based on lecture) forearm,158,171,188,196,260
"Liquid light," 34,228 pintle-oval,117,288
Liver,"turn," 209,278 primary respiratory,see Primary
Lumbar vertebrae. See Vertebrae respiratory mechanism
Lymphatics,35 "push-button," 33
"electrolysis " in nodes, 135 speed-reducing,78
enlargement of nodes, 35 sphenoid body and greater wing­
"finer nerves dwelling with," 33, pterygoid,116
136,168 Membrane or membranes
fluctuation of cerebrospinal fluid arachnoid,37,133,147,231
and,134 intraosseous, 39
obstruction in,135 membranous articular strain,
treatment,135ff, 137 illus. 119ff, 145,288
mobility of,120
"Magic inch," 54 osseous,83
Magoun,Harold Ives,xv, 45 poles of attachment,18,120,172
Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, xv, reciprocal tension,17ff, 39 (chap-
xvii,85,172,291 ter). See also Reciprocal ten­
Maxillary bones,83 sion membrane
malalignment,98 restriction,effects,133
McVicker, Raleigh S.,xxii synovial,113
Mechanics of physiological motion Miller,C. Earl (Miller's lymphatic
basilar process,124 pump),138
cranial bowl,123 Miller,Edgar,xvi
ethmoid,30 Mobility
general considerations,126 cranial articular,4,22ff
maxillae,78 basilar,66

30 3

Mobility (continued) Nerve or nerves (continued)

membranes,reciprocal tension, sphenopalatine (pterygopalatine)
46, 120 ganglion, 96ffillus.
restriction, trigeminal, 90
temporal, internal and external vagus, 185
rotation, 90,153 Northup, George W, ix
sacral, involuntary,22ff Northup,T homas L., xxi
Morris, Henry, 149 "Nut and bolt " techniques. See
Motility, 288 Treatment techniques
brain and spinal cord, 51ff
cerebral aqueduct, 57 Occipitoatlantal treatment, 112, 178
cranial,19 Occiput, 5,36, 110
demonstration, 7 as a wheel,25,26 illus. , 49, 121,
mechanical function, 18 164
neural tube, 18, 51ff(chapter), at birth, 111 illus.
251 circumrotation, 25, 43 illus. , 49,
Musculature 121
of the rear abdominal wall, 215 four parts at birth,107,III
of the eyeball, 84 relation to pelvis, 121
of the face, 89 supraocciput,8, 290
of the oropharynx and auditory "Onion tears, " 98, 99
tube,86 Opisthion, 288
psoas, 199, 215,279 illus. Orbit
applied anatomy, 78,83ff
Neural tube trauma, 148
development, 51 Oropharynx, 86
function, 56, 227 Osteopathic Cranial Association, xxi,
membrane locking over fissures, XXII

motility of, 18, 51 (chapter) Palate,288
Neuralgia or neuritis, intercostal, Palatine bones, 76
141 posterior articular surface, 92
Neuropathy,entrapment, 139 (chap­ illus.
ter) region, 91
Nerve or nerves treatment, 95, 100, 101
acoustic,89 Palpation, 288
cranial,84,89, 90, 139, 140, 185 acute abdomen, 213
facial,88 cervical area, 236
maxillary, 96,139 contacts, vault, 151, 220


Palpation (continued) Plate or plates (continued)

temporal,152 pterygoid of sphenoid (medial
abdomen,212 and lateral processes),77,91,
general considerations,151,157 93 it/us. 102
infant and child,219ff Poles of attachment,40 illus. , 46,
lumbar area,243 120,172
observation and,156 Popliteal drainage,283 illus.
thoracic area,240 Postpartum depression or psychosis,
Parable, 288 121
Parietal bones,5,9,129 Potency of cerebrospinal fluid,13-
Parker,E. Tracy,204 14,31,167
Parkin, I.G., and G.R. Harrison, 27 Potential,289
Patten, Bradley M., 67 Primary respiratory mechanism,x,3,
Peduncle,288 13 (chapter),228,251,289
Pelvis,194,199,212,251ffit/us. articular mobility of cranial
lesions bones,22,65 (chapter)
bilateral,254 brachium pontis,286
postural,255 it/us. fluctuation of cerebrospinal fluid,
prolapses,282 13,31 (chapter),131,138
pubic junction,255,256 it/us. involuntary mobility of sacrum,
respiratory extension,254 illus. 22,65 (chapter)
respiratory flexion,253 illus. motility of neural tube,18,51
ligamentous articular mecha­ (chapter)
nisms,187,233 reciprocal tension membrane,17,
trauma related to occiput,121 39 (chapter), 50
treatment of,187,201,251 Process or processes
lift,210,212,281 illus. basilar of occiput,28,49,87,109,
Pharynx,78 122ff, 130
Physiologic centers. See Centers, cervical articular,236
physiologic clinoid of sphenoid and/or sella
Pineal bod� 57,58,60,227 turcica,36,41
Pintle,117,288 ethmoid spine,75
Pituitary body,58,61,227,229 frontal of maxillae, 76
Plate or plates jugular of occiput,28,49
cribriform of ethmoid,82,99 mastoid of temporals,122
orbital of frontal,75,77 orbital of palatines,91,92 illus.,
perpendicular of ethmoid,76,82, 94
105,106 pterygoid of sphenoid,29,92
illus. , 101


Process or processes (continued) Ribs (continued)

pyramidal of palatines,91 treatment of,192,198,245ffilius.
temporal of zygomae,76 bedside technique,248,249
zygomatic of frontal,76 ilius.
zygomatic of maxillae,84 11th and 12th,216,249 ilius.
zygomatic of temporals,76 1st,247,248 itlus.
Psoas muscle. See Musculature,psoas floating,248
and Tendon,iliopsoas 4th to 10th,246
Psychiatric problems,147 "nut and bolt, " 143,185,189
Pterygoid plates,77 2nd and 3rd,246
Pubic junction,256 side lifting,216
spinal hyperextension and,250
Rankin,William,Sr.,220 itlus.
Reciprocal tension ligaments,120, standing posture technique,
193 199
Reciprocal tension membrane,17ff, 12th rib and diaphragm,180,
39 (chapter),120,158,289 215
circulation of blood and,131 with vertebral extension,144
poles of attachment,18,40ff, 172 Ritter stool, 235, 241, 243, 252
movement,46 Rotationlsidebending. See
sacrum and occiput,121 Sidebending/rotation
"sickles," 40ff, 112
spinal canal,of,49 "Sacral sag," 133,205,289
tension of,42,46 Sacroiliac chair,203
treatment of infants using,112 Sacroiliac Technicians,The Inter­
Reflex(es) national Society of,xiv,88
Chapman's,136 Sacroiliac treatment,
viscerosomatic,213 anterior approach,204ff
Respiratory center,289 direct action,235
Respiratory mechanism,primary. See horseback riding and,180,204
Primary respiratory mechanism standing posture technique,200,
Respiratory system, treatment,184 255
Restak, Richard, 52 Sacrum
Rheumatism, rheumatic arthritis, articular mobility,22,65ff
135 control of Tide,48
Ribs cranial base and,164,221
lesions,245 diagnosis of Tide from,186
rotation of,in inhalation and dural sac anatomy and,26
exhalation,141 flexion and/or extension,7,26,


Sacrum (continued) Sinuses

ilia and,165,251 cavernous,24,79,86,131
involuntary mobility of,22,65ff, general considerations,83
165,251 lateral,24,41,129
postural lesions,255 illus. maxillary,83
treatment middle ear as,87
anterior approach, 205 nasal accessory system, 83
"respiratory " lesions of,252 petrosal,24, 86
to control movement of ful- saggital,42,130
crum,48 sphenoidal,105
Schwab,Walford A.,23 sigmoid,24
Scythe,sickle,289. See also straight,45,130
Reciprocal tension membrane transverse (lateral),41,129
"Shell shock," 36,289 venous,45
Shoulder,treatment of,197,258 Skull,102 illus.
"Shuttling movement," 93 study of,3ff, 101,123
Side-bending/rotation Slocum,Anna L., xiv,218
frontal,155,158 Smith,William,81
infants and children,223 Soule,Duncan,xvi
lesion,124 "Speed reducer," 78
maxillae,159 Spencer,David L., et at., 27
occiput,160 Speransky,A.D.,21
parietals,158 Sphenobasilar junction,290
patterns 0f,154 illus. anatomy,122
reciprocal tension membranes experiments, 10,11
and,47 external rotation,28
sphenobasilar junction, 69, 124, motions,68
232 position of,7 (footnote)
axes,160 "inhalation," 10
diagnosis,153,158 patterns of, 154 illus., 163 illus.
experiment on,10 strains of,See Strain (or displace­
sphenoid,160 ment)
temporals, 160 treatment,122
zygomae, 159,160 Sphenoid bone
Side-bending/rotation of vertebral anatomy,68, 70 illus., 229
areas as a wheel,27,30,121,164
cervical,237 at birth,116 illus.
lumbar,244 circumrotation, 11,24,27,61,
thoracic, 241, 243 90,121
convexity to left,242 illus. intraosseous unions,115


Sphenoid bone (continued) Strain (or displacement) (continued)

sella turcica of,227 ligamentous articular,18,119,
Spinal lesions 222,233if
naming,119 membranous articular,71,119
treaonent of,199 (chapter)
Spiral naming,119,124,156
form of cerebral cortex,63,230 patterns, 125, 153, 154 iI/us., 161
movement,16 vertical, 161, 163 iI/us.
Still, Andrew Taylor,ix, xix, 3,31, infants and children,223
65,81,88, 122, 128,170,236 Stretch,290
Autobiography ofA. T. Still, 63, Stroke,impending,186
126,127,291 Stuttering,86
fascial mechanic,208 Supraocciput. See Occiput
"goat and boulder," 133,214,281 Sutherland Cranial Teaching
"hole in the tree," 107,162,183 Foundation,Inc.,xxii,295
Osteopathy: Research and Practice, Sutherland,Ada Strand, With
74,291 Thinking Fingers, xix,S,166,
Philosophy and Mechanical 291
Principles of Osteopathy, The 13, Sutherland,WIlliam Garner,
33,62,176,291 biographical information, ix,xiii,
Philosophy ofOsteopathy, 291 XXlIl

rusty nail,188 Contributiom of Thought, xv, 65

Dr. A. T. Stil/ in the Living, 32 (chapter based upon), 115
"turn the liver over," 208 (passages from),119 (chapter
"withering field," 61 based partially upon),131,
wrist technique,152,157,264 138,199,291
iI/us. Cranial Bowl, The, xiv,17,65
"Still point," 175 (chapter based upon), 119
in the fulcrum,16,18,47 (chapter based partially upon),
"Still Small Voice," 16 291
Strabismus,116 general teachings,xix-if
Strain (or displacement),290 general technique,demonstra-
cranial, membranous articular, tions,237ff, iI/us.
145,167,288,290 lymphatic technique,137 iI/us.
small,139 molding technique,224
facial bone mechanism,94 osteopathic technique of
general considerations,18,48, (Lippincott),233if
125 personal experiments,8-11,166
lateral,161,163 iI/us. portrait,v
infants and children,223,225 principles,summary, x


Sutherland,William Garner (contin­ T horax (continued)

ued) treatment of,141,198,207,
With Thinking Fingers, xix,S, 166, 240ff, 242 illus.
291 vertebrae,diagnosis and treat-
Suture or sutures ment,240ff
cruciate,106 T ibia,femur,fibula, 266-273 illus.
lamboidal,73 T ic douloureux,139
palatomaxillary, 102 illus. "T ide," 5,9,166
saggital,of vault,9,24,73 "battery," 22,35,55
sphenosquamous, 3 controlling,48,62,134,138,174,
Symphysis pubis,256 176
Synarthrosis,22,290 diagnosis,153,155,157,166ff
Synchondrosis,68,290 directing,113,168,176,225. See
also Treatment techniques
Tarsal arch,270,273 "ferry," 32,174
Technique. See Treatment techniques fluctuation,14,157,172
Teeth "intelligence," 166,168,228
contact through,103 "kicking off," 153,169
extraction,145 potency of,32,134,166
Temporal bones,3,5,71,87,123 spiral movement,16,174,230
as "wobbling wheel," 27,123 stillness of,17,173,175
as "mischief maker " or "clown," treatment,use in,104,166ff, 177
28 Tonsillitis,95
intraosseous problems,117 Tordorff,Edith, xiv
rotation,78,87,90 Torsion of the sphenobasilar junc-
Tendon, iliopsoas, 199,281 tion,11,69,125
Tenosynovitis (tennis elbow), 196 diagnosis,153,155, 159
Tension. See Reciprocal tension general considerations,125
membrane infants and children,223
point of balanced membranous, occiput,159
17 patterns of,125,140,153,154
ligamentous,234 illus.
Tentorium cerebelli,36,39,54,112, temporals,159
122,230 zygomae,159
T horax Torticollis,in infants,222
anatomic relationships in, 141, "Tour of the Minnow,A," 20,227
142 illus. (chapter)
costovertebral junction, 141ff Translation of force,145, 290
illus. Transmutation, 33,63,176, 228,290


Trauma, 145 (chapter) Treatment techniques (continued)

anatomical conditions mitigating, compression of the 4th ventri-
149 cle,37,168,204
compression,164 directing the "tide," 167
experiments duplicating,9 emergency,177
long-term effects,146 excitative,174
momentum-inertia,147 exhalation phase,holding,63
Treatment techniques. See also infants and children,225
anatomic parts palliative,174
balanced ligamentous tension, "still point," 175
193,215,234 temporal bone, from the,172,
balanced membranous tension, 175,177
225 lateral fluctuation,175
bedside technique,179 molding of intraosseous lesions,
flexion,benefits,179 224
rib lesions,248,249 illus. multiple hand,221
"bootjack," 270 "nut and bolt," 143,185,189,
"cant hook," 85 195,235
chronic lesions,192,203 parturition,184
circulatory conditions,184 postural cooperation,114,180,
deltoid muscle pain,189 192,201
direct action,235 psoas spasm,194
disengagement,235 respiratory cooperation,104,114,
exaggeration of lesion,202,235 180,191
fascia,192,207 Ritter stool in,235
fractures,184 spine,199
general considerations,100,170 standing posture technique,198,
general techniques, 191,233 199,200
"glove on the finger," 206 strap technique,old,206
infants,112 thrust,214
"lap technique," 49,187,194,241 viscera,184,199,201,207,278
lymphatic system,135ff Truhlar, Robert E.,32
compression of 4th ventricle, Turbinates,83
Miller's lymphatic pump,138, Ulna,261
transmitted vibrations, 136 Vasculature
management of the CSF, 172ff anatomy,129
activation,175,177 dysfunction in system,127 (chap­


Vasculature (continued) Wales,Anne L.,xiv,xiii (preface),

facial,85 293
of the eyeball,84 Weeks,Elsie W, xiv
Vault Wheel
bones of, 72 occiput as,25,26 iI/us.,49,121,
"father dura," 225 164
infants and children,220, 225 sphenoid as,27,29 iI/us.,49,121,
mechanics,24,117 164
sutures,9,24,73,120 Wilson,Perrin T., xxi
treatment,63 "Withering field," 61ff
Vein or veins Wrist,152,157,262-265 illus.
of Galen,58,130 Zygomatic bones,76,84
ophthalmic,78 arch,76
subclavian, 137 iI/us.
Ventricle or ventricles,15
as a bird,20,64
expansion and contraction,19
fourth, 5,8,37,48,54,138,168,
third,21,57,59 iI/us., 128,227,
contact with cranium,9,75
hyperextension of,with rib lesion,
250 iI/us.
lumbar,243,244,245 iI/us.
movement of,76
structure and function of,84
treatment of,105,106
"wagon tongue ",105

31 1

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