Unit Five:: Business Letter Writing

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The key takeaways from the document are the importance of business letter writing skills and the different parts and styles of business letters.

According to the text, an effective business letter should create a favorable impression, appeal to the reader's point of view, be correct in every detail, be courteous, friendly and sincere, promote goodwill, be coherent and well-paragraphed, and employ highly the business jargon.

The 10 Commandments of a Good Correspondent according to the text are: 1) Always be dignified, respectful, and gracious. 2) Never let your position or company’s name affect how you write business letters. 3) Write your letters in a concise manner and avoid using words that your readers may not understand easily. 4) If you have any mistakes, admit them without hesitation. 5) Never forget that the personal ideas and sentiments of an individual are important to him/her. 6) Maintain a calm demeanor at all times. 7) Don’t flaunt your company’s policies to your reader. 8) Never write a business letter unless you have truly understood the situation wherein the letter will be written. 9) Never resort to name-calling. 10) Try your best to create goodwill for your company with every letter you write.

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing


Writing business letters is one of the essential topics in technical writing. It’s a
necessary skill for any student or professional because of its applicability to any field
of interest or career path.


After completing this module, you should be able to:

1. Have a better understanding of the different parts of a business letter.
2. Identify different business letter styles and use each one appropriately.
3. Write your own business letter.
4. Write an application letter.

1 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Good Business Letter

According to Stewart, Lanham, and Zimmer (1968), an effective business letter

should have the following characteristics:

1. Creates favorable impression

2. Appeals to the reader’s point of view

3. Correct in every detail

4. Courteous, friendly and sincere

5. Promotes goodwill

6. Coherent and well-paragraphed

7. Employs highly the business jargon

Ten Commandments of a Good Correspondent (Satterwhite, et al: 2010)

In order to construct an effective business letter, the following rules must be applied:

1. Always be dignified, respectful, and gracious. Never hurt anyone’s feelings

on purpose.

2. Never let your position or company’s name affect how you write business letters, to
the point that your words take on an arrogant tone.

3. Write your letters in a concise manner and avoid using words that your readers
may not understand easily.

4. If you have any mistakes, admit them without hesitation.

5. Never forget that the personal ideas and sentiments of an individual are important
to him/her, and therefore should not be cast aside, no matter how trivial they may

6. Maintain a calm demeanor at all times.

7. Don’t flaunt your company’s policies to your reader. Make no attempt to insult
your reader or prove him/her wrong.

2 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

8. Never write a business letter unless you have truly understood the situation
wherein the letter will be written.

9. Never resort to name-calling. Never talk down to your reader.

10. Try your best to create goodwill for your company with every letter you write.

The business letter has two elements: form and substance. Form consists of
the formatting of the letter while substance involves the message of the letter.

The “format” of the letter is important because it creates the so-called “first
impression”, which could affect how the reader reacts to the content.

The “first impression” must be reinforced by the contents of the letter since a poorly
constructed business letter would disappoint the reader, especially if the first
impression was a favorable one.

The form of the letter consists of the physical appearance, including the kind of
paper used, margins, spacing and other details such as punctuation and indentation.


In choosing what stationery to use, quality is more important than scrimping on the
budget. The stationery should be of good quality, since it affects how the letter is
presented to the reader. The paper must have a smooth finish. White stationery is
recommended for business letters. Recently, the use of slightly tinted paper became
popular. (Dela Cruz, 2012)

Business stationery comes in different sizes but it is advisable to use the standard
size 8 ½” x 11” – which makes filing easy. Other sizes are 7” x 9 ½”, 7”x10”, 8”x 10 ½”
(executive size stationery).

The second page onwards should be plain and should have no letterhead, but it
should match the first page in all aspects.

The business envelope should also match the color and quality of the paper used.

The Seven C’s

Before sending the letter, the writer should make sure that the letter follows the 7 Cs.

3 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

1. Clearness

The message of the letter must be expressed clearly, without any vagueness. The
details of the message should be as accurate as possible.

2. Conciseness

Time means money; hence, businessmen place a premium on brevity. A complete

letter is brief but at the same time, does not leave out any details that are needed
for the message to be thoroughly understood.

3. Concreteness

This is achieved by using specific instead of general terms. It is recommended

to use words that appeal to the senses and can easily be visualized.

4. Completeness

Writing haphazardly often leads to omissions of certain details. This could result
to unnecessary letters being written in order to clarify those missing details.

5. Correctness

The letter should be free from errors. The message should be accurate in
every detail.

6. Consideration

The letter should be just as focused on the reader as it is on the purpose of

the writer.

7. Courtesy

Being courteous in the letter makes the reader feel that the writer means well,
and would affect how he or she responds. Courtesy in letter-writing means
avoiding blunt expressions at all times. As Emerson said, “Life is not so brief, but
there is always time for courtesy.”

Parts of the Business Letter

The business letter is made up of the following parts:

Basic Parts

1. Heading or Letterhead

4 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

2. Date Line
3. Inside Address
4. Salutation
5. Body
6. Complimentary Close
7. Signature
8. Reference Initials

Note: A business letter with missing basic parts is a wrong letter.

Optional Parts

A letter may have the following optional parts:

1. Attention Line
2. Subject Line
3. Enclosure Notation
4. CC Notation
5. BCC Notation
6. Postscripts
7. Mailing notation

Note: Optional parts may or may not be included in the letter.

Heading – This part tells the address of the writer which includes the street
address, town, province, country, and zip code, which are typed on the top lines.

Letterhead – This contains the name of the firm, a statement of its business (if this
is necessary), its address, and other essential parts such as telephone number, fax
number, cell phone number, and web site. It should not be used to advertise. The
letterhead must be simple and dignified.

Dateline – The date forms part of the heading. If a letterhead is used, the dateline
is typed two or three spaces below the last line of the letterhead. The dateline style
accepted in business does not abbreviate or use a number to indicate a month.

Wrong: Jan. 4, 2003 or 1-4-2003 or 1/4/2003

Right: January 4, 2003 or the military style 4 January 2003

When the letter is long and requires a second sheet, only the first sheet should contain
a letterhead, the second sheet and the other sheets that may be required should be

5 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Inside Address – This indicates who the reader is, whether it is a person, a firm or an
organization. The inside address is typed two or three spaces from the deadline. If it is
directed to a particular person, it should include the following: addressee’s title and full
name, addressee’s business title (if necessary) and the addressee’s business affiliation.
The inside address should have at least three lines.

Salutation – The salutation serves as a greeting for the addressee. It should agree
with the inside address in both number and gender. It is typed two spaces below the
inside address. This first word and all the names in the salutation are capitalized. The
salutation sets the tone of the whole letter.

Body of the letter – This contains the message of the letter. The message must
be carefully planned. It must be concise, clear and accurate. This is typed two
spaces below the salutation.

Complimentary Close – This is typed two spaces below the last line of the body.
Only the first word is capitalized. This refers to the words of courtesy at the end of the
letter. The words must be pleasant yet professional.

Signature Block – The writer’s name is typed four to five spaces below the
complimentary close. The first line of the signature block is where the writer signs his
full name. The company’s name is typed in all bold letters two spaces below the
complimentary close and the writer’s name at least four to five spaces below the
company’s name.

Reference Initials – These are the initials of the writer, which are typed in lowercase.

Attention Line – A letter may be addressed to a person in two ways. It may be

addressed to him directly or it may be addressed to the firm where he is connected
and his name mentioned in the attention line. The advantage of the latter method is
that it ensures that the letter will be attended to.

The attention line is found only in letters addressed to a firm. Furthermore, in

letters containing an attention line, the firm is greeted in the salutation and not the
person whose name is mentioned in the attention line.

The attention line is placed two line spaces below the last line of the inside address
and two line spaces above the salutation. It may be typed flush with the left-hand
margin or centered.

6 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing


Princess Enterprises
2184 Colon Street
Cebu City

Attention: Mr. Ronald D. Estoque


Note: The salutation has to agree with the inside address and not with the attention

In rare cases, the attention line may be found in a letter addressed to an individual.
This happens when the letter which bears the attention line answers a letter signed by
the addressee but was prepared by an office correspondent as indicated in the
reference initial notation. In this case, the addressee is greeted in the salutation.

Mr. Romeo Bondoc

Philippine Refinery Company
1803 Quezon Boulevard
Quezon City

Attention: Mr. Patrick C. Roy

Dear Mr. Bondoc

Subject Line – This summarizes the contents of the letter, typed two spaces below
the salutation and may be written flush with the left-hand margin or centered. The
word “Subject” may be typed in all capitals or just the first letter capitalized.

The subject caption is useful since it helps in tracing past correspondences

without having to read the whole letter.

Dear Miss Dolleson


Mailing Direction Notation – This notation appears in the letter when instructions are
given to the stenographer that the letter is to be sent other than by ordinary mail. It is
placed two spaces after the reference initials notations, flush with the left hand margin. It
indicates whether the letter is to be sent by special delivery, registered, airmail, by
messenger, or by hand. The information is mainly for the benefit of the secretary or the

7 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

mailing clerk who will take charge of sending out the letter. It may also be placed three
spaces midway between the date line and the first line of the inside address, flush with
the left-hand margin. The mailing notation may be typed in the carbon copies only.

Enclosure Notation – The enclosure notation appears two line-spaces after the
reference initials notation, flush with the left hand margin. It is used when anything is
sent along with the letter. The information is for the benefit of the addressee or of the
writer’s secretary or by the mailing clerk. It prevents important papers enclosed with the
letter from being misplaced or lost. Important enclosure, such as checks, should be
described. The number of enclosures may be indicated by a figure written after the
word “Enclosure” as in the following example:

Enclosure: Brochure

Encl: Directory

Encl: PNB Check No. 551

Through this notation, it will be shown that something has been enclosed with the letter.
However, it is a good practice to mention any enclosure in the body of the letter.

Carbon Copy Notation – This notation may be indicated flush with left-hand margin
two spaces after the enclosure line or any other notation that comes before it. It means
that a copy or copies of the letter have been forwarded to other persons.

CC Mr. Ramon Cruz

CC furnished the Quezon City Branch

B.C.C. Notation – When the writer wants to send a copy of his letter to another person
but does not want the addressee to be aware of this, he uses the blind carbon copy
notation (B.C.C.). This notation does not appear on the original but only on the
duplicate copies.

Postscripts (P.S.) Notation – The postscript is the least important of all the parts of the
letter; however, it may sometimes be included to serve either of two purposes. It may
be used to transmit a personal message. This is especially true when the writer and the
addressee are good friends. The initials of the writer should be either typed or pen-
written by the writer himself after this kind of postscript. Another use of the postscript is
to stress an important point already discussed in the body of the sales letter. In this
case, the initials of the writer should not be used.

8 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

This notation is found two-line spaces below a previous notation flush with the left-
hand margin. It is either blocked or indented depending upon the style of indention
used in the letter. Also, it is single spaced regardless of whether the body itself is single
spaced or double-spaced.

Punctuation Styles

There are three styles of punctuation used in the business letter: the open, the close,
and the standard.

The open punctuation is characterized by the omission of any punctuation marks after
the salutation, the complimentary close, and the end-of-the-lines in the return address
(if this is typewritten) and the inside address. Abbreviations, however, are punctuated as
usual. In the standard punctuation, the salutations and the complimentary close are
followed by the punctuation mark. A colon follows the salutation and a comment follows
the complimentary close. In a closed style, punctuation marks appear at the end of
every line except the message.

9 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

The Layout of the Business Letter

Full Block (Open Punctuation)







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Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Modified Block (Standard Punctuation)








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Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Semi-Block (Standard Punctuation)







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Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Simplified (Standard Punctuation)

(National Office Management Association)






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Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Hanging Indented (Open Punctuation)

Exclusive for Sales Letter

_____________________________ ____________________________________








14 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Selected Kinds of Business Letters

Letters are classified according to their purposes. For example, we have letter of
inquiry, application letter, sales letter, resignation letter, order letter, recommendation
letter, letter of adjustment, reply to an inquiry, congratulatory letter, and others.

Letter of Inquiry

This is written for the purpose of securing any kind of information from the addressee. A
letter of inquiry is written to ask about process, to answer advertisements, offering
samples, to request necessary details that the customer may have overlooked in his
order, or to seek information that the writer feels the addressee can provide. The letter
of inquiry may be outlined in this manner:

1. ask all questions clearly

2. give all necessary details

3. give the reasons for requesting the information

4. thank the addressee or make a statement of goodwill

NOTE ON REFERENCES: The following examples were taken from Manalo, et

al (2010) and Dela Cruz & Cebrreros (2012).

15 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Sample: Letter of Inquiry


200 Salcedo Village
Makati City

January 8, 2010

Destiny Manufacturing Company

505 Agoncillo
Malolos, Bulacan

Subject:Type 888 Sachets


Attention of Mr. E. R. Reyes, Sales Manager

Please send us a price list and descriptive literature about your 888 Sachets. Particularly, we wish to
know whether they are resealable and heat resistant.

We shall appreciate this information, as we shall utilize the containers for our new line of
food products. Enclosed is a brochure concerning our new items.

Very truly yours,

Gourmet Food Company, Inc.

Mila V. Perez

(Miss) Mila V. Perez

Production Manager

16 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Sample: Letter of Reply


505 Agoncillo
Malolos, Bulacan

January 16, 2010

Gourment Food Company, Incorporated

200 Salcedo Village
Makati City

Subject: Type 888 Sachets


Attention of Miss Mila V. Perez, Production Manager

It is a pleasure to answer the question raised in your letter of January 8, 2010 concerning our Type
888 Sachets.

Our sachets classified as Type 888 are resealable and heatproof. We have marked for you on pages
9 and 10 of the enclosed brochure the different kinds of containers which we highly recommend for
your particular line of food products. Also enclosed is an order blank.

We shall be glad to take care of your order for any type. If there are any other points which may not
be quite clear, just write us and we shall be glad to answer your questions.

Very truly yours

Destiny Manufacturing Co.

E.R. Reyes
E.R. Reyes
ERR Sales Manager 2 Encls.

17 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Letter of Order

An order letter is one written to buy or secure the services of a person or a firm
by mail.

The order letter must be clear in order to avoid costly delays, losses or legal
entanglements that may result from misunderstandings. The writer should check
his letter for the following details:

1. Complete description of the merchandise to include brand, name, color, size,

quality, style, and pieces required.

2. Necessary information regarding the delivery of his order:

a. name and address of buyer

b. date of delivery of merchandise

c. the mode of shipment of merchandise (by boat, by land, by parcel post,

by airmail)

d. mode of payment (check, money order, cash or delivery, charged or

on account)

e. credit reference if requested

18 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Sample: Order Letter

Blk 80 Lot 21 Phase 3
City Homes Subdivision
Dasmarinas Cavite
May 15, 2005

Gen. Ronald E. Delos Reyes

Sales Manager
Brown Grocery Store
Sta. Cruz, Manila

Dear Mr. Delos Reyes

Our new grocery store will be inaugurated on May 27, 2005. Please send us the following goods:

3 dozens Del Monte Catsup at P21.30 each - P 766.80

3 dozens Ladies Choice Mayonnaise at P55.05 each - P 2,642.40
3 dozens of Milkmaid Condensed Milk, tall can at P22.10 each - P 795.60
3 dozens Purefoods Corned beef, large at P66.95 each - P 2,400.20
3 dozens Palmolive Soap at P15.10 each - P 543.60

Enclosed is a PCI-Equitable Bank Check No. 035287 for P7, 158.60.

Please send us my order immediately thru the yellow Bus line, freight collect. The goods should
reach me not later than August 30, 2005.

Sincerely yours,

Patricia E. Maganda

19 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Sales Letter

Sales efforts are meant to attract a person to purchase a given commodity. Selling
means to influence or persuade someone to act on something; in this case, to purchase
a product. The letter of application is a good example of a sales letter in which the
writer sells his products or services.
Nowadays, the consumers don’t usually know what they want or need. The sales letter
creates these unknown desires for the consumers.
Sales letters must be carefully written because it acts as an emissary of your company.
Below are guidelines in writing a sales letter:
1. The sales letter writer should know the product or service that he is selling
thoroughly. The more he knows about it, the better he can choose his selling points
and write about his product or service convincingly. He should also know his target

2. Select Appropriate Appeals

A sales letter writer must know how to promote or advertise his or her product using
appeals. An effective appeal can easily motivate your customer to buy your
product. Below are some appeals that you can use:

a. For glamour and praise (jewelry)

b. For comfort (air conditioner)
c. For pleasure and enjoyment (television set, internet)
d. For cleanliness (soap, vacuum cleaner)
e. For security (insurance, pension plans)
f. To be popular (car, fashion)
g. To attract people (perfume)
h. To save time (microwave)
i. To generate income (stocks)
j. To satisfy your appetite (restaurant)

To make your sales letter more persuasive, you can also include the following
features in your letter:

1. Get the attention of your reader

2. Build interest and desire
3. Convince the reader
4. Direct the reader to a favorable action

20 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Sample: Sales Letter

2184 Anonas Street, Sta. Luisa, Manila
Tel. 741-83-36
Cell No. 091982425
April 3, 2004

Atty. Niel E. Cuaresma

Mr. and Mr. Company
Sta. Mesa, Manila

Dear Atty. Cuaresma

Perhaps you enjoy making WEEKENDS or VACATION TRIPS to interesting and out-of-the-way places,
and you would like to know a place to stay other than a HOTEL.

Two years ago we opened BOHOL BY THE SEA (one private summer house) to summer guests. This is
however, our first SUMMER here and we have enjoyed every MINUTE. Since our cottage is but 100 feet
from the water’s edge, we have had SPLENDID opportunity to watch the tides of the various
FASCINATING appeals. A truly MEMORABLE sight this year was the 50 FEET PAGODA, which is the
greatest attraction in the fiesta celebration.

BOHOL BY THE SEA is an ideal place to relax. You would probably enjoy eating in the glassed-in
restaurant, TWILIGHT ATTRACTION, which commands a panoramic view of the whole PANGLAO. All the
foods are HOMEMADE, including the CAKES, BREADS, and PIES.

CHOCOLATE HILLS in CARMEN, a worldwide attraction is just less than three hours ride from PANGLAO
SAKBAYAN PEAK, another great tourist attraction.

SOTTO, Maui Taylor and Kristine Hermosa have been our regular guests.

We advise you to make reservation a few days in advance either by e-mail or by phone. The GLORY OF
PANGLAO, Tel. No. 559-927-67. The first 30 reservations will get 50% discount.

A friendly invitation is extended to you and your friends to visit and enjoy a STURDY WIND SWEPT

Sincerely yours,


21 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Adjustment Letter

In writing adjustment letters, you are on the other side of the fence. Your customer has
the claim and he is writing to you. He may be dissatisfied with your merchandise, your
service, or general efficiency. A good company welcomes a customer’s comments
because they may present a problem that needs to be fixed. The writer of adjustment
letters must be patient, tact, and diplomatic in his replies. These principles should
always be observed in writing adjustment letters:

1. Answer promptly
2. Show the customer that you understand his problem
3. Tell the customer exactly what you are going to do about the problem.
4. Avoid negative words and accusations.

22 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Sample: Adjustment Letter

1982 Gov. Forbes Street

Sta. Cruz, Manila
May 25, 2006

Mr. Pastor M. Borgonia

Sales Manager
Princess Enterprises
1828 Osmena Street,
Cebu City

Dear Mr. Reyes

We are sorry to know that the 10 Hewlett Packard Computers you purchased from us were defective.

We will replace the computers with the same brand and we are sure that these will be to your satisfaction.
You will get the computers on May 29, 2006.

We are sorry for the inconvenience we have caused you and we assure you that you will not get
through the same inconvenience in the future.

Respectfully yours,

Ann D. Santos
Mrs. Ann D. Santos

23 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Letter of Application

The letter of application is closely related to the sales letter – both offer something
for sale. The commodity that the writer sells is himself. He offers his skills, training,
experience, and time in exchange for the job he hopes to secure. It should be written
carefully because the writer is heavily invested in the outcome of the letter.

There are two kinds of letters of applications: the solicited and the unsolicited.

The Solicited Letter

The solicited letter answers an advertisement or expresses requests for applicants.

A “Blind Advertisement” does not give the advertiser’s name, his address or any detailed
information regarding the requirements of a job. In writing this letter, the writer’s chief
concern should be to create a good impression so that he can be invited to an interview.

The open or complete advertisement gives a full description of the qualifications and
requirements needed by the advertisers, as well as his personal details such as name
and address.
The Unsolicited Letter

The unsolicited letter of application is written at the writer’s initiative. He writes it in the
hope that there will be a place for him in the firm. This letter is harder to prepare
because this should convince the prospective employer that he must take the applicant
even if the company isn’t looking for applicants at the moment.

An application letter has two parts – the main letter and the resume
sheet. Resume Sheet
The resume is the summary of the applicant’s qualifications. The main letter serves
only as the endorser while the resume sheet is the main part that the employers review.
An accurate detailed resume serves as a point of reference during the interview. It is
the focal point of connection between the applicant and the prospective employer.
A good application letter must be neatly typed or computerized. The appearance of the
letter gives an impression of the writer’s own personality. It must be free from erasures,
typographical errors, and should be grammatically correct.
The essential parts of an application letter are the following:
1. The introduction must state the writer’s desire or interest for a specific position.

2. The succeeding paragraph must present the writer’s academic qualifications, as well
as his skills and experiences.

24 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

3. The concluding paragraph must signify his interest and contact details. It is in this
paragraph where he may express his desire for an interview.

25 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Sample: Solicited Application Letter

1142 Don Castillas Street

Sampaloc, Manila
April 3, 2006

Mr. Florentine M. Acosta

Personnel Director
Modern Enterprises
897 Aurora Boulevard
Quezon City

Dear Mr. Acosta:

Your advertisement about your need of a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) published in the
Bulletin Today issued on February 3, 2006 caught my attention. I am interested in the job.

I am a Certified Public Accountant having been passed the Licensure Examination in 1996. I finished
B.S. Accountancy at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines in 1994. I was the Editor-in-chief of
the College Organ for one year. I worked as an account clerk for two years in Quiapo Enterprises. I
was a sales representative in Crystal Clear Corporation for three years. I was a marketing manager
of Escolta Company for two years. I have taken Computing Programming at System Technological

Enclosed is a resume which outlines my education, work experience, and references.

I am willing to come to your office for an interview anytime you find most convenient. You can reach
me at this address: 1142 Dos Castillas Street, Sampaloc Manila or you can call me through this Cell
No. (09274091825).

Respectfully yours,

Alex S. Arcadio

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Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Sample of a Resume

1142 Dos Castillas Street

Sampaloc, Manila

Branch Manager

1995-1997 Account Clerk

Quiapo Enterprises
1997-2000 Sales Clerk

Crystal Clear Corporation

Malolos, Bulacan
2000-2003 Marketing Manager

Escolta Company

1990-1994 Polytechnic University of the Philippines

B.S Accountancy
1995-1996 AMA Computer University

Computer Programming

Passed the CPA Licensure Examination in 1996

August 20, 2003 Seminar – Workshop on
Effective Accounting Practices
Sponsor: Development Academy of the Philippines

July 2003 Seminar on the Impact of Computer

on Business and Industry

Venue Holiday Inn, Roxas Boulevard

Age: 30; single, excellent health condition, good moral character
Hobbies: singing, playing the piano, playing basketball, reading novels
Affiliations: Computer Science Society, Rotary Club of Pasig City, Entrepreneur Society of the

Available upon request

27 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Sample: Unsolicited Application Letters

1925 Ramon Magsaysay Boulevard

Sta. Mesa, Manila
June 2, 2006

Mr. Jeffrey A. Estrosos

Personnel Director
Magnitude Enterprises
832 Aurora Boulevard
Quezon City

Dear Mr. Estrosos:

I believe that my experience and interest will prove to be a definite asset in fulfilling my duties as a
principal broker. I would like to apply for the said position.

I finished B.S. in Customs Administration at the University of the Visayas in 1994, Cum Laude. I also
graduated as the Most Outstanding Student.

I passed the Custom Administration Licensure Examination in 1995. I was the Editor-in-Chief of “The
Visayan”, a college organ for two years. I was the alternate Customs Broker in Manalo’s Forwarded for
four years. I was the principal broker of International Brokerage for three years. I have taken Computer
Lessons at AMA Computer College.

Enclosed is a resume sheet which outlines in detail my education, training, work experience and

I am willing to come to your office for an interview anytime you find most convenient. You can reach me
at this address: 1925 Ramon Magsaysay Boulevard, Sta. Mesa, Manila or you can call me thru this Cell
No. 0919-145874.

Respectfully yours,

Rex E. Pulgado

28 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing


1925 Ramon Magsaysay Boulevard

Sta. Mesa, Manila
Cell No. 0919-875-145874

Principal Customs Broker


1990-1994 B.S. in Customs Administration

University of the Visayas
1995-1996 B.S. in Customs Administration

AMA Computer College


1996-1997 Alternate Broker – Manalo’s Forwarder

2000-2003 Principal Broker – International Brokerage


November 20, 2003: Amendments on the Custom’s Laws

Venue: Galas Hill, University of the Visayas

Sponsor Customer Broker-Organization in the Philippines


B.S. Customs Administration: Cum Laude

Most Outstanding Student
Licensure Examination Passed
Customs Administration Licensure Examination, 1995


Age: 30 – single, excellent health conditions, good moral character

Hobbies: reading novels, watching movies, playing the piano, playing golf.
Affiliation: Junior Customs Broker Association, Kabataang Barangay

Available upon request, previous employment can be contacted.

29 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Letter of Recommendation

The letter of recommendation is written for the purpose of vouching for an

applicant’s good character and how he is fit for a certain position. There are two
kinds of recommendation letters: the general, the special or personal.

The general letter of recommendation is written usually at the request of an applicant

who plans to use the letter when he’s seeking for work. The letter is addressed to no
person in particular and uses the salutation “To Whom It May Concern”. One
advantage of this letter is that it can be used multiple times.

The special or personal letter of recommendation is addressed to a specific

person. It is usually requested by the firm in order to check on the qualifications of the
prospective employee.

In writing this kind of letter, the writer should make sure to give specific answers to the
firm’s questions regarding the applicant. Any vague answer may hinder the applicant’s
chance to get the job. The tone of the letter should be enthusiastic but truthful. Above
all, the writer should avoid any hint of exaggeration regarding the applicant’s qualities.
The letter may be outlined in this way:

1. Explain the purpose of the letter.

2. Give the background of the applicant briefly.

3. Give a personal opinion regarding the subject’s qualifications and character.

4. Give a recommendation.

30 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Sample: General Recommendation Letter

May 23, 2006


To Whom It May Concern,

This is to certify that Miss Edelyn M. Mariano has been employed in International Bank as a teller.

As a bank teller, she was efficient, hardworking and honest. Besides, she always maintained
harmonious relationship with all employees in the bank.

Her performance evaluation rating was outstanding.

This certification is issued upon her request for whatever purpose it may serve her.

Martin D. Esguerra
Personnel Manager

31 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Resignation Letter

Occasionally, you may need to write a letter resigning from a position. Regardless of
your reason for resigning, your letter should still be professional in tone. Someday
you may want this employer to give you a reference, and you want them to remember
you favorably. The following letter is a good example of a letter of resignation.

178 Crescent Street

San Lorenzo Village
Makati City
May 27, 2006

Mr. Rodolfo S. San Juan

Personnel Manager
FGU International Corporation
Buendia Extension
Makati City

Dear Mr. San Juan:

In order to accept a position with the Insular Life Insurance Company, I wish to resign from
the present position effective June 2, 2006.

I have enjoyed my work at FGU International Corporation. But in the new position, I shall have
more opportunities to use computer-programming subjects. I feel that there appear to be more
opportunities for promotion.

I will never forget how much your company has meant to me. You gave me my first job. The
three years I have worked with you has given me so much exposure to people and to learning
experience. For these reasons, I shall always be grateful to you.

Respectfully yours,

Roger M. Madrigal

32 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing

Congratulatory Letter

Occasionally, a businessman has to send short notes or congratulations to business

associates, public officials, and other people whom he crossed paths with. Thus, this
letter may be written to someone who got promoted, who got married, who recently
closed a deal, who may have achieved something in his favorite sport, etc. The letter
does not need to be long, as long as the message is sincerely expressed. This is a
Social Business Letter:

1935 Taal Street

Punta, Sta. Mesa
May 25, 2004

Mr. Peter C. Montelibano

Assistant Branch Manager
International Branch
Makati City

Dear Mr. Montelibano:

I was pleased to hear that you have been promoted as Branch Manager of the Cebu Branch. I was not
surprised of the news. I have considered you long ago as a person who was going places. I am very
happy to see your abilities recognized. I know you will do an efficient job in your position.

Please accept my sincere personal congratulations. Tell Babes and Rose that Fritz and I are happy of
your good fortune. Doesn’t this call for some kind of celebration with us, of course! How about a dinner –
the four of us on the 30 . We can make arrangements when I see you next Sunday at the Club Filipino.
Sincerely yours,

Eulogio D. Dollison

33 Technical Scientific and Business English

Unit Five: Business Letter Writing


D. Dela Cruz, and P. Cebrreros. Technical Communication. Manila: Booklore Publishing

Corp., 2012.

M. Satterwhite, et al (2010) “Business Communication at Work” McGraw

Hill International Edition.

P. Manalo, Paterna E. and Fermin, Virginia E. Technical and Report Writing. Manila:
National Bookstore, 2010.

34 Technical Scientific and Business English

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