What Makes A Goood Teacher Great
What Makes A Goood Teacher Great
What Makes A Goood Teacher Great
2. Great teachers are “chill.” A great teacher doesn’t take themselves too
seriously. Terronez found that many students like a teacher who is calm in all
situations and doesn’t get overwhelmed easily.
3. Great teachers think like kids but act like adults. Students often want teachers
to think like them and to be able to understand what their thoughts are like
and how they’re feeling. Students often convey their feelings to adults in
subtle ways, and great teachers are able to pick up on that.
4. Great teachers love to teach and learn. Students like to see their teachers
learn in front of them. A teacher who demonstrates the journey that is learning
is valuable to students.
5. Great teachers connect learning to real life. Terronez found that great
teachers don’t just live in their classrooms, they’re out in the world! Students
appreciate teachers who demonstrate their knowledge in a way that resonates
and makes sense to students.
6. Great teachers understand that students have a life outside of school. Every
student experiences their own set of struggles and adversities outside of the
classroom, and great teachers acknowledge those problems.
7. Great teachers help students if they notice a struggle. Great teachers don’t
assume the ability of their students. Rather, they push students to succeed
and help them when they’re stuck.
8. Great teachers sing. Great teachers make themselves humble before their
students and take risks.