Climate Change

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EXERCISE 4: Climate change impacts in a representative aquatic ecosystem: Utilizing

long term ecological and meteorological data

Department of Biological Sciences

College of Science, University of Santo Tomas
España, Manila Philippines


Climate change has been prevalent starting from its acknowledgement from the early 19th
century. Studying the effects of climate change is a major undertaking especially for the
scientific community. An appropriate way of relating climate change to an ecosystem
involves differentiation of previous to current states of an environment. Lakes are a good
model for such comparison. The relationship between surface water temperature, air
temperature, rainfall, and the intensity of tropical storms in Lake Taal were recognized
using data analysis.

Introduction and human-caused emissions as the genesis

of global warming. The greenhouse effect is
The earth being the exclusive domain of not entirely unfavorable for the living state
every known creature, cause and experience of all forms of earthly life. The greenhouse
numerous natural phenomena including effect is recognized as either ‘natural’ or
climate and weather. A climate refers to the ‘enhanced’. The natural greenhouse effect
long-term pattern of weather in a definite allows life on earth, preventing its average
area, it does not fluctuate as much as surface temperature from being – 18°C as it
weather conditions. Customarily, a is approximately 14°C. The earth’s
territory’s weather pattern observed for at atmosphere allows light to pass through and
least 30 years, are regarded as climate. traps heat in the process, without the
Changes in climate were given attention atmosphere such energy will be lost in
during the early 19th century when natural space. This dynamic is made possible by
changes in paleoclimate and ice ages were ‘natural’ greenhouse gases. On the other
initially presumed and the natural hand, the ‘enhanced’ greenhouse effect also
greenhouse effect was also distinguished. known as 'anthropogenic climate change’,
Climate change involves various are human-induced build up in the
aspects of atmospheric alterations. This atmosphere. Starting from the Industrial
results in changes in measure of Revolution, the burning of fossil fuel such as
precipitation, temperature, wind patterns and oil and coal mainly lead to the rise of
global warming. An official study done greenhouse gases which caused the slower
during the 1990’s point to greenhouse gases rate of heat loss within our planet. One of its
negative effects is subjected upon the Methodology
oceans, with it absorbing more than 85% of
the additional heat in the atmosphere. The
‘enhanced’ greenhouse effect supposedly
changes basic weather patterns in the
climate such as, wind and rainfall patterns
and the incidence and intensity of storms.

The ever changing conditions of our

ecosystem has lead to critical conclusions
about the longer effects of climate change, Table 1. Monthly averages of surface water
especially global warming. Presently, a temperatures (in Celsius) in Lake Taal from
maximum rise of CO2 in 800,000 years is 2000- 2011
being recognized. Making up 84% of all the
greenhouse gases, CO2 massively
contributes to global warming. The year
2015 was recorded as the hottest year with
an annual average temperature of 0.90°C.
Continually emitting an excessive amount of
greenhouse gases will give a rise to global
warming. It is being predicted that for the
next two decades warming of about 0.2° C
shall take place.

Understanding the impact of climate

change shall be better grasped through the
process of comparing previous to current Table 2. Monthly averages of air
states of a certain ecosystem. A lake as an temperatures (in Celsius) and amount of
aquatic ecosystem serves as a suitable rainfall in Lake Taal from 2000-2011
medium for deciphering climate change,
with it being susceptible and vulnerable to A graph was created to show the
such phenomenon. trends in water temperature changes in Lake
Taal based on the data listed in Table 1.
In this exercise, the students aimed
to make an analysis from an archived data as Possible observable changes in the
to how climate conditions within a locale or surface water temperatures in the lake was
a region have influenced the environmental measured and an appropriate statistical was
conditions of Lake Taal from year 2000 to used. The reporters observed if there are any
2011. differences between the mean annual and
mean monthly temperatures of Taal Lake.
temperatures, air temperature, amount of
An air temperature and rainfall in rainfall, and amount of typhoons in Lake
Lake Taal graph from Table 2 was created Taal and in the Philippines for years 2000-
using the average monthly air temperature 2011 with the emphasis on the statistical
readings per month from 2000-2011 from correlation as calculated using the Pearson’s
PAGASA Ambulong Weather Station. It Correlation Coefficient.
was compared with the first graph.
Utilizing the given data set (Figure 1.1) ,
A graph was created using the most a time series line graph (Figure 1.2) was
appropriate statistical tool and software that employed to monitor the changes in the
shows the relationship between the average average monthly surface water temperature
air temperatures (Table 2) with the average in Lake Taal. It is important to note that
surface water temperatures (Table 1) in Lake most calendar months experience record for
Taal. all years although there may be some
months without records. Year 2009 has the
The same process would be used, most complete record for all months while
using an appropriate statistical tool, Year 2007 has the fewest recorded data.
comparing two variables. In this context, the From the graph, it can be observed that Year
average monthly temperature reading of the 2000 have the highest recorded temperature
whole country (which is gathered from an with a temperature of 33.64 °C on the month
external source) was compared to the of May. On the other hand, Years 2002,
average surface water temperatures of Lake 2003 and 2008 have the lowest recorded
Taal. Using the said statistical tool, it was temperature with a temperature of 24.8 °C
used to identify if the two variables have a for the months of March, February and
significant relationship, and assigned the February, respectively. Although the cold
dependent and independent variable from it. months of 2010-2011 have a higher
temperature compared to the cold months of
The final procedure required another 2000-2009, there is no massive increase in
external source. The source gathered is the temperature for the years 2000-2011.
recorded typhoons / tropical storms that had
hit Lake Taal from 2000-2011. Using the
gathered source, the number and intensity
(in terms of wind speed) was plotted, and
observations of any noticeable trends in the
date were recorded.

Results and Discussion Figure 1.1 Average Monthly Surface Water

Temperatures in Lake Taal
This report presents the development
of the average monthly surface
Figure 1.2 Time Series of Average Monthly
Surface Water Temperatures in Lake Taal Figure 2 Mean Annual Temperature vs.
Mean Monthly temperature
For comparison, the mean annual surface
water temperatures and mean monthly Another time series graph (Figure 3.2) was
surface temperature were plotted in a scatter also plotted using the data set given (Figure
plot (Figure 2) to show the correlation of the 3.1). The time series graph was the most
two variables. The linear relationship was appropriate graph to observe the changes in
calculated in Microsoft Excel using Pearson monthly air temperatures over the given
Correlation Coefficient. The calculated time period. It is again important to note
Pearson’s coefficient is -0.57. The computed that some months of the year do not have a
value is consistent with the graph which record although most months have a
shows a downhill linear relationship complete record. Analyzing the graph, we
between the two variables. A negative can see that the highest peak which
correlation signifies that the mean annual corresponds to the highest temperature is
surface water temperature and mean located at Year 2003. April 2003 has the
monthly surface temperature have an inverse highest recorded temperature among the
relationship; meaning, as the mean annual given temperature with a temperature of
surface water temperature increases, the 29.98 °C. On the Other hand, year 2009
mean monthly surface temperature have the coldest recorded temperature with a
decreases, and vice versa.The linear temperature of 25.63 °C on the month of
equation tells us that the slope (m) is - January. Again, there is not much
0.2897 and the y-intercept (b) is 37.041. On significant changes on the trend of monthly
the other hand, R2= indicates how well one average air temperatures although the year
variable predicts the value of another 2011 has colder temperature records
variable. Specifically, the graph shows that compared to years 2000-2010. The amount
independent variable (x- monthly) can of rainfall was also plotted using a bar
predict the dependent variable (y- annual) graph (Figure 3.3). July 2002 has the most
with 31.9% or 32% accuracy. amount of recorded rainfall with 652.3 mm
of rainfall. From the bar graph, it can be
observed that the early months and late
months of the year has the least amount of
rainfall while the middle months of the year
have the most amount of rainfall. In the
year 2011, a sudden increase of amount of
rainfall all throughout the year can be
observed. The year with the most amount of
rainfall is 2011 while the year with the least
amount of rainfall is 2004. To compare the
two variables, the graph was merged (Figure
3.4) It can be noticed that the months with Figure 3.3 Amount of Rainfall in Lake Taal
most amount of rainfall has a higher
recorded temperature while the months with
the least amount of rainfall have lower
recorded temperature.

Figure 3.4 Comparison of monthly average

air temperatures and amount of rainfall

The statistical correlation of monthly

averages of air temperature and monthly
amount of rainfall in Lake Taal was also
calculated using the Pearson’s Correlation
Figure 3.1 Monthly averages of air Coefficient. The calculated correlation
temperatures (in Celsius) and amount of coefficient is 0.99796 which has a perfect
rainfall in Lake Taal from 2000-2011 positive linear relationship. The calculated
coefficient is consistent with the plotted
scatter plot graph (Figure 4) because it
shows an uphill graph. A positive
correlation signifies that the monthly
averages of air temperature and amount of
rainfall have a direct relationship; meaning,
as air temperature increases, the amount of
rainfall also increases. This is because the
amount of rainfall depends on the amount of
Figure 3.2 Time Series of Monthly Average water vapour in the atmosphere. When the
of Air Temperatures in Lake Taal air has a higher temperature, the atmosphere
may contain more water vapour, thus
increasing the amount of rainfall.
Figure 5.2 Time Series of Average Monthly
Air Temperature in the Philippines

The relationship between average

monthly temperatures in the Philippines and
Figure 4 Average Air Temperature vs average surface water temperatures was also
Amount of Rainfall plotted in a scatter plot graph (Figure 6) to
compare the two variables. The calculated
Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient is 0.91
The average monthly air temperature which shows a positive linear relationship.
in the Philippines from years 2000-2011 was This computation is consistent with the
also plotted in a time series graph (Figure plotted graph which shows an uphill line
5.2) from the given data set obtained from graph. A positive correlation signifies that
PAG-ASA’s database (Figure 5.1) The year the average monthly temperature in the
2007 has the highest peak or highest Philippines and average surface water
recorded temperature with a temperature of temperatures in lake Taal have a direct
27.35 °C on the month of April while year relationship; meaning, as temperatures in the
2011 has the lowest peak or lowest recorded Philippine increases, the surface water
temperature of 24.02 °C on the month of temperature in Lake Taal also increases. The
January. From the graph, it can be observed linear equation tells us that the slope (m) is
that years 2009-2010 have colder recorded 1.6959 and the y-intercept (b) is -15.262.
temperatures than the average while years Also, R2= indicates how well one variable
2008-2011 have lower temperatures for the predicts the value of another variable.
cold months compared to years 2000-2007. Specifically, the graph shows that
independent variable (x- monthly temp) can
predict the dependent variable (y- surface
water temp.) with 82% accuracy. There is a
direct relationship between air and water
temperature because of temperature
Figure 5.1 Average Monthly Air conduction of atmospheric heat transfer on
Temperature in the Philippines the surface water. Heat flows from higher
temperature to a lower temperature.When
the air is cold, warm water will transfer
energy to the air therefore also increasing
the temperature of air. On the other hand,
when the air has a high temperature, cold
water will receive the energy, thereby also
increasing the temperature of the water.
Figure 7.1 Number of Tropical Depression,
Tropical Storm and Typhoon in the
Philippines from 2000-2011

Figure 6 Average Monthly Temperatures in

the Philippines vs Average Surface Water
Temperatures in Lake Taal Figure 7.2 Bar Graph of Number of
Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm and
The number of tropical depression, Typhoon in the Philippines from 2000-2011
tropical storm and typhoon in the
Philippines was also plotted using the bar
graph. The bar graph was used so as to
easily see the amount of the variables. A
tropical depression forms when a low
pressure area is accompanied by Conclusion
thunderstorms that produce a circular wind
flow with maximum sustained winds below
39 mph. An upgrade to a tropical storm At the end of the exercise, the
occurs when cyclonic circulation becomes students were able to utilize available data
more organized and maximum sustained sources for the study of climate change and
winds gust between 39 mph and 73 mph. On identified the impacts of climate change to
the other hand, a typhoon is a tropical the environment.
cyclone with sustained surface winds of 118
to 239 km/hr. From the graph, it can be seen Referencing the numerous graphs
that years 2003 and 2004 has the most that were plotted from an archived data
amount amount of storms and depression showing the relationship as to how climate
while the year 2010 has the least amount of conditions at Lake Taal from years 2000 to
typhoon, tropical storms and tropical 2011 influenced its environmental
depression. It can also be observed that the conditions, it can be said that climate change
year 2007 does not have any tropical does take an effect on the aquatic ecosystem
depressions at all. since changes from the atmosphere in terms
of temperature would give a significant
change to the bodies of water. This does not
only change them but it may potentially be
harmful to the aquatic ecosystem once the
changes come to an extreme rate.

As of now, it should be realized that

from the data presented, studies and data
regarding climate change should be given
more attention to prevent further the rate of
global warming.

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