Makalah MR Agus
Makalah MR Agus
Makalah MR Agus
5. Be Realistic
A learner must be realistic. Learner knows it will take time and
effort to become proficient in a language. He can’t understand and learn
a language instantly without process. A good learner can accept the
reality that he can’t study the language very fast. On other side, a learner
must know that he can make mistakes and not overall right.There will
periods where he does not seem to be making much process.
6. Independent
A language is independent. Independent means learner does not
learn the language in classroom or formal situation. He also not just
receives the materials from the teacher. He finds many resources and
books related to the language and try to study it carefully. He doesn’t
really need help for something not really important, he will try to find
the solution by their self. With indepent study, a learner will know how
much difficulities that he can search by theirself and try to solve it.
7. Organized
A language learner is organized. A learner tries to manage times
for study language. He makes the schedule for what subject and when
he must study it. It will make his study process organized and not wastes
the time. Manage time also effect to the a learner behaviour about
respect the time. It is really important because if learner can’t manage
the time well, the learning process will takes more time than properly.
8. Active
A language learner is active. A best way to learn is not passive.
Hedoesn’t want to get the materials only from the teacher. He tries to
find another source for his study. He aks the tecaher if he doesn’t
understand about something related to the material. Curiosity is really
important in this case, because if the learner doesn’t curious to study,
he will passive. Active learner also very good in social society because
he can adapt and communicate with another people with good because
he always know the best way for making someone respect to him.
9. Balanced Concern For Communication And Accuracy
A good language learner has a balanced concern for
communication and accuracy. Some students are expert at
communicating their thoughts but do not care that they make mistakes
in doing so. The good language learner, on the other hand, is concerned
with both communicating and doing so as accurately as possible. For
example, some English study program students communicate each
other with English language and seems excited, but they make many
mistakes that they don’t really aware because they think they are
English students. This is wrong, actually a good language learner must
consistent and follow the rules in English and make accuracy
pronunciation to make it clear.